Minor bus stop moving UI
Minor bus stop moving UI

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

file:b/OpenStreetMap.js (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenStreetMap.js
@@ -1,1 +1,165 @@
+ * Namespace: Util.OSM
+ */
+OpenLayers.Util.OSM = {};
+ * Constant: MISSING_TILE_URL
+ * {String} URL of image to display for missing tiles
+ */
+OpenLayers.Util.OSM.MISSING_TILE_URL = "/404.php";
+ * Property: originalOnImageLoadError
+ * {Function} Original onImageLoadError function.
+ */
+OpenLayers.Util.OSM.originalOnImageLoadError = OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError;
+ * Function: onImageLoadError
+ */
+OpenLayers.Util.onImageLoadError = function() {
+    if (this.src.match(/^http:\/\/[abc]\.[a-z]+\.openstreetmap\.org\//)) {
+        this.src = OpenLayers.Util.OSM.MISSING_TILE_URL;
+    } else if (this.src.match(/^http:\/\/[def]\.tah\.openstreetmap\.org\//)) {
+        // do nothing - this layer is transparent
+    } else {
+        OpenLayers.Util.OSM.originalOnImageLoadError;
+    }
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Layer.OSM>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String}
+     * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+     */
+    initialize: function(name, options) {
+        var url = [
+            "http://a.tiles.bigtincan.com/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://b.tiles.bigtincan.com/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://c.tiles.bigtincan.com/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+        ];
+        options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 19 }, options);
+        var newArguments = [name, url, options];
+        OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik"
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.NearMap = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String}
+     * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+     */
+    initialize: function(name, options) {
+        var url = [
+	    "http://nearmap:findreality@web0.nearmap.com/maps/hl=en&nml=Vert&x=${x}&y=${y}&z=${z}",
+	    "http://nearmap:findreality@web1.nearmap.com/maps/hl=en&nml=Vert&x=${x}&y=${y}&z=${z}",
+	    "http://nearmap:findreality@web2.nearmap.com/maps/hl=en&nml=Vert&x=${x}&y=${y}&z=${z}",
+	    "http://nearmap:findreality@web3.nearmap.com/maps/hl=en&nml=Vert&x=${x}&y=${y}&z=${z}"
+        ];
+        options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 22 }, options);
+        var newArguments = [name, url, options];
+        OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.NearMap"
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Layer.OSM>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String}
+     * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+     */
+    initialize: function(name, options) {
+        var url = [
+            "http://a.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://b.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://c.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+        ];
+        options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 18 }, options);
+        var newArguments = [name, url, options];
+        OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender"
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Layer.OSM>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String}
+     * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+     */
+    initialize: function(name, options) {
+        var url = [
+            "http://a.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://b.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://c.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+        ];
+        options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 19 }, options);
+        var newArguments = [name, url, options];
+        OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap"
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Maplint
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Layer.OSM>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Maplint = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Maplint
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * name - {String}
+     * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer
+     */
+    initialize: function(name, options) {
+        var url = [
+            "http://d.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/maplint/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://e.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/maplint/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+            "http://f.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/maplint/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+        ];
+        options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 18, isBaseLayer: false, visibility: false }, options);
+        var newArguments = [name, url, options];
+        OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Maplint"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.move.php
@@ -1,1 +1,90 @@
+  /*
+   * GeoPo Encode in PHP
+   * @author : Shintaro Inagaki
+   * @param $location (Array)
+   * @return $geopo (String)
+   */
+  function geopoEncode($lat, $lng)
+  {
+      // 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)
+      $chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";
+      $geopo = "";
+      $scale = 7;
+      // Change a degree measure to a decimal number
+      $lat = ($lat + 90) / 180 * pow(8, 10);
+      $lng = ($lng + 180) / 360 * pow(8, 10);
+      // Compute a GeoPo code from head and concatenate
+      for ($i = 0; $i < $scale; $i++) {
+          $geopo .= substr($chars, floor($lat / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) + floor($lng / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) * 8, 1);
+      }
+      return $geopo;
+  }
+  /*
+   * GeoPo Decode in PHP
+   * @author : Shintaro Inagaki
+   * @param $geopo (String)
+   * @return $location (Array)
+   */
+  function geopoDecode($geopo)
+  {
+      // 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)
+      $chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";
+      // Array for geolocation
+      $location = array();
+      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($geopo); $i++) {
+          // What number of character that equal to a GeoPo code (0-63)
+          $order = strpos($chars, substr($geopo, $i, 1));
+          // Lat/Lng plus geolocation value of scale 
+          $location['lat'] = $location['lat'] + floor($order % 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);
+          $location['lng'] = $location['lng'] + floor($order / 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);
+      }
+      // Change a decimal number to a degree measure, and plus revised value that shift center of area
+      $location['lat'] = $location['lat'] * 180 / pow(8, 10) + 180 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 90;
+      $location['lng'] = $location['lng'] * 360 / pow(8, 10) + 360 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 180;
+      $location['scale'] = strlen($geopo);
+      return $location;
+  }
+  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+  if (!$conn) {
+      echo "An error occured.\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  if ($_REQUEST['newlatlng']) {
+      $latlng = explode(";", $_REQUEST['newlatlng']);
+      $lat = (float)$latlng[0];
+      $lng = (float)$latlng[1];
+      $geoPo = geopoEncode($lat, $lng);
+      $nodelat = (int)($lat * 10000000);
+      $nodelon = (int)($lng * 10000000);
+      echo($nodelat . "," . $nodelon . "=$geoPo<br>");
+      $sql = "UPDATE stops SET geohash='$geoPo', lat='$nodelat', lng='$nodelon' WHERE geohash = '{$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}'";
+      $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+      if (!$result) {
+          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+      } else {
+      echo $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . " replaced with $geoPo <br>";
+      $updatedroutes = 0;
+      $result_outdatedroutes = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops where points LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . ";%'");
+      while ($outdatedroute = pg_fetch_assoc($result_outdatedroutes)) {
+          $newpoints = str_replace($_REQUEST['oldgeopo'], $geoPo, $outdatedroute['points']);
+          $sql = "UPDATE  between_stops set points='$newpoints' where fromlocation = '{$outdatedroute['fromlocation']}' AND tolocation = '{$outdatedroute['tolocation']}' ";
+          $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+          if (!$result) {
+              echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+          }
+          $updatedroutes++;
+      }
+      echo "updated $updatedroutes routes<br>";
+      }
+  }
+  flush();

file:b/betweenpoint.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.php
@@ -1,1 +1,236 @@
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <head>
+    <script src="openlayers/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="OpenStreetMap.js"></SCRIPT> 
+<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.1.3.2.min.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+function init()
+    // create the ol map object
+    var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+  var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png")
+// use http://open.atlas.free.fr/GMapsTransparenciesImgOver.php and http://code.google.com/p/googletilecutter/ to make tiles
+    markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Between Stop Markers");
+ //hanlde mousedown on regions that are not points by reporting latlng
+OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {                
+                defaultHandlerOptions: {
+                    'single': true,
+                    'double': false,
+                    'pixelTolerance': 0,
+                    'stopSingle': false,
+                    'stopDouble': false
+                },
+                initialize: function(options) {
+                    this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
+                        {}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
+                    );
+                    OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(
+                        this, arguments
+                    ); 
+                    this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
+                        this, {
+                            'click': this.trigger
+                        }, this.handlerOptions
+                    );
+                }, 
+                trigger: function(e) {
+                    var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy).transform(
+            new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+	    new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
+            );
+                    $('form input[name="newlatlng"]').val(lonlat.lat + ";" + lonlat.lon );
+                }
+            });
+          var click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
+                map.addControl(click);
+                click.activate();
+  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+  if (!$conn) {
+      echo "An error occured.\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  $result_stops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM stops");
+  while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {
+      echo 'marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(' . ($stop['lng'] / 10000000) . "," . ($stop['lat'] / 10000000) . ')
+            .transform(
+            new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), // transform from WGS 1984
+            new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913") // to Spherical Mercator Projection
+            ));';
+      echo '
+            marker.id="' . $stop['geohash'] . '";
+            markers.addMarker(marker);
+marker.events.register("mousedown", marker, function() {
+document.getElementById("between_points").innerHTML += this.id+";";
+$(\'form input[name="oldgeopo"]\').val(this.id);
+  }
+var timeicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/grn-pushpin.png",new OpenLayers.Size(32,32));
+var timepoints = new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("Timing Points", "displaytimepoints.georss.php", { icon: timeicon });
+            map.addLayers([osmtiles, markers,timepoints]);
+            map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
+      map.zoomToExtent(markers.getDataExtent());
+ }
+    </script>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+function submitBetween () {
+        $.post("betweenpoint.submit.php", $("#inputform").serialize(), function(html){
+        $("#response").html(html);
+        //clearForms();
+	return false;
+      });
+function submitMove () {
+        $.post("betweenpoint.move.php", $("#moveform").serialize(), function(html){
+        $("#response").html(html);
+	return false;
+      });
+function OnChange(dropdown)
+    var myindex  = dropdown.selectedIndex
+    var selValue = dropdown.options[myindex].value;
+  $("#routes").val(selValue.split(":",2)[0]);
+  fromto = selValue.split(":",2)[1];
+  $("#from").val(fromto.split("->",2)[0]);
+  $("#to").val(fromto.split("->",2)[1]);
+ document.getElementById("between_points").innerHTML = "";
+    return true;
+// function will clear input elements on each form
+function clearForms(){
+document.getElementById("between_points").innerHTML = "";
+  // declare element type
+  var type = null;
+  // loop through forms on HTML page
+  for (var x=0; x<document.forms.length; x++){
+    // loop through each element on form
+    for (var y=0; y<document.forms[x].elements.length; y++){
+      // define element type
+      type = document.forms[x].elements[y].type
+      // alert before erasing form element
+      //alert('form='+x+' element='+y+' type='+type);
+      // switch on element type
+      switch(type){
+        case "text":
+        case "textarea":
+        case "password":
+        //case "hidden":
+          document.forms[x].elements[y].value = "";
+          break;
+        case "radio":
+        case "checkbox":
+          document.forms[x].elements[y].checked = true;
+          break;
+        case "select-one":
+          document.forms[x].elements[y].options[0].selected = true;
+          break;
+        case "select-multiple":
+          for (z=0; z<document.forms[x].elements[y].options.length; z++){
+            document.forms[x].elements[y].options[z].selected = false;
+          }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+    </script>
+  </head>
+  <body onload="init()">
+   <div id="inputpane"><form id="inputform">
+<select name=selectPair onchange='OnChange(this.form.selectPair);'>
+<option>Select a from/to pair...</option>
+  include('spyc/spyc.php');
+  //$timetable = Spyc::YAMLLoad('../spyc.yaml');
+  $path = "maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/";
+  $dhandle = opendir("maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/");
+  // define an array to hold the files
+  $files = array();
+  $paths = array();
+  if ($dhandle) {
+      // loop through all of the files
+      while (false !== ($fname = readdir($dhandle))) {
+          if (($fname != '.') && ($fname != '..')) {
+              $timetable = Spyc::YAMLLoad("maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/" . $fname);
+		// Strip off individual platforms because it usually doesn't matter for routes
+		$timetable["time_points"] = preg_replace("/\(Platform.*/","",$timetable["time_points"]);
+              for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($timetable["time_points"]) - 1; $i++) {
+		$key = trim($timetable["time_points"][$i]) . "->" . trim($timetable["time_points"][$i + 1]);
+		if (strstr($paths[$key],";" . $timetable["short_name"] . ";") === false)
+                  @$paths[$key] .= $timetable["short_name"] . ";";
+              }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  ksort($paths);
+  $completedPaths = array();
+  $result_betweenstops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops");
+  while ($path = pg_fetch_assoc($result_betweenstops)) {
+    $key = trim($path['fromlocation']) . "->" . trim($path['tolocation']);
+    $completedPaths[$key].= trim($path['routes']);
+  }
+  foreach ($paths as $path => $routes) {
+      if (!in_array($path, array_keys($completedPaths))) {
+          echo "<option value=\"$routes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $routes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+      } else {
+	$completedRoutes = explode(";", $completedPaths[$path]);
+	 $incompleteRoutes = "";
+	foreach (explode(";", $routes) as $route) {
+	  if (!in_array($route,$completedRoutes) && strstr($incompleteRoutes,';'.$route.';') === false) {
+	  $incompleteRoutes .= $route.';';
+	  }
+	}
+	if ($incompleteRoutes != "") {
+	  echo "<option value=\"$incompleteRoutes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $incompleteRoutes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+	}
+      }
+  }
+ from <input type="text" name="from" id="from"/>
+ to <input type="text" name="to" id="to"/>
+ on routes <input type="text" name="routes" id="routes"/>
+Reverse? <input type="checkbox" name="reverse" id="reverse" checked="true"/> 
+<input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitBetween()" value="Submit!">
+<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="javascript:clearForms()" title="Start clearForms() JavaScript function">
+<textarea name="between_points" id="between_points" rows="1" cols="120"></textarea>
+    <form id="moveform">
+oldgeopo <input type="text" name="oldgeopo" id="oldgeopo"/>
+newlatlng <input type="text" name="newlatlng" id="newlatlng" size="60"/>
+ <input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitMove()" value="Move!">
+<div id="response">
+    <!-- Our message will be echoed out here -->
+  </div>
+   <div id="map" width="100%" height="100%"></div>
+  </body>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.submit.php
@@ -1,1 +1,32 @@

+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");

+if (!$conn) {

+  echo "An error occured.\n";

+  exit;






+$routes=$_REQUEST["routes"] ;


+   $sql = "INSERT INTO between_stops (fromLocation, toLocation, points, routes) VALUES('$from','$to','$points','$routes')";

+     $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);

+     if (!$result) {

+         echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");

+     }

+     if ($reverse === "on") {

+	$ep = explode(";",$points);

+	$epr = array_reverse($ep); 

+	$p = implode(";",$epr).";";

+	$pointsString = substr($p,1);

+$sql = "INSERT INTO between_stops ( toLocation, fromLocation, points, routes) VALUES('$from','$to','$pointsString','$routes')";

+$result = pg_query($conn, $sql);

+     if (!$result) {

+         echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");

+     }

+     }





file:b/busui/about.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/about.php
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+Some icons by Joseph Wain / glyphish.com

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/common.inc.php
@@ -1,1 +1,336 @@
+$APIurl = "http://localhost:8765";
+error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
+ // you have to open the session to be able to modify or remove it 
+ session_start(); 
+function isDebug()
+    return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "localhost" || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "" || !$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
+function debug($msg) {
+    if (isDebug()) echo "<!-- $msg -->";
+function isFastDevice() {
+    return true;
+function include_header($pageTitle, $opendiv = true, $geolocate = false) {
+ // this starts the session 
+ session_start(); 
+    // if (isDebug()) // set php error level high
+    echo '
+<!DOCTYPE html> 
+	<head> 
+	<title>bus.lambdacomplex.org - '.$pageTitle.'</title> 
+	';
+         if (isDebug()) echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="jquery-mobile-1.0a2.css" />
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-mobile-1.0a2.js"></script>';
+         else echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0a2/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.min.css" />
+        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0a2/jquery.mobile-1.0a2.min.js"></script>';
+echo '
+     <style type="text/css">
+     .ui-navbar {
+     padding-bottom: 18px;
+     width: 100%;
+     }
+<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
+ <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
+ <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="startup.png" />
+ <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />';
+ if ($geolocate) {
+echo "<script>
+function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)
+var exdate=new Date();
+document.cookie=c_name+ \"=\" +escape(value)+
+((expiredays==null) ? \"\" : \";expires=\"+exdate.toUTCString());
+function getCookie(c_name)
+if (document.cookie.length>0)
+  {
+  c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + \"=\");
+  if (c_start!=-1)
+    {
+    c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
+    c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",c_start);
+    if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
+    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
+    }
+  }
+return \"\";
+function success(position) {
+function error(msg) {
+ console.log(msg);
+if (navigator.geolocation) {
+  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
+</script> ";
+ }
+echo '</head> 
+ ';
+if ($opendiv) echo '<div data-role="page"> 
+	<div data-role="header"> 
+		<h1>'.$pageTitle.'</h1>
+	</div><!-- /header -->
+        <div data-role="content"> ';
+function include_footer()
+    echo '</div>';
+$service_periods = Array ('sunday','saturday','weekday');
+function service_period()
+if (isset($_SESSION['service_period'])) return $_SESSION['service_period'];
+switch (date('w')){
+case 0:
+	return 'sunday';
+case 6:
+	return 'saturday';
+	return 'weekday';
+function remove_spaces($string)
+    return str_replace(' ','',$string);
+function midnight_seconds()
+// from http://www.perturb.org/display/Perlfunc__Seconds_Since_Midnight.html
+if (isset($_SESSION['time'])) {
+        $time = mkdate($_SESSION['time']);
+        return (date("G",$time) * 3600) + (date("i",$time) * 60) + date("s",$time);
+    }
+   return (date("G") * 3600) + (date("i") * 60) + date("s");
+function midnight_seconds_to_time($seconds)
+	$midnight = mktime (0, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y"));
+	return date("h:ia",$midnight+$seconds);
+function getPage($url)
+    $ch = curl_init($url);
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
+$page = curl_exec($ch);
+return $page;
+function array_flatten($a,$f=array()){
+  if(!$a||!is_array($a))return '';
+  foreach($a as $k=>$v){
+    if(is_array($v))$f=array_flatten($v,$f);
+    else $f[$k]=$v;
+  }
+  return $f;
+function staticmap($mapPoints, $zoom = 0, $markerImage = "iconb")
+$width = 300;
+$height = 300;
+// $metersperpixel[17]=1.193*$width;
+$center = "";
+$markers = "";
+$minlat = 999;
+$minlon = 999;
+$maxlat = 0;
+$maxlon = 0;
+    if (sizeof($mapPoints) < 1) return "map error";
+    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
+         if ($zoom == 0) $zoom = 14;
+            $markers .= "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]},$markerimage";
+            $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";        
+    } else {
+        foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
+            $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",".$markerImage.($index+1);
+            if ($index+1 != sizeof($mapPoints)) $markers .= "|";
+            if ($mapPoint[0] < $minlat) $minlat = $mapPoint[0];
+            if ($mapPoint[0] > $maxlat) $maxlat = $mapPoint[0];
+            if ($mapPoint[1] < $minlon) $minlon = $mapPoint[1];
+            if ($mapPoint[1] > $maxlon) $maxlon = $mapPoint[1];
+            $totalLat += $mapPoint[0];
+            $totalLon += $mapPoint[1];
+        }
+        if ($zoom == 0) {
+            $mapwidthinmeters = distance($minlat,$minlon,$minlat,$maxlon);
+            foreach (array_reverse($metersperpixel,true) as $zoomLevel => $maxdistance)
+            {
+                if ($zoom == 0 && $mapwidthinmeters < ($maxdistance + 50)) $zoom = $zoomLevel;
+            }
+        }
+       $center = $totalLat/sizeof($mapPoints).",".$totalLon/sizeof($mapPoints);
+    }
+    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom='.$zoom.'&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width='.$width.' height='.$height.'>';
+function distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2)
+	$pi80 = M_PI / 180;
+	$lat1 *= $pi80;
+	$lng1 *= $pi80;
+	$lat2 *= $pi80;
+	$lng2 *= $pi80;
+	$r = 6372.797; // mean radius of Earth in km
+	$dlat = $lat2 - $lat1;
+	$dlng = $lng2 - $lng1;
+	$a = sin($dlat / 2) * sin($dlat / 2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * sin($dlng / 2) * sin($dlng / 2);
+	$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
+	$km = $r * $c;
+	return $km * 1000;
+function decodePolylineToArray($encoded)
+// source: http://latlongeeks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5
+  $length = strlen($encoded);
+  $index = 0;
+  $points = array();
+  $lat = 0;
+  $lng = 0;
+  while ($index < $length)
+  {
+    // Temporary variable to hold each ASCII byte.
+    $b = 0;
+    // The encoded polyline consists of a latitude value followed by a
+    // longitude value.  They should always come in pairs.  Read the
+    // latitude value first.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      // The `ord(substr($encoded, $index++))` statement returns the ASCII
+      //  code for the character at $index.  Subtract 63 to get the original
+      // value. (63 was added to ensure proper ASCII characters are displayed
+      // in the encoded polyline string, which is `human` readable)
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      // AND the bits of the byte with 0x1f to get the original 5-bit `chunk.
+      // Then left shift the bits by the required amount, which increases
+      // by 5 bits each time.
+      // OR the value into $results, which sums up the individual 5-bit chunks
+      // into the original value.  Since the 5-bit chunks were reversed in
+      // order during encoding, reading them in this way ensures proper
+      // summation.
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    // Continue while the read byte is >= 0x20 since the last `chunk`
+    // was not OR'd with 0x20 during the conversion process. (Signals the end)
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    // Check if negative, and convert. (All negative values have the last bit
+    // set)
+    $dlat = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    // Compute actual latitude since value is offset from previous value.
+    $lat += $dlat;
+    // The next values will correspond to the longitude for this point.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    $dlng = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    $lng += $dlng;
+    // The actual latitude and longitude values were multiplied by
+    // 1e5 before encoding so that they could be converted to a 32-bit
+    // integer representation. (With a decimal accuracy of 5 places)
+    // Convert back to original values.
+    $points[] = array($lat * 1e-5, $lng * 1e-5);
+  }
+  return $points;
+function object2array($object) {
+    if (is_object($object)) {
+        foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
+            $array[$key] = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $array = $object;
+    }
+    return $array;
+function geocode($query, $giveOptions) {
+       $url = "http://geocoding.cloudmade.com/daa03470bb8740298d4b10e3f03d63e6/geocoding/v2/find.js?query=".$query."&bbox=-35.5,149.00,-35.15,149.1930&return_location=true&bbox_only=true";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      if ($giveOptions) return $contents->features;
+      elseif (isset($contents->features[0]->centroid)) return $contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[0].",".$contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[1];
+      else return "";
+function reverseGeocode($lat,$lng) {
+      $url = "http://geocoding.cloudmade.com/daa03470bb8740298d4b10e3f03d63e6/geocoding/v2/find.js?around=".$lat.",".$lng."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      return $contents->features[0]->properties->name;
+function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
+    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
+    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
+function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
+    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
+    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);

 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/01-refresh.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/02-redo.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/06-magnify.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/07-map-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/101-gameplan.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/102-walk.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/103-map.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/113-navigation.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/121-landscape.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/13-target.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/139-flags.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/145-persondot.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/184-warning.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/193-location-arrow.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/28-star.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/53-house.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/55-network.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/57-download.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/58-bookmark.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/59-flag.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/60-signpost.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/73-radar.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/74-location.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/83-calendar.png differ
file:b/busui/index.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/index.php
@@ -1,1 +1,63 @@
+ // remove all the variable in the session 
+ session_unset(); 
+ //destroy the session 
+ session_destroy();
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['service_period'])) $_SESSION['service_period'] = $_REQUEST['service_period'];
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['time'])) $_SESSION['time'] = $_REQUEST['time'];
+ // todo take in cellids and crossreference with http://realtimeblog.free.fr/latest/cellular/processed/sqlite/505_sqlite_zones.zip to estimate location
+include_header("bus.lambdacomplex.org",false, true)
+<div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home" class="ui-page ui-body-b ui-page-active">
+	<div id="jqm-homeheader">
+	    	<center><h1 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="logo" width="64" height="64" /><br>
+		bus.lambdacomplex.org</h1></center>
+	</div> 
+	<div data-role="content">
+	    <a href="tripPlanner.php" data-role="button">Launch Trip Planner...</a>
+            <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
+                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Stops</li>
+                <li><a href="stopList.php">Major (Timing Point) Stops</a></li>
+		<li><a href="stopList.php">All Stops</a></li>
+		<li><a href="stopList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourite Stops</a></li>
+            </ul>
+	    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
+                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Routes</li>
+                <li><a href="routeList.php">Routes By Final Destination</a></li>
+		<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">Routes By Number</a></li>
+		<li><a href="routeList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourites Routes</a></li>
+            </ul>
+            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c">
+		<h3>Time/Place Settings</h3>
+		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+	            <label for="geolocate"> Current Location: </label>
+			<input type="text" id="geolocate" name="geolocate"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="here" id="here"/>Here?</a>
+	        </div>
+    		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+		        <label for="time"> Time: </label>
+		    	<input type="time" value="<?php echo date("H:m"); ?>"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentTime" id="currentTime"/>Current Time?</a>
+	        </div>
+		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+		    <label for="service_period"> Service Period:  </label>
+			<select name="service_period">	
+			   <?php
+			   foreach ($service_periods as $service_period) {
+			    echo "<option value=\"$service_period\"".(service_period() === $service_period ? "SELECTED" : "").'>'.ucwords($service_period).'</option>';
+			   }?>
+			</select>
+			<a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentPeriod" id="currentPeriod"/>Current Period?</a>
+		</div>
+		<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
+            </div>
+	<script>
+$('#here').click(function(event) { $('#geolocate').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+        </script>
+        </div>
+   </div>
+ </body>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/jquery-mobile-1.0a2.css
@@ -1,1 +1,890 @@
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
+/* theme bar,body,btn containers
+.ui-bar-a {  border: 1px solid #2A2A2A; background: #111111; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #000; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3c3c3c, #111111); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #3c3c3c),color-stop(1, #111111));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#3c3c3c', EndColorStr='#111111')"; }
+.ui-bar-a, .ui-bar-a input, .ui-bar-a select, .ui-bar-a textarea, .ui-bar-a button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-bar-a .ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
+.ui-bar-a .ui-link { color: #7cc4e7; font-weight: bold; }
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+.ui-body-a, .ui-body-a input, .ui-body-a select, .ui-body-a textarea, .ui-body-a button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-body-a .ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
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+.ui-br { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(130,130,130,.3); }
+.ui-btn-up-a { border: 1px solid #222; background: #333333; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #000; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #555555, #333333); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #555555),color-stop(1, #333333));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#555555', EndColorStr='#333333')"; }
+.ui-btn-up-a a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
+.ui-btn-hover-a { border: 1px solid #000; background: #444444; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #000; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #666666, #444444); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #666666),color-stop(1, #444444));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#666666', EndColorStr='#444444')";   }
+.ui-btn-hover-a a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
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+.ui-btn-down-a a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
+.ui-btn-up-a, .ui-btn-hover-a, .ui-btn-down-a { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
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+.ui-btn-hover-b a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }
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+.ui-btn-up-c a.ui-link-inherit { color: #2F3E46; }
+.ui-btn-hover-c { border: 1px solid #aaa; background: #f5f5f5; font-weight: bold; color: #111111; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #f5f5f5); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #ffffff),color-stop(1, #f5f5f5));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#ffffff', EndColorStr='#f5f5f5')"; }
+.ui-btn-hover-c a.ui-link-inherit { color: #2F3E46; }
+.ui-btn-down-c { border: 1px solid #808080; background: #fdfdfd; font-weight: bold; color: #111111; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ffffff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee, #fdfdfd); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #eeeeee),color-stop(1, #fdfdfd));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#eeeeee', EndColorStr='#fdfdfd')"; }
+.ui-btn-down-c a.ui-link-inherit { color: #2F3E46; }
+.ui-btn-up-c, .ui-btn-hover-c, .ui-btn-down-c { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
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+.ui-bar-d, .ui-bar-d input, .ui-bar-d select, .ui-bar-d textarea, .ui-bar-d button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-bar-d .ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-bar-d .ui-link { color: #2489CE; font-weight: bold; }
+.ui-body-d { border: 1px solid #ccc; color: #333333; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; background: #ffffff;  }
+.ui-body-d, .ui-body-d input, .ui-body-d select, .ui-body-d textarea, .ui-body-d button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-body-d .ui-link-inherit { color: #333333; }
+.ui-body-d .ui-link { color: #2489CE; font-weight: bold; }
+.ui-btn-up-d { border: 1px solid #ccc; background: #fff; font-weight: bold; color: #444; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; }
+.ui-btn-up-d a.ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-btn-hover-d { border: 1px solid #aaa; background: #eeeeee; font-weight: bold; color: #222; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fdfdfd, #eeeeee); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fdfdfd),color-stop(1, #eeeeee));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fdfdfd', EndColorStr='#eeeeee')"; }
+.ui-btn-hover-d a.ui-link-inherit { color: #222; }
+.ui-btn-down-d { border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; background: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ffffff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee, #ffffff); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #eeeeee),color-stop(1, #ffffff));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#eeeeee', EndColorStr='#ffffff')"; }
+.ui-btn-down-d a.ui-link-inherit { border: 1px solid #808080; background: #ced0d2; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-shadow: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #cccccc, #eeeeee); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #cccccc),color-stop(1, #eeeeee));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#cccccc', EndColorStr='#eeeeee')"; }
+.ui-btn-up-d, .ui-btn-hover-d, .ui-btn-down-d { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-bar-e {  border: 1px solid #F7C942; background: #fadb4e; color: #333; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fceda7, #fadb4e); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fceda7),color-stop(1, #fadb4e));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fceda7', EndColorStr='#fadb4e')"; }
+.ui-bar-e, .ui-bar-e input, .ui-bar-e select, .ui-bar-e textarea, .ui-bar-d button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-bar-e .ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-bar-e .ui-link { color: #2489CE; font-weight: bold; }
+.ui-body-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942; color: #333333; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; background: #faeb9e; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #faeb9e); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fff),color-stop(1, #faeb9e));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#ffffff', EndColorStr='#faeb9e')"; }
+.ui-body-e, .ui-body-e input, .ui-body-e select, .ui-body-e textarea, .ui-body-e button { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+.ui-body-e .ui-link-inherit { color: #333333; }
+.ui-body-e .ui-link { color: #2489CE; font-weight: bold; }
+.ui-btn-up-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942; background: #fadb4e; font-weight: bold; color: #333; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fe3; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fceda7, #fadb4e); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fceda7),color-stop(1, #fadb4e));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fceda7', EndColorStr='#fadb4e')"; }
+.ui-btn-up-e a.ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-btn-hover-e { border: 1px solid #e79952; background: #fbe26f; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcf0b5, #fbe26f); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fcf0b5),color-stop(1, #fbe26f));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fcf0b5', EndColorStr='#fbe26f')"; }
+.ui-btn-hover-e a.ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-btn-down-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942; background: #fceda7; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ffffff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fadb4e, #fceda7); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fadb4e),color-stop(1, #fceda7));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fadb4e', EndColorStr='#fceda7')"; }
+.ui-btn-down-e a.ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
+.ui-btn-up-e, .ui-btn-hover-e, .ui-btn-down-e { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
+/* links within "buttons" */
+a.ui-link-inherit { text-decoration: none !important; }
+/* Active class used as the "on" state across all themes */
+.ui-btn-active { border: 1px solid #155678; background: #4596ce; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #145072; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #85bae4, #5393c5); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #85bae4),color-stop(1, #5393c5));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#85bae4', EndColorStr='#5393c5')"; }
+.ui-btn-active a.ui-link-inherit {  color: #fff; }
+/* button inner top highlight */
+.ui-btn-inner { border-top: 1px solid #fff; border-color: rgba(255,255,255,.3);  }
+/* Container Corner radius */
+.ui-corner-tl { -moz-border-radius-topleft: .6em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: .6em; border-top-left-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-tr { -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-bl { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-top { -moz-border-radius-topleft: .6em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: .6em; border-top-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-bottom { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-right {  -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: .6em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: .6em; border-top-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; }
+.ui-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: .6em; -webkit-border-radius: .6em; border-radius: .6em; }
+/* Interaction Cues
+.ui-disabled { cursor: default !important; opacity: .3; }
+/* Icons
+/* .ui-icon { background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #fff; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; } */
+.ui-icon { background-image: url(images/icons-18-white.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #666; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
+.ui-icon-disc { background-color: #666; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
+/* alt color */
+.ui-icon-black { background-image: url(images/icons-18-black.png); }
+.ui-icon-black-disc { background-color: #fff; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.3);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
+/* retina */
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), screen and (max--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
+	.ui-icon { background-image: url(images/icons-36-white.png); background-size: 558px 18px; }
+	.ui-icon-black { background-image: url(images/icons-36-black.png); }
+/*plus minus*/
+.ui-icon-plus { background-position: -0 0; }
+.ui-icon-minus { background-position: -36px 0; }
+/* delete/close */
+.ui-icon-delete { background-position: -72px 0; }
+.ui-icon-arrow-r { background-position: -108px 0; }
+.ui-icon-arrow-l { background-position: -144px 0; }
+.ui-icon-arrow-u { background-position: -180px 0; }
+.ui-icon-arrow-d { background-position: -216px 0; }
+.ui-icon-check { background-position: -252px 0; }
+.ui-icon-gear { background-position: -288px 0; }
+.ui-icon-refresh { background-position: -324px 0; }
+.ui-icon-forward { background-position: -360px 0; }
+.ui-icon-back { background-position: -396px 0; }
+.ui-icon-grid { background-position: -432px 0; }
+.ui-icon-star { background-position: -468px 0; }
+.ui-icon-alert { background-position: -504px 0; }
+.ui-icon-info { background-position: -540px 0; }
+.ui-icon-radio-on { background-color: transparent; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; background-size: 20px 20px; }
+.ui-icon-checkbox-off { background-image: url(images/form-check-off.png);  }
+.ui-icon-checkbox-on { background-image: url(images/form-check-on.png);  }
+.ui-icon-radio-off { background-image: url(images/form-radio-off.png);}
+.ui-icon-radio-on { background-image: url(images/form-radio-on.png);  }
+.ui-icon-search { background-image: url(images/icon-search-black.png); background-size: 16px 16px; }
+/* loading icon */
+.ui-icon-loading { background-image: url(images/ajax-loader.png); width: 40px; height: 40px;  -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; background-size: 35px 35px; }
+/* btn Corner radius */
+.ui-btn-corner-tl { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-tr { -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-bl { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-top { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-bottom { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-right {  -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; }
+.ui-btn-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; border-radius: 1em;}
+/* radius clip */
+.ui-corner-tl, .ui-corner-tr, .ui-corner-bl, 
+.ui-corner-br, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-bottom, 
+.ui-corner-right, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-all,
+.ui-btn-corner-tl, .ui-btn-corner-tr, .ui-btn-corner-bl, 
+.ui-btn-corner-br, .ui-btn-corner-top, .ui-btn-corner-bottom, 
+.ui-btn-corner-right, .ui-btn-corner-left, .ui-btn-corner-all {
+  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+     -moz-background-clip: padding-box;
+          background-clip: padding-box;
+/* Overlays */
+.ui-overlay { background: #666; opacity: .5; filter:Alpha(Opacity=50); position: absolute;  width: 100%; height: 100%; }
+.ui-overlay-shadow {  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); }
+.ui-shadow { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); }
+.ui-bar-a .ui-shadow, .ui-bar-b .ui-shadow , .ui-bar-c .ui-shadow  { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); }
+.ui-shadow-inset { -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); }
+.ui-icon-shadow { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4); box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4);  }
+/* set focus state last */
+.ui-focus { outline-width: 0;  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; }
+/* unset box shadow in browsers that don't do it right */
+.ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow * { -moz-box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; }
+.ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow .ui-focus { outline-width: 2px; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
+/* some unsets - more probably needed */
+.ui-mobile fieldset, .ui-page { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
+.ui-mobile a img, .ui-mobile fieldset { border: 0; }
+/* responsive page widths */
+.ui-mobile-viewport {  margin: 0; overflow-x: hidden; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; -ms-text-size-adjust:none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
+/*orientations from js are available */
+.portrait {  }
+.landscape {  }
+/* "page" containers - full-screen views, one should always be in view post-pageload */
+.ui-page { top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; min-height: 100%; position: absolute; display: none; border: 0; } 
+.ui-page-active { display: block; overflow: visible; min-height: 100%; }
+/* loading screen */
+.ui-loading .ui-mobile-viewport { overflow: hidden !important; }
+.ui-loading .ui-loader { display: block; }
+.ui-loading .ui-page { overflow: hidden;  }
+.ui-loader { display: none; position: absolute; opacity: .85; z-index: 10; top: 75px; left: 50%; width: 200px; margin-left: -130px; padding: 20px 30px; }
+.ui-loader h1 { font-size: 15px; text-align: center; }
+.ui-loader .ui-icon { position: static; display: block; opacity: .9; margin: 0 auto; width: 35px; height: 35px; background-color: transparent; }
+.ui-mobile-rendering > * { visibility: hidden; }
+/*headers, content panels*/
+.ui-bar, .ui-body { position: relative; padding: .4em 15px;  overflow: hidden; display: block;  clear:both;  }
+.ui-bar { font-size: 16px; margin: 0; }
+.ui-bar h1, .ui-bar h2, .ui-bar h3, .ui-bar h4, .ui-bar h5, .ui-bar h6 { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 16px; display: inline-block; }
+.ui-header, .ui-footer { display: block; }
+.ui-page .ui-header, .ui-page .ui-footer { position: relative; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-left { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: .4em;  }
+.ui-header .ui-title, .ui-footer .ui-title { text-align: center; font-size: 16px; display: block; margin: .6em 90px .8em;  padding: 0;  text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; outline: 0 !important; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-right { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: .4em; }
+/*content area*/
+.ui-content { border-width: 0; overflow: visible; overflow-x: hidden; padding: 15px; }
+.ui-page-fullscreen .ui-content { padding:0; }
+/* icons sizing */
+.ui-icon { width: 18px; height: 18px; }
+/* fullscreen class on ui-content div */
+.ui-fullscreen {  }
+.ui-fullscreen img { max-width: 100%; }
+/* non-js content hiding */
+.ui-nojs { position: absolute; left: -9999px; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.spin  {
+	-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+	-webkit-animation-name: spin;
+	-webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
+	-webkit-animation-iteration-count:  infinite;
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+	from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
+  	to {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}
+/* Transitions from jQtouch (with small modifications): http://www.jqtouch.com/
+Built by David Kaneda and maintained by Jonathan Stark.
+.in, .out {
+	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
+	-webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+.slide.in {
+	-webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
+.slide.out {
+	-webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+.slide.in.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
+.slide.out.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+.slideup.in {
+	-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
+	z-index: 10;
+.slideup.out {
+	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
+	z-index: 0;
+.slideup.out.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+	z-index: 10;
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+.slideup.in.reverse {
+	z-index: 0;
+	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
+.slidedown.in {
+	-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+	z-index: 10;
+.slidedown.out {
+	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
+	z-index: 0;
+.slidedown.out.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+	z-index: 10;
+	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
+.slidedown.in.reverse {
+	z-index: 0;
+	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
+    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
+    from { opacity: 0; }
+    to { opacity: 1; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
+    from { opacity: 1; }
+    to { opacity: 0; }
+.fade.in {
+	opacity: 1;
+	z-index: 10;
+	-webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+.fade.out {
+	z-index: 0;
+/* The properties in this body rule are only necessary for the 'flip' transition.
+ * We need specify the perspective to create a projection matrix. This will add
+ * some depth as the element flips. The depth number represents the distance of
+ * the viewer from the z-plane. According to the CSS3 spec, 1000 is a moderate
+ * value.
+ */
+.ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning {
+	-webkit-perspective: 1000;
+	position: absolute;
+.ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning .ui-page {
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+	overflow: hidden;
+.flip {
+	-webkit-animation-duration: .65s;
+	-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;
+	-webkit-transform:translateX(0); /* Needed to work around an iOS 3.1 bug that causes listview thumbs to disappear when -webkit-visibility:hidden is used. */
+.flip.in {
+	-webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1);
+	-webkit-animation-name: flipinfromleft;
+.flip.out {
+	-webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8);
+	-webkit-animation-name: flipouttoleft;
+/* Shake it all about */
+.flip.in.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1);
+	-webkit-animation-name: flipinfromright;
+.flip.out.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8);
+	-webkit-animation-name: flipouttoright;
+@-webkit-keyframes flipinfromright {
+    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
+@-webkit-keyframes flipinfromleft {
+    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
+@-webkit-keyframes flipouttoleft {
+    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8); }
+@-webkit-keyframes flipouttoright {
+    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
+    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8); }
+/* Hackish, but reliable. */
+@-webkit-keyframes dontmove {
+    from { opacity: 1; }
+    to { opacity: 1; }
+.pop {
+	-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+.pop.in {
+	-webkit-transform: scale(1);
+    opacity: 1;
+	-webkit-animation-name: popin;
+	z-index: 10;
+.pop.out.reverse {
+	-webkit-transform: scale(.2);
+	opacity: 0;
+	-webkit-animation-name: popout;
+	z-index: 10;
+.pop.in.reverse {
+	z-index: 0;
+	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
+@-webkit-keyframes popin {
+    from {
+        -webkit-transform: scale(.2);
+        opacity: 0;
+    }
+    to {
+        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+        opacity: 1;
+    }
+@-webkit-keyframes popout {
+    from {
+        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+        opacity: 1;
+    }
+    to {
+        -webkit-transform: scale(.2);
+        opacity: 0;
+    }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+/* content configurations. */
+.ui-grid-a, .ui-grid-b, .ui-grid-c, .ui-grid-d { overflow: hidden; }
+.ui-block-a, .ui-block-b, .ui-block-c, .ui-block-d, .ui-block-e { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; float: left; }
+/* grid a: 50/50 */
+.ui-grid-a .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-a .ui-block-b { width: 50%; }
+.ui-grid-a .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
+/* grid b: 33/33/33 */
+.ui-grid-b .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-b .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-b .ui-block-c { width: 33.333%; }
+.ui-grid-b .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
+/* grid c: 25/25/25/25 */
+.ui-grid-c .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-c, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-d { width: 25%; }
+.ui-grid-c .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
+/* grid d: 20/20/20/20/20 */
+.ui-grid-d .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-c, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-d, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-e { width: 20%; }
+.ui-grid-d .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+/* fixed page header & footer configuration */
+.ui-header, .ui-footer, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-header, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-footer  { position: absolute;  overflow: hidden; width: 100%; border-left-width: 0; border-right-width: 0; }
+.ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed {
+	z-index: 1000;
+	-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); /* Force header/footer rendering to go through the same rendering pipeline as native page scrolling. */
+.ui-footer-duplicate, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-fixed-inline { display: none; }
+.ui-page-fullscreen .ui-header, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-footer { opacity: .9; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-navbar { overflow: hidden;  }
+.ui-navbar ul, .ui-navbar-expanded ul { list-style:none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; display: block; border: 0;}
+.ui-navbar-collapsed ul { float: left; width: 75%; margin-right: -2px; }
+.ui-navbar-collapsed .ui-navbar-toggle { float: left; width: 25%; }
+.ui-navbar li.ui-navbar-truncate { position: absolute; left: -99999px; top: -99999px; }
+.ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn { display: block; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; margin: 0; outline: none; border-right-width: 0; }
+.ui-navbar li .ui-btn {  margin-right: -1px; }
+.ui-navbar li .ui-btn:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
+.ui-header .ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-header .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn,
+.ui-footer .ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-footer .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn { border-top-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 0; }
+.ui-navbar .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; }
+.ui-navbar-noicons li .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner, .ui-navbar-noicons .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: .8em; padding-bottom: .9em; }
+/*expanded page styles*/
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn { margin: 0; font-size: 14px; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;  }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding: 45px 5px 15px; text-align: center; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 15px; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding: 15px 5px 45px; text-align: center; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 15px; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded li .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { min-height: 2.5em; }
+.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-navbar-noicons .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 1.8em; padding-bottom: 1.9em; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-btn { display: block; text-align: center; cursor:pointer;  position: relative; margin: .5em 5px; padding: 0; }
+.ui-btn:focus, .ui-btn a:focus { outline: none; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn, .ui-footer .ui-btn, .ui-bar .ui-btn { display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; }
+.ui-btn-inline { display: inline-block; }
+.ui-btn-inner { padding: .6em 25px; display: block; height: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-inner, .ui-footer .ui-btn-inner, .ui-bar .ui-btn-inner { padding: .4em 8px .5em; }
+.ui-btn-icon-notext { display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 2px; text-indent: -9999px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; }
+.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-text { position: absolute; left: -999px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 33px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 27px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 33px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 27px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 33px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 27px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding-bottom: 33px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding-bottom: 27px; }
+/*btn icon positioning*/
+.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-icon { display: block; }
+.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon, .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -9px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon, .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { position: absolute; left: 50%;  margin-left: -9px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon { left: 10px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon {right: 10px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon { left: 4px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { right: 4px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 4px; }
+.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon,
+.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon,
+.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 4px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 5px; }
+.ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 5px; }
+/*hiding native button,inputs */
+.ui-btn-hidden {  position: absolute; left: -9999px; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-collapsible-contain { margin: .5em 0; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading { font-size: 16px; display: block; margin: 0 -8px; padding: 0; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; position: relative; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading a { text-align: left; margin: 0;  }
+.ui-collapsible-heading a .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 40px; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn { position: absolute; left: 6px; top: 50%; margin: -12px 0 0 0; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 2px; text-indent: -9999px; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn .ui-icon { left: 0; margin-top: -10px; }
+.ui-collapsible-heading-status { position:absolute; left:-99999px; }
+.ui-collapsible-content {  display: block; padding: 10px 0 10px 8px; }
+.ui-collapsible-content-collapsed { display: none; }
+.ui-collapsible-set { margin: .5em 0; }
+.ui-collapsible-set .ui-collapsible-contain { margin: -1px 0 0; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-controlgroup, fieldset.ui-controlgroup { padding: 0; margin: .5em 0 1em; }
+.ui-bar .ui-controlgroup { margin: 0 .3em; }
+.ui-controlgroup-label { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; }
+.ui-controlgroup-controls { display: block; width: 95%;}
+.ui-controlgroup li { list-style: none; }
+.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-btn,
+.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-checkbox, .ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-radio { margin: 0; border-bottom-width: 0;  }
+.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-controlgroup-last { border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal { padding: 0; }
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-btn,
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio { margin: 0 -5px 0 0; display: inline-block;  }
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox .ui-btn, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio .ui-btn,
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox:last-child, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
+.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-controlgroup-last { margin-right: 0; }
+.ui-controlgroup .ui-checkbox label, .ui-controlgroup .ui-radio label { font-size: 16px;  }
+/* conflicts with listview..
+.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn-icon-notext { width: 30px; height: 30px; text-indent: -9999px; }
+.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-inner {  padding: 5px 6px 5px 5px; }
+.min-width-480px .ui-controlgroup-label { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0;  }
+.min-width-480px .ui-controlgroup-controls { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-dialog .ui-header, .ui-dialog .ui-content,  .ui-dialog .ui-footer { margin: 15px; position: relative; }
+.ui-dialog .ui-header, .ui-dialog .ui-footer { z-index: 10; width: auto; }
+.ui-dialog .ui-content, .ui-dialog .ui-footer { margin-top: -15px;  }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-checkbox, .ui-radio { position:relative;  margin: .2em 0 .5em; z-index: 1;  }
+.ui-checkbox .ui-btn, .ui-radio .ui-btn { margin: 0; text-align: left; z-index: 2; }
+.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,.ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 45px; }
+.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 45px; }
+.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon {left: 15px; }
+.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon {right: 15px; }
+/* input, label positioning */
+.ui-checkbox input,.ui-radio input { position:absolute; left:20px; top:50%; width: 10px; height: 10px;  margin:-5px 0 0 0; outline: 0 !important; z-index: 1; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-field-contain { background: none; padding: 1.5em 0; margin: 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; overflow: visible; }
+.ui-field-contain:first-child { border-top-width: 0; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 480px){ 
+	.ui-field-contain { border-width: 0; padding: 0; margin: 1em 0; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-select { display: block; }
+.ui-select select { position: absolute; left: -99999px; }
+.ui-select .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 45px; } 
+.ui-select .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { right: 15px;  }
+/* labels */
+label.ui-select { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4;  font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; display: block; }
+.ui-selectmenu { position: absolute; padding: 0; z-index: 100 !important; width: 80%; max-width: 350px; padding: 6px; }
+.ui-selectmenu .ui-listview { margin: 0;
+ }
+.ui-selectmenu-hidden { top: -999999px; left: -99999px; }
+.ui-selectmenu-screen { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;  z-index: 99; }
+.ui-screen-hidden, .ui-selectmenu-list .ui-li .ui-icon { display: none; }
+.ui-selectmenu-list .ui-btn-active .ui-icon { display: block; }
+.min-width-480px label.ui-select { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
+.min-width-480px .ui-select { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+label.ui-input-text { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; display: block; font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; }
+input.ui-input-text, textarea.ui-input-text { background-image: none; padding: .4em; line-height: 1.4; font-size: 16px; display: block; width: 95%; }
+input.ui-input-text { -webkit-appearance: none; }
+textarea.ui-input-text { height: 50px; -webkit-transition: height 200ms linear; -moz-transition: height 200ms linear; -o-transition: height 200ms linear; transition: height 200ms linear; }
+.ui-input-search { padding: 0 30px; width: 77%; background-position: 8px 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; }
+.ui-input-search input.ui-input-text { border: none; width: 98%; padding: .4em 0; margin: 0; display: block; background: transparent none; outline: 0 !important; }
+.ui-input-search .ui-input-clear { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px; }
+.ui-input-search .ui-input-clear-hidden { display: none; }
+/* orientation adjustments - incomplete!*/
+.min-width-480px label.ui-input-text  { vertical-align: top;   }
+.min-width-480px label.ui-input-text { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
+.min-width-480px input.ui-input-text, 
+.min-width-480px textarea.ui-input-text, 
+.min-width-480px .ui-input-search { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
+.min-width-480px .ui-input-search { width: 50%; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+.ui-listview { margin: 0; counter-reset: listnumbering; }
+.ui-content .ui-listview { margin: -15px; }
+.ui-content .ui-listview-inset { margin: 1em 0;  }
+.ui-listview, .ui-li { list-style:none; padding:0; zoom: 1; }
+.ui-li { display: block; margin:0; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; border-width: 0; border-top-width: 1px; }
+.ui-li .ui-btn-text { text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;  }
+.ui-li-divider, .ui-li-static { padding: .5em 15px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; counter-reset: listnumbering;  }
+ol.ui-listview .ui-link-inherit:before, .ui-li-dec { font-size: .8em; display: inline-block; padding-right: .3em; font-weight: normal;counter-increment: listnumbering; content: counter(listnumbering) ". "; }
+ol.ui-listview .ui-li-jsnumbering:before { content: "" !important; } /* to avoid chance of duplication */
+.ui-listview-inset .ui-li { border-right-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; }
+.ui-li:last-child { border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.ui-li .ui-btn-inner { display: block; position: relative; padding: .7em 75px .7em 15px; }
+.ui-li-has-thumb .ui-btn-inner { min-height: 60px; padding-left: 100px; }
+.ui-li-has-icon .ui-btn-inner {  min-height: 20px; padding-left: 40px; }
+.ui-li-heading { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; display: block; margin: .6em 0; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;  }
+.ui-li-desc {  font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; display: block; margin: -.5em 0 .6em; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; }
+.ui-li-thumb, .ui-li-icon { position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 0; max-height: 80px; max-width: 80px; }
+.ui-li-icon { max-height: 40px; max-width: 40px; left: 10px; top: .9em; }
+.ui-li-thumb, .ui-li-icon, .ui-li-content { float: left; margin-right: 10px; }
+.ui-li-aside { float: right; width: 50%; text-align: right; margin: .3em 0; }
+.min-width-480px .ui-li-aside { width: 45%; }
+.ui-li-has-alt .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 95px; }
+.ui-li-count { position: absolute; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; padding: .2em .5em; top: 50%; margin-top: -.9em; right: 38px; }
+.ui-li-divider .ui-li-count { right: 10px; }
+.ui-li-has-alt .ui-li-count { right: 55px; }
+.ui-li-link-alt { position: absolute; width: 40px; height: 100%; border-width: 0; border-left-width: 1px; top: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
+.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn { overflow: hidden; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 50%; margin: -11px 0 0 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; position: static; }
+.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn .ui-icon { right: 50%; margin-right: -9px;  }
+.ui-listview-filter { border-width: 0; overflow: hidden; margin: -15px -15px 15px -15px }
+.ui-listview-filter .ui-input-search { margin: 5px; width: auto; display: block; }
+/* Odd iPad positioning issue. */
+@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) {
+    .ui-li .ui-btn-text { overflow:  visible; }
+* jQuery Mobile Framework
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+label.ui-slider { display: block; }
+input.ui-slider-input, .min-width-480px input.ui-slider-input { display: inline-block; width: 50px; }
+select.ui-slider-switch { display: none; }
+div.ui-slider { position: relative; display: inline-block; overflow: visible; height: 15px; padding: 0; margin: 0 2% 0 20px; top: 4px; width: 66%; }
+a.ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 10;  top: 50%; width: 28px; height: 28px; margin-top: -15px; margin-left: -15px; }
+a.ui-slider-handle .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }
+.min-width-480px label.ui-slider { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
+.min-width-480px div.ui-slider { width: 45%; }
+div.ui-slider-switch { height: 32px;  overflow: hidden; margin-left: 0; }
+div.ui-slider-inneroffset { margin-left: 50%; position: absolute; top: 1px; height: 100%; width: 50%; }
+div.ui-slider-handle-snapping { -webkit-transition: left 100ms linear; }
+div.ui-slider-labelbg { position: absolute; top:0; margin: 0; border-width: 0; }
+div.ui-slider-switch div.ui-slider-labelbg-a { width: 60%; height: 100%; left: 0; }
+div.ui-slider-switch div.ui-slider-labelbg-b { width: 60%; height: 100%; right: 0; }
+.ui-slider-switch-a div.ui-slider-labelbg-a, .ui-slider-switch-b div.ui-slider-labelbg-b { z-index: 1; }
+.ui-slider-switch-a div.ui-slider-labelbg-b, .ui-slider-switch-b div.ui-slider-labelbg-a { z-index: 10; }
+div.ui-slider-switch a.ui-slider-handle { z-index: 20;  width: 101%; height: 32px; margin-top: -18px; margin-left: -101%; }
+span.ui-slider-label { width: 100%; position: absolute;height: 32px;  font-size: 16px; text-align: center; line-height: 2; background: none; border-color: transparent; }
+span.ui-slider-label-a { left: -100%;  margin-right: -1px }
+span.ui-slider-label-b { right: -100%;  margin-left: -1px }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/jquery-mobile-1.0a2.js
@@ -1,1 +1,11138 @@
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.4
+ * http://jquery.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * Includes Sizzle.js
+ * http://sizzlejs.com/
+ * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *
+ * Date: Thu Nov 11 19:04:53 2010 -0500
+ */
+(function( window, undefined ) {
+// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
+var document = window.document;
+var jQuery = (function() {
+// Define a local copy of jQuery
+var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
+		// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
+		return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
+	},
+	// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
+	_jQuery = window.jQuery,
+	// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
+	_$ = window.$,
+	// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
+	rootjQuery,
+	// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
+	// (both of which we optimize for)
+	quickExpr = /^(?:[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]+)$)/,
+	// Is it a simple selector
+	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
+	// Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
+	rnotwhite = /\S/,
+	rwhite = /\s/,
+	// Used for trimming whitespace
+	trimLeft = /^\s+/,
+	trimRight = /\s+$/,
+	// Check for non-word characters
+	rnonword = /\W/,
+	// Check for digits
+	rdigit = /\d/,
+	// Match a standalone tag
+	rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
+	// JSON RegExp
+	rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
+	rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
+	rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
+	rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
+	// Useragent RegExp
+	rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+	ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+	rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
+	rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
+	// Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
+	userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
+	// For matching the engine and version of the browser
+	browserMatch,
+	// Has the ready events already been bound?
+	readyBound = false,
+	// The functions to execute on DOM ready
+	readyList = [],
+	// The ready event handler
+	DOMContentLoaded,
+	// Save a reference to some core methods
+	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+	hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+	push = Array.prototype.push,
+	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+	trim = String.prototype.trim,
+	indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
+	// [[Class]] -> type pairs
+	class2type = {};
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+	init: function( selector, context ) {
+		var match, elem, ret, doc;
+		// Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
+		if ( !selector ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Handle $(DOMElement)
+		if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+			this.context = this[0] = selector;
+			this.length = 1;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+		if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
+			this.context = document;
+			this[0] = document.body;
+			this.selector = "body";
+			this.length = 1;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Handle HTML strings
+		if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			// Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
+			match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
+			// Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
+			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
+				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+				if ( match[1] ) {
+					doc = (context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document);
+					// If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
+					// just do a createElement and skip the rest
+					ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
+					if ( ret ) {
+						if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
+							selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+							jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true );
+						} else {
+							selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+						}
+					} else {
+						ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
+						selector = (ret.cacheable ? ret.fragment.cloneNode(true) : ret.fragment).childNodes;
+					}
+					return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+				// HANDLE: $("#id")
+				} else {
+					elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
+					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+					// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
+							return rootjQuery.find( selector );
+						}
+						// Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+						this.length = 1;
+						this[0] = elem;
+					}
+					this.context = document;
+					this.selector = selector;
+					return this;
+				}
+			// HANDLE: $("TAG")
+			} else if ( !context && !rnonword.test( selector ) ) {
+				this.selector = selector;
+				this.context = document;
+				selector = document.getElementsByTagName( selector );
+				return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
+			} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
+				return (context || rootjQuery).find( selector );
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
+			// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
+			} else {
+				return jQuery( context ).find( selector );
+			}
+		// HANDLE: $(function)
+		// Shortcut for document ready
+		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
+			return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
+		}
+		if (selector.selector !== undefined) {
+			this.selector = selector.selector;
+			this.context = selector.context;
+		}
+		return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
+	},
+	// Start with an empty selector
+	selector: "",
+	// The current version of jQuery being used
+	jquery: "1.4.4",
+	// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
+	length: 0,
+	// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
+	size: function() {
+		return this.length;
+	},
+	toArray: function() {
+		return slice.call( this, 0 );
+	},
+	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
+	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
+	get: function( num ) {
+		return num == null ?
+			// Return a 'clean' array
+			this.toArray() :
+			// Return just the object
+			( num < 0 ? this.slice(num)[ 0 ] : this[ num ] );
+	},
+	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
+	// (returning the new matched element set)
+	pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
+		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
+		var ret = jQuery();
+		if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
+			push.apply( ret, elems );
+		} else {
+			jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
+		}
+		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
+		ret.prevObject = this;
+		ret.context = this.context;
+		if ( name === "find" ) {
+			ret.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + selector;
+		} else if ( name ) {
+			ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
+		}
+		// Return the newly-formed element set
+		return ret;
+	},
+	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
+	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
+	// only used internally.)
+	each: function( callback, args ) {
+		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
+	},
+	ready: function( fn ) {
+		// Attach the listeners
+		jQuery.bindReady();
+		// If the DOM is already ready
+		if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+			// Execute the function immediately
+			fn.call( document, jQuery );
+		// Otherwise, remember the function for later
+		} else if ( readyList ) {
+			// Add the function to the wait list
+			readyList.push( fn );
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	eq: function( i ) {
+		return i === -1 ?
+			this.slice( i ) :
+			this.slice( i, +i + 1 );
+	},
+	first: function() {
+		return this.eq( 0 );
+	},
+	last: function() {
+		return this.eq( -1 );
+	},
+	slice: function() {
+		return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
+			"slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+	},
+	map: function( callback ) {
+		return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
+			return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
+		}));
+	},
+	end: function() {
+		return this.prevObject || jQuery(null);
+	},
+	// For internal use only.
+	// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
+	push: push,
+	sort: [].sort,
+	splice: [].splice
+// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
+jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+	 var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
+		target = arguments[0] || {},
+		i = 1,
+		length = arguments.length,
+		deep = false;
+	// Handle a deep copy situation
+	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
+		deep = target;
+		target = arguments[1] || {};
+		// skip the boolean and the target
+		i = 2;
+	}
+	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
+		target = {};
+	}
+	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+	if ( length === i ) {
+		target = this;
+		--i;
+	}
+	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
+			// Extend the base object
+			for ( name in options ) {
+				src = target[ name ];
+				copy = options[ name ];
+				// Prevent never-ending loop
+				if ( target === copy ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
+				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
+					if ( copyIsArray ) {
+						copyIsArray = false;
+						clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
+					} else {
+						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
+					}
+					// Never move original objects, clone them
+					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
+				// Don't bring in undefined values
+				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
+					target[ name ] = copy;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the modified object
+	return target;
+	noConflict: function( deep ) {
+		window.$ = _$;
+		if ( deep ) {
+			window.jQuery = _jQuery;
+		}
+		return jQuery;
+	},
+	// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
+	isReady: false,
+	// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
+	// the ready event fires. See #6781
+	readyWait: 1,
+	// Handle when the DOM is ready
+	ready: function( wait ) {
+		// A third-party is pushing the ready event forwards
+		if ( wait === true ) {
+			jQuery.readyWait--;
+		}
+		// Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
+		if ( !jQuery.readyWait || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) {
+			// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+			if ( !document.body ) {
+				return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+			}
+			// Remember that the DOM is ready
+			jQuery.isReady = true;
+			// If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
+			if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If there are functions bound, to execute
+			if ( readyList ) {
+				// Execute all of them
+				var fn,
+					i = 0,
+					ready = readyList;
+				// Reset the list of functions
+				readyList = null;
+				while ( (fn = ready[ i++ ]) ) {
+					fn.call( document, jQuery );
+				}
+				// Trigger any bound ready events
+				if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
+					jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).unbind( "ready" );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	bindReady: function() {
+		if ( readyBound ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		readyBound = true;
+		// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
+		// browser event has already occurred.
+		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+			// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
+			return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+		}
+		// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
+		if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+			// Use the handy event callback
+			document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+			window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
+		// If IE event model is used
+		} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+			// ensure firing before onload,
+			// maybe late but safe also for iframes
+			document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
+			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+			window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
+			// If IE and not a frame
+			// continually check to see if the document is ready
+			var toplevel = false;
+			try {
+				toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
+			} catch(e) {}
+			if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
+				doScrollCheck();
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
+	// Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
+	// aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
+	isFunction: function( obj ) {
+		return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
+	},
+	isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
+		return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
+	},
+	// A crude way of determining if an object is a window
+	isWindow: function( obj ) {
+		return obj && typeof obj === "object" && "setInterval" in obj;
+	},
+	isNaN: function( obj ) {
+		return obj == null || !rdigit.test( obj ) || isNaN( obj );
+	},
+	type: function( obj ) {
+		return obj == null ?
+			String( obj ) :
+			class2type[ toString.call(obj) ] || "object";
+	},
+	isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
+		// Must be an Object.
+		// Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
+		// Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
+		if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Not own constructor property must be Object
+		if ( obj.constructor &&
+			!hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
+			!hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
+		// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
+		var key;
+		for ( key in obj ) {}
+		return key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );
+	},
+	isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
+		for ( var name in obj ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	error: function( msg ) {
+		throw msg;
+	},
+	parseJSON: function( data ) {
+		if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
+		data = jQuery.trim( data );
+		// Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
+		// Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
+		if ( rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape, "@")
+			.replace(rvalidtokens, "]")
+			.replace(rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
+			// Try to use the native JSON parser first
+			return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ?
+				window.JSON.parse( data ) :
+				(new Function("return " + data))();
+		} else {
+			jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
+		}
+	},
+	noop: function() {},
+	// Evalulates a script in a global context
+	globalEval: function( data ) {
+		if ( data && rnotwhite.test(data) ) {
+			// Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi
+			// http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2007/08/global-scope-evaluation-and-dom.html
+			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement,
+				script = document.createElement("script");
+			script.type = "text/javascript";
+			if ( jQuery.support.scriptEval ) {
+				script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) );
+			} else {
+				script.text = data;
+			}
+			// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
+			// This arises when a base node is used (#2709).
+			head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
+			head.removeChild( script );
+		}
+	},
+	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
+	},
+	// args is for internal usage only
+	each: function( object, callback, args ) {
+		var name, i = 0,
+			length = object.length,
+			isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction(object);
+		if ( args ) {
+			if ( isObj ) {
+				for ( name in object ) {
+					if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; i < length; ) {
+					if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+		} else {
+			if ( isObj ) {
+				for ( name in object ) {
+					if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( var value = object[0];
+					i < length && callback.call( value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ) {}
+			}
+		}
+		return object;
+	},
+	// Use native String.trim function wherever possible
+	trim: trim ?
+		function( text ) {
+			return text == null ?
+				"" :
+				trim.call( text );
+		} :
+		// Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
+		function( text ) {
+			return text == null ?
+				"" :
+				text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" );
+		},
+	// results is for internal usage only
+	makeArray: function( array, results ) {
+		var ret = results || [];
+		if ( array != null ) {
+			// The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
+			// The extra typeof function check is to prevent crashes
+			// in Safari 2 (See: #3039)
+			// Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
+			var type = jQuery.type(array);
+			if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {
+				push.call( ret, array );
+			} else {
+				jQuery.merge( ret, array );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	inArray: function( elem, array ) {
+		if ( array.indexOf ) {
+			return array.indexOf( elem );
+		}
+		for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+			if ( array[ i ] === elem ) {
+				return i;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	},
+	merge: function( first, second ) {
+		var i = first.length,
+			j = 0;
+		if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
+			for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+				first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
+			}
+		} else {
+			while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
+				first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
+			}
+		}
+		first.length = i;
+		return first;
+	},
+	grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
+		var ret = [], retVal;
+		inv = !!inv;
+		// Go through the array, only saving the items
+		// that pass the validator function
+		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+			retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
+			if ( inv !== retVal ) {
+				ret.push( elems[ i ] );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	// arg is for internal usage only
+	map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
+		var ret = [], value;
+		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+		// new value (or values).
+		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+			value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+			if ( value != null ) {
+				ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+			}
+		}
+		return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
+	},
+	// A global GUID counter for objects
+	guid: 1,
+	proxy: function( fn, proxy, thisObject ) {
+		if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
+			if ( typeof proxy === "string" ) {
+				thisObject = fn;
+				fn = thisObject[ proxy ];
+				proxy = undefined;
+			} else if ( proxy && !jQuery.isFunction( proxy ) ) {
+				thisObject = proxy;
+				proxy = undefined;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !proxy && fn ) {
+			proxy = function() {
+				return fn.apply( thisObject || this, arguments );
+			};
+		}
+		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
+		if ( fn ) {
+			proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
+		}
+		// So proxy can be declared as an argument
+		return proxy;
+	},
+	// Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
+	// The value/s can be optionally by executed if its a function
+	access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) {
+		var length = elems.length;
+		// Setting many attributes
+		if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+			for ( var k in key ) {
+				jQuery.access( elems, k, key[k], exec, fn, value );
+			}
+			return elems;
+		}
+		// Setting one attribute
+		if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			// Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
+			exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value);
+			for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
+				fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
+			}
+			return elems;
+		}
+		// Getting an attribute
+		return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined;
+	},
+	now: function() {
+		return (new Date()).getTime();
+	},
+	// Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
+	// More details: http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.browser
+	uaMatch: function( ua ) {
+		ua = ua.toLowerCase();
+		var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) ||
+			ropera.exec( ua ) ||
+			rmsie.exec( ua ) ||
+			ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) ||
+			[];
+		return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
+	},
+	browser: {}
+// Populate the class2type map
+jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
+	class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
+browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
+if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
+	jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
+	jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
+// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
+if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
+	jQuery.browser.safari = true;
+if ( indexOf ) {
+	jQuery.inArray = function( elem, array ) {
+		return indexOf.call( array, elem );
+	};
+// Verify that \s matches non-breaking spaces
+// (IE fails on this test)
+if ( !rwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
+	trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
+	trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
+// All jQuery objects should point back to these
+rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
+// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+		document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+		jQuery.ready();
+	};
+} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+		// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+			document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+			jQuery.ready();
+		}
+	};
+// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
+function doScrollCheck() {
+	if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	try {
+		// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
+		// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+		document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+	} catch(e) {
+		setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
+		return;
+	}
+	// and execute any waiting functions
+	jQuery.ready();
+// Expose jQuery to the global object
+return (window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery);
+(function() {
+	jQuery.support = {};
+	var root = document.documentElement,
+		script = document.createElement("script"),
+		div = document.createElement("div"),
+		id = "script" + jQuery.now();
+	div.style.display = "none";
+	div.innerHTML = "   <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
+	var all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"),
+		a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0],
+		select = document.createElement("select"),
+		opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
+	// Can't get basic test support
+	if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	jQuery.support = {
+		// IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
+		leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3,
+		// Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
+		// IE will insert them into empty tables
+		tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
+		// Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
+		// This requires a wrapper element in IE
+		htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
+		// Get the style information from getAttribute
+		// (IE uses .cssText insted)
+		style: /red/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
+		// Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
+		// (IE normalizes it by default)
+		hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a",
+		// Make sure that element opacity exists
+		// (IE uses filter instead)
+		// Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
+		opacity: /^0.55$/.test( a.style.opacity ),
+		// Verify style float existence
+		// (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
+		cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
+		// Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
+		// that it defaults to "on".
+		// (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
+		checkOn: div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value === "on",
+		// Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
+		// (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
+		optSelected: opt.selected,
+		// Will be defined later
+		deleteExpando: true,
+		optDisabled: false,
+		checkClone: false,
+		scriptEval: false,
+		noCloneEvent: true,
+		boxModel: null,
+		inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
+		shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
+		reliableHiddenOffsets: true
+	};
+	// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
+	// (WebKit marks them as diabled)
+	select.disabled = true;
+	jQuery.support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
+	script.type = "text/javascript";
+	try {
+		script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "window." + id + "=1;" ) );
+	} catch(e) {}
+	root.insertBefore( script, root.firstChild );
+	// Make sure that the execution of code works by injecting a script
+	// tag with appendChild/createTextNode
+	// (IE doesn't support this, fails, and uses .text instead)
+	if ( window[ id ] ) {
+		jQuery.support.scriptEval = true;
+		delete window[ id ];
+	}
+	// Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
+	// Fails in Internet Explorer
+	try {
+		delete script.test;
+	} catch(e) {
+		jQuery.support.deleteExpando = false;
+	}
+	root.removeChild( script );
+	if ( div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
+		div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() {
+			// Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
+			// bound event handlers (IE does this)
+			jQuery.support.noCloneEvent = false;
+			div.detachEvent("onclick", click);
+		});
+		div.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick");
+	}
+	div = document.createElement("div");
+	div.innerHTML = "<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>";
+	var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	fragment.appendChild( div.firstChild );
+	// WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
+	jQuery.support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
+	// Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected
+	// document.body must exist before we can do this
+	jQuery(function() {
+		var div = document.createElement("div");
+		div.style.width = div.style.paddingLeft = "1px";
+		document.body.appendChild( div );
+		jQuery.boxModel = jQuery.support.boxModel = div.offsetWidth === 2;
+		if ( "zoom" in div.style ) {
+			// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
+			// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
+			// them layout
+			// (IE < 8 does this)
+			div.style.display = "inline";
+			div.style.zoom = 1;
+			jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = div.offsetWidth === 2;
+			// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
+			// (IE 6 does this)
+			div.style.display = "";
+			div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>";
+			jQuery.support.shrinkWrapBlocks = div.offsetWidth !== 2;
+		}
+		div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
+		var tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
+		// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
+		// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
+		// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
+		// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
+		// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
+		// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
+		// (only IE 8 fails this test)
+		jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets = tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
+		tds[0].style.display = "";
+		tds[1].style.display = "none";
+		// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
+		// (IE < 8 fail this test)
+		jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets = jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
+		div.innerHTML = "";
+		document.body.removeChild( div ).style.display = "none";
+		div = tds = null;
+	});
+	// Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
+	// http://thinkweb2.com/projects/prototype/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
+	var eventSupported = function( eventName ) {
+		var el = document.createElement("div");
+		eventName = "on" + eventName;
+		var isSupported = (eventName in el);
+		if ( !isSupported ) {
+			el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
+			isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function";
+		}
+		el = null;
+		return isSupported;
+	};
+	jQuery.support.submitBubbles = eventSupported("submit");
+	jQuery.support.changeBubbles = eventSupported("change");
+	// release memory in IE
+	root = script = div = all = a = null;
+var windowData = {},
+	rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/;
+	cache: {},
+	// Please use with caution
+	uuid: 0,
+	// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page	
+	expando: "jQuery" + jQuery.now(),
+	// The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
+	// attempt to add expando properties to them.
+	noData: {
+		"embed": true,
+		// Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
+		"object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
+		"applet": true
+	},
+	data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		elem = elem == window ?
+			windowData :
+			elem;
+		var isNode = elem.nodeType,
+			id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : null,
+			cache = jQuery.cache, thisCache;
+		if ( isNode && !id && typeof name === "string" && data === undefined ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Get the data from the object directly
+		if ( !isNode ) {
+			cache = elem;
+		// Compute a unique ID for the element
+		} else if ( !id ) {
+			elem[ jQuery.expando ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid;
+		}
+		// Avoid generating a new cache unless none exists and we
+		// want to manipulate it.
+		if ( typeof name === "object" ) {
+			if ( isNode ) {
+				cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend(cache[ id ], name);
+			} else {
+				jQuery.extend( cache, name );
+			}
+		} else if ( isNode && !cache[ id ] ) {
+			cache[ id ] = {};
+		}
+		thisCache = isNode ? cache[ id ] : cache;
+		// Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
+		if ( data !== undefined ) {
+			thisCache[ name ] = data;
+		}
+		return typeof name === "string" ? thisCache[ name ] : thisCache;
+	},
+	removeData: function( elem, name ) {
+		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		elem = elem == window ?
+			windowData :
+			elem;
+		var isNode = elem.nodeType,
+			id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : elem,
+			cache = jQuery.cache,
+			thisCache = isNode ? cache[ id ] : id;
+		// If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data
+		if ( name ) {
+			if ( thisCache ) {
+				// Remove the section of cache data
+				delete thisCache[ name ];
+				// If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache
+				if ( isNode && jQuery.isEmptyObject(thisCache) ) {
+					jQuery.removeData( elem );
+				}
+			}
+		// Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data
+		} else {
+			if ( isNode && jQuery.support.deleteExpando ) {
+				delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+			} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+				elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+			// Completely remove the data cache
+			} else if ( isNode ) {
+				delete cache[ id ];
+			// Remove all fields from the object
+			} else {
+				for ( var n in elem ) {
+					delete elem[ n ];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
+	acceptData: function( elem ) {
+		if ( elem.nodeName ) {
+			var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+			if ( match ) {
+				return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match);
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	data: function( key, value ) {
+		var data = null;
+		if ( typeof key === "undefined" ) {
+			if ( this.length ) {
+				var attr = this[0].attributes, name;
+				data = jQuery.data( this[0] );
+				for ( var i = 0, l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					name = attr[i].name;
+					if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
+						name = name.substr( 5 );
+						dataAttr( this[0], name, data[ name ] );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return data;
+		} else if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				jQuery.data( this, key );
+			});
+		}
+		var parts = key.split(".");
+		parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
+		if ( value === undefined ) {
+			data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]);
+			// Try to fetch any internally stored data first
+			if ( data === undefined && this.length ) {
+				data = jQuery.data( this[0], key );
+				data = dataAttr( this[0], key, data );
+			}
+			return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
+				this.data( parts[0] ) :
+				data;
+		} else {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var $this = jQuery( this ),
+					args = [ parts[0], value ];
+				$this.triggerHandler( "setData" + parts[1] + "!", args );
+				jQuery.data( this, key, value );
+				$this.triggerHandler( "changeData" + parts[1] + "!", args );
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	removeData: function( key ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.removeData( this, key );
+		});
+	}
+function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
+	// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
+	// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
+	if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+		data = elem.getAttribute( "data-" + key );
+		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+			try {
+				data = data === "true" ? true :
+				data === "false" ? false :
+				data === "null" ? null :
+				!jQuery.isNaN( data ) ? parseFloat( data ) :
+					rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
+					data;
+			} catch( e ) {}
+			// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
+			jQuery.data( elem, key, data );
+		} else {
+			data = undefined;
+		}
+	}
+	return data;
+	queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		type = (type || "fx") + "queue";
+		var q = jQuery.data( elem, type );
+		// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
+		if ( !data ) {
+			return q || [];
+		}
+		if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
+			q = jQuery.data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
+		} else {
+			q.push( data );
+		}
+		return q;
+	},
+	dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
+		type = type || "fx";
+		var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
+			fn = queue.shift();
+		// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
+		if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
+			fn = queue.shift();
+		}
+		if ( fn ) {
+			// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
+			// automatically dequeued
+			if ( type === "fx" ) {
+				queue.unshift("inprogress");
+			}
+			fn.call(elem, function() {
+				jQuery.dequeue(elem, type);
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	queue: function( type, data ) {
+		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+			data = type;
+			type = "fx";
+		}
+		if ( data === undefined ) {
+			return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+		}
+		return this.each(function( i ) {
+			var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
+			if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
+				jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	dequeue: function( type ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+		});
+	},
+	// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
+	// http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
+	delay: function( time, type ) {
+		time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
+		type = type || "fx";
+		return this.queue( type, function() {
+			var elem = this;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
+			}, time );
+		});
+	},
+	clearQueue: function( type ) {
+		return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+	}
+var rclass = /[\n\t]/g,
+	rspaces = /\s+/,
+	rreturn = /\r/g,
+	rspecialurl = /^(?:href|src|style)$/,
+	rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
+	rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
+	rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
+	rradiocheck = /^(?:radio|checkbox)$/i;
+jQuery.props = {
+	"for": "htmlFor",
+	"class": "className",
+	readonly: "readOnly",
+	maxlength: "maxLength",
+	cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
+	rowspan: "rowSpan",
+	colspan: "colSpan",
+	tabindex: "tabIndex",
+	usemap: "useMap",
+	frameborder: "frameBorder"
+	attr: function( name, value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.attr );
+	},
+	removeAttr: function( name, fn ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery.attr( this, name, "" );
+			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				this.removeAttribute( name );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	addClass: function( value ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery(this);
+				self.addClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class")) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
+			var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces );
+			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				var elem = this[i];
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					if ( !elem.className ) {
+						elem.className = value;
+					} else {
+						var className = " " + elem.className + " ",
+							setClass = elem.className;
+						for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+							if ( className.indexOf( " " + classNames[c] + " " ) < 0 ) {
+								setClass += " " + classNames[c];
+							}
+						}
+						elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	removeClass: function( value ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery(this);
+				self.removeClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class")) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
+			var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces );
+			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				var elem = this[i];
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
+					if ( value ) {
+						var className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ");
+						for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+							className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " ");
+						}
+						elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
+					} else {
+						elem.className = "";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
+		var type = typeof value,
+			isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery(this);
+				self.toggleClass( value.call(this, i, self.attr("class"), stateVal), stateVal );
+			});
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if ( type === "string" ) {
+				// toggle individual class names
+				var className,
+					i = 0,
+					self = jQuery( this ),
+					state = stateVal,
+					classNames = value.split( rspaces );
+				while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
+					// check each className given, space seperated list
+					state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
+					self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
+				}
+			} else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
+				if ( this.className ) {
+					// store className if set
+					jQuery.data( this, "__className__", this.className );
+				}
+				// toggle whole className
+				this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery.data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	hasClass: function( selector ) {
+		var className = " " + selector + " ";
+		for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+			if ( (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	val: function( value ) {
+		if ( !arguments.length ) {
+			var elem = this[0];
+			if ( elem ) {
+				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "option" ) ) {
+					// attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
+					// uses .value. See #6932
+					var val = elem.attributes.value;
+					return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+				}
+				// We need to handle select boxes special
+				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) {
+					var index = elem.selectedIndex,
+						values = [],
+						options = elem.options,
+						one = elem.type === "select-one";
+					// Nothing was selected
+					if ( index < 0 ) {
+						return null;
+					}
+					// Loop through all the selected options
+					for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) {
+						var option = options[ i ];
+						// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
+						if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && 
+								(!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
+							// Get the specific value for the option
+							value = jQuery(option).val();
+							// We don't need an array for one selects
+							if ( one ) {
+								return value;
+							}
+							// Multi-Selects return an array
+							values.push( value );
+						}
+					}
+					return values;
+				}
+				// Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
+				if ( rradiocheck.test( elem.type ) && !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
+					return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
+				}
+				// Everything else, we just grab the value
+				return (elem.value || "").replace(rreturn, "");
+			}
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value);
+		return this.each(function(i) {
+			var self = jQuery(this), val = value;
+			if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if ( isFunction ) {
+				val = value.call(this, i, self.val());
+			}
+			// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
+			if ( val == null ) {
+				val = "";
+			} else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
+				val += "";
+			} else if ( jQuery.isArray(val) ) {
+				val = jQuery.map(val, function (value) {
+					return value == null ? "" : value + "";
+				});
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.isArray(val) && rradiocheck.test( this.type ) ) {
+				this.checked = jQuery.inArray( self.val(), val ) >= 0;
+			} else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) {
+				var values = jQuery.makeArray(val);
+				jQuery( "option", this ).each(function() {
+					this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
+				});
+				if ( !values.length ) {
+					this.selectedIndex = -1;
+				}
+			} else {
+				this.value = val;
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	attrFn: {
+		val: true,
+		css: true,
+		html: true,
+		text: true,
+		data: true,
+		width: true,
+		height: true,
+		offset: true
+	},
+	attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
+		// don't set attributes on text and comment nodes
+		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
+			return jQuery(elem)[name](value);
+		}
+		var notxml = elem.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ),
+			// Whether we are setting (or getting)
+			set = value !== undefined;
+		// Try to normalize/fix the name
+		name = notxml && jQuery.props[ name ] || name;
+		// These attributes require special treatment
+		var special = rspecialurl.test( name );
+		// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
+		// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+		if ( name === "selected" && !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
+			var parent = elem.parentNode;
+			if ( parent ) {
+				parent.selectedIndex;
+				// Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
+				if ( parent.parentNode ) {
+					parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
+		// 'in' checks fail in Blackberry 4.7 #6931
+		if ( (name in elem || elem[ name ] !== undefined) && notxml && !special ) {
+			if ( set ) {
+				// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
+				if ( name === "type" && rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
+					jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
+				}
+				if ( value === null ) {
+					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+						elem.removeAttribute( name );
+					}
+				} else {
+					elem[ name ] = value;
+				}
+			}
+			// browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
+			if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) {
+				return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue;
+			}
+			// elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
+			// http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
+			if ( name === "tabIndex" ) {
+				var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode( "tabIndex" );
+				return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
+					attributeNode.value :
+					rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
+						0 :
+						undefined;
+			}
+			return elem[ name ];
+		}
+		if ( !jQuery.support.style && notxml && name === "style" ) {
+			if ( set ) {
+				elem.style.cssText = "" + value;
+			}
+			return elem.style.cssText;
+		}
+		if ( set ) {
+			// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
+			elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
+		}
+		// Ensure that missing attributes return undefined
+		// Blackberry 4.7 returns "" from getAttribute #6938
+		if ( !elem.attributes[ name ] && (elem.hasAttribute && !elem.hasAttribute( name )) ) {
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		var attr = !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized && notxml && special ?
+				// Some attributes require a special call on IE
+				elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ) :
+				elem.getAttribute( name );
+		// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
+		return attr === null ? undefined : attr;
+	}
+var rnamespaces = /\.(.*)$/,
+	rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
+	rperiod = /\./g,
+	rspace = / /g,
+	rescape = /[^\w\s.|`]/g,
+	fcleanup = function( nm ) {
+		return nm.replace(rescape, "\\$&");
+	},
+	focusCounts = { focusin: 0, focusout: 0 };
+ * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
+ * Many of the ideas behind this code originated from
+ * Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
+	// Bind an event to an element
+	// Original by Dean Edwards
+	add: function( elem, types, handler, data ) {
+		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
+		// around, causing it to be cloned in the process
+		if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) && ( elem !== window && !elem.frameElement ) ) {
+			elem = window;
+		}
+		if ( handler === false ) {
+			handler = returnFalse;
+		} else if ( !handler ) {
+			// Fixes bug #7229. Fix recommended by jdalton
+		  return;
+		}
+		var handleObjIn, handleObj;
+		if ( handler.handler ) {
+			handleObjIn = handler;
+			handler = handleObjIn.handler;
+		}
+		// Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
+		if ( !handler.guid ) {
+			handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
+		}
+		// Init the element's event structure
+		var elemData = jQuery.data( elem );
+		// If no elemData is found then we must be trying to bind to one of the
+		// banned noData elements
+		if ( !elemData ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Use a key less likely to result in collisions for plain JS objects.
+		// Fixes bug #7150.
+		var eventKey = elem.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__",
+			events = elemData[ eventKey ],
+			eventHandle = elemData.handle;
+		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
+			// On plain objects events is a fn that holds the the data
+			// which prevents this data from being JSON serialized
+			// the function does not need to be called, it just contains the data
+			eventHandle = events.handle;
+			events = events.events;
+		} else if ( !events ) {
+			if ( !elem.nodeType ) {
+				// On plain objects, create a fn that acts as the holder
+				// of the values to avoid JSON serialization of event data
+				elemData[ eventKey ] = elemData = function(){};
+			}
+			elemData.events = events = {};
+		}
+		if ( !eventHandle ) {
+			elemData.handle = eventHandle = function() {
+				// Handle the second event of a trigger and when
+				// an event is called after a page has unloaded
+				return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && !jQuery.event.triggered ?
+					jQuery.event.handle.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
+					undefined;
+			};
+		}
+		// Add elem as a property of the handle function
+		// This is to prevent a memory leak with non-native events in IE.
+		eventHandle.elem = elem;
+		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
+		// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+		types = types.split(" ");
+		var type, i = 0, namespaces;
+		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
+			handleObj = handleObjIn ?
+				jQuery.extend({}, handleObjIn) :
+				{ handler: handler, data: data };
+			// Namespaced event handlers
+			if ( type.indexOf(".") > -1 ) {
+				namespaces = type.split(".");
+				type = namespaces.shift();
+				handleObj.namespace = namespaces.slice(0).sort().join(".");
+			} else {
+				namespaces = [];
+				handleObj.namespace = "";
+			}
+			handleObj.type = type;
+			if ( !handleObj.guid ) {
+				handleObj.guid = handler.guid;
+			}
+			// Get the current list of functions bound to this event
+			var handlers = events[ type ],
+				special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+			// Init the event handler queue
+			if ( !handlers ) {
+				handlers = events[ type ] = [];
+				// Check for a special event handler
+				// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special
+				// events handler returns false
+				if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
+					// Bind the global event handler to the element
+					if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
+						elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+					} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
+						elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if ( special.add ) { 
+				special.add.call( elem, handleObj ); 
+				if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
+					handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
+				}
+			}
+			// Add the function to the element's handler list
+			handlers.push( handleObj );
+			// Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering
+			jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
+		}
+		// Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
+		elem = null;
+	},
+	global: {},
+	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
+	remove: function( elem, types, handler, pos ) {
+		// don't do events on text and comment nodes
+		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( handler === false ) {
+			handler = returnFalse;
+		}
+		var ret, type, fn, j, i = 0, all, namespaces, namespace, special, eventType, handleObj, origType,
+			eventKey = elem.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__",
+			elemData = jQuery.data( elem ),
+			events = elemData && elemData[ eventKey ];
+		if ( !elemData || !events ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
+			elemData = events;
+			events = events.events;
+		}
+		// types is actually an event object here
+		if ( types && types.type ) {
+			handler = types.handler;
+			types = types.type;
+		}
+		// Unbind all events for the element
+		if ( !types || typeof types === "string" && types.charAt(0) === "." ) {
+			types = types || "";
+			for ( type in events ) {
+				jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types );
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
+		// jQuery(...).unbind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+		types = types.split(" ");
+		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
+			origType = type;
+			handleObj = null;
+			all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
+			namespaces = [];
+			if ( !all ) {
+				// Namespaced event handlers
+				namespaces = type.split(".");
+				type = namespaces.shift();
+				namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + 
+					jQuery.map( namespaces.slice(0).sort(), fcleanup ).join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
+			}
+			eventType = events[ type ];
+			if ( !eventType ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			if ( !handler ) {
+				for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+					handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+					if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+						jQuery.event.remove( elem, origType, handleObj.handler, j );
+						eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+					}
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+			for ( j = pos || 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+				handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+				if ( handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) {
+					// remove the given handler for the given type
+					if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+						if ( pos == null ) {
+							eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+						}
+						if ( special.remove ) {
+							special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+						}
+					}
+					if ( pos != null ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist
+			if ( eventType.length === 0 || pos != null && eventType.length === 1 ) {
+				if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
+					jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
+				}
+				ret = null;
+				delete events[ type ];
+			}
+		}
+		// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
+			var handle = elemData.handle;
+			if ( handle ) {
+				handle.elem = null;
+			}
+			delete elemData.events;
+			delete elemData.handle;
+			if ( typeof elemData === "function" ) {
+				jQuery.removeData( elem, eventKey );
+			} else if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( elemData ) ) {
+				jQuery.removeData( elem );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// bubbling is internal
+	trigger: function( event, data, elem /*, bubbling */ ) {
+		// Event object or event type
+		var type = event.type || event,
+			bubbling = arguments[3];
+		if ( !bubbling ) {
+			event = typeof event === "object" ?
+				// jQuery.Event object
+				event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
+				// Object literal
+				jQuery.extend( jQuery.Event(type), event ) :
+				// Just the event type (string)
+				jQuery.Event(type);
+			if ( type.indexOf("!") >= 0 ) {
+				event.type = type = type.slice(0, -1);
+				event.exclusive = true;
+			}
+			// Handle a global trigger
+			if ( !elem ) {
+				// Don't bubble custom events when global (to avoid too much overhead)
+				event.stopPropagation();
+				// Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
+				if ( jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
+					jQuery.each( jQuery.cache, function() {
+						if ( this.events && this.events[type] ) {
+							jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this.handle.elem );
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			// Handle triggering a single element
+			// don't do events on text and comment nodes
+			if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+			// Clean up in case it is reused
+			event.result = undefined;
+			event.target = elem;
+			// Clone the incoming data, if any
+			data = jQuery.makeArray( data );
+			data.unshift( event );
+		}
+		event.currentTarget = elem;
+		// Trigger the event, it is assumed that "handle" is a function
+		var handle = elem.nodeType ?
+			jQuery.data( elem, "handle" ) :
+			(jQuery.data( elem, "__events__" ) || {}).handle;
+		if ( handle ) {
+			handle.apply( elem, data );
+		}
+		var parent = elem.parentNode || elem.ownerDocument;
+		// Trigger an inline bound script
+		try {
+			if ( !(elem && elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
+				if ( elem[ "on" + type ] && elem[ "on" + type ].apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
+					event.result = false;
+					event.preventDefault();
+				}
+			}
+		// prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
+		} catch (inlineError) {}
+		if ( !event.isPropagationStopped() && parent ) {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, parent, true );
+		} else if ( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+			var old,
+				target = event.target,
+				targetType = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" ),
+				isClick = jQuery.nodeName( target, "a" ) && targetType === "click",
+				special = jQuery.event.special[ targetType ] || {};
+			if ( (!special._default || special._default.call( elem, event ) === false) && 
+				!isClick && !(target && target.nodeName && jQuery.noData[target.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
+				try {
+					if ( target[ targetType ] ) {
+						// Make sure that we don't accidentally re-trigger the onFOO events
+						old = target[ "on" + targetType ];
+						if ( old ) {
+							target[ "on" + targetType ] = null;
+						}
+						jQuery.event.triggered = true;
+						target[ targetType ]();
+					}
+				// prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
+				} catch (triggerError) {}
+				if ( old ) {
+					target[ "on" + targetType ] = old;
+				}
+				jQuery.event.triggered = false;
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	handle: function( event ) {
+		var all, handlers, namespaces, namespace_re, events,
+			namespace_sort = [],
+			args = jQuery.makeArray( arguments );
+		event = args[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
+		event.currentTarget = this;
+		// Namespaced event handlers
+		all = event.type.indexOf(".") < 0 && !event.exclusive;
+		if ( !all ) {
+			namespaces = event.type.split(".");
+			event.type = namespaces.shift();
+			namespace_sort = namespaces.slice(0).sort();
+			namespace_re = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespace_sort.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
+		}
+		event.namespace = event.namespace || namespace_sort.join(".");
+		events = jQuery.data(this, this.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__");
+		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
+			events = events.events;
+		}
+		handlers = (events || {})[ event.type ];
+		if ( events && handlers ) {
+			// Clone the handlers to prevent manipulation
+			handlers = handlers.slice(0);
+			for ( var j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+				var handleObj = handlers[ j ];
+				// Filter the functions by class
+				if ( all || namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+					// Pass in a reference to the handler function itself
+					// So that we can later remove it
+					event.handler = handleObj.handler;
+					event.data = handleObj.data;
+					event.handleObj = handleObj;
+					var ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, args );
+					if ( ret !== undefined ) {
+						event.result = ret;
+						if ( ret === false ) {
+							event.preventDefault();
+							event.stopPropagation();
+						}
+					}
+					if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return event.result;
+	},
+	props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
+	fix: function( event ) {
+		if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
+			return event;
+		}
+		// store a copy of the original event object
+		// and "clone" to set read-only properties
+		var originalEvent = event;
+		event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
+		for ( var i = this.props.length, prop; i; ) {
+			prop = this.props[ --i ];
+			event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
+		}
+		// Fix target property, if necessary
+		if ( !event.target ) {
+			// Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either
+			event.target = event.srcElement || document;
+		}
+		// check if target is a textnode (safari)
+		if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
+			event.target = event.target.parentNode;
+		}
+		// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
+		if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement ) {
+			event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === event.target ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;
+		}
+		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+		if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) {
+			var doc = document.documentElement,
+				body = document.body;
+			event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
+			event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
+		}
+		// Add which for key events
+		if ( event.which == null && (event.charCode != null || event.keyCode != null) ) {
+			event.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode;
+		}
+		// Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
+		if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey ) {
+			event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
+		}
+		// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
+		// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
+		if ( !event.which && event.button !== undefined ) {
+			event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));
+		}
+		return event;
+	},
+	// Deprecated, use jQuery.guid instead
+	guid: 1E8,
+	// Deprecated, use jQuery.proxy instead
+	proxy: jQuery.proxy,
+	special: {
+		ready: {
+			// Make sure the ready event is setup
+			setup: jQuery.bindReady,
+			teardown: jQuery.noop
+		},
+		live: {
+			add: function( handleObj ) {
+				jQuery.event.add( this,
+					liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ),
+					jQuery.extend({}, handleObj, {handler: liveHandler, guid: handleObj.handler.guid}) ); 
+			},
+			remove: function( handleObj ) {
+				jQuery.event.remove( this, liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ), handleObj );
+			}
+		},
+		beforeunload: {
+			setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+				// We only want to do this special case on windows
+				if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
+					this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
+				}
+			},
+			teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+				if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
+					this.onbeforeunload = null;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
+	function( elem, type, handle ) {
+		if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
+			elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
+		}
+	} : 
+	function( elem, type, handle ) {
+		if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
+			elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
+		}
+	};
+jQuery.Event = function( src ) {
+	// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
+	if ( !this.preventDefault ) {
+		return new jQuery.Event( src );
+	}
+	// Event object
+	if ( src && src.type ) {
+		this.originalEvent = src;
+		this.type = src.type;
+	// Event type
+	} else {
+		this.type = src;
+	}
+	// timeStamp is buggy for some events on Firefox(#3843)
+	// So we won't rely on the native value
+	this.timeStamp = jQuery.now();
+	// Mark it as fixed
+	this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
+function returnFalse() {
+	return false;
+function returnTrue() {
+	return true;
+// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
+jQuery.Event.prototype = {
+	preventDefault: function() {
+		this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+		var e = this.originalEvent;
+		if ( !e ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
+		if ( e.preventDefault ) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+		// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
+		} else {
+			e.returnValue = false;
+		}
+	},
+	stopPropagation: function() {
+		this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+		var e = this.originalEvent;
+		if ( !e ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
+		if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
+			e.stopPropagation();
+		}
+		// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
+		e.cancelBubble = true;
+	},
+	stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
+		this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+		this.stopPropagation();
+	},
+	isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
+	isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
+	isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
+// Checks if an event happened on an element within another element
+// Used in jQuery.event.special.mouseenter and mouseleave handlers
+var withinElement = function( event ) {
+	// Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
+	var parent = event.relatedTarget;
+	// Firefox sometimes assigns relatedTarget a XUL element
+	// which we cannot access the parentNode property of
+	try {
+		// Traverse up the tree
+		while ( parent && parent !== this ) {
+			parent = parent.parentNode;
+		}
+		if ( parent !== this ) {
+			// set the correct event type
+			event.type = event.data;
+			// handle event if we actually just moused on to a non sub-element
+			jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
+		}
+	// assuming we've left the element since we most likely mousedover a xul element
+	} catch(e) { }
+// In case of event delegation, we only need to rename the event.type,
+// liveHandler will take care of the rest.
+delegate = function( event ) {
+	event.type = event.data;
+	jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
+// Create mouseenter and mouseleave events
+	mouseenter: "mouseover",
+	mouseleave: "mouseout"
+}, function( orig, fix ) {
+	jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
+		setup: function( data ) {
+			jQuery.event.add( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement, orig );
+		},
+		teardown: function( data ) {
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement );
+		}
+	};
+// submit delegation
+if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
+	jQuery.event.special.submit = {
+		setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
+			if ( this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "form" ) {
+				jQuery.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
+					var elem = e.target,
+						type = elem.type;
+					if ( (type === "submit" || type === "image") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length ) {
+						e.liveFired = undefined;
+						return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
+					}
+				});
+				jQuery.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
+					var elem = e.target,
+						type = elem.type;
+					if ( (type === "text" || type === "password") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length && e.keyCode === 13 ) {
+						e.liveFired = undefined;
+						return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
+					}
+				});
+			} else {
+				return false;
+			}
+		},
+		teardown: function( namespaces ) {
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialSubmit" );
+		}
+	};
+// change delegation, happens here so we have bind.
+if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
+	var changeFilters,
+	getVal = function( elem ) {
+		var type = elem.type, val = elem.value;
+		if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) {
+			val = elem.checked;
+		} else if ( type === "select-multiple" ) {
+			val = elem.selectedIndex > -1 ?
+				jQuery.map( elem.options, function( elem ) {
+					return elem.selected;
+				}).join("-") :
+				"";
+		} else if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
+			val = elem.selectedIndex;
+		}
+		return val;
+	},
+	testChange = function testChange( e ) {
+		var elem = e.target, data, val;
+		if ( !rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.readOnly ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		data = jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data" );
+		val = getVal(elem);
+		// the current data will be also retrieved by beforeactivate
+		if ( e.type !== "focusout" || elem.type !== "radio" ) {
+			jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data", val );
+		}
+		if ( data === undefined || val === data ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( data != null || val ) {
+			e.type = "change";
+			e.liveFired = undefined;
+			return jQuery.event.trigger( e, arguments[1], elem );
+		}
+	};
+	jQuery.event.special.change = {
+		filters: {
+			focusout: testChange, 
+			beforedeactivate: testChange,
+			click: function( e ) {
+				var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+				if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
+					return testChange.call( this, e );
+				}
+			},
+			// Change has to be called before submit
+			// Keydown will be called before keypress, which is used in submit-event delegation
+			keydown: function( e ) {
+				var elem = e.target, type = elem.type;
+				if ( (e.keyCode === 13 && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") ||
+					(e.keyCode === 32 && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio")) ||
+					type === "select-multiple" ) {
+					return testChange.call( this, e );
+				}
+			},
+			// Beforeactivate happens also before the previous element is blurred
+			// with this event you can't trigger a change event, but you can store
+			// information
+			beforeactivate: function( e ) {
+				var elem = e.target;
+				jQuery.data( elem, "_change_data", getVal(elem) );
+			}
+		},
+		setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
+			if ( this.type === "file" ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			for ( var type in changeFilters ) {
+				jQuery.event.add( this, type + ".specialChange", changeFilters[type] );
+			}
+			return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
+		},
+		teardown: function( namespaces ) {
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialChange" );
+			return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
+		}
+	};
+	changeFilters = jQuery.event.special.change.filters;
+	// Handle when the input is .focus()'d
+	changeFilters.focus = changeFilters.beforeactivate;
+function trigger( type, elem, args ) {
+	args[0].type = type;
+	return jQuery.event.handle.apply( elem, args );
+// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+	jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
+		jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
+			setup: function() {
+				if ( focusCounts[fix]++ === 0 ) {
+					document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+				}
+			}, 
+			teardown: function() { 
+				if ( --focusCounts[fix] === 0 ) {
+					document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		function handler( e ) { 
+			e = jQuery.event.fix( e );
+			e.type = fix;
+			return jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, e.target );
+		}
+	});
+jQuery.each(["bind", "one"], function( i, name ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( type, data, fn ) {
+		// Handle object literals
+		if ( typeof type === "object" ) {
+			for ( var key in type ) {
+				this[ name ](key, data, type[key], fn);
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) || data === false ) {
+			fn = data;
+			data = undefined;
+		}
+		var handler = name === "one" ? jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
+			jQuery( this ).unbind( event, handler );
+			return fn.apply( this, arguments );
+		}) : fn;
+		if ( type === "unload" && name !== "one" ) {
+			this.one( type, data, fn );
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				jQuery.event.add( this[i], type, handler, data );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	};
+	unbind: function( type, fn ) {
+		// Handle object literals
+		if ( typeof type === "object" && !type.preventDefault ) {
+			for ( var key in type ) {
+				this.unbind(key, type[key]);
+			}
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				jQuery.event.remove( this[i], type, fn );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
+		return this.live( types, data, fn, selector );
+	},
+	undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
+		if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
+				return this.unbind( "live" );
+		} else {
+			return this.die( types, null, fn, selector );
+		}
+	},
+	trigger: function( type, data ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
+		});
+	},
+	triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			var event = jQuery.Event( type );
+			event.preventDefault();
+			event.stopPropagation();
+			jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this[0] );
+			return event.result;
+		}
+	},
+	toggle: function( fn ) {
+		// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
+		var args = arguments,
+			i = 1;
+		// link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
+		while ( i < args.length ) {
+			jQuery.proxy( fn, args[ i++ ] );
+		}
+		return this.click( jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
+			// Figure out which function to execute
+			var lastToggle = ( jQuery.data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
+			jQuery.data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
+			// Make sure that clicks stop
+			event.preventDefault();
+			// and execute the function
+			return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
+		}));
+	},
+	hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
+		return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
+	}
+var liveMap = {
+	focus: "focusin",
+	blur: "focusout",
+	mouseenter: "mouseover",
+	mouseleave: "mouseout"
+jQuery.each(["live", "die"], function( i, name ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( types, data, fn, origSelector /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+		var type, i = 0, match, namespaces, preType,
+			selector = origSelector || this.selector,
+			context = origSelector ? this : jQuery( this.context );
+		if ( typeof types === "object" && !types.preventDefault ) {
+			for ( var key in types ) {
+				context[ name ]( key, data, types[key], selector );
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			fn = data;
+			data = undefined;
+		}
+		types = (types || "").split(" ");
+		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) != null ) {
+			match = rnamespaces.exec( type );
+			namespaces = "";
+			if ( match )  {
+				namespaces = match[0];
+				type = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" );
+			}
+			if ( type === "hover" ) {
+				types.push( "mouseenter" + namespaces, "mouseleave" + namespaces );
+				continue;
+			}
+			preType = type;
+			if ( type === "focus" || type === "blur" ) {
+				types.push( liveMap[ type ] + namespaces );
+				type = type + namespaces;
+			} else {
+				type = (liveMap[ type ] || type) + namespaces;
+			}
+			if ( name === "live" ) {
+				// bind live handler
+				for ( var j = 0, l = context.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+					jQuery.event.add( context[j], "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ),
+						{ data: data, selector: selector, handler: fn, origType: type, origHandler: fn, preType: preType } );
+				}
+			} else {
+				// unbind live handler
+				context.unbind( "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ), fn );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	};
+function liveHandler( event ) {
+	var stop, maxLevel, related, match, handleObj, elem, j, i, l, data, close, namespace, ret,
+		elems = [],
+		selectors = [],
+		events = jQuery.data( this, this.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__" );
+	if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
+		events = events.events;
+	}
+	// Make sure we avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
+	if ( event.liveFired === this || !events || !events.live || event.button && event.type === "click" ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( event.namespace ) {
+		namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + event.namespace.split(".").join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
+	}
+	event.liveFired = this;
+	var live = events.live.slice(0);
+	for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
+		handleObj = live[j];
+		if ( handleObj.origType.replace( rnamespaces, "" ) === event.type ) {
+			selectors.push( handleObj.selector );
+		} else {
+			live.splice( j--, 1 );
+		}
+	}
+	match = jQuery( event.target ).closest( selectors, event.currentTarget );
+	for ( i = 0, l = match.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		close = match[i];
+		for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
+			handleObj = live[j];
+			if ( close.selector === handleObj.selector && (!namespace || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace )) ) {
+				elem = close.elem;
+				related = null;
+				// Those two events require additional checking
+				if ( handleObj.preType === "mouseenter" || handleObj.preType === "mouseleave" ) {
+					event.type = handleObj.preType;
+					related = jQuery( event.relatedTarget ).closest( handleObj.selector )[0];
+				}
+				if ( !related || related !== elem ) {
+					elems.push({ elem: elem, handleObj: handleObj, level: close.level });
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for ( i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		match = elems[i];
+		if ( maxLevel && match.level > maxLevel ) {
+			break;
+		}
+		event.currentTarget = match.elem;
+		event.data = match.handleObj.data;
+		event.handleObj = match.handleObj;
+		ret = match.handleObj.origHandler.apply( match.elem, arguments );
+		if ( ret === false || event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
+			maxLevel = match.level;
+			if ( ret === false ) {
+				stop = false;
+			}
+			if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return stop;
+function liveConvert( type, selector ) {
+	return (type && type !== "*" ? type + "." : "") + selector.replace(rperiod, "`").replace(rspace, "&");
+jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
+	"mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
+	"change select submit keydown keypress keyup error").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
+	// Handle event binding
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
+		if ( fn == null ) {
+			fn = data;
+			data = null;
+		}
+		return arguments.length > 0 ?
+			this.bind( name, data, fn ) :
+			this.trigger( name );
+	};
+	if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
+		jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
+	}
+// Prevent memory leaks in IE
+// Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload events
+// More info:
+//  - http://isaacschlueter.com/2006/10/msie-memory-leaks/
+if ( window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener ) {
+	jQuery(window).bind("unload", function() {
+		for ( var id in jQuery.cache ) {
+			if ( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle ) {
+				// Try/Catch is to handle iframes being unloaded, see #4280
+				try {
+					jQuery.event.remove( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle.elem );
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
+ *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+	done = 0,
+	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+	hasDuplicate = false,
+	baseHasDuplicate = true;
+// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
+// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
+// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
+//   Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
+[0, 0].sort(function() {
+	baseHasDuplicate = false;
+	return 0;
+var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	results = results || [];
+	context = context || document;
+	var origContext = context;
+	if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+		return results;
+	}
+	var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i,
+		prune = true,
+		contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ),
+		parts = [],
+		soFar = selector;
+	// Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+	do {
+		chunker.exec( "" );
+		m = chunker.exec( soFar );
+		if ( m ) {
+			soFar = m[3];
+			parts.push( m[1] );
+			if ( m[2] ) {
+				extra = m[3];
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	} while ( m );
+	if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+		if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+			set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
+		} else {
+			set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+				[ context ] :
+				Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+			while ( parts.length ) {
+				selector = parts.shift();
+				if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
+					selector += parts.shift();
+				}
+				set = posProcess( selector, set );
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+		// (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
+		if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+				Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+			ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+			context = ret.expr ?
+				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] :
+				ret.set[0];
+		}
+		if ( context ) {
+			ret = seed ?
+				{ expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+				Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+			set = ret.expr ?
+				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) :
+				ret.set;
+			if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+				checkSet = makeArray( set );
+			} else {
+				prune = false;
+			}
+			while ( parts.length ) {
+				cur = parts.pop();
+				pop = cur;
+				if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+					cur = "";
+				} else {
+					pop = parts.pop();
+				}
+				if ( pop == null ) {
+					pop = context;
+				}
+				Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+			}
+		} else {
+			checkSet = parts = [];
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !checkSet ) {
+		checkSet = set;
+	}
+	if ( !checkSet ) {
+		Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
+	}
+	if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+		if ( !prune ) {
+			results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+		} else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+					results.push( set[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+					results.push( set[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		makeArray( checkSet, results );
+	}
+	if ( extra ) {
+		Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+		Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+	}
+	return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+	if ( sortOrder ) {
+		hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+		results.sort( sortOrder );
+		if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+			for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+				if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
+					results.splice( i--, 1 );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) {
+	var set;
+	if ( !expr ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		var match,
+			type = Expr.order[i];
+		if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+			var left = match[1];
+			match.splice( 1, 1 );
+			if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+				match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
+				set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+				if ( set != null ) {
+					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !set ) {
+		set = context.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
+	}
+	return { set: set, expr: expr };
+Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) {
+	var match, anyFound,
+		old = expr,
+		result = [],
+		curLoop = set,
+		isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] );
+	while ( expr && set.length ) {
+		for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
+			if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
+				var found, item,
+					filter = Expr.filter[ type ],
+					left = match[1];
+				anyFound = false;
+				match.splice(1,1);
+				if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				if ( curLoop === result ) {
+					result = [];
+				}
+				if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+					match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+					if ( !match ) {
+						anyFound = found = true;
+					} else if ( match === true ) {
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( match ) {
+					for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+						if ( item ) {
+							found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+							var pass = not ^ !!found;
+							if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+								if ( pass ) {
+									anyFound = true;
+								} else {
+									curLoop[i] = false;
+								}
+							} else if ( pass ) {
+								result.push( item );
+								anyFound = true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ( found !== undefined ) {
+					if ( !inplace ) {
+						curLoop = result;
+					}
+					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+					if ( !anyFound ) {
+						return [];
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Improper expression
+		if ( expr === old ) {
+			if ( anyFound == null ) {
+				Sizzle.error( expr );
+			} else {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		old = expr;
+	}
+	return curLoop;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+	throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+	order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+	match: {
+		ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+		ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
+		TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+\-]*)\))?/,
+		POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
+		PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+	},
+	leftMatch: {},
+	attrMap: {
+		"class": "className",
+		"for": "htmlFor"
+	},
+	attrHandle: {
+		href: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( "href" );
+		}
+	},
+	relative: {
+		"+": function(checkSet, part){
+			var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+				isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test( part ),
+				isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+			if ( isTag ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+			}
+			for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+				if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+					while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+					checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
+						elem || false :
+						elem === part;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+				Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+			}
+		},
+		">": function( checkSet, part ) {
+			var elem,
+				isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+				i = 0,
+				l = checkSet.length;
+			if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test( part ) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+					elem = checkSet[i];
+					if ( elem ) {
+						var parent = elem.parentNode;
+						checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+					elem = checkSet[i];
+					if ( elem ) {
+						checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+							elem.parentNode :
+							elem.parentNode === part;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( isPartStr ) {
+					Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		"": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+			var nodeCheck,
+				doneName = done++,
+				checkFn = dirCheck;
+			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				nodeCheck = part;
+				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+			}
+			checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+		},
+		"~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) {
+			var nodeCheck,
+				doneName = done++,
+				checkFn = dirCheck;
+			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test( part ) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				nodeCheck = part;
+				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+			}
+			checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+		}
+	},
+	find: {
+		ID: function( match, context, isXML ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+				return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+			}
+		},
+		NAME: function( match, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+				var ret = [],
+					results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] );
+				for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+						ret.push( results[i] );
+					}
+				}
+				return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+			}
+		},
+		TAG: function( match, context ) {
+			return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+		}
+	},
+	preFilter: {
+		CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+			match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
+			if ( isXML ) {
+				return match;
+			}
+			for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( elem ) {
+					if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+						if ( !inplace ) {
+							result.push( elem );
+						}
+					} else if ( inplace ) {
+						curLoop[i] = false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		ID: function( match ) {
+			return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+		},
+		TAG: function( match, curLoop ) {
+			return match[1].toLowerCase();
+		},
+		CHILD: function( match ) {
+			if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
+				// parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+				var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
+					match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+					!/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+				// calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+				match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+				match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+			}
+			// TODO: Move to normal caching system
+			match[0] = done++;
+			return match;
+		},
+		ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+			var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+			if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+				match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+			}
+			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+				match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) {
+			if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+				// If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+				if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+					match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+				} else {
+					var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+					if ( !inplace ) {
+						result.push.apply( result, ret );
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			} else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		POS: function( match ) {
+			match.unshift( true );
+			return match;
+		}
+	},
+	filters: {
+		enabled: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+		},
+		disabled: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === true;
+		},
+		checked: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.checked === true;
+		},
+		selected: function( elem ) {
+			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+			// options in Safari work properly
+			elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+			return elem.selected === true;
+		},
+		parent: function( elem ) {
+			return !!elem.firstChild;
+		},
+		empty: function( elem ) {
+			return !elem.firstChild;
+		},
+		has: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+		},
+		header: function( elem ) {
+			return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		text: function( elem ) {
+			return "text" === elem.type;
+		},
+		radio: function( elem ) {
+			return "radio" === elem.type;
+		},
+		checkbox: function( elem ) {
+			return "checkbox" === elem.type;
+		},
+		file: function( elem ) {
+			return "file" === elem.type;
+		},
+		password: function( elem ) {
+			return "password" === elem.type;
+		},
+		submit: function( elem ) {
+			return "submit" === elem.type;
+		},
+		image: function( elem ) {
+			return "image" === elem.type;
+		},
+		reset: function( elem ) {
+			return "reset" === elem.type;
+		},
+		button: function( elem ) {
+			return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button";
+		},
+		input: function( elem ) {
+			return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+		}
+	},
+	setFilters: {
+		first: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i === 0;
+		},
+		last: function( elem, i, match, array ) {
+			return i === array.length - 1;
+		},
+		even: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i % 2 === 0;
+		},
+		odd: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i % 2 === 1;
+		},
+		lt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return i < match[3] - 0;
+		},
+		gt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return i > match[3] - 0;
+		},
+		nth: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return match[3] - 0 === i;
+		},
+		eq: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return match[3] - 0 === i;
+		}
+	},
+	filter: {
+		PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+			var name = match[1],
+				filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+			if ( filter ) {
+				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+			} else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+				return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || Sizzle.getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+			} else if ( name === "not" ) {
+				var not = match[3];
+				for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+					if ( not[j] === elem ) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			} else {
+				Sizzle.error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + name );
+			}
+		},
+		CHILD: function( elem, match ) {
+			var type = match[1],
+				node = elem;
+			switch ( type ) {
+				case "only":
+				case "first":
+					while ( (node = node.previousSibling) )	 {
+						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
+							return false; 
+						}
+					}
+					if ( type === "first" ) { 
+						return true; 
+					}
+					node = elem;
+				case "last":
+					while ( (node = node.nextSibling) )	 {
+						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
+							return false; 
+						}
+					}
+					return true;
+				case "nth":
+					var first = match[2],
+						last = match[3];
+					if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					var doneName = match[0],
+						parent = elem.parentNode;
+					if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+						var count = 0;
+						for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+							if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+								node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+							}
+						} 
+						parent.sizcache = doneName;
+					}
+					var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+					if ( first === 0 ) {
+						return diff === 0;
+					} else {
+						return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+					}
+			}
+		},
+		ID: function( elem, match ) {
+			return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+		},
+		TAG: function( elem, match ) {
+			return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
+		},
+		CLASS: function( elem, match ) {
+			return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+				.indexOf( match ) > -1;
+		},
+		ATTR: function( elem, match ) {
+			var name = match[1],
+				result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+					Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+					elem[ name ] != null ?
+						elem[ name ] :
+						elem.getAttribute( name ),
+				value = result + "",
+				type = match[2],
+				check = match[4];
+			return result == null ?
+				type === "!=" :
+				type === "=" ?
+				value === check :
+				type === "*=" ?
+				value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+				type === "~=" ?
+				(" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+				!check ?
+				value && result !== false :
+				type === "!=" ?
+				value !== check :
+				type === "^=" ?
+				value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+				type === "$=" ?
+				value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+				type === "|=" ?
+				value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+				false;
+		},
+		POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+			var name = match[2],
+				filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+			if ( filter ) {
+				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
+	fescape = function(all, num){
+		return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
+	};
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+	Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
+	Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );
+var makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+	array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+	if ( results ) {
+		results.push.apply( results, array );
+		return results;
+	}
+	return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
+// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
+try {
+	Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch( e ) {
+	makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+		var i = 0,
+			ret = results || [];
+		if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+			Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+		} else {
+			if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+				for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					ret.push( array[i] );
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
+					ret.push( array[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	};
+var sortOrder, siblingCheck;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+			return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+		}
+		return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+	};
+} else {
+	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+		var al, bl,
+			ap = [],
+			bp = [],
+			aup = a.parentNode,
+			bup = b.parentNode,
+			cur = aup;
+		// The nodes are identical, we can exit early
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		// If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
+		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
+			return siblingCheck( a, b );
+		// If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
+		} else if ( !aup ) {
+			return -1;
+		} else if ( !bup ) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		// Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
+		// to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
+		while ( cur ) {
+			ap.unshift( cur );
+			cur = cur.parentNode;
+		}
+		cur = bup;
+		while ( cur ) {
+			bp.unshift( cur );
+			cur = cur.parentNode;
+		}
+		al = ap.length;
+		bl = bp.length;
+		// Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+		for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
+			if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
+				return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
+			}
+		}
+		// We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
+		return i === al ?
+			siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
+			siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
+	};
+	siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) {
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		var cur = a.nextSibling;
+		while ( cur ) {
+			if ( cur === b ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+			cur = cur.nextSibling;
+		}
+		return 1;
+	};
+// Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+Sizzle.getText = function( elems ) {
+	var ret = "", elem;
+	for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) {
+		elem = elems[i];
+		// Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes
+		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
+			ret += elem.nodeValue;
+		// Traverse everything else, except comment nodes
+		} else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) {
+			ret += Sizzle.getText( elem.childNodes );
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
+	// We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+	var form = document.createElement("div"),
+		id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(),
+		root = document.documentElement;
+	form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
+	// Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+	root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+	// The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+	// Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+	if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+		Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+				return m ?
+					m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ?
+						[m] :
+						undefined :
+					[];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) {
+			var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+			return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+		};
+	}
+	root.removeChild( form );
+	// release memory in IE
+	root = form = null;
+	// Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+	// when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
+	// Create a fake element
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+	// Make sure no comments are found
+	if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+		Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) {
+			var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+			// Filter out possible comments
+			if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+				var tmp = [];
+				for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+					if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+						tmp.push( results[i] );
+					}
+				}
+				results = tmp;
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+	}
+	// Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
+	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+	if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+		Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
+		};
+	}
+	// release memory in IE
+	div = null;
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
+	(function(){
+		var oldSizzle = Sizzle,
+			div = document.createElement("div"),
+			id = "__sizzle__";
+		div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
+		// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
+		// in quirks mode.
+		if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) {
+			context = context || document;
+			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+			query = query.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
+			// Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
+			// (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
+			if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
+				if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) {
+					try {
+						return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+					} catch(qsaError) {}
+				// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+				// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+				// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+				// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+				} else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+					var old = context.getAttribute( "id" ),
+						nid = old || id;
+					if ( !old ) {
+						context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+					}
+					try {
+						return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "#" + nid + " " + query ), extra );
+					} catch(pseudoError) {
+					} finally {
+						if ( !old ) {
+							context.removeAttribute( "id" );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+		};
+		for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+			Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+		}
+		// release memory in IE
+		div = null;
+	})();
+	var html = document.documentElement,
+		matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector,
+		pseudoWorks = false;
+	try {
+		// This should fail with an exception
+		// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+		matches.call( document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" );
+	} catch( pseudoError ) {
+		pseudoWorks = true;
+	}
+	if ( matches ) {
+		Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+			expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
+			if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) {
+				try { 
+					if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) {
+						return matches.call( node, expr );
+					}
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+			return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0;
+		};
+	}
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
+	// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+	// Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
+	if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	// Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
+	div.lastChild.className = "e";
+	if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+	Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+			return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+		}
+	};
+	// release memory in IE
+	div = null;
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		var elem = checkSet[i];
+		if ( elem ) {
+			var match = false;
+			elem = elem[dir];
+			while ( elem ) {
+				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+					elem.sizcache = doneName;
+					elem.sizset = i;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
+					match = elem;
+					break;
+				}
+				elem = elem[dir];
+			}
+			checkSet[i] = match;
+		}
+	}
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		var elem = checkSet[i];
+		if ( elem ) {
+			var match = false;
+			elem = elem[dir];
+			while ( elem ) {
+				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					if ( !isXML ) {
+						elem.sizcache = doneName;
+						elem.sizset = i;
+					}
+					if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+						if ( elem === cur ) {
+							match = true;
+							break;
+						}
+					} else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+						match = elem;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				elem = elem[dir];
+			}
+			checkSet[i] = match;
+		}
+	}
+if ( document.documentElement.contains ) {
+	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+		return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+	};
+} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+		return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
+	};
+} else {
+	Sizzle.contains = function() {
+		return false;
+	};
+Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) 
+	var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
+	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+var posProcess = function( selector, context ) {
+	var match,
+		tmpSet = [],
+		later = "",
+		root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+	// Position selectors must be done after the filter
+	// And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
+	while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+		later += match[0];
+		selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+	}
+	selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+	for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
+	}
+	return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
+jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
+var runtil = /Until$/,
+	rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
+	// Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
+	rmultiselector = /,/,
+	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
+	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+	POS = jQuery.expr.match.POS;
+	find: function( selector ) {
+		var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ),
+			length = 0;
+		for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+			length = ret.length;
+			jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
+			if ( i > 0 ) {
+				// Make sure that the results are unique
+				for ( var n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
+					for ( var r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
+						if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
+							ret.splice(n--, 1);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	has: function( target ) {
+		var targets = jQuery( target );
+		return this.filter(function() {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	not: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
+	},
+	filter: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
+	},
+	is: function( selector ) {
+		return !!selector && jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0;
+	},
+	closest: function( selectors, context ) {
+		var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0];
+		if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
+			var match, selector,
+				matches = {},
+				level = 1;
+			if ( cur && selectors.length ) {
+				for ( i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					selector = selectors[i];
+					if ( !matches[selector] ) {
+						matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ? 
+							jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
+							selector;
+					}
+				}
+				while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
+					for ( selector in matches ) {
+						match = matches[selector];
+						if ( match.jquery ? match.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery(cur).is(match) ) {
+							ret.push({ selector: selector, elem: cur, level: level });
+						}
+					}
+					cur = cur.parentNode;
+					level++;
+				}
+			}
+			return ret;
+		}
+		var pos = POS.test( selectors ) ? 
+			jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : null;
+		for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+			cur = this[i];
+			while ( cur ) {
+				if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) {
+					ret.push( cur );
+					break;
+				} else {
+					cur = cur.parentNode;
+					if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique(ret) : ret;
+		return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
+	},
+	// Determine the position of an element within
+	// the matched set of elements
+	index: function( elem ) {
+		if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" ) {
+			return jQuery.inArray( this[0],
+				// If it receives a string, the selector is used
+				// If it receives nothing, the siblings are used
+				elem ? jQuery( elem ) : this.parent().children() );
+		}
+		// Locate the position of the desired element
+		return jQuery.inArray(
+			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
+			elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
+	},
+	add: function( selector, context ) {
+		var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
+				jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
+				jQuery.makeArray( selector ),
+			all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
+		return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
+			all :
+			jQuery.unique( all ) );
+	},
+	andSelf: function() {
+		return this.add( this.prevObject );
+	}
+// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
+// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
+function isDisconnected( node ) {
+	return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
+	parent: function( elem ) {
+		var parent = elem.parentNode;
+		return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+	},
+	parents: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
+	},
+	parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
+	},
+	next: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prev: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prevAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
+	},
+	prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
+	},
+	siblings: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( elem.parentNode.firstChild, elem );
+	},
+	children: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
+	},
+	contents: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
+			elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
+			jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
+	}
+}, function( name, fn ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
+		var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
+		if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
+			selector = until;
+		}
+		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
+		}
+		ret = this.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+		if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
+			ret = ret.reverse();
+		}
+		return this.pushStack( ret, name, slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+	};
+	filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
+		if ( not ) {
+			expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+		}
+		return elems.length === 1 ?
+			jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
+			jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+	},
+	dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
+		var matched = [],
+			cur = elem[ dir ];
+		while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
+			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				matched.push( cur );
+			}
+			cur = cur[dir];
+		}
+		return matched;
+	},
+	nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
+		result = result || 1;
+		var num = 0;
+		for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
+			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return cur;
+	},
+	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+		var r = [];
+		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+			if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
+				r.push( n );
+			}
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
+function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
+	if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+			var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem );
+			return retVal === keep;
+		});
+	} else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+			return (elem === qualifier) === keep;
+		});
+	} else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
+		var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeType === 1;
+		});
+		if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
+			return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
+		} else {
+			qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
+		}
+	}
+	return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+		return (jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0) === keep;
+	});
+var rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
+	rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
+	rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
+	rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
+	rtbody = /<tbody/i,
+	rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
+	rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i,
+	// checked="checked" or checked (html5)
+	rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
+	raction = /\=([^="'>\s]+\/)>/g,
+	wrapMap = {
+		option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ],
+		legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ],
+		thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
+		tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
+		td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
+		col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
+		area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ],
+		_default: [ 0, "", "" ]
+	};
+wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
+wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
+wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
+// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
+if ( !jQuery.support.htmlSerialize ) {
+	wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ];
+	text: function( text ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(text) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery( this );
+				self.text( text.call(this, i, self.text()) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( typeof text !== "object" && text !== undefined ) {
+			return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) );
+		}
+		return jQuery.text( this );
+	},
+	wrapAll: function( html ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				jQuery(this).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			// The elements to wrap the target around
+			var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true);
+			if ( this[0].parentNode ) {
+				wrap.insertBefore( this[0] );
+			}
+			wrap.map(function() {
+				var elem = this;
+				while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					elem = elem.firstChild;
+				}
+				return elem;
+			}).append(this);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	wrapInner: function( html ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				jQuery(this).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) );
+			});
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var self = jQuery( this ),
+				contents = self.contents();
+			if ( contents.length ) {
+				contents.wrapAll( html );
+			} else {
+				self.append( html );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	wrap: function( html ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html );
+		});
+	},
+	unwrap: function() {
+		return this.parent().each(function() {
+			if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) {
+				jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
+			}
+		}).end();
+	},
+	append: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				this.appendChild( elem );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	prepend: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	before: function() {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );
+			});
+		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
+			var set = jQuery(arguments[0]);
+			set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() );
+			return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments );
+		}
+	},
+	after: function() {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );
+			});
+		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
+			var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments );
+			set.push.apply( set, jQuery(arguments[0]).toArray() );
+			return set;
+		}
+	},
+	// keepData is for internal use only--do not document
+	remove: function( selector, keepData ) {
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) {
+				if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+					jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] );
+				}
+				if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+					 elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	empty: function() {
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+			}
+			// Remove any remaining nodes
+			while ( elem.firstChild ) {
+				elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	clone: function( events ) {
+		// Do the clone
+		var ret = this.map(function() {
+			if ( !jQuery.support.noCloneEvent && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(this) ) {
+				// IE copies events bound via attachEvent when
+				// using cloneNode. Calling detachEvent on the
+				// clone will also remove the events from the orignal
+				// In order to get around this, we use innerHTML.
+				// Unfortunately, this means some modifications to
+				// attributes in IE that are actually only stored
+				// as properties will not be copied (such as the
+				// the name attribute on an input).
+				var html = this.outerHTML,
+					ownerDocument = this.ownerDocument;
+				if ( !html ) {
+					var div = ownerDocument.createElement("div");
+					div.appendChild( this.cloneNode(true) );
+					html = div.innerHTML;
+				}
+				return jQuery.clean([html.replace(rinlinejQuery, "")
+					// Handle the case in IE 8 where action=/test/> self-closes a tag
+					.replace(raction, '="$1">')
+					.replace(rleadingWhitespace, "")], ownerDocument)[0];
+			} else {
+				return this.cloneNode(true);
+			}
+		});
+		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
+		if ( events === true ) {
+			cloneCopyEvent( this, ret );
+			cloneCopyEvent( this.find("*"), ret.find("*") );
+		}
+		// Return the cloned set
+		return ret;
+	},
+	html: function( value ) {
+		if ( value === undefined ) {
+			return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ?
+				this[0].innerHTML.replace(rinlinejQuery, "") :
+				null;
+		// See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML
+		} else if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnocache.test( value ) &&
+			(jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value )) &&
+			!wrapMap[ (rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase() ] ) {
+			value = value.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
+			try {
+				for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+					if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+						jQuery.cleanData( this[i].getElementsByTagName("*") );
+						this[i].innerHTML = value;
+					}
+				}
+			// If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
+			} catch(e) {
+				this.empty().append( value );
+			}
+		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+			this.each(function(i){
+				var self = jQuery( this );
+				self.html( value.call(this, i, self.html()) );
+			});
+		} else {
+			this.empty().append( value );
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	replaceWith: function( value ) {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			// Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted
+			// this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+				return this.each(function(i) {
+					var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html();
+					self.replaceWith( value.call( this, i, old ) );
+				});
+			}
+			if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
+				value = jQuery( value ).detach();
+			}
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var next = this.nextSibling,
+					parent = this.parentNode;
+				jQuery( this ).remove();
+				if ( next ) {
+					jQuery(next).before( value );
+				} else {
+					jQuery(parent).append( value );
+				}
+			});
+		} else {
+			return this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value );
+		}
+	},
+	detach: function( selector ) {
+		return this.remove( selector, true );
+	},
+	domManip: function( args, table, callback ) {
+		var results, first, fragment, parent,
+			value = args[0],
+			scripts = [];
+		// We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
+		if ( !jQuery.support.checkClone && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery(this);
+				args[0] = value.call(this, i, table ? self.html() : undefined);
+				self.domManip( args, table, callback );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			parent = value && value.parentNode;
+			// If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one
+			if ( jQuery.support.parentNode && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) {
+				results = { fragment: parent };
+			} else {
+				results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts );
+			}
+			fragment = results.fragment;
+			if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
+				first = fragment = fragment.firstChild;
+			} else {
+				first = fragment.firstChild;
+			}
+			if ( first ) {
+				table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" );
+				for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					callback.call(
+						table ?
+							root(this[i], first) :
+							this[i],
+						i > 0 || results.cacheable || this.length > 1  ?
+							fragment.cloneNode(true) :
+							fragment
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			if ( scripts.length ) {
+				jQuery.each( scripts, evalScript );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+function root( elem, cur ) {
+	return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ?
+		(elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
+		elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) :
+		elem;
+function cloneCopyEvent(orig, ret) {
+	var i = 0;
+	ret.each(function() {
+		if ( this.nodeName !== (orig[i] && orig[i].nodeName) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var oldData = jQuery.data( orig[i++] ),
+			curData = jQuery.data( this, oldData ),
+			events = oldData && oldData.events;
+		if ( events ) {
+			delete curData.handle;
+			curData.events = {};
+			for ( var type in events ) {
+				for ( var handler in events[ type ] ) {
+					jQuery.event.add( this, type, events[ type ][ handler ], events[ type ][ handler ].data );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) {
+	var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults,
+		doc = (nodes && nodes[0] ? nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0] : document);
+	// Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) strings that are associated with the main document
+	// Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them
+	// IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment
+	// Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache
+	if ( args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === "string" && args[0].length < 512 && doc === document &&
+		!rnocache.test( args[0] ) && (jQuery.support.checkClone || !rchecked.test( args[0] )) ) {
+		cacheable = true;
+		cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ];
+		if ( cacheresults ) {
+			if ( cacheresults !== 1 ) {
+				fragment = cacheresults;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !fragment ) {
+		fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts );
+	}
+	if ( cacheable ) {
+		jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1;
+	}
+	return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable };
+jQuery.fragments = {};
+	appendTo: "append",
+	prependTo: "prepend",
+	insertBefore: "before",
+	insertAfter: "after",
+	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
+}, function( name, original ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
+		var ret = [],
+			insert = jQuery( selector ),
+			parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
+		if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) {
+			insert[ original ]( this[0] );
+			return this;
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				var elems = (i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get();
+				jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems );
+				ret = ret.concat( elems );
+			}
+			return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector );
+		}
+	};
+	clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) {
+		context = context || document;
+		// !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object'
+		if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) {
+			context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document;
+		}
+		var ret = [];
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
+				elem += "";
+			}
+			if ( !elem ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Convert html string into DOM nodes
+			if ( typeof elem === "string" && !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
+				elem = context.createTextNode( elem );
+			} else if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+				// Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
+				elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
+				// Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
+				var tag = (rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
+					wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default,
+					depth = wrap[0],
+					div = context.createElement("div");
+				// Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
+				div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2];
+				// Move to the right depth
+				while ( depth-- ) {
+					div = div.lastChild;
+				}
+				// Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
+				if ( !jQuery.support.tbody ) {
+					// String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
+					var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem),
+						tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ?
+							div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes :
+							// String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
+							wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ?
+								div.childNodes :
+								[];
+					for ( var j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) {
+						if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) {
+							tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used
+				if ( !jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) {
+					div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild );
+				}
+				elem = div.childNodes;
+			}
+			if ( elem.nodeType ) {
+				ret.push( elem );
+			} else {
+				ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( fragment ) {
+			for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
+				if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( ret[i], "script" ) && (!ret[i].type || ret[i].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript") ) {
+					scripts.push( ret[i].parentNode ? ret[i].parentNode.removeChild( ret[i] ) : ret[i] );
+				} else {
+					if ( ret[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+						ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat(jQuery.makeArray(ret[i].getElementsByTagName("script"))) );
+					}
+					fragment.appendChild( ret[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	cleanData: function( elems ) {
+		var data, id, cache = jQuery.cache,
+			special = jQuery.event.special,
+			deleteExpando = jQuery.support.deleteExpando;
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			id = elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+			if ( id ) {
+				data = cache[ id ];
+				if ( data && data.events ) {
+					for ( var type in data.events ) {
+						if ( special[ type ] ) {
+							jQuery.event.remove( elem, type );
+						} else {
+							jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ( deleteExpando ) {
+					delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+				} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+					elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+				}
+				delete cache[ id ];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function evalScript( i, elem ) {
+	if ( elem.src ) {
+		jQuery.ajax({
+			url: elem.src,
+			async: false,
+			dataType: "script"
+		});
+	} else {
+		jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );
+	}
+	if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+		elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+	}
+var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
+	ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
+	rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/ig,
+	rupper = /([A-Z])/g,
+	rnumpx = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
+	rnum = /^-?\d/,
+	cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
+	cssWidth = [ "Left", "Right" ],
+	cssHeight = [ "Top", "Bottom" ],
+	curCSS,
+	getComputedStyle,
+	currentStyle,
+	fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
+		return letter.toUpperCase();
+	};
+jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) {
+	// Setting 'undefined' is a no-op
+	if ( arguments.length === 2 && value === undefined ) {
+		return this;
+	}
+	return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, function( elem, name, value ) {
+		return value !== undefined ?
+			jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) :
+			jQuery.css( elem, name );
+	});
+	// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
+	// behavior of getting and setting a style property
+	cssHooks: {
+		opacity: {
+			get: function( elem, computed ) {
+				if ( computed ) {
+					// We should always get a number back from opacity
+					var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity", "opacity" );
+					return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
+				} else {
+					return elem.style.opacity;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// Exclude the following css properties to add px
+	cssNumber: {
+		"zIndex": true,
+		"fontWeight": true,
+		"opacity": true,
+		"zoom": true,
+		"lineHeight": true
+	},
+	// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
+	// setting or getting the value
+	cssProps: {
+		// normalize float css property
+		"float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
+	},
+	// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
+	style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
+		// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
+		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
+		var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
+			style = elem.style, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
+		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
+		// Check if we're setting a value
+		if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			// Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116
+			if ( typeof value === "number" && isNaN( value ) || value == null ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
+			if ( typeof value === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
+				value += "px";
+			}
+			// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
+			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) {
+				// Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided
+				// Fixes bug #5509
+				try {
+					style[ name ] = value;
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
+			if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+			// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
+			return style[ name ];
+		}
+	},
+	css: function( elem, name, extra ) {
+		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
+		var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
+			hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
+		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
+		// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
+		if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+			return ret;
+		// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
+		} else if ( curCSS ) {
+			return curCSS( elem, name, origName );
+		}
+	},
+	// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
+	swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
+		var old = {};
+		// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
+		for ( var name in options ) {
+			old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
+			elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
+		}
+		callback.call( elem );
+		// Revert the old values
+		for ( name in options ) {
+			elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
+		}
+	},
+	camelCase: function( string ) {
+		return string.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
+	}
+// DEPRECATED, Use jQuery.css() instead
+jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css;
+jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function( i, name ) {
+	jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
+		get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
+			var val;
+			if ( computed ) {
+				if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
+					val = getWH( elem, name, extra );
+				} else {
+					jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
+						val = getWH( elem, name, extra );
+					});
+				}
+				if ( val <= 0 ) {
+					val = curCSS( elem, name, name );
+					if ( val === "0px" && currentStyle ) {
+						val = currentStyle( elem, name, name );
+					}
+					if ( val != null ) {
+						// Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for
+						// temporary backwards-compat
+						return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
+					val = elem.style[ name ];
+					// Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for
+					// temporary backwards-compat
+					return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val;
+				}
+				return typeof val === "string" ? val : val + "px";
+			}
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			if ( rnumpx.test( value ) ) {
+				// ignore negative width and height values #1599
+				value = parseFloat(value);
+				if ( value >= 0 ) {
+					return value + "px";
+				}
+			} else {
+				return value;
+			}
+		}
+	};
+if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
+	jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
+		get: function( elem, computed ) {
+			// IE uses filters for opacity
+			return ropacity.test((computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "") ?
+				(parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100) + "" :
+				computed ? "1" : "";
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			var style = elem.style;
+			// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
+			// Force it by setting the zoom level
+			style.zoom = 1;
+			// Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
+			var opacity = jQuery.isNaN(value) ?
+				"" :
+				"alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")",
+				filter = style.filter || "";
+			style.filter = ralpha.test(filter) ?
+				filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) :
+				style.filter + ' ' + opacity;
+		}
+	};
+if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
+	getComputedStyle = function( elem, newName, name ) {
+		var ret, defaultView, computedStyle;
+		name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+		if ( !(defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) ) {
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		if ( (computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) {
+			ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );
+			if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
+				ret = jQuery.style( elem, name );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	};
+if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) {
+	currentStyle = function( elem, name ) {
+		var left, rsLeft,
+			ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ],
+			style = elem.style;
+		// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
+		// http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
+		// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
+		// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
+		if ( !rnumpx.test( ret ) && rnum.test( ret ) ) {
+			// Remember the original values
+			left = style.left;
+			rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
+			// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
+			elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
+			style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : (ret || 0);
+			ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
+			// Revert the changed values
+			style.left = left;
+			elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+		}
+		return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
+	};
+curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle;
+function getWH( elem, name, extra ) {
+	var which = name === "width" ? cssWidth : cssHeight,
+		val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
+	if ( extra === "border" ) {
+		return val;
+	}
+	jQuery.each( which, function() {
+		if ( !extra ) {
+			val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + this )) || 0;
+		}
+		if ( extra === "margin" ) {
+			val += parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "margin" + this )) || 0;
+		} else {
+			val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "border" + this + "Width" )) || 0;
+		}
+	});
+	return val;
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+	jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
+		var width = elem.offsetWidth,
+			height = elem.offsetHeight;
+		return (width === 0 && height === 0) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && (elem.style.display || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
+	};
+	jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
+		return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
+	};
+var jsc = jQuery.now(),
+	rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
+	rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
+	rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
+	rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
+	rbracket = /\[\]$/,
+	jsre = /\=\?(&|$)/,
+	rquery = /\?/,
+	rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
+	rurl = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/,
+	r20 = /%20/g,
+	rhash = /#.*$/,
+	// Keep a copy of the old load method
+	_load = jQuery.fn.load;
+	load: function( url, params, callback ) {
+		if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
+			return _load.apply( this, arguments );
+		// Don't do a request if no elements are being requested
+		} else if ( !this.length ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		var off = url.indexOf(" ");
+		if ( off >= 0 ) {
+			var selector = url.slice(off, url.length);
+			url = url.slice(0, off);
+		}
+		// Default to a GET request
+		var type = "GET";
+		// If the second parameter was provided
+		if ( params ) {
+			// If it's a function
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
+				// We assume that it's the callback
+				callback = params;
+				params = null;
+			// Otherwise, build a param string
+			} else if ( typeof params === "object" ) {
+				params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional );
+				type = "POST";
+			}
+		}
+		var self = this;
+		// Request the remote document
+		jQuery.ajax({
+			url: url,
+			type: type,
+			dataType: "html",
+			data: params,
+			complete: function( res, status ) {
+				// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
+				if ( status === "success" || status === "notmodified" ) {
+					// See if a selector was specified
+					self.html( selector ?
+						// Create a dummy div to hold the results
+						jQuery("<div>")
+							// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
+							// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
+							.append(res.responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
+							// Locate the specified elements
+							.find(selector) :
+						// If not, just inject the full result
+						res.responseText );
+				}
+				if ( callback ) {
+					self.each( callback, [res.responseText, status, res] );
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return this;
+	},
+	serialize: function() {
+		return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
+	},
+	serializeArray: function() {
+		return this.map(function() {
+			return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
+		})
+		.filter(function() {
+			return this.name && !this.disabled &&
+				(this.checked || rselectTextarea.test(this.nodeName) ||
+					rinput.test(this.type));
+		})
+		.map(function( i, elem ) {
+			var val = jQuery(this).val();
+			return val == null ?
+				null :
+				jQuery.isArray(val) ?
+					jQuery.map( val, function( val, i ) {
+						return { name: elem.name, value: val };
+					}) :
+					{ name: elem.name, value: val };
+		}).get();
+	}
+// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
+jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function( i, o ) {
+	jQuery.fn[o] = function( f ) {
+		return this.bind(o, f);
+	};
+	get: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+		// shift arguments if data argument was omited
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			type = type || callback;
+			callback = data;
+			data = null;
+		}
+		return jQuery.ajax({
+			type: "GET",
+			url: url,
+			data: data,
+			success: callback,
+			dataType: type
+		});
+	},
+	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script");
+	},
+	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
+	},
+	post: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+		// shift arguments if data argument was omited
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			type = type || callback;
+			callback = data;
+			data = {};
+		}
+		return jQuery.ajax({
+			type: "POST",
+			url: url,
+			data: data,
+			success: callback,
+			dataType: type
+		});
+	},
+	ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
+		jQuery.extend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings );
+	},
+	ajaxSettings: {
+		url: location.href,
+		global: true,
+		type: "GET",
+		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+		processData: true,
+		async: true,
+		/*
+		timeout: 0,
+		data: null,
+		username: null,
+		password: null,
+		traditional: false,
+		*/
+		// This function can be overriden by calling jQuery.ajaxSetup
+		xhr: function() {
+			return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+		},
+		accepts: {
+			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
+			html: "text/html",
+			script: "text/javascript, application/javascript",
+			json: "application/json, text/javascript",
+			text: "text/plain",
+			_default: "*/*"
+		}
+	},
+	ajax: function( origSettings ) {
+		var s = jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, origSettings),
+			jsonp, status, data, type = s.type.toUpperCase(), noContent = rnoContent.test(type);
+		s.url = s.url.replace( rhash, "" );
+		// Use original (not extended) context object if it was provided
+		s.context = origSettings && origSettings.context != null ? origSettings.context : s;
+		// convert data if not already a string
+		if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string" ) {
+			s.data = jQuery.param( s.data, s.traditional );
+		}
+		// Handle JSONP Parameter Callbacks
+		if ( s.dataType === "jsonp" ) {
+			if ( type === "GET" ) {
+				if ( !jsre.test( s.url ) ) {
+					s.url += (rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
+				}
+			} else if ( !s.data || !jsre.test(s.data) ) {
+				s.data = (s.data ? s.data + "&" : "") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
+			}
+			s.dataType = "json";
+		}
+		// Build temporary JSONP function
+		if ( s.dataType === "json" && (s.data && jsre.test(s.data) || jsre.test(s.url)) ) {
+			jsonp = s.jsonpCallback || ("jsonp" + jsc++);
+			// Replace the =? sequence both in the query string and the data
+			if ( s.data ) {
+				s.data = (s.data + "").replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
+			}
+			s.url = s.url.replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
+			// We need to make sure
+			// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
+			s.dataType = "script";
+			// Handle JSONP-style loading
+			var customJsonp = window[ jsonp ];
+			window[ jsonp ] = function( tmp ) {
+				if ( jQuery.isFunction( customJsonp ) ) {
+					customJsonp( tmp );
+				} else {
+					// Garbage collect
+					window[ jsonp ] = undefined;
+					try {
+						delete window[ jsonp ];
+					} catch( jsonpError ) {}
+				}
+				data = tmp;
+				jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
+				jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
+				if ( head ) {
+					head.removeChild( script );
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		if ( s.dataType === "script" && s.cache === null ) {
+			s.cache = false;
+		}
+		if ( s.cache === false && noContent ) {
+			var ts = jQuery.now();
+			// try replacing _= if it is there
+			var ret = s.url.replace(rts, "$1_=" + ts);
+			// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
+			s.url = ret + ((ret === s.url) ? (rquery.test(s.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : "");
+		}
+		// If data is available, append data to url for GET/HEAD requests
+		if ( s.data && noContent ) {
+			s.url += (rquery.test(s.url) ? "&" : "?") + s.data;
+		}
+		// Watch for a new set of requests
+		if ( s.global && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
+		}
+		// Matches an absolute URL, and saves the domain
+		var parts = rurl.exec( s.url ),
+			remote = parts && (parts[1] && parts[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol || parts[2].toLowerCase() !== location.host);
+		// If we're requesting a remote document
+		// and trying to load JSON or Script with a GET
+		if ( s.dataType === "script" && type === "GET" && remote ) {
+			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
+			var script = document.createElement("script");
+			if ( s.scriptCharset ) {
+				script.charset = s.scriptCharset;
+			}
+			script.src = s.url;
+			// Handle Script loading
+			if ( !jsonp ) {
+				var done = false;
+				// Attach handlers for all browsers
+				script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+					if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
+							this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) {
+						done = true;
+						jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
+						jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
+						// Handle memory leak in IE
+						script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
+						if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
+							head.removeChild( script );
+						}
+					}
+				};
+			}
+			// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild  to circumvent an IE6 bug.
+			// This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
+			head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
+			// We handle everything using the script element injection
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		var requestDone = false;
+		// Create the request object
+		var xhr = s.xhr();
+		if ( !xhr ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Open the socket
+		// Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865)
+		if ( s.username ) {
+			xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password);
+		} else {
+			xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async);
+		}
+		// Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3
+		try {
+			// Set content-type if data specified and content-body is valid for this type
+			if ( (s.data != null && !noContent) || (origSettings && origSettings.contentType) ) {
+				xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);
+			}
+			// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
+			if ( s.ifModified ) {
+				if ( jQuery.lastModified[s.url] ) {
+					xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[s.url]);
+				}
+				if ( jQuery.etag[s.url] ) {
+					xhr.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[s.url]);
+				}
+			}
+			// Set header so the called script knows that it's an XMLHttpRequest
+			// Only send the header if it's not a remote XHR
+			if ( !remote ) {
+				xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
+			}
+			// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
+			xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", s.dataType && s.accepts[ s.dataType ] ?
+				s.accepts[ s.dataType ] + ", */*; q=0.01" :
+				s.accepts._default );
+		} catch( headerError ) {}
+		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
+		if ( s.beforeSend && s.beforeSend.call(s.context, xhr, s) === false ) {
+			// Handle the global AJAX counter
+			if ( s.global && jQuery.active-- === 1 ) {
+				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
+			}
+			// close opended socket
+			xhr.abort();
+			return false;
+		}
+		if ( s.global ) {
+			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxSend", [xhr, s] );
+		}
+		// Wait for a response to come back
+		var onreadystatechange = xhr.onreadystatechange = function( isTimeout ) {
+			// The request was aborted
+			if ( !xhr || xhr.readyState === 0 || isTimeout === "abort" ) {
+				// Opera doesn't call onreadystatechange before this point
+				// so we simulate the call
+				if ( !requestDone ) {
+					jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
+				}
+				requestDone = true;
+				if ( xhr ) {
+					xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
+				}
+			// The transfer is complete and the data is available, or the request timed out
+			} else if ( !requestDone && xhr && (xhr.readyState === 4 || isTimeout === "timeout") ) {
+				requestDone = true;
+				xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
+				status = isTimeout === "timeout" ?
+					"timeout" :
+					!jQuery.httpSuccess( xhr ) ?
+						"error" :
+						s.ifModified && jQuery.httpNotModified( xhr, s.url ) ?
+							"notmodified" :
+							"success";
+				var errMsg;
+				if ( status === "success" ) {
+					// Watch for, and catch, XML document parse errors
+					try {
+						// process the data (runs the xml through httpData regardless of callback)
+						data = jQuery.httpData( xhr, s.dataType, s );
+					} catch( parserError ) {
+						status = "parsererror";
+						errMsg = parserError;
+					}
+				}
+				// Make sure that the request was successful or notmodified
+				if ( status === "success" || status === "notmodified" ) {
+					// JSONP handles its own success callback
+					if ( !jsonp ) {
+						jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
+					}
+				} else {
+					jQuery.handleError( s, xhr, status, errMsg );
+				}
+				// Fire the complete handlers
+				if ( !jsonp ) {
+					jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
+				}
+				if ( isTimeout === "timeout" ) {
+					xhr.abort();
+				}
+				// Stop memory leaks
+				if ( s.async ) {
+					xhr = null;
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Override the abort handler, if we can (IE 6 doesn't allow it, but that's OK)
+		// Opera doesn't fire onreadystatechange at all on abort
+		try {
+			var oldAbort = xhr.abort;
+			xhr.abort = function() {
+				if ( xhr ) {
+					// oldAbort has no call property in IE7 so
+					// just do it this way, which works in all
+					// browsers
+					Function.prototype.call.call( oldAbort, xhr );
+				}
+				onreadystatechange( "abort" );
+			};
+		} catch( abortError ) {}
+		// Timeout checker
+		if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				// Check to see if the request is still happening
+				if ( xhr && !requestDone ) {
+					onreadystatechange( "timeout" );
+				}
+			}, s.timeout);
+		}
+		// Send the data
+		try {
+			xhr.send( noContent || s.data == null ? null : s.data );
+		} catch( sendError ) {
+			jQuery.handleError( s, xhr, null, sendError );
+			// Fire the complete handlers
+			jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
+		}
+		// firefox 1.5 doesn't fire statechange for sync requests
+		if ( !s.async ) {
+			onreadystatechange();
+		}
+		// return XMLHttpRequest to allow aborting the request etc.
+		return xhr;
+	},
+	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
+	// key/values into a query string
+	param: function( a, traditional ) {
+		var s = [],
+			add = function( key, value ) {
+				// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
+				value = jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value;
+				s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
+			};
+		// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
+		if ( traditional === undefined ) {
+			traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
+		}
+		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
+		if ( jQuery.isArray(a) || a.jquery ) {
+			// Serialize the form elements
+			jQuery.each( a, function() {
+				add( this.name, this.value );
+			});
+		} else {
+			// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
+			// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
+			for ( var prefix in a ) {
+				buildParams( prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add );
+			}
+		}
+		// Return the resulting serialization
+		return s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");
+	}
+function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) {
+	if ( jQuery.isArray(obj) && obj.length ) {
+		// Serialize array item.
+		jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
+			if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
+				// Treat each array item as a scalar.
+				add( prefix, v );
+			} else {
+				// If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its
+				// numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues.
+				// Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize
+				// nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause
+				// a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's
+				// deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag
+				// to force array serialization to be shallow.
+				buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
+			}
+		});
+	} else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj ) ) {
+			add( prefix, "" );
+		// Serialize object item.
+		} else {
+			jQuery.each( obj, function( k, v ) {
+				buildParams( prefix + "[" + k + "]", v, traditional, add );
+			});
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Serialize scalar item.
+		add( prefix, obj );
+	}
+// This is still on the jQuery object... for now
+// Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day
+	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
+	active: 0,
+	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
+	lastModified: {},
+	etag: {},
+	handleError: function( s, xhr, status, e ) {
+		// If a local callback was specified, fire it
+		if ( s.error ) {
+			s.error.call( s.context, xhr, status, e );
+		}
+		// Fire the global callback
+		if ( s.global ) {
+			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxError", [xhr, s, e] );
+		}
+	},
+	handleSuccess: function( s, xhr, status, data ) {
+		// If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data
+		if ( s.success ) {
+			s.success.call( s.context, data, status, xhr );
+		}
+		// Fire the global callback
+		if ( s.global ) {
+			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxSuccess", [xhr, s] );
+		}
+	},
+	handleComplete: function( s, xhr, status ) {
+		// Process result
+		if ( s.complete ) {
+			s.complete.call( s.context, xhr, status );
+		}
+		// The request was completed
+		if ( s.global ) {
+			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxComplete", [xhr, s] );
+		}
+		// Handle the global AJAX counter
+		if ( s.global && jQuery.active-- === 1 ) {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
+		}
+	},
+	triggerGlobal: function( s, type, args ) {
+		(s.context && s.context.url == null ? jQuery(s.context) : jQuery.event).trigger(type, args);
+	},
+	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest was successful or not
+	httpSuccess: function( xhr ) {
+		try {
+			// IE error sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 so treat it as success, see #1450
+			return !xhr.status && location.protocol === "file:" ||
+				xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ||
+				xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status === 1223;
+		} catch(e) {}
+		return false;
+	},
+	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest returns NotModified
+	httpNotModified: function( xhr, url ) {
+		var lastModified = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"),
+			etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
+		if ( lastModified ) {
+			jQuery.lastModified[url] = lastModified;
+		}
+		if ( etag ) {
+			jQuery.etag[url] = etag;
+		}
+		return xhr.status === 304;
+	},
+	httpData: function( xhr, type, s ) {
+		var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") || "",
+			xml = type === "xml" || !type && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0,
+			data = xml ? xhr.responseXML : xhr.responseText;
+		if ( xml && data.documentElement.nodeName === "parsererror" ) {
+			jQuery.error( "parsererror" );
+		}
+		// Allow a pre-filtering function to sanitize the response
+		// s is checked to keep backwards compatibility
+		if ( s && s.dataFilter ) {
+			data = s.dataFilter( data, type );
+		}
+		// The filter can actually parse the response
+		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+			// Get the JavaScript object, if JSON is used.
+			if ( type === "json" || !type && ct.indexOf("json") >= 0 ) {
+				data = jQuery.parseJSON( data );
+			// If the type is "script", eval it in global context
+			} else if ( type === "script" || !type && ct.indexOf("javascript") >= 0 ) {
+				jQuery.globalEval( data );
+			}
+		}
+		return data;
+	}
+ * Create the request object; Microsoft failed to properly
+ * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files),
+ * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
+ * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so
+ * we need a fallback.
+ */
+if ( window.ActiveXObject ) {
+	jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
+		if ( window.location.protocol !== "file:" ) {
+			try {
+				return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+			} catch(xhrError) {}
+		}
+		try {
+			return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+		} catch(activeError) {}
+	};
+// Does this browser support XHR requests?
+jQuery.support.ajax = !!jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();
+var elemdisplay = {},
+	rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
+	rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)(.*)$/,
+	timerId,
+	fxAttrs = [
+		// height animations
+		[ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
+		// width animations
+		[ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
+		// opacity animations
+		[ "opacity" ]
+	];
+	show: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		var elem, display;
+		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+			return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback);
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[i];
+				display = elem.style.display;
+				// Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
+				// being hidden by cascaded rules or not
+				if ( !jQuery.data(elem, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) {
+					display = elem.style.display = "";
+				}
+				// Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
+				// in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
+				// for such an element
+				if ( display === "" && jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" ) {
+					jQuery.data(elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName));
+				}
+			}
+			// Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
+			// to avoid the constant reflow
+			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[i];
+				display = elem.style.display;
+				if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) {
+					elem.style.display = jQuery.data(elem, "olddisplay") || "";
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	},
+	hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+			return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback);
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+				var display = jQuery.css( this[i], "display" );
+				if ( display !== "none" ) {
+					jQuery.data( this[i], "olddisplay", display );
+				}
+			}
+			// Set the display of the elements in a second loop
+			// to avoid the constant reflow
+			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+				this[i].style.display = "none";
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	},
+	// Save the old toggle function
+	_toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
+	toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) {
+		var bool = typeof fn === "boolean";
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) {
+			this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );
+		} else if ( fn == null || bool ) {
+			this.each(function() {
+				var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden");
+				jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ]();
+			});
+		} else {
+			this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) {
+		return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end()
+					.animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback);
+	},
+	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
+		var optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);
+		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) {
+			return this.each( optall.complete );
+		}
+		return this[ optall.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function() {
+			// XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the
+			// test suite
+			var opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall), p,
+				isElement = this.nodeType === 1,
+				hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"),
+				self = this;
+			for ( p in prop ) {
+				var name = jQuery.camelCase( p );
+				if ( p !== name ) {
+					prop[ name ] = prop[ p ];
+					delete prop[ p ];
+					p = name;
+				}
+				if ( prop[p] === "hide" && hidden || prop[p] === "show" && !hidden ) {
+					return opt.complete.call(this);
+				}
+				if ( isElement && ( p === "height" || p === "width" ) ) {
+					// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
+					// Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not
+					// change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
+					// overflowY are set to the same value
+					opt.overflow = [ this.style.overflow, this.style.overflowX, this.style.overflowY ];
+					// Set display property to inline-block for height/width
+					// animations on inline elements that are having width/height
+					// animated
+					if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" &&
+							jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) {
+						if ( !jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout ) {
+							this.style.display = "inline-block";
+						} else {
+							var display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName);
+							// inline-level elements accept inline-block;
+							// block-level elements need to be inline with layout
+							if ( display === "inline" ) {
+								this.style.display = "inline-block";
+							} else {
+								this.style.display = "inline";
+								this.style.zoom = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ( jQuery.isArray( prop[p] ) ) {
+					// Create (if needed) and add to specialEasing
+					(opt.specialEasing = opt.specialEasing || {})[p] = prop[p][1];
+					prop[p] = prop[p][0];
+				}
+			}
+			if ( opt.overflow != null ) {
+				this.style.overflow = "hidden";
+			}
+			opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);
+			jQuery.each( prop, function( name, val ) {
+				var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name );
+				if ( rfxtypes.test(val) ) {
+					e[ val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val ]( prop );
+				} else {
+					var parts = rfxnum.exec(val),
+						start = e.cur() || 0;
+					if ( parts ) {
+						var end = parseFloat( parts[2] ),
+							unit = parts[3] || "px";
+						// We need to compute starting value
+						if ( unit !== "px" ) {
+							jQuery.style( self, name, (end || 1) + unit);
+							start = ((end || 1) / e.cur()) * start;
+							jQuery.style( self, name, start + unit);
+						}
+						// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
+						if ( parts[1] ) {
+							end = ((parts[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + start;
+						}
+						e.custom( start, end, unit );
+					} else {
+						e.custom( start, val, "" );
+					}
+				}
+			});
+			// For JS strict compliance
+			return true;
+		});
+	},
+	stop: function( clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
+		var timers = jQuery.timers;
+		if ( clearQueue ) {
+			this.queue([]);
+		}
+		this.each(function() {
+			// go in reverse order so anything added to the queue during the loop is ignored
+			for ( var i = timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+				if ( timers[i].elem === this ) {
+					if (gotoEnd) {
+						// force the next step to be the last
+						timers[i](true);
+					}
+					timers.splice(i, 1);
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		// start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced
+		if ( !gotoEnd ) {
+			this.dequeue();
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+function genFx( type, num ) {
+	var obj = {};
+	jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice(0,num)), function() {
+		obj[ this ] = type;
+	});
+	return obj;
+// Generate shortcuts for custom animations
+	slideDown: genFx("show", 1),
+	slideUp: genFx("hide", 1),
+	slideToggle: genFx("toggle", 1),
+	fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
+	fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
+	fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
+}, function( name, props ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback );
+	};
+	speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) {
+		var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend({}, speed) : {
+			complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
+				jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
+			duration: speed,
+			easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction(easing) && easing
+		};
+		opt.duration = jQuery.fx.off ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration :
+			opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[opt.duration] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default;
+		// Queueing
+		opt.old = opt.complete;
+		opt.complete = function() {
+			if ( opt.queue !== false ) {
+				jQuery(this).dequeue();
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) {
+				opt.old.call( this );
+			}
+		};
+		return opt;
+	},
+	easing: {
+		linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
+			return firstNum + diff * p;
+		},
+		swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
+			return ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * diff + firstNum;
+		}
+	},
+	timers: [],
+	fx: function( elem, options, prop ) {
+		this.options = options;
+		this.elem = elem;
+		this.prop = prop;
+		if ( !options.orig ) {
+			options.orig = {};
+		}
+	}
+jQuery.fx.prototype = {
+	// Simple function for setting a style value
+	update: function() {
+		if ( this.options.step ) {
+			this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this );
+		}
+		(jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this );
+	},
+	// Get the current size
+	cur: function() {
+		if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null && (!this.elem.style || this.elem.style[this.prop] == null) ) {
+			return this.elem[ this.prop ];
+		}
+		var r = parseFloat( jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop ) );
+		return r && r > -10000 ? r : 0;
+	},
+	// Start an animation from one number to another
+	custom: function( from, to, unit ) {
+		var self = this,
+			fx = jQuery.fx;
+		this.startTime = jQuery.now();
+		this.start = from;
+		this.end = to;
+		this.unit = unit || this.unit || "px";
+		this.now = this.start;
+		this.pos = this.state = 0;
+		function t( gotoEnd ) {
+			return self.step(gotoEnd);
+		}
+		t.elem = this.elem;
+		if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) {
+			timerId = setInterval(fx.tick, fx.interval);
+		}
+	},
+	// Simple 'show' function
+	show: function() {
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+		this.options.show = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		// Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any
+		// flash of content
+		this.custom(this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur());
+		// Start by showing the element
+		jQuery( this.elem ).show();
+	},
+	// Simple 'hide' function
+	hide: function() {
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+		this.options.hide = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		this.custom(this.cur(), 0);
+	},
+	// Each step of an animation
+	step: function( gotoEnd ) {
+		var t = jQuery.now(), done = true;
+		if ( gotoEnd || t >= this.options.duration + this.startTime ) {
+			this.now = this.end;
+			this.pos = this.state = 1;
+			this.update();
+			this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true;
+			for ( var i in this.options.curAnim ) {
+				if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true ) {
+					done = false;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( done ) {
+				// Reset the overflow
+				if ( this.options.overflow != null && !jQuery.support.shrinkWrapBlocks ) {
+					var elem = this.elem,
+						options = this.options;
+					jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function (index, value) {
+						elem.style[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[index];
+					} );
+				}
+				// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
+				if ( this.options.hide ) {
+					jQuery(this.elem).hide();
+				}
+				// Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
+				if ( this.options.hide || this.options.show ) {
+					for ( var p in this.options.curAnim ) {
+						jQuery.style( this.elem, p, this.options.orig[p] );
+					}
+				}
+				// Execute the complete function
+				this.options.complete.call( this.elem );
+			}
+			return false;
+		} else {
+			var n = t - this.startTime;
+			this.state = n / this.options.duration;
+			// Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
+			var specialEasing = this.options.specialEasing && this.options.specialEasing[this.prop];
+			var defaultEasing = this.options.easing || (jQuery.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear");
+			this.pos = jQuery.easing[specialEasing || defaultEasing](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration);
+			this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
+			// Perform the next step of the animation
+			this.update();
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, {
+	tick: function() {
+		var timers = jQuery.timers;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ ) {
+			if ( !timers[i]() ) {
+				timers.splice(i--, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !timers.length ) {
+			jQuery.fx.stop();
+		}
+	},
+	interval: 13,
+	stop: function() {
+		clearInterval( timerId );
+		timerId = null;
+	},
+	speeds: {
+		slow: 600,
+		fast: 200,
+		// Default speed
+		_default: 400
+	},
+	step: {
+		opacity: function( fx ) {
+			jQuery.style( fx.elem, "opacity", fx.now );
+		},
+		_default: function( fx ) {
+			if ( fx.elem.style && fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] != null ) {
+				fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] = (fx.prop === "width" || fx.prop === "height" ? Math.max(0, fx.now) : fx.now) + fx.unit;
+			} else {
+				fx.elem[ fx.prop ] = fx.now;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+	jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) {
+			return elem === fn.elem;
+		}).length;
+	};
+function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) {
+	if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) {
+		var elem = jQuery("<" + nodeName + ">").appendTo("body"),
+			display = elem.css("display");
+		elem.remove();
+		if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) {
+			display = "block";
+		}
+		elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display;
+	}
+	return elemdisplay[ nodeName ];
+var rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
+	rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
+if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) {
+	jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+		var elem = this[0], box;
+		if ( options ) { 
+			return this.each(function( i ) {
+				jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) {
+			return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
+		}
+		try {
+			box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+		} catch(e) {}
+		var doc = elem.ownerDocument,
+			docElem = doc.documentElement;
+		// Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node
+		if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) {
+			return box || { top: 0, left: 0 };
+		}
+		var body = doc.body,
+			win = getWindow(doc),
+			clientTop  = docElem.clientTop  || body.clientTop  || 0,
+			clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
+			scrollTop  = (win.pageYOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollTop  || body.scrollTop ),
+			scrollLeft = (win.pageXOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft),
+			top  = box.top  + scrollTop  - clientTop,
+			left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	};
+} else {
+	jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+		var elem = this[0];
+		if ( options ) { 
+			return this.each(function( i ) {
+				jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) {
+			return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
+		}
+		jQuery.offset.initialize();
+		var computedStyle,
+			offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
+			prevOffsetParent = elem,
+			doc = elem.ownerDocument,
+			docElem = doc.documentElement,
+			body = doc.body,
+			defaultView = doc.defaultView,
+			prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) : elem.currentStyle,
+			top = elem.offsetTop,
+			left = elem.offsetLeft;
+		while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) {
+			if ( jQuery.offset.supportsFixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+				break;
+			}
+			computedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) : elem.currentStyle;
+			top  -= elem.scrollTop;
+			left -= elem.scrollLeft;
+			if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
+				top  += elem.offsetTop;
+				left += elem.offsetLeft;
+				if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(jQuery.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && rtable.test(elem.nodeName)) ) {
+					top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
+					left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+				}
+				prevOffsetParent = offsetParent;
+				offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" ) {
+				top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
+				left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+			}
+			prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;
+		}
+		if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" ) {
+			top  += body.offsetTop;
+			left += body.offsetLeft;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.offset.supportsFixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+			top  += Math.max( docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop );
+			left += Math.max( docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft );
+		}
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	};
+jQuery.offset = {
+	initialize: function() {
+		var body = document.body, container = document.createElement("div"), innerDiv, checkDiv, table, td, bodyMarginTop = parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0,
+			html = "<div style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;'><div></div></div><table style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td></td></tr></table>";
+		jQuery.extend( container.style, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" } );
+		container.innerHTML = html;
+		body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
+		innerDiv = container.firstChild;
+		checkDiv = innerDiv.firstChild;
+		td = innerDiv.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
+		this.doesNotAddBorder = (checkDiv.offsetTop !== 5);
+		this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (td.offsetTop === 5);
+		checkDiv.style.position = "fixed";
+		checkDiv.style.top = "20px";
+		// safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px
+		this.supportsFixedPosition = (checkDiv.offsetTop === 20 || checkDiv.offsetTop === 15);
+		checkDiv.style.position = checkDiv.style.top = "";
+		innerDiv.style.overflow = "hidden";
+		innerDiv.style.position = "relative";
+		this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (checkDiv.offsetTop === -5);
+		this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (body.offsetTop !== bodyMarginTop);
+		body.removeChild( container );
+		body = container = innerDiv = checkDiv = table = td = null;
+		jQuery.offset.initialize = jQuery.noop;
+	},
+	bodyOffset: function( body ) {
+		var top = body.offsetTop,
+			left = body.offsetLeft;
+		jQuery.offset.initialize();
+		if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset ) {
+			top  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+			left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+		}
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	},
+	setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
+		var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" );
+		// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
+		if ( position === "static" ) {
+			elem.style.position = "relative";
+		}
+		var curElem = jQuery( elem ),
+			curOffset = curElem.offset(),
+			curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ),
+			curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ),
+			calculatePosition = (position === "absolute" && jQuery.inArray('auto', [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1),
+			props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft;
+		// need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is absolute
+		if ( calculatePosition ) {
+			curPosition = curElem.position();
+		}
+		curTop  = calculatePosition ? curPosition.top  : parseInt( curCSSTop,  10 ) || 0;
+		curLeft = calculatePosition ? curPosition.left : parseInt( curCSSLeft, 10 ) || 0;
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) {
+			options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset );
+		}
+		if (options.top != null) {
+			props.top = (options.top - curOffset.top) + curTop;
+		}
+		if (options.left != null) {
+			props.left = (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft;
+		}
+		if ( "using" in options ) {
+			options.using.call( elem, props );
+		} else {
+			curElem.css( props );
+		}
+	}
+	position: function() {
+		if ( !this[0] ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		var elem = this[0],
+		// Get *real* offsetParent
+		offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
+		// Get correct offsets
+		offset       = this.offset(),
+		parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();
+		// Subtract element margins
+		// note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
+		// are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
+		offset.top  -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+		offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+		// Add offsetParent borders
+		parentOffset.top  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0;
+		parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0;
+		// Subtract the two offsets
+		return {
+			top:  offset.top  - parentOffset.top,
+			left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
+		};
+	},
+	offsetParent: function() {
+		return this.map(function() {
+			var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body;
+			while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) {
+				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+			}
+			return offsetParent;
+		});
+	}
+// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
+jQuery.each( ["Left", "Top"], function( i, name ) {
+	var method = "scroll" + name;
+	jQuery.fn[ method ] = function(val) {
+		var elem = this[0], win;
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if ( val !== undefined ) {
+			// Set the scroll offset
+			return this.each(function() {
+				win = getWindow( this );
+				if ( win ) {
+					win.scrollTo(
+						!i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollLeft(),
+						 i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollTop()
+					);
+				} else {
+					this[ method ] = val;
+				}
+			});
+		} else {
+			win = getWindow( elem );
+			// Return the scroll offset
+			return win ? ("pageXOffset" in win) ? win[ i ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset" ] :
+				jQuery.support.boxModel && win.document.documentElement[ method ] ||
+					win.document.body[ method ] :
+				elem[ method ];
+		}
+	};
+function getWindow( elem ) {
+	return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ?
+		elem :
+		elem.nodeType === 9 ?
+			elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow :
+			false;
+// Create innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
+jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function( i, name ) {
+	var type = name.toLowerCase();
+	// innerHeight and innerWidth
+	jQuery.fn["inner" + name] = function() {
+		return this[0] ?
+			parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, "padding" ) ) :
+			null;
+	};
+	// outerHeight and outerWidth
+	jQuery.fn["outer" + name] = function( margin ) {
+		return this[0] ?
+			parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) :
+			null;
+	};
+	jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( size ) {
+		// Get window width or height
+		var elem = this[0];
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			return size == null ? null : this;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( size ) ) {
+			return this.each(function( i ) {
+				var self = jQuery( this );
+				self[ type ]( size.call( this, i, self[ type ]() ) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+			// Everyone else use document.documentElement or document.body depending on Quirks vs Standards mode
+			return elem.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ] ||
+				elem.document.body[ "client" + name ];
+		// Get document width or height
+		} else if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) {
+			// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater
+			return Math.max(
+				elem.documentElement["client" + name],
+				elem.body["scroll" + name], elem.documentElement["scroll" + name],
+				elem.body["offset" + name], elem.documentElement["offset" + name]
+			);
+		// Get or set width or height on the element
+		} else if ( size === undefined ) {
+			var orig = jQuery.css( elem, type ),
+				ret = parseFloat( orig );
+			return jQuery.isNaN( ret ) ? orig : ret;
+		// Set the width or height on the element (default to pixels if value is unitless)
+		} else {
+			return this.css( type, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px" );
+		}
+	};
+ * jQuery UI Widget @VERSION
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Widget
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+// jQuery 1.4+
+if ( $.cleanData ) {
+	var _cleanData = $.cleanData;
+	$.cleanData = function( elems ) {
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			$( elem ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
+		}
+		_cleanData( elems );
+	};
+} else {
+	var _remove = $.fn.remove;
+	$.fn.remove = function( selector, keepData ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if ( !keepData ) {
+				if ( !selector || $.filter( selector, [ this ] ).length ) {
+					$( "*", this ).add( [ this ] ).each(function() {
+						$( this ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			return _remove.call( $(this), selector, keepData );
+		});
+	};
+$.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
+	var namespace = name.split( "." )[ 0 ],
+		fullName;
+	name = name.split( "." )[ 1 ];
+	fullName = namespace + "-" + name;
+	if ( !prototype ) {
+		prototype = base;
+		base = $.Widget;
+	}
+	// create selector for plugin
+	$.expr[ ":" ][ fullName ] = function( elem ) {
+		return !!$.data( elem, name );
+	};
+	$[ namespace ] = $[ namespace ] || {};
+	$[ namespace ][ name ] = function( options, element ) {
+		// allow instantiation without initializing for simple inheritance
+		if ( arguments.length ) {
+			this._createWidget( options, element );
+		}
+	};
+	var basePrototype = new base();
+	// we need to make the options hash a property directly on the new instance
+	// otherwise we'll modify the options hash on the prototype that we're
+	// inheriting from
+//	$.each( basePrototype, function( key, val ) {
+//		if ( $.isPlainObject(val) ) {
+//			basePrototype[ key ] = $.extend( {}, val );
+//		}
+//	});
+	basePrototype.options = $.extend( true, {}, basePrototype.options );
+	$[ namespace ][ name ].prototype = $.extend( true, basePrototype, {
+		namespace: namespace,
+		widgetName: name,
+		widgetEventPrefix: $[ namespace ][ name ].prototype.widgetEventPrefix || name,
+		widgetBaseClass: fullName
+	}, prototype );
+	$.widget.bridge( name, $[ namespace ][ name ] );
+$.widget.bridge = function( name, object ) {
+	$.fn[ name ] = function( options ) {
+		var isMethodCall = typeof options === "string",
+			args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ),
+			returnValue = this;
+		// allow multiple hashes to be passed on init
+		options = !isMethodCall && args.length ?
+			$.extend.apply( null, [ true, options ].concat(args) ) :
+			options;
+		// prevent calls to internal methods
+		if ( isMethodCall && options.charAt( 0 ) === "_" ) {
+			return returnValue;
+		}
+		if ( isMethodCall ) {
+			this.each(function() {
+				var instance = $.data( this, name );
+				if ( !instance ) {
+					throw "cannot call methods on " + name + " prior to initialization; " +
+						"attempted to call method '" + options + "'";
+				}
+				if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) ) {
+					throw "no such method '" + options + "' for " + name + " widget instance";
+				}
+				var methodValue = instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
+				if ( methodValue !== instance && methodValue !== undefined ) {
+					returnValue = methodValue;
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+		} else {
+			this.each(function() {
+				var instance = $.data( this, name );
+				if ( instance ) {
+					instance.option( options || {} )._init();
+				} else {
+					$.data( this, name, new object( options, this ) );
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		return returnValue;
+	};
+$.Widget = function( options, element ) {
+	// allow instantiation without initializing for simple inheritance
+	if ( arguments.length ) {
+		this._createWidget( options, element );
+	}
+$.Widget.prototype = {
+	widgetName: "widget",
+	widgetEventPrefix: "",
+	options: {
+		disabled: false
+	},
+	_createWidget: function( options, element ) {
+		// $.widget.bridge stores the plugin instance, but we do it anyway
+		// so that it's stored even before the _create function runs
+		$.data( element, this.widgetName, this );
+		this.element = $( element );
+		this.options = $.extend( true, {},
+			this.options,
+			this._getCreateOptions(),
+			options );
+		var self = this;
+		this.element.bind( "remove." + this.widgetName, function() {
+			self.destroy();
+		});
+		this._create();
+		this._trigger( "create" );
+		this._init();
+	},
+	_getCreateOptions: function() {
+		var options = {};
+		if ( $.metadata ) {
+			options = $.metadata.get( element )[ this.widgetName ];
+		}
+		return options;
+	},
+	_create: function() {},
+	_init: function() {},
+	destroy: function() {
+		this.element
+			.unbind( "." + this.widgetName )
+			.removeData( this.widgetName );
+		this.widget()
+			.unbind( "." + this.widgetName )
+			.removeAttr( "aria-disabled" )
+			.removeClass(
+				this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled " +
+				"ui-state-disabled" );
+	},
+	widget: function() {
+		return this.element;
+	},
+	option: function( key, value ) {
+		var options = key;
+		if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
+			// don't return a reference to the internal hash
+			return $.extend( {}, this.options );
+		}
+		if  (typeof key === "string" ) {
+			if ( value === undefined ) {
+				return this.options[ key ];
+			}
+			options = {};
+			options[ key ] = value;
+		}
+		this._setOptions( options );
+		return this;
+	},
+	_setOptions: function( options ) {
+		var self = this;
+		$.each( options, function( key, value ) {
+			self._setOption( key, value );
+		});
+		return this;
+	},
+	_setOption: function( key, value ) {
+		this.options[ key ] = value;
+		if ( key === "disabled" ) {
+			this.widget()
+				[ value ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](
+					this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled" + " " +
+					"ui-state-disabled" )
+				.attr( "aria-disabled", value );
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	enable: function() {
+		return this._setOption( "disabled", false );
+	},
+	disable: function() {
+		return this._setOption( "disabled", true );
+	},
+	_trigger: function( type, event, data ) {
+		var callback = this.options[ type ];
+		event = $.Event( event );
+		event.type = ( type === this.widgetEventPrefix ?
+			type :
+			this.widgetEventPrefix + type ).toLowerCase();
+		data = data || {};
+		// copy original event properties over to the new event
+		// this would happen if we could call $.event.fix instead of $.Event
+		// but we don't have a way to force an event to be fixed multiple times
+		if ( event.originalEvent ) {
+			for ( var i = $.event.props.length, prop; i; ) {
+				prop = $.event.props[ --i ];
+				event[ prop ] = event.originalEvent[ prop ];
+			}
+		}
+		this.element.trigger( event, data );
+		return !( $.isFunction(callback) &&
+			callback.call( this.element[0], event, data ) === false ||
+			event.isDefaultPrevented() );
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : widget factory extentions for mobile
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.widget", {
+	_getCreateOptions: function() {
+		var elem = this.element,
+			options = {};
+		$.each( this.options, function( option ) {
+			var value = elem.data( option.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function( c ) {
+				return "-" + c.toLowerCase();
+			} ) );
+			if ( value !== undefined ) {
+				options[ option ] = value;
+			}
+		});
+		return options;
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : resolution and CSS media query related helpers and behavior
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+var $window = $(window),
+	$html = $( "html" ),
+	//media-query-like width breakpoints, which are translated to classes on the html element
+	resolutionBreakpoints = [320,480,768,1024];
+/* $.mobile.media method: pass a CSS media type or query and get a bool return
+	note: this feature relies on actual media query support for media queries, though types will work most anywhere
+	examples:
+		$.mobile.media('screen') //>> tests for screen media type
+		$.mobile.media('screen and (min-width: 480px)') //>> tests for screen media type with window width > 480px
+		$.mobile.media('@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)') //>> tests for webkit 2x pixel ratio (iPhone 4)
+$.mobile.media = (function() {
+	// TODO: use window.matchMedia once at least one UA implements it
+	var cache = {},
+		testDiv = $( "<div id='jquery-mediatest'>" ),
+		fakeBody = $( "<body>" ).append( testDiv );
+	return function( query ) {
+		if ( !( query in cache ) ) {
+			var styleBlock = $( "<style type='text/css'>" +
+				"@media " + query + "{#jquery-mediatest{position:absolute;}}" +
+				"</style>" );
+			$html.prepend( fakeBody ).prepend( styleBlock );
+			cache[ query ] = testDiv.css( "position" ) === "absolute";
+			fakeBody.add( styleBlock ).remove();
+		}
+		return cache[ query ];
+	};
+	private function for adding/removing breakpoint classes to HTML element for faux media-query support
+	It does not require media query support, instead using JS to detect screen width > cross-browser support
+	This function is called on orientationchange, resize, and mobileinit, and is bound via the 'htmlclass' event namespace
+function detectResolutionBreakpoints(){
+	var currWidth = $window.width(),
+		minPrefix = "min-width-",
+		maxPrefix = "max-width-",
+		minBreakpoints = [],
+		maxBreakpoints = [],
+		unit = "px",
+		breakpointClasses;
+	$html.removeClass( minPrefix + resolutionBreakpoints.join(unit + " " + minPrefix) + unit + " " +
+		maxPrefix + resolutionBreakpoints.join( unit + " " + maxPrefix) + unit );
+	$.each(resolutionBreakpoints,function( i, breakPoint ){
+		if( currWidth >= breakPoint ){
+			minBreakpoints.push( minPrefix + breakPoint + unit );
+		}
+		if( currWidth <= breakPoint ){
+			maxBreakpoints.push( maxPrefix + breakPoint + unit );
+		}
+	});
+	if( minBreakpoints.length ){ breakpointClasses = minBreakpoints.join(" "); }
+	if( maxBreakpoints.length ){ breakpointClasses += " " +  maxBreakpoints.join(" "); }
+	$html.addClass( breakpointClasses );
+/* $.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints method:
+	pass either a number or an array of numbers and they'll be added to the min/max breakpoint classes
+	Examples:
+		$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints( 500 );
+		$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints( [500, 1200] );
+$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints = function( newbps ){
+	if( $.type( newbps ) === "array" ){
+		resolutionBreakpoints = resolutionBreakpoints.concat( newbps );
+	}
+	else {
+		resolutionBreakpoints.push( newbps );
+	}
+	resolutionBreakpoints.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b; });
+	detectResolutionBreakpoints();
+/* 	on mobileinit, add classes to HTML element
+	and set handlers to update those on orientationchange and resize*/
+$(document).bind("mobileinit.htmlclass", function(){
+	/* bind to orientationchange and resize
+	to add classes to HTML element for min/max breakpoints and orientation */
+	$window.bind("orientationchange.htmlclass resize.htmlclass", function(event){
+		//add orientation class to HTML element on flip/resize.
+		if(event.orientation){
+			$html.removeClass( "portrait landscape" ).addClass( event.orientation );
+		}
+		//add classes to HTML element for min/max breakpoints
+		detectResolutionBreakpoints();
+	});
+	//trigger event manually
+	$window.trigger( "orientationchange.htmlclass" );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : support tests
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+var fakeBody = $( "<body>" ).prependTo( "html" ),
+	fbCSS = fakeBody[0].style,
+	vendors = ['webkit','moz','o'],
+	webos = window.palmGetResource || window.PalmServiceBridge, //only used to rule out scrollTop 
+	bb = window.blackberry; //only used to rule out box shadow, as it's filled opaque on BB
+//thx Modernizr
+function propExists( prop ){
+	var uc_prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
+		props   = (prop + ' ' + vendors.join(uc_prop + ' ') + uc_prop).split(' ');
+	for(var v in props){
+		if( fbCSS[ props[v] ] !== undefined ){
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+//test for dynamic-updating base tag support (allows us to avoid href,src attr rewriting)
+function baseTagTest(){
+	var fauxBase = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname + "ui-dir/",
+		base = $("<base>", {"href": fauxBase}).appendTo("head"),
+		link = $( "<a href='testurl'></a>" ).prependTo( fakeBody ),
+		rebase = link[0].href;
+	base.remove();
+	return rebase.indexOf(fauxBase) === 0;
+$.extend( $.support, {
+	orientation: "orientation" in window,
+	touch: "ontouchend" in document,
+	cssTransitions: "WebKitTransitionEvent" in window,
+	pushState: !!history.pushState,
+	mediaquery: $.mobile.media('only all'),
+	cssPseudoElement: !!propExists('content'),
+	boxShadow: !!propExists('boxShadow') && !bb,
+	scrollTop: ("pageXOffset" in window || "scrollTop" in document.documentElement || "scrollTop" in fakeBody[0]) && !webos,
+	dynamicBaseTag: baseTagTest()
+//for ruling out shadows via css
+if( !$.support.boxShadow ){ $('html').addClass('ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow'); }
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : events
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+// add new event shortcuts
+$.each( "touchstart touchmove touchend orientationchange tap taphold swipe swipeleft swiperight scrollstart scrollstop".split( " " ), function( i, name ) {
+	$.fn[ name ] = function( fn ) {
+		return fn ? this.bind( name, fn ) : this.trigger( name );
+	};
+	$.attrFn[ name ] = true;
+var supportTouch = $.support.touch,
+	scrollEvent = "touchmove scroll",
+	touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
+	touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
+	touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
+// also handles scrollstop
+$.event.special.scrollstart = {
+	enabled: true,
+	setup: function() {
+		var thisObject = this,
+			$this = $( thisObject ),
+			scrolling,
+			timer;
+		function trigger( event, state ) {
+			scrolling = state;
+			var originalType = event.type;
+			event.type = scrolling ? "scrollstart" : "scrollstop";
+			$.event.handle.call( thisObject, event );
+			event.type = originalType;
+		}
+		// iPhone triggers scroll after a small delay; use touchmove instead
+		$this.bind( scrollEvent, function( event ) {
+			if ( !$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if ( !scrolling ) {
+				trigger( event, true );
+			}
+			clearTimeout( timer );
+			timer = setTimeout(function() {
+				trigger( event, false );
+			}, 50 );
+		});
+	}
+// also handles taphold
+$.event.special.tap = {
+	setup: function() {
+		var thisObject = this,
+			$this = $( thisObject );
+		$this
+			.bind( touchStartEvent, function( event ) {
+				if ( event.which && event.which !== 1 ) {
+					return;
+				}
+				var moved = false,
+					touching = true,
+					origPos = [ event.pageX, event.pageY ],
+					originalType,
+					timer;
+				function moveHandler() {
+					if ((Math.abs(origPos[0] - event.pageX) > 10) ||
+					    (Math.abs(origPos[1] - event.pageY) > 10)) {
+					    moved = true;
+					}
+				}
+				timer = setTimeout(function() {
+					if ( touching && !moved ) {
+						originalType = event.type;
+						event.type = "taphold";
+						$.event.handle.call( thisObject, event );
+						event.type = originalType;
+					}
+				}, 750 );
+				$this
+					.one( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler)
+					.one( touchStopEvent, function( event ) {
+						$this.unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler );
+						clearTimeout( timer );
+						touching = false;
+						if ( !moved ) {
+							originalType = event.type;
+							event.type = "tap";
+							$.event.handle.call( thisObject, event );
+							event.type = originalType;
+						}
+					});
+			});
+	}
+// also handles swipeleft, swiperight
+$.event.special.swipe = {
+	setup: function() {
+		var thisObject = this,
+			$this = $( thisObject );
+		$this
+			.bind( touchStartEvent, function( event ) {
+				var data = event.originalEvent.touches ?
+						event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
+						event,
+					start = {
+						time: (new Date).getTime(),
+						coords: [ data.pageX, data.pageY ],
+						origin: $( event.target )
+					},
+					stop;
+				function moveHandler( event ) {
+					if ( !start ) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var data = event.originalEvent.touches ?
+							event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
+							event;
+					stop = {
+							time: (new Date).getTime(),
+							coords: [ data.pageX, data.pageY ]
+					};
+					// prevent scrolling
+					if ( Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0] ) > 10 ) {
+						event.preventDefault();
+					}
+				}
+				$this
+					.bind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler )
+					.one( touchStopEvent, function( event ) {
+						$this.unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler );
+						if ( start && stop ) {
+							if ( stop.time - start.time < 1000 && 
+									Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]) > 30 &&
+									Math.abs( start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]) < 75 ) {
+								start.origin
+								.trigger( "swipe" )
+								.trigger( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight" );
+							}
+						}
+						start = stop = undefined;
+					});
+			});
+	}
+	// "Cowboy" Ben Alman
+	var win = $(window),
+		special_event,
+		get_orientation,
+		last_orientation;
+	$.event.special.orientationchange = special_event = {
+		setup: function(){
+			// If the event is supported natively, return false so that jQuery
+			// will bind to the event using DOM methods.
+			if ( $.support.orientation ) { return false; }
+			// Get the current orientation to avoid initial double-triggering.
+			last_orientation = get_orientation();
+			// Because the orientationchange event doesn't exist, simulate the
+			// event by testing window dimensions on resize.
+			win.bind( "resize", handler );
+		},
+		teardown: function(){
+			// If the event is not supported natively, return false so that
+			// jQuery will unbind the event using DOM methods.
+			if ( $.support.orientation ) { return false; }
+			// Because the orientationchange event doesn't exist, unbind the
+			// resize event handler.
+			win.unbind( "resize", handler );
+		},
+		add: function( handleObj ) {
+			// Save a reference to the bound event handler.
+			var old_handler = handleObj.handler;
+			handleObj.handler = function( event ) {
+				// Modify event object, adding the .orientation property.
+				event.orientation = get_orientation();
+				// Call the originally-bound event handler and return its result.
+				return old_handler.apply( this, arguments );
+			};
+		}
+	};
+	// If the event is not supported natively, this handler will be bound to
+	// the window resize event to simulate the orientationchange event.
+	function handler() {
+		// Get the current orientation.
+		var orientation = get_orientation();
+		if ( orientation !== last_orientation ) {
+			// The orientation has changed, so trigger the orientationchange event.
+			last_orientation = orientation;
+			win.trigger( "orientationchange" );
+		}
+	};
+	// Get the current page orientation. This method is exposed publicly, should it
+	// be needed, as jQuery.event.special.orientationchange.orientation()
+	special_event.orientation = get_orientation = function() {
+		var elem = document.documentElement;
+		return elem && elem.clientWidth / elem.clientHeight < 1.1 ? "portrait" : "landscape";
+	};
+	scrollstop: "scrollstart",
+	taphold: "tap",
+	swipeleft: "swipe",
+	swiperight: "swipe"
+}, function( event, sourceEvent ) {
+	$.event.special[ event ] = {
+		setup: function() {
+			$( this ).bind( sourceEvent, $.noop );
+		}
+	};
+})( jQuery );
+ * jQuery hashchange event - v1.3 - 7/21/2010
+ * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-hashchange-plugin/
+ * 
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+ * http://benalman.com/about/license/
+ */
+// Script: jQuery hashchange event
+// *Version: 1.3, Last updated: 7/21/2010*
+// Project Home - http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-hashchange-plugin/
+// GitHub       - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-hashchange/
+// Source       - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-hashchange/raw/master/jquery.ba-hashchange.js
+// (Minified)   - http://github.com/cowboy/jquery-hashchange/raw/master/jquery.ba-hashchange.min.js (0.8kb gzipped)
+// About: License
+// Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman,
+// Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+// http://benalman.com/about/license/
+// About: Examples
+// These working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few
+// ways in which this plugin can be used.
+// hashchange event - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/hashchange/
+// document.domain - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/document_domain/
+// About: Support and Testing
+// Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been
+// tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests
+// reside (so you can test it yourself).
+// jQuery Versions - 1.2.6, 1.3.2, 1.4.1, 1.4.2
+// Browsers Tested - Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 2-4, Chrome 5-6, Safari 3.2-5,
+//                   Opera 9.6-10.60, iPhone 3.1, Android 1.6-2.2, BlackBerry 4.6-5.
+// Unit Tests      - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/unit/
+// About: Known issues
+// While this jQuery hashchange event implementation is quite stable and
+// robust, there are a few unfortunate browser bugs surrounding expected
+// hashchange event-based behaviors, independent of any JavaScript
+// window.onhashchange abstraction. See the following examples for more
+// information:
+// Chrome: Back Button - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-chrome-back-button/
+// Firefox: Remote XMLHttpRequest - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-firefox-remote-xhr/
+// WebKit: Back Button in an Iframe - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-webkit-hash-iframe/
+// Safari: Back Button from a different domain - http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-hashchange/examples/bug-safari-back-from-diff-domain/
+// Also note that should a browser natively support the window.onhashchange 
+// event, but not report that it does, the fallback polling loop will be used.
+// About: Release History
+// 1.3   - (7/21/2010) Reorganized IE6/7 Iframe code to make it more
+//         "removable" for mobile-only development. Added IE6/7 document.title
+//         support. Attempted to make Iframe as hidden as possible by using
+//         techniques from http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?p=604. Added 
+//         support for the "shortcut" format $(window).hashchange( fn ) and
+//         $(window).hashchange() like jQuery provides for built-in events.
+//         Renamed jQuery.hashchangeDelay to <jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay> and
+//         lowered its default value to 50. Added <jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain>
+//         and <jQuery.fn.hashchange.src> properties plus document-domain.html
+//         file to address access denied issues when setting document.domain in
+//         IE6/7.
+// 1.2   - (2/11/2010) Fixed a bug where coming back to a page using this plugin
+//         from a page on another domain would cause an error in Safari 4. Also,
+//         IE6/7 Iframe is now inserted after the body (this actually works),
+//         which prevents the page from scrolling when the event is first bound.
+//         Event can also now be bound before DOM ready, but it won't be usable
+//         before then in IE6/7.
+// 1.1   - (1/21/2010) Incorporated document.documentMode test to fix IE8 bug
+//         where browser version is incorrectly reported as 8.0, despite
+//         inclusion of the X-UA-Compatible IE=EmulateIE7 meta tag.
+// 1.0   - (1/9/2010) Initial Release. Broke out the jQuery BBQ event.special
+//         window.onhashchange functionality into a separate plugin for users
+//         who want just the basic event & back button support, without all the
+//         extra awesomeness that BBQ provides. This plugin will be included as
+//         part of jQuery BBQ, but also be available separately.
+  '$:nomunge'; // Used by YUI compressor.
+  // Reused string.
+  var str_hashchange = 'hashchange',
+    // Method / object references.
+    doc = document,
+    fake_onhashchange,
+    special = $.event.special,
+    // Does the browser support window.onhashchange? Note that IE8 running in
+    // IE7 compatibility mode reports true for 'onhashchange' in window, even
+    // though the event isn't supported, so also test document.documentMode.
+    doc_mode = doc.documentMode,
+    supports_onhashchange = 'on' + str_hashchange in window && ( doc_mode === undefined || doc_mode > 7 );
+  // Get location.hash (or what you'd expect location.hash to be) sans any
+  // leading #. Thanks for making this necessary, Firefox!
+  function get_fragment( url ) {
+    url = url || location.href;
+    return '#' + url.replace( /^[^#]*#?(.*)$/, '$1' );
+  };
+  // Method: jQuery.fn.hashchange
+  // 
+  // Bind a handler to the window.onhashchange event or trigger all bound
+  // window.onhashchange event handlers. This behavior is consistent with
+  // jQuery's built-in event handlers.
+  // 
+  // Usage:
+  // 
+  // > jQuery(window).hashchange( [ handler ] );
+  // 
+  // Arguments:
+  // 
+  //  handler - (Function) Optional handler to be bound to the hashchange
+  //    event. This is a "shortcut" for the more verbose form:
+  //    jQuery(window).bind( 'hashchange', handler ). If handler is omitted,
+  //    all bound window.onhashchange event handlers will be triggered. This
+  //    is a shortcut for the more verbose
+  //    jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' ). These forms are described in
+  //    the <hashchange event> section.
+  // 
+  // Returns:
+  // 
+  //  (jQuery) The initial jQuery collection of elements.
+  // Allow the "shortcut" format $(elem).hashchange( fn ) for binding and
+  // $(elem).hashchange() for triggering, like jQuery does for built-in events.
+  $.fn[ str_hashchange ] = function( fn ) {
+    return fn ? this.bind( str_hashchange, fn ) : this.trigger( str_hashchange );
+  };
+  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay
+  // 
+  // The numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the <hashchange event>
+  // polling loop executes. Defaults to 50.
+  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain
+  // 
+  // If you're setting document.domain in your JavaScript, and you want hash
+  // history to work in IE6/7, not only must this property be set, but you must
+  // also set document.domain BEFORE jQuery is loaded into the page. This
+  // property is only applicable if you are supporting IE6/7 (or IE8 operating
+  // in "IE7 compatibility" mode).
+  // 
+  // In addition, the <jQuery.fn.hashchange.src> property must be set to the
+  // path of the included "document-domain.html" file, which can be renamed or
+  // modified if necessary (note that the document.domain specified must be the
+  // same in both your main JavaScript as well as in this file).
+  // 
+  // Usage:
+  // 
+  // jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain = document.domain;
+  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.src
+  // 
+  // If, for some reason, you need to specify an Iframe src file (for example,
+  // when setting document.domain as in <jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain>), you can
+  // do so using this property. Note that when using this property, history
+  // won't be recorded in IE6/7 until the Iframe src file loads. This property
+  // is only applicable if you are supporting IE6/7 (or IE8 operating in "IE7
+  // compatibility" mode).
+  // 
+  // Usage:
+  // 
+  // jQuery.fn.hashchange.src = 'path/to/file.html';
+  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].delay = 50;
+  /*
+  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].domain = null;
+  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].src = null;
+  */
+  // Event: hashchange event
+  // 
+  // Fired when location.hash changes. In browsers that support it, the native
+  // HTML5 window.onhashchange event is used, otherwise a polling loop is
+  // initialized, running every <jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay> milliseconds to
+  // see if the hash has changed. In IE6/7 (and IE8 operating in "IE7
+  // compatibility" mode), a hidden Iframe is created to allow the back button
+  // and hash-based history to work.
+  // 
+  // Usage as described in <jQuery.fn.hashchange>:
+  // 
+  // > // Bind an event handler.
+  // > jQuery(window).hashchange( function(e) {
+  // >   var hash = location.hash;
+  // >   ...
+  // > });
+  // > 
+  // > // Manually trigger the event handler.
+  // > jQuery(window).hashchange();
+  // 
+  // A more verbose usage that allows for event namespacing:
+  // 
+  // > // Bind an event handler.
+  // > jQuery(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
+  // >   var hash = location.hash;
+  // >   ...
+  // > });
+  // > 
+  // > // Manually trigger the event handler.
+  // > jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
+  // 
+  // Additional Notes:
+  // 
+  // * The polling loop and Iframe are not created until at least one handler
+  //   is actually bound to the 'hashchange' event.
+  // * If you need the bound handler(s) to execute immediately, in cases where
+  //   a location.hash exists on page load, via bookmark or page refresh for
+  //   example, use jQuery(window).hashchange() or the more verbose 
+  //   jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' ).
+  // * The event can be bound before DOM ready, but since it won't be usable
+  //   before then in IE6/7 (due to the necessary Iframe), recommended usage is
+  //   to bind it inside a DOM ready handler.
+  // Override existing $.event.special.hashchange methods (allowing this plugin
+  // to be defined after jQuery BBQ in BBQ's source code).
+  special[ str_hashchange ] = $.extend( special[ str_hashchange ], {
+    // Called only when the first 'hashchange' event is bound to window.
+    setup: function() {
+      // If window.onhashchange is supported natively, there's nothing to do..
+      if ( supports_onhashchange ) { return false; }
+      // Otherwise, we need to create our own. And we don't want to call this
+      // until the user binds to the event, just in case they never do, since it
+      // will create a polling loop and possibly even a hidden Iframe.
+      $( fake_onhashchange.start );
+    },
+    // Called only when the last 'hashchange' event is unbound from window.
+    teardown: function() {
+      // If window.onhashchange is supported natively, there's nothing to do..
+      if ( supports_onhashchange ) { return false; }
+      // Otherwise, we need to stop ours (if possible).
+      $( fake_onhashchange.stop );
+    }
+  });
+  // fake_onhashchange does all the work of triggering the window.onhashchange
+  // event for browsers that don't natively support it, including creating a
+  // polling loop to watch for hash changes and in IE 6/7 creating a hidden
+  // Iframe to enable back and forward.
+  fake_onhashchange = (function(){
+    var self = {},
+      timeout_id,
+      // Remember the initial hash so it doesn't get triggered immediately.
+      last_hash = get_fragment(),
+      fn_retval = function(val){ return val; },
+      history_set = fn_retval,
+      history_get = fn_retval;
+    // Start the polling loop.
+    self.start = function() {
+      timeout_id || poll();
+    };
+    // Stop the polling loop.
+    self.stop = function() {
+      timeout_id && clearTimeout( timeout_id );
+      timeout_id = undefined;
+    };
+    // This polling loop checks every $.fn.hashchange.delay milliseconds to see
+    // if location.hash has changed, and triggers the 'hashchange' event on
+    // window when necessary.
+    function poll() {
+      var hash = get_fragment(),
+        history_hash = history_get( last_hash );
+      if ( hash !== last_hash ) {
+        history_set( last_hash = hash, history_hash );
+        $(window).trigger( str_hashchange );
+      } else if ( history_hash !== last_hash ) {
+        location.href = location.href.replace( /#.*/, '' ) + history_hash;
+      }
+      timeout_id = setTimeout( poll, $.fn[ str_hashchange ].delay );
+    };
+    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv REMOVE IF NOT SUPPORTING IE6/7/8 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+    $.browser.msie && !supports_onhashchange && (function(){
+      // Not only do IE6/7 need the "magical" Iframe treatment, but so does IE8
+      // when running in "IE7 compatibility" mode.
+      var iframe,
+        iframe_src;
+      // When the event is bound and polling starts in IE 6/7, create a hidden
+      // Iframe for history handling.
+      self.start = function(){
+        if ( !iframe ) {
+          iframe_src = $.fn[ str_hashchange ].src;
+          iframe_src = iframe_src && iframe_src + get_fragment();
+          // Create hidden Iframe. Attempt to make Iframe as hidden as possible
+          // by using techniques from http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?p=604.
+          iframe = $('<iframe tabindex="-1" title="empty"/>').hide()
+            // When Iframe has completely loaded, initialize the history and
+            // start polling.
+            .one( 'load', function(){
+              iframe_src || history_set( get_fragment() );
+              poll();
+            })
+            // Load Iframe src if specified, otherwise nothing.
+            .attr( 'src', iframe_src || 'javascript:0' )
+            // Append Iframe after the end of the body to prevent unnecessary
+            // initial page scrolling (yes, this works).
+            .insertAfter( 'body' )[0].contentWindow;
+          // Whenever `document.title` changes, update the Iframe's title to
+          // prettify the back/next history menu entries. Since IE sometimes
+          // errors with "Unspecified error" the very first time this is set
+          // (yes, very useful) wrap this with a try/catch block.
+          doc.onpropertychange = function(){
+            try {
+              if ( event.propertyName === 'title' ) {
+                iframe.document.title = doc.title;
+              }
+            } catch(e) {}
+          };
+        }
+      };
+      // Override the "stop" method since an IE6/7 Iframe was created. Even
+      // if there are no longer any bound event handlers, the polling loop
+      // is still necessary for back/next to work at all!
+      self.stop = fn_retval;
+      // Get history by looking at the hidden Iframe's location.hash.
+      history_get = function() {
+        return get_fragment( iframe.location.href );
+      };
+      // Set a new history item by opening and then closing the Iframe
+      // document, *then* setting its location.hash. If document.domain has
+      // been set, update that as well.
+      history_set = function( hash, history_hash ) {
+        var iframe_doc = iframe.document,
+          domain = $.fn[ str_hashchange ].domain;
+        if ( hash !== history_hash ) {
+          // Update Iframe with any initial `document.title` that might be set.
+          iframe_doc.title = doc.title;
+          // Opening the Iframe's document after it has been closed is what
+          // actually adds a history entry.
+          iframe_doc.open();
+          // Set document.domain for the Iframe document as well, if necessary.
+          domain && iframe_doc.write( '<script>document.domain="' + domain + '"</script>' );
+          iframe_doc.close();
+          // Update the Iframe's hash, for great justice.
+          iframe.location.hash = hash;
+        }
+      };
+    })();
+    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ REMOVE IF NOT SUPPORTING IE6/7/8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+    return self;
+  })();
+ * jQuery Mobile v@VERSION
+ * http://jquerymobile.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, jQuery Project
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ */
+(function( $, window, undefined ) {
+	//jQuery.mobile configurable options
+	$.extend( $.mobile, {
+		//define the url parameter used for referencing widget-generated sub-pages. 
+		//Translates to to example.html&ui-page=subpageIdentifier
+		//hash segment before &ui-page= is used to make Ajax request
+		subPageUrlKey: 'ui-page',
+		//anchor links with a data-rel, or pages with a data-role, that match these selectors will be untrackable in history 
+		//(no change in URL, not bookmarkable)
+		nonHistorySelectors: 'dialog',
+		//class assigned to page currently in view, and during transitions
+		activePageClass: 'ui-page-active',
+		//class used for "active" button state, from CSS framework
+		activeBtnClass: 'ui-btn-active',
+		//automatically handle link clicks through Ajax, when possible
+		ajaxLinksEnabled: true,
+		//automatically handle form submissions through Ajax, when possible
+		ajaxFormsEnabled: true,
+		//set default transition - 'none' for no transitions
+		defaultTransition: 'slide',
+		//show loading message during Ajax requests
+		//if false, message will not appear, but loading classes will still be toggled on html el
+		loadingMessage: "loading",
+		//configure meta viewport tag's content attr:
+		metaViewportContent: "width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1",
+		//support conditions that must be met in order to proceed
+		gradeA: function(){
+			return $.support.mediaquery;
+		}
+	});
+//trigger mobileinit event - useful hook for configuring $.mobile settings before they're used
+	$( window.document ).trigger('mobileinit');
+//support conditions	
+	//if device support condition(s) aren't met, leave things as they are -> a basic, usable experience,
+	//otherwise, proceed with the enhancements
+	if ( !$.mobile.gradeA() ) {
+		return;
+	}	
+//define vars for interal use
+	var $window = $(window),
+		$html = $('html'),
+		$head = $('head'),
+		//loading div which appears during Ajax requests
+		//will not appear if $.mobile.loadingMessage is false
+		$loader = $.mobile.loadingMessage ? 
+			$('<div class="ui-loader ui-body-a ui-corner-all">'+
+						'<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-loading spin"></span>'+
+						'<h1>'+ $.mobile.loadingMessage +'</h1>'+
+					'</div>')
+			: undefined;
+//add mobile, initial load "rendering" classes to docEl
+	$html.addClass('ui-mobile ui-mobile-rendering');			
+//define & prepend meta viewport tag, if content is defined	
+	$.mobile.metaViewportContent ? $("<meta>", { name: "viewport", content: $.mobile.metaViewportContent}).prependTo( $head ) : undefined;			
+//expose some core utilities
+	$.extend($.mobile, {
+		// turn on/off page loading message.
+		pageLoading: function ( done ) {
+			if ( done ) {
+				$html.removeClass( "ui-loading" );
+			} else {
+				if( $.mobile.loadingMessage ){
+					$loader.appendTo($.mobile.pageContainer).css({top: $(window).scrollTop() + 75});
+				}	
+				$html.addClass( "ui-loading" );
+			}
+		},
+		//scroll page vertically: scroll to 0 to hide iOS address bar, or pass a Y value
+		silentScroll: function( ypos ) {
+			// prevent scrollstart and scrollstop events
+			$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = false;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				window.scrollTo( 0, ypos || 0 );
+			},20);	
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = true;
+			}, 150 );
+		}
+	});	
+//dom-ready inits
+	$(function(){
+		//find present pages		
+		var $pages = $("[data-role='page']");
+		//set up active page
+		$.mobile.startPage = $.mobile.activePage = $pages.first();
+		//set page container
+		$.mobile.pageContainer = $.mobile.startPage.parent().addClass('ui-mobile-viewport');
+		//cue page loading message
+		$.mobile.pageLoading();
+		//initialize all pages present
+		$pages.page();
+		//trigger a new hashchange, hash or not
+		$window.trigger( "hashchange", [ true ] );
+		//remove rendering class
+		$html.removeClass('ui-mobile-rendering');
+	});
+//window load event	
+	//hide iOS browser chrome on load
+	$window.load( $.mobile.silentScroll );	
+})( jQuery, this );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : core utilities for auto ajax navigation, base tag mgmt, 
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+	//define vars for interal use
+	var $window = $(window),
+		$html = $('html'),
+		$head = $('head'),
+		//url path helpers for use in relative url management
+		path = {
+			//get path from current hash, or from a file path
+			get: function( newPath ){
+				if( newPath == undefined ){
+					newPath = location.hash;
+				}
+				newPath = newPath.replace(/#/,'').split('/');
+				newPath.pop();
+				return newPath.join('/') + (newPath.length ? '/' : '');
+			},
+			//return the substring of a filepath before the sub-page key, for making a server request 
+			getFilePath: function( path ){
+				var splitkey = '&' + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey;
+				return path.indexOf( splitkey ) > -1 ? path.split( splitkey )[0] : path;
+			},
+			set: function( path, disableListening){
+				if(disableListening) { hashListener = false; }
+				location.hash = path;
+			},
+			//location pathname from intial directory request
+			origin: null,
+			setOrigin: function(){
+				path.origin = path.get( location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname );
+			}
+		},
+		//base element management, defined depending on dynamic base tag support
+		base = $.support.dynamicBaseTag ? {
+			//define base element, for use in routing asset urls that are referenced in Ajax-requested markup
+			element: $("<base>", { href: path.origin }).prependTo( $head ),
+			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
+			set: function( href ){
+				base.element.attr('href', path.origin + path.get( href ));
+			},
+			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
+			reset: function(){
+				base.element.attr('href', path.origin );
+			}
+		} : undefined,	
+		//will be defined when a link is clicked and given an active class
+		$activeClickedLink = null,
+		//array of pages that are visited during a single page load
+		//length will grow as pages are visited, and shrink as "back" link/button is clicked
+		//each item has a url (string matches ID), and transition (saved for reuse when "back" link/button is clicked)
+		urlStack = [ {
+			url: location.hash.replace( /^#/, "" ),
+			transition: undefined
+		} ],
+		//define first selector to receive focus when a page is shown
+		focusable = "[tabindex],a,button:visible,select:visible,input",
+		//contains role for next page, if defined on clicked link via data-rel
+		nextPageRole = null,
+		//enable/disable hashchange event listener
+		//toggled internally when location.hash is updated to match the url of a successful page load
+		hashListener = true;	
+		//set location pathname from intial directory request
+		path.setOrigin();
+	internal utility functions
+	//direct focus to the page title, or otherwise first focusable element
+	function reFocus( page ){
+		var pageTitle = page.find( ".ui-title:eq(0)" );
+		if( pageTitle.length ){
+			pageTitle.focus();
+		}
+		else{
+			page.find( focusable ).eq(0).focus();
+		}
+	};
+	//remove active classes after page transition or error
+	function removeActiveLinkClass( forceRemoval ){
+		if( !!$activeClickedLink && (!$activeClickedLink.closest( '.ui-page-active' ).length || forceRemoval )){
+			$activeClickedLink.removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+		}
+		$activeClickedLink = null;
+	};
+	//animation complete callback
+	$.fn.animationComplete = function( callback ){
+		if($.support.cssTransitions){
+			return $(this).one('webkitAnimationEnd', callback);
+		}
+		else{
+			callback();
+		}
+	};	
+/* exposed $.mobile methods	 */
+	//update location.hash, with or without triggering hashchange event
+	$.mobile.updateHash = path.set;
+	//url stack, useful when plugins need to be aware of previous pages viewed
+	$.mobile.urlStack = urlStack;		
+	// changepage function 
+	$.mobile.changePage = function( to, transition, back, changeHash){
+		//from is always the currently viewed page
+		var toIsArray = $.type(to) === "array",
+			from = toIsArray ? to[0] : $.mobile.activePage,
+			to = toIsArray ? to[1] : to,
+			url = fileUrl = $.type(to) === "string" ? to.replace( /^#/, "" ) : null,
+			data = undefined,
+			type = 'get',
+			isFormRequest = false,
+			duplicateCachedPage = null,
+			back = (back !== undefined) ? back : ( urlStack.length > 1 && urlStack[ urlStack.length - 2 ].url === url ),
+			transition = (transition !== undefined) ? transition : $.mobile.defaultTransition;
+		if( $.type(to) === "object" && to.url ){
+			url = to.url,
+			data = to.data,
+			type = to.type,
+			isFormRequest = true;
+			//make get requests bookmarkable
+			if( data && type == 'get' ){
+				url += "?" + data;
+				data = undefined;
+			}
+		}
+		//reset base to pathname for new request
+		if(base){ base.reset(); }
+		// if the new href is the same as the previous one
+		if ( back ) {
+			var pop = urlStack.pop();
+			if( pop ){
+				transition = pop.transition;
+			}
+		} else {
+			urlStack.push({ url: url, transition: transition });
+		}
+		//function for transitioning between two existing pages
+		function transitionPages() {
+			//kill the keyboard
+			$( window.document.activeElement ).blur();
+			//get current scroll distance
+			var currScroll = $window.scrollTop();
+			//set as data for returning to that spot
+			from.data('lastScroll', currScroll);
+			//trigger before show/hide events
+			from.data("page")._trigger("beforehide", {nextPage: to});
+			to.data("page")._trigger("beforeshow", {prevPage: from});
+			function loadComplete(){
+				$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
+				//trigger show/hide events, allow preventing focus change through return false		
+				if( from.data("page")._trigger("hide", null, {nextPage: to}) !== false && to.data("page")._trigger("show", null, {prevPage: from}) !== false ){
+					$.mobile.activePage = to;
+				}
+				reFocus( to );
+				if( changeHash !== false && url ){
+					path.set(url, true);
+				}
+				removeActiveLinkClass();
+				//if there's a duplicateCachedPage, remove it from the DOM now that it's hidden
+				if( duplicateCachedPage != null ){
+					duplicateCachedPage.remove();
+				}
+				//jump to top or prev scroll, if set
+				$.mobile.silentScroll( to.data( 'lastScroll' ) );
+			};
+			if(transition && (transition !== 'none')){	
+				$.mobile.pageContainer.addClass('ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning');
+				// animate in / out
+				from.addClass( transition + " out " + ( back ? "reverse" : "" ) );
+				to.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass + " " + transition +
+					" in " + ( back ? "reverse" : "" ) );
+				// callback - remove classes, etc
+				to.animationComplete(function() {
+					from.add( to ).removeClass("out in reverse " + transition );
+					from.removeClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
+					loadComplete();
+					$.mobile.pageContainer.removeClass('ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning');
+				});
+			}
+			else{
+				from.removeClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
+				to.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
+				loadComplete();
+			}
+		};
+		//shared page enhancements
+		function enhancePage(){
+			//set next page role, if defined
+			if ( nextPageRole ) {
+				to.attr( "data-role", nextPageRole );
+				nextPageRole = undefined;
+			}
+			//run page plugin			
+			to.page();
+		};
+		//if url is a string
+		if( url ){
+			to = $( "[id='" + url + "']" ),
+			fileUrl = path.getFilePath(url);
+		}
+		else{ //find base url of element, if avail
+			var toID = to.attr('id'),
+				toIDfileurl = path.getFilePath(toID);
+			if(toID != toIDfileurl){
+				fileUrl = toIDfileurl;
+			}	
+		}
+		// find the "to" page, either locally existing in the dom or by creating it through ajax
+		if ( to.length && !isFormRequest ) {
+			if( fileUrl && base ){
+				base.set( fileUrl );
+			}	
+			enhancePage();
+			transitionPages();
+		} else { 
+			//if to exists in DOM, save a reference to it in duplicateCachedPage for removal after page change
+			if( to.length ){
+				duplicateCachedPage = to;
+			}
+			$.mobile.pageLoading();
+			$.ajax({
+				url: fileUrl,
+				type: type,
+				data: data,
+				success: function( html ) {
+					if(base){ base.set(fileUrl); }
+					var all = $("<div></div>");
+					//workaround to allow scripts to execute when included in page divs
+					all.get(0).innerHTML = html;
+					to = all.find('[data-role="page"]');
+					//rewrite src and href attrs to use a base url
+					if( !$.support.dynamicBaseTag ){
+						var newPath = path.get( fileUrl );
+						to.find('[src],link[href]').each(function(){
+							var thisAttr = $(this).is('[href]') ? 'href' : 'src',
+								thisUrl = $(this).attr(thisAttr);
+							//if full path exists and is same, chop it - helps IE out
+							thisUrl.replace( location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname, '' );
+							if( !/^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test(thisUrl) ){
+								$(this).attr(thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+					//preserve ID on a retrieved page
+					if ( to.attr('id') ) {
+						//wrap page and transfer data-attrs if it has an ID
+						var copyAttrs = ['data-role', 'data-theme', 'data-fullscreen'], //TODO: more page-level attrs?
+							wrapper = to.wrap( "<div>" ).parent();
+						$.each(copyAttrs,function(i){
+							if( to.attr( copyAttrs[ i ] ) ){
+								wrapper.attr( copyAttrs[ i ], to.attr( copyAttrs[ i ] ) );
+								to.removeAttr( copyAttrs[ i ] );
+							}
+						});	
+						to = wrapper;
+					}
+					to
+						.attr( "id", fileUrl )
+						.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer );
+					enhancePage();
+					transitionPages();
+				},
+				error: function() {
+					$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
+					removeActiveLinkClass(true);
+					$("<div class='ui-loader ui-overlay-shadow ui-body-e ui-corner-all'><h1>Error Loading Page</h1></div>")
+						.css({ "display": "block", "opacity": 0.96, "top": $(window).scrollTop() + 100 })
+						.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer )
+						.delay( 800 )
+						.fadeOut( 400, function(){
+							$(this).remove();
+						});
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
+/* Event Bindings - hashchange, submit, and click */	
+	//bind to form submit events, handle with Ajax
+	$('form').live('submit', function(event){
+		if( !$.mobile.ajaxFormsEnabled ){ return; }
+		var type = $(this).attr("method"),
+			url = $(this).attr( "action" ).replace( location.protocol + "//" + location.host, "");	
+		//external submits use regular HTTP
+		if( /^(:?\w+:)/.test( url ) ){
+			return;
+		}	
+		//if it's a relative href, prefix href with base url
+		if( url.indexOf('/') && url.indexOf('#') !== 0 ){
+			url = path.get() + url;
+		}
+		$.mobile.changePage({
+				url: url,
+				type: type,
+				data: $(this).serialize()
+			},
+			undefined,
+			undefined,
+			true
+		);
+		event.preventDefault();
+	});	
+	//click routing - direct to HTTP or Ajax, accordingly
+	$( "a" ).live( "click", function(event) {
+		if( !$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled ){ return; }
+		var $this = $(this),
+			//get href, remove same-domain protocol and host
+			href = $this.attr( "href" ).replace( location.protocol + "//" + location.host, ""),
+			//if target attr is specified, it's external, and we mimic _blank... for now
+			target = $this.is( "[target]" ),
+			//if it still starts with a protocol, it's external, or could be :mailto, etc
+			external = target || /^(:?\w+:)/.test( href ) || $this.is( "[rel=external]" ),
+			target = $this.is( "[target]" );
+		if( href === '#' ){
+			//for links created purely for interaction - ignore
+			return false;
+		}
+		$activeClickedLink = $this.closest( ".ui-btn" ).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+		if( external || !$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled ){
+			//remove active link class if external
+			removeActiveLinkClass(true);
+			//deliberately redirect, in case click was triggered
+			if( target ){
+				window.open(href);
+			}
+			else{
+				location.href = href;
+			}
+		}
+		else {	
+			//use ajax
+			var transition = $this.data( "transition" ),
+				back = $this.data( "back" ),
+				changeHashOnSuccess = !$this.is( "[data-rel="+ $.mobile.nonHistorySelectors +"]" );
+			nextPageRole = $this.attr( "data-rel" );	
+			//if it's a relative href, prefix href with base url
+			if( href.indexOf('/') && href.indexOf('#') !== 0 ){
+				href = path.get() + href;
+			}
+			href.replace(/^#/,'');
+			$.mobile.changePage(href, transition, back, changeHashOnSuccess);			
+		}
+		event.preventDefault();
+	});
+	//hashchange event handler	
+	$window.bind( "hashchange", function(e, triggered) {
+		if( !hashListener ){ 
+			hashListener = true;
+			return; 
+		} 
+		if( $(".ui-page-active").is("[data-role=" + $.mobile.nonHistorySelectors + "]") ){
+			return;
+		}
+		var to = location.hash,
+			transition = triggered ? false : undefined;
+		//if to is defined, use it
+		if ( to ){
+			$.mobile.changePage( to, transition);
+		}
+		//there's no hash, the active page is not the start page, and it's not manually triggered hashchange
+		//we probably backed out to the first page visited
+		else if( $.mobile.activePage.length && $.mobile.startPage[0] !== $.mobile.activePage[0] && !triggered ) {
+			$.mobile.changePage( $.mobile.startPage, transition, true );
+		}
+		//probably the first page - show it
+		else{
+			$.mobile.startPage.trigger("pagebeforeshow", {prevPage: $('')});
+			$.mobile.startPage.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
+			$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
+			if( $.mobile.startPage.trigger("pageshow", {prevPage: $('')}) !== false ){
+				reFocus($.mobile.startPage);
+			}
+		}
+	});
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "page" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.page", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		backBtnText: "Back",
+		addBackBtn: true,
+		degradeInputs: {
+			color: false,
+			date: false,
+			datetime: false,
+			"datetime-local": false,
+			email: false,
+			month: false,
+			number: false,
+			range: "number",
+			search: true,
+			tel: false,
+			time: false,
+			url: false,
+			week: false
+		}
+	},
+	_create: function() {
+		var $elem = this.element,
+			o = this.options;
+		if ( this._trigger( "beforeCreate" ) === false ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		//some of the form elements currently rely on the presence of ui-page and ui-content
+		// classes so we'll handle page and content roles outside of the main role processing
+		// loop below.
+		$elem.find( "[data-role='page'], [data-role='content']" ).andSelf().each(function() {
+			$(this).addClass( "ui-" + $(this).data( "role" ) );
+		});
+		$elem.find( "[data-role='nojs']" ).addClass( "ui-nojs" );
+		this._enchanceControls();
+		// pre-find data els
+		var $dataEls = $elem.find( "[data-role]" ).andSelf().each(function() {
+			var $this = $( this ),
+				role = $this.data( "role" ),
+				theme = $this.data( "theme" );
+			//apply theming and markup modifications to page,header,content,footer
+			if ( role === "header" || role === "footer" ) {
+				$this.addClass( "ui-bar-" + (theme || $this.parent('[data-role=page]').data( "theme" ) || "a") );
+				// add ARIA role
+				$this.attr( "role", role === "header" ? "banner" : "contentinfo" );
+				//right,left buttons
+				var $headeranchors = $this.children( "a" ),
+					leftbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass( "ui-btn-left" ),
+					rightbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass( "ui-btn-right" );
+				if ( !leftbtn ) {
+					leftbtn = $headeranchors.eq( 0 ).not( ".ui-btn-right" ).addClass( "ui-btn-left" ).length;
+				}
+				if ( !rightbtn ) {
+					rightbtn = $headeranchors.eq( 1 ).addClass( "ui-btn-right" ).length;
+				}
+				// auto-add back btn on pages beyond first view
+				if ( o.addBackBtn && role === "header" &&
+						($.mobile.urlStack.length > 1 || $(".ui-page").length > 1) &&
+						!leftbtn && !$this.data( "noBackBtn" ) ) {
+					$( "<a href='#' class='ui-btn-left' data-icon='arrow-l'>"+ o.backBtnText +"</a>" )
+						.click(function() {
+							history.back();
+							return false;
+						})
+						.prependTo( $this );
+				}
+				//page title	
+				$this.children( "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" )
+					.addClass( "ui-title" )
+					//regardless of h element number in src, it becomes h1 for the enhanced page
+					.attr({ "tabindex": "0", "role": "heading", "aria-level": "1" });
+			} else if ( role === "content" ) {
+				if ( theme ) {
+					$this.addClass( "ui-body-" + theme );
+				}
+				// add ARIA role
+				$this.attr( "role", "main" );
+			} else if ( role === "page" ) {
+				$this.addClass( "ui-body-" + (theme || "c") );
+			}
+			switch(role) {
+				case "header":
+				case "footer":
+				case "page":
+				case "content":
+					$this.addClass( "ui-" + role );
+					break;
+				case "collapsible":
+				case "fieldcontain":
+				case "navbar":
+				case "listview":
+				case "dialog":
+					$this[ role ]();
+					break;
+			}
+		});
+		//links in bars, or those with data-role become buttons
+		$elem.find( "[data-role='button'], .ui-bar a, .ui-header a, .ui-footer a" )
+			.not( ".ui-btn" )
+			.buttonMarkup();
+		$elem	
+			.find("[data-role='controlgroup']")
+			.controlgroup();
+		//links within content areas
+		$elem.find( "a:not(.ui-btn):not(.ui-link-inherit)" )
+			.addClass( "ui-link" );	
+		//fix toolbars
+		$elem.fixHeaderFooter();
+	},
+	_enchanceControls: function() {
+		var o = this.options;
+		// degrade inputs to avoid poorly implemented native functionality
+		this.element.find( "input" ).each(function() {
+			var type = this.getAttribute( "type" ),
+				optType = o.degradeInputs[ type ] || "text";
+			if ( o.degradeInputs[ type ] ) {
+				$( this ).replaceWith(
+					$( "<div>" ).html( $(this).clone() ).html()
+						.replace( /type="([a-zA-Z]+)"/, "type="+ optType +" data-type='$1'" ) );
+			}
+		});
+		// enchance form controls
+		this.element
+			.find( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox']" )
+			.checkboxradio();
+		this.element
+			.find( "button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )
+			.not( ".ui-nojs" )
+			.button();
+		this.element
+			.find( "input, textarea" )
+			.not( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )
+			.textinput();
+		this.element
+			.find( "input, select" )
+			.filter( "[data-role='slider'], [data-type='range']" )
+			.slider();
+		this.element
+			.find( "select:not([data-role='slider'])" )
+			.selectmenu();
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+ * jQuery UI Position @VERSION
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Position
+ */
+(function( $, undefined ) {
+$.ui = $.ui || {};
+var horizontalPositions = /left|center|right/,
+	verticalPositions = /top|center|bottom/,
+	center = "center",
+	_position = $.fn.position,
+	_offset = $.fn.offset;
+$.fn.position = function( options ) {
+	if ( !options || !options.of ) {
+		return _position.apply( this, arguments );
+	}
+	// make a copy, we don't want to modify arguments
+	options = $.extend( {}, options );
+	var target = $( options.of ),
+		targetElem = target[0],
+		collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
+		offset = options.offset ? options.offset.split( " " ) : [ 0, 0 ],
+		targetWidth,
+		targetHeight,
+		basePosition;
+	if ( targetElem.nodeType === 9 ) {
+		targetWidth = target.width();
+		targetHeight = target.height();
+		basePosition = { top: 0, left: 0 };
+	// TODO: use $.isWindow() in 1.9
+	} else if ( targetElem.setTimeout ) {
+		targetWidth = target.width();
+		targetHeight = target.height();
+		basePosition = { top: target.scrollTop(), left: target.scrollLeft() };
+	} else if ( targetElem.preventDefault ) {
+		// force left top to allow flipping
+		options.at = "left top";
+		targetWidth = targetHeight = 0;
+		basePosition = { top: options.of.pageY, left: options.of.pageX };
+	} else {
+		targetWidth = target.outerWidth();
+		targetHeight = target.outerHeight();
+		basePosition = target.offset();
+	}
+	// force my and at to have valid horizontal and veritcal positions
+	// if a value is missing or invalid, it will be converted to center 
+	$.each( [ "my", "at" ], function() {
+		var pos = ( options[this] || "" ).split( " " );
+		if ( pos.length === 1) {
+			pos = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
+				pos.concat( [center] ) :
+				verticalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
+					[ center ].concat( pos ) :
+					[ center, center ];
+		}
+		pos[ 0 ] = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ? pos[ 0 ] : center;
+		pos[ 1 ] = verticalPositions.test( pos[1] ) ? pos[ 1 ] : center;
+		options[ this ] = pos;
+	});
+	// normalize collision option
+	if ( collision.length === 1 ) {
+		collision[ 1 ] = collision[ 0 ];
+	}
+	// normalize offset option
+	offset[ 0 ] = parseInt( offset[0], 10 ) || 0;
+	if ( offset.length === 1 ) {
+		offset[ 1 ] = offset[ 0 ];
+	}
+	offset[ 1 ] = parseInt( offset[1], 10 ) || 0;
+	if ( options.at[0] === "right" ) {
+		basePosition.left += targetWidth;
+	} else if (options.at[0] === center ) {
+		basePosition.left += targetWidth / 2;
+	}
+	if ( options.at[1] === "bottom" ) {
+		basePosition.top += targetHeight;
+	} else if ( options.at[1] === center ) {
+		basePosition.top += targetHeight / 2;
+	}
+	basePosition.left += offset[ 0 ];
+	basePosition.top += offset[ 1 ];
+	return this.each(function() {
+		var elem = $( this ),
+			elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(),
+			elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(),
+			marginLeft = parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginLeft", true ) ) || 0,
+			marginTop = parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginTop", true ) ) || 0,
+			collisionWidth = elemWidth + marginLeft +
+				parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginRight", true ) ) || 0,
+			collisionHeight = elemHeight + marginTop +
+				parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginBottom", true ) ) || 0,
+			position = $.extend( {}, basePosition ),
+			collisionPosition;
+		if ( options.my[0] === "right" ) {
+			position.left -= elemWidth;
+		} else if ( options.my[0] === center ) {
+			position.left -= elemWidth / 2;
+		}
+		if ( options.my[1] === "bottom" ) {
+			position.top -= elemHeight;
+		} else if ( options.my[1] === center ) {
+			position.top -= elemHeight / 2;
+		}
+		// prevent fractions (see #5280)
+		position.left = parseInt( position.left );
+		position.top = parseInt( position.top );
+		collisionPosition = {
+			left: position.left - marginLeft,
+			top: position.top - marginTop
+		};
+		$.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) {
+			if ( $.ui.position[ collision[i] ] ) {
+				$.ui.position[ collision[i] ][ dir ]( position, {
+					targetWidth: targetWidth,
+					targetHeight: targetHeight,
+					elemWidth: elemWidth,
+					elemHeight: elemHeight,
+					collisionPosition: collisionPosition,
+					collisionWidth: collisionWidth,
+					collisionHeight: collisionHeight,
+					offset: offset,
+					my: options.my,
+					at: options.at
+				});
+			}
+		});
+		if ( $.fn.bgiframe ) {
+			elem.bgiframe();
+		}
+		elem.offset( $.extend( position, { using: options.using } ) );
+	});
+$.ui.position = {
+	fit: {
+		left: function( position, data ) {
+			var win = $( window ),
+				over = data.collisionPosition.left + data.collisionWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft();
+			position.left = over > 0 ? position.left - over : Math.max( position.left - data.collisionPosition.left, position.left );
+		},
+		top: function( position, data ) {
+			var win = $( window ),
+				over = data.collisionPosition.top + data.collisionHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop();
+			position.top = over > 0 ? position.top - over : Math.max( position.top - data.collisionPosition.top, position.top );
+		}
+	},
+	flip: {
+		left: function( position, data ) {
+			if ( data.at[0] === center ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var win = $( window ),
+				over = data.collisionPosition.left + data.collisionWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft(),
+				myOffset = data.my[ 0 ] === "left" ?
+					-data.elemWidth :
+					data.my[ 0 ] === "right" ?
+						data.elemWidth :
+						0,
+				atOffset = data.at[ 0 ] === "left" ?
+					data.targetWidth :
+					-data.targetWidth,
+				offset = -2 * data.offset[ 0 ];
+			position.left += data.collisionPosition.left < 0 ?
+				myOffset + atOffset + offset :
+				over > 0 ?
+					myOffset + atOffset + offset :
+					0;
+		},
+		top: function( position, data ) {
+			if ( data.at[1] === center ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var win = $( window ),
+				over = data.collisionPosition.top + data.collisionHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop(),
+				myOffset = data.my[ 1 ] === "top" ?
+					-data.elemHeight :
+					data.my[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
+						data.elemHeight :
+						0,
+				atOffset = data.at[ 1 ] === "top" ?
+					data.targetHeight :
+					-data.targetHeight,
+				offset = -2 * data.offset[ 1 ];
+			position.top += data.collisionPosition.top < 0 ?
+				myOffset + atOffset + offset :
+				over > 0 ?
+					myOffset + atOffset + offset :
+					0;
+		}
+	}
+// offset setter from jQuery 1.4
+if ( !$.offset.setOffset ) {
+	$.offset.setOffset = function( elem, options ) {
+		// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
+		if ( /static/.test( $.curCSS( elem, "position" ) ) ) {
+			elem.style.position = "relative";
+		}
+		var curElem   = $( elem ),
+			curOffset = curElem.offset(),
+			curTop    = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "top",  true ), 10 ) || 0,
+			curLeft   = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "left", true ), 10)  || 0,
+			props     = {
+				top:  (options.top  - curOffset.top)  + curTop,
+				left: (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft
+			};
+		if ( 'using' in options ) {
+			options.using.call( elem, props );
+		} else {
+			curElem.css( props );
+		}
+	};
+	$.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+		var elem = this[ 0 ];
+		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; }
+		if ( options ) { 
+			return this.each(function() {
+				$.offset.setOffset( this, options );
+			});
+		}
+		return _offset.call( this );
+	};
+}( jQuery ));
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "fixHeaderFooter" plugin - on-demand positioning for headers,footers
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.fn.fixHeaderFooter = function(options){
+	if( !$.support.scrollTop ){ return $(this); }
+	return $(this).each(function(){
+		if( $(this).data('fullscreen') ){ $(this).addClass('ui-page-fullscreen'); }
+		$(this).find('.ui-header[data-position="fixed"]').addClass('ui-header-fixed ui-fixed-inline fade'); //should be slidedown
+		$(this).find('.ui-footer[data-position="fixed"]').addClass('ui-footer-fixed ui-fixed-inline fade'); //should be slideup		
+	});
+//single controller for all showing,hiding,toggling		
+$.fixedToolbars = (function(){
+	if( !$.support.scrollTop ){ return; }
+	var currentstate = 'inline',
+		delayTimer,
+		ignoreTargets = 'a,input,textarea,select,button,label,.ui-header-fixed,.ui-footer-fixed',
+		toolbarSelector = '.ui-header-fixed:first, .ui-footer-fixed:not(.ui-footer-duplicate):last',
+		stickyFooter, //for storing quick references to duplicate footers
+		supportTouch = $.support.touch,
+		touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
+		touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
+		stateBefore = null,
+		scrollTriggered = false;
+	$(function() {
+		$(document)
+			.bind(touchStartEvent,function(event){
+				if( $(event.target).closest(ignoreTargets).length ){ return; }
+				stateBefore = currentstate;
+				$.fixedToolbars.hide(true);
+			})
+			.bind('scrollstart',function(event){
+				if( $(event.target).closest(ignoreTargets).length ){ return; } //because it could be a touchmove...
+				scrollTriggered = true;
+				if(stateBefore == null){ stateBefore = currentstate; }
+				$.fixedToolbars.hide(true);
+			})
+			.bind(touchStopEvent,function(event){
+				if( $(event.target).closest(ignoreTargets).length ){ return; }
+				if( !scrollTriggered ){
+					$.fixedToolbars.toggle(stateBefore);
+					stateBefore = null;
+				}
+			})
+			.bind('scrollstop',function(event){
+				if( $(event.target).closest(ignoreTargets).length ){ return; }
+				scrollTriggered = false;
+				$.fixedToolbars.toggle( stateBefore == 'overlay' ? 'inline' : 'overlay' );
+				stateBefore = null;
+			});
+		//function to return another footer already in the dom with the same data-id
+		function findStickyFooter(el){
+			var thisFooter = el.find('[data-role="footer"]');
+			return $( '.ui-footer[data-id="'+ thisFooter.data('id') +'"]:not(.ui-footer-duplicate)' ).not(thisFooter);
+		}
+		//before page is shown, check for duplicate footer
+		$('.ui-page').live('pagebeforeshow', function(event, ui){
+			stickyFooter = findStickyFooter( $(event.target) );
+			if( stickyFooter.length ){
+				//if the existing footer is the first of its kind, create a placeholder before stealing it 
+				if( stickyFooter.parents('.ui-page:eq(0)').find('.ui-footer[data-id="'+ stickyFooter.data('id') +'"]').length == 1 ){
+					stickyFooter.before( stickyFooter.clone().addClass('ui-footer-duplicate') );
+				}
+				$(event.target).find('[data-role="footer"]').addClass('ui-footer-duplicate');
+				stickyFooter.appendTo($.pageContainer).css('top',0);
+				setTop(stickyFooter);
+			}
+		});
+		//after page is shown, append footer to new page
+		$('.ui-page').live('pageshow', function(event, ui){
+			if( stickyFooter && stickyFooter.length ){
+				stickyFooter.appendTo(event.target).css('top',0);
+			}
+			$.fixedToolbars.show(true, this);
+		});
+	});
+	// element.getBoundingClientRect() is broken in iOS 3.2.1 on the iPad. The
+	// coordinates inside of the rect it returns don't have the page scroll position
+	// factored out of it like the other platforms do. To get around this,
+	// we'll just calculate the top offset the old fashioned way until core has
+	// a chance to figure out how to handle this situation.
+	//
+	// TODO: We'll need to get rid of getOffsetTop() once a fix gets folded into core.
+	function getOffsetTop(ele)
+	{
+		var top = 0;
+		if (ele)
+		{
+			var op = ele.offsetParent, body = document.body;
+			top = ele.offsetTop;
+			while (ele && ele != body)
+			{
+				top += ele.scrollTop || 0;
+				if (ele == op)
+				{
+					top += op.offsetTop;
+					op = ele.offsetParent;
+				}
+				ele = ele.parentNode;
+			}
+		}
+		return top;
+	}
+	function setTop(el){
+		var fromTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
+			thisTop = getOffsetTop(el[0]), // el.offset().top returns the wrong value on iPad iOS 3.2.1, call our workaround instead.
+			thisCSStop = el.css('top') == 'auto' ? 0 : parseFloat(el.css('top')),
+			screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
+			thisHeight = el.outerHeight(),
+			useRelative = el.parents('.ui-page:not(.ui-page-fullscreen)').length,
+			relval;
+		if( el.is('.ui-header-fixed') ){
+			relval = fromTop - thisTop + thisCSStop;
+			if( relval < thisTop){ relval = 0; }
+			return el.css('top', ( useRelative ) ? relval : fromTop);
+		}
+		else{
+			//relval = -1 * (thisTop - (fromTop + screenHeight) + thisCSStop + thisHeight);
+			//if( relval > thisTop ){ relval = 0; }
+			relval = fromTop + screenHeight - thisHeight - (thisTop - thisCSStop);
+			return el.css('top', ( useRelative ) ? relval : fromTop + screenHeight - thisHeight );
+		}
+	}
+	//exposed methods
+	return {
+		show: function(immediately, page){
+			currentstate = 'overlay';
+			var $ap = page ? $(page) : ($.mobile.activePage ? $.mobile.activePage : $(".ui-page-active"));
+			return $ap.children( toolbarSelector ).each(function(){
+				var el = $(this),
+					fromTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
+					thisTop = getOffsetTop(el[0]), // el.offset().top returns the wrong value on iPad iOS 3.2.1, call our workaround instead.
+					screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
+					thisHeight = el.outerHeight(),
+					alreadyVisible = (el.is('.ui-header-fixed') && fromTop <= thisTop + thisHeight) || (el.is('.ui-footer-fixed') && thisTop <= fromTop + screenHeight);	
+				//add state class
+				el.addClass('ui-fixed-overlay').removeClass('ui-fixed-inline');	
+				if( !alreadyVisible && !immediately ){
+					el.addClass('in').animationComplete(function(){
+						el.removeClass('in');
+					});
+				}
+				setTop(el);
+			});	
+		},
+		hide: function(immediately){
+			currentstate = 'inline';
+			var $ap = $.mobile.activePage ? $.mobile.activePage : $(".ui-page-active");
+			return $ap.children( toolbarSelector ).each(function(){
+				var el = $(this);
+				var thisCSStop = el.css('top'); thisCSStop = thisCSStop == 'auto' ? 0 : parseFloat(thisCSStop);
+				//add state class
+				el.addClass('ui-fixed-inline').removeClass('ui-fixed-overlay');
+				if (thisCSStop < 0 || (el.is('.ui-header-fixed') && thisCSStop != 0))
+				{
+					if(immediately){
+						el.css('top',0);
+					}
+					else{
+						if( el.css('top') !== 'auto' && parseFloat(el.css('top')) !== 0 ){
+							var classes = 'out reverse';
+							el.addClass(classes).animationComplete(function(){
+								el.removeClass(classes);
+								el.css('top',0);
+							});	
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		hideAfterDelay: function(){
+			delayTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+				$.fixedToolbars.hide();
+			}, 3000);
+		},
+		toggle: function(from){
+			if(from){ currentstate = from; }
+			return (currentstate == 'overlay') ? $.fixedToolbars.hide() : $.fixedToolbars.show();
+		}
+	};
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "checkboxradio" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.checkboxradio", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: null
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var input = this.element,
+			label = $("label[for='" + input.attr( "id" ) + "']"),
+			inputtype = input.attr( "type" ),
+			checkedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-on",
+			uncheckedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-off";
+		if ( inputtype != "checkbox" && inputtype != "radio" ) { return; }
+		label
+			.buttonMarkup({
+				theme: this.options.theme,
+				icon: this.element.parents( "[data-type='horizontal']" ).length ? undefined : uncheckedicon,
+				shadow: false
+			});
+		// wrap the input + label in a div 
+		input
+			.add( label )
+			.wrapAll( "<div class='ui-" + inputtype +"'></div>" );
+		label.bind({
+			mouseover: function() {
+				if( $(this).parent().is('.ui-disabled') ){ return false; }
+			},
+			mousedown: function() {
+				if( $(this).parent().is('.ui-disabled') ){ return false; }
+				label.data( "state", input.attr( "checked" ) );
+			},
+			click: function() {
+				setTimeout(function() {
+					if ( input.attr( "checked" ) === label.data( "state" ) ) {
+						input.trigger( "click" );
+					}
+				}, 1);
+			}
+		});
+		input
+			.bind({
+				click: function() {
+					$( "input[name='" + input.attr( "name" ) + "'][type='" + inputtype + "']" ).checkboxradio( "refresh" );
+				},
+				focus: function() { 
+					label.addClass( "ui-focus" ); 
+				},
+				blur: function() {
+					label.removeClass( "ui-focus" );
+				}
+			});
+		this.refresh();
+	},
+	refresh: function( ){
+		var input = this.element,
+			label = $("label[for='" + input.attr( "id" ) + "']"),
+			inputtype = input.attr( "type" ),
+			icon = label.find( ".ui-icon" ),
+			checkedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-on",
+			uncheckedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-off";
+		if ( input[0].checked ) {
+			label.addClass( "ui-btn-active" );
+			icon.addClass( checkedicon );
+			icon.removeClass( uncheckedicon );
+		} else {
+			label.removeClass( "ui-btn-active" ); 
+			icon.removeClass( checkedicon );
+			icon.addClass( uncheckedicon );
+		}
+		if( input.is( ":disabled" ) ){
+			this.disable();
+		}
+		else {
+			this.enable();
+		}
+	},
+	disable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled",true).parent().addClass("ui-disabled");
+	},
+	enable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled",false).parent().removeClass("ui-disabled");
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "textinput" plugin for text inputs, textareas
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.textinput", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: null
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var input = this.element,
+			o = this.options,
+			theme = o.theme,
+			themeclass;
+		if ( !theme ) {
+			var themedParent = this.element.closest("[class*='ui-bar-'],[class*='ui-body-']"); 
+				theme = themedParent.length ?
+					/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/.exec( themedParent.attr("class") )[2] :
+					"c";
+		}	
+		themeclass = " ui-body-" + theme;
+		$('label[for='+input.attr('id')+']').addClass('ui-input-text');
+		input.addClass('ui-input-text ui-body-'+ o.theme);
+		var focusedEl = input;
+		//"search" input widget
+		if( input.is('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ){
+			focusedEl = input.wrap('<div class="ui-input-search ui-shadow-inset ui-btn-corner-all ui-btn-shadow ui-icon-search'+ themeclass +'"></div>').parent();
+			var clearbtn = $('<a href="#" class="ui-input-clear" title="clear text">clear text</a>')
+				.click(function(){
+					input.val('').focus();
+					input.trigger('change'); 
+					clearbtn.addClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
+					return false;
+				})
+				.appendTo(focusedEl)
+				.buttonMarkup({icon: 'delete', iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true});
+			function toggleClear(){
+				if(input.val() == ''){
+					clearbtn.addClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
+				}
+				else{
+					clearbtn.removeClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
+				}
+			}
+			toggleClear();
+			input.keyup(toggleClear);	
+		}
+		else{
+			input.addClass('ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset' + themeclass);
+		}
+		input
+			.focus(function(){
+				focusedEl.addClass('ui-focus');
+			})
+			.blur(function(){
+				focusedEl.removeClass('ui-focus');
+			});	
+		//autogrow
+		if ( input.is('textarea') ) {
+			var extraLineHeight = 15,
+				keyupTimeoutBuffer = 100,
+				keyup = function() {
+					var scrollHeight = input[0].scrollHeight,
+						clientHeight = input[0].clientHeight;
+					if ( clientHeight < scrollHeight ) {
+						input.css({ height: (scrollHeight + extraLineHeight) });
+					}
+				},
+				keyupTimeout;
+			input.keyup(function() {
+				clearTimeout( keyupTimeout );
+				keyupTimeout = setTimeout( keyup, keyupTimeoutBuffer );
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	disable: function(){
+		( this.element.attr("disabled",true).is('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ? this.element.parent() : this.element ).addClass("ui-disabled");
+	},
+	enable: function(){
+		( this.element.attr("disabled", false).is('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ? this.element.parent() : this.element ).removeClass("ui-disabled");
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "selectmenu" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.selectmenu", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: null,
+		disabled: false, 
+		icon: 'arrow-d',
+		iconpos: 'right',
+		inline: null,
+		corners: true,
+		shadow: true,
+		iconshadow: true,
+		menuPageTheme: 'b',
+		overlayTheme: 'a'
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var self = this,
+			o = this.options,
+			select = this.element
+						.attr( "tabindex", "-1" )
+						.wrap( "<div class='ui-select'>" ),		
+			selectID = select.attr( "id" ),
+			label = $( "label[for="+ selectID +"]" ).addClass( "ui-select" ),
+			buttonId = selectID + "-button",
+			menuId = selectID + "-menu",
+			thisPage = select.closest( ".ui-page" ),
+			button = $( "<a>", { 
+					"href": "#",
+					"role": "button",
+					"id": buttonId,
+					"aria-haspopup": "true",
+					"aria-owns": menuId 
+				})
+				.text( $( select[0].options.item(select[0].selectedIndex) ).text() )
+				.insertBefore( select )
+				.buttonMarkup({
+					theme: o.theme, 
+					icon: o.icon,
+					iconpos: o.iconpos,
+					inline: o.inline,
+					corners: o.corners,
+					shadow: o.shadow,
+					iconshadow: o.iconshadow
+				}),
+			theme = /ui-btn-up-([a-z])/.exec( button.attr("class") )[1],
+			menuPage = $( "<div data-role='dialog' data-theme='"+ o.menuPageTheme +"'>" +
+						"<div data-role='header'>" +
+							"<div class='ui-title'>" + label.text() + "</div>"+
+						"</div>"+
+						"<div data-role='content'></div>"+
+					"</div>" )
+					.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer )
+					.page(),	
+			menuPageContent = menuPage.find( ".ui-content" ),	
+			screen = $( "<div>", {"class": "ui-selectmenu-screen ui-screen-hidden"})
+						.appendTo( thisPage ),		
+			listbox = $( "<div>", { "class": "ui-selectmenu ui-selectmenu-hidden ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all pop ui-body-" + o.overlayTheme } )
+					.insertAfter(screen),
+			list = $( "<ul>", { 
+					"class": "ui-selectmenu-list", 
+					"id": menuId, 
+					"role": "listbox", 
+					"aria-labelledby": buttonId,
+					"data-theme": theme
+				})
+				.appendTo( listbox ),
+			menuType;	
+		//expose to other methods	
+		$.extend(self, {
+			select: select,
+			selectID: selectID,
+			label: label,
+			buttonId:buttonId,
+			menuId:menuId,
+			thisPage:thisPage,
+			button:button,
+			menuPage:menuPage,
+			menuPageContent:menuPageContent,
+			screen:screen,
+			listbox:listbox,
+			list:list,
+			menuType:menuType
+		});
+		//create list from select, update state
+		self.refresh();
+		//disable if specified
+		if( this.options.disabled ){ this.disable(); }
+		//events on native select
+		select
+			.change(function(){ 
+				self.refresh();
+			})
+			.focus(function(){
+				$(this).blur();
+				button.focus();
+			});		
+		//button events
+		button.bind( $.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "click", function(event){
+			self.open();
+			return false;
+		});
+		//events for list items
+		list.delegate("li",'click', function(){
+				//update select	
+				var newIndex = list.find( "li" ).index( this ),
+					prevIndex = select[0].selectedIndex;
+				select[0].selectedIndex = newIndex;
+				//trigger change event
+				if(newIndex !== prevIndex){ 
+					select.trigger( "change" ); 
+				}
+				self.refresh();
+				//hide custom select
+				self.close();
+				return false;
+			});	
+		//events on "screen" overlay
+		screen.click(function(){
+			self.close();
+			return false;
+		});	
+	},
+	_buildList: function(){
+		var self = this;
+		self.list.empty().filter('.ui-listview').listview('destroy');
+		//populate menu with options from select element
+		self.select.find( "option" ).each(function( i ){
+				var anchor = $("<a>", { 
+							"role": "option", 
+							"href": "#"
+						})
+						.text( $(this).text() );
+			$( "<li>", {"data-icon": "checkbox-on"})
+				.append( anchor )
+				.appendTo( self.list );
+		});
+		//now populated, create listview
+		self.list.listview();		
+	},
+	refresh: function( forceRebuild ){
+		var self = this,
+			select = this.element,
+			selected = select[0].selectedIndex;
+		if( forceRebuild || select[0].options.length > self.list.find('li').length ){
+			self._buildList();
+		}	
+		self.button.find( ".ui-btn-text" ).text( $(select[0].options.item(selected)).text() ); 
+		self.list
+			.find('li').removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ).attr('aria-selected', false)
+			.eq(selected).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ).find('a').attr('aria-selected', true);		
+	},
+	open: function(){
+		if( this.options.disabled ){ return; }
+		var self = this,
+			menuHeight = self.list.outerHeight(),
+			menuWidth = self.list.outerWidth(),
+			scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
+			btnOffset = self.button.offset().top,
+			screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
+			screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
+		//add active class to button
+		self.button.addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+		function focusMenuItem(){
+			self.list.find( ".ui-btn-active" ).focus();
+		}
+		if( menuHeight > screenHeight - 80 || !$.support.scrollTop ){
+			//for webos (set lastscroll using button offset)
+			if( scrollTop == 0 && btnOffset > screenHeight ){
+				self.thisPage.one('pagehide',function(){
+					$(this).data('lastScroll', btnOffset);
+				});	
+			}
+			self.menuPage.one('pageshow',focusMenuItem);
+			self.menuType = "page";		
+			self.menuPageContent.append( self.list );
+			$.mobile.changePage(self.menuPage, 'pop', false, false);
+		}
+		else {
+			self.menuType = "overlay";
+			self.screen
+				.height( $(document).height() )
+				.removeClass('ui-screen-hidden');
+			self.listbox
+				.append( self.list )
+				.removeClass( "ui-selectmenu-hidden" )
+				.position({
+					my: "center center",
+					at: "center center",
+					of: self.button,
+					collision: "fit"
+				})
+				.addClass("in");
+			focusMenuItem();	
+		}
+	},
+	close: function(){
+		if( this.options.disabled ){ return; }
+		var self = this;
+		function focusButton(){
+			setTimeout(function(){
+				self.button.focus();
+				//remove active class from button
+				self.button.removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
+			}, 40);
+			self.listbox.removeAttr('style').append( self.list );
+		}
+		if(self.menuType == "page"){			
+			$.mobile.changePage([self.menuPage,self.thisPage], 'pop', true, false);
+			self.menuPage.one("pagehide",function(){
+				focusButton();
+				//return false;
+			});
+		}
+		else{
+			self.screen.addClass( "ui-screen-hidden" );
+			self.listbox.addClass( "ui-selectmenu-hidden" ).removeAttr( "style" ).removeClass("in");
+			focusButton();
+		}
+	},
+	disable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled",true);
+		this.button.addClass('ui-disabled').attr("aria-disabled", true);
+		return this._setOption( "disabled", true );
+	},
+	enable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled",false);
+		this.button.removeClass('ui-disabled').attr("aria-disabled", false);
+		return this._setOption( "disabled", false );
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin for making button-like links
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.fn.buttonMarkup = function( options ){
+	return this.each( function() {
+		var el = $( this ),
+		    o = $.extend( {}, $.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults, el.data(), options),
+			// Classes Defined
+			buttonClass,
+			innerClass = "ui-btn-inner",
+			iconClass;
+		if ( attachEvents ) {
+			attachEvents();
+		}
+		// if not, try to find closest theme container
+		if ( !o.theme ) {
+			var themedParent = el.closest("[class*='ui-bar-'],[class*='ui-body-']"); 
+			o.theme = themedParent.length ?
+				/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/.exec( themedParent.attr("class") )[2] :
+				"c";
+		}
+		buttonClass = "ui-btn ui-btn-up-" + o.theme;
+		if ( o.inline ) {
+			buttonClass += " ui-btn-inline";
+		}
+		if ( o.icon ) {
+			o.icon = "ui-icon-" + o.icon;
+			o.iconpos = o.iconpos || "left";
+			iconClass = "ui-icon " + o.icon;
+			if ( o.shadow ) {
+				iconClass += " ui-icon-shadow"
+			}
+		}
+		if ( o.iconpos ) {
+			buttonClass += " ui-btn-icon-" + o.iconpos;
+			if ( o.iconpos == "notext" && !el.attr("title") ) {
+				el.attr( "title", el.text() );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( o.corners ) { 
+			buttonClass += " ui-btn-corner-all";
+			innerClass += " ui-btn-corner-all";
+		}
+		if ( o.shadow ) {
+			buttonClass += " ui-shadow";
+		}
+		el
+			.attr( "data-theme", o.theme )
+			.addClass( buttonClass );
+		var wrap = ("<D class='" + innerClass + "'><D class='ui-btn-text'></D>" +
+			( o.icon ? "<span class='" + iconClass + "'></span>" : "" ) +
+			"</D>").replace(/D/g, o.wrapperEls);
+		el.wrapInner( wrap );
+	});		
+$.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults = {
+	corners: true,
+	shadow: true,
+	iconshadow: true,
+	wrapperEls: "span"
+var attachEvents = function() {
+	$(".ui-btn").live({
+		mousedown: function() {
+			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
+			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-down-" + theme );
+		},
+		mouseup: function() {
+			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
+			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-down-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme );
+		},
+		"mouseover focus": function() {
+			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
+			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-hover-" + theme );
+		},
+		"mouseout blur": function() {
+			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
+			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-hover-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme );
+		}
+	});
+	attachEvents = null;
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "button" plugin - links that proxy to native input/buttons
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.button", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: null, 
+		icon: null,
+		iconpos: null,
+		inline: null,
+		corners: true,
+		shadow: true,
+		iconshadow: true
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var $el = this.element,
+			o = this.options,
+			type = $el.attr('type');
+			$el
+				.addClass('ui-btn-hidden')
+				.attr('tabindex','-1');
+		//add ARIA role
+		this.button = $( "<a>", { 
+				"href": "#",
+				"role": "button",
+				"aria-label": $el.attr( "type" ) 
+			} )
+			.text( $el.text() || $el.val() )
+			.insertBefore( $el )
+			.click(function(){
+				if(!o.disabled){
+					if( type == "submit" ){
+						$(this).closest('form').submit();
+					}
+					else{
+						$el.click(); 
+					}
+				}
+				return false;
+			})
+			.buttonMarkup({
+				theme: o.theme, 
+				icon: o.icon,
+				iconpos: o.iconpos,
+				inline: o.inline,
+				corners: o.corners,
+				shadow: o.shadow,
+				iconshadow: o.iconshadow
+			});
+	},
+	enable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled", false);
+		this.button.removeClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", false);
+		return this._setOption("disabled", false);
+	},
+	disable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled", true);
+		this.button.addClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", true);
+		return this._setOption("disabled", true);
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "slider" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.slider", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: null,
+		trackTheme: null,
+		disabled: false
+	},
+	_create: function(){	
+		var self = this,
+			control = this.element,
+			parentTheme = control.parents('[class*=ui-bar-],[class*=ui-body-]').eq(0),	
+			parentTheme = parentTheme.length ? parentTheme.attr('class').match(/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/)[2] : 'c',
+			theme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : parentTheme,
+			trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme ? this.options.trackTheme : parentTheme,
+			cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+			selectClass = (cType == 'select') ? 'ui-slider-switch' : '',
+			controlID = control.attr('id'),
+			labelID = controlID + '-label',
+			label = $('[for='+ controlID +']').attr('id',labelID),
+			val = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[0].selectedIndex,
+			min = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.attr('min')) : 0,
+			max = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.attr('max')) : control.find('option').length-1,
+			slider = $('<div class="ui-slider '+ selectClass +' ui-btn-down-'+ trackTheme+' ui-btn-corner-all" role="application"></div>'),
+			handle = $('<a href="#" class="ui-slider-handle"></a>')
+				.appendTo(slider)
+				.buttonMarkup({corners: true, theme: theme, shadow: true})
+				.attr({
+					'role': 'slider',
+					'aria-valuemin': min,
+					'aria-valuemax': max,
+					'aria-valuenow': val,
+					'aria-valuetext': val,
+					'title': val,
+					'aria-labelledby': labelID
+				});
+		$.extend(this, {
+			slider: slider,
+			handle: handle,
+			dragging: false,
+			beforeStart: null
+		});
+		if(cType == 'select'){
+			slider.wrapInner('<div class="ui-slider-inneroffset"></div>');
+			var options = control.find('option');
+			control.find('option').each(function(i){
+				var side = (i==0) ?'b':'a',
+					corners = (i==0) ? 'right' :'left',
+					theme = (i==0) ? ' ui-btn-down-' + trackTheme :' ui-btn-active';
+				$('<div class="ui-slider-labelbg ui-slider-labelbg-'+ side + theme +' ui-btn-corner-'+ corners+'"></div>').prependTo(slider);	
+				$('<span class="ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-'+ side + theme +' ui-btn-corner-'+ corners+'" role="img">'+$(this).text()+'</span>').prependTo(handle);
+			});
+		}	
+		label.addClass('ui-slider');
+		control
+			.addClass((cType == 'input') ? 'ui-slider-input' : 'ui-slider-switch')
+			.keyup(function(){
+				self.refresh( $(this).val() );
+			});
+		$(document).bind($.support.touch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", function(event){
+			if ( self.dragging ) {
+				self.refresh( event );
+				return false;
+			}
+		});
+		slider
+			.bind($.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", function(event){
+				self.dragging = true;
+				if ( cType === "select" ) {
+					self.beforeStart = control[0].selectedIndex;
+				}
+				self.refresh( event );
+				return false;
+			});
+		slider
+			.add(document)	
+			.bind($.support.touch ? "touchend" : "mouseup", function(){
+				if ( self.dragging ) {
+					self.dragging = false;
+					if ( cType === "select" ) {
+						if ( self.beforeStart === control[0].selectedIndex ) {
+							//tap occurred, but value didn't change. flip it!
+							self.refresh( self.beforeStart === 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+						}
+						var curval = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[ 0 ].selectedIndex;
+						var snapped = Math.round( curval / (max - min) * 100 );
+						handle
+							.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping")
+							.css("left", snapped + "%")
+							.animationComplete(function(){
+								handle.removeClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping");
+							});
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			});
+		slider.insertAfter(control);
+		handle.bind('click', function(e){ return false; });
+		this.refresh();
+	},
+	refresh: function(val){
+		if ( this.options.disabled ) { return; }
+		var control = this.element, percent,
+			cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
+			min = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.attr("min")) : 0,
+			max = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.attr("max")) : control.find("option").length - 1;
+		if ( typeof val === "object" ) {
+			var data = val.originalEvent.touches ? val.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] : val,
+				// a slight tolerance helped get to the ends of the slider
+				tol = 8;
+			if ( !this.dragging
+					|| data.pageX < this.slider.offset().left - tol
+					|| data.pageX > this.slider.offset().left + this.slider.width() + tol ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			percent = Math.round( ((data.pageX - this.slider.offset().left) / this.slider.width() ) * 100 );
+		} else {
+			if ( val == null ) {
+				val = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[ 0 ].selectedIndex;
+			}
+			percent = (parseFloat(val) - min) / (max - min) * 100;
+		}
+		if ( isNaN(percent) ) { return; }
+		if ( percent < 0 ) { percent = 0; }
+		if ( percent > 100 ) { percent = 100; }
+		var newval = Math.round( (percent / 100) * (max - min) ) + min;
+		if ( newval < min ) { newval = min; }
+		if ( newval > max ) { newval = max; }
+		//flip the stack of the bg colors
+		if ( percent > 60 && cType === "select" ) {
+		}
+		this.handle.css("left", percent + "%");
+		this.handle.attr({
+				"aria-valuenow": (cType === "input") ? newval : control.find("option").eq(newval).attr("value"),
+				"aria-valuetext": (cType === "input") ? newval : control.find("option").eq(newval).text(),
+				title: newval
+			});
+		// add/remove classes for flip toggle switch
+		if ( cType === "select" ) {
+			if ( newval === 0 ) {
+				this.slider.addClass("ui-slider-switch-a")
+					.removeClass("ui-slider-switch-b");
+			} else {
+				this.slider.addClass("ui-slider-switch-b")
+					.removeClass("ui-slider-switch-a");
+			}
+		}
+		// update control's value
+		if ( cType === "input" ) {
+			control.val(newval);
+		} else {
+			control[ 0 ].selectedIndex = newval;
+		}
+		control.trigger("change");
+	},
+	enable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled", false);
+		this.slider.removeClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", false);
+		return this._setOption("disabled", false);
+	},
+	disable: function(){
+		this.element.attr("disabled", true);
+		this.slider.addClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", true);
+		return this._setOption("disabled", true);
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "collapsible" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.collapsible", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		expandCueText: ' click to expand contents',
+		collapseCueText: ' click to collapse contents',
+		collapsed: false,
+		heading: '>:header,>legend',
+		theme: null,
+		iconTheme: 'd'
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var $el = this.element,
+			o = this.options,
+			collapsibleContain = $el.addClass('ui-collapsible-contain'),
+			collapsibleHeading = $el.find(o.heading).eq(0),
+			collapsibleContent = collapsibleContain.wrapInner('<div class="ui-collapsible-content"></div>').find('.ui-collapsible-content'),
+			collapsibleParent = $el.closest('[data-role="collapsible-set"]').addClass('ui-collapsible-set');				
+		//replace collapsibleHeading if it's a legend	
+		if(collapsibleHeading.is('legend')){
+			collapsibleHeading = $('<div role="heading">'+ collapsibleHeading.html() +'</div>').insertBefore(collapsibleHeading);
+			collapsibleHeading.next().remove();
+		}	
+		//drop heading in before content
+		collapsibleHeading.insertBefore(collapsibleContent);
+		//modify markup & attributes
+		collapsibleHeading.addClass('ui-collapsible-heading')
+			.append('<span class="ui-collapsible-heading-status"></span>')
+			.wrapInner('<a href="#" class="ui-collapsible-heading-toggle"></a>')
+			.find('a:eq(0)')
+			.buttonMarkup({
+				shadow: !!!collapsibleParent.length,
+				corners:false,
+				iconPos: 'left',
+				icon: 'plus',
+				theme: o.theme
+			})
+			.find('.ui-icon')
+			.removeAttr('class')
+			.buttonMarkup({
+				shadow: true,
+				corners:true,
+				iconPos: 'notext',
+				icon: 'plus',
+				theme: o.iconTheme
+			});
+			if( !collapsibleParent.length ){
+				collapsibleHeading
+					.find('a:eq(0)')	
+					.addClass('ui-corner-all')
+						.find('.ui-btn-inner')
+						.addClass('ui-corner-all');
+			}
+			else {
+				if( collapsibleContain.data('collapsible-last') ){
+					collapsibleHeading
+						.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')	
+							.addClass('ui-corner-bottom');
+				}					
+			}
+		//events
+		collapsibleContain	
+			.bind('collapse', function(event){
+				if( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ){
+					event.preventDefault();
+					collapsibleHeading
+						.addClass('ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed')
+						.find('.ui-collapsible-heading-status').text(o.expandCueText);
+					collapsibleHeading.find('.ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-minus').addClass('ui-icon-plus');	
+					collapsibleContent.addClass('ui-collapsible-content-collapsed').attr('aria-hidden',true);
+					if( collapsibleContain.data('collapsible-last') ){
+						collapsibleHeading
+							.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')
+							.addClass('ui-corner-bottom');
+					}
+				}						
+			})
+			.bind('expand', function(event){
+				if( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ){
+					event.preventDefault();
+					collapsibleHeading
+						.removeClass('ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed')
+						.find('.ui-collapsible-heading-status').text(o.collapseCueText);
+					collapsibleHeading.find('.ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-plus').addClass('ui-icon-minus');	
+					collapsibleContent.removeClass('ui-collapsible-content-collapsed').attr('aria-hidden',false);
+					if( collapsibleContain.data('collapsible-last') ){
+						collapsibleHeading
+							.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')
+							.removeClass('ui-corner-bottom');
+					}
+				}
+			})
+			.trigger(o.collapsed ? 'collapse' : 'expand');
+		//close others in a set
+		if( collapsibleParent.length && !collapsibleParent.data("collapsiblebound") ){
+			collapsibleParent
+				.data("collapsiblebound", true)
+				.bind("expand", function( event ){
+					$(this).find( ".ui-collapsible-contain" )
+						.not( $(event.target).closest( ".ui-collapsible-contain" ) )
+						.not( "> .ui-collapsible-contain .ui-collapsible-contain" )
+						.trigger( "collapse" );
+				})
+			var set = collapsibleParent.find('[data-role=collapsible]')
+			set.first()
+				.find('a:eq(0)')	
+				.addClass('ui-corner-top')
+					.find('.ui-btn-inner')
+					.addClass('ui-corner-top');
+			set.last().data('collapsible-last', true)	
+		}
+		collapsibleHeading.bind( $.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "click", function(){ 
+			if( collapsibleHeading.is('.ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed') ){
+				collapsibleContain.trigger('expand'); 
+			}	
+			else {
+				collapsibleContain.trigger('collapse'); 
+			}
+			return false;
+		});
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework: "controlgroup" plugin - corner-rounding for groups of buttons, checks, radios, etc
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.fn.controlgroup = function(options){
+	return $(this).each(function(){
+		var o = $.extend({
+			direction: $( this ).data( "type" ) || "vertical",
+			shadow: false
+		},options);
+		var groupheading = $(this).find('>legend'),
+			flCorners = o.direction == 'horizontal' ? ['ui-corner-left', 'ui-corner-right'] : ['ui-corner-top', 'ui-corner-bottom'],
+			type = $(this).find('input:eq(0)').attr('type');
+		//replace legend with more stylable replacement div	
+		if( groupheading.length ){
+			$(this).wrapInner('<div class="ui-controlgroup-controls"></div>');	
+			$('<div role="heading" class="ui-controlgroup-label">'+ groupheading.html() +'</div>').insertBefore( $(this).children(0) );	
+			groupheading.remove();	
+		}
+		$(this).addClass('ui-corner-all ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-'+o.direction);
+		function flipClasses(els){
+			els
+				.removeClass('ui-btn-corner-all ui-shadow')
+				.eq(0).addClass(flCorners[0])
+				.end()
+				.filter(':last').addClass(flCorners[1]).addClass('ui-controlgroup-last');
+		}
+		flipClasses($(this).find('.ui-btn'));
+		flipClasses($(this).find('.ui-btn-inner'));
+		if(o.shadow){
+			$(this).addClass('ui-shadow');
+		}
+	});	
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "fieldcontain" plugin - simple class additions to make form row separators
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.fn.fieldcontain = function(options){
+	return $(this).addClass('ui-field-contain ui-body ui-br');
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "listview" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.listview", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		theme: "c",
+		countTheme: "c",
+		headerTheme: "b",
+		dividerTheme: "b",
+		splitIcon: "arrow-r",
+		splitTheme: "b",
+		inset: false
+	},
+	_create: function() {
+		var $list = this.element,
+			o = this.options;
+		// create listview markup 
+		$list
+			.addClass( "ui-listview" )
+			.attr( "role", "listbox" )
+		if ( o.inset ) {
+			$list.addClass( "ui-listview-inset ui-corner-all ui-shadow" );
+		}	
+		$list.delegate( ".ui-li", "focusin", function() {
+			$( this ).attr( "tabindex", "0" );
+		});
+		this._itemApply( $list, $list );
+		this.refresh( true );
+		//keyboard events for menu items
+		$list.keydown(function( e ) {
+			var target = $( e.target ),
+				li = target.closest( "li" );
+			// switch logic based on which key was pressed
+			switch ( e.keyCode ) {
+				// up or left arrow keys
+				case 38:
+					var prev = li.prev();
+					// if there's a previous option, focus it
+					if ( prev.length ) {
+						target
+							.blur()
+							.attr( "tabindex", "-1" );
+						prev.find( "a" ).first().focus();
+					}	
+					return false;
+				break;
+				// down or right arrow keys
+				case 40:
+					var next = li.next();
+					// if there's a next option, focus it
+					if ( next.length ) {
+						target
+							.blur()
+							.attr( "tabindex", "-1" );
+						next.find( "a" ).first().focus();
+					}	
+					return false;
+				break;
+				case 39:
+					var a = li.find( "a.ui-li-link-alt" );
+					if ( a.length ) {
+						target.blur();
+						a.first().focus();
+					}
+					return false;
+				break;
+				case 37:
+					var a = li.find( "a.ui-link-inherit" );
+					if ( a.length ) {
+						target.blur();
+						a.first().focus();
+					}
+					return false;
+				break;
+				// if enter or space is pressed, trigger click
+				case 13:
+				case 32:
+					 target.trigger( "click" );
+					 return false;
+				break;	
+			}
+		});	
+		// tapping the whole LI triggers click on the first link
+		$list.delegate( "li", "click", function(event) {
+			if ( !$( event.target ).closest( "a" ).length ) {
+				$( this ).find( "a" ).first().trigger( "click" );
+				return false;
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	_itemApply: function( $list, item ) {
+		// TODO class has to be defined in markup
+		item.find( ".ui-li-count" )
+			.addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + ($list.data( "counttheme" ) || this.options.countTheme) + " ui-btn-corner-all" );
+		item.find( "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" ).addClass( "ui-li-heading" );
+		item.find( "p, dl" ).addClass( "ui-li-desc" );
+		item.find( "img" ).addClass( "ui-li-thumb" ).each(function() {
+			$( this ).closest( "li" )
+				.addClass( $(this).is( ".ui-li-icon" ) ? "ui-li-has-icon" : "ui-li-has-thumb" );
+		});
+		var aside = item.find( ".ui-li-aside" );
+		if ( aside.length ) {
+            aside.each(function(i, el) {
+			    $(el).prependTo( $(el).parent() ); //shift aside to front for css float
+            });
+		}
+		if ( $.support.cssPseudoElement || !$.nodeName( item[0], "ol" ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+	},
+	_removeCorners: function(li){
+		li
+			.add( li.find(".ui-btn-inner, .ui-li-link-alt, .ui-li-thumb") )
+			.removeClass( "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-br ui-corner-bl ui-corner-tr ui-corner-tl" );
+	},
+	refresh: function( create ) {
+		this._createSubPages();
+		var o = this.options,
+			$list = this.element,
+			self = this,
+			dividertheme = $list.data( "dividertheme" ) || o.dividerTheme,
+			li = $list.children( "li" ),
+			counter = $.support.cssPseudoElement || !$.nodeName( $list[0], "ol" ) ? 0 : 1;
+		if ( counter ) {
+			$list.find( ".ui-li-dec" ).remove();
+		}
+		li.attr({ "role": "option", "tabindex": "-1" });
+		li.first().attr( "tabindex", "0" );
+		li.each(function( pos ) {
+			var item = $( this ),
+				itemClass = "ui-li";
+			// If we're creating the element, we update it regardless
+			if ( !create && item.hasClass( "ui-li" ) ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			var a = item.find( "a" );
+			if ( a.length ) {	
+				item
+					.buttonMarkup({
+						wrapperEls: "div",
+						shadow: false,
+						corners: false,
+						iconpos: "right",
+						icon: a.length > 1 ? false : item.data("icon") || "arrow-r",
+						theme: o.theme
+					});
+				a.first().addClass( "ui-link-inherit" );
+				if ( a.length > 1 ) {
+					itemClass += " ui-li-has-alt";
+					var last = a.last(),
+						splittheme = $list.data( "splittheme" ) || last.data( "theme" ) || o.splitTheme;
+					last
+						.attr( "title", last.text() )
+						.addClass( "ui-li-link-alt" )
+						.empty()
+						.buttonMarkup({
+							shadow: false,
+							corners: false,
+							theme: o.theme,
+							icon: false,
+							iconpos: false
+						})
+						.find( ".ui-btn-inner" )
+							.append( $( "<span>" ).buttonMarkup({
+								shadow: true,
+								corners: true,
+								theme: splittheme,
+								iconpos: "notext",
+								icon: $list.data( "spliticon" ) || last.data( "icon" ) ||  o.splitIcon
+							} ) );
+				}
+			} else if ( item.data( "role" ) === "list-divider" ) {
+				itemClass += " ui-li-divider ui-btn ui-bar-" + dividertheme;
+				item.attr( "role", "heading" );
+				//reset counter when a divider heading is encountered
+				if ( counter ) {
+					counter = 1;
+				}
+			} else {
+				itemClass += " ui-li-static ui-btn-up-" + o.theme;
+			}
+			if( o.inset ){	
+				if ( pos === 0 ) {
+						itemClass += " ui-corner-top";
+						item
+							.add( item.find( ".ui-btn-inner" ) )
+							.find( ".ui-li-link-alt" )
+								.addClass( "ui-corner-tr" )
+							.end()
+							.find( ".ui-li-thumb" )
+								.addClass( "ui-corner-tl" );
+						self._removeCorners( item.next() );		
+				} else if ( pos === li.length - 1 ) {
+						itemClass += " ui-corner-bottom";
+						item
+							.add( item.find( ".ui-btn-inner" ) )
+							.find( ".ui-li-link-alt" )
+								.addClass( "ui-corner-br" )
+							.end()
+							.find( ".ui-li-thumb" )
+								.addClass( "ui-corner-bl" );
+						self._removeCorners( item.prev() );		
+				}
+			}
+			if ( counter && itemClass.indexOf( "ui-li-divider" ) < 0 ) {
+				item
+					.find( ".ui-link-inherit" ).first()
+					.addClass( "ui-li-jsnumbering" )
+					.prepend( "<span class='ui-li-dec'>" + (counter++) + ". </span>" );
+			}
+			item.addClass( itemClass );
+			if ( !create ) {
+				self._itemApply( $list, item );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	//create a string for ID/subpage url creation
+	_idStringEscape: function( str ){
+		return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-');
+	},
+	_createSubPages: function() {
+		var parentList = this.element,
+			parentPage = parentList.closest( ".ui-page" ),
+			parentId = parentPage.attr( "id" ),
+			o = this.options,
+			self = this,
+			persistentFooterID = parentPage.find( "[data-role='footer']" ).data( "id" );
+		$( parentList.find( "ul, ol" ).toArray().reverse() ).each(function( i ) {
+			var list = $( this ),
+				parent = list.parent(),
+				title = parent.contents()[ 0 ].nodeValue.split("\n")[0],
+				id = parentId + "&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey + "=" + self._idStringEscape(title + " " + i),
+				theme = list.data( "theme" ) || o.theme,
+				countTheme = list.data( "counttheme" ) || parentList.data( "counttheme" ) || o.countTheme,
+				newPage = list.wrap( "<div data-role='page'><div data-role='content'></div></div>" )
+							.parent()
+								.before( "<div data-role='header' data-theme='" + o.headerTheme + "'><div class='ui-title'>" + title + "</div></div>" )
+								.after( persistentFooterID ? $( "<div>", { "data-role": "footer", "data-id": persistentFooterID, "class": "ui-footer-duplicate" } ) : "" )
+								.parent()
+									.attr({
+										id: id,
+										"data-theme": theme,
+										"data-count-theme": countTheme
+									})
+									.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer );
+				newPage.page();		
+			parent.html( "<a href='#" + id + "'>" + title + "</a>" );
+		}).listview();
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "listview" filter extension
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.mobile.listview.prototype.options.filter = false;
+$( "[data-role='listview']" ).live( "listviewcreate", function() {
+	var list = $( this ),
+		listview = list.data( "listview" );
+	if ( !listview.options.filter ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	var wrapper = $( "<form>", { "class": "ui-listview-filter ui-bar-c", "role": "search" } ),
+		search = $( "<input>", {
+				placeholder: "Filter results...",
+				"data-type": "search"
+			})
+			.bind( "keyup change", function() {
+				var val = this.value.toLowerCase();;
+				list.children().show();
+				if ( val ) {
+					list.children().filter(function() {
+						return $( this ).text().toLowerCase().indexOf( val ) === -1;
+					}).hide();
+				}
+				//listview._numberItems();
+			})
+			.appendTo( wrapper )
+			.textinput();
+	wrapper.insertBefore( list );
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "dialog" plugin.
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.dialog", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {},
+	_create: function(){	
+		var self = this,
+			$el = self.element,
+			$prevPage = $.mobile.activePage,
+			$closeBtn = $('<a href="#" data-icon="delete" data-iconpos="notext">Close</a>');
+		$el.delegate("a, form", "click submit", function(e){
+			if( e.type == "click" && ( $(e.target).closest('[data-back]')[0] || this==$closeBtn[0] ) ){
+				self.close();
+				return false;
+			}
+			//otherwise, assume we're headed somewhere new. set activepage to dialog so the transition will work
+			$.mobile.activePage = self.element;
+		});
+		this.element
+			.bind("pageshow",function(){
+				return false;
+			})
+			//add ARIA role
+			.attr("role","dialog")
+			.addClass('ui-page ui-dialog ui-body-a')
+			.find('[data-role=header]')
+			.addClass('ui-corner-top ui-overlay-shadow')
+				.prepend( $closeBtn )
+			.end()
+			.find('.ui-content:not([class*="ui-body-"])')
+				.addClass('ui-body-c')
+			.end()	
+			.find('.ui-content,[data-role=footer]')
+				.last()
+				.addClass('ui-corner-bottom ui-overlay-shadow');
+		$(window).bind('hashchange',function(){
+			if( $el.is('.ui-page-active') ){
+				self.close();
+				$el.bind('pagehide',function(){
+					$.mobile.updateHash( $prevPage.attr('id'), true);
+				});
+			}
+		});		
+	},
+	close: function(){
+		$.mobile.changePage([this.element, $.mobile.activePage], undefined, true, true );
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : "navbar" plugin
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.widget( "mobile.navbar", $.mobile.widget, {
+	options: {
+		iconpos: 'top',
+		grid: null
+	},
+	_create: function(){
+		var $navbar = this.element,
+			$navbtns = $navbar.find("a"),
+			iconpos = $navbtns.filter('[data-icon]').length ? this.options.iconpos : undefined;
+		$navbar
+			.addClass('ui-navbar')
+			.attr("role","navigation")
+			.find("ul")
+				.grid({grid: this.options.grid });		
+		if( !iconpos ){ 
+			$navbar.addClass("ui-navbar-noicons");
+		}
+		$navbtns
+			.buttonMarkup({
+				corners:	false, 
+				shadow:		false, 
+				iconpos:	iconpos
+			});
+		$navbar.delegate("a", "click",function(event){
+			$navbtns.removeClass("ui-btn-active");
+		});	
+	}
+})( jQuery );
+* jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin for creating CSS grids
+* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
+* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+* http://jquery.org/license
+(function($, undefined ) {
+$.fn.grid = function(options){
+	return $(this).each(function(){
+		var o = $.extend({
+			grid: null
+		},options);
+		var $kids = $(this).children(),
+			gridCols = {a: 2, b:3, c:4, d:5},
+			grid = o.grid,
+			iterator;
+			if( !grid ){
+				if( $kids.length <= 5 ){
+					for(var letter in gridCols){
+						if(gridCols[letter] == $kids.length){ grid = letter; }
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					grid = 'a';
+				}
+			}
+			iterator = gridCols[grid];
+		$(this).addClass('ui-grid-' + grid);
+		$kids.filter(':nth-child(' + iterator + 'n+1)').addClass('ui-block-a');
+		$kids.filter(':nth-child(' + iterator + 'n+2)').addClass('ui-block-b');
+		if(iterator > 2){	
+			$kids.filter(':nth-child(3n+3)').addClass('ui-block-c');
+		}	
+		if(iterator> 3){	
+			$kids.filter(':nth-child(4n+4)').addClass('ui-block-d');
+		}	
+		if(iterator > 4){	
+			$kids.filter(':nth-child(5n+5)').addClass('ui-block-e');
+		}
+	});	

file:b/busui/readme.txt (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/readme.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
+# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
+# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
+# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
+# # For pretty maps
+have to do
+/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+on fedora
+might need http://forum.jquery.com/topic/google-maps-inside-jquery-mobile
+some extras
+/json/routes = all routes
+OOP stops/routes
+Stop sorting/search-filter
+static maps
+http://dev.openstreetmap.de/staticmap/ (os @ http://sourceforge.net/projects/staticmaplite/)
+(php and open source @ http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/sites/other/StaticMap?rev=16348)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/routeList.php
@@ -1,1 +1,90 @@
+		<div data-role="navbar"> 
+			<ul> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
+				<!--<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li>-->
+			</ul>
+                </div>
+	';
+echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
+$url = $APIurl."/json/routes";
+$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+function printRoutes($routes){
+	foreach($routes as $row) {
+				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]." (".ucwords($row[3]).")</a></li>\n";
+			}
+if ($_REQUEST['bynumber']) {
+	$routeSeries = Array();
+	$seriesRange = Array();
+	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
+		foreach (explode(" ",$row[1]) as $routeNumber ) {
+			$seriesNum = substr($routeNumber, 0, -1)."0";
+			if ($seriesNum == "0") $seriesNum = $routeNumber;
+			$finalDigit = substr($routeNumber, sizeof($routeNumber)-1, 1);
+			if (isset($seriesRange[$seriesNum])) {
+				if ($finalDigit < $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'])
+					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
+				if ($finalDigit > $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'])
+					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
+			} else {
+				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
+				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
+			}
+			$routeSeries[$seriesNum][$seriesNum."-".$row[1]."-".$row[0]]  = $row;
+		}
+	}
+	ksort($routeSeries);
+	ksort($seriesRange);
+		echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to route numbers: ';
+		foreach ($seriesRange as $series => $range) 
+		{
+		  if ($range['min'] == $range['max']) echo "<a href=\"#$series\">$series</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		  else  echo "<a href=\"#$series\">{$range['min']}-{$range['max']}</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		}
+		echo "</div>
+			<script>
+		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
+			</script>";
+	foreach ($routeSeries as $series => $routes)
+	{
+		echo '<a name="'.$series.'"></a>';
+		if ($series <= 9) echo '<li>'.$series."<ul>\n";
+		else echo "<li>{$seriesRange[$series]['min']}-{$seriesRange[$series]['max']}<ul>\n";
+			printRoutes($routes);
+		echo "</ul></li>\n";
+	}
+} else {
+	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
+	    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
+	}
+	echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to Destination: ';
+		foreach(ksort($routeDestinations) as $destination => $routes) 
+		{ 
+		   echo "<a href=\"#$destination\">$destination</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		}
+		echo "</div>
+			<script>
+		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
+			</script>";
+	foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
+	{
+		echo '<a name="'.$destination.'"></a>';
+		echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
+		printRoutes($routes);
+		echo "</ul></li>\n";
+	}
+echo "</ul>\n";

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/schedule_viewer.py
@@ -1,1 +1,560 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
+You must provide a Google Maps API key.
+import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
+import bisect
+from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
+import gtfsscheduleviewer
+import mimetypes
+import os.path
+import re
+import signal
+import simplejson
+import socket
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+import urllib
+# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
+# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
+if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
+  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
+mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
+class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
+  def default(self, obj):
+    try:
+      iterable = iter(obj)
+    except TypeError:
+      pass
+    else:
+      return list(iterable)
+    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+# Code taken from
+# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/425210/index_txt
+# An alternate approach is shown at
+# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-July/212751.html
+# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
+# thread.
+class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+  def server_bind(self):
+    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
+    self.socket.settimeout(1)
+    self._run = True
+  def get_request(self):
+    while self._run:
+      try:
+        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
+        sock.settimeout(None)
+        return (sock, addr)
+      except socket.timeout:
+        pass
+  def stop(self):
+    self._run = False
+  def serve(self):
+    while self._run:
+      self.handle_request()
+def StopToTuple(stop):
+  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
+  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
+          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
+class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+  def do_GET(self):
+    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
+    parsed_params = {}
+    for k in params.split('&'):
+      k = urllib.unquote(k)
+      if '=' in k:
+        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
+        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
+      else:
+        parsed_params[k] = ''
+    if path == '/':
+      return self.handle_GET_home()
+    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
+    if m:
+      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
+      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
+      if callable(handler):
+        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
+    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
+    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
+    if m and m.group(1):
+      try:
+        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(m.group(1))
+        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
+      except IOError, e:
+        print "Error: unable to open %s" % m.group(1)
+        # Ignore and treat as 404
+    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
+    if m:
+      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
+      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
+      if callable(handler):
+        return handler(parsed_params)
+    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
+  def OpenFile(self, filename):
+    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
+    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
+    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
+    assert mime_type
+    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
+    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
+    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
+      mode = 'r'
+    else:
+      mode = 'rb'
+    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
+  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
+    self.send_error(404)
+  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
+    content = fh.read()
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def AllowEditMode(self):
+    return False
+  def handle_GET_home(self):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
+    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
+    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
+    key = self.server.key
+    host = self.server.host
+    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
+    # with the value of local variable xxx
+    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
+    content = f.read()
+    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
+              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
+      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
+    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
+    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
+    if not route:
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    sample_size = 10  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
+    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    patterns = []
+    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
+      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
+      if not time_stops:
+        continue
+      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
+      for trip in trips:
+        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
+          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
+      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
+      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
+      num_trips = len(trips)
+      if num_trips <= sample_size:
+        start_sample_index = 0
+        num_after_sample = 0
+      else:
+        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
+        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
+        # search with a custom key.
+        start_sample_index = len(trips)
+        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
+          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
+            start_sample_index = i
+            break
+        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
+        if num_after_sample < 0:
+          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
+          # last sample_size trips.
+          num_after_sample = 0
+          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
+      sample = []
+      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
+        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
+      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
+                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
+    patterns.sort()
+    return patterns
+  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
+    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    result = handler(parsed_params)
+    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
+    """Return a list of all routes."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    result = []
+    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
+      servicep = None
+      for t in schedule.GetTripList():
+        if t.route_id == r.route_id:
+          servicep = t.service_period
+          break
+      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name, servicep.service_id) )
+    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
+    return result
+  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
+    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
+  def handle_json_GET_routetrips(self, params):
+    """ Get a trip for a route_id (preferablly the next one) """
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    query = params.get('route_id', None).lower()
+    result = []
+    for t in schedule.GetTripList():
+      if t.route_id == query:
+        result.append ( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
+    return sorted(result, key=lambda trip: trip[0])
+  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
+    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
+    trip."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
+    except KeyError:
+      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
+    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
+    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
+  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
+    except KeyError:
+       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
+    stops = []
+    times = []
+    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
+      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
+      times.append(arr)
+    return [stops, times]
+  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
+    except KeyError:
+       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    points = []
+    if trip.shape_id:
+      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
+      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
+        points.append((lat, lon))
+    else:
+      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
+      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
+        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
+    return points
+  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
+    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
+    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
+    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
+    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
+    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
+  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
+    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
+    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
+    longitude line 180."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    n = float(params.get('n'))
+    e = float(params.get('e'))
+    s = float(params.get('s'))
+    w = float(params.get('w'))
+    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
+    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
+    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
+  def handle_json_GET_stops(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in schedule.GetStopList()]
+  def handle_json_GET_timingpoints(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    matches = []
+    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      if s.stop_code.find("Wj") == -1:
+        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
+    return matches
+  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
+    matches = []
+    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
+        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
+    return matches
+  def handle_json_GET_stop(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    query = params.get('stop_id', None).lower()
+    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      if s.stop_id.lower() == query:
+        return StopToTuple(s)
+    return []
+  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
+    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
+    trips to visit the stop."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
+    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
+    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
+    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
+    # Keep the first 15 after param 'time'.
+    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
+    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
+    time_trips = time_trips[:15]
+    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
+    result = []
+    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
+      headsign = None
+      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
+      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
+        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
+          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
+          break
+      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
+      if not headsign:
+        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
+      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+      trip_name = ''
+      if route.route_short_name:
+        trip_name += route.route_short_name
+      if route.route_long_name:
+        if len(trip_name):
+          trip_name += " - "
+        trip_name += route.route_long_name
+      if headsign:
+        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
+      if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period:
+        result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
+    return result
+  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
+    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
+    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    marey = MareyGraph()
+    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
+    if not route:
+      print 'no such route'
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
+    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
+      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
+    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
+    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
+    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
+    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
+    content = marey.Draw()
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+def FindPy2ExeBase():
+  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
+  None"""
+  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in library.zip. For py2exe setup.py is
+  # configured to put the data next to library.zip.
+  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\library.zip\\')
+  if windows_ending != -1:
+    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
+  else:
+    return None
+def FindDefaultFileDir():
+  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
+  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where setup.py put
+  it."""
+  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
+  if base:
+    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
+  else:
+    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
+    # directory.
+    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip __init__.py
+    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
+def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
+  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
+  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
+  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
+  if windows_base:
+    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
+  else:
+    return 'key.txt'
+def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
+Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input GTFS.zip> in your browser.
+If <input GTFS.zip> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
+a file into the console may enter the filename.
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
+                    help='file name of feed to load')
+  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
+                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
+                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
+  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
+  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
+                    help='port on which to listen')
+  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
+                    help='directory containing static files')
+  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
+                    dest='manual_entry',
+                    help='disable interactive prompts')
+  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
+                      host='maps.google.com',
+                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
+                      manual_entry=True)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
+    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
+    exit(1)
+  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
+    options.feed_filename = args[0]
+  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
+    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
+  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
+  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
+    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
+  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
+    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
+  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
+  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
+  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
+  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
+                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
+  server.key = options.key
+  server.schedule = schedule
+  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
+  server.host = options.host
+  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
+  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
+         (server.server_port))
+  server.serve_forever()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/GPlotter - Make Google Maps Easily.URL
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@



--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/Google Maps Icons, Free!.URL
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@



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 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-gold.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-green.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/osm_logo.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/index.html
@@ -1,1 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+   "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de-de" lang="de-de">
+	<!-- 
+		CSS based on template of Dandelion wiki engine by Radomir Dopieralski who released this
+		template under the terms of GNU GPL. http://dandelion.sheep.art.pl/
+	-->
+	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>staticMapLite</title>
+	<style type="text/css">
+html{font:96% sans-serif;color:#000;background:#f7f7f7;line-height:1.4;}
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+  </head>
+	<div id="wrapper">
+	<div id="header">
+	</div>
+	<div id="content">
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h2>
+				staticMapLite - simple map for your website
+			</h2>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik" width="865" height="512" /></p>
+			<p>
+				This image was created using the following simple &lt;img> tag:
+<pre>&lt;img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&amp;zoom=14&amp;size=865x512&amp;maptype=mapnik" /&gt;</pre>
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Place Markers
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,lightblue1|40.711614,-74.012318,lightblue2|40.718217,-73.998284,lightblue3" width="865" height="512" />
+</p><p>				Add markers by appending them to the image URL:
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Use Different Map Styles (Tile Sources)
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=mapnik" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=mapnik</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=osmarenderer" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=osmarenderer</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=cycle" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=cycle</pre>
+				</div>
+				<br style="clear:both" />
+			</p>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<div style="text-align:center;padding:7px;color:#ccc">
+			sponsored by <a href="http://dfacts.de">dFacts Network</a>
+		</div>
+	</div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/selinux-fix.sh
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t cache

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/staticmap.php
@@ -1,1 +1,273 @@
+ * staticMapLite 0.02
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009 Gerhard Koch
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Gerhard Koch <gerhard.koch AT ymail.com>
+ *
+ * USAGE: 
+ *
+ *  staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,blues|40.711614,-74.012318,greeng|40.718217,-73.998284,redc
+ *
+ */ 
+Class staticMapLite {
+	protected $tileSize = 256;
+	protected $tileSrcUrl = array(	'mapnik' => 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'osmarenderer' => 'http://c.tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'cycle' => 'http://c.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'
+	);
+	protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik';
+	protected $markerBaseDir = 'images/markers';
+	protected $osmLogo = 'images/osm_logo.png';
+	protected $useTileCache = true;
+	protected $tileCacheBaseDir = './cache/tiles';
+	protected $useMapCache = true;
+	protected $mapCacheBaseDir = './cache/maps';
+	protected $mapCacheID = '';
+	protected $mapCacheFile = '';
+	protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png';
+	protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $markers, $image, $maptype;
+	protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY;
+	public function __construct(){
+		$this->zoom = 0;
+		$this->lat = 0;
+		$this->lon = 0;
+		$this->width = 500;
+		$this->height = 350;
+		$this->markers = array();
+		$this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc;
+	}
+	public function parseParams(){
+		global $_GET;
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		$this->zoom = $_GET['zoom']?intval($_GET['zoom']):0;
+		if($this->zoom>18)$this->zoom = 18;
+		// get lat and lon from GET paramter
+		list($this->lat,$this->lon) = split(',',$_GET['center']);
+		$this->lat = floatval($this->lat);
+		$this->lon = floatval($this->lon);
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		if($_GET['size']){
+			list($this->width, $this->height) = split('x',$_GET['size']);
+			$this->width = intval($this->width);
+			$this->height = intval($this->height);
+		}
+		if($_GET['markers']){
+			$markers = split('%7C|\|',$_GET['markers']);
+			foreach($markers as $marker){
+					list($markerLat, $markerLon, $markerImage) = split(',',$marker);
+					$markerLat = floatval($markerLat);
+					$markerLon = floatval($markerLon);
+					$markerImage = basename($markerImage);
+					$this->markers[] = array('lat'=>$markerLat, 'lon'=>$markerLon, 'image'=>$markerImage);
+			}
+		}
+		if($_GET['maptype']){
+			if(array_key_exists($_GET['maptype'],$this->tileSrcUrl)) $this->maptype = $_GET['maptype'];
+		}
+	}
+	public function lonToTile($long, $zoom){
+		return (($long + 180) / 360) * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function latToTile($lat, $zoom){
+		return (1 - log(tan($lat * pi()/180) + 1 / cos($lat* pi()/180)) / pi()) /2 * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function initCoords(){
+		$this->centerX = $this->lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom);
+		$this->centerY = $this->latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom);
+		$this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX)-$this->centerX)*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY)-$this->centerY)*$this->tileSize);
+	}
+	public function createBaseMap(){
+		$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
+		$startX = floor($this->centerX-($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$startY = floor($this->centerY-($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endX = ceil($this->centerX+($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endY = ceil($this->centerY+($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($this->width/2);
+		$this->offsetY += floor($this->height/2);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($startX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize;
+		$this->offsetY += floor($startY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize;
+		for($x=$startX; $x<=$endX; $x++){
+			for($y=$startY; $y<=$endY; $y++){
+				$url = str_replace(array('{Z}','{X}','{Y}'),array($this->zoom, $x, $y), $this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]);
+				$tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($this->fetchTile($url));
+				$destX = ($x-$startX)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetX;
+				$destY = ($y-$startY)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetY;
+				imagecopy($this->image, $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public function placeMarkers(){
+		foreach($this->markers as $marker){
+			$markerLat = $marker['lat'];
+			$markerLon = $marker['lon'];
+			$markerImage = $marker['image'];
+			$markerIndex++;
+			$markerFilename = $markerImage?(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerImage.".png")?$markerImage:'lightblue'.$markerIndex):'lightblue'.$markerIndex;
+			if(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png")){
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png");
+			} else {
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/lightblue1.png');				
+			}
+			$destX = floor(($this->width/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerX-$this->lonToTile($markerLon, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = floor(($this->height/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerY-$this->latToTile($markerLat, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = $destY - imagesy($markerImg);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $markerImg, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg));
+	};
+	public function tileUrlToFilename($url){
+		return $this->tileCacheBaseDir."/".str_replace(array('http://'),'',$url);
+	}
+	public function checkTileCache($url){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		if(file_exists($filename)){
+			return file_get_contents($filename);
+		}
+	}
+	public function checkMapCache(){
+		$this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams());
+		$filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename();
+		if(file_exists($filename)) return true;
+	}
+	public function serializeParams(){		
+		return join("&",array($this->zoom,$this->lat,$this->lon,$this->width,$this->height, serialize($this->markers),$this->maptype));
+	}
+	public function mapCacheIDToFilename(){
+		if(!$this->mapCacheFile){
+			$this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,0,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,2,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,4);
+		}
+		return $this->mapCacheFile.".".$this->mapCacheExtension;
+	}
+	public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
+		return mkdir($pathname, $mode, true);
+	}
+	public function writeTileToCache($url, $data){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($filename),0777);
+		file_put_contents($filename, $data);
+	}
+	public function fetchTile($url){
+		if($this->useTileCache && ($cached = $this->checkTileCache($url))) return $cached;
+		$ch = curl_init(); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0");
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
+		$tile = curl_exec($ch); 
+		curl_close($ch); 
+		if($this->useTileCache){
+			$this->writeTileToCache($url,$tile);
+		}
+		return $tile;
+	}
+	public function copyrightNotice(){
+			$logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $logoImg, imagesx($this->image)-imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image)-imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg));
+	}
+	public function sendHeader(){
+		header('Content-Type: image/png');
+		$expires = 60*60*24*14;
+		header("Pragma: public");
+		header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires);
+		header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT');
+	}
+	public function makeMap(){
+		$this->initCoords();		
+		$this->createBaseMap();
+		if(count($this->markers))$this->placeMarkers();
+		if($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice();
+	}
+	public function showMap(){
+		$this->parseParams();
+		if($this->useMapCache){
+			// use map cache, so check cache for map
+			if(!$this->checkMapCache()){
+				// map is not in cache, needs to be build
+				$this->makeMap();
+				$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()),0777);
+				imagepng($this->image,$this->mapCacheIDToFilename(),9);
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				if(file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())){
+					return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+				} else {
+					return imagepng($this->image);		
+				}
+			} else {
+				// map is in cache
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+			}
+		} else {
+			// no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png
+			$this->makeMap();
+			$this->sendHeader();	
+			return imagepng($this->image);		
+		}
+	}
+$map = new staticMapLite();
+print $map->showMap();

file:b/busui/stop.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/stop.php
@@ -1,1 +1,24 @@
+$url = $APIurl."/json/stop?stop_id=".$_REQUEST['stopid'];
+$stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
+include_header("Trips passing ".$stop[1]);
+echo '<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main"><p>'.staticmap(Array(0 => Array($stop[2],$stop[3]))).'</p>';
+// change date/time/service_period
+echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
+$url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period();
+$trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
+foreach ($trips as $row)
+echo  '<li>';
+echo '<h3><a href="trip.php?stopid='.$_REQUEST['stopid'].'&tripid='.$row[1][0].'">'.$row[1][1].'</a></h3>';      
+echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]).'</strong></p>';
+echo '</li>';  
+if (sizeof($trips) == 0) echo "<li> <center>No trips in the near future.</center> </li>";
+echo '</ul></div>';

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/stopList.php
@@ -1,1 +1,49 @@
+		<div data-role="navbar"> 
+			<ul> 
+				<li><a href="stopList.php">Timing Points</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="stopList.php?allstops=yes">All Stops</a></li> 
+			</ul>
+                </div>
+	';
+        echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to letter: ';
+foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) 
+   echo "<a href=\"#$letter\">$letter</a>&nbsp;"; 
+echo "</div>
+	<script>
+        </script>";
+echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" >';
+$url = $APIurl."/json/timingpoints";
+if ($_REQUEST['allstops']) $url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
+if ($_REQUEST['lat'] && $_REQUEST['lon']) $url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat={$_REQUEST['lat']}&lon={$_REQUEST['lon']}&limit=15";
+$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
+    $stopName[$key]  = $row[1];
+// Sort the stops by name
+array_multisort($stopName, SORT_ASC, $contents);
+$firstletter = "";
+foreach ($contents as $row)
+    if (substr($row[1],0,1) != $firstletter){
+        echo "<a name=$firstletter></a>";
+        $firstletter = substr($row[1],0,1);
+    }
+      echo  '<li><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';
+        }
+echo '</ul>';

file:b/busui/trip.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/trip.php
@@ -1,1 +1,40 @@
+$tripid = $_REQUEST['tripid'];
+if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) {
+    $url = $APIurl."/json/routetrips?route_id=".$_REQUEST['routeid'];
+    $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
+foreach ($trips as $trip)
+         {
+            if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) {
+                $tripid = $trip[1];
+                break;
+            }
+         }
+         if (!($tripid > 0)) $tripid = $trips[0][1];
+$url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$tripid;
+$trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url)));
+include_header("Stops on ". $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' '. $trips[1]->route_long_name);
+echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
+$url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$tripid;
+$json = json_decode(getPage($url));
+$stops = $json[0];
+$times = $json[1];
+foreach ($stops as $key => $row)
+    echo  '<li>';
+echo '<h3><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></h3>';      
+echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">'.midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]).'</p>';
+echo '</li>';       
+echo '</ul>';

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/tripPlanner.php
@@ -1,1 +1,125 @@
+  include('common.inc.php');
+  include_header("Trip Planner", true, true);
+  function tripPlanForm($errorMessage = "")
+  {
+      $from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : "Brigalow");
+      $to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : "Barry");
+      $date = (isset($_REQUEST['date']) ? $_REQUEST['date'] : date("m/d/Y"));
+      $time = (isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? $_REQUEST['time'] : date("h:ia"));
+      echo "<font color=red>$errorMessage</font>";
+      echo '<form action="tripPlanner.php" method="post">
+    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
+        <label for="from">I would like to go from</label>
+        <input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="' . $from . '"  />
+        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="fromHere" id="fromHere"/>Here?</a>
+    </div>
+        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
+        <label for="to"> to </label>
+        <input type="text" name="to" id="to" value="' . $to . '"  />
+        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="toHere" id="toHere"/>Here?</a>
+    </div>
+    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
+        <label for="date"> on </label>
+        <input type="date" name="date" id="date" value="' . $date . '"  />
+    </div>
+        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
+        <label for="time"> at </label>
+        <input type="time" name="time" id="time" value="' . $time . '"  />
+    </div>
+        <input type="submit" value="Go!"></form>';
+        echo "<script>
+$('#toHere').click(function(event) { $('#to').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+$('#fromHere').click(function(event) { $('#from').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+        </script>";
+  }
+  function processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary)
+  {
+      echo '<div data-role="collapsible" ' . ($itineraryNumber > 0 ? 'data-collapsed="true"' : "") . '> <h3> Option #' . ($itineraryNumber + 1) . ": " . floor($itinerary->duration / 60000) . " minutes ({$itinerary->startTime} to {$itinerary->endTime})</h3><p>";
+      echo "Walking time: " . floor($itinerary->walkTime / 60000) . " minutes (" . floor($itinerary->walkDistance) . " meters)<br>\n";
+      echo "Transit time: " . floor($itinerary->transitTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
+      echo "Waiting time: " . floor($itinerary->waitingTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
+      if (is_array($itinerary->legs->leg)) {
+              $legMarkers = array();
+      foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
+          $legMarkers[] = array($leg->from->lat, $leg->from->lon);
+      }
+      echo '' . staticmap($legMarkers) . "<br>\n";
+          echo '<ul>';
+          foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
+              echo '<li>';
+              processLeg($legNumber, $leg);
+              echo "</li>";
+          }
+          echo "</ul>";
+      } else {
+              echo '' . staticmap(array(array($itinerary->legs->leg->from->lat, $itinerary->legs->leg->from->lon))) . "<br>\n";
+          processLeg(0, $itinerary->legs->leg);
+      }
+      echo "</p></div>";
+  }
+  function processLeg($legNumber, $leg) {
+      $legArray = object2array($leg);
+    echo '<h3>Leg #' . ($legNumber + 1) . " ( {$legArray['@mode']} from: {$leg->from->name} to {$leg->to->name}, " . floor($leg->duration / 60000) . " minutes) </h3>\n";
+          if ($legArray["@mode"] === "BUS") {
+              echo "Take bus {$legArray['@route']} " . str_replace("To", "towards", $legArray['@headsign']) . "<br>";
+          } else {
+              $walkStepMarkers = array();
+              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
+                  $walkStepMarkers[] = array($step->lat, $step->lon);
+              }
+              echo "" . staticmap($walkStepMarkers, "icong") . "<br>\n";
+              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
+                  echo "Walking step " . ($stepNumber + 1) . " $step->absoluteDirection / $step->relativeDirection on $step->streetName for " . floor($step->distance) . " meters<br>\n";
+              }
+          }
+  }
+  if ($_REQUEST['time']) {
+      $toPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['to'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['to'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['to']), false));
+      $fromPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['from'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['from'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['from']), false));
+      if ($toPlace == "" || $fromPlace == "") {
+          $errorMessage = "";
+          if ($toPlace === "")
+              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['to']) . " not found.<br>\n";
+          if ($fromPlace === "")
+              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['from']) . " not found.<br>\n";
+          tripPlanForm($errorMessage);
+      } else {
+          $url = "http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/plan?_dc=1290254798856&arriveBy=false&date=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['date']) . "&time=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['time']) . "&mode=TRANSIT%2CWALK&optimize=QUICK&maxWalkDistance=840&wheelchair=false&toPlace=$toPlace&fromPlace=$fromPlace&intermediatePlaces=";
+          $ch = curl_init($url);
+          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
+          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json"));
+          $page = curl_exec($ch);
+          curl_close($ch);
+          $tripplan = json_decode($page);
+          debug(print_r($triplan,true));
+          echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
+          echo "<h1> At: {$tripplan->plan->date} </h1>";
+          if (is_array($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary)) {
+             echo '<div data-role="collapsible-set">';
+              foreach ($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary as $itineraryNumber => $itinerary) {
+                  processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary);
+              }
+              echo "</div>";
+          } else {
+              processItinerary(0, $tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary);
+          }
+      }
+  } else {
+      tripPlanForm();
+  }
+  include_footer();

file:b/busui/view.sh (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/view.sh
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
+# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
+# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
+# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
+# # For pretty maps
+python schedule_viewer.py --feed=../maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrfeed.zip --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q

--- a/display.php
+++ b/display.php
@@ -1,29 +1,50 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-<script type="text/javascript" src="http://loki.com/plugin/files/loki.js"></script>
     <script src="openlayers/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="OpenStreetMap.js"></SCRIPT> 
     <script type="text/javascript">
-var map, layer;
-function aaa(a)
-    var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(a.coords.longitude, a.coords.latitude).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), 
-    map.setCenter(lonLat, 13);
-function handleError(a)
-    alert("error in geoloc");
 function init()
     var extent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(148.98, -35.48, 149.25, -35.15);
-    map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-    layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png");
-    map.addLayer(layer);
+		// set up the map options
+		var options = 
+		{
+			   maxExtent: extent,
+			   numZoomLevels: 20, 
+		}; 
+		// create the ol map object
+		var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
+var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "http://localhost/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png");
+// use http://open.atlas.free.fr/GMapsTransparenciesImgOver.php and http://code.google.com/p/googletilecutter/ to make tiles
+ var graphic = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(
+                'Weekday Bus Map',
+                'weekday_bus_map.png',
+                new OpenLayers.Bounds(149.0, -35.47, 149.16, -35.16),
+                new OpenLayers.Size(1191, 2268),
+		{baseLayer: false}
+            );
+var nearmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.NearMap("NearMap");
+    var routes = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Routes", "displayroutes.kml.php", {
+        format: OpenLayers.Format.KML,
+        formatOptions: {
+            extractStyles: true,
+            extractAttributes: true,
+            maxDepth: 2
+        }
+    });
+var stopicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/ylw-pushpin.png",new OpenLayers.Size(32,32));
+    var stops = new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("Stops", "displaystops.georss.php", { icon: stopicon });
+var timeicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/grn-pushpin.png",new OpenLayers.Size(32,32));
+    var timepoints = new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("Timing Points", "displaytimepoints.georss.php", { icon: timeicon }); 
+	map.addLayers([osmtiles,stops,routes,timepoints,nearmap]);
     var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(149.11, -35.28).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), map.getProjectionObject());
     map.setCenter(lonLat, 13);
     map.addControl( new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({'ascending':false}));
@@ -36,47 +57,9 @@
         displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913")
-    if (navigator.geolocation)
-    {
-        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.aaa, this.handleError);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        var loki = LokiAPI();
-        loki.onSuccess = function (location)
-        {
-            var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(location.longitude, location.latitude).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), map.getProjectionObject());
-            map.setCenter(lonLat, 13);
-        }
-        loki.onFailure = function (error)
-        {
-            loki.requestIPLocation(true, loki.NO_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP)
-        }
-        loki.setKey('maxious.lambdacomplex.org');
-        loki.requestLocation(true, loki.NO_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP);
-    }
-    map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("KML", "displayroutes.kml.php", {
-        format: OpenLayers.Format.KML,
-        formatOptions: {
-            extractStyles: true,
-            extractAttributes: true,
-            maxDepth: 2
-        }
-    }));
-    map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("KML", {
-        projection: map.displayProjection,
-        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
-        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP(
-        {
-            url: "displaystops.kml.php",
-            format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML(
-            {
-                extractStyles: true,
-                extractAttributes: true
-            })
-        })
-    }));

--- /dev/null
+++ b/displaystops.georss.php
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

+header('Content-Type: application/xml');

+echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" 

+  xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss"><title>Bus Stops from OSM</title>';

+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");

+if (!$conn) {

+  echo "An error occured.\n";

+  exit;


+$result_stops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM stops ");

+if (!$result_stops) {

+  echo "An stops retirieve error occured.\n";

+  exit;



+while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {

+ echo "\n<entry>\n";

+ echo "<summary> {$stop['geohash']}</summary>";

+ echo "<title>{$stop['geohash']}</title>";


+echo "<georss:point> ";echo ($stop['lat']/10000000)." ".($stop['lng']/10000000);

+echo "        </georss:point>";

+echo '</entry>';



+echo "\n</feed>\n";



file:a/displaystops.kml.php (deleted)
--- a/displaystops.kml.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,1 @@

-header('Content-Type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml');

-echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"><Document>';

-echo '<Style id="target">

-  <IconStyle>

-    <Icon>

-      <href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/ylw-pushpin.png</href>

-    </Icon>

-  </IconStyle>

-	</Style>';

-echo '<Style id="player">

-  <IconStyle>

-    <Icon>

-      <href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/grn-pushpin.png</href>

-    </Icon>

-  </IconStyle>

-	</Style>';

-$conn = pg_connect("dbname=openstreetmap user=postgres password=snmc");

-if (!$conn) {

-  echo "An error occured.\n";

-  exit;


-/*SELECT * from current_node_tags, (Select id FROM current_node_tags WHERE  "v" LIKE '%bus%') as a

-where a.id = current_node_tags.id; */

-$result_stops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM current_node_tags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON 

-current_node_tags.id=current_nodes.id WHERE v LIKE '%bus%' ");

-if (!$result_stops) {

-  echo "An stops retirieve error occured.\n";

-  exit;



-while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {

- echo "\n<Placemark>\n";

- echo "<description>";

-$result_stopkeys = pg_query($conn, "SELECT * from current_node_tags where id = {$stop['id']};");

-if (!$result_stopkeys) {

-  echo "An stops keys retirieve error occured.\n";

-  exit;


-$name = "";

-while ($stopkeys = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stopkeys)) {

-echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($stopkeys,true));

-$name .= htmlspecialchars($stopkeys['v']);


-echo "</description>";

- echo "<name>$name</name>";


-echo "<styleUrl>#target</styleUrl>";

-echo "\n   <Point><coordinates> ";

-        	echo ($stop['longitude']/10000000).",".($stop['latitude']/10000000)."\n";

-echo "        </coordinates> </Point>";

-echo '</Placemark>';



-echo "\n</Document></kml>\n";



--- /dev/null
+++ b/displaytimepoints.georss.php
@@ -1,1 +1,26 @@

+header('Content-Type: application/xml');

+echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss">';
+echo '<title> Points</title>';

+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");

+if (!$conn) {

+  echo "An error occured.\n";

+  exit;


+$result_timepoints = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM timing_point where lat is not null and lng is not null ");

+if (!$result_timepoints) {

+  echo "An timepoints retirieve error occured.\n";

+  exit;



+while ($timepoint = pg_fetch_assoc($result_timepoints)) {

+ echo "<entry>";

+ echo "<summary>".htmlspecialchars ($timepoint['name'])."</summary>";

+ echo "<title>".htmlspecialchars($timepoint['name'])."</title>";

+echo "<georss:point> ".($timepoint['lat']/10000000)." ".($timepoint['lng']/10000000)."</georss:point>";

+echo "</entry>\n";



+echo "\n</feed>\n";



--- a/displaytimepoints.kml.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,1 @@

-header('Content-Type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml');

-echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"><Document>';

-echo '<Style id="target">

-  <IconStyle>

-    <Icon>

-      <href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/ylw-pushpin.png</href>

-    </Icon>

-  </IconStyle>

-	</Style>';

-echo '<Style id="player">

-  <IconStyle>

-    <Icon>

-      <href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pushpin/grn-pushpin.png</href>

-    </Icon>

-  </IconStyle>

-	</Style>';

-$conn = pg_connect("dbname=openstreetmap user=postgres password=snmc");

-if (!$conn) {

-  echo "An error occured.\n";

-  exit;


-/*SELECT * from current_node_tags, (Select id FROM current_node_tags WHERE  "v" LIKE '%bus%') as a

-where a.id = current_node_tags.id; */

-$result_stops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM current_node_tags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON 

-current_node_tags.id=current_nodes.id WHERE v LIKE '%bus%' ");

-if (!$result_stops) {

-  echo "An stops retirieve error occured.\n";

-  exit;



-while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {

- echo "\n<Placemark>\n";

- echo "<description>";

-$result_stopkeys = pg_query($conn, "SELECT * from current_node_tags where id = {$stop['id']};");

-if (!$result_stopkeys) {

-  echo "An stops keys retirieve error occured.\n";

-  exit;


-$name = "";

-while ($stopkeys = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stopkeys)) {

-echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($stopkeys,true));

-$name .= htmlspecialchars($stopkeys['v']);


-echo "</description>";

- echo "<name>$name</name>";


-echo "<styleUrl>#target</styleUrl>";

-echo "\n   <Point><coordinates> ";

-        	echo ($stop['longitude']/10000000).",".($stop['latitude']/10000000)."\n";

-echo "        </coordinates> </Point>";

-echo '</Placemark>';



-echo "\n</Document></kml>\n";



--- /dev/null
+++ b/jquery.1.3.2.min.js
@@ -1,1 +1,19 @@
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+ * http://jquery.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+ * http://docs.jquery.com/License
+ *
+ * Date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 (Thu, 19 Feb 2009)
+ * Revision: 6246
+ */
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+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9.3
+ *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
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this[0]?o.css(this[0],F,false,"padding"):null};o.fn["outer"+G]=function(K){return this[0]?o.css(this[0],F,false,K?"margin":"border"):null};var J=G.toLowerCase();o.fn[J]=function(K){return this[0]==l?document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"&&document.documentElement["client"+G]||document.body["client"+G]:this[0]==document?Math.max(document.documentElement["client"+G],document.body["scroll"+G],document.documentElement["scroll"+G],document.body["offset"+G],document.documentElement["offset"+G]):K===g?(this.length?o.css(this[0],J):null):this.css(J,typeof K==="string"?K:K+"px")}})})();

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,129 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'pp'
+require 'yaml'
+class Array
+  def to_yaml_style
+    :inline
+  end
+def makeTimetable(table, period, short_name)
+	timetable = {"between_stops" => [], "short_name" => short_name}
+	time_points = table.xpath('tr[1]//th').map do |tp|
+		if tp.content != "\302\240" && tp.content != "" && tp.content != "<br/>"
+			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Shops"," ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub("Interchange"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform")
+			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("Machonochie","Maconochie").gsub("Hume"," ").gsub("Market Place","Marketplace").gsub("Terminus Fyshwick","Terminus")
+			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(","," ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
+			if (tp.content.match('Platform'))
+			  timing_point.concat(")")
+			end;
+			if tp.to_s.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/) or tp.to_s.include? "Wheelchair"
+			  timing_point = nil
+			end
+			timing_point
+		end
+	end
+	time_points.delete(nil)
+	timetable["time_points"] = time_points.to_a
+	timetable["long_name"] = "To " + time_points.last
+	periodtimes = []
+	table.css('tr').each do |row|
+		times = row.css('td').map do |cell|
+			time = cell.content.squeeze(" ").strip
+			time = time.gsub(/ *A\S?M/,"a").gsub(/ ?P\S?M/,"p").gsub(/ *a\S?m/,"a").gsub(/ ?p\S?m/,"p")
+			time = time.gsub("12:08 AM","1208x").gsub(":","").gsub("1.","1").gsub("2.","2").gsub("3.","3").gsub("4.","4")
+			time = time.gsub("5.","5").gsub("6.","6").gsub("7.","7").gsub("8.","8").gsub("9.","9").gsub("10.","10")
+			time = time.gsub("11.","11").gsub("12.","12").gsub(/\.+/,"-").gsub("\302\240","")
+			if time == "" or time.include? "chool" or time.include? "On Race Days" or time.include? "Bus"
+				time = nil # This hacky way is faster than using position()>1 xpath on <TD>s!
+			end 
+			time
+		end
+		times.delete(nil)
+		if not times.empty? 
+			if not (route = times.shift)
+				raise("TODO: account for shifting route numbers eg. intertown/redex 62/162")
+			end
+			periodtimes << times.to_a
+		end
+	end
+	if periodtimes.size < 1
+		raise "No times for route " + short_name + " in period " + period
+	end
+	timetable[period] = periodtimes.to_a
+	# pp timetable
+	filename = timetable["short_name"] + "-" + timetable["long_name"]+ "." + period + ".yml"
+	filename = filename.downcase.gsub(" ","-").gsub("/","-").gsub("(","").gsub(")","")
+	puts "Saving " + filename
+	File.open("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/output/"+filename, "w") do |f|
+		f.write timetable.to_yaml
+	end
+	timetable
+Dir.glob("source-html/*oute*.htm*") { |file|
+	puts "Opened " + file
+	doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(file))
+	# Search for nodes by css
+	timetables = []
+	short_name = "";
+	doc.xpath('//title').each do |title|
+		short_name = title.content.gsub("Route_","").gsub("Route ","").gsub("route ","").gsub(", ","/").gsub("ACTION Buses Timetable for ","").squeeze(" ").strip
+	end
+	if short_name == ""
+		raise "Route number(s) not found in <title> tag"
+	end
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Weekdays"]').each do |table|
+		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+	end
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010."]').each do |table|
+		if short_name[0].chr != "9" or short_name.size == 1
+		  timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+		end
+	end
+	#all tables are weekdays on some really malformatted timetables
+	if short_name == "170"
+		doc.xpath('//table').each do |table|
+			timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+		end
+	end
+	#weekends
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Saturdays" and following::a]').each do |table|
+		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times_saturday", short_name)
+	end
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Sundays"]').each do |table|
+		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times_sunday",  short_name)
+	end
+	#930/934 special cases
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Saturday" and following::h2]').each do |table|
+		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times_saturday", short_name)
+	end
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Sunday"]').each do |table|
+		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times_sunday",  short_name)
+	end
+	#route 81 = Weekdays - School Holidays Only 
+	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="Weekdays - School Holidays Only "]').each do |table|
+		timetable = makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+		#TODO set active date range to only be holidays
+		timetables << timetable;
+	end
+	if timetables.size > 2
+		puts "WARNING: " + file + " more than 2 timetables (weekend split?):" + timetables.size.to_s
+	end
+	if timetables.size < 2
+		puts "WARNING: " + file + " less than 2 timetables (weekday loop service?):" + timetables.size.to_s 
+	elsif not (timetables[0]["time_points"] - timetables[1]["time_points"].reverse).empty?
+		puts "WARNING: first pair of timetable timing points are not complementary for "+ file 
+		pp(timetables[0]["time_points"] - timetables[1]["time_points"].reverse)
+	end
+	if timetables.size < 1
+		raise "No timetables extracted from " + file
+	end

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'pp'
+require 'yaml'
+class Array
+ def to_yaml_style
+  :inline
+ end
+def getTimePoints()
+	$time_points = []
+	$time_points_sources = Hash.new([])
+	Dir.glob("*.yml") { |file|
+		timetable = YAML::load_file(file)
+		$time_points = $time_points | timetable["time_points"]
+		timetable["time_points"].each do |timepoint| 
+			$time_points_sources[timepoint] = $time_points_sources[timepoint] | [ file ]
+		end
+	}
+def correctTimePoints()
+time_point_corrections = {"North Lynehamham" => "North Lyneham",
+ "Woden Bus Station Platform 10)" => "Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)",
+ "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
+ "Flemmington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Road / Sandford St",
+ "City Interchange"=>"City Bus Station",
+ "City Interchange (Platform 9)"=>"City Bus Station (Platform 9)",
+ "City Bus Station Platfrom 9"=>"City Bus Station (Platform 9)",
+ "Belconnen Community Bus StationPlatform 2)"=>"Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)",
+ "Bridbabella Gardens Nursing Home"=>"Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home",
+ "Bridbabella GardensNursing Home"=> "Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home",
+ "BrindabellaBusiness Park"=> "Brindabella Business Park",
+ "NarrabundahTerminus"=>"Narrabundah Terminus",
+ "Railway StationKingston"=>"Railway Station Kingston",
+ "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
+ "DicksonAntill Street"=>"Dickson",
+ "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 3)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)",
+ "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 6)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)",
+ "Newcastle Streetafter Isa Street" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Newcastle St after Isa St" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Newcastle Street after Isa St" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Northbourne Ave / Antill St" => "Northbourne Avenue / Antill St",
+ "Macarthur / Northbourne" => "Macarthur / Northbourne Ave",
+ "Macarthur Ave / Northbourne" => "Macarthur / Northbourne Ave",
+ "Kings Ave / National Cct"=> "Kings Ave / National Circuit",
+ "Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street"=>"Kosciuszko / Everard",
+ "Lithgow St Terminus" => "Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick",
+ "Hospice Menindee Dr" => "Hospice / Menindee Dr",
+ "Gungahlin Market Place"=> "Gungahlin Marketplace",
+ "Gwyder Square Kaleen"=> "Gwydir Square Kaleen",
+ "Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave"=>"Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave",
+ "Flemington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Rd / Sandford St",
+ "Heagney Cres Clift Cres Richardson"=>  "Heagney / Clift Richardson",
+ "Charnwood (Tillyard Drive)"=> "Charnwood",
+ "charnwood"=> "Charnwood",
+ "Black Moutain- Telstra Tower"=>"Black Mountain Telstra Tower",
+ "Bonython Primary"=> "Bonython Primary School",
+ "Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah"=>"Athllon / Sulwood Kambah",
+ "Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume"=>"Alexander Maconochie Centre",
+ "Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume"=>"Alexander Maconochie Centre",
+ "Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave" =>"Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av",
+ "Australian National Botanic Gardens"=>"Botanic Gardens",
+ "Calwell shops"=> "Calwell", 
+ "Chuculba / William Slim Drive"=>"Chuculba / William Slim Dr",
+ "Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
+ "Kaleen Village / Maibrynong"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
+ "Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
+ "National Aquarium"=>"National Zoo and Aquarium",
+ "chisholm"=>"Chisholm",
+ "O'connor"=>"O'Connor",
+ "Mckellar"=>"McKellar",
+ "William Web / Ginninderra Drive"=>"William Webb / Ginninderra Drive",
+ "Procor / Mead"=>"Proctor / Mead",
+ "Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
+ "Yarrulumla"=>"Yarralumla",
+ "Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave"=>"Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
+ "Paul Coe / Mirrebei Dr"=>"Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr",
+ "Mirrebei Drive / Dam Wall"=>"Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall",
+ "Tharwa / Knoke" => "Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave",
+ "Tharwa / Pocket" => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
+ 'Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave' => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
+ "Outrim / Duggan" => "Outtrim / Duggan",
+ "ANU Burton and Garran Hall Daley Rd" => "Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road",
+ "Farrer Primary"=>"Farrer Primary School",
+ "St Thomas More Campbell"=>"St Thomas More's Campbell",
+ "Lyneham Wattle Street"=>"Lyneham / Wattle St",
+ "Dickson" => "Dickson / Antill St",
+ 'Dickson Antill Street' => 'Dickson / Antill St',
+ "Livingston / Kambah" => "Kambah / Livingston St",
+ 'Melba shops' => 'Melba',
+ 'St Clare of Assisi' => 'St Clare of Assisi Primary',
+ 'War Memorial Limestone Ave' => 'War Memorial / Limestone Ave'
+	time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|
+		$time_points_sources[wrong].each do |wrongfile|
+			badtimetable = YAML::load_file(wrongfile)
+			badentrynumber = badtimetable["time_points"].index wrong
+			badtimetable["time_points"][badentrynumber] = right
+			puts "Corrected '" + wrong + "' to '" + right + "' in " + wrongfile
+			File.open(wrongfile, "w") do |f|
+	 			f.write badtimetable.to_yaml
+			end
+		end
+	end
+#pp $time_points.sort!
+#pp $time_points_sources.sort
+pp $time_points.sort!

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,109 @@
+require 'highline.rb'
+include HighLine
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'postgres'
+require 'json'
+require 'net/http'
+def cbr_geocode(query)
+   base_url = "http://geocoding.cloudmade.com/daa03470bb8740298d4b10e3f03d63e6/geocoding/v2/find.js?query="
+   url = "#{base_url}#{URI.encode(query)}&bbox=-35.47,148.83,-35.16,149.25&return_location=true"
+   resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
+   data = resp.body
+pp url
+   # we convert the returned JSON data to native Ruby
+   # data structure - a hash
+   result = JSON.parse(data)
+   # if the hash has 'Error' as a key, we raise an error
+   if result.has_key? 'Error'
+      raise "web service error"
+   end
+   return result
+class Array
+   def find_dups
+      inject(Hash.new(0)) { |h,e| h[e] += 1; h }.select { |k,v| v > 1 }.collect { |x| x.first }
+   end
+require 'yaml'
+require 'pp'
+def getTimePoints()
+        $time_points = []
+        $time_points_sources = Hash.new([])
+        Dir.glob("*.yml") { |file|
+	       pp file
+                timetable = YAML::load_file(file)
+                $time_points = $time_points | timetable["time_points"]
+                timetable["time_points"].each do |timepoint|
+                        $time_points_sources[timepoint] = $time_points_sources[timepoint] | [ file ]
+                end
+        }
+connbus = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "bus", "postgres", 
+if ask_if("Insert Timing Point names to database?")
+	$time_points.each do |time_point|
+		begin
+			time_point = time_point.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") # DON'T PUT MORE GSUB HERE
+			res = connbus.exec("INSERT INTO timing_point (name) VALUES ('#{time_point}')")
+			puts "Put '#{time_point}' into DB"
+		rescue PGError => e
+			puts "Error inserting '#{time_point}' to DB #{e}"
+			#conn.close() if conn
+		end
+	end
+if ask_if("Fill null Timing Points from geocoder?")
+	begin
+		null_points = connbus.exec('SELECT name FROM timing_point WHERE lat IS null OR lng IS null;')
+	rescue PGError => e
+                puts "Error selecting null points from DB #{e}"
+                #conn.close() if conn
+        end
+	null_points.each do |null_point_name|
+		pp null_point_name
+		name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+		results = cbr_geocode(null_point_name.to_s.gsub("Shops", ""))
+		if !results.empty? 
+			results['features'].each_with_index { |feature,index|
+				print "#{index}: #{feature['properties']['name']} (#{feature['location']}) => #{feature['centroid']['coordinates']}\n"
+			}
+			nodeID = ask("Enter selected node ID:", :integer) 
+			if results['features'].at(nodeID) != nil
+				node = results['features'][nodeID]
+				puts "Location #{node['centroid']['coordinates'][0]},#{node['centroid']['coordinates'][1]} for #{null_point_name}"
+				begin
+		        	        res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{node['centroid']['coordinates'][0]*10000000}, lng = 
+	#{node['centroid']['coordinates'][1]*10000000},guess = true WHERE name = '#{name}'")
+			               	puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
+			       	rescue PGError => e
+		        	        puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
+					ask_if("Continue?")
+			               	#conn.close() if conn
+			       	end
+			else
+				puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
+			end
+		else
+			puts "Uhh, there were no geocoding results. Try again next time!"
+		end		
+	end

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-generateymlinclude.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,54 @@
+require 'highline.rb'
+include HighLine
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'postgres'
+require 'json'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'pp'
+# make - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 1,stop_code: civic_platform_1, lat: -35.2794347, lng: 149.130588}
+connbus = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "bus", "postgres", "snmc")
+f = File.open('cbrtable.yml.in.in')
+header = f.readlines
+File.open('cbrtable.yml.in', 'w') do |f2|  
+	f2.puts header
+	f2.puts "stops:\n";
+	begin
+		time_points = connbus.exec("SELECT * from timing_point ORDER BY name")
+	rescue PGError => e
+		puts "Error reading from DB #{e}"
+		#conn.close() if conn
+	end
+	time_points.each do |time_point|
+		#pp time_point
+		# 0 = name
+		# 1 = lat*100000
+		# 2 = lng*100000
+		#pp time_point[0]
+		f2.puts "  - { name: #{time_point[0]},stop_code: #{time_point[0]}, lat: #{Float(time_point[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(time_point[2])/10000000}}"
+	end
+	begin
+		stops = connbus.exec("SELECT * from stops")
+	rescue PGError => e
+		puts "Error reading from DB #{e}"
+		#conn.close() if conn
+	end
+	stops.each do |stop|
+		#pp stop
+		# 0 = geoPo
+		# 1 = lat*100000
+		# 2 = lng*100000
+		# 3 = name
+		#pp time_point[0]
+		f2.puts "  - { name: #{stop[3]},stop_code: #{stop[0]}, lat: #{Float(stop[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(stop[2])/10000000}}"
+	end
+	f2.puts "routes:\n";

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.import.php
@@ -1,1 +1,76 @@


+ * GeoPo Encode in PHP

+ * @author : Shintaro Inagaki

+ * @param $location (Array)

+ * @return $geopo (String)

+ */

+function geopoEncode($lat, $lng) {

+	// 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)

+	$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";


+	$geopo = "";

+	$scale = 7;


+	// Change a degree measure to a decimal number

+	$lat = ($lat + 90) / 180 * pow(8, 10);

+	$lng = ($lng + 180) / 360 * pow(8, 10);

+	// Compute a GeoPo code from head and concatenate

+	for($i = 0; $i < $scale; $i++) {

+		$geopo .= substr($chars, floor($lat / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) + floor($lng / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) * 8, 1);

+	}

+	return $geopo;




+ * GeoPo Decode in PHP

+ * @author : Shintaro Inagaki

+ * @param $geopo (String)

+ * @return $location (Array)

+ */

+function geopoDecode($geopo) {

+	// 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)

+	$chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";

+	// Array for geolocation

+	$location = array ();


+	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($geopo); $i++) {

+		// What number of character that equal to a GeoPo code (0-63)

+		$order = strpos($chars, substr($geopo, $i, 1));

+		// Lat/Lng plus geolocation value of scale 

+		$location['lat'] = $location['lat'] + floor($order % 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);

+		$location['lng'] = $location['lng'] + floor($order / 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);

+	}


+	// Change a decimal number to a degree measure, and plus revised value that shift center of area

+	$location['lat'] = $location['lat'] * 180 / pow(8, 10) + 180 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 90;

+	$location['lng'] = $location['lng'] * 360 / pow(8, 10) + 360 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 180;

+	$location['scale'] = strlen($geopo);


+	return $location;



+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");

+if (!$conn) {

+  echo "An error occured.\n";

+  exit;


+$xml = simplexml_load_file("04-locatebetweenpoints.osm");


+/* Access the <rating> nodes of the first movie.

+ * Output the rating scale, too. */

+foreach ($xml->node as $node) {

+	$geoPo = geopoEncode((float)$node['lat'],(float)$node['lon']);

+	$node['lat'] = (int) ((float)$node['lat']*10000000);

+	$node['lon'] = (int) ((float)$node['lon']*10000000);

+	echo($node['lat'].",".$node['lon']."=$geoPo<br>");

+   $sql = "INSERT INTO stops (geohash, lat, lng) VALUES('$geoPo','{$node['lat']}','{$node['lon']}')";

+     $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);

+     if (!$result) {

+         echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");

+     }






--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.osm.xml.php
@@ -1,1 +1,40 @@

+header('Content-Type: application/xml');

+echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

+<osm version='0.6' generator='xapi: OSM Extended API 2.0' xmlns:xapi='http://www.informationfreeway.org/xapi/0.6' 

+xapi:uri='/api/0.6/*[bbox=148.98,-35.48,149.25,-35.15]' xapi:planetDate='20100630' xapi:copyright='2010 OpenStreetMap contributors' 

+xapi:license='Creative commons CC-BY-SA 2.0' xapi:bugs='For assistance or to report bugs contact 80n80n@gmail.com' xapi:instance='zappyHyper'>


+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=openstreetmap user=postgres password=snmc");

+if (!$conn) {

+  echo "An error occured.\n";

+  exit;


+$result_stops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM current_node_tags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON 

+current_node_tags.id=current_nodes.id WHERE v LIKE '%bus%' ");

+if (!$result_stops) {

+  echo "An stops retirieve error occured.\n";

+  exit;



+while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {

+$stop['latitude'] = $stop['latitude']/10000000;

+$stop['longitude'] = $stop['longitude']/10000000;


+echo "<node id='{$stop['id']}' lat='{$stop['latitude']}' lon='{$stop['longitude']}' version='1' changeset='242919' 

+user='latch' uid='6647' visible='true' timestamp='2007-08-22T05:03:00Z'>\n";

+ $result_stopkeys = pg_query($conn, "SELECT * from current_node_tags where id = {$stop['id']};");

+ if (!$result_stopkeys) {

+   echo "An stops keys retirieve error occured.\n";

+   exit;

+ }

+	$name = "";

+	while ($stopkeys = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stopkeys)) {

+		echo "<tag k='{$stopkeys['k']}' v='".htmlentities($stopkeys['v'])."'/>\n";

+	}

+	echo "</node>\n";



+echo "\n</osm>\n";



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.reversegeocode.php
@@ -1,1 +1,59 @@
+function getPage($url)
+    $ch = curl_init($url);
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
+$page = curl_exec($ch);
+return $page;
+// http://developers.cloudmade.com/wiki/geocoding-http-api/Documentation
+$conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+if (!$conn) {
+  echo "An error occured.\n";
+  exit;
+$sql = "Select * from stops where name is null or suburb is null";
+     $result_stops = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+     if (!$result_stops) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+     }
+     while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {
+	if ($stop['name'] == "") {
+      echo "Processing ".$stop['geohash'] . " streetname ... ";
+      $url = "http://geocoding.cloudmade.com/daa03470bb8740298d4b10e3f03d63e6/geocoding/v2/find.js?around=".($stop['lat']/10000000).",".($stop['lng']/10000000)."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      print_r($contents);
+      $name = $contents->features[0]->properties->name;
+      //todo suburb/locality select * from suburbs where the_geom @> 'POINT(149.075704592122 -35.21751569325)'::geometry
+      echo "Saving $name ! <br>" ;
+      $result_save = pg_query($conn, "UPDATE stops set name = '".pg_escape_string($name)."' where geohash = '{$stop['geohash']}' ");
+			      if (!$result_save) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+			      }
+	}
+	if ($stop['suburb'] == "") {
+      echo "Processing ".$stop['geohash'] . " suburb ... ";
+	$sql = "select * from suburbs where the_geom @> 'POINT(".($stop['lng']/10000000)." ".($stop['lat']/10000000).")'::geometry";
+     $result_suburbs = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+     if (!$result_suburbs) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+     }
+     $suburbs = "";
+     while ($suburb = pg_fetch_assoc($result_suburbs)) {
+	$suburbs .= $suburb['name_2006'].";";
+     }
+      echo "Saving $suburbs ! <br>" ;
+      $result_save = pg_query($conn, "UPDATE stops set suburb = '".pg_escape_string($suburbs)."' where geohash = '{$stop['geohash']}' ");
+			      if (!$result_save) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+			      }
+     }
+     flush();
+     }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/05-addbetweenpointstotimetables.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,53 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'postgres'
+require 'pp'
+require 'yaml'
+class String
+  def escape_single_quotes
+    self.gsub(/'/, "''")
+  end
+class Array
+  def to_yaml_style
+    :inline
+  end
+connbus = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "bus", "postgres", "snmc")
+Dir.glob("*.yml") { |file|
+  timetable = YAML::load_file(file)
+  if timetable
+    route_name = timetable["short_name"]
+    timetable["between_stops"] = {}
+    for i in 0..timetable["time_points"].length-2
+	begin
+	  searchFrom = timetable["time_points"][i].escape_single_quotes.split("(")[0].strip
+	  searchTo = timetable["time_points"][i+1].escape_single_quotes.split("(")[0].strip
+	#  print "SELECT * from between_stops
+	#	  WHERE fromlocation = '#{searchFrom}'
+	#  AND tolocation = '#{searchTo}' AND routes LIKE '%#{route_name};%'"
+	  between_points = connbus.exec("SELECT * from between_stops
+		  WHERE fromlocation = '#{searchFrom}'
+	  AND tolocation = '#{searchTo}' AND routes LIKE '%#{route_name};%'")
+	rescue PGError => e
+		puts "Error selecting matching between points from DB #{e}"
+		#conn.close() if conn
+	end
+	between_points.each do |between_point_row|
+		points = between_point_row['points'].split(";")
+		points.delete("")
+		timetable["between_stops"][timetable["time_points"][i] + '-' +timetable["time_points"][i+1]] = points;
+	end
+    end
+    #pp timetable["between_stops"]
+    File.open(file, "w") do |f|
+      f.write timetable.to_yaml
+    end
+  else
+    print "error, #{file} empty\n"
+  end

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/06-cleanupyaml.sh
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+#for f in output/*
+#	echo "Processing $f"
+#	sed -ir 's/^- /  - /g' $f 
+#	sed -ir 's/  - - /- - /g' $f
+sed -i "s/- ---/- /g" cbrtable.yml

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/900-intertown.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/900-intertown.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 short_name: 900
 long_name: Intertown
 time_points: [ civic_platform_6, 3042, 4531, 4929, civic_platform_1, civic_platform_5 ]
-between_stops: [ ]
+between_stops: [
+civic_platform_6-3042: [ADFA]
 stop_times: [
   [ 632a, 642a, 657a, 708a, 715a, 727a],
   [ 702a, 712a, 727a, 738a, 745a, 757a],

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/Makefile
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/Makefile
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
 default: cbrfeed.zip
 cbrfeed.zip: cbrtable.yml createfeed.py
+	sh 06-cleanupyaml.sh
 	./createfeed.py --input=cbrtable.yml --output=cbrfeed.zip
-cbrtable.yml: cbrtable.yml.in $(ROUTE_FILES) indent-route.pl
+cbrtable.yml: cbrtable.yml.in indent-route.pl
 	cp cbrtable.yml.in cbrtable.yml
-	@$(foreach ROUTE_FILE, $(ROUTE_FILES), 	\
+	@$(foreach ROUTE_FILE, $(wildcard output/*),  \
 		echo "Parsing $(ROUTE_FILE)"; \
-		echo "TODO: replace friendly timing spot names with OSM node IDs or geohash in $(ROUTE_FILE)"; \
-		echo "TODO: add inbetween stops in $(ROUTE_FILE)"; \
-		./indent-route.pl < $(ROUTE_FILE) >> cbrtable.yml;)
+		./indent-route.pl < "$(ROUTE_FILE)" >> cbrtable.yml;)
 cbrtable.yml.in: cbrtable.yml.in.in
-	@echo "TODO: autogenerate stops via database, convert to YAML"
-	cp cbrtable.yml.in.in cbrtable.yml.in
+	ruby 01-extracttimes.rb	
+	ruby 02-tidytimepoints.rb 
+	ruby 04-generateymlinclude.rb 
+	ruby 05-addbetweenpointstotimetables.rb 
-	rm -f cbrtable.yml cbrtable.yml.in cbrfeed.zip *~
+	rm -f cbrtable.yml cbrtable.yml.in cbrfeed.zip *~ output/*

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/README
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/README
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 === Introduction === 
 This distribution contains everything required to build a basic google transit 
-feed for Halifax Metro Transit, Nova Scotia, Canada. Note that it is woefully 
-incomplete at the moment. 
+feed for Canberra, Australia. Note that it is woefully incomplete at the moment. 
-Requirements: GNU Make, Perl, Python 2.5.
+Requirements: GNU Make, Perl, Python 2.5, PHP, Ruby, libpq (postgres-devel package on Fedora), postgres,json gem for Ruby, libyaml and pyyaml for Python
 === Usage ===
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@
 Then just type "make" to build the feed. The output at the end is "feed.zip".
 For fun, you can view this feed using the snazzy transit feed view application:
-$HOME/src/transitfeed-1.1.7/python/schedule_viewer.py --feed=hfxfeed.zip
+$HOME/src/transitfeed-1.1.7/python/schedule_viewer.py --feed=cbrfeed.zip
 === Copyright ===
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
 License, please consider all software tools in distribution to be in the public 
 domain. Use them for what you will.
-I believe the Metro Transit route data is considered factual information
-which can not be copyrighted. Note, however, that Metro Transit and/or
-the city of Halifax may have claim over its own name and other trademarks.
+I believe the ACTION busses route data is considered factual information
+which can not be copyrighted. Note, however, that ACTION busses and/or
+the ACT Government may have claim over its own name and other trademarks.

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/add-between-times.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +1,1 @@
-use strict;
-sub parse_time {
-    my ($time) = @_;
-    my ($hour, $minute);
-    if ($time =~ /a\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])a/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-    } elsif ($time =~ /p\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])p/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-	if ($hour < 12) {
-	    $hour += 12;
-	}
-    } elsif ($time =~ /x\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])x/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-	if ($hour == 12) {
-	    $hour += 12;
-	} else {
-	    $hour += 24;
-	}
-    } elsif ($time =~ /^\ *-\Z/) {
-	($hour, $minute) = (0, 0);
-	# no stop at this time
-    } else {
-	print "Should not happen! Time ('$time') misformed.\n";
-	exit;
-    }
-    return ($hour, $minute);
-my $num_intervals = $ARGV[0] or die "No num intervals given!";
-my $interval = $ARGV[1] or die "No interval given!";
-my @times;
-$_ = <STDIN>;
-print $_;
-if ($_ !~ /^\#/) {
-    my @timestrs;
-    if ($_ =~ m/\[(.*)\]/) {
-	my $inner = $1;
-	@timestrs = split (/\,/, $inner);
-    } else {
-	@timestrs = split /\ /;
-    }
-    foreach (@timestrs) {
-	my ($hour, $minute) = parse_time($_);
-	push @times, [ $hour, $minute ];
-    }
-for (my $i=1; $i<($num_intervals+1); $i++) {
-    my $first = 1;
-    foreach (@times) {
-	my $mytime = $_;
-	my ($hour, $minute) = (@$mytime[0], @$mytime[1]);
-	if ($hour > 0 || $minute > 0) {
-	    $minute += $interval * $i;
-	    if ($minute > 59) {
-		$hour += int($minute / 60);
-		$minute = $minute % 60;
-		if ($minute < 10) {
-		    $minute = "0" . $minute;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	sub print_time {
-	    my ($hour, $minute) = @_;
-	    if ($hour == 0 && $minute == 0) {
-		print "-";
-	    } else {
-		if ($hour < 12) {
-		    print "$hour$minute" . "a";
-		} else {
-		    if ($hour > 12) {
-			$hour -= 12;
-		    }
-		    print "$hour$minute" . "p";
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (!$first) {
-	    print " ";
-	    print_time($hour, $minute);
-	} else {
-	    $first = 0;
-	    print_time($hour, $minute);
-	}
-    }
-print "\n";

 Binary files a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrfeed.zip and /dev/null differ
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
@@ -1,99 +1,3911 @@
-  start_date: 20090525
-  end_date: 20100601
-  remove_date: 2010601
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_url: http://www.action.act.gov.au/ 
-  agency_timezone: Australia/Canberra
+  agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 1,stop_code: civic_platform_1, lat: -35.2794347, lng: 149.130588}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 5,stop_code: civic_platform_5, lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 6,stop_code: civic_platform_6, lat: -35.27851, lng: 149.12979 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Northbound, stop_code: 3042, lat: -35.27833, 
-lng: 149.12712 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Southbound, stop_code: 4531, 
-lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033 }
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street - Unilodge ANU, stop_code: 4929, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199 }
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
+  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
+  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
+  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
+  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
+  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
+  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
+  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
+  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
+  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
+  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
+  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
+  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
+  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
+  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
+  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
+  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
+  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
+  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
+  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
+  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
+  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
+  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
+  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
+  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
+  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
+  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
+  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
+  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
+  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
+  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
+  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
+  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
+  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
+  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
+  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
+  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
+  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
+  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
+  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
+  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
+  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
+  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
+  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
+  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
+  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
+  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
+  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
+  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
+  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
+  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
+  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
+  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
+  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
+  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
+  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
+  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
+  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
+  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
+  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
+  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
+  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
+  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
+  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
+  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
+  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
+  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
+  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
+  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
+  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
+  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
+  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
+  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
+  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
+  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
+  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
+  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
+  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
+  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
+  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
+  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
+  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
+  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
+  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
+  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
+  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
+  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
+  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
+  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
+  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
+  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
+  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
+  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
+  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
+  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
+  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
+  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
+  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
+  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
+  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
+  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
+  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
+  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
+  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
+  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
+  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
+  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
+  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
+  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
+  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
+  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
+  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
+  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
+  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
+  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
+  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
+  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
+  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
+  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
+  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
+  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
+  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
+  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
+  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
+  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
+  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
+  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
+  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
+  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
+  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
+  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
+  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
+  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
+  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
+  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
+  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
+  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
+  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
+  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
+  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
+  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
+  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
+  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
+  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
+  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
+  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
+  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
+  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
+  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
+  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
+  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
+  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
+  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
+  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
+  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
+  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
+  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
+  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
+  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
+  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
+  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
+  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
+  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
+  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
+  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
+  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
+  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
+  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
+  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
+  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
+  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
+  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
+  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
+  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
+  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
+  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
+  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
+  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
+  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
+  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
+  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
+  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
+  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
+  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
+  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
+  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
+  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
+  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
+  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
+  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
+  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
+  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
+  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
+  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
+  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
+  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
+  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
+  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
+  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
+  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
+  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
+  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
+  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
+  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
+  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
+  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
+  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
+  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
+  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
+  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
+  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
+  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
+  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
+  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
+  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
+  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
+  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
+  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
+  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
+  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
+  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
+  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
+  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
+  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
+  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
+  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
+  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
+  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
+  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
+  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
+  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
+  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
+  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
+  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
+  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
+  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
+  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
+  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
+  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
+  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
+  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
+  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
+  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
+  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
+  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
+  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
+  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
+  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
+  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
+  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
+  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
+  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
+  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
+  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
+  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
+  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
+  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
+  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
+  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
+  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
+  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
+  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
+  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
+  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
+  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
+  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
+  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
+  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
+  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
+  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
+  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
+  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
+  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
+  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
+  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
+  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
+  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
+  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
+  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
+  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
+  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
+  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
+  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
+  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
+  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
+  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
+  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
+  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
+  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
+  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
+  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
+  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
+  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
+  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
+  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
+  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
+  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
+  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
+  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
+  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
+  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
+  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
+  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
+  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
+  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
+  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
+  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
+  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
+  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
+  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
+  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
+  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
+  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
+  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
+  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
+  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
+  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
+  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
+  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
+  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
+  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
+  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
+  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
+  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
+  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
+  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
+  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
+  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
+  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
+  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
+  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
+  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
+  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
+  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
+  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
+  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
+  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
+  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
+  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
+  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
+  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
+  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
+  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
+  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
+  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
+  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
+  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
+  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
+  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
+  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
+  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
+  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
+  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
+  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
+  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
+  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
+  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
+  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
+  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
+  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
+  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
+  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
+  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
+  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
+  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
+  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
+  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
+  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
+  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
+  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
+  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
+  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
+  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
+  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
+  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
+  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
+  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
+  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
+  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
+  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
+  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
+  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
+  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
+  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
+  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
+  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
+  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
+  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
+  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
+  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
+  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
+  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
+  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
+  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
+  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
+  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
+  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252}
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "43"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
+    short_name: "925"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "921"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 19 319
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "71"
+    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "915"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "737"
+    stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "56"
+    stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Centrelink Tuggeranong, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "705"
+    stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "720"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 752a, 756a, 757a], [740a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 822a, 826a, 827a], [816a, 822a, 834a, 840a, 858a, 902a, 903a], [840a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 922a, 926a, 927a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+    short_name: "30"
+    stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
+    short_name: "962"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial / Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      ADFA-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "66"
+    stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "935"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "74"
+    stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "958"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 19 319
+    stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "934"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+    short_name: "9"
+    stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "904"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "17"
+    stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "23"
+    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "9"
+    stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
+    short_name: "912"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "729"
+    stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale Centre, Bugden Sternberg, Gowrie, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: 65 265
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "701"
+    stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "924"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    short_name: "930"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
+    short_name: "962"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    short_name: "81"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "968"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "907"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5Kve]
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "935"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "56"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
+    long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 65 265
+    stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+    short_name: "907"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "17"
+    stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "914"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "934"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "958"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
+    short_name: "924"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "930"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
+    long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "729"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
+    short_name: "968"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "967"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "905"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
+    long_name: To Geoscience Australia
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Calwell, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
+    long_name: To Tharwa Drive
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "906"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Kve, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "914"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "906"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "939"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "904"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "912"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
+    short_name: "925"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "967"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "905"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+    short_name: "922"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "76"
+    stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "966"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+    short_name: "981"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "903"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "24"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "45"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "737"
+    stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+    long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "66"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "39"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "77"
+    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Lyneham-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "937"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+    short_name: "931"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "923"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "921"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "22"
+    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "902"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "913"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "902"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "939"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
+    long_name: To Calwell
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+    short_name: "936"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "73"
+    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "966"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "936"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+    short_name: "931"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "913"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "922"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "701"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
+    short_name: "923"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      War Memorial / Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcend, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
+    long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "705"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    short_name: "981"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "903"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "915"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Lyneham-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+    short_name: "937"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+    long_name: To Farrer Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "720"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "21"
+    stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "30"
+    stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]
-  - short_name: 900
-    long_name: Intertown
-    time_points: [ civic_platform_6, 3042, 4531, 4929, civic_platform_1, civic_platform_5 ]
-    between_stops: [ ]
-    stop_times: [
-      [ 632a, 642a, 657a, 708a, 715a, 727a],
-      [ 702a, 712a, 727a, 738a, 745a, 757a],
-      [ -, -, 755a, 806a, 813a, 825a],
-      [ 732a, 742a, 757a, 808a, 815a, 827a],
-      [ 802a, 812a, 827a, 838a, 845a, 857a],
-      [ 832a, 842a, 857a, 908a, 915a, 927a],
-      [ 902a, 912a, 927a, 938a, 945a, 957a],
-      [ 932a, 942a, 957a, 1008a, 1015a, 1027a],
-      [ 1002a, 1012a, 1027a, 1038a, 1045a, 1057a],
-      [ 1032a, 1042a, 1057a, 1108a, 1115a, 1127a],
-      [ 1102a, 1112a, 1127a, 1138a, 1145a, 1157a],
-      [ 1132a, 1142a, 1157a, 1208p, 1215p, 1227p],
-      [ 1202p, 1212p, 1227p, 1238p, 1245p, 1257p],
-      [ 1232p, 1242p, 1257p, 108p, 115p, 127p],
-      [ 102p, 112p, 127p, 138p, 145p, 157p],
-      [ 132p, 142p, 157p, 208p, 215p, 227p],
-      [ 202p, 212p, 227p, 238p, 245p, 257p],
-      [ 232p, 242p, 257p, 308p, 315p, 327p],
-      [ 302p, 312p, 327p, 338p, 345p, 357p],
-      [ -, -, 340p, 351p, 358p, 410p],
-      [ -, -, -, -, 407p, 419p],
-      [ 332p, 342p, 357p, 408p, 415p, 427p],
-      [ -, -, -, -, 428p, 440p],
-      [ 359p, 409p, 424p, 435p, 442p, 454p],
-      [ 432p, 442p, 457p, 508p, 515p, 527p],
-      [ 502p, 512p, 527p, 538p, 545p, 557p],
-      [ 532p, 542p, 557p, 608p, 615p, 627p],
-      [ 602p, 612p, 627p, 638p, 645p, 657p],
-      [ 632p, 642p, 657p, 708p, 715p, 727p],
-      [ 702p, 712p, 727p, 738p, 745p, 757p],
-      [ 732p, 742p, 757p, 808p, 815p, 827p],
-      [ 832p, 842p, 857p, 908p, 915p, 927p],
-      [ 932p, 942p, 957p, 1008p, 1015p, 1027p],
-      [ 1032p, 1042p, 1057p, -, -, -],
-      [ 1132p, 1142p, 1157p, -, -, -],
-      [ 1235x, 1245x, 100x, -, -, -]
-    ]
-    stop_times_saturday: [
-      [ 646a, 655a, 710a, 721a, 728a, 740a],
-      [ 746a, 755a, 810a, 821a, 828a, 840a],
-      [ 846a, 855a, 910a, 921a, 928a, 940a],
-      [ 946a, 955a, 1010a, 1021a, 1028a, 1040a],
-      [ 1046a, 1055a, 1110a, 1121a, 1128a, 1140a],
-      [ 1146a, 1155a, 1210p, 1221p, 1228p, 1240p],
-      [ 1246p, 1255p, 110p, 121p, 128p, 140p],
-      [ 146p, 155p, 210p, 221p, 228p, 240p],
-      [ 246p, 255p, 310p, 321p, 328p, 340p],
-      [ 346p, 355p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 440p],
-      [ 446p, 455p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 540p],
-      [ 546p, 555p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 640p],
-      [ 646p, 655p, 710p, 721p, 728p, 740p],
-      [ 746p, 755p, 810p, 821p, 828p, 840p],
-      [ 846p, 855p, 910p, 921p, 928p, 940p],
-      [ 946p, 955p, 1010p, 1021p, 1028p, 1040p],
-      [ 1046p, 1055p, 1107p, -, -, -]
-    ]
-    stop_times_sunday: [
-      [ 728a, 736a, 750a, 801a, 808a, 817a],
-      [ 828a, 836a, 850a, 901a, 908a, 917a],
-      [ 928a, 936a, 950a, 1001a, 1008a, 1017a],
-      [ 1028a, 1036a, 1050a, 1101a, 1108a, 1117a],
-      [ 1128a, 1136a, 1150a, 1201p, 1208p, 1217p],
-      [ 1228p, 1236p, 1250p, 101p, 108p, 117p],
-      [ 128p, 136p, 150p, 201p, 208p, 217p],
-      [ 228p, 236p, 250p, 301p, 308p, 317p],
-      [ 328p, 336p, 350p, 401p, 408p, 417p],
-      [ 428p, 436p, 450p, 501p, 508p, 517p],
-      [ 528p, 536p, 550p, 601p, 608p, 617p],
-      [ 628p, 636p, 650p, 701p, 708p, 717p],
-      [ 728p, 736p, 750p, 801p, 808p, 817p],
-      [ 828p, 836p, 850p, 901p, 908p, 917p],
-      [ 928p, 936p, 950p, 1001p, 1008p, 1017p],
-      [ 1028p, 1036p, 1050p, 1101p, 1108p, 1117p]
-    ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml.in
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml.in
@@ -1,20 +1,1687 @@
-  start_date: 20090525
-  end_date: 20100601
-  remove_date: 2010601
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_url: http://www.action.act.gov.au/ 
-  agency_timezone: Australia/Canberra
+  agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 1,stop_code: civic_platform_1, lat: -35.2794347, lng: 149.130588}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 5,stop_code: civic_platform_5, lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 6,stop_code: civic_platform_6, lat: -35.27851, lng: 149.12979 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Northbound, stop_code: 3042, lat: -35.27833, 
-lng: 149.12712 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Southbound, stop_code: 4531, 
-lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033 }
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street - Unilodge ANU, stop_code: 4929, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199 }
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
+  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
+  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
+  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
+  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
+  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
+  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
+  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
+  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
+  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
+  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
+  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
+  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
+  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
+  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
+  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
+  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
+  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
+  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
+  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
+  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
+  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
+  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
+  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
+  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
+  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
+  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
+  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
+  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
+  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
+  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
+  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
+  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
+  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
+  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
+  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
+  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
+  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
+  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
+  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
+  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
+  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
+  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
+  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
+  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
+  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
+  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
+  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
+  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
+  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
+  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
+  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
+  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
+  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
+  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
+  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
+  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
+  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
+  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
+  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
+  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
+  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
+  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
+  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
+  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
+  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
+  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
+  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
+  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
+  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
+  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
+  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
+  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
+  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
+  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
+  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
+  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
+  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
+  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
+  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
+  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
+  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
+  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
+  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
+  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
+  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
+  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
+  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
+  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
+  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
+  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
+  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
+  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
+  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
+  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
+  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
+  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
+  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
+  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
+  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
+  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
+  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
+  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
+  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
+  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
+  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
+  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
+  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
+  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
+  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
+  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
+  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
+  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
+  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
+  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
+  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
+  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
+  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
+  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
+  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
+  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
+  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
+  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
+  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
+  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
+  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
+  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
+  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
+  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
+  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
+  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
+  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
+  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
+  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
+  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
+  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
+  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
+  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
+  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
+  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
+  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
+  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
+  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
+  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
+  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
+  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
+  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
+  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
+  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
+  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
+  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
+  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
+  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
+  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
+  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
+  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
+  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
+  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
+  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
+  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
+  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
+  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
+  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
+  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
+  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
+  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
+  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
+  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
+  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
+  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
+  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
+  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
+  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
+  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
+  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
+  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
+  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
+  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
+  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
+  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
+  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
+  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
+  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
+  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
+  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
+  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
+  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
+  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
+  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
+  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
+  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
+  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
+  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
+  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
+  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
+  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
+  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
+  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
+  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
+  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
+  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
+  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
+  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
+  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
+  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
+  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
+  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
+  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
+  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
+  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
+  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
+  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
+  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
+  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
+  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
+  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
+  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
+  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
+  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
+  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
+  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
+  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
+  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
+  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
+  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
+  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
+  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
+  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
+  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
+  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
+  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
+  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
+  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
+  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
+  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
+  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
+  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
+  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
+  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
+  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
+  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
+  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
+  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
+  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
+  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
+  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
+  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
+  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
+  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
+  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
+  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
+  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
+  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
+  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
+  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
+  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
+  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
+  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
+  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
+  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
+  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
+  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
+  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
+  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
+  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
+  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
+  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
+  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
+  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
+  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
+  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
+  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
+  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
+  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
+  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
+  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
+  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
+  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
+  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
+  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
+  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
+  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
+  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
+  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
+  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
+  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
+  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
+  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
+  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
+  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
+  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
+  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
+  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
+  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
+  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
+  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
+  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
+  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
+  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
+  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
+  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
+  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
+  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
+  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
+  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
+  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
+  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
+  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
+  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
+  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
+  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
+  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
+  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
+  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
+  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
+  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
+  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
+  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
+  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
+  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
+  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
+  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
+  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
+  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
+  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
+  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
+  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
+  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
+  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
+  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
+  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
+  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
+  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
+  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
+  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
+  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
+  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
+  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
+  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
+  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
+  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
+  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
+  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
+  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
+  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
+  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
+  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
+  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
+  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
+  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
+  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
+  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
+  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
+  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
+  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
+  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
+  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
+  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
+  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
+  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
+  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
+  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
+  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
+  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
+  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
+  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
+  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
+  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
+  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
+  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
+  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
+  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
+  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
+  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
+  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
+  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
+  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
+  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
+  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
+  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
+  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
+  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
+  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
+  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
+  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
+  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
+  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
+  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
+  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
+  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
+  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
+  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
+  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
+  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
+  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
+  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
+  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml.in.in
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml.in.in
@@ -1,20 +1,10 @@
-  start_date: 20090525
-  end_date: 20100601
-  remove_date: 2010601
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_url: http://www.action.act.gov.au/ 
-  agency_timezone: Australia/Canberra
+  agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 1,stop_code: civic_platform_1, lat: -35.2794347, lng: 149.130588}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 5,stop_code: civic_platform_5, lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033}
-  - { name: Civic Interchange Platform 6,stop_code: civic_platform_6, lat: -35.27851, lng: 149.12979 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Northbound, stop_code: 3042, lat: -35.27833, 
-lng: 149.12712 }
-  - { name: Canberra House Southbound, stop_code: 4531, 
-lat: -35.2786, lng: 149.13033 }
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street - Unilodge ANU, stop_code: 4929, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199 }

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/createfeed.py
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/createfeed.py
@@ -69,8 +69,10 @@
   stopset = set()
   for route in routedata:
-    for between_list in route['between_stops']:
-      stopset.update(route['between_stops'][between_list])
+    if len(route['between_stops']) > 0:
+	for between_list in route['between_stops']:
+		if route['between_stops'][between_list] != None:
+		      stopset.update(route['between_stops'][between_list])
   toprune = list()
   for i, stop in enumerate(stopsdata):
@@ -161,7 +163,8 @@
   r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name=str(routedata['short_name']), 
-  AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "weekday", routedata['stop_times'])
+  if routedata.get('stop_times'):
+    AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "weekday", routedata['stop_times'])
   if routedata.get('stop_times_saturday'):
     AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "saturday", routedata['stop_times_saturday'])  
   if routedata.get('stop_times_sunday'):

 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/db.sql.gz differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/highline.rb
@@ -1,1 +1,140 @@
+module HighLine
+  # prompt = text to display
+  # type can be one of :string, :integer, :float, :bool or a proc
+  #   if it's a proc then it is called with the entered string. If the input
+  #     cannot be converted then it should throw an exception
+  #   if type == :bool then y,yes are converted to true. n,no are converted to
+  #     false. All other values are rejected.
+  #
+  # options should be a hash of validation options
+  #   :validate => regular expresion or proc
+  #     if validate is a regular expression then the input is matched against it
+  #     if it's a proc then the proc is called and the input is accepted if it
+  #       returns true
+  #   :between => range
+  #     the input is checked if it lies within the range
+  #   :above => value
+  #     the input is checked if it is above the value
+  #   :below => value
+  #     the input is checked if it is less than the value
+  #   :default => string
+  #     if the user doesn't enter a value then the default value is returned
+  #   :base => [b, o, d, x]
+  #     when asking for integers this will take a number in binary, octal,
+  #     decimal or hexadecimal
+  def ask(prompt, type, options=nil)
+    begin
+      valid = true
+      default = option(options, :default)
+      if default
+        defaultstr = " |#{default}|"
+      else
+        defaultstr = ""
+      end
+      base = option(options, :base)
+      print prompt, "#{defaultstr} "
+      $stdout.flush
+      input = gets.chomp
+      if default && input == ""
+        input = default
+      end
+      #comvert the input to the correct type
+      input = case type
+              when :string: input
+              when :integer: convert(input, base) rescue valid = false
+              when :float: Float(input) rescue valid = false
+              when :bool
+                valid = input =~ /^(y|n|yes|no)$/
+                input[0] == ?y
+              when Proc: input = type.call(input) rescue valid = false
+              end
+      #validate the input
+      valid &&= validate(options, :validate) do |test|
+        case test
+        when Regexp: input =~ test
+        when Proc: test.call(input)
+        end
+      end
+      valid &&= validate(options, :within) { |range| range === input}
+      valid &&= validate(options, :above) { |value| input > value}
+      valid &&= validate(options, :below) { |value| input < value}
+      puts "Not a valid value" unless valid
+    end until valid
+    return input
+  end
+  #asks a yes/no question
+  def ask_if(prompt)
+    ask(prompt, :bool)
+  end
+  private
+  #extracts a key from the options hash
+  def option(options, key)
+    result = nil
+    if options && options.key?(key)
+      result = options[key]
+    end
+    result
+  end
+  #helper function for validation
+  def validate(options, key)
+    result = true
+    if options && options.key?(key)
+      result = yield options[key]
+    end
+    result    
+  end
+  #converts a string to an integer
+  #input = the value to convert
+  #base = the numeric base of the value b,o,d,x
+  def convert(input, base)
+    if base
+      if ["b", "o", "d", "x"].include?(base)
+        input = "0#{base}#{input}"
+        value = Integer(input)
+      else
+        value = Integer(input)
+      end
+    else
+      value = Integer(input)
+    end
+    value
+  end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+  include HighLine
+  #string input using a regexp to validate, returns test as the default value
+  p ask("enter a string, (all lower case)", :string, :validate => /^[a-z]*$/, :default => "test")
+  #string input using a proc to validate
+  p ask("enter a string, (between 3 and 6 characters)", :string, :validate => proc { |input| (3..6) === input.length})
+  #integer intput using :within
+  p ask("enter an integer, (0-10)", :integer, :within => 0..10)
+  #float input using :above
+  p ask("enter a float, (> 6)", :float, :above => 6)
+  #getting a binary value
+  p ask("enter a binary number", :integer, :base => "b")
+  #using a proc to convert the a comma seperated list into an array
+  p ask("enter a comma seperated list", proc { |x| x.split(/,/)})
+  p ask_if("do you want to continue?")

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial / Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  ADFA-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "10"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  War Memorial / Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcend, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H]
+short_name: "10"
+stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 11 111
+stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+short_name: 11 111
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
+long_name: To Spence Terminus
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 12 312
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 12 312
+stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
+long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 13 313
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 13 313
+stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
+long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 14 314
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 14 314
+stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
+long_name: To Spence Terminus
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 15 315
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 15 315
+stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "16"
+stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+long_name: To Kippax
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "16"
+stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "17"
+stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+long_name: To Kippax
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "17"
+stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "170"
+stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-erindale-dr---charleston-st-monash.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "170"
+stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 18 318
+stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 18 318
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 19 319
+stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 19 319
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+long_name: To Dickson
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+  Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "2"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+  Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
+short_name: "2"
+stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-fyshwick-directfactory-outlet.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "200"
+stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "200"
+stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "21"
+stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "22"
+stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "23"
+stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+short_name: "24"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 25 225
+stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 25 225
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 26 226
+stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
+long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 26 226
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 27 227
+stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: 27 227
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "28"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+short_name: "28"
+stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,14 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+  Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "3"
+stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,14 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "3"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "30"
+stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+short_name: "30"
+stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "31"
+stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+short_name: "31"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "39"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "4"
+stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-geoscience-australia.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
+long_name: To Geoscience Australia
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "4"
+stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "43"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "44"
+stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
+long_name: To Kippax
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "44"
+stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "45"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "5"
+stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "5"
+stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "50"
+stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "50"
+stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "51"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "51"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "52"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "52"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "56"
+stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "56"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "57"
+stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "57"
+stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "58"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-macarthur---northbourne-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
+long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "58"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "59"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-northbourne-avenue---antill-st.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "59"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
+long_name: To Dickson
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+short_name: "6"
+stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "6"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 60 160
+stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: 60 160
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 61 161
+stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: 61 161
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "62"
+stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "62"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: "63"
+stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: "63"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "64"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "64"
+stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 65 265
+stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale Centre, Bugden Sternberg, Gowrie, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: 65 265
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "66"
+stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "66"
+stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: 67 267
+stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: 67 267
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "7"
+stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "7"
+stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "701"
+stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence, Spence Terminus]
+long_name: To Spence Terminus
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "701"
+stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
+long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "702"
+stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "702"
+stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "703"
+stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "703"
+stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+long_name: To Kippax
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "704"
+stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "704"
+stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-centrelink-tuggeranong.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
+long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "705"
+stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Centrelink Tuggeranong, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "705"
+stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/71-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "71"
+stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "710"
+stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: "710"
+stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "720"
+stop_times: [[710a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 752a, 756a, 757a], [740a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 822a, 826a, 827a], [816a, 822a, 834a, 840a, 858a, 902a, 903a], [840a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 922a, 926a, 927a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+long_name: To Farrer Terminus
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+short_name: "720"
+stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "729"
+stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+short_name: "729"
+stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "73"
+stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "732"
+stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+short_name: "732"
+stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "737"
+stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "737"
+stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "74"
+stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "749"
+stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "749"
+stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "75"
+stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "75"
+stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+short_name: "757"
+stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "757"
+stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/76-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "76"
+stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
+long_name: To Calwell
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "768"
+stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "768"
+stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "769"
+stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Calwell, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
+long_name: To Tharwa Drive
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "769"
+stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/77-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "77"
+stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "780"
+stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "780"
+stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "785"
+stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "785"
+stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+short_name: "786"
+stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "786"
+stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "787"
+stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "787"
+stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "788"
+stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "788"
+stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Kve, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+short_name: "8"
+stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
+long_name: To Dickson
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5Kve]
+short_name: "8"
+stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "80"
+stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "80"
+stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+short_name: "81"
+stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "82"
+stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "82"
+stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "88"
+stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+short_name: "88"
+stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+short_name: "9"
+stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: "9"
+stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
+short_name: "900"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "900"
+stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
+short_name: "900"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+short_name: "900"
+stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "902"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "902"
+stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "903"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "903"
+stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "904"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "904"
+stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "905"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "905"
+stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
+short_name: "906"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "906"
+stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+short_name: "907"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "907"
+stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
+short_name: "912"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "912"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "913"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "913"
+stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "914"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "914"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
+short_name: "915"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "915"
+stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+short_name: "921"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "921"
+stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+short_name: "922"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "922"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
+short_name: "923"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "923"
+stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
+short_name: "924"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "924"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
+short_name: "925"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "925"
+stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
+short_name: "925"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "925"
+stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
+short_name: "927"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "927"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
+short_name: "927"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "927"
+stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "930"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+short_name: "930"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+short_name: "931"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+short_name: "931"
+stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "932"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "932"
+stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "932"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+short_name: "932"
+stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "934"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "934"
+stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "934"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "934"
+stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "935"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "935"
+stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "936"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GeU, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+short_name: "936"
+stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Lyneham-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "937"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Lyneham-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+short_name: "937"
+stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+short_name: "938"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "938"
+stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+short_name: "938"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "938"
+stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "939"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "939"
+stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+short_name: "942"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "942"
+stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+short_name: "942"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "942"
+stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+short_name: "951"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "951"
+stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+short_name: "951"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "951"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
+short_name: "952"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "952"
+stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+short_name: "952"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "952"
+stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+short_name: "956"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "956"
+stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+short_name: "956"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "956"
+stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "958"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "958"
+stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "958"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "958"
+stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "960"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "960"
+stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
+short_name: "960"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "960"
+stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
+short_name: "961"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "961"
+stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "961"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "961"
+stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
+short_name: "962"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "962"
+stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
+short_name: "962"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "962"
+stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
+short_name: "964"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "964"
+stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+short_name: "964"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "964"
+stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "966"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "966"
+stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
+short_name: "967"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "967"
+stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
+short_name: "968"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "968"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
+short_name: "980"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "980"
+stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "980"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+short_name: "980"
+stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+short_name: "981"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+short_name: "981"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+short_name: "982"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "982"
+stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+short_name: "982"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "982"
+stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "988"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+short_name: "988"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/parse-times.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-use strict;
-my $first = 1;
-my $prev_comment = 0;
-while (<STDIN>) {
-    if ($_ !~ /^\#/) {
-	if (!$first && !$prev_comment) {
-	    print ",\n";
-	} else {
-	    $first = 0;
-	    $prev_comment = 0;
-	}
-	chomp;
-	my @times = split /\ +/;
-	print "  [ ";
-	my $first = 1;
-	foreach (@times) {
-	    if (!$first) {
-		print ", ";
-	    } else {
-		$first = 0;
-	    }
-	    print $_;
-	}
-	print "]";
-    } else {
-	# yes, this conditional is loaded with assumptions...
-	print ",\n" . $_;
-	$prev_comment = 1;
-    }

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Intertown_300.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3473 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Intertown 300</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->300, 312, 313, 314, 315, 318, 319 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/intertown_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City  Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 AM</td>

-      <td>5:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 AM</td>

-      <td>6:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td>6:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

-      <td>6:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td>6:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td>7:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td>6:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td>7:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td>7:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td>7:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td>7:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td>8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td>8:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>161</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td>10:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td>12:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td>1:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td>5:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>6:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td>7:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td>7:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td>7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td>7:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td>8:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td>8:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td>8:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td>8:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td>8:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td>8:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td>9:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td>9:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td>9:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td>9:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td>9:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td>9:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td>10:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td>10:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td>10:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td>10:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td>10:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td>10:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td>11:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td>11:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td>11:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td>11:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

-      <td>11:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td>11:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 PM</td>

-      <td>11:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 PM</td>

-      <td>12:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td>11:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 AM</td>

-      <td>12:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

-      <td>6:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td>6:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td>6:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td>6:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td>7:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td>6:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td>6:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td>6:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td>7:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td>6:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td>6:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td>7:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td>7:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td>7:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td>7:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td>7:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td>7:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td>7:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td>7:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td>7:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>7:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td>7:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td>8:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>8:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td>8:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td>8:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td>9:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td>10:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td>10:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>12:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>12:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td>12:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td>1:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>161</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>6:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>160</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>6:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>162</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>111</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>318</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>7:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td>7:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>8:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td>7:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>8:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /> </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>8:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>8:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td>8:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td>8:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>8:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>9:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td>8:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>9:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td>8:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>9:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>9:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

-      <td>9:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td>9:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td>9:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>9:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td>9:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>10:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td>9:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>10:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>10:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

-      <td>10:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td>10:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td>10:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>10:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>11:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td>10:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>11:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td>11:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td>10:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>11:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td>11:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>300 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

-      <td>11:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td>11:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


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+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_10.htm
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 10</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->10<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/10_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Caswell Drive</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">War Memorial,<br />Limestone Ave</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+    <th>Majura Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Majura Business Park</th>

+    <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+  <th>War Memorial,<br />Limestone Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Aranda Shops</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 AM</td>

+		<td>12:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_10.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1638 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 10</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->10<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/10_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-<h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-<table class="timetable">

-  <tr>

-    <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-    <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-    <th>Jamison Centre </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Cook</th>

-    <th>Aranda</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Caswell Drive </th>

-    <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">War Memorial </th>

-    <th>ADFA</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    <th>Majura Business Park </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Brindabella Business Park</th>

-    <th>Fairbairn Park</th>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:55 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:21 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

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-    <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

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-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

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-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

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-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

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-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

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-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

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-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:59 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:59 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:59 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:59 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-  </tr>



-<table class="timetable">

-  <tr>

-    <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-    <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Majura Business Park </th>

-    <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

-    <th>War Memorial </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-    <th>Caswell Drive </th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Aranda</th>

-    <th>Cook</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre </th>

-    <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-    <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:00 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:57 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:11 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:10 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:10 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:15 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">10</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:10 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:15 AM</td>

-  </tr>


-<p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_11_111.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,865 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 11 111</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->11, 111<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/11-111_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

+  <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>12:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>1:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>2:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_11_111.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,804 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 11, 111</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->11, 111 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/11_111_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>McKillop College Isabella Campus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

-      <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:59 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />       

-         Platform 11 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

-      <th>McKillop College Isabella Campus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">111</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">11<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 12 312</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->12, 312<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/12-312_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+    <th>McKellar Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>...</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">McKellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Copland College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Evatt Shops</th>

+		<th>Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_12_312.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 12, 312</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->12, 312 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/12_312_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

-      <th>Evatt</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

-      <th>McKellar</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />       

-       Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">McKellar</th>

-      <th>Copland College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Evatt</th>

-      <th>Spence Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">312 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">12</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_13_313.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,894 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 13 313</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->13, 313<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/13-313_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Scullin Shops</th>

+    <th>Page Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

+    <th>Scullin Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+		<th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_13_313.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,855 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<title>Route 13, 313</title>

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-	font-weight: bold;




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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->13, 313 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/13_313_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West    Terminus</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Scullin Shops</th>

-      <th>Page Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 6</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

-      <th>Scullin Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Charnwood</th>

-      <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">313 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">13</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_14_314.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,968 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 14 314</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->14, 314<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/14-314_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+		<th>Charnwood,Tillyard Dr</th>

+    <th>St Francis Xavier, Florey</th>

+	  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>St Francis Xavier, Florey</th>

+    <th>Charnwood,Tillyard Dr</th>

+		<th>Fraser Shops</th>

+	  <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only</td>

+    </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_14_314.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,884 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 14, 314</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->14, 314 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/14_314_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-<h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">St Francis Xavier Florey</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser</th>

-      <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14<strong>s</strong></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><strong>s</strong> - Operates school days only and commences at    Radford College at 3.40pm</p>



-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Fraser</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Charnwood</th>

-      <th>St Francis Xavier Florey</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohn St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">314 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">14</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,944 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 15 315</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->15, 315<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/15-315_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Melba Shops</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 AM</td>

+		<td>5:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 AM</td>

+		<td>5:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Bus operates school days only departing cnr of Alpen and Clifford street at 8:16am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>Melba Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Shops</th>

+		<th>Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only and departs Radford College at 3.52p</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_15_315.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 15, 315</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->15, 315 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/15_315_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

-      <th>Spence</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Alpen &amp; Clifford St</th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence</th>

-      <th>Spence Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15<strong>a</strong></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">315 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">15</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><strong>a</strong> - Departs Radford College at 3:52pm. Operates    School Days Only</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_16.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,680 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 16</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->16<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/16_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Florey Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Latham Post Office</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+    <th>Latham Post Office</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_16.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 16</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->16<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/16_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron    Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Florey Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Latham Shops</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-      <th>Latham Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">16</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_17.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,872 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 17</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->17<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/17_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weetangera Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

+		<td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+		<td>11:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="9">Operates School Days Only</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Weetangera Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Hawker Shops</th>

+    <th>Hawker College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Higgins</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_17.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 17</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->17<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/17_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-<h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-<table class="timetable">

-  <tr>

-    <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-    <th>Higgins</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

-    <th>Hawker</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Weetangera Shops</th>

-    <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-    <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:55 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:50 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:46 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:25 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:25 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:25 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:25 PM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:13 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:25 PM</td>

-  </tr>



-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Weetangera Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hawker</th>

-      <th>Hawker College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Higgins</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">17</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_170.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,114 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 170</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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+<div id="BodyText">

+  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->170<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

+  <p><a href="pdfs/170_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+  <table class="timetable">

+  <colgroup>

+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <tr><th>&nbsp;</th>

+      <th>Wheelchair<br />

+        Accessible</th>

+      <th>Erindale Dr/ Charleston St, Monash</th>

+      <th>Gowrie</th>

+      <th>Erindale / Sternberg Cres</th>

+      <th>Woden Bus Station

+        Platform 9</th>

+      <th>City Bus Station</th>

+      <th>City West</th>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+      <td>7:10 AM</td>

+      <td>7:20 AM</td>

+      <td>7:32 AM</td>

+      <td>7:49 AM</td>

+      <td>8:04 AM</td>

+      <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td>&nbsp;</td>

+      <td>7:28 AM</td>

+      <td>7:38 AM</td>

+      <td>7:50 AM</td>

+      <td>8:07 AM</td>

+      <td>8:22 AM</td>

+      <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    </tr>


+  <table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <tr>

+      <th>&nbsp;</th>

+      <th>Wheelchair<br />

+      Accessible</th>

+      <th>City West</th>

+      <th>City Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+      <th>Woden Bus Station Platform 12</th>

+      <th>Erindale / Sternberg Cres</th>

+      <th>Gowrie</th>

+      <th>Erindale Dr/ Charleston St, Monash</th>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td>&nbsp;</td>

+      <td>5:00 PM</td>

+      <td>5:05 PM</td>

+      <td>5:21 PM</td>

+      <td>5:36 PM</td>

+      <td>5:46 PM</td>

+      <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    </tr>

+  </table>

+  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd -->


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_170.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->170<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/170_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Dr/ Charleston St Monash</th>

-      <th>Gowrie</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Drive/Sternberg</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>8:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 12 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Drive/Sternberg</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>Erindale Dr/ Charleston St Monash</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>170</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_18_318.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,902 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 18 318</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->18, 318<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/18-318_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+		<th>Gordon Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 AM</td>

+		<td>5:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="10">Operates school days only commencing at Lewis Luxton / Woodcock Drive at 7:46am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	  <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_18_318.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,887 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 18, 318</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->18, 318 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/18_318_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market    Place</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr</th>

-      <th>Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18<strong>a</strong></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><strong>a</strong> - Operates School Days Only</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 <br /></th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /> </td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /> </td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18  PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">318 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">18 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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@@ -1,1 +1,982 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 19 319</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->19, 319<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/19-319_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary School</th>

+	  <th>St Clare of Assisi</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Conder Primary</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+		<td>11:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+		<th>Conder Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">St Clare of Assisi</th>

+		<th>Bonython Primary School</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station Platform 3</th>

+		<th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_19_319.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,932 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 19, 319</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->19, 319 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/19_319_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St    Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th>St Clare of Conder </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Conder Primary</th>

-      <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="18" align="right">19<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Conder Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">St Clare of Conder </th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19<strong>a <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></strong></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">319 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">19</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><strong>a</strong> - Operates School Days Only</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_2.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1408 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 2</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->2<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/2_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

+	  <th>Yarrulumla Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Olims Hotel</th>

+	  <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hackett Shops</th>

+		<th>Dickson Shops</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+		<td>11:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Ainslie Shops</th>

+	  <th>Olims Hotel</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Parliament House</th>

+	  <th>Deakin</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Yarrulumla Shops</th>

+	  <th>John James Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Curtin Shops</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>Notes</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2s</td>

+		<td colspan="13">Bus operates on School Days Only</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2a</td>

+		<td colspan="13">On School days, bus commences from Lyneham High School at 3:13pm</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1341 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 2</title>

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->2<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/2_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-        Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Curtin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

-      <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Deakin</th>

-      <th>Parliament House</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Olims Hotel</th>

-      <th>Ainslie</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hackett</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham High</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hackett</th>

-      <th>Ainslie</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Olims Hotel</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Parliament House</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Deakin</th>

-      <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

-      <th>Curtin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

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-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

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-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

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-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

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-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

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-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">2</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_200.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1314 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 200</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->200<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/200_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+	  <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_21.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,254 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 21</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->21<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/21_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Pearce</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_21.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 21</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->21 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/21_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" >&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Pearce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">21<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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@@ -1,1 +1,254 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 22</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->22<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/22_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

+	  <th>Pearce</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_22.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 22</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->22<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/22_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" width="64">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

-      <th>Pearce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">22<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,338 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 23</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->23<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/23_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chifley Shops</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 AM</td>

+		<td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+		<td>11:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_23.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 23</title>

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->23<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/23_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" width="64">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Lyons</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chifley</th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

-      <th>Isaacs</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">23</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_24.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,314 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 24</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->24<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/24_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Isaacs Shops</th>

+	  <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lyons Shops</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+		<td>11:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_24.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 24</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->24<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/24_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" width="64">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Isaacs</th>

-      <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Chifley</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyons</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">24<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_25_225.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,557 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 25 225</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->25, 225<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/25-225-28_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+    <th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park <br />Offices</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Holder Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park<br />

+	    Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_25_225.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 25, 225</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->25, 225 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/25_225_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 16 </th>

-      <th>Weston Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Holder</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Weston Primary </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

-      <th>Campbell Park    Offices</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">225</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">25</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_26_226.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,625 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 26 226</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->26, 226<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/26-226_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weston Creek Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra College, Weston Campus</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra College, Weston Campus</th>

+	  <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Weston Creek Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_26_226.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 26, 226</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->26, 226 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/26_226_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Weston Creek Terminus</th>

-      <th>Chapman</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra College Weston</th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">226<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">226</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">226</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices </th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra College Weston</th>

-      <th>Chapman</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Weston Creek    Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">226</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">226</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">26</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_27_227.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,612 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 27 227</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->27, 227<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/27-227_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fisher Shops</th>

+	  <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fisher Shops</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_27_227.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 27, 227</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->27, 227 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/27_227_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Rivett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fisher</th>

-      <th>Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">227</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">227</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">227</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fisher</th>

-      <th>Rivett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">227</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">227</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">27</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_28.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,600 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 28</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->28<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/28_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">CIT Weston</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	  <th>Brindabella<br />

+      Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 16</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">CIT Weston</th>

+	  <th>Duffy  Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_28.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 28</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->28<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/28_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Duffy Primary School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Police College Weston</th>

-      <th>Lyons</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 16 </th>

-      <th>Lyons</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Police College Weston</th>

-      <th>Duffy Primary School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">28</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_3.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1256 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 3</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->3<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/3_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin Shops</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">National Museum of Australia</th>

+	  <th>Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Road</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">O'Connor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 PM</td>

+		<td>8:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 PM</td>

+		<td>9:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 PM</td>

+		<td>10:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 PM</td>

+		<td>11:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">O'Connor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Road</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1145 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 3</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->3<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/3_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --> 

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-        Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-        Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-        Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">O'Connor</th>

-      <th>Garran/Daley Rd</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Museum</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Parliament House</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Deakin</th>

-      <th>Hughes</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Garran</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-        Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Deakin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Parliament House</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>National Museum</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Garran/Daley Rd</th>

-      <th>O'Connor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station </th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">3<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_30.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,866 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 30</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->30<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/30_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>University of Canberra</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

+	  <th>Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 AM</td>

+		<td>5:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 AM</td>

+		<td>5:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Giralang</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+		<td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_30.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 30</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->30 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/30_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

-      <th>Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Kaleen    Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">30</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_31.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,638 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 31</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->31<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/31_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />

+	  Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+	  Platform 8</th>

+		<th>Macarthur /<br />

+	  Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

+		<th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

+		<th>Belconnen Community<br />

+	  Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Cohen Street<br />

+	  Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />

+	  Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />

+	  Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+	  Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />

+	  Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+		<th>University of Canberra</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+		<th>North Lyneham</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />

+	  Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_31.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 31</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->31<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/31_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th>North Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">31</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_39.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,682 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 39</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->39<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/39_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops<br />Antill Street</th>

+	  <th>Watson </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Watson Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Watson </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops<br />Antill Street</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_39.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 39</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->39<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/39_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Watson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Watson Terminus</th>

-      <th>Watson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">39</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_4.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,760 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 4</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->4<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/4_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah<br />Terminus</th>

+		<th>Geoscience Australia</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah<br />Terminus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th>Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_4.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 4</title>

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->4<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/4_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>Route 4 diversion: 22 February to 5 March</strong></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000">Due to roadwork at the Intersection of Captain Cook Crescent and Jerrabomberra Avenue, Route 4 from the City to Geoscience Australia will be diverted around the intersection and travel along Boolimba and Sturt Avenue before rejoining at Jerrabomberra Avenue. </p>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka Captain Cook</th>

-      <th>Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah Terminus</th>

-      <th>Geoscience Australia</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

-      <th>Narrabundah Terminus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Manuka, Captain Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingston</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">4</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_43.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,492 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 43</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->43<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/43_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Kippax</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="12">On School days this service travels via Hirsshfield Crescent picking up students from Macgregor Primary School</td>

+		</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_43.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 43</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->43<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/43_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron    Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">43<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_44.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,616 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 44</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->44<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/44_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Higgins Shops</th>

+	  <th>West Macgregor</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Holt Shops</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Holt Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">West Macgregor</th>

+	  <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Way </th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_44.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +1,1 @@
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->44<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/44_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th><br /></th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Sation<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Belconnen Way </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Higgins</th>

-      <th>Holt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax Centre </th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>7:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td>8:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td>9:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td>9:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td>10:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td>10:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td>11:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td>11:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td>11:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax Centre </th>

-      <th>Holt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Higgins</th>

-      <th>Belconnen Way </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St  Station </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station </th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

-      <td>6:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td>6:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td>6:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td>6:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td>6:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td>7:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td>7:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td>7:57 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td>8:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td>8:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td>9:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>44</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td>10:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_45.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,518 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 45</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->45<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/45_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tillyard / Spalding</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kerrigan / Lhotsky</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tillyard / Spalding</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+		<td>11:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>S: </td>

+		<td colspan=14>This service travels via Alfred Hill Drive dropping off students for Mount Rogers Primary - School Days Only</td>

+		</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_45.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 45</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->45<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/45_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Copland College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cnr Tillyard Dr &amp; Spalding St</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cnr Tillyard Dr &amp; Spalding St</th>

-      <th>Copland College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<strong>S</strong></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<strong>S</strong></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45<strong>s</strong></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">45</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>S - This service travels via Alfred Hill Drive, dropping off students for Mount Rogers    Primary - School Days Only</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_5.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,846 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 5</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->5<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/5_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> 

+    National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />

+    Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_5.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1196 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 5</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->5<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/5_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <p class="style1">Due to construction at The Canberra Hospital, The bus stops in Bateson Road will be out of service from Saturday 28 November until further notice. Passengers can still use the main stops along Hospital Road. There is no change to the direction of the route.</p>

-  <p><strong>Please note</strong>: an additional timing point has been added to include Manuka.</p>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Manuka, Captain Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingston</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka, Captain Cook</th>

-      <th>Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

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-      <td>.....</td>

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-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

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-      <td>.....</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

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-      <td>.....</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 AM</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 AM</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 AM</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:21 PM</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:21 PM</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

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-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

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-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

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-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

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-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

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-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">5</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_50.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,242 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 50</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->50<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/50_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road /<br />

+      Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+		<th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th>Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Flemington Road /<br />

+    Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_51.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1009 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 51</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->51<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/51_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 AM</td>

+		<td>5:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 AM</td>

+		<td>5:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 AM</td>

+		<td>12:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 AM</td>

+		<td>12:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_51.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,967 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 51</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->51<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/51_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right"><p>51</p></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen    St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">51</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_52.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1026 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 52</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->52<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/52_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 AM</td>

+		<td>5:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_52.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,983 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 52</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->52<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/52_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen    St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th  class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen    St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">52</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_56.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,866 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 56</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->56<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/56_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Kosciuszko / Everard</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 AM</td>

+		<td>5:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 AM</td>

+		<td>5:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kosciuszko / Everard</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_56.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,823 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 56</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->56<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/56_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen    Str  Station<br />

-      Platform 1 <br /></th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56c<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">56</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>c - commences at the first stop near the dam wall on Mirrabei Drive 4 minutes earlier</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_57.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,458 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 57</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->57<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/57_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hoskins Street / <br />Oodgeroo Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hoskins Street / <br />Oodgeroo Ave</th>

+	  <th>Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_58.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,845 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 58</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->58<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/58_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/ Nullabor Ave</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>r</td>

+		<td colspan="11">On Race Days, this service travels via racecourse</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/ Nullabor Ave</th>

+	  <th>Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 AM</td>

+		<td>12:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>r</td>

+		<td colspan="12">On Race Days, this service travels via racecourse</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_58.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,825 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 58</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->58<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/58_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th>Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St    Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">58</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_59.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1014 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 59</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->59<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/59_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Mirrebei Drive /<br />Dam Wall</th>

+    <th>Paul Coe /<br />Mirrebei Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Katherine Ave /<br />Horse Park Drive</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 AM</td>

+		<td>5:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+		<td>11:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Katherine Ave /<br />Horse Park Drive</th>

+    <th>Paul Coe /<br />Mirrebei Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

+		<td>11:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 PM</td>

+		<td>12:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_59.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 59</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->59<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/59_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Avenue Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Paul-Co / Mirrabei</th>

-      <th>Katherine / Horse Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 AM</td>

-      <td>5:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

-      <td>6:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td>6:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td>6:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td>7:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td>7:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td>7:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="27">59c<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59c</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td>10:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td>3:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td>4:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>5:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td>8:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td>8:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td>9:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td>9:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td>10:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td>10:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td>11:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-      <td>11:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 PM</td>

-      <td>12:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>c - commences at the first    stop near the dam wall on Mirrabei Drive 4 minutes earlier</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd/Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hibberson/Kate Crace</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Katherine / Horse Park</th>

-      <th>Paul-Co / Mirrabei</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Avenue Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen    Street Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td>6:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td>7:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td>11:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td>12:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td>1:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td>2:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td>3:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td>3:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td>6:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td>8:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td>9:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td>9:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td>10:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td>10:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>59</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td>11:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-      <td>11:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:56 PM</td>

-      <td>11:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_6.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,691 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 6</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->6<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/6_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />Wattle Street</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Manuka</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

+	  <th>Manuka </th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />

+    Wattle Street</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_6.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 6</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->6<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/6_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <p><span class="style1">Due to construction at The Canberra Hospital, The bus stops in Bateson Road will be out of service from Saturday 28 November until further notice. Passengers can still use the main stops along Hospital Road. There is no change to the direction of the route.</span></p>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-      <th>North Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Manuka, Captain Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

-      <th>Manuka, Captain Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham</th>

-      <th>North Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">6</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_60_160.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,554 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 60 160</title>

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->60<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/60-160_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Kambah High</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="7">On school days this service diverts into Gleneagles, travelling on Mount Vernon Drive and return. Bus arrives at Tuggeranong 7 minutes later.</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_60_160.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 60, 160</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->60, 160 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/60_160_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60C</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60C</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">160<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">60<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>C - On School Days, this service diverts into    Gleneagles. Travels to roundabout in Mount Vernon Drive and return.</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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@@ -1,1 +1,602 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 61 161</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->61<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/61-161_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Taverner St /<br />Erindale Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops /<br />Kambah</th>

+	  <th>Athllon/ Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>161</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61s</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+		<td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="8">On school days, bus arrives art Woden Bus Station at 8:18am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station <br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 11</th>

+		<th>Athllon /<br />

+    Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops /<br />

+    Kambah</th>

+		<th>Taverner St /<br />

+    Erindale Dr</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61s</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>161</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="8">On school days bus arrives at Tuggeranong Bus Station at 3.59pm</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_61_161.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 61, 161</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->61, 161 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/61_161_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Taverner/Erindale</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops Kambah</th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">161</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops Kambah</th>

-      <th>Taverner/Erindale</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">161</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">61</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_62_162.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,540 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 62</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->62<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/62-162_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Kambah High</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Kambah Village</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+		<td>11:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_62_162.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 62, 162</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->62, 162 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/62_162_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah Village</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Kambah Village</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">162</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">62</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_63.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,749 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 63</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->63<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/63_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+		<th>Monash, Goodwin Village</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th>Wanniassa High</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Athllon / Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+		Platform 10</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave /<br />National Circuit</th>

+		<th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">On school days, this service arrives at Woden at 8:50am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+		<th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+		<th>Athllon / <br />Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Wanniassa High</th>

+		<th>Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Monash, Goodwin Village</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63x</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63x</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>x</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Bus commences at the corner of Sainsbury Street and Longmore Cres 5 minutes earlier</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_63.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 63</title>

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->63<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/63_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Monash</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Wanniassa High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

-      <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 12 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sainsbury Street </th>

-      <th>Wanniassa High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Monash</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63C</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63C<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:38 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">63<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 PM </td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>C - Commences at Sainsbury    Street Wanniassa 5 minutes earlier</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_64.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,482 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 64</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->64<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/64_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Monash Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College, <br />Wanniassa Campus</th>

+	  <th>Athllon / <br />Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64x</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64y</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56am</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>x</td>

+		<td colspan="6">On School Days this trip arrives at Woden Bus Station at 8:46am</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>y</td>

+		<td colspan="6">On School Days this trip arrives at Woden Bus Station at 9:01am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station <br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>Athllon / <br />

+	    Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">MacKillop College, <br />

+      Wanniassa Campus</th>

+	  <th>Monash Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_64.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 64</title>

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->64<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/64_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><p><span class="style1">On School days only this bus arrives at Woden Interchange at 8:41am.</span></p>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17">&nbsp;</td>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Monash Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College    Wanniassa Campus</th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr style="background-color:#FF0000">

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17">&nbsp;</td>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College    Wanniassa Campus</th>

-      <th>Monash Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64C<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64C</th>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17" align="right">64</th>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>C - Commences at Sainsbury    Street Wanniassa 6 minutes earlier</p>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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@@ -1,1 +1,755 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 65 265</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->65, 265<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/65-265_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 AM</td>

+		<td>5:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 AM</td>

+		<td>5:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 12</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bugden Sternberg</th>

+	  <th>Gowrie</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_65_265.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<title>Route 65</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->65, 265_<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/65_265_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</span>

-<h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-<table class="timetable">

-  <tr>

-    <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-    <th>McKillop College Isabella Campus</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-    <th>Erindale Centre /<br />

-Sternberg Crescent</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-    <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-    <th>City Interchange</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:57 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">265</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">265</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:43 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:52 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:54 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:14 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:24 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:47 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:04 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>



-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 12</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>McKillop College Isabella Campus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65C<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">265</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">265</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">265</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">65</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>C - Commences at the corner of Bugden Avenue and    Sternberg Cresent at 6:04am</p>

-<p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_66.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,540 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 66</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->66<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/66_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Bonython Primary School</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deamer /<br />Clift Richardson</th>

+	  <th>Procor /<br />Mead</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Procor /<br />Mead</th>

+	  <th>Deamer /<br />Clift Richardson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary School</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_66.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 66</title>

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->66<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/66_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Deamer/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th>Proctor / Mead</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:30 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Proctor / Mead</th>

-      <th>Deamer/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong    Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">66 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td align="right">66</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:54 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_67_267.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,756 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 67 267</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->67, 267<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/67-267_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th>Erindale / <br />Sternberg Cres</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Erindale /<br />Sternberg Cres</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bugden Sternberg</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_67_267.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 67, 267</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->67, 267 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/67_267_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-<h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-<table class="timetable">

-  <tr>

-    <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong    Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-    <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-    <th>Erindale Drive/Sternberg</th>

-    <th  class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-    <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-    <th  class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-    <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-    <th  class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:16 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:05 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">267</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:55 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">267<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:53 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:42 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:12 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:42 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">7:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">8:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">9:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">10:36 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>

-  <tr>

-    <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:17 PM</td>

-    <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-    <td align="right">11:36 PM</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    <td>.....</td>

-    <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-  </tr>



- <table class="timetable">

-   <tr>

-     <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-     <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-     <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5</th>

-     <th>Erindale Drive/Sternberg</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Bugden/Sternberg</th>

-     <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-     <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:08 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:32 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 AM </td>

-     <td align="right">6:26 AM </td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:33 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:57 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:56 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:27 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:34 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:01 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:10 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:31 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:09 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:01 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:10 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:38 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:30 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">11:01 AM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">11:30 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-     <td align="right">12:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">12:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">1:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">1:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">2:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">2:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:00 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:10 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:41 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">3:44 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:45 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:15 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:45 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">267</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:30 PM </td>

-     <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:20 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">267</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">267</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">5:50 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:33 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:04 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-   </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td height="17" align="right">67</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>.....</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">11:30 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 PM </td>

-     <td align="right">11:37 PM</td>

-     <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

-     <td align="right">12:01 AM </td>

-   </tr>

- </table>

- <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_7.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,701 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 7</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->7<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/7_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Australian Institute <br />of Sport</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>Merici College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 AM</td>

+		<td>5:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Merici College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+		<th>Australian Institute <br />

+      of Sport</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_7.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 7</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->7<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/7_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain Steet Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Avenue Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Australian Institute Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-      <th>Merici Braddon</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th>Merici Braddon</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-      <th>Australian Institute    Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Avenue Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain Steet Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">7</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_701.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,158 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 701</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->701<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/701_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>William Web /<br />Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ /<br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+		<th>William Web /<br />

+    Ginninderra Drive</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_701.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +1,1 @@
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-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->701<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/701_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 17 August 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

-      <th>Spence</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

-      <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>National Circ/Canberra Ave</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td>7:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td>8:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sydney Avenue</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th>Copland College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence</th>

-      <th>Spence Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>6:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>701</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_702.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,144 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 702</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->702<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/702_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flynn</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th>Flynn</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_702.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->702<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/702_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sydney Avenue</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Flynn</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Charnwood</th>

-      <th>Fraser</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

-      <th>Fraser</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Charnwood</th>

-      <th>Flynn</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 <br /></th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Circ/Canberra Ave</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td>7:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td>7:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>702</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 703</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->703<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/703_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Dunlop</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Dunlop</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ/ Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_703.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +1,1 @@
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->703<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/703_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sydney Avenue</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Belconnen Way</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Dunlop</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Dunlop</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Belconnen Way</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Circ/Canberra Ave</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td>7:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td>7:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td>7:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td>7:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td>7:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>703</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>8:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_704.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,105 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 704</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->704<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/704_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

+	  <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_704.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->704<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/704_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

-      <th>Hawker</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

-      <th>Aranda</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 10</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Circ/Canberra Ave</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>704</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>704</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sydney Avenue</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Aranda</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

-      <th>Hawker</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>704</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 705</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->705<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/705_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />

+    Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Centrelink Tuggeranong</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Centrelink Tuggeranong</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_705.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->705<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/705_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Centre Link Tuggeranong</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td>7:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Centre Link Tuggeranong</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>705</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_71.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,128 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 71</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->71<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/71_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Giralang</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

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-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->71<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/71_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-        Platform 3</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th>Giralang</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>71</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>71</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>71</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>71</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>71</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,160 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 710</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->710<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/710_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->710<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/710_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Sydney Avenue</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station </th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station <br />

-      Platform 2</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>National Circ/Canberra Ave</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-      <td>7:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>7:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>710</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_720.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,135 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 720</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->720<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/720_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th>Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_720.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +1,1 @@
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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->720<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/720_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Garran</th>

-      <th>Hughes</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Electricity House</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>720</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_727.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 727</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->727<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/Redex_timetable.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 16 November 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd, Sandford St</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td>7:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

-      <td>7:25 A0M</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td>7:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td>7:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td>7:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:12 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36    AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td>10:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td>11:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td>12:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td>12:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td>1:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td>2:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td>2:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td>3:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36    PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>5:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td>7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd, Sandford St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td>7:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td>7:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td>7:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td>9:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>12:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td>3:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td>3:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>5:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td>7:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>727<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_729.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,103 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 729</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->729<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/729_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th>Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th>Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_729.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,1 @@
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-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->729<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/729_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Rivett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Duffy</th>

-      <th>Holder</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Electricity House</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>729</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td>7:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>729</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Duffy</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Rivett</th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>729</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>729</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 73</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->73<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/73_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Florey Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cook Shops</th>

+	  <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_73.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->73<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/73_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Florey Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

-      <th>Hawker</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cook</th>

-      <th>Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>73</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>73</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>73 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>73</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_732.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,109 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 732</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->732<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/732_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Curtin</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Curtin</th>

+	  <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_732.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->732<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/732_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4</th>

-      <th>Curtin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Electricity House</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Curtin</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>732 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_737.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,145 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 737</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->737<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/737_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_737.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +1,1 @@
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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->737<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/737_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th>Fairbairn Park</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

-      <td>6:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

-      <td>7:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:57 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>737 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_74.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,118 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 74</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->74<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/74_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

+	  <th>Cook Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th>Page Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_74.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +1,1 @@
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->74<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/74_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St<br />

-        Platform 3</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th>Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hawker</th>

-      <th>Page Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station </th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>74</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>74</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>74<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>74<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_749.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 749</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->749<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/749_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station <br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_749.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->749<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/749_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange"><p>Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-          Platform 2 </p></th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-        Platform 2</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td>7:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td>7:30AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td>7:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-        Platform 4</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>749</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_75.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,89 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 75</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->75<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/75_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_75.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->75<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/75_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>75<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange"> 10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>75</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>75</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>75</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>75</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_757.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,112 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 757</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->757<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/757_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Dickson College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Dickson College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_757.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->757<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/757_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Dickson College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>757</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

-      <td>6:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td>7:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>757</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Dickson College</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>757</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>757</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>757</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_76.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,74 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 76</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->76<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/76_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Bridbabella Gardens Nursing Home</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews Village Hughes</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_76.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 76</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->76<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/76_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews Village Hughes</th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>76 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>76 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>76 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_768.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,100 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 768</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->768<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/768_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Isabella Shops</th>

+		<th>Calwell Shops</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_768.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->768<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/768_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th>Isabella Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>768</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>768 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="10" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Isabella Shops</th>

-      <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>768</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>768</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_769.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,128 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 769</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->769<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/769_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>Theodore</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Theodore</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_769.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->769<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/769_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

-      <th>Theodore</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

-      <td>6:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

-      <td>7:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td>7:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td>7:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td>7:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td>7:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="10" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th>Theodore</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>769</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_77.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,65 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 77</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->77<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/77_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews<br />Village Hughes</th>

+	  <th>Bridbabella Gardens<br />Nursing Home</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>77</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>77</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_77.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->77<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/77_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews Village Hughes</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>77 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>77</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_780.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,82 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 780</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->780<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/780_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street<br />after Isa Street</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Times</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_780.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->780<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/780_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Terminus</th>

-      <th>Canberra Times</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>780 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>780</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Newcastle / Isa Street Fyshwick</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Terminus</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>780 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td>7:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>780</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_785.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 785</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->785<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/785_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	  <th>Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>City West</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+		<th>ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	  <th>Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_785.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->785<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/785_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <p>Due to roadwork on Tharwa Drive near Mentone View in Conder, the bus stops located on Tharwa Drive adjacent to the roadwork will not be used by ACTION.</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Mentone View/Tharwa Drive</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 10</th>

-      <th>Electricity House</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>785</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

-      <td>6:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

-      <td>7:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>785</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td>7:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Electricity House</th>

-      <th>Mentone View/Tharwa Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>785</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>785</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_786.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,104 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 786</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->786<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/786_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_786.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->786<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/786_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 20 July 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

-      <th>Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Brindabella Business Park</th>

-      <th>Fairbairn Park</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

-      <td>7:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>786</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td>7:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_787.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,101 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 787</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->787<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/787_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	  <th><p>Woodcock / <br />Clare Dennis</p></th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive /<br />Knoke Ave</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	  <th>Tharwa Drive /<br />Knoke Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	  <th>City West</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 10</th>

+		<th>ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_787.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->787<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/787_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Electricity House</th>

-      <th>Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Knoke</th>

-      <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>787 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>787 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Tharwa/Knoke</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th>Electricity House</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>787 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td>6:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td>7:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>787</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td>7:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td>8:01 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_788.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,110 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 788</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->788<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/788_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+	  <th>Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_788.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->788<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/788_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <p>Due to roadwork on Tharwa Drive near Mentone View in Conder, the bus stops located on Tharwa Drive adjacent to the roadwork will not be used by ACTION.</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Mentone View/Tharwa Drive</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11</th>

-      <th>Citywest</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>788</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-      <td>7:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:24 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>788</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Citywest</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 10 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Mentone View/Tharwa Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th>Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>788</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td>5:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>788</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>788</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_8.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,442 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 8</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->8<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/8_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>Lyneham Shops,<br />Wattle Street</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Miller O'Connor</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

+		<td>8:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

+		<td>11:02 PM</td>



+<table class="timetable">


+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th>Macarthur /<br />

+    Miller O'Connor</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />

+    Wattle Street</th>

+		<th>Dickson</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

-<title>Route 8</title>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->8<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/8_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson Cowper St</th>

-      <th>Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:54 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Dickson Cowper St</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:02 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:32 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:36 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">8</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_80.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,755 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 80</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->80<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/80_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Causeway</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street<br />after Isa Street</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	  <th>Eye Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Geoscience Australia</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Eye Hospital</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Causeway</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_80.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->80<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/80_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Causeway</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th>Newcastle Street after Isa St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet</th>

-      <th>Eye Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

-      <td>5:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

-      <td>6:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

-      <td>6:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

-      <td>6:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

-      <td>6:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

-      <td>6:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

-      <td>6:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td>6:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td>7:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

-      <td>6:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td>7:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td>7:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td>7:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-      <td>7:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:10 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td>8:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td>8:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td>9:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td>9:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td>10:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td>10:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td>11:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td>11:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4</th>

-      <th>Geoscience Australia</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Eye Hospital</th>

-      <th>Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra Times</th>

-      <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Causeway</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

-      <td>6:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

-      <td>6:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td>6:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-      <td>6:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

-      <td>6:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

-      <td>6:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-      <td>6:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

-      <td>6:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

-      <td>6:57 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td>7:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

-      <td>6:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-      <td>7:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

-      <td>7:18 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td>7:24 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-      <td>7:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

-      <td>7:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-      <td>7:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td>8:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:10 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td>7:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td>8:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td>8:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td>9:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>9:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td>9:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td>10:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>80</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>10:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td>10:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td>11:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_81.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,123 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 81</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->81

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/81_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+  <tr>


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>City Interchange<br />

+      Platform 9 </th>

+    <th>National Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Mountain Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Interchange</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_81.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +1,1 @@
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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->81 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/81_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays - School Holidays Only </h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-        Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>National Aquarium</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Black Mountain Telstra Tower</th>

-      <th>Botanic Gardens</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>81</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_82.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,80 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 82</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->82<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/82_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bimberi Centre</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+		<th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_82.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->82<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/82_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Bimberi Centre</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>82</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>82</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td>6:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td>6:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>82</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_88.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,88 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 88</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->88<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/88_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th>Alexander Maconochie Centre</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Alexander Maconochie Centre</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_88.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->88<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/88_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-        Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:10 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>88</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td>8:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_9.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,492 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 9</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->9<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/9_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>St Thomas More's Campbell</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Hospice / Menindee Dr</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th>Hospice / Menindee Dr</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>St Thomas More's Campbell</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_9.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +1,1 @@
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<title>Route 9</title>

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->9<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekday_combined/9_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" --><span class="style1">This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</span>

-  <h2><a name="Weekdays" id="Weekdays"></a>Weekdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th  height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City    Interchange<br />

-        Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Hospice, Menindee Drive </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

-      <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:33 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:29 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Menindee Drive - Hospice</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">6:55 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:03 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">9</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_900wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2628 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->900<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/intertown_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2  </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

-     <td>6:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-     <td>6:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-     <td>7:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

-     <td>6:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

-     <td>7:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

-     <td>7:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-     <td>7:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

-     <td>7:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-     <td>7:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

-     <td>7:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-     <td>7:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-     <td>8:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-     <td>7:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-     <td>7:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-     <td>8:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-     <td>7:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-     <td>8:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-     <td>8:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-     <td>8:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-     <td>8:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-     <td>8:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-     <td>8:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-     <td>8:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-     <td>9:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-     <td>8:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-     <td>8:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-     <td>9:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-     <td>8:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-     <td>9:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-     <td>9:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-     <td>9:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-     <td>9:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-     <td>9:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-     <td>9:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-     <td>9:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-     <td>10:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-     <td>9:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-     <td>9:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-     <td>10:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-     <td>9:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-     <td>10:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-     <td>10:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-     <td>10:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-     <td>10:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-     <td>10:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-     <td>10:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-     <td>10:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-     <td>11:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-     <td>10:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-     <td>10:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-     <td>11:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-     <td>10:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-     <td>11:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-     <td>11:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-     <td>10:58 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-     <td>11:19 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-     <td>11:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-     <td>11:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-     <td>11:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-     <td>11:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-     <td>11:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-     <td>12:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-     <td>11:28 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-     <td>11:49 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-     <td>11:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-     <td>11:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-     <td>12:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-     <td>11:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-     <td>12:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-     <td>12:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-     <td>11:58 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-     <td>12:19 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-     <td>12:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-     <td>12:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-     <td>12:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-     <td>12:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-     <td>12:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-     <td>1:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-     <td>12:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-     <td>12:49 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-     <td>12:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-     <td>12:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-     <td>1:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-     <td>12:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-     <td>1:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-     <td>1:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-     <td>12:58 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-     <td>1:19 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-     <td>1:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-     <td>1:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-     <td>1:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-     <td>1:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-     <td>1:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-     <td>2:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-     <td>1:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-     <td>1:49 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-     <td>1:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-     <td>1:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-     <td>2:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-     <td>1:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-     <td>2:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-     <td>2:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-     <td>1:58 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-     <td>2:19 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-     <td>2:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-     <td>2:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-     <td>2:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-     <td>2:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-     <td>2:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-     <td>3:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-     <td>2:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-     <td>2:49 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-     <td>2:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-     <td>2:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-     <td>3:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-     <td>2:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-     <td>3:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-     <td>3:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-     <td>2:58 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-     <td>3:19 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-     <td>3:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-     <td>3:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-     <td>3:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-     <td>3:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-     <td>3:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-     <td>4:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-     <td>3:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-     <td>3:49 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-     <td>3:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-     <td>3:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-     <td>4:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-     <td>3:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-     <td>4:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-     <td>4:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-     <td>3:58 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-     <td>4:19 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-     <td>4:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-     <td>4:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-     <td>4:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-     <td>4:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-     <td>4:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-     <td>5:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-     <td>4:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-     <td>4:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-     <td>5:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-     <td>4:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-     <td>5:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-     <td>5:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-     <td>5:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-     <td>5:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-     <td>5:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-     <td>5:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-     <td>5:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-     <td>6:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-     <td>5:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-     <td>5:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-     <td>6:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-     <td>5:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-     <td>6:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-     <td>6:43 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-     <td>6:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-     <td>6:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-     <td>6:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-     <td>6:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-     <td>7:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-     <td>6:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-     <td>6:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-     <td>6:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-     <td>7:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-     <td>7:39 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-     <td>7:07 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-     <td>7:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-     <td>7:22 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-     <td>7:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-     <td>8:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-     <td>7:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-     <td>7:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-     <td>8:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-     <td>7:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-     <td>8:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-     <td>8:39 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-     <td>8:07 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-     <td>8:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-     <td>8:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-     <td>8:22 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-     <td>8:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-     <td>9:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-     <td>8:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-     <td>8:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-     <td>9:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-     <td>8:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-     <td>9:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-     <td>9:39 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-     <td>9:07 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-     <td>9:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-     <td>9:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-     <td>9:22 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-     <td>9:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-     <td>10:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-     <td>9:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-     <td>9:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-     <td>10:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-     <td>9:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-     <td>10:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-     <td>10:39 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-     <td>10:07 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-     <td>10:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-     <td>10:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-     <td>10:22 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-     <td>10:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-     <td>11:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-     <td>10:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-     <td>10:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-     <td>11:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-     <td>10:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-     <td>11:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-     <td>11:39 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-     <td>11:07 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-     <td>11:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-     <td>11:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

-     <td>6:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

-     <td>7:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-     <td>7:33 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

-     <td>6:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

-     <td>7:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-     <td>7:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

-     <td>7:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-     <td>7:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-     <td>8:03 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-     <td>7:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-     <td>7:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-     <td>8:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-     <td>7:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-     <td>8:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-     <td>8:33 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-     <td>7:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-     <td>8:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-     <td>8:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-     <td>8:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-     <td>8:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-     <td>9:03 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-     <td>8:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-     <td>8:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-     <td>9:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-     <td>8:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-     <td>9:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-     <td>9:33 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-     <td>8:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-     <td>9:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-     <td>9:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-     <td>9:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-     <td>9:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-     <td>10:03 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-     <td>9:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-     <td>9:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-     <td>10:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-     <td>9:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-     <td>10:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-     <td>10:33 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-     <td>9:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-     <td>10:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-     <td>10:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-     <td>10:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-     <td>10:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-     <td>11:03 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-     <td>10:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-     <td>10:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-     <td>11:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-     <td>10:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-     <td>11:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-     <td>11:33 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-     <td>10:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-     <td>11:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-     <td>11:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-     <td>11:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-     <td>11:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-     <td>12:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-     <td>11:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-     <td>11:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-     <td>12:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-     <td>12:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-     <td>12:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-     <td>11:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-     <td>12:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-     <td>12:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-     <td>11:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-     <td>12:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-     <td>12:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-     <td>12:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-     <td>12:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-     <td>12:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-     <td>12:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-     <td>1:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-     <td>12:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-     <td>12:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-     <td>1:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-     <td>1:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-     <td>1:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-     <td>12:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-     <td>1:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-     <td>1:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-     <td>12:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-     <td>1:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-     <td>1:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-     <td>1:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-     <td>1:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-     <td>1:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-     <td>1:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-     <td>2:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-     <td>1:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-     <td>1:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-     <td>2:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-     <td>2:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-     <td>2:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-     <td>1:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-     <td>2:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-     <td>2:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-     <td>1:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-     <td>2:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-     <td>2:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-     <td>2:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-     <td>2:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-     <td>2:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-     <td>2:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-     <td>3:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-     <td>2:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-     <td>2:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-     <td>3:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-     <td>3:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-     <td>3:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-     <td>2:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-     <td>3:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-     <td>3:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-     <td>2:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-     <td>3:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-     <td>3:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-       <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-     <td>3:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-     <td>3:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-     <td>3:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-     <td>3:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-     <td>4:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-     <td>3:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-     <td>3:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-     <td>4:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-     <td>4:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-     <td>4:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-     <td>3:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-     <td>4:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-     <td>4:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-     <td>3:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-     <td>4:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-     <td>4:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-     <td>4:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-     <td>4:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-     <td>4:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-     <td>4:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-     <td>5:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-     <td>4:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-     <td>4:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-     <td>5:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-     <td>5:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-     <td>5:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-     <td>4:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-     <td>5:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-     <td>5:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-     <td>4:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-     <td>5:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-     <td>5:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-     <td>5:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-     <td>5:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-     <td>6:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-     <td>5:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-     <td>5:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-     <td>6:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-     <td>5:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-     <td>6:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-     <td>6:33 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-     <td>5:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-     <td>6:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-     <td>6:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-     <td>6:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-     <td>6:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-     <td>7:01 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-     <td>6:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-     <td>6:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-     <td>7:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-     <td>7:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-     <td>7:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-     <td>6:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-     <td>7:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-     <td>7:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-     <td>7:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-     <td>7:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-     <td>7:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-     <td>7:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-     <td>8:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-     <td>7:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-     <td>8:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-     <td>8:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-     <td>7:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-     <td>8:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-     <td>8:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-     <td>8:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-     <td>8:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-     <td>8:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-     <td>8:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-     <td>8:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-     <td>9:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-     <td>8:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-     <td>9:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-     <td>9:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-     <td>8:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-     <td>9:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-     <td>9:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-     <td>9:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-     <td>9:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-     <td>9:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-     <td>9:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-     <td>9:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-     <td>10:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-     <td>9:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-     <td>10:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-     <td>10:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-     <td>9:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-     <td>10:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-     <td>10:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-     <td>10:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-     <td>10:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-     <td>10:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-     <td>10:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-     <td>10:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-     <td>11:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-     <td>10:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-     <td>11:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-     <td>11:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-     <td>10:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-     <td>11:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-     <td>11:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-     <td>11:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-     <td>11:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:57 PM</td>

-     <td>11:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-     <td>11:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-     <td>11:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:12 AM</td>

-     <td>12:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>


-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-     <td>7:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

-     <td>7:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-     <td>8:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-     <td>7:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-     <td>8:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

-     <td>8:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-     <td>8:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-     <td>8:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-     <td>8:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-     <td>8:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-     <td>8:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-     <td>9:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-     <td>8:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-     <td>8:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-     <td>9:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-     <td>8:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-     <td>9:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

-     <td>9:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-     <td>9:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-     <td>9:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-     <td>9:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-     <td>9:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-     <td>9:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-     <td>10:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-     <td>9:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-     <td>9:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-     <td>10:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-     <td>9:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-     <td>10:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

-     <td>10:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-     <td>10:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-     <td>10:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-     <td>10:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-     <td>10:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-     <td>10:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-     <td>11:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-     <td>10:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-     <td>10:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-     <td>11:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-     <td>10:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-     <td>11:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

-     <td>11:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-     <td>11:06 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-     <td>11:27 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-     <td>11:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-     <td>11:21 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-     <td>11:42 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-     <td>12:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-     <td>11:36 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-     <td>11:57 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-     <td>12:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-     <td>11:51 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-     <td>12:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

-     <td>12:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-     <td>12:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-     <td>12:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-     <td>12:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-     <td>12:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-     <td>12:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-     <td>1:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-     <td>12:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-     <td>12:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-     <td>1:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-     <td>12:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-     <td>1:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

-     <td>1:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-     <td>1:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-     <td>1:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-     <td>1:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-     <td>1:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-     <td>1:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-     <td>2:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-     <td>1:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-     <td>1:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-     <td>2:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-     <td>1:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-     <td>2:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

-     <td>2:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-     <td>2:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-     <td>2:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-     <td>2:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-     <td>2:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-     <td>2:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-     <td>3:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-     <td>2:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-     <td>2:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-     <td>3:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-     <td>2:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-     <td>3:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

-     <td>3:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-     <td>3:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-     <td>3:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-     <td>3:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-     <td>3:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-     <td>3:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-     <td>4:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-     <td>3:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-     <td>3:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-     <td>4:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-     <td>3:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-     <td>4:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

-     <td>4:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-     <td>4:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-     <td>4:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-     <td>4:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-     <td>4:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-     <td>4:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-     <td>5:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-     <td>4:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-     <td>4:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-     <td>5:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-     <td>4:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-     <td>5:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

-     <td>5:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-     <td>5:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-     <td>5:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-     <td>5:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-     <td>5:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-     <td>5:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-     <td>6:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-     <td>5:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-     <td>5:57 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-     <td>6:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-     <td>5:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-     <td>6:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

-     <td>6:43 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-     <td>6:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-     <td>6:27 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-     <td>6:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-     <td>6:21 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-     <td>7:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-     <td>6:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-     <td>6:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-     <td>7:23 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-     <td>6:51 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-     <td>7:09 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-     <td>7:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-     <td>7:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-     <td>7:24 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-     <td>7:53 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-     <td>7:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-     <td>8:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-     <td>8:35 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-     <td>7:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-     <td>8:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-     <td>8:50 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-     <td>8:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-     <td>8:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-     <td>9:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-     <td>8:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-     <td>8:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-     <td>9:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-     <td>8:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-     <td>9:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-     <td>9:35 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-     <td>8:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-     <td>9:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-     <td>9:50 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-     <td>9:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-     <td>9:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-     <td>10:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-     <td>9:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-     <td>9:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-     <td>10:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-     <td>9:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-     <td>10:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-     <td>10:35 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-     <td>9:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-     <td>10:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-     <td>10:50 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-     <td>10:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-     <td>10:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-     <td>11:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-     <td>10:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-     <td>10:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-     <td>11:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-     <td>10:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-     <td>11:14 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-     <td>11:35 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-     <td>10:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-     <td>11:29 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-     <td>11:50 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-     <td>11:11 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-     <td>11:44 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-     <td>12:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-     <td>11:26 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-     <td>11:59 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-     <td>12:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-     <td>11:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-     <td>12:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-     <td>12:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-     <td>11:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-     <td>12:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-     <td>12:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-     <td>12:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-     <td>12:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-     <td>1:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-     <td>12:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-     <td>12:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-     <td>1:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-     <td>12:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-     <td>1:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-     <td>1:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-     <td>12:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-     <td>1:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-     <td>1:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-     <td>1:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-     <td>1:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-     <td>2:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-     <td>1:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-     <td>1:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-     <td>2:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-     <td>1:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-     <td>2:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-     <td>2:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-     <td>1:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-     <td>2:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-     <td>2:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-     <td>2:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-     <td>2:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-     <td>3:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-     <td>2:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-     <td>2:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-     <td>3:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-     <td>2:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-     <td>3:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-     <td>3:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-     <td>2:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-     <td>3:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-     <td>3:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-     <td>3:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-     <td>3:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-     <td>4:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-     <td>3:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-     <td>3:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-     <td>4:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-     <td>3:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-     <td>4:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-     <td>4:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-     <td>3:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-     <td>4:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-     <td>4:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-     <td>4:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-     <td>4:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-     <td>5:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-     <td>4:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-     <td>4:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-     <td>5:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-     <td>4:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-     <td>5:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-     <td>5:35 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-     <td>4:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-     <td>5:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-     <td>5:50 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-     <td>5:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-     <td>5:44 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-     <td>6:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-     <td>5:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-     <td>5:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-     <td>6:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-     <td>5:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-     <td>6:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-     <td>6:34 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-     <td>5:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-     <td>6:29 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-     <td>6:49 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-     <td>6:11 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-     <td>6:42 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-     <td>7:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-     <td>6:26 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-     <td>6:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-     <td>7:16 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-     <td>7:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-     <td>7:30 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-     <td>6:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:25 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-     <td>7:45 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td height="17" align="right">900 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-     <td>7:16 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-     <td>7:46 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-     <td>8:06 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-<p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_902wkend.html
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@@ -1,481 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-.style1 {

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-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->902<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/902_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

- <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-   <table class="timetable">  

-   <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>McKellar</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Evatt</th>

-     <th>Spence Terminus</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Evatt</th>

-     <th>McKellar</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-     <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>7:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

-     <td>7:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-     <td>7:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-     <td>8:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-     <td>8:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-     <td>8:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-     <td>8:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-     <td>9:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-     <td>9:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-     <td>9:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-     <td>9:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-     <td>9:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-     <td>10:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-     <td>10:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-     <td>10:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-     <td>10:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-     <td>10:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-     <td>11:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-     <td>11:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-     <td>11:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-     <td>11:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-     <td>11:56 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-     <td>12:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-     <td>12:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-     <td>12:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-     <td>12:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-     <td>12:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-     <td>1:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-     <td>1:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-     <td>1:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-     <td>1:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-     <td>1:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-     <td>2:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-     <td>2:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-     <td>2:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-     <td>2:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-     <td>2:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-     <td>3:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-     <td>3:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-     <td>3:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-     <td>3:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-     <td>3:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-     <td>4:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-     <td>4:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-     <td>4:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-     <td>4:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-     <td>4:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-     <td>5:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-     <td>5:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-     <td>5:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-     <td>5:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-     <td>5:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-     <td>6:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-     <td>6:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-     <td>6:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-     <td>6:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-     <td>7:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-     <td>7:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-     <td>7:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-     <td>7:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-     <td>8:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-     <td>8:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-     <td>8:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-     <td>8:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-     <td>8:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-     <td>9:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-     <td>9:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-     <td>9:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

-     <td>9:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-     <td>9:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-     <td>10:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-     <td>10:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-     <td>10:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

-     <td>10:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-     <td>10:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-     <td>11:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-     <td>11:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-     <td>11:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

-     <td>11:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>


-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">   

-   <tr>

-      <td>&nbsp;</td>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-     <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-     <th>McKellar</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Evatt</th>

-     <th>Spence Terminus</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Evatt</th>

-     <th>McKellar</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-     <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-     <td>8:54 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-     <td>9:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-     <td>9:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-     <td>9:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-     <td>9:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-     <td>9:54 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-     <td>10:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-     <td>10:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-     <td>10:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-     <td>10:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-     <td>10:54 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-     <td>11:05 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-     <td>11:18 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-     <td>11:31 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-     <td>11:41 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-     <td>11:54 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-     <td>12:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-     <td>12:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-     <td>12:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-     <td>12:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-     <td>12:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-     <td>1:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-     <td>1:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-     <td>1:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-     <td>1:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-     <td>1:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-     <td>2:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-     <td>2:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-     <td>2:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-     <td>2:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-     <td>2:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-     <td>3:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-     <td>3:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-     <td>3:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-     <td>3:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-     <td>3:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-     <td>4:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-     <td>4:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-     <td>4:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-     <td>4:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-     <td>4:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-     <td>5:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-     <td>5:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-     <td>5:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-     <td>5:41 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-     <td>5:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-     <td>6:05 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-     <td>6:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-     <td>6:31 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-     <td>6:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>902</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-     <td>6:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-     <td>7:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-     <td>7:15 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-     <td>7:28 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-     <td>7:37 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>  

-<p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_903wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->903<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/903_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-     <td>7:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

-     <td>8:04 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-     <td>8:02 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-     <td>8:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-     <td>8:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

-     <td>9:04 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-     <td>9:02 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-     <td>9:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-     <td>9:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-     <td>10:04 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-     <td>10:02 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-     <td>10:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-     <td>10:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-     <td>11:04 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-     <td>11:02 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-     <td>11:20 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-     <td>11:48 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-     <td>12:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-     <td>12:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-     <td>12:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-     <td>12:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-     <td>1:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-     <td>1:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-     <td>1:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-     <td>1:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-     <td>2:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-     <td>2:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-     <td>2:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-     <td>2:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-     <td>3:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-     <td>3:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-     <td>3:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-     <td>3:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-     <td>4:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-     <td>4:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-     <td>4:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-     <td>4:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-     <td>5:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-     <td>5:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-     <td>5:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-     <td>5:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-     <td>6:04 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-     <td>6:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-     <td>6:20 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-     <td>6:48 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-     <td>7:03 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-     <td>7:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-     <td>7:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-     <td>7:46 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-     <td>8:01 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-     <td>8:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-     <td>8:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-     <td>8:46 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-     <td>9:01 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-     <td>9:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-     <td>9:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-     <td>9:46 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-     <td>10:01 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-     <td>10:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-     <td>10:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-     <td>10:46 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-     <td>11:01 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>903</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-     <td>11:02 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-     <td>11:18 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>


-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <td>&nbsp;</td>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>903</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_904wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->904<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/904_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

- <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">    

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 <br /></th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td>8:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td>11:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>11:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

-      <th>Higgins</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:30 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">904 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_905wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->905<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/905_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-   <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange"> Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange"> Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td>8:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>8:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td>8:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td>8:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td>9:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>9:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td>9:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td>9:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td>10:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>10:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td>10:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td>10:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td>11:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>11:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

-      <td>11:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-   <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange"> Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

-      <th>Kippax</th>

-      <th class="cellorange"> Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:17 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">905</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_906wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->906<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/906_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">    

-  <tr>

-        <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th> Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-     <td>7:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-     <td>7:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-     <td>7:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-     <td>8:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-     <td>8:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-     <td>8:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-     <td>8:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-     <td>9:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-     <td>9:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-     <td>9:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-     <td>9:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-     <td>10:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-     <td>10:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-     <td>10:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-     <td>10:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-     <td>11:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-     <td>11:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-     <td>11:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-     <td>11:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-     <td>12:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-     <td>12:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-     <td>12:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-     <td>12:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-     <td>1:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-     <td>1:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-     <td>1:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-     <td>1:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-     <td>2:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-     <td>2:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-     <td>2:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-     <td>2:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-     <td>3:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-     <td>3:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-     <td>3:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-     <td>3:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-     <td>4:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-     <td>4:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-     <td>4:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-     <td>4:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-     <td>5:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-     <td>5:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-     <td>5:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-     <td>5:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-     <td>6:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-     <td>6:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-     <td>6:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-     <td>6:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-     <td>7:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-     <td>7:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-     <td>7:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-     <td>7:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

-     <td>8:10 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

-     <td>8:36 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-     <td>8:52 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-     <td>8:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

-     <td>9:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-     <td>9:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-     <td>9:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-     <td>9:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

-     <td>10:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-     <td>10:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-     <td>10:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-     <td>10:59 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

-     <td>11:14 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-     <td>11:40 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:54 PM</td>

-     <td>11:56 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-  <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th> Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

-      <th>Melba</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-     <td>8:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-     <td>9:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-     <td>9:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-     <td>9:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-     <td>9:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-     <td>10:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-     <td>10:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-     <td>10:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-     <td>10:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-     <td>11:12 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-     <td>11:38 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-     <td>11:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-     <td>11:55 AM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-     <td>12:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-     <td>12:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-     <td>12:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-     <td>12:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-     <td>1:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-     <td>1:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-     <td>1:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-     <td>1:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-     <td>2:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-     <td>2:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-     <td>2:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-     <td>2:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-     <td>3:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-     <td>3:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-     <td>3:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-     <td>3:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-     <td>4:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-     <td>4:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-     <td>4:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-     <td>4:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-     <td>5:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-     <td>5:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-     <td>5:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  <tr>

-      <td height="17" align="right">906</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-     <td>5:55 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-     <td>6:12 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-     <td>6:38 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-     <td>6:54 PM</td>

-     <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_907wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->907<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/907_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td>7:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td>7:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td>8:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td>8:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td>8:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td>9:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td>9:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td>9:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td>10:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td>10:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td>10:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td>11:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td>11:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 6 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

-      <th>Charnwood</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>907</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_912wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->912 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/912_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Isabella Shops

-      </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th>Theodore

-      </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Outrim / Duggan</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange

-      </th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td>8:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td>8:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td>8:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td>10:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td>10:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td>10:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Isabella Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th>Theodore</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Outrim / Duggan</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>912 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_913wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->913 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/913_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Bonython</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Knoke</th>

-      <th>Conder Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

-      <td>7:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

-      <td>7:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

-      <td>9:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

-      <td>9:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

-      <td>11:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

-      <td>11:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Bonython</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Knoke</th>

-      <th>Conder Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>913 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_914wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->914<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/914_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

- <table class="timetable">   

-   <tr>

-     <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Conder Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

-      <td>6:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

-      <td>6:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

-      <td>6:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

-      <td>6:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td>8:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td>8:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

-      <td>10:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td>10:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-   <tr>

-     <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

-      <th>Conder Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tharwa/Pocket</th>

-      <th>Gordon Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woodcock/Clare Dennis</th>

-      <th>Bonython Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-   <tr>

-     <td>914 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_915wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->915<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/915_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Isabella Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

-      <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Outrim / Duggan</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

-      <td>7:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

-      <td>7:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td>9:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td>9:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td>9:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td>11:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

-      <td>11:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Isabella Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

-      <th>Calwell Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Outrim / Duggan</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /> </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /> </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>915 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

-      <td>7:57 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_921wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->921<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/921_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Lyons</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chifley</th>

-      <th>Torrens Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Pearce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td>7:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td>9:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td>9:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td>9:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td>11:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-      <td>11:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td>11:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Lyons</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chifley</th>

-      <th>Torrens Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Pearce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>921 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_922wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->922<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/922_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-   <tr>

-     <th>&nbsp;</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-     <th>Pearce</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-     <th>Torrens Shops</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Chifley</th>

-     <th>Lyons</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td>8:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

-      <td>8:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td>8:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td>10:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

-      <td>10:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td>10:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-     <th>&nbsp;</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-     <th>Pearce</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-     <th>Torrens Shops</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Chifley</th>

-     <th>Lyons</th>

-     <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>922 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-   <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_923wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->923<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/923_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Isaacs</th>

-      <th>Farrer Primary School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

-      <td>9:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td>9:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

-      <td>11:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td>11:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Isaacs</th>

-      <th>Farrer Primary School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>923 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_924wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->924<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/924_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-       <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Farrer Primary School</th>

-      <th>Isaacs</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td>8:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td>8:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td>10:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td>10:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-    <tr>

-       <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 15 </th>

-      <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Farrer Primary School</th>

-      <th>Isaacs</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-     <td>924 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-   <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_925wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->925<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/925_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p><span style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></span></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Duffy</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Weston Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 16 </th>

-      <th>Weston Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Duffy</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="21" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Duffy</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Weston Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="21" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 16 </th>

-      <th>Weston Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Holder</th>

-      <th>Duffy</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-       <td>925 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_927wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->927<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/927_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Rivett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chapman</th>

-      <th>Fisher</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Waramanga</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td>8:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td>9:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td>9:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td>9:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td>10:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td>10:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td>11:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td>11:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td>11:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fisher</th>

-      <th>Chapman</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Rivett</th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td>8:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td>8:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td>9:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td>9:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td>10:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td>10:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>11:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td>11:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td>11:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

-      <th>Rivett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chapman</th>

-      <th>Fisher</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Waramanga</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:26 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Waramanga</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Fisher</th>

-      <th>Chapman</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Rivett</th>

-      <th>Cooleman Court</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>927 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_930wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->930<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/930_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hospice</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

-      <td>9:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

-      <td>10:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td>11:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>11:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hospice</th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>930 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_931wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->931<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/931_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hospice</th>

-      <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>ADFA</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hospice</th>

-      <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>931 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_932wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->932 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/932_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Curtin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

-      <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southwell Park</th>

-      <th>Giralang</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td>7:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>7:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td>8:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td>7:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td>8:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td>8:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>8:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td>8:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td>9:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td>9:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td>9:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>9:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td>9:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td>10:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td>10:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td>10:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>10:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td>10:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td>11:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td>11:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-      <td>11:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

-      <td>11:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 PM</td>

-      <td>11:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 PM</td>

-      <td>11:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12.08 AM </td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="16" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th>Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

-      <th>Southwell Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th>John James Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Curtin</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

-      <td>7:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

-      <td>8:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

-      <td>8:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

-      <td>8:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

-      <td>8:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

-      <td>9:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td>8:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

-      <td>9:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

-      <td>9:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td>9:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

-      <td>10:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td>9:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td>9:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

-      <td>10:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

-      <td>10:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

-      <td>10:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

-      <td>11:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td>10:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td>10:57 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

-      <td>11:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

-      <td>11.34 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <col width="64" span="21" />

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Curtin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

-      <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Southwell Park</th>

-      <th>Giralang</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:50 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:50 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

-      <th>Kaleen Village/Maribyrnong</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

-      <th>Southwell Park</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Yarralumla Shops</th>

-      <th>John James Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Curtin</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>7:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>932 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_934wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1011 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

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-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->934 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/934_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">O'Connor</th>

-      <th>Burton &amp; Garranan Hall, Daley Road ANU</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Museum</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Deakin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

-      <td>7:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

-      <td>7:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-      <td>7:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td>8:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td>8:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td>8:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-      <td>8:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td>9:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td>9:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td>9:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td>9:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td>10:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td>10:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td>10:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-      <td>10:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td>11:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td>11.17 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Deakin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Museum</th>

-      <th>Burton &amp; Garranan Hall, Daley Road ANU</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">O'Connor</th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

-      <td>8:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td>7:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td>8:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td>8:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td>8:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td>9:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td>9:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td>9:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td>10:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td>10:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td>10:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td>11:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td>11:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td>11:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

-      <td>11.50 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">


-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>     

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">O'Connor</th>

-      <th>Burton &amp; Garranan Hall, Daley Road ANU</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Museum</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Deakin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:46 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">


-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Garran</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hughes</th>

-      <th>Deakin</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Museum</th>

-      <th>Burton &amp; Garranan Hall,Daley Road ANU</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">O'Connor</th>

-      <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

-      <td>9:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

-      <td>11:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:22 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

-      <td>12:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

-      <td>2:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

-      <td>3:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

-      <td>5:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>934 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_935wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->935<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/935_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka</th>

-      <th>Red Hill</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah Terminus</th>

-      <th>Red Hill</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

-      <td>8:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td>8:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td>7:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

-      <td>8:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td>8:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

-      <td>9:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td>9:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td>9:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

-      <td>10:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td>10:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td>10:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

-      <td>11:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td>11:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays </h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka</th>

-      <th>Red Hill</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah Terminus</th>

-      <th>Red Hill</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Manuka</th>

-      <th>Kings Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>935 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_936wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

-  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->936<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/936_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays" id="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham</th>

-      <th>North Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-      <th>Hackett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ainslie</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

-      <td>7:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td>7:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

-      <td>7:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td>8:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td>8:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td>9:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td>9:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td>10:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td>10:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

-      <td>11:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-      <td>11:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lyneham</th>

-      <th>North Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

-      <th>Hackett</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ainslie</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>936 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:09 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_937wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->937<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/937_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Ainslie</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hackett</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">North Lynehamham</th>

-      <th>Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:12 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td>8:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

-      <td>8:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

-      <td>9:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

-      <td>10:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:15 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td>11:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

-      <td>11:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays </h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Ainslie</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Hackett</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">North Lynehamham</th>

-      <th>Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Miller O'Connor</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:11 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>937 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:11 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:39 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:51 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_938wkend.html
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@@ -1,646 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->938 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/938_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">    

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingstons Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

-      <td>8:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td>8:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>8:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td>9:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>9:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td>10:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>10:53 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:01 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td>11:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">    

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingstons Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td>8:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td>8:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td>9:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td>9:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td>10:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

-      <td>10:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td>11:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

-      <td>11:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">   

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingstons Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">   

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 14 </th>

-      <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

-      <th>Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kingstons Ave/National Crt</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td>8:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

-      <td>9:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

-      <td>9:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

-      <td>10:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

-      <td>10:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:33 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

-      <td>11:41 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

-      <td>12:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

-      <td>12:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

-      <td>1:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

-      <td>1:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

-      <td>2:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

-      <td>2:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

-      <td>3:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

-      <td>3:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

-      <td>4:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

-      <td>4:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

-      <td>5:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

-      <td>5:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td>6:33 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

-      <td>6:41 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>938 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_939wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header">

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-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->939<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/939_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Saturday 10 April 2010.</strong></p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Watson</th>

-      <th>Watson Terminus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Watson</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

-      <td>7:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>8:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:00 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:10 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

-      <td>8:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td>8:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

-      <td>8:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td>9:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td>9:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td>9:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

-      <td>10:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td>10:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

-      <td>10:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td>11:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td>11:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays </h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Watson</th>

-      <th>Watson Terminus</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Watson</th>

-      <th>Dickson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td>9:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td>10:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td>11:08 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td>12:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td>1:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td>2:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td>3:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td>4:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td>5:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td>6:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>939 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

-      <td>7:08 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_942wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->942 <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/942_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cook</th>

-      <th>Aranda</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Caswell Drive</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

-      <td>7:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

-      <td>8:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td>8:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

-      <td>9:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td>9:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:22 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

-      <td>10:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td>10:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Caswell Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Aranda</th>

-      <th>Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

-      <td>7:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

-      <td>8:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td>8:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td>8:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

-      <td>9:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td>9:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td>9:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

-      <td>10:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td>10:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td>10:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

-      <td>11:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td>11:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-      <td>11:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td>11:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cook</th>

-      <th>Aranda</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Caswell Drive</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Caswell Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Aranda</th>

-      <th>Cook</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:27 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:43 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>942</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:43 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_951wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->951<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/951_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

-      <td>9:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

-      <td>8:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td>8:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

-      <td>9:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td>9:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

-      <td>10:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:27 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td>10:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td>11:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th>Federation Square</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td>7:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td>8:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td>8:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td>9:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td>9:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td>10:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td>10:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td>11:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

-      <td>11:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

-      <td>11:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

-      <td>10:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

-      <td>11:06 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

-      <td>12:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

-      <td>1:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

-      <td>2:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

-      <td>3:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

-      <td>4:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

-      <td>5:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

-      <td>6:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

-      <td>7:06 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th>Federation Square</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:49 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>951<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:49 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_952wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +1,1 @@
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-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<body id="body">

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-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->952<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/952_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

-      <td>8:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

-      <td>9:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

-      <td>8:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td>8:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td>9:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

-      <td>9:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td>9:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td>10:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

-      <td>10:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td>10:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td>11:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

-      <td>11:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

-      <td>7:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td>7:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

-      <td>8:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

-      <td>8:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

-      <td>9:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

-      <td>9:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

-      <td>10:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

-      <td>10:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

-      <td>11:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td>11:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

-      <td>10:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:07 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

-      <td>11:25 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:51 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

-      <td>1:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

-      <td>2:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

-      <td>4:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

-      <td>5:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:51 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

-      <td>6:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:07 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

-      <td>7:25 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td>9:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td>10:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td>11:47 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td>12:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td>1:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td>2:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td>3:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>952</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:47 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_956wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->956<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/956_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

-      <td>7:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

-      <td>8:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td>7:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td>8:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

-      <td>8:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

-      <td>8:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td>8:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td>8:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td>9:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

-      <td>9:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

-      <td>9:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td>9:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td>9:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td>10:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

-      <td>10:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

-      <td>10:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td>10:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td>10:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td>11:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

-      <td>11:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

-      <td>11:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th>Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

-      <td>7:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td>8:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td>7:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

-      <td>8:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

-      <td>8:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td>8:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td>8:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

-      <td>9:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

-      <td>9:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td>9:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td>9:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td>9:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

-      <td>10:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

-      <td>10:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td>10:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td>10:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

-      <td>11:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

-      <td>11:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

-      <td>11:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

-      <td>9:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

-      <td>10:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

-      <td>11:26 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:54 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

-      <td>12:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

-      <td>1:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

-      <td>2:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td>2:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

-      <td>3:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

-      <td>4:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

-      <td>5:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

-      <td>6:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:54 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

-      <td>7:26 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

-      <td>7:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th>Kosciuszko/Everard</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

-      <td>8:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

-      <td>9:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

-      <td>9:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

-      <td>10:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

-      <td>11:29 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:35 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

-      <td>11:44 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

-      <td>12:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

-      <td>1:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

-      <td>1:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

-      <td>2:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

-      <td>3:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

-      <td>3:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

-      <td>4:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:35 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

-      <td>5:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>956</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

-      <td>6:44 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

-      <td>7:19 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

-      <td>7:29 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

-      <td>7:34 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_958wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,958 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->958<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/958_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

-      <td>7:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

-      <td>7:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td>7:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

-      <td>8:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td>8:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

-      <td>8:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td>8:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

-      <td>9:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

-      <td>7:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td>8:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td>8:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td>8:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

-      <td>8:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

-      <td>9:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td>8:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td>9:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

-      <td>9:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

-      <td>9:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td>9:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

-      <td>10:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

-      <td>9:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td>10:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

-      <td>10:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

-      <td>10:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

-      <td>10:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

-      <td>11:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

-      <td>10:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td>11:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

-      <td>11:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

-      <td>11:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th>Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

-      <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:23 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

-      <td>7:39 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

-      <td>7:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

-      <td>8:22 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

-      <td>8:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td>8:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

-      <td>9:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td>9:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td>10:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td>12:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td>1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td>2:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td>3:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>4:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td>6:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td>7:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td>8:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

-      <td>8:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

-      <td>8:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

-      <td>8:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

-      <td>8:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td>9:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

-      <td>9:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td>9:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

-      <td>9:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td>9:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td>9:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td>10:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td>10:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td>10:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

-      <td>10:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td>10:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

-      <td>10:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td>11:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

-      <td>11:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td>11:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

-      <td>11:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td>11:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 2 </th>

-      <th>Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th>Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th>Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

-      <td>8:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

-      <td>9:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

-      <td>9:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td>9:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

-      <td>9:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

-      <td>10:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td>10:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

-      <td>10:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:09 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

-      <td>11:28 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td>11:45 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td>11:59 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

-      <td>12:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td>12:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

-      <td>12:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

-      <td>1:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td>1:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

-      <td>1:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

-      <td>2:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

-      <td>2:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td>2:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

-      <td>2:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

-      <td>3:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

-      <td>3:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td>3:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

-      <td>3:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

-      <td>4:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td>4:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

-      <td>5:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

-      <td>5:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

-      <td>5:55 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

-      <td>6:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td>6:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

-      <td>6:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

-      <td>6:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:09 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

-      <td>7:28 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

-      <td>7:45 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd</th>

-      <th>Flemington/Nullabor</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Anthony Rolfe/Moonlight</th>

-      <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

-      <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chuculba/William Slim</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

-      <td>9:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td>9:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

-      <td>9:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

-      <td>10:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

-      <td>10:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td>10:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

-      <td>10:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:13 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

-      <td>11:19 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

-      <td>11:20 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td>11:36 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

-      <td>11:52 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

-      <td>12:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

-      <td>12:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td>12:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

-      <td>12:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

-      <td>1:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

-      <td>1:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td>1:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

-      <td>1:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

-      <td>2:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

-      <td>2:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td>2:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

-      <td>2:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

-      <td>3:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

-      <td>3:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td>3:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

-      <td>3:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td>4:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

-      <td>4:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td>4:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

-      <td>5:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

-      <td>5:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td>5:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

-      <td>6:19 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

-      <td>6:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

-      <td>6:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

-      <td>6:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>958<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

-      <td>7:20 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td>7:36 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

-      <td>7:52 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td>8:13 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

-      <td>8:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_960wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->960<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/960_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td>7:21 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td>8:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

-      <td>9:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td>9:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

-      <td>10:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td>10:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td>11:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td>11:20 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td>8:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td>8:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td>9:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td>9:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td>10:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td>10:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td>11:00 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td>11:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

-      <td>8:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td>9:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td>10:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:05 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td>11:23 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td>12:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td>1:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td>2:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td>3:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td>4:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td>5:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td>6:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:05 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

-      <td>7:23 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:18 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>960<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:18 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_961wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->961<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/961_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

-      <td>8:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

-      <td>9:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

-      <td>6:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td>7:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

-      <td>7:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

-      <td>8:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

-      <td>8:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

-      <td>9:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

-      <td>9:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

-      <td>10:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td>10:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

-      <td>11:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

-      <td>8:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

-      <td>9:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td>7:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td>8:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

-      <td>8:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td>9:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

-      <td>9:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td>10:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

-      <td>10:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td>11:35 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td>11:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

-      <td>9:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

-      <td>10:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

-      <td>11:15 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

-      <td>11:56 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

-      <td>12:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

-      <td>12:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

-      <td>1:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

-      <td>2:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

-      <td>2:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

-      <td>3:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

-      <td>4:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

-      <td>5:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

-      <td>5:56 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

-      <td>6:15 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

-      <td>9:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-      <td>10:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

-      <td>10:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

-      <td>11:03 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

-      <td>11:40 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

-      <td>12:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

-      <td>1:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

-      <td>1:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-      <td>2:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

-      <td>2:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

-      <td>3:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

-      <td>4:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

-      <td>5:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

-      <td>5:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-      <td>6:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>961<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

-      <td>6:40 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:03 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_962wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +1,1 @@
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->962<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/962_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah Village </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:31 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td>8:52 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td>4:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

-      <td>5:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td>5:52 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

-      <td>7:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td>8:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

-      <td>9:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td>10:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:31 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

-      <td>11:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Kambah Village </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High </th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

-      <td>9:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

-      <td>9:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td>7:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

-      <td>8:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

-      <td>8:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

-      <td>9:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

-      <td>9:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

-      <td>10:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td>10:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

-      <td>11:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

-      <td>11:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sunday</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Kambah High</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah Village </th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

-      <td>10:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:32 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

-      <td>11:53 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

-      <td>12:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

-      <td>1:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

-      <td>2:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

-      <td>3:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td>4:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

-      <td>5:53 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:32 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td>6:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Kambah Village</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

-      <td>10:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

-      <td>10:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

-      <td>11:02 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

-      <td>11:17 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

-      <td>12:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

-      <td>12:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

-      <td>1:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

-      <td>1:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

-      <td>2:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

-      <td>2:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

-      <td>3:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

-      <td>3:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

-      <td>4:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

-      <td>4:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

-      <td>5:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

-      <td>6:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

-      <td>6:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>962<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

-      <td>7:02 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td>7:17 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_964wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->964<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/964_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

-      <td>8:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

-      <td>8:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

-      <td>7:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

-      <td>8:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td>9:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

-      <td>10:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td>12:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td>2:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td>8:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

-      <td>9:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td>10:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

-      <td>11:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 5 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td>9:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td>10:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td>11:58 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td>12:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td>1:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td>2:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td>3:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td>4:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td>5:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td>6:58 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 11 </th>

-      <th>Athllon/Sulwood Kambah</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th>Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

-      <td>10:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

-      <td>10:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

-      <td>12:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

-      <td>12:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

-      <td>2:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

-      <td>2:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

-      <td>4:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

-      <td>4:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

-      <td>6:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

-      <td>6:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>964<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_966wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->966<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/966_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>7:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

-      <td>8:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td>8:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td>8:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

-      <td>9:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td>7:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

-      <td>8:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

-      <td>8:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td>9:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-      <td>9:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

-      <td>10:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

-      <td>10:59 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td>11:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td>9:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

-      <td>9:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

-      <td>10:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td>10:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

-      <td>10:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-      <td>11:04 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td>11:21 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td>11:42 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td>12:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

-      <td>12:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

-      <td>1:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td>1:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

-      <td>1:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-      <td>2:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td>2:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

-      <td>2:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td>3:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

-      <td>3:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

-      <td>4:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td>4:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td>4:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-      <td>5:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td>5:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

-      <td>5:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

-      <td>6:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

-      <td>6:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td>6:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td>7:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>966<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

-      <td>7:21 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

-      <td>7:42 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_967wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

-<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

-<style type="text/css">


-.style1 {

-	color: #FF0000;

-	font-weight: bold;




-<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->967<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/967_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong> </p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000">&nbsp;</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Heagney/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

-      <td>9:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

-      <td>9:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

-      <td>11:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

-      <td>11:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Heagney/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

-      <td>9:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td>9:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

-      <td>11:14 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td>11:37 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

-      <td>1:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td>1:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

-      <td>3:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td>3:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

-      <td>5:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td>5:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>967<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

-      <td>7:14 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

-      <td>7:37 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_968wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +1,1 @@
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-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->968<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/968_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Heagney/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

-      <td>8:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td>8:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

-      <td>8:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

-      <td>8:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

-      <td>10:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

-      <td>10:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange<br />

-      Platform 7 </th>

-      <th>Heagney/Clift Richardson</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

-      <th>Erindale Centre</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

-      <td>10:16 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

-      <td>10:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

-      <td>12:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

-      <td>12:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

-      <td>2:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

-      <td>2:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

-      <td>4:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td>4:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>968<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

-      <td>6:16 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

-      <td>6:38 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_980wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->980<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/980_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen    St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Australian Institute    Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th>National Hockey Centre    Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Newcastle Street after    Isa St</th>

-      <th>Lithgow St Terminus    Fyshwick</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5.58 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6.52 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:29 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

-      <td>8.01 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

-      <td>9.10 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

-      <td>10.21 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

-      <td>11.33 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus    Fyshwick</th>

-      <th>Canberra Times</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Hockey Centre    Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Australian Institute    Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:15 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:24 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:37 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:43 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:36 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:10 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:28 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:20 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:38 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:31 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:44 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:49 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:33 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:42 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:55 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:50 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:54 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:00 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:07 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:09 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:12 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 1 </th>

-      <th>Lathlain St Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Cameron Ave Bus Station<br />

-      Platform 3 </th>

-      <th>University of Canberra</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Australian Institute    Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th>National Hockey Centre    Lyneham</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

-      <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Newcastle Street after    Isa St</th>

-      <th>Lithgow St Terminus    Fyshwick</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">8:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:14 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:40 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:23 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:46 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:59 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td align="right">4:15 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:30 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:59 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:14 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:40 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:23 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:35 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:46 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

-      <td>5.58 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:18 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:30 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:41 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

-      <td>6.52 PM </td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th height="17">&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus    Fyshwick</th>

-      <th>Canberra Times</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Railway Station Kingston</th>

-      <th>Russell Offices</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">National Hockey Centre    Lyneham</th>

-      <th>Australian Institute    Sports Bruce</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

-      <th>Cameron Ave Bus Station</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Lathlain St Bus Station</th>

-      <th>Cohen St Bus Station</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">9:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">10:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:02 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:04 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:17 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:34 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:43 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">11:56 AM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">12:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">1:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">2:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">3:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">4:46 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4.56 PM </td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">.....</td>

-      <td>.....</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">5:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:02 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>980<img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:04 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:17 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:34 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:43 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">6:56 PM</td>

-      <td align="right" class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

-      <td align="right">7:01 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon" />- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


-<script type="text/javascript">

-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_981wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +1,1 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


-<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

-  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->981<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/981_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>National Aquarium</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Black Mountain Telstra Tower</th>

-      <th>Botanic Gardens</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 9 </th>

-      <th>National Aquarium</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Black Mountain Telstra Tower</th>

-      <th>Botanic Gardens</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

-      <td>10:34 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

-      <td>10:48 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

-      <td>12:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

-      <td>12:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

-      <td>1:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

-      <td>1:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

-      <td>3:04 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

-      <td>3:18 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>981 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

-      <td>4:34 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

-      <td>4:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_982wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +1,1 @@
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

-<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->


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-<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


-<body id="body">

-<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->982<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/982_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Bimberi Centre</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>982 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange<br />

-      Platform 8 </th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>982</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

-      <td>6:38 AM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

-      <td>6:50 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>982 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><a class="top" href="#top">^top^</a></p>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Bimberi Centre</th>

-      <th>Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th>City Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>982 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

-      <td>7:24 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

-      <td>7:33 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">City Interchange</th>

-      <th>Macarthur\Northbourne</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Ave/Antill St</th>

-      <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>982</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

-      <td>3:48 PM</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

-      <td>4:00 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


-<!-- InstanceEnd -->



--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_988wkend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

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-<div id="BodyText">

-  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->988<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

-  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

-  <p><a href="../pdf_maps_25_May/weekend_combined/988_combined.pdf" target="_blank">View timetable and map</a></p>

-  <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 25 May 2009.</strong></p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

-  <h2><a name="Saturdays"></a>Saturdays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange<br />

-      Platform 4 </th>

-      <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td>7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <h2><a name="Sundays"></a>Sundays</h2>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Woden Interchange</th>

-      <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

-      <td>9:00 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988</td>

-      <td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

-      <td>12:45 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

-      <td>5:30 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p>&nbsp;</p>

-  <table class="timetable">

-    <tr>

-      <th>&nbsp;</th>

-      <th class="cellorange">Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume</th>

-      <th>Woden Interchange</th>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

-      <td>11:55 AM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

-      <td>4:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-    <tr>

-      <td>988 <img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

-      <td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

-      <td>7:55 PM</td>

-    </tr>

-  </table>

-  <p><img src="../images/wheelchairaccess_icon.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="wheelchair_icon"/>- Wheelchair Accessible Bus</p>

-  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

-document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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-try {

-var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


-} catch(err) {}</script>


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+gs -q -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -r400 -sOutputFile=weekday_bus_map.png weekday_bus_map.pdf
+gs -q -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -r400 -sOutputFile=weekend_bus_map.png weekend_bus_map.pdf

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/file
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+        <li><a href="/requesting_a_school_bus_service.html">> Requesting a school bus service</a></li>

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+			  <p>The action website has been rebuilt and the urls of all files has been changed. You will need to update your bookmarks accordingly.</p>

+				<p>Timetable information can be found at the following url: <a href="/routes_timetables.html">http://www.action.act.gov.au/routes_timetables.html</a></p>

+				<p>School Timetable information is available from: <a href="/school_services.html">http://www.action.act.gov.au/school_services.html </a></p>

+			  <p><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Click here</a> to return to your last location.</p> 

+		    <p>Alternatively, if you encounter ongoing problems, please email the <a href="mailto:action@act.gov.au">site administrator</a>.</p> 			


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--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/get.sh
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-#wget -nd -np -r -I /routes_by_number.html,*25_May* --random-wait -c http://www.action.act.gov.au/routes_by_number.html
+wget -nd -np -r -I /routes_by_number.html,*101001* --random-wait -c http://www.action.act.gov.au/Routes_101001/index.htm
+wget http://www.action.act.gov.au/interchange_maps.html
 grep "Page not found" *

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/getpdfs.sh
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/getpdfs.sh
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-grep .pdf Route* redex.html | perl -0ne 'print "$1\n" while (/<a\s*href\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\">.*?<\/a>/igs)' | sed 's/" target="_blank//g' | sed 's/\.\.\///g' | xargs -Ifile wget -c http://www.action.act.gov.au/file
+grep .pdf Route* redex.html | perl -0ne 'print "$1\n" while (/<a\s*href\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\">.*?<\/a>/igs)' | sed 's/" target="_blank//g' | sed 's/\.\.\///g' | xargs -Ifile wget -c http://www.action.act.gov.au/Routes_101001/file

--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,105 @@
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+        <li><a href="../requesting_a_school_bus_service.html">&gt; Requesting a school bus service</a></li>

+        <li><a href="../frequently_asked_questions.html">&gt; Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>

+        <li><a href="../safety_education.html">&gt; Safety Education</a></li>

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+        <li><a href="../park_n_ride.html">&gt; Park 'n' Ride</a></li>

+      </ul>

+    </li>

+    <li id="catchbus"><a href="../how_to_catch_bus.html">How to Catch a Bus</a></li>

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+    <h1>Network 10</h1>

+    <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+    <h2>Weekdays</h2>

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+    <h2>Weekend</h2>

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+    <h1>Maps of Bus Routes and Stations</h1>

+    <h2>Individual Route Maps</h2>

+    <p>Maps of each bus route are linked to each timetable. To view an individual route map, click on your route, then &quot;view timetable and map&quot;</p>

+    <h2>Bus Network Maps</h2>

+    <ul>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">New Xpresso Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/Xpresso_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank"> PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 501Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /> </li>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">Weekday Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /> <a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/weekday_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank">PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 838Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" /> </li>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">Weekend Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /> <a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/weekend_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank">PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 938Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" /> </li>

+    </ul>

+    <h2>Bus Station Maps</h2>

+    <ul>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Cohen_St_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Cohen Street Bus Station</a> (<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 109Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Lathlain_Street_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Lathlain Street Bus Station </a>(<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 110Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Cameron_Ave_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Cameron Avenue Bus Station</a> (<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 104Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/city.pdf" target="_blank">City Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 628Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/tuggeranong.pdf" target="_blank">Tuggeranong Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 234Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/woden.pdf" target="_blank">Woden Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 206Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /> </li>

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->900<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/900_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

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+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 AM</td>

+    <td>6:33 AM</td>

+    <td>6:37 AM</td>

+    <td>6:57 AM</td>

+    <td>7:14 AM</td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 AM</td>

+    <td>6:48 AM</td>

+    <td>6:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 AM</td>

+    <td>7:03 AM</td>

+    <td>7:07 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:16 AM</td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:22 AM</td>

+    <td>7:42 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:11 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:11 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:39 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:00 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 AM</td>

+    <td>6:41 AM</td>

+    <td>6:57 AM</td>

+    <td>7:13 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:32 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 AM</td>

+    <td>6:56 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+    <td>7:28 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:47 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 AM</td>

+    <td>7:11 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 AM</td>

+    <td>7:26 AM</td>

+    <td>7:42 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:32 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:59 PM</td>

+    <td>12:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 AM</td>

+    <td>12:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:32 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 902</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->902<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/902_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

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+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>902</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station<br> Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br> Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br> Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:02 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>902</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:38 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,454 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 903</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->903<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/903_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>903</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>903</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_904.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,467 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 904</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->904<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/904_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>904</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>904</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,595 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 905</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->905<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/905_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>905</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>905</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 906</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->906<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/906_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>906</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Melba Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Melba Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:38 AM</td>

+    <td>7:53 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:00 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>906</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Melba shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Melba shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 907</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->907<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/907_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>907</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)</th>

+    <th>Fraser East Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:16 AM</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:36 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>907</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser East Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_912.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,237 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 912</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->912<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/912_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>912</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>912</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+    <th>Theodore</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_913.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,292 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 913</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->913<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/913-914_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>913</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>913</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 914</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->914<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/913-914_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>914</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Pocket</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 AM</td>

+    <td>6:34 AM</td>

+    <td>6:40 AM</td>

+    <td>6:47 AM</td>

+    <td>6:50 AM</td>

+    <td>6:54 AM</td>

+    <td>6:59 AM</td>

+    <td>7:02 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>914</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_915.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,235 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 915</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->915<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/915_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>915</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 AM</td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>915</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Theodore</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 921</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->921<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/921_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>921</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>921</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_922.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,232 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 922</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->922<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/922_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>922</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>922</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 923</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->923<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/923_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>923</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>11:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>923</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_924.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,215 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 924</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->924<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/924_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>924</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>924</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 925</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->925<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/925_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:11 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:11 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Duffy</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Duffy</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 927</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->927<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/927_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_930.htm
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 930</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->930<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/930_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>930</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>930</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_931.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,198 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 931</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->931<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/931_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>931</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>931</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


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@@ -1,1 +1,1195 @@
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 932</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->932<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/932_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:50 AM</td>

+    <td>7:53 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platfrom 9</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platfrom 9</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,1195 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 934</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->934<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/934_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:04 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:04 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,461 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 935</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->935<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/935_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>935</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station <br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Red Hill</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah</th>

+    <th>Red Hill</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>935</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Red Hill Shops</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah Terminus</th>

+    <th>Red Hill Shops</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 936</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->936<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/936_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>936</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:49 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>936</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 937</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->937<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/937_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>937</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>937</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 938</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->938<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/938_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 939</title>

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->939<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/939_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>939</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Terminus</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:13 AM</td>

+    <td>7:19 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>939</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Terminus</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 942</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->942<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/942_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:36 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 951</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->951<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/951_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 952</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->952<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/952_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">



+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>09:45 AM</td>

+    <td>09:47 AM</td>

+    <td>09:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>01:04 PM</td>

+    <td>01:09 PM</td>

+    <td>01:22 PM</td>

+    <td>01:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>01:45 PM</td>

+    <td>01:47 PM</td>

+    <td>01:51 PM</td>

+    <td>02:04 PM</td>

+    <td>02:09 PM</td>

+    <td>02:22 PM</td>

+    <td>02:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>02:45 PM</td>

+    <td>02:47 PM</td>

+    <td>02:51 PM</td>

+    <td>03:04 PM</td>

+    <td>03:09 PM</td>

+    <td>03:22 PM</td>

+    <td>03:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>03:45 PM</td>

+    <td>03:47 PM</td>

+    <td>03:51 PM</td>

+    <td>04:04 PM</td>

+    <td>04:09 PM</td>

+    <td>04:22 PM</td>

+    <td>04:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>04:45 PM</td>

+    <td>04:47 PM</td>

+    <td>04:51 PM</td>

+    <td>05:04 PM</td>

+    <td>05:09 PM</td>

+    <td>05:22 PM</td>

+    <td>05:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>05:45 PM</td>

+    <td>05:47 PM</td>

+    <td>05:51 PM</td>

+    <td>06:04 PM</td>

+    <td>06:09 PM</td>

+    <td>06:22 PM</td>

+    <td>06:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>06:45 PM</td>

+    <td>06:47 PM</td>

+    <td>06:51 PM</td>

+    <td>07:04 PM</td>

+    <td>07:09 PM</td>

+    <td>07:22 PM</td>

+    <td>07:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>08:39 AM</td>

+    <td>08:47 AM</td>

+    <td>09:00 AM</td>

+    <td>09:05 AM</td>

+    <td>09:18 AM</td>

+    <td>09:20 AM</td>

+    <td>09:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>09:39 AM</td>

+    <td>09:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>01:00 PM</td>

+    <td>01:05 PM</td>

+    <td>01:18 PM</td>

+    <td>01:20 PM</td>

+    <td>01:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>01:39 PM</td>

+    <td>01:47 PM</td>

+    <td>02:00 PM</td>

+    <td>02:05 PM</td>

+    <td>02:18 PM</td>

+    <td>02:20 PM</td>

+    <td>02:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>02:39 PM</td>

+    <td>02:47 PM</td>

+    <td>03:00 PM</td>

+    <td>03:05 PM</td>

+    <td>03:18 PM</td>

+    <td>03:20 PM</td>

+    <td>03:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>03:39 PM</td>

+    <td>03:47 PM</td>

+    <td>04:00 PM</td>

+    <td>04:05 PM</td>

+    <td>04:18 PM</td>

+    <td>04:20 PM</td>

+    <td>04:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>04:39 PM</td>

+    <td>04:47 PM</td>

+    <td>05:00 PM</td>

+    <td>05:05 PM</td>

+    <td>05:18 PM</td>

+    <td>05:20 PM</td>

+    <td>05:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>05:39 PM</td>

+    <td>05:47 PM</td>

+    <td>06:00 PM</td>

+    <td>06:05 PM</td>

+    <td>06:18 PM</td>

+    <td>06:20 PM</td>

+    <td>06:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>06:39 PM</td>

+    <td>06:47 PM</td>

+    <td>07:00 PM</td>

+    <td>07:05 PM</td>

+    <td>07:18 PM</td>

+    <td>07:20 PM</td>

+    <td>07:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_956.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,781 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 956</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->956<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/956_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+ <tr>

+  <th>956</th>

+  <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+  Station<br>Platform 2</th>

+  <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+  <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+  <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+  <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+  <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  <td>8:43 AM</td>

+  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+  <td>8:58 AM</td>

+  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  <td>10:33 AM</td>

+  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+  <td>10:53 AM</td>

+  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  <td>11:33 AM</td>

+  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+  <td>11:53 AM</td>

+  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  <td>12:33 PM</td>

+  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+  <td>12:53 PM</td>

+  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+  <td>1:33 PM</td>

+  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+  <td>1:53 PM</td>

+  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+  <td>2:33 PM</td>

+  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+  <td>2:53 PM</td>

+  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  <td>3:33 PM</td>

+  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  <td>5:47 PM</td>

+  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  <td>6:25 PM</td>

+  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  <td>7:08 PM</td>

+  <td>7:18 PM</td>

+  <td>7:25 PM</td>

+  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+ <tr>

+  <th>956</th>

+  <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br>Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+  <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+  <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+  <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+  <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+  <td>8:44 AM</td>

+  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+  <td>9:32 AM</td>

+  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>9:38 AM</td>

+  <td>9:44 AM</td>

+  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  <td>10:24 AM</td>

+  <td>10:30 AM</td>

+  <td>10:32 AM</td>

+  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>10:38 AM</td>

+  <td>10:44 AM</td>

+  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  <td>11:24 AM</td>

+  <td>11:30 AM</td>

+  <td>11:32 AM</td>

+  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>11:38 AM</td>

+  <td>11:44 AM</td>

+  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  <td>12:24 PM</td>

+  <td>12:30 PM</td>

+  <td>12:32 PM</td>

+  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>12:38 PM</td>

+  <td>12:44 PM</td>

+  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  <td>1:24 PM</td>

+  <td>1:30 PM</td>

+  <td>1:32 PM</td>

+  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>1:38 PM</td>

+  <td>1:44 PM</td>

+  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  <td>2:24 PM</td>

+  <td>2:30 PM</td>

+  <td>2:32 PM</td>

+  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>2:38 PM</td>

+  <td>2:44 PM</td>

+  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  <td>3:24 PM</td>

+  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+  <td>3:44 PM</td>

+  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  <td>4:24 PM</td>

+  <td>4:30 PM</td>

+  <td>4:32 PM</td>

+  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+  <td>4:44 PM</td>

+  <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+  <td>5:44 PM</td>

+  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+  <td>6:30 PM</td>

+  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>6:38 PM</td>

+  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  <td>6:59 PM</td>

+  <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  <td>7:24 PM</td>

+  <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>956</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>956</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 958</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->958<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/958_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

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+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:19 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:51 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:47 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_960.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,547 @@
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+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 960</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->960<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/960_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 961</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->961<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/961_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 962</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->962<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/962_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:02 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 964</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->964<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/964_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 966</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->966<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/966_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>966</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:36 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>966</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_967.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,207 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 967</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->967<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/967_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>967</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>967</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 968</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->968<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/968_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>968</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:38 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:38 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>968</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres,<br />

+      Richardson</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,1198 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 980</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->980<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/980_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre, Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Railway Station, Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street after Isa St</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick, Direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus, Fyshwick</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:20 AM</td>

+    <td>7:22 AM</td>

+    <td>7:26 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:40 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:51 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus, Fyshwick</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick, Direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station, Kingston</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre, Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:38 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:01 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Macarthur Ave / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle St after Isa St</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur Ave / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_981.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,171 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 981</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->981<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/981_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>981</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>National Zoo and Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Moutain- Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Australian National Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>981</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>National Zoo and Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Moutain- Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Australian National Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_982.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,153 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 982</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->982<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/982_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre<br></th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:32 AM</td>

+    <td>6:38 AM</td>

+    <td>6:40 AM</td>

+    <td>6:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Ave&nbsp; / Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Ave&nbsp; / Antill St</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_988.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,168 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 988</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href="http://www.act.gov.au"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->988<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/988_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre, Hume</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre, Hume</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Alexander Machonochie Centre, Hume</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Alexander Machonochie Centre, Hume</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

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-    <h1>Routes by Number</h1>

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-        <td width="33%">On this Page:</td>

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-      <tr>

-        <td><img  src="images/useful_img/bullet.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0" /> <a href="#weekday">Weekday 

-          Routes</a></td>

-        <td valign="middle"><img src="images/useful_img/bullet.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0" />&nbsp;<a href="#sunday">Sunday 

-          Routes </a></td>

-      </tr>

-      <tr>

-        <td><img src="images/useful_img/bullet.gif" width="4" height="4" border="0" /> <a href="#saturday">Saturday 

-          Routes</a></td>

-        <td valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>

-      </tr>

-    </table>

-    <p>&nbsp;</p>

-    <h2><a name="weekday" id="weekday"></a>Weekday Routes:</h2>

-    <p class="routebox"> <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_2.html">2</a>, &nbsp;<a href="Routes_25_May/Route_3.html">3</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_4.html">4</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_5.html">5</a>, &nbsp;<a href="Routes_25_May/Route_6.html">6</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_7.html">7</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_8.html">8</a>,  <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_9.html">9</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_10.html">10</a>,  <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_11_111.html">11</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_12_312.html">12</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_13_313.html">13</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_14_314.html">14</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_15_315.html">15</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_16.html">16</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_17.html">17</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_18_318.html">18</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_19_319.html">19</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_21.html">21</a>, &nbsp;<a href="Routes_25_May/Route_22.html">22</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_23.html">23</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_24.html">24</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_25_225.html">25</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_26_226.html">26</a>,&nbsp;<a href="Routes_25_May/Route_27_227.html">27</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_28.html">28</a>,  &nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_30.html">30</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_31.html">31</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_39.html">39</a>,&nbsp; <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_43.html">43</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_44.html">44</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_45.html">45</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_51.html">51</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_52.html">52</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_56.html">56</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_58.html">58</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_59.html">59</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_60_160.html">60</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_61_161.html">61</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_62_162.html">62</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_63.html">63</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_64.html">64</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_65_265.html">65</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_66.html">66</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_67_267.html">67</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_71.html">71</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_73.html">73</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_74.html">74</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_75.html">75</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_76.html">76</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_77.html">77</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_80.html">80</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_81.html">81</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_82.html">82</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_88.html">88</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_11_111.html">111</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_60_160.html">160</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_61_161.html">161</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_62_162.html">162</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_25_225.html">225</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_26_226.html">226</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_27_227.html">227</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_65_265.html">265</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_67_267.html">267</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_12_312.html">312</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_13_313.html">313</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_14_314.html">314</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_15_315.html">315</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_18_318.html">318</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_19_319.html">319</a><br />

-      <br />

-      <br />

-      Xpresso Direct Travel<br />

-      <br />

-      <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_170.html">170</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_701.html">701</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_702.html">702</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_703.html">703</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_704.html">704</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_705.html">705</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_710.html">710</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_720.html">720</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_729.html">729</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_732.html">732</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_737.html">737</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_749.html">749</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_757.html">757</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_768.html">768</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_769.html">769</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_780.html">780</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_785.html">785</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_786.html">786</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_787.html">787</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_788.html">788</a><br />

-      <br />

-      <a href="Routes_25_May/Intertown_300.html">Intertown Route 300 Series</a> (between interchanges)<br />

-      <br />

-      REDEX - Rapid Express GUNGAHLIN - CITY - KINGSTON

-      <br />

-      <br />

-      <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_727.html">REDEX 727</a>

-    </p>

-    <h2><a name="saturday" id="saturday"></a>Saturday Routes:</h2>


-    <p class="routebox"><a href="Routes_25_May/Route_900wkend.html">900</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_902wkend.html">902</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_903wkend.html">903</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_904wkend.html">904</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_905wkend.html">905</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_906wkend.html">906</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_907wkend.html">907</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_912wkend.html">912</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_913wkend.html">913</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_914wkend.html">914</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_915wkend.html">915</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_921wkend.html">921</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_922wkend.html">922</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_923wkend.html">923</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_924wkend.html">924</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_925wkend.html">925</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_927wkend.html">927</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_930wkend.html">930</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_931wkend.html">931</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_932wkend.html">932</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_934wkend.html">934</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_935wkend.html">935</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_936wkend.html">936</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_937wkend.html">937</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_938wkend.html">938</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_939wkend.html">939</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_942wkend.html">942</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_951wkend.html">951</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_952wkend.html">952</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_956wkend.html">956</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_958wkend.html">958</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_960wkend.html">960</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_961wkend.html">961</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_962wkend.html">962</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_964wkend.html">964</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_966wkend.html">966</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_967wkend.html">967</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_968wkend.html">968</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_980wkend.html">980</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_981wkend.html">981</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_982wkend.html">982</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_988wkend.html">988 </a><br />

-      <br />

-    <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_900wkend.html">Intertown Route 900</a> (between interchanges) </p>

-    <h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday &amp; Public Holiday Routes:</h2>


-    <p class="routebox"><a href="Routes_25_May/Route_900wkend.html#Sundays">900</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_902wkend.html#Sundays">902</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_903wkend.html#Sundays">903</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_904wkend.html#Sundays">904</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_905wkend.html#Sundays">905</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_906wkend.html#Sundays">906</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_907wkend.html#Sundays">907</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_912wkend.html#Sundays">912</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_913wkend.html#Sundays">913</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_914wkend.html#Sundays">914</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_915wkend.html#Sundays">915</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_921wkend.html#Sundays">921</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_922wkend.html#Sundays">922</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_923wkend.html#Sundays">923</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_924wkend.html#Sundays">924</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_925wkend.html#Sundays">925</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_927wkend.html#Sundays">927</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_930wkend.html#Sundays">930</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_931wkend.html#Sundays">931</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_932wkend.html#Sundays">932</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_934wkend.html#Sundays">934</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_935wkend.html#Sundays">935</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_936wkend.html#Sundays">936</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_937wkend.html#Sundays">937</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_938wkend.html#Sundays">938</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_939wkend.html#Sundays">939</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_942wkend.html#Sundays">942</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_951wkend.html#Sundays">951</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_952wkend.html#Sundays">952</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_956wkend.html#Sundays">956</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_958wkend.html#Sundays">958</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_960wkend.html#Sundays">960</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_961wkend.html#Sundays">961</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_962wkend.html#Sundays">962</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_964wkend.html#Sundays">964</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_966wkend.html#Sundays">966</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_967wkend.html#Sundays">967</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_968wkend.html#Sundays">968</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_980wkend.html#Sundays">980</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_981wkend.html#Sundays">981</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_982wkend.html#Sundays">982</a>, <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_988wkend.html#Sundays">988 </a><br />

-      <br />

-    <a href="Routes_25_May/Route_900wkend.html#Sundays">Intertown Route 900</a> (between interchanges)</p>

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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekday_bus_map.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekend_bus_map.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/todo.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,18 @@
+between points;
+Big Finding enGine - osm xml to postgres parser and geohash/reverse geocoding 
+Export existing bus stops and timing points (maybe call bus stations for 
+icon?) as OSM XML
+Export required from-to-route tuples to a database table, hopefully 
+reducing for 31X routes
+open export, insert billions of stops and save as osm
+run parser to generate geohashes and stop names, send to database
+open as osm again and enter billions of between stops lists into database by hand
+adjust gtfs generator to use and generate inbetween times
+check intersection parser for timing points again. (gtfs validator 
+probably found them all anyway)

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validate.sh
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validate.sh
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-../transitfeed-1.2.5/feedvalidator.py cbrfeed.zip
+python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py -l 9999 cbrfeed.zip

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validation-results.html
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validation-results.html
@@ -28,58 +28,127 @@
 <tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header"><a href="http://www.action.act.gov.au/">ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">1</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">6</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">69</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">263</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">381</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">4207</td></tr>
 <tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">0</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">May 25, 2009 to June 01, 2010</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">November 15, 2010 to December 31, 2011</td></tr>
-During the upcoming service dates Sun Apr 18 to Mon May 31:
+During the upcoming service dates Mon Dec 27 to Thu Feb 24:
-<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">30</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">36, on 31 service dates (Mon Apr 19, Tue Apr 20, Wed Apr 21, ...)</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">16, on 7 service dates (Sun Apr 18, Sun Apr 25, Sun May 02, ...)</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">2169</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">2681, on 44 service dates (Mon Dec 27, Tue Dec 28, Wed Dec 29, ...)</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">614, on 8 service dates (Sun Jan 02, Sun Jan 09, Sun Jan 16, ...)</td></tr>
-<span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>
+<span class="fail">
+We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.</span><br><br><span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>
 <table class="count_outside">
-<tr><td><span class="fail">3 errors</span></td><td><span class="fail">2 warnings</span></td></tr>
+<tr><td><span class="fail">85 warnings</span></td></tr>
-<table><tr><td>3</td><td><a href="#ErrorInvalidValue">Invalid Values</a></td></tr>
-<table><tr><td>1</td><td><a href="#WarningExpirationDate">Expiration Date</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>1</td><td><a href="#WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Close</a></td></tr>
+<table><tr><td>59</td><td><a href="#WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Values</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>20</td><td><a href="#WarningOtherProblem">Other Problems</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>6</td><td><a href="#WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Closes</a></td></tr>
-<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="ErrorInvalidValue">Invalid Value</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value 2010601 in field <code>date</code></div>in line 2 of <code>calendar.txt</code><br>
-<table class="dump"><tr><th>service_id</th><th>start_date</th><th>end_date</th><th>monday</th><th>tuesday</th><th>wednesday</th><th>thursday</th><th>friday</th><th>saturday</th><th>sunday</th></tr>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value 2010601 in field <code>date</code></div>in line 3 of <code>calendar.txt</code><br>
-<table class="dump"><tr><th>service_id</th><th>start_date</th><th>end_date</th><th>monday</th><th>tuesday</th><th>wednesday</th><th>thursday</th><th>friday</th><th>saturday</th><th>sunday</th></tr>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value 2010601 in field <code>date</code></div>in line 4 of <code>calendar.txt</code><br>
-<table class="dump"><tr><th>service_id</th><th>start_date</th><th>end_date</th><th>monday</th><th>tuesday</th><th>wednesday</th><th>thursday</th><th>friday</th><th>saturday</th><th>sunday</th></tr>
+<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Value</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "220" and "139".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "129" and "95".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to alexander maconochie centre in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "114" and "136".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "88" and "51".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "111" and "27".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "82" and "110".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "174" and "67".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "141" and "212".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin marketplace in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "146" and "191".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "92" and "7".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "109" and "126".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "106" and "112".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "32" and "118".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "35" and "120".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "94" and "56".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "252" and "69".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "61" and "102".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to bimberi centre in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "259" and "63".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "65" and "26".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "256" and "179".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "253" and "125".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "182" and "226".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "183" and "8".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "180" and "216".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "181" and "227".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "188" and "170".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "97" and "108".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "142" and "54".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "160" and "248".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "11" and "251".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "66" and "185".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "143" and "166".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "17" and "99".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "224" and "145".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "155" and "211".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "156" and "199".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "159" and "242".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "62" and "104".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "234" and "168".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "236" and "123".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "237" and "190".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "86" and "4".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "40" and "122".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "87" and "50".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "200" and "218".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "203" and "193".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "204" and "116".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "206" and "214".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "209" and "90".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "208" and "121".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "76" and "57".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "73" and "33".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "70" and "30".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "96" and "134".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin marketplace in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "2" and "239".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "144" and "223".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "261" and "58".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "250" and "161".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "47" and "85".</div><br></li>
-<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningExpirationDate">Expiration Date</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">This feed will soon expire, on June 01, 2010</div><br></li>
+<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningOtherProblem">Other Problem</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1759" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3233" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3538" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1608" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2435" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1493" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "120" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2284" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "614" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3315" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3316" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2282" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2283" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "940" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "569" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2920" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2836" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "4003" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1275" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2079" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
 <h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Close</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Civic Interchange Platform 5" (ID 1) and "Canberra House Southbound" (ID 4) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Narrabundah Terminus" (ID 146) and "Narrabundah" (ID 144) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Gallipoli Road" (ID 335) and "ADFA" (ID 1) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "City Bus Station" (ID 40) and "City Bus Station (Platform 1)" (ID 41) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)" (ID 53) and "Cohen Street Bus Station" (ID 52) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Fraser" (ID 84) and "Fraser East Terminus" (ID 85) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "University of Canberra" (ID 193) and "College Street" (ID 267) are 0.01m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
 <div class="footer">
 Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
-FeedValidator</a> version 1.2.5 on April 18, 2010 at 08:24 PM EST.
+FeedValidator</a> version 1.2.6 on December 27, 2010 at 09:47 AM MYT.

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/view.sh
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/view.sh
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
-../transitfeed-1.2.5/schedule_viewer.py --feed=cbrfeed.zip
+# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
+# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
+# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
+# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
+# # For pretty maps
+python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/schedule_viewer.py --feed=cbrfeed.zip --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +1,1 @@
-                                 Apache License
-                           Version 2.0, January 2004
-                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
-   1. Definitions.
-      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
-      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
-      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
-      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
-      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
-      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
-      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
-      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
-      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
-      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
-      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
-      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
-      exercising permissions granted by this License.
-      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
-      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
-      source, and configuration files.
-      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
-      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
-      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
-      and conversions to other media types.
-      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
-      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
-      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
-      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
-      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
-      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
-      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
-      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
-      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
-      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
-      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
-      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
-      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
-      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
-      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
-      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
-      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
-      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
-      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
-      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
-      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
-      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
-      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
-      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
-      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
-      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
-      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
-   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
-      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
-      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
-   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
-      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
-      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
-      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
-      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
-      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
-      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
-      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
-      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
-      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
-      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
-      as of the date such litigation is filed.
-   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
-      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
-      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
-      meet the following conditions:
-      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
-          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
-      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
-          stating that You changed the files; and
-      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
-          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
-          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
-          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
-          the Derivative Works; and
-      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
-          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
-          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
-          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
-          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
-          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
-          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
-          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
-          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
-          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
-          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
-          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
-          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
-          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
-          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
-          as modifying the License.
-      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
-      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
-      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
-      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
-      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
-      the conditions stated in this License.
-   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
-      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
-      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
-      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
-      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
-      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
-      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
-   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
-      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
-      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
-      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
-   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
-      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
-      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
-      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
-      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
-      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
-   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
-      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
-      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
-      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
-      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
-      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
-      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
-      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
-      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
-      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
-      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
-      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
-      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
-      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
-      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
-      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
-      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
-      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
-      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
-      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
-   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
-      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
-      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
-      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
-      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
-      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
-      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
-      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
-      identification within third-party archives.
-   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-   You may obtain a copy of the License at
-       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,1 @@
-INSTALL file for transitfeed distribution
-To download and install in one step make sure you have easy-install installed and run
-easy_install transitfeed
-Since you got this far chances are you have downloaded a copy of the source
-code. Install with the command
-python setup.py install
-If you don't want to install you may be able to run the scripts from this
-directory. For example, try running
-./feedvalidator.py -n test/data/good_feed.zip

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +1,1 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
-Name: transitfeed
-Version: 1.2.5
-Summary: Google Transit Feed Specification library and tools
-Home-page: http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/
-Author: Tom Brown
-Author-email: tom.brown.code@gmail.com
-License: Apache License, Version 2.0
-Download-URL: http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/files/transitfeed-1.2.5.tar.gz
-Description: This module provides a library for reading, writing and validating Google Transit Feed Specification files. It includes some scripts that validate a feed, display it using the Google Maps API and the start of a KML importer and exporter.
-Platform: OS Independent
-Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Other Audience
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,1 @@
-README file for transitfeed distribution
-This distribution contains a library to help you parse and generate Google
-Transit Feed files. It also contains some sample tools that demonstrate the
-library and are useful in their own right when maintaining Google
-Transit Feed files. You may fetch the specification from
-See INSTALL for installation instructions
-The most recent source can be downloaded from our subversion repository at
-See http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/TransitFeedDistribution
-for more information.

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,1 @@
-__doc__ = """
-Package holding files for Google Transit Feed Specification Schedule Viewer.
-# This package contains the data files for schedule_viewer.py, a script that
-# comes with the transitfeed distribution. According to the thread
-# "[Distutils] distutils data_files and setuptools.pkg_resources are driving
-# me crazy" this is the easiest way to include data files. My experience
-# agrees. - Tom 2007-05-29

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
-    <title>[agency]</title>
-    <link href="file/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-    <style type="text/css">
-    v\:* {
-      behavior:url(#default#VML);
-    }
-    </style>
-    <script src="http://[host]/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=[key]" type="text/javascript"></script>
-    <script src="/file/labeled_marker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-    <script language="VBScript" src="/file/svgcheck.vbs"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-    //<![CDATA[
-    var map;
-    // Set to true when debugging for log statements about HTTP requests.
-    var log = false;
-    var twelveHourTime = false;  // set to true to see AM/PM
-    var selectedRoute = null;
-    var forbid_editing = [forbid_editing];
-    function load() {
-      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
-        sizeRouteList();
-        var map_dom = document.getElementById("map");
-        map = new GMap2(map_dom);
-        map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
-        map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
-        map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());
-        map.enableScrollWheelZoom();
-        var bb = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng([min_lat], [min_lon]),new GLatLng([max_lat], [max_lon]));
-        map.setCenter(bb.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bb));
-        map.enableDoubleClickZoom();
-        initIcons();
-        GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", callbackMoveEnd);
-        GEvent.addListener(map, "zoomend", callbackZoomEnd);
-        callbackMoveEnd();  // Pretend we just moved to current center
-        fetchRoutes();
-      }
-    }
-    function callbackZoomEnd() {
-    }
-    function callbackMoveEnd() {
-      // Map moved, search for stops near the center
-      fetchStopsInBounds(map.getBounds());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Fetch a sample of stops in the bounding box.
-     */
-    function fetchStopsInBounds(bounds) {
-      url = "/json/boundboxstops?n=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lat()
-                             + "&e=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lng()
-                             + "&s=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lat()
-                             + "&w=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lng()
-                             + "&limit=50";
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStopsBackground);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Displays stops returned by the server on the map. Expected to be called
-     * when GDownloadUrl finishes.
-     *
-     * @param {String} data JSON encoded list of list, each
-     *     containing a row of stops.txt
-     * @param {Number} responseCode Response code from server
-     */
-    function callbackDisplayStops(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      clearMap();
-      var stops = eval(data);
-      if (stops.length == 1) {
-        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[0], true);
-        fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);
-      } else {
-        for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
-          addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function stopTextSearchSubmit() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("stopTextSearchInput").value;
-      var url = "/json/stopsearch?q=" + text;  // TODO URI escape
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStops);
-    }
-    function tripTextSearchSubmit() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("tripTextSearchInput").value;
-      selectTrip(text);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add stops markers to the map and remove stops no longer in the
-     * background.
-     */
-    function callbackDisplayStopsBackground(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var stops = eval(data);
-      // Make a list of all background markers
-      var oldStopMarkers = {};
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
-        oldStopMarkers[stopId] = 1;
-      }
-      // Add new markers to the map and remove from oldStopMarkers
-      for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
-        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], false);
-        if (oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId]) {
-          delete oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId];
-        }
-      }
-      // Delete all markers that remain in oldStopMarkers
-      for (var stopId in oldStopMarkers) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
-        map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
-        delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId]
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove all overlays from the map
-     */
-    function clearMap() {
-      boundsOfPolyLine = null;
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersSelected) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersSelected[stopId].clickListener);
-      }
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
-      }
-      stopMarkersSelected = {};
-      stopMarkersBackground = {};
-      map.clearOverlays();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a new GIcon used for stops
-     */
-    function makeStopIcon() {
-      var icon = new GIcon();
-      icon.iconSize = new GSize(12, 20);
-      icon.shadowSize = new GSize(22, 20);
-      icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 20);
-      icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(5, 1);
-      return icon;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initialize icons. Call once during load.
-     */
-    function initIcons() {
-      iconSelected = makeStopIcon();
-      iconSelected.image = "/file/mm_20_yellow.png";
-      iconSelected.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow.png";
-      iconBackground = makeStopIcon();
-      iconBackground.image = "/file/mm_20_blue_trans.png";
-      iconBackground.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
-      iconBackgroundStation = makeStopIcon();
-      iconBackgroundStation.image = "/file/mm_20_red_trans.png";
-      iconBackgroundStation.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
-    }
-    var iconSelected;
-    var iconBackground;
-    var iconBackgroundStation;
-    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops selected because they are
-    // part of a trip, etc
-    var stopMarkersSelected = {};
-    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops found by the background
-    // passive search
-    var stopMarkersBackground = {};
-    /**
-     * Add a stop to the map, given a row from stops.txt.
-     */
-    function addStopMarkerFromList(list, selected, text) {
-      return addStopMarker(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4], selected, text);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a stop to the map, returning the new marker
-     */
-    function addStopMarker(stopId, stopName, stopLat, stopLon, locationType, selected, text) {
-      if (stopMarkersSelected[stopId]) {
-        // stop was selected
-	var marker = stopMarkersSelected[stopId];
-	if (text) {
-          oldText = marker.getText();
-          if (oldText) {
-            oldText = oldText + "<br>";
-          }
-          marker.setText(oldText + text);
-	}
-        return marker;
-      }
-      if (stopMarkersBackground[stopId]) {
-        // Stop was in the background. Either delete it from the background or
-        // leave it where it is.
-        if (selected) {
-          map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
-          delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
-        } else {
-          return stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
-        }
-      }
-      var icon;
-      if (selected) {
-        icon = iconSelected;
-      } else if (locationType == 1)  {
-        icon = iconBackgroundStation
-      } else {
-        icon = iconBackground;
-      }
-      var ll = new GLatLng(stopLat,stopLon);
-      var marker;
-      if (selected || text) {
-        if (!text) {
-          text = "";  // Make sure every selected icon has a text box, even if empty
-        }
-        var markerOpts = new Object();
-        markerOpts.icon = icon;
-        markerOpts.labelText = text;
-        markerOpts.labelClass = "tooltip";
-        markerOpts.labelOffset = new GSize(6, -20);
-        marker = new LabeledMarker(ll, markerOpts);
-      } else {
-        marker = new GMarker(ll, {icon: icon, draggable: !forbid_editing});
-      }
-      marker.stopName = stopName;
-      marker.stopId = stopId;
-      if (selected) {
-        stopMarkersSelected[stopId] = marker;
-      } else {
-        stopMarkersBackground[stopId] = marker;
-      }
-      map.addOverlay(marker);
-      marker.clickListener = GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);});
-      GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
-        document.getElementById("edit").style.visibility = "visible";
-        document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = "updating..."
-        changeStopLocation(marker);
-      });
-      return marker;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sends new location of a stop to server.
-     */
-    function changeStopLocation(marker) {
-      var url = "/json/setstoplocation?id=" +
-      			encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) +
-                "&lat=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lat()) + 
-                "&lng=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lng());
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = unescape(data);
-          } );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Saves the current state of the data file opened at server side to file.
-     */
-    function saveData() {
-      var url = "/json/savedata";
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = data;} );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Fetch the next departing trips from the stop for display in an info
-     * window.
-     */
-    function fetchStopInfoWindow(marker) {
-      var url = "/json/stoptrips?stop=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput();
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode); } );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var timeTrips = eval(data);
-      var html = "<b>" + marker.stopName + "</b> (" + marker.stopId + ")<br>";
-      var latLng = marker.getLatLng();
-      html = html + "(" + latLng.lat() + ", " + latLng.lng() + ")<br>";
-      html = html + "<table><tr><th>service_id<th>time<th>name</tr>";
-      for (var i=0; i < timeTrips.length; ++i) {
-        var time = timeTrips[i][0];
-        var tripid = timeTrips[i][1][0];
-        var tripname = timeTrips[i][1][1];
-        var service_id = timeTrips[i][1][2];
-        var timepoint = timeTrips[i][2];
-        html = html + "<tr onClick='map.closeInfoWindow();selectTrip(\"" +
-          tripid + "\")'>" +
-          "<td>" + service_id +
-          "<td align='right'>" + (timepoint ? "" : "~") +
-          formatTime(time) + "<td>" + tripname + "</tr>";
-      }
-      html = html + "</table>";
-      marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);
-    }
-    function leadingZero(digit) {
-      if (digit < 10)
-        return "0" + digit;
-      else
-        return "" + digit;
-    }
-    function formatTime(secSinceMidnight) {
-      var hours = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 3600);
-      var suffix = "";
-      if (twelveHourTime) {
-        suffix = (hours >= 12) ? "p" : "a";
-        suffix += (hours >= 24) ? " next day" : "";
-        hours = hours % 12;
-        if (hours == 0)
-          hours = 12;
-      }
-      var minutes = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 60) % 60;
-      var seconds = secSinceMidnight % 60;
-      if (seconds == 0) {
-        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + suffix;
-      } else {
-        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + ":" + leadingZero(seconds) + suffix;
-      }
-    }
-    function parseTimeInput() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("timeInput").value;
-      var m = text.match(/([012]?\d):([012345]?\d)(:([012345]?\d))?/);
-      if (m) {
-        var seconds = parseInt(m[1], 10) * 3600;
-        seconds += parseInt(m[2], 10) * 60;
-        if (m[4]) {
-          second += parseInt(m[4], 10);
-        }
-        return seconds;
-      } else {
-        if (log)
-          GLog.write("Couldn't match " + text);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a string of dots that gets longer with the log of count.
-     */
-    function countToRepeatedDots(count) {
-      // Find ln_2(count) + 1
-      var logCount = Math.ceil(Math.log(count) / 0.693148) + 1;
-      return new Array(logCount + 1).join(".");
-    }
-    function fetchRoutes() {
-      url = "/json/routes";
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayRoutes);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayRoutes(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        patternDiv.appendChild(div);
-      }
-      var routes = eval(data);
-      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
-      while (routesList.hasChildNodes()) {
-        routesList.removeChild(routesList.firstChild);
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < routes.length; ++i) {
-        var routeId = routes[i][0];
-        var shortName = document.createElement("span");
-        shortName.className = "shortName";
-        shortName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routes[i][1] + " "));
-        var routeName = routes[i][2];
-        var elem = document.createElement("div");
-        elem.appendChild(shortName);
-        elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routeName));
-        elem.id = "route_" + routeId;
-        elem.className = "routeChoice";
-        elem.title = routeName;
-        GEvent.addDomListener(elem, "click", makeClosure(selectRoute, routeId));
-        var routeContainer = document.createElement("div");
-        routeContainer.id = "route_container_" + routeId;
-        routeContainer.className = "routeContainer";
-        routeContainer.appendChild(elem);
-        routesList.appendChild(routeContainer);
-      }
-    }
-    function selectRoute(routeId) {
-      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
-      routeSpans = routesList.getElementsByTagName("div");
-      for (var i = 0; i < routeSpans.length; ++i) {
-        if (routeSpans[i].className == "routeChoiceSelected") {
-          routeSpans[i].className = "routeChoice";
-        }
-      }
-      // remove any previously-expanded route
-      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
-      if (tripInfo)
-        tripInfo.parentNode.removeChild(tripInfo);
-      selectedRoute = routeId;
-      var span = document.getElementById("route_" + routeId);
-      span.className = "routeChoiceSelected";
-      fetchPatterns(routeId);
-    }
-    function fetchPatterns(routeId) {
-      url = "/json/routepatterns?route=" + encodeURIComponent(routeId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput();
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayPatterns);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayPatterns(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var div = document.createElement("div");
-      div.className = "tripSection";
-      div.id = "tripInfo";
-      var firstTrip = null;
-      var patterns = eval(data);
-      clearMap();
-      for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {
-        patternDiv = document.createElement("div")
-        patternDiv.className = 'patternSection';
-        div.appendChild(patternDiv)
-        var pat = patterns[i];  // [patName, patId, len(early trips), trips, len(later trips), has_non_zero_trip_type]
-        if (pat[5] == '1') {
-          patternDiv.className += " unusualPattern"
-        }
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pat[0]));
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", " + (pat[2] + pat[3].length + pat[4]) + " trips: "));
-        if (pat[2] > 0) {
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(countToRepeatedDots(pat[2]) + " "));
-        }
-        for (j = 0; j < pat[3].length; ++j) {
-          var trip = pat[3][j];
-          var tripId = trip[1];
-          if ((i == 0) && (j == 0))
-            firstTrip = tripId;
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
-          var span = document.createElement("span");
-          span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatTime(trip[0])));
-          span.id = "trip_" + tripId;
-          GEvent.addDomListener(span, "click", makeClosure(selectTrip, tripId));
-          patternDiv.appendChild(span)
-          span.className = "tripChoice";
-        }
-        if (pat[4] > 0) {
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + countToRepeatedDots(pat[4])));
-        }
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
-      }
-      route = document.getElementById("route_container_" + selectedRoute);
-      route.appendChild(div);
-      if (tripId != null)
-        selectTrip(firstTrip);
-    }
-    // Needed to get around limitation in javascript scope rules.
-    // See http://calculist.blogspot.com/2005/12/gotcha-gotcha.html
-    function makeClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function() { f(a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function make1ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function(x) { f(x, a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function make2ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function(x, y) { f(x, y, a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function selectTrip(tripId) {
-      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
-      if (tripInfo) {
-        tripSpans = tripInfo.getElementsByTagName('span');
-        for (var i = 0; i < tripSpans.length; ++i) {
-          tripSpans[i].className = 'tripChoice';
-        }
-      }
-      var span = document.getElementById("trip_" + tripId);
-      // Won't find the span if a different route is selected
-      if (span) {
-        span.className = 'tripChoiceSelected';
-      }
-      clearMap();
-      url = "/json/tripstoptimes?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripStopTimes);
-      fetchTripPolyLine(tripId);
-      fetchTripRows(tripId);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripStopTimes(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var stopsTimes = eval(data);
-      if (!stopsTimes) return;
-      displayTripStopTimes(stopsTimes[0], stopsTimes[1]);
-    }
-    function fetchTripPolyLine(tripId) {
-      url = "/json/tripshape?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripPolyLine);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripPolyLine(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var points = eval(data);
-      if (!points) return;
-      displayPolyLine(points);
-    }
-    var boundsOfPolyLine = null;
-    function expandBoundingBox(latLng) {
-      if (boundsOfPolyLine == null) {
-        boundsOfPolyLine = new GLatLngBounds(latLng, latLng);
-      } else {
-        boundsOfPolyLine.extend(latLng);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Display a line given a list of points
-     *
-     * @param {Array} List of lat,lng pairs
-     */
-    function displayPolyLine(points) {
-      var linePoints = Array();
-      for (i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
-        var ll = new GLatLng(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
-        expandBoundingBox(ll);
-        linePoints[linePoints.length] = ll;
-      }
-      var polyline = new GPolyline(linePoints, "#FF0000", 4);
-      map.addOverlay(polyline);
-      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
-    }
-    function displayTripStopTimes(stops, times) {
-      for (i = 0; i < stops.length; ++i) {
-        var marker;
-        if (times && times[i] != null) {
-          marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true, formatTime(times[i]));
-        } else {
-	  marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
-	}
-        expandBoundingBox(marker.getPoint());
-      }
-      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
-    }
-    function fetchTripRows(tripId) {
-      url = "/json/triprows?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, make2ArgClosure(callbackDisplayTripRows, tripId));
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripRows(data, responseCode, tripId) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var rows = eval(data);
-      if (!rows) return;
-      var html = "";
-      for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
-        var filename = rows[i][0];
-        var row = rows[i][1];
-        html += "<b>" + filename + "</b>: " + formatDictionary(row) + "<br>";
-      }
-      html += svgTag("/ttablegraph?height=100&trip=" + tripId, "height='115' width='100%'");
-      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById("bottombar");
-      bottombarDiv.style.display = "block";
-      bottombarDiv.style.height = "175px";
-      bottombarDiv.innerHTML = html;
-      sizeRouteList();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return HTML to embed a SVG object in this page. src is the location of
-     * the SVG and attributes is inserted directly into the object or embed
-     * tag.
-     */
-    function svgTag(src, attributes) {
-      if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1) {
-        if (isSVGControlInstalled()) {
-          return "<embed pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/' src='" + src + "' " + attributes +"></embed>";
-        } else {
-          return "<p>Please install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a> to get SVG support in IE</p>";
-        }
-      } else {
-        return "<object data='" + src + "' type='image/svg+xml' " + attributes + "><p>No SVG support in your browser. Try Firefox 1.5 or newer or install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a></p></object>";
-      }
-    }
-  /**
-   * Format an Array object containing key-value pairs into a human readable
-   * string.
-   */
-  function formatDictionary(d) {
-    var output = "";
-    var first = 1;
-    for (var k in d) {
-      if (first) {
-        first = 0;
-      } else {
-       output += "&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
-      }
-      output += "<b>" + k + "</b>=" + d[k];
-    }
-    return output;
-  }
-  function windowHeight() {
-    // Standard browsers (Mozilla, Safari, etc.)
-    if (self.innerHeight)
-      return self.innerHeight;
-    // IE 6
-    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
-      return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-    // IE 5
-    if (document.body)
-      return document.body.clientHeight;
-    // Just in case.
-    return 0;
-  }
-    function sizeRouteList() {
-      var bottombarHeight = 0;
-      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById('bottombar');
-      if (bottombarDiv.style.display != 'none') {
-        bottombarHeight = document.getElementById('bottombar').offsetHeight
-            + document.getElementById('bottombar').style.marginTop;
-      }
-      var height = windowHeight() - document.getElementById('topbar').offsetHeight - 15 - bottombarHeight;
-      document.getElementById('content').style.height = height + 'px';
-      if (map) {
-        // Without this displayPolyLine does not use the correct map size
-        map.checkResize();
-      }
-    }
-    //]]>
-    </script>
-  </head>
-<body class='sidebar-left' onload="load();" onunload="GUnload()" onresize="sizeRouteList()">
-<div id='topbar'>
-<div id="edit">
-  <span id="edit_status">...</span>
-  <form onSubmit="saveData(); return false;"><input value="Save" type="submit">
-<div id="agencyHeader">[agency]</div>
-<div id='content'>
-	<div id='sidebar-wrapper'><div id='sidebar'>
-	Time:&nbsp;<input type="text" value="8:00" width="9" id="timeInput"><br>
-	<form onSubmit="stopTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
-	Find Station: <input type="text" id="stopTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
-	<form onSubmit="tripTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
-	Find Trip ID: <input type="text" id="tripTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
-        <div id="routeList">routelist</div>
-	</div></div>
-	<div id='map-wrapper'> <div id='map'></div> </div>
-<div id='bottombar'>bottom bar</div>

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/labeled_marker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +1,1 @@
-* LabeledMarker Class
-* Copyright 2007 Mike Purvis (http://uwmike.com)
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-*       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-* This class extends the Maps API's standard GMarker class with the ability
-* to support markers with textual labels. Please see articles here:
-*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/01/22/extending-gmarker/
-*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/03/06/clickable-labeledmarker/
- * Constructor for LabeledMarker, which picks up on strings from the GMarker
- * options array, and then calls the GMarker constructor.
- *
- * @param {GLatLng} latlng
- * @param {GMarkerOptions} Named optional arguments:
- *   opt_opts.labelText {String} text to place in the overlay div.
- *   opt_opts.labelClass {String} class to use for the overlay div.
- *     (default "markerLabel")
- *   opt_opts.labelOffset {GSize} label offset, the x- and y-distance between
- *     the marker's latlng and the upper-left corner of the text div.
- */
-function LabeledMarker(latlng, opt_opts){
-  this.latlng_ = latlng;
-  this.opts_ = opt_opts;
-  this.initText_ = opt_opts.labelText || "";
-  this.labelClass_ = opt_opts.labelClass || "markerLabel";
-  this.labelOffset_ = opt_opts.labelOffset || new GSize(0, 0);
-  this.clickable_ = opt_opts.clickable || true;
-  if (opt_opts.draggable) {
-  	// This version of LabeledMarker doesn't support dragging.
-  	opt_opts.draggable = false;
-  }
-  GMarker.apply(this, arguments);
-// It's a limitation of JavaScript inheritance that we can't conveniently
-// inherit from GMarker without having to run its constructor. In order for 
-// the constructor to run, it requires some dummy GLatLng.
-LabeledMarker.prototype = new GMarker(new GLatLng(0, 0));
- * Is called by GMap2's addOverlay method. Creates the text div and adds it
- * to the relevant parent div.
- *
- * @param {GMap2} map the map that has had this labeledmarker added to it.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.initialize = function(map) {
-  // Do the GMarker constructor first.
-  GMarker.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-  this.map_ = map;
-  this.setText(this.initText_);
- * Create a new div for this label.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.makeDiv_ = function(map) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    return;
-  }
-  this.div_ = document.createElement("div");
-  this.div_.className = this.labelClass_;
-  this.div_.style.position = "absolute";
-  this.div_.style.cursor = "pointer";
-  this.map_.getPane(G_MAP_MARKER_PANE).appendChild(this.div_);
-  if (this.clickable_) {
-    /**
-     * Creates a closure for passing events through to the source marker
-     * This is located in here to avoid cluttering the global namespace.
-     * The downside is that the local variables from initialize() continue
-     * to occupy space on the stack.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} object to receive event trigger.
-     * @param {GEventListener} event to be triggered.
-     */
-    function newEventPassthru(obj, event) {
-      return function() {
-        GEvent.trigger(obj, event);
-      };
-    }
-    // Pass through events fired on the text div to the marker.
-    var eventPassthrus = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout'];
-    for(var i = 0; i < eventPassthrus.length; i++) {
-      var name = eventPassthrus[i];
-      GEvent.addDomListener(this.div_, name, newEventPassthru(this, name));
-    }
-  }
- * Return the html in the div of this label, or "" if none is set
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.getText = function(text) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    return this.div_.innerHTML;
-  } else {
-    return "";
-  }
- * Set the html in the div of this label to text. If text is "" or null remove
- * the div.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.setText = function(text) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    if (text) {
-      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
-    } else {
-      // remove div
-      GEvent.clearInstanceListeners(this.div_);
-      this.div_.parentNode.removeChild(this.div_);
-      this.div_ = null;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (text) {
-      this.makeDiv_();
-      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
-      this.redraw();
-    }
-  }
- * Move the text div based on current projection and zoom level, call the redraw()
- * handler in GMarker.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} force will be true when pixel coordinates need to be recomputed.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.redraw = function(force) {
-  GMarker.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
-  if (this.div_) {
-    // Calculate the DIV coordinates of two opposite corners of our bounds to
-    // get the size and position of our rectangle
-    var p = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.latlng_);
-    var z = GOverlay.getZIndex(this.latlng_.lat());
-    // Now position our div based on the div coordinates of our bounds
-    this.div_.style.left = (p.x + this.labelOffset_.width) + "px";
-    this.div_.style.top = (p.y + this.labelOffset_.height) + "px";
-    this.div_.style.zIndex = z; // in front of the marker
-  }
- * Remove the text div from the map pane, destroy event passthrus, and calls the
- * default remove() handler in GMarker.
- */
- LabeledMarker.prototype.remove = function() {
-  this.setText(null);
-  GMarker.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- * Return a copy of this overlay, for the parent Map to duplicate itself in full. This
- * is part of the Overlay interface and is used, for example, to copy everything in the 
- * main view into the mini-map.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.copy = function() {
-  return new LabeledMarker(this.latlng_, this.opt_opts_);

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_red_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_yellow.png and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/style.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +1,1 @@
-html { overflow: hidden; }
-html, body {
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  height: 100%;
-body { margin: 5px; }
-#content {
-  position: relative;
-  margin-top: 5px;
-#map-wrapper {
-  position: relative;
-  height: 100%;
-  width: auto;
-  left: 0;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 100;
-#map {
-  position: relative;
-  height: 100%;
-  width: auto;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-#sidebar-wrapper {
-  position: absolute;
-  height: 100%;
-  width: 220px;
-  top: 0;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  overflow: auto;
-  z-index: 300;
-#sidebar {
-  position: relative;
-  width: auto;
-  padding: 4px;
-  overflow: hidden;
-#topbar {
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 2px;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  margin: 0;
-#topbar h1 {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  font-size: 14pt;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  font-face:
-  margin: 0;
-body.sidebar-right #map-wrapper { margin-right: 229px; }
-body.sidebar-right #sidebar-wrapper { right: 0; }
-body.sidebar-left #map { margin-left: 229px; }
-body.sidebar-left #sidebar { left: 0; }
-body.nosidebar #map { margin: 0; }
-body.nosidebar #sidebar { display: none; }
-#bottombar {
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 2px;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  margin-top: 5px;
-  display: none;
-/* holly hack for IE to get position:bottom right
-   see: http://www.positioniseverything.net/abs_relbugs.html
- \*/
-* html #topbar { height: 1px; }
-/* */
-body {
-  font-family:helvetica,arial,sans, sans-serif;
-h1 {
-  margin-top: 0.5em;
-  margin-bottom: 0.5em;
-h2 {
-  margin-top: 0.2em;
-  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
-h3 {
-  margin-top: 0.2em;
-  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
-.tooltip {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  padding: 2px;
-  color: black;
-  font-size: 12px;
-  background-color: white;
-  border: 1px solid black;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  filter:alpha(opacity=60); 
-  -moz-opacity: 0.6; 
-  opacity: 0.6; 
-#routeList {
-  border: 1px solid black;
-  overflow: auto;
-.shortName {
-  font-size: bigger;
-  font-weight: bold;
-.routeChoice,.tripChoice,.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  padding: 0px 2px;
-  color: black;
-  line-height: 1.4em;
-  font-size: smaller;
-  overflow: hidden;
-.tripChoice {
-  color: blue;
-.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
-  background-color: blue;
-  color: white;
-.tripSection {
-  padding-left: 0px;
-  font-size: 10pt;
-  background-color: lightblue;
-.patternSection {
-  margin-left: 8px;
-  padding-left: 2px;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
-.unusualPattern {
-  background-color: #aaa;
-  color: #444;
-/* Following styles are used by location_editor.py */
-#edit {
-  visibility: hidden;
-  float: right;
-  font-size: 80%;
-#edit form {
-  display: inline;

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/svgcheck.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-' Copyright 1999-2000 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to redistribute

-' granted provided that this file is not modified in any way. This file is provided with

-' absolutely no warranties of any kind.

-Function isSVGControlInstalled()

-	on error resume next

-	isSVGControlInstalled = IsObject(CreateObject("Adobe.SVGCtl"))

-end Function


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Output svg/xml data for a marey graph
-Marey graphs are a visualization form typically used for timetables. Time
-is on the x-axis and position on the y-axis. This module reads data from a
-transitfeed.Schedule and creates a marey graph in svg/xml format. The graph
-shows the speed between stops for each trip of a route.
-TODO: This module was taken from an internal Google tool. It works but is not
-well intergrated into transitfeed and schedule_viewer. Also, it has lots of
-ugly hacks to compensate set canvas size and so on which could be cleaned up.
-For a little more information see (I didn't make this URL ;-)
-  MareyGraph: Class, keeps cache of graph data and graph properties
-               and draws marey graphs in svg/xml format on request.
-import itertools
-import transitfeed
-class MareyGraph:
-  """Produces and caches marey graph from transit feed data."""
-  _MAX_ZOOM = 5.0 # change docstring of ChangeScaleFactor if this changes
-  _DUMMY_SEPARATOR = 10 #pixel
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Timetablerelated state
-    self._cache = str()
-    self._stoplist = []
-    self._tlist = []
-    self._stations = []
-    self._decorators = []
-    # TODO: Initialize default values via constructor parameters
-    # or via a class constants
-    # Graph properties
-    self._tspan = 30     # number of hours to display
-    self._offset = 0     # starting hour
-    self._hour_grid = 60 # number of pixels for an hour
-    self._min_grid = 5   # number of pixels between subhour lines
-    # Canvas properties
-    self._zoomfactor = 0.9 # svg Scaling factor
-    self._xoffset = 0      # move graph horizontally
-    self._yoffset = 0      # move graph veritcally
-    self._bgcolor = "lightgrey"
-    # height/width of graph canvas before transform
-    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid
-  def Draw(self, stoplist=None, triplist=None, height=520):
-    """Main interface for drawing the marey graph.
-    If called without arguments, the data generated in the previous call
-    will be used. New decorators can be added between calls.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string that contain a svg/xml web-page with a marey graph.
-      " <svg  width="1440" height="520" version="1.1" ... "
-    """
-    output = str()
-    if not triplist:
-      triplist = []
-    if not stoplist:
-      stoplist = []
-    if not self._cache or triplist or stoplist:
-      self._gheight = height
-      self._tlist=triplist
-      self._slist=stoplist
-      self._decorators = []
-      self._stations = self._BuildStations(stoplist)
-      self._cache = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawBox(),
-                                      self._DrawHours(),
-                                      self._DrawStations(),
-                                      self._DrawTrips(triplist))
-    output = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawHeader(),
-                              self._cache,
-                              self._DrawDecorators(),
-                              self._DrawFooter())
-    return output
-  def _DrawHeader(self):
-     svg_header = """
-      <svg  width="%s" height="%s" version="1.1"
-      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
-      <script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
-       function init(evt) {
-         if ( window.svgDocument == null )
-            svgDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument;
-       }
-      var oldLine = 0;
-      var oldStroke = 0;
-      var hoffset= %s; // Data from python
-      function parseLinePoints(pointnode){
-        var wordlist = pointnode.split(" ");
-        var xlist = new Array();
-        var h;
-        var m;
-        // TODO: add linebreaks as appropriate
-        var xstr = "  Stop Times :";
-        for (i=0;i<wordlist.length;i=i+2){
-          var coord = wordlist[i].split(",");
-          h = Math.floor(parseInt((coord[0])-20)/60);
-          m = parseInt((coord[0]-20))%%60;
-          xstr = xstr +" "+ (hoffset+h) +":"+m;
-        }
-        return xstr;
-      }
-      function LineClick(tripid, x) {
-        var line = document.getElementById(tripid);
-        if (oldLine)
-          oldLine.setAttribute("stroke",oldStroke);
-        oldLine = line;
-        oldStroke = line.getAttribute("stroke");
-        line.setAttribute("stroke","#fff");
-        var dynTxt = document.getElementById("dynamicText");
-        var tripIdTxt = document.createTextNode(x);
-        while (dynTxt.hasChildNodes()){
-          dynTxt.removeChild(dynTxt.firstChild);
-        }
-        dynTxt.appendChild(tripIdTxt);
-      }
-      ]]> </script>
-      <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
-      .T { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
-      .TB { fill:none; stroke:#e20; stroke-width:2 }
-      .Station { fill:none; stroke-width:1 }
-      .Dec { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
-      .FullHour { fill:none; stroke:#eee; stroke-width:1 }
-      .SubHour { fill:none; stroke:#ddd; stroke-width:1 }
-      .Label { fill:#aaa; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
-       text-anchor:middle }
-      .Info { fill:#111; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
-      text-anchor:start; }
-       ]]></style>
-       <text class="Info" id="dynamicText" x="0" y="%d"></text>
-       <g id="mcanvas"  transform="translate(%s,%s)">
-       <g id="zcanvas" transform="scale(%s)">
-       """ % (self._gwidth + self._xoffset + 20, self._gheight + 15,
-              self._offset, self._gheight + 10,
-              self._xoffset, self._yoffset, self._zoomfactor)
-     return svg_header
-  def _DrawFooter(self):
-    return "</g></g></svg>"
-  def _DrawDecorators(self):
-    """Used to draw fancy overlays on trip graphs."""
-    return " ".join(self._decorators)
-  def _DrawBox(self):
-    tmpstr = """<rect x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s"
-                fill="lightgrey" stroke="%s" stroke-width="2" />
-             """ % (0, 0, self._gwidth + 20, self._gheight, self._bgcolor)
-    return tmpstr
-  def _BuildStations(self, stoplist):
-    """Dispatches the best algorithm for calculating station line position.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
-      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
-      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
-    """
-    stations = []
-    dists = self._EuclidianDistances(stoplist)
-    stations = self._CalculateYLines(dists)
-    return stations
-  def _EuclidianDistances(self,slist):
-    """Calculate euclidian distances between stops.
-    Uses the stoplists long/lats to approximate distances
-    between stations and build a list with y-coordinates for the
-    horizontal lines in the graph.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer for each pair of stations
-      # indicating the approximate distance
-      [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    """
-    e_dists2 = [transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, tail) for
-                (stop,tail) in itertools.izip(slist, slist[1:])]
-    return e_dists2
-  def _CalculateYLines(self, dists):
-    """Builds a list with y-coordinates for the horizontal lines in the graph.
-    Args:
-      # One integer for each pair of stations
-      # indicating the approximate distance
-      dists: [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
-      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
-      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
-    """
-    tot_dist = sum(dists)
-    if tot_dist > 0:
-      pixel_dist = [float(d * (self._gheight-20))/tot_dist for d in dists]
-      pixel_grid = [0]+[int(pd + sum(pixel_dist[0:i])) for i,pd in
-                        enumerate(pixel_dist)]
-    else:
-      pixel_grid = []
-    return pixel_grid
-  def _TravelTimes(self,triplist,index=0):
-    """ Calculate distances and plot stops.
-    Uses a timetable to approximate distances
-    between stations
-    Args:
-    # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-    triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    # (Optional) Index of Triplist prefered for timetable Calculation
-    index: 3
-    Returns:
-    # One integer for each pair of stations
-    # indicating the approximate distance
-    [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    """
-    def DistanceInTravelTime(dep_secs, arr_secs):
-      t_dist = arr_secs-dep_secs
-      if t_dist<0:
-        t_dist = self._DUMMY_SEPARATOR # min separation
-      return t_dist
-    if not triplist:
-      return []
-    if 0 < index < len(triplist):
-      trip = triplist[index]
-    else:
-      trip = triplist[0]
-    t_dists2 = [DistanceInTravelTime(stop[3],tail[2]) for (stop,tail)
-                 in itertools.izip(trip.GetTimeStops(),trip.GetTimeStops()[1:])]
-    return t_dists2
-  def _AddWarning(self, str):
-    print str
-  def _DrawTrips(self,triplist,colpar=""):
-    """Generates svg polylines for each transit trip.
-    Args:
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each trip
-      ' <polyline class="T" stroke="#336633" points="433,0 ...'
-    """
-    stations = []
-    if not self._stations and triplist:
-      self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._TravelTimes(triplist))
-      if not self._stations:
-        self._AddWarning("Failed to use traveltimes for graph")
-        self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._Uniform(triplist))
-        if not self._stations:
-          self._AddWarning("Failed to calculate station distances")
-          return
-    stations = self._stations
-    tmpstrs = []
-    servlist = []
-    for t in triplist:
-      if not colpar:
-        if t.service_id not in servlist:
-          servlist.append(t.service_id)
-        shade = int(servlist.index(t.service_id) * (200/len(servlist))+55)
-        color = "#00%s00" %  hex(shade)[2:4]
-      else:
-        color=colpar
-      start_offsets = [0]
-      first_stop = t.GetTimeStops()[0]
-      for j,freq_offset in enumerate(start_offsets):
-        if j>0 and not colpar:
-          color="purple"
-        scriptcall = 'onmouseover="LineClick(\'%s\',\'Trip %s starting %s\')"' % (t.trip_id,
-            t.trip_id, transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(t.GetStartTime()))
-        tmpstrhead = '<polyline class="T" id="%s" stroke="%s" %s points="' % \
-          (str(t.trip_id),color, scriptcall)
-        tmpstrs.append(tmpstrhead)
-        for i, s in enumerate(t.GetTimeStops()):
-          arr_t = s[0]
-          dep_t = s[1]
-          if arr_t is None or dep_t is None:
-            continue
-          arr_x = int(arr_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
-          dep_x = int(dep_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
-          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(arr_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
-          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(dep_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
-        tmpstrs.append('" />')
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def _Uniform(self, triplist):
-    """Fallback to assuming uniform distance between stations"""
-    # This should not be neseccary, but we are in fallback mode
-    longest = max([len(t.GetTimeStops()) for t in triplist])
-    return [100] * longest
-  def _DrawStations(self, color="#aaa"):
-    """Generates svg with a horizontal line for each station/stop.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stations: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each stop
-      " <polyline class="Station" stroke="#336633" points="20,0 ..."
-    """
-    stations=self._stations
-    tmpstrs = []
-    for y in stations:
-      tmpstrs.append('  <polyline class="Station" stroke="%s" \
-      points="%s,%s, %s,%s" />' %(color,20,20+y+.5,self._gwidth+20,20+y+.5))
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def _DrawHours(self):
-    """Generates svg to show a vertical hour and sub-hour grid
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each grid line
-      " <polyline class="FullHour" points="20,0 ..."
-    """
-    tmpstrs = []
-    for i in range(0, self._gwidth, self._min_grid):
-      if i % self._hour_grid == 0:
-        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="FullHour" points="%d,%d, %d,%d" />' \
-                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
-        tmpstrs.append('<text class="Label" x="%d" y="%d">%d</text>'
-                       % (i + 20, 20,
-                         (i / self._hour_grid + self._offset) % 24))
-      else:
-        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="SubHour" points="%d,%d,%d,%d" />' \
-                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def AddStationDecoration(self, index, color="#f00"):
-    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given station-line.
-    Args:
-      # Integer, index of stop to be highlighted.
-      index: 4
-      # An optional string with a html color code
-      color: "#fff"
-    """
-    tmpstr = str()
-    num_stations = len(self._stations)
-    ind = int(index)
-    if self._stations:
-      if 0<ind<num_stations:
-        y = self._stations[ind]
-        tmpstr = '<polyline class="Dec" stroke="%s" points="%s,%s,%s,%s" />' \
-          % (color, 20, 20+y+.5, self._gwidth+20, 20+y+.5)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def AddTripDecoration(self, triplist, color="#f00"):
-    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given trips.
-    Args:
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-      # An optional string with a html color code
-      color: "#fff"
-    """
-    tmpstr = self._DrawTrips(triplist,color)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def ChangeScaleFactor(self, newfactor):
-    """Changes the zoom of the graph manually.
-    1.0 is the original canvas size.
-    Args:
-      # float value between 0.0 and 5.0
-      newfactor: 0.7
-    """
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ScaleLarger(self):
-    """Increases the zoom of the graph one step (0.1 units)."""
-    newfactor = self._zoomfactor + 0.1
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ScaleSmaller(self):
-    """Decreases the zoom of the graph one step(0.1 units)."""
-    newfactor = self._zoomfactor - 0.1
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ClearDecorators(self):
-    """Removes all the current decorators.
-    """
-    self._decorators = []
-  def AddTextStripDecoration(self,txtstr):
-    tmpstr = '<text class="Info" x="%d" y="%d">%s</text>' % (0,
-              20 + self._gheight, txtstr)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def SetSpan(self, first_arr, last_arr, mint=5 ,maxt=30):
-    s_hour = (first_arr / 3600) - 1
-    e_hour = (last_arr / 3600) + 1
-    self._offset = max(min(s_hour, 23), 0)
-    self._tspan = max(min(e_hour - s_hour, maxt), mint)
-    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/transitfeed/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Expose some modules in this package.
-Before transitfeed version 1.2.4 all our library code was distributed in a
-one file module, transitfeed.py, and could be used as
-import transitfeed
-schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-At that time the module (one file, transitfeed.py) was converted into a
-package (a directory named transitfeed containing __init__.py and multiple .py
-files). Classes and attributes exposed by the old module may still be imported
-in the same way. Indeed, code that depends on the library <em>should</em>
-continue to use import commands such as the above and ignore _transitfeed.
-from _transitfeed import *
-__version__ = _transitfeed.__version__

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/transitfeed/_transitfeed.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4599 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Easy interface for handling a Google Transit Feed file.
-Do not import this module directly. Thanks to __init__.py you should do
-something like:
-  import transitfeed
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  ...
-This module is a library to help you create, read and write Google
-Transit Feed files. Refer to the feed specification, available at
-http://code.google.com/transit/spec/transit_feed_specification.htm, for a
-complete description how the transit feed represents a transit schedule. This
-library supports all required parts of the specification but does not yet
-support all optional parts. Patches welcome!
-The specification describes several tables such as stops, routes and trips.
-In a feed file these are stored as comma separeted value files. This library
-represents each row of these tables with a single Python object. This object has
-attributes for each value on the row. For example, schedule.AddStop returns a
-Stop object which has attributes such as stop_lat and stop_name.
-  Schedule: Central object of the parser
-  GenericGTFSObject: A base class for each of the objects below
-  Route: Represents a single route
-  Trip: Represents a single trip
-  Stop: Represents a single stop
-  ServicePeriod: Represents a single service, a set of dates
-  Agency: Represents the agency in this feed
-  Transfer: Represents a single transfer rule
-  TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(): Convert HH:MM:SS into seconds since midnight.
-  FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(s): Formats number of seconds past midnight into a string
-# TODO: Preserve arbitrary columns?
-import bisect
-import cStringIO as StringIO
-import codecs
-from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
-import csv
-import datetime
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import random
-  import sqlite3 as sqlite
-except ImportError:
-  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
-import re
-import tempfile
-import time
-import warnings
-# Objects in a schedule (Route, Trip, etc) should not keep a strong reference
-# to the Schedule object to avoid a reference cycle. Schedule needs to use
-# __del__ to cleanup its temporary file. The garbage collector can't handle
-# reference cycles containing objects with custom cleanup code.
-import weakref
-import zipfile
-__version__ = '1.2.5'
-def EncodeUnicode(text):
-  """
-  Optionally encode text and return it. The result should be safe to print.
-  """
-  if type(text) == type(u''):
-    return text.encode(OUTPUT_ENCODING)
-  else:
-    return text
-# These are used to distinguish between errors (not allowed by the spec)
-# and warnings (not recommended) when reporting issues.
-class ProblemReporterBase:
-  """Base class for problem reporters. Tracks the current context and creates
-  an exception object for each problem. Subclasses must implement
-  _Report(self, e)"""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.ClearContext()
-  def ClearContext(self):
-    """Clear any previous context."""
-    self._context = None
-  def SetFileContext(self, file_name, row_num, row, headers):
-    """Save the current context to be output with any errors.
-    Args:
-      file_name: string
-      row_num: int
-      row: list of strings
-      headers: list of column headers, its order corresponding to row's
-    """
-    self._context = (file_name, row_num, row, headers)
-  def FeedNotFound(self, feed_name, context=None):
-    e = FeedNotFound(feed_name=feed_name, context=context,
-                     context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnknownFormat(self, feed_name, context=None):
-    e = UnknownFormat(feed_name=feed_name, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def FileFormat(self, problem, context=None):
-    e = FileFormat(problem=problem, context=context,
-                   context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = MissingFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                    context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnknownFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = UnknownFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def EmptyFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = EmptyFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
-    e = MissingColumn(file_name=file_name, column_name=column_name,
-                      context=context, context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnrecognizedColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
-    e = UnrecognizedColumn(file_name=file_name, column_name=column_name,
-                           context=context, context2=self._context,
-                           type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def CsvSyntax(self, description=None, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = CsvSyntax(description=description, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateColumn(self, file_name, header, count, type=TYPE_ERROR, 
-                      context=None):
-    e = DuplicateColumn(file_name=file_name,
-                        header=header,
-                        count=count,
-                        type=type,
-                        context=context,
-                        context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingValue(self, column_name, reason=None, context=None):
-    e = MissingValue(column_name=column_name, reason=reason, context=context,
-                     context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def InvalidValue(self, column_name, value, reason=None, context=None,
-                   type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = InvalidValue(column_name=column_name, value=value, reason=reason,
-                     context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateID(self, column_names, values, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    if isinstance(column_names, tuple):
-      column_names = '(' + ', '.join(column_names) + ')'
-    if isinstance(values, tuple):
-      values = '(' + ', '.join(values) + ')'
-    e = DuplicateID(column_name=column_names, value=values,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnusedStop(self, stop_id, stop_name, context=None):
-    e = UnusedStop(stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-                   context=context, context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UsedStation(self, stop_id, stop_name, context=None):
-    e = UsedStation(stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=TYPE_ERROR)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopTooFarFromParentStation(self, stop_id, stop_name, parent_stop_id,
-                                  parent_stop_name, distance,
-                                  type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-        stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-        parent_stop_id=parent_stop_id,
-        parent_stop_name=parent_stop_name, distance=distance,
-        context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopsTooClose(self, stop_name_a, stop_id_a, stop_name_b, stop_id_b,
-                    distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StopsTooClose(
-        stop_name_a=stop_name_a, stop_id_a=stop_id_a, stop_name_b=stop_name_b,
-        stop_id_b=stop_id_b, distance=distance, context=context,
-        context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StationsTooClose(self, stop_name_a, stop_id_a, stop_name_b, stop_id_b,
-                       distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StationsTooClose(
-        stop_name_a=stop_name_a, stop_id_a=stop_id_a, stop_name_b=stop_name_b,
-        stop_id_b=stop_id_b, distance=distance, context=context,
-        context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DifferentStationTooClose(self, stop_name, stop_id,
-                               station_stop_name, station_stop_id,
-                               distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = DifferentStationTooClose(
-        stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-        station_stop_name=station_stop_name, station_stop_id=station_stop_id,
-        distance=distance, context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(self, trip_id, stop_name, stop_id,
-                                          shape_dist_traveled, shape_id,
-                                          distance, max_distance,
-                                          type=TYPE_WARNING):
-    e = StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(
-        trip_id=trip_id, stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-        shape_dist_traveled=shape_dist_traveled, shape_id=shape_id,
-        distance=distance, max_distance=max_distance, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def ExpirationDate(self, expiration, context=None):
-    e = ExpirationDate(expiration=expiration, context=context,
-                       context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def FutureService(self, start_date, context=None):
-    e = FutureService(start_date=start_date, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def InvalidLineEnd(self, bad_line_end, context=None):
-    """bad_line_end is a human readable string."""
-    e = InvalidLineEnd(bad_line_end=bad_line_end, context=context,
-                       context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def TooFastTravel(self, trip_id, prev_stop, next_stop, dist, time, speed,
-                    type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = TooFastTravel(trip_id=trip_id, prev_stop=prev_stop,
-                      next_stop=next_stop, time=time, dist=dist, speed=speed,
-                      context=None, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(self, stop_name, stop_id, route_id1, route_id2,
-                                 context=None):
-    e = StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-                                   route_id1=route_id1, route_id2=route_id2,
-                                   context=context, context2=self._context,
-                                   type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateTrip(self, trip_id1, route_id1, trip_id2, route_id2,
-                    context=None):
-    e = DuplicateTrip(trip_id1=trip_id1, route_id1=route_id1, trip_id2=trip_id2,
-                      route_id2=route_id2, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def OtherProblem(self, description, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = OtherProblem(description=description,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def TooManyDaysWithoutService(self,
-                                first_day_without_service,
-                                last_day_without_service,
-                                consecutive_days_without_service,
-                                context=None, 
-                                type=TYPE_WARNING):
-    e = TooManyDaysWithoutService(
-        first_day_without_service=first_day_without_service,
-        last_day_without_service=last_day_without_service,
-        consecutive_days_without_service=consecutive_days_without_service,
-        context=context,
-        context2=self._context,
-        type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-class ProblemReporter(ProblemReporterBase):
-  """This is a basic problem reporter that just prints to console."""
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    context = e.FormatContext()
-    if context:
-      print context
-    print EncodeUnicode(self._LineWrap(e.FormatProblem(), 78))
-  @staticmethod
-  def _LineWrap(text, width):
-    """
-    A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks
-    and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line
-    breaks are posix newlines (\n).
-    Taken from:
-    http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/148061
-    """
-    return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' %
-                  (line,
-                   ' \n'[(len(line) - line.rfind('\n') - 1 +
-                         len(word.split('\n', 1)[0]) >= width)],
-                   word),
-                  text.split(' ')
-                 )
-class ExceptionWithContext(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, context=None, context2=None, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize an exception object, saving all keyword arguments in self.
-    context and context2, if present, must be a tuple of (file_name, row_num,
-    row, headers). context2 comes from ProblemReporter.SetFileContext. context
-    was passed in with the keyword arguments. context2 is ignored if context
-    is present."""
-    Exception.__init__(self)
-    if context:
-      self.__dict__.update(self.ContextTupleToDict(context))
-    elif context2:
-      self.__dict__.update(self.ContextTupleToDict(context2))
-    self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
-    if ('type' in kwargs) and (kwargs['type'] == TYPE_WARNING):
-      self._type = TYPE_WARNING
-    else:
-      self._type = TYPE_ERROR
-  def GetType(self):
-    return self._type
-  def IsError(self):
-    return self._type == TYPE_ERROR
-  def IsWarning(self):
-    return self._type == TYPE_WARNING
-  CONTEXT_PARTS = ['file_name', 'row_num', 'row', 'headers']
-  @staticmethod
-  def ContextTupleToDict(context):
-    """Convert a tuple representing a context into a dict of (key, value) pairs"""
-    d = {}
-    if not context:
-      return d
-    for k, v in zip(ExceptionWithContext.CONTEXT_PARTS, context):
-      if v != '' and v != None:  # Don't ignore int(0), a valid row_num
-        d[k] = v
-    return d
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self.FormatProblem()
-  def GetDictToFormat(self):
-    """Return a copy of self as a dict, suitable for passing to FormatProblem"""
-    d = {}
-    for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
-      # TODO: Better handling of unicode/utf-8 within Schedule objects.
-      # Concatinating a unicode and utf-8 str object causes an exception such
-      # as "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte ..." as python
-      # tries to convert the str to a unicode. To avoid that happening within
-      # the problem reporter convert all unicode attributes to utf-8.
-      # Currently valid utf-8 fields are converted to unicode in _ReadCsvDict.
-      # Perhaps all fields should be left as utf-8.
-      d[k] = EncodeUnicode(v)
-    return d
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    """Return a text string describing the problem.
-    Args:
-      d: map returned by GetDictToFormat with  with formatting added
-    """
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    output_error_text = self.__class__.ERROR_TEXT % d
-    if ('reason' in d) and d['reason']:
-      return '%s\n%s' % (output_error_text, d['reason'])
-    else:
-      return output_error_text
-  def FormatContext(self):
-    """Return a text string describing the context"""
-    text = ''
-    if hasattr(self, 'feed_name'):
-      text += "In feed '%s': " % self.feed_name
-    if hasattr(self, 'file_name'):
-      text += self.file_name
-    if hasattr(self, 'row_num'):
-      text += ":%i" % self.row_num
-    if hasattr(self, 'column_name'):
-      text += " column %s" % self.column_name
-    return text
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    """Return an int <0/0/>0 when self is more/same/less significant than y.
-    Subclasses should define this if exceptions should be listed in something
-    other than the order they are reported.
-    Args:
-      y: object to compare to self
-    Returns:
-      An int which is negative if self is more significant than y, 0 if they
-      are similar significance and positive if self is less significant than
-      y. Returning a float won't work.
-    Raises:
-      TypeError by default, meaning objects of the type can not be compared.
-    """
-    raise TypeError("__cmp__ not defined")
-class MissingFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "File %(file_name)s is not found"
-class EmptyFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "File %(file_name)s is empty"
-class UnknownFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'The file named %(file_name)s was not expected.\n' \
-               'This may be a misspelled file name or the file may be ' \
-               'included in a subdirectory. Please check spellings and ' \
-               'make sure that there are no subdirectories within the feed'
-class FeedNotFound(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Couldn\'t find a feed named %(feed_name)s'
-class UnknownFormat(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'The feed named %(feed_name)s had an unknown format:\n' \
-               'feeds should be either .zip files or directories.'
-class FileFormat(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Files must be encoded in utf-8 and may not contain ' \
-               'any null bytes (0x00). %(file_name)s %(problem)s.'
-class MissingColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Missing column %(column_name)s in file %(file_name)s'
-class UnrecognizedColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Unrecognized column %(column_name)s in file %(file_name)s. ' \
-               'This might be a misspelled column name (capitalization ' \
-               'matters!). Or it could be extra information (such as a ' \
-               'proposed feed extension) that the validator doesn\'t know ' \
-               'about yet. Extra information is fine; this warning is here ' \
-               'to catch misspelled optional column names.'
-class CsvSyntax(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = '%(description)s'
-class DuplicateColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Column %(header)s appears %(count)i times in file %(file_name)s'
-class MissingValue(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Missing value for column %(column_name)s'
-class InvalidValue(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Invalid value %(value)s in field %(column_name)s'
-class DuplicateID(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Duplicate ID %(value)s in column %(column_name)s'
-class UnusedStop(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) isn't used in any trips"
-class UsedStation(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) has location_type=1 " \
-               "(station) so it should not appear in stop_times"
-class StopTooFarFromParentStation(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) is too far from its parent station "
-      "%(parent_stop_name)s (ID %(parent_stop_id)s) : %(distance).2f meters.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(y.distance, self.distance)
-class StopsTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The stops \"%(stop_name_a)s\" (ID %(stop_id_a)s) and \"%(stop_name_b)s\""
-      " (ID %(stop_id_b)s) are %(distance)0.2fm apart and probably represent "
-      "the same location.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class StationsTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The stations \"%(stop_name_a)s\" (ID %(stop_id_a)s) and "
-      "\"%(stop_name_b)s\" (ID %(stop_id_b)s) are %(distance)0.2fm apart and "
-      "probably represent the same location.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class DifferentStationTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The parent_station of stop \"%(stop_name)s\" (ID %(stop_id)s) is not "
-      "station \"%(station_stop_name)s\" (ID %(station_stop_id)s) but they are "
-      "only %(distance)0.2fm apart.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "For trip %(trip_id)s the stop \"%(stop_name)s\" (ID %(stop_id)s) is "
-      "%(distance).0f meters away from the corresponding point "
-      "(shape_dist_traveled: %(shape_dist_traveled)f) on shape %(shape_id)s. "
-      "It should be closer than %(max_distance).0f meters.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(y.distance, self.distance)
-class TooManyDaysWithoutService(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "There are %(consecutive_days_without_service)i consecutive"\
-               " days, from %(first_day_without_service)s to" \
-               " %(last_day_without_service)s, without any scheduled service." \
-               " Please ensure this is intentional."
-class ExpirationDate(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    expiration = d['expiration']
-    formatted_date = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y",
-                                   time.localtime(expiration))
-    if (expiration < time.mktime(time.localtime())):
-      return "This feed expired on %s" % formatted_date
-    else:
-      return "This feed will soon expire, on %s" % formatted_date
-class FutureService(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    formatted_date = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y", time.localtime(d['start_date']))
-    return ("The earliest service date in this feed is in the future, on %s. "
-            "Published feeds must always include the current date." %
-            formatted_date)
-class InvalidLineEnd(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Each line must end with CR LF or LF except for the last line " \
-               "of the file. This line ends with \"%(bad_line_end)s\"."
-class StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Stop %(stop_name)s (ID=%(stop_id)s) belongs to both " \
-               "subway (ID=%(route_id1)s) and bus line (ID=%(route_id2)s)."
-class TooFastTravel(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    if not d['speed']:
-      return "High speed travel detected in trip %(trip_id)s: %(prev_stop)s" \
-                " to %(next_stop)s. %(dist).0f meters in %(time)d seconds." % d
-    else:
-      return "High speed travel detected in trip %(trip_id)s: %(prev_stop)s" \
-             " to %(next_stop)s. %(dist).0f meters in %(time)d seconds." \
-             " (%(speed).0f km/h)." % d
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant. We
-    # can't sort by speed because not all TooFastTravel objects have a speed.
-    return cmp(y.dist, self.dist)
-class DuplicateTrip(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Trip %(trip_id1)s of route %(route_id1)s might be duplicated " \
-               "with trip %(trip_id2)s of route %(route_id2)s. They go " \
-               "through the same stops with same service."
-class OtherProblem(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = '%(description)s'
-class ExceptionProblemReporter(ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self, raise_warnings=False):
-    ProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self.raise_warnings = raise_warnings
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    if self.raise_warnings or e.IsError():
-      raise e
-    else:
-      ProblemReporter._Report(self, e)
-default_problem_reporter = ExceptionProblemReporter()
-# Add a default handler to send log messages to console
-console = logging.StreamHandler()
-log = logging.getLogger("schedule_builder")
-class Error(Exception):
-  pass
-def IsValidURL(url):
-  """Checks the validity of a URL value."""
-  # TODO: Add more thorough checking of URL
-  return url.startswith(u'http://') or url.startswith(u'https://')
-def IsValidColor(color):
-  """Checks the validity of a hex color value."""
-  return not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$', color) == None
-def ColorLuminance(color):
-  """Compute the brightness of an sRGB color using the formula from
-  http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-AERT-20000426#color-contrast.
-  Args:
-    color: a string of six hex digits in the format verified by IsValidColor().
-  Returns:
-    A floating-point number between 0.0 (black) and 255.0 (white). """
-  r = int(color[0:2], 16)
-  g = int(color[2:4], 16)
-  b = int(color[4:6], 16)
-  return (299*r + 587*g + 114*b) / 1000.0
-def IsEmpty(value):
-  return value is None or (isinstance(value, basestring) and not value.strip())
-def FindUniqueId(dic):
-  """Return a string not used as a key in the dictionary dic"""
-  name = str(len(dic))
-  while name in dic:
-    name = str(random.randint(1, 999999999))
-  return name
-def TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(time_string):
-  """Convert HHH:MM:SS into seconds since midnight.
-  For example "01:02:03" returns 3723. The leading zero of the hours may be
-  omitted. HH may be more than 23 if the time is on the following day."""
-  m = re.match(r'(\d{1,3}):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)$', time_string)
-  # ignored: matching for leap seconds
-  if not m:
-    raise Error, 'Bad HH:MM:SS "%s"' % time_string
-  return int(m.group(1)) * 3600 + int(m.group(2)) * 60 + int(m.group(3))
-def FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(s):
-  """Formats an int number of seconds past midnight into a string
-  as "HH:MM:SS"."""
-  return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (s / 3600, (s / 60) % 60, s % 60)
-def DateStringToDateObject(date_string):
-  """Return a date object for a string "YYYYMMDD"."""
-  # If this becomes a bottleneck date objects could be cached
-  return datetime.date(int(date_string[0:4]), int(date_string[4:6]),
-                       int(date_string[6:8]))
-def FloatStringToFloat(float_string):
-  """Convert a float as a string to a float or raise an exception"""
-  # Will raise TypeError unless a string
-  if not re.match(r"^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$", float_string):
-    raise ValueError()
-  return float(float_string)
-def NonNegIntStringToInt(int_string):
-  """Convert an non-negative integer string to an int or raise an exception"""
-  # Will raise TypeError unless a string
-  if not re.match(r"^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$", int_string):
-    raise ValueError()
-  return int(int_string)
-EARTH_RADIUS = 6378135          # in meters
-def ApproximateDistance(degree_lat1, degree_lng1, degree_lat2, degree_lng2):
-  """Compute approximate distance between two points in meters. Assumes the
-  Earth is a sphere."""
-  # TODO: change to ellipsoid approximation, such as
-  # http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/Cpp/algorithms/article.php/c5115/
-  lat1 = math.radians(degree_lat1)
-  lng1 = math.radians(degree_lng1)
-  lat2 = math.radians(degree_lat2)
-  lng2 = math.radians(degree_lng2)
-  dlat = math.sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1))
-  dlng = math.sin(0.5 * (lng2 - lng1))
-  x = dlat * dlat + dlng * dlng * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
-  return EARTH_RADIUS * (2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(x),
-      math.sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - x))))
-def ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop1, stop2):
-  """Compute approximate distance between two stops in meters. Assumes the
-  Earth is a sphere."""
-  return ApproximateDistance(stop1.stop_lat, stop1.stop_lon,
-                             stop2.stop_lat, stop2.stop_lon)
-class GenericGTFSObject(object):
-  """Object with arbitrary attributes which may be added to a schedule.
-  This class should be used as the base class for GTFS objects which may
-  be stored in a Schedule. It defines some methods for reading and writing
-  attributes. If self._schedule is None than the object is not in a Schedule.
-  Subclasses must:
-  * define an __init__ method which sets the _schedule member to None or a
-    weakref to a Schedule
-  * Set the _TABLE_NAME class variable to a name such as 'stops', 'agency', ...
-  * define methods to validate objects of that type
-  """
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    """Return a unicode or str representation of name or "" if not set."""
-    if name in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[name] is not None:
-      return "%s" % self.__dict__[name]
-    else:
-      return ""
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method is only called when name is not found in __dict__.
-    """
-    if name in self.__class__._FIELD_NAMES:
-      return None
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-  def iteritems(self):
-    """Return a iterable for (name, value) pairs of public attributes."""
-    for name, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
-      if (not name) or name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      yield name, value
-  def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-    """Set an attribute, adding name to the list of columns as needed."""
-    object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
-    if name[0] != '_' and self._schedule:
-      self._schedule.AddTableColumn(self.__class__._TABLE_NAME, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    """Return true iff self and other are equivalent"""
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    for k in self.keys().union(other.keys()):
-      # use __getitem__ which returns "" for missing columns values
-      if self[k] != other[k]:
-        return False
-    return True
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, sorted(self.iteritems()))
-  def keys(self):
-    """Return iterable of columns used by this object."""
-    columns = set()
-    for name in vars(self):
-      if (not name) or name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      columns.add(name)
-    return columns
-  def _ColumnNames(self):
-    return self.keys()
-class Stop(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents a single stop. A stop must have a latitude, longitude and name.
-  Callers may assign arbitrary values to instance attributes.
-  Stop.ParseAttributes validates attributes according to GTFS and converts some
-  into native types. ParseAttributes may delete invalid attributes.
-  Accessing an attribute that is a column in GTFS will return None if this
-  object does not have a value or it is ''.
-  A Stop object acts like a dict with string values.
-  Attributes:
-    stop_lat: a float representing the latitude of the stop
-    stop_lon: a float representing the longitude of the stop
-    All other attributes are strings.
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['stop_id', 'stop_name', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon']
-                 ['stop_desc', 'zone_id', 'stop_url', 'stop_code',
-                  'location_type', 'parent_station']
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'stops'
-  def __init__(self, lat=None, lng=None, name=None, stop_id=None,
-               field_dict=None, stop_code=None):
-    """Initialize a new Stop object.
-    Args:
-      field_dict: A dictionary mapping attribute name to unicode string
-      lat: a float, ignored when field_dict is present
-      lng: a float, ignored when field_dict is present
-      name: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      stop_id: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      stop_code: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-    """
-    self._schedule = None
-    if field_dict:
-      if isinstance(field_dict, Stop):
-        # Special case so that we don't need to re-parse the attributes to
-        # native types iteritems returns all attributes that don't start with _
-        for k, v in field_dict.iteritems():
-          self.__dict__[k] = v
-      else:
-        self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-    else:
-      if lat is not None:
-        self.stop_lat = lat
-      if lng is not None:
-        self.stop_lon = lng
-      if name is not None:
-        self.stop_name = name
-      if stop_id is not None:
-        self.stop_id = stop_id
-      if stop_code is not None:
-        self.stop_code = stop_code
-  def GetTrips(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return iterable containing trips that visit this stop."""
-    return [trip for trip, ss in self._GetTripSequence(schedule)]
-  def _GetTripSequence(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (trip, stop_sequence) for all trips visiting this stop.
-    A trip may be in the list multiple times with different index.
-    stop_sequence is an integer.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Deprecated, do not use.
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = getattr(self, "_schedule", None)
-    if schedule is None:
-      warnings.warn("No longer supported. _schedule attribute is  used to get "
-                    "stop_times table", DeprecationWarning)
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT trip_id,stop_sequence FROM stop_times "
-                   "WHERE stop_id=?",
-                   (self.stop_id, ))
-    return [(schedule.GetTrip(row[0]), row[1]) for row in cursor]
-  def _GetTripIndex(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (trip, index).
-    trip: a Trip object
-    index: an offset in trip.GetStopTimes()
-    """
-    trip_index = []
-    for trip, sequence in self._GetTripSequence(schedule):
-      for index, st in enumerate(trip.GetStopTimes()):
-        if st.stop_sequence == sequence:
-          trip_index.append((trip, index))
-          break
-      else:
-        raise RuntimeError("stop_sequence %d not found in trip_id %s" %
-                           sequence, trip.trip_id)
-    return trip_index
-  def GetStopTimeTrips(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (time, (trip, index), is_timepoint).
-    time: an integer. It might be interpolated.
-    trip: a Trip object.
-    index: the offset of this stop in trip.GetStopTimes(), which may be
-      different from the stop_sequence.
-    is_timepoint: a bool
-    """
-    time_trips = []
-    for trip, index in self._GetTripIndex(schedule):
-      secs, stoptime, is_timepoint = trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()[index]
-      time_trips.append((secs, (trip, index), is_timepoint))
-    return time_trips
-  def ParseAttributes(self, problems):
-    """Parse all attributes, calling problems as needed."""
-    # Need to use items() instead of iteritems() because _CheckAndSetAttr may
-    # modify self.__dict__
-    for name, value in vars(self).items():
-      if name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      self._CheckAndSetAttr(name, value, problems)
-  def _CheckAndSetAttr(self, name, value, problems):
-    """If value is valid for attribute name store it.
-    If value is not valid call problems. Return a new value of the correct type
-    or None if value couldn't be converted.
-    """
-    if name == 'stop_lat':
-      try:
-        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
-          self.stop_lat = value
-        else:
-          self.stop_lat = FloatStringToFloat(value)
-      except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', value)
-        del self.stop_lat
-      else:
-        if self.stop_lat > 90 or self.stop_lat < -90:
-          problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', value)
-    elif name == 'stop_lon':
-      try:
-        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
-          self.stop_lon = value
-        else:
-          self.stop_lon = FloatStringToFloat(value)
-      except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_lon', value)
-        del self.stop_lon
-      else:
-        if self.stop_lon > 180 or self.stop_lon < -180:
-          problems.InvalidValue('stop_lon', value)
-    elif name == 'stop_url':
-      if value and not IsValidURL(value):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_url', value)
-        del self.stop_url
-    elif name == 'location_type':
-      if value == '':
-        self.location_type = 0
-      else:
-        try:
-          self.location_type = int(value)
-        except (ValueError, TypeError):
-          problems.InvalidValue('location_type', value)
-          del self.location_type
-        else:
-          if self.location_type not in (0, 1):
-            problems.InvalidValue('location_type', value, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method is only called when name is not found in __dict__.
-    """
-    if name == "location_type":
-      return 0
-    elif name == "trip_index":
-      return self._GetTripIndex()
-    elif name in Stop._FIELD_NAMES:
-      return None
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    # First check that all required fields are present because ParseAttributes
-    # may remove invalid attributes.
-    for required in Stop._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if IsEmpty(getattr(self, required, None)):
-        # TODO: For now I'm keeping the API stable but it would be cleaner to
-        # treat whitespace stop_id as invalid, instead of missing
-        problems.MissingValue(required)
-    # Check individual values and convert to native types
-    self.ParseAttributes(problems)
-    # Check that this object is consistent with itself
-    if (self.stop_lat is not None and self.stop_lon is not None and
-        abs(self.stop_lat) < 1.0) and (abs(self.stop_lon) < 1.0):
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', self.stop_lat,
-                            'Stop location too close to 0, 0',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if (self.stop_desc is not None and self.stop_name is not None and
-        self.stop_desc and self.stop_name and
-        not IsEmpty(self.stop_desc) and
-        self.stop_name.strip().lower() == self.stop_desc.strip().lower()):
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_desc', self.stop_desc,
-                            'stop_desc should not be the same as stop_name')
-    if self.parent_station and self.location_type == 1:
-      problems.InvalidValue('parent_station', self.parent_station,
-                            'Stop row with location_type=1 (a station) must '
-                            'not have a parent_station')
-class Route(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents a single route."""
-    'route_id', 'route_short_name', 'route_long_name', 'route_type'
-    ]
-    'agency_id', 'route_desc', 'route_url', 'route_color', 'route_text_color'
-    ]
-    0: {'name':'Tram', 'max_speed':100},
-    1: {'name':'Subway', 'max_speed':150},
-    2: {'name':'Rail', 'max_speed':300},
-    3: {'name':'Bus', 'max_speed':100},
-    4: {'name':'Ferry', 'max_speed':80},
-    5: {'name':'Cable Car', 'max_speed':50},
-    6: {'name':'Gondola', 'max_speed':50},
-    7: {'name':'Funicular', 'max_speed':50},
-    }
-  # Create a reverse lookup dict of route type names to route types.
-  _ROUTE_TYPE_IDS = set(_ROUTE_TYPES.keys())
-  _ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES = dict((v['name'], k) for k, v in _ROUTE_TYPES.items())
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'routes'
-  def __init__(self, short_name=None, long_name=None, route_type=None,
-               route_id=None, agency_id=None, field_dict=None):
-    self._schedule = None
-    self._trips = []
-    if not field_dict:
-      field_dict = {}
-      if short_name is not None:
-        field_dict['route_short_name'] = short_name
-      if long_name is not None:
-        field_dict['route_long_name'] = long_name
-      if route_type is not None:
-        if route_type in Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES:
-          self.route_type = Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES[route_type]
-        else:
-          field_dict['route_type'] = route_type
-      if route_id is not None:
-        field_dict['route_id'] = route_id
-      if agency_id is not None:
-        field_dict['agency_id'] = agency_id
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def AddTrip(self, schedule, headsign, service_period=None, trip_id=None):
-    """ Adds a trip to this route.
-    Args:
-      headsign: headsign of the trip as a string
-    Returns:
-      a new Trip object
-    """
-    if trip_id is None:
-      trip_id = unicode(len(schedule.trips))
-    if service_period is None:
-      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    trip = Trip(route=self, headsign=headsign, service_period=service_period,
-                trip_id=trip_id)
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    return trip
-  def _AddTripObject(self, trip):
-    # Only class Schedule may call this. Users of the API should call
-    # Route.AddTrip or schedule.AddTripObject.
-    self._trips.append(trip)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method overrides GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__ to provide backwards
-    compatible access to trips.
-    """
-    if name == 'trips':
-      return self._trips
-    else:
-      return GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__(self, name)
-  def GetPatternIdTripDict(self):
-    """Return a dictionary that maps pattern_id to a list of Trip objects."""
-    d = {}
-    for t in self._trips:
-      d.setdefault(t.pattern_id, []).append(t)
-    return d
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_id')
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_type):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_type')
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_short_name) and IsEmpty(self.route_long_name):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_short_name',
-                            self.route_short_name,
-                            'Both route_short_name and '
-                            'route_long name are blank.')
-    if self.route_short_name and len(self.route_short_name) > 6:
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_short_name',
-                            self.route_short_name,
-                            'This route_short_name is relatively long, which '
-                            'probably means that it contains a place name.  '
-                            'You should only use this field to hold a short '
-                            'code that riders use to identify a route.  '
-                            'If this route doesn\'t have such a code, it\'s '
-                            'OK to leave this field empty.', type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if self.route_short_name and self.route_long_name:
-      short_name = self.route_short_name.strip().lower()
-      long_name = self.route_long_name.strip().lower()
-      if (long_name.startswith(short_name + ' ') or
-          long_name.startswith(short_name + '(') or
-          long_name.startswith(short_name + '-')):
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              self.route_long_name,
-                              'route_long_name shouldn\'t contain '
-                              'the route_short_name value, as both '
-                              'fields are often displayed '
-                              'side-by-side.', type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if long_name == short_name:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              self.route_long_name,
-                              'route_long_name shouldn\'t be the same '
-                              'the route_short_name value, as both '
-                              'fields are often displayed '
-                              'side-by-side.  It\'s OK to omit either the '
-                              'short or long name (but not both).',
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if (self.route_desc and
-        ((self.route_desc == self.route_short_name) or
-         (self.route_desc == self.route_long_name))):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_desc',
-                            self.route_desc,
-                            'route_desc shouldn\'t be the same as '
-                            'route_short_name or route_long_name')
-    if self.route_type is not None:
-      try:
-        if not isinstance(self.route_type, int):
-          self.route_type = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.route_type)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_type', self.route_type)
-      else:
-        if self.route_type not in Route._ROUTE_TYPE_IDS:
-          problems.InvalidValue('route_type',
-                                self.route_type,
-                                type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if self.route_url and not IsValidURL(self.route_url):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_url', self.route_url)
-    txt_lum = ColorLuminance('000000')  # black (default)
-    bg_lum = ColorLuminance('ffffff')   # white (default)
-    if self.route_color:
-      if IsValidColor(self.route_color):
-        bg_lum  = ColorLuminance(self.route_color)
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_color', self.route_color,
-                              'route_color should be a valid color description '
-                              'which consists of 6 hexadecimal characters '
-                              'representing the RGB values. Example: 44AA06')
-    if self.route_text_color:
-      if IsValidColor(self.route_text_color):
-        txt_lum = ColorLuminance(self.route_text_color)
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_text_color', self.route_text_color,
-                              'route_text_color should be a valid color '
-                              'description, which consists of 6 hexadecimal '
-                              'characters representing the RGB values. '
-                              'Example: 44AA06')
-    if abs(txt_lum - bg_lum) < 510/7.:
-      # http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-AERT-20000426#color-contrast recommends
-      # a threshold of 125, but that is for normal text and too harsh for
-      # big colored logos like line names, so we keep the original threshold
-      # from r541 (but note that weight has shifted between RGB components).
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_color', self.route_color,
-                            'The route_text_color and route_color should '
-                            'be set to contrasting colors, as they are used '
-                            'as the text and background color (respectively) '
-                            'for displaying route names.  When left blank, '
-                            'route_text_color defaults to 000000 (black) and '
-                            'route_color defaults to FFFFFF (white).  A common '
-                            'source of issues here is setting route_color to '
-                            'a dark color, while leaving route_text_color set '
-                            'to black.  In this case, route_text_color should '
-                            'be set to a lighter color like FFFFFF to ensure '
-                            'a legible contrast between the two.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-def SortListOfTripByTime(trips):
-  trips.sort(key=Trip.GetStartTime)
-class StopTime(object):
-  """
-  Represents a single stop of a trip. StopTime contains most of the columns
-  from the stop_times.txt file. It does not contain trip_id, which is implied
-  by the Trip used to access it.
-  See the Google Transit Feed Specification for the semantic details.
-  stop: A Stop object
-  arrival_time: str in the form HH:MM:SS; readonly after __init__
-  departure_time: str in the form HH:MM:SS; readonly after __init__
-  arrival_secs: int number of seconds since midnight
-  departure_secs: int number of seconds since midnight
-  stop_headsign: str
-  pickup_type: int
-  drop_off_type: int
-  shape_dist_traveled: float
-  stop_id: str; readonly
-  stop_time: The only time given for this stop.  If present, it is used
-             for both arrival and departure time.
-  stop_sequence: int
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['trip_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',
-                           'stop_id', 'stop_sequence']
-  _OPTIONAL_FIELD_NAMES = ['stop_headsign', 'pickup_type',
-                           'drop_off_type', 'shape_dist_traveled']
-  _SQL_FIELD_NAMES = ['trip_id', 'arrival_secs', 'departure_secs',
-                      'stop_id', 'stop_sequence', 'stop_headsign',
-                      'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type', 'shape_dist_traveled']
-  __slots__ = ('arrival_secs', 'departure_secs', 'stop_headsign', 'stop',
-               'stop_headsign', 'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type',
-               'shape_dist_traveled', 'stop_sequence')
-  def __init__(self, problems, stop,
-               arrival_time=None, departure_time=None,
-               stop_headsign=None, pickup_type=None, drop_off_type=None,
-               shape_dist_traveled=None, arrival_secs=None,
-               departure_secs=None, stop_time=None, stop_sequence=None):
-    if stop_time != None:
-      arrival_time = departure_time = stop_time
-    if arrival_secs != None:
-      self.arrival_secs = arrival_secs
-    elif arrival_time in (None, ""):
-      self.arrival_secs = None  # Untimed
-      arrival_time = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.arrival_secs = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(arrival_time)
-      except Error:
-        problems.InvalidValue('arrival_time', arrival_time)
-        self.arrival_secs = None
-    if departure_secs != None:
-      self.departure_secs = departure_secs
-    elif departure_time in (None, ""):
-      self.departure_secs = None
-      departure_time = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.departure_secs = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(departure_time)
-      except Error:
-        problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', departure_time)
-        self.departure_secs = None
-    if not isinstance(stop, Stop):
-      # Not quite correct, but better than letting the problem propagate
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop', stop)
-    self.stop = stop
-    self.stop_headsign = stop_headsign
-    if pickup_type in (None, ""):
-      self.pickup_type = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        pickup_type = int(pickup_type)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('pickup_type', pickup_type)
-      else:
-        if pickup_type < 0 or pickup_type > 3:
-          problems.InvalidValue('pickup_type', pickup_type)
-      self.pickup_type = pickup_type
-    if drop_off_type in (None, ""):
-      self.drop_off_type = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        drop_off_type = int(drop_off_type)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('drop_off_type', drop_off_type)
-      else:
-        if drop_off_type < 0 or drop_off_type > 3:
-          problems.InvalidValue('drop_off_type', drop_off_type)
-      self.drop_off_type = drop_off_type
-    if (self.pickup_type == 1 and self.drop_off_type == 1 and
-        self.arrival_secs == None and self.departure_secs == None):
-      problems.OtherProblem('This stop time has a pickup_type and '
-                            'drop_off_type of 1, indicating that riders '
-                            'can\'t get on or off here.  Since it doesn\'t '
-                            'define a timepoint either, this entry serves no '
-                            'purpose and should be excluded from the trip.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if ((self.arrival_secs != None) and (self.departure_secs != None) and
-        (self.departure_secs < self.arrival_secs)):
-      problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', departure_time,
-                            'The departure time at this stop (%s) is before '
-                            'the arrival time (%s).  This is often caused by '
-                            'problems in the feed exporter\'s time conversion')
-    # If the caller passed a valid arrival time but didn't attempt to pass a
-    # departure time complain
-    if (self.arrival_secs != None and
-        self.departure_secs == None and departure_time == None):
-      # self.departure_secs might be None because departure_time was invalid,
-      # so we need to check both
-      problems.MissingValue('departure_time',
-                            'arrival_time and departure_time should either '
-                            'both be provided or both be left blank.  '
-                            'It\'s OK to set them both to the same value.')
-    # If the caller passed a valid departure time but didn't attempt to pass a
-    # arrival time complain
-    if (self.departure_secs != None and
-        self.arrival_secs == None and arrival_time == None):
-      problems.MissingValue('arrival_time',
-                            'arrival_time and departure_time should either '
-                            'both be provided or both be left blank.  '
-                            'It\'s OK to set them both to the same value.')
-    if shape_dist_traveled in (None, ""):
-      self.shape_dist_traveled = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.shape_dist_traveled = float(shape_dist_traveled)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', shape_dist_traveled)
-    if stop_sequence is not None:
-      self.stop_sequence = stop_sequence
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self, trip_id):
-    """Return a tuple that outputs a row of _FIELD_NAMES.
-    trip must be provided because it is not stored in StopTime.
-    """
-    result = []
-    for fn in StopTime._FIELD_NAMES:
-      if fn == 'trip_id':
-        result.append(trip_id)
-      else:
-        result.append(getattr(self, fn) or '' )
-    return tuple(result)
-  def GetSqlValuesTuple(self, trip_id):
-    result = []
-    for fn in StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if fn == 'trip_id':
-        result.append(trip_id)
-      else:
-        # This might append None, which will be inserted into SQLite as NULL
-        result.append(getattr(self, fn))
-    return tuple(result)
-  def GetTimeSecs(self):
-    """Return the first of arrival_secs and departure_secs that is not None.
-    If both are None return None."""
-    if self.arrival_secs != None:
-      return self.arrival_secs
-    elif self.departure_secs != None:
-      return self.departure_secs
-    else:
-      return None
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    if name == 'stop_id':
-      return self.stop.stop_id
-    elif name == 'arrival_time':
-      return (self.arrival_secs != None and
-          FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(self.arrival_secs) or '')
-    elif name == 'departure_time':
-      return (self.departure_secs != None and
-          FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(self.departure_secs) or '')
-    elif name == 'shape_dist_traveled':
-      return ''
-    raise AttributeError(name)
-class Trip(GenericGTFSObject):
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['route_id', 'service_id', 'trip_id']
-    'trip_headsign', 'direction_id', 'block_id', 'shape_id'
-    ]
-  _FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY = ['trip_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'headway_secs']
-  _TABLE_NAME= "trips"
-  def __init__(self, headsign=None, service_period=None,
-               route=None, trip_id=None, field_dict=None):
-    self._schedule = None
-    self._headways = []  # [(start_time, end_time, headway_secs)]
-    if not field_dict:
-      field_dict = {}
-      if headsign is not None:
-        field_dict['trip_headsign'] = headsign
-      if route:
-        field_dict['route_id'] = route.route_id
-      if trip_id is not None:
-        field_dict['trip_id'] = trip_id
-      if service_period is not None:
-        field_dict['service_id'] = service_period.service_id
-      # Earlier versions of transitfeed.py assigned self.service_period here
-      # and allowed the caller to set self.service_id. Schedule.Validate
-      # checked the service_id attribute if it was assigned and changed it to a
-      # service_period attribute. Now only the service_id attribute is used and
-      # it is validated by Trip.Validate.
-      if service_period is not None:
-        # For backwards compatibility
-        self.service_id = service_period.service_id
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) or '' for fn in Trip._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def AddStopTime(self, stop, problems=None, schedule=None, **kwargs):
-    """Add a stop to this trip. Stops must be added in the order visited.
-    Args:
-      stop: A Stop object
-      kwargs: remaining keyword args passed to StopTime.__init__
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if problems is None:
-      # TODO: delete this branch when StopTime.__init__ doesn't need a
-      # ProblemReporter
-      problems = default_problem_reporter
-    stoptime = StopTime(problems=problems, stop=stop, **kwargs)
-    self.AddStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule)
-  def _AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(self, stoptime, schedule):
-    """Add StopTime object to this trip.
-    The trip isn't checked for duplicate sequence numbers so it must be
-    validated later."""
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    insert_query = "INSERT INTO stop_times (%s) VALUES (%s);" % (
-       ','.join(StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES),
-       ','.join(['?'] * len(StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES)))
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        insert_query, stoptime.GetSqlValuesTuple(self.trip_id))
-  def ReplaceStopTimeObject(self, stoptime, schedule=None):
-    """Replace a StopTime object from this trip with the given one.
-    Keys the StopTime object to be replaced by trip_id, stop_sequence
-    and stop_id as 'stoptime', with the object 'stoptime'.
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = self._schedule
-    new_secs = stoptime.GetTimeSecs()
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=? and "
-                   "stop_sequence=? and stop_id=?",
-                   (self.trip_id, stoptime.stop_sequence, stoptime.stop_id))
-    if cursor.rowcount == 0:
-      raise Error, 'Attempted replacement of StopTime object which does not exist'
-    self._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime, schedule)
-  def AddStopTimeObject(self, stoptime, schedule=None, problems=None):
-    """Add a StopTime object to the end of this trip.
-    Args:
-      stoptime: A StopTime object. Should not be reused in multiple trips.
-      schedule: Schedule object containing this trip which must be
-      passed to Trip.__init__ or here
-      problems: ProblemReporter object for validating the StopTime in its new
-      home
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = self._schedule
-    if schedule is None:
-      warnings.warn("No longer supported. _schedule attribute is  used to get "
-                    "stop_times table", DeprecationWarning)
-    if problems is None:
-      problems = schedule.problem_reporter
-    new_secs = stoptime.GetTimeSecs()
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT max(stop_sequence), max(arrival_secs), "
-                   "max(departure_secs) FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?",
-                   (self.trip_id,))
-    row = cursor.fetchone()
-    if row[0] is None:
-      # This is the first stop_time of the trip
-      stoptime.stop_sequence = 1
-      if new_secs == None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-            'No time for first StopTime of trip_id "%s"' % (self.trip_id,))
-    else:
-      stoptime.stop_sequence = row[0] + 1
-      prev_secs = max(row[1], row[2])
-      if new_secs != None and new_secs < prev_secs:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-            'out of order stop time for stop_id=%s trip_id=%s %s < %s' %
-            (EncodeUnicode(stoptime.stop_id), EncodeUnicode(self.trip_id),
-             FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(new_secs),
-             FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(prev_secs)))
-    self._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime, schedule)
-  def GetTimeStops(self):
-    """Return a list of (arrival_secs, departure_secs, stop) tuples.
-    Caution: arrival_secs and departure_secs may be 0, a false value meaning a
-    stop at midnight or None, a false value meaning the stop is untimed."""
-    return [(st.arrival_secs, st.departure_secs, st.stop) for st in
-            self.GetStopTimes()]
-  def GetCountStopTimes(self):
-    """Return the number of stops made by this trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT count(*) FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?', (self.trip_id,))
-    return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-  def GetTimeInterpolatedStops(self):
-    """Return a list of (secs, stoptime, is_timepoint) tuples.
-    secs will always be an int. If the StopTime object does not have explict
-    times this method guesses using distance. stoptime is a StopTime object and
-    is_timepoint is a bool.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError if this trip does not have the times needed to interpolate
-    """
-    rv = []
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    # If there are no stoptimes [] is the correct return value but if the start
-    # or end are missing times there is no correct return value.
-    if not stoptimes:
-      return []
-    if (stoptimes[0].GetTimeSecs() is None or
-        stoptimes[-1].GetTimeSecs() is None):
-      raise ValueError("%s must have time at first and last stop" % (self))
-    cur_timepoint = None
-    next_timepoint = None
-    distance_between_timepoints = 0
-    distance_traveled_between_timepoints = 0
-    for i, st in enumerate(stoptimes):
-      if st.GetTimeSecs() != None:
-        cur_timepoint = st
-        distance_between_timepoints = 0
-        distance_traveled_between_timepoints = 0
-        if i + 1 < len(stoptimes):
-          k = i + 1
-          distance_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[k-1].stop, stoptimes[k].stop)
-          while stoptimes[k].GetTimeSecs() == None:
-            k += 1
-            distance_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[k-1].stop, stoptimes[k].stop)
-          next_timepoint = stoptimes[k]
-        rv.append( (st.GetTimeSecs(), st, True) )
-      else:
-        distance_traveled_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[i-1].stop, st.stop)
-        distance_percent = distance_traveled_between_timepoints / distance_between_timepoints
-        total_time = next_timepoint.GetTimeSecs() - cur_timepoint.GetTimeSecs()
-        time_estimate = distance_percent * total_time + cur_timepoint.GetTimeSecs()
-        rv.append( (int(round(time_estimate)), st, False) )
-    return rv
-  def ClearStopTimes(self):
-    """Remove all stop times from this trip.
-    StopTime objects previously returned by GetStopTimes are unchanged but are
-    no longer associated with this trip.
-    """
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute('DELETE FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?', (self.trip_id,))
-  def GetStopTimes(self, problems=None):
-    """Return a sorted list of StopTime objects for this trip."""
-    # In theory problems=None should be safe because data from database has been
-    # validated. See comment in _LoadStopTimes for why this isn't always true.
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs,stop_headsign,pickup_type,'
-        'drop_off_type,shape_dist_traveled,stop_id,stop_sequence FROM '
-        'stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence', (self.trip_id,))
-    stop_times = []
-    for row in cursor.fetchall():
-      stop = self._schedule.GetStop(row[6])
-      stop_times.append(StopTime(problems=problems, stop=stop, arrival_secs=row[0],
-                                 departure_secs=row[1],
-                                 stop_headsign=row[2],
-                                 pickup_type=row[3],
-                                 drop_off_type=row[4],
-                                 shape_dist_traveled=row[5],
-                                 stop_sequence=row[7]))
-    return stop_times
-  def GetHeadwayStopTimes(self, problems=None):
-    """Return a list of StopTime objects for each headway-based run.
-    Returns:
-      a list of list of StopTime objects. Each list of StopTime objects
-      represents one run. If this trip doesn't have headways returns an empty
-      list.
-    """
-    stoptimes_list = [] # list of stoptime lists to be returned
-    stoptime_pattern = self.GetStopTimes()
-    first_secs = stoptime_pattern[0].arrival_secs # first time of the trip
-    # for each start time of a headway run
-    for run_secs in self.GetHeadwayStartTimes():
-      # stop time list for a headway run
-      stoptimes = []
-      # go through the pattern and generate stoptimes
-      for st in stoptime_pattern:
-        arrival_secs, departure_secs = None, None # default value if the stoptime is not timepoint
-        if st.arrival_secs != None:
-          arrival_secs = st.arrival_secs - first_secs + run_secs
-        if st.departure_secs != None:
-          departure_secs = st.departure_secs - first_secs + run_secs
-        # append stoptime
-        stoptimes.append(StopTime(problems=problems, stop=st.stop,
-                                  arrival_secs=arrival_secs,
-                                  departure_secs=departure_secs,
-                                  stop_headsign=st.stop_headsign,
-                                  pickup_type=st.pickup_type,
-                                  drop_off_type=st.drop_off_type,
-                                  shape_dist_traveled=st.shape_dist_traveled,
-                                  stop_sequence=st.stop_sequence))
-      # add stoptimes to the stoptimes_list
-      stoptimes_list.append ( stoptimes )
-    return stoptimes_list
-  def GetStartTime(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Return the first time of the trip. TODO: For trips defined by frequency
-    return the first time of the first trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs FROM stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence LIMIT 1', (self.trip_id,))
-    (arrival_secs, departure_secs) = cursor.fetchone()
-    if arrival_secs != None:
-      return arrival_secs
-    elif departure_secs != None:
-      return departure_secs
-    else:
-      problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', '',
-                            'The first stop_time in trip %s is missing '
-                            'times.' % self.trip_id)
-  def GetHeadwayStartTimes(self):
-    """Return a list of start time for each headway-based run.
-    Returns:
-      a sorted list of seconds since midnight, the start time of each run. If
-      this trip doesn't have headways returns an empty list."""
-    start_times = []
-    # for each headway period of the trip
-    for start_secs, end_secs, headway_secs in self.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples():
-      # reset run secs to the start of the timeframe
-      run_secs = start_secs
-      while run_secs < end_secs:
-        start_times.append(run_secs)
-        # increment current run secs by headway secs
-        run_secs += headway_secs
-    return start_times
-  def GetEndTime(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Return the last time of the trip. TODO: For trips defined by frequency
-    return the last time of the last trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs FROM stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence DESC LIMIT 1', (self.trip_id,))
-    (arrival_secs, departure_secs) = cursor.fetchone()
-    if departure_secs != None:
-      return departure_secs
-    elif arrival_secs != None:
-      return arrival_secs
-    else:
-      problems.InvalidValue('arrival_time', '',
-                            'The last stop_time in trip %s is missing '
-                            'times.' % self.trip_id)
-  def _GenerateStopTimesTuples(self):
-    """Generator for rows of the stop_times file"""
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    for i, st in enumerate(stoptimes):
-      yield st.GetFieldValuesTuple(self.trip_id)
-  def GetStopTimesTuples(self):
-    results = []
-    for time_tuple in self._GenerateStopTimesTuples():
-      results.append(time_tuple)
-    return results
-  def GetPattern(self):
-    """Return a tuple of Stop objects, in the order visited"""
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    return tuple(st.stop for st in stoptimes)
-  def AddHeadwayPeriod(self, start_time, end_time, headway_secs,
-                       problem_reporter=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Adds a period to this trip during which the vehicle travels
-    at regular intervals (rather than specifying exact times for each stop).
-    Args:
-      start_time: The time at which this headway period starts, either in
-          numerical seconds since midnight or as "HH:MM:SS" since midnight.
-      end_time: The time at which this headway period ends, either in
-          numerical seconds since midnight or as "HH:MM:SS" since midnight.
-          This value should be larger than start_time.
-      headway_secs: The amount of time, in seconds, between occurences of
-          this trip.
-      problem_reporter: Optional parameter that can be used to select
-          how any errors in the other input parameters will be reported.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if start_time == None or start_time == '':  # 0 is OK
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('start_time')
-      return
-    if isinstance(start_time, basestring):
-      try:
-        start_time = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(start_time)
-      except Error:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('start_time', start_time)
-        return
-    elif start_time < 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('start_time', start_time)
-    if end_time == None or end_time == '':
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('end_time')
-      return
-    if isinstance(end_time, basestring):
-      try:
-        end_time = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(end_time)
-      except Error:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time)
-        return
-    elif end_time < 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time)
-      return
-    if not headway_secs:
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('headway_secs')
-      return
-    try:
-      headway_secs = int(headway_secs)
-    except ValueError:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('headway_secs', headway_secs)
-      return
-    if headway_secs <= 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('headway_secs', headway_secs)
-      return
-    if end_time <= start_time:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time,
-                                    'should be greater than start_time')
-    self._headways.append((start_time, end_time, headway_secs))
-  def ClearHeadwayPeriods(self):
-    self._headways = []
-  def _HeadwayOutputTuple(self, headway):
-      return (self.trip_id,
-              FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(headway[0]),
-              FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(headway[1]),
-              unicode(headway[2]))
-  def GetHeadwayPeriodOutputTuples(self):
-    tuples = []
-    for headway in self._headways:
-      tuples.append(self._HeadwayOutputTuple(headway))
-    return tuples
-  def GetHeadwayPeriodTuples(self):
-    return self._headways
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    if name == 'service_period':
-      assert self._schedule, "Must be in a schedule to get service_period"
-      return self._schedule.GetServicePeriod(self.service_id)
-    elif name == 'pattern_id':
-      if '_pattern_id' not in self.__dict__:
-        self.__dict__['_pattern_id'] = hash(self.GetPattern())
-      return self.__dict__['_pattern_id']
-    else:
-      return GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__(self, name)
-  def Validate(self, problems, validate_children=True):
-    """Validate attributes of this object.
-    Check that this object has all required values set to a valid value without
-    reference to the rest of the schedule. If the _schedule attribute is set
-    then check that references such as route_id and service_id are correct.
-    Args:
-      problems: A ProblemReporter object
-      validate_children: if True and the _schedule attribute is set than call
-                         ValidateChildren
-    """
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_id')
-    if 'service_period' in self.__dict__:
-      # Some tests assign to the service_period attribute. Patch up self before
-      # proceeding with validation. See also comment in Trip.__init__.
-      self.service_id = self.__dict__['service_period'].service_id
-      del self.service_period
-    if IsEmpty(self.service_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('service_id')
-    if IsEmpty(self.trip_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('trip_id')
-    if hasattr(self, 'direction_id') and (not IsEmpty(self.direction_id)) and \
-        (self.direction_id != '0') and (self.direction_id != '1'):
-      problems.InvalidValue('direction_id', self.direction_id,
-                            'direction_id must be "0" or "1"')
-    if self._schedule:
-      if self.shape_id and self.shape_id not in self._schedule._shapes:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_id', self.shape_id)
-      if self.route_id and self.route_id not in self._schedule.routes:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_id', self.route_id)
-      if (self.service_id and
-          self.service_id not in self._schedule.service_periods):
-        problems.InvalidValue('service_id', self.service_id)
-      if validate_children:
-        self.ValidateChildren(problems)
-  def ValidateChildren(self, problems):
-    """Validate StopTimes and headways of this trip."""
-    assert self._schedule, "Trip must be in a schedule to ValidateChildren"
-    # TODO: validate distance values in stop times (if applicable)
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(stop_sequence) AS a FROM stop_times "
-                   "WHERE trip_id=? GROUP BY stop_sequence HAVING a > 1",
-                   (self.trip_id,))
-    for row in cursor:
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', row[0],
-                            'Duplicate stop_sequence in trip_id %s' %
-                            self.trip_id)
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes(problems)
-    if stoptimes:
-      if stoptimes[0].arrival_time is None and stoptimes[0].departure_time is None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-          'No time for start of trip_id "%s""' % (self.trip_id))
-      if stoptimes[-1].arrival_time is None and stoptimes[-1].departure_time is None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-          'No time for end of trip_id "%s""' % (self.trip_id))
-      # Sorts the stoptimes by sequence and then checks that the arrival time
-      # for each time point is after the departure time of the previous.
-      stoptimes.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop_sequence)
-      prev_departure = 0
-      prev_stop = None
-      prev_distance = None
-      try:
-        route_type = self._schedule.GetRoute(self.route_id).route_type
-        max_speed = Route._ROUTE_TYPES[route_type]['max_speed']
-      except KeyError, e:
-        # If route_type cannot be found, assume it is 0 (Tram) for checking
-        # speeds between stops.
-        max_speed = Route._ROUTE_TYPES[0]['max_speed']
-      for timepoint in stoptimes:
-        # Distance should be a nonnegative float number, so it should be 
-        # always larger than None.
-        distance = timepoint.shape_dist_traveled
-        if distance is not None:
-          if distance > prev_distance and distance >= 0:
-            prev_distance = distance
-          else:
-            if distance == prev_distance:
-              type = TYPE_WARNING
-            else:
-              type = TYPE_ERROR
-            problems.InvalidValue('stoptimes.shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                  'For the trip %s the stop %s has shape_dist_traveled=%s, '
-                  'which should be larger than the previous ones. In this '
-                  'case, the previous distance was %s.' % 
-                  (self.trip_id, timepoint.stop_id, distance, prev_distance),
-                  type=type)
-        if timepoint.arrival_secs is not None:
-          self._CheckSpeed(prev_stop, timepoint.stop, prev_departure,
-                           timepoint.arrival_secs, max_speed, problems)
-          if timepoint.arrival_secs >= prev_departure:
-            prev_departure = timepoint.departure_secs
-            prev_stop = timepoint.stop
-          else:
-            problems.OtherProblem('Timetravel detected! Arrival time '
-                                  'is before previous departure '
-                                  'at sequence number %s in trip %s' %
-                                  (timepoint.stop_sequence, self.trip_id))
-      if self.shape_id and self.shape_id in self._schedule._shapes:
-        shape = self._schedule.GetShape(self.shape_id)
-        max_shape_dist = shape.max_distance
-        st = stoptimes[-1]
-        if (st.shape_dist_traveled and
-            st.shape_dist_traveled > max_shape_dist):
-          problems.OtherProblem(
-              'In stop_times.txt, the stop with trip_id=%s and '
-              'stop_sequence=%d has shape_dist_traveled=%f, which is larger '
-              'than the max shape_dist_traveled=%f of the corresponding '
-              'shape (shape_id=%s)' %
-              (self.trip_id, st.stop_sequence, st.shape_dist_traveled,
-               max_shape_dist, self.shape_id), type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        # shape_dist_traveled is valid in shape if max_shape_dist larger than
-        # 0.
-        if max_shape_dist > 0:
-          for st in stoptimes:
-            if st.shape_dist_traveled is None:
-              continue
-            pt = shape.GetPointWithDistanceTraveled(st.shape_dist_traveled)
-            if pt:
-              stop = self._schedule.GetStop(st.stop_id)
-              distance = ApproximateDistance(stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon,
-                                             pt[0], pt[1])
-              if distance > MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_STOP_TO_SHAPE:
-                problems.StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(
-                    self.trip_id, stop.stop_name, stop.stop_id, pt[2],
-                    self.shape_id, distance, MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_STOP_TO_SHAPE)
-    # O(n^2), but we don't anticipate many headway periods per trip
-    for headway_index, headway in enumerate(self._headways[0:-1]):
-      for other in self._headways[headway_index + 1:]:
-        if (other[0] < headway[1]) and (other[1] > headway[0]):
-          problems.OtherProblem('Trip contains overlapping headway periods '
-                                '%s and %s' %
-                                (self._HeadwayOutputTuple(headway),
-                                 self._HeadwayOutputTuple(other)))
-  def _CheckSpeed(self, prev_stop, next_stop, depart_time,
-                  arrive_time, max_speed, problems):
-    # Checks that the speed between two stops is not faster than max_speed
-    if prev_stop != None:
-      try:
-        time_between_stops = arrive_time - depart_time
-      except TypeError:
-        return
-      try:
-        dist_between_stops = \
-          ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(next_stop, prev_stop)
-      except TypeError, e:
-          return
-      if time_between_stops == 0:
-        # HASTUS makes it hard to output GTFS with times to the nearest second;
-        # it rounds times to the nearest minute. Therefore stop_times at the
-        # same time ending in :00 are fairly common. These times off by no more
-        # than 30 have not caused a problem. See
-        # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=193
-        # Show a warning if times are not rounded to the nearest minute or
-        # distance is more than max_speed for one minute.
-        if depart_time % 60 != 0 or dist_between_stops / 1000 * 60 > max_speed:
-          problems.TooFastTravel(self.trip_id,
-                                 prev_stop.stop_name,
-                                 next_stop.stop_name,
-                                 dist_between_stops,
-                                 time_between_stops,
-                                 speed=None,
-                                 type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        return
-      # This needs floating point division for precision.
-      speed_between_stops = ((float(dist_between_stops) / 1000) /
-                                (float(time_between_stops) / 3600))
-      if speed_between_stops > max_speed:
-        problems.TooFastTravel(self.trip_id,
-                               prev_stop.stop_name,
-                               next_stop.stop_name,
-                               dist_between_stops,
-                               time_between_stops,
-                               speed_between_stops,
-                               type=TYPE_WARNING)
-# TODO: move these into a separate file
-class ISO4217(object):
-  """Represents the set of currencies recognized by the ISO-4217 spec."""
-  codes = {  # map of alpha code to numerical code
-    'AED': 784, 'AFN': 971, 'ALL':   8, 'AMD':  51, 'ANG': 532, 'AOA': 973,
-    'ARS':  32, 'AUD':  36, 'AWG': 533, 'AZN': 944, 'BAM': 977, 'BBD':  52,
-    'BDT':  50, 'BGN': 975, 'BHD':  48, 'BIF': 108, 'BMD':  60, 'BND':  96,
-    'BOB':  68, 'BOV': 984, 'BRL': 986, 'BSD':  44, 'BTN':  64, 'BWP':  72,
-    'BYR': 974, 'BZD':  84, 'CAD': 124, 'CDF': 976, 'CHE': 947, 'CHF': 756,
-    'CHW': 948, 'CLF': 990, 'CLP': 152, 'CNY': 156, 'COP': 170, 'COU': 970,
-    'CRC': 188, 'CUP': 192, 'CVE': 132, 'CYP': 196, 'CZK': 203, 'DJF': 262,
-    'DKK': 208, 'DOP': 214, 'DZD':  12, 'EEK': 233, 'EGP': 818, 'ERN': 232,
-    'ETB': 230, 'EUR': 978, 'FJD': 242, 'FKP': 238, 'GBP': 826, 'GEL': 981,
-    'GHC': 288, 'GIP': 292, 'GMD': 270, 'GNF': 324, 'GTQ': 320, 'GYD': 328,
-    'HKD': 344, 'HNL': 340, 'HRK': 191, 'HTG': 332, 'HUF': 348, 'IDR': 360,
-    'ILS': 376, 'INR': 356, 'IQD': 368, 'IRR': 364, 'ISK': 352, 'JMD': 388,
-    'JOD': 400, 'JPY': 392, 'KES': 404, 'KGS': 417, 'KHR': 116, 'KMF': 174,
-    'KPW': 408, 'KRW': 410, 'KWD': 414, 'KYD': 136, 'KZT': 398, 'LAK': 418,
-    'LBP': 422, 'LKR': 144, 'LRD': 430, 'LSL': 426, 'LTL': 440, 'LVL': 428,
-    'LYD': 434, 'MAD': 504, 'MDL': 498, 'MGA': 969, 'MKD': 807, 'MMK': 104,
-    'MNT': 496, 'MOP': 446, 'MRO': 478, 'MTL': 470, 'MUR': 480, 'MVR': 462,
-    'MWK': 454, 'MXN': 484, 'MXV': 979, 'MYR': 458, 'MZN': 943, 'NAD': 516,
-    'NGN': 566, 'NIO': 558, 'NOK': 578, 'NPR': 524, 'NZD': 554, 'OMR': 512,
-    'PAB': 590, 'PEN': 604, 'PGK': 598, 'PHP': 608, 'PKR': 586, 'PLN': 985,
-    'PYG': 600, 'QAR': 634, 'ROL': 642, 'RON': 946, 'RSD': 941, 'RUB': 643,
-    'RWF': 646, 'SAR': 682, 'SBD':  90, 'SCR': 690, 'SDD': 736, 'SDG': 938,
-    'SEK': 752, 'SGD': 702, 'SHP': 654, 'SKK': 703, 'SLL': 694, 'SOS': 706,
-    'SRD': 968, 'STD': 678, 'SYP': 760, 'SZL': 748, 'THB': 764, 'TJS': 972,
-    'TMM': 795, 'TND': 788, 'TOP': 776, 'TRY': 949, 'TTD': 780, 'TWD': 901,
-    'TZS': 834, 'UAH': 980, 'UGX': 800, 'USD': 840, 'USN': 997, 'USS': 998,
-    'UYU': 858, 'UZS': 860, 'VEB': 862, 'VND': 704, 'VUV': 548, 'WST': 882,
-    'XAF': 950, 'XAG': 961, 'XAU': 959, 'XBA': 955, 'XBB': 956, 'XBC': 957,
-    'XBD': 958, 'XCD': 951, 'XDR': 960, 'XFO': None, 'XFU': None, 'XOF': 952,
-    'XPD': 964, 'XPF': 953, 'XPT': 962, 'XTS': 963, 'XXX': 999, 'YER': 886,
-    'ZAR': 710, 'ZMK': 894, 'ZWD': 716,
-  }
-class Fare(object):
-  """Represents a fare type."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['fare_id', 'price', 'currency_type',
-                           'payment_method', 'transfers']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['transfer_duration']
-  def __init__(self,
-               fare_id=None, price=None, currency_type=None,
-               payment_method=None, transfers=None, transfer_duration=None,
-               field_list=None):
-    self.rules = []
-    (self.fare_id, self.price, self.currency_type, self.payment_method,
-     self.transfers, self.transfer_duration) = \
-     (fare_id, price, currency_type, payment_method,
-      transfers, transfer_duration)
-    if field_list:
-      (self.fare_id, self.price, self.currency_type, self.payment_method,
-       self.transfers, self.transfer_duration) = field_list
-    try:
-      self.price = float(self.price)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      pass
-    try:
-      self.payment_method = int(self.payment_method)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      pass
-    if self.transfers == None or self.transfers == "":
-      self.transfers = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfers = int(self.transfers)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    if self.transfer_duration == None or self.transfer_duration == "":
-      self.transfer_duration = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfer_duration = int(self.transfer_duration)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-  def GetFareRuleList(self):
-    return self.rules
-  def ClearFareRules(self):
-    self.rules = []
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in Fare._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    if self.GetFieldValuesTuple() != other.GetFieldValuesTuple():
-      return False
-    self_rules = [r.GetFieldValuesTuple() for r in self.GetFareRuleList()]
-    self_rules.sort()
-    other_rules = [r.GetFieldValuesTuple() for r in other.GetFareRuleList()]
-    other_rules.sort()
-    return self_rules == other_rules
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.fare_id):
-      problems.MissingValue("fare_id")
-    if self.price == None:
-      problems.MissingValue("price")
-    elif not isinstance(self.price, float) and not isinstance(self.price, int):
-      problems.InvalidValue("price", self.price)
-    elif self.price < 0:
-      problems.InvalidValue("price", self.price)
-    if IsEmpty(self.currency_type):
-      problems.MissingValue("currency_type")
-    elif self.currency_type not in ISO4217.codes:
-      problems.InvalidValue("currency_type", self.currency_type)
-    if self.payment_method == "" or self.payment_method == None:
-      problems.MissingValue("payment_method")
-    elif (not isinstance(self.payment_method, int) or
-          self.payment_method not in range(0, 2)):
-      problems.InvalidValue("payment_method", self.payment_method)
-    if not ((self.transfers == None) or
-            (isinstance(self.transfers, int) and
-             self.transfers in range(0, 3))):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfers", self.transfers)
-    if ((self.transfer_duration != None) and
-        not isinstance(self.transfer_duration, int)):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration)
-    if self.transfer_duration and (self.transfer_duration < 0):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration)
-    if (self.transfer_duration and (self.transfer_duration > 0) and
-        self.transfers == 0):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration,
-                            "can't have a nonzero transfer_duration for "
-                            "a fare that doesn't allow transfers!")
-class FareRule(object):
-  """This class represents a rule that determines which itineraries a
-  fare rule applies to."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['fare_id']
-                                         'origin_id', 'destination_id',
-                                         'contains_id']
-  def __init__(self, fare_id=None, route_id=None,
-               origin_id=None, destination_id=None, contains_id=None,
-               field_list=None):
-    (self.fare_id, self.route_id, self.origin_id, self.destination_id,
-     self.contains_id) = \
-     (fare_id, route_id, origin_id, destination_id, contains_id)
-    if field_list:
-      (self.fare_id, self.route_id, self.origin_id, self.destination_id,
-       self.contains_id) = field_list
-    # canonicalize non-content values as None
-    if not self.route_id:
-      self.route_id = None
-    if not self.origin_id:
-      self.origin_id = None
-    if not self.destination_id:
-      self.destination_id = None
-    if not self.contains_id:
-      self.contains_id = None
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in FareRule._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.GetFieldValuesTuple() == other.GetFieldValuesTuple()
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-class Shape(object):
-  """This class represents a geographic shape that corresponds to the route
-  taken by one or more Trips."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['shape_id', 'shape_pt_lat', 'shape_pt_lon',
-                           'shape_pt_sequence']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['shape_dist_traveled']
-  def __init__(self, shape_id):
-    # List of shape point tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
-    # lon is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
-    # increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
-    self.points = []
-    # An ID that uniquely identifies a shape in the dataset.
-    self.shape_id = shape_id
-    # The max shape_dist_traveled of shape points in this shape.
-    self.max_distance = 0
-    # List of shape_dist_traveled of each shape point.
-    self.distance = []
-  def AddPoint(self, lat, lon, distance=None,
-               problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    try:
-      lat = float(lat)
-      if abs(lat) > 90.0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat)
-        return
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat)
-      return
-    try:
-      lon = float(lon)
-      if abs(lon) > 180.0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lon', lon)
-        return
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lon', lon)
-      return
-    if (abs(lat) < 1.0) and (abs(lon) < 1.0):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat,
-                            'Point location too close to 0, 0, which means '
-                            'that it\'s probably an incorrect location.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      return
-    if distance == '':  # canonicalizing empty string to None for comparison
-      distance = None
-    if distance != None:
-      try:
-        distance = float(distance)
-        if (distance < self.max_distance and not
-            (len(self.points) == 0 and distance == 0)):  # first one can be 0
-          problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                                'Each subsequent point in a shape should '
-                                'have a distance value that\'s at least as '
-                                'large as the previous ones.  In this case, '
-                                'the previous distance was %f.' % 
-                                self.max_distance)
-          return
-        else:
-          self.max_distance = distance
-          self.distance.append(distance)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                              'This value should be a positive number.')
-        return
-    self.points.append((lat, lon, distance))
-  def ClearPoints(self):
-    self.points = []
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.points == other.points
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<Shape %s>" % self.__dict__
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.shape_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('shape_id')
-    if not self.points:
-      problems.OtherProblem('The shape with shape_id "%s" contains no points.' %
-                            self.shape_id, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-  def GetPointWithDistanceTraveled(self, shape_dist_traveled):
-    """Returns a point on the shape polyline with the input shape_dist_traveled.
-    Args:
-      shape_dist_traveled: The input shape_dist_traveled.
-    Returns:
-      The shape point as a tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
-      lng is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
-      increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
-      Returns None if there is data error in shape.
-    """
-    if not self.distance:
-      return None
-    if shape_dist_traveled <= self.distance[0]:
-      return self.points[0]
-    if shape_dist_traveled >= self.distance[-1]:
-      return self.points[-1]
-    index = bisect.bisect(self.distance, shape_dist_traveled)
-    (lat0, lng0, dist0) = self.points[index - 1]
-    (lat1, lng1, dist1) = self.points[index]
-    # Interpolate if shape_dist_traveled does not equal to any of the point
-    # in shape segment.
-    # (lat0, lng0)          (lat, lng)           (lat1, lng1)
-    # -----|--------------------|---------------------|------
-    #    dist0          shape_dist_traveled         dist1
-    #      \------- ca --------/ \-------- bc -------/
-    #       \----------------- ba ------------------/
-    ca = shape_dist_traveled - dist0
-    bc = dist1 - shape_dist_traveled
-    ba = bc + ca
-    if ba == 0:
-      # This only happens when there's data error in shapes and should have been
-      # catched before. Check to avoid crash.
-      return None
-    # This won't work crossing longitude 180 and is only an approximation which
-    # works well for short distance.
-    lat = (lat1 * ca + lat0 * bc) / ba
-    lng = (lng1 * ca + lng0 * bc) / ba
-    return (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled)
-class ISO639(object):
-  # Set of all the 2-letter ISO 639-1 language codes.
-  codes_2letter = set([
-    'aa', 'ab', 'ae', 'af', 'ak', 'am', 'an', 'ar', 'as', 'av', 'ay', 'az',
-    'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'ce',
-    'ch', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee',
-    'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr',
-    'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi', 'ho', 'hr',
-    'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'ii', 'ik', 'io', 'is',
-    'it', 'iu', 'ja', 'jv', 'ka', 'kg', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn',
-    'ko', 'kr', 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'lg', 'li', 'ln',
-    'lo', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'mg', 'mh', 'mi', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mo', 'mr',
-    'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nb', 'nd', 'ne', 'ng', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nr',
-    'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'oj', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pi', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt',
-    'qu', 'rm', 'rn', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'si',
-    'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw',
-    'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'to', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt',
-    'tw', 'ty', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 've', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'xh',
-    'yi', 'yo', 'za', 'zh', 'zu',
-  ])
-class Agency(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents an agency in a schedule.
-  Callers may assign arbitrary values to instance attributes. __init__ makes no
-  attempt at validating the attributes. Call Validate() to check that
-  attributes are valid and the agency object is consistent with itself.
-  Attributes:
-    All attributes are strings.
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['agency_name', 'agency_url', 'agency_timezone']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['agency_id', 'agency_lang',
-                                          'agency_phone']
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'agency'
-  def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, timezone=None, id=None,
-               field_dict=None, lang=None, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize a new Agency object.
-    Args:
-      field_dict: A dictionary mapping attribute name to unicode string
-      name: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      url: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      timezone: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      id: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments may be used to add attributes to the
-        new object, ignored when field_dict is present
-    """
-    self._schedule = None
-    if not field_dict:
-      if name:
-        kwargs['agency_name'] = name
-      if url:
-        kwargs['agency_url'] = url
-      if timezone:
-        kwargs['agency_timezone'] = timezone
-      if id:
-        kwargs['agency_id'] = id
-      if lang:
-        kwargs['agency_lang'] = lang
-      field_dict = kwargs
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Validate attribute values and this object's internal consistency.
-    Returns:
-      True iff all validation checks passed.
-    """
-    found_problem = False
-    for required in Agency._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if IsEmpty(getattr(self, required, None)):
-        problems.MissingValue(required)
-        found_problem = True
-    if self.agency_url and not IsValidURL(self.agency_url):
-      problems.InvalidValue('agency_url', self.agency_url)
-      found_problem = True
-    if (not IsEmpty(self.agency_lang) and
-        self.agency_lang.lower() not in ISO639.codes_2letter):
-      problems.InvalidValue('agency_lang', self.agency_lang)
-      found_problem = True
-    try:
-      import pytz
-      if self.agency_timezone not in pytz.common_timezones:
-        problems.InvalidValue(
-            'agency_timezone',
-            self.agency_timezone,
-            '"%s" is not a common timezone name according to pytz version %s' %
-            (self.agency_timezone, pytz.VERSION))
-        found_problem = True
-    except ImportError:  # no pytz
-      print ("Timezone not checked "
-             "(install pytz package for timezone validation)")
-    return not found_problem
-class Transfer(object):
-  """Represents a transfer in a schedule"""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['from_stop_id', 'to_stop_id', 'transfer_type']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['min_transfer_time']
-  def __init__(self, schedule=None, from_stop_id=None, to_stop_id=None, transfer_type=None,
-               min_transfer_time=None, field_dict=None):
-    if schedule is not None:
-      self._schedule = weakref.proxy(schedule)  # See weakref comment at top
-    else:
-      self._schedule = None
-    if field_dict:
-      self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-    else:
-      self.from_stop_id = from_stop_id
-      self.to_stop_id = to_stop_id
-      self.transfer_type = transfer_type
-      self.min_transfer_time = min_transfer_time
-    if getattr(self, 'transfer_type', None) in ("", None):
-      # Use the default, recommended transfer, if attribute is not set or blank
-      self.transfer_type = 0
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfer_type = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.transfer_type)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    if hasattr(self, 'min_transfer_time'):
-      try:
-        self.min_transfer_time = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.min_transfer_time)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    else:
-      self.min_transfer_time = None
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in Transfer._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.GetFieldValuesTuple() == other.GetFieldValuesTuple()
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<Transfer %s>" % self.__dict__
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.from_stop_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('from_stop_id')
-    elif self._schedule:
-      if self.from_stop_id not in self._schedule.stops.keys():
-        problems.InvalidValue('from_stop_id', self.from_stop_id)
-    if IsEmpty(self.to_stop_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('to_stop_id')
-    elif self._schedule:
-      if self.to_stop_id not in self._schedule.stops.keys():
-        problems.InvalidValue('to_stop_id', self.to_stop_id)
-    if not IsEmpty(self.transfer_type):
-      if (not isinstance(self.transfer_type, int)) or \
-          (self.transfer_type not in range(0, 4)):
-        problems.InvalidValue('transfer_type', self.transfer_type)
-    if not IsEmpty(self.min_transfer_time):
-      if (not isinstance(self.min_transfer_time, int)) or \
-          self.min_transfer_time < 0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('min_transfer_time', self.min_transfer_time)
-class ServicePeriod(object):
-  """Represents a service, which identifies a set of dates when one or more
-  trips operate."""
-  _DAYS_OF_WEEK = [
-    'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday',
-    'saturday', 'sunday'
-    ]
-    'service_id', 'start_date', 'end_date'
-    ] + _DAYS_OF_WEEK
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED  # no optional fields in this one
-  _FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES = ['service_id', 'date', 'exception_type']
-  def __init__(self, id=None, field_list=None):
-    self.original_day_values = []
-    if field_list:
-      self.service_id = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('service_id')]
-      self.day_of_week = [False] * len(self._DAYS_OF_WEEK)
-      for day in self._DAYS_OF_WEEK:
-        value = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index(day)] or ''  # can be None
-        self.original_day_values += [value.strip()]
-        self.day_of_week[self._DAYS_OF_WEEK.index(day)] = (value == u'1')
-      self.start_date = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('start_date')]
-      self.end_date = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('end_date')]
-    else:
-      self.service_id = id
-      self.day_of_week = [False] * 7
-      self.start_date = None
-      self.end_date = None
-    self.date_exceptions = {}  # Map from 'YYYYMMDD' to 1 (add) or 2 (remove)
-  def _IsValidDate(self, date):
-    if re.match('^\d{8}$', date) == None:
-      return False
-    try:
-      time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d")
-      return True
-    except ValueError:
-      return False
-  def GetDateRange(self):
-    """Return the range over which this ServicePeriod is valid.
-    The range includes exception dates that add service outside of
-    (start_date, end_date), but doesn't shrink the range if exception
-    dates take away service at the edges of the range.
-    Returns:
-      A tuple of "YYYYMMDD" strings, (start date, end date) or (None, None) if
-      no dates have been given.
-    """
-    start = self.start_date
-    end = self.end_date
-    for date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if self.date_exceptions[date] == 2:
-        continue
-      if not start or (date < start):
-        start = date
-      if not end or (date > end):
-        end = date
-    if start is None:
-      start = end
-    elif end is None:
-      end = start
-    # If start and end are None we did a little harmless shuffling
-    return (start, end)
-  def GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    """Return the tuple of calendar.txt values or None if this ServicePeriod
-    should not be in calendar.txt ."""
-    if self.start_date and self.end_date:
-      return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples(self):
-    """Generates tuples of calendar_dates.txt values. Yield zero tuples if
-    this ServicePeriod should not be in calendar_dates.txt ."""
-    for date, exception_type in self.date_exceptions.items():
-      yield (self.service_id, date, unicode(exception_type))
-  def GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples(self):
-    """Return a list of date execeptions"""
-    result = []
-    for date_tuple in self.GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples():
-      result.append(date_tuple)
-    result.sort()  # helps with __eq__
-    return result
-  def SetDateHasService(self, date, has_service=True, problems=None):
-    if date in self.date_exceptions and problems:
-      problems.DuplicateID(('service_id', 'date'),
-                           (self.service_id, date),
-                           type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.date_exceptions[date] = has_service and 1 or 2
-  def ResetDateToNormalService(self, date):
-    if date in self.date_exceptions:
-      del self.date_exceptions[date]
-  def SetStartDate(self, start_date):
-    """Set the first day of service as a string in YYYYMMDD format"""
-    self.start_date = start_date
-  def SetEndDate(self, end_date):
-    """Set the last day of service as a string in YYYYMMDD format"""
-    self.end_date = end_date
-  def SetDayOfWeekHasService(self, dow, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on a day of the week. By default the
-    service does not run on any days.
-    Args:
-      dow: 0 for Monday through 6 for Sunday
-      has_service: True if this service operates on dow, False if it does not.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    assert(dow >= 0 and dow < 7)
-    self.day_of_week[dow] = has_service
-  def SetWeekdayService(self, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on all of Monday through Friday."""
-    for i in range(0, 5):
-      self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(i, has_service)
-  def SetWeekendService(self, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on Saturday and Sunday."""
-    self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(5, has_service)
-    self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(6, has_service)
-  def SetServiceId(self, service_id):
-    """Set the service_id for this schedule. Generally the default will
-    suffice so you won't need to call this method."""
-    self.service_id = service_id
-  def IsActiveOn(self, date, date_object=None):
-    """Test if this service period is active on a date.
-    Args:
-      date: a string of form "YYYYMMDD"
-      date_object: a date object representing the same date as date.
-                   This parameter is optional, and present only for performance
-                   reasons.
-                   If the caller constructs the date string from a date object
-                   that date object can be passed directly, thus avoiding the 
-                   costly conversion from string to date object.
-    Returns:
-      True iff this service is active on date.
-    """
-    if date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if self.date_exceptions[date] == 1:
-        return True
-      else:
-        return False
-    if (self.start_date and self.end_date and self.start_date <= date and
-        date <= self.end_date):
-      if date_object is None:
-        date_object = DateStringToDateObject(date)
-      return self.day_of_week[date_object.weekday()]
-    return False
-  def ActiveDates(self):
-    """Return dates this service period is active as a list of "YYYYMMDD"."""
-    (earliest, latest) = self.GetDateRange()
-    if earliest is None:
-      return []
-    dates = []
-    date_it = DateStringToDateObject(earliest)
-    date_end = DateStringToDateObject(latest)
-    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    while date_it <= date_end:
-      date_it_string = date_it.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-      if self.IsActiveOn(date_it_string, date_it):
-        dates.append(date_it_string)
-      date_it = date_it + delta
-    return dates
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    try:
-      # Return 1 if value in day_of_week is True, 0 otherwise
-      return (self.day_of_week[ServicePeriod._DAYS_OF_WEEK.index(name)]
-              and 1 or 0)
-    except KeyError:
-      pass
-    except ValueError:  # not a day of the week
-      pass
-    raise AttributeError(name)
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    if (self.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple() !=
-        other.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple()):
-      return False
-    if (self.GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples() !=
-        other.GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples()):
-      return False
-    return True
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.service_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('service_id')
-    # self.start_date/self.end_date is None in 3 cases:
-    # ServicePeriod created by loader and
-    #   1a) self.service_id wasn't in calendar.txt
-    #   1b) calendar.txt didn't have a start_date/end_date column
-    # ServicePeriod created directly and
-    #   2) start_date/end_date wasn't set
-    # In case 1a no problem is reported. In case 1b the missing required column
-    # generates an error in _ReadCSV so this method should not report another
-    # problem. There is no way to tell the difference between cases 1b and 2
-    # so case 2 is ignored because making the feedvalidator pretty is more
-    # important than perfect validation when an API users makes a mistake.
-    start_date = None
-    if self.start_date is not None:
-      if IsEmpty(self.start_date):
-        problems.MissingValue('start_date')
-      elif self._IsValidDate(self.start_date):
-        start_date = self.start_date
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('start_date', self.start_date)
-    end_date = None
-    if self.end_date is not None:
-      if IsEmpty(self.end_date):
-        problems.MissingValue('end_date')
-      elif self._IsValidDate(self.end_date):
-        end_date = self.end_date
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('end_date', self.end_date)
-    if start_date and end_date and end_date < start_date:
-      problems.InvalidValue('end_date', end_date,
-                            'end_date of %s is earlier than '
-                            'start_date of "%s"' %
-                            (end_date, start_date))
-    if self.original_day_values:
-      index = 0
-      for value in self.original_day_values:
-        column_name = self._DAYS_OF_WEEK[index]
-        if IsEmpty(value):
-          problems.MissingValue(column_name)
-        elif (value != u'0') and (value != '1'):
-          problems.InvalidValue(column_name, value)
-        index += 1
-    if (True not in self.day_of_week and
-        1 not in self.date_exceptions.values()):
-      problems.OtherProblem('Service period with service_id "%s" '
-                            'doesn\'t have service on any days '
-                            'of the week.' % self.service_id,
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    for date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if not self._IsValidDate(date):
-        problems.InvalidValue('date', date)
-class CsvUnicodeWriter:
-  """
-  Create a wrapper around a csv writer object which can safely write unicode
-  values. Passes all arguments to csv.writer.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    self.writer = csv.writer(*args, **kwargs)
-  def writerow(self, row):
-    """Write row to the csv file. Any unicode strings in row are encoded as
-    utf-8."""
-    encoded_row = []
-    for s in row:
-      if isinstance(s, unicode):
-        encoded_row.append(s.encode("utf-8"))
-      else:
-        encoded_row.append(s)
-    try:
-      self.writer.writerow(encoded_row)
-    except Exception, e:
-      print 'error writing %s as %s' % (row, encoded_row)
-      raise e
-  def writerows(self, rows):
-    """Write rows to the csv file. Any unicode strings in rows are encoded as
-    utf-8."""
-    for row in rows:
-      self.writerow(row)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self.writer, name)
-class Schedule:
-  """Represents a Schedule, a collection of stops, routes, trips and
-  an agency.  This is the main class for this module."""
-  def __init__(self, problem_reporter=default_problem_reporter,
-               memory_db=True, check_duplicate_trips=False):
-    # Map from table name to list of columns present in this schedule
-    self._table_columns = {}
-    self._agencies = {}
-    self.stops = {}
-    self.routes = {}
-    self.trips = {}
-    self.service_periods = {}
-    self.fares = {}
-    self.fare_zones = {}  # represents the set of all known fare zones
-    self._shapes = {}  # shape_id to Shape
-    self._transfers = []  # list of transfers
-    self._default_service_period = None
-    self._default_agency = None
-    self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
-    self._check_duplicate_trips = check_duplicate_trips
-    self.ConnectDb(memory_db)
-  def AddTableColumn(self, table, column):
-    """Add column to table if it is not already there."""
-    if column not in self._table_columns[table]:
-      self._table_columns[table].append(column)
-  def AddTableColumns(self, table, columns):
-    """Add columns to table if they are not already there.
-    Args:
-      table: table name as a string
-      columns: an iterable of column names"""
-    table_columns = self._table_columns.setdefault(table, [])
-    for attr in columns:
-      if attr not in table_columns:
-        table_columns.append(attr)
-  def GetTableColumns(self, table):
-    """Return list of columns in a table."""
-    return self._table_columns[table]
-  def __del__(self):
-    if hasattr(self, '_temp_db_filename'):
-      os.remove(self._temp_db_filename)
-  def ConnectDb(self, memory_db):
-    if memory_db:
-      self._connection = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
-    else:
-      try:
-        self._temp_db_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_file.name)
-      except sqlite.OperationalError:
-        # Windows won't let a file be opened twice. mkstemp does not remove the
-        # file when all handles to it are closed.
-        self._temp_db_file = None
-        (fd, self._temp_db_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(".db")
-        os.close(fd)
-        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_filename)
-    cursor = self._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE stop_times (
-                                           trip_id CHAR(50),
-                                           arrival_secs INTEGER,
-                                           departure_secs INTEGER,
-                                           stop_id CHAR(50),
-                                           stop_sequence INTEGER,
-                                           stop_headsign VAR CHAR(100),
-                                           pickup_type INTEGER,
-                                           drop_off_type INTEGER,
-                                           shape_dist_traveled FLOAT);""")
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX trip_index ON stop_times (trip_id);""")
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX stop_index ON stop_times (stop_id);""")
-  def GetStopBoundingBox(self):
-    return (min(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
-            min(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
-            max(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
-            max(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
-           )
-  def AddAgency(self, name, url, timezone, agency_id=None):
-    """Adds an agency to this schedule."""
-    agency = Agency(name, url, timezone, agency_id)
-    self.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-    return agency
-  def AddAgencyObject(self, agency, problem_reporter=None, validate=True):
-    assert agency._schedule is None
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if agency.agency_id in self._agencies:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('agency_id', agency.agency_id)
-      return
-    self.AddTableColumns('agency', agency._ColumnNames())
-    agency._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    if validate:
-      agency.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self._agencies[agency.agency_id] = agency
-  def GetAgency(self, agency_id):
-    """Return Agency with agency_id or throw a KeyError"""
-    return self._agencies[agency_id]
-  def GetDefaultAgency(self):
-    """Return the default Agency. If no default Agency has been set select the
-    default depending on how many Agency objects are in the Schedule. If there
-    are 0 make a new Agency the default, if there is 1 it becomes the default,
-    if there is more than 1 then return None.
-    """
-    if not self._default_agency:
-      if len(self._agencies) == 0:
-        self.NewDefaultAgency()
-      elif len(self._agencies) == 1:
-        self._default_agency = self._agencies.values()[0]
-    return self._default_agency
-  def NewDefaultAgency(self, **kwargs):
-    """Create a new Agency object and make it the default agency for this Schedule"""
-    agency = Agency(**kwargs)
-    if not agency.agency_id:
-      agency.agency_id = FindUniqueId(self._agencies)
-    self._default_agency = agency
-    self.SetDefaultAgency(agency, validate=False)  # Blank agency won't validate
-    return agency
-  def SetDefaultAgency(self, agency, validate=True):
-    """Make agency the default and add it to the schedule if not already added"""
-    assert isinstance(agency, Agency)
-    self._default_agency = agency
-    if agency.agency_id not in self._agencies:
-      self.AddAgencyObject(agency, validate=validate)
-  def GetAgencyList(self):
-    """Returns the list of Agency objects known to this Schedule."""
-    return self._agencies.values()
-  def GetServicePeriod(self, service_id):
-    """Returns the ServicePeriod object with the given ID."""
-    return self.service_periods[service_id]
-  def GetDefaultServicePeriod(self):
-    """Return the default ServicePeriod. If no default ServicePeriod has been
-    set select the default depending on how many ServicePeriod objects are in
-    the Schedule. If there are 0 make a new ServicePeriod the default, if there
-    is 1 it becomes the default, if there is more than 1 then return None.
-    """
-    if not self._default_service_period:
-      if len(self.service_periods) == 0:
-        self.NewDefaultServicePeriod()
-      elif len(self.service_periods) == 1:
-        self._default_service_period = self.service_periods.values()[0]
-    return self._default_service_period
-  def NewDefaultServicePeriod(self):
-    """Create a new ServicePeriod object, make it the default service period and
-    return it. The default service period is used when you create a trip without
-    providing an explict service period. """
-    service_period = ServicePeriod()
-    service_period.service_id = FindUniqueId(self.service_periods)
-    # blank service won't validate in AddServicePeriodObject
-    self.SetDefaultServicePeriod(service_period, validate=False)
-    return service_period
-  def SetDefaultServicePeriod(self, service_period, validate=True):
-    assert isinstance(service_period, ServicePeriod)
-    self._default_service_period = service_period
-    if service_period.service_id not in self.service_periods:
-      self.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period, validate=validate)
-  def AddServicePeriodObject(self, service_period, problem_reporter=None,
-                             validate=True):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if service_period.service_id in self.service_periods:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('service_id', service_period.service_id)
-      return
-    if validate:
-      service_period.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self.service_periods[service_period.service_id] = service_period
-  def GetServicePeriodList(self):
-    return self.service_periods.values()
-  def GetDateRange(self):
-    """Returns a tuple of (earliest, latest) dates on which the service
-    periods in the schedule define service, in YYYYMMDD form."""
-    ranges = [period.GetDateRange() for period in self.GetServicePeriodList()]
-    starts = filter(lambda x: x, [item[0] for item in ranges])
-    ends = filter(lambda x: x, [item[1] for item in ranges])
-    if not starts or not ends:
-      return (None, None)
-    return (min(starts), max(ends))
-  def GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(self, date_start, date_end):
-    """Return a list of tuples (date, [period1, period2, ...]).
-    For each date in the range [date_start, date_end) make list of each
-    ServicePeriod object which is active.
-    Args:
-      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
-      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
-    Returns:
-      A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a date object and a list of zero or
-      more ServicePeriod objects.
-    """
-    date_it = date_start
-    one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    date_service_period_list = []
-    while date_it < date_end:
-      periods_today = []
-      date_it_string = date_it.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-      for service in self.GetServicePeriodList():
-        if service.IsActiveOn(date_it_string, date_it):
-          periods_today.append(service)
-      date_service_period_list.append((date_it, periods_today))
-      date_it += one_day
-    return date_service_period_list
-  def AddStop(self, lat, lng, name):
-    """Add a stop to this schedule.
-    A new stop_id is created for this stop. Do not use this method unless all
-    stops in this Schedule are created with it. See source for details.
-    Args:
-      lat: Latitude of the stop as a float or string
-      lng: Longitude of the stop as a float or string
-      name: Name of the stop, which will appear in the feed
-    Returns:
-      A new Stop object
-    """
-    # TODO: stop_id isn't guarenteed to be unique and conflicts are not
-    # handled. Please fix.
-    stop_id = unicode(len(self.stops))
-    stop = Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=lat, lng=lng, name=name)
-    self.AddStopObject(stop)
-    return stop
-  def AddStopObject(self, stop, problem_reporter=None):
-    """Add Stop object to this schedule if stop_id is non-blank."""
-    assert stop._schedule is None
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if not stop.stop_id:
-      return
-    if stop.stop_id in self.stops:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('stop_id', stop.stop_id)
-      return
-    stop._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.AddTableColumns('stops', stop._ColumnNames())
-    self.stops[stop.stop_id] = stop
-    if hasattr(stop, 'zone_id') and stop.zone_id:
-      self.fare_zones[stop.zone_id] = True
-  def GetStopList(self):
-    return self.stops.values()
-  def AddRoute(self, short_name, long_name, route_type):
-    """Add a route to this schedule.
-    Args:
-      short_name: Short name of the route, such as "71L"
-      long_name: Full name of the route, such as "NW 21st Ave/St Helens Rd"
-      route_type: A type such as "Tram", "Subway" or "Bus"
-    Returns:
-      A new Route object
-    """
-    route_id = unicode(len(self.routes))
-    route = Route(short_name=short_name, long_name=long_name,
-                  route_type=route_type, route_id=route_id)
-    route.agency_id = self.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id
-    self.AddRouteObject(route)
-    return route
-  def AddRouteObject(self, route, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    route.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if route.route_id in self.routes:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('route_id', route.route_id)
-      return
-    if route.agency_id not in self._agencies:
-      if not route.agency_id and len(self._agencies) == 1:
-        # we'll just assume that the route applies to the only agency
-        pass
-      else:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('agency_id', route.agency_id,
-                                      'Route uses an unknown agency_id.')
-        return
-    self.AddTableColumns('routes', route._ColumnNames())
-    route._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.routes[route.route_id] = route
-  def GetRouteList(self):
-    return self.routes.values()
-  def GetRoute(self, route_id):
-    return self.routes[route_id]
-  def AddShapeObject(self, shape, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    shape.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if shape.shape_id in self._shapes:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('shape_id', shape.shape_id)
-      return
-    self._shapes[shape.shape_id] = shape
-  def GetShapeList(self):
-    return self._shapes.values()
-  def GetShape(self, shape_id):
-    return self._shapes[shape_id]
-  def AddTripObject(self, trip, problem_reporter=None, validate=True):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if trip.trip_id in self.trips:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('trip_id', trip.trip_id)
-      return
-    self.AddTableColumns('trips', trip._ColumnNames())
-    trip._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.trips[trip.trip_id] = trip
-    # Call Trip.Validate after setting trip._schedule so that references
-    # are checked. trip.ValidateChildren will be called directly by
-    # schedule.Validate, after stop_times has been loaded.
-    if validate:
-      if not problem_reporter:
-        problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-      trip.Validate(problem_reporter, validate_children=False)
-    try:
-      self.routes[trip.route_id]._AddTripObject(trip)
-    except KeyError:
-      # Invalid route_id was reported in the Trip.Validate call above
-      pass
-  def GetTripList(self):
-    return self.trips.values()
-  def GetTrip(self, trip_id):
-    return self.trips[trip_id]
-  def AddFareObject(self, fare, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    fare.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if fare.fare_id in self.fares:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('fare_id', fare.fare_id)
-      return
-    self.fares[fare.fare_id] = fare
-  def GetFareList(self):
-    return self.fares.values()
-  def GetFare(self, fare_id):
-    return self.fares[fare_id]
-  def AddFareRuleObject(self, rule, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if IsEmpty(rule.fare_id):
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('fare_id')
-      return
-    if rule.route_id and rule.route_id not in self.routes:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('route_id', rule.route_id)
-    if rule.origin_id and rule.origin_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('origin_id', rule.origin_id)
-    if rule.destination_id and rule.destination_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('destination_id', rule.destination_id)
-    if rule.contains_id and rule.contains_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('contains_id', rule.contains_id)
-    if rule.fare_id in self.fares:
-      self.GetFare(rule.fare_id).rules.append(rule)
-    else:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('fare_id', rule.fare_id,
-                                    '(This fare_id doesn\'t correspond to any '
-                                    'of the IDs defined in the '
-                                    'fare attributes.)')
-  def AddTransferObject(self, transfer, problem_reporter=None):
-    assert transfer._schedule is None, "only add Transfer to a schedule once"
-    transfer._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)  # See weakref comment at top
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    transfer.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self._transfers.append(transfer)
-  def GetTransferList(self):
-    return self._transfers
-  def GetStop(self, id):
-    return self.stops[id]
-  def GetFareZones(self):
-    """Returns the list of all fare zones that have been identified by
-    the stops that have been added."""
-    return self.fare_zones.keys()
-  def GetNearestStops(self, lat, lon, n=1):
-    """Return the n nearest stops to lat,lon"""
-    dist_stop_list = []
-    for s in self.stops.values():
-      # TODO: Use ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops?
-      dist = (s.stop_lat - lat)**2 + (s.stop_lon - lon)**2
-      if len(dist_stop_list) < n:
-        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
-      elif dist < dist_stop_list[-1][0]:
-        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
-        dist_stop_list.pop()  # Remove stop with greatest distance
-    return [stop for dist, stop in dist_stop_list]
-  def GetStopsInBoundingBox(self, north, east, south, west, n):
-    """Return a sample of up to n stops in a bounding box"""
-    stop_list = []
-    for s in self.stops.values():
-      if (s.stop_lat <= north and s.stop_lat >= south and
-          s.stop_lon <= east and s.stop_lon >= west):
-        stop_list.append(s)
-        if len(stop_list) == n:
-          break
-    return stop_list
-  def Load(self, feed_path, extra_validation=False):
-    loader = Loader(feed_path, self, problems=self.problem_reporter,
-                    extra_validation=extra_validation)
-    loader.Load()
-  def _WriteArchiveString(self, archive, filename, stringio):
-    zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
-    # See
-    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434641/how-do-i-set-permissions-attributes-on-a-file-in-a-zip-file-using-pythons-zipf
-    zi.external_attr = 0666 << 16L  # Set unix permissions to -rw-rw-rw
-    # ZIP_DEFLATED requires zlib. zlib comes with Python 2.4 and 2.5
-    zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
-    archive.writestr(zi, stringio.getvalue())
-  def WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self, file):
-    """Output this schedule as a Google Transit Feed in file_name.
-    Args:
-      file: path of new feed file (a string) or a file-like object
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    # Compression type given when adding each file
-    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w')
-    if 'agency' in self._table_columns:
-      agency_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(agency_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('agency')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for a in self._agencies.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(a[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'agency.txt', agency_string)
-    calendar_dates_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_dates_string)
-    writer.writerow(ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES)
-    has_data = False
-    for period in self.service_periods.values():
-      for row in period.GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples():
-        has_data = True
-        writer.writerow(row)
-    wrote_calendar_dates = False
-    if has_data:
-      wrote_calendar_dates = True
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar_dates.txt',
-                               calendar_dates_string)
-    calendar_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_string)
-    writer.writerow(ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES)
-    has_data = False
-    for s in self.service_periods.values():
-      row = s.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple()
-      if row:
-        has_data = True
-        writer.writerow(row)
-    if has_data or not wrote_calendar_dates:
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar.txt', calendar_string)
-    if 'stops' in self._table_columns:
-      stop_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('stops')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for s in self.stops.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(s[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stops.txt', stop_string)
-    if 'routes' in self._table_columns:
-      route_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(route_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('routes')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for r in self.routes.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(r[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'routes.txt', route_string)
-    if 'trips' in self._table_columns:
-      trips_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(trips_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('trips')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for t in self.trips.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(t[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'trips.txt', trips_string)
-    # write frequencies.txt (if applicable)
-    headway_rows = []
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      headway_rows += trip.GetHeadwayPeriodOutputTuples()
-    if headway_rows:
-      headway_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(headway_string)
-      writer.writerow(Trip._FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY)
-      writer.writerows(headway_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'frequencies.txt', headway_string)
-    # write fares (if applicable)
-    if self.GetFareList():
-      fare_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(fare_string)
-      writer.writerow(Fare._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(f.GetFieldValuesTuple() for f in self.GetFareList())
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_attributes.txt', fare_string)
-    # write fare rules (if applicable)
-    rule_rows = []
-    for fare in self.GetFareList():
-      for rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
-        rule_rows.append(rule.GetFieldValuesTuple())
-    if rule_rows:
-      rule_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(rule_string)
-      writer.writerow(FareRule._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(rule_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_rules.txt', rule_string)
-    stop_times_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_times_string)
-    writer.writerow(StopTime._FIELD_NAMES)
-    for t in self.trips.values():
-      writer.writerows(t._GenerateStopTimesTuples())
-    self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stop_times.txt', stop_times_string)
-    # write shapes (if applicable)
-    shape_rows = []
-    for shape in self.GetShapeList():
-      seq = 1
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        shape_rows.append((shape.shape_id, lat, lon, seq, dist))
-        seq += 1
-    if shape_rows:
-      shape_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(shape_string)
-      writer.writerow(Shape._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(shape_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'shapes.txt', shape_string)
-    # write transfers (if applicable)
-    if self.GetTransferList():
-      transfer_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(transfer_string)
-      writer.writerow(Transfer._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(f.GetFieldValuesTuple() for f in self.GetTransferList())
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'transfers.txt', transfer_string)
-    archive.close()
-  def GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(self, date_start, date_end):
-    """Return a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures).
-    The list is generated for dates in the range [date_start, date_end).
-    Args:
-      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
-      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
-    Returns:
-      a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures) tuples
-    """
-    service_id_to_trips = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    service_id_to_departures = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      headway_start_times = trip.GetHeadwayStartTimes()
-      if headway_start_times:
-        trip_runs = len(headway_start_times)
-      else:
-        trip_runs = 1
-      service_id_to_trips[trip.service_id] += trip_runs
-      service_id_to_departures[trip.service_id] += (
-          (trip.GetCountStopTimes() - 1) * trip_runs)
-    date_services = self.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date_start, date_end)
-    date_trips = []
-    for date, services in date_services:
-      day_trips = sum(service_id_to_trips[s.service_id] for s in services)
-      day_departures = sum(
-          service_id_to_departures[s.service_id] for s in services)
-      date_trips.append((date, day_trips, day_departures))
-    return date_trips
-  def ValidateFeedStartAndExpirationDates(self, 
-                                          problems, 
-                                          first_date, 
-                                          last_date, 
-                                          today):
-    """Validate the start and expiration dates of the feed.
-       Issue a warning if it only starts in the future, or if
-       it expires within 60 days.
-    Args:
-      problems: The problem reporter object
-      first_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is active
-      last_date: A date object representing the last day the feed is active
-      today: A date object representing the date the validation is being run on
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    warning_cutoff = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
-    if last_date < warning_cutoff:
-        problems.ExpirationDate(time.mktime(last_date.timetuple()))
-    if first_date > today:
-      problems.FutureService(time.mktime(first_date.timetuple()))
-  def ValidateServiceGaps(self,
-                          problems,
-                          validation_start_date,
-                          validation_end_date,
-                          service_gap_interval):
-    """Validate consecutive dates without service in the feed.
-       Issue a warning if it finds service gaps of at least 
-       "service_gap_interval" consecutive days in the date range
-       [validation_start_date, last_service_date)
-    Args:
-      problems: The problem reporter object
-      validation_start_date: A date object representing the date from which the
-                             validation should take place
-      validation_end_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is 
-                        active
-      service_gap_interval: An integer indicating how many consecutive days the 
-                            service gaps need to have for a warning to be issued
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if service_gap_interval is None:
-      return
-    departures = self.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(validation_start_date,
-                                                      validation_end_date)
-    # The first day without service of the _current_ gap
-    first_day_without_service = validation_start_date
-    # The last day without service of the _current_ gap
-    last_day_without_service = validation_start_date
-    consecutive_days_without_service = 0
-    for day_date, day_trips, _ in departures:
-      if day_trips == 0:
-        if consecutive_days_without_service == 0:
-            first_day_without_service = day_date
-        consecutive_days_without_service += 1
-        last_day_without_service = day_date
-      else:
-        if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
-            problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
-                                               last_day_without_service, 
-                                               consecutive_days_without_service)
-        consecutive_days_without_service = 0
-    # We have to check if there is a gap at the end of the specified date range
-    if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
-      problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
-                                         last_day_without_service, 
-                                         consecutive_days_without_service)
-  def Validate(self,
-               problems=None,
-               validate_children=True,
-               today=None,
-               service_gap_interval=None):
-    """Validates various holistic aspects of the schedule
-       (mostly interrelationships between the various data sets)."""
-    if today is None:
-      today = datetime.date.today()
-    if not problems:
-      problems = self.problem_reporter
-    (start_date, end_date) = self.GetDateRange()
-    if not end_date or not start_date:
-      problems.OtherProblem('This feed has no effective service dates!',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    else:
-        try:
-          last_service_day = datetime.datetime(
-              *(time.strptime(end_date, "%Y%m%d")[0:6])).date()
-          first_service_day = datetime.datetime(
-              *(time.strptime(start_date, "%Y%m%d")[0:6])).date()
-        except ValueError:
-          # Format of start_date and end_date checked in class ServicePeriod
-          pass
-        else:
-          self.ValidateFeedStartAndExpirationDates(problems,
-                                                   first_service_day,
-                                                   last_service_day,
-                                                   today)
-          # We start checking for service gaps a bit in the past if the
-          # feed was active then. See
-          # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=188
-          #
-          # We subtract 1 from service_gap_interval so that if today has
-          # service no warning is issued.
-          #
-          # Service gaps are searched for only up to one year from today
-          if service_gap_interval is not None:
-            service_gap_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(
-                                        days=service_gap_interval - 1)
-            one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365)
-            self.ValidateServiceGaps(
-                problems,
-                max(first_service_day,
-                    today - service_gap_timedelta),
-                min(last_service_day,
-                    today + one_year),
-                service_gap_interval)
-    # TODO: Check Trip fields against valid values
-    # Check for stops that aren't referenced by any trips and broken
-    # parent_station references. Also check that the parent station isn't too
-    # far from its child stops.
-    for stop in self.stops.values():
-      if validate_children:
-        stop.Validate(problems)
-      cursor = self._connection.cursor()
-      cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM stop_times WHERE stop_id=? LIMIT 1",
-                     (stop.stop_id,))
-      count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
-      if stop.location_type == 0 and count == 0:
-          problems.UnusedStop(stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name)
-      elif stop.location_type == 1 and count != 0:
-          problems.UsedStation(stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name)
-      if stop.location_type != 1 and stop.parent_station:
-        if stop.parent_station not in self.stops:
-          problems.InvalidValue("parent_station",
-                                EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                "parent_station '%s' not found for stop_id "
-                                "'%s' in stops.txt" %
-                                (EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                 EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id)))
-        elif self.stops[stop.parent_station].location_type != 1:
-          problems.InvalidValue("parent_station",
-                                EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                "parent_station '%s' of stop_id '%s' must "
-                                "have location_type=1 in stops.txt" %
-                                (EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                 EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id)))
-        else:
-          parent_station = self.stops[stop.parent_station]
-          distance = ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, parent_station)
-            problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-                stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, parent_station.stop_id,
-                parent_station.stop_name, distance, TYPE_ERROR)
-            problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-                stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, parent_station.stop_id,
-                parent_station.stop_name, distance, TYPE_WARNING)
-    #TODO: check that every station is used.
-    # Then uncomment testStationWithoutReference.
-    # Check for stops that might represent the same location (specifically,
-    # stops that are less that 2 meters apart) First filter out stops without a
-    # valid lat and lon. Then sort by latitude, then find the distance between
-    # each pair of stations within 2 meters latitude of each other. This avoids
-    # doing n^2 comparisons in the average case and doesn't need a spatial
-    # index.
-    sorted_stops = filter(lambda s: s.stop_lat and s.stop_lon,
-                          self.GetStopList())
-    sorted_stops.sort(key=(lambda x: x.stop_lat))
-    TWO_METERS_LAT = 0.000018
-    for index, stop in enumerate(sorted_stops[:-1]):
-      index += 1
-      while ((index < len(sorted_stops)) and
-             ((sorted_stops[index].stop_lat - stop.stop_lat) < TWO_METERS_LAT)):
-        distance  = ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, sorted_stops[index])
-        if distance < 2:
-          other_stop = sorted_stops[index]
-          if stop.location_type == 0 and other_stop.location_type == 0:
-            problems.StopsTooClose(
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_id), distance)
-          elif stop.location_type == 1 and other_stop.location_type == 1:
-            problems.StationsTooClose(
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_name), EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_id), distance)
-          elif (stop.location_type in (0, 1) and
-                other_stop.location_type  in (0, 1)):
-            if stop.location_type == 0 and other_stop.location_type == 1:
-              this_stop = stop
-              this_station = other_stop
-            elif stop.location_type == 1 and other_stop.location_type == 0:
-              this_stop = other_stop
-              this_station = stop
-            if this_stop.parent_station != this_station.stop_id:
-              problems.DifferentStationTooClose(
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_stop.stop_name),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_stop.stop_id),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_station.stop_name),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_station.stop_id), distance)
-        index += 1
-    # Check for multiple routes using same short + long name
-    route_names = {}
-    for route in self.routes.values():
-      if validate_children:
-        route.Validate(problems)
-      short_name = ''
-      if not IsEmpty(route.route_short_name):
-        short_name = route.route_short_name.lower().strip()
-      long_name = ''
-      if not IsEmpty(route.route_long_name):
-        long_name = route.route_long_name.lower().strip()
-      name = (short_name, long_name)
-      if name in route_names:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              long_name,
-                              'The same combination of '
-                              'route_short_name and route_long_name '
-                              'shouldn\'t be used for more than one '
-                              'route, as it is for the for the two routes '
-                              'with IDs "%s" and "%s".' %
-                              (route.route_id, route_names[name].route_id),
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      else:
-        route_names[name] = route
-    stop_types = {} # a dict mapping stop_id to [route_id, route_type, is_match]
-    trips = {} # a dict mapping tuple to (route_id, trip_id)
-    for trip in sorted(self.trips.values()):
-      if trip.route_id not in self.routes:
-        continue
-      route_type = self.GetRoute(trip.route_id).route_type
-      arrival_times = []
-      stop_ids = []
-      for index, st in enumerate(trip.GetStopTimes(problems)):
-        stop_id = st.stop.stop_id
-        arrival_times.append(st.arrival_time)
-        stop_ids.append(stop_id)
-        # Check a stop if which belongs to both subway and bus.
-        if (route_type == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Subway'] or
-            route_type == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Bus']):
-          if stop_id not in stop_types:
-            stop_types[stop_id] = [trip.route_id, route_type, 0]
-          elif (stop_types[stop_id][1] != route_type and
-                stop_types[stop_id][2] == 0):
-            stop_types[stop_id][2] = 1
-            if stop_types[stop_id][1] == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Subway']:
-              subway_route_id = stop_types[stop_id][0]
-              bus_route_id = trip.route_id
-            else:
-              subway_route_id = trip.route_id
-              bus_route_id = stop_types[stop_id][0]
-            problems.StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(st.stop.stop_name, stop_id,
-                                                subway_route_id, bus_route_id)
-      # Check duplicate trips which go through the same stops with same
-      # service and start times.
-      if self._check_duplicate_trips:
-        if not stop_ids or not arrival_times:
-          continue
-        key = (trip.service_id, min(arrival_times), str(stop_ids))
-        if key not in trips:
-          trips[key] = (trip.route_id, trip.trip_id)
-        else:
-          problems.DuplicateTrip(trips[key][1], trips[key][0], trip.trip_id,
-                                 trip.route_id)
-    # Check that routes' agency IDs are valid, if set
-    for route in self.routes.values():
-      if (not IsEmpty(route.agency_id) and
-          not route.agency_id in self._agencies):
-        problems.InvalidValue('agency_id',
-                              route.agency_id,
-                              'The route with ID "%s" specifies agency_id '
-                              '"%s", which doesn\'t exist.' %
-                              (route.route_id, route.agency_id))
-    # Make sure all trips have stop_times
-    # We're doing this here instead of in Trip.Validate() so that
-    # Trips can be validated without error during the reading of trips.txt
-    for trip in self.trips.values():
-      trip.ValidateChildren(problems)
-      count_stop_times = trip.GetCountStopTimes()
-      if not count_stop_times:
-        problems.OtherProblem('The trip with the trip_id "%s" doesn\'t have '
-                              'any stop times defined.' % trip.trip_id,
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        if len(trip._headways) > 0:  # no stoptimes, but there are headways
-          problems.OtherProblem('Frequencies defined, but no stop times given '
-                                'in trip %s' % trip.trip_id, type=TYPE_ERROR)
-      elif count_stop_times == 1:
-        problems.OtherProblem('The trip with the trip_id "%s" only has one '
-                              'stop on it; it should have at least one more '
-                              'stop so that the riders can leave!' %
-                              trip.trip_id, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      else:
-        # These methods report InvalidValue if there's no first or last time
-        trip.GetStartTime(problems=problems)
-        trip.GetEndTime(problems=problems)
-    # Check for unused shapes
-    known_shape_ids = set(self._shapes.keys())
-    used_shape_ids = set()
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      used_shape_ids.add(trip.shape_id)
-    unused_shape_ids = known_shape_ids - used_shape_ids
-    if unused_shape_ids:
-      problems.OtherProblem('The shapes with the following shape_ids aren\'t '
-                            'used by any trips: %s' %
-                            ', '.join(unused_shape_ids),
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-# Map from literal string that should never be found in the csv data to a human
-# readable description
-    "\x0c": "ASCII Form Feed 0x0C",
-    # May be part of end of line, but not found elsewhere
-    "\x0d": "ASCII Carriage Return 0x0D, \\r",
-    "\xe2\x80\xa8": "Unicode LINE SEPARATOR U+2028",
-    "\xe2\x80\xa9": "Unicode PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR U+2029",
-    "\xc2\x85": "Unicode NEXT LINE SEPARATOR U+0085",
-class EndOfLineChecker:
-  """Wrapper for a file-like object that checks for consistent line ends.
-  The check for consistent end of lines (all CR LF or all LF) only happens if
-  next() is called until it raises StopIteration.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, f, name, problems):
-    """Create new object.
-    Args:
-      f: file-like object to wrap
-      name: name to use for f. StringIO objects don't have a name attribute.
-      problems: a ProblemReporterBase object
-    """
-    self._f = f
-    self._name = name
-    self._crlf = 0
-    self._crlf_examples = []
-    self._lf = 0
-    self._lf_examples = []
-    self._line_number = 0  # first line will be number 1
-    self._problems = problems
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return self
-  def next(self):
-    """Return next line without end of line marker or raise StopIteration."""
-    try:
-      next_line = self._f.next()
-    except StopIteration:
-      self._FinalCheck()
-      raise
-    self._line_number += 1
-    m_eol = re.search(r"[\x0a\x0d]*$", next_line)
-    if m_eol.group() == "\x0d\x0a":
-      self._crlf += 1
-      if self._crlf <= 5:
-        self._crlf_examples.append(self._line_number)
-    elif m_eol.group() == "\x0a":
-      self._lf += 1
-      if self._lf <= 5:
-        self._lf_examples.append(self._line_number)
-    elif m_eol.group() == "":
-      # Should only happen at the end of the file
-      try:
-        self._f.next()
-        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected row without new line sequence")
-      except StopIteration:
-        # Will be raised again when EndOfLineChecker.next() is next called
-        pass
-    else:
-      self._problems.InvalidLineEnd(
-        codecs.getencoder('string_escape')(m_eol.group())[0],
-        (self._name, self._line_number))
-    next_line_contents = next_line[0:m_eol.start()]
-    for seq, name in INVALID_LINE_SEPARATOR_UTF8.items():
-      if next_line_contents.find(seq) != -1:
-        self._problems.OtherProblem(
-          "Line contains %s" % name,
-          context=(self._name, self._line_number))
-    return next_line_contents
-  def _FinalCheck(self):
-    if self._crlf > 0 and self._lf > 0:
-      crlf_plural = self._crlf > 1 and "s" or ""
-      crlf_lines = ", ".join(["%s" % e for e in self._crlf_examples])
-      if self._crlf > len(self._crlf_examples):
-        crlf_lines += ", ..."
-      lf_plural = self._lf > 1 and "s" or ""
-      lf_lines = ", ".join(["%s" % e for e in self._lf_examples])
-      if self._lf > len(self._lf_examples):
-        lf_lines += ", ..."
-      self._problems.OtherProblem(
-          "Found %d CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line end%s (line%s %s) and "
-          "%d LF \"\\n\" line end%s (line%s %s). A file must use a "
-          "consistent line end." % (self._crlf, crlf_plural, crlf_plural,
-                                   crlf_lines, self._lf, lf_plural,
-                                   lf_plural, lf_lines),
-          (self._name,))
-      # Prevent _FinalCheck() from reporting the problem twice, in the unlikely
-      # case that it is run twice
-      self._crlf = 0
-      self._lf = 0
-# Filenames specified in GTFS spec
-  'agency.txt',
-  'stops.txt',
-  'routes.txt',
-  'trips.txt',
-  'stop_times.txt',
-  'calendar.txt',
-  'calendar_dates.txt',
-  'fare_attributes.txt',
-  'fare_rules.txt',
-  'shapes.txt',
-  'frequencies.txt',
-  'transfers.txt',
-class Loader:
-  def __init__(self,
-               feed_path=None,
-               schedule=None,
-               problems=default_problem_reporter,
-               extra_validation=False,
-               load_stop_times=True,
-               memory_db=True,
-               zip=None,
-               check_duplicate_trips=False):
-    """Initialize a new Loader object.
-    Args:
-      feed_path: string path to a zip file or directory
-      schedule: a Schedule object or None to have one created
-      problems: a ProblemReporter object, the default reporter raises an
-        exception for each problem
-      extra_validation: True if you would like extra validation
-      load_stop_times: load the stop_times table, used to speed load time when
-        times are not needed. The default is True.
-      memory_db: if creating a new Schedule object use an in-memory sqlite
-        database instead of creating one in a temporary file
-      zip: a zipfile.ZipFile object, optionally used instead of path
-    """
-    if not schedule:
-      schedule = Schedule(problem_reporter=problems, memory_db=memory_db,
-                          check_duplicate_trips=check_duplicate_trips)
-    self._extra_validation = extra_validation
-    self._schedule = schedule
-    self._problems = problems
-    self._path = feed_path
-    self._zip = zip
-    self._load_stop_times = load_stop_times
-  def _DetermineFormat(self):
-    """Determines whether the feed is in a form that we understand, and
-       if so, returns True."""
-    if self._zip:
-      # If zip was passed to __init__ then path isn't used
-      assert not self._path
-      return True
-    if not isinstance(self._path, basestring) and hasattr(self._path, 'read'):
-      # A file-like object, used for testing with a StringIO file
-      self._zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path, mode='r')
-      return True
-    if not os.path.exists(self._path):
-      self._problems.FeedNotFound(self._path)
-      return False
-    if self._path.endswith('.zip'):
-      try:
-        self._zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path, mode='r')
-      except IOError:  # self._path is a directory
-        pass
-      except zipfile.BadZipfile:
-        self._problems.UnknownFormat(self._path)
-        return False
-    if not self._zip and not os.path.isdir(self._path):
-      self._problems.UnknownFormat(self._path)
-      return False
-    return True
-  def _GetFileNames(self):
-    """Returns a list of file names in the feed."""
-    if self._zip:
-      return self._zip.namelist()
-    else:
-      return os.listdir(self._path)
-  def _CheckFileNames(self):
-    filenames = self._GetFileNames()
-    for feed_file in filenames:
-      if feed_file not in KNOWN_FILENAMES:
-        if not feed_file.startswith('.'):
-          # Don't worry about .svn files and other hidden files
-          # as this will break the tests.
-          self._problems.UnknownFile(feed_file)
-  def _GetUtf8Contents(self, file_name):
-    """Check for errors in file_name and return a string for csv reader."""
-    contents = self._FileContents(file_name)
-    if not contents:  # Missing file
-      return
-    # Check for errors that will prevent csv.reader from working
-    if len(contents) >= 2 and contents[0:2] in (codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE,
-        codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):
-      self._problems.FileFormat("appears to be encoded in utf-16", (file_name, ))
-      # Convert and continue, so we can find more errors
-      contents = codecs.getdecoder('utf-16')(contents)[0].encode('utf-8')
-    null_index = contents.find('\0')
-    if null_index != -1:
-      # It is easier to get some surrounding text than calculate the exact
-      # row_num
-      m = re.search(r'.{,20}\0.{,20}', contents, re.DOTALL)
-      self._problems.FileFormat(
-          "contains a null in text \"%s\" at byte %d" %
-          (codecs.getencoder('string_escape')(m.group()), null_index + 1),
-          (file_name, ))
-      return
-    # strip out any UTF-8 Byte Order Marker (otherwise it'll be
-    # treated as part of the first column name, causing a mis-parse)
-    contents = contents.lstrip(codecs.BOM_UTF8)
-    return contents
-  def _ReadCsvDict(self, file_name, all_cols, required):
-    """Reads lines from file_name, yielding a dict of unicode values."""
-    assert file_name.endswith(".txt")
-    table_name = file_name[0:-4]
-    contents = self._GetUtf8Contents(file_name)
-    if not contents:
-      return
-    eol_checker = EndOfLineChecker(StringIO.StringIO(contents),
-                                   file_name, self._problems)
-    # The csv module doesn't provide a way to skip trailing space, but when I
-    # checked 15/675 feeds had trailing space in a header row and 120 had spaces
-    # after fields. Space after header fields can cause a serious parsing
-    # problem, so warn. Space after body fields can cause a problem time,
-    # integer and id fields; they will be validated at higher levels.
-    reader = csv.reader(eol_checker, skipinitialspace=True)
-    raw_header = reader.next()
-    header_occurrences = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    header = []
-    valid_columns = []  # Index into raw_header and raw_row
-    for i, h in enumerate(raw_header):
-      h_stripped = h.strip()
-      if not h_stripped:
-        self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row should not contain any blank values. "
-                        "The corresponding column will be skipped for the "
-                        "entire file.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_ERROR)
-        continue
-      elif h != h_stripped:
-        self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row should not contain any "
-                        "space characters.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      header.append(h_stripped)
-      valid_columns.append(i)
-      header_occurrences[h_stripped] += 1
-    for name, count in header_occurrences.items():
-      if count > 1:
-        self._problems.DuplicateColumn(
-            header=name,
-            file_name=file_name,
-            count=count)
-    self._schedule._table_columns[table_name] = header
-    # check for unrecognized columns, which are often misspellings
-    unknown_cols = set(header) - set(all_cols)
-    if len(unknown_cols) == len(header):
-      self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row did not contain any known column "
-                        "names. The file is most likely missing the header row "
-                        "or not in the expected CSV format.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_ERROR)
-    else:
-      for col in unknown_cols:
-        # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-        # columns in the validator output
-        context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-        self._problems.UnrecognizedColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    missing_cols = set(required) - set(header)
-    for col in missing_cols:
-      # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-      # columns in the validator output
-      context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-      self._problems.MissingColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    line_num = 1  # First line read by reader.next() above
-    for raw_row in reader:
-      line_num += 1
-      if len(raw_row) == 0:  # skip extra empty lines in file
-        continue
-      if len(raw_row) > len(raw_header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found too many cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (line_num, file_name),
-                                    (file_name, line_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if len(raw_row) < len(raw_header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found missing cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (line_num, file_name),
-                                    (file_name, line_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      # raw_row is a list of raw bytes which should be valid utf-8. Convert each
-      # valid_columns of raw_row into Unicode.
-      valid_values = []
-      unicode_error_columns = []  # index of valid_values elements with an error
-      for i in valid_columns:
-        try:
-          valid_values.append(raw_row[i].decode('utf-8'))
-        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-          # Replace all invalid characters with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD)
-          valid_values.append(codecs.getdecoder("utf8")
-                              (raw_row[i], errors="replace")[0])
-          unicode_error_columns.append(len(valid_values) - 1)
-        except IndexError:
-          break
-      # The error report may contain a dump of all values in valid_values so
-      # problems can not be reported until after converting all of raw_row to
-      # Unicode.
-      for i in unicode_error_columns:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue(header[i], valid_values[i],
-                                    'Unicode error',
-                                    (file_name, line_num,
-                                     valid_values, header))
-      d = dict(zip(header, valid_values))
-      yield (d, line_num, header, valid_values)
-  # TODO: Add testing for this specific function
-  def _ReadCSV(self, file_name, cols, required):
-    """Reads lines from file_name, yielding a list of unicode values
-    corresponding to the column names in cols."""
-    contents = self._GetUtf8Contents(file_name)
-    if not contents:
-      return
-    eol_checker = EndOfLineChecker(StringIO.StringIO(contents),
-                                   file_name, self._problems)
-    reader = csv.reader(eol_checker)  # Use excel dialect
-    header = reader.next()
-    header = map(lambda x: x.strip(), header)  # trim any whitespace
-    header_occurrences = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    for column_header in header:
-      header_occurrences[column_header] += 1
-    for name, count in header_occurrences.items():
-      if count > 1:
-        self._problems.DuplicateColumn(
-            header=name,
-            file_name=file_name,
-            count=count)
-    # check for unrecognized columns, which are often misspellings
-    unknown_cols = set(header).difference(set(cols))
-    for col in unknown_cols:
-      # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-      # columns in the validator output
-      context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-      self._problems.UnrecognizedColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    col_index = [-1] * len(cols)
-    for i in range(len(cols)):
-      if cols[i] in header:
-        col_index[i] = header.index(cols[i])
-      elif cols[i] in required:
-        self._problems.MissingColumn(file_name, cols[i])
-    row_num = 1
-    for row in reader:
-      row_num += 1
-      if len(row) == 0:  # skip extra empty lines in file
-        continue
-      if len(row) > len(header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found too many cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (row_num, file_name), (file_name, row_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if len(row) < len(header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found missing cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (row_num, file_name), (file_name, row_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      result = [None] * len(cols)
-      unicode_error_columns = []  # A list of column numbers with an error
-      for i in range(len(cols)):
-        ci = col_index[i]
-        if ci >= 0:
-          if len(row) <= ci:  # handle short CSV rows
-            result[i] = u''
-          else:
-            try:
-              result[i] = row[ci].decode('utf-8').strip()
-            except UnicodeDecodeError:
-              # Replace all invalid characters with
-              result[i] = codecs.getdecoder("utf8")(row[ci],
-                                                    errors="replace")[0].strip()
-              unicode_error_columns.append(i)
-      for i in unicode_error_columns:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue(cols[i], result[i],
-                                    'Unicode error',
-                                    (file_name, row_num, result, cols))
-      yield (result, row_num, cols)
-  def _HasFile(self, file_name):
-    """Returns True if there's a file in the current feed with the
-       given file_name in the current feed."""
-    if self._zip:
-      return file_name in self._zip.namelist()
-    else:
-      file_path = os.path.join(self._path, file_name)
-      return os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path)
-  def _FileContents(self, file_name):
-    results = None
-    if self._zip:
-      try:
-        results = self._zip.read(file_name)
-      except KeyError:  # file not found in archve
-        self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-        return None
-    else:
-      try:
-        data_file = open(os.path.join(self._path, file_name), 'rb')
-        results = data_file.read()
-      except IOError:  # file not found
-        self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-        return None
-    if not results:
-      self._problems.EmptyFile(file_name)
-    return results
-  def _LoadAgencies(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict('agency.txt',
-                                              Agency._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Agency._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('agency.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      agency = Agency(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadStops(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'stops.txt',
-                                         Stop._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Stop._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('stops.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      stop = Stop(field_dict=d)
-      stop.Validate(self._problems)
-      self._schedule.AddStopObject(stop, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadRoutes(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'routes.txt',
-                                         Route._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Route._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('routes.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      route = Route(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddRouteObject(route, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadCalendar(self):
-    file_name = 'calendar.txt'
-    file_name_dates = 'calendar_dates.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name) and not self._HasFile(file_name_dates):
-      self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-      return
-    # map period IDs to (period object, (file_name, row_num, row, cols))
-    periods = {}
-    # process calendar.txt
-    if self._HasFile(file_name):
-      has_useful_contents = False
-      for (row, row_num, cols) in \
-              self._ReadCSV(file_name,
-                            ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES,
-                            ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED):
-        context = (file_name, row_num, row, cols)
-        self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-        period = ServicePeriod(field_list=row)
-        if period.service_id in periods:
-          self._problems.DuplicateID('service_id', period.service_id)
-        else:
-          periods[period.service_id] = (period, context)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # process calendar_dates.txt
-    if self._HasFile(file_name_dates):
-      # ['service_id', 'date', 'exception_type']
-      fields = ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES
-      for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV(file_name_dates,
-                                                fields, fields):
-        context = (file_name_dates, row_num, row, cols)
-        self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-        service_id = row[0]
-        period = None
-        if service_id in periods:
-          period = periods[service_id][0]
-        else:
-          period = ServicePeriod(service_id)
-          periods[period.service_id] = (period, context)
-        exception_type = row[2]
-        if exception_type == u'1':
-          period.SetDateHasService(row[1], True, self._problems)
-        elif exception_type == u'2':
-          period.SetDateHasService(row[1], False, self._problems)
-        else:
-          self._problems.InvalidValue('exception_type', exception_type)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # Now insert the periods into the schedule object, so that they're
-    # validated with both calendar and calendar_dates info present
-    for period, context in periods.values():
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-      self._schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(period, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadShapes(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('shapes.txt'):
-      return
-    shapes = {}  # shape_id to tuple
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('shapes.txt',
-                                              Shape._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Shape._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      file_context = ('shapes.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-      (shape_id, lat, lon, seq, dist) = row
-      if IsEmpty(shape_id):
-        self._problems.MissingValue('shape_id')
-        continue
-      try:
-        seq = int(seq)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', seq,
-                                    'Value should be a number (0 or higher)')
-        continue
-      shapes.setdefault(shape_id, []).append((seq, lat, lon, dist, file_context))
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    for shape_id, points in shapes.items():
-      shape = Shape(shape_id)
-      points.sort()
-      if points and points[0][0] < 0:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', points[0][0],
-                                    'In shape %s, a negative sequence number '
-                                    '%d was found; sequence numbers should be '
-                                    '0 or higher.' % (shape_id, points[0][0]))
-      last_seq = None
-      for (seq, lat, lon, dist, file_context) in points:
-        if (seq == last_seq):
-          self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-          self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', seq,
-                                      'The sequence number %d occurs more '
-                                      'than once in shape %s.' %
-                                      (seq, shape_id))
-        last_seq = seq
-        shape.AddPoint(lat, lon, dist, self._problems)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-      self._schedule.AddShapeObject(shape, self._problems)
-  def _LoadTrips(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'trips.txt',
-                                         Trip._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Trip._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('trips.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      trip = Trip(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddTripObject(trip, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadFares(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('fare_attributes.txt'):
-      return
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('fare_attributes.txt',
-                                              Fare._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Fare._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('fare_attributes.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      fare = Fare(field_list=row)
-      self._schedule.AddFareObject(fare, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadFareRules(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('fare_rules.txt'):
-      return
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('fare_rules.txt',
-                                              FareRule._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              FareRule._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('fare_rules.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      rule = FareRule(field_list=row)
-      self._schedule.AddFareRuleObject(rule, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadHeadways(self):
-    file_name = 'frequencies.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name):  # headways are an optional feature
-      return
-    # ['trip_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'headway_secs']
-    fields = Trip._FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY
-    modified_trips = {}
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV(file_name, fields, fields):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(file_name, row_num, row, cols)
-      (trip_id, start_time, end_time, headway_secs) = row
-      try:
-        trip = self._schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-        trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(start_time, end_time, headway_secs,
-                              self._problems)
-        modified_trips[trip_id] = trip
-      except KeyError:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('trip_id', trip_id)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    for trip in modified_trips.values():
-      trip.Validate(self._problems)
-  def _LoadStopTimes(self):
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('stop_times.txt',
-                                              StopTime._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              StopTime._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      file_context = ('stop_times.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-      (trip_id, arrival_time, departure_time, stop_id, stop_sequence,
-         stop_headsign, pickup_type, drop_off_type, shape_dist_traveled) = row
-      try:
-        sequence = int(stop_sequence)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', stop_sequence,
-                                    'This should be a number.')
-        continue
-      if sequence < 0:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', sequence,
-                                    'Sequence numbers should be 0 or higher.')
-      if stop_id not in self._schedule.stops:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_id', stop_id,
-                                    'This value wasn\'t defined in stops.txt')
-        continue
-      stop = self._schedule.stops[stop_id]
-      if trip_id not in self._schedule.trips:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('trip_id', trip_id,
-                                    'This value wasn\'t defined in trips.txt')
-        continue
-      trip = self._schedule.trips[trip_id]
-      # If self._problems.Report returns then StopTime.__init__ will return
-      # even if the StopTime object has an error. Thus this code may add a
-      # StopTime that didn't validate to the database.
-      # Trip.GetStopTimes then tries to make a StopTime from the invalid data
-      # and calls the problem reporter for errors. An ugly solution is to
-      # wrap problems and a better solution is to move all validation out of
-      # __init__. For now make sure Trip.GetStopTimes gets a problem reporter
-      # when called from Trip.Validate.
-      stop_time = StopTime(self._problems, stop, arrival_time,
-                           departure_time, stop_headsign,
-                           pickup_type, drop_off_type,
-                           shape_dist_traveled, stop_sequence=sequence)
-      trip._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stop_time, self._schedule)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # stop_times are validated in Trip.ValidateChildren, called by
-    # Schedule.Validate
-  def _LoadTransfers(self):
-    file_name = 'transfers.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name):  # transfers are an optional feature
-      return
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(file_name,
-                                              Transfer._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Transfer._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(file_name, row_num, row, header)
-      transfer = Transfer(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddTransferObject(transfer, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def Load(self):
-    self._problems.ClearContext()
-    if not self._DetermineFormat():
-      return self._schedule
-    self._CheckFileNames()
-    self._LoadAgencies()
-    self._LoadStops()
-    self._LoadRoutes()
-    self._LoadCalendar()
-    self._LoadShapes()
-    self._LoadTrips()
-    self._LoadHeadways()
-    if self._load_stop_times:
-      self._LoadStopTimes()
-    self._LoadFares()
-    self._LoadFareRules()
-    self._LoadTransfers()
-    if self._zip:
-      self._zip.close()
-      self._zip = None
-    if self._extra_validation:
-      self._schedule.Validate(self._problems, validate_children=False)
-    return self._schedule
-class ShapeLoader(Loader):
-  """A subclass of Loader that only loads the shapes from a GTFS file."""
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize a new ShapeLoader object.
-    See Loader.__init__ for argument documentation.
-    """
-    Loader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-  def Load(self):
-    self._LoadShapes()
-    return self._schedule

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/transitfeed/shapelib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A library for manipulating points and polylines.
-This is a library for creating and manipulating points on the unit
-sphere, as an approximate model of Earth.  The primary use of this
-library is to make manipulation and matching of polylines easy in the
-transitfeed library.
-NOTE: in this library, Earth is modelled as a sphere, whereas
-GTFS specifies that latitudes and longitudes are in WGS84.  For the
-purpose of comparing and matching latitudes and longitudes that
-are relatively close together on the surface of the earth, this
-is adequate; for other purposes, this library may not be accurate
-__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
-import copy
-import decimal
-import heapq
-import math
-class ShapeError(Exception):
-  """Thrown whenever there is a shape parsing error."""
-  pass
-class Point(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a point on the unit sphere in three dimensions.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, x, y, z):
-    self.x = x
-    self.y = y
-    self.z = z
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash((self.x, self.y, self.z))
-  def __cmp__(self, other):
-    if not isinstance(other, Point):
-      raise TypeError('Point.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a "Point", '
-                      'not a "%s"' % type(other).__name__)
-    return cmp((self.x, self.y, self.z), (other.x, other.y, other.z))
-  def __str__(self):
-    return "(%.15f, %.15f, %.15f) " % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
-  def Norm2(self):
-    """
-    Returns the L_2 (Euclidean) norm of self.
-    """
-    sum = self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z
-    return math.sqrt(float(sum))
-  def IsUnitLength(self):
-    return abs(self.Norm2() - 1.0) < 1e-14
-  def Plus(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is the pointwise sum of self and other.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x + other.x,
-                 self.y + other.y,
-                 self.z + other.z)
-  def Minus(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is the pointwise subtraction of other from
-    self.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x - other.x,
-                 self.y - other.y,
-                 self.z - other.z)
-  def DotProd(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the (scalar) dot product of self with other.
-    """
-    return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
-  def Times(self, val):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is pointwise multiplied by val.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x * val, self.y * val, self.z * val)
-  def Normalize(self):
-    """
-    Returns a unit point in the same direction as self.
-    """
-    return self.Times(1 / self.Norm2())
-  def RobustCrossProd(self, other):
-    """
-    A robust version of cross product.  If self and other
-    are not nearly the same point, returns the same value
-    as CrossProd() modulo normalization.  Otherwise returns
-    an arbitrary unit point orthogonal to self.
-    """
-    assert(self.IsUnitLength() and other.IsUnitLength())
-    x = self.Plus(other).CrossProd(other.Minus(self))
-    if abs(x.x) > 1e-15 or abs(x.y) > 1e-15 or abs(x.z) > 1e-15:
-      return x.Normalize()
-    else:
-      return self.Ortho()
-  def LargestComponent(self):
-    """
-    Returns (i, val) where i is the component index (0 - 2)
-    which has largest absolute value and val is the value
-    of the component.
-    """
-    if abs(self.x) > abs(self.y):
-      if abs(self.x) > abs(self.z):
-        return (0, self.x)
-      else:
-        return (2, self.z)
-    else:
-      if abs(self.y) > abs(self.z):
-        return (1, self.y)
-      else:
-        return (2, self.z)
-  def Ortho(self):
-    """Returns a unit-length point orthogonal to this point"""
-    (index, val) = self.LargestComponent()
-    index = index - 1
-    if index < 0:
-      index = 2
-    temp = Point(0.012, 0.053, 0.00457)
-    if index == 0:
-      temp.x = 1
-    elif index == 1:
-      temp.y = 1
-    elif index == 2:
-      temp.z = 1
-    return self.CrossProd(temp).Normalize()
-  def CrossProd(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the cross product of self and other.
-    """
-    return Point(
-        self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y,
-        self.z * other.x - self.x * other.z,
-        self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x)
-  @staticmethod
-  def _approxEq(a, b):
-    return abs(a - b) < 1e-11
-  def Equals(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns true of self and other are approximately equal.
-    """
-    return (self._approxEq(self.x, other.x)
-            and self._approxEq(self.y, other.y)
-            and self._approxEq(self.z, other.z))
-  def Angle(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the angle in radians between self and other.
-    """
-    return math.atan2(self.CrossProd(other).Norm2(),
-                      self.DotProd(other))
-  def ToLatLng(self):
-    """
-    Returns that latitude and longitude that this point represents
-    under a spherical Earth model.
-    """
-    rad_lat = math.atan2(self.z, math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y))
-    rad_lng = math.atan2(self.y, self.x)
-    return (rad_lat * 180.0 / math.pi, rad_lng * 180.0 / math.pi)
-  @staticmethod
-  def FromLatLng(lat, lng):
-    """
-    Returns a new point representing this latitude and longitude under
-    a spherical Earth model.
-    """
-    phi = lat * (math.pi / 180.0)
-    theta = lng * (math.pi / 180.0)
-    cosphi = math.cos(phi)
-    return Point(math.cos(theta) * cosphi,
-                 math.sin(theta) * cosphi,
-                 math.sin(phi))
-  def GetDistanceMeters(self, other):
-    assert(self.IsUnitLength() and other.IsUnitLength())
-    return self.Angle(other) * EARTH_RADIUS_METERS
-def SimpleCCW(a, b, c):
-  """
-  Returns true if the triangle abc is oriented counterclockwise.
-  """
-  return c.CrossProd(a).DotProd(b) > 0
-def GetClosestPoint(x, a, b):
-  """
-  Returns the point on the great circle segment ab closest to x.
-  """
-  assert(x.IsUnitLength())
-  assert(a.IsUnitLength())
-  assert(b.IsUnitLength())
-  a_cross_b = a.RobustCrossProd(b)
-  # project to the great circle going through a and b
-  p = x.Minus(
-      a_cross_b.Times(
-      x.DotProd(a_cross_b) / a_cross_b.Norm2()))
-  # if p lies between a and b, return it
-  if SimpleCCW(a_cross_b, a, p) and SimpleCCW(p, b, a_cross_b):
-    return p.Normalize()
-  # otherwise return the closer of a or b
-  if x.Minus(a).Norm2() <= x.Minus(b).Norm2():
-    return a
-  else:
-    return b
-class Poly(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a polyline.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, points = [], name=None):
-    self._points = list(points)
-    self._name = name
-  def AddPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Adds a new point to the end of the polyline.
-    """
-    assert(p.IsUnitLength())
-    self._points.append(p)
-  def GetName(self):
-    return self._name
-  def GetPoint(self, i):
-    return self._points[i]
-  def GetPoints(self):
-    return self._points
-  def GetNumPoints(self):
-    return len(self._points)
-  def _GetPointSafe(self, i):
-    try:
-      return self.GetPoint(i)
-    except IndexError:
-      return None
-  def GetClosestPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Returns (closest_p, closest_i), where closest_p is the closest point
-    to p on the piecewise linear curve represented by the polyline,
-    and closest_i is the index of the point on the polyline just before
-    the polyline segment that contains closest_p.
-    """
-    assert(len(self._points) > 0)
-    closest_point = self._points[0]
-    closest_i = 0
-    for i in range(0, len(self._points) - 1):
-      (a, b) = (self._points[i], self._points[i+1])
-      cur_closest_point = GetClosestPoint(p, a, b)
-      if p.Angle(cur_closest_point) < p.Angle(closest_point):
-        closest_point = cur_closest_point.Normalize()
-        closest_i = i
-    return (closest_point, closest_i)
-  def LengthMeters(self):
-    """Return length of this polyline in meters."""
-    assert(len(self._points) > 0)
-    length = 0
-    for i in range(0, len(self._points) - 1):
-      length += self._points[i].GetDistanceMeters(self._points[i+1])
-    return length
-  def Reversed(self):
-    """Return a polyline that is the reverse of this polyline."""
-    return Poly(reversed(self.GetPoints()), self.GetName())
-  def CutAtClosestPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Let x be the point on the polyline closest to p.  Then
-    CutAtClosestPoint returns two new polylines, one representing
-    the polyline from the beginning up to x, and one representing
-    x onwards to the end of the polyline.  x is the first point
-    returned in the second polyline.
-    """
-    (closest, i) = self.GetClosestPoint(p)
-    tmp = [closest]
-    tmp.extend(self._points[i+1:])
-    return (Poly(self._points[0:i+1]),
-            Poly(tmp))
-  def GreedyPolyMatchDist(self, shape):
-    """
-    Tries a greedy matching algorithm to match self to the
-    given shape.  Returns the maximum distance in meters of
-    any point in self to its matched point in shape under the
-    algorithm.
-    Args: shape, a Poly object.
-    """
-    tmp_shape = Poly(shape.GetPoints())
-    max_radius = 0
-    for (i, point) in enumerate(self._points):
-      tmp_shape = tmp_shape.CutAtClosestPoint(point)[1]
-      dist = tmp_shape.GetPoint(0).GetDistanceMeters(point)
-      max_radius = max(max_radius, dist)
-    return max_radius
-  @staticmethod
-  def MergePolys(polys, merge_point_threshold=10):
-    """
-    Merge multiple polylines, in the order that they were passed in.
-    Merged polyline will have the names of their component parts joined by ';'.
-    Example: merging [a,b], [c,d] and [e,f] will result in [a,b,c,d,e,f].
-    However if the endpoints of two adjacent polylines are less than
-    merge_point_threshold meters apart, we will only use the first endpoint in
-    the merged polyline.
-    """
-    name = ";".join((p.GetName(), '')[p.GetName() is None] for p in polys)
-    merged = Poly([], name)
-    if polys:
-      first_poly = polys[0]
-      for p in first_poly.GetPoints():
-        merged.AddPoint(p)
-      last_point = merged._GetPointSafe(-1)
-      for poly in polys[1:]:
-        first_point = poly._GetPointSafe(0)
-        if (last_point and first_point and
-            last_point.GetDistanceMeters(first_point) <= merge_point_threshold):
-          points = poly.GetPoints()[1:]
-        else:
-          points = poly.GetPoints()
-        for p in points:
-          merged.AddPoint(p)
-        last_point = merged._GetPointSafe(-1)
-    return merged
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self._ToString(str)
-  def ToLatLngString(self):
-    return self._ToString(lambda p: str(p.ToLatLng()))
-  def _ToString(self, pointToStringFn):
-    return "%s: %s" % (self.GetName() or "",
-                       ", ".join([pointToStringFn(p) for p in self._points]))
-class PolyCollection(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a collection of polylines.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._name_to_shape = {}
-    pass
-  def AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling=True):
-    """
-    Adds a new polyline to the collection.
-    """
-    inserted_name = poly.GetName()
-    if poly.GetName() in self._name_to_shape:
-      if not smart_duplicate_handling:
-        raise ShapeError("Duplicate shape found: " + poly.GetName())
-      print ("Warning: duplicate shape id being added to collection: " +
-             poly.GetName())
-      if poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(self._name_to_shape[poly.GetName()]) < 10:
-        print "  (Skipping as it apears to be an exact duplicate)"
-      else:
-        print "  (Adding new shape variant with uniquified name)"
-        inserted_name = "%s-%d" % (inserted_name, len(self._name_to_shape))
-    self._name_to_shape[inserted_name] = poly
-  def NumPolys(self):
-    return len(self._name_to_shape)
-  def FindMatchingPolys(self, start_point, end_point, max_radius=150):
-    """
-    Returns a list of polylines in the collection that have endpoints
-    within max_radius of the given start and end points.
-    """
-    matches = []
-    for shape in self._name_to_shape.itervalues():
-      if start_point.GetDistanceMeters(shape.GetPoint(0)) < max_radius and \
-        end_point.GetDistanceMeters(shape.GetPoint(-1)) < max_radius:
-        matches.append(shape)
-    return matches
-class PolyGraph(PolyCollection):
-  """
-  A class representing a graph where the edges are polylines.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    PolyCollection.__init__(self)
-    self._nodes = {}
-  def AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling=True):
-    PolyCollection.AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling)
-    start_point = poly.GetPoint(0)
-    end_point = poly.GetPoint(-1)
-    self._AddNodeWithEdge(start_point, poly)
-    self._AddNodeWithEdge(end_point, poly)
-  def _AddNodeWithEdge(self, point, edge):
-    if point in self._nodes:
-      self._nodes[point].add(edge)
-    else:
-      self._nodes[point] = set([edge])
-  def ShortestPath(self, start, goal):
-    """Uses the A* algorithm to find a shortest path between start and goal.
-    For more background see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-star_algorithm
-    Some definitions:
-    g(x): The actual shortest distance traveled from initial node to current
-          node.
-    h(x): The estimated (or "heuristic") distance from current node to goal.
-          We use the distance on Earth from node to goal as the heuristic.
-          This heuristic is both admissible and monotonic (see wikipedia for
-          more details).
-    f(x): The sum of g(x) and h(x), used to prioritize elements to look at.
-    Arguments:
-      start: Point that is in the graph, start point of the search.
-      goal: Point that is in the graph, end point for the search.
-    Returns:
-      A Poly object representing the shortest polyline through the graph from
-      start to goal, or None if no path found.
-    """
-    assert start in self._nodes
-    assert goal in self._nodes
-    closed_set = set() # Set of nodes already evaluated.
-    open_heap = [(0, start)] # Nodes to visit, heapified by f(x).
-    open_set = set([start]) # Same as open_heap, but a set instead of a heap.
-    g_scores = { start: 0 } # Distance from start along optimal path
-    came_from = {} # Map to reconstruct optimal path once we're done.
-    while open_set:
-      (f_x, x) = heapq.heappop(open_heap)
-      open_set.remove(x)
-      if x == goal:
-        return self._ReconstructPath(came_from, goal)
-      closed_set.add(x)
-      edges = self._nodes[x]
-      for edge in edges:
-        if edge.GetPoint(0) == x:
-          y = edge.GetPoint(-1)
-        else:
-          y = edge.GetPoint(0)
-        if y in closed_set:
-          continue
-        tentative_g_score = g_scores[x] + edge.LengthMeters()
-        tentative_is_better = False
-        if y not in open_set:
-          h_y = y.GetDistanceMeters(goal)
-          f_y = tentative_g_score + h_y
-          open_set.add(y)
-          heapq.heappush(open_heap, (f_y, y))
-          tentative_is_better = True
-        elif tentative_g_score < g_scores[y]:
-          tentative_is_better = True
-        if tentative_is_better:
-          came_from[y] = (x, edge)
-          g_scores[y] = tentative_g_score
-    return None
-  def _ReconstructPath(self, came_from, current_node):
-    """
-    Helper method for ShortestPath, to reconstruct path.
-    Arguments:
-      came_from: a dictionary mapping Point to (Point, Poly) tuples.
-          This dictionary keeps track of the previous neighbor to a node, and
-          the edge used to get from the previous neighbor to the node.
-      current_node: the current Point in the path.
-    Returns:
-      A Poly that represents the path through the graph from the start of the
-      search to current_node.
-    """
-    if current_node in came_from:
-      (previous_node, previous_edge) = came_from[current_node]
-      if previous_edge.GetPoint(0) == current_node:
-        previous_edge = previous_edge.Reversed()
-      p = self._ReconstructPath(came_from, previous_node)
-      return Poly.MergePolys([p, previous_edge], merge_point_threshold=0)
-    else:
-      return Poly([], '')
-  def FindShortestMultiPointPath(self, points, max_radius=150, keep_best_n=10,
-                                 verbosity=0):
-    """
-    Return a polyline, representing the shortest path through this graph that
-    has edge endpoints on each of a given list of points in sequence.  We allow
-    fuzziness in matching of input points to points in this graph.
-    We limit ourselves to a view of the best keep_best_n paths at any time, as a
-    greedy optimization.
-    """
-    assert len(points) > 1
-    nearby_points = []
-    paths_found = [] # A heap sorted by inverse path length.
-    for i, point in enumerate(points):
-      nearby = [p for p in self._nodes.iterkeys()
-                if p.GetDistanceMeters(point) < max_radius]
-      if verbosity >= 2:
-        print ("Nearby points for point %d %s: %s"
-               % (i + 1,
-                  str(point.ToLatLng()),
-                  ", ".join([str(n.ToLatLng()) for n in nearby])))
-      if nearby:
-        nearby_points.append(nearby)
-      else:
-        print "No nearby points found for point %s" % str(point.ToLatLng())
-        return None
-    pathToStr = lambda start, end, path: ("  Best path %s -> %s: %s"
-                                          % (str(start.ToLatLng()),
-                                             str(end.ToLatLng()),
-                                             path and path.GetName() or
-                                             "None"))
-    if verbosity >= 3:
-      print "Step 1"
-    step = 2
-    start_points = nearby_points[0]
-    end_points = nearby_points[1]
-    for start in start_points:
-      for end in end_points:
-        path = self.ShortestPath(start, end)
-        if verbosity >= 3:
-          print pathToStr(start, end, path)
-        PolyGraph._AddPathToHeap(paths_found, path, keep_best_n)
-    for possible_points in nearby_points[2:]:
-      if verbosity >= 3:
-        print "\nStep %d" % step
-        step += 1
-      new_paths_found = []
-      start_end_paths = {} # cache of shortest paths between (start, end) pairs
-      for score, path in paths_found:
-        start = path.GetPoint(-1)
-        for end in possible_points:
-          if (start, end) in start_end_paths:
-            new_segment = start_end_paths[(start, end)]
-          else:
-            new_segment = self.ShortestPath(start, end)
-            if verbosity >= 3:
-              print pathToStr(start, end, new_segment)
-            start_end_paths[(start, end)] = new_segment
-          if new_segment:
-            new_path = Poly.MergePolys([path, new_segment],
-                                       merge_point_threshold=0)
-            PolyGraph._AddPathToHeap(new_paths_found, new_path, keep_best_n)
-      paths_found = new_paths_found
-    if paths_found:
-      best_score, best_path = max(paths_found)
-      return best_path
-    else:
-      return None
-  @staticmethod
-  def _AddPathToHeap(heap, path, keep_best_n):
-    if path and path.GetNumPoints():
-      new_item = (-path.LengthMeters(), path)
-      if new_item not in heap:
-        if len(heap) < keep_best_n:
-          heapq.heappush(heap, new_item)
-        else:
-          heapq.heapreplace(heap, new_item)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/lib/transitfeed/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import sys
-class OptionParserLongError(optparse.OptionParser):
-  """OptionParser subclass that includes list of options above error message."""
-  def error(self, msg):
-    print >>sys.stderr, self.format_help()
-    print >>sys.stderr, '\n\n%s: error: %s\n\n' % (self.get_prog_name(), msg)
-    sys.exit(2)
-def RunWithCrashHandler(f):
-  try:
-    exit_code = f()
-    sys.exit(exit_code)
-  except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
-    raise
-  except:
-    import inspect
-    import traceback
-    # Save trace and exception now. These calls look at the most recently
-    # raised exception. The code that makes the report might trigger other
-    # exceptions.
-    original_trace = inspect.trace(3)[1:]
-    formatted_exception = traceback.format_exception_only(*(sys.exc_info()[:2]))
-    apology = """Yikes, the program threw an unexpected exception!
-Hopefully a complete report has been saved to transitfeedcrash.txt,
-though if you are seeing this message we've already disappointed you once
-today. Please include the report in a new issue at
-or an email to the public group googletransitdatafeed@googlegroups.com. Sorry!
-    dashes = '%s\n' % ('-' * 60)
-    dump = []
-    dump.append(apology)
-    dump.append(dashes)
-    try:
-      import transitfeed
-      dump.append("transitfeed version %s\n\n" % transitfeed.__version__)
-    except NameError:
-      # Oh well, guess we won't put the version in the report
-      pass
-    for (frame_obj, filename, line_num, fun_name, context_lines,
-         context_index) in original_trace:
-      dump.append('File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename, line_num,
-                                                   fun_name))
-      if context_lines:
-        for (i, line) in enumerate(context_lines):
-          if i == context_index:
-            dump.append(' --> %s' % line)
-          else:
-            dump.append('     %s' % line)
-      for local_name, local_val in frame_obj.f_locals.items():
-        try:
-          truncated_val = str(local_val)[0:500]
-        except Exception, e:
-          dump.append('    Exception in str(%s): %s' % (local_name, e))
-        else:
-          if len(truncated_val) >= 500:
-            truncated_val = '%s...' % truncated_val[0:499]
-          dump.append('    %s = %s\n' % (local_name, truncated_val))
-      dump.append('\n')
-    dump.append(''.join(formatted_exception))
-    open('transitfeedcrash.txt', 'w').write(''.join(dump))
-    print ''.join(dump)
-    print
-    print dashes
-    print apology
-    try:
-      raw_input('Press enter to continue...')
-    except EOFError:
-      # Ignore stdin being closed. This happens during some tests.
-      pass
-    sys.exit(127)
-# Pick one of two defaultdict implementations. A native version was added to
-# the collections library in python 2.5. If that is not available use Jason's
-# pure python recipe. He gave us permission to distribute it.
-# On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 07:27, jason kirtland <jek at discorporate.us> wrote:
-# >
-# > Hi Tom, sure thing!  It's not easy to find on the cookbook site, but the
-# > recipe is under the Python license.
-# >
-# > Cheers,
-# > Jason
-# >
-# > On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Tom Brown <tom.brown.code@gmail.com> wrote:
-# >
-# >> I would like to include http://code.activestate.com/recipes/523034/ in
-# >> http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/TransitFeedDistribution
-# >> which is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with Copyright
-# >> Google. May we include your code with a comment in the source pointing at
-# >> the original URL?  Thanks, Tom Brown
-  # Try the native implementation first
-  from collections import defaultdict
-  # Fallback for python2.4, which didn't include collections.defaultdict
-  class defaultdict(dict):
-    def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw):
-      if (default_factory is not None and
-        not hasattr(default_factory, '__call__')):
-        raise TypeError('first argument must be callable')
-      dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
-      self.default_factory = default_factory
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-      try:
-        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
-      except KeyError:
-        return self.__missing__(key)
-    def __missing__(self, key):
-      if self.default_factory is None:
-        raise KeyError(key)
-      self[key] = value = self.default_factory()
-      return value
-    def __reduce__(self):
-      if self.default_factory is None:
-        args = tuple()
-      else:
-        args = self.default_factory,
-      return type(self), args, None, None, self.items()
-    def copy(self):
-      return self.__copy__()
-    def __copy__(self):
-      return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)
-    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
-      import copy
-      return type(self)(self.default_factory,
-                        copy.deepcopy(self.items()))
-    def __repr__(self):
-      return 'defaultdict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory,
-                                      dict.__repr__(self))

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/feedvalidator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Validates a GTFS file.
-For usage information run feedvalidator.py --help
-import bisect
-import codecs
-import datetime
-from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
-import optparse
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_WARNING
-from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
-from transitfeed import util
-import webbrowser
-SVN_TAG_URL = 'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/tags/'
-def MaybePluralizeWord(count, word):
-  if count == 1:
-    return word
-  else:
-    return word + 's'
-def PrettyNumberWord(count, word):
-  return '%d %s' % (count, MaybePluralizeWord(count, word))
-def UnCamelCase(camel):
-  return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', camel)
-def ProblemCountText(error_count, warning_count):
-  results = []
-  if error_count:
-    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(error_count, 'error'))
-  if warning_count:
-    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(warning_count, 'warning'))
-  return ' and '.join(results)
-def CalendarSummary(schedule):
-  today = datetime.date.today()
-  summary_end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
-  start_date, end_date = schedule.GetDateRange()
-  if not start_date or not end_date:
-    return {}
-  try:
-    start_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(start_date)
-    end_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(end_date)
-  except ValueError:
-    return {}
-  # Get the list of trips only during the period the feed is active.
-  # As such we have to check if it starts in the future and/or if
-  # if it ends in less than 60 days.
-  date_trips_departures = schedule.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(
-                              max(today, start_date_object),
-                              min(summary_end_date, end_date_object))
-  if not date_trips_departures:
-    return {}
-  # Check that the dates which will be shown in summary agree with these
-  # calculations. Failure implies a bug which should be fixed. It isn't good
-  # for users to discover assertion failures but means it will likely be fixed.
-  assert start_date <= date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
-  assert end_date >= date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
-  # Generate a map from int number of trips in a day to a list of date objects
-  # with that many trips. The list of dates is sorted.
-  trips_dates = defaultdict(lambda: [])
-  trips = 0
-  for date, day_trips, day_departures in date_trips_departures:
-    trips += day_trips
-    trips_dates[day_trips].append(date)
-  mean_trips = trips / len(date_trips_departures)
-  max_trips = max(trips_dates.keys())
-  min_trips = min(trips_dates.keys())
-  calendar_summary = {}
-  calendar_summary['mean_trips'] = mean_trips
-  calendar_summary['max_trips'] = max_trips
-  calendar_summary['max_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[max_trips])
-  calendar_summary['min_trips'] = min_trips
-  calendar_summary['min_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[min_trips])
-  calendar_summary['date_trips_departures'] = date_trips_departures
-  calendar_summary['date_summary_range'] = "%s to %s" % (
-      date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%a %b %d"),
-      date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%a %b %d"))
-  return calendar_summary
-def FormatDateList(dates):
-  if not dates:
-    return "0 service dates"
-  formatted = [d.strftime("%a %b %d") for d in dates[0:3]]
-  if len(dates) > 3:
-    formatted.append("...")
-  return "%s (%s)" % (PrettyNumberWord(len(dates), "service date"),
-                      ", ".join(formatted))
-def MaxVersion(versions):
-  versions = filter(None, versions)
-  versions.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp([int(item) for item in x.split('.')],
-                                 [int(item) for item in y.split('.')]))
-  if len(versions) > 0:
-    return versions[0]
-class CountingConsoleProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self)
-    self._error_count = 0
-    self._warning_count = 0
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter._Report(self, e)
-    if e.IsError():
-      self._error_count += 1
-    else:
-      self._warning_count += 1
-  def ErrorCount(self):
-    return self._error_count
-  def WarningCount(self):
-    return self._warning_count
-  def FormatCount(self):
-    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
-  def HasIssues(self):
-    return self.ErrorCount() or self.WarningCount()
-class BoundedProblemList(object):
-  """A list of one type of ExceptionWithContext objects with bounded size."""
-  def __init__(self, size_bound):
-    self._count = 0
-    self._exceptions = []
-    self._size_bound = size_bound
-  def Add(self, e):
-    self._count += 1
-    try:
-      bisect.insort(self._exceptions, e)
-    except TypeError:
-      # The base class ExceptionWithContext raises this exception in __cmp__
-      # to signal that an object is not comparable. Instead of keeping the most
-      # significant issue keep the first reported.
-      if self._count <= self._size_bound:
-        self._exceptions.append(e)
-    else:
-      # self._exceptions is in order. Drop the least significant if the list is
-      # now too long.
-      if self._count > self._size_bound:
-        del self._exceptions[-1]
-  def _GetDroppedCount(self):
-    return self._count - len(self._exceptions)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<BoundedProblemList %s>" % repr(self._exceptions)
-  count = property(lambda s: s._count)
-  dropped_count = property(_GetDroppedCount)
-  problems = property(lambda s: s._exceptions)
-class LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self, limit_per_type):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self)
-    # {TYPE_WARNING: {"ClassName": BoundedProblemList()}}
-    self._type_to_name_to_problist = {
-      TYPE_WARNING: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type)),
-      TYPE_ERROR: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type))
-    }
-  def HasIssues(self):
-    return (self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR] or
-            self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING])
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    self._type_to_name_to_problist[e.GetType()][e.__class__.__name__].Add(e)
-  def ErrorCount(self):
-    error_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR].values()
-    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, error_sets))
-  def WarningCount(self):
-    warning_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING].values()
-    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, warning_sets))
-  def ProblemList(self, problem_type, class_name):
-    """Return the BoundedProblemList object for given type and class."""
-    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type][class_name]
-  def ProblemListMap(self, problem_type):
-    """Return the map from class name to BoundedProblemList object."""
-    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type]
-class HTMLCountingProblemReporter(LimitPerTypeProblemReporter):
-  def FormatType(self, f, level_name, class_problist):
-    """Write the HTML dumping all problems of one type.
-    Args:
-      f: file object open for writing
-      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
-      class_problist: sequence of tuples (class name,
-          BoundedProblemList object)
-    """
-    class_problist.sort()
-    output = []
-    for classname, problist in class_problist:
-      output.append('<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="%s%s">%s</a></h4><ul>\n' %
-                    (level_name, classname, UnCamelCase(classname)))
-      for e in problist.problems:
-        self.FormatException(e, output)
-      if problist.dropped_count:
-        output.append('<li>and %d more of this type.' %
-                      (problist.dropped_count))
-      output.append('</ul>\n')
-    f.write(''.join(output))
-  def FormatTypeSummaryTable(self, level_name, name_to_problist):
-    """Return an HTML table listing the number of problems by class name.
-    Args:
-      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
-      name_to_problist: dict mapping class name to an BoundedProblemList object
-    Returns:
-      HTML in a string
-    """
-    output = []
-    output.append('<table>')
-    for classname in sorted(name_to_problist.keys()):
-      problist = name_to_problist[classname]
-      human_name = MaybePluralizeWord(problist.count, UnCamelCase(classname))
-      output.append('<tr><td>%d</td><td><a href="#%s%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' %
-                    (problist.count, level_name, classname, human_name))
-    output.append('</table>\n')
-    return ''.join(output)
-  def FormatException(self, e, output):
-    """Append HTML version of e to list output."""
-    d = e.GetDictToFormat()
-    for k in ('file_name', 'feedname', 'column_name'):
-      if k in d.keys():
-        d[k] = '<code>%s</code>' % d[k]
-    problem_text = e.FormatProblem(d).replace('\n', '<br>')
-    output.append('<li>')
-    output.append('<div class="problem">%s</div>' %
-                  transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(problem_text))
-    try:
-      if hasattr(e, 'row_num'):
-        line_str = 'line %d of ' % e.row_num
-      else:
-        line_str = ''
-      output.append('in %s<code>%s</code><br>\n' %
-                    (line_str, e.file_name))
-      row = e.row
-      headers = e.headers
-      column_name = e.column_name
-      table_header = ''  # HTML
-      table_data = ''  # HTML
-      for header, value in zip(headers, row):
-        attributes = ''
-        if header == column_name:
-          attributes = ' class="problem"'
-        table_header += '<th%s>%s</th>' % (attributes, header)
-        table_data += '<td%s>%s</td>' % (attributes, value)
-      # Make sure output is encoded into UTF-8
-      output.append('<table class="dump"><tr>%s</tr>\n' %
-                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_header))
-      output.append('<tr>%s</tr></table>\n' %
-                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_data))
-    except AttributeError, e:
-      pass  # Hope this was getting an attribute from e ;-)
-    output.append('<br></li>\n')
-  def FormatCount(self):
-    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
-  def CountTable(self):
-    output = []
-    output.append('<table class="count_outside">\n')
-    output.append('<tr>')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
-                    PrettyNumberWord(self.ErrorCount(), "error"))
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
-                    PrettyNumberWord(self.WarningCount(), "warning"))
-    output.append('</tr>\n<tr>')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      output.append('<td>\n')
-      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Error",
-                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR)))
-      output.append('</td>\n')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      output.append('<td>\n')
-      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Warning",
-                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING)))
-      output.append('</td>\n')
-    output.append('</table>')
-    return ''.join(output)
-  def WriteOutput(self, feed_location, f, schedule, other_problems):
-    """Write the html output to f."""
-    if self.HasIssues():
-      if self.ErrorCount() + self.WarningCount() == 1:
-        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found this problem:</span>\n%s' %
-                   self.CountTable())
-      else:
-        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>\n%s' %
-                   self.CountTable())
-    else:
-      summary = '<span class="pass">feed validated successfully</span>'
-    if other_problems is not None:
-      summary = ('<span class="fail">\n%s</span><br><br>' %
-                 other_problems) + summary
-    basename = os.path.basename(feed_location)
-    feed_path = (feed_location[:feed_location.rfind(basename)], basename)
-    agencies = ', '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (a.agency_url, a.agency_name)
-                          for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
-    if not agencies:
-      agencies = '?'
-    dates = "No valid service dates found"
-    (start, end) = schedule.GetDateRange()
-    if start and end:
-      def FormatDate(yyyymmdd):
-        src_format = "%Y%m%d"
-        dst_format = "%B %d, %Y"
-        try:
-          return time.strftime(dst_format,
-                               time.strptime(yyyymmdd, src_format))
-        except ValueError:
-          return yyyymmdd
-      formatted_start = FormatDate(start)
-      formatted_end = FormatDate(end)
-      dates = "%s to %s" % (formatted_start, formatted_end)
-    calendar_summary = CalendarSummary(schedule)
-    if calendar_summary:
-      calendar_summary_html = """<br>
-During the upcoming service dates %(date_summary_range)s:
-<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">%(mean_trips)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(max_trips)s, on %(max_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(min_trips)s, on %(min_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
-</table>""" % calendar_summary
-    else:
-      calendar_summary_html = ""
-    output_prefix = """
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-<title>FeedValidator: %(feed_file)s</title>
-body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
-.path {color: gray}
-div.problem {max-width: 500px}
-table.dump td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.dump td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.count_outside td {vertical-align: top}
-table.count_outside {border-spacing: 0px; }
-table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
-h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 0.5em}
-h4.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
-.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
-.fail {background-color: yellow}
-.pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt}
-.header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
-th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
-.footer {font-size: 10pt}
-GTFS validation results for feed:<br>
-<code><span class="path">%(feed_dir)s</span><b>%(feed_file)s</b></code>
-<tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header">%(agencies)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">%(routes)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">%(stops)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">%(trips)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">%(shapes)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">%(dates)s</td></tr>
-""" % { "feed_file": feed_path[1],
-        "feed_dir": feed_path[0],
-        "agencies": agencies,
-        "routes": len(schedule.GetRouteList()),
-        "stops": len(schedule.GetStopList()),
-        "trips": len(schedule.GetTripList()),
-        "shapes": len(schedule.GetShapeList()),
-        "dates": dates,
-        "problem_summary": summary,
-        "calendar_summary": calendar_summary_html}
-# In output_suffix string
-# time.strftime() returns a regular local time string (not a Unicode one) with
-# default system encoding. And decode() will then convert this time string back
-# into a Unicode string. We use decode() here because we don't want the operating
-# system to do any system encoding (which may cause some problem if the string
-# contains some non-English characters) for the string. Therefore we decode it
-# back to its original Unicode code print.
-    time_unicode = (time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z').
-                    decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
-    output_suffix = """
-<div class="footer">
-Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
-FeedValidator</a> version %s on %s.
-</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__, time_unicode)
-    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3>')
-      self.FormatType(f, "Error",
-                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR).items())
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3>')
-      self.FormatType(f, "Warning",
-                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING).items())
-    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
-def RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
-  """Validate feed, output results per options and return an exit code."""
-  if options.output.upper() == "CONSOLE":
-    return RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options)
-  else:
-    return RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, options.output)
-def RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, output_filename):
-  """Validate feed, save HTML at output_filename and return an exit code."""
-  try:
-    output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')
-    exit_code = RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file)
-    output_file.close()
-  except IOError, e:
-    print 'Error while writing %s: %s' % (output_filename, e)
-    output_filename = None
-    exit_code = 2
-  if options.manual_entry and output_filename:
-    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(output_filename))
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file):
-  """Validate feed, write HTML to output_file and return an exit code."""
-  problems = HTMLCountingProblemReporter(options.limit_per_type)
-  schedule, exit_code, other_problems_string = RunValidation(feed, options,
-                                                             problems)
-  if isinstance(feed, basestring):
-    feed_location = feed
-  else:
-    feed_location = getattr(feed, 'name', repr(feed))
-  problems.WriteOutput(feed_location, output_file, schedule,
-                       other_problems_string)
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options):
-  """Validate feed, print reports and return an exit code."""
-  problems = CountingConsoleProblemReporter()
-  _, exit_code, _ = RunValidation(feed, options, problems)
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidation(feed, options, problems):
-  """Validate feed, returning the loaded Schedule and exit code.
-  Args:
-    feed: GTFS file, either path of the file as a string or a file object
-    options: options object returned by optparse
-    problems: transitfeed.ProblemReporter instance
-  Returns:
-    a transitfeed.Schedule object, exit code and plain text string of other
-    problems
-    Exit code is 1 if problems are found and 0 if the Schedule is problem free.
-    plain text string is '' if no other problems are found.
-  """
-  other_problems_string = CheckVersion(latest_version=options.latest_version)
-  print 'validating %s' % feed
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed, problems=problems, extra_validation=False,
-                              memory_db=options.memory_db,
-                              check_duplicate_trips=\
-                              options.check_duplicate_trips)
-  schedule = loader.Load()
-  schedule.Validate(service_gap_interval=options.service_gap_interval)
-  if feed == 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt':
-    # See test/testfeedvalidator.py
-    raise Exception('For testing the feed validator crash handler.')
-  if other_problems_string:
-    print other_problems_string
-  if problems.HasIssues():
-    print 'ERROR: %s found' % problems.FormatCount()
-    return schedule, 1, other_problems_string
-  else:
-    print 'feed validated successfully'
-    return schedule, 0, other_problems_string
-def CheckVersion(latest_version=''):
-  """
-  Check there is newer version of this project.
-  Codes are based on http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
-  Already got permission from the copyright holder.
-  """
-  current_version = transitfeed.__version__
-  if not latest_version:
-    timeout = 20
-    socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
-    request = Request(SVN_TAG_URL)
-    try:
-      response = urlopen(request)
-      content = response.read()
-      versions = re.findall(r'>transitfeed-([\d\.]+)\/<\/a>', content)
-      latest_version = MaxVersion(versions)
-    except HTTPError, e:
-      return('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request. Error code: %s.'
-             % e.code)
-    except URLError, e:
-      return('We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: %s.' % e.reason)
-  if not latest_version:
-    return('We had trouble parsing the contents of %s.' % SVN_TAG_URL)
-  newest_version = MaxVersion([latest_version, current_version])
-  if current_version != newest_version:
-    return('A new version %s of transitfeed is available. Please visit '
-           'http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed and download.'
-           % newest_version)
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
-Validates GTFS file (or directory) <input GTFS.zip> and writes a HTML
-report of the results to validation-results.html.
-If <input GTFS.zip> is ommited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-For more information see
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='do not prompt for feed location or load output in '
-                    'browser')
-  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
-                    help='write html output to FILE or --output=CONSOLE to '
-                    'print all errors and warnings to the command console')
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--performance', action='store_true',
-                    dest='performance',
-                    help='output memory and time performance (Availability: '
-                    'Unix')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
-                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
-                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--duplicate_trip_check',
-                    dest='check_duplicate_trips', action='store_true',
-                    help='Check for duplicate trips which go through the same '
-                    'stops with same service and start times')
-  parser.add_option('-l', '--limit_per_type',
-                    dest='limit_per_type', action='store', type='int',
-                    help='Maximum number of errors and warnings to keep of '
-                    'each type')
-  parser.add_option('--latest_version', dest='latest_version',
-                    action='store',
-                    help='a version number such as 1.2.1 or None to get the '
-                    'latest version from code.google.com. Output a warning if '
-                    'transitfeed.py is older than this version.')
-  parser.add_option('--service_gap_interval', 
-                    dest='service_gap_interval',
-                    action='store',
-                    type='int',
-                    help='the number of consecutive days to search for with no '
-                    'scheduled service. For each interval with no service '
-                    'having this number of days or more a warning will be '
-                    'issued')
-  parser.set_defaults(manual_entry=True, output='validation-results.html',
-                      memory_db=False, check_duplicate_trips=False,
-                      limit_per_type=5, latest_version='',
-                      service_gap_interval=13)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not len(args) == 1:
-    if options.manual_entry:
-      feed = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ')
-    else:
-      parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed')
-  else:
-    feed = args[0]
-  feed = feed.strip('"')
-  if options.performance:
-    return ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
-  else:
-    return RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
-def ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
-  """Run RunValidationOutputFromOptions, print profile and return exit code."""
-  import cProfile
-  import pstats
-  # runctx will modify a dict, but not locals(). We need a way to get rv back.
-  locals_for_exec = locals()
-  cProfile.runctx('rv = RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)',
-                  globals(), locals_for_exec, 'validate-stats')
-  # Only available on Unix, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-resource.html
-  import resource
-  print "Time: %d seconds" % (
-      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime +
-      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime)
-  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/286222
-  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/ "The recipes are freely
-  # available for review and use."
-  def _VmB(VmKey):
-    """Return size from proc status in bytes."""
-    _proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid()
-    _scale = {'kB': 1024.0, 'mB': 1024.0*1024.0,
-              'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': 1024.0*1024.0}
-     # get pseudo file  /proc/<pid>/status
-    try:
-        t = open(_proc_status)
-        v = t.read()
-        t.close()
-    except:
-        raise Exception("no proc file %s" % _proc_status)
-        return 0  # non-Linux?
-     # get VmKey line e.g. 'VmRSS:  9999  kB\n ...'
-    i = v.index(VmKey)
-    v = v[i:].split(None, 3)  # whitespace
-    if len(v) < 3:
-        raise Exception("%s" % v)
-        return 0  # invalid format?
-     # convert Vm value to bytes
-    return int(float(v[1]) * _scale[v[2]])
-  # I ran this on over a hundred GTFS files, comparing VmSize to VmRSS
-  # (resident set size). The difference was always under 2% or 3MB.
-  print "Virtual Memory Size: %d bytes" % _VmB('VmSize:')
-  # Output report of where CPU time was spent.
-  p = pstats.Stats('validate-stats')
-  p.strip_dirs()
-  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30)
-  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_callers(30)
-  return locals_for_exec['rv']
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/kmlparser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This package provides implementation of a converter from a kml
-file format into Google transit feed format.
-The KmlParser class is the main class implementing the parser.
-Currently only information about stops is extracted from a kml file.
-The extractor expects the stops to be represented as placemarks with
-a single point.
-import re
-import string
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-import zipfile
-class Placemark(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.name = ""
-    self.coordinates = []
-  def IsPoint(self):
-    return len(self.coordinates) == 1
-  def IsLine(self):
-    return len(self.coordinates) > 1
-class KmlParser(object):
-  def __init__(self, stopNameRe = '(.*)'):
-    """
-    Args:
-      stopNameRe - a regular expression to extract a stop name from a
-                   placemaker name
-    """
-    self.stopNameRe = re.compile(stopNameRe)
-  def Parse(self, filename, feed):
-    """
-    Reads the kml file, parses it and updated the Google transit feed
-    object with the extracted information.
-    Args:
-      filename - kml file name
-      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
-    """
-    dom = minidom.parse(filename)
-    self.ParseDom(dom, feed)
-  def ParseDom(self, dom, feed):
-    """
-    Parses the given kml dom tree and updates the Google transit feed object.
-    Args:
-      dom - kml dom tree
-      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
-    """
-    shape_num = 0
-    for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Placemark'):
-      p = self.ParsePlacemark(node)
-      if p.IsPoint():
-        (lon, lat) = p.coordinates[0]
-        m = self.stopNameRe.search(p.name)
-        feed.AddStop(lat, lon, m.group(1))
-      elif p.IsLine():
-        shape_num = shape_num + 1
-        shape = transitfeed.Shape("kml_shape_" + str(shape_num))
-        for (lon, lat) in p.coordinates:
-          shape.AddPoint(lat, lon)
-        feed.AddShapeObject(shape)
-  def ParsePlacemark(self, node):
-    ret = Placemark()
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeName == 'name':
-        ret.name = self.ExtractText(child)
-      if child.nodeName == 'Point' or child.nodeName == 'LineString':
-        ret.coordinates = self.ExtractCoordinates(child)
-    return ret
-  def ExtractText(self, node):
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
-        return child.wholeText  # is a unicode string
-    return ""
-  def ExtractCoordinates(self, node):
-    coordinatesText = ""
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeName == 'coordinates':
-        coordinatesText = self.ExtractText(child)
-        break
-    ret = []
-    for point in coordinatesText.split():
-      coords = point.split(',')
-      ret.append((float(coords[0]), float(coords[1])))
-    return ret
-def main():
-  usage = \
-"""%prog <input.kml> <output GTFS.zip>
-Reads KML file <input.kml> and creates GTFS file <output GTFS.zip> with
-placemarks in the KML represented as stops.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
-  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
-    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
-  parser = KmlParser()
-  feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  feed.save_all_stops = True
-  parser.Parse(args[0], feed)
-  feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(args[1])
-  print "Done."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/kmlwriter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A module for writing GTFS feeds out into Google Earth KML format.
-For usage information run kmlwriter.py --help
-If no output filename is specified, the output file will be given the same
-name as the feed file (with ".kml" appended) and will be placed in the same
-directory as the input feed.
-The resulting KML file has a folder hierarchy which looks like this:
-    - Stops
-      * stop1
-      * stop2
-    - Routes
-      - route1
-        - Shapes
-          * shape1
-          * shape2
-        - Patterns
-          - pattern1
-          - pattern2
-        - Trips
-          * trip1
-          * trip2
-    - Shapes
-      * shape1
-      - Shape Points
-        * shape_point1
-        * shape_point2
-      * shape2
-      - Shape Points
-        * shape_point1
-        * shape_point2
-where the hyphens represent folders and the asteriks represent placemarks.
-In a trip, a vehicle visits stops in a certain sequence. Such a sequence of
-stops is called a pattern. A pattern is represented by a linestring connecting
-the stops. The "Shapes" subfolder of a route folder contains placemarks for
-each shape used by a trip in the route. The "Patterns" subfolder contains a
-placemark for each unique pattern used by a trip in the route. The "Trips"
-subfolder contains a placemark for each trip in the route.
-Since there can be many trips and trips for the same route are usually similar,
-they are not exported unless the --showtrips option is used. There is also
-another option --splitroutes that groups the routes by vehicle type resulting
-in a folder hierarchy which looks like this at the top level:
-    - Stops
-    - Routes - Bus
-    - Routes - Tram
-    - Routes - Rail
-    - Shapes
-  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
-except ImportError, e:
-  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
-import optparse
-import os.path
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-class KMLWriter(object):
-  """This class knows how to write out a transit feed as KML.
-  Sample usage:
-    KMLWriter().Write(<transitfeed.Schedule object>, <output filename>)
-  Attributes:
-    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be included in the routes.
-    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be placed on ground.
-    split_routes: True if the routes should be split by type.
-    shape_points: True if individual shape points should be plotted.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialise."""
-    self.show_trips = False
-    self.split_routes = False
-    self.shape_points = False
-    self.altitude_per_sec = 0.0
-    self.date_filter = None
-  def _SetIndentation(self, elem, level=0):
-    """Indented the ElementTree DOM.
-    This is the recommended way to cause an ElementTree DOM to be
-    prettyprinted on output, as per: http://effbot.org/zone/element-lib.htm
-    Run this on the root element before outputting the tree.
-    Args:
-      elem: The element to start indenting from, usually the document root.
-      level: Current indentation level for recursion.
-    """
-    i = "\n" + level*"  "
-    if len(elem):
-      if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
-        elem.text = i + "  "
-      for elem in elem:
-        self._SetIndentation(elem, level+1)
-      if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
-        elem.tail = i
-    else:
-      if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
-        elem.tail = i
-  def _CreateFolder(self, parent, name, visible=True, description=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder element.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      name: The folder name as a string.
-      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
-      description: A description string or None.
-    Returns:
-      The folder ElementTree.Element instance.
-    """
-    folder = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Folder')
-    name_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'name')
-    name_tag.text = name
-    if description is not None:
-      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'description')
-      desc_tag.text = description
-    if not visible:
-      visibility = ET.SubElement(folder, 'visibility')
-      visibility.text = '0'
-    return folder
-  def _CreateStyleForRoute(self, doc, route):
-    """Create a KML Style element for the route.
-    The style sets the line colour if the route colour is specified. The
-    line thickness is set depending on the vehicle type.
-    Args:
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route to create the style for.
-    Returns:
-      The id of the style as a string.
-    """
-    style_id = 'route_%s' % route.route_id
-    style = ET.SubElement(doc, 'Style', {'id': style_id})
-    linestyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'LineStyle')
-    width = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'width')
-    type_to_width = {0: '3',  # Tram
-                     1: '3',  # Subway
-                     2: '5',  # Rail
-                     3: '1'}  # Bus
-    width.text = type_to_width.get(route.route_type, '1')
-    if route.route_color:
-      color = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'color')
-      red = route.route_color[0:2].lower()
-      green = route.route_color[2:4].lower()
-      blue = route.route_color[4:6].lower()
-      color.text = 'ff%s%s%s' % (blue, green, red)
-    return style_id
-  def _CreatePlacemark(self, parent, name, style_id=None, visible=True,
-                       description=None):
-    """Create a KML Placemark element.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      name: The placemark name as a string.
-      style_id: If not None, the id of a style to use for the placemark.
-      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
-      description: A description string or None.
-    Returns:
-      The placemark ElementTree.Element instance.
-    """
-    placemark = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Placemark')
-    placemark_name = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'name')
-    placemark_name.text = name
-    if description is not None:
-      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'description')
-      desc_tag.text = description
-    if style_id is not None:
-      styleurl = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'styleUrl')
-      styleurl.text = '#%s' % style_id
-    if not visible:
-      visibility = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'visibility')
-      visibility.text = '0'
-    return placemark
-  def _CreateLineString(self, parent, coordinate_list):
-    """Create a KML LineString element.
-    The points of the string are given in coordinate_list. Every element of
-    coordinate_list should be one of a tuple (longitude, latitude) or a tuple
-    (longitude, latitude, altitude).
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      coordinate_list: The list of coordinates.
-    Returns:
-      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
-      empty.
-    """
-    if not coordinate_list:
-      return None
-    linestring = ET.SubElement(parent, 'LineString')
-    tessellate = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'tessellate')
-    tessellate.text = '1'
-    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
-      altitude_mode = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'altitudeMode')
-      altitude_mode.text = 'absolute'
-    coordinates = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'coordinates')
-    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
-      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
-    else:
-      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
-    coordinates.text = ' '.join(coordinate_str_list)
-    return linestring
-  def _CreateLineStringForShape(self, parent, shape):
-    """Create a KML LineString using coordinates from a shape.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      shape: The transitfeed.Shape instance.
-    Returns:
-      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
-      empty.
-    """
-    coordinate_list = [(longitude, latitude) for
-                       (latitude, longitude, distance) in shape.points]
-    return self._CreateLineString(parent, coordinate_list)
-  def _CreateStopsFolder(self, schedule, doc):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each stop in the schedule.
-    If there are no stops in the schedule then no folder is created.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no stops.
-    """
-    if not schedule.GetStopList():
-      return None
-    stop_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Stops')
-    stops = list(schedule.GetStopList())
-    stops.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop_name)
-    for stop in stops:
-      desc_items = []
-      if stop.stop_desc:
-        desc_items.append(stop.stop_desc)
-      if stop.stop_url:
-        desc_items.append('Stop info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            stop.stop_url, stop.stop_url))
-      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items) or None
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(stop_folder, stop.stop_name,
-                                        description=description)
-      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
-      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
-      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
-    return stop_folder
-  def _CreateRoutePatternsFolder(self, parent, route,
-                                   style_id=None, visible=True):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each pattern in the route.
-    A pattern is a sequence of stops used by one of the trips in the route.
-    If there are not patterns for the route then no folder is created and None
-    is returned.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
-      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no patterns.
-    """
-    pattern_id_to_trips = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    if not pattern_id_to_trips:
-      return None
-    # sort by number of trips using the pattern
-    pattern_trips = pattern_id_to_trips.values()
-    pattern_trips.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b), len(a)))
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Patterns', visible)
-    for n, trips in enumerate(pattern_trips):
-      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
-      name = 'Pattern %d (trips: %d)' % (n+1, len(trips))
-      description = 'Trips using this pattern (%d in total): %s' % (
-          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
-                                        description)
-      coordinates = [(stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
-                     for stop in trips[0].GetPattern()]
-      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinates)
-    return folder
-  def _CreateRouteShapesFolder(self, schedule, parent, route,
-                               style_id=None, visible=True):
-    """Create a KML Folder for the shapes of a route.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each shape referenced by a trip in the
-    route. If there are no such shapes, no folder is created and None is
-    returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
-      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    shape_id_to_trips = {}
-    for trip in route.trips:
-      if trip.shape_id:
-        shape_id_to_trips.setdefault(trip.shape_id, []).append(trip)
-    if not shape_id_to_trips:
-      return None
-    # sort by the number of trips using the shape
-    shape_id_to_trips_items = shape_id_to_trips.items()
-    shape_id_to_trips_items.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b[1]), len(a[1])))
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Shapes', visible)
-    for shape_id, trips in shape_id_to_trips_items:
-      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
-      name = '%s (trips: %d)' % (shape_id, len(trips))
-      description = 'Trips using this shape (%d in total): %s' % (
-          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
-                                        description)
-      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, schedule.GetShape(shape_id))
-    return folder
-  def _CreateRouteTripsFolder(self, parent, route, style_id=None, schedule=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the trips in the route.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each of these trips. If there are no
-    trips in the route, no folder is created and None is returned.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: A style id string for the placemarks or None.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    if not route.trips:
-      return None
-    trips = list(route.trips)
-    trips.sort(key=lambda x: x.trip_id)
-    trips_folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Trips', visible=False)
-    for trip in trips:
-      if (self.date_filter and
-          not trip.service_period.IsActiveOn(self.date_filter)):
-        continue
-      if trip.trip_headsign:
-        description = 'Headsign: %s' % trip.trip_headsign
-      else:
-        description = None
-      coordinate_list = []
-      for secs, stoptime, tp in trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops():
-        if self.altitude_per_sec > 0:
-          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon, stoptime.stop.stop_lat,
-                                  (secs - 3600 * 4) * self.altitude_per_sec))
-        else:
-          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon,
-                                  stoptime.stop.stop_lat))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(trips_folder,
-                                        trip.trip_id,
-                                        style_id=style_id,
-                                        visible=False,
-                                        description=description)
-      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinate_list)
-    return trips_folder
-  def _CreateRoutesFolder(self, schedule, doc, route_type=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing routes in a schedule.
-    The folder contains a subfolder for each route in the schedule of type
-    route_type. If route_type is None, then all routes are selected. Each
-    subfolder contains a flattened graph placemark, a route shapes placemark
-    and, if show_trips is True, a subfolder containing placemarks for each of
-    the trips in the route.
-    If there are no routes in the schedule then no folder is created and None
-    is returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route_type: The route type integer or None.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    def GetRouteName(route):
-      """Return a placemark name for the route.
-      Args:
-        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      Returns:
-        The name as a string.
-      """
-      name_parts = []
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        name_parts.append('<b>%s</b>' % route.route_short_name)
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        name_parts.append(route.route_long_name)
-      return ' - '.join(name_parts) or route.route_id
-    def GetRouteDescription(route):
-      """Return a placemark description for the route.
-      Args:
-        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      Returns:
-        The description as a string.
-      """
-      desc_items = []
-      if route.route_desc:
-        desc_items.append(route.route_desc)
-      if route.route_url:
-        desc_items.append('Route info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            route.route_url, route.route_url))
-      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items)
-      return description or None
-    routes = [route for route in schedule.GetRouteList()
-              if route_type is None or route.route_type == route_type]
-    if not routes:
-      return None
-    routes.sort(key=lambda x: GetRouteName(x))
-    if route_type is not None:
-      route_type_names = {0: 'Tram, Streetcar or Light rail',
-                          1: 'Subway or Metro',
-                          2: 'Rail',
-                          3: 'Bus',
-                          4: 'Ferry',
-                          5: 'Cable car',
-                          6: 'Gondola or suspended cable car',
-                          7: 'Funicular'}
-      type_name = route_type_names.get(route_type, str(route_type))
-      folder_name = 'Routes - %s' % type_name
-    else:
-      folder_name = 'Routes'
-    routes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, folder_name, visible=False)
-    for route in routes:
-      style_id = self._CreateStyleForRoute(doc, route)
-      route_folder = self._CreateFolder(routes_folder,
-                                        GetRouteName(route),
-                                        description=GetRouteDescription(route))
-      self._CreateRouteShapesFolder(schedule, route_folder, route,
-                                    style_id, False)
-      self._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, False)
-      if self.show_trips:
-        self._CreateRouteTripsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, schedule)
-    return routes_folder
-  def _CreateShapesFolder(self, schedule, doc):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shapes in a schedule.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each shape. If there are no shapes in
-    the schedule then the folder is not created and None is returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    if not schedule.GetShapeList():
-      return None
-    shapes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Shapes')
-    shapes = list(schedule.GetShapeList())
-    shapes.sort(key=lambda x: x.shape_id)
-    for shape in shapes:
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(shapes_folder, shape.shape_id)
-      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, shape)
-      if self.shape_points:
-        self._CreateShapePointFolder(shapes_folder, shape)
-    return shapes_folder
-  def _CreateShapePointFolder(self, shapes_folder, shape):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shape points in a shape.
-    The folder contains placemarks for each shapepoint.
-    Args:
-      shapes_folder: A KML Shape Folder ElementTree.Element instance
-      shape: The shape to plot.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    folder_name = shape.shape_id + ' Shape Points'
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(shapes_folder, folder_name, visible=False)
-    for (index, (lat, lon, dist)) in enumerate(shape.points):
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, str(index+1))
-      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
-      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
-      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (lon, lat)
-    return folder
-  def Write(self, schedule, output_file):
-    """Writes out a feed as KML.
-    Args:
-      schedule: A transitfeed.Schedule object containing the feed to write.
-      output_file: The name of the output KML file, or file object to use.
-    """
-    # Generate the DOM to write
-    root = ET.Element('kml')
-    root.attrib['xmlns'] = 'http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1'
-    doc = ET.SubElement(root, 'Document')
-    open_tag = ET.SubElement(doc, 'open')
-    open_tag.text = '1'
-    self._CreateStopsFolder(schedule, doc)
-    if self.split_routes:
-      route_types = set()
-      for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
-        route_types.add(route.route_type)
-      route_types = list(route_types)
-      route_types.sort()
-      for route_type in route_types:
-        self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc, route_type)
-    else:
-      self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc)
-    self._CreateShapesFolder(schedule, doc)
-    # Make sure we pretty-print
-    self._SetIndentation(root)
-    # Now write the output
-    if isinstance(output_file, file):
-      output = output_file
-    else:
-      output = open(output_file, 'w')
-    output.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n""")
-    ET.ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] <input GTFS.zip> [<output.kml>]
-Reads GTFS file or directory <input GTFS.zip> and creates a KML file
-<output.kml> that contains the geographical features of the input. If
-<output.kml> is omitted a default filename is picked based on
-<input GTFS.zip>. By default the KML contains all stops and shapes.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-t', '--showtrips', action='store_true',
-                    dest='show_trips',
-                    help='include the individual trips for each route')
-  parser.add_option('-a', '--altitude_per_sec', action='store', type='float',
-                    dest='altitude_per_sec',
-                    help='if greater than 0 trips are drawn with time axis '
-                    'set to this many meters high for each second of time')
-  parser.add_option('-s', '--splitroutes', action='store_true',
-                    dest='split_routes',
-                    help='split the routes by type')
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--date_filter', action='store', type='string',
-                    dest='date_filter',
-                    help='Restrict to trips active on date YYYYMMDD')
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--display_shape_points', action='store_true',
-                    dest='shape_points',
-                    help='shows the actual points along shapes')
-  parser.set_defaults(altitude_per_sec=1.0)
-  options, args = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) < 1:
-    parser.error('You must provide the path of an input GTFS file.')
-  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
-    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
-  input_path = args[0]
-  if len(args) >= 2:
-    output_path = args[1]
-  else:
-    path = os.path.normpath(input_path)
-    (feed_dir, feed) = os.path.split(path)
-    if '.' in feed:
-      feed = feed.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  # strip extension
-    output_filename = '%s.kml' % feed
-    output_path = os.path.join(feed_dir, output_filename)
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(input_path,
-                              problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  feed = loader.Load()
-  print "Writing %s" % output_path
-  writer = KMLWriter()
-  writer.show_trips = options.show_trips
-  writer.altitude_per_sec = options.altitude_per_sec
-  writer.split_routes = options.split_routes
-  writer.date_filter = options.date_filter
-  writer.shape_points = options.shape_points
-  writer.Write(feed, output_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/merge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1766 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A tool for merging two Google Transit feeds.
-Given two Google Transit feeds intending to cover two disjoint calendar
-intervals, this tool will attempt to produce a single feed by merging as much
-of the two feeds together as possible.
-For example, most stops remain the same throughout the year. Therefore, many
-of the stops given in stops.txt for the first feed represent the same stops
-given in the second feed. This tool will try to merge these stops so they
-only appear once in the resultant feed.
-A note on terminology: The first schedule is referred to as the "old" schedule;
-the second as the "new" schedule. The resultant schedule is referred to as
-the "merged" schedule. Names of things in the old schedule are variations of
-the letter "a" while names of things from the new schedule are variations of
-"b". The objects that represents routes, agencies and so on are called
-usage: merge.py [options] old_feed_path new_feed_path merged_feed_path
-Run merge.py --help for a list of the possible options.
-__author__ = 'timothy.stranex@gmail.com (Timothy Stranex)'
-import datetime
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import webbrowser
-# TODO:
-# 1. write unit tests that use actual data
-# 2. write a proper trip and stop_times merger
-# 3. add a serialised access method for stop_times and shapes to transitfeed
-# 4. add support for merging schedules which have some service period overlap
-def ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(pa, pb):
-  """Finds the distance between two points on the Earth's surface.
-  This is an approximate distance based on assuming that the Earth is a sphere.
-  The points are specified by their lattitude and longitude.
-  Args:
-    pa: the first (lat, lon) point tuple
-    pb: the second (lat, lon) point tuple
-  Returns:
-    The distance as a float in metres.
-  """
-  alat, alon = pa
-  blat, blon = pb
-  sa = transitfeed.Stop(lat=alat, lng=alon)
-  sb = transitfeed.Stop(lat=blat, lng=blon)
-  return transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(sa, sb)
-class Error(Exception):
-  """The base exception class for this module."""
-class MergeError(Error):
-  """An error produced when two entities could not be merged."""
-class MergeProblemWithContext(transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext):
-  """The base exception class for problem reporting in the merge module.
-  Attributes:
-    dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger that generated this problem.
-    entity_type_name: The entity type of the dataset_merger. This is just
-                      dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME.
-    ERROR_TEXT: The text used for generating the problem message.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, dataset_merger, problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
-               **kwargs):
-    """Initialise the exception object.
-    Args:
-      dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger instance that generated this problem.
-      problem_type: The problem severity. This should be set to one of the
-                    corresponding constants in transitfeed.
-      kwargs: Keyword arguments to be saved as instance attributes.
-    """
-    kwargs['type'] = problem_type
-    kwargs['entity_type_name'] = dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME
-    transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext.__init__(self, None, None, **kwargs)
-    self.dataset_merger = dataset_merger
-  def FormatContext(self):
-    return "In files '%s'" % self.dataset_merger.FILE_NAME
-class SameIdButNotMerged(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("There is a %(entity_type_name)s in the old feed with id "
-                "'%(id)s' and one from the new feed with the same id but "
-                "they could not be merged:")
-class CalendarsNotDisjoint(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The service periods could not be merged since they are not "
-                "disjoint.")
-class MergeNotImplemented(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger does not currently support merging in this "
-                "file. The entries have been duplicated instead.")
-class FareRulesBroken(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger is currently unable to handle fare rules "
-                "properly.")
-class MergeProblemReporterBase(transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase):
-  """The base problem reporter class for the merge module."""
-  def SameIdButNotMerged(self, dataset, entity_id, reason):
-    self._Report(SameIdButNotMerged(dataset, id=entity_id, reason=reason))
-  def CalendarsNotDisjoint(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(CalendarsNotDisjoint(dataset,
-                                      problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR))
-  def MergeNotImplemented(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(MergeNotImplemented(dataset))
-  def FareRulesBroken(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(FareRulesBroken(dataset))
-class ExceptionProblemReporter(MergeProblemReporterBase):
-  """A problem reporter that reports errors by raising exceptions."""
-  def __init__(self, raise_warnings=False):
-    """Initialise.
-    Args:
-      raise_warnings: If this is True then warnings are also raised as
-                      exceptions.
-    """
-    MergeProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self._raise_warnings = raise_warnings
-  def _Report(self, merge_problem):
-    if self._raise_warnings or merge_problem.IsError():
-      raise merge_problem
-class HTMLProblemReporter(MergeProblemReporterBase):
-  """A problem reporter which generates HTML output."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialise."""
-    MergeProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self._dataset_warnings = {}  # a map from DataSetMergers to their warnings
-    self._dataset_errors = {}
-    self._warning_count = 0
-    self._error_count = 0
-  def _Report(self, merge_problem):
-    if merge_problem.IsWarning():
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
-      self._warning_count += 1
-    else:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
-      self._error_count += 1
-    problem_html = '<li>%s</li>' % (
-        merge_problem.FormatProblem().replace('\n', '<br>'))
-    dataset_problems.setdefault(merge_problem.dataset_merger, []).append(
-        problem_html)
-  def _GenerateStatsTable(self, feed_merger):
-    """Generate an HTML table of merge statistics.
-    Args:
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    rows = []
-    rows.append('<tr><th class="header"/><th class="header">Merged</th>'
-                '<th class="header">Copied from old feed</th>'
-                '<th class="header">Copied from new feed</th></tr>')
-    for merger in feed_merger.GetMergerList():
-      stats = merger.GetMergeStats()
-      if stats is None:
-        continue
-      merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b = stats
-      rows.append('<tr><th class="header">%s</th>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td></tr>' %
-                  (merger.DATASET_NAME, merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b))
-    return '<table>%s</table>' % '\n'.join(rows)
-  def _GenerateSection(self, problem_type):
-    """Generate a listing of the given type of problems.
-    Args:
-      problem_type: The type of problem. This is one of the problem type
-                    constants from transitfeed.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    if problem_type == transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
-      heading = 'Warnings'
-    else:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
-      heading = 'Errors'
-    if not dataset_problems:
-      return ''
-    prefix = '<h2 class="issueHeader">%s:</h2>' % heading
-    dataset_sections = []
-    for dataset_merger, problems in dataset_problems.items():
-      dataset_sections.append('<h3>%s</h3><ol>%s</ol>' % (
-          dataset_merger.FILE_NAME, '\n'.join(problems)))
-    body = '\n'.join(dataset_sections)
-    return prefix + body
-  def _GenerateSummary(self):
-    """Generate a summary of the warnings and errors.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    items = []
-    if self._dataset_errors:
-      items.append('errors: %d' % self._error_count)
-    if self._dataset_warnings:
-      items.append('warnings: %d' % self._warning_count)
-    if items:
-      return '<p><span class="fail">%s</span></p>' % '<br>'.join(items)
-    else:
-      return '<p><span class="pass">feeds merged successfully</span></p>'
-  def WriteOutput(self, output_file, feed_merger,
-                  old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path):
-    """Write the HTML output to a file.
-    Args:
-      output_file: The file object that the HTML output will be written to.
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
-      old_feed_path: The path to the old feed file as a string.
-      new_feed_path: The path to the new feed file as a string
-      merged_feed_path: The path to the merged feed file as a string. This
-                        may be None if no merged feed was written.
-    """
-    if merged_feed_path is None:
-      html_merged_feed_path = ''
-    else:
-      html_merged_feed_path = '<p>Merged feed created: <code>%s</code></p>' % (
-          merged_feed_path)
-    html_header = """<html>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-<title>Feed Merger Results</title>
-  body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
-  .path {color: gray}
-  div.problem {max-width: 500px}
-  td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-  td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px;
-                         font-family:monospace}
-  table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
-  h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
-  span.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
-  span.fail {background-color: yellow}
-  .pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt; padding: 3px}
-  ol,.unused {padding-left: 40pt}
-  .header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
-  th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
-  .footer {font-size: 10pt}
-<h1>Feed merger results</h1>
-<p>Old feed: <code>%(old_feed_path)s</code></p>
-<p>New feed: <code>%(new_feed_path)s</code></p>
-%(html_merged_feed_path)s""" % locals()
-    html_stats = self._GenerateStatsTable(feed_merger)
-    html_summary = self._GenerateSummary()
-    html_errors = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    html_warnings = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    html_footer = """
-<div class="footer">
-Generated using transitfeed version %s on %s.
-</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__,
-              time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z'))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_header))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_stats))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_summary))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_errors))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_warnings))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_footer))
-class ConsoleWarningRaiseErrorProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase):
-  """Problem reporter to use when loading feeds for merge."""
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    if e.IsError():
-      raise e
-    else:
-      print transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(e.FormatProblem())
-      context = e.FormatContext()
-      if context:
-        print context
-def LoadWithoutErrors(path, memory_db):
-  """"Return a Schedule object loaded from path; sys.exit for any error."""
-  loading_problem_handler = ConsoleWarningRaiseErrorProblemReporter()
-  try:
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(path,
-                                  memory_db=memory_db,
-                                  problems=loading_problem_handler).Load()
-  except transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext, e:
-    print >>sys.stderr, (
-        "\n\nFeeds to merge must load without any errors.\n"
-        "While loading %s the following error was found:\n%s\n%s\n" %
-        (path, e.FormatContext(), transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(e.FormatProblem())))
-    sys.exit(1)
-  return schedule
-class DataSetMerger(object):
-  """A DataSetMerger is in charge of merging a set of entities.
-  This is an abstract class and should be subclassed for each different entity
-  type.
-  Attributes:
-    ENTITY_TYPE_NAME: The name of the entity type like 'agency' or 'stop'.
-    FILE_NAME: The name of the file containing this data set like 'agency.txt'.
-    DATASET_NAME: A name for the dataset like 'Agencies' or 'Stops'.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    """Initialise.
-    Args:
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger.
-    """
-    self.feed_merger = feed_merger
-    self._num_merged = 0
-    self._num_not_merged_a = 0
-    self._num_not_merged_b = 0
-  def _MergeIdentical(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two values. The values are required to be identical.
-    Args:
-      a: The first value.
-      b: The second value.
-    Returns:
-      The trivially merged value.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The values were not identical.
-    """
-    if a != b:
-      raise MergeError("values must be identical ('%s' vs '%s')" %
-                       (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                        transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return b
-  def _MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two strings.
-    The string are required to be the same ignoring case. The second string is
-    always used as the merged value.
-    Args:
-      a: The first string.
-      b: The second string.
-    Returns:
-      The merged string. This is equal to the second string.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The strings were not the same ignoring case.
-    """
-    if a.lower() != b.lower():
-      raise MergeError("values must be the same (case insensitive) "
-                       "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                                           transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return b
-  def _MergeOptional(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two values which may be None.
-    If both values are not None, they are required to be the same and the
-    merge is trivial. If one of the values is None and the other is not None,
-    the merge results in the one which is not None. If both are None, the merge
-    results in None.
-    Args:
-      a: The first value.
-      b: The second value.
-    Returns:
-      The merged value.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If both values are not None and are not the same.
-    """
-    if a and b:
-      if a != b:
-        raise MergeError("values must be identical if both specified "
-                         "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                                             transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return a or b
-  def _MergeSameAgency(self, a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
-    """Merge agency ids to the corresponding agency id in the merged schedule.
-    Args:
-      a_agency_id: an agency id from the old schedule
-      b_agency_id: an agency id from the new schedule
-    Returns:
-      The agency id of the corresponding merged agency.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If a_agency_id and b_agency_id do not correspond to the same
-                  merged agency.
-      KeyError: Either aaid or baid is not a valid agency id.
-    """
-    a_agency_id = (a_agency_id or
-                   self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    b_agency_id = (b_agency_id or
-                   self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    a_agency = self.feed_merger.a_merge_map[
-        self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetAgency(a_agency_id)]
-    b_agency = self.feed_merger.b_merge_map[
-        self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetAgency(b_agency_id)]
-    if a_agency != b_agency:
-      raise MergeError('agency must be the same')
-    return a_agency.agency_id
-  def _SchemedMerge(self, scheme, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two entities according to a merge scheme.
-    A scheme is specified by a map where the keys are entity attributes and the
-    values are merge functions like Merger._MergeIdentical or
-    Merger._MergeOptional. The entity is first migrated to the merged schedule.
-    Then the attributes are individually merged as specified by the scheme.
-    Args:
-      scheme: The merge scheme, a map from entity attributes to merge
-              functions.
-      a: The entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The entity from the new schedule.
-    Returns:
-      The migrated and merged entity.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: One of the attributes was not able to be merged.
-    """
-    migrated = self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
-    for attr, merger in scheme.items():
-      a_attr = getattr(a, attr, None)
-      b_attr = getattr(b, attr, None)
-      try:
-        merged_attr = merger(a_attr, b_attr)
-      except MergeError, merge_error:
-        raise MergeError("Attribute '%s' could not be merged: %s." % (
-            attr, merge_error))
-      if migrated is not None:
-        setattr(migrated, attr, merged_attr)
-    return migrated
-  def _MergeSameId(self):
-    """Tries to merge entities based on their ids.
-    This tries to merge only the entities from the old and new schedules which
-    have the same id. These are added into the merged schedule. Entities which
-    do not merge or do not have the same id as another entity in the other
-    schedule are simply migrated into the merged schedule.
-    This method is less flexible than _MergeDifferentId since it only tries
-    to merge entities which have the same id while _MergeDifferentId tries to
-    merge everything. However, it is faster and so should be used whenever
-    possible.
-    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
-    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
-    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
-    different entity types.
-    Returns:
-      The number of merged entities.
-    """
-    a_not_merged = []
-    b_not_merged = []
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      try:
-        b = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-      except KeyError:
-        # there was no entity in B with the same id as a
-        a_not_merged.append(a)
-        continue
-      try:
-        self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
-        self._num_merged += 1
-      except MergeError, merge_error:
-        a_not_merged.append(a)
-        b_not_merged.append(b)
-        self._ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self._GetId(a), merge_error)
-    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-      try:
-        a = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-      except KeyError:
-        # there was no entity in A with the same id as b
-        b_not_merged.append(b)
-    # migrate the remaining entities
-    for a in a_not_merged:
-      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-      self._Add(a, None, self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
-    for b in b_not_merged:
-      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-      self._Add(None, b, self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
-    self._num_not_merged_a = len(a_not_merged)
-    self._num_not_merged_b = len(b_not_merged)
-    return self._num_merged
-  def _MergeDifferentId(self):
-    """Tries to merge all possible combinations of entities.
-    This tries to merge every entity in the old schedule with every entity in
-    the new schedule. Unlike _MergeSameId, the ids do not need to match.
-    However, _MergeDifferentId is much slower than _MergeSameId.
-    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
-    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
-    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
-    different entity types.
-    Returns:
-      The number of merged entities.
-    """
-    # TODO: The same entity from A could merge with multiple from B.
-    # This should either generate an error or should be prevented from
-    # happening.
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-        try:
-          self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
-          self._num_merged += 1
-        except MergeError:
-          continue
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      if a not in self.feed_merger.a_merge_map:
-        self._num_not_merged_a += 1
-        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-        self._Add(a, None,
-                  self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
-    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-      if b not in self.feed_merger.b_merge_map:
-        self._num_not_merged_b += 1
-        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-        self._Add(None, b,
-                  self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
-    return self._num_merged
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
-    """Report that two entities have the same id but could not be merged.
-    Args:
-      entity_id: The id of the entities.
-      reason: A string giving a reason why they could not be merged.
-    """
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.SameIdButNotMerged(self,
-                                                         entity_id,
-                                                         reason)
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    """Returns an iterator of entities for this data set in the given schedule.
-    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
-    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgencyList() or GetRouteList().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
-    Returns:
-      An iterator of entities.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, entity_id):
-    """Returns an entity given its id.
-    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
-    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgency() or GetRoute().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
-      entity_id: The id string of the entity.
-    Returns:
-      The entity with the given id.
-    Raises:
-      KeyError: There is not entity with the given id.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _HasId(self, schedule, entity_id):
-    """Check if the schedule has an entity with the given id.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance to look in.
-      entity_id: The id of the entity.
-    Returns:
-      True if the schedule has an entity with the id or False if not.
-    """
-    try:
-      self._GetById(schedule, entity_id)
-      has = True
-    except KeyError:
-      has = False
-    return has
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge the two entities.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      a: The entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The entity from the new schedule.
-    Returns:
-      The merged migrated entity.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The entities were not able to be merged.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    """Migrates the entity to the merge schedule.
-    This involves copying the entity and updating any ids to point to the
-    corresponding entities in the merged schedule. If newid is True then
-    a unique id is generated for the migrated entity using the original id
-    as a prefix.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      entity: The entity to migrate.
-      schedule: The schedule from the FeedMerger that contains ent.
-      newid: Whether to generate a new id (True) or keep the original (False).
-    Returns:
-      The migrated entity.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
-    """Adds the migrated entity to the merged schedule.
-    If a and b are both not None, it means that a and b were merged to create
-    migrated. If one of a or b is None, it means that the other was not merged
-    but has been migrated. This mapping is registered with the FeedMerger.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      a: The original entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The original entity from the new schedule.
-      migrated: The migrated entity for the merged schedule.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    """Returns the id of the given entity.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      entity: The entity.
-    Returns:
-      The id of the entity as a string or None.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    """Merge the data sets.
-    This method is called in FeedMerger.MergeSchedule().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass.
-    Returns:
-      A boolean which is False if the dataset was unable to be merged and
-      as a result the entire merge should be aborted. In this case, the problem
-      will have been reported using the FeedMerger's problem reporter.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    """Returns some merge statistics.
-    These are given as a tuple (merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b) where
-    "merged" is the number of merged entities, "not_merged_a" is the number of
-    entities from the old schedule that were not merged and "not_merged_b" is
-    the number of entities from the new schedule that were not merged.
-    The return value can also be None. This means that there are no statistics
-    for this entity type.
-    The statistics are only available after MergeDataSets() has been called.
-    Returns:
-      Either the statistics tuple or None.
-    """
-    return (self._num_merged, self._num_not_merged_a, self._num_not_merged_b)
-class AgencyMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for agencies."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'agency'
-  FILE_NAME = 'agency.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Agencies'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetAgencyList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, agency_id):
-    return schedule.GetAgency(agency_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges two agencies.
-    To be merged, they are required to have the same id, name, url and
-    timezone. The remaining language attribute is taken from the new agency.
-    Args:
-      a: The first agency.
-      b: The second agency.
-    Returns:
-      The merged agency.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The agencies could not be merged.
-    """
-    def _MergeAgencyId(a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
-      """Merge two agency ids.
-      The only difference between this and _MergeIdentical() is that the values
-      None and '' are regarded as being the same.
-      Args:
-        a_agency_id: The first agency id.
-        b_agency_id: The second agency id.
-      Returns:
-        The merged agency id.
-      Raises:
-        MergeError: The agency ids could not be merged.
-      """
-      a_agency_id = a_agency_id or None
-      b_agency_id = b_agency_id or None
-      return self._MergeIdentical(a_agency_id, b_agency_id)
-    scheme = {'agency_id': _MergeAgencyId,
-              'agency_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_url': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_timezone': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    a = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      a.agency_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.agency_id)
-    return a
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(migrated)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.agency_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class StopMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for stops.
-  Attributes:
-    largest_stop_distance: The largest distance allowed between stops that
-      will be merged in metres.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'stop'
-  FILE_NAME = 'stops.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Stops'
-  largest_stop_distance = 10.0
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
-    self._merged = []
-    self._a_not_merged = []
-    self._b_not_merged = []
-  def SetLargestStopDistance(self, distance):
-    """Sets largest_stop_distance."""
-    self.largest_stop_distance = distance
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetStopList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, stop_id):
-    return schedule.GetStop(stop_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges two stops.
-    For the stops to be merged, they must have:
-      - the same stop_id
-      - the same stop_name (case insensitive)
-      - the same zone_id
-      - locations less than largest_stop_distance apart
-    The other attributes can have arbitary changes. The merged attributes are
-    taken from the new stop.
-    Args:
-      a: The first stop.
-      b: The second stop.
-    Returns:
-      The merged stop.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The stops could not be merged.
-    """
-    distance = transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(a, b)
-    if distance > self.largest_stop_distance:
-      raise MergeError("Stops are too far apart: %.1fm "
-                       "(largest_stop_distance is %.1fm)." %
-                       (distance, self.largest_stop_distance))
-    scheme = {'stop_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'stop_name': self._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive,
-              'zone_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'location_type': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_stop.stop_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.stop_id)
-    return migrated_stop
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_stop):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_stop)
-    # The migrated_stop will be added to feed_merger.merged_schedule later
-    # since adding must be done after the zone_ids have been finalized.
-    if a and b:
-      self._merged.append((a, b, migrated_stop))
-    elif a:
-      self._a_not_merged.append((a, migrated_stop))
-    elif b:
-      self._b_not_merged.append((b, migrated_stop))
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.stop_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
-    fm = self.feed_merger
-    # now we do all the zone_id and parent_station mapping
-    # the zone_ids for merged stops can be preserved
-    for (a, b, merged_stop) in self._merged:
-      assert a.zone_id == b.zone_id
-      fm.a_zone_map[a.zone_id] = a.zone_id
-      fm.b_zone_map[b.zone_id] = b.zone_id
-      merged_stop.zone_id = a.zone_id
-      if merged_stop.parent_station:
-        # Merged stop has a parent. Update it to be the parent it had in b.
-        parent_in_b = fm.b_schedule.GetStop(b.parent_station)
-        merged_stop.parent_station = fm.b_merge_map[parent_in_b].stop_id
-      fm.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(merged_stop)
-    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._a_not_merged, fm.a_zone_map,
-                                   fm.a_merge_map, fm.a_schedule)
-    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._b_not_merged, fm.b_zone_map,
-                                   fm.b_merge_map, fm.b_schedule)
-    print 'Stops merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
-        num_merged,
-        len(fm.a_schedule.GetStopList()),
-        len(fm.b_schedule.GetStopList()))
-    return True
-  def _UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self, not_merged_stops, zone_map, merge_map,
-                                schedule):
-    """Correct references in migrated unmerged stops and add to merged_schedule.
-    For stops migrated from one of the input feeds to the output feed update the
-    parent_station and zone_id references to point to objects in the output
-    feed. Then add the migrated stop to the new schedule.
-    Args:
-      not_merged_stops: list of stops from one input feed that have not been
-        merged
-      zone_map: map from zone_id in the input feed to zone_id in the output feed
-      merge_map: map from Stop objects in the input feed to Stop objects in
-        the output feed
-      schedule: the input Schedule object
-    """
-    # for the unmerged stops, we use an already mapped zone_id if possible
-    # if not, we generate a new one and add it to the map
-    for stop, migrated_stop in not_merged_stops:
-      if stop.zone_id in zone_map:
-        migrated_stop.zone_id = zone_map[stop.zone_id]
-      else:
-        migrated_stop.zone_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(stop.zone_id)
-        zone_map[stop.zone_id] = migrated_stop.zone_id
-      if stop.parent_station:
-        parent_original = schedule.GetStop(stop.parent_station)
-        migrated_stop.parent_station = merge_map[parent_original].stop_id
-      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(migrated_stop)
-class RouteMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for routes."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'route'
-  FILE_NAME = 'routes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Routes'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetRouteList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, route_id):
-    return schedule.GetRoute(route_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    scheme = {'route_short_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_long_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_id': self._MergeSameAgency,
-              'route_type': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_url': self._MergeOptional,
-              'route_color': self._MergeOptional,
-              'route_text_color': self._MergeOptional}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_route.route_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.route_id)
-    if entity.agency_id:
-      original_agency = schedule.GetAgency(entity.agency_id)
-    else:
-      original_agency = schedule.GetDefaultAgency()
-    migrated_agency = self.feed_merger.GetMergedObject(original_agency)
-    migrated_route.agency_id = migrated_agency.agency_id
-    return migrated_route
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_route):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_route)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddRouteObject(migrated_route)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.route_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class ServicePeriodMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for service periods.
-  Attributes:
-    require_disjoint_calendars: A boolean specifying whether to require
-      disjoint calendars when merging (True) or not (False).
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'service period'
-  FILE_NAME = 'calendar.txt/calendar_dates.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Service Periods'
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
-    self.require_disjoint_calendars = True
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
-    pass
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, service_id):
-    return schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two service periods.
-    Note: Currently this just raises a MergeError since service periods cannot
-    be merged.
-    Args:
-      a: The first service period.
-      b: The second service period.
-    Returns:
-      The merged service period.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: When the service periods could not be merged.
-    """
-    raise MergeError('Cannot merge service periods')
-  def _Migrate(self, original_service_period, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    migrated_service_period.day_of_week = list(
-        original_service_period.day_of_week)
-    migrated_service_period.start_date = original_service_period.start_date
-    migrated_service_period.end_date = original_service_period.end_date
-    migrated_service_period.date_exceptions = dict(
-        original_service_period.date_exceptions)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_service_period.service_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_service_period.service_id)
-    else:
-      migrated_service_period.service_id = original_service_period.service_id
-    return migrated_service_period
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_service_period):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_service_period)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(
-        migrated_service_period)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.service_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    if self.require_disjoint_calendars and not self.CheckDisjointCalendars():
-      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint(self)
-      return False
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
-    return True
-  def DisjoinCalendars(self, cutoff):
-    """Forces the old and new calendars to be disjoint about a cutoff date.
-    This truncates the service periods of the old schedule so that service
-    stops one day before the given cutoff date and truncates the new schedule
-    so that service only begins on the cutoff date.
-    Args:
-      cutoff: The cutoff date as a string in YYYYMMDD format. The timezone
-              is the same as used in the calendar.txt file.
-    """
-    def TruncatePeriod(service_period, start, end):
-      """Truncate the service period to into the range [start, end].
-      Args:
-        service_period: The service period to truncate.
-        start: The start date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
-        end: The end date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
-      """
-      service_period.start_date = max(service_period.start_date, start)
-      service_period.end_date = min(service_period.end_date, end)
-      dates_to_delete = []
-      for k in service_period.date_exceptions:
-        if (k < start) or (k > end):
-          dates_to_delete.append(k)
-      for k in dates_to_delete:
-        del service_period.date_exceptions[k]
-    # find the date one day before cutoff
-    year = int(cutoff[:4])
-    month = int(cutoff[4:6])
-    day = int(cutoff[6:8])
-    cutoff_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
-    one_day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    before = (cutoff_date - one_day_delta).strftime('%Y%m%d')
-    for a in self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
-      TruncatePeriod(a, 0, before)
-    for b in self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
-      TruncatePeriod(b, cutoff, '9'*8)
-  def CheckDisjointCalendars(self):
-    """Check whether any old service periods intersect with any new ones.
-    This is a rather coarse check based on
-    transitfeed.SevicePeriod.GetDateRange.
-    Returns:
-      True if the calendars are disjoint or False if not.
-    """
-    # TODO: Do an exact check here.
-    a_service_periods = self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-    b_service_periods = self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-    for a_service_period in a_service_periods:
-      a_start, a_end = a_service_period.GetDateRange()
-      for b_service_period in b_service_periods:
-        b_start, b_end = b_service_period.GetDateRange()
-        overlap_start = max(a_start, b_start)
-        overlap_end = min(a_end, b_end)
-        if overlap_end >= overlap_start:
-          return False
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FareMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for fares."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare'
-  FILE_NAME = 'fare_attributes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Fares'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetFareList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, fare_id):
-    return schedule.GetFare(fare_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges the fares if all the attributes are the same."""
-    scheme = {'price': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'currency_type': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'payment_method': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'transfers': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'transfer_duration': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, original_fare, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_fare = transitfeed.Fare(
-        field_list=original_fare.GetFieldValuesTuple())
-    if newid:
-      migrated_fare.fare_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_fare.fare_id)
-    return migrated_fare
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_fare):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_fare)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareObject(migrated_fare)
-  def _GetId(self, fare):
-    return fare.fare_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
-    print 'Fares merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
-        num_merged,
-        len(self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetFareList()),
-        len(self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetFareList()))
-    return True
-class ShapeMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for shapes.
-  In this implementation, merging shapes means just taking the new shape.
-  The only conditions for a merge are that the shape_ids are the same and
-  the endpoints of the old and new shapes are no further than
-  largest_shape_distance apart.
-  Attributes:
-    largest_shape_distance: The largest distance between the endpoints of two
-      shapes allowed for them to be merged in metres.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'shape'
-  FILE_NAME = 'shapes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Shapes'
-  largest_shape_distance = 10.0
-  def SetLargestShapeDistance(self, distance):
-    """Sets largest_shape_distance."""
-    self.largest_shape_distance = distance
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetShapeList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, shape_id):
-    return schedule.GetShape(shape_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges the shapes by taking the new shape.
-    Args:
-      a: The first transitfeed.Shape instance.
-      b: The second transitfeed.Shape instance.
-    Returns:
-      The merged shape.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If the ids are different or if the endpoints are further
-                  than largest_shape_distance apart.
-    """
-    if a.shape_id != b.shape_id:
-      raise MergeError('shape_id must be the same')
-    distance = max(ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[0][:2],
-                                                    b.points[0][:2]),
-                   ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[-1][:2],
-                                                    b.points[-1][:2]))
-    if distance > self.largest_shape_distance:
-      raise MergeError('The shape endpoints are too far away: %.1fm '
-                       '(largest_shape_distance is %.1fm)' %
-                       (distance, self.largest_shape_distance))
-    return self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
-  def _Migrate(self, original_shape, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_shape = transitfeed.Shape(original_shape.shape_id)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_shape.shape_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_shape.shape_id)
-    for (lat, lon, dist) in original_shape.points:
-      migrated_shape.AddPoint(lat=lat, lon=lon, distance=dist)
-    return migrated_shape
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_shape):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_shape)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddShapeObject(migrated_shape)
-  def _GetId(self, shape):
-    return shape.shape_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class TripMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for trips.
-  This implementation makes no attempt to merge trips, it simply migrates
-  them all to the merged feed.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'trip'
-  FILE_NAME = 'trips.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Trips'
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, trip_id, reason):
-    pass
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetTripList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, trip_id):
-    return schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Raises a MergeError because currently trips cannot be merged."""
-    raise MergeError('Cannot merge trips')
-  def _Migrate(self, original_trip, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_trip = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=original_trip)
-    # Make new trip_id first. AddTripObject reports a problem if it conflicts
-    # with an existing id.
-    if newid:
-      migrated_trip.trip_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_trip.trip_id)
-    # Need to add trip to schedule before copying stoptimes
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddTripObject(migrated_trip,
-                                                   validate=False)
-    if schedule == self.feed_merger.a_schedule:
-      merge_map = self.feed_merger.a_merge_map
-    else:
-      merge_map = self.feed_merger.b_merge_map
-    original_route = schedule.GetRoute(original_trip.route_id)
-    migrated_trip.route_id = merge_map[original_route].route_id
-    original_service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(
-        original_trip.service_id)
-    migrated_trip.service_id = merge_map[original_service_period].service_id
-    if original_trip.block_id:
-      migrated_trip.block_id = '%s_%s' % (
-          self.feed_merger.GetScheduleName(schedule),
-          original_trip.block_id)
-    if original_trip.shape_id:
-      original_shape = schedule.GetShape(original_trip.shape_id)
-      migrated_trip.shape_id = merge_map[original_shape].shape_id
-    for original_stop_time in original_trip.GetStopTimes():
-      migrated_stop_time = transitfeed.StopTime(
-          None,
-          merge_map[original_stop_time.stop],
-          original_stop_time.arrival_time,
-          original_stop_time.departure_time,
-          original_stop_time.stop_headsign,
-          original_stop_time.pickup_type,
-          original_stop_time.drop_off_type,
-          original_stop_time.shape_dist_traveled,
-          original_stop_time.arrival_secs,
-          original_stop_time.departure_secs)
-      migrated_trip.AddStopTimeObject(migrated_stop_time)
-    for headway_period in original_trip.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples():
-      migrated_trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(*headway_period)
-    return migrated_trip
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_trip):
-    # Validate now, since it wasn't done in _Migrate
-    migrated_trip.Validate(self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.problem_reporter)
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_trip)
-  def _GetId(self, trip):
-    return trip.trip_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FareRuleMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for fare rules."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare rule'
-  FILE_NAME = 'fare_rules.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Fare Rules'
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    """Merge the fare rule datasets.
-    The fare rules are first migrated. Merging is done by removing any
-    duplicate rules.
-    Returns:
-      True since fare rules can always be merged.
-    """
-    rules = set()
-    for (schedule, merge_map, zone_map) in ([self.feed_merger.a_schedule,
-                                             self.feed_merger.a_merge_map,
-                                             self.feed_merger.a_zone_map],
-                                            [self.feed_merger.b_schedule,
-                                             self.feed_merger.b_merge_map,
-                                             self.feed_merger.b_zone_map]):
-      for fare in schedule.GetFareList():
-        for fare_rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
-          fare_id = merge_map[schedule.GetFare(fare_rule.fare_id)].fare_id
-          route_id = (fare_rule.route_id and
-                      merge_map[schedule.GetRoute(fare_rule.route_id)].route_id)
-          origin_id = (fare_rule.origin_id and
-                       zone_map[fare_rule.origin_id])
-          destination_id = (fare_rule.destination_id and
-                            zone_map[fare_rule.destination_id])
-          contains_id = (fare_rule.contains_id and
-                         zone_map[fare_rule.contains_id])
-          rules.add((fare_id, route_id, origin_id, destination_id,
-                     contains_id))
-    for fare_rule_tuple in rules:
-      migrated_fare_rule = transitfeed.FareRule(*fare_rule_tuple)
-      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(migrated_fare_rule)
-    if rules:
-      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.FareRulesBroken(self)
-    print 'Fare Rules: union has %d fare rules' % len(rules)
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FeedMerger(object):
-  """A class for merging two whole feeds.
-  This class takes two instances of transitfeed.Schedule and uses
-  DataSetMerger instances to merge the feeds and produce the resultant
-  merged feed.
-  Attributes:
-    a_schedule: The old transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    b_schedule: The new transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    problem_reporter: The merge problem reporter.
-    merged_schedule: The merged transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    a_merge_map: A map from old entities to merged entities.
-    b_merge_map: A map from new entities to merged entities.
-    a_zone_map: A map from old zone ids to merged zone ids.
-    b_zone_map: A map from new zone ids to merged zone ids.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-               problem_reporter=None):
-    """Initialise the merger.
-    Once this initialiser has been called, a_schedule and b_schedule should
-    not be modified.
-    Args:
-      a_schedule: The old schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
-      b_schedule: The new schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
-      problem_reporter: The problem reporter, an instance of
-                        transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase. This can be None in
-                        which case the ExceptionProblemReporter is used.
-    """
-    self.a_schedule = a_schedule
-    self.b_schedule = b_schedule
-    self.merged_schedule = merged_schedule
-    self.a_merge_map = {}
-    self.b_merge_map = {}
-    self.a_zone_map = {}
-    self.b_zone_map = {}
-    self._mergers = []
-    self._idnum = max(self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.a_schedule),
-                      self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.b_schedule))
-    if problem_reporter is not None:
-      self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
-    else:
-      self.problem_reporter = ExceptionProblemReporter()
-  def _FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self, schedule):
-    """Finds the largest integer used as the ending of an id in the schedule.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The schedule to check.
-    Returns:
-      The maximum integer used as an ending for an id.
-    """
-    postfix_number_re = re.compile('(\d+)$')
-    def ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id):
-      """Try to extract an integer from the end of entity_id.
-      If entity_id is None or if there is no integer ending the id, zero is
-      returned.
-      Args:
-        entity_id: An id string or None.
-      Returns:
-        An integer ending the entity_id or zero.
-      """
-      if entity_id is None:
-        return 0
-      match = postfix_number_re.search(entity_id)
-      if match is not None:
-        return int(match.group(1))
-      else:
-        return 0
-    id_data_sets = {'agency_id': schedule.GetAgencyList(),
-                    'stop_id': schedule.GetStopList(),
-                    'route_id': schedule.GetRouteList(),
-                    'trip_id': schedule.GetTripList(),
-                    'service_id': schedule.GetServicePeriodList(),
-                    'fare_id': schedule.GetFareList(),
-                    'shape_id': schedule.GetShapeList()}
-    max_postfix_number = 0
-    for id_name, entity_list in id_data_sets.items():
-      for entity in entity_list:
-        entity_id = getattr(entity, id_name)
-        postfix_number = ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id)
-        max_postfix_number = max(max_postfix_number, postfix_number)
-    return max_postfix_number
-  def GetScheduleName(self, schedule):
-    """Returns a single letter identifier for the schedule.
-    This only works for the old and new schedules which return 'a' and 'b'
-    respectively. The purpose of such identifiers is for generating ids.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    Returns:
-      The schedule identifier.
-    Raises:
-      KeyError: schedule is not the old or new schedule.
-    """
-    return {self.a_schedule: 'a', self.b_schedule: 'b'}[schedule]
-  def GenerateId(self, entity_id=None):
-    """Generate a unique id based on the given id.
-    This is done by appending a counter which is then incremented. The
-    counter is initialised at the maximum number used as an ending for
-    any id in the old and new schedules.
-    Args:
-      entity_id: The base id string. This is allowed to be None.
-    Returns:
-      The generated id.
-    """
-    self._idnum += 1
-    if entity_id:
-      return '%s_merged_%d' % (entity_id, self._idnum)
-    else:
-      return 'merged_%d' % self._idnum
-  def Register(self, a, b, migrated_entity):
-    """Registers a merge mapping.
-    If a and b are both not None, this means that entities a and b were merged
-    to produce migrated_entity. If one of a or b are not None, then it means
-    it was not merged but simply migrated.
-    The effect of a call to register is to update a_merge_map and b_merge_map
-    according to the merge.
-    Args:
-      a: The entity from the old feed or None.
-      b: The entity from the new feed or None.
-      migrated_entity: The migrated entity.
-    """
-    if a is not None: self.a_merge_map[a] = migrated_entity
-    if b is not None: self.b_merge_map[b] = migrated_entity
-  def AddMerger(self, merger):
-    """Add a DataSetMerger to be run by Merge().
-    Args:
-      merger: The DataSetMerger instance.
-    """
-    self._mergers.append(merger)
-  def AddDefaultMergers(self):
-    """Adds the default DataSetMergers defined in this module."""
-    self.AddMerger(AgencyMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(StopMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(RouteMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(ServicePeriodMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(FareMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(ShapeMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(TripMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(FareRuleMerger(self))
-  def GetMerger(self, cls):
-    """Looks for an added DataSetMerger derived from the given class.
-    Args:
-      cls: A class derived from DataSetMerger.
-    Returns:
-      The matching DataSetMerger instance.
-    Raises:
-      LookupError: No matching DataSetMerger has been added.
-    """
-    for merger in self._mergers:
-      if isinstance(merger, cls):
-        return merger
-    raise LookupError('No matching DataSetMerger found')
-  def GetMergerList(self):
-    """Returns the list of DataSetMerger instances that have been added."""
-    return self._mergers
-  def MergeSchedules(self):
-    """Merge the schedules.
-    This is done by running the DataSetMergers that have been added with
-    AddMerger() in the order that they were added.
-    Returns:
-      True if the merge was successful.
-    """
-    for merger in self._mergers:
-      if not merger.MergeDataSets():
-        return False
-    return True
-  def GetMergedSchedule(self):
-    """Returns the merged schedule.
-    This will be empty before MergeSchedules() is called.
-    Returns:
-      The merged schedule.
-    """
-    return self.merged_schedule
-  def GetMergedObject(self, original):
-    """Returns an object that represents original in the merged schedule."""
-    # TODO: I think this would be better implemented by adding a private
-    # attribute to the objects in the original feeds
-    merged = (self.a_merge_map.get(original) or
-              self.b_merge_map.get(original))
-    if merged:
-      return merged
-    else:
-      raise KeyError()
-def main():
-  """Run the merge driver program."""
-  usage = \
-"""%prog [options] <input GTFS a.zip> <input GTFS b.zip> <output GTFS.zip>
-Merges <input GTFS a.zip> and <input GTFS b.zip> into a new GTFS file
-<output GTFS.zip>.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--cutoff_date',
-                    dest='cutoff_date',
-                    default=None,
-                    help='a transition date from the old feed to the new '
-                    'feed in the format YYYYMMDD')
-  parser.add_option('--largest_stop_distance',
-                    dest='largest_stop_distance',
-                    default=StopMerger.largest_stop_distance,
-                    help='the furthest distance two stops can be apart and '
-                    'still be merged, in metres')
-  parser.add_option('--largest_shape_distance',
-                    dest='largest_shape_distance',
-                    default=ShapeMerger.largest_shape_distance,
-                    help='the furthest distance the endpoints of two shapes '
-                    'can be apart and the shape still be merged, in metres')
-  parser.add_option('--html_output_path',
-                    dest='html_output_path',
-                    default='merge-results.html',
-                    help='write the html output to this file')
-  parser.add_option('--no_browser',
-                    dest='no_browser',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    help='prevents the merge results from being opened in a '
-                    'browser')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
-                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
-                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
-  parser.set_defaults(memory_db=False)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 3:
-    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
-  old_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[0])
-  new_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
-  merged_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[2])
-  if old_feed_path.find("IWantMyCrash") != -1:
-    # See test/testmerge.py
-    raise Exception('For testing the merge crash handler.')
-  a_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(old_feed_path, options.memory_db)
-  b_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(new_feed_path, options.memory_db)
-  merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(memory_db=options.memory_db)
-  problem_reporter = HTMLProblemReporter()
-  feed_merger = FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                           problem_reporter)
-  feed_merger.AddDefaultMergers()
-  feed_merger.GetMerger(StopMerger).SetLargestStopDistance(float(
-      options.largest_stop_distance))
-  feed_merger.GetMerger(ShapeMerger).SetLargestShapeDistance(float(
-      options.largest_shape_distance))
-  if options.cutoff_date is not None:
-    service_period_merger = feed_merger.GetMerger(ServicePeriodMerger)
-    service_period_merger.DisjoinCalendars(options.cutoff_date)
-  if feed_merger.MergeSchedules():
-    feed_merger.GetMergedSchedule().WriteGoogleTransitFeed(merged_feed_path)
-  else:
-    merged_feed_path = None
-  output_file = file(options.html_output_path, 'w')
-  problem_reporter.WriteOutput(output_file, feed_merger,
-                               old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path)
-  output_file.close()
-  if not options.no_browser:
-    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(options.html_output_path))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/schedule_viewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
-You must provide a Google Maps API key.
-import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
-import bisect
-from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
-import gtfsscheduleviewer
-import mimetypes
-import os.path
-import re
-import signal
-import simplejson
-import socket
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import urllib
-# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
-# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
-if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
-  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
-mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
-class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
-  def default(self, obj):
-    try:
-      iterable = iter(obj)
-    except TypeError:
-      pass
-    else:
-      return list(iterable)
-    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-# Code taken from
-# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/425210/index_txt
-# An alternate approach is shown at
-# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-July/212751.html
-# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
-# thread.
-class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-  def server_bind(self):
-    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
-    self.socket.settimeout(1)
-    self._run = True
-  def get_request(self):
-    while self._run:
-      try:
-        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
-        sock.settimeout(None)
-        return (sock, addr)
-      except socket.timeout:
-        pass
-  def stop(self):
-    self._run = False
-  def serve(self):
-    while self._run:
-      self.handle_request()
-def StopToTuple(stop):
-  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
-  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
-          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
-class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  def do_GET(self):
-    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
-    parsed_params = {}
-    for k in params.split('&'):
-      k = urllib.unquote(k)
-      if '=' in k:
-        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
-        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
-      else:
-        parsed_params[k] = ''
-    if path == '/':
-      return self.handle_GET_home()
-    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
-    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
-    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
-    if m and m.group(1):
-      try:
-        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(m.group(1))
-        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
-      except IOError, e:
-        print "Error: unable to open %s" % m.group(1)
-        # Ignore and treat as 404
-    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return handler(parsed_params)
-    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
-  def OpenFile(self, filename):
-    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
-    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
-    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
-    assert mime_type
-    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
-    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
-    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
-      mode = 'r'
-    else:
-      mode = 'rb'
-    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
-  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
-    self.send_error(404)
-  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
-    content = fh.read()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def AllowEditMode(self):
-    return False
-  def handle_GET_home(self):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
-    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
-    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
-    key = self.server.key
-    host = self.server.host
-    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
-    # with the value of local variable xxx
-    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
-    content = f.read()
-    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
-              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
-      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
-    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
-    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    if not route:
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    sample_size = 3  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    patterns = []
-    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
-      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
-      if not time_stops:
-        continue
-      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
-      for trip in trips:
-        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
-          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
-      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
-      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
-      num_trips = len(trips)
-      if num_trips <= sample_size:
-        start_sample_index = 0
-        num_after_sample = 0
-      else:
-        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
-        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
-        # search with a custom key.
-        start_sample_index = len(trips)
-        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
-          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
-            start_sample_index = i
-            break
-        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
-        if num_after_sample < 0:
-          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
-          # last sample_size trips.
-          num_after_sample = 0
-          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
-      sample = []
-      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
-        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
-                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
-    patterns.sort()
-    return patterns
-  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
-    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = handler(parsed_params)
-    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
-    """Return a list of all routes."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = []
-    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
-      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name) )
-    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
-    return result
-  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
-  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
-    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
-    trip."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    except KeyError:
-      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
-    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
-    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-    stops = []
-    times = []
-    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
-      times.append(arr)
-    return [stops, times]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    points = []
-    if trip.shape_id:
-      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        points.append((lat, lon))
-    else:
-      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
-    return points
-  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
-    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
-    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
-    longitude line 180."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    n = float(params.get('n'))
-    e = float(params.get('e'))
-    s = float(params.get('s'))
-    w = float(params.get('w'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
-    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
-    trips to visit the stop."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
-    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
-    # Keep the first 5 after param 'time'.
-    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
-    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
-    time_trips = time_trips[:5]
-    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
-    result = []
-    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
-      headsign = None
-      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
-      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
-        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
-          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
-          break
-      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
-      if not headsign:
-        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
-      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-      trip_name = ''
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        trip_name += route.route_short_name
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        if len(trip_name):
-          trip_name += " - "
-        trip_name += route.route_long_name
-      if headsign:
-        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
-      result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
-    return result
-  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
-    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
-    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    marey = MareyGraph()
-    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
-    if not route:
-      print 'no such route'
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
-    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
-      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
-    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
-    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
-    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
-    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
-    content = marey.Draw()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-def FindPy2ExeBase():
-  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
-  None"""
-  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in library.zip. For py2exe setup.py is
-  # configured to put the data next to library.zip.
-  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\library.zip\\')
-  if windows_ending != -1:
-    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
-  else:
-    return None
-def FindDefaultFileDir():
-  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
-  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where setup.py put
-  it."""
-  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if base:
-    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
-  else:
-    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
-    # directory.
-    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip __init__.py
-    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
-def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
-  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
-  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
-  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if windows_base:
-    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
-  else:
-    return 'key.txt'
-def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
-Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input GTFS.zip> in your browser.
-If <input GTFS.zip> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
-                    help='file name of feed to load')
-  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
-                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
-                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
-  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
-  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
-                    help='port on which to listen')
-  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
-                    help='directory containing static files')
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='disable interactive prompts')
-  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
-                      host='maps.google.com',
-                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
-                      manual_entry=True)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
-    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
-    exit(1)
-  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
-    options.feed_filename = args[0]
-  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
-    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
-  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
-  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
-    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
-  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
-    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
-  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
-  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
-  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
-                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
-  server.key = options.key
-  server.schedule = schedule
-  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
-  server.host = options.host
-  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
-  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
-         (server.server_port))
-  server.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/shape_importer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A utility program to help add shapes to an existing GTFS feed.
-Requires the ogr python package.
-__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
-import csv
-import glob
-import ogr
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import shapelib
-from transitfeed import util
-import zipfile
-class ShapeImporterError(Exception):
-  pass
-def PrintColumns(shapefile):
-  """
-  Print the columns of layer 0 of the shapefile to the screen.
-  """
-  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
-  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
-  if len(layer) == 0:
-    raise ShapeImporterError("Layer 0 has no elements!")
-  feature = layer.GetFeature(0)
-  print "%d features" % feature.GetFieldCount()
-  for j in range(0, feature.GetFieldCount()):
-    print '--' + feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetName() + \
-          ': ' + feature.GetFieldAsString(j)
-def AddShapefile(shapefile, graph, key_cols):
-  """
-  Adds shapes found in the given shape filename to the given polyline
-  graph object.
-  """
-  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
-  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
-  for i in range(0, len(layer)):
-    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
-    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
-    if key_cols:
-      key_list = []
-      for col in key_cols:
-        key_list.append(str(feature.GetField(col)))
-      shape_id = '-'.join(key_list)
-    else:
-      shape_id = '%s-%d' % (shapefile, i)
-    poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape_id)
-    for j in range(0, geometry.GetPointCount()):
-      (lat, lng) = (round(geometry.GetY(j), 15), round(geometry.GetX(j), 15))
-      poly.AddPoint(shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(lat, lng))
-    graph.AddPoly(poly)
-  return graph
-def GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trip, matches, max_distance, verbosity=0):
-  """
-  Tries to find a matching shape for the given pattern Poly object,
-  trip, and set of possibly matching Polys from which to choose a match.
-  """
-  if len(matches) == 0:
-    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
-           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id))
-    return None
-  if verbosity >= 1:
-    for match in matches:
-      print "match: size %d" % match.GetNumPoints()
-  scores = [(pattern_poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(match), match)
-            for match in matches]
-  scores.sort()
-  if scores[0][0] > max_distance:
-    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
-           '(min score was %f)'
-           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id, scores[0][0]))
-    return None
-  return scores[0][1]
-def AddExtraShapes(extra_shapes_txt, graph):
-  """
-  Add extra shapes into our input set by parsing them out of a GTFS-formatted
-  shapes.txt file.  Useful for manually adding lines to a shape file, since it's
-  a pain to edit .shp files.
-  """
-  print "Adding extra shapes from %s" % extra_shapes_txt
-  try:
-    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    shutil.copy(extra_shapes_txt, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'shapes.txt'))
-    loader = transitfeed.ShapeLoader(tmpdir)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    for shape in schedule.GetShapeList():
-      print "Adding extra shape: %s" % shape.shape_id
-      graph.AddPoly(ShapeToPoly(shape))
-  finally:
-    if tmpdir:
-      shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-# Note: this method lives here to avoid cross-dependencies between
-# shapelib and transitfeed.
-def ShapeToPoly(shape):
-  poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape.shape_id)
-  for lat, lng, distance in shape.points:
-    point = shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(round(lat, 15), round(lng, 15))
-    poly.AddPoint(point)
-  return poly
-def ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args):
-  if not (args and options.source_gtfs and options.dest_gtfs):
-    options_parser.error("You must specify a source and dest GTFS file, "
-                         "and at least one source shapefile")
-def DefineOptions():
-  usage = \
-"""%prog [options] --source_gtfs=<input GTFS.zip> --dest_gtfs=<output GTFS.zip>\
- <input.shp> [<input.shp>...]
-Try to match shapes in one or more SHP files to trips in a GTFS file."""
-  options_parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  options_parser.add_option("--print_columns",
-                            action="store_true",
-                            default=False,
-                            dest="print_columns",
-                            help="Print column names in shapefile DBF and exit")
-  options_parser.add_option("--keycols",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="keycols",
-                            help="Comma-separated list of the column names used"
-                                 "to index shape ids")
-  options_parser.add_option("--max_distance",
-                            type="int",
-                            default=150,
-                            dest="max_distance",
-                            help="Max distance from a shape to which to match")
-  options_parser.add_option("--source_gtfs",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="source_gtfs",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Read input GTFS from FILE")
-  options_parser.add_option("--dest_gtfs",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="dest_gtfs",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Write output GTFS with shapes to FILE")
-  options_parser.add_option("--extra_shapes",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="extra_shapes",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Extra shapes.txt (CSV) formatted file")
-  options_parser.add_option("--verbosity",
-                            type="int",
-                            default=0,
-                            dest="verbosity",
-                            help="Verbosity level. Higher is more verbose")
-  return options_parser
-def main(key_cols):
-  print 'Parsing shapefile(s)...'
-  graph = shapelib.PolyGraph()
-  for arg in args:
-    print '  ' + arg
-    AddShapefile(arg, graph, key_cols)
-  if options.extra_shapes:
-    AddExtraShapes(options.extra_shapes, graph)
-  print 'Loading GTFS from %s...' % options.source_gtfs
-  schedule = transitfeed.Loader(options.source_gtfs).Load()
-  shape_count = 0
-  pattern_count = 0
-  verbosity = options.verbosity
-  print 'Matching shapes to trips...'
-  for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
-    print 'Processing route', route.route_short_name
-    patterns = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    for pattern_id, trips in patterns.iteritems():
-      pattern_count += 1
-      pattern = trips[0].GetPattern()
-      poly_points = [shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(p.stop_lat, p.stop_lon)
-                     for p in pattern]
-      if verbosity >= 2:
-        print "\npattern %d, %d points:" % (pattern_id, len(poly_points))
-        for i, (stop, point) in enumerate(zip(pattern, poly_points)):
-          print "Stop %d '%s': %s" % (i + 1, stop.stop_name, point.ToLatLng())
-      # First, try to find polys that run all the way from
-      # the start of the trip to the end.
-      matches = graph.FindMatchingPolys(poly_points[0], poly_points[-1],
-                                        options.max_distance)
-      if not matches:
-        # Try to find a path through the graph, joining
-        # multiple edges to find a path that covers all the
-        # points in the trip.  Some shape files are structured
-        # this way, with a polyline for each segment between
-        # stations instead of a polyline covering an entire line.
-        shortest_path = graph.FindShortestMultiPointPath(poly_points,
-                                                         options.max_distance,
-                                                         verbosity=verbosity)
-        if shortest_path:
-          matches = [shortest_path]
-        else:
-          matches = []
-      pattern_poly = shapelib.Poly(poly_points)
-      shape_match = GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trips[0],
-                                     matches, options.max_distance,
-                                     verbosity=verbosity)
-      if shape_match:
-        shape_count += 1
-        # Rename shape for readability.
-        shape_match = shapelib.Poly(points=shape_match.GetPoints(),
-                                           name="shape_%d" % shape_count)
-        for trip in trips:
-          try:
-            shape = schedule.GetShape(shape_match.GetName())
-          except KeyError:
-            shape = transitfeed.Shape(shape_match.GetName())
-            for point in shape_match.GetPoints():
-              (lat, lng) = point.ToLatLng()
-              shape.AddPoint(lat, lng)
-            schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
-          trip.shape_id = shape.shape_id
-  print "Matched %d shapes out of %d patterns" % (shape_count, pattern_count)
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.dest_gtfs)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  # Import psyco if available for better performance.
-  try:
-    import psyco
-    psyco.full()
-  except ImportError:
-    pass
-  options_parser = DefineOptions()
-  (options, args) = options_parser.parse_args()
-  ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args)
-  if options.print_columns:
-    for arg in args:
-      PrintColumns(arg)
-    sys.exit(0)
-  key_cols = options.keycols.split(',')
-  main(key_cols)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/build/scripts-2.6/unusual_trip_filter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Filters out trips which are not on the defualt routes and
-  set their trip_typeattribute accordingly.
-For usage information run unusual_trip_filter.py --help
-__author__ = 'Jiri Semecky <jiri.semecky@gmail.com>'
-import codecs
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-class UnusualTripFilter(object):
-  """Class filtering trips going on unusual paths.
-  Those are usually trips going to/from depot or changing to another route
-  in the middle. Sets the 'trip_type' attribute of the trips.txt dataset
-  so that non-standard trips are marked as special (value 1)
-  instead of regular (default value 0).
-  """
-  def __init__ (self, threshold=0.1, force=False, quiet=False, route_type=None):
-    self._threshold = threshold
-    self._quiet = quiet
-    self._force = force
-    if route_type in transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES:
-      self._route_type = transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES[route_type]
-    elif route_type is None:
-      self._route_type = None
-    else:
-      self._route_type = int(route_type)
-  def filter_line(self, route):
-    """Mark unusual trips for the given route."""
-    if self._route_type is not None and self._route_type != route.route_type:
-      self.info('Skipping route %s due to different route_type value (%s)' %
-                (route['route_id'], route['route_type']))
-      return
-    self.info('Filtering infrequent trips for route %s.' % route.route_id)
-    trip_count = len(route.trips)
-    for pattern_id, pattern in route.GetPatternIdTripDict().items():
-      ratio = float(1.0 * len(pattern) / trip_count)
-      if not self._force:
-        if (ratio < self._threshold):
-          self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
-                    "as unusual (ratio %f)" %
-                    (len(pattern),
-                    route['route_short_name'],
-                    pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
-                    ratio))
-          for trip in pattern:
-            trip.trip_type = 1 # special
-            self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as special" %
-                      trip.trip_id)
-      else:
-        self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
-                  "as %s (ratio %f)" %
-                  (len(pattern),
-                   route['route_short_name'],
-                   pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
-                   ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold],
-                   ratio))
-        for trip in pattern:
-          trip.trip_type = ('0','1')[ratio < self._threshold]
-          self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as %s" %
-                    (trip.trip_id,
-                     ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold]))
-  def filter(self, dataset):
-    """Mark unusual trips for all the routes in the dataset."""
-    self.info('Going to filter infrequent routes in the dataset')
-    for route in dataset.routes.values():
-      self.filter_line(route)
-  def info(self, text):
-    if not self._quiet:
-      print text.encode("utf-8")
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] <GTFS.zip>
-Filters out trips which do not follow the most common stop sequences and
-sets their trip_type attribute accordingly. <GTFS.zip> is overwritten with
-the modifed GTFS file unless the --output option is used.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
-         help='Name of the output GTFS file (writing to input feed if omitted).')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db', action='store_true',
-         help='Force use of in-memory sqlite db.')
-  parser.add_option('-t', '--threshold', default=0.1,
-         dest='threshold', type='float',
-         help='Frequency threshold for considering pattern as non-regular.')
-  parser.add_option('-r', '--route_type', default=None,
-         dest='route_type', type='string',
-         help='Filter only selected route type (specified by number'
-              'or one of the following names: ' + \
-              ', '.join(transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES) + ').')
-  parser.add_option('-f', '--override_trip_type', default=False,
-         dest='override_trip_type', action='store_true',
-         help='Forces overwrite of current trip_type values.')
-  parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet',
-         default=False, action='store_true',
-         help='Suppress information output.')
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed.')
-  filter = UnusualTripFilter(float(options.threshold),
-                             force=options.override_trip_type,
-                             quiet=options.quiet,
-                             route_type=options.route_type)
-  feed_name = args[0]
-  feed_name = feed_name.strip()
-  filter.info('Loading %s' % feed_name)
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed_name, extra_validation=True,
-                              memory_db=options.memory_db)
-  data = loader.Load()
-  filter.filter(data)
-  print 'Saving data'
-  # Write the result
-  if options.output is None:
-    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(feed_name)
-  else:
-    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/filter_unused_stops.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Filter the unused stops out of a transit feed file."""
-import optparse
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-def main():
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-      usage="usage: %prog [options] input_feed output_feed",
-      version="%prog "+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option("-l", "--list_removed", dest="list_removed",
-                    default=False,
-                    action="store_true",
-                    help="Print removed stops to stdout")
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    print >>sys.stderr, parser.format_help()
-    print >>sys.stderr, "\n\nYou must provide input_feed and output_feed\n\n"
-    sys.exit(2)
-  input_path = args[0]
-  output_path = args[1]
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(input_path)
-  schedule = loader.Load()
-  print "Removing unused stops..."
-  removed = 0
-  for stop_id, stop in schedule.stops.items():
-    if not stop.GetTrips(schedule):
-      removed += 1
-      del schedule.stops[stop_id]
-      if options.list_removed:
-        print "Removing %s (%s)" % (stop_id, stop.stop_name)
-  if removed == 0:
-    print "No unused stops."
-  elif removed == 1:
-    print "Removed 1 stop"
-  else:
-    print "Removed %d stops" % removed
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(output_path)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/google_random_queries.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Output Google Transit URLs for queries near stops.
-The output can be used to speed up manual testing. Load the output from this
-file and then open many of the links in new tabs. In each result check that the
-polyline looks okay (no unnecassary loops, no jumps to a far away location) and
-look at the time of each leg. Also check the route names and headsigns are
-formatted correctly and not redundant.
-from datetime import datetime
-from datetime import timedelta
-import math
-import optparse
-import os.path
-import random
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-def Distance(lat0, lng0, lat1, lng1):
-  """
-  Compute the geodesic distance in meters between two points on the
-  surface of the Earth.  The latitude and longitude angles are in
-  degrees.
-  Approximate geodesic distance function (Haversine Formula) assuming
-  a perfect sphere of radius 6367 km (see "What are some algorithms
-  for calculating the distance between 2 points?" in the GIS Faq at
-  http://www.census.gov/geo/www/faq-index.html).  The approximate
-  radius is adequate for our needs here, but a more sophisticated
-  geodesic function should be used if greater accuracy is required
-  (see "When is it NOT okay to assume the Earth is a sphere?" in the
-  same faq).
-  """
-  deg2rad = math.pi / 180.0
-  lat0 = lat0 * deg2rad
-  lng0 = lng0 * deg2rad
-  lat1 = lat1 * deg2rad
-  lng1 = lng1 * deg2rad
-  dlng = lng1 - lng0
-  dlat = lat1 - lat0
-  a = math.sin(dlat*0.5)
-  b = math.sin(dlng*0.5)
-  a = a * a + math.cos(lat0) * math.cos(lat1) * b * b
-  c = 2.0 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1.0 - a))
-  return 6367000.0 * c
-def AddNoiseToLatLng(lat, lng):
-  """Add up to 500m of error to each coordinate of lat, lng."""
-  m_per_tenth_lat = Distance(lat, lng, lat + 0.1, lng)
-  m_per_tenth_lng = Distance(lat, lng, lat, lng + 0.1)
-  lat_per_100m = 1 / m_per_tenth_lat * 10
-  lng_per_100m = 1 / m_per_tenth_lng * 10
-  return (lat + (lat_per_100m * 5 * (random.random() * 2 - 1)),
-          lng + (lng_per_100m * 5 * (random.random() * 2 - 1)))
-def GetRandomLocationsNearStops(schedule):
-  """Return a list of (lat, lng) tuples."""
-  locations = []
-  for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-    locations.append(AddNoiseToLatLng(s.stop_lat, s.stop_lon))
-  return locations
-def GetRandomDatetime():
-  """Return a datetime in the next week."""
-  seconds_offset = random.randint(0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
-  dt = datetime.today() + timedelta(seconds=seconds_offset)
-  return dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
-def FormatLatLng(lat_lng):
-  """Format a (lat, lng) tuple into a string for maps.google.com."""
-  return "%0.6f,%0.6f" % lat_lng
-def LatLngsToGoogleUrl(source, destination, dt):
-  """Return a URL for routing between two (lat, lng) at a datetime."""
-  params = {"saddr": FormatLatLng(source),
-            "daddr": FormatLatLng(destination),
-            "time": dt.strftime("%I:%M%p"),
-            "date": dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
-            "dirflg": "r",
-            "ie": "UTF8",
-            "oe": "UTF8"}
-  url = urlparse.urlunsplit(("http", "maps.google.com", "/maps",
-                             urllib.urlencode(params), ""))
-  return url
-def LatLngsToGoogleLink(source, destination):
-  """Return a string "<a ..." for a trip at a random time."""
-  dt = GetRandomDatetime()
-  return "<a href='%s'>from:%s to:%s on %s</a>" % (
-      LatLngsToGoogleUrl(source, destination, dt),
-      FormatLatLng(source), FormatLatLng(destination),
-      dt.ctime())
-def WriteOutput(title, locations, limit, f):
-  """Write html to f for up to limit trips between locations.
-  Args:
-    title: String used in html title
-    locations: list of (lat, lng) tuples
-    limit: maximum number of queries in the html
-    f: a file object
-  """
-  output_prefix = """
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-Random queries for %(title)s<p>
-This list of random queries should speed up important manual testing. Here are
-some things to check when looking at the results of a query.
-  <li> Check the agency attribution under the trip results:
-  <ul>
-    <li> has correct name and spelling of the agency
-    <li> opens a page with general information about the service
-  </ul>
-  <li> For each alternate trip check that each of these is reasonable:
-  <ul>
-    <li> the total time of the trip
-    <li> the time for each leg. Bad data frequently results in a leg going a long
-    way in a few minutes.
-    <li> the icons and mode names (Tram, Bus, etc) are correct for each leg
-    <li> the route names and headsigns are correctly formatted and not
-    redundant.
-    For a good example see <a
-    href="http://code.google.com/transit/spec/transit_feed_specification.html#transitScreenshots">the
-    screenshots in the Google Transit Feed Specification</a>.
-    <li> the shape line on the map looks correct. Make sure the polyline does
-    not zig-zag, loop, skip stops or jump far away unless the trip does the
-    same thing.
-    <li> the route is active on the day the trip planner returns
-  </ul>
-If you find a problem be sure to save the URL. This file is generated randomly.
-""" % locals()
-  output_suffix = """
-""" % locals()
-  f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
-  for source, destination in zip(locations[0:limit], locations[1:limit + 1]):
-    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode("<li>%s\n" %
-                                      LatLngsToGoogleLink(source, destination)))
-  f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
-def ParentAndBaseName(path):
-  """Given a path return only the parent name and file name as a string."""
-  dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
-  dirname = dirname.rstrip(os.path.sep)
-  if os.path.altsep:
-    dirname = dirname.rstrip(os.path.altsep)
-  _, parentname = os.path.split(dirname)
-  return os.path.join(parentname, basename)
-def main():
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-      usage="usage: %prog [options] feed_filename output_filename",
-      version="%prog "+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", type="int",
-                    help="Maximum number of URLs to generate")
-  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
-                    help='write html output to FILE')
-  parser.set_defaults(output="google_random_queries.html", limit=50)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print >>sys.stderr, parser.format_help()
-    print >>sys.stderr, "\n\nYou must provide the path of a single feed\n\n"
-    sys.exit(2)
-  feed_path = args[0]
-  # ProblemReporter prints problems on console.
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed_path, problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
-                              load_stop_times=False)
-  schedule = loader.Load()
-  locations = GetRandomLocationsNearStops(schedule)
-  random.shuffle(locations)
-  agencies = ", ".join([a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
-  title = "%s (%s)" % (agencies, ParentAndBaseName(feed_path))
-  WriteOutput(title,
-              locations,
-              options.limit,
-              open(options.output, "w"))
-  print ("Load %s in your web browser. It contains more instructions." %
-         options.output)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Google has a homegrown database for managing the company shuttle. The
-database dumps its contents in XML. This scripts converts the proprietary XML
-format into a Google Transit Feed Specification file.
-import datetime
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import os.path
-import re
-import transitfeed
-import urllib
-  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
-except ImportError, e:
-  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
-class NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter(
-        transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter):
-  """The company shuttle database has a few unused stops for reasons unrelated
-  to this script. Ignore them.
-  """
-  def UnusedStop(self, stop_id, stop_name):
-    pass
-def SaveFeed(input, output):
-  tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(input))
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-  service_period.SetWeekdayService()
-  service_period.SetStartDate('20070314')
-  service_period.SetEndDate('20071231')
-  # Holidays for 2007
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070528', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070704', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070903', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071122', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071123', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071224', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071225', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071226', has_service=False)
-  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071231', has_service=False)
-  stops = {}  # Map from xml stop id to python Stop object
-  agency = schedule.NewDefaultAgency(name='GBus', url='http://shuttle/',
-                                     timezone='America/Los_Angeles')
-  for xml_stop in tree.getiterator('stop'):
-    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(xml_stop.attrib['lat']),
-                            lng=float(xml_stop.attrib['lng']),
-                            name=xml_stop.attrib['name'])
-    stops[xml_stop.attrib['id']] = stop
-  for xml_shuttleGroup in tree.getiterator('shuttleGroup'):
-    if xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'] == 'Test':
-      continue
-    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="",
-        long_name=xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'], route_type='Bus')
-    for xml_route in xml_shuttleGroup.getiterator('route'):
-      t = r.AddTrip(schedule=schedule, headsign=xml_route.attrib['name'],
-          trip_id=xml_route.attrib['id'])
-      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, Stop) tuples
-      for xml_schedule in xml_route.getiterator('schedule'):
-        trip_stops.append( (int(xml_schedule.attrib['time']) / 1000,
-                            stops[xml_schedule.attrib['stopId']]) )
-      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
-      for (time, stop) in trip_stops:
-        t.AddStopTime(stop=stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
-  schedule.Validate(problems=NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter())
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(output)
-def main():
-  parser = OptionParser()
-  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
-                    help='Path or URL of input')
-  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
-                    help='Path of output file. Should end in .zip and if it '
-                    'contains the substring YYYYMMDD it will be replaced with '
-                    'today\'s date. It is impossible to include the literal '
-                    'string YYYYYMMDD in the path of the output file.')
-  parser.add_option('--execute', dest='execute',
-                    help='Commands to run to copy the output. %(path)s is '
-                    'replaced with full path of the output and %(name)s is '
-                    'replaced with name part of the path. Try '
-                    'scp %(path)s myhost:www/%(name)s',
-                    action='append')
-  parser.set_defaults(input=None, output=None, execute=[])
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
-  options.output = re.sub(r'YYYYMMDD', today, options.output)
-  (_, name) = os.path.split(options.output)
-  path = options.output
-  SaveFeed(options.input, options.output)
-  for command in options.execute:
-    import subprocess
-    def check_call(cmd):
-      """Convenience function that is in the docs for subprocess but not
-      installed on my system."""
-      retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
-      if retcode < 0:
-        raise Exception("Child '%s' was terminated by signal %d" % (cmd,
-          -retcode))
-      elif retcode != 0:
-        raise Exception("Child '%s' returned %d" % (cmd, retcode))
-    # path_output and filename_current can be used to run arbitrary commands
-    check_call(command % locals())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-<shuttle><office id="us-nye" name="US Nye County">
-<stop id="1" name="Stagecoach Hotel and Casino" shortName="Stagecoach" lat="36.915682" lng="-116.751677" />
-<stop id="2" name="North Ave / N A Ave" shortName="N Ave / A Ave N" lat="36.914944" lng="-116.761472" />
-<stop id="3" name="North Ave / D Ave N" shortName="N Ave / D Ave N" lat="36.914893" lng="-116.76821" />
-<stop id="4" name="Doing Ave / D Ave N" shortName="Doing / D Ave N" lat="36.909489" lng="-116.768242" />
-<stop id="5" name="E Main St / S Irving St" shortName="E Main / S Irving" lat="36.905697" lng="-116.76218" />
-<shuttleGroup id="4" name="Bar Circle Loop" >
-<route id="1" name="Outbound">
-<schedule id="164" stopId="1" time="60300000"/>
-<schedule id="165" stopId="2" time="60600000"/>
-<schedule id="166" stopId="3" time="60720000"/>
-<schedule id="167" stopId="4" time="60780000"/>
-<schedule id="168" stopId="5" time="60900000"/>
-<route id="2" name="Inbound">
-<schedule id="260" stopId="5" time="30000000"/>
-<schedule id="261" stopId="4" time="30120000"/>
-<schedule id="262" stopId="3" time="30180000"/>
-<schedule id="263" stopId="2" time="30300000"/>
-<schedule id="264" stopId="1" time="30600000"/>

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/small_builder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,1 @@
-# A really simple example of using transitfeed to build a Google Transit
-# Feed Specification file.
-import transitfeed
-from optparse import OptionParser
-parser = OptionParser()
-parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
-                  help='Path of output file. Should end in .zip')
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-schedule.AddAgency("Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                   "America/Los_Angeles")
-service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122, lat=37.2, name="Suburbia")
-stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122.001, lat=37.201, name="Civic Center")
-route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="22", long_name="Civic Center Express",
-                          route_type="Bus")
-trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign="To Downtown")
-trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='09:00:00')
-trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='09:15:00')
-trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign="To Suburbia")
-trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='17:30:00')
-trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='17:45:00')

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/table.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# An example script that demonstrates converting a proprietary format to a
-# Google Transit Feed Specification file.
-# You can load table.txt, the example input, in Excel. It contains three
-# sections:
-# 1) A list of global options, starting with a line containing the word
-#    'options'. Each option has an name in the first column and most options
-#    have a value in the second column.
-# 2) A table of stops, starting with a line containing the word 'stops'. Each
-#    row of the table has 3 columns: name, latitude, longitude
-# 3) A list of routes. There is an empty row between each route. The first row
-#    for a route lists the short_name and long_name. After the first row the
-#    left-most column lists the stop names visited by the route. Each column
-#    contains the times a single trip visits the stops.
-# This is very simple example which you could use as a base for your own
-# transit feed builder.
-import transitfeed
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import re
-stops = {}
-# table is a list of lists in this form
-# [ ['Short Name', 'Long Name'],
-#   ['Stop 1', 'Stop 2', ...]
-#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 1
-#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 2
-#   ... ]
-def AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, table):
-  if len(table) >= 2:
-    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name=table[0][0], long_name=table[0][1], route_type='Bus')
-    for trip in table[2:]:
-      if len(trip) > len(table[1]):
-        print "ignoring %s" % trip[len(table[1]):]
-        trip = trip[0:len(table[1])]
-      t = r.AddTrip(schedule, headsign='My headsign')
-      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, stopname) tuples
-      for i in range(0, len(trip)):
-        if re.search(r'\S', trip[i]):
-          trip_stops.append( (transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(trip[i]), table[1][i]) )
-      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
-      for (time, stopname) in trip_stops:
-        t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[stopname.lower()], arrival_secs=time,
-                      departure_secs=time)
-def TransposeTable(table):
-  """Transpose a list of lists, using None to extend all input lists to the
-  same length.
-  For example:
-  >>> TransposeTable(
-  [ [11,   12,   13],
-    [21,   22],
-    [31,   32,   33,   34]])
-  [ [11,   21,   31],
-    [12,   22,   32],
-    [13,   None, 33],
-    [None, None, 34]]
-  """
-  transposed = []
-  rows = len(table)
-  cols = max(len(row) for row in table)
-  for x in range(cols):
-    transposed.append([])
-    for y in range(rows):
-      if x < len(table[y]):
-        transposed[x].append(table[y][x])
-      else:
-        transposed[x].append(None)
-  return transposed
-def ProcessOptions(schedule, table):
-  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-  agency_name, agency_url, agency_timezone = (None, None, None)
-  for row in table[1:]:
-    command = row[0].lower()
-    if command == 'weekday':
-      service_period.SetWeekdayService()
-    elif command == 'start_date':
-      service_period.SetStartDate(row[1])
-    elif command == 'end_date':
-      service_period.SetEndDate(row[1])
-    elif command == 'add_date':
-      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1])
-    elif command == 'remove_date':
-      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1], has_service=False)
-    elif command == 'agency_name':
-      agency_name = row[1]
-    elif command == 'agency_url':
-      agency_url = row[1]
-    elif command == 'agency_timezone':
-      agency_timezone = row[1]
-  if not (agency_name and agency_url and agency_timezone):
-    print "You must provide agency information"
-  schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name=agency_name, agency_url=agency_url,
-                            agency_timezone=agency_timezone)
-def AddStops(schedule, table):
-  for name, lat_str, lng_str in table[1:]:
-    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(lat_str), lng=float(lng_str), name=name)
-    stops[name.lower()] = stop
-def ProcessTable(schedule, table):
-  if table[0][0].lower() == 'options':
-    ProcessOptions(schedule, table)
-  elif table[0][0].lower() == 'stops':
-    AddStops(schedule, table)
-  else:
-    transposed = [table[0]]  # Keep route_short_name and route_long_name on first row
-    # Transpose rest of table. Input contains the stop names in table[x][0], x
-    # >= 1 with trips found in columns, so we need to transpose table[1:].
-    # As a diagram Transpose from
-    # [['stop 1', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'],
-    #  ['stop 2', '10:10', '11:10', '12:10'],
-    #  ['stop 3', '10:20', '11:20', '12:20']]
-    # to
-    # [['stop 1', 'stop 2', 'stop 3'],
-    #  ['10:00',  '10:10',  '10:20'],
-    #  ['11:00',  '11:11',  '11:20'],
-    #  ['12:00',  '12:12',  '12:20']]
-    transposed.extend(TransposeTable(table[1:]))
-    AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, transposed)
-def main():
-  parser = OptionParser()
-  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
-                    help='Path of input file')
-  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
-                    help='Path of output file, should end in .zip')
-  parser.set_defaults(output='feed.zip')
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  table = []
-  for line in open(options.input):
-    line = line.rstrip()
-    if not line:
-      ProcessTable(schedule, table)
-      table = []
-    else:
-      table.append(line.split('\t'))
-  ProcessTable(schedule, table)
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/examples/table.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-start_date	20070315
-end_date	20071215
-remove_date	20070704
-agency_name	Gbus
-agency_url	http://shuttle/
-agency_timezone	America/Los_Angeles
-Stagecoach	36.915682	-116.751677
-N Ave / A Ave N	36.914944	-116.761472
-N Ave / D Ave N	36.914893	-116.76821
-Doing / D Ave N	36.909489	-116.768242
-E Main / S Irving	36.905697	-116.76218
-O in	Bar Circle Inbound
-Stagecoach	9:00:00	9:30:00	10:00:00	12:00:00
-N Ave / A Ave N	9:05:00	9:35:00	10:05:00	12:05:00
-N Ave / D Ave N	9:07:00	9:37:00	10:07:00	12:07:00
-Doing / D Ave N	9:09:00	9:39:00	10:09:00	12:09:00
-E Main / S Irving	9:11:00	9:41:00	10:11:00	12:11:00
-O out	Bar Circle Outbound
-E Main / S Irving	15:00:00	15:30:00	16:00:00	18:00:00
-Doing / D Ave N	15:05:00	15:35:00	16:05:00	18:05:00
-N Ave / D Ave N	15:07:00	15:37:00	16:07:00	18:07:00
-N Ave / A Ave N	15:09:00	15:39:00	16:09:00	18:09:00
-Stagecoach	15:11:00	15:41:00	16:11:00	18:11:00

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/feedvalidator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,723 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Validates a GTFS file.
-For usage information run feedvalidator.py --help
-import bisect
-import codecs
-import datetime
-from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
-import optparse
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_WARNING
-from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
-from transitfeed import util
-import webbrowser
-SVN_TAG_URL = 'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/tags/'
-def MaybePluralizeWord(count, word):
-  if count == 1:
-    return word
-  else:
-    return word + 's'
-def PrettyNumberWord(count, word):
-  return '%d %s' % (count, MaybePluralizeWord(count, word))
-def UnCamelCase(camel):
-  return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', camel)
-def ProblemCountText(error_count, warning_count):
-  results = []
-  if error_count:
-    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(error_count, 'error'))
-  if warning_count:
-    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(warning_count, 'warning'))
-  return ' and '.join(results)
-def CalendarSummary(schedule):
-  today = datetime.date.today()
-  summary_end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
-  start_date, end_date = schedule.GetDateRange()
-  if not start_date or not end_date:
-    return {}
-  try:
-    start_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(start_date)
-    end_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(end_date)
-  except ValueError:
-    return {}
-  # Get the list of trips only during the period the feed is active.
-  # As such we have to check if it starts in the future and/or if
-  # if it ends in less than 60 days.
-  date_trips_departures = schedule.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(
-                              max(today, start_date_object),
-                              min(summary_end_date, end_date_object))
-  if not date_trips_departures:
-    return {}
-  # Check that the dates which will be shown in summary agree with these
-  # calculations. Failure implies a bug which should be fixed. It isn't good
-  # for users to discover assertion failures but means it will likely be fixed.
-  assert start_date <= date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
-  assert end_date >= date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
-  # Generate a map from int number of trips in a day to a list of date objects
-  # with that many trips. The list of dates is sorted.
-  trips_dates = defaultdict(lambda: [])
-  trips = 0
-  for date, day_trips, day_departures in date_trips_departures:
-    trips += day_trips
-    trips_dates[day_trips].append(date)
-  mean_trips = trips / len(date_trips_departures)
-  max_trips = max(trips_dates.keys())
-  min_trips = min(trips_dates.keys())
-  calendar_summary = {}
-  calendar_summary['mean_trips'] = mean_trips
-  calendar_summary['max_trips'] = max_trips
-  calendar_summary['max_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[max_trips])
-  calendar_summary['min_trips'] = min_trips
-  calendar_summary['min_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[min_trips])
-  calendar_summary['date_trips_departures'] = date_trips_departures
-  calendar_summary['date_summary_range'] = "%s to %s" % (
-      date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%a %b %d"),
-      date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%a %b %d"))
-  return calendar_summary
-def FormatDateList(dates):
-  if not dates:
-    return "0 service dates"
-  formatted = [d.strftime("%a %b %d") for d in dates[0:3]]
-  if len(dates) > 3:
-    formatted.append("...")
-  return "%s (%s)" % (PrettyNumberWord(len(dates), "service date"),
-                      ", ".join(formatted))
-def MaxVersion(versions):
-  versions = filter(None, versions)
-  versions.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp([int(item) for item in x.split('.')],
-                                 [int(item) for item in y.split('.')]))
-  if len(versions) > 0:
-    return versions[0]
-class CountingConsoleProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self)
-    self._error_count = 0
-    self._warning_count = 0
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter._Report(self, e)
-    if e.IsError():
-      self._error_count += 1
-    else:
-      self._warning_count += 1
-  def ErrorCount(self):
-    return self._error_count
-  def WarningCount(self):
-    return self._warning_count
-  def FormatCount(self):
-    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
-  def HasIssues(self):
-    return self.ErrorCount() or self.WarningCount()
-class BoundedProblemList(object):
-  """A list of one type of ExceptionWithContext objects with bounded size."""
-  def __init__(self, size_bound):
-    self._count = 0
-    self._exceptions = []
-    self._size_bound = size_bound
-  def Add(self, e):
-    self._count += 1
-    try:
-      bisect.insort(self._exceptions, e)
-    except TypeError:
-      # The base class ExceptionWithContext raises this exception in __cmp__
-      # to signal that an object is not comparable. Instead of keeping the most
-      # significant issue keep the first reported.
-      if self._count <= self._size_bound:
-        self._exceptions.append(e)
-    else:
-      # self._exceptions is in order. Drop the least significant if the list is
-      # now too long.
-      if self._count > self._size_bound:
-        del self._exceptions[-1]
-  def _GetDroppedCount(self):
-    return self._count - len(self._exceptions)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<BoundedProblemList %s>" % repr(self._exceptions)
-  count = property(lambda s: s._count)
-  dropped_count = property(_GetDroppedCount)
-  problems = property(lambda s: s._exceptions)
-class LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self, limit_per_type):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self)
-    # {TYPE_WARNING: {"ClassName": BoundedProblemList()}}
-    self._type_to_name_to_problist = {
-      TYPE_WARNING: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type)),
-      TYPE_ERROR: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type))
-    }
-  def HasIssues(self):
-    return (self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR] or
-            self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING])
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    self._type_to_name_to_problist[e.GetType()][e.__class__.__name__].Add(e)
-  def ErrorCount(self):
-    error_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR].values()
-    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, error_sets))
-  def WarningCount(self):
-    warning_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING].values()
-    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, warning_sets))
-  def ProblemList(self, problem_type, class_name):
-    """Return the BoundedProblemList object for given type and class."""
-    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type][class_name]
-  def ProblemListMap(self, problem_type):
-    """Return the map from class name to BoundedProblemList object."""
-    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type]
-class HTMLCountingProblemReporter(LimitPerTypeProblemReporter):
-  def FormatType(self, f, level_name, class_problist):
-    """Write the HTML dumping all problems of one type.
-    Args:
-      f: file object open for writing
-      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
-      class_problist: sequence of tuples (class name,
-          BoundedProblemList object)
-    """
-    class_problist.sort()
-    output = []
-    for classname, problist in class_problist:
-      output.append('<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="%s%s">%s</a></h4><ul>\n' %
-                    (level_name, classname, UnCamelCase(classname)))
-      for e in problist.problems:
-        self.FormatException(e, output)
-      if problist.dropped_count:
-        output.append('<li>and %d more of this type.' %
-                      (problist.dropped_count))
-      output.append('</ul>\n')
-    f.write(''.join(output))
-  def FormatTypeSummaryTable(self, level_name, name_to_problist):
-    """Return an HTML table listing the number of problems by class name.
-    Args:
-      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
-      name_to_problist: dict mapping class name to an BoundedProblemList object
-    Returns:
-      HTML in a string
-    """
-    output = []
-    output.append('<table>')
-    for classname in sorted(name_to_problist.keys()):
-      problist = name_to_problist[classname]
-      human_name = MaybePluralizeWord(problist.count, UnCamelCase(classname))
-      output.append('<tr><td>%d</td><td><a href="#%s%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' %
-                    (problist.count, level_name, classname, human_name))
-    output.append('</table>\n')
-    return ''.join(output)
-  def FormatException(self, e, output):
-    """Append HTML version of e to list output."""
-    d = e.GetDictToFormat()
-    for k in ('file_name', 'feedname', 'column_name'):
-      if k in d.keys():
-        d[k] = '<code>%s</code>' % d[k]
-    problem_text = e.FormatProblem(d).replace('\n', '<br>')
-    output.append('<li>')
-    output.append('<div class="problem">%s</div>' %
-                  transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(problem_text))
-    try:
-      if hasattr(e, 'row_num'):
-        line_str = 'line %d of ' % e.row_num
-      else:
-        line_str = ''
-      output.append('in %s<code>%s</code><br>\n' %
-                    (line_str, e.file_name))
-      row = e.row
-      headers = e.headers
-      column_name = e.column_name
-      table_header = ''  # HTML
-      table_data = ''  # HTML
-      for header, value in zip(headers, row):
-        attributes = ''
-        if header == column_name:
-          attributes = ' class="problem"'
-        table_header += '<th%s>%s</th>' % (attributes, header)
-        table_data += '<td%s>%s</td>' % (attributes, value)
-      # Make sure output is encoded into UTF-8
-      output.append('<table class="dump"><tr>%s</tr>\n' %
-                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_header))
-      output.append('<tr>%s</tr></table>\n' %
-                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_data))
-    except AttributeError, e:
-      pass  # Hope this was getting an attribute from e ;-)
-    output.append('<br></li>\n')
-  def FormatCount(self):
-    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
-  def CountTable(self):
-    output = []
-    output.append('<table class="count_outside">\n')
-    output.append('<tr>')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
-                    PrettyNumberWord(self.ErrorCount(), "error"))
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
-                    PrettyNumberWord(self.WarningCount(), "warning"))
-    output.append('</tr>\n<tr>')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      output.append('<td>\n')
-      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Error",
-                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR)))
-      output.append('</td>\n')
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      output.append('<td>\n')
-      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Warning",
-                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING)))
-      output.append('</td>\n')
-    output.append('</table>')
-    return ''.join(output)
-  def WriteOutput(self, feed_location, f, schedule, other_problems):
-    """Write the html output to f."""
-    if self.HasIssues():
-      if self.ErrorCount() + self.WarningCount() == 1:
-        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found this problem:</span>\n%s' %
-                   self.CountTable())
-      else:
-        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>\n%s' %
-                   self.CountTable())
-    else:
-      summary = '<span class="pass">feed validated successfully</span>'
-    if other_problems is not None:
-      summary = ('<span class="fail">\n%s</span><br><br>' %
-                 other_problems) + summary
-    basename = os.path.basename(feed_location)
-    feed_path = (feed_location[:feed_location.rfind(basename)], basename)
-    agencies = ', '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (a.agency_url, a.agency_name)
-                          for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
-    if not agencies:
-      agencies = '?'
-    dates = "No valid service dates found"
-    (start, end) = schedule.GetDateRange()
-    if start and end:
-      def FormatDate(yyyymmdd):
-        src_format = "%Y%m%d"
-        dst_format = "%B %d, %Y"
-        try:
-          return time.strftime(dst_format,
-                               time.strptime(yyyymmdd, src_format))
-        except ValueError:
-          return yyyymmdd
-      formatted_start = FormatDate(start)
-      formatted_end = FormatDate(end)
-      dates = "%s to %s" % (formatted_start, formatted_end)
-    calendar_summary = CalendarSummary(schedule)
-    if calendar_summary:
-      calendar_summary_html = """<br>
-During the upcoming service dates %(date_summary_range)s:
-<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">%(mean_trips)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(max_trips)s, on %(max_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(min_trips)s, on %(min_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
-</table>""" % calendar_summary
-    else:
-      calendar_summary_html = ""
-    output_prefix = """
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-<title>FeedValidator: %(feed_file)s</title>
-body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
-.path {color: gray}
-div.problem {max-width: 500px}
-table.dump td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.dump td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.count_outside td {vertical-align: top}
-table.count_outside {border-spacing: 0px; }
-table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
-h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 0.5em}
-h4.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
-.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
-.fail {background-color: yellow}
-.pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt}
-.header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
-th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
-.footer {font-size: 10pt}
-GTFS validation results for feed:<br>
-<code><span class="path">%(feed_dir)s</span><b>%(feed_file)s</b></code>
-<tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header">%(agencies)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">%(routes)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">%(stops)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">%(trips)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">%(shapes)s</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">%(dates)s</td></tr>
-""" % { "feed_file": feed_path[1],
-        "feed_dir": feed_path[0],
-        "agencies": agencies,
-        "routes": len(schedule.GetRouteList()),
-        "stops": len(schedule.GetStopList()),
-        "trips": len(schedule.GetTripList()),
-        "shapes": len(schedule.GetShapeList()),
-        "dates": dates,
-        "problem_summary": summary,
-        "calendar_summary": calendar_summary_html}
-# In output_suffix string
-# time.strftime() returns a regular local time string (not a Unicode one) with
-# default system encoding. And decode() will then convert this time string back
-# into a Unicode string. We use decode() here because we don't want the operating
-# system to do any system encoding (which may cause some problem if the string
-# contains some non-English characters) for the string. Therefore we decode it
-# back to its original Unicode code print.
-    time_unicode = (time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z').
-                    decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
-    output_suffix = """
-<div class="footer">
-Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
-FeedValidator</a> version %s on %s.
-</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__, time_unicode)
-    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
-      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3>')
-      self.FormatType(f, "Error",
-                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR).items())
-    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
-      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3>')
-      self.FormatType(f, "Warning",
-                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING).items())
-    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
-def RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
-  """Validate feed, output results per options and return an exit code."""
-  if options.output.upper() == "CONSOLE":
-    return RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options)
-  else:
-    return RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, options.output)
-def RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, output_filename):
-  """Validate feed, save HTML at output_filename and return an exit code."""
-  try:
-    output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')
-    exit_code = RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file)
-    output_file.close()
-  except IOError, e:
-    print 'Error while writing %s: %s' % (output_filename, e)
-    output_filename = None
-    exit_code = 2
-  if options.manual_entry and output_filename:
-    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(output_filename))
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file):
-  """Validate feed, write HTML to output_file and return an exit code."""
-  problems = HTMLCountingProblemReporter(options.limit_per_type)
-  schedule, exit_code, other_problems_string = RunValidation(feed, options,
-                                                             problems)
-  if isinstance(feed, basestring):
-    feed_location = feed
-  else:
-    feed_location = getattr(feed, 'name', repr(feed))
-  problems.WriteOutput(feed_location, output_file, schedule,
-                       other_problems_string)
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options):
-  """Validate feed, print reports and return an exit code."""
-  problems = CountingConsoleProblemReporter()
-  _, exit_code, _ = RunValidation(feed, options, problems)
-  return exit_code
-def RunValidation(feed, options, problems):
-  """Validate feed, returning the loaded Schedule and exit code.
-  Args:
-    feed: GTFS file, either path of the file as a string or a file object
-    options: options object returned by optparse
-    problems: transitfeed.ProblemReporter instance
-  Returns:
-    a transitfeed.Schedule object, exit code and plain text string of other
-    problems
-    Exit code is 1 if problems are found and 0 if the Schedule is problem free.
-    plain text string is '' if no other problems are found.
-  """
-  other_problems_string = CheckVersion(latest_version=options.latest_version)
-  print 'validating %s' % feed
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed, problems=problems, extra_validation=False,
-                              memory_db=options.memory_db,
-                              check_duplicate_trips=\
-                              options.check_duplicate_trips)
-  schedule = loader.Load()
-  schedule.Validate(service_gap_interval=options.service_gap_interval)
-  if feed == 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt':
-    # See test/testfeedvalidator.py
-    raise Exception('For testing the feed validator crash handler.')
-  if other_problems_string:
-    print other_problems_string
-  if problems.HasIssues():
-    print 'ERROR: %s found' % problems.FormatCount()
-    return schedule, 1, other_problems_string
-  else:
-    print 'feed validated successfully'
-    return schedule, 0, other_problems_string
-def CheckVersion(latest_version=''):
-  """
-  Check there is newer version of this project.
-  Codes are based on http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
-  Already got permission from the copyright holder.
-  """
-  current_version = transitfeed.__version__
-  if not latest_version:
-    timeout = 20
-    socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
-    request = Request(SVN_TAG_URL)
-    try:
-      response = urlopen(request)
-      content = response.read()
-      versions = re.findall(r'>transitfeed-([\d\.]+)\/<\/a>', content)
-      latest_version = MaxVersion(versions)
-    except HTTPError, e:
-      return('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request. Error code: %s.'
-             % e.code)
-    except URLError, e:
-      return('We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: %s.' % e.reason)
-  if not latest_version:
-    return('We had trouble parsing the contents of %s.' % SVN_TAG_URL)
-  newest_version = MaxVersion([latest_version, current_version])
-  if current_version != newest_version:
-    return('A new version %s of transitfeed is available. Please visit '
-           'http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed and download.'
-           % newest_version)
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
-Validates GTFS file (or directory) <input GTFS.zip> and writes a HTML
-report of the results to validation-results.html.
-If <input GTFS.zip> is ommited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-For more information see
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='do not prompt for feed location or load output in '
-                    'browser')
-  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
-                    help='write html output to FILE or --output=CONSOLE to '
-                    'print all errors and warnings to the command console')
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--performance', action='store_true',
-                    dest='performance',
-                    help='output memory and time performance (Availability: '
-                    'Unix')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
-                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
-                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--duplicate_trip_check',
-                    dest='check_duplicate_trips', action='store_true',
-                    help='Check for duplicate trips which go through the same '
-                    'stops with same service and start times')
-  parser.add_option('-l', '--limit_per_type',
-                    dest='limit_per_type', action='store', type='int',
-                    help='Maximum number of errors and warnings to keep of '
-                    'each type')
-  parser.add_option('--latest_version', dest='latest_version',
-                    action='store',
-                    help='a version number such as 1.2.1 or None to get the '
-                    'latest version from code.google.com. Output a warning if '
-                    'transitfeed.py is older than this version.')
-  parser.add_option('--service_gap_interval', 
-                    dest='service_gap_interval',
-                    action='store',
-                    type='int',
-                    help='the number of consecutive days to search for with no '
-                    'scheduled service. For each interval with no service '
-                    'having this number of days or more a warning will be '
-                    'issued')
-  parser.set_defaults(manual_entry=True, output='validation-results.html',
-                      memory_db=False, check_duplicate_trips=False,
-                      limit_per_type=5, latest_version='',
-                      service_gap_interval=13)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not len(args) == 1:
-    if options.manual_entry:
-      feed = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ')
-    else:
-      parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed')
-  else:
-    feed = args[0]
-  feed = feed.strip('"')
-  if options.performance:
-    return ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
-  else:
-    return RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
-def ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
-  """Run RunValidationOutputFromOptions, print profile and return exit code."""
-  import cProfile
-  import pstats
-  # runctx will modify a dict, but not locals(). We need a way to get rv back.
-  locals_for_exec = locals()
-  cProfile.runctx('rv = RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)',
-                  globals(), locals_for_exec, 'validate-stats')
-  # Only available on Unix, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-resource.html
-  import resource
-  print "Time: %d seconds" % (
-      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime +
-      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime)
-  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/286222
-  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/ "The recipes are freely
-  # available for review and use."
-  def _VmB(VmKey):
-    """Return size from proc status in bytes."""
-    _proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid()
-    _scale = {'kB': 1024.0, 'mB': 1024.0*1024.0,
-              'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': 1024.0*1024.0}
-     # get pseudo file  /proc/<pid>/status
-    try:
-        t = open(_proc_status)
-        v = t.read()
-        t.close()
-    except:
-        raise Exception("no proc file %s" % _proc_status)
-        return 0  # non-Linux?
-     # get VmKey line e.g. 'VmRSS:  9999  kB\n ...'
-    i = v.index(VmKey)
-    v = v[i:].split(None, 3)  # whitespace
-    if len(v) < 3:
-        raise Exception("%s" % v)
-        return 0  # invalid format?
-     # convert Vm value to bytes
-    return int(float(v[1]) * _scale[v[2]])
-  # I ran this on over a hundred GTFS files, comparing VmSize to VmRSS
-  # (resident set size). The difference was always under 2% or 3MB.
-  print "Virtual Memory Size: %d bytes" % _VmB('VmSize:')
-  # Output report of where CPU time was spent.
-  p = pstats.Stats('validate-stats')
-  p.strip_dirs()
-  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30)
-  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_callers(30)
-  return locals_for_exec['rv']
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,1 @@
-__doc__ = """
-Package holding files for Google Transit Feed Specification Schedule Viewer.
-# This package contains the data files for schedule_viewer.py, a script that
-# comes with the transitfeed distribution. According to the thread
-# "[Distutils] distutils data_files and setuptools.pkg_resources are driving
-# me crazy" this is the easiest way to include data files. My experience
-# agrees. - Tom 2007-05-29

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
-    <title>[agency]</title>
-    <link href="file/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-    <style type="text/css">
-    v\:* {
-      behavior:url(#default#VML);
-    }
-    </style>
-    <script src="http://[host]/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=[key]" type="text/javascript"></script>
-    <script src="/file/labeled_marker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-    <script language="VBScript" src="/file/svgcheck.vbs"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-    //<![CDATA[
-    var map;
-    // Set to true when debugging for log statements about HTTP requests.
-    var log = false;
-    var twelveHourTime = false;  // set to true to see AM/PM
-    var selectedRoute = null;
-    var forbid_editing = [forbid_editing];
-    function load() {
-      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
-        sizeRouteList();
-        var map_dom = document.getElementById("map");
-        map = new GMap2(map_dom);
-        map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
-        map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
-        map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());
-        map.enableScrollWheelZoom();
-        var bb = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng([min_lat], [min_lon]),new GLatLng([max_lat], [max_lon]));
-        map.setCenter(bb.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bb));
-        map.enableDoubleClickZoom();
-        initIcons();
-        GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", callbackMoveEnd);
-        GEvent.addListener(map, "zoomend", callbackZoomEnd);
-        callbackMoveEnd();  // Pretend we just moved to current center
-        fetchRoutes();
-      }
-    }
-    function callbackZoomEnd() {
-    }
-    function callbackMoveEnd() {
-      // Map moved, search for stops near the center
-      fetchStopsInBounds(map.getBounds());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Fetch a sample of stops in the bounding box.
-     */
-    function fetchStopsInBounds(bounds) {
-      url = "/json/boundboxstops?n=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lat()
-                             + "&e=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lng()
-                             + "&s=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lat()
-                             + "&w=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lng()
-                             + "&limit=50";
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStopsBackground);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Displays stops returned by the server on the map. Expected to be called
-     * when GDownloadUrl finishes.
-     *
-     * @param {String} data JSON encoded list of list, each
-     *     containing a row of stops.txt
-     * @param {Number} responseCode Response code from server
-     */
-    function callbackDisplayStops(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      clearMap();
-      var stops = eval(data);
-      if (stops.length == 1) {
-        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[0], true);
-        fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);
-      } else {
-        for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
-          addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function stopTextSearchSubmit() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("stopTextSearchInput").value;
-      var url = "/json/stopsearch?q=" + text;  // TODO URI escape
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStops);
-    }
-    function tripTextSearchSubmit() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("tripTextSearchInput").value;
-      selectTrip(text);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add stops markers to the map and remove stops no longer in the
-     * background.
-     */
-    function callbackDisplayStopsBackground(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var stops = eval(data);
-      // Make a list of all background markers
-      var oldStopMarkers = {};
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
-        oldStopMarkers[stopId] = 1;
-      }
-      // Add new markers to the map and remove from oldStopMarkers
-      for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
-        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], false);
-        if (oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId]) {
-          delete oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId];
-        }
-      }
-      // Delete all markers that remain in oldStopMarkers
-      for (var stopId in oldStopMarkers) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
-        map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
-        delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId]
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove all overlays from the map
-     */
-    function clearMap() {
-      boundsOfPolyLine = null;
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersSelected) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersSelected[stopId].clickListener);
-      }
-      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
-        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
-      }
-      stopMarkersSelected = {};
-      stopMarkersBackground = {};
-      map.clearOverlays();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return a new GIcon used for stops
-     */
-    function makeStopIcon() {
-      var icon = new GIcon();
-      icon.iconSize = new GSize(12, 20);
-      icon.shadowSize = new GSize(22, 20);
-      icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 20);
-      icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(5, 1);
-      return icon;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Initialize icons. Call once during load.
-     */
-    function initIcons() {
-      iconSelected = makeStopIcon();
-      iconSelected.image = "/file/mm_20_yellow.png";
-      iconSelected.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow.png";
-      iconBackground = makeStopIcon();
-      iconBackground.image = "/file/mm_20_blue_trans.png";
-      iconBackground.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
-      iconBackgroundStation = makeStopIcon();
-      iconBackgroundStation.image = "/file/mm_20_red_trans.png";
-      iconBackgroundStation.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
-    }
-    var iconSelected;
-    var iconBackground;
-    var iconBackgroundStation;
-    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops selected because they are
-    // part of a trip, etc
-    var stopMarkersSelected = {};
-    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops found by the background
-    // passive search
-    var stopMarkersBackground = {};
-    /**
-     * Add a stop to the map, given a row from stops.txt.
-     */
-    function addStopMarkerFromList(list, selected, text) {
-      return addStopMarker(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4], selected, text);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a stop to the map, returning the new marker
-     */
-    function addStopMarker(stopId, stopName, stopLat, stopLon, locationType, selected, text) {
-      if (stopMarkersSelected[stopId]) {
-        // stop was selected
-	var marker = stopMarkersSelected[stopId];
-	if (text) {
-          oldText = marker.getText();
-          if (oldText) {
-            oldText = oldText + "<br>";
-          }
-          marker.setText(oldText + text);
-	}
-        return marker;
-      }
-      if (stopMarkersBackground[stopId]) {
-        // Stop was in the background. Either delete it from the background or
-        // leave it where it is.
-        if (selected) {
-          map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
-          delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
-        } else {
-          return stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
-        }
-      }
-      var icon;
-      if (selected) {
-        icon = iconSelected;
-      } else if (locationType == 1)  {
-        icon = iconBackgroundStation
-      } else {
-        icon = iconBackground;
-      }
-      var ll = new GLatLng(stopLat,stopLon);
-      var marker;
-      if (selected || text) {
-        if (!text) {
-          text = "";  // Make sure every selected icon has a text box, even if empty
-        }
-        var markerOpts = new Object();
-        markerOpts.icon = icon;
-        markerOpts.labelText = text;
-        markerOpts.labelClass = "tooltip";
-        markerOpts.labelOffset = new GSize(6, -20);
-        marker = new LabeledMarker(ll, markerOpts);
-      } else {
-        marker = new GMarker(ll, {icon: icon, draggable: !forbid_editing});
-      }
-      marker.stopName = stopName;
-      marker.stopId = stopId;
-      if (selected) {
-        stopMarkersSelected[stopId] = marker;
-      } else {
-        stopMarkersBackground[stopId] = marker;
-      }
-      map.addOverlay(marker);
-      marker.clickListener = GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);});
-      GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
-        document.getElementById("edit").style.visibility = "visible";
-        document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = "updating..."
-        changeStopLocation(marker);
-      });
-      return marker;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sends new location of a stop to server.
-     */
-    function changeStopLocation(marker) {
-      var url = "/json/setstoplocation?id=" +
-      			encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) +
-                "&lat=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lat()) + 
-                "&lng=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lng());
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = unescape(data);
-          } );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Saves the current state of the data file opened at server side to file.
-     */
-    function saveData() {
-      var url = "/json/savedata";
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = data;} );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Fetch the next departing trips from the stop for display in an info
-     * window.
-     */
-    function fetchStopInfoWindow(marker) {
-      var url = "/json/stoptrips?stop=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput();
-      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
-          callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode); } );
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var timeTrips = eval(data);
-      var html = "<b>" + marker.stopName + "</b> (" + marker.stopId + ")<br>";
-      var latLng = marker.getLatLng();
-      html = html + "(" + latLng.lat() + ", " + latLng.lng() + ")<br>";
-      html = html + "<table><tr><th>service_id<th>time<th>name</tr>";
-      for (var i=0; i < timeTrips.length; ++i) {
-        var time = timeTrips[i][0];
-        var tripid = timeTrips[i][1][0];
-        var tripname = timeTrips[i][1][1];
-        var service_id = timeTrips[i][1][2];
-        var timepoint = timeTrips[i][2];
-        html = html + "<tr onClick='map.closeInfoWindow();selectTrip(\"" +
-          tripid + "\")'>" +
-          "<td>" + service_id +
-          "<td align='right'>" + (timepoint ? "" : "~") +
-          formatTime(time) + "<td>" + tripname + "</tr>";
-      }
-      html = html + "</table>";
-      marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);
-    }
-    function leadingZero(digit) {
-      if (digit < 10)
-        return "0" + digit;
-      else
-        return "" + digit;
-    }
-    function formatTime(secSinceMidnight) {
-      var hours = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 3600);
-      var suffix = "";
-      if (twelveHourTime) {
-        suffix = (hours >= 12) ? "p" : "a";
-        suffix += (hours >= 24) ? " next day" : "";
-        hours = hours % 12;
-        if (hours == 0)
-          hours = 12;
-      }
-      var minutes = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 60) % 60;
-      var seconds = secSinceMidnight % 60;
-      if (seconds == 0) {
-        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + suffix;
-      } else {
-        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + ":" + leadingZero(seconds) + suffix;
-      }
-    }
-    function parseTimeInput() {
-      var text = document.getElementById("timeInput").value;
-      var m = text.match(/([012]?\d):([012345]?\d)(:([012345]?\d))?/);
-      if (m) {
-        var seconds = parseInt(m[1], 10) * 3600;
-        seconds += parseInt(m[2], 10) * 60;
-        if (m[4]) {
-          second += parseInt(m[4], 10);
-        }
-        return seconds;
-      } else {
-        if (log)
-          GLog.write("Couldn't match " + text);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a string of dots that gets longer with the log of count.
-     */
-    function countToRepeatedDots(count) {
-      // Find ln_2(count) + 1
-      var logCount = Math.ceil(Math.log(count) / 0.693148) + 1;
-      return new Array(logCount + 1).join(".");
-    }
-    function fetchRoutes() {
-      url = "/json/routes";
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayRoutes);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayRoutes(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        patternDiv.appendChild(div);
-      }
-      var routes = eval(data);
-      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
-      while (routesList.hasChildNodes()) {
-        routesList.removeChild(routesList.firstChild);
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < routes.length; ++i) {
-        var routeId = routes[i][0];
-        var shortName = document.createElement("span");
-        shortName.className = "shortName";
-        shortName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routes[i][1] + " "));
-        var routeName = routes[i][2];
-        var elem = document.createElement("div");
-        elem.appendChild(shortName);
-        elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routeName));
-        elem.id = "route_" + routeId;
-        elem.className = "routeChoice";
-        elem.title = routeName;
-        GEvent.addDomListener(elem, "click", makeClosure(selectRoute, routeId));
-        var routeContainer = document.createElement("div");
-        routeContainer.id = "route_container_" + routeId;
-        routeContainer.className = "routeContainer";
-        routeContainer.appendChild(elem);
-        routesList.appendChild(routeContainer);
-      }
-    }
-    function selectRoute(routeId) {
-      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
-      routeSpans = routesList.getElementsByTagName("div");
-      for (var i = 0; i < routeSpans.length; ++i) {
-        if (routeSpans[i].className == "routeChoiceSelected") {
-          routeSpans[i].className = "routeChoice";
-        }
-      }
-      // remove any previously-expanded route
-      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
-      if (tripInfo)
-        tripInfo.parentNode.removeChild(tripInfo);
-      selectedRoute = routeId;
-      var span = document.getElementById("route_" + routeId);
-      span.className = "routeChoiceSelected";
-      fetchPatterns(routeId);
-    }
-    function fetchPatterns(routeId) {
-      url = "/json/routepatterns?route=" + encodeURIComponent(routeId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput();
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayPatterns);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayPatterns(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var div = document.createElement("div");
-      div.className = "tripSection";
-      div.id = "tripInfo";
-      var firstTrip = null;
-      var patterns = eval(data);
-      clearMap();
-      for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {
-        patternDiv = document.createElement("div")
-        patternDiv.className = 'patternSection';
-        div.appendChild(patternDiv)
-        var pat = patterns[i];  // [patName, patId, len(early trips), trips, len(later trips), has_non_zero_trip_type]
-        if (pat[5] == '1') {
-          patternDiv.className += " unusualPattern"
-        }
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pat[0]));
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", " + (pat[2] + pat[3].length + pat[4]) + " trips: "));
-        if (pat[2] > 0) {
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(countToRepeatedDots(pat[2]) + " "));
-        }
-        for (j = 0; j < pat[3].length; ++j) {
-          var trip = pat[3][j];
-          var tripId = trip[1];
-          if ((i == 0) && (j == 0))
-            firstTrip = tripId;
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
-          var span = document.createElement("span");
-          span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatTime(trip[0])));
-          span.id = "trip_" + tripId;
-          GEvent.addDomListener(span, "click", makeClosure(selectTrip, tripId));
-          patternDiv.appendChild(span)
-          span.className = "tripChoice";
-        }
-        if (pat[4] > 0) {
-          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + countToRepeatedDots(pat[4])));
-        }
-        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
-      }
-      route = document.getElementById("route_container_" + selectedRoute);
-      route.appendChild(div);
-      if (tripId != null)
-        selectTrip(firstTrip);
-    }
-    // Needed to get around limitation in javascript scope rules.
-    // See http://calculist.blogspot.com/2005/12/gotcha-gotcha.html
-    function makeClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function() { f(a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function make1ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function(x) { f(x, a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function make2ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
-      return function(x, y) { f(x, y, a, b, c); };
-    }
-    function selectTrip(tripId) {
-      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
-      if (tripInfo) {
-        tripSpans = tripInfo.getElementsByTagName('span');
-        for (var i = 0; i < tripSpans.length; ++i) {
-          tripSpans[i].className = 'tripChoice';
-        }
-      }
-      var span = document.getElementById("trip_" + tripId);
-      // Won't find the span if a different route is selected
-      if (span) {
-        span.className = 'tripChoiceSelected';
-      }
-      clearMap();
-      url = "/json/tripstoptimes?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripStopTimes);
-      fetchTripPolyLine(tripId);
-      fetchTripRows(tripId);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripStopTimes(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var stopsTimes = eval(data);
-      if (!stopsTimes) return;
-      displayTripStopTimes(stopsTimes[0], stopsTimes[1]);
-    }
-    function fetchTripPolyLine(tripId) {
-      url = "/json/tripshape?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripPolyLine);
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripPolyLine(data, responseCode) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var points = eval(data);
-      if (!points) return;
-      displayPolyLine(points);
-    }
-    var boundsOfPolyLine = null;
-    function expandBoundingBox(latLng) {
-      if (boundsOfPolyLine == null) {
-        boundsOfPolyLine = new GLatLngBounds(latLng, latLng);
-      } else {
-        boundsOfPolyLine.extend(latLng);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Display a line given a list of points
-     *
-     * @param {Array} List of lat,lng pairs
-     */
-    function displayPolyLine(points) {
-      var linePoints = Array();
-      for (i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
-        var ll = new GLatLng(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
-        expandBoundingBox(ll);
-        linePoints[linePoints.length] = ll;
-      }
-      var polyline = new GPolyline(linePoints, "#FF0000", 4);
-      map.addOverlay(polyline);
-      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
-    }
-    function displayTripStopTimes(stops, times) {
-      for (i = 0; i < stops.length; ++i) {
-        var marker;
-        if (times && times[i] != null) {
-          marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true, formatTime(times[i]));
-        } else {
-	  marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
-	}
-        expandBoundingBox(marker.getPoint());
-      }
-      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
-    }
-    function fetchTripRows(tripId) {
-      url = "/json/triprows?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
-      if (log)
-        GLog.writeUrl(url);
-      GDownloadUrl(url, make2ArgClosure(callbackDisplayTripRows, tripId));
-    }
-    function callbackDisplayTripRows(data, responseCode, tripId) {
-      if (responseCode != 200) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var rows = eval(data);
-      if (!rows) return;
-      var html = "";
-      for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
-        var filename = rows[i][0];
-        var row = rows[i][1];
-        html += "<b>" + filename + "</b>: " + formatDictionary(row) + "<br>";
-      }
-      html += svgTag("/ttablegraph?height=100&trip=" + tripId, "height='115' width='100%'");
-      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById("bottombar");
-      bottombarDiv.style.display = "block";
-      bottombarDiv.style.height = "175px";
-      bottombarDiv.innerHTML = html;
-      sizeRouteList();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return HTML to embed a SVG object in this page. src is the location of
-     * the SVG and attributes is inserted directly into the object or embed
-     * tag.
-     */
-    function svgTag(src, attributes) {
-      if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1) {
-        if (isSVGControlInstalled()) {
-          return "<embed pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/' src='" + src + "' " + attributes +"></embed>";
-        } else {
-          return "<p>Please install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a> to get SVG support in IE</p>";
-        }
-      } else {
-        return "<object data='" + src + "' type='image/svg+xml' " + attributes + "><p>No SVG support in your browser. Try Firefox 1.5 or newer or install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a></p></object>";
-      }
-    }
-  /**
-   * Format an Array object containing key-value pairs into a human readable
-   * string.
-   */
-  function formatDictionary(d) {
-    var output = "";
-    var first = 1;
-    for (var k in d) {
-      if (first) {
-        first = 0;
-      } else {
-       output += "&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
-      }
-      output += "<b>" + k + "</b>=" + d[k];
-    }
-    return output;
-  }
-  function windowHeight() {
-    // Standard browsers (Mozilla, Safari, etc.)
-    if (self.innerHeight)
-      return self.innerHeight;
-    // IE 6
-    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
-      return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-    // IE 5
-    if (document.body)
-      return document.body.clientHeight;
-    // Just in case.
-    return 0;
-  }
-    function sizeRouteList() {
-      var bottombarHeight = 0;
-      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById('bottombar');
-      if (bottombarDiv.style.display != 'none') {
-        bottombarHeight = document.getElementById('bottombar').offsetHeight
-            + document.getElementById('bottombar').style.marginTop;
-      }
-      var height = windowHeight() - document.getElementById('topbar').offsetHeight - 15 - bottombarHeight;
-      document.getElementById('content').style.height = height + 'px';
-      if (map) {
-        // Without this displayPolyLine does not use the correct map size
-        map.checkResize();
-      }
-    }
-    //]]>
-    </script>
-  </head>
-<body class='sidebar-left' onload="load();" onunload="GUnload()" onresize="sizeRouteList()">
-<div id='topbar'>
-<div id="edit">
-  <span id="edit_status">...</span>
-  <form onSubmit="saveData(); return false;"><input value="Save" type="submit">
-<div id="agencyHeader">[agency]</div>
-<div id='content'>
-	<div id='sidebar-wrapper'><div id='sidebar'>
-	Time:&nbsp;<input type="text" value="8:00" width="9" id="timeInput"><br>
-	<form onSubmit="stopTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
-	Find Station: <input type="text" id="stopTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
-	<form onSubmit="tripTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
-	Find Trip ID: <input type="text" id="tripTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
-        <div id="routeList">routelist</div>
-	</div></div>
-	<div id='map-wrapper'> <div id='map'></div> </div>
-<div id='bottombar'>bottom bar</div>

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/labeled_marker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +1,1 @@
-* LabeledMarker Class
-* Copyright 2007 Mike Purvis (http://uwmike.com)
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-*       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-* This class extends the Maps API's standard GMarker class with the ability
-* to support markers with textual labels. Please see articles here:
-*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/01/22/extending-gmarker/
-*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/03/06/clickable-labeledmarker/
- * Constructor for LabeledMarker, which picks up on strings from the GMarker
- * options array, and then calls the GMarker constructor.
- *
- * @param {GLatLng} latlng
- * @param {GMarkerOptions} Named optional arguments:
- *   opt_opts.labelText {String} text to place in the overlay div.
- *   opt_opts.labelClass {String} class to use for the overlay div.
- *     (default "markerLabel")
- *   opt_opts.labelOffset {GSize} label offset, the x- and y-distance between
- *     the marker's latlng and the upper-left corner of the text div.
- */
-function LabeledMarker(latlng, opt_opts){
-  this.latlng_ = latlng;
-  this.opts_ = opt_opts;
-  this.initText_ = opt_opts.labelText || "";
-  this.labelClass_ = opt_opts.labelClass || "markerLabel";
-  this.labelOffset_ = opt_opts.labelOffset || new GSize(0, 0);
-  this.clickable_ = opt_opts.clickable || true;
-  if (opt_opts.draggable) {
-  	// This version of LabeledMarker doesn't support dragging.
-  	opt_opts.draggable = false;
-  }
-  GMarker.apply(this, arguments);
-// It's a limitation of JavaScript inheritance that we can't conveniently
-// inherit from GMarker without having to run its constructor. In order for 
-// the constructor to run, it requires some dummy GLatLng.
-LabeledMarker.prototype = new GMarker(new GLatLng(0, 0));
- * Is called by GMap2's addOverlay method. Creates the text div and adds it
- * to the relevant parent div.
- *
- * @param {GMap2} map the map that has had this labeledmarker added to it.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.initialize = function(map) {
-  // Do the GMarker constructor first.
-  GMarker.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-  this.map_ = map;
-  this.setText(this.initText_);
- * Create a new div for this label.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.makeDiv_ = function(map) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    return;
-  }
-  this.div_ = document.createElement("div");
-  this.div_.className = this.labelClass_;
-  this.div_.style.position = "absolute";
-  this.div_.style.cursor = "pointer";
-  this.map_.getPane(G_MAP_MARKER_PANE).appendChild(this.div_);
-  if (this.clickable_) {
-    /**
-     * Creates a closure for passing events through to the source marker
-     * This is located in here to avoid cluttering the global namespace.
-     * The downside is that the local variables from initialize() continue
-     * to occupy space on the stack.
-     *
-     * @param {Object} object to receive event trigger.
-     * @param {GEventListener} event to be triggered.
-     */
-    function newEventPassthru(obj, event) {
-      return function() {
-        GEvent.trigger(obj, event);
-      };
-    }
-    // Pass through events fired on the text div to the marker.
-    var eventPassthrus = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout'];
-    for(var i = 0; i < eventPassthrus.length; i++) {
-      var name = eventPassthrus[i];
-      GEvent.addDomListener(this.div_, name, newEventPassthru(this, name));
-    }
-  }
- * Return the html in the div of this label, or "" if none is set
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.getText = function(text) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    return this.div_.innerHTML;
-  } else {
-    return "";
-  }
- * Set the html in the div of this label to text. If text is "" or null remove
- * the div.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.setText = function(text) {
-  if (this.div_) {
-    if (text) {
-      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
-    } else {
-      // remove div
-      GEvent.clearInstanceListeners(this.div_);
-      this.div_.parentNode.removeChild(this.div_);
-      this.div_ = null;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (text) {
-      this.makeDiv_();
-      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
-      this.redraw();
-    }
-  }
- * Move the text div based on current projection and zoom level, call the redraw()
- * handler in GMarker.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} force will be true when pixel coordinates need to be recomputed.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.redraw = function(force) {
-  GMarker.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
-  if (this.div_) {
-    // Calculate the DIV coordinates of two opposite corners of our bounds to
-    // get the size and position of our rectangle
-    var p = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.latlng_);
-    var z = GOverlay.getZIndex(this.latlng_.lat());
-    // Now position our div based on the div coordinates of our bounds
-    this.div_.style.left = (p.x + this.labelOffset_.width) + "px";
-    this.div_.style.top = (p.y + this.labelOffset_.height) + "px";
-    this.div_.style.zIndex = z; // in front of the marker
-  }
- * Remove the text div from the map pane, destroy event passthrus, and calls the
- * default remove() handler in GMarker.
- */
- LabeledMarker.prototype.remove = function() {
-  this.setText(null);
-  GMarker.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- * Return a copy of this overlay, for the parent Map to duplicate itself in full. This
- * is part of the Overlay interface and is used, for example, to copy everything in the 
- * main view into the mini-map.
- */
-LabeledMarker.prototype.copy = function() {
-  return new LabeledMarker(this.latlng_, this.opt_opts_);

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_red_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow_trans.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_yellow.png and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/style.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +1,1 @@
-html { overflow: hidden; }
-html, body {
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-  z-index: 100;
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-  position: relative;
-  height: 100%;
-  width: auto;
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-  position: absolute;
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-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  overflow: auto;
-  z-index: 300;
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-  position: relative;
-  width: auto;
-  padding: 4px;
-  overflow: hidden;
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-  position: relative;
-  padding: 2px;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  margin: 0;
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-  overflow: hidden;
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-  font-face:
-  margin: 0;
-body.sidebar-right #map-wrapper { margin-right: 229px; }
-body.sidebar-right #sidebar-wrapper { right: 0; }
-body.sidebar-left #map { margin-left: 229px; }
-body.sidebar-left #sidebar { left: 0; }
-body.nosidebar #map { margin: 0; }
-body.nosidebar #sidebar { display: none; }
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-  position: relative;
-  padding: 2px;
-  border: 1px solid #aaa;
-  margin-top: 5px;
-  display: none;
-/* holly hack for IE to get position:bottom right
-   see: http://www.positioniseverything.net/abs_relbugs.html
- \*/
-* html #topbar { height: 1px; }
-/* */
-body {
-  font-family:helvetica,arial,sans, sans-serif;
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-  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
-h3 {
-  margin-top: 0.2em;
-  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
-.tooltip {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  padding: 2px;
-  color: black;
-  font-size: 12px;
-  background-color: white;
-  border: 1px solid black;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  filter:alpha(opacity=60); 
-  -moz-opacity: 0.6; 
-  opacity: 0.6; 
-#routeList {
-  border: 1px solid black;
-  overflow: auto;
-.shortName {
-  font-size: bigger;
-  font-weight: bold;
-.routeChoice,.tripChoice,.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  padding: 0px 2px;
-  color: black;
-  line-height: 1.4em;
-  font-size: smaller;
-  overflow: hidden;
-.tripChoice {
-  color: blue;
-.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
-  background-color: blue;
-  color: white;
-.tripSection {
-  padding-left: 0px;
-  font-size: 10pt;
-  background-color: lightblue;
-.patternSection {
-  margin-left: 8px;
-  padding-left: 2px;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
-.unusualPattern {
-  background-color: #aaa;
-  color: #444;
-/* Following styles are used by location_editor.py */
-#edit {
-  visibility: hidden;
-  float: right;
-  font-size: 80%;
-#edit form {
-  display: inline;

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/svgcheck.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-' Copyright 1999-2000 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to redistribute

-' granted provided that this file is not modified in any way. This file is provided with

-' absolutely no warranties of any kind.

-Function isSVGControlInstalled()

-	on error resume next

-	isSVGControlInstalled = IsObject(CreateObject("Adobe.SVGCtl"))

-end Function


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Output svg/xml data for a marey graph
-Marey graphs are a visualization form typically used for timetables. Time
-is on the x-axis and position on the y-axis. This module reads data from a
-transitfeed.Schedule and creates a marey graph in svg/xml format. The graph
-shows the speed between stops for each trip of a route.
-TODO: This module was taken from an internal Google tool. It works but is not
-well intergrated into transitfeed and schedule_viewer. Also, it has lots of
-ugly hacks to compensate set canvas size and so on which could be cleaned up.
-For a little more information see (I didn't make this URL ;-)
-  MareyGraph: Class, keeps cache of graph data and graph properties
-               and draws marey graphs in svg/xml format on request.
-import itertools
-import transitfeed
-class MareyGraph:
-  """Produces and caches marey graph from transit feed data."""
-  _MAX_ZOOM = 5.0 # change docstring of ChangeScaleFactor if this changes
-  _DUMMY_SEPARATOR = 10 #pixel
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Timetablerelated state
-    self._cache = str()
-    self._stoplist = []
-    self._tlist = []
-    self._stations = []
-    self._decorators = []
-    # TODO: Initialize default values via constructor parameters
-    # or via a class constants
-    # Graph properties
-    self._tspan = 30     # number of hours to display
-    self._offset = 0     # starting hour
-    self._hour_grid = 60 # number of pixels for an hour
-    self._min_grid = 5   # number of pixels between subhour lines
-    # Canvas properties
-    self._zoomfactor = 0.9 # svg Scaling factor
-    self._xoffset = 0      # move graph horizontally
-    self._yoffset = 0      # move graph veritcally
-    self._bgcolor = "lightgrey"
-    # height/width of graph canvas before transform
-    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid
-  def Draw(self, stoplist=None, triplist=None, height=520):
-    """Main interface for drawing the marey graph.
-    If called without arguments, the data generated in the previous call
-    will be used. New decorators can be added between calls.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string that contain a svg/xml web-page with a marey graph.
-      " <svg  width="1440" height="520" version="1.1" ... "
-    """
-    output = str()
-    if not triplist:
-      triplist = []
-    if not stoplist:
-      stoplist = []
-    if not self._cache or triplist or stoplist:
-      self._gheight = height
-      self._tlist=triplist
-      self._slist=stoplist
-      self._decorators = []
-      self._stations = self._BuildStations(stoplist)
-      self._cache = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawBox(),
-                                      self._DrawHours(),
-                                      self._DrawStations(),
-                                      self._DrawTrips(triplist))
-    output = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawHeader(),
-                              self._cache,
-                              self._DrawDecorators(),
-                              self._DrawFooter())
-    return output
-  def _DrawHeader(self):
-     svg_header = """
-      <svg  width="%s" height="%s" version="1.1"
-      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
-      <script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
-       function init(evt) {
-         if ( window.svgDocument == null )
-            svgDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument;
-       }
-      var oldLine = 0;
-      var oldStroke = 0;
-      var hoffset= %s; // Data from python
-      function parseLinePoints(pointnode){
-        var wordlist = pointnode.split(" ");
-        var xlist = new Array();
-        var h;
-        var m;
-        // TODO: add linebreaks as appropriate
-        var xstr = "  Stop Times :";
-        for (i=0;i<wordlist.length;i=i+2){
-          var coord = wordlist[i].split(",");
-          h = Math.floor(parseInt((coord[0])-20)/60);
-          m = parseInt((coord[0]-20))%%60;
-          xstr = xstr +" "+ (hoffset+h) +":"+m;
-        }
-        return xstr;
-      }
-      function LineClick(tripid, x) {
-        var line = document.getElementById(tripid);
-        if (oldLine)
-          oldLine.setAttribute("stroke",oldStroke);
-        oldLine = line;
-        oldStroke = line.getAttribute("stroke");
-        line.setAttribute("stroke","#fff");
-        var dynTxt = document.getElementById("dynamicText");
-        var tripIdTxt = document.createTextNode(x);
-        while (dynTxt.hasChildNodes()){
-          dynTxt.removeChild(dynTxt.firstChild);
-        }
-        dynTxt.appendChild(tripIdTxt);
-      }
-      ]]> </script>
-      <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
-      .T { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
-      .TB { fill:none; stroke:#e20; stroke-width:2 }
-      .Station { fill:none; stroke-width:1 }
-      .Dec { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
-      .FullHour { fill:none; stroke:#eee; stroke-width:1 }
-      .SubHour { fill:none; stroke:#ddd; stroke-width:1 }
-      .Label { fill:#aaa; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
-       text-anchor:middle }
-      .Info { fill:#111; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
-      text-anchor:start; }
-       ]]></style>
-       <text class="Info" id="dynamicText" x="0" y="%d"></text>
-       <g id="mcanvas"  transform="translate(%s,%s)">
-       <g id="zcanvas" transform="scale(%s)">
-       """ % (self._gwidth + self._xoffset + 20, self._gheight + 15,
-              self._offset, self._gheight + 10,
-              self._xoffset, self._yoffset, self._zoomfactor)
-     return svg_header
-  def _DrawFooter(self):
-    return "</g></g></svg>"
-  def _DrawDecorators(self):
-    """Used to draw fancy overlays on trip graphs."""
-    return " ".join(self._decorators)
-  def _DrawBox(self):
-    tmpstr = """<rect x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s"
-                fill="lightgrey" stroke="%s" stroke-width="2" />
-             """ % (0, 0, self._gwidth + 20, self._gheight, self._bgcolor)
-    return tmpstr
-  def _BuildStations(self, stoplist):
-    """Dispatches the best algorithm for calculating station line position.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
-      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
-      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
-    """
-    stations = []
-    dists = self._EuclidianDistances(stoplist)
-    stations = self._CalculateYLines(dists)
-    return stations
-  def _EuclidianDistances(self,slist):
-    """Calculate euclidian distances between stops.
-    Uses the stoplists long/lats to approximate distances
-    between stations and build a list with y-coordinates for the
-    horizontal lines in the graph.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer for each pair of stations
-      # indicating the approximate distance
-      [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    """
-    e_dists2 = [transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, tail) for
-                (stop,tail) in itertools.izip(slist, slist[1:])]
-    return e_dists2
-  def _CalculateYLines(self, dists):
-    """Builds a list with y-coordinates for the horizontal lines in the graph.
-    Args:
-      # One integer for each pair of stations
-      # indicating the approximate distance
-      dists: [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    Returns:
-      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
-      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
-      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
-    """
-    tot_dist = sum(dists)
-    if tot_dist > 0:
-      pixel_dist = [float(d * (self._gheight-20))/tot_dist for d in dists]
-      pixel_grid = [0]+[int(pd + sum(pixel_dist[0:i])) for i,pd in
-                        enumerate(pixel_dist)]
-    else:
-      pixel_grid = []
-    return pixel_grid
-  def _TravelTimes(self,triplist,index=0):
-    """ Calculate distances and plot stops.
-    Uses a timetable to approximate distances
-    between stations
-    Args:
-    # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-    triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    # (Optional) Index of Triplist prefered for timetable Calculation
-    index: 3
-    Returns:
-    # One integer for each pair of stations
-    # indicating the approximate distance
-    [0,33,140, ... ,X]
-    """
-    def DistanceInTravelTime(dep_secs, arr_secs):
-      t_dist = arr_secs-dep_secs
-      if t_dist<0:
-        t_dist = self._DUMMY_SEPARATOR # min separation
-      return t_dist
-    if not triplist:
-      return []
-    if 0 < index < len(triplist):
-      trip = triplist[index]
-    else:
-      trip = triplist[0]
-    t_dists2 = [DistanceInTravelTime(stop[3],tail[2]) for (stop,tail)
-                 in itertools.izip(trip.GetTimeStops(),trip.GetTimeStops()[1:])]
-    return t_dists2
-  def _AddWarning(self, str):
-    print str
-  def _DrawTrips(self,triplist,colpar=""):
-    """Generates svg polylines for each transit trip.
-    Args:
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      [Trip, Trip, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each trip
-      ' <polyline class="T" stroke="#336633" points="433,0 ...'
-    """
-    stations = []
-    if not self._stations and triplist:
-      self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._TravelTimes(triplist))
-      if not self._stations:
-        self._AddWarning("Failed to use traveltimes for graph")
-        self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._Uniform(triplist))
-        if not self._stations:
-          self._AddWarning("Failed to calculate station distances")
-          return
-    stations = self._stations
-    tmpstrs = []
-    servlist = []
-    for t in triplist:
-      if not colpar:
-        if t.service_id not in servlist:
-          servlist.append(t.service_id)
-        shade = int(servlist.index(t.service_id) * (200/len(servlist))+55)
-        color = "#00%s00" %  hex(shade)[2:4]
-      else:
-        color=colpar
-      start_offsets = [0]
-      first_stop = t.GetTimeStops()[0]
-      for j,freq_offset in enumerate(start_offsets):
-        if j>0 and not colpar:
-          color="purple"
-        scriptcall = 'onmouseover="LineClick(\'%s\',\'Trip %s starting %s\')"' % (t.trip_id,
-            t.trip_id, transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(t.GetStartTime()))
-        tmpstrhead = '<polyline class="T" id="%s" stroke="%s" %s points="' % \
-          (str(t.trip_id),color, scriptcall)
-        tmpstrs.append(tmpstrhead)
-        for i, s in enumerate(t.GetTimeStops()):
-          arr_t = s[0]
-          dep_t = s[1]
-          if arr_t is None or dep_t is None:
-            continue
-          arr_x = int(arr_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
-          dep_x = int(dep_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
-          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(arr_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
-          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(dep_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
-        tmpstrs.append('" />')
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def _Uniform(self, triplist):
-    """Fallback to assuming uniform distance between stations"""
-    # This should not be neseccary, but we are in fallback mode
-    longest = max([len(t.GetTimeStops()) for t in triplist])
-    return [100] * longest
-  def _DrawStations(self, color="#aaa"):
-    """Generates svg with a horizontal line for each station/stop.
-    Args:
-      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
-      stations: [Stop, Stop, ...]
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each stop
-      " <polyline class="Station" stroke="#336633" points="20,0 ..."
-    """
-    stations=self._stations
-    tmpstrs = []
-    for y in stations:
-      tmpstrs.append('  <polyline class="Station" stroke="%s" \
-      points="%s,%s, %s,%s" />' %(color,20,20+y+.5,self._gwidth+20,20+y+.5))
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def _DrawHours(self):
-    """Generates svg to show a vertical hour and sub-hour grid
-    Returns:
-      # A string containing a polyline tag for each grid line
-      " <polyline class="FullHour" points="20,0 ..."
-    """
-    tmpstrs = []
-    for i in range(0, self._gwidth, self._min_grid):
-      if i % self._hour_grid == 0:
-        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="FullHour" points="%d,%d, %d,%d" />' \
-                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
-        tmpstrs.append('<text class="Label" x="%d" y="%d">%d</text>'
-                       % (i + 20, 20,
-                         (i / self._hour_grid + self._offset) % 24))
-      else:
-        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="SubHour" points="%d,%d,%d,%d" />' \
-                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
-    return "".join(tmpstrs)
-  def AddStationDecoration(self, index, color="#f00"):
-    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given station-line.
-    Args:
-      # Integer, index of stop to be highlighted.
-      index: 4
-      # An optional string with a html color code
-      color: "#fff"
-    """
-    tmpstr = str()
-    num_stations = len(self._stations)
-    ind = int(index)
-    if self._stations:
-      if 0<ind<num_stations:
-        y = self._stations[ind]
-        tmpstr = '<polyline class="Dec" stroke="%s" points="%s,%s,%s,%s" />' \
-          % (color, 20, 20+y+.5, self._gwidth+20, 20+y+.5)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def AddTripDecoration(self, triplist, color="#f00"):
-    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given trips.
-    Args:
-      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
-      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
-      # An optional string with a html color code
-      color: "#fff"
-    """
-    tmpstr = self._DrawTrips(triplist,color)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def ChangeScaleFactor(self, newfactor):
-    """Changes the zoom of the graph manually.
-    1.0 is the original canvas size.
-    Args:
-      # float value between 0.0 and 5.0
-      newfactor: 0.7
-    """
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ScaleLarger(self):
-    """Increases the zoom of the graph one step (0.1 units)."""
-    newfactor = self._zoomfactor + 0.1
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ScaleSmaller(self):
-    """Decreases the zoom of the graph one step(0.1 units)."""
-    newfactor = self._zoomfactor - 0.1
-    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
-      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
-  def ClearDecorators(self):
-    """Removes all the current decorators.
-    """
-    self._decorators = []
-  def AddTextStripDecoration(self,txtstr):
-    tmpstr = '<text class="Info" x="%d" y="%d">%s</text>' % (0,
-              20 + self._gheight, txtstr)
-    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
-  def SetSpan(self, first_arr, last_arr, mint=5 ,maxt=30):
-    s_hour = (first_arr / 3600) - 1
-    e_hour = (last_arr / 3600) + 1
-    self._offset = max(min(s_hour, 23), 0)
-    self._tspan = max(min(e_hour - s_hour, maxt), mint)
-    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/kmlparser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This package provides implementation of a converter from a kml
-file format into Google transit feed format.
-The KmlParser class is the main class implementing the parser.
-Currently only information about stops is extracted from a kml file.
-The extractor expects the stops to be represented as placemarks with
-a single point.
-import re
-import string
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
-import zipfile
-class Placemark(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.name = ""
-    self.coordinates = []
-  def IsPoint(self):
-    return len(self.coordinates) == 1
-  def IsLine(self):
-    return len(self.coordinates) > 1
-class KmlParser(object):
-  def __init__(self, stopNameRe = '(.*)'):
-    """
-    Args:
-      stopNameRe - a regular expression to extract a stop name from a
-                   placemaker name
-    """
-    self.stopNameRe = re.compile(stopNameRe)
-  def Parse(self, filename, feed):
-    """
-    Reads the kml file, parses it and updated the Google transit feed
-    object with the extracted information.
-    Args:
-      filename - kml file name
-      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
-    """
-    dom = minidom.parse(filename)
-    self.ParseDom(dom, feed)
-  def ParseDom(self, dom, feed):
-    """
-    Parses the given kml dom tree and updates the Google transit feed object.
-    Args:
-      dom - kml dom tree
-      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
-    """
-    shape_num = 0
-    for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Placemark'):
-      p = self.ParsePlacemark(node)
-      if p.IsPoint():
-        (lon, lat) = p.coordinates[0]
-        m = self.stopNameRe.search(p.name)
-        feed.AddStop(lat, lon, m.group(1))
-      elif p.IsLine():
-        shape_num = shape_num + 1
-        shape = transitfeed.Shape("kml_shape_" + str(shape_num))
-        for (lon, lat) in p.coordinates:
-          shape.AddPoint(lat, lon)
-        feed.AddShapeObject(shape)
-  def ParsePlacemark(self, node):
-    ret = Placemark()
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeName == 'name':
-        ret.name = self.ExtractText(child)
-      if child.nodeName == 'Point' or child.nodeName == 'LineString':
-        ret.coordinates = self.ExtractCoordinates(child)
-    return ret
-  def ExtractText(self, node):
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
-        return child.wholeText  # is a unicode string
-    return ""
-  def ExtractCoordinates(self, node):
-    coordinatesText = ""
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-      if child.nodeName == 'coordinates':
-        coordinatesText = self.ExtractText(child)
-        break
-    ret = []
-    for point in coordinatesText.split():
-      coords = point.split(',')
-      ret.append((float(coords[0]), float(coords[1])))
-    return ret
-def main():
-  usage = \
-"""%prog <input.kml> <output GTFS.zip>
-Reads KML file <input.kml> and creates GTFS file <output GTFS.zip> with
-placemarks in the KML represented as stops.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
-  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
-    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
-  parser = KmlParser()
-  feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  feed.save_all_stops = True
-  parser.Parse(args[0], feed)
-  feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(args[1])
-  print "Done."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/kmlwriter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A module for writing GTFS feeds out into Google Earth KML format.
-For usage information run kmlwriter.py --help
-If no output filename is specified, the output file will be given the same
-name as the feed file (with ".kml" appended) and will be placed in the same
-directory as the input feed.
-The resulting KML file has a folder hierarchy which looks like this:
-    - Stops
-      * stop1
-      * stop2
-    - Routes
-      - route1
-        - Shapes
-          * shape1
-          * shape2
-        - Patterns
-          - pattern1
-          - pattern2
-        - Trips
-          * trip1
-          * trip2
-    - Shapes
-      * shape1
-      - Shape Points
-        * shape_point1
-        * shape_point2
-      * shape2
-      - Shape Points
-        * shape_point1
-        * shape_point2
-where the hyphens represent folders and the asteriks represent placemarks.
-In a trip, a vehicle visits stops in a certain sequence. Such a sequence of
-stops is called a pattern. A pattern is represented by a linestring connecting
-the stops. The "Shapes" subfolder of a route folder contains placemarks for
-each shape used by a trip in the route. The "Patterns" subfolder contains a
-placemark for each unique pattern used by a trip in the route. The "Trips"
-subfolder contains a placemark for each trip in the route.
-Since there can be many trips and trips for the same route are usually similar,
-they are not exported unless the --showtrips option is used. There is also
-another option --splitroutes that groups the routes by vehicle type resulting
-in a folder hierarchy which looks like this at the top level:
-    - Stops
-    - Routes - Bus
-    - Routes - Tram
-    - Routes - Rail
-    - Shapes
-  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
-except ImportError, e:
-  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
-import optparse
-import os.path
-import sys
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-class KMLWriter(object):
-  """This class knows how to write out a transit feed as KML.
-  Sample usage:
-    KMLWriter().Write(<transitfeed.Schedule object>, <output filename>)
-  Attributes:
-    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be included in the routes.
-    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be placed on ground.
-    split_routes: True if the routes should be split by type.
-    shape_points: True if individual shape points should be plotted.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialise."""
-    self.show_trips = False
-    self.split_routes = False
-    self.shape_points = False
-    self.altitude_per_sec = 0.0
-    self.date_filter = None
-  def _SetIndentation(self, elem, level=0):
-    """Indented the ElementTree DOM.
-    This is the recommended way to cause an ElementTree DOM to be
-    prettyprinted on output, as per: http://effbot.org/zone/element-lib.htm
-    Run this on the root element before outputting the tree.
-    Args:
-      elem: The element to start indenting from, usually the document root.
-      level: Current indentation level for recursion.
-    """
-    i = "\n" + level*"  "
-    if len(elem):
-      if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
-        elem.text = i + "  "
-      for elem in elem:
-        self._SetIndentation(elem, level+1)
-      if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
-        elem.tail = i
-    else:
-      if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
-        elem.tail = i
-  def _CreateFolder(self, parent, name, visible=True, description=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder element.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      name: The folder name as a string.
-      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
-      description: A description string or None.
-    Returns:
-      The folder ElementTree.Element instance.
-    """
-    folder = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Folder')
-    name_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'name')
-    name_tag.text = name
-    if description is not None:
-      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'description')
-      desc_tag.text = description
-    if not visible:
-      visibility = ET.SubElement(folder, 'visibility')
-      visibility.text = '0'
-    return folder
-  def _CreateStyleForRoute(self, doc, route):
-    """Create a KML Style element for the route.
-    The style sets the line colour if the route colour is specified. The
-    line thickness is set depending on the vehicle type.
-    Args:
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route to create the style for.
-    Returns:
-      The id of the style as a string.
-    """
-    style_id = 'route_%s' % route.route_id
-    style = ET.SubElement(doc, 'Style', {'id': style_id})
-    linestyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'LineStyle')
-    width = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'width')
-    type_to_width = {0: '3',  # Tram
-                     1: '3',  # Subway
-                     2: '5',  # Rail
-                     3: '1'}  # Bus
-    width.text = type_to_width.get(route.route_type, '1')
-    if route.route_color:
-      color = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'color')
-      red = route.route_color[0:2].lower()
-      green = route.route_color[2:4].lower()
-      blue = route.route_color[4:6].lower()
-      color.text = 'ff%s%s%s' % (blue, green, red)
-    return style_id
-  def _CreatePlacemark(self, parent, name, style_id=None, visible=True,
-                       description=None):
-    """Create a KML Placemark element.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      name: The placemark name as a string.
-      style_id: If not None, the id of a style to use for the placemark.
-      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
-      description: A description string or None.
-    Returns:
-      The placemark ElementTree.Element instance.
-    """
-    placemark = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Placemark')
-    placemark_name = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'name')
-    placemark_name.text = name
-    if description is not None:
-      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'description')
-      desc_tag.text = description
-    if style_id is not None:
-      styleurl = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'styleUrl')
-      styleurl.text = '#%s' % style_id
-    if not visible:
-      visibility = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'visibility')
-      visibility.text = '0'
-    return placemark
-  def _CreateLineString(self, parent, coordinate_list):
-    """Create a KML LineString element.
-    The points of the string are given in coordinate_list. Every element of
-    coordinate_list should be one of a tuple (longitude, latitude) or a tuple
-    (longitude, latitude, altitude).
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      coordinate_list: The list of coordinates.
-    Returns:
-      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
-      empty.
-    """
-    if not coordinate_list:
-      return None
-    linestring = ET.SubElement(parent, 'LineString')
-    tessellate = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'tessellate')
-    tessellate.text = '1'
-    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
-      altitude_mode = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'altitudeMode')
-      altitude_mode.text = 'absolute'
-    coordinates = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'coordinates')
-    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
-      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
-    else:
-      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
-    coordinates.text = ' '.join(coordinate_str_list)
-    return linestring
-  def _CreateLineStringForShape(self, parent, shape):
-    """Create a KML LineString using coordinates from a shape.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      shape: The transitfeed.Shape instance.
-    Returns:
-      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
-      empty.
-    """
-    coordinate_list = [(longitude, latitude) for
-                       (latitude, longitude, distance) in shape.points]
-    return self._CreateLineString(parent, coordinate_list)
-  def _CreateStopsFolder(self, schedule, doc):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each stop in the schedule.
-    If there are no stops in the schedule then no folder is created.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no stops.
-    """
-    if not schedule.GetStopList():
-      return None
-    stop_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Stops')
-    stops = list(schedule.GetStopList())
-    stops.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop_name)
-    for stop in stops:
-      desc_items = []
-      if stop.stop_desc:
-        desc_items.append(stop.stop_desc)
-      if stop.stop_url:
-        desc_items.append('Stop info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            stop.stop_url, stop.stop_url))
-      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items) or None
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(stop_folder, stop.stop_name,
-                                        description=description)
-      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
-      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
-      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
-    return stop_folder
-  def _CreateRoutePatternsFolder(self, parent, route,
-                                   style_id=None, visible=True):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each pattern in the route.
-    A pattern is a sequence of stops used by one of the trips in the route.
-    If there are not patterns for the route then no folder is created and None
-    is returned.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
-      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no patterns.
-    """
-    pattern_id_to_trips = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    if not pattern_id_to_trips:
-      return None
-    # sort by number of trips using the pattern
-    pattern_trips = pattern_id_to_trips.values()
-    pattern_trips.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b), len(a)))
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Patterns', visible)
-    for n, trips in enumerate(pattern_trips):
-      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
-      name = 'Pattern %d (trips: %d)' % (n+1, len(trips))
-      description = 'Trips using this pattern (%d in total): %s' % (
-          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
-                                        description)
-      coordinates = [(stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
-                     for stop in trips[0].GetPattern()]
-      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinates)
-    return folder
-  def _CreateRouteShapesFolder(self, schedule, parent, route,
-                               style_id=None, visible=True):
-    """Create a KML Folder for the shapes of a route.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each shape referenced by a trip in the
-    route. If there are no such shapes, no folder is created and None is
-    returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
-      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    shape_id_to_trips = {}
-    for trip in route.trips:
-      if trip.shape_id:
-        shape_id_to_trips.setdefault(trip.shape_id, []).append(trip)
-    if not shape_id_to_trips:
-      return None
-    # sort by the number of trips using the shape
-    shape_id_to_trips_items = shape_id_to_trips.items()
-    shape_id_to_trips_items.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b[1]), len(a[1])))
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Shapes', visible)
-    for shape_id, trips in shape_id_to_trips_items:
-      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
-      name = '%s (trips: %d)' % (shape_id, len(trips))
-      description = 'Trips using this shape (%d in total): %s' % (
-          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
-                                        description)
-      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, schedule.GetShape(shape_id))
-    return folder
-  def _CreateRouteTripsFolder(self, parent, route, style_id=None, schedule=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the trips in the route.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each of these trips. If there are no
-    trips in the route, no folder is created and None is returned.
-    Args:
-      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      style_id: A style id string for the placemarks or None.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    if not route.trips:
-      return None
-    trips = list(route.trips)
-    trips.sort(key=lambda x: x.trip_id)
-    trips_folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Trips', visible=False)
-    for trip in trips:
-      if (self.date_filter and
-          not trip.service_period.IsActiveOn(self.date_filter)):
-        continue
-      if trip.trip_headsign:
-        description = 'Headsign: %s' % trip.trip_headsign
-      else:
-        description = None
-      coordinate_list = []
-      for secs, stoptime, tp in trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops():
-        if self.altitude_per_sec > 0:
-          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon, stoptime.stop.stop_lat,
-                                  (secs - 3600 * 4) * self.altitude_per_sec))
-        else:
-          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon,
-                                  stoptime.stop.stop_lat))
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(trips_folder,
-                                        trip.trip_id,
-                                        style_id=style_id,
-                                        visible=False,
-                                        description=description)
-      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinate_list)
-    return trips_folder
-  def _CreateRoutesFolder(self, schedule, doc, route_type=None):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing routes in a schedule.
-    The folder contains a subfolder for each route in the schedule of type
-    route_type. If route_type is None, then all routes are selected. Each
-    subfolder contains a flattened graph placemark, a route shapes placemark
-    and, if show_trips is True, a subfolder containing placemarks for each of
-    the trips in the route.
-    If there are no routes in the schedule then no folder is created and None
-    is returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-      route_type: The route type integer or None.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    def GetRouteName(route):
-      """Return a placemark name for the route.
-      Args:
-        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      Returns:
-        The name as a string.
-      """
-      name_parts = []
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        name_parts.append('<b>%s</b>' % route.route_short_name)
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        name_parts.append(route.route_long_name)
-      return ' - '.join(name_parts) or route.route_id
-    def GetRouteDescription(route):
-      """Return a placemark description for the route.
-      Args:
-        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
-      Returns:
-        The description as a string.
-      """
-      desc_items = []
-      if route.route_desc:
-        desc_items.append(route.route_desc)
-      if route.route_url:
-        desc_items.append('Route info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
-            route.route_url, route.route_url))
-      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items)
-      return description or None
-    routes = [route for route in schedule.GetRouteList()
-              if route_type is None or route.route_type == route_type]
-    if not routes:
-      return None
-    routes.sort(key=lambda x: GetRouteName(x))
-    if route_type is not None:
-      route_type_names = {0: 'Tram, Streetcar or Light rail',
-                          1: 'Subway or Metro',
-                          2: 'Rail',
-                          3: 'Bus',
-                          4: 'Ferry',
-                          5: 'Cable car',
-                          6: 'Gondola or suspended cable car',
-                          7: 'Funicular'}
-      type_name = route_type_names.get(route_type, str(route_type))
-      folder_name = 'Routes - %s' % type_name
-    else:
-      folder_name = 'Routes'
-    routes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, folder_name, visible=False)
-    for route in routes:
-      style_id = self._CreateStyleForRoute(doc, route)
-      route_folder = self._CreateFolder(routes_folder,
-                                        GetRouteName(route),
-                                        description=GetRouteDescription(route))
-      self._CreateRouteShapesFolder(schedule, route_folder, route,
-                                    style_id, False)
-      self._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, False)
-      if self.show_trips:
-        self._CreateRouteTripsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, schedule)
-    return routes_folder
-  def _CreateShapesFolder(self, schedule, doc):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shapes in a schedule.
-    The folder contains a placemark for each shape. If there are no shapes in
-    the schedule then the folder is not created and None is returned.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    if not schedule.GetShapeList():
-      return None
-    shapes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Shapes')
-    shapes = list(schedule.GetShapeList())
-    shapes.sort(key=lambda x: x.shape_id)
-    for shape in shapes:
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(shapes_folder, shape.shape_id)
-      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, shape)
-      if self.shape_points:
-        self._CreateShapePointFolder(shapes_folder, shape)
-    return shapes_folder
-  def _CreateShapePointFolder(self, shapes_folder, shape):
-    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shape points in a shape.
-    The folder contains placemarks for each shapepoint.
-    Args:
-      shapes_folder: A KML Shape Folder ElementTree.Element instance
-      shape: The shape to plot.
-    Returns:
-      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
-    """
-    folder_name = shape.shape_id + ' Shape Points'
-    folder = self._CreateFolder(shapes_folder, folder_name, visible=False)
-    for (index, (lat, lon, dist)) in enumerate(shape.points):
-      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, str(index+1))
-      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
-      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
-      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (lon, lat)
-    return folder
-  def Write(self, schedule, output_file):
-    """Writes out a feed as KML.
-    Args:
-      schedule: A transitfeed.Schedule object containing the feed to write.
-      output_file: The name of the output KML file, or file object to use.
-    """
-    # Generate the DOM to write
-    root = ET.Element('kml')
-    root.attrib['xmlns'] = 'http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1'
-    doc = ET.SubElement(root, 'Document')
-    open_tag = ET.SubElement(doc, 'open')
-    open_tag.text = '1'
-    self._CreateStopsFolder(schedule, doc)
-    if self.split_routes:
-      route_types = set()
-      for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
-        route_types.add(route.route_type)
-      route_types = list(route_types)
-      route_types.sort()
-      for route_type in route_types:
-        self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc, route_type)
-    else:
-      self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc)
-    self._CreateShapesFolder(schedule, doc)
-    # Make sure we pretty-print
-    self._SetIndentation(root)
-    # Now write the output
-    if isinstance(output_file, file):
-      output = output_file
-    else:
-      output = open(output_file, 'w')
-    output.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n""")
-    ET.ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] <input GTFS.zip> [<output.kml>]
-Reads GTFS file or directory <input GTFS.zip> and creates a KML file
-<output.kml> that contains the geographical features of the input. If
-<output.kml> is omitted a default filename is picked based on
-<input GTFS.zip>. By default the KML contains all stops and shapes.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-t', '--showtrips', action='store_true',
-                    dest='show_trips',
-                    help='include the individual trips for each route')
-  parser.add_option('-a', '--altitude_per_sec', action='store', type='float',
-                    dest='altitude_per_sec',
-                    help='if greater than 0 trips are drawn with time axis '
-                    'set to this many meters high for each second of time')
-  parser.add_option('-s', '--splitroutes', action='store_true',
-                    dest='split_routes',
-                    help='split the routes by type')
-  parser.add_option('-d', '--date_filter', action='store', type='string',
-                    dest='date_filter',
-                    help='Restrict to trips active on date YYYYMMDD')
-  parser.add_option('-p', '--display_shape_points', action='store_true',
-                    dest='shape_points',
-                    help='shows the actual points along shapes')
-  parser.set_defaults(altitude_per_sec=1.0)
-  options, args = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) < 1:
-    parser.error('You must provide the path of an input GTFS file.')
-  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
-    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
-  input_path = args[0]
-  if len(args) >= 2:
-    output_path = args[1]
-  else:
-    path = os.path.normpath(input_path)
-    (feed_dir, feed) = os.path.split(path)
-    if '.' in feed:
-      feed = feed.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  # strip extension
-    output_filename = '%s.kml' % feed
-    output_path = os.path.join(feed_dir, output_filename)
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(input_path,
-                              problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  feed = loader.Load()
-  print "Writing %s" % output_path
-  writer = KMLWriter()
-  writer.show_trips = options.show_trips
-  writer.altitude_per_sec = options.altitude_per_sec
-  writer.split_routes = options.split_routes
-  writer.date_filter = options.date_filter
-  writer.shape_points = options.shape_points
-  writer.Write(feed, output_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/merge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1766 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A tool for merging two Google Transit feeds.
-Given two Google Transit feeds intending to cover two disjoint calendar
-intervals, this tool will attempt to produce a single feed by merging as much
-of the two feeds together as possible.
-For example, most stops remain the same throughout the year. Therefore, many
-of the stops given in stops.txt for the first feed represent the same stops
-given in the second feed. This tool will try to merge these stops so they
-only appear once in the resultant feed.
-A note on terminology: The first schedule is referred to as the "old" schedule;
-the second as the "new" schedule. The resultant schedule is referred to as
-the "merged" schedule. Names of things in the old schedule are variations of
-the letter "a" while names of things from the new schedule are variations of
-"b". The objects that represents routes, agencies and so on are called
-usage: merge.py [options] old_feed_path new_feed_path merged_feed_path
-Run merge.py --help for a list of the possible options.
-__author__ = 'timothy.stranex@gmail.com (Timothy Stranex)'
-import datetime
-import optparse
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import webbrowser
-# TODO:
-# 1. write unit tests that use actual data
-# 2. write a proper trip and stop_times merger
-# 3. add a serialised access method for stop_times and shapes to transitfeed
-# 4. add support for merging schedules which have some service period overlap
-def ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(pa, pb):
-  """Finds the distance between two points on the Earth's surface.
-  This is an approximate distance based on assuming that the Earth is a sphere.
-  The points are specified by their lattitude and longitude.
-  Args:
-    pa: the first (lat, lon) point tuple
-    pb: the second (lat, lon) point tuple
-  Returns:
-    The distance as a float in metres.
-  """
-  alat, alon = pa
-  blat, blon = pb
-  sa = transitfeed.Stop(lat=alat, lng=alon)
-  sb = transitfeed.Stop(lat=blat, lng=blon)
-  return transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(sa, sb)
-class Error(Exception):
-  """The base exception class for this module."""
-class MergeError(Error):
-  """An error produced when two entities could not be merged."""
-class MergeProblemWithContext(transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext):
-  """The base exception class for problem reporting in the merge module.
-  Attributes:
-    dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger that generated this problem.
-    entity_type_name: The entity type of the dataset_merger. This is just
-                      dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME.
-    ERROR_TEXT: The text used for generating the problem message.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, dataset_merger, problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
-               **kwargs):
-    """Initialise the exception object.
-    Args:
-      dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger instance that generated this problem.
-      problem_type: The problem severity. This should be set to one of the
-                    corresponding constants in transitfeed.
-      kwargs: Keyword arguments to be saved as instance attributes.
-    """
-    kwargs['type'] = problem_type
-    kwargs['entity_type_name'] = dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME
-    transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext.__init__(self, None, None, **kwargs)
-    self.dataset_merger = dataset_merger
-  def FormatContext(self):
-    return "In files '%s'" % self.dataset_merger.FILE_NAME
-class SameIdButNotMerged(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("There is a %(entity_type_name)s in the old feed with id "
-                "'%(id)s' and one from the new feed with the same id but "
-                "they could not be merged:")
-class CalendarsNotDisjoint(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The service periods could not be merged since they are not "
-                "disjoint.")
-class MergeNotImplemented(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger does not currently support merging in this "
-                "file. The entries have been duplicated instead.")
-class FareRulesBroken(MergeProblemWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger is currently unable to handle fare rules "
-                "properly.")
-class MergeProblemReporterBase(transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase):
-  """The base problem reporter class for the merge module."""
-  def SameIdButNotMerged(self, dataset, entity_id, reason):
-    self._Report(SameIdButNotMerged(dataset, id=entity_id, reason=reason))
-  def CalendarsNotDisjoint(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(CalendarsNotDisjoint(dataset,
-                                      problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR))
-  def MergeNotImplemented(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(MergeNotImplemented(dataset))
-  def FareRulesBroken(self, dataset):
-    self._Report(FareRulesBroken(dataset))
-class ExceptionProblemReporter(MergeProblemReporterBase):
-  """A problem reporter that reports errors by raising exceptions."""
-  def __init__(self, raise_warnings=False):
-    """Initialise.
-    Args:
-      raise_warnings: If this is True then warnings are also raised as
-                      exceptions.
-    """
-    MergeProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self._raise_warnings = raise_warnings
-  def _Report(self, merge_problem):
-    if self._raise_warnings or merge_problem.IsError():
-      raise merge_problem
-class HTMLProblemReporter(MergeProblemReporterBase):
-  """A problem reporter which generates HTML output."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialise."""
-    MergeProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self._dataset_warnings = {}  # a map from DataSetMergers to their warnings
-    self._dataset_errors = {}
-    self._warning_count = 0
-    self._error_count = 0
-  def _Report(self, merge_problem):
-    if merge_problem.IsWarning():
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
-      self._warning_count += 1
-    else:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
-      self._error_count += 1
-    problem_html = '<li>%s</li>' % (
-        merge_problem.FormatProblem().replace('\n', '<br>'))
-    dataset_problems.setdefault(merge_problem.dataset_merger, []).append(
-        problem_html)
-  def _GenerateStatsTable(self, feed_merger):
-    """Generate an HTML table of merge statistics.
-    Args:
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    rows = []
-    rows.append('<tr><th class="header"/><th class="header">Merged</th>'
-                '<th class="header">Copied from old feed</th>'
-                '<th class="header">Copied from new feed</th></tr>')
-    for merger in feed_merger.GetMergerList():
-      stats = merger.GetMergeStats()
-      if stats is None:
-        continue
-      merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b = stats
-      rows.append('<tr><th class="header">%s</th>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
-                  '<td class="header">%d</td></tr>' %
-                  (merger.DATASET_NAME, merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b))
-    return '<table>%s</table>' % '\n'.join(rows)
-  def _GenerateSection(self, problem_type):
-    """Generate a listing of the given type of problems.
-    Args:
-      problem_type: The type of problem. This is one of the problem type
-                    constants from transitfeed.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    if problem_type == transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
-      heading = 'Warnings'
-    else:
-      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
-      heading = 'Errors'
-    if not dataset_problems:
-      return ''
-    prefix = '<h2 class="issueHeader">%s:</h2>' % heading
-    dataset_sections = []
-    for dataset_merger, problems in dataset_problems.items():
-      dataset_sections.append('<h3>%s</h3><ol>%s</ol>' % (
-          dataset_merger.FILE_NAME, '\n'.join(problems)))
-    body = '\n'.join(dataset_sections)
-    return prefix + body
-  def _GenerateSummary(self):
-    """Generate a summary of the warnings and errors.
-    Returns:
-      The generated HTML as a string.
-    """
-    items = []
-    if self._dataset_errors:
-      items.append('errors: %d' % self._error_count)
-    if self._dataset_warnings:
-      items.append('warnings: %d' % self._warning_count)
-    if items:
-      return '<p><span class="fail">%s</span></p>' % '<br>'.join(items)
-    else:
-      return '<p><span class="pass">feeds merged successfully</span></p>'
-  def WriteOutput(self, output_file, feed_merger,
-                  old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path):
-    """Write the HTML output to a file.
-    Args:
-      output_file: The file object that the HTML output will be written to.
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
-      old_feed_path: The path to the old feed file as a string.
-      new_feed_path: The path to the new feed file as a string
-      merged_feed_path: The path to the merged feed file as a string. This
-                        may be None if no merged feed was written.
-    """
-    if merged_feed_path is None:
-      html_merged_feed_path = ''
-    else:
-      html_merged_feed_path = '<p>Merged feed created: <code>%s</code></p>' % (
-          merged_feed_path)
-    html_header = """<html>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-<title>Feed Merger Results</title>
-  body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
-  .path {color: gray}
-  div.problem {max-width: 500px}
-  td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-  td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px;
-                         font-family:monospace}
-  table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
-  h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
-  span.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
-  span.fail {background-color: yellow}
-  .pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt; padding: 3px}
-  ol,.unused {padding-left: 40pt}
-  .header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
-  th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
-  .footer {font-size: 10pt}
-<h1>Feed merger results</h1>
-<p>Old feed: <code>%(old_feed_path)s</code></p>
-<p>New feed: <code>%(new_feed_path)s</code></p>
-%(html_merged_feed_path)s""" % locals()
-    html_stats = self._GenerateStatsTable(feed_merger)
-    html_summary = self._GenerateSummary()
-    html_errors = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    html_warnings = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    html_footer = """
-<div class="footer">
-Generated using transitfeed version %s on %s.
-</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__,
-              time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z'))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_header))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_stats))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_summary))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_errors))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_warnings))
-    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_footer))
-class ConsoleWarningRaiseErrorProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase):
-  """Problem reporter to use when loading feeds for merge."""
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    if e.IsError():
-      raise e
-    else:
-      print transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(e.FormatProblem())
-      context = e.FormatContext()
-      if context:
-        print context
-def LoadWithoutErrors(path, memory_db):
-  """"Return a Schedule object loaded from path; sys.exit for any error."""
-  loading_problem_handler = ConsoleWarningRaiseErrorProblemReporter()
-  try:
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(path,
-                                  memory_db=memory_db,
-                                  problems=loading_problem_handler).Load()
-  except transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext, e:
-    print >>sys.stderr, (
-        "\n\nFeeds to merge must load without any errors.\n"
-        "While loading %s the following error was found:\n%s\n%s\n" %
-        (path, e.FormatContext(), transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(e.FormatProblem())))
-    sys.exit(1)
-  return schedule
-class DataSetMerger(object):
-  """A DataSetMerger is in charge of merging a set of entities.
-  This is an abstract class and should be subclassed for each different entity
-  type.
-  Attributes:
-    ENTITY_TYPE_NAME: The name of the entity type like 'agency' or 'stop'.
-    FILE_NAME: The name of the file containing this data set like 'agency.txt'.
-    DATASET_NAME: A name for the dataset like 'Agencies' or 'Stops'.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    """Initialise.
-    Args:
-      feed_merger: The FeedMerger.
-    """
-    self.feed_merger = feed_merger
-    self._num_merged = 0
-    self._num_not_merged_a = 0
-    self._num_not_merged_b = 0
-  def _MergeIdentical(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two values. The values are required to be identical.
-    Args:
-      a: The first value.
-      b: The second value.
-    Returns:
-      The trivially merged value.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The values were not identical.
-    """
-    if a != b:
-      raise MergeError("values must be identical ('%s' vs '%s')" %
-                       (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                        transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return b
-  def _MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two strings.
-    The string are required to be the same ignoring case. The second string is
-    always used as the merged value.
-    Args:
-      a: The first string.
-      b: The second string.
-    Returns:
-      The merged string. This is equal to the second string.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The strings were not the same ignoring case.
-    """
-    if a.lower() != b.lower():
-      raise MergeError("values must be the same (case insensitive) "
-                       "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                                           transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return b
-  def _MergeOptional(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two values which may be None.
-    If both values are not None, they are required to be the same and the
-    merge is trivial. If one of the values is None and the other is not None,
-    the merge results in the one which is not None. If both are None, the merge
-    results in None.
-    Args:
-      a: The first value.
-      b: The second value.
-    Returns:
-      The merged value.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If both values are not None and are not the same.
-    """
-    if a and b:
-      if a != b:
-        raise MergeError("values must be identical if both specified "
-                         "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
-                                             transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
-    return a or b
-  def _MergeSameAgency(self, a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
-    """Merge agency ids to the corresponding agency id in the merged schedule.
-    Args:
-      a_agency_id: an agency id from the old schedule
-      b_agency_id: an agency id from the new schedule
-    Returns:
-      The agency id of the corresponding merged agency.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If a_agency_id and b_agency_id do not correspond to the same
-                  merged agency.
-      KeyError: Either aaid or baid is not a valid agency id.
-    """
-    a_agency_id = (a_agency_id or
-                   self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    b_agency_id = (b_agency_id or
-                   self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    a_agency = self.feed_merger.a_merge_map[
-        self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetAgency(a_agency_id)]
-    b_agency = self.feed_merger.b_merge_map[
-        self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetAgency(b_agency_id)]
-    if a_agency != b_agency:
-      raise MergeError('agency must be the same')
-    return a_agency.agency_id
-  def _SchemedMerge(self, scheme, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two entities according to a merge scheme.
-    A scheme is specified by a map where the keys are entity attributes and the
-    values are merge functions like Merger._MergeIdentical or
-    Merger._MergeOptional. The entity is first migrated to the merged schedule.
-    Then the attributes are individually merged as specified by the scheme.
-    Args:
-      scheme: The merge scheme, a map from entity attributes to merge
-              functions.
-      a: The entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The entity from the new schedule.
-    Returns:
-      The migrated and merged entity.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: One of the attributes was not able to be merged.
-    """
-    migrated = self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
-    for attr, merger in scheme.items():
-      a_attr = getattr(a, attr, None)
-      b_attr = getattr(b, attr, None)
-      try:
-        merged_attr = merger(a_attr, b_attr)
-      except MergeError, merge_error:
-        raise MergeError("Attribute '%s' could not be merged: %s." % (
-            attr, merge_error))
-      if migrated is not None:
-        setattr(migrated, attr, merged_attr)
-    return migrated
-  def _MergeSameId(self):
-    """Tries to merge entities based on their ids.
-    This tries to merge only the entities from the old and new schedules which
-    have the same id. These are added into the merged schedule. Entities which
-    do not merge or do not have the same id as another entity in the other
-    schedule are simply migrated into the merged schedule.
-    This method is less flexible than _MergeDifferentId since it only tries
-    to merge entities which have the same id while _MergeDifferentId tries to
-    merge everything. However, it is faster and so should be used whenever
-    possible.
-    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
-    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
-    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
-    different entity types.
-    Returns:
-      The number of merged entities.
-    """
-    a_not_merged = []
-    b_not_merged = []
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      try:
-        b = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-      except KeyError:
-        # there was no entity in B with the same id as a
-        a_not_merged.append(a)
-        continue
-      try:
-        self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
-        self._num_merged += 1
-      except MergeError, merge_error:
-        a_not_merged.append(a)
-        b_not_merged.append(b)
-        self._ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self._GetId(a), merge_error)
-    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-      try:
-        a = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-      except KeyError:
-        # there was no entity in A with the same id as b
-        b_not_merged.append(b)
-    # migrate the remaining entities
-    for a in a_not_merged:
-      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-      self._Add(a, None, self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
-    for b in b_not_merged:
-      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-      self._Add(None, b, self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
-    self._num_not_merged_a = len(a_not_merged)
-    self._num_not_merged_b = len(b_not_merged)
-    return self._num_merged
-  def _MergeDifferentId(self):
-    """Tries to merge all possible combinations of entities.
-    This tries to merge every entity in the old schedule with every entity in
-    the new schedule. Unlike _MergeSameId, the ids do not need to match.
-    However, _MergeDifferentId is much slower than _MergeSameId.
-    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
-    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
-    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
-    different entity types.
-    Returns:
-      The number of merged entities.
-    """
-    # TODO: The same entity from A could merge with multiple from B.
-    # This should either generate an error or should be prevented from
-    # happening.
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-        try:
-          self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
-          self._num_merged += 1
-        except MergeError:
-          continue
-    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
-      if a not in self.feed_merger.a_merge_map:
-        self._num_not_merged_a += 1
-        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
-        self._Add(a, None,
-                  self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
-    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
-      if b not in self.feed_merger.b_merge_map:
-        self._num_not_merged_b += 1
-        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
-        self._Add(None, b,
-                  self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
-    return self._num_merged
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
-    """Report that two entities have the same id but could not be merged.
-    Args:
-      entity_id: The id of the entities.
-      reason: A string giving a reason why they could not be merged.
-    """
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.SameIdButNotMerged(self,
-                                                         entity_id,
-                                                         reason)
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    """Returns an iterator of entities for this data set in the given schedule.
-    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
-    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgencyList() or GetRouteList().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
-    Returns:
-      An iterator of entities.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, entity_id):
-    """Returns an entity given its id.
-    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
-    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgency() or GetRoute().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
-      entity_id: The id string of the entity.
-    Returns:
-      The entity with the given id.
-    Raises:
-      KeyError: There is not entity with the given id.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _HasId(self, schedule, entity_id):
-    """Check if the schedule has an entity with the given id.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance to look in.
-      entity_id: The id of the entity.
-    Returns:
-      True if the schedule has an entity with the id or False if not.
-    """
-    try:
-      self._GetById(schedule, entity_id)
-      has = True
-    except KeyError:
-      has = False
-    return has
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge the two entities.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      a: The entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The entity from the new schedule.
-    Returns:
-      The merged migrated entity.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The entities were not able to be merged.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    """Migrates the entity to the merge schedule.
-    This involves copying the entity and updating any ids to point to the
-    corresponding entities in the merged schedule. If newid is True then
-    a unique id is generated for the migrated entity using the original id
-    as a prefix.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      entity: The entity to migrate.
-      schedule: The schedule from the FeedMerger that contains ent.
-      newid: Whether to generate a new id (True) or keep the original (False).
-    Returns:
-      The migrated entity.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
-    """Adds the migrated entity to the merged schedule.
-    If a and b are both not None, it means that a and b were merged to create
-    migrated. If one of a or b is None, it means that the other was not merged
-    but has been migrated. This mapping is registered with the FeedMerger.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      a: The original entity from the old schedule.
-      b: The original entity from the new schedule.
-      migrated: The migrated entity for the merged schedule.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    """Returns the id of the given entity.
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
-    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
-    Args:
-      entity: The entity.
-    Returns:
-      The id of the entity as a string or None.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    """Merge the data sets.
-    This method is called in FeedMerger.MergeSchedule().
-    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass.
-    Returns:
-      A boolean which is False if the dataset was unable to be merged and
-      as a result the entire merge should be aborted. In this case, the problem
-      will have been reported using the FeedMerger's problem reporter.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    """Returns some merge statistics.
-    These are given as a tuple (merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b) where
-    "merged" is the number of merged entities, "not_merged_a" is the number of
-    entities from the old schedule that were not merged and "not_merged_b" is
-    the number of entities from the new schedule that were not merged.
-    The return value can also be None. This means that there are no statistics
-    for this entity type.
-    The statistics are only available after MergeDataSets() has been called.
-    Returns:
-      Either the statistics tuple or None.
-    """
-    return (self._num_merged, self._num_not_merged_a, self._num_not_merged_b)
-class AgencyMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for agencies."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'agency'
-  FILE_NAME = 'agency.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Agencies'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetAgencyList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, agency_id):
-    return schedule.GetAgency(agency_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges two agencies.
-    To be merged, they are required to have the same id, name, url and
-    timezone. The remaining language attribute is taken from the new agency.
-    Args:
-      a: The first agency.
-      b: The second agency.
-    Returns:
-      The merged agency.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The agencies could not be merged.
-    """
-    def _MergeAgencyId(a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
-      """Merge two agency ids.
-      The only difference between this and _MergeIdentical() is that the values
-      None and '' are regarded as being the same.
-      Args:
-        a_agency_id: The first agency id.
-        b_agency_id: The second agency id.
-      Returns:
-        The merged agency id.
-      Raises:
-        MergeError: The agency ids could not be merged.
-      """
-      a_agency_id = a_agency_id or None
-      b_agency_id = b_agency_id or None
-      return self._MergeIdentical(a_agency_id, b_agency_id)
-    scheme = {'agency_id': _MergeAgencyId,
-              'agency_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_url': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_timezone': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    a = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      a.agency_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.agency_id)
-    return a
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(migrated)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.agency_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class StopMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for stops.
-  Attributes:
-    largest_stop_distance: The largest distance allowed between stops that
-      will be merged in metres.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'stop'
-  FILE_NAME = 'stops.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Stops'
-  largest_stop_distance = 10.0
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
-    self._merged = []
-    self._a_not_merged = []
-    self._b_not_merged = []
-  def SetLargestStopDistance(self, distance):
-    """Sets largest_stop_distance."""
-    self.largest_stop_distance = distance
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetStopList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, stop_id):
-    return schedule.GetStop(stop_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges two stops.
-    For the stops to be merged, they must have:
-      - the same stop_id
-      - the same stop_name (case insensitive)
-      - the same zone_id
-      - locations less than largest_stop_distance apart
-    The other attributes can have arbitary changes. The merged attributes are
-    taken from the new stop.
-    Args:
-      a: The first stop.
-      b: The second stop.
-    Returns:
-      The merged stop.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: The stops could not be merged.
-    """
-    distance = transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(a, b)
-    if distance > self.largest_stop_distance:
-      raise MergeError("Stops are too far apart: %.1fm "
-                       "(largest_stop_distance is %.1fm)." %
-                       (distance, self.largest_stop_distance))
-    scheme = {'stop_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'stop_name': self._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive,
-              'zone_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'location_type': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_stop.stop_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.stop_id)
-    return migrated_stop
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_stop):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_stop)
-    # The migrated_stop will be added to feed_merger.merged_schedule later
-    # since adding must be done after the zone_ids have been finalized.
-    if a and b:
-      self._merged.append((a, b, migrated_stop))
-    elif a:
-      self._a_not_merged.append((a, migrated_stop))
-    elif b:
-      self._b_not_merged.append((b, migrated_stop))
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.stop_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
-    fm = self.feed_merger
-    # now we do all the zone_id and parent_station mapping
-    # the zone_ids for merged stops can be preserved
-    for (a, b, merged_stop) in self._merged:
-      assert a.zone_id == b.zone_id
-      fm.a_zone_map[a.zone_id] = a.zone_id
-      fm.b_zone_map[b.zone_id] = b.zone_id
-      merged_stop.zone_id = a.zone_id
-      if merged_stop.parent_station:
-        # Merged stop has a parent. Update it to be the parent it had in b.
-        parent_in_b = fm.b_schedule.GetStop(b.parent_station)
-        merged_stop.parent_station = fm.b_merge_map[parent_in_b].stop_id
-      fm.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(merged_stop)
-    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._a_not_merged, fm.a_zone_map,
-                                   fm.a_merge_map, fm.a_schedule)
-    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._b_not_merged, fm.b_zone_map,
-                                   fm.b_merge_map, fm.b_schedule)
-    print 'Stops merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
-        num_merged,
-        len(fm.a_schedule.GetStopList()),
-        len(fm.b_schedule.GetStopList()))
-    return True
-  def _UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self, not_merged_stops, zone_map, merge_map,
-                                schedule):
-    """Correct references in migrated unmerged stops and add to merged_schedule.
-    For stops migrated from one of the input feeds to the output feed update the
-    parent_station and zone_id references to point to objects in the output
-    feed. Then add the migrated stop to the new schedule.
-    Args:
-      not_merged_stops: list of stops from one input feed that have not been
-        merged
-      zone_map: map from zone_id in the input feed to zone_id in the output feed
-      merge_map: map from Stop objects in the input feed to Stop objects in
-        the output feed
-      schedule: the input Schedule object
-    """
-    # for the unmerged stops, we use an already mapped zone_id if possible
-    # if not, we generate a new one and add it to the map
-    for stop, migrated_stop in not_merged_stops:
-      if stop.zone_id in zone_map:
-        migrated_stop.zone_id = zone_map[stop.zone_id]
-      else:
-        migrated_stop.zone_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(stop.zone_id)
-        zone_map[stop.zone_id] = migrated_stop.zone_id
-      if stop.parent_station:
-        parent_original = schedule.GetStop(stop.parent_station)
-        migrated_stop.parent_station = merge_map[parent_original].stop_id
-      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(migrated_stop)
-class RouteMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for routes."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'route'
-  FILE_NAME = 'routes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Routes'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetRouteList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, route_id):
-    return schedule.GetRoute(route_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    scheme = {'route_short_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_long_name': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'agency_id': self._MergeSameAgency,
-              'route_type': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_id': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'route_url': self._MergeOptional,
-              'route_color': self._MergeOptional,
-              'route_text_color': self._MergeOptional}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=entity)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_route.route_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.route_id)
-    if entity.agency_id:
-      original_agency = schedule.GetAgency(entity.agency_id)
-    else:
-      original_agency = schedule.GetDefaultAgency()
-    migrated_agency = self.feed_merger.GetMergedObject(original_agency)
-    migrated_route.agency_id = migrated_agency.agency_id
-    return migrated_route
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_route):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_route)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddRouteObject(migrated_route)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.route_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class ServicePeriodMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for service periods.
-  Attributes:
-    require_disjoint_calendars: A boolean specifying whether to require
-      disjoint calendars when merging (True) or not (False).
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'service period'
-  FILE_NAME = 'calendar.txt/calendar_dates.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Service Periods'
-  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
-    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
-    self.require_disjoint_calendars = True
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
-    pass
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, service_id):
-    return schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Tries to merge two service periods.
-    Note: Currently this just raises a MergeError since service periods cannot
-    be merged.
-    Args:
-      a: The first service period.
-      b: The second service period.
-    Returns:
-      The merged service period.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: When the service periods could not be merged.
-    """
-    raise MergeError('Cannot merge service periods')
-  def _Migrate(self, original_service_period, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    migrated_service_period.day_of_week = list(
-        original_service_period.day_of_week)
-    migrated_service_period.start_date = original_service_period.start_date
-    migrated_service_period.end_date = original_service_period.end_date
-    migrated_service_period.date_exceptions = dict(
-        original_service_period.date_exceptions)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_service_period.service_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_service_period.service_id)
-    else:
-      migrated_service_period.service_id = original_service_period.service_id
-    return migrated_service_period
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_service_period):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_service_period)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(
-        migrated_service_period)
-  def _GetId(self, entity):
-    return entity.service_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    if self.require_disjoint_calendars and not self.CheckDisjointCalendars():
-      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint(self)
-      return False
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
-    return True
-  def DisjoinCalendars(self, cutoff):
-    """Forces the old and new calendars to be disjoint about a cutoff date.
-    This truncates the service periods of the old schedule so that service
-    stops one day before the given cutoff date and truncates the new schedule
-    so that service only begins on the cutoff date.
-    Args:
-      cutoff: The cutoff date as a string in YYYYMMDD format. The timezone
-              is the same as used in the calendar.txt file.
-    """
-    def TruncatePeriod(service_period, start, end):
-      """Truncate the service period to into the range [start, end].
-      Args:
-        service_period: The service period to truncate.
-        start: The start date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
-        end: The end date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
-      """
-      service_period.start_date = max(service_period.start_date, start)
-      service_period.end_date = min(service_period.end_date, end)
-      dates_to_delete = []
-      for k in service_period.date_exceptions:
-        if (k < start) or (k > end):
-          dates_to_delete.append(k)
-      for k in dates_to_delete:
-        del service_period.date_exceptions[k]
-    # find the date one day before cutoff
-    year = int(cutoff[:4])
-    month = int(cutoff[4:6])
-    day = int(cutoff[6:8])
-    cutoff_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
-    one_day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    before = (cutoff_date - one_day_delta).strftime('%Y%m%d')
-    for a in self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
-      TruncatePeriod(a, 0, before)
-    for b in self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
-      TruncatePeriod(b, cutoff, '9'*8)
-  def CheckDisjointCalendars(self):
-    """Check whether any old service periods intersect with any new ones.
-    This is a rather coarse check based on
-    transitfeed.SevicePeriod.GetDateRange.
-    Returns:
-      True if the calendars are disjoint or False if not.
-    """
-    # TODO: Do an exact check here.
-    a_service_periods = self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-    b_service_periods = self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
-    for a_service_period in a_service_periods:
-      a_start, a_end = a_service_period.GetDateRange()
-      for b_service_period in b_service_periods:
-        b_start, b_end = b_service_period.GetDateRange()
-        overlap_start = max(a_start, b_start)
-        overlap_end = min(a_end, b_end)
-        if overlap_end >= overlap_start:
-          return False
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FareMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for fares."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare'
-  FILE_NAME = 'fare_attributes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Fares'
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetFareList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, fare_id):
-    return schedule.GetFare(fare_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges the fares if all the attributes are the same."""
-    scheme = {'price': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'currency_type': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'payment_method': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'transfers': self._MergeIdentical,
-              'transfer_duration': self._MergeIdentical}
-    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-  def _Migrate(self, original_fare, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_fare = transitfeed.Fare(
-        field_list=original_fare.GetFieldValuesTuple())
-    if newid:
-      migrated_fare.fare_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_fare.fare_id)
-    return migrated_fare
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_fare):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_fare)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareObject(migrated_fare)
-  def _GetId(self, fare):
-    return fare.fare_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
-    print 'Fares merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
-        num_merged,
-        len(self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetFareList()),
-        len(self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetFareList()))
-    return True
-class ShapeMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for shapes.
-  In this implementation, merging shapes means just taking the new shape.
-  The only conditions for a merge are that the shape_ids are the same and
-  the endpoints of the old and new shapes are no further than
-  largest_shape_distance apart.
-  Attributes:
-    largest_shape_distance: The largest distance between the endpoints of two
-      shapes allowed for them to be merged in metres.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'shape'
-  FILE_NAME = 'shapes.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Shapes'
-  largest_shape_distance = 10.0
-  def SetLargestShapeDistance(self, distance):
-    """Sets largest_shape_distance."""
-    self.largest_shape_distance = distance
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetShapeList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, shape_id):
-    return schedule.GetShape(shape_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Merges the shapes by taking the new shape.
-    Args:
-      a: The first transitfeed.Shape instance.
-      b: The second transitfeed.Shape instance.
-    Returns:
-      The merged shape.
-    Raises:
-      MergeError: If the ids are different or if the endpoints are further
-                  than largest_shape_distance apart.
-    """
-    if a.shape_id != b.shape_id:
-      raise MergeError('shape_id must be the same')
-    distance = max(ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[0][:2],
-                                                    b.points[0][:2]),
-                   ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[-1][:2],
-                                                    b.points[-1][:2]))
-    if distance > self.largest_shape_distance:
-      raise MergeError('The shape endpoints are too far away: %.1fm '
-                       '(largest_shape_distance is %.1fm)' %
-                       (distance, self.largest_shape_distance))
-    return self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
-  def _Migrate(self, original_shape, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_shape = transitfeed.Shape(original_shape.shape_id)
-    if newid:
-      migrated_shape.shape_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_shape.shape_id)
-    for (lat, lon, dist) in original_shape.points:
-      migrated_shape.AddPoint(lat=lat, lon=lon, distance=dist)
-    return migrated_shape
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_shape):
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_shape)
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddShapeObject(migrated_shape)
-  def _GetId(self, shape):
-    return shape.shape_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    return True
-class TripMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for trips.
-  This implementation makes no attempt to merge trips, it simply migrates
-  them all to the merged feed.
-  """
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'trip'
-  FILE_NAME = 'trips.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Trips'
-  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, trip_id, reason):
-    pass
-  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
-    return schedule.GetTripList()
-  def _GetById(self, schedule, trip_id):
-    return schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
-    """Raises a MergeError because currently trips cannot be merged."""
-    raise MergeError('Cannot merge trips')
-  def _Migrate(self, original_trip, schedule, newid):
-    migrated_trip = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=original_trip)
-    # Make new trip_id first. AddTripObject reports a problem if it conflicts
-    # with an existing id.
-    if newid:
-      migrated_trip.trip_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
-          original_trip.trip_id)
-    # Need to add trip to schedule before copying stoptimes
-    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddTripObject(migrated_trip,
-                                                   validate=False)
-    if schedule == self.feed_merger.a_schedule:
-      merge_map = self.feed_merger.a_merge_map
-    else:
-      merge_map = self.feed_merger.b_merge_map
-    original_route = schedule.GetRoute(original_trip.route_id)
-    migrated_trip.route_id = merge_map[original_route].route_id
-    original_service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(
-        original_trip.service_id)
-    migrated_trip.service_id = merge_map[original_service_period].service_id
-    if original_trip.block_id:
-      migrated_trip.block_id = '%s_%s' % (
-          self.feed_merger.GetScheduleName(schedule),
-          original_trip.block_id)
-    if original_trip.shape_id:
-      original_shape = schedule.GetShape(original_trip.shape_id)
-      migrated_trip.shape_id = merge_map[original_shape].shape_id
-    for original_stop_time in original_trip.GetStopTimes():
-      migrated_stop_time = transitfeed.StopTime(
-          None,
-          merge_map[original_stop_time.stop],
-          original_stop_time.arrival_time,
-          original_stop_time.departure_time,
-          original_stop_time.stop_headsign,
-          original_stop_time.pickup_type,
-          original_stop_time.drop_off_type,
-          original_stop_time.shape_dist_traveled,
-          original_stop_time.arrival_secs,
-          original_stop_time.departure_secs)
-      migrated_trip.AddStopTimeObject(migrated_stop_time)
-    for headway_period in original_trip.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples():
-      migrated_trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(*headway_period)
-    return migrated_trip
-  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_trip):
-    # Validate now, since it wasn't done in _Migrate
-    migrated_trip.Validate(self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.problem_reporter)
-    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_trip)
-  def _GetId(self, trip):
-    return trip.trip_id
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    self._MergeSameId()
-    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FareRuleMerger(DataSetMerger):
-  """A DataSetMerger for fare rules."""
-  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare rule'
-  FILE_NAME = 'fare_rules.txt'
-  DATASET_NAME = 'Fare Rules'
-  def MergeDataSets(self):
-    """Merge the fare rule datasets.
-    The fare rules are first migrated. Merging is done by removing any
-    duplicate rules.
-    Returns:
-      True since fare rules can always be merged.
-    """
-    rules = set()
-    for (schedule, merge_map, zone_map) in ([self.feed_merger.a_schedule,
-                                             self.feed_merger.a_merge_map,
-                                             self.feed_merger.a_zone_map],
-                                            [self.feed_merger.b_schedule,
-                                             self.feed_merger.b_merge_map,
-                                             self.feed_merger.b_zone_map]):
-      for fare in schedule.GetFareList():
-        for fare_rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
-          fare_id = merge_map[schedule.GetFare(fare_rule.fare_id)].fare_id
-          route_id = (fare_rule.route_id and
-                      merge_map[schedule.GetRoute(fare_rule.route_id)].route_id)
-          origin_id = (fare_rule.origin_id and
-                       zone_map[fare_rule.origin_id])
-          destination_id = (fare_rule.destination_id and
-                            zone_map[fare_rule.destination_id])
-          contains_id = (fare_rule.contains_id and
-                         zone_map[fare_rule.contains_id])
-          rules.add((fare_id, route_id, origin_id, destination_id,
-                     contains_id))
-    for fare_rule_tuple in rules:
-      migrated_fare_rule = transitfeed.FareRule(*fare_rule_tuple)
-      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(migrated_fare_rule)
-    if rules:
-      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.FareRulesBroken(self)
-    print 'Fare Rules: union has %d fare rules' % len(rules)
-    return True
-  def GetMergeStats(self):
-    return None
-class FeedMerger(object):
-  """A class for merging two whole feeds.
-  This class takes two instances of transitfeed.Schedule and uses
-  DataSetMerger instances to merge the feeds and produce the resultant
-  merged feed.
-  Attributes:
-    a_schedule: The old transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    b_schedule: The new transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    problem_reporter: The merge problem reporter.
-    merged_schedule: The merged transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    a_merge_map: A map from old entities to merged entities.
-    b_merge_map: A map from new entities to merged entities.
-    a_zone_map: A map from old zone ids to merged zone ids.
-    b_zone_map: A map from new zone ids to merged zone ids.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-               problem_reporter=None):
-    """Initialise the merger.
-    Once this initialiser has been called, a_schedule and b_schedule should
-    not be modified.
-    Args:
-      a_schedule: The old schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
-      b_schedule: The new schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
-      problem_reporter: The problem reporter, an instance of
-                        transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase. This can be None in
-                        which case the ExceptionProblemReporter is used.
-    """
-    self.a_schedule = a_schedule
-    self.b_schedule = b_schedule
-    self.merged_schedule = merged_schedule
-    self.a_merge_map = {}
-    self.b_merge_map = {}
-    self.a_zone_map = {}
-    self.b_zone_map = {}
-    self._mergers = []
-    self._idnum = max(self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.a_schedule),
-                      self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.b_schedule))
-    if problem_reporter is not None:
-      self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
-    else:
-      self.problem_reporter = ExceptionProblemReporter()
-  def _FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self, schedule):
-    """Finds the largest integer used as the ending of an id in the schedule.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The schedule to check.
-    Returns:
-      The maximum integer used as an ending for an id.
-    """
-    postfix_number_re = re.compile('(\d+)$')
-    def ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id):
-      """Try to extract an integer from the end of entity_id.
-      If entity_id is None or if there is no integer ending the id, zero is
-      returned.
-      Args:
-        entity_id: An id string or None.
-      Returns:
-        An integer ending the entity_id or zero.
-      """
-      if entity_id is None:
-        return 0
-      match = postfix_number_re.search(entity_id)
-      if match is not None:
-        return int(match.group(1))
-      else:
-        return 0
-    id_data_sets = {'agency_id': schedule.GetAgencyList(),
-                    'stop_id': schedule.GetStopList(),
-                    'route_id': schedule.GetRouteList(),
-                    'trip_id': schedule.GetTripList(),
-                    'service_id': schedule.GetServicePeriodList(),
-                    'fare_id': schedule.GetFareList(),
-                    'shape_id': schedule.GetShapeList()}
-    max_postfix_number = 0
-    for id_name, entity_list in id_data_sets.items():
-      for entity in entity_list:
-        entity_id = getattr(entity, id_name)
-        postfix_number = ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id)
-        max_postfix_number = max(max_postfix_number, postfix_number)
-    return max_postfix_number
-  def GetScheduleName(self, schedule):
-    """Returns a single letter identifier for the schedule.
-    This only works for the old and new schedules which return 'a' and 'b'
-    respectively. The purpose of such identifiers is for generating ids.
-    Args:
-      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
-    Returns:
-      The schedule identifier.
-    Raises:
-      KeyError: schedule is not the old or new schedule.
-    """
-    return {self.a_schedule: 'a', self.b_schedule: 'b'}[schedule]
-  def GenerateId(self, entity_id=None):
-    """Generate a unique id based on the given id.
-    This is done by appending a counter which is then incremented. The
-    counter is initialised at the maximum number used as an ending for
-    any id in the old and new schedules.
-    Args:
-      entity_id: The base id string. This is allowed to be None.
-    Returns:
-      The generated id.
-    """
-    self._idnum += 1
-    if entity_id:
-      return '%s_merged_%d' % (entity_id, self._idnum)
-    else:
-      return 'merged_%d' % self._idnum
-  def Register(self, a, b, migrated_entity):
-    """Registers a merge mapping.
-    If a and b are both not None, this means that entities a and b were merged
-    to produce migrated_entity. If one of a or b are not None, then it means
-    it was not merged but simply migrated.
-    The effect of a call to register is to update a_merge_map and b_merge_map
-    according to the merge.
-    Args:
-      a: The entity from the old feed or None.
-      b: The entity from the new feed or None.
-      migrated_entity: The migrated entity.
-    """
-    if a is not None: self.a_merge_map[a] = migrated_entity
-    if b is not None: self.b_merge_map[b] = migrated_entity
-  def AddMerger(self, merger):
-    """Add a DataSetMerger to be run by Merge().
-    Args:
-      merger: The DataSetMerger instance.
-    """
-    self._mergers.append(merger)
-  def AddDefaultMergers(self):
-    """Adds the default DataSetMergers defined in this module."""
-    self.AddMerger(AgencyMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(StopMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(RouteMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(ServicePeriodMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(FareMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(ShapeMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(TripMerger(self))
-    self.AddMerger(FareRuleMerger(self))
-  def GetMerger(self, cls):
-    """Looks for an added DataSetMerger derived from the given class.
-    Args:
-      cls: A class derived from DataSetMerger.
-    Returns:
-      The matching DataSetMerger instance.
-    Raises:
-      LookupError: No matching DataSetMerger has been added.
-    """
-    for merger in self._mergers:
-      if isinstance(merger, cls):
-        return merger
-    raise LookupError('No matching DataSetMerger found')
-  def GetMergerList(self):
-    """Returns the list of DataSetMerger instances that have been added."""
-    return self._mergers
-  def MergeSchedules(self):
-    """Merge the schedules.
-    This is done by running the DataSetMergers that have been added with
-    AddMerger() in the order that they were added.
-    Returns:
-      True if the merge was successful.
-    """
-    for merger in self._mergers:
-      if not merger.MergeDataSets():
-        return False
-    return True
-  def GetMergedSchedule(self):
-    """Returns the merged schedule.
-    This will be empty before MergeSchedules() is called.
-    Returns:
-      The merged schedule.
-    """
-    return self.merged_schedule
-  def GetMergedObject(self, original):
-    """Returns an object that represents original in the merged schedule."""
-    # TODO: I think this would be better implemented by adding a private
-    # attribute to the objects in the original feeds
-    merged = (self.a_merge_map.get(original) or
-              self.b_merge_map.get(original))
-    if merged:
-      return merged
-    else:
-      raise KeyError()
-def main():
-  """Run the merge driver program."""
-  usage = \
-"""%prog [options] <input GTFS a.zip> <input GTFS b.zip> <output GTFS.zip>
-Merges <input GTFS a.zip> and <input GTFS b.zip> into a new GTFS file
-<output GTFS.zip>.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--cutoff_date',
-                    dest='cutoff_date',
-                    default=None,
-                    help='a transition date from the old feed to the new '
-                    'feed in the format YYYYMMDD')
-  parser.add_option('--largest_stop_distance',
-                    dest='largest_stop_distance',
-                    default=StopMerger.largest_stop_distance,
-                    help='the furthest distance two stops can be apart and '
-                    'still be merged, in metres')
-  parser.add_option('--largest_shape_distance',
-                    dest='largest_shape_distance',
-                    default=ShapeMerger.largest_shape_distance,
-                    help='the furthest distance the endpoints of two shapes '
-                    'can be apart and the shape still be merged, in metres')
-  parser.add_option('--html_output_path',
-                    dest='html_output_path',
-                    default='merge-results.html',
-                    help='write the html output to this file')
-  parser.add_option('--no_browser',
-                    dest='no_browser',
-                    action='store_true',
-                    help='prevents the merge results from being opened in a '
-                    'browser')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
-                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
-                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
-  parser.set_defaults(memory_db=False)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 3:
-    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
-  old_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[0])
-  new_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
-  merged_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[2])
-  if old_feed_path.find("IWantMyCrash") != -1:
-    # See test/testmerge.py
-    raise Exception('For testing the merge crash handler.')
-  a_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(old_feed_path, options.memory_db)
-  b_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(new_feed_path, options.memory_db)
-  merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(memory_db=options.memory_db)
-  problem_reporter = HTMLProblemReporter()
-  feed_merger = FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                           problem_reporter)
-  feed_merger.AddDefaultMergers()
-  feed_merger.GetMerger(StopMerger).SetLargestStopDistance(float(
-      options.largest_stop_distance))
-  feed_merger.GetMerger(ShapeMerger).SetLargestShapeDistance(float(
-      options.largest_shape_distance))
-  if options.cutoff_date is not None:
-    service_period_merger = feed_merger.GetMerger(ServicePeriodMerger)
-    service_period_merger.DisjoinCalendars(options.cutoff_date)
-  if feed_merger.MergeSchedules():
-    feed_merger.GetMergedSchedule().WriteGoogleTransitFeed(merged_feed_path)
-  else:
-    merged_feed_path = None
-  output_file = file(options.html_output_path, 'w')
-  problem_reporter.WriteOutput(output_file, feed_merger,
-                               old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path)
-  output_file.close()
-  if not options.no_browser:
-    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(options.html_output_path))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/schedule_viewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
-You must provide a Google Maps API key.
-import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
-import bisect
-from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
-import gtfsscheduleviewer
-import mimetypes
-import os.path
-import re
-import signal
-import simplejson
-import socket
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import urllib
-# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
-# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
-if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
-  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
-mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
-class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
-  def default(self, obj):
-    try:
-      iterable = iter(obj)
-    except TypeError:
-      pass
-    else:
-      return list(iterable)
-    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-# Code taken from
-# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/425210/index_txt
-# An alternate approach is shown at
-# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-July/212751.html
-# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
-# thread.
-class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-  def server_bind(self):
-    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
-    self.socket.settimeout(1)
-    self._run = True
-  def get_request(self):
-    while self._run:
-      try:
-        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
-        sock.settimeout(None)
-        return (sock, addr)
-      except socket.timeout:
-        pass
-  def stop(self):
-    self._run = False
-  def serve(self):
-    while self._run:
-      self.handle_request()
-def StopToTuple(stop):
-  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
-  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
-          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
-class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  def do_GET(self):
-    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
-    parsed_params = {}
-    for k in params.split('&'):
-      k = urllib.unquote(k)
-      if '=' in k:
-        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
-        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
-      else:
-        parsed_params[k] = ''
-    if path == '/':
-      return self.handle_GET_home()
-    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
-    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
-    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
-    if m and m.group(1):
-      try:
-        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(m.group(1))
-        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
-      except IOError, e:
-        print "Error: unable to open %s" % m.group(1)
-        # Ignore and treat as 404
-    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return handler(parsed_params)
-    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
-  def OpenFile(self, filename):
-    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
-    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
-    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
-    assert mime_type
-    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
-    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
-    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
-      mode = 'r'
-    else:
-      mode = 'rb'
-    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
-  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
-    self.send_error(404)
-  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
-    content = fh.read()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def AllowEditMode(self):
-    return False
-  def handle_GET_home(self):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
-    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
-    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
-    key = self.server.key
-    host = self.server.host
-    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
-    # with the value of local variable xxx
-    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
-    content = f.read()
-    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
-              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
-      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
-    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
-    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    if not route:
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    sample_size = 3  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    patterns = []
-    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
-      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
-      if not time_stops:
-        continue
-      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
-      for trip in trips:
-        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
-          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
-      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
-      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
-      num_trips = len(trips)
-      if num_trips <= sample_size:
-        start_sample_index = 0
-        num_after_sample = 0
-      else:
-        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
-        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
-        # search with a custom key.
-        start_sample_index = len(trips)
-        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
-          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
-            start_sample_index = i
-            break
-        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
-        if num_after_sample < 0:
-          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
-          # last sample_size trips.
-          num_after_sample = 0
-          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
-      sample = []
-      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
-        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
-                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
-    patterns.sort()
-    return patterns
-  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
-    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = handler(parsed_params)
-    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
-    """Return a list of all routes."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = []
-    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
-      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name) )
-    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
-    return result
-  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
-  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
-    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
-    trip."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    except KeyError:
-      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
-    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
-    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-    stops = []
-    times = []
-    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
-      times.append(arr)
-    return [stops, times]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    points = []
-    if trip.shape_id:
-      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        points.append((lat, lon))
-    else:
-      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
-    return points
-  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
-    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
-    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
-    longitude line 180."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    n = float(params.get('n'))
-    e = float(params.get('e'))
-    s = float(params.get('s'))
-    w = float(params.get('w'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
-    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
-    trips to visit the stop."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
-    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
-    # Keep the first 5 after param 'time'.
-    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
-    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
-    time_trips = time_trips[:5]
-    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
-    result = []
-    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
-      headsign = None
-      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
-      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
-        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
-          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
-          break
-      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
-      if not headsign:
-        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
-      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-      trip_name = ''
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        trip_name += route.route_short_name
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        if len(trip_name):
-          trip_name += " - "
-        trip_name += route.route_long_name
-      if headsign:
-        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
-      result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
-    return result
-  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
-    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
-    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    marey = MareyGraph()
-    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
-    if not route:
-      print 'no such route'
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
-    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
-      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
-    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
-    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
-    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
-    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
-    content = marey.Draw()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-def FindPy2ExeBase():
-  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
-  None"""
-  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in library.zip. For py2exe setup.py is
-  # configured to put the data next to library.zip.
-  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\library.zip\\')
-  if windows_ending != -1:
-    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
-  else:
-    return None
-def FindDefaultFileDir():
-  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
-  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where setup.py put
-  it."""
-  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if base:
-    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
-  else:
-    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
-    # directory.
-    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip __init__.py
-    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
-def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
-  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
-  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
-  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if windows_base:
-    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
-  else:
-    return 'key.txt'
-def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
-Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input GTFS.zip> in your browser.
-If <input GTFS.zip> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
-                    help='file name of feed to load')
-  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
-                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
-                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
-  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
-  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
-                    help='port on which to listen')
-  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
-                    help='directory containing static files')
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='disable interactive prompts')
-  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
-                      host='maps.google.com',
-                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
-                      manual_entry=True)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
-    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
-    exit(1)
-  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
-    options.feed_filename = args[0]
-  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
-    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
-  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
-  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
-    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
-  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
-    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
-  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
-  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
-  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
-                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
-  server.key = options.key
-  server.schedule = schedule
-  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
-  server.host = options.host
-  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
-  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
-         (server.server_port))
-  server.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-This script can be used to create a source distribution, binary distribution
-or Windows executable files. The output is put in dist/
-for help on creating Windows executables.
-from distutils.core import setup
-import glob
-import os.path
-from transitfeed import __version__ as VERSION
-  import py2exe
-  has_py2exe = True
-except ImportError, e:
-  # Won't be able to generate win32 exe
-  has_py2exe = False
-# py2exe doesn't automatically include pytz dependency because it is optional
-options = {'py2exe': {'packages': ['pytz']}}
-scripts_for_py2exe = ['feedvalidator.py', 'schedule_viewer.py', 'kmlparser.py',
-                      'kmlwriter.py', 'merge.py', 'unusual_trip_filter.py']
-# On Nov 23, 2009 Tom Brown said: I'm not confident that we can include a
-# working copy of this script in the py2exe distribution because it depends on
-# ogr. I do want it included in the source tar.gz.
-scripts_for_source_only = ['shape_importer.py']
-kwargs = {}
-if has_py2exe:
-  kwargs['console'] = scripts_for_py2exe
-  # py2exe seems to ignore package_data and not add marey_graph. This makes it
-  # work.
-  kwargs['data_files'] = \
-      [('schedule_viewer_files',
-          glob.glob(os.path.join('gtfsscheduleviewer', 'files', '*')))]
-  options['py2exe'] = {'dist_dir': 'transitfeed-windows-binary-%s' % VERSION}
-    version=VERSION,
-    name='transitfeed',
-    url='http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/',
-    download_url='http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/'
-        'files/transitfeed-%s.tar.gz' % VERSION,
-    maintainer='Tom Brown',
-    maintainer_email='tom.brown.code@gmail.com',
-    description='Google Transit Feed Specification library and tools',
-    long_description='This module provides a library for reading, writing and '
-        'validating Google Transit Feed Specification files. It includes some '
-        'scripts that validate a feed, display it using the Google Maps API and '
-        'the start of a KML importer and exporter.',
-    platforms='OS Independent',
-    license='Apache License, Version 2.0',
-    packages=['gtfsscheduleviewer', 'transitfeed'],
-    # Also need to list package_data contents in MANIFEST.in for it to be
-    # included in sdist. See "[Distutils] package_data not used by sdist
-    # command" Feb 2, 2007
-    package_data={'gtfsscheduleviewer': ['files/*']},
-    scripts=scripts_for_py2exe + scripts_for_source_only,
-    zip_safe=False,
-    classifiers=[
-        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
-        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-        'Intended Audience :: Information Technology',
-        'Intended Audience :: Other Audience',
-        'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
-        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-        'Programming Language :: Python',
-        'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS',
-        'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules'
-        ],
-    options=options,
-    **kwargs
-    )
-if has_py2exe:
-  # Sometime between pytz-2008a and pytz-2008i common_timezones started to
-  # include only names of zones with a corresponding data file in zoneinfo.
-  # pytz installs the zoneinfo directory tree in the same directory
-  # as the pytz/__init__.py file. These data files are loaded using
-  # pkg_resources.resource_stream. py2exe does not copy this to library.zip so
-  # resource_stream can't find the files and common_timezones is empty when
-  # read in the py2exe executable.
-  # This manually copies zoneinfo into the zip. See also
-  # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=121
-  import pytz
-  import zipfile
-  # Make sure the layout of pytz hasn't changed
-  assert (pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.pyc') or
-          pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.py')), pytz.__file__
-  zoneinfo_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__), 'zoneinfo')
-  # '..\\Lib\\pytz\\__init__.py' -> '..\\Lib'
-  disk_basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__))
-  zipfile_path = os.path.join(options['py2exe']['dist_dir'], 'library.zip')
-  z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'a')
-  for absdir, directories, filenames in os.walk(zoneinfo_dir):
-    assert absdir.startswith(disk_basedir), (absdir, disk_basedir)
-    zip_dir = absdir[len(disk_basedir):]
-    for f in filenames:
-      z.write(os.path.join(absdir, f), os.path.join(zip_dir, f))
-  z.close()

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/shape_importer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A utility program to help add shapes to an existing GTFS feed.
-Requires the ogr python package.
-__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
-import csv
-import glob
-import ogr
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import shapelib
-from transitfeed import util
-import zipfile
-class ShapeImporterError(Exception):
-  pass
-def PrintColumns(shapefile):
-  """
-  Print the columns of layer 0 of the shapefile to the screen.
-  """
-  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
-  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
-  if len(layer) == 0:
-    raise ShapeImporterError("Layer 0 has no elements!")
-  feature = layer.GetFeature(0)
-  print "%d features" % feature.GetFieldCount()
-  for j in range(0, feature.GetFieldCount()):
-    print '--' + feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetName() + \
-          ': ' + feature.GetFieldAsString(j)
-def AddShapefile(shapefile, graph, key_cols):
-  """
-  Adds shapes found in the given shape filename to the given polyline
-  graph object.
-  """
-  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
-  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
-  for i in range(0, len(layer)):
-    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
-    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
-    if key_cols:
-      key_list = []
-      for col in key_cols:
-        key_list.append(str(feature.GetField(col)))
-      shape_id = '-'.join(key_list)
-    else:
-      shape_id = '%s-%d' % (shapefile, i)
-    poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape_id)
-    for j in range(0, geometry.GetPointCount()):
-      (lat, lng) = (round(geometry.GetY(j), 15), round(geometry.GetX(j), 15))
-      poly.AddPoint(shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(lat, lng))
-    graph.AddPoly(poly)
-  return graph
-def GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trip, matches, max_distance, verbosity=0):
-  """
-  Tries to find a matching shape for the given pattern Poly object,
-  trip, and set of possibly matching Polys from which to choose a match.
-  """
-  if len(matches) == 0:
-    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
-           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id))
-    return None
-  if verbosity >= 1:
-    for match in matches:
-      print "match: size %d" % match.GetNumPoints()
-  scores = [(pattern_poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(match), match)
-            for match in matches]
-  scores.sort()
-  if scores[0][0] > max_distance:
-    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
-           '(min score was %f)'
-           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id, scores[0][0]))
-    return None
-  return scores[0][1]
-def AddExtraShapes(extra_shapes_txt, graph):
-  """
-  Add extra shapes into our input set by parsing them out of a GTFS-formatted
-  shapes.txt file.  Useful for manually adding lines to a shape file, since it's
-  a pain to edit .shp files.
-  """
-  print "Adding extra shapes from %s" % extra_shapes_txt
-  try:
-    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    shutil.copy(extra_shapes_txt, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'shapes.txt'))
-    loader = transitfeed.ShapeLoader(tmpdir)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    for shape in schedule.GetShapeList():
-      print "Adding extra shape: %s" % shape.shape_id
-      graph.AddPoly(ShapeToPoly(shape))
-  finally:
-    if tmpdir:
-      shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-# Note: this method lives here to avoid cross-dependencies between
-# shapelib and transitfeed.
-def ShapeToPoly(shape):
-  poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape.shape_id)
-  for lat, lng, distance in shape.points:
-    point = shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(round(lat, 15), round(lng, 15))
-    poly.AddPoint(point)
-  return poly
-def ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args):
-  if not (args and options.source_gtfs and options.dest_gtfs):
-    options_parser.error("You must specify a source and dest GTFS file, "
-                         "and at least one source shapefile")
-def DefineOptions():
-  usage = \
-"""%prog [options] --source_gtfs=<input GTFS.zip> --dest_gtfs=<output GTFS.zip>\
- <input.shp> [<input.shp>...]
-Try to match shapes in one or more SHP files to trips in a GTFS file."""
-  options_parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  options_parser.add_option("--print_columns",
-                            action="store_true",
-                            default=False,
-                            dest="print_columns",
-                            help="Print column names in shapefile DBF and exit")
-  options_parser.add_option("--keycols",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="keycols",
-                            help="Comma-separated list of the column names used"
-                                 "to index shape ids")
-  options_parser.add_option("--max_distance",
-                            type="int",
-                            default=150,
-                            dest="max_distance",
-                            help="Max distance from a shape to which to match")
-  options_parser.add_option("--source_gtfs",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="source_gtfs",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Read input GTFS from FILE")
-  options_parser.add_option("--dest_gtfs",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="dest_gtfs",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Write output GTFS with shapes to FILE")
-  options_parser.add_option("--extra_shapes",
-                            default="",
-                            dest="extra_shapes",
-                            metavar="FILE",
-                            help="Extra shapes.txt (CSV) formatted file")
-  options_parser.add_option("--verbosity",
-                            type="int",
-                            default=0,
-                            dest="verbosity",
-                            help="Verbosity level. Higher is more verbose")
-  return options_parser
-def main(key_cols):
-  print 'Parsing shapefile(s)...'
-  graph = shapelib.PolyGraph()
-  for arg in args:
-    print '  ' + arg
-    AddShapefile(arg, graph, key_cols)
-  if options.extra_shapes:
-    AddExtraShapes(options.extra_shapes, graph)
-  print 'Loading GTFS from %s...' % options.source_gtfs
-  schedule = transitfeed.Loader(options.source_gtfs).Load()
-  shape_count = 0
-  pattern_count = 0
-  verbosity = options.verbosity
-  print 'Matching shapes to trips...'
-  for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
-    print 'Processing route', route.route_short_name
-    patterns = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    for pattern_id, trips in patterns.iteritems():
-      pattern_count += 1
-      pattern = trips[0].GetPattern()
-      poly_points = [shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(p.stop_lat, p.stop_lon)
-                     for p in pattern]
-      if verbosity >= 2:
-        print "\npattern %d, %d points:" % (pattern_id, len(poly_points))
-        for i, (stop, point) in enumerate(zip(pattern, poly_points)):
-          print "Stop %d '%s': %s" % (i + 1, stop.stop_name, point.ToLatLng())
-      # First, try to find polys that run all the way from
-      # the start of the trip to the end.
-      matches = graph.FindMatchingPolys(poly_points[0], poly_points[-1],
-                                        options.max_distance)
-      if not matches:
-        # Try to find a path through the graph, joining
-        # multiple edges to find a path that covers all the
-        # points in the trip.  Some shape files are structured
-        # this way, with a polyline for each segment between
-        # stations instead of a polyline covering an entire line.
-        shortest_path = graph.FindShortestMultiPointPath(poly_points,
-                                                         options.max_distance,
-                                                         verbosity=verbosity)
-        if shortest_path:
-          matches = [shortest_path]
-        else:
-          matches = []
-      pattern_poly = shapelib.Poly(poly_points)
-      shape_match = GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trips[0],
-                                     matches, options.max_distance,
-                                     verbosity=verbosity)
-      if shape_match:
-        shape_count += 1
-        # Rename shape for readability.
-        shape_match = shapelib.Poly(points=shape_match.GetPoints(),
-                                           name="shape_%d" % shape_count)
-        for trip in trips:
-          try:
-            shape = schedule.GetShape(shape_match.GetName())
-          except KeyError:
-            shape = transitfeed.Shape(shape_match.GetName())
-            for point in shape_match.GetPoints():
-              (lat, lng) = point.ToLatLng()
-              shape.AddPoint(lat, lng)
-            schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
-          trip.shape_id = shape.shape_id
-  print "Matched %d shapes out of %d patterns" % (shape_count, pattern_count)
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.dest_gtfs)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  # Import psyco if available for better performance.
-  try:
-    import psyco
-    psyco.full()
-  except ImportError:
-    pass
-  options_parser = DefineOptions()
-  (options, args) = options_parser.parse_args()
-  ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args)
-  if options.print_columns:
-    for arg in args:
-      PrintColumns(arg)
-    sys.exit(0)
-  key_cols = options.keycols.split(',')
-  main(key_cols)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@




--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@




--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@






--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@

-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,

-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,

-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,

-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212



-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,


























--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,

-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION

-BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,

-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,

-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,

-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,

-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,

-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,

-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,

-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/transfers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@




--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_date_format/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,

-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,




-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,

-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_eol.zip and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,

-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@

-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/bad_utf8/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@

-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/stops.txt and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/contains_null/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-FROG,Bull Frog,,36.881083,-116.817968
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,10,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/empty_file/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/extra_row_cells/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@


--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,1 @@





--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

-AB,DTA,10,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,

-BFC,DTA,20,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,

-STBA,DTA,30,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,


-AAMV,DTA,50,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/shapes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +1,1 @@
















































































--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@

-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,

-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,

-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,

-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,

-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,

-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,

-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,

-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,

-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,1 @@

-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,

-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,














-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,

-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-route_1,DTA,1,route with a single trip,,0,http://routes.com/route_1,FF0000,
-route_2,DTA,2,route with two trips and one component,test route desc 2,1,,00FF00,
-route_3,DTA,3,route with two trips and two components,test route desc 3,2,http://routes.com/route_3,,
-route_4,DTA,4,route with two equal trips,test route desc 4,3,http://routes.com/route_4,FFFF00,
-route_5,DTA,5,route with two trip but no graph,test route desc 5,4,http://routes.com/route_5,FF00FF,
-route_6,DTA,6,route with one trip and no stops,test route desc 6,5,http://routes.com/route_6,00FFFF,
-route_7,DTA,7,route with no trips,test route desc 7,6,http://routes.com/route_7,,
-route_8,DTA,8,route with a cyclic pattern,test route desc 8,7,http://routes.com/route_8,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/shapes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-stop1,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,http://stops.com/stop1
-stop2,Nye County Airport (Demo),the stop at Nye County Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-stop3,Bullfrog (Demo),the stop at Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,http://stops.com/stop3
-stop4,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),the stop at Stagecoach Hotel & Casino,36.915682,-116.751677,,http://stops.com/stop4
-stop5,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),the stop at North Ave / D Ave N,36.914893,-116.76821,,http://stops.com/stop5
-stop6,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),the stop at North Ave / N A Ave,36.914944,-116.761472,,http://stops.com/stop6
-stop7,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),the stop at Doing Ave / D Ave N,36.909489,-116.768242,,http://stops.com/stop7
-stop8,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),the stop at E Main St / S Irving St,36.905697,-116.76218,,http://stops.com/stop8
-stop9,Amargosa Valley (Demo),the stop at Amargosa Valley,36.641496,-116.40094,,http://stops.com/stop9

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/flatten_feed/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed.zip and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION
-BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/transfers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/good_feed/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DVT,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/invalid_route_agency/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_agency/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_calendar/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_column/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_departure_time/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_routes/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,http://google.com
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.13316
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_row_cells/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stop_times/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_stops/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_trips/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/missing_weekday_column/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/one_line.kml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,1 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
-  <name>A test file with one placemark</name>
-  <decription></decription>
-  <Placemark>
-    <name>Test</name>
-    <description></description>
-    <LineString>
-      <coordinates>
-        -93.238861,44.854240,0.000000
-        -93.238708,44.853081,0.000000
-        -93.237923,44.852638,0.000000
-      </coordinates>
-    </LineString>
-  </Placemark>

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/one_stop.kml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,1 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
-  <name>A test file with one placemark</name>
-  <decription></decription>
-  <Placemark>
-    <name>Stop Name</name>
-    <description></description>
-    <Point>
-      <coordinates>-93.239037,44.854164,0.000000</coordinates>
-    </Point>
-  </Placemark>

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/only_calendar_dates/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-STBB,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/repeated_route_name/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/same_short_long_name/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/undefined_stop/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/frecuencias.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
-CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION
-BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/transfers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_file/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unknown_format.zip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-not a real zip file

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,en

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/transfers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unrecognized_columns/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-BOGUS,Bogus Stop (Demo),,36.914682,-116.750677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/unused_stop/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/agency.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/calendar.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/calendar_dates.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/fare_attributes.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/fare_rules.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/frequencies.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/routes.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/stop_times.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/stops.txt and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf16/trips.txt and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/agency.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/calendar.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/calendar_dates.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/fare_attributes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/fare_rules.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/frequencies.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/routes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
-BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
-STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
-AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/stop_times.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/stops.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
-BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
-BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
-STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
-NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
-NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
-DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
-EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
-AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/data/utf8bom/trips.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
-AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
-BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
-AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testexamples.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +1,1 @@
-# Test the examples to make sure they are not broken
-import os
-import re
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-import urllib
-import util
-class WikiExample(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  # Download example from wiki and run it
-  def runTest(self):
-    wiki_source = urllib.urlopen(
-        'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/TransitFeed.wiki'
-        ).read()
-    m = re.search(r'{{{(.*import transitfeed.*)}}}', wiki_source, re.DOTALL)
-    if not m:
-      raise Exception("Failed to find source code on wiki page")
-    wiki_code = m.group(1)
-    exec wiki_code
-class shuttle_from_xmlfeed(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py'),
-         '--input', 'file:' + self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.xml'),
-         '--output', 'shuttle-YYYYMMDD.zip',
-         # save the path of the dated output to tempfilepath
-         '--execute', 'echo %(path)s > outputpath'])
-    dated_path = open('outputpath').read().strip()
-    self.assertTrue(re.match(r'shuttle-20\d\d[01]\d[0123]\d.zip$', dated_path))
-    if not os.path.exists(dated_path):
-      raise Exception('did not create expected file')
-class table(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('table.py'),
-         '--input', self.GetExamplePath('table.txt'),
-         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
-    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
-      raise Exception('should have created output')
-class small_builder(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('small_builder.py'),
-         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
-    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
-      raise Exception('should have created output')
-class google_random_queries(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testNormalRun(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
-         '--output', 'queries.html',
-         '--limit', '5',
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
-    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
-      raise Exception('should have created output')
-  def testInvalidFeedStillWorks(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
-         '--output', 'queries.html',
-         '--limit', '5',
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'invalid_route_agency')])
-    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
-      raise Exception('should have created output')
-  def testBadArgs(self):
-    self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
-         '--output', 'queries.html',
-         '--limit', '5'],
-        expected_retcode=2)
-    if os.path.exists('queries.html'):
-      raise Exception('should not have created output')
-class filter_unused_stops(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testNormalRun(self):
-    unused_stop_path = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'unused_stop')
-    # Make sure load fails for input
-    problem_reporter = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter(raise_warnings=True)
-    try:
-      transitfeed.Loader(
-          unused_stop_path,
-          problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
-      self.fail('UnusedStop exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.UnusedStop, e:
-      pass
-    (stdout, stderr) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetExamplePath('filter_unused_stops.py'),
-         '--list_removed',
-         unused_stop_path, 'output.zip'])
-    # Extra stop was listed on stdout
-    self.assertNotEqual(stdout.find('Bogus Stop'), -1)
-    # Make sure unused stop was removed and another stop wasn't
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(
-        'output.zip', problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
-    schedule.GetStop('STAGECOACH')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testexamples.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testfeedvalidator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Smoke tests feed validator. Make sure it runs and returns the right things
-# for a valid feed and a feed with errors.
-import datetime
-import feedvalidator
-import os.path
-import re
-import StringIO
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
-import urllib2
-import util
-import zipfile
-class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testGoodFeed(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__, self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testGoodFeedConsoleOutput(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__,
-         '--output=CONSOLE', self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testMissingStops(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__,
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Invalid value BEATTY_AIRPORT', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testMissingStopsConsoleOutput(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '-o', 'console',
-         '--latest_version', transitfeed.__version__,
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Invalid value BEATTY_AIRPORT', out))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testLimitedErrors(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-l', '2', '-n',
-         '--latest_version', transitfeed.__version__,
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(re.findall(r'class="problem">stop_id<', htmlout)))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testBadDateFormat(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__,
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'bad_date_format')],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'in field <code>start_date', htmlout))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'in field <code>date', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testBadUtf8(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__, self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'bad_utf8')],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Unicode error', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testFileNotFound(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__, 'file-not-found.zip'],
-        expected_retcode=1)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testBadOutputPath(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__, '-o', 'path/does/not/exist.html',
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')],
-        expected_retcode=2)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testCrashHandler(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         transitfeed.__version__, 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt'],
-        expected_retcode=127)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Yikes', out))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'For testing the feed validator crash handler',
-                              crashout))
-  def testCheckVersionIsRun(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
-         '100.100.100', self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', out))
-    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', htmlout))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testCheckVersionIsRunConsoleOutput(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '-o', 'console',
-         '--latest_version=100.100.100',
-         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', out))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testUsage(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '--invalid_opt'], expected_retcode=2)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'[Uu]sage: feedvalidator.py \[options\]', err)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'wiki/FeedValidator', err)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'--output', err)  # output includes all usage info
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
-# Regression tests to ensure that CalendarSummary works properly
-# even when the feed starts in the future or expires in less than
-# 60 days
-# See http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=204
-class CalendarSummaryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  # Test feeds starting in the future
-  def testFutureFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
-      today = datetime.date.today()
-      start_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=20)
-      end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=80)
-      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
-      self.assertTrue(re.search("40 service dates", result['max_trips_dates']))
-  # Test feeds ending in less than 60 days
-  def testShortFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
-      start_date = datetime.date.today()
-      end_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=15)
-      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
-      self.assertTrue(re.search("15 service dates", result['max_trips_dates']))
-  # Test feeds starting in the future *and* ending in less than 60 days
-  def testFutureAndShortFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
-      today = datetime.date.today()
-      start_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
-      end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
-      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
-      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
-      self.assertTrue(re.search("1 service date", result['max_trips_dates']))
-  # Test feeds without service days
-  def testFeedWithNoDaysDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
-      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
-      self.assertEquals({}, result)
-class MockOptions:
-  """Pretend to be an optparse options object suitable for testing."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.limit_per_type = 5
-    self.memory_db = True
-    self.check_duplicate_trips = True
-    self.latest_version = transitfeed.__version__
-    self.output = 'fake-filename.zip'
-    self.manual_entry = False
-    self.service_gap_interval = None
-class FeedValidatorTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testBadEolContext(self):
-    """Make sure the filename is included in the report of a bad eol."""
-    zipfile_mem = StringIO.StringIO(open(
-        self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed.zip'), 'rb').read())
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_mem, 'a')
-    routes_txt = zip.read('routes.txt')
-    # routes_txt_modified is invalid because the first line ends with \r\n.
-    routes_txt_modified = routes_txt.replace('\n', '\r\n', 1)
-    self.assertNotEquals(routes_txt_modified, routes_txt)
-    zip.writestr('routes.txt', routes_txt_modified)
-    zip.close()
-    options = MockOptions()
-    output_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    feedvalidator.RunValidationOutputToFile(zipfile_mem, options, output_file)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex("routes.txt", output_file.getvalue())
-class LimitPerTypeProblemReporterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def assertProblemsAttribute(self, problem_type, class_name, attribute_name,
-                              expected):
-    """Join the value of each exception's attribute_name in order."""
-    problem_attribute_list = []
-    for e in self.problems.ProblemList(problem_type, class_name).problems:
-      problem_attribute_list.append(getattr(e, attribute_name))
-    self.assertEquals(expected, " ".join(problem_attribute_list))
-  def testLimitOtherProblems(self):
-    """The first N of each type should be kept."""
-    self.problems = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(2)
-    self.problems.OtherProblem("e1", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    self.problems.OtherProblem("w1", type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.OtherProblem("e2", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    self.problems.OtherProblem("e3", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    self.problems.OtherProblem("w2", type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.assertEquals(2, self.problems.WarningCount())
-    self.assertEquals(3, self.problems.ErrorCount())
-    # These are BoundedProblemList objects
-    warning_bounded_list = self.problems.ProblemList(
-        transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING, "OtherProblem")
-    error_bounded_list = self.problems.ProblemList(
-        transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEquals(2, warning_bounded_list.count)
-    self.assertEquals(3, error_bounded_list.count)
-    self.assertEquals(0, warning_bounded_list.dropped_count)
-    self.assertEquals(1, error_bounded_list.dropped_count)
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR,  "OtherProblem",
-        "description", "e1 e2")
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,  "OtherProblem",
-        "description", "w1 w2")
-  def testKeepUnsorted(self):
-    """An imperfect test that insort triggers ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__."""
-    # If ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__ doesn't trigger TypeError in
-    # bisect.insort then the default comparison of object id will be used. The
-    # id values tend to be given out in order of creation so call
-    # problems._Report with objects in a different order. This test should
-    # break if ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__ is removed or changed to return 0
-    # or cmp(id(self), id(y)).
-    exceptions = []
-    for i in range(20):
-      exceptions.append(transitfeed.OtherProblem(description="e%i" % i))
-    exceptions = exceptions[10:] + exceptions[:10]
-    self.problems = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
-    for e in exceptions:
-      self.problems._Report(e)
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.problems.WarningCount())
-    self.assertEquals(20, self.problems.ErrorCount())
-    bounded_list = self.problems.ProblemList(
-        transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEquals(20, bounded_list.count)
-    self.assertEquals(17, bounded_list.dropped_count)
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR,  "OtherProblem",
-        "description", "e10 e11 e12")
-  def testLimitSortedTooFastTravel(self):
-    """Sort by decreasing distance, keeping the N greatest."""
-    self.problems = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
-    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t1", "prev stop", "next stop", 11230.4, 5,
-        None)
-    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t2", "prev stop", "next stop", 1120.4, 5, None)
-    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t3", "prev stop", "next stop", 1130.4, 5, None)
-    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t4", "prev stop", "next stop", 1230.4, 5, None)
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.problems.WarningCount())
-    self.assertEquals(4, self.problems.ErrorCount())
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "TooFastTravel",
-        "trip_id", "t1 t4 t3")
-  def testLimitSortedStopTooFarFromParentStation(self):
-    """Sort by decreasing distance, keeping the N greatest."""
-    self.problems = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
-    for i, distance in enumerate((1000, 3002.0, 1500, 2434.1, 5023.21)):
-      self.problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-          "s%d" % i, "S %d" % i, "p%d" % i, "P %d" % i, distance)
-    self.assertEquals(5, self.problems.WarningCount())
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.problems.ErrorCount())
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
-        "StopTooFarFromParentStation", "stop_id", "s4 s1 s3")
-  def testLimitSortedStopsTooClose(self):
-    """Sort by increasing distance, keeping the N closest."""
-    self.problems = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
-    for i, distance in enumerate((4.0, 3.0, 2.5, 2.2, 1.0, 0.0)):
-      self.problems.StopsTooClose(
-          "Sa %d" % i, "sa%d" % i, "Sb %d" % i, "sb%d" % i, distance)
-    self.assertEquals(6, self.problems.WarningCount())
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.problems.ErrorCount())
-    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
-        "StopsTooClose", "stop_id_a", "sa5 sa4 sa3")
-class CheckVersionTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.mock = MockURLOpen()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    self.mock = None
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
-  def testAssignedDifferentVersion(self):
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion('100.100.100')
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', problems))
-  def testAssignedSameVersion(self):
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion(transitfeed.__version__)
-    self.assertEquals(problems, None)
-  def testGetCorrectReturns(self):
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedConnectSuccess
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.0.1', problems))
-  def testPageNotFound(self):
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedPageNotFound
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'The server couldn\'t', problems))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Error code: 404', problems))
-  def testConnectionTimeOut(self):
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedConnectionTimeOut
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We failed to reach', problems))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Reason: Connection timed', problems))
-  def testGetAddrInfoFailed(self):
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedGetAddrInfoFailed
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We failed to reach', problems))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Reason: Getaddrinfo failed', problems))
-  def testEmptyIsReturned(self):
-    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedEmptyIsReturned
-    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We had trouble parsing', problems))
-class MockURLOpen:
-  """Pretend to be a urllib2.urlopen suitable for testing."""
-  def mockedConnectSuccess(self, request):
-    return StringIO.StringIO('<li><a href="transitfeed-1.0.0/">transitfeed-'
-                             '1.0.0/</a></li><li><a href=transitfeed-100.0.1/>'
-                             'transitfeed-100.0.1/</a></li>')
-  def mockedPageNotFound(self, request):
-    raise HTTPError(request.get_full_url(), 404, 'Not Found',
-                    request.header_items(), None)
-  def mockedConnectionTimeOut(self, request):
-    raise URLError('Connection timed out')
-  def mockedGetAddrInfoFailed(self, request):
-    raise URLError('Getaddrinfo failed')
-  def mockedEmptyIsReturned(self, request):
-    return StringIO.StringIO()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testfeedvalidator.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testkmlparser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Unit tests for the kmlparser module.
-import kmlparser
-import os.path
-import shutil
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-import util
-class TestStopsParsing(util.GetPathTestCase):
-  def testSingleStop(self):
-    feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    kmlFile = self.GetTestDataPath('one_stop.kml')
-    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(kmlFile, feed)
-    stops = feed.GetStopList()
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(stops))
-    stop = stops[0]
-    self.assertEqual(u'Stop Name', stop.stop_name)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.239037, stop.stop_lon)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.854164, stop.stop_lat)
-    write_output = StringIO()
-    feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
-  def testSingleShape(self):
-    feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    kmlFile = self.GetTestDataPath('one_line.kml')
-    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(kmlFile, feed)
-    shapes = feed.GetShapeList()
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(shapes))
-    shape = shapes[0]
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(shape.points))
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.854240, shape.points[0][0])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.238861, shape.points[0][1])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.853081, shape.points[1][0])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.238708, shape.points[1][1])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.852638, shape.points[2][0])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.237923, shape.points[2][1])
-    write_output = StringIO()
-    feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
-class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testNormalRun(self):
-    shutil.copyfile(self.GetTestDataPath('one_stop.kml'), 'one_stop.kml')
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('kmlparser.py'), 'one_stop.kml', 'one_stop.zip'])
-    # There will be lots of problems, but ignore them
-    problems = util.RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader('one_stop.zip', problems=problems).Load()
-    self.assertEquals(len(schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testCommandLineError(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath([self.GetPath('kmlparser.py')],
-                                        expected_retcode=2)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'did not provide .+ arguments', err)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'[Uu]sage:', err)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testCrashHandler(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('kmlparser.py'), 'IWantMyCrash', 'output.zip'],
-        stdin_str="\n", expected_retcode=127)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
-    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testCrashHandler', crashout)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testkmlparser.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testkmlwriter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the kmlwriter module."""
-import os
-import StringIO
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import kmlparser
-import kmlwriter
-import transitfeed
-import util
-  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
-except ImportError, e:
-  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
-def DataPath(path):
-  """Return the path to a given file in the test data directory.
-  Args:
-    path: The path relative to the test data directory.
-  Returns:
-    The absolute path.
-  """
-  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  return os.path.join(here, 'data', path)
-def _ElementToString(root):
-  """Returns the node as an XML string.
-  Args:
-    root: The ElementTree.Element instance.
-  Returns:
-    The XML string.
-  """
-  output = StringIO.StringIO()
-  ET.ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
-  return output.getvalue()
-class TestKMLStopsRoundtrip(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Checks to see whether all stops are preserved when going to and from KML.
-  """
-  def setUp(self):
-    fd, self.kml_output = tempfile.mkstemp('kml')
-    os.close(fd)
-  def tearDown(self):
-    os.remove(self.kml_output)
-  def runTest(self):
-    gtfs_input = DataPath('good_feed.zip')
-    feed1 = transitfeed.Loader(gtfs_input).Load()
-    kmlwriter.KMLWriter().Write(feed1, self.kml_output)
-    feed2 = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(self.kml_output, feed2)
-    stop_name_mapper = lambda x: x.stop_name
-    stops1 = set(map(stop_name_mapper, feed1.GetStopList()))
-    stops2 = set(map(stop_name_mapper, feed2.GetStopList()))
-    self.assertEqual(stops1, stops2)
-class TestKMLGeneratorMethods(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Tests the various KML element creation methods of KMLWriter."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
-    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
-  def testCreateFolderVisible(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name></Folder>')
-  def testCreateFolderNotVisible(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name',
-                                           visible=False)
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name>'
-                     '<visibility>0</visibility></Folder>')
-  def testCreateFolderWithDescription(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name',
-                                           description='folder_desc')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name>'
-                     '<description>folder_desc</description></Folder>')
-  def testCreatePlacemark(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name></Placemark>')
-  def testCreatePlacemarkWithStyle(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
-                                              style_id='ghijkl')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
-                     '<styleUrl>#ghijkl</styleUrl></Placemark>')
-  def testCreatePlacemarkNotVisible(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
-                                              visible=False)
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
-                     '<visibility>0</visibility></Placemark>')
-  def testCreatePlacemarkWithDescription(self):
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
-                                              description='ghijkl')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
-                     '<description>ghijkl</description></Placemark>')
-  def testCreateLineString(self):
-    coord_list = [(2.0, 1.0), (4.0, 3.0), (6.0, 5.0)]
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineString(self.parent, coord_list)
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
-                     '<coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f</coordinates>'
-                     '</LineString>' % (2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0, 6.0, 5.0))
-  def testCreateLineStringWithAltitude(self):
-    coord_list = [(2.0, 1.0, 10), (4.0, 3.0, 20), (6.0, 5.0, 30.0)]
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineString(self.parent, coord_list)
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
-                     '<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>'
-                     '<coordinates>%f,%f,%f %f,%f,%f %f,%f,%f</coordinates>'
-                     '</LineString>' %
-                     (2.0, 1.0, 10.0, 4.0, 3.0, 20.0, 6.0, 5.0, 30.0))
-  def testCreateLineStringForShape(self):
-    shape = transitfeed.Shape('shape')
-    shape.AddPoint(1.0, 1.0)
-    shape.AddPoint(2.0, 4.0)
-    shape.AddPoint(3.0, 9.0)
-    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineStringForShape(self.parent, shape)
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
-                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
-                     '<coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f</coordinates>'
-                     '</LineString>' % (1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0, 9.0, 3.0))
-class TestRouteKML(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Tests the routes folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
-    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
-    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
-  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderNoPatterns(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_7'))
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderOnePattern(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_1'))
-    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 1)
-  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderTwoPatterns(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_3'))
-    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 2)
-  def testCreateRoutePatternFolderTwoEqualPatterns(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
-    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 1)
-  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderOneTripOneShape(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
-        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_1'))
-    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 1)
-  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsTwoShapes(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
-        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_2'))
-    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 2)
-  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsOneShape(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
-        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_3'))
-    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 1)
-  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsNoShapes(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
-        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(self, tripids, folder):
-    """Assert that the route folder contains exactly tripids"""
-    actual_tripds = set()
-    for placemark in folder.findall('Placemark'):
-      actual_tripds.add(placemark.find('name').text)
-    self.assertEquals(set(tripids), actual_tripds)
-  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteTwoTrips(self):
-    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_2')
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
-    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_2_1', 'route_2_2'], folder)
-  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteDateFilterNone(self):
-    self.kmlwriter.date_filter = None
-    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_8')
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
-    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_8_1', 'route_8_2'], folder)
-  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteDateFilterSet(self):
-    self.kmlwriter.date_filter = '20070604'
-    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_8')
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
-    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_8_2'], folder)
-  def _GetTripPlacemark(self, route_folder, trip_name):
-    for trip_placemark in route_folder.findall('Placemark'):
-      if trip_placemark.find('name').text == trip_name:
-        return trip_placemark
-  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderAltitude0(self):
-    self.kmlwriter.altitude_per_sec = 0.0
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
-    trip_placemark = self._GetTripPlacemark(folder, 'route_4_1')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(trip_placemark.find('LineString')),
-                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
-                     '<coordinates>-117.133162,36.425288 '
-                     '-116.784582,36.868446 '
-                     '-116.817970,36.881080</coordinates></LineString>')
-  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderAltitude1(self):
-    self.kmlwriter.altitude_per_sec = 0.5
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
-    trip_placemark = self._GetTripPlacemark(folder, 'route_4_1')
-    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(trip_placemark.find('LineString')),
-                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
-                     '<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>'
-                     '<coordinates>-117.133162,36.425288,3600.000000 '
-                     '-116.784582,36.868446,5400.000000 '
-                     '-116.817970,36.881080,7200.000000</coordinates>'
-                     '</LineString>')
-  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderNoTrips(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
-        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_7'))
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def testCreateRoutesFolderNoRoutes(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, self.parent)
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def testCreateRoutesFolderNoRoutesWithRouteType(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent, 999)
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def _TestCreateRoutesFolder(self, show_trips):
-    self.kmlwriter.show_trips = show_trips
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent)
-    self.assertEquals(folder.tag, 'Folder')
-    styles = self.parent.findall('Style')
-    self.assertEquals(len(styles), len(self.feed.GetRouteList()))
-    route_folders = folder.findall('Folder')
-    self.assertEquals(len(route_folders), len(self.feed.GetRouteList()))
-  def testCreateRoutesFolder(self):
-    self._TestCreateRoutesFolder(False)
-  def testCreateRoutesFolderShowTrips(self):
-    self._TestCreateRoutesFolder(True)
-  def testCreateRoutesFolderWithRouteType(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent, 1)
-    route_folders = folder.findall('Folder')
-    self.assertEquals(len(route_folders), 1)
-class TestShapesKML(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Tests the shapes folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.flatten_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
-    self.good_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('good_feed.zip')).Load()
-    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
-    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
-  def testCreateShapesFolderNoShapes(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.good_feed, self.parent)
-    self.assertEquals(folder, None)
-  def testCreateShapesFolder(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.flatten_feed, self.parent)
-    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 3)
-    for placemark in placemarks:
-      self.assert_(placemark.find('LineString') is not None)
-class TestStopsKML(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Tests the stops folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
-    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
-    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
-  def testCreateStopsFolderNoStops(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateStopsFolder(schedule, self.parent)
-    self.assert_(folder is None)
-  def testCreateStopsFolder(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateStopsFolder(self.feed, self.parent)
-    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), len(self.feed.GetStopList()))
-class TestShapePointsKML(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Tests the shape points folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.flatten_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
-    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
-    self.kmlwriter.shape_points = True
-    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
-  def testCreateShapePointsFolder(self):
-    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.flatten_feed, self.parent)
-    shape_point_folder = folder.find('Folder')
-    self.assertEquals(shape_point_folder.find('name').text,
-                      'shape_1 Shape Points')
-    placemarks = shape_point_folder.findall('Placemark')
-    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 4)
-    for placemark in placemarks:
-      self.assert_(placemark.find('Point') is not None)
-class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def testNormalRun(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), self.GetTestDataPath('good_feed.zip'),
-         'good_feed.kml'])
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-    self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('good_feed.kml'))
-  def testCommandLineError(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), '--bad_flag'], expected_retcode=2)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'no such option.*--bad_flag', err)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'--showtrips', err)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testCrashHandler(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), 'IWantMyCrash', 'output.zip'],
-        stdin_str="\n", expected_retcode=127)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
-    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testCrashHandler', crashout)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testkmlwriter.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testmerge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1404 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the merge module."""
-__author__ = 'timothy.stranex@gmail.com (Timothy Stranex)'
-import merge
-import os.path
-import re
-import StringIO
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-import util
-import zipfile
-def CheckAttribs(a, b, attrs, assertEquals):
-  """Checks that the objects a and b have the same values for the attributes
-  given in attrs. These checks are done using the given assert function.
-  Args:
-    a: The first object.
-    b: The second object.
-    attrs: The list of attribute names (strings).
-    assertEquals: The assertEquals method from unittest.TestCase.
-  """
-  # For Stop objects (and maybe others in the future) Validate converts some
-  # attributes from string to native type
-  a.Validate()
-  b.Validate()
-  for k in attrs:
-    assertEquals(getattr(a, k), getattr(b, k))
-def CreateAgency():
-  """Create an transitfeed.Agency object for testing.
-  Returns:
-    The agency object.
-  """
-  return transitfeed.Agency(name='agency',
-                            url='http://agency',
-                            timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
-                            id='agency')
-class TestingProblemReporter(merge.MergeProblemReporterBase):
-  """This problem reporter keeps track of all problems.
-  Attributes:
-    problems: The list of problems reported.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    merge.MergeProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self.problems = []
-    self._expect_classes = []
-  def _Report(self, problem):
-    problem.FormatProblem()  # Shouldn't crash
-    self.problems.append(problem)
-    for problem_class in self._expect_classes:
-      if isinstance(problem, problem_class):
-        return
-    raise problem
-  def CheckReported(self, problem_class):
-    """Checks if a problem of the given class was reported.
-    Args:
-      problem_class: The problem class, a class inheriting from
-                     MergeProblemWithContext.
-    Returns:
-      True if a matching problem was reported.
-    """
-    for problem in self.problems:
-      if isinstance(problem, problem_class):
-        return True
-    return False
-  def ExpectProblemClass(self, problem_class):
-    """Supresses exception raising for problems inheriting from this class.
-    Args:
-      problem_class: The problem class, a class inheriting from
-                     MergeProblemWithContext.
-    """
-    self._expect_classes.append(problem_class)
-  def assertExpectedProblemsReported(self, testcase):
-    """Asserts that every expected problem class has been reported.
-    The assertions are done using the assert_ method of the testcase.
-    Args:
-      testcase: The unittest.TestCase instance.
-    """
-    for problem_class in self._expect_classes:
-      testcase.assert_(self.CheckReported(problem_class))
-class TestApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(unittest.TestCase):
-  def _assertWithinEpsilon(self, a, b, epsilon=1.0):
-    """Asserts that a and b are equal to within an epsilon.
-    Args:
-      a: The first value (float).
-      b: The second value (float).
-      epsilon: The epsilon value (float).
-    """
-    self.assert_(abs(a-b) < epsilon)
-  def testDegenerate(self):
-    p = (30.0, 30.0)
-    self._assertWithinEpsilon(
-        merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(p, p), 0.0)
-  def testFar(self):
-    p1 = (30.0, 30.0)
-    p2 = (40.0, 40.0)
-    self.assert_(merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) > 1e4)
-class TestSchemedMerge(unittest.TestCase):
-  class TestEntity:
-    """A mock entity (like Route or Stop) for testing."""
-    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
-      self.x = x
-      self.y = y
-      self.z = z
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
-                               merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.ds = merge.DataSetMerger(self.fm)
-    def Migrate(ent, sched, newid):
-      """A migration function for the mock entity."""
-      return self.TestEntity(ent.x, ent.y, ent.z)
-    self.ds._Migrate = Migrate
-  def testMergeIdentical(self):
-    class TestAttrib:
-      """An object that is equal to everything."""
-      def __cmp__(self, b):
-        return 0
-    x = 99
-    a = TestAttrib()
-    b = TestAttrib()
-    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdentical(x, x) == x)
-    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdentical(a, b) is b)
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeIdentical, 1, 2)
-  def testMergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive(self):
-    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive('abc', 'ABC') == 'ABC')
-    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive('abc', 'AbC') == 'AbC')
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError,
-                      self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive, 'abc', 'bcd')
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError,
-                      self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive, 'abc', 'ABCD')
-  def testMergeOptional(self):
-    x = 99
-    y = 100
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(None, None), None)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(None, x), x)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(x, None), x)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(x, x), x)
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeOptional, x, y)
-  def testMergeSameAgency(self):
-    kwargs = {'name': 'xxx',
-              'agency_url': 'http://www.example.com',
-              'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
-    id1 = 'agency1'
-    id2 = 'agency2'
-    id3 = 'agency3'
-    id4 = 'agency4'
-    id5 = 'agency5'
-    a = self.fm.a_schedule.NewDefaultAgency(id=id1, **kwargs)
-    b = self.fm.b_schedule.NewDefaultAgency(id=id2, **kwargs)
-    c = transitfeed.Agency(id=id3, **kwargs)
-    self.fm.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(c)
-    self.fm.Register(a, b, c)
-    d = transitfeed.Agency(id=id4, **kwargs)
-    e = transitfeed.Agency(id=id5, **kwargs)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(d)
-    self.fm.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(e)
-    self.fm.Register(d, None, e)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(id1, id2), id3)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(None, None), id3)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(id1, None), id3)
-    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(None, id2), id3)
-    # id1 is not a valid agency_id in the new schedule so it cannot be merged
-    self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.ds._MergeSameAgency, id1, id1)
-    # this fails because d (id4) and b (id2) don't map to the same agency
-    # in the merged schedule
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeSameAgency, id4, id2)
-  def testSchemedMerge_Success(self):
-    def Merger(a, b):
-      return a + b
-    scheme = {'x': Merger, 'y': Merger, 'z': Merger}
-    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
-    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
-    c = self.ds._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-    self.assertEquals(c.x, 5)
-    self.assertEquals(c.y, 7)
-    self.assertEquals(c.z, 9)
-  def testSchemedMerge_Failure(self):
-    def Merger(a, b):
-      raise merge.MergeError()
-    scheme = {'x': Merger, 'y': Merger, 'z': Merger}
-    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
-    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._SchemedMerge,
-                      scheme, a, b)
-  def testSchemedMerge_NoNewId(self):
-    class TestDataSetMerger(merge.DataSetMerger):
-      def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
-        self.newid = newid
-        return entity
-    dataset_merger = TestDataSetMerger(self.fm)
-    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
-    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
-    dataset_merger._SchemedMerge({}, a, b)
-    self.assertEquals(dataset_merger.newid, False)
-  def testSchemedMerge_ErrorTextContainsAttributeNameAndReason(self):
-    reason = 'my reason'
-    attribute_name = 'long_attribute_name'
-    def GoodMerger(a, b):
-      return a + b
-    def BadMerger(a, b):
-      raise merge.MergeError(reason)
-    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
-    setattr(a, attribute_name, 1)
-    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
-    setattr(b, attribute_name, 2)
-    scheme = {'x': GoodMerger, 'y': GoodMerger, 'z': GoodMerger,
-              attribute_name: BadMerger}
-    try:
-      self.ds._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
-    except merge.MergeError, merge_error:
-      error_text = str(merge_error)
-      self.assert_(reason in error_text)
-      self.assert_(attribute_name in error_text)
-class TestFeedMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  class Merger:
-    def __init__(self, test, n, should_fail=False):
-      self.test = test
-      self.n = n
-      self.should_fail = should_fail
-    def MergeDataSets(self):
-      self.test.called.append(self.n)
-      return not self.should_fail
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
-                               merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.called = []
-  def testDefaultProblemReporter(self):
-    feed_merger = merge.FeedMerger(self.fm.a_schedule,
-                                   self.fm.b_schedule,
-                                   self.fm.merged_schedule,
-                                   None)
-    self.assert_(isinstance(feed_merger.problem_reporter,
-                            merge.MergeProblemReporterBase))
-  def testSequence(self):
-    for i in range(10):
-      self.fm.AddMerger(TestFeedMerger.Merger(self, i))
-    self.assert_(self.fm.MergeSchedules())
-    self.assertEquals(self.called, range(10))
-  def testStopsAfterError(self):
-    for i in range(10):
-      self.fm.AddMerger(TestFeedMerger.Merger(self, i, i == 5))
-    self.assert_(not self.fm.MergeSchedules())
-    self.assertEquals(self.called, range(6))
-  def testRegister(self):
-    self.fm.Register(1, 2, 3)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map, {1: 3})
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map, {2: 3})
-  def testRegisterNone(self):
-    self.fm.Register(None, 2, 3)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map, {})
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map, {2: 3})
-  def testGenerateId_Prefix(self):
-    x = 'test'
-    a = self.fm.GenerateId(x)
-    b = self.fm.GenerateId(x)
-    self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
-    self.assert_(a.startswith(x))
-    self.assert_(b.startswith(x))
-  def testGenerateId_None(self):
-    a = self.fm.GenerateId(None)
-    b = self.fm.GenerateId(None)
-    self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
-  def testGenerateId_InitialCounter(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    for i in range(10):
-      agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='agency', url='http://agency',
-                                  timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
-                                  id='agency_%d' % i)
-      if i % 2:
-        b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-      else:
-        a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-    feed_merger = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
-                                   merged_schedule,
-                                   TestingProblemReporter())
-    # check that the postfix number of any generated ids are greater than
-    # the postfix numbers of any ids in the old and new schedules
-    gen_id = feed_merger.GenerateId(None)
-    postfix_num = int(gen_id[gen_id.rfind('_')+1:])
-    self.assert_(postfix_num >= 10)
-  def testGetMerger(self):
-    class MergerA(merge.DataSetMerger):
-      pass
-    class MergerB(merge.DataSetMerger):
-      pass
-    a = MergerA(self.fm)
-    b = MergerB(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(a)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(b)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.GetMerger(MergerA), a)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.GetMerger(MergerB), b)
-  def testGetMerger_Error(self):
-    self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.fm.GetMerger, TestFeedMerger.Merger)
-class TestServicePeriodMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.spm = merge.ServicePeriodMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.spm)
-  def _AddTwoPeriods(self, start1, end1, start2, end2):
-    sp1fields = ['test1', start1, end1] + ['1']*7
-    self.sp1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod(field_list=sp1fields)
-    sp2fields = ['test2', start2, end2] + ['1']*7
-    self.sp2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod(field_list=sp2fields)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.sp1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.sp2)
-  def testCheckDisjoint_True(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20071231',
-                        '20080101', '20080201')
-    self.assert_(self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
-  def testCheckDisjoint_False1(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
-                        '20080101', '20080301')
-    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
-  def testCheckDisjoint_False2(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20080101', '20090101',
-                        '20070101', '20080601')
-    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
-  def testCheckDisjoint_False3(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20080301', '20080901',
-                        '20080101', '20090101')
-    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
-  def testDisjoinCalendars(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
-                        '20080101', '20080301')
-    self.spm.DisjoinCalendars('20080101')
-    self.assertEquals(self.sp1.start_date, '20071213')
-    self.assertEquals(self.sp1.end_date, '20071231')
-    self.assertEquals(self.sp2.start_date, '20080101')
-    self.assertEquals(self.sp2.end_date, '20080301')
-  def testDisjoinCalendars_Dates(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
-                        '20080101', '20080301')
-    self.sp1.SetDateHasService('20071201')
-    self.sp1.SetDateHasService('20081231')
-    self.sp2.SetDateHasService('20071201')
-    self.sp2.SetDateHasService('20081231')
-    self.spm.DisjoinCalendars('20080101')
-    self.assert_('20071201' in self.sp1.date_exceptions.keys())
-    self.assert_('20081231' not in self.sp1.date_exceptions.keys())
-    self.assert_('20071201' not in self.sp2.date_exceptions.keys())
-    self.assert_('20081231' in self.sp2.date_exceptions.keys())
-  def testUnion(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20071231',
-                        '20080101', '20080201')
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()), 2)
-    # make fields a copy of the service period attributes except service_id
-    fields = list(transitfeed.ServicePeriod._DAYS_OF_WEEK)
-    fields += ['start_date', 'end_date']
-    # now check that these attributes are preserved in the merge
-    CheckAttribs(self.sp1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.sp1], fields,
-                 self.assertEquals)
-    CheckAttribs(self.sp2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.sp2], fields,
-                 self.assertEquals)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testMerge_RequiredButNotDisjoint(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20070101', '20090101',
-                        '20080101', '20100101')
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.CalendarsNotDisjoint)
-    self.assertEquals(self.spm.MergeDataSets(), False)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testMerge_NotRequiredAndNotDisjoint(self):
-    self._AddTwoPeriods('20070101', '20090101',
-                        '20080101', '20100101')
-    self.spm.require_disjoint_calendars = False
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-class TestAgencyMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.am = merge.AgencyMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.am)
-    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(id='a1', agency_name='a1',
-                                 agency_url='http://www.a1.com',
-                                 agency_timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
-                                 agency_phone='123 456 78 90')
-    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(id='a2', agency_name='a1',
-                                 agency_url='http://www.a1.com',
-                                 agency_timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
-                                 agency_phone='789 65 43 21')
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.a2.agency_id = self.a1.agency_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()[0],
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1],
-                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2])
-    # differing values such as agency_phone should be taken from self.a2
-    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()[0], self.a2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
-                      self.a1.agency_id)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 2)
-    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1] in
-                 merged_schedule.GetAgencyList())
-    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2] in
-                 merged_schedule.GetAgencyList())
-    self.assertEquals(self.a1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.a2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2])
-    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the ids are preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
-                      self.a1.agency_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2].agency_id,
-                      self.a2.agency_id)
-  def testNoMerge_SameId(self):
-    # Force a1.agency_id to be unicode to make sure it is correctly encoded
-    # to utf-8 before concatinating to the agency_name containing non-ascii
-    # characters.
-    self.a1.agency_id = unicode(self.a1.agency_id)
-    self.a2.agency_id = str(self.a1.agency_id)
-    self.a2.agency_name = 'different \xc3\xa9'
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the merged entities have different ids
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
-                        self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2].agency_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-class TestStopMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.sm = merge.StopMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.sm)
-    self.s1 = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0,
-                               u'Andr\202' , 's1')
-    self.s1.stop_desc = 'stop 1'
-    self.s1.stop_url = 'http://stop/1'
-    self.s1.zone_id = 'zone1'
-    self.s2 = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0, 's2', 's2')
-    self.s2.stop_desc = 'stop 2'
-    self.s2.stop_url = 'http://stop/2'
-    self.s2.zone_id = 'zone1'
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    self.s1.location_type = 1
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetStopList()[0],
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1],
-                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2])
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that the remaining attributes are taken from the new stop
-    fields = ['stop_name', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon', 'stop_desc', 'stop_url',
-              'location_type']
-    CheckAttribs(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1], self.s2, fields,
-                 self.assertEquals)
-    # check that the id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].stop_id, self.s1.stop_id)
-    # check that the zone_id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id, self.s1.zone_id)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
-    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentName(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
-    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-  def testNoMerge_FarApart(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    self.s2.stop_lat = 40.0
-    self.s2.stop_lon = 40.0
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
-    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the merged ids are different
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].stop_id,
-                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].stop_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testMerge_CaseInsensitive(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name.upper()
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-  def testNoMerge_ZoneId(self):
-    self.s2.zone_id = 'zone2'
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
-    self.assert_(self.s1.zone_id in self.fm.a_zone_map)
-    self.assert_(self.s2.zone_id in self.fm.b_zone_map)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the zones are still different
-    self.assertNotEqual(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
-                        self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
-  def testZoneId_SamePreservation(self):
-    # checks that if the zone_ids of some stops are the same before the
-    # merge, they are still the same after.
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
-  def testZoneId_DifferentSchedules(self):
-    # zone_ids may be the same in different schedules but unless the stops
-    # are merged, they should map to different zone_ids
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
-                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
-  def testZoneId_MergePreservation(self):
-    # check that if two stops are merged, the zone mapping is used for all
-    # other stops too
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s1)
-    s3.stop_id = 'different'
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[s3].zone_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[s3].zone_id,
-                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
-  def testMergeStationType(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    self.s1.location_type = 1
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_stops = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_stops), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(merged_stops[0].location_type, 1)
-  def testMergeDifferentTypes(self):
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    try:
-      self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-      self.fail("Expecting MergeError")
-    except merge.SameIdButNotMerged, merge_error:
-      self.assertTrue(("%s" % merge_error).find("location_type") != -1)
-  def AssertS1ParentIsS2(self):
-    """Assert that the merged s1 has parent s2."""
-    new_s1 = self.fm.GetMergedObject(self.s1)
-    new_s2 = self.fm.GetMergedObject(self.s2)
-    self.assertEquals(new_s1.parent_station, new_s2.stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals(new_s2.parent_station, None)
-    self.assertEquals(new_s1.location_type, 0)
-    self.assertEquals(new_s2.location_type, 1)
-  def testMergeMaintainParentRelationship(self):
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.s1.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
-  def testParentRelationshipAfterMerge(self):
-    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s1)
-    s3.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
-  def testParentRelationshipWithNewParentid(self):
-    self.s2.location_type = 1
-    self.s1.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
-    # s3 will have a stop_id conflict with self.s2 so parent_id of the
-    # migrated self.s1 will need to be updated
-    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s2)
-    s3.stop_lat = 45
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.GetMergedObject(s3).stop_id,
-                         self.fm.GetMergedObject(self.s2).stop_id)
-    # Check that s3 got a new id
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.s2.stop_id,
-                         self.fm.GetMergedObject(self.s2).stop_id)
-    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
-  def _AddStopsApart(self):
-    """Adds two stops to the schedules and returns the distance between them.
-    Returns:
-      The distance between the stops in metres, a value greater than zero.
-    """
-    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
-    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
-    self.s2.stop_lat += 1.0e-3
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
-    return transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(self.s1, self.s2)
-  def testSetLargestStopDistanceSmall(self):
-    largest_stop_distance = self._AddStopsApart() * 0.5
-    self.sm.SetLargestStopDistance(largest_stop_distance)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_stop_distance, largest_stop_distance)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()), 2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testSetLargestStopDistanceLarge(self):
-    largest_stop_distance = self._AddStopsApart() * 2.0
-    self.sm.SetLargestStopDistance(largest_stop_distance)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_stop_distance, largest_stop_distance)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()), 1)
-class TestRouteMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  fields = ['route_short_name', 'route_long_name', 'route_type',
-            'route_url']
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.AgencyMerger(self.fm))
-    self.rm = merge.RouteMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.rm)
-    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
-               'agency_name': 'a1',
-               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
-               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
-    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
-    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
-    a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
-    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
-               'agency_id': 'a1',
-               'short_name': 'r1',
-               'long_name': 'r1r1',
-               'route_type': '0'}
-    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
-    self.r2 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
-    self.r2.route_url = 'http://route/2'
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
-    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
-    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1] is r)
-    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.r2] is r)
-    CheckAttribs(self.r2, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
-    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that the id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id, self.r1.route_id)
-  def testMergeNoAgency(self):
-    self.r1.agency_id = None
-    self.r2.agency_id = None
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
-    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
-    CheckAttribs(self.r2, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
-    # Merged route has copy of default agency_id
-    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.a1.agency_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that the id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id, self.r1.route_id)
-  def testMigrateNoAgency(self):
-    self.r1.agency_id = None
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
-    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
-    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
-    CheckAttribs(self.r1, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
-    # Migrated route has copy of default agency_id
-    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.a1.agency_id)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
-    self.r2.route_id = 'r2'
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetRouteList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-  def testNoMerge_SameId(self):
-    self.r2.route_short_name = 'different'
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetRouteList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the merged ids are different
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id,
-                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.r2].route_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-class TestTripMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.fm.AddDefaultMergers()
-    self.tm = self.fm.GetMerger(merge.TripMerger)
-    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
-               'agency_name': 'a1',
-               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
-               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
-    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
-    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
-               'agency_id': 'a1',
-               'short_name': 'r1',
-               'long_name': 'r1r1',
-               'route_type': '0'}
-    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
-    self.s1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod('s1')
-    self.s1.start_date = '20071201'
-    self.s1.end_date = '20071231'
-    self.s1.SetWeekdayService()
-    self.shape = transitfeed.Shape('shape1')
-    self.shape.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
-    self.t1 = transitfeed.Trip(service_period=self.s1,
-                               route=self.r1, trip_id='t1')
-    self.t2 = transitfeed.Trip(service_period=self.s1,
-                               route=self.r1, trip_id='t2')
-    # Must add self.t1 to a schedule before calling self.t1.AddStopTime
-    a_schedule.AddTripObject(self.t1, validate=False)
-    a_schedule.AddTripObject(self.t2, validate=False)
-    self.t1.block_id = 'b1'
-    self.t2.block_id = 'b1'
-    self.t1.shape_id = 'shape1'
-    self.stop = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0, stop_id='stop1')
-    self.t1.AddStopTime(self.stop, arrival_secs=0, departure_secs=0)
-    a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.stop)
-    a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    a_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.s1)
-    a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.shape)
-  def testMigrate(self):
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-    r = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1]
-    s = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1]
-    shape = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.shape]
-    t1 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.t1]
-    t2 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.t2]
-    self.assertEquals(t1.route_id, r.route_id)
-    self.assertEquals(t1.service_id, s.service_id)
-    self.assertEquals(t1.shape_id, shape.shape_id)
-    self.assertEquals(t1.block_id, t2.block_id)
-    self.assertEquals(len(t1.GetStopTimes()), 1)
-    st = t1.GetStopTimes()[0]
-    self.assertEquals(st.stop, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.stop])
-  def testReportsNotImplementedProblem(self):
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testMergeStats(self):
-    self.assert_(self.tm.GetMergeStats() is None)
-  def testConflictingTripid(self):
-    a1_in_b = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=self.a1)
-    r1_in_b = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=self.r1)
-    t1_in_b = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=self.t1)
-    shape_in_b = transitfeed.Shape('shape1')
-    shape_in_b.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
-    s_in_b = transitfeed.ServicePeriod('s1')
-    s_in_b.start_date = '20080101'
-    s_in_b.end_date = '20080131'
-    s_in_b.SetWeekdayService()
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(a1_in_b)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(r1_in_b)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(shape_in_b)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddTripObject(t1_in_b, validate=False)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(s_in_b, validate=False)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    # 3 trips moved to merged_schedule: from a_schedule t1, t2 and from
-    # b_schedule t1
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetTripList()), 3)
-class TestFareMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.faremerger = merge.FareMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.faremerger)
-    self.f1 = transitfeed.Fare('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
-    self.f2 = transitfeed.Fare('f2', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.f2.fare_id = self.f1.fare_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareList()), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that the id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id, self.f1.fare_id)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentPrice(self):
-    self.f2.fare_id = self.f1.fare_id
-    self.f2.price = 11.0
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the merged ids are different
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id,
-                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.f2].fare_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the ids are preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id, self.f1.fare_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.f2].fare_id, self.f2.fare_id)
-class TestShapeMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.sm = merge.ShapeMerger(self.fm)
-    self.fm.AddMerger(self.sm)
-    # setup some shapes
-    # s1 and s2 have the same endpoints but take different paths
-    # s3 has different endpoints to s1 and s2
-    self.s1 = transitfeed.Shape('s1')
-    self.s1.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
-    self.s1.AddPoint(40.0, 30.0)
-    self.s1.AddPoint(50.0, 50.0)
-    self.s2 = transitfeed.Shape('s2')
-    self.s2.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
-    self.s2.AddPoint(40.0, 35.0)
-    self.s2.AddPoint(50.0, 50.0)
-    self.s3 = transitfeed.Shape('s3')
-    self.s3.AddPoint(31.0, 31.0)
-    self.s3.AddPoint(45.0, 35.0)
-    self.s3.AddPoint(51.0, 51.0)
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.s2.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 1)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()[0], self.s2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
-    # check that the id is preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id, self.s1.shape_id)
-  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s2)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.s1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.s2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2])
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the ids are preserved
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id, self.s1.shape_id)
-    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].shape_id, self.s2.shape_id)
-  def testNoMerge_FarEndpoints(self):
-    self.s3.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s3)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 2)
-    self.assertEquals(self.s1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.s3, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s3])
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
-    # check that the ids are different
-    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id,
-                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s3].shape_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def _AddShapesApart(self):
-    """Adds two shapes to the schedules.
-    The maximum of the distances between the endpoints is returned.
-    Returns:
-      The distance in metres, a value greater than zero.
-    """
-    self.s3.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s3)
-    distance1 = merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(
-        self.s1.points[0][:2], self.s3.points[0][:2])
-    distance2 = merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(
-        self.s1.points[-1][:2], self.s3.points[-1][:2])
-    return max(distance1, distance2)
-  def testSetLargestShapeDistanceSmall(self):
-    largest_shape_distance = self._AddShapesApart() * 0.5
-    self.sm.SetLargestShapeDistance(largest_shape_distance)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_shape_distance, largest_shape_distance)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetShapeList()), 2)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testSetLargestShapeDistanceLarge(self):
-    largest_shape_distance = self._AddShapesApart() * 2.0
-    self.sm.SetLargestShapeDistance(largest_shape_distance)
-    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_shape_distance, largest_shape_distance)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetShapeList()), 1)
-class TestFareRuleMerger(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
-                               TestingProblemReporter())
-    self.fm.AddDefaultMergers()
-    self.fare_rule_merger = self.fm.GetMerger(merge.FareRuleMerger)
-    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
-               'agency_name': 'a1',
-               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
-               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
-    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
-    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
-    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
-               'agency_id': 'a1',
-               'short_name': 'r1',
-               'long_name': 'r1r1',
-               'route_type': '0'}
-    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
-    self.r2 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
-    self.f1 = transitfeed.Fare('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
-    self.f2 = transitfeed.Fare('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
-    self.f3 = transitfeed.Fare('f3', '11', 'USD', '1', '0')
-    self.fr1 = transitfeed.FareRule('f1', 'r1')
-    self.fr2 = transitfeed.FareRule('f1', 'r1')
-    self.fr3 = transitfeed.FareRule('f3', 'r1')
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f3)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr1)
-    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr3)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareObject(self.f2)
-    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr2)
-  def testMerge(self):
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.FareRulesBroken)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
-    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
-    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareList()), 2)
-    fare_1 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1]
-    fare_2 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f3]
-    self.assertEquals(len(fare_1.GetFareRuleList()), 1)
-    fare_rule_1 = fare_1.GetFareRuleList()[0]
-    self.assertEquals(len(fare_2.GetFareRuleList()), 1)
-    fare_rule_2 = fare_2.GetFareRuleList()[0]
-    self.assertEquals(fare_rule_1.fare_id,
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id)
-    self.assertEquals(fare_rule_1.route_id,
-                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id)
-    self.assertEqual(fare_rule_2.fare_id,
-                     self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f3].fare_id)
-    self.assertEqual(fare_rule_2.route_id,
-                     self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id)
-    self.fm.problem_reporter.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
-  def testMergeStats(self):
-    self.assert_(self.fare_rule_merger.GetMergeStats() is None)
-class TestExceptionProblemReporter(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.dataset_merger = merge.TripMerger(None)
-  def testRaisesErrors(self):
-    problem_reporter = merge.ExceptionProblemReporter()
-    self.assertRaises(merge.CalendarsNotDisjoint,
-                      problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint,
-                      self.dataset_merger)
-  def testNoRaiseWarnings(self):
-    problem_reporter = merge.ExceptionProblemReporter()
-    problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self.dataset_merger)
-  def testRaiseWarnings(self):
-    problem_reporter = merge.ExceptionProblemReporter(True)
-    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeNotImplemented,
-                      problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented,
-                      self.dataset_merger)
-class TestHTMLProblemReporter(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problem_reporter = merge.HTMLProblemReporter()
-    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.feed_merger = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
-                                        merged_schedule,
-                                        self.problem_reporter)
-    self.dataset_merger = merge.TripMerger(None)
-  def testGeneratesSomeHTML(self):
-    self.problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint(self.dataset_merger)
-    self.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self.dataset_merger)
-    self.problem_reporter.FareRulesBroken(self.dataset_merger)
-    self.problem_reporter.SameIdButNotMerged(self.dataset_merger,
-                                             'test', 'unknown reason')
-    output_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    old_feed_path = '/path/to/old/feed'
-    new_feed_path = '/path/to/new/feed'
-    merged_feed_path = '/path/to/merged/feed'
-    self.problem_reporter.WriteOutput(output_file, self.feed_merger,
-                                      old_feed_path, new_feed_path,
-                                      merged_feed_path)
-    html = output_file.getvalue()
-    self.assert_(html.startswith('<html>'))
-    self.assert_(html.endswith('</html>'))
-class MergeInSubprocessTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  def CopyAndModifyTestData(self, zip_path, modify_file, old, new):
-    """Return path of zip_path copy with old replaced by new in modify_file."""
-    zipfile_mem = StringIO.StringIO(open(zip_path, 'rb').read())
-    new_zip_path = os.path.join(self.tempdirpath, "modified.zip")
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_mem, 'a')
-    modified_contents = zip.read(modify_file).replace(old, new)
-    zip.writestr(modify_file, modified_contents)
-    zip.close()
-    open(new_zip_path, 'wb').write(zipfile_mem.getvalue())
-    return new_zip_path
-  def testCrashHandler(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
-         'IWantMyCrash', 'file2', 'fileout.zip'],
-        expected_retcode=127)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
-    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testing the merge crash handler', crashout)
-  def testMergeBadCommandLine(self):
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser'],
-        expected_retcode=2)
-    self.assertFalse(out)
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'command line arguments', err)
-    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
-  def testMergeWithWarnings(self):
-    # Make a copy of good_feed.zip which is not active until 20110101. This
-    # avoids adding another test/data file. good_feed.zip needs to remain error
-    # free so it can't start in the future.
-    future_good_feed = self.CopyAndModifyTestData(
-        self.GetPath('test/data/good_feed.zip'), 'calendar.txt',
-        '20070101', '20110101')
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
-         self.GetPath('test/data/unused_stop'),
-         future_good_feed,
-         os.path.join(self.tempdirpath, 'merged-warnings.zip')],
-        expected_retcode=0)
-  def testMergeWithErrors(self):
-    # Make a copy of good_feed.zip which is not active until 20110101. This
-    # avoids adding another test/data file. good_feed.zip needs to remain error
-    # free so it can't start in the future.
-    future_good_feed = self.CopyAndModifyTestData(
-        self.GetPath('test/data/good_feed.zip'), 'calendar.txt',
-        '20070101', '20110101')
-    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
-        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
-         self.GetPath('test/data/unused_stop'),
-         future_good_feed],
-        expected_retcode=2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testmerge.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testshapelib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Tests for transitfeed.shapelib.py"""
-__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
-import math
-from transitfeed import shapelib
-from transitfeed.shapelib import Point
-from transitfeed.shapelib import Poly
-from transitfeed.shapelib import PolyCollection
-from transitfeed.shapelib import PolyGraph
-import unittest
-def formatPoint(p, precision=12):
-  formatString = "(%%.%df, %%.%df, %%.%df)" % (precision, precision, precision)
-  return formatString % (p.x, p.y, p.z)
-def formatPoints(points):
-    return "[%s]" % ", ".join([formatPoint(p, precision=4) for p in points])
-class ShapeLibTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def assertApproxEq(self, a, b):
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, 8)
-  def assertPointApproxEq(self, a, b):
-    try:
-      self.assertApproxEq(a.x, b.x)
-      self.assertApproxEq(a.y, b.y)
-      self.assertApproxEq(a.z, b.z)
-    except AssertionError:
-      print 'ERROR: %s != %s' % (formatPoint(a), formatPoint(b))
-      raise
-  def assertPointsApproxEq(self, points1, points2):
-    try:
-      self.assertEqual(len(points1), len(points2))
-    except AssertionError:
-      print "ERROR: %s != %s" % (formatPoints(points1), formatPoints(points2))
-      raise
-    for i in xrange(len(points1)):
-      try:
-        self.assertPointApproxEq(points1[i], points2[i])
-      except AssertionError:
-        print ('ERROR: points not equal in position %d\n%s != %s'
-               % (i, formatPoints(points1), formatPoints(points2)))
-        raise
-class TestPoints(ShapeLibTestBase):
-  def testPoints(self):
-    p = Point(1, 1, 1)
-    self.assertApproxEq(p.DotProd(p), 3)
-    self.assertApproxEq(p.Norm2(), math.sqrt(3))
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
-                                    p.Times(1.5))
-    norm = 1.7320508075688772
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(p.Normalize(),
-                                    Point(1 / norm,
-                                          1 / norm,
-                                          1 / norm))
-    p2 = Point(1, 0, 0)
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(p2, p2.Normalize())
-  def testCrossProd(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0, 1 ,0).Normalize()
-    p1_cross_p2 = p1.CrossProd(p2)
-    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.x, 0)
-    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.y, 0)
-    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.z, 1)
-  def testRobustCrossProd(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0)
-    p2 = Point(1, 0, 0)
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(0, 0, 0),
-                                    p1.CrossProd(p2))
-    # only needs to be an arbitrary vector perpendicular to (1, 0, 0)
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(
-        Point(0.000000000000000, -0.998598452020993, 0.052925717957113),
-        p1.RobustCrossProd(p2))
-  def testS2LatLong(self):
-    point = Point.FromLatLng(30, 40)
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(0.663413948169,
-                                          0.556670399226,
-                                          0.5), point)
-    (lat, lng) = point.ToLatLng()
-    self.assertApproxEq(30, lat)
-    self.assertApproxEq(40, lng)
-  def testOrtho(self):
-    point = Point(1, 1, 1)
-    ortho = point.Ortho()
-    self.assertApproxEq(ortho.DotProd(point), 0)
-  def testAngle(self):
-    point1 = Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize()
-    point2 = Point(0, 1, 0)
-    self.assertApproxEq(45, point1.Angle(point2) * 360 / (2 * math.pi))
-    self.assertApproxEq(point1.Angle(point2), point2.Angle(point1))
-  def testGetDistanceMeters(self):
-    point1 = Point.FromLatLng(40.536895,-74.203033)
-    point2 = Point.FromLatLng(40.575239,-74.112825)
-    self.assertApproxEq(8732.623770873237,
-                        point1.GetDistanceMeters(point2))
-class TestClosestPoint(ShapeLibTestBase):
-  def testGetClosestPoint(self):
-    x = Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize()
-    a = Point(1, 0, 0)
-    b = Point(0, 1, 0)
-    closest = shapelib.GetClosestPoint(x, a, b)
-    self.assertApproxEq(0.707106781187, closest.x)
-    self.assertApproxEq(0.707106781187, closest.y)
-    self.assertApproxEq(0.0, closest.z)
-class TestPoly(ShapeLibTestBase):
-  def testGetClosestPointShape(self):
-    poly = Poly()
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize())
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(
-        0.707106781187, 0.707106781187, 0), poly.GetPoint(0))
-    point = Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize()
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize(),
-                                    poly.GetClosestPoint(point)[0])
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize())
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(
-        Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize(),
-        poly.GetClosestPoint(point)[0])
-  def testCutAtClosestPoint(self):
-    poly = Poly()
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
-    (before, after) = \
-       poly.CutAtClosestPoint(Point(0, 0.3, 0.7).Normalize())
-    self.assert_(2 == before.GetNumPoints())
-    self.assert_(2 == before.GetNumPoints())
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(
-        Point(0, 0.707106781187, 0.707106781187), before.GetPoint(1))
-    self.assertPointApproxEq(
-        Point(0, 0.393919298579, 0.919145030018), after.GetPoint(0))
-    poly = Poly()
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.527035999999995, -74.191265999999999))
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.526859999999999, -74.191140000000004))
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.524681000000001, -74.189579999999992))
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.523128999999997, -74.188467000000003))
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.523054999999999, -74.188676000000001))
-    pattern = Poly()
-    pattern.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.52713,
-                                      -74.191146000000003))
-    self.assertApproxEq(14.564268281551, pattern.GreedyPolyMatchDist(poly))
-  def testMergePolys(self):
-    poly1 = Poly(name="Foo")
-    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
-    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
-    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
-    poly1.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 1).Normalize())
-    poly2 = Poly()
-    poly3 = Poly(name="Bar")
-    poly3.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 1).Normalize())
-    poly3.AddPoint(Point(2, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
-    merged1 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2])
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq(poly1.GetPoints(), merged1.GetPoints())
-    self.assertEqual("Foo;", merged1.GetName())
-    merged2 = Poly.MergePolys([poly2, poly3])
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq(poly3.GetPoints(), merged2.GetPoints())
-    self.assertEqual(";Bar", merged2.GetName())
-    merged3 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=0)
-    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
-    mergedPoints.append(poly3.GetPoint(-1))
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged3.GetPoints())
-    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged3.GetName())
-    merged4 = Poly.MergePolys([poly2])
-    self.assertEqual("", merged4.GetName())
-    self.assertEqual(0, merged4.GetNumPoints())
-    # test merging two nearby points
-    newPoint = poly1.GetPoint(-1).Plus(Point(0.000001, 0, 0)).Normalize()
-    poly1.AddPoint(newPoint)
-    distance = poly1.GetPoint(-1).GetDistanceMeters(poly3.GetPoint(0))
-    self.assertTrue(distance <= 10)
-    self.assertTrue(distance > 5)
-    merged5 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=10)
-    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
-    mergedPoints.append(poly3.GetPoint(-1))
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged5.GetPoints())
-    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged5.GetName())
-    merged6 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=5)
-    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
-    mergedPoints += poly3.GetPoints()
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged6.GetPoints())
-    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged6.GetName())
-  def testReversed(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
-    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
-    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3])
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p3, p2, p1], poly1.Reversed().GetPoints())
-  def testLengthMeters(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
-    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
-    poly0 = Poly([p1])
-    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2])
-    poly2 = Poly([p1, p2, p3])
-    try:
-      poly0.LengthMeters()
-      self.fail("Should have thrown AssertionError")
-    except AssertionError:
-      pass
-    p1_p2 = p1.GetDistanceMeters(p2)
-    p2_p3 = p2.GetDistanceMeters(p3)
-    self.assertEqual(p1_p2, poly1.LengthMeters())
-    self.assertEqual(p1_p2 + p2_p3, poly2.LengthMeters())
-    self.assertEqual(p1_p2 + p2_p3, poly2.Reversed().LengthMeters())
-class TestCollection(ShapeLibTestBase):
-  def testPolyMatch(self):
-    poly = Poly()
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
-    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
-    collection = PolyCollection()
-    collection.AddPoly(poly)
-    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(Point(0, 1, 0),
-                                         Point(0, 0, 1))
-    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
-    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(Point(0, 1, 0),
-                                         Point(0, 1, 0))
-    self.assert_(len(match) == 0)
-    poly = Poly()
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(45.585212,-122.586136))
-    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
-    collection = PolyCollection()
-    collection.AddPoly(poly)
-    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.585212,-122.586136),
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
-    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
-    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.585219,-122.586136),
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
-    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
-    self.assertApproxEq(0.0, poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(poly))
-    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.587212,-122.586136),
-        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
-    self.assert_(len(match) == 0)
-class TestGraph(ShapeLibTestBase):
-  def testReconstructPath(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
-    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
-    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2])
-    poly2 = Poly([p3, p2])
-    came_from = {
-        p2: (p1, poly1),
-        p3: (p2, poly2)
-    }
-    graph = PolyGraph()
-    reconstructed1 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p1)
-    self.assertEqual(0, reconstructed1.GetNumPoints())
-    reconstructed2 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p2)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2], reconstructed2.GetPoints())
-    reconstructed3 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p3)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2, p3], reconstructed3.GetPoints())
-  def testShortestPath(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
-    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
-    p4 = Point(0.7, 0.7, 0.5).Normalize()
-    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3], "poly1")
-    poly2 = Poly([p4, p3], "poly2")
-    poly3 = Poly([p4, p1], "poly3")
-    graph = PolyGraph()
-    graph.AddPoly(poly1)
-    graph.AddPoly(poly2)
-    graph.AddPoly(poly3)
-    path = graph.ShortestPath(p1, p4)
-    self.assert_(path is not None)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p4], path.GetPoints())
-    path = graph.ShortestPath(p1, p3)
-    self.assert_(path is not None)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p4, p3], path.GetPoints())
-    path = graph.ShortestPath(p3, p1)
-    self.assert_(path is not None)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p3, p4, p1], path.GetPoints())
-  def testFindShortestMultiPointPath(self):
-    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
-    p2 = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0).Normalize()
-    p3 = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.1).Normalize()
-    p4 = Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize()
-    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3], "poly1")
-    poly2 = Poly([p4, p3], "poly2")
-    poly3 = Poly([p4, p1], "poly3")
-    graph = PolyGraph()
-    graph.AddPoly(poly1)
-    graph.AddPoly(poly2)
-    graph.AddPoly(poly3)
-    path = graph.FindShortestMultiPointPath([p1, p3, p4])
-    self.assert_(path is not None)
-    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2, p3, p4], path.GetPoints())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testshapelib.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testtransitfeed.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4705 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Unit tests for the transitfeed module.
-import datetime
-from datetime import date
-import dircache
-import os.path
-import re
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-import util
-from util import RecordingProblemReporter
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import zipfile
-import zlib
-def DataPath(path):
-  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  return os.path.join(here, 'data', path)
-def GetDataPathContents():
-  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  return dircache.listdir(os.path.join(here, 'data'))
-class ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(
-    transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter):
-  """Ignores feed expiration problems.
-  Use TestFailureProblemReporter in new code because it fails more cleanly, is
-  easier to extend and does more thorough checking.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter.__init__(self, raise_warnings=True)
-  def ExpirationDate(self, expiration, context=None):
-    pass  # We don't want to give errors about our test data
-class TestFailureProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
-  """Causes a test failure immediately on any problem."""
-  def __init__(self, test_case, ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",)):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self)
-    self.test_case = test_case
-    self._ignore_types = ignore_types or set()
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    # These should never crash
-    formatted_problem = e.FormatProblem()
-    formatted_context = e.FormatContext()
-    exception_class = e.__class__.__name__
-    if exception_class in self._ignore_types:
-      return
-    self.test_case.fail(
-        "%s: %s\n%s" % (exception_class, formatted_problem, formatted_context))
-class UnrecognizedColumnRecorder(RecordingProblemReporter):
-  """Keeps track of unrecognized column errors."""
-  def __init__(self, test_case):
-    RecordingProblemReporter.__init__(self, test_case,
-                                      ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",))
-    self.column_errors = []
-  def UnrecognizedColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
-    self.column_errors.append((file_name, column_name))
-class RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Save stdout to the StringIO buffer self.this_stdout"""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.saved_stdout = sys.stdout
-    self.this_stdout = StringIO()
-    sys.stdout = self.this_stdout
-  def tearDown(self):
-    sys.stdout = self.saved_stdout
-    self.this_stdout.close()
-# ensure that there are no exceptions when attempting to load
-# (so that the validator won't crash)
-class NoExceptionTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    for feed in GetDataPathContents():
-      loader = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath(feed),
-                                  problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
-                                  extra_validation=True)
-      schedule = loader.Load()
-      schedule.Validate()
-class EndOfLineCheckerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-  def RunEndOfLineChecker(self, end_of_line_checker):
-    # Iterating using for calls end_of_line_checker.next() until a
-    # StopIteration is raised. EndOfLineChecker does the final check for a mix
-    # of CR LF and LF ends just before raising StopIteration.
-    for line in end_of_line_checker:
-      pass
-  def testInvalidLineEnd(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(StringIO("line1\r\r\nline2"),
-                                     "<StringIO>",
-                                     self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
-    self.assertEqual(e.bad_line_end, r"\r\r\n")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testInvalidLineEndToo(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
-        StringIO("line1\nline2\r\nline3\r\r\r\n"),
-        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 3)
-    self.assertEqual(e.bad_line_end, r"\r\r\r\n")
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertTrue(e.description.find("consistent line end") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testEmbeddedCr(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
-        StringIO("line1\rline1b"),
-        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
-    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
-                     "Line contains ASCII Carriage Return 0x0D, \\r")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testEmbeddedUtf8NextLine(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
-        StringIO("line1b\xc2\x85"),
-        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
-    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
-                     "Line contains Unicode NEXT LINE SEPARATOR U+0085")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testEndOfLineMix(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
-        StringIO("line1\nline2\r\nline3\nline4"),
-        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
-                     "Found 1 CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line end (line 2) and "
-                     "2 LF \"\\n\" line ends (lines 1, 3). A file must use a "
-                     "consistent line end.")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testEndOfLineManyMix(self):
-    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
-        StringIO("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\r\n8\r\n9\r\n10\r\n11\r\n"),
-        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
-    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
-    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
-                     "Found 5 CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line ends (lines 7, 8, 9, 10, "
-                     "11) and 6 LF \"\\n\" line ends (lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "
-                     "...). A file must use a consistent line end.")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testLoad(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath("bad_eol.zip"), problems=self.problems, extra_validation=True)
-    loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "routes.txt")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 5)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(r"\r\r\n") != -1)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "calendar.txt")
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(
-      r"Found 1 CR LF.* \(line 2\) and 2 LF .*\(lines 1, 3\)",
-      e.FormatProblem()))
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "trips.txt")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(
-      r"contains ASCII Form Feed",
-      e.FormatProblem()))
-    # TODO(Tom): avoid this duplicate error for the same issue
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(
-      r"header row should not contain any space char",
-      e.FormatProblem()))
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
-  def Load(self, feed_name):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath(feed_name), problems=self.problems, extra_validation=True)
-    loader.Load()
-  def ExpectInvalidValue(self, feed_name, column_name):
-    self.Load(feed_name)
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue(column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def ExpectMissingFile(self, feed_name, file_name):
-    self.Load(feed_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingFile")
-    self.assertEqual(file_name, e.file_name)
-    # Don't call AssertNoMoreExceptions() because a missing file causes
-    # many errors.
-class LoadFromZipTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('good_feed.zip'),
-      problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    loader.Load()
-    # now try using Schedule.Load
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    schedule.Load(DataPath('good_feed.zip'), extra_validation=True)
-class LoadAndRewriteFromZipTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    schedule.Load(DataPath('good_feed.zip'), extra_validation=True)
-    # Finally see if write crashes
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(tempfile.TemporaryFile())
-class LoadFromDirectoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('good_feed'),
-      problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    loader.Load()
-class LoadUnknownFeedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_feed')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      feed_name,
-      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      self.fail('FeedNotFound exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.FeedNotFound, e:
-      self.assertEqual(feed_name, e.feed_name)
-class LoadUnknownFormatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_format.zip')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      feed_name,
-      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      self.fail('UnknownFormat exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.UnknownFormat, e:
-      self.assertEqual(feed_name, e.feed_name)
-class LoadUnrecognizedColumnsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = UnrecognizedColumnRecorder(self)
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('unrecognized_columns'),
-                                problems=problems)
-    loader.Load()
-    found_errors = set(problems.column_errors)
-    expected_errors = set([
-      ('agency.txt', 'agency_lange'),
-      ('stops.txt', 'stop_uri'),
-      ('routes.txt', 'Route_Text_Color'),
-      ('calendar.txt', 'leap_day'),
-      ('calendar_dates.txt', 'leap_day'),
-      ('trips.txt', 'sharpe_id'),
-      ('stop_times.txt', 'shapedisttraveled'),
-      ('stop_times.txt', 'drop_off_time'),
-      ('fare_attributes.txt', 'transfer_time'),
-      ('fare_rules.txt', 'source_id'),
-      ('frequencies.txt', 'superfluous'),
-      ('transfers.txt', 'to_stop')
-    ])
-    # Now make sure we got the unrecognized column errors that we expected.
-    not_expected = found_errors.difference(expected_errors)
-    self.failIf(not_expected, 'unexpected errors: %s' % str(not_expected))
-    not_found = expected_errors.difference(found_errors)
-    self.failIf(not_found, 'expected but not found: %s' % str(not_found))
-class LoadExtraCellValidationTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  """Check that the validation detects too many cells in a row."""
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('extra_row_cells')
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEquals("routes.txt", e.file_name)
-    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadMissingCellValidationTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  """Check that the validation detects missing cells in a row."""
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('missing_row_cells')
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertEquals("routes.txt", e.file_name)
-    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadUnknownFileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Check that the validation detects unknown files."""
-  def runTest(self):
-    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_file')
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      feed_name,
-      problems = self.problems,
-      extra_validation = True)
-    loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('UnknownFile')
-    self.assertEqual('frecuencias.txt', e.file_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadUTF8BOMTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('utf8bom'),
-      problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    loader.Load()
-class LoadUTF16TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # utf16 generated by `recode utf8..utf16 *'
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('utf16'),
-      problems = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      # TODO: make sure processing proceeds beyond the problem
-      self.fail('FileFormat exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.FileFormat, e:
-      # make sure these don't raise an exception
-      self.assertTrue(re.search(r'encoded in utf-16', e.FormatProblem()))
-      e.FormatContext()
-class LoadNullTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('contains_null'),
-      problems = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemReporter(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      self.fail('FileFormat exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.FileFormat, e:
-      self.assertTrue(re.search(r'contains a null', e.FormatProblem()))
-      # make sure these don't raise an exception
-      e.FormatContext()
-class ProblemReporterTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
-  # Unittest for problem reporter
-  def testContextWithBadUnicodeProblem(self):
-    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
-    # Context has valid unicode values
-    pr.SetFileContext('filename.foo', 23,
-                      [u'Andr\202', u'Person \uc720 foo', None],
-                      [u'1\202', u'2\202', u'3\202'])
-    pr.OtherProblem('test string')
-    pr.OtherProblem(u'\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
-    # Invalid ascii and utf-8. encode('utf-8') and decode('utf-8') will fail
-    # for this value
-    pr.OtherProblem('\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"test string", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"filename.foo:23", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-  def testNoContextWithBadUnicode(self):
-    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
-    pr.OtherProblem('test string')
-    pr.OtherProblem(u'\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
-    # Invalid ascii and utf-8. encode('utf-8') and decode('utf-8') will fail
-    # for this value
-    pr.OtherProblem('\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"test string", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-  def testBadUnicodeContext(self):
-    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
-    pr.SetFileContext('filename.foo', 23,
-                      [u'Andr\202', 'Person \xff\xfe\x80\x88 foo', None],
-                      [u'1\202', u'2\202', u'3\202'])
-    pr.OtherProblem("help, my context isn't utf-8!")
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"help, my context", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"filename.foo:23", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-  def testLongWord(self):
-    # Make sure LineWrap doesn't puke
-    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
-    pr.OtherProblem('1111untheontuhoenuthoentuhntoehuontehuntoehuntoehunto'
-                    '2222oheuntheounthoeunthoeunthoeuntheontuheontuhoue')
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"1111.+2222", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
-class BadProblemReporterTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
-  """Make sure ProblemReporter doesn't crash when given bad unicode data and
-  does find some error"""
-  # tom.brown.code-utf8_weaknesses fixed a bug with problem reporter and bad
-  # utf-8 strings
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('bad_utf8'),
-      problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    loader.Load()
-    # raises exception if not found
-    self.this_stdout.getvalue().index('Invalid value')
-class BadUtf8TestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('bad_utf8')
-    self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("agency_name", "agency.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("stop_name", "stops.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("route_short_name", "routes.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("route_long_name", "routes.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("trip_headsign", "trips.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("stop_headsign", "stop_times.txt")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadMissingAgencyTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_agency', 'agency.txt')
-class LoadMissingStopsTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_stops', 'stops.txt')
-class LoadMissingRoutesTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_routes', 'routes.txt')
-class LoadMissingTripsTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_trips', 'trips.txt')
-class LoadMissingStopTimesTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_stop_times', 'stop_times.txt')
-class LoadMissingCalendarTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_calendar', 'calendar.txt')
-class EmptyFileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('empty_file'),
-      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      self.fail('EmptyFile exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.EmptyFile, e:
-      self.assertEqual('agency.txt', e.file_name)
-class MissingColumnTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('missing_column'),
-      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
-      extra_validation = True)
-    try:
-      loader.Load()
-      self.fail('MissingColumn exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.MissingColumn, e:
-      self.assertEqual('agency.txt', e.file_name)
-      self.assertEqual('agency_name', e.column_name)
-class ZeroBasedStopSequenceTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue('negative_stop_sequence', 'stop_sequence')
-class DuplicateStopTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    try:
-      schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_stop'), extra_validation=True)
-      self.fail('OtherProblem exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.OtherProblem:
-      pass
-class DuplicateStopSequenceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_stop_sequence'), extra_validation=True)
-    e = problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('stop_sequence', e.column_name)
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class MissingEndpointTimesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    try:
-      schedule.Load(DataPath('missing_endpoint_times'), extra_validation=True)
-      self.fail('InvalidValue exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.InvalidValue, e:
-      self.assertEqual('departure_time', e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual('', e.value)
-class DuplicateScheduleIDTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    try:
-      schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_schedule_id'), extra_validation=True)
-      self.fail('DuplicateID exception expected')
-    except transitfeed.DuplicateID:
-      pass
-class ColorLuminanceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('000000'), 0,
-        "ColorLuminance('000000') should be zero")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('FFFFFF'), 255,
-        "ColorLuminance('FFFFFF') should be 255")
-    RGBmsg = ("ColorLuminance('RRGGBB') should be "
-              "0.299*<Red> + 0.587*<Green> + 0.114*<Blue>")
-    decimal_places_tested = 8
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('640000'), 29.9,
-                           decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('006400'), 58.7,
-                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('000064'), 11.4,
-                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('1171B3'),
-                     0.299*17 + 0.587*113 + 0.114*179,
-                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
-INVALID_VALUE = Exception()
-class ValidationTestCase(util.TestCaseAsserts):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
-  def ExpectNoProblems(self, object):
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    object.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  # TODO: Get rid of Expect*Closure methods. With the
-  # RecordingProblemReporter it is now possible to replace
-  # self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(lambda: o.method(...), foo)
-  # with
-  # o.method(...)
-  # self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(foo)
-  # because problems don't raise an exception. This has the advantage of
-  # making it easy and clear to test the return value of o.method(...) and
-  # easier to test for a sequence of problems caused by one call.
-  def ExpectMissingValue(self, object, column_name):
-    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(column_name,
-                                     lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
-  def ExpectMissingValueInClosure(self, column_name, c):
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    rv = c()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('MissingValue')
-    self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
-    # these should not throw any exceptions
-    e.FormatProblem()
-    e.FormatContext()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def ExpectInvalidValue(self, object, column_name, value=INVALID_VALUE):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(column_name, value,
-        lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
-  def ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(self, column_name, value=INVALID_VALUE,
-                                  c=None):
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    rv = c()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
-    if value != INVALID_VALUE:
-      self.assertEqual(value, e.value)
-    # these should not throw any exceptions
-    e.FormatProblem()
-    e.FormatContext()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def ExpectOtherProblem(self, object):
-    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
-  def ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(self, c):
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    rv = c()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('OtherProblem')
-    # these should not throw any exceptions
-    e.FormatProblem()
-    e.FormatContext()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class AgencyValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # success case
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
-                                lang='xh')
-    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
-    # bad agency
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='   ', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(agency, 'agency_name')
-    # missing url
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(agency, 'agency_url')
-    # bad url
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='www.example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_url')
-    # bad time zone
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Alviso', id='TA')
-    agency.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopInvalidValue('agency_timezone')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('"America/Alviso" is not a common timezone',
-                            e.FormatProblem())
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # bad language code
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
-                                lang='English')
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_lang')
-    # bad 2-letter lanugage code
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
-                                lang='xx')
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_lang')
-    # capitalized language code is OK
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
-                                lang='EN')
-    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
-    # extra attribute in constructor is fine, only checked when loading a file
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles',
-                                agency_mission='monorail you there')
-    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
-    # extra attribute in assigned later is also fine
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
-                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles')
-    agency.agency_mission='monorail you there'
-    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
-    # Multiple problems
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='www.example.com',
-                                timezone='America/West Coast', id='TA')
-    self.assertEquals(False, agency.Validate(self.problems))
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, 'agency_url')
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, 'agency_timezone')
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class AgencyAttributesTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def testCopy(self):
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict={'agency_name': 'Test Agency',
-                                            'agency_url': 'http://example.com',
-                                            'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
-                                            'agency_mission': 'get you there'})
-    self.assertEquals(agency.agency_mission, 'get you there')
-    agency_copy = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=agency)
-    self.assertEquals(agency_copy.agency_mission, 'get you there')
-    self.assertEquals(agency_copy['agency_mission'], 'get you there')
-  def testEq(self):
-    agency1 = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                                 "America/Los_Angeles")
-    agency2 = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                                 "America/Los_Angeles")
-    # Unknown columns, such as agency_mission, do affect equality
-    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
-    agency1.agency_mission = "Get you there"
-    self.assertNotEquals(agency1, agency2)
-    agency2.agency_mission = "Move you"
-    self.assertNotEquals(agency1, agency2)
-    agency1.agency_mission = "Move you"
-    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
-    # Private attributes don't affect equality
-    agency1._private_attr = "My private message"
-    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
-    agency2._private_attr = "Another private thing"
-    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
-  def testDict(self):
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                                "America/Los_Angeles")
-    agency._private_attribute = "blah"
-    # Private attributes don't appear when iterating through an agency as a
-    # dict but can be directly accessed.
-    self.assertEquals("blah", agency._private_attribute)
-    self.assertEquals("blah", agency["_private_attribute"])
-    self.assertEquals(
-        set("agency_name agency_url agency_timezone".split()),
-        set(agency.keys()))
-    self.assertEquals({"agency_name": "Test Agency",
-                       "agency_url": "http://example.com",
-                       "agency_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"},
-                      dict(agency.iteritems()))
-class StopValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # success case
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop.stop_id = '45'
-    stop.stop_name = 'Couch AT End Table'
-    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
-    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
-    stop.stop_desc = 'Edge of the Couch'
-    stop.zone_id = 'A'
-    stop.stop_url = 'http://example.com'
-    stop.Validate(self.problems)
-    # latitude too large
-    stop.stop_lat = 100.0
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
-    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
-    # latitude as a string works when it is valid
-    stop.stop_lat = '50.0'
-    stop.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    stop.stop_lat = '10f'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
-    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
-    # longitude too large
-    stop.stop_lon = 200.0
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lon')
-    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
-    # lat, lon too close to 0, 0
-    stop.stop_lat = 0.0
-    stop.stop_lon = 0.0
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
-    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
-    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
-    # invalid stop_url
-    stop.stop_url = 'www.example.com'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_url')
-    stop.stop_url = 'http://example.com'
-    stop.stop_id = '   '
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(stop, 'stop_id')
-    stop.stop_id = '45'
-    stop.stop_name = ''
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(stop, 'stop_name')
-    stop.stop_name = 'Couch AT End Table'
-    # description same as name
-    stop.stop_desc = 'Couch AT End Table'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_desc')
-    stop.stop_desc = 'Edge of the Couch'
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopAttributes(ValidationTestCase):
-  def testWithoutSchedule(self):
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop.Validate(self.problems)
-    for name in "stop_id stop_name stop_lat stop_lon".split():
-      e = self.problems.PopException('MissingValue')
-      self.assertEquals(name, e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
-    # Test behaviour for unset and unknown attribute
-    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], '')
-    try:
-      t = stop.new_column
-      self.fail('Expecting AttributeError')
-    except AttributeError, e:
-      pass  # Expected
-    stop.stop_id = 'a'
-    stop.stop_name = 'my stop'
-    stop.new_column = 'val'
-    stop.stop_lat = 5.909
-    stop.stop_lon = '40.02'
-    self.assertEquals(stop.new_column, 'val')
-    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], 'val')
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(stop['stop_lat'], basestring))
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(float(stop['stop_lat']), 5.909)
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(stop['stop_lon'], basestring))
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(float(stop['stop_lon']), 40.02)
-    stop.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # After validation stop.stop_lon has been converted to a float
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(stop.stop_lat, 5.909)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(stop.stop_lon, 40.02)
-    self.assertEquals(stop.new_column, 'val')
-    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], 'val')
-  def testBlankAttributeName(self):
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"": "a"})
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1)
-    self.assertEquals("a", getattr(stop1, ""))
-    # The attribute "" is treated as private and not copied
-    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, stop2, "")
-    self.assertEquals(set(), set(stop1.keys()))
-    self.assertEquals(set(), set(stop2.keys()))
-  def testWithSchedule(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={})
-    # AddStopObject silently fails for Stop objects without stop_id
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    self.assertFalse(schedule.GetStopList())
-    self.assertFalse(stop._schedule)
-    # Okay to add a stop with only stop_id
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "b"})
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    stop.Validate(self.problems)
-    for name in "stop_name stop_lat stop_lon".split():
-      e = self.problems.PopException("MissingValue")
-      self.assertEquals(name, e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    stop.new_column = "val"
-    self.assertTrue("new_column" in schedule.GetTableColumns("stops"))
-    # Adding a duplicate stop_id fails
-    schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "b"}))
-    self.problems.PopException("DuplicateID")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopTimeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '1a:00:00',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="1a:00:00"))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '1a:00:00',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time='1a:00:00'))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('pickup_type', '7.8',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
-                                     pickup_type='7.8',
-                                     drop_off_type='0'))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('drop_off_type', 'a',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
-                                     pickup_type='3',
-                                     drop_off_type='a'))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('shape_dist_traveled', '$',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
-                                     pickup_type='3',
-                                     drop_off_type='0',
-                                     shape_dist_traveled='$'))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('shape_dist_traveled', '0,53',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
-                                     pickup_type='3',
-                                     drop_off_type='0',
-                                     shape_dist_traveled='0,53'))
-    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     pickup_type='1', drop_off_type='1'))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:00:00',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="11:00:00",
-                                     departure_time="10:00:00"))
-    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('arrival_time',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     departure_time="10:00:00"))
-    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('arrival_time',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     departure_time="10:00:00",
-                                     arrival_time=""))
-    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('departure_time',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00"))
-    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('departure_time',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time=""))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:70:00',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time="10:70:00"))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:00:62',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
-                                     departure_time="10:00:62"))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '10:00:63',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:00:63",
-                                     departure_time="10:10:00"))
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '10:60:00',
-        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                     arrival_time="10:60:00",
-                                     departure_time="11:02:00"))
-    # The following should work
-    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="10:00:00",
-        departure_time="10:05:00", pickup_type='1', drop_off_type='1')
-    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="1:00:00",
-        departure_time="1:05:00")
-    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="24:59:00",
-        departure_time="25:05:00")
-    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="101:01:00",
-        departure_time="101:21:00")
-    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TooFastTravelTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    ValidationTestCase.setUp(self)
-    self.schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
-    self.schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name="Test Agency",
-                                   agency_url="http://example.com",
-                                   agency_timezone="America/Los_Angeles")
-    self.route = self.schedule.AddRoute(short_name="54C",
-                                        long_name="Polish Hill", route_type=3)
-    service_period = self.schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetDateHasService("20070101")
-    self.trip = self.route.AddTrip(self.schedule, 'via Polish Hill')
-  def AddStopDistanceTime(self, dist_time_list):
-    # latitude where each 0.01 degrees longitude is 1km
-    magic_lat = 26.062468289
-    stop = self.schedule.AddStop(magic_lat, 0, "Demo Stop 0")
-    time = 0
-    self.trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
-    for i, (dist_delta, time_delta) in enumerate(dist_time_list):
-      stop = self.schedule.AddStop(
-          magic_lat, stop.stop_lon + dist_delta * 0.00001,
-          "Demo Stop %d" % (i + 1))
-      time += time_delta
-      self.trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
-  def testMovingTooFast(self):
-    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(1691, 60),
-                              (1616, 60)])
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'\(101 km/h\)', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.route.route_type = 4  # Ferry with max_speed 80
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'\(101 km/h\)', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 1 to Demo Stop 2', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1616 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'97 km/h', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # Run test without a route_type
-    self.route.route_type = None
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'101 km/h', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testNoTimeDelta(self):
-    # See comments where TooFastTravel is called in transitfeed.py to
-    # understand why was added.
-    # Movement more than max_speed in 1 minute with no time change is a warning.
-    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(1616, 0),
-                              (1000, 120),
-                              (1691, 0)])
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.route.route_type = 4  # Ferry with max_speed 80
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('1616 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # Run test without a route_type
-    self.route.route_type = None
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testNoTimeDeltaNotRounded(self):
-    # See comments where TooFastTravel is called in transitfeed.py to
-    # understand why was added.
-    # Any movement with no time change and times not rounded to the nearest
-    # minute causes a warning.
-    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(500, 62),
-                              (10, 0)])
-    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('TooFastTravel')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 1 to Demo Stop 2', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('10 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class MemoryZipTestCase(util.TestCaseAsserts):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
-    self.zipfile = StringIO()
-    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zipfile, 'a')
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "agency.txt",
-        "agency_id,agency_name,agency_url,agency_timezone\n"
-        "DTA,Demo Agency,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101,20101231\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "routes.txt",
-        "route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_type\n"
-        "AB,DTA,,Airport Bullfrog,3\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "trips.txt",
-        "route_id,service_id,trip_id\n"
-        "AB,FULLW,AB1\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stop_times.txt",
-        "trip_id,arrival_time,departure_time,stop_id,stop_sequence\n"
-        "AB1,10:00:00,10:00:00,BEATTY_AIRPORT,1\n"
-        "AB1,10:20:00,10:20:00,BULLFROG,2\n"
-        "AB1,10:25:00,10:25:00,STAGECOACH,3\n")
-    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-        problems=self.problems,
-        extra_validation=True,
-        zip=self.zip)
-  def appendToZip(self, file, arcname, s):
-    """Append s to the arcname in the zip stored in a file object."""
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'a')
-    zip.writestr(arcname, zip.read(arcname) + s)
-    zip.close()
-class CsvDictTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(), 'a')
-    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-        problems=self.problems,
-        zip=self.zip)
-  def testEmptyFile(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt", [], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    self.problems.PopException("EmptyFile")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderOnly(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderAndNewLineOnly(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderWithSpaceBefore(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", " test_id, test_name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderWithSpaceBeforeAfter(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id , test_name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderQuoted(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\", \"test_name\"\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderSpaceAfterQuoted(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\" , \"test_name\"\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderSpaceInQuotesAfterValue(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id \",\"test_name\"\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderSpaceInQuotesBeforeValue(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\",\" test_name\"\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderEmptyColumnName(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", 'test_id,test_name,\n')
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testHeaderAllUnknownColumnNames(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", 'id,nam\n')
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("missing the header") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testFieldWithSpaces(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      "test_id,test_name\n"
-                      "id1 , my name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1 ", "test_name": "my name"}, 2,
-                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1 ","my name"])], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testFieldWithOnlySpaces(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      "test_id,test_name\n"
-                      "id1,  \n")  # spaces are skipped to yield empty field
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": ""}, 2,
-                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1",""])], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testQuotedFieldWithSpaces(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      'test_id,"test_name",test_size\n'
-                      '"id1" , "my name" , "234 "\n')
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name",
-                                             "test_size"], []))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [({"test_id": "id1 ", "test_name": "my name ", "test_size": "234 "}, 2,
-          ["test_id", "test_name", "test_size"], ["id1 ", "my name ", "234 "])],
-        results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testQuotedFieldWithCommas(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      'id,name1,name2\n'
-                      '"1", "brown, tom", "brown, ""tom"""\n')
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["id", "name1", "name2"], []))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [({"id": "1", "name1": "brown, tom", "name2": "brown, \"tom\""}, 2,
-          ["id", "name1", "name2"], ["1", "brown, tom", "brown, \"tom\""])],
-        results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testUnknownColumn(self):
-    # A small typo (omitting '_' in a header name) is detected
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,testname\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("testname", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testMissingRequiredColumn(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_size\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_size"],
-                                            ["test_name"]))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testRequiredNotInAllCols(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name,test_size\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_size"],
-                                            ["test_name"]))
-    self.assertEquals([], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBlankLine(self):
-    # line_num is increased for an empty line
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      "test_id,test_name\n"
-                      "\n"
-                      "id1,my name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": "my name"}, 3,
-                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1","my name"])], results)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testExtraComma(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      "test_id,test_name\n"
-                      "id1,my name,\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": "my name"}, 2,
-                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1","my name"])],
-                      results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("too many cells") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testMissingComma(self):
-    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
-                      "test_id,test_name\n"
-                      "id1 my name\n")
-    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
-                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
-    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1 my name"}, 2,
-                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1 my name"])], results)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("missing cells") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testDetectsDuplicateHeaders(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "transfers.txt",
-        "from_stop_id,from_stop_id,to_stop_id,transfer_type,min_transfer_time,"
-        "min_transfer_time,min_transfer_time,min_transfer_time,unknown,"
-        "unknown\n"
-        "BULLFROG,BULLFROG,BEATTY_AIRPORT,2,1200,1,,,,\n")
-    list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("transfers.txt",
-                                  transitfeed.Transfer._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                  transitfeed.Transfer._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES))
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","min_transfer_time",4)
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","from_stop_id",2)
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","unknown",2)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("unknown", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class ReadCsvTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(), 'a')
-    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-        problems=self.problems,
-        zip=self.zip)
-  def testDetectsDuplicateHeaders(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date,end_date,end_date,tuesday,unknown,unknown\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101,20101231,,,,,\n")
-    list(self.loader._ReadCSV("calendar.txt",
-                              transitfeed.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES,
-                              transitfeed.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED))
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","end_date",3)
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","unknown",2)
-    self.problems.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","tuesday",2)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("unknown", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class BasicMemoryZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.loader.Load()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class ZipCompressionTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    self.zip.close()
-    write_output = StringIO()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
-    recompressedzip = zlib.compress(write_output.getvalue())
-    write_size = len(write_output.getvalue())
-    recompressedzip_size = len(recompressedzip)
-    # If zlib can compress write_output it probably wasn't compressed
-    self.assertFalse(
-        recompressedzip_size < write_size * 0.60,
-        "Are you sure WriteGoogleTransitFeed wrote a compressed zip? "
-        "Orginial size: %d  recompressed: %d" %
-        (write_size, recompressedzip_size))
-class StopHierarchyTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def testParentAtSameLatLon(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    self.assertEquals(1, schedule.stops["STATION"].location_type)
-    self.assertEquals(0, schedule.stops["BEATTY_AIRPORT"].location_type)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBadLocationType(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,notvalid\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals(1, e.type)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals(0, e.type)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBadLocationTypeAtSameLatLon(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStationUsed(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    self.problems.PopException("UsedStation")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testParentNotFound(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testParentIsStop(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,BULLFROG\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testParentOfEntranceIsStop(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2,BULLFROG\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("location_type=1") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStationWithParent(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,STATION2\n"
-        "STATION2,Airport 2,36.868000,-116.784000,1,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.868088,-116.784797,,STATION2\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStationWithSelfParent(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,STATION\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStopNearToNonParentStation(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
-        "BULLFROG_ST,Bullfrog,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("DifferentStationTooClose")
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(
-        "The parent_station of stop \"Bullfrog\"", e.FormatProblem())
-    e = self.problems.PopException("StopsTooClose")
-    self.assertMatchesRegex("BEATTY_AIRPORT", e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex("BULLFROG", e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex("are 0.00m apart", e.FormatProblem())
-    e = self.problems.PopException("DifferentStationTooClose")
-    self.assertMatchesRegex(
-        "The parent_station of stop \"Airport\"", e.FormatProblem())
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStopTooFarFromParentStation(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BULLFROG_ST,Bullfrog,36.880,-116.817,1,\n"   # Parent station of all.
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.880,-116.816,,BULLFROG_ST\n"   # ~ 90m far
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.881,-116.818,,BULLFROG_ST\n"        # ~ 150m far
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach,36.915,-116.751,,BULLFROG_ST\n")   # > 3km far
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("StopTooFarFromParentStation")
-    self.assertEqual(1, e.type)  # Warning
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(
-        "Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG) is too far from its parent"
-        " station Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG_ST)") != -1)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("StopTooFarFromParentStation")
-    self.assertEqual(0, e.type)  # Error
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(
-        "Stagecoach (ID STAGECOACH) is too far from its parent"
-        " station Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG_ST)") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  #Uncomment once validation is implemented
-  #def testStationWithoutReference(self):
-  #  self.zip.writestr(
-  #      "stops.txt",
-  #      "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-  #      "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
-  #      "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
-  #      "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-  #      "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-  #  schedule = self.loader.Load()
-  #  e = self.problems.PopException("OtherProblem")
-  #  self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
-  #  self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-  #  self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopSpacesTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def testFieldsWithSpace(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_code,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,stop_url,location_type,"
-        "parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT, ,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582, , ,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopBlankHeaders(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def testBlankHeaderValueAtEnd(self):
-    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
-    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
-    # Add a column to the end of every row, leaving the header name blank.
-    new = []
-    for i, row in enumerate(self.zip.read("stops.txt").split("\n")):
-      if i == 0:
-        new.append(row + ",")
-      elif row:
-        new.append(row + "," + str(i))  # Put a junk value in data rows
-    self.zip.writestr("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
-                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBlankHeaderValueAtStart(self):
-    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
-    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
-    # Add a column to the start of every row, leaving the header name blank.
-    new = []
-    for i, row in enumerate(self.zip.read("stops.txt").split("\n")):
-      if i == 0:
-        new.append("," + row)
-      elif row:
-        new.append(str(i) + "," + row)  # Put a junk value in data rows
-    self.zip.writestr("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
-                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBlankHeaderValueInMiddle(self):
-    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
-    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
-    # Add two columns to the start of every row, leaving the second header name
-    # blank.
-    new = []
-    for i, row in enumerate(self.zip.read("stops.txt").split("\n")):
-      if i == 0:
-        new.append("test_name,," + row)
-      elif row:
-        # Put a junk value in data rows
-        new.append(str(i) + "," + str(i) + "," + row)
-    self.zip.writestr("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("CsvSyntax")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
-                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopsNearEachOther(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def testTooNear(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20001,140\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('StopsTooClose')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("1.11m apart") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testJustFarEnough(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20002,140\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    # Stops are 2.2m apart
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testSameLocation(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.2,140\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.2,140\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('StopsTooClose')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("0.00m apart") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStationsTooNear(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140,,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20003,140,,BULLFROG_STATION\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Airport,48.20001,140,1,\n"
-        "BULLFROG_STATION,Bullfrog,48.20002,140,1,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('StationsTooClose')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("1.11m apart") != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testStopNearNonParentStation(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140,,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20005,140,,\n"
-        "BULLFROG_STATION,Bullfrog,48.20006,140,1,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('DifferentStationTooClose')
-    fmt = e.FormatProblem()
-    self.assertTrue(re.search(
-      r"parent_station of.*BULLFROG.*station.*BULLFROG_STATION.* 1.11m apart",
-      fmt), fmt)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class BadLatLonInStopUnitTest(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "STOP1",
-                                        "stop_name": "Stop one",
-                                        "stop_lat": "0x20",
-                                        "stop_lon": "140.01"})
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, "stop_lat")
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "STOP1",
-                                        "stop_name": "Stop one",
-                                        "stop_lat": "13.0",
-                                        "stop_lon": "1e2"})
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, "stop_lon")
-class BadLatLonInFileUnitTest(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stops.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,0x20,140.00\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20001,140.0123\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.002,bogus\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals("stop_lat", e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals("stop_lon", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class LoadUnknownFileInZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stpos.txt",
-        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
-        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
-        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
-        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
-        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('UnknownFile')
-    self.assertEquals('stpos.txt', e.file_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TabDelimitedTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # Create an extremely corrupt file by replacing each comma with a tab,
-    # ignoring csv quoting.
-    for arcname in self.zip.namelist():
-      orig = self.zip.read(arcname)
-      self.zip.writestr(arcname, orig.replace(",", "\t"))
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    # Don't call self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions() because there are lots
-    # of problems but I only care that the validator doesn't crash. In the
-    # magical future the validator will stop when the csv is obviously hosed.
-class RouteMemoryZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(self, schedule_file):
-    """Load file-like schedule_file and check for extra route columns."""
-    load_problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
-    loaded_schedule = transitfeed.Loader(schedule_file,
-                                         problems=load_problems,
-                                         extra_validation=True).Load()
-    self.assertEqual("foo", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("t")["t_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("AB")["t_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("bar", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("n")["n_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("AB")["n_foo"])
-    # Uncomment the following lines to print the string in testExtraFileColumn
-    # print repr(zipfile.ZipFile(schedule_file).read("routes.txt"))
-    # self.fail()
-  def testExtraObjectAttribute(self):
-    """Extra columns added to an object are preserved when writing."""
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    # Add an attribute after AddRouteObject
-    route_t = transitfeed.Route(short_name="T", route_type="Bus", route_id="t")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route_t)
-    route_t.t_foo = "foo"
-    # Add an attribute before AddRouteObject
-    route_n = transitfeed.Route(short_name="N", route_type="Bus", route_id="n")
-    route_n.n_foo = "bar"
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route_n)
-    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
-  def testExtraFileColumn(self):
-    """Extra columns loaded from a file are preserved when writing."""
-    # Uncomment the code in assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues to generate this
-    # string.
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "routes.txt",
-        "route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_type,"
-        "t_foo,n_foo\n"
-        "AB,DTA,,Airport Bullfrog,3,,\n"
-        "t,DTA,T,,3,foo,\n"
-        "n,DTA,N,,3,,bar\n")
-    load1_problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(problems=load1_problems,
-                                  extra_validation=True,
-                                  zip=self.zip).Load()
-    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
-    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
-class RouteConstructorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-  def testDefault(self):
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    repr(route)
-    self.assertEqual({}, dict(route))
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    repr(route)
-    self.assertEqual({}, dict(route))
-    e = self.problems.PopException('MissingValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_id', e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('MissingValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_short_name', e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testInitArgs(self):
-    # route_type name
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type='Bus')
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals(3, route.route_type)  # converted to an int
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'route_type': '3'}, dict(route))
-    # route_type as an int
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='i1', long_name='Twenty 2', route_type=1)
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals(1, route.route_type)  # kept as an int
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'i1', 'route_long_name': 'Twenty 2',
-                       'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
-    # route_type as a string
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type='1')
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals(1, route.route_type)  # converted to an int
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
-    # route_type has undefined int value
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22',
-                              route_type='8')
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
-    self.assertEqual(1, e.type)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'route_type': '8'}, dict(route))
-    # route_type that doesn't parse
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22',
-                              route_type='1foo')
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'route_type': '1foo'}, dict(route))
-    # agency_id
-    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type=1,
-                              agency_id='myage')
-    repr(route)
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'route_type': '1', 'agency_id': 'myage'}, dict(route))
-  def testInitArgOrder(self):
-    """Call Route.__init__ without any names so a change in order is noticed."""
-    route = transitfeed.Route('short', 'long name', 'Bus', 'r1', 'a1')
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'r1', 'route_short_name': 'short',
-                       'route_long_name': 'long name',
-                       'route_type': '3', 'agency_id': 'a1'}, dict(route))
-  def testFieldDict(self):
-    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={})
-    self.assertEquals({}, dict(route))
-    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={
-      'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22', 'agency_id': 'myage',
-      'route_type': '1'})
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
-    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={
-      'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22', 'agency_id': 'myage',
-      'route_type': '1', 'my_column': 'v'})
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1',
-                       'my_column':'v'}, dict(route))
-    route._private = 0.3  # Isn't copied
-    route_copy = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=route)
-    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
-                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1',
-                       'my_column':'v'}, dict(route_copy))
-class RouteValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # success case
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = '054C'
-    route.route_short_name = '54C'
-    route.route_long_name = 'South Side - North Side'
-    route.route_type = 7
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    # blank short & long names
-    route.route_short_name = ''
-    route.route_long_name = '    '
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_short_name')
-    # short name too long
-    route.route_short_name = 'South Side'
-    route.route_long_name = ''
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_short_name')
-    route.route_short_name = 'M7bis'  # 5 is OK
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    # long name contains short name
-    route.route_short_name = '54C'
-    route.route_long_name = '54C South Side - North Side'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
-    route.route_long_name = '54C(South Side - North Side)'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
-    route.route_long_name = '54C-South Side - North Side'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
-    # long name is same as short name
-    route.route_short_name = '54C'
-    route.route_long_name = '54C'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
-    # route description is same as short name
-    route.route_desc = '54C'
-    route.route_short_name = '54C'
-    route.route_long_name = ''
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_desc')
-    route.route_desc = None
-    # route description is same as long name
-    route.route_desc = 'South Side - North Side'
-    route.route_long_name = 'South Side - North Side'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_desc')
-    route.route_desc = None
-    # invalid route types
-    route.route_type = 8
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_type')
-    route.route_type = -1
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_type')
-    route.route_type = 7
-    # invalid route URL
-    route.route_url = 'www.example.com'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_url')
-    route.route_url = None
-    # invalid route color
-    route.route_color = 'orange'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
-    route.route_color = None
-    # invalid route text color
-    route.route_text_color = 'orange'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_text_color')
-    route.route_text_color = None
-    # missing route ID
-    route.route_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(route, 'route_id')
-    route.route_id = '054C'
-    # bad color contrast
-    route.route_text_color = None # black
-    route.route_color = '0000FF'  # Bad
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
-    route.route_color = '00BF00'  # OK
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    route.route_color = '005F00'  # Bad
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
-    route.route_color = 'FF00FF'  # OK
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    route.route_text_color = 'FFFFFF' # OK too
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    route.route_text_color = '00FF00' # think of color-blind people!
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
-    route.route_text_color = '007F00'
-    route.route_color = 'FF0000'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
-    route.route_color = '00FFFF'      # OK
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    route.route_text_color = None # black
-    route.route_color = None      # white
-    route.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class ShapeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def ExpectFailedAdd(self, shape, lat, lon, dist, column_name, value):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(
-        column_name, value,
-        lambda: shape.AddPoint(lat, lon, dist, self.problems))
-  def runTest(self):
-    shape = transitfeed.Shape('TEST')
-    repr(shape)  # shouldn't crash
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(shape)  # no points!
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.905019, -116.763207, -1,
-                         'shape_dist_traveled', -1)
-    shape.AddPoint(36.915760, -116.751709, 0, self.problems)
-    shape.AddPoint(36.905018, -116.763206, 5, self.problems)
-    shape.Validate(self.problems)
-    shape.shape_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(shape, 'shape_id')
-    shape.shape_id = 'TEST'
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 91, -116.751709, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 91)
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, -91, -116.751709, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', -91)
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.915760, -181, 6, 'shape_pt_lon', -181)
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.915760, 181, 6, 'shape_pt_lon', 181)
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 0.5, -0.5, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 0.5)
-    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 0, 0, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 0)
-    # distance decreasing is bad, but staying the same is OK
-    shape.AddPoint(36.905019, -116.763206, 4, self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('Each subsequent point', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('distance was 5.000000.', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    shape.AddPoint(36.925019, -116.764206, 5, self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class FareValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    fare = transitfeed.Fare()
-    fare.fare_id = "normal"
-    fare.price = 1.50
-    fare.currency_type = "USD"
-    fare.payment_method = 0
-    fare.transfers = 1
-    fare.transfer_duration = 7200
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.fare_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "fare_id")
-    fare.fare_id = ''
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "fare_id")
-    fare.fare_id = "normal"
-    fare.price = "1.50"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "price")
-    fare.price = 1
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.price = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "price")
-    fare.price = 0.0
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.price = -1.50
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "price")
-    fare.price = 1.50
-    fare.currency_type = ""
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "currency_type")
-    fare.currency_type = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "currency_type")
-    fare.currency_type = "usd"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "currency_type")
-    fare.currency_type = "KML"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "currency_type")
-    fare.currency_type = "USD"
-    fare.payment_method = "0"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
-    fare.payment_method = -1
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
-    fare.payment_method = 1
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.payment_method = 2
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
-    fare.payment_method = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "payment_method")
-    fare.payment_method = ""
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "payment_method")
-    fare.payment_method = 0
-    fare.transfers = "1"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
-    fare.transfers = -1
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
-    fare.transfers = 2
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.transfers = 3
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
-    fare.transfers = None
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.transfers = 1
-    fare.transfer_duration = 0
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.transfer_duration = None
-    fare.Validate(self.problems)
-    fare.transfer_duration = -3600
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfer_duration")
-    fare.transfers = 0  # no transfers allowed but duration specified!
-    fare.transfer_duration = 3600
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfer_duration")
-    fare.transfers = 1
-    fare.transfer_duration = "3600"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfer_duration")
-    fare.transfer_duration = 7200
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TransferValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # Totally bogus data shouldn't cause a crash
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"ignored": "foo"})
-    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id = "S1", to_stop_id = "S2",
-                                    transfer_type = "1", min_transfer_time = 2)
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals(1, transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals(1, transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
-                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
-                                                "transfer_type": "0", \
-                                                "min_transfer_time": "2"})
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
-                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
-                                                "transfer_type": "-4", \
-                                                "min_transfer_time": "2"})
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("-4", transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "transfer_type")
-    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
-    self.assertEquals("-4", transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
-                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
-                                                "transfer_type": "", \
-                                                "min_transfer_time": "-1"})
-    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "min_transfer_time")
-    # simple successes
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer()
-    transfer.from_stop_id = "S1"
-    transfer.to_stop_id = "S2"
-    transfer.transfer_type = 0
-    repr(transfer)  # shouldn't crash
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    transfer.transfer_type = 3
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # transfer_type is out of range
-    transfer.transfer_type = 4
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "transfer_type")
-    transfer.transfer_type = -1
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "transfer_type")
-    transfer.transfer_type = "text"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "transfer_type")
-    transfer.transfer_type = 2
-    # invalid min_transfer_time
-    transfer.min_transfer_time = -1
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "min_transfer_time")
-    transfer.min_transfer_time = "text"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "min_transfer_time")
-    transfer.min_transfer_time = 250
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # missing stop ids
-    transfer.from_stop_id = ""
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(transfer, 'from_stop_id')
-    transfer.from_stop_id = "S1"
-    transfer.to_stop_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(transfer, 'to_stop_id')
-    transfer.to_stop_id = "S2"
-    # stops are presented in schedule case
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(57.5, 30.2, "stop 1")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(57.5, 30.3, "stop 2")
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(schedule=schedule)
-    transfer.from_stop_id = stop1.stop_id
-    transfer.to_stop_id = stop2.stop_id
-    transfer.transfer_type = 2
-    transfer.min_transfer_time = 250
-    repr(transfer)  # shouldn't crash
-    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # stops are not presented in schedule case
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(57.5, 30.2, "stop 1")
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(schedule=schedule)
-    transfer.from_stop_id = stop1.stop_id
-    transfer.to_stop_id = "unexist"
-    transfer.transfer_type = 2
-    transfer.min_transfer_time = 250
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, 'to_stop_id')
-    transfer.from_stop_id = "unexist"
-    transfer.to_stop_id = stop1.stop_id
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(transfer, "from_stop_id")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # Transfer can only be added to a schedule once
-    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer()
-    transfer.from_stop_id = stop1.stop_id
-    transfer.to_stop_id = stop1.stop_id
-    schedule.AddTransferObject(transfer)
-    self.assertRaises(AssertionError, schedule.AddTransferObject, transfer)
-class ServicePeriodValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # success case
-    period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    repr(period)  # shouldn't crash
-    period.service_id = 'WEEKDAY'
-    period.start_date = '20070101'
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    period.day_of_week[0] = True
-    repr(period)  # shouldn't crash
-    period.Validate(self.problems)
-    # missing start_date. If one of start_date or end_date is None then
-    # ServicePeriod.Validate assumes the required column is missing and already
-    # generated an error. Instead set it to an empty string, such as when the
-    # csv cell is empty. See also comment in ServicePeriod.Validate.
-    period.start_date = ''
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(period, 'start_date')
-    period.start_date = '20070101'
-    # missing end_date
-    period.end_date = ''
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(period, 'end_date')
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    # invalid start_date
-    period.start_date = '2007-01-01'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period, 'start_date')
-    period.start_date = '20070101'
-    # impossible start_date
-    period.start_date = '20070229'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period, 'start_date')
-    period.start_date = '20070101'
-    # invalid end_date
-    period.end_date = '2007/12/31'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period, 'end_date')
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    # start & end dates out of order
-    period.end_date = '20060101'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period, 'end_date')
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    # no service in period
-    period.day_of_week[0] = False
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(period)
-    period.day_of_week[0] = True
-    # invalid exception date
-    period.SetDateHasService('2007', False)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period, 'date', '2007')
-    period.ResetDateToNormalService('2007')
-    period2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod(
-        field_list=['serviceid1', '20060101', '20071231', '1', '0', 'h', '1',
-                    '1', '1', '1'])
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(period2, 'wednesday', 'h')
-    repr(period)  # shouldn't crash
-class ServicePeriodDateRangeTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period.service_id = 'WEEKDAY'
-    period.start_date = '20070101'
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    period.SetDateHasService('20071231', False)
-    period.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEqual(('20070101', '20071231'), period.GetDateRange())
-    period2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period2.service_id = 'HOLIDAY'
-    period2.SetDateHasService('20071225', True)
-    period2.SetDateHasService('20080101', True)
-    period2.SetDateHasService('20080102', False)
-    period2.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEqual(('20071225', '20080101'), period2.GetDateRange())
-    period2.start_date = '20071201'
-    period2.end_date = '20071225'
-    period2.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.assertEqual(('20071201', '20080101'), period2.GetDateRange())
-    period3 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    self.assertEqual((None, None), period3.GetDateRange())
-    period4 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period4.service_id = 'halloween'
-    period4.SetDateHasService('20051031', True)
-    self.assertEqual(('20051031', '20051031'), period4.GetDateRange())
-    period4.Validate(self.problems)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
-    self.assertEqual((None, None), schedule.GetDateRange())
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(period)
-    self.assertEqual(('20070101', '20071231'), schedule.GetDateRange())
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(period2)
-    self.assertEqual(('20070101', '20080101'), schedule.GetDateRange())
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(period4)
-    self.assertEqual(('20051031', '20080101'), schedule.GetDateRange())
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class ServicePeriodTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testActive(self):
-    """Test IsActiveOn and ActiveDates"""
-    period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period.service_id = 'WEEKDAY'
-    period.start_date = '20071226'
-    period.end_date = '20071231'
-    period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    period.SetDateHasService('20071230', True)
-    period.SetDateHasService('20071231', False)
-    period.SetDateHasService('20080102', True)
-    #      December  2007
-    #  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
-    #  23 24 25 26 27 28 29
-    #  30 31
-    # Some tests have named arguments and others do not to ensure that any
-    # (possibly unwanted) changes to the API get caught
-    # calendar_date exceptions near start date
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn(date='20071225'))
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn(date='20071225',
-                                       date_object=date(2007, 12, 25)))
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn(date='20071226'))
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn(date='20071226',
-                                      date_object=date(2007, 12, 26)))
-    # calendar_date exceptions near end date
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn('20071230'))
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn('20071230', date(2007, 12, 30)))
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn('20071231'))
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn('20071231', date(2007, 12, 31)))
-    # date just outside range, both weekday and an exception
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn('20080101'))
-    self.assertFalse(period.IsActiveOn('20080101', date(2008, 1, 1)))
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn('20080102'))
-    self.assertTrue(period.IsActiveOn('20080102', date(2008, 1, 2)))
-    self.assertEquals(period.ActiveDates(),
-                      ['20071226', '20071227', '20071228', '20071230',
-                       '20080102'])
-    # Test of period without start_date, end_date
-    period_dates = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period_dates.SetDateHasService('20071230', True)
-    period_dates.SetDateHasService('20071231', False)
-    self.assertFalse(period_dates.IsActiveOn(date='20071229'))
-    self.assertFalse(period_dates.IsActiveOn(date='20071229',
-                                             date_object=date(2007, 12, 29)))
-    self.assertTrue(period_dates.IsActiveOn('20071230'))
-    self.assertTrue(period_dates.IsActiveOn('20071230', date(2007, 12, 30)))
-    self.assertFalse(period_dates.IsActiveOn('20071231'))
-    self.assertFalse(period_dates.IsActiveOn('20071231', date(2007, 12, 31)))
-    self.assertEquals(period_dates.ActiveDates(), ['20071230'])
-    # Test with an invalid ServicePeriod; one of start_date, end_date is set
-    period_no_end = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period_no_end.start_date = '20071226'
-    self.assertFalse(period_no_end.IsActiveOn(date='20071231'))
-    self.assertFalse(period_no_end.IsActiveOn(date='20071231',
-                                              date_object=date(2007, 12, 31)))
-    self.assertEquals(period_no_end.ActiveDates(), [])
-    period_no_start = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    period_no_start.end_date = '20071230'
-    self.assertFalse(period_no_start.IsActiveOn('20071229'))
-    self.assertFalse(period_no_start.IsActiveOn('20071229', date(2007, 12, 29)))
-    self.assertEquals(period_no_start.ActiveDates(), [])
-    period_empty = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    self.assertFalse(period_empty.IsActiveOn('20071231'))
-    self.assertFalse(period_empty.IsActiveOn('20071231', date(2007, 12, 31)))
-    self.assertEquals(period_empty.ActiveDates(), [])
-class GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testEmpty(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [],
-        schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2009, 1, 1),
-                                                 date(2009, 1, 1)))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [(date(2008, 12, 31), []), (date(2009, 1, 1), [])],
-        schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2008, 12, 31),
-                                                 date(2009, 1, 2)))
-  def testOneService(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    sp1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    sp1.service_id = "sp1"
-    sp1.SetDateHasService("20090101")
-    sp1.SetDateHasService("20090102")
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp1)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [],
-        schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2009, 1, 1),
-                                                 date(2009, 1, 1)))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [(date(2008, 12, 31), []), (date(2009, 1, 1), [sp1])],
-        schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2008, 12, 31),
-                                                 date(2009, 1, 2)))
-  def testTwoService(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    sp1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    sp1.service_id = "sp1"
-    sp1.SetDateHasService("20081231")
-    sp1.SetDateHasService("20090101")
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp1)
-    sp2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    sp2.service_id = "sp2"
-    sp2.SetStartDate("20081201")
-    sp2.SetEndDate("20081231")
-    sp2.SetWeekendService()
-    sp2.SetWeekdayService()
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp2)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [],
-        schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2009, 1, 1),
-                                                 date(2009, 1, 1)))
-    date_services = schedule.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date(2008, 12, 31),
-                                                             date(2009, 1, 2))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        [date(2008, 12, 31), date(2009, 1, 1)], [d for d, _ in date_services])
-    self.assertEquals(set([sp1, sp2]), set(date_services[0][1]))
-    self.assertEquals([sp1], date_services[1][1])
-class TripMemoryZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(self, schedule_file):
-    """Load file-like schedule_file and check for extra trip columns."""
-    load_problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
-    loaded_schedule = transitfeed.Loader(schedule_file,
-                                         problems=load_problems,
-                                         extra_validation=True).Load()
-    self.assertEqual("foo", loaded_schedule.GetTrip("AB1")["t_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetTrip("AB2")["t_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetTrip("AB1")["n_foo"])
-    self.assertEqual("bar", loaded_schedule.GetTrip("AB2")["n_foo"])
-    # Uncomment the following lines to print the string in testExtraFileColumn
-    # print repr(zipfile.ZipFile(schedule_file).read("trips.txt"))
-    # self.fail()
-  def testExtraObjectAttribute(self):
-    """Extra columns added to an object are preserved when writing."""
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    # Add an attribute to an existing trip
-    trip1 = schedule.GetTrip("AB1")
-    trip1.t_foo = "foo"
-    # Make a copy of trip_id=AB1 and add an attribute before AddTripObject
-    trip2 = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=trip1)
-    trip2.trip_id = "AB2"
-    trip2.t_foo = ""
-    trip2.n_foo = "bar"
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip2)
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop=schedule.GetStop("BULLFROG"), stop_time="09:00:00")
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop=schedule.GetStop("STAGECOACH"), stop_time="09:30:00")
-    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
-    self.appendToZip(saved_schedule_file, "stop_times.txt","")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
-  def testExtraFileColumn(self):
-    """Extra columns loaded from a file are preserved when writing."""
-    # Uncomment the code in assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues to generate this
-    # string.
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "trips.txt",
-        "route_id,service_id,trip_id,t_foo,n_foo\n"
-        "AB,FULLW,AB1,foo,\n"
-        "AB,FULLW,AB2,,bar\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stop_times.txt",
-        self.zip.read("stop_times.txt") +
-        "AB2,09:00:00,09:00:00,BULLFROG,1\n"
-        "AB2,09:30:00,09:30:00,STAGECOACH,2\n")
-    load1_problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
-    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(problems=load1_problems,
-                                  extra_validation=True,
-                                  zip=self.zip).Load()
-    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
-    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
-class TripValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    repr(trip)  # shouldn't crash
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()  # Needed to find StopTimes
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(
-        transitfeed.Route(short_name="54C", long_name="", route_type="Bus",
-                          route_id="054C",
-                          agency_id=schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id))
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(transitfeed.ServicePeriod(id="WEEK"))
-    schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    repr(trip)  # shouldn't crash
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.trip_headsign = '\xBA\xDF\x0D'  # Not valid ascii or utf8
-    repr(trip)  # shouldn't crash
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    trip.trip_headsign = 'via Polish Hill'
-    trip.direction_id = '0'
-    trip.block_id = None
-    trip.shape_id = None
-    trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    repr(trip)  # shouldn't crash
-    # missing route ID
-    trip.route_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(trip, 'route_id')
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    # missing service ID
-    trip.service_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(trip, 'service_id')
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    # missing trip ID
-    trip.trip_id = None
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(trip, 'trip_id')
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    # invalid direction ID
-    trip.direction_id = 'NORTH'
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(trip, 'direction_id')
-    trip.direction_id = '0'
-    # AddTripObject validates that route_id, service_id, .... are found in the
-    # schedule. The Validate calls made by self.Expect... above can't make this
-    # check because trip is not in a schedule.
-    trip.route_id = '054C-notfound'
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip, self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('route_id', e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    # Make sure calling Trip.Validate validates that route_id and service_id
-    # are found in the schedule.
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK-notfound'
-    trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertEqual('service_id', e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # expect no problems for non-overlapping periods
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("06:00:00", "12:00:00", 600)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("01:00:00", "02:00:00", 1200)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("04:00:00", "05:00:00", 1000)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("12:00:00", "19:00:00", 700)
-    trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    # overlapping headway periods
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("00:00:00", "12:00:00", 600)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("06:00:00", "18:00:00", 1200)
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(trip)
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("12:00:00", "20:00:00", 600)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("06:00:00", "18:00:00", 1200)
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(trip)
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("06:00:00", "12:00:00", 600)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("00:00:00", "25:00:00", 1200)
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(trip)
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("00:00:00", "20:00:00", 600)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("06:00:00", "18:00:00", 1200)
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(trip)
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TripSequenceValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()  # Needed to find StopTimes
-    route = transitfeed.Route(short_name="54C", long_name="", route_type="Bus",
-                              route_id="054C")
-    route.agency_id = schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.trip_headsign = '\xBA\xDF\x0D'  # Not valid ascii or utf8
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    trip.trip_headsign = 'via Polish Hill'
-    trip.direction_id = '0'
-    trip.block_id = None
-    trip.shape_id = None
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(36.425288, -117.133162, "Demo Stop 1", "STOP1")
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(36.425666, -117.133666, "Demo Stop 2", "STOP2")
-    stop3 = transitfeed.Stop(36.425999, -117.133999, "Demo Stop 3", "STOP3")
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop1)
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop2)
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop3)
-    stoptime1 = transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1,
-                                     stop_time='12:00:00', stop_sequence=1)
-    stoptime2 = transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop2,
-                                     stop_time='11:30:00', stop_sequence=2)
-    stoptime3 = transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop3,
-                                     stop_time='12:15:00', stop_sequence=3)
-    trip._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime1, schedule)
-    trip._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime2, schedule)
-    trip._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime3, schedule)
-    trip.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('OtherProblem')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('Timetravel detected') != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('number 2 in trip 054C-00') != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TripServiceIDValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(
-        transitfeed.Route("54C", "Polish Hill", 3, "054C"))
-    trip1 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip1.route_id = "054C"
-    trip1.service_id = "WEEKDAY"
-    trip1.trip_id = "054C_WEEK"
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(column_name="service_id",
-                                     value="WEEKDAY",
-                                     c=lambda: schedule.AddTripObject(trip1))
-class TripHasStopTimeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(
-        transitfeed.Route("54C", "Polish Hill", 3, "054C"))
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    trip.trip_headsign = 'via Polish Hill'
-    trip.direction_id = '0'
-    trip.block_id = None
-    trip.shape_id = None
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    # We should get an OtherProblem here because the trip has no stops.
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(schedule)
-    # It should trigger a TYPE_ERROR if there are frequencies for the trip
-    # but no stops
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("01:00:00","12:00:00", 600)
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    self.problems.PopException('OtherProblem')  # pop first warning
-    e = self.problems.PopException('OtherProblem')  # pop frequency error
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('Frequencies defined, but') != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('given in trip 054C-00') != -1)
-    self.assertEquals(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, e.type)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    trip.ClearHeadwayPeriods()
-    # Add a stop, but with only one stop passengers have nowhere to exit!
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.425288, -117.133162, "Demo Stop 1", "STOP1")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00")
-    self.ExpectOtherProblem(schedule)
-    # Add another stop, and then validation should be happy.
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.424288, -117.133142, "Demo Stop 2", "STOP2")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:15:00", departure_time="5:16:00")
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, stop_time="05:20:00")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, stop_time="05:22:00")
-    # Last stop must always have a time
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=None, departure_secs=None)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(
-        'arrival_time', c=lambda: trip.GetEndTime(problems=self.problems))
-class ShapeDistTraveledOfStopTimeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(
-        transitfeed.Route("54C", "Polish Hill", 3, "054C"))
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    shape = transitfeed.Shape("shape_1")
-    shape.AddPoint(36.425288, -117.133162, 0)
-    shape.AddPoint(36.424288, -117.133142, 1)
-    schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    trip.trip_headsign = 'via Polish Hill'
-    trip.direction_id = '0'
-    trip.block_id = None
-    trip.shape_id = 'shape_1'
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.425288, -117.133162, "Demo Stop 1", "STOP1")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00",
-                     stop_sequence=0, shape_dist_traveled=0)
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.424288, -117.133142, "Demo Stop 2", "STOP2")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:15:00", departure_time="5:16:00",
-                     stop_sequence=1, shape_dist_traveled=1)
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.423288, -117.133122, "Demo Stop 3", "STOP3")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:18:00", departure_time="5:19:00",
-                     stop_sequence=2, shape_dist_traveled=2)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('OtherProblem')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('shape_dist_traveled=2') != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # Error if the distance decreases.
-    shape.AddPoint(36.421288, -117.133132, 2)
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.421288, -117.133122, "Demo Stop 4", "STOP4")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    stoptime = transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
-                                    arrival_time="5:29:00", 
-                                    departure_time="5:29:00",stop_sequence=3, 
-                                    shape_dist_traveled=1.7)
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule=schedule)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('stop STOP4 has', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('shape_dist_traveled=1.7', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('distance was 2.0.', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    # Warning if distance remains the same between two stop_times 
-    stoptime.shape_dist_traveled = 2.0
-    trip.ReplaceStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule=schedule)
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('InvalidValue')
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('stop STOP4 has', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('shape_dist_traveled=2.0', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertMatchesRegex('distance was 2.0.', e.FormatProblem())
-    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopMatchWithShapeTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(
-        transitfeed.Route("54C", "Polish Hill", 3, "054C"))
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    shape = transitfeed.Shape("shape_1")
-    shape.AddPoint(36.425288, -117.133162, 0)
-    shape.AddPoint(36.424288, -117.143142, 1)
-    schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = '054C'
-    trip.service_id = 'WEEK'
-    trip.trip_id = '054C-00'
-    trip.shape_id = 'shape_1'
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    # Stop 1 is only 600 meters away from shape, which is allowed.
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.425288, -117.139162, "Demo Stop 1", "STOP1")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00",
-                     stop_sequence=0, shape_dist_traveled=0)
-    # Stop 2 is more than 1000 meters away from shape, which is not allowed.
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(36.424288, -117.158142, "Demo Stop 2", "STOP2")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="5:15:00", departure_time="5:16:00",
-                     stop_sequence=1, shape_dist_traveled=1)
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('Demo Stop 2') != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('1344 meters away') != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TripAddStopTimeObjectTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("\xc8\x8b Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140, lat=48.2, name="Stop 1")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.001, lat=48.201, name="Stop 2")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute("B", "Beta", "Bus")
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, "bus trip")
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1,
-                                                arrival_secs=10,
-                                                departure_secs=10),
-                           schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems)
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop2,
-                                                arrival_secs=20,
-                                                departure_secs=20),
-                           schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems)
-    # TODO: Factor out checks or use mock problems object
-    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(lambda:
-      trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1,
-                                                  arrival_secs=15,
-                                                  departure_secs=15),
-                             schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems))
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1),
-                           schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems)
-    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(lambda:
-        trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1,
-                                                    arrival_secs=15,
-                                                    departure_secs=15),
-                               schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems))
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop1,
-                                                arrival_secs=30,
-                                                departure_secs=30),
-                           schedule=schedule, problems=self.problems)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class DuplicateTripTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule._check_duplicate_trips = True;
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency('Demo agency', 'http://google.com',
-                                'America/Los_Angeles', 'agency1')
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-    service = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service.SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    route1 = transitfeed.Route('Route1', 'route 1', 3, 'route_1', 'agency1')
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route1)
-    route2 = transitfeed.Route('Route2', 'route 2', 3, 'route_2', 'agency1')
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route2)
-    trip1 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip1.route_id = 'route_1'
-    trip1.trip_id = 't1'
-    trip1.trip_headsign = 'via Polish Hill'
-    trip1.direction_id =  '0'
-    trip1.service_id = service.service_id
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip1)
-    trip2 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip2.route_id = 'route_2'
-    trip2.trip_id = 't2'
-    trip2.trip_headsign = 'New'
-    trip2.direction_id =  '0'
-    trip2.service_id = service.service_id
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip2)
-    trip3 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip3.route_id = 'route_1'
-    trip3.trip_id = 't3'
-    trip3.trip_headsign = 'New Demo'
-    trip3.direction_id =  '0'
-    trip3.service_id = service.service_id
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip3)
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(36.425288, -117.139162, "Demo Stop 1", "STOP1")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop1)
-    trip1.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00",
-                     stop_sequence=0, shape_dist_traveled=0)
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00",
-                     stop_sequence=0, shape_dist_traveled=0)
-    trip3.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="6:11:00", departure_time="6:12:00",
-                     stop_sequence=0, shape_dist_traveled=0)
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(36.424288, -117.158142, "Demo Stop 2", "STOP2")
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop2)
-    trip1.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="5:15:00", departure_time="5:16:00",
-                      stop_sequence=1, shape_dist_traveled=1)
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="5:25:00", departure_time="5:26:00",
-                      stop_sequence=1, shape_dist_traveled=1)
-    trip3.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="6:15:00", departure_time="6:16:00",
-                      stop_sequence=1, shape_dist_traveled=1)
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException('DuplicateTrip')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('t1 of route') != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find('t2 of route') != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class StopBelongsToBothSubwayAndBusTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Demo Agency", "http://example.com",
-                        "America/Los_Angeles")
-    route1 = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="route1", long_name="route_1",
-                               route_type=3)
-    route2 = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="route2", long_name="route_2",
-                               route_type=1)
-    service = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service.SetDateHasService("20070101")
-    trip1 = route1.AddTrip(schedule, "trip1", service, "t1")
-    trip2 = route2.AddTrip(schedule, "trip2", service, "t2")
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(36.425288, -117.133162, "stop1")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(36.424288, -117.133142, "stop2")
-    stop3 = schedule.AddStop(36.423288, -117.134142, "stop3")
-    trip1.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00")
-    trip1.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="5:21:00", departure_time="5:22:00")
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="6:11:00", departure_time="6:12:00")
-    trip2.AddStopTime(stop3, arrival_time="6:21:00", departure_time="6:22:00")
-    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("StopWithMultipleRouteTypes")
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("Stop stop1") != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("subway (ID=1)") != -1)
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("bus line (ID=0)") != -1)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TripReplaceStopTimeObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    schedule.AddAgency("\xc8\x8b Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = \
-      schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140, lat=48.2, name="Stop 1")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute("B", "Beta", "Bus")
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, "bus trip")
-    stoptime = transitfeed.StopTime(transitfeed.default_problem_reporter, stop1,
-                                    arrival_secs=10,
-                                    departure_secs=10)
-    trip.AddStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule=schedule)
-    stoptimes = trip.GetStopTimes()
-    stoptime.departure_secs = 20
-    trip.ReplaceStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule=schedule)
-    stoptimes = trip.GetStopTimes()
-    self.assertEqual(len(stoptimes), 1)
-    self.assertEqual(stoptimes[0].departure_secs, 20)
-    unknown_stop = schedule.AddStop(lng=140, lat=48.2, name="unknown")
-    unknown_stoptime = transitfeed.StopTime(
-        transitfeed.default_problem_reporter, unknown_stop,
-        arrival_secs=10,
-        departure_secs=10)
-    unknown_stoptime.stop_sequence = 5
-    # Attempting to replace a non-existent StopTime raises an error
-    self.assertRaises(transitfeed.Error, trip.ReplaceStopTimeObject,
-        unknown_stoptime, schedule=schedule)
-class TripStopTimeAccessorsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name="Test Agency",
-                              agency_url="http://example.com",
-                              agency_timezone="America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="54C", long_name="Polish Hill", route_type=3)
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetDateHasService("20070101")
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, 'via Polish Hill')
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(36.425288, -117.133162, "Demo Stop 1")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(36.424288, -117.133142, "Demo Stop 2")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="5:11:00", departure_time="5:12:00")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="5:15:00", departure_time="5:16:00")
-    # Add some more stop times and test GetEndTime does the correct thing
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(trip.GetStartTime()),
-        "05:11:00")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(trip.GetEndTime()),
-        "05:16:00")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time="05:20:00")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(trip.GetEndTime()),
-                     "05:20:00")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time="05:22:00")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(trip.GetEndTime()),
-                     "05:22:00")
-    self.assertEqual(len(trip.GetStopTimesTuples()), 4)
-    self.assertEqual(trip.GetStopTimesTuples()[0], (trip.trip_id, "05:11:00",
-                                                    "05:12:00", stop1.stop_id,
-                                                    1, '', '', '', ''))
-    self.assertEqual(trip.GetStopTimesTuples()[3], (trip.trip_id, "05:22:00",
-                                                    "05:22:00", stop2.stop_id,
-                                                    4, '', '', '', ''))
-class TripClearStopTimesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name="Test Agency",
-                              agency_timezone="America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="54C", long_name="Hill", route_type=3)
-    schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().SetDateHasService("20070101")
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(36, -117.1, "Demo Stop 1")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(36, -117.2, "Demo Stop 2")
-    stop3 = schedule.AddStop(36, -117.3, "Demo Stop 3")
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, "via Polish Hill")
-    trip.ClearStopTimes()
-    self.assertFalse(trip.GetStopTimes())
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time="5:11:00")
-    self.assertTrue(trip.GetStopTimes())
-    trip.ClearStopTimes()
-    self.assertFalse(trip.GetStopTimes())
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop3, stop_time="4:00:00")  # Can insert earlier time
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time="4:15:00")
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time="4:21:00")
-    old_stop_times = trip.GetStopTimes()
-    self.assertTrue(old_stop_times)
-    trip.ClearStopTimes()
-    self.assertFalse(trip.GetStopTimes())
-    for st in old_stop_times:
-      trip.AddStopTimeObject(st)
-    self.assertEqual(trip.GetStartTime(), 4 * 3600)
-    self.assertEqual(trip.GetEndTime(), 4 * 3600 + 21 * 60)
-class BasicParsingTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Checks that we're getting the number of child objects that we expect."""
-  def assertLoadedCorrectly(self, schedule):
-    """Check that the good_feed looks correct"""
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(schedule._agencies))
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(schedule.routes))
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(schedule.service_periods))
-    self.assertEqual(10, len(schedule.stops))
-    self.assertEqual(11, len(schedule.trips))
-    self.assertEqual(0, len(schedule.fare_zones))
-  def assertLoadedStopTimesCorrectly(self, schedule):
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(schedule.GetTrip('CITY1').GetStopTimes()))
-    self.assertEqual('to airport', schedule.GetTrip('STBA').GetStopTimes()[0].stop_headsign)
-    self.assertEqual(2, schedule.GetTrip('CITY1').GetStopTimes()[1].pickup_type)
-    self.assertEqual(3, schedule.GetTrip('CITY1').GetStopTimes()[1].drop_off_type)
-  def test_MemoryDb(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('good_feed.zip'),
-      problems=TestFailureProblemReporter(self),
-      extra_validation=True,
-      memory_db=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    self.assertLoadedCorrectly(schedule)
-    self.assertLoadedStopTimesCorrectly(schedule)
-  def test_TemporaryFile(self):
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('good_feed.zip'),
-      problems=TestFailureProblemReporter(self),
-      extra_validation=True,
-      memory_db=False)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    self.assertLoadedCorrectly(schedule)
-    self.assertLoadedStopTimesCorrectly(schedule)
-  def test_NoLoadStopTimes(self):
-    problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ignore_types=("ExpirationDate", "UnusedStop", "OtherProblem"))
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-      DataPath('good_feed.zip'),
-      problems=problems,
-      extra_validation=True,
-      load_stop_times=False)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    self.assertLoadedCorrectly(schedule)
-    self.assertEqual(0, len(schedule.GetTrip('CITY1').GetStopTimes()))
-class RepeatedRouteNameTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue('repeated_route_name', 'route_long_name')
-class InvalidRouteAgencyTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('invalid_route_agency')
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("agency_id", "routes.txt")
-    self.problems.PopInvalidValue("route_id", "trips.txt")
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class UndefinedStopAgencyTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue('undefined_stop', 'stop_id')
-class SameShortLongNameTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue('same_short_long_name', 'route_long_name')
-class UnusedStopAgencyTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('unused_stop'),
-    e = self.problems.PopException("UnusedStop")
-    self.assertEqual("Bogus Stop (Demo)", e.stop_name)
-    self.assertEqual("BOGUS", e.stop_id)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class OnlyCalendarDatesTestCase(LoadTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.Load('only_calendar_dates'),
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class DuplicateServiceIdDateWarningTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    # Two lines with the same value of service_id and date.
-    # Test for the warning.
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        'calendar_dates.txt',
-        'service_id,date,exception_type\n'
-        'FULLW,20100604,1\n'
-        'FULLW,20100604,2\n')
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('DuplicateID')
-    self.assertEquals('(service_id, date)', e.column_name)
-    self.assertEquals('(FULLW, 20100604)', e.value)
-class AddStopTimeParametersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problem_reporter = TestFailureProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problem_reporter)
-    route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="10", long_name="", route_type="Bus")
-    stop = schedule.AddStop(40, -128, "My stop")
-    # Stop must be added to schedule so that the call
-    # AddStopTime -> AddStopTimeObject -> GetStopTimes -> GetStop can work
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = route.route_id
-    trip.service_id = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().service_id
-    trip.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    # First stop must have time
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=300, departure_secs=360)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time="00:07:00", departure_time="00:07:30")
-    trip.Validate(problem_reporter)
-class ExpirationDateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    now = time.mktime(time.localtime())
-    seconds_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24
-    two_weeks_ago = time.localtime(now - 14 * seconds_per_day)
-    two_weeks_from_now = time.localtime(now + 14 * seconds_per_day)
-    two_months_from_now = time.localtime(now + 60 * seconds_per_day)
-    date_format = "%Y%m%d"
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate(time.strftime(date_format, two_months_from_now))
-    schedule.Validate()  # should have no problems
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    service_period.SetEndDate(time.strftime(date_format, two_weeks_from_now))
-    schedule.Validate()
-    e = problems.PopException('ExpirationDate')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().index('will soon expire'))
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    service_period.SetEndDate(time.strftime(date_format, two_weeks_ago))
-    schedule.Validate()
-    e = problems.PopException('ExpirationDate')
-    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().index('expired'))
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class FutureServiceStartDateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    today = datetime.date.today()
-    yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    two_months_from_today = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    service_period.SetWeekendService(True)
-    service_period.SetEndDate(two_months_from_today.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-    service_period.SetStartDate(yesterday.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-    schedule.Validate()
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    service_period.SetStartDate(today.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-    schedule.Validate()
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    service_period.SetStartDate(tomorrow.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
-    schedule.Validate()
-    problems.PopException('FutureService')
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class CalendarTxtIntegrationTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def testBadEndDateFormat(self):
-    # A badly formatted end_date used to generate an InvalidValue report from
-    # Schedule.Validate and ServicePeriod.Validate. Test for the bug.
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101,20101232\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopInvalidValue('end_date')
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testBadStartDateFormat(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,200701xx,20101231\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopInvalidValue('start_date')
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testNoStartDateAndEndDate(self):
-    """Regression test for calendar.txt with empty start_date and end_date.
-    See http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=41
-    """
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,    ,\t\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingValue")
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals("start_date", e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingValue")
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals("end_date", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testNoStartDateAndBadEndDate(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date,end_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,,abc\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingValue")
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.assertEquals("start_date", e.column_name)
-    e = self.problems.PopInvalidValue("end_date")
-    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-  def testMissingEndDateColumn(self):
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "calendar.txt",
-        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
-        "start_date\n"
-        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101\n"
-        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101\n")
-    schedule = self.loader.Load()
-    e = self.problems.PopException("MissingColumn")
-    self.assertEquals("end_date", e.column_name)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class DuplicateTripIDValidationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    schedule.AddAgency("Sample Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route"
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip1 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip1.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip1.service_id = "WEEK"
-    trip1.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip1)
-    trip2 = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip2.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip2.service_id = "WEEK"
-    trip2.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    try:
-      schedule.AddTripObject(trip2)
-      self.fail("Expected Duplicate ID validation failure")
-    except transitfeed.DuplicateID, e:
-      self.assertEqual("trip_id", e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual("SAMPLE_TRIP", e.value)
-class DuplicateStopValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Sample Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route"
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip.service_id = "WEEK"
-    trip.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop1.stop_id = "STOP1"
-    stop1.stop_name = "Stop 1"
-    stop1.stop_lat = 78.243587
-    stop1.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop1)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="12:00:00", departure_time="12:00:00")
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop2.stop_id = "STOP2"
-    stop2.stop_name = "Stop 2"
-    stop2.stop_lat = 78.253587
-    stop2.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop2)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="12:05:00", departure_time="12:05:00")
-    schedule.Validate()
-    stop3 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop3.stop_id = "STOP3"
-    stop3.stop_name = "Stop 3"
-    stop3.stop_lat = 78.243587
-    stop3.stop_lon = 32.268937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop3)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop3, arrival_time="12:10:00", departure_time="12:10:00")
-    schedule.Validate()
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    stop4 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop4.stop_id = "STOP4"
-    stop4.stop_name = "Stop 4"
-    stop4.stop_lat = 78.243588
-    stop4.stop_lon = 32.268936
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop4)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop4, arrival_time="12:15:00", departure_time="12:15:00")
-    schedule.Validate()
-    e = self.problems.PopException('StopsTooClose')
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-class TempFileTestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """
-  Subclass of TestCase which sets self.tempfilepath to a valid temporary zip
-  file name and removes the file if it exists when the test is done.
-  """
-  def setUp(self):
-    (fd, self.tempfilepath) = tempfile.mkstemp(".zip")
-    # Open file handle causes an exception during remove in Windows
-    os.close(fd)
-  def tearDown(self):
-    if os.path.exists(self.tempfilepath):
-      os.remove(self.tempfilepath)
-class MinimalWriteTestCase(TempFileTestCaseBase):
-  """
-  This test case simply constructs an incomplete feed with very few
-  fields set and ensures that there are no exceptions when writing it out.
-  This is very similar to TransitFeedSampleCodeTestCase below, but that one
-  will no doubt change as the sample code is altered.
-  """
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    schedule.AddAgency("Sample Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_short_name = "66"
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route acute letter e\202"
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip.service_period = service_period
-    trip.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop1.stop_id = "STOP1"
-    stop1.stop_name = u'Stop 1 acute letter e\202'
-    stop1.stop_lat = 78.243587
-    stop1.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop1)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="12:00:00", departure_time="12:00:00")
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop2.stop_id = "STOP2"
-    stop2.stop_name = "Stop 2"
-    stop2.stop_lat = 78.253587
-    stop2.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop2)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="12:05:00", departure_time="12:05:00")
-    schedule.Validate()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self.tempfilepath)
-class TransitFeedSampleCodeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """
-  This test should simply contain the sample code printed on the page:
-  http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/TransitFeed
-  to ensure that it doesn't cause any exceptions.
-  """
-  def runTest(self):
-    import transitfeed
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    schedule.AddAgency("Sample Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_short_name = "66"
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route"
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip.service_period = service_period
-    trip.trip_id = "SAMPLE_TRIP"
-    trip.direction_id = "0"
-    trip.block_id = None
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop1.stop_id = "STOP1"
-    stop1.stop_name = "Stop 1"
-    stop1.stop_lat = 78.243587
-    stop1.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop1)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, arrival_time="12:00:00", departure_time="12:00:00")
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop()
-    stop2.stop_id = "STOP2"
-    stop2.stop_name = "Stop 2"
-    stop2.stop_lat = 78.253587
-    stop2.stop_lon = 32.258937
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop2)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, arrival_time="12:05:00", departure_time="12:05:00")
-    schedule.Validate()  # not necessary, but helpful for finding problems
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed("new_feed.zip")
-class AgencyIDValidationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route"
-    # no agency defined yet, failure.
-    try:
-      schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-      self.fail("Expected validation error")
-    except transitfeed.InvalidValue, e:
-      self.assertEqual('agency_id', e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual(None, e.value)
-    # one agency defined, assume that the route belongs to it
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles", "TEST_AGENCY")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency 2", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles", "TEST_AGENCY_2")
-    route = transitfeed.Route()
-    route.route_id = "SAMPLE_ID_2"
-    route.route_type = 3
-    route.route_long_name = "Sample Route 2"
-    # multiple agencies defined, don't know what omitted agency_id should be
-    try:
-      schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-      self.fail("Expected validation error")
-    except transitfeed.InvalidValue, e:
-      self.assertEqual('agency_id', e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual(None, e.value)
-    # agency with no agency_id defined, matches route with no agency id
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency 3", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-class AddHeadwayPeriodValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
-  def ExpectInvalidValue(self, start_time, end_time, headway,
-                         column_name, value):
-    try:
-      trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-      trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(start_time, end_time, headway)
-      self.fail("Expected InvalidValue error on %s" % column_name)
-    except transitfeed.InvalidValue, e:
-      self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual(value, e.value)
-      self.assertEqual(0, len(trip.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples()))
-  def ExpectMissingValue(self, start_time, end_time, headway, column_name):
-    try:
-      trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-      trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(start_time, end_time, headway)
-      self.fail("Expected MissingValue error on %s" % column_name)
-    except transitfeed.MissingValue, e:
-      self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
-      self.assertEqual(0, len(trip.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples()))
-  def runTest(self):
-    # these should work fine
-    trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-    trip.trip_id = "SAMPLE_ID"
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(0, 50, 1200)
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod("01:00:00", "02:00:00", "600")
-    trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(u"02:00:00", u"03:00:00", u"1800")
-    headways = trip.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples()
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(headways))
-    self.assertEqual((0, 50, 1200), headways[0])
-    self.assertEqual((3600, 7200, 600), headways[1])
-    self.assertEqual((7200, 10800, 1800), headways[2])
-    self.assertEqual([("SAMPLE_ID", "00:00:00", "00:00:50", "1200"),
-                      ("SAMPLE_ID", "01:00:00", "02:00:00", "600"),
-                      ("SAMPLE_ID", "02:00:00", "03:00:00", "1800")],
-                     trip.GetHeadwayPeriodOutputTuples())
-    # now test invalid input
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(None, 50, 1200, "start_time")
-    self.ExpectMissingValue("", 50, 1200, "start_time")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue("midnight", 50, 1200, "start_time", "midnight")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(-50, 50, 1200, "start_time", -50)
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(0, None, 1200, "end_time")
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(0, "", 1200, "end_time")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(0, "noon", 1200, "end_time", "noon")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(0, -50, 1200, "end_time", -50)
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(0, 600, 0, "headway_secs")
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(0, 600, None, "headway_secs")
-    self.ExpectMissingValue(0, 600, "", "headway_secs")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(0, 600, "test", "headway_secs", "test")
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(0, 600, -60, "headway_secs", -60)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue(0, 0, 1200, "end_time", 0)
-    self.ExpectInvalidValue("12:00:00", "06:00:00", 1200, "end_time", 21600)
-class MinimalUtf8Builder(TempFileTestCaseBase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    schedule.AddAgency("\xc8\x8b Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    # "u020b i with inverted accent breve" encoded in utf-8
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140, lat=48.2, name="\xc8\x8b hub")
-    # "u020b i with inverted accent breve" as unicode string
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.001, lat=48.201, name=u"remote \u020b station")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute(u"\u03b2", "Beta", "Bus")
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, u"to remote \u020b station")
-    repr(stop1)
-    repr(stop2)
-    repr(route)
-    repr(trip)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, schedule=schedule, stop_time='10:00:00')
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='10:10:00')
-    schedule.Validate(problems)
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self.tempfilepath)
-    read_schedule = \
-        transitfeed.Loader(self.tempfilepath, problems=problems,
-                           extra_validation=True).Load()
-class ScheduleBuilderTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    schedule.AddAgency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    self.assertTrue(service_period.service_id)
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(has_service=True)
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20070320")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20071231")
-    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-140.12, lat=48.921,
-                             name="one forty at forty eight")
-    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-140.22, lat=48.421, name="west and south")
-    stop3 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-140.32, lat=48.121, name="more away")
-    stop4 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-140.42, lat=48.021, name="more more away")
-    route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="R", long_name="My Route",
-                              route_type="Bus")
-    self.assertTrue(route.route_id)
-    self.assertEqual(route.route_short_name, "R")
-    self.assertEqual(route.route_type, 3)
-    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign="To The End",
-                         service_period=service_period)
-    trip_id = trip.trip_id
-    self.assertTrue(trip_id)
-    trip = schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-    self.assertEqual("To The End", trip.trip_headsign)
-    self.assertEqual(service_period, trip.service_period)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop=stop1, arrival_secs=3600*8, departure_secs=3600*8)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop=stop2)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop=stop3, arrival_secs=3600*8 + 60*60,
-                     departure_secs=3600*8 + 60*60)
-    trip.AddStopTime(stop=stop4, arrival_time="9:13:00",
-                     departure_secs=3600*8 + 60*103, stop_headsign="Last stop",
-                     pickup_type=1, drop_off_type=3)
-    schedule.Validate()
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(trip.GetTimeStops()))
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(schedule.GetRouteList()))
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(schedule.GetStopList()))
-class WriteSampleFeedTestCase(TempFileTestCaseBase):
-  def assertEqualTimeString(self, a, b):
-    """Assert that a and b are equal, even if they don't have the same zero
-    padding on the hour. IE 08:45:00 vs 8:45:00."""
-    if a[1] == ':':
-      a = '0' + a
-    if b[1] == ':':
-      b = '0' + b
-    self.assertEqual(a, b)
-  def assertEqualWithDefault(self, a, b, default):
-    """Assert that a and b are equal. Treat None and default as equal."""
-    if a == b:
-      return
-    if a in (None, default) and b in (None, default):
-      return
-    self.assertTrue(False, "a=%s b=%s" % (a, b))
-  def runTest(self):
-    problems = RecordingProblemReporter(self, ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",))
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency()
-    agency.agency_id = "DTA"
-    agency.agency_name = "Demo Transit Authority"
-    agency.agency_url = "http://google.com"
-    agency.agency_timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"
-    agency.agency_lang = 'en'
-    # Test that unknown columns, such as agency_mission, are preserved
-    agency.agency_mission = "Get You There"
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-    routes = []
-    route_data = [
-        ("AB", "DTA", "10", "Airport - Bullfrog", 3),
-        ("BFC", "DTA", "20", "Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort", 3),
-        ("STBA", "DTA", "30", "Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle", 3),
-        ("CITY", "DTA", "40", "City", 3),
-        ("AAMV", "DTA", "50", "Airport - Amargosa Valley", 3)
-      ]
-    for route_entry in route_data:
-      route = transitfeed.Route()
-      (route.route_id, route.agency_id, route.route_short_name,
-       route.route_long_name, route.route_type) = route_entry
-      routes.append(route)
-      schedule.AddRouteObject(route)
-    shape_data = [
-      (36.915760, -116.751709),
-      (36.905018, -116.763206),
-      (36.902134, -116.777969),
-      (36.904091, -116.788185),
-      (36.883602, -116.814537),
-      (36.874523, -116.795593),
-      (36.873302, -116.786491),
-      (36.869202, -116.784241),
-      (36.868515, -116.784729),
-    ]
-    shape = transitfeed.Shape("BFC1S")
-    for (lat, lon) in shape_data:
-      shape.AddPoint(lat, lon)
-    schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
-    week_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    week_period.service_id = "FULLW"
-    week_period.start_date = "20070101"
-    week_period.end_date = "20071231"
-    week_period.SetWeekdayService()
-    week_period.SetWeekendService()
-    week_period.SetDateHasService("20070604", False)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(week_period)
-    weekend_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    weekend_period.service_id = "WE"
-    weekend_period.start_date = "20070101"
-    weekend_period.end_date = "20071231"
-    weekend_period.SetWeekendService()
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(weekend_period)
-    stops = []
-    stop_data = [
-        ("FUR_CREEK_RES", "Furnace Creek Resort (Demo)",
-         36.425288, -117.133162, "zone-a", "1234"),
-        ("BEATTY_AIRPORT", "Nye County Airport (Demo)",
-         36.868446, -116.784682, "zone-a", "1235"),
-        ("BULLFROG", "Bullfrog (Demo)", 36.88108, -116.81797, "zone-b", "1236"),
-        ("STAGECOACH", "Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo)",
-         36.915682, -116.751677, "zone-c", "1237"),
-        ("NADAV", "North Ave / D Ave N (Demo)", 36.914893, -116.76821, "", ""),
-        ("NANAA", "North Ave / N A Ave (Demo)", 36.914944, -116.761472, "", ""),
-        ("DADAN", "Doing AVe / D Ave N (Demo)", 36.909489, -116.768242, "", ""),
-        ("EMSI", "E Main St / S Irving St (Demo)",
-         36.905697, -116.76218, "", ""),
-        ("AMV", "Amargosa Valley (Demo)", 36.641496, -116.40094, "", ""),
-      ]
-    for stop_entry in stop_data:
-      stop = transitfeed.Stop()
-      (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon,
-          stop.zone_id, stop.stop_code) = stop_entry
-      schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-      stops.append(stop)
-    # Add a value to an unknown column and make sure it is preserved
-    schedule.GetStop("BULLFROG").stop_sound = "croak!"
-    trip_data = [
-        ("AB", "FULLW", "AB1", "to Bullfrog", "0", "1", None),
-        ("AB", "FULLW", "AB2", "to Airport", "1", "2", None),
-        ("STBA", "FULLW", "STBA", "Shuttle", None, None, None),
-        ("CITY", "FULLW", "CITY1", None, "0", None, None),
-        ("CITY", "FULLW", "CITY2", None, "1", None, None),
-        ("BFC", "FULLW", "BFC1", "to Furnace Creek Resort", "0", "1", "BFC1S"),
-        ("BFC", "FULLW", "BFC2", "to Bullfrog", "1", "2", None),
-        ("AAMV", "WE", "AAMV1", "to Amargosa Valley", "0", None, None),
-        ("AAMV", "WE", "AAMV2", "to Airport", "1", None, None),
-        ("AAMV", "WE", "AAMV3", "to Amargosa Valley", "0", None, None),
-        ("AAMV", "WE", "AAMV4", "to Airport", "1", None, None),
-      ]
-    trips = []
-    for trip_entry in trip_data:
-      trip = transitfeed.Trip()
-      (trip.route_id, trip.service_id, trip.trip_id, trip.trip_headsign,
-       trip.direction_id, trip.block_id, trip.shape_id) = trip_entry
-      trips.append(trip)
-      schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    stop_time_data = {
-        "STBA": [("6:00:00", "6:00:00", "STAGECOACH", None, None, None, None),
-                 ("6:20:00", "6:20:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None)],
-        "CITY1": [("6:00:00", "6:00:00", "STAGECOACH", 1.34, 0, 0, "stop 1"),
-                  ("6:05:00", "6:07:00", "NANAA", 2.40, 1, 2, "stop 2"),
-                  ("6:12:00", "6:14:00", "NADAV", 3.0, 2, 2, "stop 3"),
-                  ("6:19:00", "6:21:00", "DADAN", 4, 2, 2, "stop 4"),
-                  ("6:26:00", "6:28:00", "EMSI", 5.78, 2, 3, "stop 5")],
-        "CITY2": [("6:28:00", "6:28:00", "EMSI", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("6:35:00", "6:37:00", "DADAN", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("6:42:00", "6:44:00", "NADAV", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("6:49:00", "6:51:00", "NANAA", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("6:56:00", "6:58:00", "STAGECOACH", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AB1": [("8:00:00", "8:00:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None),
-                ("8:10:00", "8:15:00", "BULLFROG", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AB2": [("12:05:00", "12:05:00", "BULLFROG", None, None, None, None),
-                ("12:15:00", "12:15:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None)],
-        "BFC1": [("8:20:00", "8:20:00", "BULLFROG", None, None, None, None),
-                 ("9:20:00", "9:20:00", "FUR_CREEK_RES", None, None, None, None)],
-        "BFC2": [("11:00:00", "11:00:00", "FUR_CREEK_RES", None, None, None, None),
-                 ("12:00:00", "12:00:00", "BULLFROG", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AAMV1": [("8:00:00", "8:00:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("9:00:00", "9:00:00", "AMV", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AAMV2": [("10:00:00", "10:00:00", "AMV", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("11:00:00", "11:00:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AAMV3": [("13:00:00", "13:00:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("14:00:00", "14:00:00", "AMV", None, None, None, None)],
-        "AAMV4": [("15:00:00", "15:00:00", "AMV", None, None, None, None),
-                  ("16:00:00", "16:00:00", "BEATTY_AIRPORT", None, None, None, None)],
-      }
-    for trip_id, stop_time_list in stop_time_data.items():
-      for stop_time_entry in stop_time_list:
-        (arrival_time, departure_time, stop_id, shape_dist_traveled,
-            pickup_type, drop_off_type, stop_headsign) = stop_time_entry
-        trip = schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-        stop = schedule.GetStop(stop_id)
-        trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_time=arrival_time,
-                         departure_time=departure_time,
-                         shape_dist_traveled=shape_dist_traveled,
-                         pickup_type=pickup_type, drop_off_type=drop_off_type,
-                         stop_headsign=stop_headsign)
-    self.assertEqual(0, schedule.GetTrip("CITY1").GetStopTimes()[0].pickup_type)
-    self.assertEqual(1, schedule.GetTrip("CITY1").GetStopTimes()[1].pickup_type)
-    headway_data = [
-        ("STBA", "6:00:00", "22:00:00", 1800),
-        ("CITY1", "6:00:00", "7:59:59", 1800),
-        ("CITY2", "6:00:00", "7:59:59", 1800),
-        ("CITY1", "8:00:00", "9:59:59", 600),
-        ("CITY2", "8:00:00", "9:59:59", 600),
-        ("CITY1", "10:00:00", "15:59:59", 1800),
-        ("CITY2", "10:00:00", "15:59:59", 1800),
-        ("CITY1", "16:00:00", "18:59:59", 600),
-        ("CITY2", "16:00:00", "18:59:59", 600),
-        ("CITY1", "19:00:00", "22:00:00", 1800),
-        ("CITY2", "19:00:00", "22:00:00", 1800),
-      ]
-    headway_trips = {}
-    for headway_entry in headway_data:
-      (trip_id, start_time, end_time, headway) = headway_entry
-      headway_trips[trip_id] = []  # adding to set to check later
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-      trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(start_time, end_time, headway, problems)
-    for trip_id in headway_trips:
-      headway_trips[trip_id] = \
-          schedule.GetTrip(trip_id).GetHeadwayPeriodTuples()
-    fare_data = [
-        ("p", 1.25, "USD", 0, 0),
-        ("a", 5.25, "USD", 0, 0),
-      ]
-    fares = []
-    for fare_entry in fare_data:
-      fare = transitfeed.Fare(fare_entry[0], fare_entry[1], fare_entry[2],
-                              fare_entry[3], fare_entry[4])
-      fares.append(fare)
-      schedule.AddFareObject(fare)
-    fare_rule_data = [
-        ("p", "AB", "zone-a", "zone-b", None),
-        ("p", "STBA", "zone-a", None, "zone-c"),
-        ("p", "BFC", None, "zone-b", "zone-a"),
-        ("a", "AAMV", None, None, None),
-      ]
-    for fare_id, route_id, orig_id, dest_id, contains_id in fare_rule_data:
-      rule = transitfeed.FareRule(
-          fare_id=fare_id, route_id=route_id, origin_id=orig_id,
-          destination_id=dest_id, contains_id=contains_id)
-      schedule.AddFareRuleObject(rule, problems)
-    schedule.Validate(problems)
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self.tempfilepath)
-    read_schedule = \
-        transitfeed.Loader(self.tempfilepath, problems=problems,
-                           extra_validation=True).Load()
-    e = problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "agency.txt")
-    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, "agency_mission")
-    e = problems.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
-    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "stops.txt")
-    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, "stop_sound")
-    problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(read_schedule.GetAgencyList()))
-    self.assertEqual(agency, read_schedule.GetAgency(agency.agency_id))
-    self.assertEqual(len(routes), len(read_schedule.GetRouteList()))
-    for route in routes:
-      self.assertEqual(route, read_schedule.GetRoute(route.route_id))
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(read_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()))
-    self.assertEqual(week_period,
-                     read_schedule.GetServicePeriod(week_period.service_id))
-    self.assertEqual(weekend_period,
-                     read_schedule.GetServicePeriod(weekend_period.service_id))
-    self.assertEqual(len(stops), len(read_schedule.GetStopList()))
-    for stop in stops:
-      self.assertEqual(stop, read_schedule.GetStop(stop.stop_id))
-    self.assertEqual("croak!", read_schedule.GetStop("BULLFROG").stop_sound)
-    self.assertEqual(len(trips), len(read_schedule.GetTripList()))
-    for trip in trips:
-      self.assertEqual(trip, read_schedule.GetTrip(trip.trip_id))
-    for trip_id in headway_trips:
-      self.assertEqual(headway_trips[trip_id],
-                       read_schedule.GetTrip(trip_id).GetHeadwayPeriodTuples())
-    for trip_id, stop_time_list in stop_time_data.items():
-      trip = read_schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-      read_stoptimes = trip.GetStopTimes()
-      self.assertEqual(len(read_stoptimes), len(stop_time_list))
-      for stop_time_entry, read_stoptime in zip(stop_time_list, read_stoptimes):
-        (arrival_time, departure_time, stop_id, shape_dist_traveled,
-            pickup_type, drop_off_type, stop_headsign) = stop_time_entry
-        self.assertEqual(stop_id, read_stoptime.stop_id)
-        self.assertEqual(read_schedule.GetStop(stop_id), read_stoptime.stop)
-        self.assertEqualTimeString(arrival_time, read_stoptime.arrival_time)
-        self.assertEqualTimeString(departure_time, read_stoptime.departure_time)
-        self.assertEqual(shape_dist_traveled, read_stoptime.shape_dist_traveled)
-        self.assertEqualWithDefault(pickup_type, read_stoptime.pickup_type, 0)
-        self.assertEqualWithDefault(drop_off_type, read_stoptime.drop_off_type, 0)
-        self.assertEqualWithDefault(stop_headsign, read_stoptime.stop_headsign, '')
-    self.assertEqual(len(fares), len(read_schedule.GetFareList()))
-    for fare in fares:
-      self.assertEqual(fare, read_schedule.GetFare(fare.fare_id))
-    read_fare_rules_data = []
-    for fare in read_schedule.GetFareList():
-      for rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
-        self.assertEqual(fare.fare_id, rule.fare_id)
-        read_fare_rules_data.append((fare.fare_id, rule.route_id,
-                                     rule.origin_id, rule.destination_id,
-                                     rule.contains_id))
-    fare_rule_data.sort()
-    read_fare_rules_data.sort()
-    self.assertEqual(len(read_fare_rules_data), len(fare_rule_data))
-    for rf, f in zip(read_fare_rules_data, fare_rule_data):
-      self.assertEqual(rf, f)
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(read_schedule.GetShapeList()))
-    self.assertEqual(shape, read_schedule.GetShape(shape.shape_id))
-# TODO: test GetPattern
-class DefaultAgencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def freeAgency(self, ex=''):
-    agency = transitfeed.Agency()
-    agency.agency_id = 'agencytestid' + ex
-    agency.agency_name = 'Foo Bus Line' + ex
-    agency.agency_url = 'http://gofoo.com/' + ex
-    agency.agency_timezone='America/Los_Angeles'
-    return agency
-  def test_SetDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency = self.freeAgency()
-    schedule.SetDefaultAgency(agency)
-    self.assertEqual(agency, schedule.GetDefaultAgency())
-  def test_NewDefaultAgency(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency1 = schedule.NewDefaultAgency()
-    self.assertTrue(agency1.agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(agency1.agency_id, schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(schedule.GetAgencyList()))
-    agency2 = schedule.NewDefaultAgency()
-    self.assertTrue(agency2.agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(agency2.agency_id, schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(schedule.GetAgencyList()))
-    self.assertNotEqual(agency1, agency2)
-    self.assertNotEqual(agency1.agency_id, agency2.agency_id)
-    agency3 = schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_id='agency3',
-                                        agency_name='Agency 3',
-                                        agency_url='http://goagency')
-    self.assertEqual(agency3.agency_id, 'agency3')
-    self.assertEqual(agency3.agency_name, 'Agency 3')
-    self.assertEqual(agency3.agency_url, 'http://goagency')
-    self.assertEqual(agency3, schedule.GetDefaultAgency())
-    self.assertEqual('agency3', schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(schedule.GetAgencyList()))
-  def test_NoAgencyMakeNewDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency = schedule.GetDefaultAgency()
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(agency, transitfeed.Agency))
-    self.assertTrue(agency.agency_id)
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(schedule.GetAgencyList()))
-    self.assertEqual(agency, schedule.GetAgencyList()[0])
-    self.assertEqual(agency.agency_id, schedule.GetAgencyList()[0].agency_id)
-  def test_AssumeSingleAgencyIsDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency1 = self.freeAgency()
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency1)
-    agency2 = self.freeAgency('2')  # don't add to schedule
-    # agency1 is default because it is the only Agency in schedule
-    self.assertEqual(agency1, schedule.GetDefaultAgency())
-  def test_MultipleAgencyCausesNoDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency1 = self.freeAgency()
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency1)
-    agency2 = self.freeAgency('2')
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency2)
-    self.assertEqual(None, schedule.GetDefaultAgency())
-  def test_OverwriteExistingAgency(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    agency1 = self.freeAgency()
-    agency1.agency_id = '1'
-    schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency1)
-    agency2 = schedule.NewDefaultAgency()
-    # Make sure agency1 was not overwritten by the new default
-    self.assertEqual(agency1, schedule.GetAgency(agency1.agency_id))
-    self.assertNotEqual('1', agency2.agency_id)
-class FindUniqueIdTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def test_simple(self):
-    d = {}
-    for i in range(0, 5):
-      d[transitfeed.FindUniqueId(d)] = 1
-    k = d.keys()
-    k.sort()
-    self.assertEqual(('0', '1', '2', '3', '4'), tuple(k))
-  def test_AvoidCollision(self):
-    d = {'1': 1}
-    d[transitfeed.FindUniqueId(d)] = 1
-    self.assertEqual(2, len(d))
-    self.assertFalse('2' in d, "Ops, next statement should add something to d")
-    d['2'] = None
-    d[transitfeed.FindUniqueId(d)] = 1
-    self.assertEqual(4, len(d))
-class DefaultServicePeriodTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def test_SetDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    service1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    service1.SetDateHasService('20070101', True)
-    service1.service_id = 'SERVICE1'
-    schedule.SetDefaultServicePeriod(service1)
-    self.assertEqual(service1, schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod())
-    self.assertEqual(service1, schedule.GetServicePeriod(service1.service_id))
-  def test_NewDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    service1 = schedule.NewDefaultServicePeriod()
-    self.assertTrue(service1.service_id)
-    schedule.GetServicePeriod(service1.service_id)
-    service1.SetDateHasService('20070101', True)  # Make service1 different
-    service2 = schedule.NewDefaultServicePeriod()
-    schedule.GetServicePeriod(service2.service_id)
-    self.assertTrue(service1.service_id)
-    self.assertTrue(service2.service_id)
-    self.assertNotEqual(service1, service2)
-    self.assertNotEqual(service1.service_id, service2.service_id)
-  def test_NoServicesMakesNewDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    service1 = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    self.assertEqual(service1, schedule.GetServicePeriod(service1.service_id))
-  def test_AssumeSingleServiceIsDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    service1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    service1.SetDateHasService('20070101', True)
-    service1.service_id = 'SERVICE1'
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service1)
-    self.assertEqual(service1, schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod())
-    self.assertEqual(service1.service_id, schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod().service_id)
-  def test_MultipleServicesCausesNoDefault(self):
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-    service1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    service1.service_id = 'SERVICE1'
-    service1.SetDateHasService('20070101', True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service1)
-    service2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
-    service2.service_id = 'SERVICE2'
-    service2.SetDateHasService('20070201', True)
-    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service2)
-    service_d = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    self.assertEqual(service_d, None)
-class GetTripTimeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Test for GetStopTimeTrips and GetTimeInterpolatedStops"""
-  def setUp(self):
-    problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    self.schedule = schedule
-    schedule.AddAgency("Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetDateHasService('20070101')
-    self.stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.01, lat=0, name="140.01,0")
-    self.stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.02, lat=0, name="140.02,0")
-    self.stop3 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.03, lat=0, name="140.03,0")
-    self.stop4 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.04, lat=0, name="140.04,0")
-    self.stop5 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.05, lat=0, name="140.05,0")
-    self.route1 = schedule.AddRoute("1", "One", "Bus")
-    self.trip1 = self.route1.AddTrip(schedule, "trip 1", trip_id='trip1')
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=100, arrival_secs=100)
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, schedule=schedule)
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=schedule)
-    # loop back to stop2 to test that interpolated stops work ok even when
-    # a stop between timepoints is further from the timepoint than the
-    # preceding
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, schedule=schedule)
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop4, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=400, arrival_secs=400)
-    self.trip2 = self.route1.AddTrip(schedule, "trip 2", trip_id='trip2')
-    self.trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop2, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=500, arrival_secs=500)
-    self.trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=600, arrival_secs=600)
-    self.trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop4, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=700, arrival_secs=700)
-    self.trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=schedule, departure_secs=800, arrival_secs=800)
-    self.trip3 = self.route1.AddTrip(schedule, "trip 3", trip_id='trip3')
-  def testGetTimeInterpolatedStops(self):
-    rv = self.trip1.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(rv))
-    (secs, stoptimes, istimepoints) = tuple(zip(*rv))
-    self.assertEqual((100, 160, 220, 280, 400), secs)
-    self.assertEqual(("140.01,0", "140.02,0", "140.03,0", "140.02,0", "140.04,0"),
-                     tuple([st.stop.stop_name for st in stoptimes]))
-    self.assertEqual((True, False, False, False, True), istimepoints)
-    self.assertEqual([], self.trip3.GetTimeInterpolatedStops())
-  def testGetTimeInterpolatedStopsUntimedEnd(self):
-    self.trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=self.schedule)
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.trip2.GetTimeInterpolatedStops)
-  def testGetTimeInterpolatedStopsUntimedStart(self):
-    # Temporarily replace the problem reporter so that adding the first
-    # StopTime without a time doesn't throw an exception.
-    old_problems = self.schedule.problem_reporter
-    self.schedule.problem_reporter = TestFailureProblemReporter(
-        self, ("OtherProblem",))
-    self.trip3.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=self.schedule)
-    self.schedule.problem_reporter = old_problems
-    self.trip3.AddStopTime(self.stop2, schedule=self.schedule,
-                           departure_secs=500, arrival_secs=500)
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.trip3.GetTimeInterpolatedStops)
-  def testGetTimeInterpolatedStopsSingleStopTime(self):
-    self.trip3.AddStopTime(self.stop3, schedule=self.schedule,
-                           departure_secs=500, arrival_secs=500)
-    rv = self.trip3.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()
-    self.assertEqual(1, len(rv))
-    self.assertEqual(500, rv[0][0])
-    self.assertEqual(True, rv[0][2])
-  def testGetStopTimeTrips(self):
-    stopa = self.schedule.GetNearestStops(lon=140.03, lat=0)[0]
-    self.assertEqual("140.03,0", stopa.stop_name)  # Got stop3?
-    rv = stopa.GetStopTimeTrips(self.schedule)
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(rv))
-    (secs, trip_index, istimepoints) = tuple(zip(*rv))
-    self.assertEqual((220, 600, 800), secs)
-    self.assertEqual(("trip1", "trip2", "trip2"), tuple([ti[0].trip_id for ti in trip_index]))
-    self.assertEqual((2, 1, 3), tuple([ti[1] for ti in trip_index]))
-    self.assertEqual((False, True, True), istimepoints)
-  def testStopTripIndex(self):
-    trip_index = self.stop3.trip_index
-    trip_ids = [t.trip_id for t, i in trip_index]
-    self.assertEqual(["trip1", "trip2", "trip2"], trip_ids)
-    self.assertEqual([2, 1, 3], [i for t, i in trip_index])
-  def testGetTrips(self):
-    self.assertEqual(set([t.trip_id for t in self.stop1.GetTrips(self.schedule)]),
-                     set([self.trip1.trip_id]))
-    self.assertEqual(set([t.trip_id for t in self.stop2.GetTrips(self.schedule)]),
-                     set([self.trip1.trip_id, self.trip2.trip_id]))
-    self.assertEqual(set([t.trip_id for t in self.stop3.GetTrips(self.schedule)]),
-                     set([self.trip1.trip_id, self.trip2.trip_id]))
-    self.assertEqual(set([t.trip_id for t in self.stop4.GetTrips(self.schedule)]),
-                     set([self.trip1.trip_id, self.trip2.trip_id]))
-    self.assertEqual(set([t.trip_id for t in self.stop5.GetTrips(self.schedule)]),
-                     set())
-class ApproximateDistanceBetweenStopsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testEquator(self):
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=0, lng=100,
-                             name='Stop one', stop_id='1')
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=0.01, lng=100.01,
-                             name='Stop two', stop_id='2')
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop1, stop2),
-        1570, -1)  # Compare first 3 digits
-  def testWhati(self):
-    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=63.1, lng=-117.2,
-                             name='Stop whati one', stop_id='1')
-    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=63.102, lng=-117.201,
-                             name='Stop whati two', stop_id='2')
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop1, stop2),
-        228, 0)
-class TimeConversionHelpersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testTimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(self):
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight("01:02:03"), 3723)
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight("00:00:00"), 0)
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight("25:24:23"), 91463)
-    try:
-      transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight("10:15:00am")
-    except transitfeed.Error:
-      pass  # expected
-    else:
-      self.fail("Should have thrown Error")
-  def testFormatSecondsSinceMidnight(self):
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(3723), "01:02:03")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(0), "00:00:00")
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(91463), "25:24:23")
-  def testDateStringToDateObject(self):
-    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject("20080901"),
-                     datetime.date(2008, 9, 1))
-    try:
-      transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject("20080841")
-    except ValueError:
-      pass  # expected
-    else:
-      self.fail("Should have thrown ValueError")
-class NonNegIntStringToIntTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    self.assertEqual(0, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt("0"))
-    self.assertEqual(0, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt(u"0"))
-    self.assertEqual(1, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt("1"))
-    self.assertEqual(2, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt("2"))
-    self.assertEqual(10, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt("10"))
-    self.assertEqual(1234567890123456789,
-                     transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt("1234567890123456789"))
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "-1")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "+1")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "01")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "00")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "0x1")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "1.0")
-    self.assertRaises(ValueError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, "1e1")
-    self.assertRaises(TypeError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, 1)
-    self.assertRaises(TypeError, transitfeed.NonNegIntStringToInt, None)
-class GetHeadwayTimesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Test for GetHeadwayStartTimes and GetHeadwayStopTimes"""
-  def setUp(self):
-    problems = TestFailureProblemReporter(self)
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
-    self.schedule = schedule
-    schedule.AddAgency("Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
-                       "America/Los_Angeles")
-    service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    service_period.SetStartDate("20080101")
-    service_period.SetEndDate("20090101")
-    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
-    self.stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.01, lat=0, name="140.01,0")
-    self.stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.02, lat=0, name="140.02,0")
-    self.stop3 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.03, lat=0, name="140.03,0")
-    self.stop4 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.04, lat=0, name="140.04,0")
-    self.stop5 = schedule.AddStop(lng=140.05, lat=0, name="140.05,0")
-    self.route1 = schedule.AddRoute("1", "One", "Bus")
-    self.trip1 = self.route1.AddTrip(schedule, "trip 1", trip_id="trip1")
-    # add different types of stop times
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, arrival_time="17:00:00", departure_time="17:01:00") # both arrival and departure time
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, schedule=schedule) # non timed
-    self.trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop3, stop_time="17:45:00") # only stop_time
-    # add headways starting before the trip
-    self.trip1.AddHeadwayPeriod("16:00:00","18:00:00",1800) # each 30 min
-    self.trip1.AddHeadwayPeriod("18:00:00","20:00:00",2700) # each 45 min
-  def testGetHeadwayStartTimes(self):
-    start_times = self.trip1.GetHeadwayStartTimes()
-    self.assertEqual(
-        ["16:00:00", "16:30:00", "17:00:00", "17:30:00",
-         "18:00:00", "18:45:00", "19:30:00"],
-        [transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(secs) for secs in start_times])
-  def testGetHeadwayStopTimes(self):
-    stoptimes_list = self.trip1.GetHeadwayStopTimes()
-    arrival_secs = []
-    departure_secs = []
-    for stoptimes in stoptimes_list:
-      arrival_secs.append([st.arrival_secs for st in stoptimes])
-      departure_secs.append([st.departure_secs for st in stoptimes])
-    self.assertEqual(([57600,None,60300],[59400,None,62100],[61200,None,63900],
-                      [63000,None,65700],[64800,None,67500],[67500,None,70200],
-                      [70200,None,72900]),
-                     tuple(arrival_secs))
-    self.assertEqual(([57660,None,60300],[59460,None,62100],[61260,None,63900],
-                      [63060,None,65700],[64860,None,67500],[67560,None,70200],
-                      [70260,None,72900]),
-                     tuple(departure_secs))
-    # test if stoptimes are created with same parameters than the ones from the original trip
-    stoptimes = self.trip1.GetStopTimes()
-    for stoptimes_clone in stoptimes_list:
-      self.assertEqual(len(stoptimes_clone), len(stoptimes))
-      for st_clone, st in zip(stoptimes_clone, stoptimes):
-        for name in st.__slots__:
-          if name not in ('arrival_secs', 'departure_secs'):
-            self.assertEqual(getattr(st, name), getattr(st_clone, name))
-class ServiceGapsTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(ServiceGapsTestCase, self).setUp()
-    self.zip.writestr("calendar.txt",
-                      "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,"
-                      "saturday,sunday,start_date,end_date\n"
-                      "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20090601,20090610\n"
-                      "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20090718,20101231\n")
-    self.zip.writestr("calendar_dates.txt",
-                      "service_id,date,exception_type\n"
-                      "WE,20090815,2\n"
-                      "WE,20090816,2\n"
-                      "WE,20090822,2\n"
-                      # The following two lines are a 12-day service gap.
-                      # Shouldn't issue a warning
-                      "WE,20090829,2\n"
-                      "WE,20090830,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100102,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100103,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100109,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100110,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100612,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100613,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100619,2\n"
-                      "WE,20100620,2\n")
-    self.zip.writestr("trips.txt",
-                      "route_id,service_id,trip_id\n"
-                      "AB,WE,AB1\n"
-                      "AB,FULLW,AB2\n")
-    self.zip.writestr(
-        "stop_times.txt",
-        "trip_id,arrival_time,departure_time,stop_id,stop_sequence\n"
-        "AB1,10:00:00,10:00:00,BEATTY_AIRPORT,1\n"
-        "AB1,10:20:00,10:20:00,BULLFROG,2\n"
-        "AB2,10:25:00,10:25:00,STAGECOACH,1\n"
-        "AB2,10:55:00,10:55:00,BULLFROG,2\n")
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
-        problems=self.problems,
-        extra_validation=False,
-        zip=self.zip)
-    self.schedule = loader.Load()
-  # If there is a service gap starting before today, and today has no service,
-  # it should be found - even if tomorrow there is service
-  def testServiceGapBeforeTodayIsDiscovered(self):
-    self.schedule.Validate(today=date(2009, 7, 17),
-                           service_gap_interval=13)
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 7, 5), 
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 7, 17),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    self.AssertCommonExceptions(date(2010, 6, 25))
-  # If today has service past service gaps should not appear
-  def testNoServiceGapBeforeTodayIfTodayHasService(self):
-    self.schedule.Validate(today=date(2009, 7, 18),
-                           service_gap_interval=13)
-    self.AssertCommonExceptions(date(2010, 6, 25))
-  # If the feed starts today NO previous service gap should be found
-  # even if today does not have service
-  def testNoServiceGapBeforeTodayIfTheFeedStartsToday(self):
-    self.schedule.Validate(today=date(2009, 06, 01),
-                           service_gap_interval=13)
-    # This service gap is the one between FULLW and WE
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 6, 11), 
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 7, 17),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    # The one-year period ends before the June 2010 gap, so that last
-    # service gap should _not_ be found
-    self.AssertCommonExceptions(None)
-  # If there is a gap at the end of the one-year period we should find it
-  def testGapAtTheEndOfTheOneYearPeriodIsDiscovered(self):
-    self.schedule.Validate(today=date(2009, 06, 22),
-                           service_gap_interval=13)
-    # This service gap is the one between FULLW and WE
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 6, 11), 
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 7, 17),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    self.AssertCommonExceptions(date(2010, 6, 21))
-  # If we are right in the middle of a big service gap it should be
-  # report as starting on "today - 12 days" and lasting until
-  # service resumes 
-  def testCurrentServiceGapIsDiscovered(self):
-    self.schedule.Validate(today=date(2009, 6, 30),
-                           service_gap_interval=13)
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 6, 18), 
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 7, 17),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    self.AssertCommonExceptions(date(2010, 6, 25))    
-  # Asserts the service gaps that appear towards the end of the calendar
-  # and which are common to all the tests
-  def AssertCommonExceptions(self, last_exception_date):
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 8, 10), 
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 8, 22),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-    self.assertEquals(date(2009, 12, 28),
-                      exception.first_day_without_service)
-    self.assertEquals(date(2010, 1, 15),
-                      exception.last_day_without_service)
-    if last_exception_date is not None:
-      exception = self.problems.PopException("TooManyDaysWithoutService")
-      self.assertEquals(date(2010, 6, 7),
-                        exception.first_day_without_service)
-      self.assertEquals(last_exception_date,
-                        exception.last_day_without_service)
-    self.problems.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testtransitfeed.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testunusual_trip_filter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Tests for unusual_trip_filter.py"""
-__author__ = 'Jiri Semecky <jiri.semecky@gmail.com>'
-import unusual_trip_filter
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-import util
-class UnusualTripFilterTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
-  """Test of unusual trip filter functionality."""
-  def testFilter(self):
-    """Test if filtering works properly."""
-    expected_values = {
-        'CITY1':0, 'CITY2':0, 'CITY3':0, 'CITY4' :0, 'CITY5' :0, 'CITY6' :0,
-        'CITY7':0, 'CITY8':0, 'CITY9':0, 'CITY10':0, 'CITY11':1, 'CITY12':1,
-        }
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, quiet=True)
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    for trip_id, expected_trip_type in expected_values.items():
-      actual_trip_type = schedule.trips[trip_id]['trip_type']
-      try:
-        self.assertEquals(int(actual_trip_type), expected_trip_type)
-      except ValueError:
-        self.assertEquals(actual_trip_type, '')
-  def testFilterNoForceFilter(self):
-    """Test that force==False doesn't set default values"""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, force=False, quiet=True)
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    schedule.trips['CITY2'].trip_type = 'odd-trip'
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    trip1 = schedule.trips['CITY1']
-    self.assertEquals(trip1['trip_type'], '')
-    trip2 = schedule.trips['CITY2']
-    self.assertEquals(trip2['trip_type'], 'odd-trip')
-  def testFilterForceFilter(self):
-    """Test that force==True does set default values"""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, force=True, quiet=False)
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    schedule.trips['CITY2'].trip_type = 'odd-trip'
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    trip1 = schedule.trips['CITY1']
-    self.assertEquals(trip1['trip_type'], '0')
-    trip2 = schedule.trips['CITY2']
-    self.assertEquals(trip2['trip_type'], '0')
-  def testFilterAppliedForSpecifiedRouteType(self):
-    """Setting integer route_type filters trips of this route type."""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, quiet=True,
-                                                   route_type=3)
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    actual_trip_type = schedule.trips['CITY11']['trip_type']
-    self.assertEquals(actual_trip_type, '1')
-  def testFilterNotAppliedForUnspecifiedRouteType(self):
-    """Setting integer route_type filters trips of this route type."""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, quiet=True,
-                                                   route_type=2)
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    actual_trip_type = schedule.trips['CITY11']['trip_type']
-    self.assertEquals(actual_trip_type, '')
-  def testFilterAppliedForRouteTypeSpecifiedByName(self):
-    """Setting integer route_type filters trips of this route type."""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, quiet=True,
-                                                   route_type='Bus')
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    actual_trip_type = schedule.trips['CITY11']['trip_type']
-    self.assertEquals(actual_trip_type, '1')
-  def testFilterNotAppliedForDifferentRouteTypeSpecifiedByName(self):
-    """Setting integer route_type filters trips of this route type."""
-    filter = unusual_trip_filter.UnusualTripFilter(0.1, quiet=True,
-                                                   route_type='Ferry')
-    input = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'filter_unusual_trips')
-    loader = transitfeed.Loader(input, extra_validation=True)
-    schedule = loader.Load()
-    filter.filter(schedule)
-    actual_trip_type = schedule.trips['CITY11']['trip_type']
-    self.assertEquals(actual_trip_type, '')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/testunusual_trip_filter.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Code shared between tests.
-import os
-import os.path
-import re
-import cStringIO as StringIO
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-import transitfeed
-import unittest
-def check_call(cmd, expected_retcode=0, stdin_str="", **kwargs):
-  """Convenience function that is in the docs for subprocess but not
-  installed on my system. Raises an Exception if the return code is not
-  expected_retcode. Returns a tuple of strings, (stdout, stderr)."""
-  try:
-    if 'stdout' in kwargs or 'stderr' in kwargs or 'stdin' in kwargs:
-      raise Exception("Don't pass stdout or stderr")
-    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                         **kwargs)
-    (out, err) = p.communicate(stdin_str)
-    retcode = p.returncode
-  except Exception, e:
-    raise Exception("When running %s: %s" % (cmd, e))
-  if retcode < 0:
-    raise Exception(
-        "Child '%s' was terminated by signal %d. Output:\n%s\n%s\n" %
-        (cmd, -retcode, out, err))
-  elif retcode != expected_retcode:
-    raise Exception(
-        "Child '%s' returned %d. Output:\n%s\n%s\n" %
-        (cmd, retcode, out, err))
-  return (out, err)
-class TestCaseAsserts(unittest.TestCase):
-  def assertMatchesRegex(self, regex, string):
-    """Assert that regex is found in string."""
-    if not re.search(regex, string):
-      self.fail("string %r did not match regex %r" % (string, regex))
-class GetPathTestCase(TestCaseAsserts):
-  """TestCase with method to get paths to files in the distribution."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    TestCaseAsserts.setUp(self)
-    self._origcwd = os.getcwd()
-  def GetExamplePath(self, name):
-    """Return the full path of a file in the examples directory"""
-    return self.GetPath('examples', name)
-  def GetTestDataPath(self, *path):
-    """Return the full path of a file in the test/data directory"""
-    return self.GetPath('test', 'data', *path)
-  def GetPath(self, *path):
-    """Return absolute path of path. path is relative main source directory."""
-    here = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # Relative to _origcwd
-    return os.path.join(self._origcwd, here, '..', *path)
-class TempDirTestCaseBase(GetPathTestCase):
-  """Make a temporary directory the current directory before running the test
-  and remove it after the test.
-  """
-  def setUp(self):
-    GetPathTestCase.setUp(self)
-    self.tempdirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    os.chdir(self.tempdirpath)
-  def tearDown(self):
-    os.chdir(self._origcwd)
-    shutil.rmtree(self.tempdirpath)
-    GetPathTestCase.tearDown(self)
-  def CheckCallWithPath(self, cmd, expected_retcode=0, stdin_str=""):
-    """Run python script cmd[0] with args cmd[1:], making sure 'import
-    transitfeed' will use the module in this source tree. Raises an Exception
-    if the return code is not expected_retcode. Returns a tuple of strings,
-    (stdout, stderr)."""
-    tf_path = transitfeed.__file__
-    # Path of the directory containing transitfeed. When this is added to
-    # sys.path importing transitfeed should work independent of if
-    # transitfeed.__file__ is <parent>/transitfeed.py or
-    # <parent>/transitfeed/__init__.py
-    transitfeed_parent = tf_path[:tf_path.rfind("transitfeed")]
-    transitfeed_parent = transitfeed_parent.replace("\\", "/").rstrip("/")
-    script_path = cmd[0].replace("\\", "/")
-    script_args = cmd[1:]
-    # Propogate sys.path of this process to the subprocess. This is done
-    # because I assume that if this process has a customized sys.path it is
-    # meant to be used for all processes involved in the tests.  The downside
-    # of this is that the subprocess is no longer a clean version of what you
-    # get when running "python" after installing transitfeed. Hopefully if this
-    # process uses a customized sys.path you know what you are doing.
-    env = {"PYTHONPATH": ":".join(sys.path)}
-    # Instead of directly running the script make sure that the transitfeed
-    # module in this source directory is at the front of sys.path. Then
-    # adjust sys.argv so it looks like the script was run directly. This lets
-    # OptionParser use the correct value for %proj.
-    cmd = [sys.executable, "-c",
-           "import sys; "
-           "sys.path.insert(0,'%s'); "
-           "sys.argv = ['%s'] + sys.argv[1:]; "
-           "exec(open('%s'))" %
-           (transitfeed_parent, script_path, script_path)] + script_args
-    return check_call(cmd, expected_retcode=expected_retcode, shell=False,
-                      env=env, stdin_str=stdin_str)
-class RecordingProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase):
-  """Save all problems for later inspection.
-  Args:
-    test_case: a unittest.TestCase object on which to report problems
-    ignore_types: sequence of string type names that will be ignored by the
-    ProblemReporter"""
-  def __init__(self, test_case, ignore_types=None):
-    transitfeed.ProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self.exceptions = []
-    self._test_case = test_case
-    self._ignore_types = ignore_types or set()
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    # Ensure that these don't crash
-    e.FormatProblem()
-    e.FormatContext()
-    if e.__class__.__name__ in self._ignore_types:
-      return
-    # Keep the 7 nearest stack frames. This should be enough to identify
-    # the code path that created the exception while trimming off most of the
-    # large test framework's stack.
-    traceback_list = traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack()[-7:-1])
-    self.exceptions.append((e, ''.join(traceback_list)))
-  def PopException(self, type_name):
-    """Return the first exception, which must be a type_name."""
-    e = self.exceptions.pop(0)
-    e_name = e[0].__class__.__name__
-    self._test_case.assertEqual(e_name, type_name,
-                                "%s != %s\n%s" %
-                                (e_name, type_name, self.FormatException(*e)))
-    return e[0]
-  def FormatException(self, exce, tb):
-    return ("%s\nwith gtfs file context %s\nand traceback\n%s" %
-            (exce.FormatProblem(), exce.FormatContext(), tb))
-  def AssertNoMoreExceptions(self):
-    exceptions_as_text = []
-    for e, tb in self.exceptions:
-      exceptions_as_text.append(self.FormatException(e, tb))
-    self._test_case.assertFalse(self.exceptions, "\n".join(exceptions_as_text))
-  def PopInvalidValue(self, column_name, file_name=None):
-    e = self.PopException("InvalidValue")
-    self._test_case.assertEquals(column_name, e.column_name)
-    if file_name:
-      self._test_case.assertEquals(file_name, e.file_name)
-    return e
-  def PopMissingValue(self, column_name, file_name=None):
-    e = self.PopException("MissingValue")
-    self._test_case.assertEquals(column_name, e.column_name)
-    if file_name:
-      self._test_case.assertEquals(file_name, e.file_name)
-    return e
-  def PopDuplicateColumn(self, file_name, header, count):
-    e = self.PopException("DuplicateColumn")
-    self._test_case.assertEquals(file_name, e.file_name)
-    self._test_case.assertEquals(header, e.header)
-    self._test_case.assertEquals(count, e.count)
-    return e

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/test/util.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Expose some modules in this package.
-Before transitfeed version 1.2.4 all our library code was distributed in a
-one file module, transitfeed.py, and could be used as
-import transitfeed
-schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-At that time the module (one file, transitfeed.py) was converted into a
-package (a directory named transitfeed containing __init__.py and multiple .py
-files). Classes and attributes exposed by the old module may still be imported
-in the same way. Indeed, code that depends on the library <em>should</em>
-continue to use import commands such as the above and ignore _transitfeed.
-from _transitfeed import *
-__version__ = _transitfeed.__version__

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/__init__.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/_transitfeed.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4599 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Easy interface for handling a Google Transit Feed file.
-Do not import this module directly. Thanks to __init__.py you should do
-something like:
-  import transitfeed
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  ...
-This module is a library to help you create, read and write Google
-Transit Feed files. Refer to the feed specification, available at
-http://code.google.com/transit/spec/transit_feed_specification.htm, for a
-complete description how the transit feed represents a transit schedule. This
-library supports all required parts of the specification but does not yet
-support all optional parts. Patches welcome!
-The specification describes several tables such as stops, routes and trips.
-In a feed file these are stored as comma separeted value files. This library
-represents each row of these tables with a single Python object. This object has
-attributes for each value on the row. For example, schedule.AddStop returns a
-Stop object which has attributes such as stop_lat and stop_name.
-  Schedule: Central object of the parser
-  GenericGTFSObject: A base class for each of the objects below
-  Route: Represents a single route
-  Trip: Represents a single trip
-  Stop: Represents a single stop
-  ServicePeriod: Represents a single service, a set of dates
-  Agency: Represents the agency in this feed
-  Transfer: Represents a single transfer rule
-  TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(): Convert HH:MM:SS into seconds since midnight.
-  FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(s): Formats number of seconds past midnight into a string
-# TODO: Preserve arbitrary columns?
-import bisect
-import cStringIO as StringIO
-import codecs
-from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
-import csv
-import datetime
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import random
-  import sqlite3 as sqlite
-except ImportError:
-  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
-import re
-import tempfile
-import time
-import warnings
-# Objects in a schedule (Route, Trip, etc) should not keep a strong reference
-# to the Schedule object to avoid a reference cycle. Schedule needs to use
-# __del__ to cleanup its temporary file. The garbage collector can't handle
-# reference cycles containing objects with custom cleanup code.
-import weakref
-import zipfile
-__version__ = '1.2.5'
-def EncodeUnicode(text):
-  """
-  Optionally encode text and return it. The result should be safe to print.
-  """
-  if type(text) == type(u''):
-    return text.encode(OUTPUT_ENCODING)
-  else:
-    return text
-# These are used to distinguish between errors (not allowed by the spec)
-# and warnings (not recommended) when reporting issues.
-class ProblemReporterBase:
-  """Base class for problem reporters. Tracks the current context and creates
-  an exception object for each problem. Subclasses must implement
-  _Report(self, e)"""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.ClearContext()
-  def ClearContext(self):
-    """Clear any previous context."""
-    self._context = None
-  def SetFileContext(self, file_name, row_num, row, headers):
-    """Save the current context to be output with any errors.
-    Args:
-      file_name: string
-      row_num: int
-      row: list of strings
-      headers: list of column headers, its order corresponding to row's
-    """
-    self._context = (file_name, row_num, row, headers)
-  def FeedNotFound(self, feed_name, context=None):
-    e = FeedNotFound(feed_name=feed_name, context=context,
-                     context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnknownFormat(self, feed_name, context=None):
-    e = UnknownFormat(feed_name=feed_name, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def FileFormat(self, problem, context=None):
-    e = FileFormat(problem=problem, context=context,
-                   context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = MissingFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                    context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnknownFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = UnknownFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def EmptyFile(self, file_name, context=None):
-    e = EmptyFile(file_name=file_name, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
-    e = MissingColumn(file_name=file_name, column_name=column_name,
-                      context=context, context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnrecognizedColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
-    e = UnrecognizedColumn(file_name=file_name, column_name=column_name,
-                           context=context, context2=self._context,
-                           type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def CsvSyntax(self, description=None, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = CsvSyntax(description=description, context=context,
-                  context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateColumn(self, file_name, header, count, type=TYPE_ERROR, 
-                      context=None):
-    e = DuplicateColumn(file_name=file_name,
-                        header=header,
-                        count=count,
-                        type=type,
-                        context=context,
-                        context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def MissingValue(self, column_name, reason=None, context=None):
-    e = MissingValue(column_name=column_name, reason=reason, context=context,
-                     context2=self._context)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def InvalidValue(self, column_name, value, reason=None, context=None,
-                   type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = InvalidValue(column_name=column_name, value=value, reason=reason,
-                     context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateID(self, column_names, values, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    if isinstance(column_names, tuple):
-      column_names = '(' + ', '.join(column_names) + ')'
-    if isinstance(values, tuple):
-      values = '(' + ', '.join(values) + ')'
-    e = DuplicateID(column_name=column_names, value=values,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UnusedStop(self, stop_id, stop_name, context=None):
-    e = UnusedStop(stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-                   context=context, context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def UsedStation(self, stop_id, stop_name, context=None):
-    e = UsedStation(stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=TYPE_ERROR)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopTooFarFromParentStation(self, stop_id, stop_name, parent_stop_id,
-                                  parent_stop_name, distance,
-                                  type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-        stop_id=stop_id, stop_name=stop_name,
-        parent_stop_id=parent_stop_id,
-        parent_stop_name=parent_stop_name, distance=distance,
-        context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopsTooClose(self, stop_name_a, stop_id_a, stop_name_b, stop_id_b,
-                    distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StopsTooClose(
-        stop_name_a=stop_name_a, stop_id_a=stop_id_a, stop_name_b=stop_name_b,
-        stop_id_b=stop_id_b, distance=distance, context=context,
-        context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StationsTooClose(self, stop_name_a, stop_id_a, stop_name_b, stop_id_b,
-                       distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = StationsTooClose(
-        stop_name_a=stop_name_a, stop_id_a=stop_id_a, stop_name_b=stop_name_b,
-        stop_id_b=stop_id_b, distance=distance, context=context,
-        context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DifferentStationTooClose(self, stop_name, stop_id,
-                               station_stop_name, station_stop_id,
-                               distance, type=TYPE_WARNING, context=None):
-    e = DifferentStationTooClose(
-        stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-        station_stop_name=station_stop_name, station_stop_id=station_stop_id,
-        distance=distance, context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(self, trip_id, stop_name, stop_id,
-                                          shape_dist_traveled, shape_id,
-                                          distance, max_distance,
-                                          type=TYPE_WARNING):
-    e = StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(
-        trip_id=trip_id, stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-        shape_dist_traveled=shape_dist_traveled, shape_id=shape_id,
-        distance=distance, max_distance=max_distance, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def ExpirationDate(self, expiration, context=None):
-    e = ExpirationDate(expiration=expiration, context=context,
-                       context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def FutureService(self, start_date, context=None):
-    e = FutureService(start_date=start_date, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def InvalidLineEnd(self, bad_line_end, context=None):
-    """bad_line_end is a human readable string."""
-    e = InvalidLineEnd(bad_line_end=bad_line_end, context=context,
-                       context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def TooFastTravel(self, trip_id, prev_stop, next_stop, dist, time, speed,
-                    type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = TooFastTravel(trip_id=trip_id, prev_stop=prev_stop,
-                      next_stop=next_stop, time=time, dist=dist, speed=speed,
-                      context=None, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(self, stop_name, stop_id, route_id1, route_id2,
-                                 context=None):
-    e = StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(stop_name=stop_name, stop_id=stop_id,
-                                   route_id1=route_id1, route_id2=route_id2,
-                                   context=context, context2=self._context,
-                                   type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def DuplicateTrip(self, trip_id1, route_id1, trip_id2, route_id2,
-                    context=None):
-    e = DuplicateTrip(trip_id1=trip_id1, route_id1=route_id1, trip_id2=trip_id2,
-                      route_id2=route_id2, context=context,
-                      context2=self._context, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def OtherProblem(self, description, context=None, type=TYPE_ERROR):
-    e = OtherProblem(description=description,
-                    context=context, context2=self._context, type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-  def TooManyDaysWithoutService(self,
-                                first_day_without_service,
-                                last_day_without_service,
-                                consecutive_days_without_service,
-                                context=None, 
-                                type=TYPE_WARNING):
-    e = TooManyDaysWithoutService(
-        first_day_without_service=first_day_without_service,
-        last_day_without_service=last_day_without_service,
-        consecutive_days_without_service=consecutive_days_without_service,
-        context=context,
-        context2=self._context,
-        type=type)
-    self._Report(e)
-class ProblemReporter(ProblemReporterBase):
-  """This is a basic problem reporter that just prints to console."""
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    context = e.FormatContext()
-    if context:
-      print context
-    print EncodeUnicode(self._LineWrap(e.FormatProblem(), 78))
-  @staticmethod
-  def _LineWrap(text, width):
-    """
-    A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks
-    and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line
-    breaks are posix newlines (\n).
-    Taken from:
-    http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/148061
-    """
-    return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' %
-                  (line,
-                   ' \n'[(len(line) - line.rfind('\n') - 1 +
-                         len(word.split('\n', 1)[0]) >= width)],
-                   word),
-                  text.split(' ')
-                 )
-class ExceptionWithContext(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, context=None, context2=None, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize an exception object, saving all keyword arguments in self.
-    context and context2, if present, must be a tuple of (file_name, row_num,
-    row, headers). context2 comes from ProblemReporter.SetFileContext. context
-    was passed in with the keyword arguments. context2 is ignored if context
-    is present."""
-    Exception.__init__(self)
-    if context:
-      self.__dict__.update(self.ContextTupleToDict(context))
-    elif context2:
-      self.__dict__.update(self.ContextTupleToDict(context2))
-    self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
-    if ('type' in kwargs) and (kwargs['type'] == TYPE_WARNING):
-      self._type = TYPE_WARNING
-    else:
-      self._type = TYPE_ERROR
-  def GetType(self):
-    return self._type
-  def IsError(self):
-    return self._type == TYPE_ERROR
-  def IsWarning(self):
-    return self._type == TYPE_WARNING
-  CONTEXT_PARTS = ['file_name', 'row_num', 'row', 'headers']
-  @staticmethod
-  def ContextTupleToDict(context):
-    """Convert a tuple representing a context into a dict of (key, value) pairs"""
-    d = {}
-    if not context:
-      return d
-    for k, v in zip(ExceptionWithContext.CONTEXT_PARTS, context):
-      if v != '' and v != None:  # Don't ignore int(0), a valid row_num
-        d[k] = v
-    return d
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self.FormatProblem()
-  def GetDictToFormat(self):
-    """Return a copy of self as a dict, suitable for passing to FormatProblem"""
-    d = {}
-    for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
-      # TODO: Better handling of unicode/utf-8 within Schedule objects.
-      # Concatinating a unicode and utf-8 str object causes an exception such
-      # as "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte ..." as python
-      # tries to convert the str to a unicode. To avoid that happening within
-      # the problem reporter convert all unicode attributes to utf-8.
-      # Currently valid utf-8 fields are converted to unicode in _ReadCsvDict.
-      # Perhaps all fields should be left as utf-8.
-      d[k] = EncodeUnicode(v)
-    return d
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    """Return a text string describing the problem.
-    Args:
-      d: map returned by GetDictToFormat with  with formatting added
-    """
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    output_error_text = self.__class__.ERROR_TEXT % d
-    if ('reason' in d) and d['reason']:
-      return '%s\n%s' % (output_error_text, d['reason'])
-    else:
-      return output_error_text
-  def FormatContext(self):
-    """Return a text string describing the context"""
-    text = ''
-    if hasattr(self, 'feed_name'):
-      text += "In feed '%s': " % self.feed_name
-    if hasattr(self, 'file_name'):
-      text += self.file_name
-    if hasattr(self, 'row_num'):
-      text += ":%i" % self.row_num
-    if hasattr(self, 'column_name'):
-      text += " column %s" % self.column_name
-    return text
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    """Return an int <0/0/>0 when self is more/same/less significant than y.
-    Subclasses should define this if exceptions should be listed in something
-    other than the order they are reported.
-    Args:
-      y: object to compare to self
-    Returns:
-      An int which is negative if self is more significant than y, 0 if they
-      are similar significance and positive if self is less significant than
-      y. Returning a float won't work.
-    Raises:
-      TypeError by default, meaning objects of the type can not be compared.
-    """
-    raise TypeError("__cmp__ not defined")
-class MissingFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "File %(file_name)s is not found"
-class EmptyFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "File %(file_name)s is empty"
-class UnknownFile(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'The file named %(file_name)s was not expected.\n' \
-               'This may be a misspelled file name or the file may be ' \
-               'included in a subdirectory. Please check spellings and ' \
-               'make sure that there are no subdirectories within the feed'
-class FeedNotFound(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Couldn\'t find a feed named %(feed_name)s'
-class UnknownFormat(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'The feed named %(feed_name)s had an unknown format:\n' \
-               'feeds should be either .zip files or directories.'
-class FileFormat(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Files must be encoded in utf-8 and may not contain ' \
-               'any null bytes (0x00). %(file_name)s %(problem)s.'
-class MissingColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Missing column %(column_name)s in file %(file_name)s'
-class UnrecognizedColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Unrecognized column %(column_name)s in file %(file_name)s. ' \
-               'This might be a misspelled column name (capitalization ' \
-               'matters!). Or it could be extra information (such as a ' \
-               'proposed feed extension) that the validator doesn\'t know ' \
-               'about yet. Extra information is fine; this warning is here ' \
-               'to catch misspelled optional column names.'
-class CsvSyntax(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = '%(description)s'
-class DuplicateColumn(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Column %(header)s appears %(count)i times in file %(file_name)s'
-class MissingValue(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Missing value for column %(column_name)s'
-class InvalidValue(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Invalid value %(value)s in field %(column_name)s'
-class DuplicateID(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = 'Duplicate ID %(value)s in column %(column_name)s'
-class UnusedStop(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) isn't used in any trips"
-class UsedStation(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) has location_type=1 " \
-               "(station) so it should not appear in stop_times"
-class StopTooFarFromParentStation(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "%(stop_name)s (ID %(stop_id)s) is too far from its parent station "
-      "%(parent_stop_name)s (ID %(parent_stop_id)s) : %(distance).2f meters.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(y.distance, self.distance)
-class StopsTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The stops \"%(stop_name_a)s\" (ID %(stop_id_a)s) and \"%(stop_name_b)s\""
-      " (ID %(stop_id_b)s) are %(distance)0.2fm apart and probably represent "
-      "the same location.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class StationsTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The stations \"%(stop_name_a)s\" (ID %(stop_id_a)s) and "
-      "\"%(stop_name_b)s\" (ID %(stop_id_b)s) are %(distance)0.2fm apart and "
-      "probably represent the same location.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class DifferentStationTooClose(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "The parent_station of stop \"%(stop_name)s\" (ID %(stop_id)s) is not "
-      "station \"%(station_stop_name)s\" (ID %(station_stop_id)s) but they are "
-      "only %(distance)0.2fm apart.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in increasing order because less distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(self.distance, y.distance)
-class StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(ExceptionWithContext):
-      "For trip %(trip_id)s the stop \"%(stop_name)s\" (ID %(stop_id)s) is "
-      "%(distance).0f meters away from the corresponding point "
-      "(shape_dist_traveled: %(shape_dist_traveled)f) on shape %(shape_id)s. "
-      "It should be closer than %(max_distance).0f meters.")
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant.
-    return cmp(y.distance, self.distance)
-class TooManyDaysWithoutService(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "There are %(consecutive_days_without_service)i consecutive"\
-               " days, from %(first_day_without_service)s to" \
-               " %(last_day_without_service)s, without any scheduled service." \
-               " Please ensure this is intentional."
-class ExpirationDate(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    expiration = d['expiration']
-    formatted_date = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y",
-                                   time.localtime(expiration))
-    if (expiration < time.mktime(time.localtime())):
-      return "This feed expired on %s" % formatted_date
-    else:
-      return "This feed will soon expire, on %s" % formatted_date
-class FutureService(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    formatted_date = time.strftime("%B %d, %Y", time.localtime(d['start_date']))
-    return ("The earliest service date in this feed is in the future, on %s. "
-            "Published feeds must always include the current date." %
-            formatted_date)
-class InvalidLineEnd(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Each line must end with CR LF or LF except for the last line " \
-               "of the file. This line ends with \"%(bad_line_end)s\"."
-class StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Stop %(stop_name)s (ID=%(stop_id)s) belongs to both " \
-               "subway (ID=%(route_id1)s) and bus line (ID=%(route_id2)s)."
-class TooFastTravel(ExceptionWithContext):
-  def FormatProblem(self, d=None):
-    if not d:
-      d = self.GetDictToFormat()
-    if not d['speed']:
-      return "High speed travel detected in trip %(trip_id)s: %(prev_stop)s" \
-                " to %(next_stop)s. %(dist).0f meters in %(time)d seconds." % d
-    else:
-      return "High speed travel detected in trip %(trip_id)s: %(prev_stop)s" \
-             " to %(next_stop)s. %(dist).0f meters in %(time)d seconds." \
-             " (%(speed).0f km/h)." % d
-  def __cmp__(self, y):
-    # Sort in decreasing order because more distance is more significant. We
-    # can't sort by speed because not all TooFastTravel objects have a speed.
-    return cmp(y.dist, self.dist)
-class DuplicateTrip(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = "Trip %(trip_id1)s of route %(route_id1)s might be duplicated " \
-               "with trip %(trip_id2)s of route %(route_id2)s. They go " \
-               "through the same stops with same service."
-class OtherProblem(ExceptionWithContext):
-  ERROR_TEXT = '%(description)s'
-class ExceptionProblemReporter(ProblemReporter):
-  def __init__(self, raise_warnings=False):
-    ProblemReporterBase.__init__(self)
-    self.raise_warnings = raise_warnings
-  def _Report(self, e):
-    if self.raise_warnings or e.IsError():
-      raise e
-    else:
-      ProblemReporter._Report(self, e)
-default_problem_reporter = ExceptionProblemReporter()
-# Add a default handler to send log messages to console
-console = logging.StreamHandler()
-log = logging.getLogger("schedule_builder")
-class Error(Exception):
-  pass
-def IsValidURL(url):
-  """Checks the validity of a URL value."""
-  # TODO: Add more thorough checking of URL
-  return url.startswith(u'http://') or url.startswith(u'https://')
-def IsValidColor(color):
-  """Checks the validity of a hex color value."""
-  return not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$', color) == None
-def ColorLuminance(color):
-  """Compute the brightness of an sRGB color using the formula from
-  http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-AERT-20000426#color-contrast.
-  Args:
-    color: a string of six hex digits in the format verified by IsValidColor().
-  Returns:
-    A floating-point number between 0.0 (black) and 255.0 (white). """
-  r = int(color[0:2], 16)
-  g = int(color[2:4], 16)
-  b = int(color[4:6], 16)
-  return (299*r + 587*g + 114*b) / 1000.0
-def IsEmpty(value):
-  return value is None or (isinstance(value, basestring) and not value.strip())
-def FindUniqueId(dic):
-  """Return a string not used as a key in the dictionary dic"""
-  name = str(len(dic))
-  while name in dic:
-    name = str(random.randint(1, 999999999))
-  return name
-def TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(time_string):
-  """Convert HHH:MM:SS into seconds since midnight.
-  For example "01:02:03" returns 3723. The leading zero of the hours may be
-  omitted. HH may be more than 23 if the time is on the following day."""
-  m = re.match(r'(\d{1,3}):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)$', time_string)
-  # ignored: matching for leap seconds
-  if not m:
-    raise Error, 'Bad HH:MM:SS "%s"' % time_string
-  return int(m.group(1)) * 3600 + int(m.group(2)) * 60 + int(m.group(3))
-def FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(s):
-  """Formats an int number of seconds past midnight into a string
-  as "HH:MM:SS"."""
-  return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (s / 3600, (s / 60) % 60, s % 60)
-def DateStringToDateObject(date_string):
-  """Return a date object for a string "YYYYMMDD"."""
-  # If this becomes a bottleneck date objects could be cached
-  return datetime.date(int(date_string[0:4]), int(date_string[4:6]),
-                       int(date_string[6:8]))
-def FloatStringToFloat(float_string):
-  """Convert a float as a string to a float or raise an exception"""
-  # Will raise TypeError unless a string
-  if not re.match(r"^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$", float_string):
-    raise ValueError()
-  return float(float_string)
-def NonNegIntStringToInt(int_string):
-  """Convert an non-negative integer string to an int or raise an exception"""
-  # Will raise TypeError unless a string
-  if not re.match(r"^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$", int_string):
-    raise ValueError()
-  return int(int_string)
-EARTH_RADIUS = 6378135          # in meters
-def ApproximateDistance(degree_lat1, degree_lng1, degree_lat2, degree_lng2):
-  """Compute approximate distance between two points in meters. Assumes the
-  Earth is a sphere."""
-  # TODO: change to ellipsoid approximation, such as
-  # http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/Cpp/algorithms/article.php/c5115/
-  lat1 = math.radians(degree_lat1)
-  lng1 = math.radians(degree_lng1)
-  lat2 = math.radians(degree_lat2)
-  lng2 = math.radians(degree_lng2)
-  dlat = math.sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1))
-  dlng = math.sin(0.5 * (lng2 - lng1))
-  x = dlat * dlat + dlng * dlng * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
-  return EARTH_RADIUS * (2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(x),
-      math.sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - x))))
-def ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop1, stop2):
-  """Compute approximate distance between two stops in meters. Assumes the
-  Earth is a sphere."""
-  return ApproximateDistance(stop1.stop_lat, stop1.stop_lon,
-                             stop2.stop_lat, stop2.stop_lon)
-class GenericGTFSObject(object):
-  """Object with arbitrary attributes which may be added to a schedule.
-  This class should be used as the base class for GTFS objects which may
-  be stored in a Schedule. It defines some methods for reading and writing
-  attributes. If self._schedule is None than the object is not in a Schedule.
-  Subclasses must:
-  * define an __init__ method which sets the _schedule member to None or a
-    weakref to a Schedule
-  * Set the _TABLE_NAME class variable to a name such as 'stops', 'agency', ...
-  * define methods to validate objects of that type
-  """
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    """Return a unicode or str representation of name or "" if not set."""
-    if name in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[name] is not None:
-      return "%s" % self.__dict__[name]
-    else:
-      return ""
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method is only called when name is not found in __dict__.
-    """
-    if name in self.__class__._FIELD_NAMES:
-      return None
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-  def iteritems(self):
-    """Return a iterable for (name, value) pairs of public attributes."""
-    for name, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
-      if (not name) or name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      yield name, value
-  def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-    """Set an attribute, adding name to the list of columns as needed."""
-    object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
-    if name[0] != '_' and self._schedule:
-      self._schedule.AddTableColumn(self.__class__._TABLE_NAME, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    """Return true iff self and other are equivalent"""
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    for k in self.keys().union(other.keys()):
-      # use __getitem__ which returns "" for missing columns values
-      if self[k] != other[k]:
-        return False
-    return True
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, sorted(self.iteritems()))
-  def keys(self):
-    """Return iterable of columns used by this object."""
-    columns = set()
-    for name in vars(self):
-      if (not name) or name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      columns.add(name)
-    return columns
-  def _ColumnNames(self):
-    return self.keys()
-class Stop(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents a single stop. A stop must have a latitude, longitude and name.
-  Callers may assign arbitrary values to instance attributes.
-  Stop.ParseAttributes validates attributes according to GTFS and converts some
-  into native types. ParseAttributes may delete invalid attributes.
-  Accessing an attribute that is a column in GTFS will return None if this
-  object does not have a value or it is ''.
-  A Stop object acts like a dict with string values.
-  Attributes:
-    stop_lat: a float representing the latitude of the stop
-    stop_lon: a float representing the longitude of the stop
-    All other attributes are strings.
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['stop_id', 'stop_name', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon']
-                 ['stop_desc', 'zone_id', 'stop_url', 'stop_code',
-                  'location_type', 'parent_station']
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'stops'
-  def __init__(self, lat=None, lng=None, name=None, stop_id=None,
-               field_dict=None, stop_code=None):
-    """Initialize a new Stop object.
-    Args:
-      field_dict: A dictionary mapping attribute name to unicode string
-      lat: a float, ignored when field_dict is present
-      lng: a float, ignored when field_dict is present
-      name: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      stop_id: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      stop_code: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-    """
-    self._schedule = None
-    if field_dict:
-      if isinstance(field_dict, Stop):
-        # Special case so that we don't need to re-parse the attributes to
-        # native types iteritems returns all attributes that don't start with _
-        for k, v in field_dict.iteritems():
-          self.__dict__[k] = v
-      else:
-        self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-    else:
-      if lat is not None:
-        self.stop_lat = lat
-      if lng is not None:
-        self.stop_lon = lng
-      if name is not None:
-        self.stop_name = name
-      if stop_id is not None:
-        self.stop_id = stop_id
-      if stop_code is not None:
-        self.stop_code = stop_code
-  def GetTrips(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return iterable containing trips that visit this stop."""
-    return [trip for trip, ss in self._GetTripSequence(schedule)]
-  def _GetTripSequence(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (trip, stop_sequence) for all trips visiting this stop.
-    A trip may be in the list multiple times with different index.
-    stop_sequence is an integer.
-    Args:
-      schedule: Deprecated, do not use.
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = getattr(self, "_schedule", None)
-    if schedule is None:
-      warnings.warn("No longer supported. _schedule attribute is  used to get "
-                    "stop_times table", DeprecationWarning)
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT trip_id,stop_sequence FROM stop_times "
-                   "WHERE stop_id=?",
-                   (self.stop_id, ))
-    return [(schedule.GetTrip(row[0]), row[1]) for row in cursor]
-  def _GetTripIndex(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (trip, index).
-    trip: a Trip object
-    index: an offset in trip.GetStopTimes()
-    """
-    trip_index = []
-    for trip, sequence in self._GetTripSequence(schedule):
-      for index, st in enumerate(trip.GetStopTimes()):
-        if st.stop_sequence == sequence:
-          trip_index.append((trip, index))
-          break
-      else:
-        raise RuntimeError("stop_sequence %d not found in trip_id %s" %
-                           sequence, trip.trip_id)
-    return trip_index
-  def GetStopTimeTrips(self, schedule=None):
-    """Return a list of (time, (trip, index), is_timepoint).
-    time: an integer. It might be interpolated.
-    trip: a Trip object.
-    index: the offset of this stop in trip.GetStopTimes(), which may be
-      different from the stop_sequence.
-    is_timepoint: a bool
-    """
-    time_trips = []
-    for trip, index in self._GetTripIndex(schedule):
-      secs, stoptime, is_timepoint = trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()[index]
-      time_trips.append((secs, (trip, index), is_timepoint))
-    return time_trips
-  def ParseAttributes(self, problems):
-    """Parse all attributes, calling problems as needed."""
-    # Need to use items() instead of iteritems() because _CheckAndSetAttr may
-    # modify self.__dict__
-    for name, value in vars(self).items():
-      if name[0] == "_":
-        continue
-      self._CheckAndSetAttr(name, value, problems)
-  def _CheckAndSetAttr(self, name, value, problems):
-    """If value is valid for attribute name store it.
-    If value is not valid call problems. Return a new value of the correct type
-    or None if value couldn't be converted.
-    """
-    if name == 'stop_lat':
-      try:
-        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
-          self.stop_lat = value
-        else:
-          self.stop_lat = FloatStringToFloat(value)
-      except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', value)
-        del self.stop_lat
-      else:
-        if self.stop_lat > 90 or self.stop_lat < -90:
-          problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', value)
-    elif name == 'stop_lon':
-      try:
-        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
-          self.stop_lon = value
-        else:
-          self.stop_lon = FloatStringToFloat(value)
-      except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_lon', value)
-        del self.stop_lon
-      else:
-        if self.stop_lon > 180 or self.stop_lon < -180:
-          problems.InvalidValue('stop_lon', value)
-    elif name == 'stop_url':
-      if value and not IsValidURL(value):
-        problems.InvalidValue('stop_url', value)
-        del self.stop_url
-    elif name == 'location_type':
-      if value == '':
-        self.location_type = 0
-      else:
-        try:
-          self.location_type = int(value)
-        except (ValueError, TypeError):
-          problems.InvalidValue('location_type', value)
-          del self.location_type
-        else:
-          if self.location_type not in (0, 1):
-            problems.InvalidValue('location_type', value, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method is only called when name is not found in __dict__.
-    """
-    if name == "location_type":
-      return 0
-    elif name == "trip_index":
-      return self._GetTripIndex()
-    elif name in Stop._FIELD_NAMES:
-      return None
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    # First check that all required fields are present because ParseAttributes
-    # may remove invalid attributes.
-    for required in Stop._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if IsEmpty(getattr(self, required, None)):
-        # TODO: For now I'm keeping the API stable but it would be cleaner to
-        # treat whitespace stop_id as invalid, instead of missing
-        problems.MissingValue(required)
-    # Check individual values and convert to native types
-    self.ParseAttributes(problems)
-    # Check that this object is consistent with itself
-    if (self.stop_lat is not None and self.stop_lon is not None and
-        abs(self.stop_lat) < 1.0) and (abs(self.stop_lon) < 1.0):
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_lat', self.stop_lat,
-                            'Stop location too close to 0, 0',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if (self.stop_desc is not None and self.stop_name is not None and
-        self.stop_desc and self.stop_name and
-        not IsEmpty(self.stop_desc) and
-        self.stop_name.strip().lower() == self.stop_desc.strip().lower()):
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_desc', self.stop_desc,
-                            'stop_desc should not be the same as stop_name')
-    if self.parent_station and self.location_type == 1:
-      problems.InvalidValue('parent_station', self.parent_station,
-                            'Stop row with location_type=1 (a station) must '
-                            'not have a parent_station')
-class Route(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents a single route."""
-    'route_id', 'route_short_name', 'route_long_name', 'route_type'
-    ]
-    'agency_id', 'route_desc', 'route_url', 'route_color', 'route_text_color'
-    ]
-    0: {'name':'Tram', 'max_speed':100},
-    1: {'name':'Subway', 'max_speed':150},
-    2: {'name':'Rail', 'max_speed':300},
-    3: {'name':'Bus', 'max_speed':100},
-    4: {'name':'Ferry', 'max_speed':80},
-    5: {'name':'Cable Car', 'max_speed':50},
-    6: {'name':'Gondola', 'max_speed':50},
-    7: {'name':'Funicular', 'max_speed':50},
-    }
-  # Create a reverse lookup dict of route type names to route types.
-  _ROUTE_TYPE_IDS = set(_ROUTE_TYPES.keys())
-  _ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES = dict((v['name'], k) for k, v in _ROUTE_TYPES.items())
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'routes'
-  def __init__(self, short_name=None, long_name=None, route_type=None,
-               route_id=None, agency_id=None, field_dict=None):
-    self._schedule = None
-    self._trips = []
-    if not field_dict:
-      field_dict = {}
-      if short_name is not None:
-        field_dict['route_short_name'] = short_name
-      if long_name is not None:
-        field_dict['route_long_name'] = long_name
-      if route_type is not None:
-        if route_type in Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES:
-          self.route_type = Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES[route_type]
-        else:
-          field_dict['route_type'] = route_type
-      if route_id is not None:
-        field_dict['route_id'] = route_id
-      if agency_id is not None:
-        field_dict['agency_id'] = agency_id
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def AddTrip(self, schedule, headsign, service_period=None, trip_id=None):
-    """ Adds a trip to this route.
-    Args:
-      headsign: headsign of the trip as a string
-    Returns:
-      a new Trip object
-    """
-    if trip_id is None:
-      trip_id = unicode(len(schedule.trips))
-    if service_period is None:
-      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
-    trip = Trip(route=self, headsign=headsign, service_period=service_period,
-                trip_id=trip_id)
-    schedule.AddTripObject(trip)
-    return trip
-  def _AddTripObject(self, trip):
-    # Only class Schedule may call this. Users of the API should call
-    # Route.AddTrip or schedule.AddTripObject.
-    self._trips.append(trip)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Return None or the default value if name is a known attribute.
-    This method overrides GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__ to provide backwards
-    compatible access to trips.
-    """
-    if name == 'trips':
-      return self._trips
-    else:
-      return GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__(self, name)
-  def GetPatternIdTripDict(self):
-    """Return a dictionary that maps pattern_id to a list of Trip objects."""
-    d = {}
-    for t in self._trips:
-      d.setdefault(t.pattern_id, []).append(t)
-    return d
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_id')
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_type):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_type')
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_short_name) and IsEmpty(self.route_long_name):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_short_name',
-                            self.route_short_name,
-                            'Both route_short_name and '
-                            'route_long name are blank.')
-    if self.route_short_name and len(self.route_short_name) > 6:
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_short_name',
-                            self.route_short_name,
-                            'This route_short_name is relatively long, which '
-                            'probably means that it contains a place name.  '
-                            'You should only use this field to hold a short '
-                            'code that riders use to identify a route.  '
-                            'If this route doesn\'t have such a code, it\'s '
-                            'OK to leave this field empty.', type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if self.route_short_name and self.route_long_name:
-      short_name = self.route_short_name.strip().lower()
-      long_name = self.route_long_name.strip().lower()
-      if (long_name.startswith(short_name + ' ') or
-          long_name.startswith(short_name + '(') or
-          long_name.startswith(short_name + '-')):
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              self.route_long_name,
-                              'route_long_name shouldn\'t contain '
-                              'the route_short_name value, as both '
-                              'fields are often displayed '
-                              'side-by-side.', type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if long_name == short_name:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              self.route_long_name,
-                              'route_long_name shouldn\'t be the same '
-                              'the route_short_name value, as both '
-                              'fields are often displayed '
-                              'side-by-side.  It\'s OK to omit either the '
-                              'short or long name (but not both).',
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if (self.route_desc and
-        ((self.route_desc == self.route_short_name) or
-         (self.route_desc == self.route_long_name))):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_desc',
-                            self.route_desc,
-                            'route_desc shouldn\'t be the same as '
-                            'route_short_name or route_long_name')
-    if self.route_type is not None:
-      try:
-        if not isinstance(self.route_type, int):
-          self.route_type = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.route_type)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_type', self.route_type)
-      else:
-        if self.route_type not in Route._ROUTE_TYPE_IDS:
-          problems.InvalidValue('route_type',
-                                self.route_type,
-                                type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if self.route_url and not IsValidURL(self.route_url):
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_url', self.route_url)
-    txt_lum = ColorLuminance('000000')  # black (default)
-    bg_lum = ColorLuminance('ffffff')   # white (default)
-    if self.route_color:
-      if IsValidColor(self.route_color):
-        bg_lum  = ColorLuminance(self.route_color)
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_color', self.route_color,
-                              'route_color should be a valid color description '
-                              'which consists of 6 hexadecimal characters '
-                              'representing the RGB values. Example: 44AA06')
-    if self.route_text_color:
-      if IsValidColor(self.route_text_color):
-        txt_lum = ColorLuminance(self.route_text_color)
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_text_color', self.route_text_color,
-                              'route_text_color should be a valid color '
-                              'description, which consists of 6 hexadecimal '
-                              'characters representing the RGB values. '
-                              'Example: 44AA06')
-    if abs(txt_lum - bg_lum) < 510/7.:
-      # http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-AERT-20000426#color-contrast recommends
-      # a threshold of 125, but that is for normal text and too harsh for
-      # big colored logos like line names, so we keep the original threshold
-      # from r541 (but note that weight has shifted between RGB components).
-      problems.InvalidValue('route_color', self.route_color,
-                            'The route_text_color and route_color should '
-                            'be set to contrasting colors, as they are used '
-                            'as the text and background color (respectively) '
-                            'for displaying route names.  When left blank, '
-                            'route_text_color defaults to 000000 (black) and '
-                            'route_color defaults to FFFFFF (white).  A common '
-                            'source of issues here is setting route_color to '
-                            'a dark color, while leaving route_text_color set '
-                            'to black.  In this case, route_text_color should '
-                            'be set to a lighter color like FFFFFF to ensure '
-                            'a legible contrast between the two.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-def SortListOfTripByTime(trips):
-  trips.sort(key=Trip.GetStartTime)
-class StopTime(object):
-  """
-  Represents a single stop of a trip. StopTime contains most of the columns
-  from the stop_times.txt file. It does not contain trip_id, which is implied
-  by the Trip used to access it.
-  See the Google Transit Feed Specification for the semantic details.
-  stop: A Stop object
-  arrival_time: str in the form HH:MM:SS; readonly after __init__
-  departure_time: str in the form HH:MM:SS; readonly after __init__
-  arrival_secs: int number of seconds since midnight
-  departure_secs: int number of seconds since midnight
-  stop_headsign: str
-  pickup_type: int
-  drop_off_type: int
-  shape_dist_traveled: float
-  stop_id: str; readonly
-  stop_time: The only time given for this stop.  If present, it is used
-             for both arrival and departure time.
-  stop_sequence: int
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['trip_id', 'arrival_time', 'departure_time',
-                           'stop_id', 'stop_sequence']
-  _OPTIONAL_FIELD_NAMES = ['stop_headsign', 'pickup_type',
-                           'drop_off_type', 'shape_dist_traveled']
-  _SQL_FIELD_NAMES = ['trip_id', 'arrival_secs', 'departure_secs',
-                      'stop_id', 'stop_sequence', 'stop_headsign',
-                      'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type', 'shape_dist_traveled']
-  __slots__ = ('arrival_secs', 'departure_secs', 'stop_headsign', 'stop',
-               'stop_headsign', 'pickup_type', 'drop_off_type',
-               'shape_dist_traveled', 'stop_sequence')
-  def __init__(self, problems, stop,
-               arrival_time=None, departure_time=None,
-               stop_headsign=None, pickup_type=None, drop_off_type=None,
-               shape_dist_traveled=None, arrival_secs=None,
-               departure_secs=None, stop_time=None, stop_sequence=None):
-    if stop_time != None:
-      arrival_time = departure_time = stop_time
-    if arrival_secs != None:
-      self.arrival_secs = arrival_secs
-    elif arrival_time in (None, ""):
-      self.arrival_secs = None  # Untimed
-      arrival_time = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.arrival_secs = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(arrival_time)
-      except Error:
-        problems.InvalidValue('arrival_time', arrival_time)
-        self.arrival_secs = None
-    if departure_secs != None:
-      self.departure_secs = departure_secs
-    elif departure_time in (None, ""):
-      self.departure_secs = None
-      departure_time = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.departure_secs = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(departure_time)
-      except Error:
-        problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', departure_time)
-        self.departure_secs = None
-    if not isinstance(stop, Stop):
-      # Not quite correct, but better than letting the problem propagate
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop', stop)
-    self.stop = stop
-    self.stop_headsign = stop_headsign
-    if pickup_type in (None, ""):
-      self.pickup_type = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        pickup_type = int(pickup_type)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('pickup_type', pickup_type)
-      else:
-        if pickup_type < 0 or pickup_type > 3:
-          problems.InvalidValue('pickup_type', pickup_type)
-      self.pickup_type = pickup_type
-    if drop_off_type in (None, ""):
-      self.drop_off_type = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        drop_off_type = int(drop_off_type)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('drop_off_type', drop_off_type)
-      else:
-        if drop_off_type < 0 or drop_off_type > 3:
-          problems.InvalidValue('drop_off_type', drop_off_type)
-      self.drop_off_type = drop_off_type
-    if (self.pickup_type == 1 and self.drop_off_type == 1 and
-        self.arrival_secs == None and self.departure_secs == None):
-      problems.OtherProblem('This stop time has a pickup_type and '
-                            'drop_off_type of 1, indicating that riders '
-                            'can\'t get on or off here.  Since it doesn\'t '
-                            'define a timepoint either, this entry serves no '
-                            'purpose and should be excluded from the trip.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    if ((self.arrival_secs != None) and (self.departure_secs != None) and
-        (self.departure_secs < self.arrival_secs)):
-      problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', departure_time,
-                            'The departure time at this stop (%s) is before '
-                            'the arrival time (%s).  This is often caused by '
-                            'problems in the feed exporter\'s time conversion')
-    # If the caller passed a valid arrival time but didn't attempt to pass a
-    # departure time complain
-    if (self.arrival_secs != None and
-        self.departure_secs == None and departure_time == None):
-      # self.departure_secs might be None because departure_time was invalid,
-      # so we need to check both
-      problems.MissingValue('departure_time',
-                            'arrival_time and departure_time should either '
-                            'both be provided or both be left blank.  '
-                            'It\'s OK to set them both to the same value.')
-    # If the caller passed a valid departure time but didn't attempt to pass a
-    # arrival time complain
-    if (self.departure_secs != None and
-        self.arrival_secs == None and arrival_time == None):
-      problems.MissingValue('arrival_time',
-                            'arrival_time and departure_time should either '
-                            'both be provided or both be left blank.  '
-                            'It\'s OK to set them both to the same value.')
-    if shape_dist_traveled in (None, ""):
-      self.shape_dist_traveled = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.shape_dist_traveled = float(shape_dist_traveled)
-      except ValueError:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', shape_dist_traveled)
-    if stop_sequence is not None:
-      self.stop_sequence = stop_sequence
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self, trip_id):
-    """Return a tuple that outputs a row of _FIELD_NAMES.
-    trip must be provided because it is not stored in StopTime.
-    """
-    result = []
-    for fn in StopTime._FIELD_NAMES:
-      if fn == 'trip_id':
-        result.append(trip_id)
-      else:
-        result.append(getattr(self, fn) or '' )
-    return tuple(result)
-  def GetSqlValuesTuple(self, trip_id):
-    result = []
-    for fn in StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if fn == 'trip_id':
-        result.append(trip_id)
-      else:
-        # This might append None, which will be inserted into SQLite as NULL
-        result.append(getattr(self, fn))
-    return tuple(result)
-  def GetTimeSecs(self):
-    """Return the first of arrival_secs and departure_secs that is not None.
-    If both are None return None."""
-    if self.arrival_secs != None:
-      return self.arrival_secs
-    elif self.departure_secs != None:
-      return self.departure_secs
-    else:
-      return None
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    if name == 'stop_id':
-      return self.stop.stop_id
-    elif name == 'arrival_time':
-      return (self.arrival_secs != None and
-          FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(self.arrival_secs) or '')
-    elif name == 'departure_time':
-      return (self.departure_secs != None and
-          FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(self.departure_secs) or '')
-    elif name == 'shape_dist_traveled':
-      return ''
-    raise AttributeError(name)
-class Trip(GenericGTFSObject):
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['route_id', 'service_id', 'trip_id']
-    'trip_headsign', 'direction_id', 'block_id', 'shape_id'
-    ]
-  _FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY = ['trip_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'headway_secs']
-  _TABLE_NAME= "trips"
-  def __init__(self, headsign=None, service_period=None,
-               route=None, trip_id=None, field_dict=None):
-    self._schedule = None
-    self._headways = []  # [(start_time, end_time, headway_secs)]
-    if not field_dict:
-      field_dict = {}
-      if headsign is not None:
-        field_dict['trip_headsign'] = headsign
-      if route:
-        field_dict['route_id'] = route.route_id
-      if trip_id is not None:
-        field_dict['trip_id'] = trip_id
-      if service_period is not None:
-        field_dict['service_id'] = service_period.service_id
-      # Earlier versions of transitfeed.py assigned self.service_period here
-      # and allowed the caller to set self.service_id. Schedule.Validate
-      # checked the service_id attribute if it was assigned and changed it to a
-      # service_period attribute. Now only the service_id attribute is used and
-      # it is validated by Trip.Validate.
-      if service_period is not None:
-        # For backwards compatibility
-        self.service_id = service_period.service_id
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) or '' for fn in Trip._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def AddStopTime(self, stop, problems=None, schedule=None, **kwargs):
-    """Add a stop to this trip. Stops must be added in the order visited.
-    Args:
-      stop: A Stop object
-      kwargs: remaining keyword args passed to StopTime.__init__
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if problems is None:
-      # TODO: delete this branch when StopTime.__init__ doesn't need a
-      # ProblemReporter
-      problems = default_problem_reporter
-    stoptime = StopTime(problems=problems, stop=stop, **kwargs)
-    self.AddStopTimeObject(stoptime, schedule)
-  def _AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(self, stoptime, schedule):
-    """Add StopTime object to this trip.
-    The trip isn't checked for duplicate sequence numbers so it must be
-    validated later."""
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    insert_query = "INSERT INTO stop_times (%s) VALUES (%s);" % (
-       ','.join(StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES),
-       ','.join(['?'] * len(StopTime._SQL_FIELD_NAMES)))
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        insert_query, stoptime.GetSqlValuesTuple(self.trip_id))
-  def ReplaceStopTimeObject(self, stoptime, schedule=None):
-    """Replace a StopTime object from this trip with the given one.
-    Keys the StopTime object to be replaced by trip_id, stop_sequence
-    and stop_id as 'stoptime', with the object 'stoptime'.
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = self._schedule
-    new_secs = stoptime.GetTimeSecs()
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=? and "
-                   "stop_sequence=? and stop_id=?",
-                   (self.trip_id, stoptime.stop_sequence, stoptime.stop_id))
-    if cursor.rowcount == 0:
-      raise Error, 'Attempted replacement of StopTime object which does not exist'
-    self._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime, schedule)
-  def AddStopTimeObject(self, stoptime, schedule=None, problems=None):
-    """Add a StopTime object to the end of this trip.
-    Args:
-      stoptime: A StopTime object. Should not be reused in multiple trips.
-      schedule: Schedule object containing this trip which must be
-      passed to Trip.__init__ or here
-      problems: ProblemReporter object for validating the StopTime in its new
-      home
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if schedule is None:
-      schedule = self._schedule
-    if schedule is None:
-      warnings.warn("No longer supported. _schedule attribute is  used to get "
-                    "stop_times table", DeprecationWarning)
-    if problems is None:
-      problems = schedule.problem_reporter
-    new_secs = stoptime.GetTimeSecs()
-    cursor = schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT max(stop_sequence), max(arrival_secs), "
-                   "max(departure_secs) FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?",
-                   (self.trip_id,))
-    row = cursor.fetchone()
-    if row[0] is None:
-      # This is the first stop_time of the trip
-      stoptime.stop_sequence = 1
-      if new_secs == None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-            'No time for first StopTime of trip_id "%s"' % (self.trip_id,))
-    else:
-      stoptime.stop_sequence = row[0] + 1
-      prev_secs = max(row[1], row[2])
-      if new_secs != None and new_secs < prev_secs:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-            'out of order stop time for stop_id=%s trip_id=%s %s < %s' %
-            (EncodeUnicode(stoptime.stop_id), EncodeUnicode(self.trip_id),
-             FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(new_secs),
-             FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(prev_secs)))
-    self._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stoptime, schedule)
-  def GetTimeStops(self):
-    """Return a list of (arrival_secs, departure_secs, stop) tuples.
-    Caution: arrival_secs and departure_secs may be 0, a false value meaning a
-    stop at midnight or None, a false value meaning the stop is untimed."""
-    return [(st.arrival_secs, st.departure_secs, st.stop) for st in
-            self.GetStopTimes()]
-  def GetCountStopTimes(self):
-    """Return the number of stops made by this trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT count(*) FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?', (self.trip_id,))
-    return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-  def GetTimeInterpolatedStops(self):
-    """Return a list of (secs, stoptime, is_timepoint) tuples.
-    secs will always be an int. If the StopTime object does not have explict
-    times this method guesses using distance. stoptime is a StopTime object and
-    is_timepoint is a bool.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError if this trip does not have the times needed to interpolate
-    """
-    rv = []
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    # If there are no stoptimes [] is the correct return value but if the start
-    # or end are missing times there is no correct return value.
-    if not stoptimes:
-      return []
-    if (stoptimes[0].GetTimeSecs() is None or
-        stoptimes[-1].GetTimeSecs() is None):
-      raise ValueError("%s must have time at first and last stop" % (self))
-    cur_timepoint = None
-    next_timepoint = None
-    distance_between_timepoints = 0
-    distance_traveled_between_timepoints = 0
-    for i, st in enumerate(stoptimes):
-      if st.GetTimeSecs() != None:
-        cur_timepoint = st
-        distance_between_timepoints = 0
-        distance_traveled_between_timepoints = 0
-        if i + 1 < len(stoptimes):
-          k = i + 1
-          distance_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[k-1].stop, stoptimes[k].stop)
-          while stoptimes[k].GetTimeSecs() == None:
-            k += 1
-            distance_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[k-1].stop, stoptimes[k].stop)
-          next_timepoint = stoptimes[k]
-        rv.append( (st.GetTimeSecs(), st, True) )
-      else:
-        distance_traveled_between_timepoints += ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stoptimes[i-1].stop, st.stop)
-        distance_percent = distance_traveled_between_timepoints / distance_between_timepoints
-        total_time = next_timepoint.GetTimeSecs() - cur_timepoint.GetTimeSecs()
-        time_estimate = distance_percent * total_time + cur_timepoint.GetTimeSecs()
-        rv.append( (int(round(time_estimate)), st, False) )
-    return rv
-  def ClearStopTimes(self):
-    """Remove all stop times from this trip.
-    StopTime objects previously returned by GetStopTimes are unchanged but are
-    no longer associated with this trip.
-    """
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute('DELETE FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id=?', (self.trip_id,))
-  def GetStopTimes(self, problems=None):
-    """Return a sorted list of StopTime objects for this trip."""
-    # In theory problems=None should be safe because data from database has been
-    # validated. See comment in _LoadStopTimes for why this isn't always true.
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs,stop_headsign,pickup_type,'
-        'drop_off_type,shape_dist_traveled,stop_id,stop_sequence FROM '
-        'stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence', (self.trip_id,))
-    stop_times = []
-    for row in cursor.fetchall():
-      stop = self._schedule.GetStop(row[6])
-      stop_times.append(StopTime(problems=problems, stop=stop, arrival_secs=row[0],
-                                 departure_secs=row[1],
-                                 stop_headsign=row[2],
-                                 pickup_type=row[3],
-                                 drop_off_type=row[4],
-                                 shape_dist_traveled=row[5],
-                                 stop_sequence=row[7]))
-    return stop_times
-  def GetHeadwayStopTimes(self, problems=None):
-    """Return a list of StopTime objects for each headway-based run.
-    Returns:
-      a list of list of StopTime objects. Each list of StopTime objects
-      represents one run. If this trip doesn't have headways returns an empty
-      list.
-    """
-    stoptimes_list = [] # list of stoptime lists to be returned
-    stoptime_pattern = self.GetStopTimes()
-    first_secs = stoptime_pattern[0].arrival_secs # first time of the trip
-    # for each start time of a headway run
-    for run_secs in self.GetHeadwayStartTimes():
-      # stop time list for a headway run
-      stoptimes = []
-      # go through the pattern and generate stoptimes
-      for st in stoptime_pattern:
-        arrival_secs, departure_secs = None, None # default value if the stoptime is not timepoint
-        if st.arrival_secs != None:
-          arrival_secs = st.arrival_secs - first_secs + run_secs
-        if st.departure_secs != None:
-          departure_secs = st.departure_secs - first_secs + run_secs
-        # append stoptime
-        stoptimes.append(StopTime(problems=problems, stop=st.stop,
-                                  arrival_secs=arrival_secs,
-                                  departure_secs=departure_secs,
-                                  stop_headsign=st.stop_headsign,
-                                  pickup_type=st.pickup_type,
-                                  drop_off_type=st.drop_off_type,
-                                  shape_dist_traveled=st.shape_dist_traveled,
-                                  stop_sequence=st.stop_sequence))
-      # add stoptimes to the stoptimes_list
-      stoptimes_list.append ( stoptimes )
-    return stoptimes_list
-  def GetStartTime(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Return the first time of the trip. TODO: For trips defined by frequency
-    return the first time of the first trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs FROM stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence LIMIT 1', (self.trip_id,))
-    (arrival_secs, departure_secs) = cursor.fetchone()
-    if arrival_secs != None:
-      return arrival_secs
-    elif departure_secs != None:
-      return departure_secs
-    else:
-      problems.InvalidValue('departure_time', '',
-                            'The first stop_time in trip %s is missing '
-                            'times.' % self.trip_id)
-  def GetHeadwayStartTimes(self):
-    """Return a list of start time for each headway-based run.
-    Returns:
-      a sorted list of seconds since midnight, the start time of each run. If
-      this trip doesn't have headways returns an empty list."""
-    start_times = []
-    # for each headway period of the trip
-    for start_secs, end_secs, headway_secs in self.GetHeadwayPeriodTuples():
-      # reset run secs to the start of the timeframe
-      run_secs = start_secs
-      while run_secs < end_secs:
-        start_times.append(run_secs)
-        # increment current run secs by headway secs
-        run_secs += headway_secs
-    return start_times
-  def GetEndTime(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Return the last time of the trip. TODO: For trips defined by frequency
-    return the last time of the last trip."""
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(
-        'SELECT arrival_secs,departure_secs FROM stop_times WHERE '
-        'trip_id=? ORDER BY stop_sequence DESC LIMIT 1', (self.trip_id,))
-    (arrival_secs, departure_secs) = cursor.fetchone()
-    if departure_secs != None:
-      return departure_secs
-    elif arrival_secs != None:
-      return arrival_secs
-    else:
-      problems.InvalidValue('arrival_time', '',
-                            'The last stop_time in trip %s is missing '
-                            'times.' % self.trip_id)
-  def _GenerateStopTimesTuples(self):
-    """Generator for rows of the stop_times file"""
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    for i, st in enumerate(stoptimes):
-      yield st.GetFieldValuesTuple(self.trip_id)
-  def GetStopTimesTuples(self):
-    results = []
-    for time_tuple in self._GenerateStopTimesTuples():
-      results.append(time_tuple)
-    return results
-  def GetPattern(self):
-    """Return a tuple of Stop objects, in the order visited"""
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes()
-    return tuple(st.stop for st in stoptimes)
-  def AddHeadwayPeriod(self, start_time, end_time, headway_secs,
-                       problem_reporter=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Adds a period to this trip during which the vehicle travels
-    at regular intervals (rather than specifying exact times for each stop).
-    Args:
-      start_time: The time at which this headway period starts, either in
-          numerical seconds since midnight or as "HH:MM:SS" since midnight.
-      end_time: The time at which this headway period ends, either in
-          numerical seconds since midnight or as "HH:MM:SS" since midnight.
-          This value should be larger than start_time.
-      headway_secs: The amount of time, in seconds, between occurences of
-          this trip.
-      problem_reporter: Optional parameter that can be used to select
-          how any errors in the other input parameters will be reported.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if start_time == None or start_time == '':  # 0 is OK
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('start_time')
-      return
-    if isinstance(start_time, basestring):
-      try:
-        start_time = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(start_time)
-      except Error:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('start_time', start_time)
-        return
-    elif start_time < 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('start_time', start_time)
-    if end_time == None or end_time == '':
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('end_time')
-      return
-    if isinstance(end_time, basestring):
-      try:
-        end_time = TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(end_time)
-      except Error:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time)
-        return
-    elif end_time < 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time)
-      return
-    if not headway_secs:
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('headway_secs')
-      return
-    try:
-      headway_secs = int(headway_secs)
-    except ValueError:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('headway_secs', headway_secs)
-      return
-    if headway_secs <= 0:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('headway_secs', headway_secs)
-      return
-    if end_time <= start_time:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('end_time', end_time,
-                                    'should be greater than start_time')
-    self._headways.append((start_time, end_time, headway_secs))
-  def ClearHeadwayPeriods(self):
-    self._headways = []
-  def _HeadwayOutputTuple(self, headway):
-      return (self.trip_id,
-              FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(headway[0]),
-              FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(headway[1]),
-              unicode(headway[2]))
-  def GetHeadwayPeriodOutputTuples(self):
-    tuples = []
-    for headway in self._headways:
-      tuples.append(self._HeadwayOutputTuple(headway))
-    return tuples
-  def GetHeadwayPeriodTuples(self):
-    return self._headways
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    if name == 'service_period':
-      assert self._schedule, "Must be in a schedule to get service_period"
-      return self._schedule.GetServicePeriod(self.service_id)
-    elif name == 'pattern_id':
-      if '_pattern_id' not in self.__dict__:
-        self.__dict__['_pattern_id'] = hash(self.GetPattern())
-      return self.__dict__['_pattern_id']
-    else:
-      return GenericGTFSObject.__getattr__(self, name)
-  def Validate(self, problems, validate_children=True):
-    """Validate attributes of this object.
-    Check that this object has all required values set to a valid value without
-    reference to the rest of the schedule. If the _schedule attribute is set
-    then check that references such as route_id and service_id are correct.
-    Args:
-      problems: A ProblemReporter object
-      validate_children: if True and the _schedule attribute is set than call
-                         ValidateChildren
-    """
-    if IsEmpty(self.route_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('route_id')
-    if 'service_period' in self.__dict__:
-      # Some tests assign to the service_period attribute. Patch up self before
-      # proceeding with validation. See also comment in Trip.__init__.
-      self.service_id = self.__dict__['service_period'].service_id
-      del self.service_period
-    if IsEmpty(self.service_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('service_id')
-    if IsEmpty(self.trip_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('trip_id')
-    if hasattr(self, 'direction_id') and (not IsEmpty(self.direction_id)) and \
-        (self.direction_id != '0') and (self.direction_id != '1'):
-      problems.InvalidValue('direction_id', self.direction_id,
-                            'direction_id must be "0" or "1"')
-    if self._schedule:
-      if self.shape_id and self.shape_id not in self._schedule._shapes:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_id', self.shape_id)
-      if self.route_id and self.route_id not in self._schedule.routes:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_id', self.route_id)
-      if (self.service_id and
-          self.service_id not in self._schedule.service_periods):
-        problems.InvalidValue('service_id', self.service_id)
-      if validate_children:
-        self.ValidateChildren(problems)
-  def ValidateChildren(self, problems):
-    """Validate StopTimes and headways of this trip."""
-    assert self._schedule, "Trip must be in a schedule to ValidateChildren"
-    # TODO: validate distance values in stop times (if applicable)
-    cursor = self._schedule._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(stop_sequence) AS a FROM stop_times "
-                   "WHERE trip_id=? GROUP BY stop_sequence HAVING a > 1",
-                   (self.trip_id,))
-    for row in cursor:
-      problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', row[0],
-                            'Duplicate stop_sequence in trip_id %s' %
-                            self.trip_id)
-    stoptimes = self.GetStopTimes(problems)
-    if stoptimes:
-      if stoptimes[0].arrival_time is None and stoptimes[0].departure_time is None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-          'No time for start of trip_id "%s""' % (self.trip_id))
-      if stoptimes[-1].arrival_time is None and stoptimes[-1].departure_time is None:
-        problems.OtherProblem(
-          'No time for end of trip_id "%s""' % (self.trip_id))
-      # Sorts the stoptimes by sequence and then checks that the arrival time
-      # for each time point is after the departure time of the previous.
-      stoptimes.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop_sequence)
-      prev_departure = 0
-      prev_stop = None
-      prev_distance = None
-      try:
-        route_type = self._schedule.GetRoute(self.route_id).route_type
-        max_speed = Route._ROUTE_TYPES[route_type]['max_speed']
-      except KeyError, e:
-        # If route_type cannot be found, assume it is 0 (Tram) for checking
-        # speeds between stops.
-        max_speed = Route._ROUTE_TYPES[0]['max_speed']
-      for timepoint in stoptimes:
-        # Distance should be a nonnegative float number, so it should be 
-        # always larger than None.
-        distance = timepoint.shape_dist_traveled
-        if distance is not None:
-          if distance > prev_distance and distance >= 0:
-            prev_distance = distance
-          else:
-            if distance == prev_distance:
-              type = TYPE_WARNING
-            else:
-              type = TYPE_ERROR
-            problems.InvalidValue('stoptimes.shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                  'For the trip %s the stop %s has shape_dist_traveled=%s, '
-                  'which should be larger than the previous ones. In this '
-                  'case, the previous distance was %s.' % 
-                  (self.trip_id, timepoint.stop_id, distance, prev_distance),
-                  type=type)
-        if timepoint.arrival_secs is not None:
-          self._CheckSpeed(prev_stop, timepoint.stop, prev_departure,
-                           timepoint.arrival_secs, max_speed, problems)
-          if timepoint.arrival_secs >= prev_departure:
-            prev_departure = timepoint.departure_secs
-            prev_stop = timepoint.stop
-          else:
-            problems.OtherProblem('Timetravel detected! Arrival time '
-                                  'is before previous departure '
-                                  'at sequence number %s in trip %s' %
-                                  (timepoint.stop_sequence, self.trip_id))
-      if self.shape_id and self.shape_id in self._schedule._shapes:
-        shape = self._schedule.GetShape(self.shape_id)
-        max_shape_dist = shape.max_distance
-        st = stoptimes[-1]
-        if (st.shape_dist_traveled and
-            st.shape_dist_traveled > max_shape_dist):
-          problems.OtherProblem(
-              'In stop_times.txt, the stop with trip_id=%s and '
-              'stop_sequence=%d has shape_dist_traveled=%f, which is larger '
-              'than the max shape_dist_traveled=%f of the corresponding '
-              'shape (shape_id=%s)' %
-              (self.trip_id, st.stop_sequence, st.shape_dist_traveled,
-               max_shape_dist, self.shape_id), type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        # shape_dist_traveled is valid in shape if max_shape_dist larger than
-        # 0.
-        if max_shape_dist > 0:
-          for st in stoptimes:
-            if st.shape_dist_traveled is None:
-              continue
-            pt = shape.GetPointWithDistanceTraveled(st.shape_dist_traveled)
-            if pt:
-              stop = self._schedule.GetStop(st.stop_id)
-              distance = ApproximateDistance(stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon,
-                                             pt[0], pt[1])
-              if distance > MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_STOP_TO_SHAPE:
-                problems.StopTooFarFromShapeWithDistTraveled(
-                    self.trip_id, stop.stop_name, stop.stop_id, pt[2],
-                    self.shape_id, distance, MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_STOP_TO_SHAPE)
-    # O(n^2), but we don't anticipate many headway periods per trip
-    for headway_index, headway in enumerate(self._headways[0:-1]):
-      for other in self._headways[headway_index + 1:]:
-        if (other[0] < headway[1]) and (other[1] > headway[0]):
-          problems.OtherProblem('Trip contains overlapping headway periods '
-                                '%s and %s' %
-                                (self._HeadwayOutputTuple(headway),
-                                 self._HeadwayOutputTuple(other)))
-  def _CheckSpeed(self, prev_stop, next_stop, depart_time,
-                  arrive_time, max_speed, problems):
-    # Checks that the speed between two stops is not faster than max_speed
-    if prev_stop != None:
-      try:
-        time_between_stops = arrive_time - depart_time
-      except TypeError:
-        return
-      try:
-        dist_between_stops = \
-          ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(next_stop, prev_stop)
-      except TypeError, e:
-          return
-      if time_between_stops == 0:
-        # HASTUS makes it hard to output GTFS with times to the nearest second;
-        # it rounds times to the nearest minute. Therefore stop_times at the
-        # same time ending in :00 are fairly common. These times off by no more
-        # than 30 have not caused a problem. See
-        # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=193
-        # Show a warning if times are not rounded to the nearest minute or
-        # distance is more than max_speed for one minute.
-        if depart_time % 60 != 0 or dist_between_stops / 1000 * 60 > max_speed:
-          problems.TooFastTravel(self.trip_id,
-                                 prev_stop.stop_name,
-                                 next_stop.stop_name,
-                                 dist_between_stops,
-                                 time_between_stops,
-                                 speed=None,
-                                 type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        return
-      # This needs floating point division for precision.
-      speed_between_stops = ((float(dist_between_stops) / 1000) /
-                                (float(time_between_stops) / 3600))
-      if speed_between_stops > max_speed:
-        problems.TooFastTravel(self.trip_id,
-                               prev_stop.stop_name,
-                               next_stop.stop_name,
-                               dist_between_stops,
-                               time_between_stops,
-                               speed_between_stops,
-                               type=TYPE_WARNING)
-# TODO: move these into a separate file
-class ISO4217(object):
-  """Represents the set of currencies recognized by the ISO-4217 spec."""
-  codes = {  # map of alpha code to numerical code
-    'AED': 784, 'AFN': 971, 'ALL':   8, 'AMD':  51, 'ANG': 532, 'AOA': 973,
-    'ARS':  32, 'AUD':  36, 'AWG': 533, 'AZN': 944, 'BAM': 977, 'BBD':  52,
-    'BDT':  50, 'BGN': 975, 'BHD':  48, 'BIF': 108, 'BMD':  60, 'BND':  96,
-    'BOB':  68, 'BOV': 984, 'BRL': 986, 'BSD':  44, 'BTN':  64, 'BWP':  72,
-    'BYR': 974, 'BZD':  84, 'CAD': 124, 'CDF': 976, 'CHE': 947, 'CHF': 756,
-    'CHW': 948, 'CLF': 990, 'CLP': 152, 'CNY': 156, 'COP': 170, 'COU': 970,
-    'CRC': 188, 'CUP': 192, 'CVE': 132, 'CYP': 196, 'CZK': 203, 'DJF': 262,
-    'DKK': 208, 'DOP': 214, 'DZD':  12, 'EEK': 233, 'EGP': 818, 'ERN': 232,
-    'ETB': 230, 'EUR': 978, 'FJD': 242, 'FKP': 238, 'GBP': 826, 'GEL': 981,
-    'GHC': 288, 'GIP': 292, 'GMD': 270, 'GNF': 324, 'GTQ': 320, 'GYD': 328,
-    'HKD': 344, 'HNL': 340, 'HRK': 191, 'HTG': 332, 'HUF': 348, 'IDR': 360,
-    'ILS': 376, 'INR': 356, 'IQD': 368, 'IRR': 364, 'ISK': 352, 'JMD': 388,
-    'JOD': 400, 'JPY': 392, 'KES': 404, 'KGS': 417, 'KHR': 116, 'KMF': 174,
-    'KPW': 408, 'KRW': 410, 'KWD': 414, 'KYD': 136, 'KZT': 398, 'LAK': 418,
-    'LBP': 422, 'LKR': 144, 'LRD': 430, 'LSL': 426, 'LTL': 440, 'LVL': 428,
-    'LYD': 434, 'MAD': 504, 'MDL': 498, 'MGA': 969, 'MKD': 807, 'MMK': 104,
-    'MNT': 496, 'MOP': 446, 'MRO': 478, 'MTL': 470, 'MUR': 480, 'MVR': 462,
-    'MWK': 454, 'MXN': 484, 'MXV': 979, 'MYR': 458, 'MZN': 943, 'NAD': 516,
-    'NGN': 566, 'NIO': 558, 'NOK': 578, 'NPR': 524, 'NZD': 554, 'OMR': 512,
-    'PAB': 590, 'PEN': 604, 'PGK': 598, 'PHP': 608, 'PKR': 586, 'PLN': 985,
-    'PYG': 600, 'QAR': 634, 'ROL': 642, 'RON': 946, 'RSD': 941, 'RUB': 643,
-    'RWF': 646, 'SAR': 682, 'SBD':  90, 'SCR': 690, 'SDD': 736, 'SDG': 938,
-    'SEK': 752, 'SGD': 702, 'SHP': 654, 'SKK': 703, 'SLL': 694, 'SOS': 706,
-    'SRD': 968, 'STD': 678, 'SYP': 760, 'SZL': 748, 'THB': 764, 'TJS': 972,
-    'TMM': 795, 'TND': 788, 'TOP': 776, 'TRY': 949, 'TTD': 780, 'TWD': 901,
-    'TZS': 834, 'UAH': 980, 'UGX': 800, 'USD': 840, 'USN': 997, 'USS': 998,
-    'UYU': 858, 'UZS': 860, 'VEB': 862, 'VND': 704, 'VUV': 548, 'WST': 882,
-    'XAF': 950, 'XAG': 961, 'XAU': 959, 'XBA': 955, 'XBB': 956, 'XBC': 957,
-    'XBD': 958, 'XCD': 951, 'XDR': 960, 'XFO': None, 'XFU': None, 'XOF': 952,
-    'XPD': 964, 'XPF': 953, 'XPT': 962, 'XTS': 963, 'XXX': 999, 'YER': 886,
-    'ZAR': 710, 'ZMK': 894, 'ZWD': 716,
-  }
-class Fare(object):
-  """Represents a fare type."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['fare_id', 'price', 'currency_type',
-                           'payment_method', 'transfers']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['transfer_duration']
-  def __init__(self,
-               fare_id=None, price=None, currency_type=None,
-               payment_method=None, transfers=None, transfer_duration=None,
-               field_list=None):
-    self.rules = []
-    (self.fare_id, self.price, self.currency_type, self.payment_method,
-     self.transfers, self.transfer_duration) = \
-     (fare_id, price, currency_type, payment_method,
-      transfers, transfer_duration)
-    if field_list:
-      (self.fare_id, self.price, self.currency_type, self.payment_method,
-       self.transfers, self.transfer_duration) = field_list
-    try:
-      self.price = float(self.price)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      pass
-    try:
-      self.payment_method = int(self.payment_method)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      pass
-    if self.transfers == None or self.transfers == "":
-      self.transfers = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfers = int(self.transfers)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    if self.transfer_duration == None or self.transfer_duration == "":
-      self.transfer_duration = None
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfer_duration = int(self.transfer_duration)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-  def GetFareRuleList(self):
-    return self.rules
-  def ClearFareRules(self):
-    self.rules = []
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in Fare._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    if self.GetFieldValuesTuple() != other.GetFieldValuesTuple():
-      return False
-    self_rules = [r.GetFieldValuesTuple() for r in self.GetFareRuleList()]
-    self_rules.sort()
-    other_rules = [r.GetFieldValuesTuple() for r in other.GetFareRuleList()]
-    other_rules.sort()
-    return self_rules == other_rules
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.fare_id):
-      problems.MissingValue("fare_id")
-    if self.price == None:
-      problems.MissingValue("price")
-    elif not isinstance(self.price, float) and not isinstance(self.price, int):
-      problems.InvalidValue("price", self.price)
-    elif self.price < 0:
-      problems.InvalidValue("price", self.price)
-    if IsEmpty(self.currency_type):
-      problems.MissingValue("currency_type")
-    elif self.currency_type not in ISO4217.codes:
-      problems.InvalidValue("currency_type", self.currency_type)
-    if self.payment_method == "" or self.payment_method == None:
-      problems.MissingValue("payment_method")
-    elif (not isinstance(self.payment_method, int) or
-          self.payment_method not in range(0, 2)):
-      problems.InvalidValue("payment_method", self.payment_method)
-    if not ((self.transfers == None) or
-            (isinstance(self.transfers, int) and
-             self.transfers in range(0, 3))):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfers", self.transfers)
-    if ((self.transfer_duration != None) and
-        not isinstance(self.transfer_duration, int)):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration)
-    if self.transfer_duration and (self.transfer_duration < 0):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration)
-    if (self.transfer_duration and (self.transfer_duration > 0) and
-        self.transfers == 0):
-      problems.InvalidValue("transfer_duration", self.transfer_duration,
-                            "can't have a nonzero transfer_duration for "
-                            "a fare that doesn't allow transfers!")
-class FareRule(object):
-  """This class represents a rule that determines which itineraries a
-  fare rule applies to."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['fare_id']
-                                         'origin_id', 'destination_id',
-                                         'contains_id']
-  def __init__(self, fare_id=None, route_id=None,
-               origin_id=None, destination_id=None, contains_id=None,
-               field_list=None):
-    (self.fare_id, self.route_id, self.origin_id, self.destination_id,
-     self.contains_id) = \
-     (fare_id, route_id, origin_id, destination_id, contains_id)
-    if field_list:
-      (self.fare_id, self.route_id, self.origin_id, self.destination_id,
-       self.contains_id) = field_list
-    # canonicalize non-content values as None
-    if not self.route_id:
-      self.route_id = None
-    if not self.origin_id:
-      self.origin_id = None
-    if not self.destination_id:
-      self.destination_id = None
-    if not self.contains_id:
-      self.contains_id = None
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in FareRule._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.GetFieldValuesTuple() == other.GetFieldValuesTuple()
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-class Shape(object):
-  """This class represents a geographic shape that corresponds to the route
-  taken by one or more Trips."""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['shape_id', 'shape_pt_lat', 'shape_pt_lon',
-                           'shape_pt_sequence']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['shape_dist_traveled']
-  def __init__(self, shape_id):
-    # List of shape point tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
-    # lon is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
-    # increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
-    self.points = []
-    # An ID that uniquely identifies a shape in the dataset.
-    self.shape_id = shape_id
-    # The max shape_dist_traveled of shape points in this shape.
-    self.max_distance = 0
-    # List of shape_dist_traveled of each shape point.
-    self.distance = []
-  def AddPoint(self, lat, lon, distance=None,
-               problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    try:
-      lat = float(lat)
-      if abs(lat) > 90.0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat)
-        return
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat)
-      return
-    try:
-      lon = float(lon)
-      if abs(lon) > 180.0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lon', lon)
-        return
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lon', lon)
-      return
-    if (abs(lat) < 1.0) and (abs(lon) < 1.0):
-      problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_lat', lat,
-                            'Point location too close to 0, 0, which means '
-                            'that it\'s probably an incorrect location.',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      return
-    if distance == '':  # canonicalizing empty string to None for comparison
-      distance = None
-    if distance != None:
-      try:
-        distance = float(distance)
-        if (distance < self.max_distance and not
-            (len(self.points) == 0 and distance == 0)):  # first one can be 0
-          problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                                'Each subsequent point in a shape should '
-                                'have a distance value that\'s at least as '
-                                'large as the previous ones.  In this case, '
-                                'the previous distance was %f.' % 
-                                self.max_distance)
-          return
-        else:
-          self.max_distance = distance
-          self.distance.append(distance)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        problems.InvalidValue('shape_dist_traveled', distance,
-                              'This value should be a positive number.')
-        return
-    self.points.append((lat, lon, distance))
-  def ClearPoints(self):
-    self.points = []
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.points == other.points
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<Shape %s>" % self.__dict__
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.shape_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('shape_id')
-    if not self.points:
-      problems.OtherProblem('The shape with shape_id "%s" contains no points.' %
-                            self.shape_id, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-  def GetPointWithDistanceTraveled(self, shape_dist_traveled):
-    """Returns a point on the shape polyline with the input shape_dist_traveled.
-    Args:
-      shape_dist_traveled: The input shape_dist_traveled.
-    Returns:
-      The shape point as a tuple (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled), where lat and
-      lng is the location of the shape point, and shape_dist_traveled is an
-      increasing metric representing the distance traveled along the shape.
-      Returns None if there is data error in shape.
-    """
-    if not self.distance:
-      return None
-    if shape_dist_traveled <= self.distance[0]:
-      return self.points[0]
-    if shape_dist_traveled >= self.distance[-1]:
-      return self.points[-1]
-    index = bisect.bisect(self.distance, shape_dist_traveled)
-    (lat0, lng0, dist0) = self.points[index - 1]
-    (lat1, lng1, dist1) = self.points[index]
-    # Interpolate if shape_dist_traveled does not equal to any of the point
-    # in shape segment.
-    # (lat0, lng0)          (lat, lng)           (lat1, lng1)
-    # -----|--------------------|---------------------|------
-    #    dist0          shape_dist_traveled         dist1
-    #      \------- ca --------/ \-------- bc -------/
-    #       \----------------- ba ------------------/
-    ca = shape_dist_traveled - dist0
-    bc = dist1 - shape_dist_traveled
-    ba = bc + ca
-    if ba == 0:
-      # This only happens when there's data error in shapes and should have been
-      # catched before. Check to avoid crash.
-      return None
-    # This won't work crossing longitude 180 and is only an approximation which
-    # works well for short distance.
-    lat = (lat1 * ca + lat0 * bc) / ba
-    lng = (lng1 * ca + lng0 * bc) / ba
-    return (lat, lng, shape_dist_traveled)
-class ISO639(object):
-  # Set of all the 2-letter ISO 639-1 language codes.
-  codes_2letter = set([
-    'aa', 'ab', 'ae', 'af', 'ak', 'am', 'an', 'ar', 'as', 'av', 'ay', 'az',
-    'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'ce',
-    'ch', 'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee',
-    'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr',
-    'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi', 'ho', 'hr',
-    'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'ii', 'ik', 'io', 'is',
-    'it', 'iu', 'ja', 'jv', 'ka', 'kg', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn',
-    'ko', 'kr', 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'lg', 'li', 'ln',
-    'lo', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv', 'mg', 'mh', 'mi', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mo', 'mr',
-    'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nb', 'nd', 'ne', 'ng', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nr',
-    'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'oj', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pi', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt',
-    'qu', 'rm', 'rn', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'sc', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'si',
-    'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw',
-    'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'to', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt',
-    'tw', 'ty', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 've', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'xh',
-    'yi', 'yo', 'za', 'zh', 'zu',
-  ])
-class Agency(GenericGTFSObject):
-  """Represents an agency in a schedule.
-  Callers may assign arbitrary values to instance attributes. __init__ makes no
-  attempt at validating the attributes. Call Validate() to check that
-  attributes are valid and the agency object is consistent with itself.
-  Attributes:
-    All attributes are strings.
-  """
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['agency_name', 'agency_url', 'agency_timezone']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['agency_id', 'agency_lang',
-                                          'agency_phone']
-  _TABLE_NAME = 'agency'
-  def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, timezone=None, id=None,
-               field_dict=None, lang=None, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize a new Agency object.
-    Args:
-      field_dict: A dictionary mapping attribute name to unicode string
-      name: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      url: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      timezone: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      id: a string, ignored when field_dict is present
-      kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments may be used to add attributes to the
-        new object, ignored when field_dict is present
-    """
-    self._schedule = None
-    if not field_dict:
-      if name:
-        kwargs['agency_name'] = name
-      if url:
-        kwargs['agency_url'] = url
-      if timezone:
-        kwargs['agency_timezone'] = timezone
-      if id:
-        kwargs['agency_id'] = id
-      if lang:
-        kwargs['agency_lang'] = lang
-      field_dict = kwargs
-    self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    """Validate attribute values and this object's internal consistency.
-    Returns:
-      True iff all validation checks passed.
-    """
-    found_problem = False
-    for required in Agency._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES:
-      if IsEmpty(getattr(self, required, None)):
-        problems.MissingValue(required)
-        found_problem = True
-    if self.agency_url and not IsValidURL(self.agency_url):
-      problems.InvalidValue('agency_url', self.agency_url)
-      found_problem = True
-    if (not IsEmpty(self.agency_lang) and
-        self.agency_lang.lower() not in ISO639.codes_2letter):
-      problems.InvalidValue('agency_lang', self.agency_lang)
-      found_problem = True
-    try:
-      import pytz
-      if self.agency_timezone not in pytz.common_timezones:
-        problems.InvalidValue(
-            'agency_timezone',
-            self.agency_timezone,
-            '"%s" is not a common timezone name according to pytz version %s' %
-            (self.agency_timezone, pytz.VERSION))
-        found_problem = True
-    except ImportError:  # no pytz
-      print ("Timezone not checked "
-             "(install pytz package for timezone validation)")
-    return not found_problem
-class Transfer(object):
-  """Represents a transfer in a schedule"""
-  _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES = ['from_stop_id', 'to_stop_id', 'transfer_type']
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES + ['min_transfer_time']
-  def __init__(self, schedule=None, from_stop_id=None, to_stop_id=None, transfer_type=None,
-               min_transfer_time=None, field_dict=None):
-    if schedule is not None:
-      self._schedule = weakref.proxy(schedule)  # See weakref comment at top
-    else:
-      self._schedule = None
-    if field_dict:
-      self.__dict__.update(field_dict)
-    else:
-      self.from_stop_id = from_stop_id
-      self.to_stop_id = to_stop_id
-      self.transfer_type = transfer_type
-      self.min_transfer_time = min_transfer_time
-    if getattr(self, 'transfer_type', None) in ("", None):
-      # Use the default, recommended transfer, if attribute is not set or blank
-      self.transfer_type = 0
-    else:
-      try:
-        self.transfer_type = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.transfer_type)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    if hasattr(self, 'min_transfer_time'):
-      try:
-        self.min_transfer_time = NonNegIntStringToInt(self.min_transfer_time)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        pass
-    else:
-      self.min_transfer_time = None
-  def GetFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in Transfer._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    return self.GetFieldValuesTuple() == other.GetFieldValuesTuple()
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "<Transfer %s>" % self.__dict__
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.from_stop_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('from_stop_id')
-    elif self._schedule:
-      if self.from_stop_id not in self._schedule.stops.keys():
-        problems.InvalidValue('from_stop_id', self.from_stop_id)
-    if IsEmpty(self.to_stop_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('to_stop_id')
-    elif self._schedule:
-      if self.to_stop_id not in self._schedule.stops.keys():
-        problems.InvalidValue('to_stop_id', self.to_stop_id)
-    if not IsEmpty(self.transfer_type):
-      if (not isinstance(self.transfer_type, int)) or \
-          (self.transfer_type not in range(0, 4)):
-        problems.InvalidValue('transfer_type', self.transfer_type)
-    if not IsEmpty(self.min_transfer_time):
-      if (not isinstance(self.min_transfer_time, int)) or \
-          self.min_transfer_time < 0:
-        problems.InvalidValue('min_transfer_time', self.min_transfer_time)
-class ServicePeriod(object):
-  """Represents a service, which identifies a set of dates when one or more
-  trips operate."""
-  _DAYS_OF_WEEK = [
-    'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday',
-    'saturday', 'sunday'
-    ]
-    'service_id', 'start_date', 'end_date'
-    ] + _DAYS_OF_WEEK
-  _FIELD_NAMES = _FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED  # no optional fields in this one
-  _FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES = ['service_id', 'date', 'exception_type']
-  def __init__(self, id=None, field_list=None):
-    self.original_day_values = []
-    if field_list:
-      self.service_id = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('service_id')]
-      self.day_of_week = [False] * len(self._DAYS_OF_WEEK)
-      for day in self._DAYS_OF_WEEK:
-        value = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index(day)] or ''  # can be None
-        self.original_day_values += [value.strip()]
-        self.day_of_week[self._DAYS_OF_WEEK.index(day)] = (value == u'1')
-      self.start_date = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('start_date')]
-      self.end_date = field_list[self._FIELD_NAMES.index('end_date')]
-    else:
-      self.service_id = id
-      self.day_of_week = [False] * 7
-      self.start_date = None
-      self.end_date = None
-    self.date_exceptions = {}  # Map from 'YYYYMMDD' to 1 (add) or 2 (remove)
-  def _IsValidDate(self, date):
-    if re.match('^\d{8}$', date) == None:
-      return False
-    try:
-      time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d")
-      return True
-    except ValueError:
-      return False
-  def GetDateRange(self):
-    """Return the range over which this ServicePeriod is valid.
-    The range includes exception dates that add service outside of
-    (start_date, end_date), but doesn't shrink the range if exception
-    dates take away service at the edges of the range.
-    Returns:
-      A tuple of "YYYYMMDD" strings, (start date, end date) or (None, None) if
-      no dates have been given.
-    """
-    start = self.start_date
-    end = self.end_date
-    for date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if self.date_exceptions[date] == 2:
-        continue
-      if not start or (date < start):
-        start = date
-      if not end or (date > end):
-        end = date
-    if start is None:
-      start = end
-    elif end is None:
-      end = start
-    # If start and end are None we did a little harmless shuffling
-    return (start, end)
-  def GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple(self):
-    """Return the tuple of calendar.txt values or None if this ServicePeriod
-    should not be in calendar.txt ."""
-    if self.start_date and self.end_date:
-      return [getattr(self, fn) for fn in ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES]
-  def GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples(self):
-    """Generates tuples of calendar_dates.txt values. Yield zero tuples if
-    this ServicePeriod should not be in calendar_dates.txt ."""
-    for date, exception_type in self.date_exceptions.items():
-      yield (self.service_id, date, unicode(exception_type))
-  def GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples(self):
-    """Return a list of date execeptions"""
-    result = []
-    for date_tuple in self.GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples():
-      result.append(date_tuple)
-    result.sort()  # helps with __eq__
-    return result
-  def SetDateHasService(self, date, has_service=True, problems=None):
-    if date in self.date_exceptions and problems:
-      problems.DuplicateID(('service_id', 'date'),
-                           (self.service_id, date),
-                           type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    self.date_exceptions[date] = has_service and 1 or 2
-  def ResetDateToNormalService(self, date):
-    if date in self.date_exceptions:
-      del self.date_exceptions[date]
-  def SetStartDate(self, start_date):
-    """Set the first day of service as a string in YYYYMMDD format"""
-    self.start_date = start_date
-  def SetEndDate(self, end_date):
-    """Set the last day of service as a string in YYYYMMDD format"""
-    self.end_date = end_date
-  def SetDayOfWeekHasService(self, dow, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on a day of the week. By default the
-    service does not run on any days.
-    Args:
-      dow: 0 for Monday through 6 for Sunday
-      has_service: True if this service operates on dow, False if it does not.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    assert(dow >= 0 and dow < 7)
-    self.day_of_week[dow] = has_service
-  def SetWeekdayService(self, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on all of Monday through Friday."""
-    for i in range(0, 5):
-      self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(i, has_service)
-  def SetWeekendService(self, has_service=True):
-    """Set service as running (or not) on Saturday and Sunday."""
-    self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(5, has_service)
-    self.SetDayOfWeekHasService(6, has_service)
-  def SetServiceId(self, service_id):
-    """Set the service_id for this schedule. Generally the default will
-    suffice so you won't need to call this method."""
-    self.service_id = service_id
-  def IsActiveOn(self, date, date_object=None):
-    """Test if this service period is active on a date.
-    Args:
-      date: a string of form "YYYYMMDD"
-      date_object: a date object representing the same date as date.
-                   This parameter is optional, and present only for performance
-                   reasons.
-                   If the caller constructs the date string from a date object
-                   that date object can be passed directly, thus avoiding the 
-                   costly conversion from string to date object.
-    Returns:
-      True iff this service is active on date.
-    """
-    if date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if self.date_exceptions[date] == 1:
-        return True
-      else:
-        return False
-    if (self.start_date and self.end_date and self.start_date <= date and
-        date <= self.end_date):
-      if date_object is None:
-        date_object = DateStringToDateObject(date)
-      return self.day_of_week[date_object.weekday()]
-    return False
-  def ActiveDates(self):
-    """Return dates this service period is active as a list of "YYYYMMDD"."""
-    (earliest, latest) = self.GetDateRange()
-    if earliest is None:
-      return []
-    dates = []
-    date_it = DateStringToDateObject(earliest)
-    date_end = DateStringToDateObject(latest)
-    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    while date_it <= date_end:
-      date_it_string = date_it.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-      if self.IsActiveOn(date_it_string, date_it):
-        dates.append(date_it_string)
-      date_it = date_it + delta
-    return dates
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    try:
-      # Return 1 if value in day_of_week is True, 0 otherwise
-      return (self.day_of_week[ServicePeriod._DAYS_OF_WEEK.index(name)]
-              and 1 or 0)
-    except KeyError:
-      pass
-    except ValueError:  # not a day of the week
-      pass
-    raise AttributeError(name)
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not other:
-      return False
-    if id(self) == id(other):
-      return True
-    if (self.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple() !=
-        other.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple()):
-      return False
-    if (self.GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples() !=
-        other.GetCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples()):
-      return False
-    return True
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not self.__eq__(other)
-  def Validate(self, problems=default_problem_reporter):
-    if IsEmpty(self.service_id):
-      problems.MissingValue('service_id')
-    # self.start_date/self.end_date is None in 3 cases:
-    # ServicePeriod created by loader and
-    #   1a) self.service_id wasn't in calendar.txt
-    #   1b) calendar.txt didn't have a start_date/end_date column
-    # ServicePeriod created directly and
-    #   2) start_date/end_date wasn't set
-    # In case 1a no problem is reported. In case 1b the missing required column
-    # generates an error in _ReadCSV so this method should not report another
-    # problem. There is no way to tell the difference between cases 1b and 2
-    # so case 2 is ignored because making the feedvalidator pretty is more
-    # important than perfect validation when an API users makes a mistake.
-    start_date = None
-    if self.start_date is not None:
-      if IsEmpty(self.start_date):
-        problems.MissingValue('start_date')
-      elif self._IsValidDate(self.start_date):
-        start_date = self.start_date
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('start_date', self.start_date)
-    end_date = None
-    if self.end_date is not None:
-      if IsEmpty(self.end_date):
-        problems.MissingValue('end_date')
-      elif self._IsValidDate(self.end_date):
-        end_date = self.end_date
-      else:
-        problems.InvalidValue('end_date', self.end_date)
-    if start_date and end_date and end_date < start_date:
-      problems.InvalidValue('end_date', end_date,
-                            'end_date of %s is earlier than '
-                            'start_date of "%s"' %
-                            (end_date, start_date))
-    if self.original_day_values:
-      index = 0
-      for value in self.original_day_values:
-        column_name = self._DAYS_OF_WEEK[index]
-        if IsEmpty(value):
-          problems.MissingValue(column_name)
-        elif (value != u'0') and (value != '1'):
-          problems.InvalidValue(column_name, value)
-        index += 1
-    if (True not in self.day_of_week and
-        1 not in self.date_exceptions.values()):
-      problems.OtherProblem('Service period with service_id "%s" '
-                            'doesn\'t have service on any days '
-                            'of the week.' % self.service_id,
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    for date in self.date_exceptions:
-      if not self._IsValidDate(date):
-        problems.InvalidValue('date', date)
-class CsvUnicodeWriter:
-  """
-  Create a wrapper around a csv writer object which can safely write unicode
-  values. Passes all arguments to csv.writer.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    self.writer = csv.writer(*args, **kwargs)
-  def writerow(self, row):
-    """Write row to the csv file. Any unicode strings in row are encoded as
-    utf-8."""
-    encoded_row = []
-    for s in row:
-      if isinstance(s, unicode):
-        encoded_row.append(s.encode("utf-8"))
-      else:
-        encoded_row.append(s)
-    try:
-      self.writer.writerow(encoded_row)
-    except Exception, e:
-      print 'error writing %s as %s' % (row, encoded_row)
-      raise e
-  def writerows(self, rows):
-    """Write rows to the csv file. Any unicode strings in rows are encoded as
-    utf-8."""
-    for row in rows:
-      self.writerow(row)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    return getattr(self.writer, name)
-class Schedule:
-  """Represents a Schedule, a collection of stops, routes, trips and
-  an agency.  This is the main class for this module."""
-  def __init__(self, problem_reporter=default_problem_reporter,
-               memory_db=True, check_duplicate_trips=False):
-    # Map from table name to list of columns present in this schedule
-    self._table_columns = {}
-    self._agencies = {}
-    self.stops = {}
-    self.routes = {}
-    self.trips = {}
-    self.service_periods = {}
-    self.fares = {}
-    self.fare_zones = {}  # represents the set of all known fare zones
-    self._shapes = {}  # shape_id to Shape
-    self._transfers = []  # list of transfers
-    self._default_service_period = None
-    self._default_agency = None
-    self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
-    self._check_duplicate_trips = check_duplicate_trips
-    self.ConnectDb(memory_db)
-  def AddTableColumn(self, table, column):
-    """Add column to table if it is not already there."""
-    if column not in self._table_columns[table]:
-      self._table_columns[table].append(column)
-  def AddTableColumns(self, table, columns):
-    """Add columns to table if they are not already there.
-    Args:
-      table: table name as a string
-      columns: an iterable of column names"""
-    table_columns = self._table_columns.setdefault(table, [])
-    for attr in columns:
-      if attr not in table_columns:
-        table_columns.append(attr)
-  def GetTableColumns(self, table):
-    """Return list of columns in a table."""
-    return self._table_columns[table]
-  def __del__(self):
-    if hasattr(self, '_temp_db_filename'):
-      os.remove(self._temp_db_filename)
-  def ConnectDb(self, memory_db):
-    if memory_db:
-      self._connection = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
-    else:
-      try:
-        self._temp_db_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_file.name)
-      except sqlite.OperationalError:
-        # Windows won't let a file be opened twice. mkstemp does not remove the
-        # file when all handles to it are closed.
-        self._temp_db_file = None
-        (fd, self._temp_db_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(".db")
-        os.close(fd)
-        self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._temp_db_filename)
-    cursor = self._connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE stop_times (
-                                           trip_id CHAR(50),
-                                           arrival_secs INTEGER,
-                                           departure_secs INTEGER,
-                                           stop_id CHAR(50),
-                                           stop_sequence INTEGER,
-                                           stop_headsign VAR CHAR(100),
-                                           pickup_type INTEGER,
-                                           drop_off_type INTEGER,
-                                           shape_dist_traveled FLOAT);""")
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX trip_index ON stop_times (trip_id);""")
-    cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX stop_index ON stop_times (stop_id);""")
-  def GetStopBoundingBox(self):
-    return (min(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
-            min(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
-            max(s.stop_lat for s in self.stops.values()),
-            max(s.stop_lon for s in self.stops.values()),
-           )
-  def AddAgency(self, name, url, timezone, agency_id=None):
-    """Adds an agency to this schedule."""
-    agency = Agency(name, url, timezone, agency_id)
-    self.AddAgencyObject(agency)
-    return agency
-  def AddAgencyObject(self, agency, problem_reporter=None, validate=True):
-    assert agency._schedule is None
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if agency.agency_id in self._agencies:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('agency_id', agency.agency_id)
-      return
-    self.AddTableColumns('agency', agency._ColumnNames())
-    agency._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    if validate:
-      agency.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self._agencies[agency.agency_id] = agency
-  def GetAgency(self, agency_id):
-    """Return Agency with agency_id or throw a KeyError"""
-    return self._agencies[agency_id]
-  def GetDefaultAgency(self):
-    """Return the default Agency. If no default Agency has been set select the
-    default depending on how many Agency objects are in the Schedule. If there
-    are 0 make a new Agency the default, if there is 1 it becomes the default,
-    if there is more than 1 then return None.
-    """
-    if not self._default_agency:
-      if len(self._agencies) == 0:
-        self.NewDefaultAgency()
-      elif len(self._agencies) == 1:
-        self._default_agency = self._agencies.values()[0]
-    return self._default_agency
-  def NewDefaultAgency(self, **kwargs):
-    """Create a new Agency object and make it the default agency for this Schedule"""
-    agency = Agency(**kwargs)
-    if not agency.agency_id:
-      agency.agency_id = FindUniqueId(self._agencies)
-    self._default_agency = agency
-    self.SetDefaultAgency(agency, validate=False)  # Blank agency won't validate
-    return agency
-  def SetDefaultAgency(self, agency, validate=True):
-    """Make agency the default and add it to the schedule if not already added"""
-    assert isinstance(agency, Agency)
-    self._default_agency = agency
-    if agency.agency_id not in self._agencies:
-      self.AddAgencyObject(agency, validate=validate)
-  def GetAgencyList(self):
-    """Returns the list of Agency objects known to this Schedule."""
-    return self._agencies.values()
-  def GetServicePeriod(self, service_id):
-    """Returns the ServicePeriod object with the given ID."""
-    return self.service_periods[service_id]
-  def GetDefaultServicePeriod(self):
-    """Return the default ServicePeriod. If no default ServicePeriod has been
-    set select the default depending on how many ServicePeriod objects are in
-    the Schedule. If there are 0 make a new ServicePeriod the default, if there
-    is 1 it becomes the default, if there is more than 1 then return None.
-    """
-    if not self._default_service_period:
-      if len(self.service_periods) == 0:
-        self.NewDefaultServicePeriod()
-      elif len(self.service_periods) == 1:
-        self._default_service_period = self.service_periods.values()[0]
-    return self._default_service_period
-  def NewDefaultServicePeriod(self):
-    """Create a new ServicePeriod object, make it the default service period and
-    return it. The default service period is used when you create a trip without
-    providing an explict service period. """
-    service_period = ServicePeriod()
-    service_period.service_id = FindUniqueId(self.service_periods)
-    # blank service won't validate in AddServicePeriodObject
-    self.SetDefaultServicePeriod(service_period, validate=False)
-    return service_period
-  def SetDefaultServicePeriod(self, service_period, validate=True):
-    assert isinstance(service_period, ServicePeriod)
-    self._default_service_period = service_period
-    if service_period.service_id not in self.service_periods:
-      self.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period, validate=validate)
-  def AddServicePeriodObject(self, service_period, problem_reporter=None,
-                             validate=True):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if service_period.service_id in self.service_periods:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('service_id', service_period.service_id)
-      return
-    if validate:
-      service_period.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self.service_periods[service_period.service_id] = service_period
-  def GetServicePeriodList(self):
-    return self.service_periods.values()
-  def GetDateRange(self):
-    """Returns a tuple of (earliest, latest) dates on which the service
-    periods in the schedule define service, in YYYYMMDD form."""
-    ranges = [period.GetDateRange() for period in self.GetServicePeriodList()]
-    starts = filter(lambda x: x, [item[0] for item in ranges])
-    ends = filter(lambda x: x, [item[1] for item in ranges])
-    if not starts or not ends:
-      return (None, None)
-    return (min(starts), max(ends))
-  def GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(self, date_start, date_end):
-    """Return a list of tuples (date, [period1, period2, ...]).
-    For each date in the range [date_start, date_end) make list of each
-    ServicePeriod object which is active.
-    Args:
-      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
-      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
-    Returns:
-      A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a date object and a list of zero or
-      more ServicePeriod objects.
-    """
-    date_it = date_start
-    one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-    date_service_period_list = []
-    while date_it < date_end:
-      periods_today = []
-      date_it_string = date_it.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-      for service in self.GetServicePeriodList():
-        if service.IsActiveOn(date_it_string, date_it):
-          periods_today.append(service)
-      date_service_period_list.append((date_it, periods_today))
-      date_it += one_day
-    return date_service_period_list
-  def AddStop(self, lat, lng, name):
-    """Add a stop to this schedule.
-    A new stop_id is created for this stop. Do not use this method unless all
-    stops in this Schedule are created with it. See source for details.
-    Args:
-      lat: Latitude of the stop as a float or string
-      lng: Longitude of the stop as a float or string
-      name: Name of the stop, which will appear in the feed
-    Returns:
-      A new Stop object
-    """
-    # TODO: stop_id isn't guarenteed to be unique and conflicts are not
-    # handled. Please fix.
-    stop_id = unicode(len(self.stops))
-    stop = Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=lat, lng=lng, name=name)
-    self.AddStopObject(stop)
-    return stop
-  def AddStopObject(self, stop, problem_reporter=None):
-    """Add Stop object to this schedule if stop_id is non-blank."""
-    assert stop._schedule is None
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if not stop.stop_id:
-      return
-    if stop.stop_id in self.stops:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('stop_id', stop.stop_id)
-      return
-    stop._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.AddTableColumns('stops', stop._ColumnNames())
-    self.stops[stop.stop_id] = stop
-    if hasattr(stop, 'zone_id') and stop.zone_id:
-      self.fare_zones[stop.zone_id] = True
-  def GetStopList(self):
-    return self.stops.values()
-  def AddRoute(self, short_name, long_name, route_type):
-    """Add a route to this schedule.
-    Args:
-      short_name: Short name of the route, such as "71L"
-      long_name: Full name of the route, such as "NW 21st Ave/St Helens Rd"
-      route_type: A type such as "Tram", "Subway" or "Bus"
-    Returns:
-      A new Route object
-    """
-    route_id = unicode(len(self.routes))
-    route = Route(short_name=short_name, long_name=long_name,
-                  route_type=route_type, route_id=route_id)
-    route.agency_id = self.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id
-    self.AddRouteObject(route)
-    return route
-  def AddRouteObject(self, route, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    route.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if route.route_id in self.routes:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('route_id', route.route_id)
-      return
-    if route.agency_id not in self._agencies:
-      if not route.agency_id and len(self._agencies) == 1:
-        # we'll just assume that the route applies to the only agency
-        pass
-      else:
-        problem_reporter.InvalidValue('agency_id', route.agency_id,
-                                      'Route uses an unknown agency_id.')
-        return
-    self.AddTableColumns('routes', route._ColumnNames())
-    route._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.routes[route.route_id] = route
-  def GetRouteList(self):
-    return self.routes.values()
-  def GetRoute(self, route_id):
-    return self.routes[route_id]
-  def AddShapeObject(self, shape, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    shape.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if shape.shape_id in self._shapes:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('shape_id', shape.shape_id)
-      return
-    self._shapes[shape.shape_id] = shape
-  def GetShapeList(self):
-    return self._shapes.values()
-  def GetShape(self, shape_id):
-    return self._shapes[shape_id]
-  def AddTripObject(self, trip, problem_reporter=None, validate=True):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if trip.trip_id in self.trips:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('trip_id', trip.trip_id)
-      return
-    self.AddTableColumns('trips', trip._ColumnNames())
-    trip._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
-    self.trips[trip.trip_id] = trip
-    # Call Trip.Validate after setting trip._schedule so that references
-    # are checked. trip.ValidateChildren will be called directly by
-    # schedule.Validate, after stop_times has been loaded.
-    if validate:
-      if not problem_reporter:
-        problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-      trip.Validate(problem_reporter, validate_children=False)
-    try:
-      self.routes[trip.route_id]._AddTripObject(trip)
-    except KeyError:
-      # Invalid route_id was reported in the Trip.Validate call above
-      pass
-  def GetTripList(self):
-    return self.trips.values()
-  def GetTrip(self, trip_id):
-    return self.trips[trip_id]
-  def AddFareObject(self, fare, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    fare.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    if fare.fare_id in self.fares:
-      problem_reporter.DuplicateID('fare_id', fare.fare_id)
-      return
-    self.fares[fare.fare_id] = fare
-  def GetFareList(self):
-    return self.fares.values()
-  def GetFare(self, fare_id):
-    return self.fares[fare_id]
-  def AddFareRuleObject(self, rule, problem_reporter=None):
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    if IsEmpty(rule.fare_id):
-      problem_reporter.MissingValue('fare_id')
-      return
-    if rule.route_id and rule.route_id not in self.routes:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('route_id', rule.route_id)
-    if rule.origin_id and rule.origin_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('origin_id', rule.origin_id)
-    if rule.destination_id and rule.destination_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('destination_id', rule.destination_id)
-    if rule.contains_id and rule.contains_id not in self.fare_zones:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('contains_id', rule.contains_id)
-    if rule.fare_id in self.fares:
-      self.GetFare(rule.fare_id).rules.append(rule)
-    else:
-      problem_reporter.InvalidValue('fare_id', rule.fare_id,
-                                    '(This fare_id doesn\'t correspond to any '
-                                    'of the IDs defined in the '
-                                    'fare attributes.)')
-  def AddTransferObject(self, transfer, problem_reporter=None):
-    assert transfer._schedule is None, "only add Transfer to a schedule once"
-    transfer._schedule = weakref.proxy(self)  # See weakref comment at top
-    if not problem_reporter:
-      problem_reporter = self.problem_reporter
-    transfer.Validate(problem_reporter)
-    self._transfers.append(transfer)
-  def GetTransferList(self):
-    return self._transfers
-  def GetStop(self, id):
-    return self.stops[id]
-  def GetFareZones(self):
-    """Returns the list of all fare zones that have been identified by
-    the stops that have been added."""
-    return self.fare_zones.keys()
-  def GetNearestStops(self, lat, lon, n=1):
-    """Return the n nearest stops to lat,lon"""
-    dist_stop_list = []
-    for s in self.stops.values():
-      # TODO: Use ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops?
-      dist = (s.stop_lat - lat)**2 + (s.stop_lon - lon)**2
-      if len(dist_stop_list) < n:
-        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
-      elif dist < dist_stop_list[-1][0]:
-        bisect.insort(dist_stop_list, (dist, s))
-        dist_stop_list.pop()  # Remove stop with greatest distance
-    return [stop for dist, stop in dist_stop_list]
-  def GetStopsInBoundingBox(self, north, east, south, west, n):
-    """Return a sample of up to n stops in a bounding box"""
-    stop_list = []
-    for s in self.stops.values():
-      if (s.stop_lat <= north and s.stop_lat >= south and
-          s.stop_lon <= east and s.stop_lon >= west):
-        stop_list.append(s)
-        if len(stop_list) == n:
-          break
-    return stop_list
-  def Load(self, feed_path, extra_validation=False):
-    loader = Loader(feed_path, self, problems=self.problem_reporter,
-                    extra_validation=extra_validation)
-    loader.Load()
-  def _WriteArchiveString(self, archive, filename, stringio):
-    zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
-    # See
-    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434641/how-do-i-set-permissions-attributes-on-a-file-in-a-zip-file-using-pythons-zipf
-    zi.external_attr = 0666 << 16L  # Set unix permissions to -rw-rw-rw
-    # ZIP_DEFLATED requires zlib. zlib comes with Python 2.4 and 2.5
-    zi.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
-    archive.writestr(zi, stringio.getvalue())
-  def WriteGoogleTransitFeed(self, file):
-    """Output this schedule as a Google Transit Feed in file_name.
-    Args:
-      file: path of new feed file (a string) or a file-like object
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    # Compression type given when adding each file
-    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w')
-    if 'agency' in self._table_columns:
-      agency_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(agency_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('agency')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for a in self._agencies.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(a[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'agency.txt', agency_string)
-    calendar_dates_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_dates_string)
-    writer.writerow(ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES)
-    has_data = False
-    for period in self.service_periods.values():
-      for row in period.GenerateCalendarDatesFieldValuesTuples():
-        has_data = True
-        writer.writerow(row)
-    wrote_calendar_dates = False
-    if has_data:
-      wrote_calendar_dates = True
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar_dates.txt',
-                               calendar_dates_string)
-    calendar_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(calendar_string)
-    writer.writerow(ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES)
-    has_data = False
-    for s in self.service_periods.values():
-      row = s.GetCalendarFieldValuesTuple()
-      if row:
-        has_data = True
-        writer.writerow(row)
-    if has_data or not wrote_calendar_dates:
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'calendar.txt', calendar_string)
-    if 'stops' in self._table_columns:
-      stop_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('stops')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for s in self.stops.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(s[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stops.txt', stop_string)
-    if 'routes' in self._table_columns:
-      route_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(route_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('routes')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for r in self.routes.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(r[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'routes.txt', route_string)
-    if 'trips' in self._table_columns:
-      trips_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(trips_string)
-      columns = self.GetTableColumns('trips')
-      writer.writerow(columns)
-      for t in self.trips.values():
-        writer.writerow([EncodeUnicode(t[c]) for c in columns])
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'trips.txt', trips_string)
-    # write frequencies.txt (if applicable)
-    headway_rows = []
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      headway_rows += trip.GetHeadwayPeriodOutputTuples()
-    if headway_rows:
-      headway_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(headway_string)
-      writer.writerow(Trip._FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY)
-      writer.writerows(headway_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'frequencies.txt', headway_string)
-    # write fares (if applicable)
-    if self.GetFareList():
-      fare_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(fare_string)
-      writer.writerow(Fare._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(f.GetFieldValuesTuple() for f in self.GetFareList())
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_attributes.txt', fare_string)
-    # write fare rules (if applicable)
-    rule_rows = []
-    for fare in self.GetFareList():
-      for rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
-        rule_rows.append(rule.GetFieldValuesTuple())
-    if rule_rows:
-      rule_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(rule_string)
-      writer.writerow(FareRule._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(rule_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'fare_rules.txt', rule_string)
-    stop_times_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-    writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(stop_times_string)
-    writer.writerow(StopTime._FIELD_NAMES)
-    for t in self.trips.values():
-      writer.writerows(t._GenerateStopTimesTuples())
-    self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'stop_times.txt', stop_times_string)
-    # write shapes (if applicable)
-    shape_rows = []
-    for shape in self.GetShapeList():
-      seq = 1
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        shape_rows.append((shape.shape_id, lat, lon, seq, dist))
-        seq += 1
-    if shape_rows:
-      shape_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(shape_string)
-      writer.writerow(Shape._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(shape_rows)
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'shapes.txt', shape_string)
-    # write transfers (if applicable)
-    if self.GetTransferList():
-      transfer_string = StringIO.StringIO()
-      writer = CsvUnicodeWriter(transfer_string)
-      writer.writerow(Transfer._FIELD_NAMES)
-      writer.writerows(f.GetFieldValuesTuple() for f in self.GetTransferList())
-      self._WriteArchiveString(archive, 'transfers.txt', transfer_string)
-    archive.close()
-  def GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(self, date_start, date_end):
-    """Return a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures).
-    The list is generated for dates in the range [date_start, date_end).
-    Args:
-      date_start: The first date in the list, a date object
-      date_end: The first date after the list, a date object
-    Returns:
-      a list of (date object, number of trips, number of departures) tuples
-    """
-    service_id_to_trips = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    service_id_to_departures = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      headway_start_times = trip.GetHeadwayStartTimes()
-      if headway_start_times:
-        trip_runs = len(headway_start_times)
-      else:
-        trip_runs = 1
-      service_id_to_trips[trip.service_id] += trip_runs
-      service_id_to_departures[trip.service_id] += (
-          (trip.GetCountStopTimes() - 1) * trip_runs)
-    date_services = self.GetServicePeriodsActiveEachDate(date_start, date_end)
-    date_trips = []
-    for date, services in date_services:
-      day_trips = sum(service_id_to_trips[s.service_id] for s in services)
-      day_departures = sum(
-          service_id_to_departures[s.service_id] for s in services)
-      date_trips.append((date, day_trips, day_departures))
-    return date_trips
-  def ValidateFeedStartAndExpirationDates(self, 
-                                          problems, 
-                                          first_date, 
-                                          last_date, 
-                                          today):
-    """Validate the start and expiration dates of the feed.
-       Issue a warning if it only starts in the future, or if
-       it expires within 60 days.
-    Args:
-      problems: The problem reporter object
-      first_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is active
-      last_date: A date object representing the last day the feed is active
-      today: A date object representing the date the validation is being run on
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    warning_cutoff = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
-    if last_date < warning_cutoff:
-        problems.ExpirationDate(time.mktime(last_date.timetuple()))
-    if first_date > today:
-      problems.FutureService(time.mktime(first_date.timetuple()))
-  def ValidateServiceGaps(self,
-                          problems,
-                          validation_start_date,
-                          validation_end_date,
-                          service_gap_interval):
-    """Validate consecutive dates without service in the feed.
-       Issue a warning if it finds service gaps of at least 
-       "service_gap_interval" consecutive days in the date range
-       [validation_start_date, last_service_date)
-    Args:
-      problems: The problem reporter object
-      validation_start_date: A date object representing the date from which the
-                             validation should take place
-      validation_end_date: A date object representing the first day the feed is 
-                        active
-      service_gap_interval: An integer indicating how many consecutive days the 
-                            service gaps need to have for a warning to be issued
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    if service_gap_interval is None:
-      return
-    departures = self.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(validation_start_date,
-                                                      validation_end_date)
-    # The first day without service of the _current_ gap
-    first_day_without_service = validation_start_date
-    # The last day without service of the _current_ gap
-    last_day_without_service = validation_start_date
-    consecutive_days_without_service = 0
-    for day_date, day_trips, _ in departures:
-      if day_trips == 0:
-        if consecutive_days_without_service == 0:
-            first_day_without_service = day_date
-        consecutive_days_without_service += 1
-        last_day_without_service = day_date
-      else:
-        if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
-            problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
-                                               last_day_without_service, 
-                                               consecutive_days_without_service)
-        consecutive_days_without_service = 0
-    # We have to check if there is a gap at the end of the specified date range
-    if consecutive_days_without_service >= service_gap_interval:
-      problems.TooManyDaysWithoutService(first_day_without_service, 
-                                         last_day_without_service, 
-                                         consecutive_days_without_service)
-  def Validate(self,
-               problems=None,
-               validate_children=True,
-               today=None,
-               service_gap_interval=None):
-    """Validates various holistic aspects of the schedule
-       (mostly interrelationships between the various data sets)."""
-    if today is None:
-      today = datetime.date.today()
-    if not problems:
-      problems = self.problem_reporter
-    (start_date, end_date) = self.GetDateRange()
-    if not end_date or not start_date:
-      problems.OtherProblem('This feed has no effective service dates!',
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-    else:
-        try:
-          last_service_day = datetime.datetime(
-              *(time.strptime(end_date, "%Y%m%d")[0:6])).date()
-          first_service_day = datetime.datetime(
-              *(time.strptime(start_date, "%Y%m%d")[0:6])).date()
-        except ValueError:
-          # Format of start_date and end_date checked in class ServicePeriod
-          pass
-        else:
-          self.ValidateFeedStartAndExpirationDates(problems,
-                                                   first_service_day,
-                                                   last_service_day,
-                                                   today)
-          # We start checking for service gaps a bit in the past if the
-          # feed was active then. See
-          # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=188
-          #
-          # We subtract 1 from service_gap_interval so that if today has
-          # service no warning is issued.
-          #
-          # Service gaps are searched for only up to one year from today
-          if service_gap_interval is not None:
-            service_gap_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(
-                                        days=service_gap_interval - 1)
-            one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365)
-            self.ValidateServiceGaps(
-                problems,
-                max(first_service_day,
-                    today - service_gap_timedelta),
-                min(last_service_day,
-                    today + one_year),
-                service_gap_interval)
-    # TODO: Check Trip fields against valid values
-    # Check for stops that aren't referenced by any trips and broken
-    # parent_station references. Also check that the parent station isn't too
-    # far from its child stops.
-    for stop in self.stops.values():
-      if validate_children:
-        stop.Validate(problems)
-      cursor = self._connection.cursor()
-      cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM stop_times WHERE stop_id=? LIMIT 1",
-                     (stop.stop_id,))
-      count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
-      if stop.location_type == 0 and count == 0:
-          problems.UnusedStop(stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name)
-      elif stop.location_type == 1 and count != 0:
-          problems.UsedStation(stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name)
-      if stop.location_type != 1 and stop.parent_station:
-        if stop.parent_station not in self.stops:
-          problems.InvalidValue("parent_station",
-                                EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                "parent_station '%s' not found for stop_id "
-                                "'%s' in stops.txt" %
-                                (EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                 EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id)))
-        elif self.stops[stop.parent_station].location_type != 1:
-          problems.InvalidValue("parent_station",
-                                EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                "parent_station '%s' of stop_id '%s' must "
-                                "have location_type=1 in stops.txt" %
-                                (EncodeUnicode(stop.parent_station),
-                                 EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id)))
-        else:
-          parent_station = self.stops[stop.parent_station]
-          distance = ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, parent_station)
-            problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-                stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, parent_station.stop_id,
-                parent_station.stop_name, distance, TYPE_ERROR)
-            problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
-                stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, parent_station.stop_id,
-                parent_station.stop_name, distance, TYPE_WARNING)
-    #TODO: check that every station is used.
-    # Then uncomment testStationWithoutReference.
-    # Check for stops that might represent the same location (specifically,
-    # stops that are less that 2 meters apart) First filter out stops without a
-    # valid lat and lon. Then sort by latitude, then find the distance between
-    # each pair of stations within 2 meters latitude of each other. This avoids
-    # doing n^2 comparisons in the average case and doesn't need a spatial
-    # index.
-    sorted_stops = filter(lambda s: s.stop_lat and s.stop_lon,
-                          self.GetStopList())
-    sorted_stops.sort(key=(lambda x: x.stop_lat))
-    TWO_METERS_LAT = 0.000018
-    for index, stop in enumerate(sorted_stops[:-1]):
-      index += 1
-      while ((index < len(sorted_stops)) and
-             ((sorted_stops[index].stop_lat - stop.stop_lat) < TWO_METERS_LAT)):
-        distance  = ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, sorted_stops[index])
-        if distance < 2:
-          other_stop = sorted_stops[index]
-          if stop.location_type == 0 and other_stop.location_type == 0:
-            problems.StopsTooClose(
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_id), distance)
-          elif stop.location_type == 1 and other_stop.location_type == 1:
-            problems.StationsTooClose(
-                EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_name), EncodeUnicode(stop.stop_id),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_name),
-                EncodeUnicode(other_stop.stop_id), distance)
-          elif (stop.location_type in (0, 1) and
-                other_stop.location_type  in (0, 1)):
-            if stop.location_type == 0 and other_stop.location_type == 1:
-              this_stop = stop
-              this_station = other_stop
-            elif stop.location_type == 1 and other_stop.location_type == 0:
-              this_stop = other_stop
-              this_station = stop
-            if this_stop.parent_station != this_station.stop_id:
-              problems.DifferentStationTooClose(
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_stop.stop_name),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_stop.stop_id),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_station.stop_name),
-                  EncodeUnicode(this_station.stop_id), distance)
-        index += 1
-    # Check for multiple routes using same short + long name
-    route_names = {}
-    for route in self.routes.values():
-      if validate_children:
-        route.Validate(problems)
-      short_name = ''
-      if not IsEmpty(route.route_short_name):
-        short_name = route.route_short_name.lower().strip()
-      long_name = ''
-      if not IsEmpty(route.route_long_name):
-        long_name = route.route_long_name.lower().strip()
-      name = (short_name, long_name)
-      if name in route_names:
-        problems.InvalidValue('route_long_name',
-                              long_name,
-                              'The same combination of '
-                              'route_short_name and route_long_name '
-                              'shouldn\'t be used for more than one '
-                              'route, as it is for the for the two routes '
-                              'with IDs "%s" and "%s".' %
-                              (route.route_id, route_names[name].route_id),
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      else:
-        route_names[name] = route
-    stop_types = {} # a dict mapping stop_id to [route_id, route_type, is_match]
-    trips = {} # a dict mapping tuple to (route_id, trip_id)
-    for trip in sorted(self.trips.values()):
-      if trip.route_id not in self.routes:
-        continue
-      route_type = self.GetRoute(trip.route_id).route_type
-      arrival_times = []
-      stop_ids = []
-      for index, st in enumerate(trip.GetStopTimes(problems)):
-        stop_id = st.stop.stop_id
-        arrival_times.append(st.arrival_time)
-        stop_ids.append(stop_id)
-        # Check a stop if which belongs to both subway and bus.
-        if (route_type == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Subway'] or
-            route_type == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Bus']):
-          if stop_id not in stop_types:
-            stop_types[stop_id] = [trip.route_id, route_type, 0]
-          elif (stop_types[stop_id][1] != route_type and
-                stop_types[stop_id][2] == 0):
-            stop_types[stop_id][2] = 1
-            if stop_types[stop_id][1] == Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES['Subway']:
-              subway_route_id = stop_types[stop_id][0]
-              bus_route_id = trip.route_id
-            else:
-              subway_route_id = trip.route_id
-              bus_route_id = stop_types[stop_id][0]
-            problems.StopWithMultipleRouteTypes(st.stop.stop_name, stop_id,
-                                                subway_route_id, bus_route_id)
-      # Check duplicate trips which go through the same stops with same
-      # service and start times.
-      if self._check_duplicate_trips:
-        if not stop_ids or not arrival_times:
-          continue
-        key = (trip.service_id, min(arrival_times), str(stop_ids))
-        if key not in trips:
-          trips[key] = (trip.route_id, trip.trip_id)
-        else:
-          problems.DuplicateTrip(trips[key][1], trips[key][0], trip.trip_id,
-                                 trip.route_id)
-    # Check that routes' agency IDs are valid, if set
-    for route in self.routes.values():
-      if (not IsEmpty(route.agency_id) and
-          not route.agency_id in self._agencies):
-        problems.InvalidValue('agency_id',
-                              route.agency_id,
-                              'The route with ID "%s" specifies agency_id '
-                              '"%s", which doesn\'t exist.' %
-                              (route.route_id, route.agency_id))
-    # Make sure all trips have stop_times
-    # We're doing this here instead of in Trip.Validate() so that
-    # Trips can be validated without error during the reading of trips.txt
-    for trip in self.trips.values():
-      trip.ValidateChildren(problems)
-      count_stop_times = trip.GetCountStopTimes()
-      if not count_stop_times:
-        problems.OtherProblem('The trip with the trip_id "%s" doesn\'t have '
-                              'any stop times defined.' % trip.trip_id,
-                              type=TYPE_WARNING)
-        if len(trip._headways) > 0:  # no stoptimes, but there are headways
-          problems.OtherProblem('Frequencies defined, but no stop times given '
-                                'in trip %s' % trip.trip_id, type=TYPE_ERROR)
-      elif count_stop_times == 1:
-        problems.OtherProblem('The trip with the trip_id "%s" only has one '
-                              'stop on it; it should have at least one more '
-                              'stop so that the riders can leave!' %
-                              trip.trip_id, type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      else:
-        # These methods report InvalidValue if there's no first or last time
-        trip.GetStartTime(problems=problems)
-        trip.GetEndTime(problems=problems)
-    # Check for unused shapes
-    known_shape_ids = set(self._shapes.keys())
-    used_shape_ids = set()
-    for trip in self.GetTripList():
-      used_shape_ids.add(trip.shape_id)
-    unused_shape_ids = known_shape_ids - used_shape_ids
-    if unused_shape_ids:
-      problems.OtherProblem('The shapes with the following shape_ids aren\'t '
-                            'used by any trips: %s' %
-                            ', '.join(unused_shape_ids),
-                            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-# Map from literal string that should never be found in the csv data to a human
-# readable description
-    "\x0c": "ASCII Form Feed 0x0C",
-    # May be part of end of line, but not found elsewhere
-    "\x0d": "ASCII Carriage Return 0x0D, \\r",
-    "\xe2\x80\xa8": "Unicode LINE SEPARATOR U+2028",
-    "\xe2\x80\xa9": "Unicode PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR U+2029",
-    "\xc2\x85": "Unicode NEXT LINE SEPARATOR U+0085",
-class EndOfLineChecker:
-  """Wrapper for a file-like object that checks for consistent line ends.
-  The check for consistent end of lines (all CR LF or all LF) only happens if
-  next() is called until it raises StopIteration.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, f, name, problems):
-    """Create new object.
-    Args:
-      f: file-like object to wrap
-      name: name to use for f. StringIO objects don't have a name attribute.
-      problems: a ProblemReporterBase object
-    """
-    self._f = f
-    self._name = name
-    self._crlf = 0
-    self._crlf_examples = []
-    self._lf = 0
-    self._lf_examples = []
-    self._line_number = 0  # first line will be number 1
-    self._problems = problems
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return self
-  def next(self):
-    """Return next line without end of line marker or raise StopIteration."""
-    try:
-      next_line = self._f.next()
-    except StopIteration:
-      self._FinalCheck()
-      raise
-    self._line_number += 1
-    m_eol = re.search(r"[\x0a\x0d]*$", next_line)
-    if m_eol.group() == "\x0d\x0a":
-      self._crlf += 1
-      if self._crlf <= 5:
-        self._crlf_examples.append(self._line_number)
-    elif m_eol.group() == "\x0a":
-      self._lf += 1
-      if self._lf <= 5:
-        self._lf_examples.append(self._line_number)
-    elif m_eol.group() == "":
-      # Should only happen at the end of the file
-      try:
-        self._f.next()
-        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected row without new line sequence")
-      except StopIteration:
-        # Will be raised again when EndOfLineChecker.next() is next called
-        pass
-    else:
-      self._problems.InvalidLineEnd(
-        codecs.getencoder('string_escape')(m_eol.group())[0],
-        (self._name, self._line_number))
-    next_line_contents = next_line[0:m_eol.start()]
-    for seq, name in INVALID_LINE_SEPARATOR_UTF8.items():
-      if next_line_contents.find(seq) != -1:
-        self._problems.OtherProblem(
-          "Line contains %s" % name,
-          context=(self._name, self._line_number))
-    return next_line_contents
-  def _FinalCheck(self):
-    if self._crlf > 0 and self._lf > 0:
-      crlf_plural = self._crlf > 1 and "s" or ""
-      crlf_lines = ", ".join(["%s" % e for e in self._crlf_examples])
-      if self._crlf > len(self._crlf_examples):
-        crlf_lines += ", ..."
-      lf_plural = self._lf > 1 and "s" or ""
-      lf_lines = ", ".join(["%s" % e for e in self._lf_examples])
-      if self._lf > len(self._lf_examples):
-        lf_lines += ", ..."
-      self._problems.OtherProblem(
-          "Found %d CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line end%s (line%s %s) and "
-          "%d LF \"\\n\" line end%s (line%s %s). A file must use a "
-          "consistent line end." % (self._crlf, crlf_plural, crlf_plural,
-                                   crlf_lines, self._lf, lf_plural,
-                                   lf_plural, lf_lines),
-          (self._name,))
-      # Prevent _FinalCheck() from reporting the problem twice, in the unlikely
-      # case that it is run twice
-      self._crlf = 0
-      self._lf = 0
-# Filenames specified in GTFS spec
-  'agency.txt',
-  'stops.txt',
-  'routes.txt',
-  'trips.txt',
-  'stop_times.txt',
-  'calendar.txt',
-  'calendar_dates.txt',
-  'fare_attributes.txt',
-  'fare_rules.txt',
-  'shapes.txt',
-  'frequencies.txt',
-  'transfers.txt',
-class Loader:
-  def __init__(self,
-               feed_path=None,
-               schedule=None,
-               problems=default_problem_reporter,
-               extra_validation=False,
-               load_stop_times=True,
-               memory_db=True,
-               zip=None,
-               check_duplicate_trips=False):
-    """Initialize a new Loader object.
-    Args:
-      feed_path: string path to a zip file or directory
-      schedule: a Schedule object or None to have one created
-      problems: a ProblemReporter object, the default reporter raises an
-        exception for each problem
-      extra_validation: True if you would like extra validation
-      load_stop_times: load the stop_times table, used to speed load time when
-        times are not needed. The default is True.
-      memory_db: if creating a new Schedule object use an in-memory sqlite
-        database instead of creating one in a temporary file
-      zip: a zipfile.ZipFile object, optionally used instead of path
-    """
-    if not schedule:
-      schedule = Schedule(problem_reporter=problems, memory_db=memory_db,
-                          check_duplicate_trips=check_duplicate_trips)
-    self._extra_validation = extra_validation
-    self._schedule = schedule
-    self._problems = problems
-    self._path = feed_path
-    self._zip = zip
-    self._load_stop_times = load_stop_times
-  def _DetermineFormat(self):
-    """Determines whether the feed is in a form that we understand, and
-       if so, returns True."""
-    if self._zip:
-      # If zip was passed to __init__ then path isn't used
-      assert not self._path
-      return True
-    if not isinstance(self._path, basestring) and hasattr(self._path, 'read'):
-      # A file-like object, used for testing with a StringIO file
-      self._zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path, mode='r')
-      return True
-    if not os.path.exists(self._path):
-      self._problems.FeedNotFound(self._path)
-      return False
-    if self._path.endswith('.zip'):
-      try:
-        self._zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path, mode='r')
-      except IOError:  # self._path is a directory
-        pass
-      except zipfile.BadZipfile:
-        self._problems.UnknownFormat(self._path)
-        return False
-    if not self._zip and not os.path.isdir(self._path):
-      self._problems.UnknownFormat(self._path)
-      return False
-    return True
-  def _GetFileNames(self):
-    """Returns a list of file names in the feed."""
-    if self._zip:
-      return self._zip.namelist()
-    else:
-      return os.listdir(self._path)
-  def _CheckFileNames(self):
-    filenames = self._GetFileNames()
-    for feed_file in filenames:
-      if feed_file not in KNOWN_FILENAMES:
-        if not feed_file.startswith('.'):
-          # Don't worry about .svn files and other hidden files
-          # as this will break the tests.
-          self._problems.UnknownFile(feed_file)
-  def _GetUtf8Contents(self, file_name):
-    """Check for errors in file_name and return a string for csv reader."""
-    contents = self._FileContents(file_name)
-    if not contents:  # Missing file
-      return
-    # Check for errors that will prevent csv.reader from working
-    if len(contents) >= 2 and contents[0:2] in (codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE,
-        codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):
-      self._problems.FileFormat("appears to be encoded in utf-16", (file_name, ))
-      # Convert and continue, so we can find more errors
-      contents = codecs.getdecoder('utf-16')(contents)[0].encode('utf-8')
-    null_index = contents.find('\0')
-    if null_index != -1:
-      # It is easier to get some surrounding text than calculate the exact
-      # row_num
-      m = re.search(r'.{,20}\0.{,20}', contents, re.DOTALL)
-      self._problems.FileFormat(
-          "contains a null in text \"%s\" at byte %d" %
-          (codecs.getencoder('string_escape')(m.group()), null_index + 1),
-          (file_name, ))
-      return
-    # strip out any UTF-8 Byte Order Marker (otherwise it'll be
-    # treated as part of the first column name, causing a mis-parse)
-    contents = contents.lstrip(codecs.BOM_UTF8)
-    return contents
-  def _ReadCsvDict(self, file_name, all_cols, required):
-    """Reads lines from file_name, yielding a dict of unicode values."""
-    assert file_name.endswith(".txt")
-    table_name = file_name[0:-4]
-    contents = self._GetUtf8Contents(file_name)
-    if not contents:
-      return
-    eol_checker = EndOfLineChecker(StringIO.StringIO(contents),
-                                   file_name, self._problems)
-    # The csv module doesn't provide a way to skip trailing space, but when I
-    # checked 15/675 feeds had trailing space in a header row and 120 had spaces
-    # after fields. Space after header fields can cause a serious parsing
-    # problem, so warn. Space after body fields can cause a problem time,
-    # integer and id fields; they will be validated at higher levels.
-    reader = csv.reader(eol_checker, skipinitialspace=True)
-    raw_header = reader.next()
-    header_occurrences = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    header = []
-    valid_columns = []  # Index into raw_header and raw_row
-    for i, h in enumerate(raw_header):
-      h_stripped = h.strip()
-      if not h_stripped:
-        self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row should not contain any blank values. "
-                        "The corresponding column will be skipped for the "
-                        "entire file.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_ERROR)
-        continue
-      elif h != h_stripped:
-        self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row should not contain any "
-                        "space characters.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      header.append(h_stripped)
-      valid_columns.append(i)
-      header_occurrences[h_stripped] += 1
-    for name, count in header_occurrences.items():
-      if count > 1:
-        self._problems.DuplicateColumn(
-            header=name,
-            file_name=file_name,
-            count=count)
-    self._schedule._table_columns[table_name] = header
-    # check for unrecognized columns, which are often misspellings
-    unknown_cols = set(header) - set(all_cols)
-    if len(unknown_cols) == len(header):
-      self._problems.CsvSyntax(
-            description="The header row did not contain any known column "
-                        "names. The file is most likely missing the header row "
-                        "or not in the expected CSV format.",
-            context=(file_name, 1, [''] * len(raw_header), raw_header),
-            type=TYPE_ERROR)
-    else:
-      for col in unknown_cols:
-        # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-        # columns in the validator output
-        context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-        self._problems.UnrecognizedColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    missing_cols = set(required) - set(header)
-    for col in missing_cols:
-      # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-      # columns in the validator output
-      context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-      self._problems.MissingColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    line_num = 1  # First line read by reader.next() above
-    for raw_row in reader:
-      line_num += 1
-      if len(raw_row) == 0:  # skip extra empty lines in file
-        continue
-      if len(raw_row) > len(raw_header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found too many cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (line_num, file_name),
-                                    (file_name, line_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if len(raw_row) < len(raw_header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found missing cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (line_num, file_name),
-                                    (file_name, line_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      # raw_row is a list of raw bytes which should be valid utf-8. Convert each
-      # valid_columns of raw_row into Unicode.
-      valid_values = []
-      unicode_error_columns = []  # index of valid_values elements with an error
-      for i in valid_columns:
-        try:
-          valid_values.append(raw_row[i].decode('utf-8'))
-        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-          # Replace all invalid characters with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD)
-          valid_values.append(codecs.getdecoder("utf8")
-                              (raw_row[i], errors="replace")[0])
-          unicode_error_columns.append(len(valid_values) - 1)
-        except IndexError:
-          break
-      # The error report may contain a dump of all values in valid_values so
-      # problems can not be reported until after converting all of raw_row to
-      # Unicode.
-      for i in unicode_error_columns:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue(header[i], valid_values[i],
-                                    'Unicode error',
-                                    (file_name, line_num,
-                                     valid_values, header))
-      d = dict(zip(header, valid_values))
-      yield (d, line_num, header, valid_values)
-  # TODO: Add testing for this specific function
-  def _ReadCSV(self, file_name, cols, required):
-    """Reads lines from file_name, yielding a list of unicode values
-    corresponding to the column names in cols."""
-    contents = self._GetUtf8Contents(file_name)
-    if not contents:
-      return
-    eol_checker = EndOfLineChecker(StringIO.StringIO(contents),
-                                   file_name, self._problems)
-    reader = csv.reader(eol_checker)  # Use excel dialect
-    header = reader.next()
-    header = map(lambda x: x.strip(), header)  # trim any whitespace
-    header_occurrences = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
-    for column_header in header:
-      header_occurrences[column_header] += 1
-    for name, count in header_occurrences.items():
-      if count > 1:
-        self._problems.DuplicateColumn(
-            header=name,
-            file_name=file_name,
-            count=count)
-    # check for unrecognized columns, which are often misspellings
-    unknown_cols = set(header).difference(set(cols))
-    for col in unknown_cols:
-      # this is provided in order to create a nice colored list of
-      # columns in the validator output
-      context = (file_name, 1, [''] * len(header), header)
-      self._problems.UnrecognizedColumn(file_name, col, context)
-    col_index = [-1] * len(cols)
-    for i in range(len(cols)):
-      if cols[i] in header:
-        col_index[i] = header.index(cols[i])
-      elif cols[i] in required:
-        self._problems.MissingColumn(file_name, cols[i])
-    row_num = 1
-    for row in reader:
-      row_num += 1
-      if len(row) == 0:  # skip extra empty lines in file
-        continue
-      if len(row) > len(header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found too many cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (row_num, file_name), (file_name, row_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      if len(row) < len(header):
-        self._problems.OtherProblem('Found missing cells (commas) in line '
-                                    '%d of file "%s".  Every row in the file '
-                                    'should have the same number of cells as '
-                                    'the header (first line) does.' %
-                                    (row_num, file_name), (file_name, row_num),
-                                    type=TYPE_WARNING)
-      result = [None] * len(cols)
-      unicode_error_columns = []  # A list of column numbers with an error
-      for i in range(len(cols)):
-        ci = col_index[i]
-        if ci >= 0:
-          if len(row) <= ci:  # handle short CSV rows
-            result[i] = u''
-          else:
-            try:
-              result[i] = row[ci].decode('utf-8').strip()
-            except UnicodeDecodeError:
-              # Replace all invalid characters with
-              result[i] = codecs.getdecoder("utf8")(row[ci],
-                                                    errors="replace")[0].strip()
-              unicode_error_columns.append(i)
-      for i in unicode_error_columns:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue(cols[i], result[i],
-                                    'Unicode error',
-                                    (file_name, row_num, result, cols))
-      yield (result, row_num, cols)
-  def _HasFile(self, file_name):
-    """Returns True if there's a file in the current feed with the
-       given file_name in the current feed."""
-    if self._zip:
-      return file_name in self._zip.namelist()
-    else:
-      file_path = os.path.join(self._path, file_name)
-      return os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path)
-  def _FileContents(self, file_name):
-    results = None
-    if self._zip:
-      try:
-        results = self._zip.read(file_name)
-      except KeyError:  # file not found in archve
-        self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-        return None
-    else:
-      try:
-        data_file = open(os.path.join(self._path, file_name), 'rb')
-        results = data_file.read()
-      except IOError:  # file not found
-        self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-        return None
-    if not results:
-      self._problems.EmptyFile(file_name)
-    return results
-  def _LoadAgencies(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict('agency.txt',
-                                              Agency._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Agency._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('agency.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      agency = Agency(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadStops(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'stops.txt',
-                                         Stop._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Stop._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('stops.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      stop = Stop(field_dict=d)
-      stop.Validate(self._problems)
-      self._schedule.AddStopObject(stop, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadRoutes(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'routes.txt',
-                                         Route._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Route._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('routes.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      route = Route(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddRouteObject(route, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadCalendar(self):
-    file_name = 'calendar.txt'
-    file_name_dates = 'calendar_dates.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name) and not self._HasFile(file_name_dates):
-      self._problems.MissingFile(file_name)
-      return
-    # map period IDs to (period object, (file_name, row_num, row, cols))
-    periods = {}
-    # process calendar.txt
-    if self._HasFile(file_name):
-      has_useful_contents = False
-      for (row, row_num, cols) in \
-              self._ReadCSV(file_name,
-                            ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES,
-                            ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED):
-        context = (file_name, row_num, row, cols)
-        self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-        period = ServicePeriod(field_list=row)
-        if period.service_id in periods:
-          self._problems.DuplicateID('service_id', period.service_id)
-        else:
-          periods[period.service_id] = (period, context)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # process calendar_dates.txt
-    if self._HasFile(file_name_dates):
-      # ['service_id', 'date', 'exception_type']
-      fields = ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_CALENDAR_DATES
-      for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV(file_name_dates,
-                                                fields, fields):
-        context = (file_name_dates, row_num, row, cols)
-        self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-        service_id = row[0]
-        period = None
-        if service_id in periods:
-          period = periods[service_id][0]
-        else:
-          period = ServicePeriod(service_id)
-          periods[period.service_id] = (period, context)
-        exception_type = row[2]
-        if exception_type == u'1':
-          period.SetDateHasService(row[1], True, self._problems)
-        elif exception_type == u'2':
-          period.SetDateHasService(row[1], False, self._problems)
-        else:
-          self._problems.InvalidValue('exception_type', exception_type)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # Now insert the periods into the schedule object, so that they're
-    # validated with both calendar and calendar_dates info present
-    for period, context in periods.values():
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*context)
-      self._schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(period, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadShapes(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('shapes.txt'):
-      return
-    shapes = {}  # shape_id to tuple
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('shapes.txt',
-                                              Shape._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Shape._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      file_context = ('shapes.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-      (shape_id, lat, lon, seq, dist) = row
-      if IsEmpty(shape_id):
-        self._problems.MissingValue('shape_id')
-        continue
-      try:
-        seq = int(seq)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', seq,
-                                    'Value should be a number (0 or higher)')
-        continue
-      shapes.setdefault(shape_id, []).append((seq, lat, lon, dist, file_context))
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    for shape_id, points in shapes.items():
-      shape = Shape(shape_id)
-      points.sort()
-      if points and points[0][0] < 0:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', points[0][0],
-                                    'In shape %s, a negative sequence number '
-                                    '%d was found; sequence numbers should be '
-                                    '0 or higher.' % (shape_id, points[0][0]))
-      last_seq = None
-      for (seq, lat, lon, dist, file_context) in points:
-        if (seq == last_seq):
-          self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-          self._problems.InvalidValue('shape_pt_sequence', seq,
-                                      'The sequence number %d occurs more '
-                                      'than once in shape %s.' %
-                                      (seq, shape_id))
-        last_seq = seq
-        shape.AddPoint(lat, lon, dist, self._problems)
-        self._problems.ClearContext()
-      self._schedule.AddShapeObject(shape, self._problems)
-  def _LoadTrips(self):
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(
-                                         'trips.txt',
-                                         Trip._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                         Trip._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('trips.txt', row_num, row, header)
-      trip = Trip(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddTripObject(trip, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadFares(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('fare_attributes.txt'):
-      return
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('fare_attributes.txt',
-                                              Fare._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Fare._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('fare_attributes.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      fare = Fare(field_list=row)
-      self._schedule.AddFareObject(fare, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadFareRules(self):
-    if not self._HasFile('fare_rules.txt'):
-      return
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('fare_rules.txt',
-                                              FareRule._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              FareRule._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext('fare_rules.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      rule = FareRule(field_list=row)
-      self._schedule.AddFareRuleObject(rule, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def _LoadHeadways(self):
-    file_name = 'frequencies.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name):  # headways are an optional feature
-      return
-    # ['trip_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'headway_secs']
-    fields = Trip._FIELD_NAMES_HEADWAY
-    modified_trips = {}
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV(file_name, fields, fields):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(file_name, row_num, row, cols)
-      (trip_id, start_time, end_time, headway_secs) = row
-      try:
-        trip = self._schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
-        trip.AddHeadwayPeriod(start_time, end_time, headway_secs,
-                              self._problems)
-        modified_trips[trip_id] = trip
-      except KeyError:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('trip_id', trip_id)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    for trip in modified_trips.values():
-      trip.Validate(self._problems)
-  def _LoadStopTimes(self):
-    for (row, row_num, cols) in self._ReadCSV('stop_times.txt',
-                                              StopTime._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              StopTime._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      file_context = ('stop_times.txt', row_num, row, cols)
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(*file_context)
-      (trip_id, arrival_time, departure_time, stop_id, stop_sequence,
-         stop_headsign, pickup_type, drop_off_type, shape_dist_traveled) = row
-      try:
-        sequence = int(stop_sequence)
-      except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', stop_sequence,
-                                    'This should be a number.')
-        continue
-      if sequence < 0:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_sequence', sequence,
-                                    'Sequence numbers should be 0 or higher.')
-      if stop_id not in self._schedule.stops:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('stop_id', stop_id,
-                                    'This value wasn\'t defined in stops.txt')
-        continue
-      stop = self._schedule.stops[stop_id]
-      if trip_id not in self._schedule.trips:
-        self._problems.InvalidValue('trip_id', trip_id,
-                                    'This value wasn\'t defined in trips.txt')
-        continue
-      trip = self._schedule.trips[trip_id]
-      # If self._problems.Report returns then StopTime.__init__ will return
-      # even if the StopTime object has an error. Thus this code may add a
-      # StopTime that didn't validate to the database.
-      # Trip.GetStopTimes then tries to make a StopTime from the invalid data
-      # and calls the problem reporter for errors. An ugly solution is to
-      # wrap problems and a better solution is to move all validation out of
-      # __init__. For now make sure Trip.GetStopTimes gets a problem reporter
-      # when called from Trip.Validate.
-      stop_time = StopTime(self._problems, stop, arrival_time,
-                           departure_time, stop_headsign,
-                           pickup_type, drop_off_type,
-                           shape_dist_traveled, stop_sequence=sequence)
-      trip._AddStopTimeObjectUnordered(stop_time, self._schedule)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-    # stop_times are validated in Trip.ValidateChildren, called by
-    # Schedule.Validate
-  def _LoadTransfers(self):
-    file_name = 'transfers.txt'
-    if not self._HasFile(file_name):  # transfers are an optional feature
-      return
-    for (d, row_num, header, row) in self._ReadCsvDict(file_name,
-                                              Transfer._FIELD_NAMES,
-                                              Transfer._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES):
-      self._problems.SetFileContext(file_name, row_num, row, header)
-      transfer = Transfer(field_dict=d)
-      self._schedule.AddTransferObject(transfer, self._problems)
-      self._problems.ClearContext()
-  def Load(self):
-    self._problems.ClearContext()
-    if not self._DetermineFormat():
-      return self._schedule
-    self._CheckFileNames()
-    self._LoadAgencies()
-    self._LoadStops()
-    self._LoadRoutes()
-    self._LoadCalendar()
-    self._LoadShapes()
-    self._LoadTrips()
-    self._LoadHeadways()
-    if self._load_stop_times:
-      self._LoadStopTimes()
-    self._LoadFares()
-    self._LoadFareRules()
-    self._LoadTransfers()
-    if self._zip:
-      self._zip.close()
-      self._zip = None
-    if self._extra_validation:
-      self._schedule.Validate(self._problems, validate_children=False)
-    return self._schedule
-class ShapeLoader(Loader):
-  """A subclass of Loader that only loads the shapes from a GTFS file."""
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Initialize a new ShapeLoader object.
-    See Loader.__init__ for argument documentation.
-    """
-    Loader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-  def Load(self):
-    self._LoadShapes()
-    return self._schedule

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/_transitfeed.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/shapelib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A library for manipulating points and polylines.
-This is a library for creating and manipulating points on the unit
-sphere, as an approximate model of Earth.  The primary use of this
-library is to make manipulation and matching of polylines easy in the
-transitfeed library.
-NOTE: in this library, Earth is modelled as a sphere, whereas
-GTFS specifies that latitudes and longitudes are in WGS84.  For the
-purpose of comparing and matching latitudes and longitudes that
-are relatively close together on the surface of the earth, this
-is adequate; for other purposes, this library may not be accurate
-__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
-import copy
-import decimal
-import heapq
-import math
-class ShapeError(Exception):
-  """Thrown whenever there is a shape parsing error."""
-  pass
-class Point(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a point on the unit sphere in three dimensions.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, x, y, z):
-    self.x = x
-    self.y = y
-    self.z = z
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash((self.x, self.y, self.z))
-  def __cmp__(self, other):
-    if not isinstance(other, Point):
-      raise TypeError('Point.__cmp__(x,y) requires y to be a "Point", '
-                      'not a "%s"' % type(other).__name__)
-    return cmp((self.x, self.y, self.z), (other.x, other.y, other.z))
-  def __str__(self):
-    return "(%.15f, %.15f, %.15f) " % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
-  def Norm2(self):
-    """
-    Returns the L_2 (Euclidean) norm of self.
-    """
-    sum = self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z
-    return math.sqrt(float(sum))
-  def IsUnitLength(self):
-    return abs(self.Norm2() - 1.0) < 1e-14
-  def Plus(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is the pointwise sum of self and other.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x + other.x,
-                 self.y + other.y,
-                 self.z + other.z)
-  def Minus(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is the pointwise subtraction of other from
-    self.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x - other.x,
-                 self.y - other.y,
-                 self.z - other.z)
-  def DotProd(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the (scalar) dot product of self with other.
-    """
-    return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
-  def Times(self, val):
-    """
-    Returns a new point which is pointwise multiplied by val.
-    """
-    return Point(self.x * val, self.y * val, self.z * val)
-  def Normalize(self):
-    """
-    Returns a unit point in the same direction as self.
-    """
-    return self.Times(1 / self.Norm2())
-  def RobustCrossProd(self, other):
-    """
-    A robust version of cross product.  If self and other
-    are not nearly the same point, returns the same value
-    as CrossProd() modulo normalization.  Otherwise returns
-    an arbitrary unit point orthogonal to self.
-    """
-    assert(self.IsUnitLength() and other.IsUnitLength())
-    x = self.Plus(other).CrossProd(other.Minus(self))
-    if abs(x.x) > 1e-15 or abs(x.y) > 1e-15 or abs(x.z) > 1e-15:
-      return x.Normalize()
-    else:
-      return self.Ortho()
-  def LargestComponent(self):
-    """
-    Returns (i, val) where i is the component index (0 - 2)
-    which has largest absolute value and val is the value
-    of the component.
-    """
-    if abs(self.x) > abs(self.y):
-      if abs(self.x) > abs(self.z):
-        return (0, self.x)
-      else:
-        return (2, self.z)
-    else:
-      if abs(self.y) > abs(self.z):
-        return (1, self.y)
-      else:
-        return (2, self.z)
-  def Ortho(self):
-    """Returns a unit-length point orthogonal to this point"""
-    (index, val) = self.LargestComponent()
-    index = index - 1
-    if index < 0:
-      index = 2
-    temp = Point(0.012, 0.053, 0.00457)
-    if index == 0:
-      temp.x = 1
-    elif index == 1:
-      temp.y = 1
-    elif index == 2:
-      temp.z = 1
-    return self.CrossProd(temp).Normalize()
-  def CrossProd(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the cross product of self and other.
-    """
-    return Point(
-        self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y,
-        self.z * other.x - self.x * other.z,
-        self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x)
-  @staticmethod
-  def _approxEq(a, b):
-    return abs(a - b) < 1e-11
-  def Equals(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns true of self and other are approximately equal.
-    """
-    return (self._approxEq(self.x, other.x)
-            and self._approxEq(self.y, other.y)
-            and self._approxEq(self.z, other.z))
-  def Angle(self, other):
-    """
-    Returns the angle in radians between self and other.
-    """
-    return math.atan2(self.CrossProd(other).Norm2(),
-                      self.DotProd(other))
-  def ToLatLng(self):
-    """
-    Returns that latitude and longitude that this point represents
-    under a spherical Earth model.
-    """
-    rad_lat = math.atan2(self.z, math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y))
-    rad_lng = math.atan2(self.y, self.x)
-    return (rad_lat * 180.0 / math.pi, rad_lng * 180.0 / math.pi)
-  @staticmethod
-  def FromLatLng(lat, lng):
-    """
-    Returns a new point representing this latitude and longitude under
-    a spherical Earth model.
-    """
-    phi = lat * (math.pi / 180.0)
-    theta = lng * (math.pi / 180.0)
-    cosphi = math.cos(phi)
-    return Point(math.cos(theta) * cosphi,
-                 math.sin(theta) * cosphi,
-                 math.sin(phi))
-  def GetDistanceMeters(self, other):
-    assert(self.IsUnitLength() and other.IsUnitLength())
-    return self.Angle(other) * EARTH_RADIUS_METERS
-def SimpleCCW(a, b, c):
-  """
-  Returns true if the triangle abc is oriented counterclockwise.
-  """
-  return c.CrossProd(a).DotProd(b) > 0
-def GetClosestPoint(x, a, b):
-  """
-  Returns the point on the great circle segment ab closest to x.
-  """
-  assert(x.IsUnitLength())
-  assert(a.IsUnitLength())
-  assert(b.IsUnitLength())
-  a_cross_b = a.RobustCrossProd(b)
-  # project to the great circle going through a and b
-  p = x.Minus(
-      a_cross_b.Times(
-      x.DotProd(a_cross_b) / a_cross_b.Norm2()))
-  # if p lies between a and b, return it
-  if SimpleCCW(a_cross_b, a, p) and SimpleCCW(p, b, a_cross_b):
-    return p.Normalize()
-  # otherwise return the closer of a or b
-  if x.Minus(a).Norm2() <= x.Minus(b).Norm2():
-    return a
-  else:
-    return b
-class Poly(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a polyline.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, points = [], name=None):
-    self._points = list(points)
-    self._name = name
-  def AddPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Adds a new point to the end of the polyline.
-    """
-    assert(p.IsUnitLength())
-    self._points.append(p)
-  def GetName(self):
-    return self._name
-  def GetPoint(self, i):
-    return self._points[i]
-  def GetPoints(self):
-    return self._points
-  def GetNumPoints(self):
-    return len(self._points)
-  def _GetPointSafe(self, i):
-    try:
-      return self.GetPoint(i)
-    except IndexError:
-      return None
-  def GetClosestPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Returns (closest_p, closest_i), where closest_p is the closest point
-    to p on the piecewise linear curve represented by the polyline,
-    and closest_i is the index of the point on the polyline just before
-    the polyline segment that contains closest_p.
-    """
-    assert(len(self._points) > 0)
-    closest_point = self._points[0]
-    closest_i = 0
-    for i in range(0, len(self._points) - 1):
-      (a, b) = (self._points[i], self._points[i+1])
-      cur_closest_point = GetClosestPoint(p, a, b)
-      if p.Angle(cur_closest_point) < p.Angle(closest_point):
-        closest_point = cur_closest_point.Normalize()
-        closest_i = i
-    return (closest_point, closest_i)
-  def LengthMeters(self):
-    """Return length of this polyline in meters."""
-    assert(len(self._points) > 0)
-    length = 0
-    for i in range(0, len(self._points) - 1):
-      length += self._points[i].GetDistanceMeters(self._points[i+1])
-    return length
-  def Reversed(self):
-    """Return a polyline that is the reverse of this polyline."""
-    return Poly(reversed(self.GetPoints()), self.GetName())
-  def CutAtClosestPoint(self, p):
-    """
-    Let x be the point on the polyline closest to p.  Then
-    CutAtClosestPoint returns two new polylines, one representing
-    the polyline from the beginning up to x, and one representing
-    x onwards to the end of the polyline.  x is the first point
-    returned in the second polyline.
-    """
-    (closest, i) = self.GetClosestPoint(p)
-    tmp = [closest]
-    tmp.extend(self._points[i+1:])
-    return (Poly(self._points[0:i+1]),
-            Poly(tmp))
-  def GreedyPolyMatchDist(self, shape):
-    """
-    Tries a greedy matching algorithm to match self to the
-    given shape.  Returns the maximum distance in meters of
-    any point in self to its matched point in shape under the
-    algorithm.
-    Args: shape, a Poly object.
-    """
-    tmp_shape = Poly(shape.GetPoints())
-    max_radius = 0
-    for (i, point) in enumerate(self._points):
-      tmp_shape = tmp_shape.CutAtClosestPoint(point)[1]
-      dist = tmp_shape.GetPoint(0).GetDistanceMeters(point)
-      max_radius = max(max_radius, dist)
-    return max_radius
-  @staticmethod
-  def MergePolys(polys, merge_point_threshold=10):
-    """
-    Merge multiple polylines, in the order that they were passed in.
-    Merged polyline will have the names of their component parts joined by ';'.
-    Example: merging [a,b], [c,d] and [e,f] will result in [a,b,c,d,e,f].
-    However if the endpoints of two adjacent polylines are less than
-    merge_point_threshold meters apart, we will only use the first endpoint in
-    the merged polyline.
-    """
-    name = ";".join((p.GetName(), '')[p.GetName() is None] for p in polys)
-    merged = Poly([], name)
-    if polys:
-      first_poly = polys[0]
-      for p in first_poly.GetPoints():
-        merged.AddPoint(p)
-      last_point = merged._GetPointSafe(-1)
-      for poly in polys[1:]:
-        first_point = poly._GetPointSafe(0)
-        if (last_point and first_point and
-            last_point.GetDistanceMeters(first_point) <= merge_point_threshold):
-          points = poly.GetPoints()[1:]
-        else:
-          points = poly.GetPoints()
-        for p in points:
-          merged.AddPoint(p)
-        last_point = merged._GetPointSafe(-1)
-    return merged
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self._ToString(str)
-  def ToLatLngString(self):
-    return self._ToString(lambda p: str(p.ToLatLng()))
-  def _ToString(self, pointToStringFn):
-    return "%s: %s" % (self.GetName() or "",
-                       ", ".join([pointToStringFn(p) for p in self._points]))
-class PolyCollection(object):
-  """
-  A class representing a collection of polylines.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._name_to_shape = {}
-    pass
-  def AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling=True):
-    """
-    Adds a new polyline to the collection.
-    """
-    inserted_name = poly.GetName()
-    if poly.GetName() in self._name_to_shape:
-      if not smart_duplicate_handling:
-        raise ShapeError("Duplicate shape found: " + poly.GetName())
-      print ("Warning: duplicate shape id being added to collection: " +
-             poly.GetName())
-      if poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(self._name_to_shape[poly.GetName()]) < 10:
-        print "  (Skipping as it apears to be an exact duplicate)"
-      else:
-        print "  (Adding new shape variant with uniquified name)"
-        inserted_name = "%s-%d" % (inserted_name, len(self._name_to_shape))
-    self._name_to_shape[inserted_name] = poly
-  def NumPolys(self):
-    return len(self._name_to_shape)
-  def FindMatchingPolys(self, start_point, end_point, max_radius=150):
-    """
-    Returns a list of polylines in the collection that have endpoints
-    within max_radius of the given start and end points.
-    """
-    matches = []
-    for shape in self._name_to_shape.itervalues():
-      if start_point.GetDistanceMeters(shape.GetPoint(0)) < max_radius and \
-        end_point.GetDistanceMeters(shape.GetPoint(-1)) < max_radius:
-        matches.append(shape)
-    return matches
-class PolyGraph(PolyCollection):
-  """
-  A class representing a graph where the edges are polylines.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    PolyCollection.__init__(self)
-    self._nodes = {}
-  def AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling=True):
-    PolyCollection.AddPoly(self, poly, smart_duplicate_handling)
-    start_point = poly.GetPoint(0)
-    end_point = poly.GetPoint(-1)
-    self._AddNodeWithEdge(start_point, poly)
-    self._AddNodeWithEdge(end_point, poly)
-  def _AddNodeWithEdge(self, point, edge):
-    if point in self._nodes:
-      self._nodes[point].add(edge)
-    else:
-      self._nodes[point] = set([edge])
-  def ShortestPath(self, start, goal):
-    """Uses the A* algorithm to find a shortest path between start and goal.
-    For more background see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-star_algorithm
-    Some definitions:
-    g(x): The actual shortest distance traveled from initial node to current
-          node.
-    h(x): The estimated (or "heuristic") distance from current node to goal.
-          We use the distance on Earth from node to goal as the heuristic.
-          This heuristic is both admissible and monotonic (see wikipedia for
-          more details).
-    f(x): The sum of g(x) and h(x), used to prioritize elements to look at.
-    Arguments:
-      start: Point that is in the graph, start point of the search.
-      goal: Point that is in the graph, end point for the search.
-    Returns:
-      A Poly object representing the shortest polyline through the graph from
-      start to goal, or None if no path found.
-    """
-    assert start in self._nodes
-    assert goal in self._nodes
-    closed_set = set() # Set of nodes already evaluated.
-    open_heap = [(0, start)] # Nodes to visit, heapified by f(x).
-    open_set = set([start]) # Same as open_heap, but a set instead of a heap.
-    g_scores = { start: 0 } # Distance from start along optimal path
-    came_from = {} # Map to reconstruct optimal path once we're done.
-    while open_set:
-      (f_x, x) = heapq.heappop(open_heap)
-      open_set.remove(x)
-      if x == goal:
-        return self._ReconstructPath(came_from, goal)
-      closed_set.add(x)
-      edges = self._nodes[x]
-      for edge in edges:
-        if edge.GetPoint(0) == x:
-          y = edge.GetPoint(-1)
-        else:
-          y = edge.GetPoint(0)
-        if y in closed_set:
-          continue
-        tentative_g_score = g_scores[x] + edge.LengthMeters()
-        tentative_is_better = False
-        if y not in open_set:
-          h_y = y.GetDistanceMeters(goal)
-          f_y = tentative_g_score + h_y
-          open_set.add(y)
-          heapq.heappush(open_heap, (f_y, y))
-          tentative_is_better = True
-        elif tentative_g_score < g_scores[y]:
-          tentative_is_better = True
-        if tentative_is_better:
-          came_from[y] = (x, edge)
-          g_scores[y] = tentative_g_score
-    return None
-  def _ReconstructPath(self, came_from, current_node):
-    """
-    Helper method for ShortestPath, to reconstruct path.
-    Arguments:
-      came_from: a dictionary mapping Point to (Point, Poly) tuples.
-          This dictionary keeps track of the previous neighbor to a node, and
-          the edge used to get from the previous neighbor to the node.
-      current_node: the current Point in the path.
-    Returns:
-      A Poly that represents the path through the graph from the start of the
-      search to current_node.
-    """
-    if current_node in came_from:
-      (previous_node, previous_edge) = came_from[current_node]
-      if previous_edge.GetPoint(0) == current_node:
-        previous_edge = previous_edge.Reversed()
-      p = self._ReconstructPath(came_from, previous_node)
-      return Poly.MergePolys([p, previous_edge], merge_point_threshold=0)
-    else:
-      return Poly([], '')
-  def FindShortestMultiPointPath(self, points, max_radius=150, keep_best_n=10,
-                                 verbosity=0):
-    """
-    Return a polyline, representing the shortest path through this graph that
-    has edge endpoints on each of a given list of points in sequence.  We allow
-    fuzziness in matching of input points to points in this graph.
-    We limit ourselves to a view of the best keep_best_n paths at any time, as a
-    greedy optimization.
-    """
-    assert len(points) > 1
-    nearby_points = []
-    paths_found = [] # A heap sorted by inverse path length.
-    for i, point in enumerate(points):
-      nearby = [p for p in self._nodes.iterkeys()
-                if p.GetDistanceMeters(point) < max_radius]
-      if verbosity >= 2:
-        print ("Nearby points for point %d %s: %s"
-               % (i + 1,
-                  str(point.ToLatLng()),
-                  ", ".join([str(n.ToLatLng()) for n in nearby])))
-      if nearby:
-        nearby_points.append(nearby)
-      else:
-        print "No nearby points found for point %s" % str(point.ToLatLng())
-        return None
-    pathToStr = lambda start, end, path: ("  Best path %s -> %s: %s"
-                                          % (str(start.ToLatLng()),
-                                             str(end.ToLatLng()),
-                                             path and path.GetName() or
-                                             "None"))
-    if verbosity >= 3:
-      print "Step 1"
-    step = 2
-    start_points = nearby_points[0]
-    end_points = nearby_points[1]
-    for start in start_points:
-      for end in end_points:
-        path = self.ShortestPath(start, end)
-        if verbosity >= 3:
-          print pathToStr(start, end, path)
-        PolyGraph._AddPathToHeap(paths_found, path, keep_best_n)
-    for possible_points in nearby_points[2:]:
-      if verbosity >= 3:
-        print "\nStep %d" % step
-        step += 1
-      new_paths_found = []
-      start_end_paths = {} # cache of shortest paths between (start, end) pairs
-      for score, path in paths_found:
-        start = path.GetPoint(-1)
-        for end in possible_points:
-          if (start, end) in start_end_paths:
-            new_segment = start_end_paths[(start, end)]
-          else:
-            new_segment = self.ShortestPath(start, end)
-            if verbosity >= 3:
-              print pathToStr(start, end, new_segment)
-            start_end_paths[(start, end)] = new_segment
-          if new_segment:
-            new_path = Poly.MergePolys([path, new_segment],
-                                       merge_point_threshold=0)
-            PolyGraph._AddPathToHeap(new_paths_found, new_path, keep_best_n)
-      paths_found = new_paths_found
-    if paths_found:
-      best_score, best_path = max(paths_found)
-      return best_path
-    else:
-      return None
-  @staticmethod
-  def _AddPathToHeap(heap, path, keep_best_n):
-    if path and path.GetNumPoints():
-      new_item = (-path.LengthMeters(), path)
-      if new_item not in heap:
-        if len(heap) < keep_best_n:
-          heapq.heappush(heap, new_item)
-        else:
-          heapq.heapreplace(heap, new_item)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/util.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import optparse
-import sys
-class OptionParserLongError(optparse.OptionParser):
-  """OptionParser subclass that includes list of options above error message."""
-  def error(self, msg):
-    print >>sys.stderr, self.format_help()
-    print >>sys.stderr, '\n\n%s: error: %s\n\n' % (self.get_prog_name(), msg)
-    sys.exit(2)
-def RunWithCrashHandler(f):
-  try:
-    exit_code = f()
-    sys.exit(exit_code)
-  except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
-    raise
-  except:
-    import inspect
-    import traceback
-    # Save trace and exception now. These calls look at the most recently
-    # raised exception. The code that makes the report might trigger other
-    # exceptions.
-    original_trace = inspect.trace(3)[1:]
-    formatted_exception = traceback.format_exception_only(*(sys.exc_info()[:2]))
-    apology = """Yikes, the program threw an unexpected exception!
-Hopefully a complete report has been saved to transitfeedcrash.txt,
-though if you are seeing this message we've already disappointed you once
-today. Please include the report in a new issue at
-or an email to the public group googletransitdatafeed@googlegroups.com. Sorry!
-    dashes = '%s\n' % ('-' * 60)
-    dump = []
-    dump.append(apology)
-    dump.append(dashes)
-    try:
-      import transitfeed
-      dump.append("transitfeed version %s\n\n" % transitfeed.__version__)
-    except NameError:
-      # Oh well, guess we won't put the version in the report
-      pass
-    for (frame_obj, filename, line_num, fun_name, context_lines,
-         context_index) in original_trace:
-      dump.append('File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename, line_num,
-                                                   fun_name))
-      if context_lines:
-        for (i, line) in enumerate(context_lines):
-          if i == context_index:
-            dump.append(' --> %s' % line)
-          else:
-            dump.append('     %s' % line)
-      for local_name, local_val in frame_obj.f_locals.items():
-        try:
-          truncated_val = str(local_val)[0:500]
-        except Exception, e:
-          dump.append('    Exception in str(%s): %s' % (local_name, e))
-        else:
-          if len(truncated_val) >= 500:
-            truncated_val = '%s...' % truncated_val[0:499]
-          dump.append('    %s = %s\n' % (local_name, truncated_val))
-      dump.append('\n')
-    dump.append(''.join(formatted_exception))
-    open('transitfeedcrash.txt', 'w').write(''.join(dump))
-    print ''.join(dump)
-    print
-    print dashes
-    print apology
-    try:
-      raw_input('Press enter to continue...')
-    except EOFError:
-      # Ignore stdin being closed. This happens during some tests.
-      pass
-    sys.exit(127)
-# Pick one of two defaultdict implementations. A native version was added to
-# the collections library in python 2.5. If that is not available use Jason's
-# pure python recipe. He gave us permission to distribute it.
-# On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 07:27, jason kirtland <jek at discorporate.us> wrote:
-# >
-# > Hi Tom, sure thing!  It's not easy to find on the cookbook site, but the
-# > recipe is under the Python license.
-# >
-# > Cheers,
-# > Jason
-# >
-# > On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Tom Brown <tom.brown.code@gmail.com> wrote:
-# >
-# >> I would like to include http://code.activestate.com/recipes/523034/ in
-# >> http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/TransitFeedDistribution
-# >> which is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with Copyright
-# >> Google. May we include your code with a comment in the source pointing at
-# >> the original URL?  Thanks, Tom Brown
-  # Try the native implementation first
-  from collections import defaultdict
-  # Fallback for python2.4, which didn't include collections.defaultdict
-  class defaultdict(dict):
-    def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw):
-      if (default_factory is not None and
-        not hasattr(default_factory, '__call__')):
-        raise TypeError('first argument must be callable')
-      dict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
-      self.default_factory = default_factory
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-      try:
-        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
-      except KeyError:
-        return self.__missing__(key)
-    def __missing__(self, key):
-      if self.default_factory is None:
-        raise KeyError(key)
-      self[key] = value = self.default_factory()
-      return value
-    def __reduce__(self):
-      if self.default_factory is None:
-        args = tuple()
-      else:
-        args = self.default_factory,
-      return type(self), args, None, None, self.items()
-    def copy(self):
-      return self.__copy__()
-    def __copy__(self):
-      return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)
-    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
-      import copy
-      return type(self)(self.default_factory,
-                        copy.deepcopy(self.items()))
-    def __repr__(self):
-      return 'defaultdict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory,
-                                      dict.__repr__(self))

 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/util.pyc and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/unusual_trip_filter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Filters out trips which are not on the defualt routes and
-  set their trip_typeattribute accordingly.
-For usage information run unusual_trip_filter.py --help
-__author__ = 'Jiri Semecky <jiri.semecky@gmail.com>'
-import codecs
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-class UnusualTripFilter(object):
-  """Class filtering trips going on unusual paths.
-  Those are usually trips going to/from depot or changing to another route
-  in the middle. Sets the 'trip_type' attribute of the trips.txt dataset
-  so that non-standard trips are marked as special (value 1)
-  instead of regular (default value 0).
-  """
-  def __init__ (self, threshold=0.1, force=False, quiet=False, route_type=None):
-    self._threshold = threshold
-    self._quiet = quiet
-    self._force = force
-    if route_type in transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES:
-      self._route_type = transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES[route_type]
-    elif route_type is None:
-      self._route_type = None
-    else:
-      self._route_type = int(route_type)
-  def filter_line(self, route):
-    """Mark unusual trips for the given route."""
-    if self._route_type is not None and self._route_type != route.route_type:
-      self.info('Skipping route %s due to different route_type value (%s)' %
-                (route['route_id'], route['route_type']))
-      return
-    self.info('Filtering infrequent trips for route %s.' % route.route_id)
-    trip_count = len(route.trips)
-    for pattern_id, pattern in route.GetPatternIdTripDict().items():
-      ratio = float(1.0 * len(pattern) / trip_count)
-      if not self._force:
-        if (ratio < self._threshold):
-          self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
-                    "as unusual (ratio %f)" %
-                    (len(pattern),
-                    route['route_short_name'],
-                    pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
-                    ratio))
-          for trip in pattern:
-            trip.trip_type = 1 # special
-            self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as special" %
-                      trip.trip_id)
-      else:
-        self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
-                  "as %s (ratio %f)" %
-                  (len(pattern),
-                   route['route_short_name'],
-                   pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
-                   ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold],
-                   ratio))
-        for trip in pattern:
-          trip.trip_type = ('0','1')[ratio < self._threshold]
-          self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as %s" %
-                    (trip.trip_id,
-                     ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold]))
-  def filter(self, dataset):
-    """Mark unusual trips for all the routes in the dataset."""
-    self.info('Going to filter infrequent routes in the dataset')
-    for route in dataset.routes.values():
-      self.filter_line(route)
-  def info(self, text):
-    if not self._quiet:
-      print text.encode("utf-8")
-def main():
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] <GTFS.zip>
-Filters out trips which do not follow the most common stop sequences and
-sets their trip_type attribute accordingly. <GTFS.zip> is overwritten with
-the modifed GTFS file unless the --output option is used.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
-         help='Name of the output GTFS file (writing to input feed if omitted).')
-  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db', action='store_true',
-         help='Force use of in-memory sqlite db.')
-  parser.add_option('-t', '--threshold', default=0.1,
-         dest='threshold', type='float',
-         help='Frequency threshold for considering pattern as non-regular.')
-  parser.add_option('-r', '--route_type', default=None,
-         dest='route_type', type='string',
-         help='Filter only selected route type (specified by number'
-              'or one of the following names: ' + \
-              ', '.join(transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES) + ').')
-  parser.add_option('-f', '--override_trip_type', default=False,
-         dest='override_trip_type', action='store_true',
-         help='Forces overwrite of current trip_type values.')
-  parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet',
-         default=False, action='store_true',
-         help='Suppress information output.')
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed.')
-  filter = UnusualTripFilter(float(options.threshold),
-                             force=options.override_trip_type,
-                             quiet=options.quiet,
-                             route_type=options.route_type)
-  feed_name = args[0]
-  feed_name = feed_name.strip()
-  filter.info('Loading %s' % feed_name)
-  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed_name, extra_validation=True,
-                              memory_db=options.memory_db)
-  data = loader.Load()
-  filter.filter(data)
-  print 'Saving data'
-  # Write the result
-  if options.output is None:
-    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(feed_name)
-  else:
-    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/validation-results.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +1,1 @@
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-<title>FeedValidator: good_feed.zip</title>
-body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
-.path {color: gray}
-div.problem {max-width: 500px}
-table.dump td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.dump td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
-table.count_outside td {vertical-align: top}
-table.count_outside {border-spacing: 0px; }
-table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
-h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 0.5em}
-h4.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
-.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
-.fail {background-color: yellow}
-.pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt}
-.header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
-th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
-.footer {font-size: 10pt}
-GTFS validation results for feed:<br>
-<code><span class="path">test/data/</span><b>good_feed.zip</b></code>
-<tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header"><a href="http://google.com">Autorité de passage de démonstration</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">5</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">10</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">11</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">0</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">January 01, 2007 to December 31, 2011</td></tr>
-During the upcoming service dates Sun Apr 18 to Wed Jun 16:
-<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">141</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">144, on 17 service dates (Sun Apr 18, Sat Apr 24, Sun Apr 25, ...)</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">140, on 43 service dates (Mon Apr 19, Tue Apr 20, Wed Apr 21, ...)</td></tr>
-<span class="pass">feed validated successfully</span>
-<div class="footer">
-Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
-FeedValidator</a> version 1.2.5 on April 18, 2010 at 06:12 PM EST.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/COPYING
@@ -1,1 +1,203 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/INSTALL
@@ -1,1 +1,22 @@
+INSTALL file for transitfeed distribution
+To download and install in one step make sure you have easy-install installed and run
+easy_install transitfeed
+Since you got this far chances are you have downloaded a copy of the source
+code. Install with the command
+python setup.py install
+If you don't want to install you may be able to run the scripts from this
+directory. For example, try running
+./feedvalidator.py -n test/data/good_feed.zip

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: transitfeed
+Version: 1.2.6
+Summary: Google Transit Feed Specification library and tools
+Home-page: http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/
+Author: Tom Brown
+Author-email: tom.brown.code@gmail.com
+License: Apache License, Version 2.0
+Download-URL: http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/files/transitfeed-1.2.6.tar.gz
+Description: This module provides a library for reading, writing and validating Google Transit Feed Specification files. It includes some scripts that validate a feed, display it using the Google Maps API and the start of a KML importer and exporter.
+Platform: OS Independent
+Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Other Audience
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/README
@@ -1,1 +1,19 @@
+README file for transitfeed distribution
+This distribution contains a library to help you parse and generate Google
+Transit Feed files. It also contains some sample tools that demonstrate the
+library and are useful in their own right when maintaining Google
+Transit Feed files. You may fetch the specification from
+See INSTALL for installation instructions
+The most recent source can be downloaded from our subversion repository at
+See http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/TransitFeedDistribution
+for more information.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/filter_unused_stops.py
@@ -1,1 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Filter the unused stops out of a transit feed file."""
+import optparse
+import sys
+import transitfeed
+def main():
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+      usage="usage: %prog [options] input_feed output_feed",
+      version="%prog "+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option("-l", "--list_removed", dest="list_removed",
+                    default=False,
+                    action="store_true",
+                    help="Print removed stops to stdout")
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) != 2:
+    print >>sys.stderr, parser.format_help()
+    print >>sys.stderr, "\n\nYou must provide input_feed and output_feed\n\n"
+    sys.exit(2)
+  input_path = args[0]
+  output_path = args[1]
+  loader = transitfeed.Loader(input_path)
+  schedule = loader.Load()
+  print "Removing unused stops..."
+  removed = 0
+  for stop_id, stop in schedule.stops.items():
+    if not stop.GetTrips(schedule):
+      removed += 1
+      del schedule.stops[stop_id]
+      if options.list_removed:
+        print "Removing %s (%s)" % (stop_id, stop.stop_name)
+  if removed == 0:
+    print "No unused stops."
+  elif removed == 1:
+    print "Removed 1 stop"
+  else:
+    print "Removed %d stops" % removed
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(output_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/google_random_queries.py
@@ -1,1 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Output Google Transit URLs for queries near stops.
+The output can be used to speed up manual testing. Load the output from this
+file and then open many of the links in new tabs. In each result check that the
+polyline looks okay (no unnecassary loops, no jumps to a far away location) and
+look at the time of each leg. Also check the route names and headsigns are
+formatted correctly and not redundant.
+from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import timedelta
+import math
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import random
+import sys
+import transitfeed
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+def Distance(lat0, lng0, lat1, lng1):
+  """
+  Compute the geodesic distance in meters between two points on the
+  surface of the Earth.  The latitude and longitude angles are in
+  degrees.
+  Approximate geodesic distance function (Haversine Formula) assuming
+  a perfect sphere of radius 6367 km (see "What are some algorithms
+  for calculating the distance between 2 points?" in the GIS Faq at
+  http://www.census.gov/geo/www/faq-index.html).  The approximate
+  radius is adequate for our needs here, but a more sophisticated
+  geodesic function should be used if greater accuracy is required
+  (see "When is it NOT okay to assume the Earth is a sphere?" in the
+  same faq).
+  """
+  deg2rad = math.pi / 180.0
+  lat0 = lat0 * deg2rad
+  lng0 = lng0 * deg2rad
+  lat1 = lat1 * deg2rad
+  lng1 = lng1 * deg2rad
+  dlng = lng1 - lng0
+  dlat = lat1 - lat0
+  a = math.sin(dlat*0.5)
+  b = math.sin(dlng*0.5)
+  a = a * a + math.cos(lat0) * math.cos(lat1) * b * b
+  c = 2.0 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1.0 - a))
+  return 6367000.0 * c
+def AddNoiseToLatLng(lat, lng):
+  """Add up to 500m of error to each coordinate of lat, lng."""
+  m_per_tenth_lat = Distance(lat, lng, lat + 0.1, lng)
+  m_per_tenth_lng = Distance(lat, lng, lat, lng + 0.1)
+  lat_per_100m = 1 / m_per_tenth_lat * 10
+  lng_per_100m = 1 / m_per_tenth_lng * 10
+  return (lat + (lat_per_100m * 5 * (random.random() * 2 - 1)),
+          lng + (lng_per_100m * 5 * (random.random() * 2 - 1)))
+def GetRandomLocationsNearStops(schedule):
+  """Return a list of (lat, lng) tuples."""
+  locations = []
+  for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+    locations.append(AddNoiseToLatLng(s.stop_lat, s.stop_lon))
+  return locations
+def GetRandomDatetime():
+  """Return a datetime in the next week."""
+  seconds_offset = random.randint(0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
+  dt = datetime.today() + timedelta(seconds=seconds_offset)
+  return dt.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+def FormatLatLng(lat_lng):
+  """Format a (lat, lng) tuple into a string for maps.google.com."""
+  return "%0.6f,%0.6f" % lat_lng
+def LatLngsToGoogleUrl(source, destination, dt):
+  """Return a URL for routing between two (lat, lng) at a datetime."""
+  params = {"saddr": FormatLatLng(source),
+            "daddr": FormatLatLng(destination),
+            "time": dt.strftime("%I:%M%p"),
+            "date": dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
+            "dirflg": "r",
+            "ie": "UTF8",
+            "oe": "UTF8"}
+  url = urlparse.urlunsplit(("http", "maps.google.com", "/maps",
+                             urllib.urlencode(params), ""))
+  return url
+def LatLngsToGoogleLink(source, destination):
+  """Return a string "<a ..." for a trip at a random time."""
+  dt = GetRandomDatetime()
+  return "<a href='%s'>from:%s to:%s on %s</a>" % (
+      LatLngsToGoogleUrl(source, destination, dt),
+      FormatLatLng(source), FormatLatLng(destination),
+      dt.ctime())
+def WriteOutput(title, locations, limit, f):
+  """Write html to f for up to limit trips between locations.
+  Args:
+    title: String used in html title
+    locations: list of (lat, lng) tuples
+    limit: maximum number of queries in the html
+    f: a file object
+  """
+  output_prefix = """
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+Random queries for %(title)s<p>
+This list of random queries should speed up important manual testing. Here are
+some things to check when looking at the results of a query.
+  <li> Check the agency attribution under the trip results:
+  <ul>
+    <li> has correct name and spelling of the agency
+    <li> opens a page with general information about the service
+  </ul>
+  <li> For each alternate trip check that each of these is reasonable:
+  <ul>
+    <li> the total time of the trip
+    <li> the time for each leg. Bad data frequently results in a leg going a long
+    way in a few minutes.
+    <li> the icons and mode names (Tram, Bus, etc) are correct for each leg
+    <li> the route names and headsigns are correctly formatted and not
+    redundant.
+    For a good example see <a
+    href="http://code.google.com/transit/spec/transit_feed_specification.html#transitScreenshots">the
+    screenshots in the Google Transit Feed Specification</a>.
+    <li> the shape line on the map looks correct. Make sure the polyline does
+    not zig-zag, loop, skip stops or jump far away unless the trip does the
+    same thing.
+    <li> the route is active on the day the trip planner returns
+  </ul>
+If you find a problem be sure to save the URL. This file is generated randomly.
+""" % locals()
+  output_suffix = """
+""" % locals()
+  f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
+  for source, destination in zip(locations[0:limit], locations[1:limit + 1]):
+    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode("<li>%s\n" %
+                                      LatLngsToGoogleLink(source, destination)))
+  f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
+def ParentAndBaseName(path):
+  """Given a path return only the parent name and file name as a string."""
+  dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
+  dirname = dirname.rstrip(os.path.sep)
+  if os.path.altsep:
+    dirname = dirname.rstrip(os.path.altsep)
+  _, parentname = os.path.split(dirname)
+  return os.path.join(parentname, basename)
+def main():
+  usage = \
+"""%prog [options] <input GTFS.zip>
+Create an HTML page of random URLs for the Google Maps transit trip
+planner. The queries go between places near stops listed in a <input GTFS.zip>.
+By default 50 random URLs are saved to google_random_queries.html.
+For more information see
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+      usage=usage,
+      version="%prog "+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", type="int",
+                    help="Maximum number of URLs to generate")
+  parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", metavar="HTML_OUTPUT_PATH",
+                    help="write HTML output to HTML_OUTPUT_PATH")
+  parser.set_defaults(output="google_random_queries.html", limit=50)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) != 1:
+    print >>sys.stderr, parser.format_help()
+    print >>sys.stderr, "\n\nYou must provide the path of a single feed\n\n"
+    sys.exit(2)
+  feed_path = args[0]
+  # ProblemReporter prints problems on console.
+  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed_path, problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
+                              load_stop_times=False)
+  schedule = loader.Load()
+  locations = GetRandomLocationsNearStops(schedule)
+  random.shuffle(locations)
+  agencies = ", ".join([a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
+  title = "%s (%s)" % (agencies, ParentAndBaseName(feed_path))
+  WriteOutput(title,
+              locations,
+              options.limit,
+              open(options.output, "w"))
+  print ("Load %s in your web browser. It contains more instructions." %
+         options.output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
@@ -1,1 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Google has a homegrown database for managing the company shuttle. The
+database dumps its contents in XML. This scripts converts the proprietary XML
+format into a Google Transit Feed Specification file.
+import datetime
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os.path
+import re
+import transitfeed
+import urllib
+  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
+except ImportError, e:
+  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
+class NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
+  """The company shuttle database has a few unused stops for reasons unrelated
+  to this script. Ignore them.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self, accumulator)
+  def UnusedStop(self, stop_id, stop_name):
+    pass
+def SaveFeed(input, output):
+  tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(input))
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+  service_period.SetWeekdayService()
+  service_period.SetStartDate('20070314')
+  service_period.SetEndDate('20071231')
+  # Holidays for 2007
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070528', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070704', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070903', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071122', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071123', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071224', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071225', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071226', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071231', has_service=False)
+  stops = {}  # Map from xml stop id to python Stop object
+  agency = schedule.NewDefaultAgency(name='GBus', url='http://shuttle/',
+                                     timezone='America/Los_Angeles')
+  for xml_stop in tree.getiterator('stop'):
+    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(xml_stop.attrib['lat']),
+                            lng=float(xml_stop.attrib['lng']),
+                            name=xml_stop.attrib['name'])
+    stops[xml_stop.attrib['id']] = stop
+  for xml_shuttleGroup in tree.getiterator('shuttleGroup'):
+    if xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'] == 'Test':
+      continue
+    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="",
+        long_name=xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'], route_type='Bus')
+    for xml_route in xml_shuttleGroup.getiterator('route'):
+      t = r.AddTrip(schedule=schedule, headsign=xml_route.attrib['name'],
+          trip_id=xml_route.attrib['id'])
+      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, Stop) tuples
+      for xml_schedule in xml_route.getiterator('schedule'):
+        trip_stops.append( (int(xml_schedule.attrib['time']) / 1000,
+                            stops[xml_schedule.attrib['stopId']]) )
+      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
+      for (time, stop) in trip_stops:
+        t.AddStopTime(stop=stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
+  schedule.Validate(problems=NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter())
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(output)
+def main():
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
+                    help='Path or URL of input')
+  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
+                    help='Path of output file. Should end in .zip and if it '
+                    'contains the substring YYYYMMDD it will be replaced with '
+                    'today\'s date. It is impossible to include the literal '
+                    'string YYYYYMMDD in the path of the output file.')
+  parser.add_option('--execute', dest='execute',
+                    help='Commands to run to copy the output. %(path)s is '
+                    'replaced with full path of the output and %(name)s is '
+                    'replaced with name part of the path. Try '
+                    'scp %(path)s myhost:www/%(name)s',
+                    action='append')
+  parser.set_defaults(input=None, output=None, execute=[])
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
+  options.output = re.sub(r'YYYYMMDD', today, options.output)
+  (_, name) = os.path.split(options.output)
+  path = options.output
+  SaveFeed(options.input, options.output)
+  for command in options.execute:
+    import subprocess
+    def check_call(cmd):
+      """Convenience function that is in the docs for subprocess but not
+      installed on my system."""
+      retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+      if retcode < 0:
+        raise Exception("Child '%s' was terminated by signal %d" % (cmd,
+          -retcode))
+      elif retcode != 0:
+        raise Exception("Child '%s' returned %d" % (cmd, retcode))
+    # path_output and filename_current can be used to run arbitrary commands
+    check_call(command % locals())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+<shuttle><office id="us-nye" name="US Nye County">
+<stop id="1" name="Stagecoach Hotel and Casino" shortName="Stagecoach" lat="36.915682" lng="-116.751677" />
+<stop id="2" name="North Ave / N A Ave" shortName="N Ave / A Ave N" lat="36.914944" lng="-116.761472" />
+<stop id="3" name="North Ave / D Ave N" shortName="N Ave / D Ave N" lat="36.914893" lng="-116.76821" />
+<stop id="4" name="Doing Ave / D Ave N" shortName="Doing / D Ave N" lat="36.909489" lng="-116.768242" />
+<stop id="5" name="E Main St / S Irving St" shortName="E Main / S Irving" lat="36.905697" lng="-116.76218" />
+<shuttleGroup id="4" name="Bar Circle Loop" >
+<route id="1" name="Outbound">
+<schedule id="164" stopId="1" time="60300000"/>
+<schedule id="165" stopId="2" time="60600000"/>
+<schedule id="166" stopId="3" time="60720000"/>
+<schedule id="167" stopId="4" time="60780000"/>
+<schedule id="168" stopId="5" time="60900000"/>
+<route id="2" name="Inbound">
+<schedule id="260" stopId="5" time="30000000"/>
+<schedule id="261" stopId="4" time="30120000"/>
+<schedule id="262" stopId="3" time="30180000"/>
+<schedule id="263" stopId="2" time="30300000"/>
+<schedule id="264" stopId="1" time="30600000"/>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/small_builder.py
@@ -1,1 +1,40 @@
+# A really simple example of using transitfeed to build a Google Transit
+# Feed Specification file.
+import transitfeed
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
+                  help='Path of output file. Should end in .zip')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+schedule.AddAgency("Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
+                   "America/Los_Angeles")
+service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122, lat=37.2, name="Suburbia")
+stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122.001, lat=37.201, name="Civic Center")
+route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="22", long_name="Civic Center Express",
+                          route_type="Bus")
+trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign="To Downtown")
+trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='09:00:00')
+trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='09:15:00')
+trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign="To Suburbia")
+trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='17:30:00')
+trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='17:45:00')

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.py
@@ -1,1 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# An example script that demonstrates converting a proprietary format to a
+# Google Transit Feed Specification file.
+# You can load table.txt, the example input, in Excel. It contains three
+# sections:
+# 1) A list of global options, starting with a line containing the word
+#    'options'. Each option has an name in the first column and most options
+#    have a value in the second column.
+# 2) A table of stops, starting with a line containing the word 'stops'. Each
+#    row of the table has 3 columns: name, latitude, longitude
+# 3) A list of routes. There is an empty row between each route. The first row
+#    for a route lists the short_name and long_name. After the first row the
+#    left-most column lists the stop names visited by the route. Each column
+#    contains the times a single trip visits the stops.
+# This is very simple example which you could use as a base for your own
+# transit feed builder.
+import transitfeed
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import re
+stops = {}
+# table is a list of lists in this form
+# [ ['Short Name', 'Long Name'],
+#   ['Stop 1', 'Stop 2', ...]
+#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 1
+#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 2
+#   ... ]
+def AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, table):
+  if len(table) >= 2:
+    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name=table[0][0], long_name=table[0][1], route_type='Bus')
+    for trip in table[2:]:
+      if len(trip) > len(table[1]):
+        print "ignoring %s" % trip[len(table[1]):]
+        trip = trip[0:len(table[1])]
+      t = r.AddTrip(schedule, headsign='My headsign')
+      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, stopname) tuples
+      for i in range(0, len(trip)):
+        if re.search(r'\S', trip[i]):
+          trip_stops.append( (transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(trip[i]), table[1][i]) )
+      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
+      for (time, stopname) in trip_stops:
+        t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[stopname.lower()], arrival_secs=time,
+                      departure_secs=time)
+def TransposeTable(table):
+  """Transpose a list of lists, using None to extend all input lists to the
+  same length.
+  For example:
+  >>> TransposeTable(
+  [ [11,   12,   13],
+    [21,   22],
+    [31,   32,   33,   34]])
+  [ [11,   21,   31],
+    [12,   22,   32],
+    [13,   None, 33],
+    [None, None, 34]]
+  """
+  transposed = []
+  rows = len(table)
+  cols = max(len(row) for row in table)
+  for x in range(cols):
+    transposed.append([])
+    for y in range(rows):
+      if x < len(table[y]):
+        transposed[x].append(table[y][x])
+      else:
+        transposed[x].append(None)
+  return transposed
+def ProcessOptions(schedule, table):
+  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+  agency_name, agency_url, agency_timezone = (None, None, None)
+  for row in table[1:]:
+    command = row[0].lower()
+    if command == 'weekday':
+      service_period.SetWeekdayService()
+    elif command == 'start_date':
+      service_period.SetStartDate(row[1])
+    elif command == 'end_date':
+      service_period.SetEndDate(row[1])
+    elif command == 'add_date':
+      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1])
+    elif command == 'remove_date':
+      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1], has_service=False)
+    elif command == 'agency_name':
+      agency_name = row[1]
+    elif command == 'agency_url':
+      agency_url = row[1]
+    elif command == 'agency_timezone':
+      agency_timezone = row[1]
+  if not (agency_name and agency_url and agency_timezone):
+    print "You must provide agency information"
+  schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name=agency_name, agency_url=agency_url,
+                            agency_timezone=agency_timezone)
+def AddStops(schedule, table):
+  for name, lat_str, lng_str in table[1:]:
+    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(lat_str), lng=float(lng_str), name=name)
+    stops[name.lower()] = stop
+def ProcessTable(schedule, table):
+  if table[0][0].lower() == 'options':
+    ProcessOptions(schedule, table)
+  elif table[0][0].lower() == 'stops':
+    AddStops(schedule, table)
+  else:
+    transposed = [table[0]]  # Keep route_short_name and route_long_name on first row
+    # Transpose rest of table. Input contains the stop names in table[x][0], x
+    # >= 1 with trips found in columns, so we need to transpose table[1:].
+    # As a diagram Transpose from
+    # [['stop 1', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'],
+    #  ['stop 2', '10:10', '11:10', '12:10'],
+    #  ['stop 3', '10:20', '11:20', '12:20']]
+    # to
+    # [['stop 1', 'stop 2', 'stop 3'],
+    #  ['10:00',  '10:10',  '10:20'],
+    #  ['11:00',  '11:11',  '11:20'],
+    #  ['12:00',  '12:12',  '12:20']]
+    transposed.extend(TransposeTable(table[1:]))
+    AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, transposed)
+def main():
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
+                    help='Path of input file')
+  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
+                    help='Path of output file, should end in .zip')
+  parser.set_defaults(output='feed.zip')
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+  table = []
+  for line in open(options.input):
+    line = line.rstrip()
+    if not line:
+      ProcessTable(schedule, table)
+      table = []
+    else:
+      table.append(line.split('\t'))
+  ProcessTable(schedule, table)
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+start_date	20070315
+end_date	20071215
+remove_date	20070704
+agency_name	Gbus
+agency_url	http://shuttle/
+agency_timezone	America/Los_Angeles
+Stagecoach	36.915682	-116.751677
+N Ave / A Ave N	36.914944	-116.761472
+N Ave / D Ave N	36.914893	-116.76821
+Doing / D Ave N	36.909489	-116.768242
+E Main / S Irving	36.905697	-116.76218
+O in	Bar Circle Inbound
+Stagecoach	9:00:00	9:30:00	10:00:00	12:00:00
+N Ave / A Ave N	9:05:00	9:35:00	10:05:00	12:05:00
+N Ave / D Ave N	9:07:00	9:37:00	10:07:00	12:07:00
+Doing / D Ave N	9:09:00	9:39:00	10:09:00	12:09:00
+E Main / S Irving	9:11:00	9:41:00	10:11:00	12:11:00
+O out	Bar Circle Outbound
+E Main / S Irving	15:00:00	15:30:00	16:00:00	18:00:00
+Doing / D Ave N	15:05:00	15:35:00	16:05:00	18:05:00
+N Ave / D Ave N	15:07:00	15:37:00	16:07:00	18:07:00
+N Ave / A Ave N	15:09:00	15:39:00	16:09:00	18:09:00
+Stagecoach	15:11:00	15:41:00	16:11:00	18:11:00

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py
@@ -1,1 +1,750 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Validates a GTFS file.
+For usage information run feedvalidator.py --help
+import bisect
+import codecs
+import datetime
+from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
+import optparse
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_WARNING
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
+from transitfeed import util
+import webbrowser
+SVN_TAG_URL = 'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/tags/'
+def MaybePluralizeWord(count, word):
+  if count == 1:
+    return word
+  else:
+    return word + 's'
+def PrettyNumberWord(count, word):
+  return '%d %s' % (count, MaybePluralizeWord(count, word))
+def UnCamelCase(camel):
+  return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', camel)
+def ProblemCountText(error_count, warning_count):
+  results = []
+  if error_count:
+    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(error_count, 'error'))
+  if warning_count:
+    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(warning_count, 'warning'))
+  return ' and '.join(results)
+def CalendarSummary(schedule):
+  today = datetime.date.today()
+  summary_end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
+  start_date, end_date = schedule.GetDateRange()
+  if not start_date or not end_date:
+    return {}
+  try:
+    start_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(start_date)
+    end_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(end_date)
+  except ValueError:
+    return {}
+  # Get the list of trips only during the period the feed is active.
+  # As such we have to check if it starts in the future and/or if
+  # if it ends in less than 60 days.
+  date_trips_departures = schedule.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(
+                              max(today, start_date_object),
+                              min(summary_end_date, end_date_object))
+  if not date_trips_departures:
+    return {}
+  # Check that the dates which will be shown in summary agree with these
+  # calculations. Failure implies a bug which should be fixed. It isn't good
+  # for users to discover assertion failures but means it will likely be fixed.
+  assert start_date <= date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
+  assert end_date >= date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
+  # Generate a map from int number of trips in a day to a list of date objects
+  # with that many trips. The list of dates is sorted.
+  trips_dates = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+  trips = 0
+  for date, day_trips, day_departures in date_trips_departures:
+    trips += day_trips
+    trips_dates[day_trips].append(date)
+  mean_trips = trips / len(date_trips_departures)
+  max_trips = max(trips_dates.keys())
+  min_trips = min(trips_dates.keys())
+  calendar_summary = {}
+  calendar_summary['mean_trips'] = mean_trips
+  calendar_summary['max_trips'] = max_trips
+  calendar_summary['max_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[max_trips])
+  calendar_summary['min_trips'] = min_trips
+  calendar_summary['min_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[min_trips])
+  calendar_summary['date_trips_departures'] = date_trips_departures
+  calendar_summary['date_summary_range'] = "%s to %s" % (
+      date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%a %b %d"),
+      date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%a %b %d"))
+  return calendar_summary
+def FormatDateList(dates):
+  if not dates:
+    return "0 service dates"
+  formatted = [d.strftime("%a %b %d") for d in dates[0:3]]
+  if len(dates) > 3:
+    formatted.append("...")
+  return "%s (%s)" % (PrettyNumberWord(len(dates), "service date"),
+                      ", ".join(formatted))
+def MaxVersion(versions):
+  versions = filter(None, versions)
+  versions.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp([int(item) for item in x.split('.')],
+                                 [int(item) for item in y.split('.')]))
+  if len(versions) > 0:
+    return versions[0]
+class CountingConsoleProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.SimpleProblemAccumulator):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._error_count = 0
+    self._warning_count = 0
+  def _Report(self, e):
+    transitfeed.SimpleProblemAccumulator._Report(self, e)
+    if e.IsError():
+      self._error_count += 1
+    else:
+      self._warning_count += 1
+  def ErrorCount(self):
+    return self._error_count
+  def WarningCount(self):
+    return self._warning_count
+  def FormatCount(self):
+    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
+  def HasIssues(self):
+    return self.ErrorCount() or self.WarningCount()
+class BoundedProblemList(object):
+  """A list of one type of ExceptionWithContext objects with bounded size."""
+  def __init__(self, size_bound):
+    self._count = 0
+    self._exceptions = []
+    self._size_bound = size_bound
+  def Add(self, e):
+    self._count += 1
+    try:
+      bisect.insort(self._exceptions, e)
+    except TypeError:
+      # The base class ExceptionWithContext raises this exception in __cmp__
+      # to signal that an object is not comparable. Instead of keeping the most
+      # significant issue keep the first reported.
+      if self._count <= self._size_bound:
+        self._exceptions.append(e)
+    else:
+      # self._exceptions is in order. Drop the least significant if the list is
+      # now too long.
+      if self._count > self._size_bound:
+        del self._exceptions[-1]
+  def _GetDroppedCount(self):
+    return self._count - len(self._exceptions)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return "<BoundedProblemList %s>" % repr(self._exceptions)
+  count = property(lambda s: s._count)
+  dropped_count = property(_GetDroppedCount)
+  problems = property(lambda s: s._exceptions)
+class LimitPerTypeProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.ProblemAccumulatorInterface):
+  def __init__(self, limit_per_type):
+    # {TYPE_WARNING: {"ClassName": BoundedProblemList()}}
+    self._type_to_name_to_problist = {
+      TYPE_WARNING: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type)),
+      TYPE_ERROR: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type))
+    }
+  def HasIssues(self):
+    return (self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR] or
+            self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING])
+  def _Report(self, e):
+    self._type_to_name_to_problist[e.GetType()][e.__class__.__name__].Add(e)
+  def ErrorCount(self):
+    error_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR].values()
+    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, error_sets))
+  def WarningCount(self):
+    warning_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING].values()
+    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, warning_sets))
+  def ProblemList(self, problem_type, class_name):
+    """Return the BoundedProblemList object for given type and class."""
+    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type][class_name]
+  def ProblemListMap(self, problem_type):
+    """Return the map from class name to BoundedProblemList object."""
+    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type]
+class HTMLCountingProblemAccumulator(LimitPerTypeProblemAccumulator):
+  def FormatType(self, f, level_name, class_problist):
+    """Write the HTML dumping all problems of one type.
+    Args:
+      f: file object open for writing
+      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
+      class_problist: sequence of tuples (class name,
+          BoundedProblemList object)
+    """
+    class_problist.sort()
+    output = []
+    for classname, problist in class_problist:
+      output.append('<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="%s%s">%s</a></h4><ul>\n' %
+                    (level_name, classname, UnCamelCase(classname)))
+      for e in problist.problems:
+        self.FormatException(e, output)
+      if problist.dropped_count:
+        output.append('<li>and %d more of this type.' %
+                      (problist.dropped_count))
+      output.append('</ul>\n')
+    f.write(''.join(output))
+  def FormatTypeSummaryTable(self, level_name, name_to_problist):
+    """Return an HTML table listing the number of problems by class name.
+    Args:
+      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
+      name_to_problist: dict mapping class name to an BoundedProblemList object
+    Returns:
+      HTML in a string
+    """
+    output = []
+    output.append('<table>')
+    for classname in sorted(name_to_problist.keys()):
+      problist = name_to_problist[classname]
+      human_name = MaybePluralizeWord(problist.count, UnCamelCase(classname))
+      output.append('<tr><td>%d</td><td><a href="#%s%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' %
+                    (problist.count, level_name, classname, human_name))
+    output.append('</table>\n')
+    return ''.join(output)
+  def FormatException(self, e, output):
+    """Append HTML version of e to list output."""
+    d = e.GetDictToFormat()
+    for k in ('file_name', 'feedname', 'column_name'):
+      if k in d.keys():
+        d[k] = '<code>%s</code>' % d[k]
+    problem_text = e.FormatProblem(d).replace('\n', '<br>')
+    output.append('<li>')
+    output.append('<div class="problem">%s</div>' %
+                  transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(problem_text))
+    try:
+      if hasattr(e, 'row_num'):
+        line_str = 'line %d of ' % e.row_num
+      else:
+        line_str = ''
+      output.append('in %s<code>%s</code><br>\n' %
+                    (line_str, e.file_name))
+      row = e.row
+      headers = e.headers
+      column_name = e.column_name
+      table_header = ''  # HTML
+      table_data = ''  # HTML
+      for header, value in zip(headers, row):
+        attributes = ''
+        if header == column_name:
+          attributes = ' class="problem"'
+        table_header += '<th%s>%s</th>' % (attributes, header)
+        table_data += '<td%s>%s</td>' % (attributes, value)
+      # Make sure output is encoded into UTF-8
+      output.append('<table class="dump"><tr>%s</tr>\n' %
+                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_header))
+      output.append('<tr>%s</tr></table>\n' %
+                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_data))
+    except AttributeError, e:
+      pass  # Hope this was getting an attribute from e ;-)
+    output.append('<br></li>\n')
+  def FormatCount(self):
+    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
+  def CountTable(self):
+    output = []
+    output.append('<table class="count_outside">\n')
+    output.append('<tr>')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
+                    PrettyNumberWord(self.ErrorCount(), "error"))
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
+                    PrettyNumberWord(self.WarningCount(), "warning"))
+    output.append('</tr>\n<tr>')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      output.append('<td>\n')
+      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Error",
+                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR)))
+      output.append('</td>\n')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      output.append('<td>\n')
+      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Warning",
+                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING)))
+      output.append('</td>\n')
+    output.append('</table>')
+    return ''.join(output)
+  def WriteOutput(self, feed_location, f, schedule, other_problems):
+    """Write the html output to f."""
+    if self.HasIssues():
+      if self.ErrorCount() + self.WarningCount() == 1:
+        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found this problem:</span>\n%s' %
+                   self.CountTable())
+      else:
+        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>\n%s' %
+                   self.CountTable())
+    else:
+      summary = '<span class="pass">feed validated successfully</span>'
+    if other_problems is not None:
+      summary = ('<span class="fail">\n%s</span><br><br>' %
+                 other_problems) + summary
+    basename = os.path.basename(feed_location)
+    feed_path = (feed_location[:feed_location.rfind(basename)], basename)
+    agencies = ', '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (a.agency_url, a.agency_name)
+                          for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
+    if not agencies:
+      agencies = '?'
+    dates = "No valid service dates found"
+    (start, end) = schedule.GetDateRange()
+    if start and end:
+      def FormatDate(yyyymmdd):
+        src_format = "%Y%m%d"
+        dst_format = "%B %d, %Y"
+        try:
+          return time.strftime(dst_format,
+                               time.strptime(yyyymmdd, src_format))
+        except ValueError:
+          return yyyymmdd
+      formatted_start = FormatDate(start)
+      formatted_end = FormatDate(end)
+      dates = "%s to %s" % (formatted_start, formatted_end)
+    calendar_summary = CalendarSummary(schedule)
+    if calendar_summary:
+      calendar_summary_html = """<br>
+During the upcoming service dates %(date_summary_range)s:
+<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">%(mean_trips)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(max_trips)s, on %(max_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(min_trips)s, on %(min_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
+</table>""" % calendar_summary
+    else:
+      calendar_summary_html = ""
+    output_prefix = """
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>FeedValidator: %(feed_file)s</title>
+body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
+.path {color: gray}
+div.problem {max-width: 500px}
+table.dump td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
+table.dump td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
+table.count_outside td {vertical-align: top}
+table.count_outside {border-spacing: 0px; }
+table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
+h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 0.5em}
+h4.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
+.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
+.fail {background-color: yellow}
+.pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt}
+.header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
+th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
+.footer {font-size: 10pt}
+GTFS validation results for feed:<br>
+<code><span class="path">%(feed_dir)s</span><b>%(feed_file)s</b></code>
+<tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header">%(agencies)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">%(routes)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">%(stops)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">%(trips)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">%(shapes)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">%(dates)s</td></tr>
+""" % { "feed_file": feed_path[1],
+        "feed_dir": feed_path[0],
+        "agencies": agencies,
+        "routes": len(schedule.GetRouteList()),
+        "stops": len(schedule.GetStopList()),
+        "trips": len(schedule.GetTripList()),
+        "shapes": len(schedule.GetShapeList()),
+        "dates": dates,
+        "problem_summary": summary,
+        "calendar_summary": calendar_summary_html}
+# In output_suffix string
+# time.strftime() returns a regular local time string (not a Unicode one) with
+# default system encoding. And decode() will then convert this time string back
+# into a Unicode string. We use decode() here because we don't want the operating
+# system to do any system encoding (which may cause some problem if the string
+# contains some non-English characters) for the string. Therefore we decode it
+# back to its original Unicode code print.
+    time_unicode = (time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z').
+                    decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
+    output_suffix = """
+<div class="footer">
+Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
+FeedValidator</a> version %s on %s.
+</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__, time_unicode)
+    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3>')
+      self.FormatType(f, "Error",
+                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR).items())
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3>')
+      self.FormatType(f, "Warning",
+                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING).items())
+    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
+def RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
+  """Validate feed, output results per options and return an exit code."""
+  if options.output.upper() == "CONSOLE":
+    return RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options)
+  else:
+    return RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, options.output)
+def RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, output_filename):
+  """Validate feed, save HTML at output_filename and return an exit code."""
+  try:
+    output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')
+    exit_code = RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file)
+    output_file.close()
+  except IOError, e:
+    print 'Error while writing %s: %s' % (output_filename, e)
+    output_filename = None
+    exit_code = 2
+  if options.manual_entry and output_filename:
+    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(output_filename))
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file):
+  """Validate feed, write HTML to output_file and return an exit code."""
+  accumulator = HTMLCountingProblemAccumulator(options.limit_per_type)
+  problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  schedule, exit_code, other_problems_string = RunValidation(feed, options,
+                                                             problems)
+  if isinstance(feed, basestring):
+    feed_location = feed
+  else:
+    feed_location = getattr(feed, 'name', repr(feed))
+  accumulator.WriteOutput(feed_location, output_file, schedule,
+                       other_problems_string)
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options):
+  """Validate feed, print reports and return an exit code."""
+  accumulator = CountingConsoleProblemAccumulator()
+  problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  _, exit_code, _ = RunValidation(feed, options, problems)
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidation(feed, options, problems):
+  """Validate feed, returning the loaded Schedule and exit code.
+  Args:
+    feed: GTFS file, either path of the file as a string or a file object
+    options: options object returned by optparse
+    problems: transitfeed.ProblemReporter instance
+  Returns:
+    a transitfeed.Schedule object, exit code and plain text string of other
+    problems
+    Exit code is 2 if an extension is provided but can't be loaded, 1 if
+    problems are found and 0 if the Schedule is problem free.
+    plain text string is '' if no other problems are found.
+  """
+  other_problems_string = CheckVersion(latest_version=options.latest_version)
+  # TODO: Add tests for this flag in testfeedvalidator.py
+  if options.extension:
+    try:
+      __import__(options.extension)
+      extension_module = sys.modules[options.extension]
+    except ImportError:
+      # TODO: Document extensions in a wiki page, place link here
+      print("Could not import extension %s! Please ensure it is a proper "
+            "Python module." % options.extension)
+      exit(2)
+  else:
+    extension_module = transitfeed
+  gtfs_factory = extension_module.GetGtfsFactory()
+  print 'validating %s' % feed
+  loader = gtfs_factory.Loader(feed, problems=problems, extra_validation=False,
+                               memory_db=options.memory_db,
+                               check_duplicate_trips=\
+                               options.check_duplicate_trips,
+                               gtfs_factory=gtfs_factory)
+  schedule = loader.Load()
+  schedule.Validate(service_gap_interval=options.service_gap_interval)
+  if feed == 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt':
+    # See test/testfeedvalidator.py
+    raise Exception('For testing the feed validator crash handler.')
+  if other_problems_string:
+    print other_problems_string
+  accumulator = problems.GetAccumulator()
+  if accumulator.HasIssues():
+    print 'ERROR: %s found' % accumulator.FormatCount()
+    return schedule, 1, other_problems_string
+  else:
+    print 'feed validated successfully'
+    return schedule, 0, other_problems_string
+def CheckVersion(latest_version=''):
+  """
+  Check there is newer version of this project.
+  Codes are based on http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
+  Already got permission from the copyright holder.
+  """
+  current_version = transitfeed.__version__
+  if not latest_version:
+    timeout = 20
+    socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
+    request = Request(SVN_TAG_URL)
+    try:
+      response = urlopen(request)
+      content = response.read()
+      versions = re.findall(r'>transitfeed-([\d\.]+)\/<\/a>', content)
+      latest_version = MaxVersion(versions)
+    except HTTPError, e:
+      return('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request. Error code: %s.'
+             % e.code)
+    except URLError, e:
+      return('We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: %s.' % e.reason)
+  if not latest_version:
+    return('We had trouble parsing the contents of %s.' % SVN_TAG_URL)
+  newest_version = MaxVersion([latest_version, current_version])
+  if current_version != newest_version:
+    return('A new version %s of transitfeed is available. Please visit '
+           'http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed and download.'
+           % newest_version)
+def main():
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
+Validates GTFS file (or directory) <input GTFS.zip> and writes a HTML
+report of the results to validation-results.html.
+If <input GTFS.zip> is ommited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
+a file into the console may enter the filename.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
+                    dest='manual_entry',
+                    help='do not prompt for feed location or load output in '
+                    'browser')
+  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
+                    help='write html output to FILE or --output=CONSOLE to '
+                    'print all errors and warnings to the command console')
+  parser.add_option('-p', '--performance', action='store_true',
+                    dest='performance',
+                    help='output memory and time performance (Availability: '
+                    'Unix')
+  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
+                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
+                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
+  parser.add_option('-d', '--duplicate_trip_check',
+                    dest='check_duplicate_trips', action='store_true',
+                    help='Check for duplicate trips which go through the same '
+                    'stops with same service and start times')
+  parser.add_option('-l', '--limit_per_type',
+                    dest='limit_per_type', action='store', type='int',
+                    help='Maximum number of errors and warnings to keep of '
+                    'each type')
+  parser.add_option('--latest_version', dest='latest_version',
+                    action='store',
+                    help='a version number such as 1.2.1 or None to get the '
+                    'latest version from code.google.com. Output a warning if '
+                    'transitfeed.py is older than this version.')
+  parser.add_option('--service_gap_interval', 
+                    dest='service_gap_interval',
+                    action='store',
+                    type='int',
+                    help='the number of consecutive days to search for with no '
+                    'scheduled service. For each interval with no service '
+                    'having this number of days or more a warning will be '
+                    'issued')
+  parser.add_option('--extension',
+                    dest='extension',
+                    help='the name of the Python module that containts a GTFS '
+                    'extension that is to be loaded and used while validating '
+                    'the specified feed.')
+  parser.set_defaults(manual_entry=True, output='validation-results.html',
+                      memory_db=False, check_duplicate_trips=False,
+                      limit_per_type=5, latest_version='',
+                      service_gap_interval=13)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if not len(args) == 1:
+    if options.manual_entry:
+      feed = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ')
+    else:
+      parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed')
+  else:
+    feed = args[0]
+  feed = feed.strip('"')
+  if options.performance:
+    return ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
+  else:
+    return RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
+def ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
+  """Run RunValidationOutputFromOptions, print profile and return exit code."""
+  import cProfile
+  import pstats
+  # runctx will modify a dict, but not locals(). We need a way to get rv back.
+  locals_for_exec = locals()
+  cProfile.runctx('rv = RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)',
+                  globals(), locals_for_exec, 'validate-stats')
+  # Only available on Unix, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-resource.html
+  import resource
+  print "Time: %d seconds" % (
+      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime +
+      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime)
+  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/286222
+  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/ "The recipes are freely
+  # available for review and use."
+  def _VmB(VmKey):
+    """Return size from proc status in bytes."""
+    _proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid()
+    _scale = {'kB': 1024.0, 'mB': 1024.0*1024.0,
+              'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': 1024.0*1024.0}
+     # get pseudo file  /proc/<pid>/status
+    try:
+        t = open(_proc_status)
+        v = t.read()
+        t.close()
+    except:
+        raise Exception("no proc file %s" % _proc_status)
+        return 0  # non-Linux?
+     # get VmKey line e.g. 'VmRSS:  9999  kB\n ...'
+    try:
+        i = v.index(VmKey)
+        v = v[i:].split(None, 3)  # whitespace
+    except:
+        return 0 # v is empty
+    if len(v) < 3:
+        raise Exception("%s" % v)
+        return 0  # invalid format?
+     # convert Vm value to bytes
+    return int(float(v[1]) * _scale[v[2]])
+  # I ran this on over a hundred GTFS files, comparing VmSize to VmRSS
+  # (resident set size). The difference was always under 2% or 3MB.
+  print "Virtual Memory Size: %d bytes" % _VmB('VmSize:')
+  # Output report of where CPU time was spent.
+  p = pstats.Stats('validate-stats')
+  p.strip_dirs()
+  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30)
+  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_callers(30)
+  return locals_for_exec['rv']
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.py
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+__doc__ = """
+Package holding files for Google Transit Feed Specification Schedule Viewer.
+# This package contains the data files for schedule_viewer.py, a script that
+# comes with the transitfeed distribution. According to the thread
+# "[Distutils] distutils data_files and setuptools.pkg_resources are driving
+# me crazy" this is the easiest way to include data files. My experience
+# agrees. - Tom 2007-05-29

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/calendarpopup.js
@@ -1,1 +1,1466 @@
+// ===================================================================
+// Author: Matt Kruse <matt@mattkruse.com>
+// WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/
+// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
+// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
+// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
+// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
+// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
+// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
+// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
+// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
+// include it in your javascript libraries for download. 
+// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
+// to the URL instead.
+// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
+// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
+// ===================================================================
+/* SOURCE FILE: AnchorPosition.js */
+Author: Matt Kruse
+Last modified: 10/11/02
+DESCRIPTION: These functions find the position of an <A> tag in a document,
+so other elements can be positioned relative to it.
+COMPATABILITY: Netscape 4.x,6.x,Mozilla, IE 5.x,6.x on Windows. Some small
+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the 
+Macintosh platform.
+  Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
+  of the upper-left corner of the anchor. Position is relative to the PAGE.
+  Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
+  of the upper-left corner of the anchor, relative to the WHOLE SCREEN.
+1) For popping up separate browser windows, use getAnchorWindowPosition. 
+   Otherwise, use getAnchorPosition
+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the 
+   same. For example:
+   <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the 
+   anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
+// getAnchorPosition(anchorname)
+//   This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
+//   of the named anchor, relative to the page.
+function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) {
+	// This function will return an Object with x and y properties
+	var useWindow=false;
+	var coordinates=new Object();
+	var x=0,y=0;
+	// Browser capability sniffing
+	var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false;
+	if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; }
+	else if (document.all) { use_css=true; }
+	else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; }
+	// Logic to find position
+ 	if (use_gebi && document.all) {
+		x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
+		y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
+		}
+	else if (use_gebi) {
+		var o=document.getElementById(anchorname);
+		x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o);
+		y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o);
+		}
+ 	else if (use_css) {
+		x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
+		y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
+		}
+	else if (use_layers) {
+		var found=0;
+		for (var i=0; i<document.anchors.length; i++) {
+			if (document.anchors[i].name==anchorname) { found=1; break; }
+			}
+		if (found==0) {
+			coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
+			}
+		x=document.anchors[i].x;
+		y=document.anchors[i].y;
+		}
+	else {
+		coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
+		}
+	coordinates.x=x;
+	coordinates.y=y;
+	return coordinates;
+	}
+// getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname)
+//   This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
+//   of the named anchor, relative to the window
+function getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) {
+	var coordinates=getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
+	var x=0;
+	var y=0;
+	if (document.getElementById) {
+		if (isNaN(window.screenX)) {
+			x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
+			y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
+			}
+		else {
+			x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
+			y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
+			}
+		}
+	else if (document.all) {
+		x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
+		y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
+		}
+	else if (document.layers) {
+		x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
+		y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
+		}
+	coordinates.x=x;
+	coordinates.y=y;
+	return coordinates;
+	}
+// Functions for IE to get position of an object
+function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft (el) {
+	var ol=el.offsetLeft;
+	while ((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ol += el.offsetLeft; }
+	return ol;
+	}
+function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetLeft (el) {
+	return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(el)-document.body.scrollLeft;
+	}	
+function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop (el) {
+	var ot=el.offsetTop;
+	while((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ot += el.offsetTop; }
+	return ot;
+	}
+function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetTop (el) {
+	return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(el)-document.body.scrollTop;
+	}
+/* SOURCE FILE: date.js */
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// May 17, 2003: Fixed bug in parseDate() for dates <1970
+// March 11, 2003: Added parseDate() function
+// March 11, 2003: Added "NNN" formatting option. Doesn't match up
+//                 perfectly with SimpleDateFormat formats, but 
+//                 backwards-compatability was required.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// These functions use the same 'format' strings as the 
+// java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, with minor exceptions.
+// The format string consists of the following abbreviations:
+// Field        | Full Form          | Short Form
+// -------------+--------------------+-----------------------
+// Year         | yyyy (4 digits)    | yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits)
+// Month        | MMM (name or abbr.)| MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
+//              | NNN (abbr.)        |
+// Day of Month | dd (2 digits)      | d (1 or 2 digits)
+// Day of Week  | EE (name)          | E (abbr)
+// Hour (1-12)  | hh (2 digits)      | h (1 or 2 digits)
+// Hour (0-23)  | HH (2 digits)      | H (1 or 2 digits)
+// Hour (0-11)  | KK (2 digits)      | K (1 or 2 digits)
+// Hour (1-24)  | kk (2 digits)      | k (1 or 2 digits)
+// Minute       | mm (2 digits)      | m (1 or 2 digits)
+// Second       | ss (2 digits)      | s (1 or 2 digits)
+// AM/PM        | a                  |
+// NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MM and mm! Month=MM, not mm!
+// Examples:
+//  "MMM d, y" matches: January 01, 2000
+//                      Dec 1, 1900
+//                      Nov 20, 00
+//  "M/d/yy"   matches: 01/20/00
+//                      9/2/00
+//  "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa" matches: "January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM"
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+var MONTH_NAMES=new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
+var DAY_NAMES=new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
+function LZ(x) {return(x<0||x>9?"":"0")+x}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// isDate ( date_string, format_string )
+// Returns true if date string matches format of format string and
+// is a valid date. Else returns false.
+// It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before
+// passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored!
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+function isDate(val,format) {
+	var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format);
+	if (date==0) { return false; }
+	return true;
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format)
+//   Compare two date strings to see which is greater.
+//   Returns:
+//   1 if date1 is greater than date2
+//   0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same
+//  -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) {
+	var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1);
+	var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2);
+	if (d1==0 || d2==0) {
+		return -1;
+		}
+	else if (d1 > d2) {
+		return 1;
+		}
+	return 0;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// formatDate (date_object, format)
+// Returns a date in the output format specified.
+// The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+function formatDate(date,format) {
+	format=format+"";
+	var result="";
+	var i_format=0;
+	var c="";
+	var token="";
+	var y=date.getYear()+"";
+	var M=date.getMonth()+1;
+	var d=date.getDate();
+	var E=date.getDay();
+	var H=date.getHours();
+	var m=date.getMinutes();
+	var s=date.getSeconds();
+	var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k;
+	// Convert real date parts into formatted versions
+	var value=new Object();
+	if (y.length < 4) {y=""+(y-0+1900);}
+	value["y"]=""+y;
+	value["yyyy"]=y;
+	value["yy"]=y.substring(2,4);
+	value["M"]=M;
+	value["MM"]=LZ(M);
+	value["MMM"]=MONTH_NAMES[M-1];
+	value["NNN"]=MONTH_NAMES[M+11];
+	value["d"]=d;
+	value["dd"]=LZ(d);
+	value["E"]=DAY_NAMES[E+7];
+	value["EE"]=DAY_NAMES[E];
+	value["H"]=H;
+	value["HH"]=LZ(H);
+	if (H==0){value["h"]=12;}
+	else if (H>12){value["h"]=H-12;}
+	else {value["h"]=H;}
+	value["hh"]=LZ(value["h"]);
+	if (H>11){value["K"]=H-12;} else {value["K"]=H;}
+	value["k"]=H+1;
+	value["KK"]=LZ(value["K"]);
+	value["kk"]=LZ(value["k"]);
+	if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; }
+	else { value["a"]="AM"; }
+	value["m"]=m;
+	value["mm"]=LZ(m);
+	value["s"]=s;
+	value["ss"]=LZ(s);
+	while (i_format < format.length) {
+		c=format.charAt(i_format);
+		token="";
+		while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
+			token += format.charAt(i_format++);
+			}
+		if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; }
+		else { result=result + token; }
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+function _isInteger(val) {
+	var digits="1234567890";
+	for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) {
+		if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; }
+		}
+	return true;
+	}
+function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) {
+	for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) {
+		var token=str.substring(i,i+x);
+		if (token.length < minlength) { return null; }
+		if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; }
+		}
+	return null;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string )
+// This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches
+// If the date string matches the format string, it returns the 
+// getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+function getDateFromFormat(val,format) {
+	val=val+"";
+	format=format+"";
+	var i_val=0;
+	var i_format=0;
+	var c="";
+	var token="";
+	var token2="";
+	var x,y;
+	var now=new Date();
+	var year=now.getYear();
+	var month=now.getMonth()+1;
+	var date=1;
+	var hh=now.getHours();
+	var mm=now.getMinutes();
+	var ss=now.getSeconds();
+	var ampm="";
+	while (i_format < format.length) {
+		// Get next token from format string
+		c=format.charAt(i_format);
+		token="";
+		while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
+			token += format.charAt(i_format++);
+			}
+		// Extract contents of value based on format token
+		if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") {
+			if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; }
+			if (token=="yy")   { x=2;y=2; }
+			if (token=="y")    { x=2;y=4; }
+			year=_getInt(val,i_val,x,y);
+			if (year==null) { return 0; }
+			i_val += year.length;
+			if (year.length==2) {
+				if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); }
+				else { year=2000+(year-0); }
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token=="MMM"||token=="NNN"){
+			month=0;
+			for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) {
+				var month_name=MONTH_NAMES[i];
+				if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase()==month_name.toLowerCase()) {
+					if (token=="MMM"||(token=="NNN"&&i>11)) {
+						month=i+1;
+						if (month>12) { month -= 12; }
+						i_val += month_name.length;
+						break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
+			}
+		else if (token=="EE"||token=="E"){
+			for (var i=0; i<DAY_NAMES.length; i++) {
+				var day_name=DAY_NAMES[i];
+				if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+day_name.length).toLowerCase()==day_name.toLowerCase()) {
+					i_val += day_name.length;
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") {
+			month=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=month.length;}
+		else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") {
+			date=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=date.length;}
+		else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") {
+			hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=hh.length;}
+		else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") {
+			hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=hh.length;}
+		else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") {
+			hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=hh.length;}
+		else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") {
+			hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=hh.length;hh--;}
+		else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") {
+			mm=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=mm.length;}
+		else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") {
+			ss=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
+			if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){return 0;}
+			i_val+=ss.length;}
+		else if (token=="a") {
+			if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") {ampm="AM";}
+			else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") {ampm="PM";}
+			else {return 0;}
+			i_val+=2;}
+		else {
+			if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return 0;}
+			else {i_val+=token.length;}
+			}
+		}
+	// If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match
+	if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; }
+	// Is date valid for month?
+	if (month==2) {
+		// Check for leap year
+		if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year
+			if (date > 29){ return 0; }
+			}
+		else { if (date > 28) { return 0; } }
+		}
+	if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) {
+		if (date > 30) { return 0; }
+		}
+	// Correct hours value
+	if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh=hh-0+12; }
+	else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; }
+	var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss);
+	return newdate.getTime();
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// parseDate( date_string [, prefer_euro_format] )
+// This function takes a date string and tries to match it to a
+// number of possible date formats to get the value. It will try to
+// match against the following international formats, in this order:
+// y-M-d   MMM d, y   MMM d,y   y-MMM-d   d-MMM-y  MMM d
+// M/d/y   M-d-y      M.d.y     MMM-d     M/d      M-d
+// d/M/y   d-M-y      d.M.y     d-MMM     d/M      d-M
+// A second argument may be passed to instruct the method to search
+// for formats like d/M/y (european format) before M/d/y (American).
+// Returns a Date object or null if no patterns match.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+function parseDate(val) {
+	var preferEuro=(arguments.length==2)?arguments[1]:false;
+	generalFormats=new Array('y-M-d','MMM d, y','MMM d,y','y-MMM-d','d-MMM-y','MMM d');
+	monthFirst=new Array('M/d/y','M-d-y','M.d.y','MMM-d','M/d','M-d');
+	dateFirst =new Array('d/M/y','d-M-y','d.M.y','d-MMM','d/M','d-M');
+	var checkList=new Array('generalFormats',preferEuro?'dateFirst':'monthFirst',preferEuro?'monthFirst':'dateFirst');
+	var d=null;
+	for (var i=0; i<checkList.length; i++) {
+		var l=window[checkList[i]];
+		for (var j=0; j<l.length; j++) {
+			d=getDateFromFormat(val,l[j]);
+			if (d!=0) { return new Date(d); }
+			}
+		}
+	return null;
+	}
+/* SOURCE FILE: PopupWindow.js */
+Author: Matt Kruse
+Last modified: 02/16/04
+DESCRIPTION: This object allows you to easily and quickly popup a window
+in a certain place. The window can either be a DIV or a separate browser
+COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the 
+Macintosh platform. Due to bugs in Netscape 4.x, populating the popup 
+window with <STYLE> tags may cause errors.
+// Create an object for a WINDOW popup
+var win = new PopupWindow(); 
+// Create an object for a DIV window using the DIV named 'mydiv'
+var win = new PopupWindow('mydiv'); 
+// Set the window to automatically hide itself when the user clicks 
+// anywhere else on the page except the popup
+// Show the window relative to the anchor name passed in
+// Hide the popup
+// Set the size of the popup window (only applies to WINDOW popups
+// Populate the contents of the popup window that will be shown. If you 
+// change the contents while it is displayed, you will need to refresh()
+// set the URL of the window, rather than populating its contents
+// manually
+// Refresh the contents of the popup
+// Specify how many pixels to the right of the anchor the popup will appear
+win.offsetX = 50;
+// Specify how many pixels below the anchor the popup will appear
+win.offsetY = 100;
+1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js
+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the 
+   same. For example:
+   <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the 
+   anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
+4) When a PopupWindow object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
+   attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
+   an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a PopupWindow object or
+   the autoHide() will not work correctly.
+// Set the position of the popup window based on the anchor
+function PopupWindow_getXYPosition(anchorname) {
+	var coordinates;
+	if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
+		coordinates = getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname);
+		}
+	else {
+		coordinates = getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
+		}
+	this.x = coordinates.x;
+	this.y = coordinates.y;
+	}
+// Set width/height of DIV/popup window
+function PopupWindow_setSize(width,height) {
+	this.width = width;
+	this.height = height;
+	}
+// Fill the window with contents
+function PopupWindow_populate(contents) {
+	this.contents = contents;
+	this.populated = false;
+	}
+// Set the URL to go to
+function PopupWindow_setUrl(url) {
+	this.url = url;
+	}
+// Set the window popup properties
+function PopupWindow_setWindowProperties(props) {
+	this.windowProperties = props;
+	}
+// Refresh the displayed contents of the popup
+function PopupWindow_refresh() {
+	if (this.divName != null) {
+		// refresh the DIV object
+		if (this.use_gebi) {
+			document.getElementById(this.divName).innerHTML = this.contents;
+			}
+		else if (this.use_css) { 
+			document.all[this.divName].innerHTML = this.contents;
+			}
+		else if (this.use_layers) { 
+			var d = document.layers[this.divName]; 
+			d.document.open();
+			d.document.writeln(this.contents);
+			d.document.close();
+			}
+		}
+	else {
+		if (this.popupWindow != null && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
+			if (this.url!="") {
+				this.popupWindow.location.href=this.url;
+				}
+			else {
+				this.popupWindow.document.open();
+				this.popupWindow.document.writeln(this.contents);
+				this.popupWindow.document.close();
+			}
+			this.popupWindow.focus();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Position and show the popup, relative to an anchor object
+function PopupWindow_showPopup(anchorname) {
+	this.getXYPosition(anchorname);
+	this.x += this.offsetX;
+	this.y += this.offsetY;
+	if (!this.populated && (this.contents != "")) {
+		this.populated = true;
+		this.refresh();
+		}
+	if (this.divName != null) {
+		// Show the DIV object
+		if (this.use_gebi) {
+			document.getElementById(this.divName).style.left = this.x + "px";
+			document.getElementById(this.divName).style.top = this.y + "px";
+			document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "visible";
+			}
+		else if (this.use_css) {
+			document.all[this.divName].style.left = this.x;
+			document.all[this.divName].style.top = this.y;
+			document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "visible";
+			}
+		else if (this.use_layers) {
+			document.layers[this.divName].left = this.x;
+			document.layers[this.divName].top = this.y;
+			document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "visible";
+			}
+		}
+	else {
+		if (this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed) {
+			// If the popup window will go off-screen, move it so it doesn't
+			if (this.x<0) { this.x=0; }
+			if (this.y<0) { this.y=0; }
+			if (screen && screen.availHeight) {
+				if ((this.y + this.height) > screen.availHeight) {
+					this.y = screen.availHeight - this.height;
+					}
+				}
+			if (screen && screen.availWidth) {
+				if ((this.x + this.width) > screen.availWidth) {
+					this.x = screen.availWidth - this.width;
+					}
+				}
+			var avoidAboutBlank = window.opera || ( document.layers && !navigator.mimeTypes['*'] ) || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled );
+			this.popupWindow = window.open(avoidAboutBlank?"":"about:blank","window_"+anchorname,this.windowProperties+",width="+this.width+",height="+this.height+",screenX="+this.x+",left="+this.x+",screenY="+this.y+",top="+this.y+"");
+			}
+		this.refresh();
+		}
+	}
+// Hide the popup
+function PopupWindow_hidePopup() {
+	if (this.divName != null) {
+		if (this.use_gebi) {
+			document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "hidden";
+			}
+		else if (this.use_css) {
+			document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "hidden";
+			}
+		else if (this.use_layers) {
+			document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "hidden";
+			}
+		}
+	else {
+		if (this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
+			this.popupWindow.close();
+			this.popupWindow = null;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Pass an event and return whether or not it was the popup DIV that was clicked
+function PopupWindow_isClicked(e) {
+	if (this.divName != null) {
+		if (this.use_layers) {
+			var clickX = e.pageX;
+			var clickY = e.pageY;
+			var t = document.layers[this.divName];
+			if ((clickX > t.left) && (clickX < t.left+t.clip.width) && (clickY > t.top) && (clickY < t.top+t.clip.height)) {
+				return true;
+				}
+			else { return false; }
+			}
+		else if (document.all) { // Need to hard-code this to trap IE for error-handling
+			var t = window.event.srcElement;
+			while (t.parentElement != null) {
+				if (t.id==this.divName) {
+					return true;
+					}
+				t = t.parentElement;
+				}
+			return false;
+			}
+		else if (this.use_gebi && e) {
+			var t = e.originalTarget;
+			while (t.parentNode != null) {
+				if (t.id==this.divName) {
+					return true;
+					}
+				t = t.parentNode;
+				}
+			return false;
+			}
+		return false;
+		}
+	return false;
+	}
+// Check an onMouseDown event to see if we should hide
+function PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked(e) {
+	if (this.autoHideEnabled && !this.isClicked(e)) {
+		this.hidePopup();
+		}
+	}
+// Call this to make the DIV disable automatically when mouse is clicked outside it
+function PopupWindow_autoHide() {
+	this.autoHideEnabled = true;
+	}
+// This global function checks all PopupWindow objects onmouseup to see if they should be hidden
+function PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows(e) {
+	for (var i=0; i<popupWindowObjects.length; i++) {
+		if (popupWindowObjects[i] != null) {
+			var p = popupWindowObjects[i];
+			p.hideIfNotClicked(e);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Run this immediately to attach the event listener
+function PopupWindow_attachListener() {
+	if (document.layers) {
+		document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
+		}
+	window.popupWindowOldEventListener = document.onmouseup;
+	if (window.popupWindowOldEventListener != null) {
+		document.onmouseup = new Function("window.popupWindowOldEventListener(); PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows();");
+		}
+	else {
+		document.onmouseup = PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows;
+		}
+	}
+// CONSTRUCTOR for the PopupWindow object
+// Pass it a DIV name to use a DHTML popup, otherwise will default to window popup
+function PopupWindow() {
+	if (!window.popupWindowIndex) { window.popupWindowIndex = 0; }
+	if (!window.popupWindowObjects) { window.popupWindowObjects = new Array(); }
+	if (!window.listenerAttached) {
+		window.listenerAttached = true;
+		PopupWindow_attachListener();
+		}
+	this.index = popupWindowIndex++;
+	popupWindowObjects[this.index] = this;
+	this.divName = null;
+	this.popupWindow = null;
+	this.width=0;
+	this.height=0;
+	this.populated = false;
+	this.visible = false;
+	this.autoHideEnabled = false;
+	this.contents = "";
+	this.url="";
+	this.windowProperties="toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizable,alwaysRaised,dependent,titlebar=no";
+	if (arguments.length>0) {
+		this.type="DIV";
+		this.divName = arguments[0];
+		}
+	else {
+		this.type="WINDOW";
+		}
+	this.use_gebi = false;
+	this.use_css = false;
+	this.use_layers = false;
+	if (document.getElementById) { this.use_gebi = true; }
+	else if (document.all) { this.use_css = true; }
+	else if (document.layers) { this.use_layers = true; }
+	else { this.type = "WINDOW"; }
+	this.offsetX = 0;
+	this.offsetY = 0;
+	// Method mappings
+	this.getXYPosition = PopupWindow_getXYPosition;
+	this.populate = PopupWindow_populate;
+	this.setUrl = PopupWindow_setUrl;
+	this.setWindowProperties = PopupWindow_setWindowProperties;
+	this.refresh = PopupWindow_refresh;
+	this.showPopup = PopupWindow_showPopup;
+	this.hidePopup = PopupWindow_hidePopup;
+	this.setSize = PopupWindow_setSize;
+	this.isClicked = PopupWindow_isClicked;
+	this.autoHide = PopupWindow_autoHide;
+	this.hideIfNotClicked = PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked;
+	}
+/* SOURCE FILE: CalendarPopup.js */
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit
+// March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field
+//      being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything.
+// March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were
+//      changed, date format still used original values.
+// January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year
+//      navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea)
+// September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with
+//      CSS prefix.
+// August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it
+//      work correctly without an object reference
+// August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and 
+//      showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of
+//      true or false
+// July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation.
+//      Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use 
+//      different styles for different calendars.
+// July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable 
+//      even though today falls in a disabled date range.
+//      Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control
+//      over look-and-feel options.
+// June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable
+//      under certain cases when some days of week are disabled
+// March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date
+//      ranges, display as light gray and strike-through
+// March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead 
+///     use table border coloring
+// March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional
+//      start-date parameter
+// March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional
+//      start-date parameter
+DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to
+select a date, month, quarter, or year.
+COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the 
+Macintosh platform.
+The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by 
+changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month
+names, and changing the column headers for each day.
+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW
+var cal = new CalendarPopup(); 
+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv'
+var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv'); 
+// Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box. 
+cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat);
+// Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value
+cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000');
+// This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an 
+// input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!!
+<A HREF="#" onClick="cal.select(document.forms[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A>
+// Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'.
+// When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and
+// passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar
+// popup what the function name is.
+// Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d
+// Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m
+// Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q
+// Function to be called for 'year' select receives y
+// Show the calendar relative to a given anchor
+// Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically
+// Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names
+// Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations
+// Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time
+// Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates
+// Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with 
+// sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay
+// Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this
+// is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other
+// countries.
+cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday
+// Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can
+// then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example
+cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week
+// Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not
+// be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers.
+// Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js
+// Pass a single date to disable:
+// Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the
+// passed date:
+cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03");
+// Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and
+// anything after it:
+cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null);
+// Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two
+cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003");
+// When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the 
+// current year to start listing years. Default is 2.
+// This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display
+// Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar
+// The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to
+// have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the
+// classes in the output.
+// For example, normal output may have this:
+//     <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
+// But if you set the prefix like this:
+// The output will then look like:
+//     <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
+// And you can define that style somewhere in your page.
+// When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so
+// the user can manually change it and jump to any year
+// Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it
+// will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have
+// a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the
+// text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box.
+cal.offsetX = 20;
+cal.offsetY = 20;
+1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js
+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the 
+   same. For example:
+   <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the 
+   anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
+4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
+   attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
+   an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object 
+   or the autoHide() will not work correctly.
+5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice.
+// Quick fix for FF3
+function CP_stop(e) { if (e && e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } }
+// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object
+function CalendarPopup() {
+	var c;
+	if (arguments.length>0) {
+		c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]);
+		}
+	else {
+		c = new PopupWindow();
+		c.setSize(150,175);
+		}
+	c.offsetX = -152;
+	c.offsetY = 25;
+	c.autoHide();
+	// Calendar-specific properties
+	c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
+	c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
+	c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S");
+	c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction";
+	c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction";
+	c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction";
+	c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction";
+	c.weekStartDay = 0;
+	c.isShowYearNavigation = false;
+	c.displayType = "date";
+	c.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
+	c.disabledDatesExpression = "";
+	c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2;
+	c.currentDate = null;
+	c.todayText="Today";
+	c.cssPrefix="";
+	c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false;
+	c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false;
+	window.CP_calendarObject = null;
+	window.CP_targetInput = null;
+	window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
+	// Method mappings
+	c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow;
+	c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction;
+	c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction;
+	c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction;
+	c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction;
+	c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames;
+	c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations;
+	c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders;
+	c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay;
+	c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType;
+	c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays;
+	c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates;
+	c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset;
+	c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText;
+	c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation;
+	c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar;
+	c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar;
+	c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles;
+	c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar;
+	c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar;
+	c.select = CP_select;
+	c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix;
+	c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns;
+	c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput;
+	c.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+	// Return the object
+	return c;
+	}
+function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() {
+	// Copy these values over to the date.js 
+	if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) {
+		window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array();
+		for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) {
+			window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i];
+		}
+		for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) {
+			window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i];
+		}
+	}
+// Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown
+function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) { 
+	if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) {
+		var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0);
+		if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); }
+		window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat);
+		}
+	else {
+		alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!'); 
+		}
+	}
+function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) { 
+	alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m); 
+	}
+function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) { 
+	alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q); 
+	}
+function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) { 
+	alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!\nYou clicked: year='+y); 
+	}
+// Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item
+function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; }
+function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; }
+// Over-ride the built-in month names
+function CP_setMonthNames() {
+	for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; }
+	this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+	}
+// Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations
+function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() {
+	for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; }
+	this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
+	}
+// Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day
+function CP_setDayHeaders() {
+	for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; }
+	}
+// Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on
+// This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example
+function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; }
+// Show next/last year navigation links
+function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Which type of calendar to display
+function CP_setDisplayType(type) {
+	if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; }
+	this.displayType=type;
+	}
+// How many years back to start by default for year display
+function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; }
+// Set which weekdays should not be clickable
+function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() {
+	this.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
+	for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; }
+	}
+// Disable individual dates or ranges
+// Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency
+function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) {
+	if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; }
+	if (start==null && end==null) { return; }
+	if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; }
+	if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate());}
+	if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate());}
+	if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; }
+	else if (end  ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; }
+	else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; }
+	}
+// Set the text to use for the "Today" link
+function CP_setTodayText(text) {
+	this.todayText = text;
+	}
+// Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output
+function CP_setCssPrefix(val) { 
+	this.cssPrefix = val; 
+	}
+// Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed
+function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed
+function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
+// Hide a calendar object
+function CP_hideCalendar() {
+	if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); }
+	else { this.hidePopup(); }
+	}
+// Refresh the contents of the calendar display
+function CP_refreshCalendar(index) {
+	var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index];
+	if (arguments.length>1) { 
+		calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5]));
+		}
+	else {
+		calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar());
+		}
+	calObject.refresh();
+	}
+// Populate the calendar and display it
+function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) {
+	if (arguments.length>1) {
+		if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") {
+			this.currentDate=new Date();
+			}
+		else {
+			this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1]));
+			}
+		}
+	this.populate(this.getCalendar());
+	this.showPopup(anchorname);
+	}
+// Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box
+function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) {
+	var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null;
+	if (!window.getDateFromFormat) {
+		alert("calendar.select: To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting");
+		return;
+		}
+	if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") {
+		alert("calendar.select: This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'");
+		return;
+		}
+	if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") { 
+		alert("calendar.select: Input object passed is not a valid form input object"); 
+		window.CP_targetInput=null;
+		return;
+		}
+	if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input!
+	window.CP_targetInput = inputobj;
+	window.CP_calendarObject = this;
+	this.currentDate=null;
+	var time=0;
+	if (selectedDate!=null) {
+		time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format)
+		}
+	else if (inputobj.value!="") {
+		time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format);
+		}
+	if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") {
+		if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; }
+		else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); }
+		}
+	window.CP_dateFormat = format;
+	this.showCalendar(linkname);
+	}
+// Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly
+function getCalendarStyles() {
+	var result = "";
+	var p = "";
+	if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; }
+	result += "<STYLE>\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; }\n";
+	result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate  { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }\n";
+	result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }\n";
+	result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }\n";
+	result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}\n";
+	result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }\n";
+	result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }\n";
+	result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }\n";
+	result += "</STYLE>\n";
+	return result;
+	}
+// Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed
+function CP_getCalendar() {
+	var now = new Date();
+	// Reference to window
+	if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; }
+	else { var windowref = ""; }
+	var result = "";
+	// If POPUP, write entire HTML document
+	if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
+		}
+	else {
+		result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>\n';
+		result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>\n';
+		result += '<CENTER>\n';
+		}
+	// Code for DATE display (default)
+	// -------------------------------
+	if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") {
+		if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; }
+		if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; }
+			else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; }
+		if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; }
+			else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); }
+		var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+		if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) {
+			daysinmonth[2] = 29;
+			}
+		var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1);
+		var display_year = year;
+		var display_month = month;
+		var display_date = 1;
+		var weekday= current_month.getDay();
+		var offset = 0;
+		offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ;
+		if (offset > 0) {
+			display_month--;
+			if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; }
+			display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1;
+			}
+		var next_month = month+1;
+		var next_month_year = year;
+		if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; }
+		var last_month = month-1;
+		var last_month_year = year;
+		if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; }
+		var date_class;
+		if (this.type!="WINDOW") {
+			}
+		result += '<TR>\n';
+		var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar';
+		var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh;
+		if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) {
+			result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onmouseup="CP_stop(event)" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">';
+			for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) {
+				var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+				result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>';
+				}
+			result += '</select></TD>';
+			result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
+			result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onmouseup="CP_stop(event)" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">';
+			for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) {
+				var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+				result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>';
+				}
+			result += '</select></TD>';
+			}
+		else {
+			if (this.isShowYearNavigation) {
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
+				if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) {
+					result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>';
+					}
+				else {
+					result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
+					}
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
+				}
+			else {
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
+				result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+				}
+			}
+		result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+		result += '<TR>\n';
+		for (var j=0; j<7; j++) {
+			result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>\n';
+			}
+		result += '</TR>\n';
+		for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) {
+			result += '<TR>\n';
+			for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) {
+				var disabled=false;
+				if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
+					var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date);
+					eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
+					}
+				var dateClass = "";
+				if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) {
+					dateClass = "cpCurrentDate";
+					}
+				else if (display_month == month) {
+					dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate";
+					}
+				else {
+					dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate";
+					}
+				if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) {
+					result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>\n';
+					}
+				else {
+					var selected_date = display_date;
+					var selected_month = display_month;
+					var selected_year = display_year;
+					if (this.displayType=="week-end") {
+						var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0);
+						d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col));
+						selected_year = d.getYear();
+						if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; }
+						selected_month = d.getMonth()+1;
+						selected_date = d.getDate();
+						}
+					result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>\n';
+					}
+				display_date++;
+				if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) {
+					display_date=1;
+					display_month++;
+					}
+				if (display_month > 12) {
+					display_month=1;
+					display_year++;
+					}
+				}
+			result += '</TR>';
+			}
+		var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay;
+		if (current_weekday < 0) {
+			current_weekday += 7;
+			}
+		result += '<TR>\n';
+		result += '	<TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">\n';
+		if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
+			var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate());
+			eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
+			}
+		if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) {
+			result += '		<SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>\n';
+			}
+		else {
+			result += '		<A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>\n';
+			}
+		result += '		<BR>\n';
+		result += '	</TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+	}
+	// Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR
+	// ------------------------------------
+	if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") {
+		if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; }
+		else { 
+			if (this.displayType=="year") {	var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; }
+			else { var year = now.getFullYear(); }
+			}
+		if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) {
+			result += '<TR>\n';
+			result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+			result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="100">'+year+'</TD>\n';
+			result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+			result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+			}
+		}
+	// Code for MONTH display 
+	// ----------------------
+	if (this.displayType=="month") {
+		// If POPUP, write entire HTML document
+		for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
+			result += '<TR>';
+			for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
+				var monthindex = ((i*3)+j);
+				result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>';
+				}
+			result += '</TR>';
+			}
+		result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+		}
+	// Code for QUARTER display
+	// ------------------------
+	if (this.displayType=="quarter") {
+		for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
+			result += '<TR>';
+			for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
+				var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1);
+				result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><BR><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><BR><BR></TD>';
+				}
+			result += '</TR>';
+			}
+		result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+		}
+	// Code for YEAR display
+	// ---------------------
+	if (this.displayType=="year") {
+		var yearColumnSize = 4;
+		result += '<TR>\n';
+		result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>\n';
+		result += '	<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>\n';
+		result += '</TR></TABLE>\n';
+		for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) {
+			for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
+				var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i;
+				result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>';
+				}
+			result += '</TR>';
+			}
+		result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>\n';
+		}
+	// Common
+	if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
+		result += "</BODY></HTML>\n";
+		}
+	return result;
+	}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/index.html
@@ -1,1 +1,737 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
+  <head>
+    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"/>
+    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+    <title>[agency]</title>
+    <link href="file/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+    <style type="text/css">
+    v\:* {
+      behavior:url(#default#VML);
+    }
+    </style>
+    <script src="http://[host]/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=[key]" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script src="/file/labeled_marker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script src="/file/calendarpopup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script language="VBScript" src="/file/svgcheck.vbs"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    //<![CDATA[
+    var map;
+    // Set to true when debugging for log statements about HTTP requests.
+    var log = false;
+    var twelveHourTime = false;  // set to true to see AM/PM
+    var selectedRoute = null;
+    var forbid_editing = [forbid_editing];
+    function load() {
+      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
+        sizeRouteList();
+        var map_dom = document.getElementById("map");
+        map = new GMap2(map_dom);
+        map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
+        map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
+        map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());
+        map.enableScrollWheelZoom();
+        var bb = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng([min_lat], [min_lon]),new GLatLng([max_lat], [max_lon]));
+        map.setCenter(bb.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bb));
+        map.enableDoubleClickZoom();
+        initIcons();
+        GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", callbackMoveEnd);
+        GEvent.addListener(map, "zoomend", callbackZoomEnd);
+        callbackMoveEnd();  // Pretend we just moved to current center
+        fetchRoutes();
+      }
+    }
+    function callbackZoomEnd() {
+    }
+    function callbackMoveEnd() {
+      // Map moved, search for stops near the center
+      fetchStopsInBounds(map.getBounds());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fetch a sample of stops in the bounding box.
+     */
+    function fetchStopsInBounds(bounds) {
+      url = "/json/boundboxstops?n=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lat()
+                             + "&e=" + bounds.getNorthEast().lng()
+                             + "&s=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lat()
+                             + "&w=" + bounds.getSouthWest().lng()
+                             + "&limit=50";
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStopsBackground);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Displays stops returned by the server on the map. Expected to be called
+     * when GDownloadUrl finishes.
+     *
+     * @param {String} data JSON encoded list of list, each
+     *     containing a row of stops.txt
+     * @param {Number} responseCode Response code from server
+     */
+    function callbackDisplayStops(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      clearMap();
+      var stops = eval(data);
+      if (stops.length == 1) {
+        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[0], true);
+        fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);
+      } else {
+        for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
+          addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    function stopTextSearchSubmit() {
+      var text = document.getElementById("stopTextSearchInput").value;
+      var url = "/json/stopsearch?q=" + text;  // TODO URI escape
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayStops);
+    }
+    function tripTextSearchSubmit() {
+      var text = document.getElementById("tripTextSearchInput").value;
+      selectTrip(text);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add stops markers to the map and remove stops no longer in the
+     * background.
+     */
+    function callbackDisplayStopsBackground(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var stops = eval(data);
+      // Make a list of all background markers
+      var oldStopMarkers = {};
+      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
+        oldStopMarkers[stopId] = 1;
+      }
+      // Add new markers to the map and remove from oldStopMarkers
+      for (var i=0; i<stops.length; ++i) {
+        var marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], false);
+        if (oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId]) {
+          delete oldStopMarkers[marker.stopId];
+        }
+      }
+      // Delete all markers that remain in oldStopMarkers
+      for (var stopId in oldStopMarkers) {
+        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
+        map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
+        delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId]
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove all overlays from the map
+     */
+    function clearMap() {
+      boundsOfPolyLine = null;
+      for (var stopId in stopMarkersSelected) {
+        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersSelected[stopId].clickListener);
+      }
+      for (var stopId in stopMarkersBackground) {
+        GEvent.removeListener(stopMarkersBackground[stopId].clickListener);
+      }
+      stopMarkersSelected = {};
+      stopMarkersBackground = {};
+      map.clearOverlays();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a new GIcon used for stops
+     */
+    function makeStopIcon() {
+      var icon = new GIcon();
+      icon.iconSize = new GSize(12, 20);
+      icon.shadowSize = new GSize(22, 20);
+      icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 20);
+      icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(5, 1);
+      return icon;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initialize icons. Call once during load.
+     */
+    function initIcons() {
+      iconSelected = makeStopIcon();
+      iconSelected.image = "/file/mm_20_yellow.png";
+      iconSelected.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow.png";
+      iconBackground = makeStopIcon();
+      iconBackground.image = "/file/mm_20_blue_trans.png";
+      iconBackground.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
+      iconBackgroundStation = makeStopIcon();
+      iconBackgroundStation.image = "/file/mm_20_red_trans.png";
+      iconBackgroundStation.shadow = "/file/mm_20_shadow_trans.png";
+    }
+    var iconSelected;
+    var iconBackground;
+    var iconBackgroundStation;
+    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops selected because they are
+    // part of a trip, etc
+    var stopMarkersSelected = {};
+    // Map from stopId to GMarker object for stops found by the background
+    // passive search
+    var stopMarkersBackground = {};
+    /**
+     * Add a stop to the map, given a row from stops.txt.
+     */
+    function addStopMarkerFromList(list, selected, text) {
+      return addStopMarker(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4], selected, text);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a stop to the map, returning the new marker
+     */
+    function addStopMarker(stopId, stopName, stopLat, stopLon, locationType, selected, text) {
+      if (stopMarkersSelected[stopId]) {
+        // stop was selected
+	var marker = stopMarkersSelected[stopId];
+	if (text) {
+          oldText = marker.getText();
+          if (oldText) {
+            oldText = oldText + "<br>";
+          }
+          marker.setText(oldText + text);
+	}
+        return marker;
+      }
+      if (stopMarkersBackground[stopId]) {
+        // Stop was in the background. Either delete it from the background or
+        // leave it where it is.
+        if (selected) {
+          map.removeOverlay(stopMarkersBackground[stopId]);
+          delete stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
+        } else {
+          return stopMarkersBackground[stopId];
+        }
+      }
+      var icon;
+      if (selected) {
+        icon = iconSelected;
+      } else if (locationType == 1)  {
+        icon = iconBackgroundStation
+      } else {
+        icon = iconBackground;
+      }
+      var ll = new GLatLng(stopLat,stopLon);
+      var marker;
+      if (selected || text) {
+        if (!text) {
+          text = "";  // Make sure every selected icon has a text box, even if empty
+        }
+        var markerOpts = new Object();
+        markerOpts.icon = icon;
+        markerOpts.labelText = text;
+        markerOpts.labelClass = "tooltip";
+        markerOpts.labelOffset = new GSize(6, -20);
+        marker = new LabeledMarker(ll, markerOpts);
+      } else {
+        marker = new GMarker(ll, {icon: icon, draggable: !forbid_editing});
+      }
+      marker.stopName = stopName;
+      marker.stopId = stopId;
+      if (selected) {
+        stopMarkersSelected[stopId] = marker;
+      } else {
+        stopMarkersBackground[stopId] = marker;
+      }
+      map.addOverlay(marker);
+      marker.clickListener = GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {fetchStopInfoWindow(marker);});
+      GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
+        document.getElementById("edit").style.visibility = "visible";
+        document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = "updating..."
+        changeStopLocation(marker);
+      });
+      return marker;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sends new location of a stop to server.
+     */
+    function changeStopLocation(marker) {
+      var url = "/json/setstoplocation?id=" +
+      			encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) +
+                "&lat=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lat()) + 
+                "&lng=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.getLatLng().lng());
+      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
+          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = unescape(data);
+          } );
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Saves the current state of the data file opened at server side to file.
+     */
+    function saveData() {
+      var url = "/json/savedata";
+      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
+          document.getElementById("edit_status").innerHTML = data;} );
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fetch the next departing trips from the stop for display in an info
+     * window.
+     */
+    function fetchStopInfoWindow(marker) {
+      var url = "/json/stoptrips?stop=" + encodeURIComponent(marker.stopId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput() + "&date=" + parseDateInput();
+      GDownloadUrl(url, function(data, responseCode) {
+          callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode); } );
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayStopInfoWindow(marker, data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var timeTrips = eval(data);
+      var html = "<b>" + marker.stopName + "</b> (" + marker.stopId + ")<br>";
+      var latLng = marker.getLatLng();
+      html = html + "(" + latLng.lat() + ", " + latLng.lng() + ")<br>";
+      html = html + "<table><tr><th>service_id<th>time<th>name</tr>";
+      for (var i=0; i < timeTrips.length; ++i) {
+        var time = timeTrips[i][0];
+        var tripid = timeTrips[i][1][0];
+        var tripname = timeTrips[i][1][1];
+        var service_id = timeTrips[i][1][2];
+        var timepoint = timeTrips[i][2];
+        html = html + "<tr onClick='map.closeInfoWindow();selectTrip(\"" +
+          tripid + "\")'>" +
+          "<td>" + service_id +
+          "<td align='right'>" + (timepoint ? "" : "~") +
+          formatTime(time) + "<td>" + tripname + "</tr>";
+      }
+      html = html + "</table>";
+      marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);
+    }
+    function leadingZero(digit) {
+      if (digit < 10)
+        return "0" + digit;
+      else
+        return "" + digit;
+    }
+    function formatTime(secSinceMidnight) {
+      var hours = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 3600);
+      var suffix = "";
+      if (twelveHourTime) {
+        suffix = (hours >= 12) ? "p" : "a";
+        suffix += (hours >= 24) ? " next day" : "";
+        hours = hours % 12;
+        if (hours == 0)
+          hours = 12;
+      }
+      var minutes = Math.floor(secSinceMidnight / 60) % 60;
+      var seconds = secSinceMidnight % 60;
+      if (seconds == 0) {
+        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + suffix;
+      } else {
+        return hours + ":" + leadingZero(minutes) + ":" + leadingZero(seconds) + suffix;
+      }
+    }
+    function parseTimeInput() {
+      var text = document.getElementById("timeInput").value;
+      var m = text.match(/([012]?\d):([012345]?\d)(:([012345]?\d))?/);
+      if (m) {
+        var seconds = parseInt(m[1], 10) * 3600;
+        seconds += parseInt(m[2], 10) * 60;
+        if (m[4]) {
+          second += parseInt(m[4], 10);
+        }
+        return seconds;
+      } else {
+        if (log)
+          GLog.write("Couldn't match " + text + " to time");
+        return "";
+      }
+    }
+    function parseDateInput() {
+      var text = document.getElementById("startDateInput").value;
+      var m = text.match(/(19|20\d\d)(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/);
+      if (m) {
+        return text;
+      } else {
+        if (log)
+          GLog.write("Couldn't match " + text + " to date");
+        return "";
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a string of dots that gets longer with the log of count.
+     */
+    function countToRepeatedDots(count) {
+      // Find ln_2(count) + 1
+      var logCount = Math.ceil(Math.log(count) / 0.693148) + 1;
+      return new Array(logCount + 1).join(".");
+    }
+    function fetchRoutes() {
+      url = "/json/routes";
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayRoutes);
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayRoutes(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        patternDiv.appendChild(div);
+      }
+      var routes = eval(data);
+      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
+      while (routesList.hasChildNodes()) {
+        routesList.removeChild(routesList.firstChild);
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < routes.length; ++i) {
+        var routeId = routes[i][0];
+        var shortName = document.createElement("span");
+        shortName.className = "shortName";
+        shortName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routes[i][1] + " "));
+        var routeName = routes[i][2];
+        var elem = document.createElement("div");
+        elem.appendChild(shortName);
+        elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(routeName));
+        elem.id = "route_" + routeId;
+        elem.className = "routeChoice";
+        elem.title = routeName;
+        GEvent.addDomListener(elem, "click", makeClosure(selectRoute, routeId));
+        var routeContainer = document.createElement("div");
+        routeContainer.id = "route_container_" + routeId;
+        routeContainer.className = "routeContainer";
+        routeContainer.appendChild(elem);
+        routesList.appendChild(routeContainer);
+      }
+    }
+    function selectRoute(routeId) {
+      var routesList = document.getElementById("routeList");
+      routeSpans = routesList.getElementsByTagName("div");
+      for (var i = 0; i < routeSpans.length; ++i) {
+        if (routeSpans[i].className == "routeChoiceSelected") {
+          routeSpans[i].className = "routeChoice";
+        }
+      }
+      // remove any previously-expanded route
+      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
+      if (tripInfo)
+        tripInfo.parentNode.removeChild(tripInfo);
+      selectedRoute = routeId;
+      var span = document.getElementById("route_" + routeId);
+      span.className = "routeChoiceSelected";
+      fetchPatterns(routeId);
+    }
+    function fetchPatterns(routeId) {
+      url = "/json/routepatterns?route=" + encodeURIComponent(routeId) + "&time=" + parseTimeInput() + "&date=" + parseDateInput();
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayPatterns);
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayPatterns(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var div = document.createElement("div");
+      div.className = "tripSection";
+      div.id = "tripInfo";
+      var firstTrip = null;
+      var patterns = eval(data);
+      clearMap();
+      for (i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) {
+        patternDiv = document.createElement("div")
+        patternDiv.className = 'patternSection';
+        div.appendChild(patternDiv)
+        var pat = patterns[i];  // [patName, patId, len(early trips), trips, len(later trips), has_non_zero_trip_type]
+        if (pat[5] == '1') {
+          patternDiv.className += " unusualPattern"
+        }
+        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pat[0]));
+        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", " + (pat[2] + pat[3].length + pat[4]) + " trips: "));
+        if (pat[2] > 0) {
+          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(countToRepeatedDots(pat[2]) + " "));
+        }
+        for (j = 0; j < pat[3].length; ++j) {
+          var trip = pat[3][j];
+          var tripId = trip[1];
+          if ((i == 0) && (j == 0))
+            firstTrip = tripId;
+          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
+          var span = document.createElement("span");
+          span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatTime(trip[0])));
+          span.id = "trip_" + tripId;
+          GEvent.addDomListener(span, "click", makeClosure(selectTrip, tripId));
+          patternDiv.appendChild(span)
+          span.className = "tripChoice";
+        }
+        if (pat[4] > 0) {
+          patternDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + countToRepeatedDots(pat[4])));
+        }
+        patternDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+      }
+      route = document.getElementById("route_container_" + selectedRoute);
+      route.appendChild(div);
+      if (tripId != null)
+        selectTrip(firstTrip);
+    }
+    // Needed to get around limitation in javascript scope rules.
+    // See http://calculist.blogspot.com/2005/12/gotcha-gotcha.html
+    function makeClosure(f, a, b, c) {
+      return function() { f(a, b, c); };
+    }
+    function make1ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
+      return function(x) { f(x, a, b, c); };
+    }
+    function make2ArgClosure(f, a, b, c) {
+      return function(x, y) { f(x, y, a, b, c); };
+    }
+    function selectTrip(tripId) {
+      var tripInfo = document.getElementById("tripInfo");
+      if (tripInfo) {
+        tripSpans = tripInfo.getElementsByTagName('span');
+        for (var i = 0; i < tripSpans.length; ++i) {
+          tripSpans[i].className = 'tripChoice';
+        }
+      }
+      var span = document.getElementById("trip_" + tripId);
+      // Won't find the span if a different route is selected
+      if (span) {
+        span.className = 'tripChoiceSelected';
+      }
+      clearMap();
+      url = "/json/tripstoptimes?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripStopTimes);
+      fetchTripPolyLine(tripId);
+      fetchTripRows(tripId);
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayTripStopTimes(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var stopsTimes = eval(data);
+      if (!stopsTimes) return;
+      displayTripStopTimes(stopsTimes[0], stopsTimes[1]);
+    }
+    function fetchTripPolyLine(tripId) {
+      url = "/json/tripshape?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, callbackDisplayTripPolyLine);
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayTripPolyLine(data, responseCode) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var points = eval(data);
+      if (!points) return;
+      displayPolyLine(points);
+    }
+    var boundsOfPolyLine = null;
+    function expandBoundingBox(latLng) {
+      if (boundsOfPolyLine == null) {
+        boundsOfPolyLine = new GLatLngBounds(latLng, latLng);
+      } else {
+        boundsOfPolyLine.extend(latLng);
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Display a line given a list of points
+     *
+     * @param {Array} List of lat,lng pairs
+     */
+    function displayPolyLine(points) {
+      var linePoints = Array();
+      for (i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
+        var ll = new GLatLng(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
+        expandBoundingBox(ll);
+        linePoints[linePoints.length] = ll;
+      }
+      var polyline = new GPolyline(linePoints, "#FF0000", 4);
+      map.addOverlay(polyline);
+      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
+    }
+    function displayTripStopTimes(stops, times) {
+      for (i = 0; i < stops.length; ++i) {
+        var marker;
+        if (times && times[i] != null) {
+          marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true, formatTime(times[i]));
+        } else {
+	  marker = addStopMarkerFromList(stops[i], true);
+	}
+        expandBoundingBox(marker.getPoint());
+      }
+      map.setCenter(boundsOfPolyLine.getCenter(), map.getBoundsZoomLevel(boundsOfPolyLine));
+    }
+    function fetchTripRows(tripId) {
+      url = "/json/triprows?trip=" + encodeURIComponent(tripId);
+      if (log)
+        GLog.writeUrl(url);
+      GDownloadUrl(url, make2ArgClosure(callbackDisplayTripRows, tripId));
+    }
+    function callbackDisplayTripRows(data, responseCode, tripId) {
+      if (responseCode != 200) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var rows = eval(data);
+      if (!rows) return;
+      var html = "";
+      for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
+        var filename = rows[i][0];
+        var row = rows[i][1];
+        html += "<b>" + filename + "</b>: " + formatDictionary(row) + "<br>";
+      }
+      html += svgTag("/ttablegraph?height=100&trip=" + tripId, "height='115' width='100%'");
+      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById("bottombar");
+      bottombarDiv.style.display = "block";
+      bottombarDiv.style.height = "175px";
+      bottombarDiv.innerHTML = html;
+      sizeRouteList();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return HTML to embed a SVG object in this page. src is the location of
+     * the SVG and attributes is inserted directly into the object or embed
+     * tag.
+     */
+    function svgTag(src, attributes) {
+      if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1) {
+        if (isSVGControlInstalled()) {
+          return "<embed pluginspage='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/' src='" + src + "' " + attributes +"></embed>";
+        } else {
+          return "<p>Please install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a> to get SVG support in IE</p>";
+        }
+      } else {
+        return "<object data='" + src + "' type='image/svg+xml' " + attributes + "><p>No SVG support in your browser. Try Firefox 1.5 or newer or install the <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a></p></object>";
+      }
+    }
+  /**
+   * Format an Array object containing key-value pairs into a human readable
+   * string.
+   */
+  function formatDictionary(d) {
+    var output = "";
+    var first = 1;
+    for (var k in d) {
+      if (first) {
+        first = 0;
+      } else {
+       output += "&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
+      }
+      output += "<b>" + k + "</b>=" + d[k];
+    }
+    return output;
+  }
+  function windowHeight() {
+    // Standard browsers (Mozilla, Safari, etc.)
+    if (self.innerHeight)
+      return self.innerHeight;
+    // IE 6
+    if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
+      return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+    // IE 5
+    if (document.body)
+      return document.body.clientHeight;
+    // Just in case.
+    return 0;
+  }
+    function sizeRouteList() {
+      var bottombarHeight = 0;
+      var bottombarDiv = document.getElementById('bottombar');
+      if (bottombarDiv.style.display != 'none') {
+        bottombarHeight = document.getElementById('bottombar').offsetHeight
+            + document.getElementById('bottombar').style.marginTop;
+      }
+      var height = windowHeight() - document.getElementById('topbar').offsetHeight - 15 - bottombarHeight;
+      document.getElementById('content').style.height = height + 'px';
+      if (map) {
+        // Without this displayPolyLine does not use the correct map size
+        map.checkResize();
+      }
+    }
+    var calStartDate = new CalendarPopup();
+    calStartDate.setReturnFunction("setStartDate");
+    function maybeAddLeadingZero(number) {
+      if(number > 10)
+      { 
+        return number;
+      }
+      return '0' + number;
+    }
+    function setStartDate(y,m,d) {
+      document.getElementById('startDateInput').value = y + maybeAddLeadingZero(m) + maybeAddLeadingZero(d);
+    }
+    //]]>
+    </script>
+  </head>
+<body class='sidebar-left' onload="load();" onunload="GUnload()" onresize="sizeRouteList()">
+<div id='topbar'>
+<div id="edit">
+  <span id="edit_status">...</span>
+  <form onSubmit="saveData(); return false;"><input value="Save" type="submit">
+<div id="agencyHeader">[agency]</div>
+<div id='content'>
+	<div id='sidebar-wrapper'><div id='sidebar'>
+	Time:&nbsp;<input type="text" value="8:00" width="9" id="timeInput"><br>
+	Date:&nbsp;<input type="text" value="" size="8" id="startDateInput" name="startDateInput"> <a href="#" onclick="calStartDate.select(document.getElementById('startDateInput'),'startDateInput','yyyyMMdd'); return false;">select</a><br>
+	<form onSubmit="stopTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
+	Find Station: <input type="text" id="stopTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
+	<form onSubmit="tripTextSearchSubmit(); return false;">
+	Find Trip ID: <input type="text" id="tripTextSearchInput"><input value="Search" type="submit"></form><br>
+        <div id="routeList">routelist</div>
+	</div></div>
+	<div id='map-wrapper'> <div id='map'></div> </div>
+<div id='bottombar'>bottom bar</div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/labeled_marker.js
@@ -1,1 +1,186 @@
+* LabeledMarker Class
+* Copyright 2007 Mike Purvis (http://uwmike.com)
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+*       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* This class extends the Maps API's standard GMarker class with the ability
+* to support markers with textual labels. Please see articles here:
+*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/01/22/extending-gmarker/
+*       http://googlemapsbook.com/2007/03/06/clickable-labeledmarker/
+ * Constructor for LabeledMarker, which picks up on strings from the GMarker
+ * options array, and then calls the GMarker constructor.
+ *
+ * @param {GLatLng} latlng
+ * @param {GMarkerOptions} Named optional arguments:
+ *   opt_opts.labelText {String} text to place in the overlay div.
+ *   opt_opts.labelClass {String} class to use for the overlay div.
+ *     (default "markerLabel")
+ *   opt_opts.labelOffset {GSize} label offset, the x- and y-distance between
+ *     the marker's latlng and the upper-left corner of the text div.
+ */
+function LabeledMarker(latlng, opt_opts){
+  this.latlng_ = latlng;
+  this.opts_ = opt_opts;
+  this.initText_ = opt_opts.labelText || "";
+  this.labelClass_ = opt_opts.labelClass || "markerLabel";
+  this.labelOffset_ = opt_opts.labelOffset || new GSize(0, 0);
+  this.clickable_ = opt_opts.clickable || true;
+  if (opt_opts.draggable) {
+  	// This version of LabeledMarker doesn't support dragging.
+  	opt_opts.draggable = false;
+  }
+  GMarker.apply(this, arguments);
+// It's a limitation of JavaScript inheritance that we can't conveniently
+// inherit from GMarker without having to run its constructor. In order for 
+// the constructor to run, it requires some dummy GLatLng.
+LabeledMarker.prototype = new GMarker(new GLatLng(0, 0));
+ * Is called by GMap2's addOverlay method. Creates the text div and adds it
+ * to the relevant parent div.
+ *
+ * @param {GMap2} map the map that has had this labeledmarker added to it.
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.initialize = function(map) {
+  // Do the GMarker constructor first.
+  GMarker.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+  this.map_ = map;
+  this.setText(this.initText_);
+ * Create a new div for this label.
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.makeDiv_ = function(map) {
+  if (this.div_) {
+    return;
+  }
+  this.div_ = document.createElement("div");
+  this.div_.className = this.labelClass_;
+  this.div_.style.position = "absolute";
+  this.div_.style.cursor = "pointer";
+  this.map_.getPane(G_MAP_MARKER_PANE).appendChild(this.div_);
+  if (this.clickable_) {
+    /**
+     * Creates a closure for passing events through to the source marker
+     * This is located in here to avoid cluttering the global namespace.
+     * The downside is that the local variables from initialize() continue
+     * to occupy space on the stack.
+     *
+     * @param {Object} object to receive event trigger.
+     * @param {GEventListener} event to be triggered.
+     */
+    function newEventPassthru(obj, event) {
+      return function() {
+        GEvent.trigger(obj, event);
+      };
+    }
+    // Pass through events fired on the text div to the marker.
+    var eventPassthrus = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout'];
+    for(var i = 0; i < eventPassthrus.length; i++) {
+      var name = eventPassthrus[i];
+      GEvent.addDomListener(this.div_, name, newEventPassthru(this, name));
+    }
+  }
+ * Return the html in the div of this label, or "" if none is set
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.getText = function(text) {
+  if (this.div_) {
+    return this.div_.innerHTML;
+  } else {
+    return "";
+  }
+ * Set the html in the div of this label to text. If text is "" or null remove
+ * the div.
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.setText = function(text) {
+  if (this.div_) {
+    if (text) {
+      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
+    } else {
+      // remove div
+      GEvent.clearInstanceListeners(this.div_);
+      this.div_.parentNode.removeChild(this.div_);
+      this.div_ = null;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (text) {
+      this.makeDiv_();
+      this.div_.innerHTML = text;
+      this.redraw();
+    }
+  }
+ * Move the text div based on current projection and zoom level, call the redraw()
+ * handler in GMarker.
+ *
+ * @param {Boolean} force will be true when pixel coordinates need to be recomputed.
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.redraw = function(force) {
+  GMarker.prototype.redraw.apply(this, arguments);
+  if (this.div_) {
+    // Calculate the DIV coordinates of two opposite corners of our bounds to
+    // get the size and position of our rectangle
+    var p = this.map_.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.latlng_);
+    var z = GOverlay.getZIndex(this.latlng_.lat());
+    // Now position our div based on the div coordinates of our bounds
+    this.div_.style.left = (p.x + this.labelOffset_.width) + "px";
+    this.div_.style.top = (p.y + this.labelOffset_.height) + "px";
+    this.div_.style.zIndex = z; // in front of the marker
+  }
+ * Remove the text div from the map pane, destroy event passthrus, and calls the
+ * default remove() handler in GMarker.
+ */
+ LabeledMarker.prototype.remove = function() {
+  this.setText(null);
+  GMarker.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
+ * Return a copy of this overlay, for the parent Map to duplicate itself in full. This
+ * is part of the Overlay interface and is used, for example, to copy everything in the 
+ * main view into the mini-map.
+ */
+LabeledMarker.prototype.copy = function() {
+  return new LabeledMarker(this.latlng_, this.opt_opts_);

 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_blue_trans.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_red_trans.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_shadow_trans.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/mm_20_yellow.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/style.css
@@ -1,1 +1,162 @@
+html { overflow: hidden; }
+html, body {
+  margin: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+  height: 100%;
+body { margin: 5px; }
+#content {
+  position: relative;
+  margin-top: 5px;
+#map-wrapper {
+  position: relative;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: auto;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+  z-index: 100;
+#map {
+  position: relative;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: auto;
+  border: 1px solid #aaa;
+#sidebar-wrapper {
+  position: absolute;
+  height: 100%;
+  width: 220px;
+  top: 0;
+  border: 1px solid #aaa;
+  overflow: auto;
+  z-index: 300;
+#sidebar {
+  position: relative;
+  width: auto;
+  padding: 4px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+#topbar {
+  position: relative;
+  padding: 2px;
+  border: 1px solid #aaa;
+  margin: 0;
+#topbar h1 {
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  font-size: 14pt;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  font-face:
+  margin: 0;
+body.sidebar-right #map-wrapper { margin-right: 229px; }
+body.sidebar-right #sidebar-wrapper { right: 0; }
+body.sidebar-left #map { margin-left: 229px; }
+body.sidebar-left #sidebar { left: 0; }
+body.nosidebar #map { margin: 0; }
+body.nosidebar #sidebar { display: none; }
+#bottombar {
+  position: relative;
+  padding: 2px;
+  border: 1px solid #aaa;
+  margin-top: 5px;
+  display: none;
+/* holly hack for IE to get position:bottom right
+   see: http://www.positioniseverything.net/abs_relbugs.html
+ \*/
+* html #topbar { height: 1px; }
+/* */
+body {
+  font-family:helvetica,arial,sans, sans-serif;
+h1 {
+  margin-top: 0.5em;
+  margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+h2 {
+  margin-top: 0.2em;
+  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
+h3 {
+  margin-top: 0.2em;
+  margin-bottom: 0.2em;
+.tooltip {
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  padding: 2px;
+  color: black;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  background-color: white;
+  border: 1px solid black;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  filter:alpha(opacity=60); 
+  -moz-opacity: 0.6; 
+  opacity: 0.6; 
+#routeList {
+  border: 1px solid black;
+  overflow: auto;
+.shortName {
+  font-size: bigger;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.routeChoice,.tripChoice,.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  padding: 0px 2px;
+  color: black;
+  line-height: 1.4em;
+  font-size: smaller;
+  overflow: hidden;
+.tripChoice {
+  color: blue;
+.routeChoiceSelected,.tripChoiceSelected {
+  background-color: blue;
+  color: white;
+.tripSection {
+  padding-left: 0px;
+  font-size: 10pt;
+  background-color: lightblue;
+.patternSection {
+  margin-left: 8px;
+  padding-left: 2px;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid grey;
+.unusualPattern {
+  background-color: #aaa;
+  color: #444;
+/* Following styles are used by location_editor.py */
+#edit {
+  visibility: hidden;
+  float: right;
+  font-size: 80%;
+#edit form {
+  display: inline;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/files/svgcheck.vbs
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+' Copyright 1999-2000 Adobe Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to redistribute

+' granted provided that this file is not modified in any way. This file is provided with

+' absolutely no warranties of any kind.

+Function isSVGControlInstalled()

+	on error resume next

+	isSVGControlInstalled = IsObject(CreateObject("Adobe.SVGCtl"))

+end Function


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
@@ -1,1 +1,470 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Output svg/xml data for a marey graph
+Marey graphs are a visualization form typically used for timetables. Time
+is on the x-axis and position on the y-axis. This module reads data from a
+transitfeed.Schedule and creates a marey graph in svg/xml format. The graph
+shows the speed between stops for each trip of a route.
+TODO: This module was taken from an internal Google tool. It works but is not
+well intergrated into transitfeed and schedule_viewer. Also, it has lots of
+ugly hacks to compensate set canvas size and so on which could be cleaned up.
+For a little more information see (I didn't make this URL ;-)
+  MareyGraph: Class, keeps cache of graph data and graph properties
+               and draws marey graphs in svg/xml format on request.
+import itertools
+import transitfeed
+class MareyGraph:
+  """Produces and caches marey graph from transit feed data."""
+  _MAX_ZOOM = 5.0 # change docstring of ChangeScaleFactor if this changes
+  _DUMMY_SEPARATOR = 10 #pixel
+  def __init__(self):
+    # Timetablerelated state
+    self._cache = str()
+    self._stoplist = []
+    self._tlist = []
+    self._stations = []
+    self._decorators = []
+    # TODO: Initialize default values via constructor parameters
+    # or via a class constants
+    # Graph properties
+    self._tspan = 30     # number of hours to display
+    self._offset = 0     # starting hour
+    self._hour_grid = 60 # number of pixels for an hour
+    self._min_grid = 5   # number of pixels between subhour lines
+    # Canvas properties
+    self._zoomfactor = 0.9 # svg Scaling factor
+    self._xoffset = 0      # move graph horizontally
+    self._yoffset = 0      # move graph veritcally
+    self._bgcolor = "lightgrey"
+    # height/width of graph canvas before transform
+    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid
+  def Draw(self, stoplist=None, triplist=None, height=520):
+    """Main interface for drawing the marey graph.
+    If called without arguments, the data generated in the previous call
+    will be used. New decorators can be added between calls.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string that contain a svg/xml web-page with a marey graph.
+      " <svg  width="1440" height="520" version="1.1" ... "
+    """
+    output = str()
+    if not triplist:
+      triplist = []
+    if not stoplist:
+      stoplist = []
+    if not self._cache or triplist or stoplist:
+      self._gheight = height
+      self._tlist=triplist
+      self._slist=stoplist
+      self._decorators = []
+      self._stations = self._BuildStations(stoplist)
+      self._cache = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawBox(),
+                                      self._DrawHours(),
+                                      self._DrawStations(),
+                                      self._DrawTrips(triplist))
+    output = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawHeader(),
+                              self._cache,
+                              self._DrawDecorators(),
+                              self._DrawFooter())
+    return output
+  def _DrawHeader(self):
+     svg_header = """
+      <svg  width="%s" height="%s" version="1.1"
+      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+      <script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
+       function init(evt) {
+         if ( window.svgDocument == null )
+            svgDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument;
+       }
+      var oldLine = 0;
+      var oldStroke = 0;
+      var hoffset= %s; // Data from python
+      function parseLinePoints(pointnode){
+        var wordlist = pointnode.split(" ");
+        var xlist = new Array();
+        var h;
+        var m;
+        // TODO: add linebreaks as appropriate
+        var xstr = "  Stop Times :";
+        for (i=0;i<wordlist.length;i=i+2){
+          var coord = wordlist[i].split(",");
+          h = Math.floor(parseInt((coord[0])-20)/60);
+          m = parseInt((coord[0]-20))%%60;
+          xstr = xstr +" "+ (hoffset+h) +":"+m;
+        }
+        return xstr;
+      }
+      function LineClick(tripid, x) {
+        var line = document.getElementById(tripid);
+        if (oldLine)
+          oldLine.setAttribute("stroke",oldStroke);
+        oldLine = line;
+        oldStroke = line.getAttribute("stroke");
+        line.setAttribute("stroke","#fff");
+        var dynTxt = document.getElementById("dynamicText");
+        var tripIdTxt = document.createTextNode(x);
+        while (dynTxt.hasChildNodes()){
+          dynTxt.removeChild(dynTxt.firstChild);
+        }
+        dynTxt.appendChild(tripIdTxt);
+      }
+      ]]> </script>
+      <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
+      .T { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
+      .TB { fill:none; stroke:#e20; stroke-width:2 }
+      .Station { fill:none; stroke-width:1 }
+      .Dec { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
+      .FullHour { fill:none; stroke:#eee; stroke-width:1 }
+      .SubHour { fill:none; stroke:#ddd; stroke-width:1 }
+      .Label { fill:#aaa; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
+       text-anchor:middle }
+      .Info { fill:#111; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
+      text-anchor:start; }
+       ]]></style>
+       <text class="Info" id="dynamicText" x="0" y="%d"></text>
+       <g id="mcanvas"  transform="translate(%s,%s)">
+       <g id="zcanvas" transform="scale(%s)">
+       """ % (self._gwidth + self._xoffset + 20, self._gheight + 15,
+              self._offset, self._gheight + 10,
+              self._xoffset, self._yoffset, self._zoomfactor)
+     return svg_header
+  def _DrawFooter(self):
+    return "</g></g></svg>"
+  def _DrawDecorators(self):
+    """Used to draw fancy overlays on trip graphs."""
+    return " ".join(self._decorators)
+  def _DrawBox(self):
+    tmpstr = """<rect x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s"
+                fill="lightgrey" stroke="%s" stroke-width="2" />
+             """ % (0, 0, self._gwidth + 20, self._gheight, self._bgcolor)
+    return tmpstr
+  def _BuildStations(self, stoplist):
+    """Dispatches the best algorithm for calculating station line position.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
+      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
+      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
+    """
+    stations = []
+    dists = self._EuclidianDistances(stoplist)
+    stations = self._CalculateYLines(dists)
+    return stations
+  def _EuclidianDistances(self,slist):
+    """Calculate euclidian distances between stops.
+    Uses the stoplists long/lats to approximate distances
+    between stations and build a list with y-coordinates for the
+    horizontal lines in the graph.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer for each pair of stations
+      # indicating the approximate distance
+      [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    """
+    e_dists2 = [transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, tail) for
+                (stop,tail) in itertools.izip(slist, slist[1:])]
+    return e_dists2
+  def _CalculateYLines(self, dists):
+    """Builds a list with y-coordinates for the horizontal lines in the graph.
+    Args:
+      # One integer for each pair of stations
+      # indicating the approximate distance
+      dists: [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
+      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
+      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
+    """
+    tot_dist = sum(dists)
+    if tot_dist > 0:
+      pixel_dist = [float(d * (self._gheight-20))/tot_dist for d in dists]
+      pixel_grid = [0]+[int(pd + sum(pixel_dist[0:i])) for i,pd in
+                        enumerate(pixel_dist)]
+    else:
+      pixel_grid = []
+    return pixel_grid
+  def _TravelTimes(self,triplist,index=0):
+    """ Calculate distances and plot stops.
+    Uses a timetable to approximate distances
+    between stations
+    Args:
+    # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+    triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    # (Optional) Index of Triplist prefered for timetable Calculation
+    index: 3
+    Returns:
+    # One integer for each pair of stations
+    # indicating the approximate distance
+    [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    """
+    def DistanceInTravelTime(dep_secs, arr_secs):
+      t_dist = arr_secs-dep_secs
+      if t_dist<0:
+        t_dist = self._DUMMY_SEPARATOR # min separation
+      return t_dist
+    if not triplist:
+      return []
+    if 0 < index < len(triplist):
+      trip = triplist[index]
+    else:
+      trip = triplist[0]
+    t_dists2 = [DistanceInTravelTime(stop[3],tail[2]) for (stop,tail)
+                 in itertools.izip(trip.GetTimeStops(),trip.GetTimeStops()[1:])]
+    return t_dists2
+  def _AddWarning(self, str):
+    print str
+  def _DrawTrips(self,triplist,colpar=""):
+    """Generates svg polylines for each transit trip.
+    Args:
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each trip
+      ' <polyline class="T" stroke="#336633" points="433,0 ...'
+    """
+    stations = []
+    if not self._stations and triplist:
+      self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._TravelTimes(triplist))
+      if not self._stations:
+        self._AddWarning("Failed to use traveltimes for graph")
+        self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._Uniform(triplist))
+        if not self._stations:
+          self._AddWarning("Failed to calculate station distances")
+          return
+    stations = self._stations
+    tmpstrs = []
+    servlist = []
+    for t in triplist:
+      if not colpar:
+        if t.service_id not in servlist:
+          servlist.append(t.service_id)
+        shade = int(servlist.index(t.service_id) * (200/len(servlist))+55)
+        color = "#00%s00" %  hex(shade)[2:4]
+      else:
+        color=colpar
+      start_offsets = [0]
+      first_stop = t.GetTimeStops()[0]
+      for j,freq_offset in enumerate(start_offsets):
+        if j>0 and not colpar:
+          color="purple"
+        scriptcall = 'onmouseover="LineClick(\'%s\',\'Trip %s starting %s\')"' % (t.trip_id,
+            t.trip_id, transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(t.GetStartTime()))
+        tmpstrhead = '<polyline class="T" id="%s" stroke="%s" %s points="' % \
+          (str(t.trip_id),color, scriptcall)
+        tmpstrs.append(tmpstrhead)
+        for i, s in enumerate(t.GetTimeStops()):
+          arr_t = s[0]
+          dep_t = s[1]
+          if arr_t is None or dep_t is None:
+            continue
+          arr_x = int(arr_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
+          dep_x = int(dep_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
+          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(arr_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
+          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(dep_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
+        tmpstrs.append('" />')
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def _Uniform(self, triplist):
+    """Fallback to assuming uniform distance between stations"""
+    # This should not be neseccary, but we are in fallback mode
+    longest = max([len(t.GetTimeStops()) for t in triplist])
+    return [100] * longest
+  def _DrawStations(self, color="#aaa"):
+    """Generates svg with a horizontal line for each station/stop.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stations: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each stop
+      " <polyline class="Station" stroke="#336633" points="20,0 ..."
+    """
+    stations=self._stations
+    tmpstrs = []
+    for y in stations:
+      tmpstrs.append('  <polyline class="Station" stroke="%s" \
+      points="%s,%s, %s,%s" />' %(color,20,20+y+.5,self._gwidth+20,20+y+.5))
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def _DrawHours(self):
+    """Generates svg to show a vertical hour and sub-hour grid
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each grid line
+      " <polyline class="FullHour" points="20,0 ..."
+    """
+    tmpstrs = []
+    for i in range(0, self._gwidth, self._min_grid):
+      if i % self._hour_grid == 0:
+        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="FullHour" points="%d,%d, %d,%d" />' \
+                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
+        tmpstrs.append('<text class="Label" x="%d" y="%d">%d</text>'
+                       % (i + 20, 20,
+                         (i / self._hour_grid + self._offset) % 24))
+      else:
+        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="SubHour" points="%d,%d,%d,%d" />' \
+                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def AddStationDecoration(self, index, color="#f00"):
+    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given station-line.
+    Args:
+      # Integer, index of stop to be highlighted.
+      index: 4
+      # An optional string with a html color code
+      color: "#fff"
+    """
+    tmpstr = str()
+    num_stations = len(self._stations)
+    ind = int(index)
+    if self._stations:
+      if 0<ind<num_stations:
+        y = self._stations[ind]
+        tmpstr = '<polyline class="Dec" stroke="%s" points="%s,%s,%s,%s" />' \
+          % (color, 20, 20+y+.5, self._gwidth+20, 20+y+.5)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def AddTripDecoration(self, triplist, color="#f00"):
+    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given trips.
+    Args:
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+      # An optional string with a html color code
+      color: "#fff"
+    """
+    tmpstr = self._DrawTrips(triplist,color)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def ChangeScaleFactor(self, newfactor):
+    """Changes the zoom of the graph manually.
+    1.0 is the original canvas size.
+    Args:
+      # float value between 0.0 and 5.0
+      newfactor: 0.7
+    """
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ScaleLarger(self):
+    """Increases the zoom of the graph one step (0.1 units)."""
+    newfactor = self._zoomfactor + 0.1
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ScaleSmaller(self):
+    """Decreases the zoom of the graph one step(0.1 units)."""
+    newfactor = self._zoomfactor - 0.1
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ClearDecorators(self):
+    """Removes all the current decorators.
+    """
+    self._decorators = []
+  def AddTextStripDecoration(self,txtstr):
+    tmpstr = '<text class="Info" x="%d" y="%d">%s</text>' % (0,
+              20 + self._gheight, txtstr)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def SetSpan(self, first_arr, last_arr, mint=5 ,maxt=30):
+    s_hour = (first_arr / 3600) - 1
+    e_hour = (last_arr / 3600) + 1
+    self._offset = max(min(s_hour, 23), 0)
+    self._tspan = max(min(e_hour - s_hour, maxt), mint)
+    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/kmlparser.py
@@ -1,1 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This package provides implementation of a converter from a kml
+file format into Google transit feed format.
+The KmlParser class is the main class implementing the parser.
+Currently only information about stops is extracted from a kml file.
+The extractor expects the stops to be represented as placemarks with
+a single point.
+import re
+import string
+import sys
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
+import zipfile
+class Placemark(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.name = ""
+    self.coordinates = []
+  def IsPoint(self):
+    return len(self.coordinates) == 1
+  def IsLine(self):
+    return len(self.coordinates) > 1
+class KmlParser(object):
+  def __init__(self, stopNameRe = '(.*)'):
+    """
+    Args:
+      stopNameRe - a regular expression to extract a stop name from a
+                   placemaker name
+    """
+    self.stopNameRe = re.compile(stopNameRe)
+  def Parse(self, filename, feed):
+    """
+    Reads the kml file, parses it and updated the Google transit feed
+    object with the extracted information.
+    Args:
+      filename - kml file name
+      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
+    """
+    dom = minidom.parse(filename)
+    self.ParseDom(dom, feed)
+  def ParseDom(self, dom, feed):
+    """
+    Parses the given kml dom tree and updates the Google transit feed object.
+    Args:
+      dom - kml dom tree
+      feed - an instance of Schedule class to be updated
+    """
+    shape_num = 0
+    for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Placemark'):
+      p = self.ParsePlacemark(node)
+      if p.IsPoint():
+        (lon, lat) = p.coordinates[0]
+        m = self.stopNameRe.search(p.name)
+        feed.AddStop(lat, lon, m.group(1))
+      elif p.IsLine():
+        shape_num = shape_num + 1
+        shape = transitfeed.Shape("kml_shape_" + str(shape_num))
+        for (lon, lat) in p.coordinates:
+          shape.AddPoint(lat, lon)
+        feed.AddShapeObject(shape)
+  def ParsePlacemark(self, node):
+    ret = Placemark()
+    for child in node.childNodes:
+      if child.nodeName == 'name':
+        ret.name = self.ExtractText(child)
+      if child.nodeName == 'Point' or child.nodeName == 'LineString':
+        ret.coordinates = self.ExtractCoordinates(child)
+    return ret
+  def ExtractText(self, node):
+    for child in node.childNodes:
+      if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
+        return child.wholeText  # is a unicode string
+    return ""
+  def ExtractCoordinates(self, node):
+    coordinatesText = ""
+    for child in node.childNodes:
+      if child.nodeName == 'coordinates':
+        coordinatesText = self.ExtractText(child)
+        break
+    ret = []
+    for point in coordinatesText.split():
+      coords = point.split(',')
+      ret.append((float(coords[0]), float(coords[1])))
+    return ret
+def main():
+  usage = \
+"""%prog <input.kml> <output GTFS.zip>
+Reads KML file <input.kml> and creates GTFS file <output GTFS.zip> with
+placemarks in the KML represented as stops.
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) != 2:
+    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
+  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
+    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
+  parser = KmlParser()
+  feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
+  feed.save_all_stops = True
+  parser.Parse(args[0], feed)
+  feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(args[1])
+  print "Done."
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/kmlwriter.py
@@ -1,1 +1,651 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A module for writing GTFS feeds out into Google Earth KML format.
+For usage information run kmlwriter.py --help
+If no output filename is specified, the output file will be given the same
+name as the feed file (with ".kml" appended) and will be placed in the same
+directory as the input feed.
+The resulting KML file has a folder hierarchy which looks like this:
+    - Stops
+      * stop1
+      * stop2
+    - Routes
+      - route1
+        - Shapes
+          * shape1
+          * shape2
+        - Patterns
+          - pattern1
+          - pattern2
+        - Trips
+          * trip1
+          * trip2
+    - Shapes
+      * shape1
+      - Shape Points
+        * shape_point1
+        * shape_point2
+      * shape2
+      - Shape Points
+        * shape_point1
+        * shape_point2
+where the hyphens represent folders and the asteriks represent placemarks.
+In a trip, a vehicle visits stops in a certain sequence. Such a sequence of
+stops is called a pattern. A pattern is represented by a linestring connecting
+the stops. The "Shapes" subfolder of a route folder contains placemarks for
+each shape used by a trip in the route. The "Patterns" subfolder contains a
+placemark for each unique pattern used by a trip in the route. The "Trips"
+subfolder contains a placemark for each trip in the route.
+Since there can be many trips and trips for the same route are usually similar,
+they are not exported unless the --showtrips option is used. There is also
+another option --splitroutes that groups the routes by vehicle type resulting
+in a folder hierarchy which looks like this at the top level:
+    - Stops
+    - Routes - Bus
+    - Routes - Tram
+    - Routes - Rail
+    - Shapes
+  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
+except ImportError, e:
+  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
+import optparse
+import os.path
+import sys
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+class KMLWriter(object):
+  """This class knows how to write out a transit feed as KML.
+  Sample usage:
+    KMLWriter().Write(<transitfeed.Schedule object>, <output filename>)
+  Attributes:
+    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be included in the routes.
+    show_trips: True if the individual trips should be placed on ground.
+    split_routes: True if the routes should be split by type.
+    shape_points: True if individual shape points should be plotted.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    """Initialise."""
+    self.show_trips = False
+    self.split_routes = False
+    self.shape_points = False
+    self.altitude_per_sec = 0.0
+    self.date_filter = None
+  def _SetIndentation(self, elem, level=0):
+    """Indented the ElementTree DOM.
+    This is the recommended way to cause an ElementTree DOM to be
+    prettyprinted on output, as per: http://effbot.org/zone/element-lib.htm
+    Run this on the root element before outputting the tree.
+    Args:
+      elem: The element to start indenting from, usually the document root.
+      level: Current indentation level for recursion.
+    """
+    i = "\n" + level*"  "
+    if len(elem):
+      if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+        elem.text = i + "  "
+      for elem in elem:
+        self._SetIndentation(elem, level+1)
+      if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+        elem.tail = i
+    else:
+      if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+        elem.tail = i
+  def _CreateFolder(self, parent, name, visible=True, description=None):
+    """Create a KML Folder element.
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      name: The folder name as a string.
+      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
+      description: A description string or None.
+    Returns:
+      The folder ElementTree.Element instance.
+    """
+    folder = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Folder')
+    name_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'name')
+    name_tag.text = name
+    if description is not None:
+      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(folder, 'description')
+      desc_tag.text = description
+    if not visible:
+      visibility = ET.SubElement(folder, 'visibility')
+      visibility.text = '0'
+    return folder
+  def _CreateStyleForRoute(self, doc, route):
+    """Create a KML Style element for the route.
+    The style sets the line colour if the route colour is specified. The
+    line thickness is set depending on the vehicle type.
+    Args:
+      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
+      route: The transitfeed.Route to create the style for.
+    Returns:
+      The id of the style as a string.
+    """
+    style_id = 'route_%s' % route.route_id
+    style = ET.SubElement(doc, 'Style', {'id': style_id})
+    linestyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'LineStyle')
+    width = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'width')
+    type_to_width = {0: '3',  # Tram
+                     1: '3',  # Subway
+                     2: '5',  # Rail
+                     3: '1'}  # Bus
+    width.text = type_to_width.get(route.route_type, '1')
+    if route.route_color:
+      color = ET.SubElement(linestyle, 'color')
+      red = route.route_color[0:2].lower()
+      green = route.route_color[2:4].lower()
+      blue = route.route_color[4:6].lower()
+      color.text = 'ff%s%s%s' % (blue, green, red)
+    return style_id
+  def _CreatePlacemark(self, parent, name, style_id=None, visible=True,
+                       description=None):
+    """Create a KML Placemark element.
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      name: The placemark name as a string.
+      style_id: If not None, the id of a style to use for the placemark.
+      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
+      description: A description string or None.
+    Returns:
+      The placemark ElementTree.Element instance.
+    """
+    placemark = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Placemark')
+    placemark_name = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'name')
+    placemark_name.text = name
+    if description is not None:
+      desc_tag = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'description')
+      desc_tag.text = description
+    if style_id is not None:
+      styleurl = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'styleUrl')
+      styleurl.text = '#%s' % style_id
+    if not visible:
+      visibility = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'visibility')
+      visibility.text = '0'
+    return placemark
+  def _CreateLineString(self, parent, coordinate_list):
+    """Create a KML LineString element.
+    The points of the string are given in coordinate_list. Every element of
+    coordinate_list should be one of a tuple (longitude, latitude) or a tuple
+    (longitude, latitude, altitude).
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      coordinate_list: The list of coordinates.
+    Returns:
+      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
+      empty.
+    """
+    if not coordinate_list:
+      return None
+    linestring = ET.SubElement(parent, 'LineString')
+    tessellate = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'tessellate')
+    tessellate.text = '1'
+    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
+      altitude_mode = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'altitudeMode')
+      altitude_mode.text = 'absolute'
+    coordinates = ET.SubElement(linestring, 'coordinates')
+    if len(coordinate_list[0]) == 3:
+      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
+    else:
+      coordinate_str_list = ['%f,%f' % t for t in coordinate_list]
+    coordinates.text = ' '.join(coordinate_str_list)
+    return linestring
+  def _CreateLineStringForShape(self, parent, shape):
+    """Create a KML LineString using coordinates from a shape.
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      shape: The transitfeed.Shape instance.
+    Returns:
+      The LineString ElementTree.Element instance or None if coordinate_list is
+      empty.
+    """
+    coordinate_list = [(longitude, latitude) for
+                       (latitude, longitude, distance) in shape.points]
+    return self._CreateLineString(parent, coordinate_list)
+  def _CreateStopsFolder(self, schedule, doc):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each stop in the schedule.
+    If there are no stops in the schedule then no folder is created.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no stops.
+    """
+    if not schedule.GetStopList():
+      return None
+    stop_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Stops')
+    stops = list(schedule.GetStopList())
+    stops.sort(key=lambda x: x.stop_name)
+    for stop in stops:
+      desc_items = []
+      if stop.stop_desc:
+        desc_items.append(stop.stop_desc)
+      if stop.stop_url:
+        desc_items.append('Stop info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
+            stop.stop_url, stop.stop_url))
+      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items) or None
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(stop_folder, stop.stop_name,
+                                        description=description)
+      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
+      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
+      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
+    return stop_folder
+  def _CreateRoutePatternsFolder(self, parent, route,
+                                   style_id=None, visible=True):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing placemarks for each pattern in the route.
+    A pattern is a sequence of stops used by one of the trips in the route.
+    If there are not patterns for the route then no folder is created and None
+    is returned.
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
+      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
+      visible: Whether the folder is initially visible or not.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None if there are no patterns.
+    """
+    pattern_id_to_trips = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    if not pattern_id_to_trips:
+      return None
+    # sort by number of trips using the pattern
+    pattern_trips = pattern_id_to_trips.values()
+    pattern_trips.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b), len(a)))
+    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Patterns', visible)
+    for n, trips in enumerate(pattern_trips):
+      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
+      name = 'Pattern %d (trips: %d)' % (n+1, len(trips))
+      description = 'Trips using this pattern (%d in total): %s' % (
+          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
+                                        description)
+      coordinates = [(stop.stop_lon, stop.stop_lat)
+                     for stop in trips[0].GetPattern()]
+      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinates)
+    return folder
+  def _CreateRouteShapesFolder(self, schedule, parent, route,
+                               style_id=None, visible=True):
+    """Create a KML Folder for the shapes of a route.
+    The folder contains a placemark for each shape referenced by a trip in the
+    route. If there are no such shapes, no folder is created and None is
+    returned.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
+      style_id: The id of a style to use if not None.
+      visible: Whether the placemark is initially visible or not.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
+    """
+    shape_id_to_trips = {}
+    for trip in route.trips:
+      if trip.shape_id:
+        shape_id_to_trips.setdefault(trip.shape_id, []).append(trip)
+    if not shape_id_to_trips:
+      return None
+    # sort by the number of trips using the shape
+    shape_id_to_trips_items = shape_id_to_trips.items()
+    shape_id_to_trips_items.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(b[1]), len(a[1])))
+    folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Shapes', visible)
+    for shape_id, trips in shape_id_to_trips_items:
+      trip_ids = [trip.trip_id for trip in trips]
+      name = '%s (trips: %d)' % (shape_id, len(trips))
+      description = 'Trips using this shape (%d in total): %s' % (
+          len(trips), ', '.join(trip_ids))
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, name, style_id, visible,
+                                        description)
+      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, schedule.GetShape(shape_id))
+    return folder
+  def _CreateRouteTripsFolder(self, parent, route, style_id=None, schedule=None):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing all the trips in the route.
+    The folder contains a placemark for each of these trips. If there are no
+    trips in the route, no folder is created and None is returned.
+    Args:
+      parent: The parent ElementTree.Element instance.
+      route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
+      style_id: A style id string for the placemarks or None.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
+    """
+    if not route.trips:
+      return None
+    trips = list(route.trips)
+    trips.sort(key=lambda x: x.trip_id)
+    trips_folder = self._CreateFolder(parent, 'Trips', visible=False)
+    for trip in trips:
+      if (self.date_filter and
+          not trip.service_period.IsActiveOn(self.date_filter)):
+        continue
+      if trip.trip_headsign:
+        description = 'Headsign: %s' % trip.trip_headsign
+      else:
+        description = None
+      coordinate_list = []
+      for secs, stoptime, tp in trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops():
+        if self.altitude_per_sec > 0:
+          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon, stoptime.stop.stop_lat,
+                                  (secs - 3600 * 4) * self.altitude_per_sec))
+        else:
+          coordinate_list.append((stoptime.stop.stop_lon,
+                                  stoptime.stop.stop_lat))
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(trips_folder,
+                                        trip.trip_id,
+                                        style_id=style_id,
+                                        visible=False,
+                                        description=description)
+      self._CreateLineString(placemark, coordinate_list)
+    return trips_folder
+  def _CreateRoutesFolder(self, schedule, doc, route_type=None):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing routes in a schedule.
+    The folder contains a subfolder for each route in the schedule of type
+    route_type. If route_type is None, then all routes are selected. Each
+    subfolder contains a flattened graph placemark, a route shapes placemark
+    and, if show_trips is True, a subfolder containing placemarks for each of
+    the trips in the route.
+    If there are no routes in the schedule then no folder is created and None
+    is returned.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
+      route_type: The route type integer or None.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
+    """
+    def GetRouteName(route):
+      """Return a placemark name for the route.
+      Args:
+        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
+      Returns:
+        The name as a string.
+      """
+      name_parts = []
+      if route.route_short_name:
+        name_parts.append('<b>%s</b>' % route.route_short_name)
+      if route.route_long_name:
+        name_parts.append(route.route_long_name)
+      return ' - '.join(name_parts) or route.route_id
+    def GetRouteDescription(route):
+      """Return a placemark description for the route.
+      Args:
+        route: The transitfeed.Route instance.
+      Returns:
+        The description as a string.
+      """
+      desc_items = []
+      if route.route_desc:
+        desc_items.append(route.route_desc)
+      if route.route_url:
+        desc_items.append('Route info page: <a href="%s">%s</a>' % (
+            route.route_url, route.route_url))
+      description = '<br/>'.join(desc_items)
+      return description or None
+    routes = [route for route in schedule.GetRouteList()
+              if route_type is None or route.route_type == route_type]
+    if not routes:
+      return None
+    routes.sort(key=lambda x: GetRouteName(x))
+    if route_type is not None:
+      route_type_names = {0: 'Tram, Streetcar or Light rail',
+                          1: 'Subway or Metro',
+                          2: 'Rail',
+                          3: 'Bus',
+                          4: 'Ferry',
+                          5: 'Cable car',
+                          6: 'Gondola or suspended cable car',
+                          7: 'Funicular'}
+      type_name = route_type_names.get(route_type, str(route_type))
+      folder_name = 'Routes - %s' % type_name
+    else:
+      folder_name = 'Routes'
+    routes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, folder_name, visible=False)
+    for route in routes:
+      style_id = self._CreateStyleForRoute(doc, route)
+      route_folder = self._CreateFolder(routes_folder,
+                                        GetRouteName(route),
+                                        description=GetRouteDescription(route))
+      self._CreateRouteShapesFolder(schedule, route_folder, route,
+                                    style_id, False)
+      self._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, False)
+      if self.show_trips:
+        self._CreateRouteTripsFolder(route_folder, route, style_id, schedule)
+    return routes_folder
+  def _CreateShapesFolder(self, schedule, doc):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shapes in a schedule.
+    The folder contains a placemark for each shape. If there are no shapes in
+    the schedule then the folder is not created and None is returned.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+      doc: The KML Document ElementTree.Element instance.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
+    """
+    if not schedule.GetShapeList():
+      return None
+    shapes_folder = self._CreateFolder(doc, 'Shapes')
+    shapes = list(schedule.GetShapeList())
+    shapes.sort(key=lambda x: x.shape_id)
+    for shape in shapes:
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(shapes_folder, shape.shape_id)
+      self._CreateLineStringForShape(placemark, shape)
+      if self.shape_points:
+        self._CreateShapePointFolder(shapes_folder, shape)
+    return shapes_folder
+  def _CreateShapePointFolder(self, shapes_folder, shape):
+    """Create a KML Folder containing all the shape points in a shape.
+    The folder contains placemarks for each shapepoint.
+    Args:
+      shapes_folder: A KML Shape Folder ElementTree.Element instance
+      shape: The shape to plot.
+    Returns:
+      The Folder ElementTree.Element instance or None.
+    """
+    folder_name = shape.shape_id + ' Shape Points'
+    folder = self._CreateFolder(shapes_folder, folder_name, visible=False)
+    for (index, (lat, lon, dist)) in enumerate(shape.points):
+      placemark = self._CreatePlacemark(folder, str(index+1))
+      point = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Point')
+      coordinates = ET.SubElement(point, 'coordinates')
+      coordinates.text = '%.6f,%.6f' % (lon, lat)
+    return folder
+  def Write(self, schedule, output_file):
+    """Writes out a feed as KML.
+    Args:
+      schedule: A transitfeed.Schedule object containing the feed to write.
+      output_file: The name of the output KML file, or file object to use.
+    """
+    # Generate the DOM to write
+    root = ET.Element('kml')
+    root.attrib['xmlns'] = 'http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1'
+    doc = ET.SubElement(root, 'Document')
+    open_tag = ET.SubElement(doc, 'open')
+    open_tag.text = '1'
+    self._CreateStopsFolder(schedule, doc)
+    if self.split_routes:
+      route_types = set()
+      for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
+        route_types.add(route.route_type)
+      route_types = list(route_types)
+      route_types.sort()
+      for route_type in route_types:
+        self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc, route_type)
+    else:
+      self._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, doc)
+    self._CreateShapesFolder(schedule, doc)
+    # Make sure we pretty-print
+    self._SetIndentation(root)
+    # Now write the output
+    if isinstance(output_file, file):
+      output = output_file
+    else:
+      output = open(output_file, 'w')
+    output.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n""")
+    ET.ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
+def main():
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] <input GTFS.zip> [<output.kml>]
+Reads GTFS file or directory <input GTFS.zip> and creates a KML file
+<output.kml> that contains the geographical features of the input. If
+<output.kml> is omitted a default filename is picked based on
+<input GTFS.zip>. By default the KML contains all stops and shapes.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('-t', '--showtrips', action='store_true',
+                    dest='show_trips',
+                    help='include the individual trips for each route')
+  parser.add_option('-a', '--altitude_per_sec', action='store', type='float',
+                    dest='altitude_per_sec',
+                    help='if greater than 0 trips are drawn with time axis '
+                    'set to this many meters high for each second of time')
+  parser.add_option('-s', '--splitroutes', action='store_true',
+                    dest='split_routes',
+                    help='split the routes by type')
+  parser.add_option('-d', '--date_filter', action='store', type='string',
+                    dest='date_filter',
+                    help='Restrict to trips active on date YYYYMMDD')
+  parser.add_option('-p', '--display_shape_points', action='store_true',
+                    dest='shape_points',
+                    help='shows the actual points along shapes')
+  parser.set_defaults(altitude_per_sec=1.0)
+  options, args = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) < 1:
+    parser.error('You must provide the path of an input GTFS file.')
+  if args[0] == 'IWantMyCrash':
+    raise Exception('For testCrashHandler')
+  input_path = args[0]
+  if len(args) >= 2:
+    output_path = args[1]
+  else:
+    path = os.path.normpath(input_path)
+    (feed_dir, feed) = os.path.split(path)
+    if '.' in feed:
+      feed = feed.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  # strip extension
+    output_filename = '%s.kml' % feed
+    output_path = os.path.join(feed_dir, output_filename)
+  loader = transitfeed.Loader(input_path,
+                              problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
+  feed = loader.Load()
+  print "Writing %s" % output_path
+  writer = KMLWriter()
+  writer.show_trips = options.show_trips
+  writer.altitude_per_sec = options.altitude_per_sec
+  writer.split_routes = options.split_routes
+  writer.date_filter = options.date_filter
+  writer.shape_points = options.shape_points
+  writer.Write(feed, output_path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/merge.py
@@ -1,1 +1,1830 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A tool for merging two Google Transit feeds.
+Given two Google Transit feeds intending to cover two disjoint calendar
+intervals, this tool will attempt to produce a single feed by merging as much
+of the two feeds together as possible.
+For example, most stops remain the same throughout the year. Therefore, many
+of the stops given in stops.txt for the first feed represent the same stops
+given in the second feed. This tool will try to merge these stops so they
+only appear once in the resultant feed.
+A note on terminology: The first schedule is referred to as the "old" schedule;
+the second as the "new" schedule. The resultant schedule is referred to as
+the "merged" schedule. Names of things in the old schedule are variations of
+the letter "a" while names of things from the new schedule are variations of
+"b". The objects that represents routes, agencies and so on are called
+usage: merge.py [options] old_feed_path new_feed_path merged_feed_path
+Run merge.py --help for a list of the possible options.
+__author__ = 'timothy.stranex@gmail.com (Timothy Stranex)'
+import datetime
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+import webbrowser
+# TODO:
+# 1. write unit tests that use actual data
+# 2. write a proper trip and stop_times merger
+# 3. add a serialised access method for stop_times and shapes to transitfeed
+# 4. add support for merging schedules which have some service period overlap
+def ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(pa, pb):
+  """Finds the distance between two points on the Earth's surface.
+  This is an approximate distance based on assuming that the Earth is a sphere.
+  The points are specified by their lattitude and longitude.
+  Args:
+    pa: the first (lat, lon) point tuple
+    pb: the second (lat, lon) point tuple
+  Returns:
+    The distance as a float in metres.
+  """
+  alat, alon = pa
+  blat, blon = pb
+  sa = transitfeed.Stop(lat=alat, lng=alon)
+  sb = transitfeed.Stop(lat=blat, lng=blon)
+  return transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(sa, sb)
+class Error(Exception):
+  """The base exception class for this module."""
+class MergeError(Error):
+  """An error produced when two entities could not be merged."""
+class MergeProblemWithContext(transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext):
+  """The base exception class for problem reporting in the merge module.
+  Attributes:
+    dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger that generated this problem.
+    entity_type_name: The entity type of the dataset_merger. This is just
+                      dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME.
+    ERROR_TEXT: The text used for generating the problem message.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, dataset_merger, problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
+               **kwargs):
+    """Initialise the exception object.
+    Args:
+      dataset_merger: The DataSetMerger instance that generated this problem.
+      problem_type: The problem severity. This should be set to one of the
+                    corresponding constants in transitfeed.
+      kwargs: Keyword arguments to be saved as instance attributes.
+    """
+    kwargs['type'] = problem_type
+    kwargs['entity_type_name'] = dataset_merger.ENTITY_TYPE_NAME
+    transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext.__init__(self, None, None, **kwargs)
+    self.dataset_merger = dataset_merger
+  def FormatContext(self):
+    return "In files '%s'" % self.dataset_merger.FILE_NAME
+class SameIdButNotMerged(MergeProblemWithContext):
+  ERROR_TEXT = ("There is a %(entity_type_name)s in the old feed with id "
+                "'%(id)s' and one from the new feed with the same id but "
+                "they could not be merged:")
+class CalendarsNotDisjoint(MergeProblemWithContext):
+  ERROR_TEXT = ("The service periods could not be merged since they are not "
+                "disjoint.")
+class MergeNotImplemented(MergeProblemWithContext):
+  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger does not currently support merging in this "
+                "file. The entries have been duplicated instead.")
+class FareRulesBroken(MergeProblemWithContext):
+  ERROR_TEXT = ("The feed merger is currently unable to handle fare rules "
+                "properly.")
+class MergeProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
+  """The base problem reporter class for the merge module."""
+  def __init__(self, accumulator):
+    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self, accumulator)
+  def SameIdButNotMerged(self, dataset, entity_id, reason):
+    self.AddToAccumulator(
+        SameIdButNotMerged(dataset, id=entity_id, reason=reason))
+  def CalendarsNotDisjoint(self, dataset):
+    self.AddToAccumulator(
+        CalendarsNotDisjoint(dataset, problem_type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR))
+  def MergeNotImplemented(self, dataset):
+    self.AddToAccumulator(MergeNotImplemented(dataset))
+  def FareRulesBroken(self, dataset):
+    self.AddToAccumulator(FareRulesBroken(dataset))
+class HTMLProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.ProblemAccumulatorInterface):
+  """A problem reporter which generates HTML output."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    """Initialise."""
+    self._dataset_warnings = {}  # a map from DataSetMergers to their warnings
+    self._dataset_errors = {}
+    self._warning_count = 0
+    self._error_count = 0
+  def _Report(self, merge_problem):
+    if merge_problem.IsWarning():
+      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
+      self._warning_count += 1
+    else:
+      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
+      self._error_count += 1
+    problem_html = '<li>%s</li>' % (
+        merge_problem.FormatProblem().replace('\n', '<br>'))
+    dataset_problems.setdefault(merge_problem.dataset_merger, []).append(
+        problem_html)
+  def _GenerateStatsTable(self, feed_merger):
+    """Generate an HTML table of merge statistics.
+    Args:
+      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
+    Returns:
+      The generated HTML as a string.
+    """
+    rows = []
+    rows.append('<tr><th class="header"/><th class="header">Merged</th>'
+                '<th class="header">Copied from old feed</th>'
+                '<th class="header">Copied from new feed</th></tr>')
+    for merger in feed_merger.GetMergerList():
+      stats = merger.GetMergeStats()
+      if stats is None:
+        continue
+      merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b = stats
+      rows.append('<tr><th class="header">%s</th>'
+                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
+                  '<td class="header">%d</td>'
+                  '<td class="header">%d</td></tr>' %
+                  (merger.DATASET_NAME, merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b))
+    return '<table>%s</table>' % '\n'.join(rows)
+  def _GenerateSection(self, problem_type):
+    """Generate a listing of the given type of problems.
+    Args:
+      problem_type: The type of problem. This is one of the problem type
+                    constants from transitfeed.
+    Returns:
+      The generated HTML as a string.
+    """
+    if problem_type == transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING:
+      dataset_problems = self._dataset_warnings
+      heading = 'Warnings'
+    else:
+      dataset_problems = self._dataset_errors
+      heading = 'Errors'
+    if not dataset_problems:
+      return ''
+    prefix = '<h2 class="issueHeader">%s:</h2>' % heading
+    dataset_sections = []
+    for dataset_merger, problems in dataset_problems.items():
+      dataset_sections.append('<h3>%s</h3><ol>%s</ol>' % (
+          dataset_merger.FILE_NAME, '\n'.join(problems)))
+    body = '\n'.join(dataset_sections)
+    return prefix + body
+  def _GenerateSummary(self):
+    """Generate a summary of the warnings and errors.
+    Returns:
+      The generated HTML as a string.
+    """
+    items = []
+    if self._dataset_errors:
+      items.append('errors: %d' % self._error_count)
+    if self._dataset_warnings:
+      items.append('warnings: %d' % self._warning_count)
+    if items:
+      return '<p><span class="fail">%s</span></p>' % '<br>'.join(items)
+    else:
+      return '<p><span class="pass">feeds merged successfully</span></p>'
+  def WriteOutput(self, output_file, feed_merger,
+                  old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path):
+    """Write the HTML output to a file.
+    Args:
+      output_file: The file object that the HTML output will be written to.
+      feed_merger: The FeedMerger instance.
+      old_feed_path: The path to the old feed file as a string.
+      new_feed_path: The path to the new feed file as a string
+      merged_feed_path: The path to the merged feed file as a string. This
+                        may be None if no merged feed was written.
+    """
+    if merged_feed_path is None:
+      html_merged_feed_path = ''
+    else:
+      html_merged_feed_path = '<p>Merged feed created: <code>%s</code></p>' % (
+          merged_feed_path)
+    html_header = """<html>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+<title>Feed Merger Results</title>
+  body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
+  .path {color: gray}
+  div.problem {max-width: 500px}
+  td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
+  td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px;
+                         font-family:monospace}
+  table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
+  h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
+  span.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
+  span.fail {background-color: yellow}
+  .pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt; padding: 3px}
+  ol,.unused {padding-left: 40pt}
+  .header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
+  th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
+  .footer {font-size: 10pt}
+<h1>Feed merger results</h1>
+<p>Old feed: <code>%(old_feed_path)s</code></p>
+<p>New feed: <code>%(new_feed_path)s</code></p>
+%(html_merged_feed_path)s""" % locals()
+    html_stats = self._GenerateStatsTable(feed_merger)
+    html_summary = self._GenerateSummary()
+    html_errors = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
+    html_warnings = self._GenerateSection(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    html_footer = """
+<div class="footer">
+Generated using transitfeed version %s on %s.
+</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__,
+              time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z'))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_header))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_stats))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_summary))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_errors))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_warnings))
+    output_file.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(html_footer))
+def LoadWithoutErrors(path, memory_db):
+  """"Return a Schedule object loaded from path; sys.exit for any error."""
+  accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+  loading_problem_handler = MergeProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  try:
+    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(path,
+                                  memory_db=memory_db,
+                                  problems=loading_problem_handler).Load()
+  except transitfeed.ExceptionWithContext, e:
+    print >>sys.stderr, (
+        "\n\nFeeds to merge must load without any errors.\n"
+        "While loading %s the following error was found:\n%s\n%s\n" %
+        (path, e.FormatContext(), transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(e.FormatProblem())))
+    sys.exit(1)
+  return schedule
+class DataSetMerger(object):
+  """A DataSetMerger is in charge of merging a set of entities.
+  This is an abstract class and should be subclassed for each different entity
+  type.
+  Attributes:
+    ENTITY_TYPE_NAME: The name of the entity type like 'agency' or 'stop'.
+    FILE_NAME: The name of the file containing this data set like 'agency.txt'.
+    DATASET_NAME: A name for the dataset like 'Agencies' or 'Stops'.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
+    """Initialise.
+    Args:
+      feed_merger: The FeedMerger.
+    """
+    self.feed_merger = feed_merger
+    self._num_merged = 0
+    self._num_not_merged_a = 0
+    self._num_not_merged_b = 0
+  def _MergeIdentical(self, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge two values. The values are required to be identical.
+    Args:
+      a: The first value.
+      b: The second value.
+    Returns:
+      The trivially merged value.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: The values were not identical.
+    """
+    if a != b:
+      raise MergeError("values must be identical ('%s' vs '%s')" %
+                       (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
+                        transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
+    return b
+  def _MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive(self, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge two strings.
+    The string are required to be the same ignoring case. The second string is
+    always used as the merged value.
+    Args:
+      a: The first string.
+      b: The second string.
+    Returns:
+      The merged string. This is equal to the second string.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: The strings were not the same ignoring case.
+    """
+    if a.lower() != b.lower():
+      raise MergeError("values must be the same (case insensitive) "
+                       "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
+                                           transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
+    return b
+  def _MergeOptional(self, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge two values which may be None.
+    If both values are not None, they are required to be the same and the
+    merge is trivial. If one of the values is None and the other is not None,
+    the merge results in the one which is not None. If both are None, the merge
+    results in None.
+    Args:
+      a: The first value.
+      b: The second value.
+    Returns:
+      The merged value.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: If both values are not None and are not the same.
+    """
+    if a and b:
+      if a != b:
+        raise MergeError("values must be identical if both specified "
+                         "('%s' vs '%s')" % (transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(a),
+                                             transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(b)))
+    return a or b
+  def _MergeSameAgency(self, a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
+    """Merge agency ids to the corresponding agency id in the merged schedule.
+    Args:
+      a_agency_id: an agency id from the old schedule
+      b_agency_id: an agency id from the new schedule
+    Returns:
+      The agency id of the corresponding merged agency.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: If a_agency_id and b_agency_id do not correspond to the same
+                  merged agency.
+      KeyError: Either aaid or baid is not a valid agency id.
+    """
+    a_agency_id = (a_agency_id or
+                   self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
+    b_agency_id = (b_agency_id or
+                   self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetDefaultAgency().agency_id)
+    a_agency = self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetAgency(
+        a_agency_id)._migrated_entity
+    b_agency = self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetAgency(
+        b_agency_id)._migrated_entity
+    if a_agency != b_agency:
+      raise MergeError('agency must be the same')
+    return a_agency.agency_id
+  def _SchemedMerge(self, scheme, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge two entities according to a merge scheme.
+    A scheme is specified by a map where the keys are entity attributes and the
+    values are merge functions like Merger._MergeIdentical or
+    Merger._MergeOptional. The entity is first migrated to the merged schedule.
+    Then the attributes are individually merged as specified by the scheme.
+    Args:
+      scheme: The merge scheme, a map from entity attributes to merge
+              functions.
+      a: The entity from the old schedule.
+      b: The entity from the new schedule.
+    Returns:
+      The migrated and merged entity.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: One of the attributes was not able to be merged.
+    """
+    migrated = self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
+    for attr, merger in scheme.items():
+      a_attr = getattr(a, attr, None)
+      b_attr = getattr(b, attr, None)
+      try:
+        merged_attr = merger(a_attr, b_attr)
+      except MergeError, merge_error:
+        raise MergeError("Attribute '%s' could not be merged: %s." % (
+            attr, merge_error))
+      setattr(migrated, attr, merged_attr)
+    return migrated
+  def _MergeSameId(self):
+    """Tries to merge entities based on their ids.
+    This tries to merge only the entities from the old and new schedules which
+    have the same id. These are added into the merged schedule. Entities which
+    do not merge or do not have the same id as another entity in the other
+    schedule are simply migrated into the merged schedule.
+    This method is less flexible than _MergeDifferentId since it only tries
+    to merge entities which have the same id while _MergeDifferentId tries to
+    merge everything. However, it is faster and so should be used whenever
+    possible.
+    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
+    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
+    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
+    different entity types.
+    Returns:
+      The number of merged entities.
+    """
+    a_not_merged = []
+    b_not_merged = []
+    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
+      try:
+        b = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
+      except KeyError:
+        # there was no entity in B with the same id as a
+        a_not_merged.append(a)
+        continue
+      try:
+        self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
+        self._num_merged += 1
+      except MergeError, merge_error:
+        a_not_merged.append(a)
+        b_not_merged.append(b)
+        self._ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self._GetId(a), merge_error)
+    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
+      try:
+        a = self._GetById(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
+      except KeyError:
+        # there was no entity in A with the same id as b
+        b_not_merged.append(b)
+    # migrate the remaining entities
+    for a in a_not_merged:
+      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
+      self._Add(a, None, self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
+    for b in b_not_merged:
+      newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
+      self._Add(None, b, self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
+    self._num_not_merged_a = len(a_not_merged)
+    self._num_not_merged_b = len(b_not_merged)
+    return self._num_merged
+  def _MergeByIdKeepNew(self):
+    """Migrate all entities, discarding duplicates from the old/a schedule.
+    This method migrates all entities from the new/b schedule. It then migrates
+    entities in the old schedule where there isn't already an entity with the
+    same ID.
+    Unlike _MergeSameId this method migrates entities to the merged schedule
+    before comparing their IDs. This allows transfers to be compared when they
+    refer to stops that had their ID updated by migration.
+    This method makes use of various methods like _Migrate and _Add which
+    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These methods
+    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeByIdKeepNew to work with
+    different entity types.
+    Returns:
+      The number of merged entities.
+    """
+    # Maps from migrated ID to tuple(original object, migrated object)
+    a_orig_migrated = {}
+    b_orig_migrated = {}
+    for orig in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
+      migrated = self._Migrate(orig, self.feed_merger.a_schedule)
+      a_orig_migrated[self._GetId(migrated)] = (orig, migrated)
+    for orig in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
+      migrated = self._Migrate(orig, self.feed_merger.b_schedule)
+      b_orig_migrated[self._GetId(migrated)] = (orig, migrated)
+    for migrated_id, (orig, migrated) in b_orig_migrated.items():
+      self._Add(None, orig, migrated)
+      self._num_not_merged_b += 1
+    for migrated_id, (orig, migrated) in a_orig_migrated.items():
+      if migrated_id not in b_orig_migrated:
+        self._Add(orig, None, migrated)
+        self._num_not_merged_a += 1
+    return self._num_merged
+  def _MergeDifferentId(self):
+    """Tries to merge all possible combinations of entities.
+    This tries to merge every entity in the old schedule with every entity in
+    the new schedule. Unlike _MergeSameId, the ids do not need to match.
+    However, _MergeDifferentId is much slower than _MergeSameId.
+    This method makes use of various methods like _Merge and _Migrate which
+    are not implemented in the abstract DataSetMerger class. These method
+    should be overwritten in a subclass to allow _MergeSameId to work with
+    different entity types.
+    Returns:
+      The number of merged entities.
+    """
+    # TODO: The same entity from A could merge with multiple from B.
+    # This should either generate an error or should be prevented from
+    # happening.
+    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
+      for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
+        try:
+          self._Add(a, b, self._MergeEntities(a, b))
+          self._num_merged += 1
+        except MergeError:
+          continue
+    for a in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.a_schedule):
+      if a not in self.feed_merger.a_merge_map:
+        self._num_not_merged_a += 1
+        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.b_schedule, self._GetId(a))
+        self._Add(a, None,
+                  self._Migrate(a, self.feed_merger.a_schedule, newid))
+    for b in self._GetIter(self.feed_merger.b_schedule):
+      if b not in self.feed_merger.b_merge_map:
+        self._num_not_merged_b += 1
+        newid = self._HasId(self.feed_merger.a_schedule, self._GetId(b))
+        self._Add(None, b,
+                  self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, newid))
+    return self._num_merged
+  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
+    """Report that two entities have the same id but could not be merged.
+    Args:
+      entity_id: The id of the entities.
+      reason: A string giving a reason why they could not be merged.
+    """
+    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.SameIdButNotMerged(self,
+                                                         entity_id,
+                                                         reason)
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    """Returns an iterator of entities for this data set in the given schedule.
+    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
+    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgencyList() or GetRouteList().
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
+    Returns:
+      An iterator of entities.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, entity_id):
+    """Returns an entity given its id.
+    This method usually corresponds to one of the methods from
+    transitfeed.Schedule like GetAgency() or GetRoute().
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      schedule: Either the old or new schedule from the FeedMerger.
+      entity_id: The id string of the entity.
+    Returns:
+      The entity with the given id.
+    Raises:
+      KeyError: There is not entity with the given id.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _HasId(self, schedule, entity_id):
+    """Check if the schedule has an entity with the given id.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance to look in.
+      entity_id: The id of the entity.
+    Returns:
+      True if the schedule has an entity with the id or False if not.
+    """
+    try:
+      self._GetById(schedule, entity_id)
+      has = True
+    except KeyError:
+      has = False
+    return has
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge the two entities.
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      a: The entity from the old schedule.
+      b: The entity from the new schedule.
+    Returns:
+      The merged migrated entity.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: The entities were not able to be merged.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
+    """Migrates the entity to the merge schedule.
+    This involves copying the entity and updating any ids to point to the
+    corresponding entities in the merged schedule. If newid is True then
+    a unique id is generated for the migrated entity using the original id
+    as a prefix.
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      entity: The entity to migrate.
+      schedule: The schedule from the FeedMerger that contains ent.
+      newid: Whether to generate a new id (True) or keep the original (False).
+    Returns:
+      The migrated entity.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
+    """Adds the migrated entity to the merged schedule.
+    If a and b are both not None, it means that a and b were merged to create
+    migrated. If one of a or b is None, it means that the other was not merged
+    but has been migrated. This mapping is registered with the FeedMerger.
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      a: The original entity from the old schedule.
+      b: The original entity from the new schedule.
+      migrated: The migrated entity for the merged schedule.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _GetId(self, entity):
+    """Returns the id of the given entity.
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass if _MergeSameId or
+    _MergeDifferentId are to be used.
+    Args:
+      entity: The entity.
+    Returns:
+      The id of the entity as a string or None.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    """Merge the data sets.
+    This method is called in FeedMerger.MergeSchedule().
+    Note: This method must be overwritten in a subclass.
+    Returns:
+      A boolean which is False if the dataset was unable to be merged and
+      as a result the entire merge should be aborted. In this case, the problem
+      will have been reported using the FeedMerger's problem reporter.
+    """
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def GetMergeStats(self):
+    """Returns some merge statistics.
+    These are given as a tuple (merged, not_merged_a, not_merged_b) where
+    "merged" is the number of merged entities, "not_merged_a" is the number of
+    entities from the old schedule that were not merged and "not_merged_b" is
+    the number of entities from the new schedule that were not merged.
+    The return value can also be None. This means that there are no statistics
+    for this entity type.
+    The statistics are only available after MergeDataSets() has been called.
+    Returns:
+      Either the statistics tuple or None.
+    """
+    return (self._num_merged, self._num_not_merged_a, self._num_not_merged_b)
+class AgencyMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for agencies."""
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'agency'
+  FILE_NAME = 'agency.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Agencies'
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetAgencyList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, agency_id):
+    return schedule.GetAgency(agency_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Merges two agencies.
+    To be merged, they are required to have the same id, name, url and
+    timezone. The remaining language attribute is taken from the new agency.
+    Args:
+      a: The first agency.
+      b: The second agency.
+    Returns:
+      The merged agency.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: The agencies could not be merged.
+    """
+    def _MergeAgencyId(a_agency_id, b_agency_id):
+      """Merge two agency ids.
+      The only difference between this and _MergeIdentical() is that the values
+      None and '' are regarded as being the same.
+      Args:
+        a_agency_id: The first agency id.
+        b_agency_id: The second agency id.
+      Returns:
+        The merged agency id.
+      Raises:
+        MergeError: The agency ids could not be merged.
+      """
+      a_agency_id = a_agency_id or None
+      b_agency_id = b_agency_id or None
+      return self._MergeIdentical(a_agency_id, b_agency_id)
+    scheme = {'agency_id': _MergeAgencyId,
+              'agency_name': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'agency_url': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'agency_timezone': self._MergeIdentical}
+    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
+    a = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=entity)
+    if newid:
+      a.agency_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.agency_id)
+    return a
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(migrated)
+  def _GetId(self, entity):
+    return entity.agency_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    self._MergeSameId()
+    return True
+class StopMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for stops.
+  Attributes:
+    largest_stop_distance: The largest distance allowed between stops that
+      will be merged in metres.
+  """
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'stop'
+  FILE_NAME = 'stops.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Stops'
+  largest_stop_distance = 10.0
+  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
+    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
+    self._merged = []
+    self._a_not_merged = []
+    self._b_not_merged = []
+  def SetLargestStopDistance(self, distance):
+    """Sets largest_stop_distance."""
+    self.largest_stop_distance = distance
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetStopList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, stop_id):
+    return schedule.GetStop(stop_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Merges two stops.
+    For the stops to be merged, they must have:
+      - the same stop_id
+      - the same stop_name (case insensitive)
+      - the same zone_id
+      - locations less than largest_stop_distance apart
+    The other attributes can have arbitary changes. The merged attributes are
+    taken from the new stop.
+    Args:
+      a: The first stop.
+      b: The second stop.
+    Returns:
+      The merged stop.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: The stops could not be merged.
+    """
+    distance = transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(a, b)
+    if distance > self.largest_stop_distance:
+      raise MergeError("Stops are too far apart: %.1fm "
+                       "(largest_stop_distance is %.1fm)." %
+                       (distance, self.largest_stop_distance))
+    scheme = {'stop_id': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'stop_name': self._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive,
+              'zone_id': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'location_type': self._MergeIdentical}
+    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=entity)
+    if newid:
+      migrated_stop.stop_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.stop_id)
+    return migrated_stop
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_stop):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_stop)
+    # The migrated_stop will be added to feed_merger.merged_schedule later
+    # since adding must be done after the zone_ids have been finalized.
+    if a and b:
+      self._merged.append((a, b, migrated_stop))
+    elif a:
+      self._a_not_merged.append((a, migrated_stop))
+    elif b:
+      self._b_not_merged.append((b, migrated_stop))
+  def _GetId(self, entity):
+    return entity.stop_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
+    fm = self.feed_merger
+    # now we do all the zone_id and parent_station mapping
+    # the zone_ids for merged stops can be preserved
+    for (a, b, merged_stop) in self._merged:
+      assert a.zone_id == b.zone_id
+      fm.a_zone_map[a.zone_id] = a.zone_id
+      fm.b_zone_map[b.zone_id] = b.zone_id
+      merged_stop.zone_id = a.zone_id
+      if merged_stop.parent_station:
+        # Merged stop has a parent. Update it to be the parent it had in b.
+        parent_in_b = fm.b_schedule.GetStop(b.parent_station)
+        merged_stop.parent_station = fm.b_merge_map[parent_in_b].stop_id
+      fm.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(merged_stop)
+    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._a_not_merged, fm.a_zone_map,
+                                   fm.a_merge_map, fm.a_schedule)
+    self._UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self._b_not_merged, fm.b_zone_map,
+                                   fm.b_merge_map, fm.b_schedule)
+    print 'Stops merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
+        num_merged,
+        len(fm.a_schedule.GetStopList()),
+        len(fm.b_schedule.GetStopList()))
+    return True
+  def _UpdateAndMigrateUnmerged(self, not_merged_stops, zone_map, merge_map,
+                                schedule):
+    """Correct references in migrated unmerged stops and add to merged_schedule.
+    For stops migrated from one of the input feeds to the output feed update the
+    parent_station and zone_id references to point to objects in the output
+    feed. Then add the migrated stop to the new schedule.
+    Args:
+      not_merged_stops: list of stops from one input feed that have not been
+        merged
+      zone_map: map from zone_id in the input feed to zone_id in the output feed
+      merge_map: map from Stop objects in the input feed to Stop objects in
+        the output feed
+      schedule: the input Schedule object
+    """
+    # for the unmerged stops, we use an already mapped zone_id if possible
+    # if not, we generate a new one and add it to the map
+    for stop, migrated_stop in not_merged_stops:
+      if stop.zone_id in zone_map:
+        migrated_stop.zone_id = zone_map[stop.zone_id]
+      else:
+        migrated_stop.zone_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(stop.zone_id)
+        zone_map[stop.zone_id] = migrated_stop.zone_id
+      if stop.parent_station:
+        parent_original = schedule.GetStop(stop.parent_station)
+        migrated_stop.parent_station = merge_map[parent_original].stop_id
+      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddStopObject(migrated_stop)
+class RouteMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for routes."""
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'route'
+  FILE_NAME = 'routes.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Routes'
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetRouteList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, route_id):
+    return schedule.GetRoute(route_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    scheme = {'route_short_name': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'route_long_name': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'agency_id': self._MergeSameAgency,
+              'route_type': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'route_id': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'route_url': self._MergeOptional,
+              'route_color': self._MergeOptional,
+              'route_text_color': self._MergeOptional}
+    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+  def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=entity)
+    if newid:
+      migrated_route.route_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(entity.route_id)
+    if entity.agency_id:
+      original_agency = schedule.GetAgency(entity.agency_id)
+    else:
+      original_agency = schedule.GetDefaultAgency()
+    migrated_route.agency_id = original_agency._migrated_entity.agency_id
+    return migrated_route
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_route):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_route)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddRouteObject(migrated_route)
+  def _GetId(self, entity):
+    return entity.route_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    self._MergeSameId()
+    return True
+class ServicePeriodMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for service periods.
+  Attributes:
+    require_disjoint_calendars: A boolean specifying whether to require
+      disjoint calendars when merging (True) or not (False).
+  """
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'service period'
+  FILE_NAME = 'calendar.txt/calendar_dates.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Service Periods'
+  def __init__(self, feed_merger):
+    DataSetMerger.__init__(self, feed_merger)
+    self.require_disjoint_calendars = True
+  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, entity_id, reason):
+    pass
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, service_id):
+    return schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Tries to merge two service periods.
+    Note: Currently this just raises a MergeError since service periods cannot
+    be merged.
+    Args:
+      a: The first service period.
+      b: The second service period.
+    Returns:
+      The merged service period.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: When the service periods could not be merged.
+    """
+    raise MergeError('Cannot merge service periods')
+  def _Migrate(self, original_service_period, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod()
+    migrated_service_period.day_of_week = list(
+        original_service_period.day_of_week)
+    migrated_service_period.start_date = original_service_period.start_date
+    migrated_service_period.end_date = original_service_period.end_date
+    migrated_service_period.date_exceptions = dict(
+        original_service_period.date_exceptions)
+    if newid:
+      migrated_service_period.service_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
+          original_service_period.service_id)
+    else:
+      migrated_service_period.service_id = original_service_period.service_id
+    return migrated_service_period
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_service_period):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_service_period)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(
+        migrated_service_period)
+  def _GetId(self, entity):
+    return entity.service_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    if self.require_disjoint_calendars and not self.CheckDisjointCalendars():
+      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint(self)
+      return False
+    self._MergeSameId()
+    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
+    return True
+  def DisjoinCalendars(self, cutoff):
+    """Forces the old and new calendars to be disjoint about a cutoff date.
+    This truncates the service periods of the old schedule so that service
+    stops one day before the given cutoff date and truncates the new schedule
+    so that service only begins on the cutoff date.
+    Args:
+      cutoff: The cutoff date as a string in YYYYMMDD format. The timezone
+              is the same as used in the calendar.txt file.
+    """
+    def TruncatePeriod(service_period, start, end):
+      """Truncate the service period to into the range [start, end].
+      Args:
+        service_period: The service period to truncate.
+        start: The start date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
+        end: The end date as a string in YYYYMMDD format.
+      """
+      service_period.start_date = max(service_period.start_date, start)
+      service_period.end_date = min(service_period.end_date, end)
+      dates_to_delete = []
+      for k in service_period.date_exceptions:
+        if (k < start) or (k > end):
+          dates_to_delete.append(k)
+      for k in dates_to_delete:
+        del service_period.date_exceptions[k]
+    # find the date one day before cutoff
+    year = int(cutoff[:4])
+    month = int(cutoff[4:6])
+    day = int(cutoff[6:8])
+    cutoff_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
+    one_day_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    before = (cutoff_date - one_day_delta).strftime('%Y%m%d')
+    for a in self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
+      TruncatePeriod(a, 0, before)
+    for b in self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList():
+      TruncatePeriod(b, cutoff, '9'*8)
+  def CheckDisjointCalendars(self):
+    """Check whether any old service periods intersect with any new ones.
+    This is a rather coarse check based on
+    transitfeed.SevicePeriod.GetDateRange.
+    Returns:
+      True if the calendars are disjoint or False if not.
+    """
+    # TODO: Do an exact check here.
+    a_service_periods = self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
+    b_service_periods = self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()
+    for a_service_period in a_service_periods:
+      a_start, a_end = a_service_period.GetDateRange()
+      for b_service_period in b_service_periods:
+        b_start, b_end = b_service_period.GetDateRange()
+        overlap_start = max(a_start, b_start)
+        overlap_end = min(a_end, b_end)
+        if overlap_end >= overlap_start:
+          return False
+    return True
+  def GetMergeStats(self):
+    return None
+class FareMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for fares."""
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare attribute'
+  FILE_NAME = 'fare_attributes.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Fares'
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetFareAttributeList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, fare_id):
+    return schedule.GetFareAttribute(fare_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Merges the fares if all the attributes are the same."""
+    scheme = {'price': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'currency_type': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'payment_method': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'transfers': self._MergeIdentical,
+              'transfer_duration': self._MergeIdentical}
+    return self._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+  def _Migrate(self, original_fare, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_fare = transitfeed.FareAttribute(
+        field_dict=original_fare)
+    if newid:
+      migrated_fare.fare_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
+          original_fare.fare_id)
+    return migrated_fare
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_fare):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_fare)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(migrated_fare)
+  def _GetId(self, fare):
+    return fare.fare_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    num_merged = self._MergeSameId()
+    print 'Fares merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
+        num_merged,
+        len(self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()),
+        len(self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()))
+    return True
+class TransferMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for transfers.
+  Copy every transfer from the a/old and b/new schedules into the merged
+  schedule, translating from_stop_id and to_stop_id. Where a transfer ID is
+  found in both source schedules only the one from the b/new schedule is
+  migrated.
+  Only one transfer is processed per ID. Duplicates within a schedule are
+  ignored."""
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'transfer'
+  FILE_NAME = 'transfers.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Transfers'
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetTransferIter()
+  def _GetId(self, transfer):
+    return transfer._ID()
+  def _Migrate(self, original_transfer, schedule):
+    # Make a copy of the original and then fix the stop_id references.
+    migrated_transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict=original_transfer)
+    if original_transfer.from_stop_id:
+      migrated_transfer.from_stop_id = schedule.GetStop(
+          original_transfer.from_stop_id)._migrated_entity.stop_id
+    if migrated_transfer.to_stop_id:
+      migrated_transfer.to_stop_id = schedule.GetStop(
+          original_transfer.to_stop_id)._migrated_entity.stop_id
+    return migrated_transfer
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_transfer):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_transfer)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddTransferObject(migrated_transfer)
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    # If both schedules contain rows with equivalent from_stop_id and
+    # to_stop_id but different transfer_type or min_transfer_time only the
+    # transfer from b will be in the output.
+    self._MergeByIdKeepNew()
+    print 'Transfers merged: %d of %d, %d' % (
+        self._num_merged,
+        # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/baypiggies/2008-August/003817.html
+        # claims this is a good way to find number of items in an iterable.
+        sum(1 for _ in self.feed_merger.a_schedule.GetTransferIter()),
+        sum(1 for _ in self.feed_merger.b_schedule.GetTransferIter()))
+    return True
+class ShapeMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for shapes.
+  In this implementation, merging shapes means just taking the new shape.
+  The only conditions for a merge are that the shape_ids are the same and
+  the endpoints of the old and new shapes are no further than
+  largest_shape_distance apart.
+  Attributes:
+    largest_shape_distance: The largest distance between the endpoints of two
+      shapes allowed for them to be merged in metres.
+  """
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'shape'
+  FILE_NAME = 'shapes.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Shapes'
+  largest_shape_distance = 10.0
+  def SetLargestShapeDistance(self, distance):
+    """Sets largest_shape_distance."""
+    self.largest_shape_distance = distance
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetShapeList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, shape_id):
+    return schedule.GetShape(shape_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Merges the shapes by taking the new shape.
+    Args:
+      a: The first transitfeed.Shape instance.
+      b: The second transitfeed.Shape instance.
+    Returns:
+      The merged shape.
+    Raises:
+      MergeError: If the ids are different or if the endpoints are further
+                  than largest_shape_distance apart.
+    """
+    if a.shape_id != b.shape_id:
+      raise MergeError('shape_id must be the same')
+    distance = max(ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[0][:2],
+                                                    b.points[0][:2]),
+                   ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(a.points[-1][:2],
+                                                    b.points[-1][:2]))
+    if distance > self.largest_shape_distance:
+      raise MergeError('The shape endpoints are too far away: %.1fm '
+                       '(largest_shape_distance is %.1fm)' %
+                       (distance, self.largest_shape_distance))
+    return self._Migrate(b, self.feed_merger.b_schedule, False)
+  def _Migrate(self, original_shape, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_shape = transitfeed.Shape(original_shape.shape_id)
+    if newid:
+      migrated_shape.shape_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
+          original_shape.shape_id)
+    for (lat, lon, dist) in original_shape.points:
+      migrated_shape.AddPoint(lat=lat, lon=lon, distance=dist)
+    return migrated_shape
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_shape):
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_shape)
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddShapeObject(migrated_shape)
+  def _GetId(self, shape):
+    return shape.shape_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    self._MergeSameId()
+    return True
+class TripMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for trips.
+  This implementation makes no attempt to merge trips, it simply migrates
+  them all to the merged feed.
+  """
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'trip'
+  FILE_NAME = 'trips.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Trips'
+  def _ReportSameIdButNotMerged(self, trip_id, reason):
+    pass
+  def _GetIter(self, schedule):
+    return schedule.GetTripList()
+  def _GetById(self, schedule, trip_id):
+    return schedule.GetTrip(trip_id)
+  def _MergeEntities(self, a, b):
+    """Raises a MergeError because currently trips cannot be merged."""
+    raise MergeError('Cannot merge trips')
+  def _Migrate(self, original_trip, schedule, newid):
+    migrated_trip = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=original_trip)
+    # Make new trip_id first. AddTripObject reports a problem if it conflicts
+    # with an existing id.
+    if newid:
+      migrated_trip.trip_id = self.feed_merger.GenerateId(
+          original_trip.trip_id)
+    # Need to add trip to schedule before copying stoptimes
+    self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddTripObject(migrated_trip,
+                                                   validate=False)
+    if schedule == self.feed_merger.a_schedule:
+      merge_map = self.feed_merger.a_merge_map
+    else:
+      merge_map = self.feed_merger.b_merge_map
+    original_route = schedule.GetRoute(original_trip.route_id)
+    migrated_trip.route_id = merge_map[original_route].route_id
+    original_service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(
+        original_trip.service_id)
+    migrated_trip.service_id = merge_map[original_service_period].service_id
+    if original_trip.block_id:
+      migrated_trip.block_id = '%s_%s' % (
+          self.feed_merger.GetScheduleName(schedule),
+          original_trip.block_id)
+    if original_trip.shape_id:
+      original_shape = schedule.GetShape(original_trip.shape_id)
+      migrated_trip.shape_id = merge_map[original_shape].shape_id
+    for original_stop_time in original_trip.GetStopTimes():
+      migrated_stop_time = transitfeed.StopTime(
+          None,
+          merge_map[original_stop_time.stop],
+          original_stop_time.arrival_time,
+          original_stop_time.departure_time,
+          original_stop_time.stop_headsign,
+          original_stop_time.pickup_type,
+          original_stop_time.drop_off_type,
+          original_stop_time.shape_dist_traveled,
+          original_stop_time.arrival_secs,
+          original_stop_time.departure_secs)
+      migrated_trip.AddStopTimeObject(migrated_stop_time)
+    for headway_period in original_trip.GetFrequencyTuples():
+      migrated_trip.AddFrequency(*headway_period)
+    return migrated_trip
+  def _Add(self, a, b, migrated_trip):
+    # Validate now, since it wasn't done in _Migrate
+    migrated_trip.Validate(self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.problem_reporter)
+    self.feed_merger.Register(a, b, migrated_trip)
+  def _GetId(self, trip):
+    return trip.trip_id
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    self._MergeSameId()
+    self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self)
+    return True
+  def GetMergeStats(self):
+    return None
+class FareRuleMerger(DataSetMerger):
+  """A DataSetMerger for fare rules."""
+  ENTITY_TYPE_NAME = 'fare rule'
+  FILE_NAME = 'fare_rules.txt'
+  DATASET_NAME = 'Fare Rules'
+  def MergeDataSets(self):
+    """Merge the fare rule datasets.
+    The fare rules are first migrated. Merging is done by removing any
+    duplicate rules.
+    Returns:
+      True since fare rules can always be merged.
+    """
+    rules = set()
+    for (schedule, merge_map, zone_map) in ([self.feed_merger.a_schedule,
+                                             self.feed_merger.a_merge_map,
+                                             self.feed_merger.a_zone_map],
+                                            [self.feed_merger.b_schedule,
+                                             self.feed_merger.b_merge_map,
+                                             self.feed_merger.b_zone_map]):
+      for fare in schedule.GetFareAttributeList():
+        for fare_rule in fare.GetFareRuleList():
+          fare_id = merge_map[
+              schedule.GetFareAttribute(fare_rule.fare_id)].fare_id
+          route_id = (fare_rule.route_id and
+                      merge_map[schedule.GetRoute(fare_rule.route_id)].route_id)
+          origin_id = (fare_rule.origin_id and
+                       zone_map[fare_rule.origin_id])
+          destination_id = (fare_rule.destination_id and
+                            zone_map[fare_rule.destination_id])
+          contains_id = (fare_rule.contains_id and
+                         zone_map[fare_rule.contains_id])
+          rules.add((fare_id, route_id, origin_id, destination_id,
+                     contains_id))
+    for fare_rule_tuple in rules:
+      migrated_fare_rule = transitfeed.FareRule(*fare_rule_tuple)
+      self.feed_merger.merged_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(migrated_fare_rule)
+    if rules:
+      self.feed_merger.problem_reporter.FareRulesBroken(self)
+    print 'Fare Rules: union has %d fare rules' % len(rules)
+    return True
+  def GetMergeStats(self):
+    return None
+class FeedMerger(object):
+  """A class for merging two whole feeds.
+  This class takes two instances of transitfeed.Schedule and uses
+  DataSetMerger instances to merge the feeds and produce the resultant
+  merged feed.
+  Attributes:
+    a_schedule: The old transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+    b_schedule: The new transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+    problem_reporter: The merge problem reporter.
+    merged_schedule: The merged transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+    a_merge_map: A map from old entities to merged entities.
+    b_merge_map: A map from new entities to merged entities.
+    a_zone_map: A map from old zone ids to merged zone ids.
+    b_zone_map: A map from new zone ids to merged zone ids.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+               problem_reporter):
+    """Initialise the merger.
+    Once this initialiser has been called, a_schedule and b_schedule should
+    not be modified.
+    Args:
+      a_schedule: The old schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
+      b_schedule: The new schedule, an instance of transitfeed.Schedule.
+      problem_reporter: The problem reporter, an instance of
+                        transitfeed.ProblemReporter.
+    """
+    self.a_schedule = a_schedule
+    self.b_schedule = b_schedule
+    self.merged_schedule = merged_schedule
+    self.a_merge_map = {}
+    self.b_merge_map = {}
+    self.a_zone_map = {}
+    self.b_zone_map = {}
+    self._mergers = []
+    self._idnum = max(self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.a_schedule),
+                      self._FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self.b_schedule))
+    self.problem_reporter = problem_reporter
+  def _FindLargestIdPostfixNumber(self, schedule):
+    """Finds the largest integer used as the ending of an id in the schedule.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The schedule to check.
+    Returns:
+      The maximum integer used as an ending for an id.
+    """
+    postfix_number_re = re.compile('(\d+)$')
+    def ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id):
+      """Try to extract an integer from the end of entity_id.
+      If entity_id is None or if there is no integer ending the id, zero is
+      returned.
+      Args:
+        entity_id: An id string or None.
+      Returns:
+        An integer ending the entity_id or zero.
+      """
+      if entity_id is None:
+        return 0
+      match = postfix_number_re.search(entity_id)
+      if match is not None:
+        return int(match.group(1))
+      else:
+        return 0
+    id_data_sets = {'agency_id': schedule.GetAgencyList(),
+                    'stop_id': schedule.GetStopList(),
+                    'route_id': schedule.GetRouteList(),
+                    'trip_id': schedule.GetTripList(),
+                    'service_id': schedule.GetServicePeriodList(),
+                    'fare_id': schedule.GetFareAttributeList(),
+                    'shape_id': schedule.GetShapeList()}
+    max_postfix_number = 0
+    for id_name, entity_list in id_data_sets.items():
+      for entity in entity_list:
+        entity_id = getattr(entity, id_name)
+        postfix_number = ExtractPostfixNumber(entity_id)
+        max_postfix_number = max(max_postfix_number, postfix_number)
+    return max_postfix_number
+  def GetScheduleName(self, schedule):
+    """Returns a single letter identifier for the schedule.
+    This only works for the old and new schedules which return 'a' and 'b'
+    respectively. The purpose of such identifiers is for generating ids.
+    Args:
+      schedule: The transitfeed.Schedule instance.
+    Returns:
+      The schedule identifier.
+    Raises:
+      KeyError: schedule is not the old or new schedule.
+    """
+    return {self.a_schedule: 'a', self.b_schedule: 'b'}[schedule]
+  def GenerateId(self, entity_id=None):
+    """Generate a unique id based on the given id.
+    This is done by appending a counter which is then incremented. The
+    counter is initialised at the maximum number used as an ending for
+    any id in the old and new schedules.
+    Args:
+      entity_id: The base id string. This is allowed to be None.
+    Returns:
+      The generated id.
+    """
+    self._idnum += 1
+    if entity_id:
+      return '%s_merged_%d' % (entity_id, self._idnum)
+    else:
+      return 'merged_%d' % self._idnum
+  def Register(self, a, b, migrated_entity):
+    """Registers a merge mapping.
+    If a and b are both not None, this means that entities a and b were merged
+    to produce migrated_entity. If one of a or b are not None, then it means
+    it was not merged but simply migrated.
+    The effect of a call to register is to update a_merge_map and b_merge_map
+    according to the merge. Also the private attributes _migrated_entity of a
+    and b are set to migrated_entity.
+    Args:
+      a: The entity from the old feed or None.
+      b: The entity from the new feed or None.
+      migrated_entity: The migrated entity.
+    """
+    # There are a few places where code needs to find the corresponding
+    # migrated entity of an object without knowing in which original schedule
+    # the entity started. With a_merge_map and b_merge_map both have to be
+    # checked. Use of the _migrated_entity attribute allows the migrated entity
+    # to be directly found without the schedule.  The merge maps also require
+    # that all objects be hashable. GenericGTFSObject is at the moment, but
+    # this is a bug. See comment in transitfeed.GenericGTFSObject.
+    if a is not None:
+      self.a_merge_map[a] = migrated_entity
+      a._migrated_entity = migrated_entity
+    if b is not None:
+      self.b_merge_map[b] = migrated_entity
+      b._migrated_entity = migrated_entity
+  def AddMerger(self, merger):
+    """Add a DataSetMerger to be run by Merge().
+    Args:
+      merger: The DataSetMerger instance.
+    """
+    self._mergers.append(merger)
+  def AddDefaultMergers(self):
+    """Adds the default DataSetMergers defined in this module."""
+    self.AddMerger(AgencyMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(StopMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(RouteMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(ServicePeriodMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(FareMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(ShapeMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(TripMerger(self))
+    self.AddMerger(FareRuleMerger(self))
+  def GetMerger(self, cls):
+    """Looks for an added DataSetMerger derived from the given class.
+    Args:
+      cls: A class derived from DataSetMerger.
+    Returns:
+      The matching DataSetMerger instance.
+    Raises:
+      LookupError: No matching DataSetMerger has been added.
+    """
+    for merger in self._mergers:
+      if isinstance(merger, cls):
+        return merger
+    raise LookupError('No matching DataSetMerger found')
+  def GetMergerList(self):
+    """Returns the list of DataSetMerger instances that have been added."""
+    return self._mergers
+  def MergeSchedules(self):
+    """Merge the schedules.
+    This is done by running the DataSetMergers that have been added with
+    AddMerger() in the order that they were added.
+    Returns:
+      True if the merge was successful.
+    """
+    for merger in self._mergers:
+      if not merger.MergeDataSets():
+        return False
+    return True
+  def GetMergedSchedule(self):
+    """Returns the merged schedule.
+    This will be empty before MergeSchedules() is called.
+    Returns:
+      The merged schedule.
+    """
+    return self.merged_schedule
+def main():
+  """Run the merge driver program."""
+  usage = \
+"""%prog [options] <input GTFS a.zip> <input GTFS b.zip> <output GTFS.zip>
+Merges <input GTFS a.zip> and <input GTFS b.zip> into a new GTFS file
+<output GTFS.zip>.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('--cutoff_date',
+                    dest='cutoff_date',
+                    default=None,
+                    help='a transition date from the old feed to the new '
+                    'feed in the format YYYYMMDD')
+  parser.add_option('--largest_stop_distance',
+                    dest='largest_stop_distance',
+                    default=StopMerger.largest_stop_distance,
+                    help='the furthest distance two stops can be apart and '
+                    'still be merged, in metres')
+  parser.add_option('--largest_shape_distance',
+                    dest='largest_shape_distance',
+                    default=ShapeMerger.largest_shape_distance,
+                    help='the furthest distance the endpoints of two shapes '
+                    'can be apart and the shape still be merged, in metres')
+  parser.add_option('--html_output_path',
+                    dest='html_output_path',
+                    default='merge-results.html',
+                    help='write the html output to this file')
+  parser.add_option('--no_browser',
+                    dest='no_browser',
+                    action='store_true',
+                    help='prevents the merge results from being opened in a '
+                    'browser')
+  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
+                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
+                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
+  parser.set_defaults(memory_db=False)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) != 3:
+    parser.error('You did not provide all required command line arguments.')
+  old_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[0])
+  new_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
+  merged_feed_path = os.path.abspath(args[2])
+  if old_feed_path.find("IWantMyCrash") != -1:
+    # See test/testmerge.py
+    raise Exception('For testing the merge crash handler.')
+  a_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(old_feed_path, options.memory_db)
+  b_schedule = LoadWithoutErrors(new_feed_path, options.memory_db)
+  merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(memory_db=options.memory_db)
+  accumulator = HTMLProblemAccumulator()
+  problem_reporter = MergeProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  feed_merger = FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                           problem_reporter)
+  feed_merger.AddDefaultMergers()
+  feed_merger.GetMerger(StopMerger).SetLargestStopDistance(float(
+      options.largest_stop_distance))
+  feed_merger.GetMerger(ShapeMerger).SetLargestShapeDistance(float(
+      options.largest_shape_distance))
+  if options.cutoff_date is not None:
+    service_period_merger = feed_merger.GetMerger(ServicePeriodMerger)
+    service_period_merger.DisjoinCalendars(options.cutoff_date)
+  if feed_merger.MergeSchedules():
+    feed_merger.GetMergedSchedule().WriteGoogleTransitFeed(merged_feed_path)
+  else:
+    merged_feed_path = None
+  output_file = file(options.html_output_path, 'w')
+  accumulator.WriteOutput(output_file, feed_merger,
+                          old_feed_path, new_feed_path, merged_feed_path)
+  output_file.close()
+  if not options.no_browser:
+    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(options.html_output_path))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/schedule_viewer.py
@@ -1,1 +1,548 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
+You must provide a Google Maps API key.
+import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
+import bisect
+from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
+import gtfsscheduleviewer
+import mimetypes
+import os.path
+import re
+import signal
+import simplejson
+import socket
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+import urllib
+# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
+# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
+if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
+  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
+mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
+class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
+  def default(self, obj):
+    try:
+      iterable = iter(obj)
+    except TypeError:
+      pass
+    else:
+      return list(iterable)
+    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+# Code taken from
+# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/425210/index_txt
+# An alternate approach is shown at
+# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-July/212751.html
+# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
+# thread.
+class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+  def server_bind(self):
+    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
+    self.socket.settimeout(1)
+    self._run = True
+  def get_request(self):
+    while self._run:
+      try:
+        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
+        sock.settimeout(None)
+        return (sock, addr)
+      except socket.timeout:
+        pass
+  def stop(self):
+    self._run = False
+  def serve(self):
+    while self._run:
+      self.handle_request()
+def StopToTuple(stop):
+  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
+  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
+          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
+class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+  def do_GET(self):
+    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
+    parsed_params = {}
+    for k in params.split('&'):
+      k = urllib.unquote(k)
+      if '=' in k:
+        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
+        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
+      else:
+        parsed_params[k] = ''
+    if path == '/':
+      return self.handle_GET_home()
+    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
+    if m:
+      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
+      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
+      if callable(handler):
+        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
+    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
+    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
+    if m and m.group(1):
+      try:
+        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(m.group(1))
+        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
+      except IOError, e:
+        print "Error: unable to open %s" % m.group(1)
+        # Ignore and treat as 404
+    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
+    if m:
+      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' % m.group(1)
+      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
+      if callable(handler):
+        return handler(parsed_params)
+    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
+  def OpenFile(self, filename):
+    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
+    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
+    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
+    assert mime_type
+    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
+    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
+    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
+      mode = 'r'
+    else:
+      mode = 'rb'
+    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
+  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
+    self.send_error(404)
+  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
+    content = fh.read()
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def AllowEditMode(self):
+    return False
+  def handle_GET_home(self):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
+    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
+    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
+    key = self.server.key
+    host = self.server.host
+    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
+    # with the value of local variable xxx
+    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
+    content = f.read()
+    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
+              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
+      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
+    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
+    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
+    if not route:
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    date = params.get('date', "")
+    sample_size = 3  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
+    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    patterns = []
+    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
+      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
+      if not time_stops:
+        continue
+      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
+      # Iterating over a copy so we can remove from trips inside the loop
+      trips_with_service = []
+      for trip in trips:
+        service_id = trip.service_id
+        service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
+        if date and not service_period.IsActiveOn(date):
+          continue
+        trips_with_service.append(trip)
+        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
+          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
+      # We're only interested in the trips that do run on the specified date
+      trips = trips_with_service
+      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
+      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
+      num_trips = len(trips)
+      if num_trips <= sample_size:
+        start_sample_index = 0
+        num_after_sample = 0
+      else:
+        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
+        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
+        # search with a custom key.
+        start_sample_index = len(trips)
+        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
+          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
+            start_sample_index = i
+            break
+        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
+        if num_after_sample < 0:
+          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
+          # last sample_size trips.
+          num_after_sample = 0
+          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
+      sample = []
+      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
+        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
+      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
+                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
+    patterns.sort()
+    return patterns
+  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
+    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    result = handler(parsed_params)
+    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
+    """Return a list of all routes."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    result = []
+    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
+      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name) )
+    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
+    return result
+  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
+    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
+  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
+    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
+    trip."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
+    except KeyError:
+      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
+    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
+    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
+  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
+    except KeyError:
+       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
+    stops = []
+    times = []
+    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
+      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
+      times.append(arr)
+    return [stops, times]
+  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    try:
+      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
+    except KeyError:
+       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
+      return
+    points = []
+    if trip.shape_id:
+      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
+      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
+        points.append((lat, lon))
+    else:
+      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
+      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
+        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
+    return points
+  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
+    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
+    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
+    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
+    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
+    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
+  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
+    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
+    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
+    longitude line 180."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    n = float(params.get('n'))
+    e = float(params.get('e'))
+    s = float(params.get('s'))
+    w = float(params.get('w'))
+    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
+    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
+    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
+  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
+    matches = []
+    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
+        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
+    return matches
+  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
+    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
+    trips to visit the stop."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
+    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    date = params.get('date', "")
+    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
+    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
+    # Keep the first 5 after param 'time'.
+    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
+    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
+    time_trips = time_trips[:5]
+    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
+    result = []
+    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
+      service_id = trip.service_id
+      service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
+      if date and not service_period.IsActiveOn(date):
+        continue
+      headsign = None
+      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
+      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
+        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
+          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
+          break
+      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
+      if not headsign:
+        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
+      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+      trip_name = ''
+      if route.route_short_name:
+        trip_name += route.route_short_name
+      if route.route_long_name:
+        if len(trip_name):
+          trip_name += " - "
+        trip_name += route.route_long_name
+      if headsign:
+        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
+      result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
+    return result
+  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
+    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
+    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    marey = MareyGraph()
+    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
+    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
+    if not route:
+      print 'no such route'
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
+    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
+      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
+      self.send_error(404)
+      return
+    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
+    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
+    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
+    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
+    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
+    content = marey.Draw()
+    self.send_response(200)
+    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
+    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
+    self.end_headers()
+    self.wfile.write(content)
+def FindPy2ExeBase():
+  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
+  None"""
+  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in library.zip. For py2exe setup.py is
+  # configured to put the data next to library.zip.
+  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\library.zip\\')
+  if windows_ending != -1:
+    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
+  else:
+    return None
+def FindDefaultFileDir():
+  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
+  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where setup.py put
+  it."""
+  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
+  if base:
+    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
+  else:
+    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
+    # directory.
+    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip __init__.py
+    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
+def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
+  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
+  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
+  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
+  if windows_base:
+    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
+  else:
+    return 'key.txt'
+def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
+Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input GTFS.zip> in your browser.
+If <input GTFS.zip> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
+a file into the console may enter the filename.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
+                    help='file name of feed to load')
+  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
+                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
+                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
+  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
+  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
+                    help='port on which to listen')
+  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
+                    help='directory containing static files')
+  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
+                    dest='manual_entry',
+                    help='disable interactive prompts')
+  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
+                      host='maps.google.com',
+                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
+                      manual_entry=True)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
+    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
+    exit(1)
+  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
+    options.feed_filename = args[0]
+  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
+    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
+  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
+  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
+    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
+  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
+    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
+  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
+  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
+  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
+  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
+                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
+  server.key = options.key
+  server.schedule = schedule
+  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
+  server.host = options.host
+  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
+  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
+         (server.server_port))
+  server.serve_forever()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/setup.py
@@ -1,1 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This script can be used to create a source distribution, binary distribution
+or Windows executable files. The output is put in dist/
+for help on creating Windows executables.
+from distutils.core import setup
+import glob
+import os.path
+from transitfeed import __version__ as VERSION
+  import py2exe
+  has_py2exe = True
+except ImportError, e:
+  # Won't be able to generate win32 exe
+  has_py2exe = False
+# py2exe doesn't automatically include pytz dependency because it is optional
+options = {'py2exe': {'packages': ['pytz']}}
+scripts_for_py2exe = ['feedvalidator.py', 'schedule_viewer.py', 'kmlparser.py',
+                      'kmlwriter.py', 'merge.py', 'unusual_trip_filter.py']
+# On Nov 23, 2009 Tom Brown said: I'm not confident that we can include a
+# working copy of this script in the py2exe distribution because it depends on
+# ogr. I do want it included in the source tar.gz.
+scripts_for_source_only = ['shape_importer.py']
+kwargs = {}
+if has_py2exe:
+  kwargs['console'] = scripts_for_py2exe
+  # py2exe seems to ignore package_data and not add marey_graph. This makes it
+  # work.
+  kwargs['data_files'] = \
+      [('schedule_viewer_files',
+          glob.glob(os.path.join('gtfsscheduleviewer', 'files', '*')))]
+  options['py2exe'] = {'dist_dir': 'transitfeed-windows-binary-%s' % VERSION}
+    version=VERSION,
+    name='transitfeed',
+    url='http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/',
+    download_url='http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/'
+        'files/transitfeed-%s.tar.gz' % VERSION,
+    maintainer='Tom Brown',
+    maintainer_email='tom.brown.code@gmail.com',
+    description='Google Transit Feed Specification library and tools',
+    long_description='This module provides a library for reading, writing and '
+        'validating Google Transit Feed Specification files. It includes some '
+        'scripts that validate a feed, display it using the Google Maps API and '
+        'the start of a KML importer and exporter.',
+    platforms='OS Independent',
+    license='Apache License, Version 2.0',
+    packages=['gtfsscheduleviewer', 'transitfeed'],
+    # Also need to list package_data contents in MANIFEST.in for it to be
+    # included in sdist. See "[Distutils] package_data not used by sdist
+    # command" Feb 2, 2007
+    package_data={'gtfsscheduleviewer': ['files/*']},
+    scripts=scripts_for_py2exe + scripts_for_source_only,
+    zip_safe=False,
+    classifiers=[
+        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
+        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+        'Intended Audience :: Information Technology',
+        'Intended Audience :: Other Audience',
+        'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
+        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+        'Programming Language :: Python',
+        'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS',
+        'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules'
+        ],
+    options=options,
+    **kwargs
+    )
+if has_py2exe:
+  # Sometime between pytz-2008a and pytz-2008i common_timezones started to
+  # include only names of zones with a corresponding data file in zoneinfo.
+  # pytz installs the zoneinfo directory tree in the same directory
+  # as the pytz/__init__.py file. These data files are loaded using
+  # pkg_resources.resource_stream. py2exe does not copy this to library.zip so
+  # resource_stream can't find the files and common_timezones is empty when
+  # read in the py2exe executable.
+  # This manually copies zoneinfo into the zip. See also
+  # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=121
+  import pytz
+  import zipfile
+  # Make sure the layout of pytz hasn't changed
+  assert (pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.pyc') or
+          pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.py')), pytz.__file__
+  zoneinfo_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__), 'zoneinfo')
+  # '..\\Lib\\pytz\\__init__.py' -> '..\\Lib'
+  disk_basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__))
+  zipfile_path = os.path.join(options['py2exe']['dist_dir'], 'library.zip')
+  z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'a')
+  for absdir, directories, filenames in os.walk(zoneinfo_dir):
+    assert absdir.startswith(disk_basedir), (absdir, disk_basedir)
+    zip_dir = absdir[len(disk_basedir):]
+    for f in filenames:
+      z.write(os.path.join(absdir, f), os.path.join(zip_dir, f))
+  z.close()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/shape_importer.py
@@ -1,1 +1,291 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A utility program to help add shapes to an existing GTFS feed.
+Requires the ogr python package.
+__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
+import csv
+import glob
+import ogr
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import shapelib
+from transitfeed import util
+import zipfile
+class ShapeImporterError(Exception):
+  pass
+def PrintColumns(shapefile):
+  """
+  Print the columns of layer 0 of the shapefile to the screen.
+  """
+  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
+  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
+  if len(layer) == 0:
+    raise ShapeImporterError("Layer 0 has no elements!")
+  feature = layer.GetFeature(0)
+  print "%d features" % feature.GetFieldCount()
+  for j in range(0, feature.GetFieldCount()):
+    print '--' + feature.GetFieldDefnRef(j).GetName() + \
+          ': ' + feature.GetFieldAsString(j)
+def AddShapefile(shapefile, graph, key_cols):
+  """
+  Adds shapes found in the given shape filename to the given polyline
+  graph object.
+  """
+  ds = ogr.Open(shapefile)
+  layer = ds.GetLayer(0)
+  for i in range(0, len(layer)):
+    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
+    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
+    if key_cols:
+      key_list = []
+      for col in key_cols:
+        key_list.append(str(feature.GetField(col)))
+      shape_id = '-'.join(key_list)
+    else:
+      shape_id = '%s-%d' % (shapefile, i)
+    poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape_id)
+    for j in range(0, geometry.GetPointCount()):
+      (lat, lng) = (round(geometry.GetY(j), 15), round(geometry.GetX(j), 15))
+      poly.AddPoint(shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(lat, lng))
+    graph.AddPoly(poly)
+  return graph
+def GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trip, matches, max_distance, verbosity=0):
+  """
+  Tries to find a matching shape for the given pattern Poly object,
+  trip, and set of possibly matching Polys from which to choose a match.
+  """
+  if len(matches) == 0:
+    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
+           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id))
+    return None
+  if verbosity >= 1:
+    for match in matches:
+      print "match: size %d" % match.GetNumPoints()
+  scores = [(pattern_poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(match), match)
+            for match in matches]
+  scores.sort()
+  if scores[0][0] > max_distance:
+    print ('No matching shape found within max-distance %d for trip %s '
+           '(min score was %f)'
+           % (max_distance, trip.trip_id, scores[0][0]))
+    return None
+  return scores[0][1]
+def AddExtraShapes(extra_shapes_txt, graph):
+  """
+  Add extra shapes into our input set by parsing them out of a GTFS-formatted
+  shapes.txt file.  Useful for manually adding lines to a shape file, since it's
+  a pain to edit .shp files.
+  """
+  print "Adding extra shapes from %s" % extra_shapes_txt
+  try:
+    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    shutil.copy(extra_shapes_txt, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'shapes.txt'))
+    loader = transitfeed.ShapeLoader(tmpdir)
+    schedule = loader.Load()
+    for shape in schedule.GetShapeList():
+      print "Adding extra shape: %s" % shape.shape_id
+      graph.AddPoly(ShapeToPoly(shape))
+  finally:
+    if tmpdir:
+      shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+# Note: this method lives here to avoid cross-dependencies between
+# shapelib and transitfeed.
+def ShapeToPoly(shape):
+  poly = shapelib.Poly(name=shape.shape_id)
+  for lat, lng, distance in shape.points:
+    point = shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(round(lat, 15), round(lng, 15))
+    poly.AddPoint(point)
+  return poly
+def ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args):
+  if not (args and options.source_gtfs and options.dest_gtfs):
+    options_parser.error("You must specify a source and dest GTFS file, "
+                         "and at least one source shapefile")
+def DefineOptions():
+  usage = \
+"""%prog [options] --source_gtfs=<input GTFS.zip> --dest_gtfs=<output GTFS.zip>\
+ <input.shp> [<input.shp>...]
+Try to match shapes in one or more SHP files to trips in a GTFS file."""
+  options_parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  options_parser.add_option("--print_columns",
+                            action="store_true",
+                            default=False,
+                            dest="print_columns",
+                            help="Print column names in shapefile DBF and exit")
+  options_parser.add_option("--keycols",
+                            default="",
+                            dest="keycols",
+                            help="Comma-separated list of the column names used"
+                                 "to index shape ids")
+  options_parser.add_option("--max_distance",
+                            type="int",
+                            default=150,
+                            dest="max_distance",
+                            help="Max distance from a shape to which to match")
+  options_parser.add_option("--source_gtfs",
+                            default="",
+                            dest="source_gtfs",
+                            metavar="FILE",
+                            help="Read input GTFS from FILE")
+  options_parser.add_option("--dest_gtfs",
+                            default="",
+                            dest="dest_gtfs",
+                            metavar="FILE",
+                            help="Write output GTFS with shapes to FILE")
+  options_parser.add_option("--extra_shapes",
+                            default="",
+                            dest="extra_shapes",
+                            metavar="FILE",
+                            help="Extra shapes.txt (CSV) formatted file")
+  options_parser.add_option("--verbosity",
+                            type="int",
+                            default=0,
+                            dest="verbosity",
+                            help="Verbosity level. Higher is more verbose")
+  return options_parser
+def main(key_cols):
+  print 'Parsing shapefile(s)...'
+  graph = shapelib.PolyGraph()
+  for arg in args:
+    print '  ' + arg
+    AddShapefile(arg, graph, key_cols)
+  if options.extra_shapes:
+    AddExtraShapes(options.extra_shapes, graph)
+  print 'Loading GTFS from %s...' % options.source_gtfs
+  schedule = transitfeed.Loader(options.source_gtfs).Load()
+  shape_count = 0
+  pattern_count = 0
+  verbosity = options.verbosity
+  print 'Matching shapes to trips...'
+  for route in schedule.GetRouteList():
+    print 'Processing route', route.route_short_name
+    patterns = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
+    for pattern_id, trips in patterns.iteritems():
+      pattern_count += 1
+      pattern = trips[0].GetPattern()
+      poly_points = [shapelib.Point.FromLatLng(p.stop_lat, p.stop_lon)
+                     for p in pattern]
+      if verbosity >= 2:
+        print "\npattern %d, %d points:" % (pattern_id, len(poly_points))
+        for i, (stop, point) in enumerate(zip(pattern, poly_points)):
+          print "Stop %d '%s': %s" % (i + 1, stop.stop_name, point.ToLatLng())
+      # First, try to find polys that run all the way from
+      # the start of the trip to the end.
+      matches = graph.FindMatchingPolys(poly_points[0], poly_points[-1],
+                                        options.max_distance)
+      if not matches:
+        # Try to find a path through the graph, joining
+        # multiple edges to find a path that covers all the
+        # points in the trip.  Some shape files are structured
+        # this way, with a polyline for each segment between
+        # stations instead of a polyline covering an entire line.
+        shortest_path = graph.FindShortestMultiPointPath(poly_points,
+                                                         options.max_distance,
+                                                         verbosity=verbosity)
+        if shortest_path:
+          matches = [shortest_path]
+        else:
+          matches = []
+      pattern_poly = shapelib.Poly(poly_points)
+      shape_match = GetMatchingShape(pattern_poly, trips[0],
+                                     matches, options.max_distance,
+                                     verbosity=verbosity)
+      if shape_match:
+        shape_count += 1
+        # Rename shape for readability.
+        shape_match = shapelib.Poly(points=shape_match.GetPoints(),
+                                           name="shape_%d" % shape_count)
+        for trip in trips:
+          try:
+            shape = schedule.GetShape(shape_match.GetName())
+          except KeyError:
+            shape = transitfeed.Shape(shape_match.GetName())
+            for point in shape_match.GetPoints():
+              (lat, lng) = point.ToLatLng()
+              shape.AddPoint(lat, lng)
+            schedule.AddShapeObject(shape)
+          trip.shape_id = shape.shape_id
+  print "Matched %d shapes out of %d patterns" % (shape_count, pattern_count)
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.dest_gtfs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  # Import psyco if available for better performance.
+  try:
+    import psyco
+    psyco.full()
+  except ImportError:
+    pass
+  options_parser = DefineOptions()
+  (options, args) = options_parser.parse_args()
+  ValidateArgs(options_parser, options, args)
+  if options.print_columns:
+    for arg in args:
+      PrintColumns(arg)
+    sys.exit(0)
+  key_cols = options.keycols.split(',')
+  main(key_cols)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@




--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@



--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@




--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@






--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@

+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,

+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,

+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,

+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212



+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,


























--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,

+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION

+BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,

+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,

+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,

+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,

+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,

+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,

+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,

+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/transfers.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@




--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_date_format/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,

+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,




+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,

+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_eol.zip differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,

+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@

+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/bad_utf8/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@

+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/stops.txt differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/contains_null/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_schedule_id/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+FROG,Bull Frog,,36.881083,-116.817968
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,10,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/duplicate_stop_sequence/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/agency.txt

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/empty_file/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/extra_row_cells/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@



--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@


--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@



--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@





--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

+AB,DTA,10,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,

+BFC,DTA,20,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,

+STBA,DTA,30,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,


+AAMV,DTA,50,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/shapes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,80 @@
















































































--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@

+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,

+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,

+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,

+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,

+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,

+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,

+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,

+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,

+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/filter_unusual_trips/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,22 @@

+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,

+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,














+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,

+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,

+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+route_1,DTA,1,route with a single trip,,0,http://routes.com/route_1,FF0000,
+route_2,DTA,2,route with two trips and one component,test route desc 2,1,,00FF00,
+route_3,DTA,3,route with two trips and two components,test route desc 3,2,http://routes.com/route_3,,
+route_4,DTA,4,route with two equal trips,test route desc 4,3,http://routes.com/route_4,FFFF00,
+route_5,DTA,5,route with two trip but no graph,test route desc 5,4,http://routes.com/route_5,FF00FF,
+route_6,DTA,6,route with one trip and no stops,test route desc 6,5,http://routes.com/route_6,00FFFF,
+route_7,DTA,7,route with no trips,test route desc 7,6,http://routes.com/route_7,,
+route_8,DTA,8,route with a cyclic pattern,test route desc 8,7,http://routes.com/route_8,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/shapes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,14 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+stop1,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,http://stops.com/stop1
+stop2,Nye County Airport (Demo),the stop at Nye County Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+stop3,Bullfrog (Demo),the stop at Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,http://stops.com/stop3
+stop4,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),the stop at Stagecoach Hotel & Casino,36.915682,-116.751677,,http://stops.com/stop4
+stop5,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),the stop at North Ave / D Ave N,36.914893,-116.76821,,http://stops.com/stop5
+stop6,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),the stop at North Ave / N A Ave,36.914944,-116.761472,,http://stops.com/stop6
+stop7,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),the stop at Doing Ave / D Ave N,36.909489,-116.768242,,http://stops.com/stop7
+stop8,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),the stop at E Main St / S Irving St,36.905697,-116.76218,,http://stops.com/stop8
+stop9,Amargosa Valley (Demo),the stop at Amargosa Valley,36.641496,-116.40094,,http://stops.com/stop9

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/flatten_feed/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@

 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed.zip differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION
+BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/transfers.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/good_feed/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DVT,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/invalid_route_agency/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_agency/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_calendar/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_column/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_departure_time/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode short name,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,1,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,2,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_endpoint_times/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_routes/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,http://google.com
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Démonstration),,36.425288,-117.13316
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_row_cells/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stop_times/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_stops/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_trips/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/missing_weekday_column/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/negative_stop_sequence/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/one_line.kml
@@ -1,1 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
+  <name>A test file with one placemark</name>
+  <decription></decription>
+  <Placemark>
+    <name>Test</name>
+    <description></description>
+    <LineString>
+      <coordinates>
+        -93.238861,44.854240,0.000000
+        -93.238708,44.853081,0.000000
+        -93.237923,44.852638,0.000000
+      </coordinates>
+    </LineString>
+  </Placemark>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/one_stop.kml
@@ -1,1 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
+  <name>A test file with one placemark</name>
+  <decription></decription>
+  <Placemark>
+    <name>Stop Name</name>
+    <description></description>
+    <Point>
+      <coordinates>-93.239037,44.854164,0.000000</coordinates>
+    </Point>
+  </Placemark>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/only_calendar_dates/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+STBB,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/repeated_route_name/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/same_short_long_name/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,31 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/undefined_stop/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@
+DTA,Autorité de passage de démonstration,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,123 12314

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/frecuencias.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog ⇒ Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach ⇒ Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+CITY,DTA,Ō,Bar Circle,Route with ĸool unicode shortname,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport ⇒ Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+STBA,6:00:00,6:00:00,STAGECOACH,0,to airport,1,0,0.212
+CITY1,6:05:00,6:07:00,NANAA,5,going to nadav,2,3,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,,1234,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,0,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION
+BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,,1235,1,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,,,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,,1236,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,,1237,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,,1238,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,,,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,,,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/transfers.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_file/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unknown_format.zip
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+not a real zip file

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles,en

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/transfers.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unrecognized_columns/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+BOGUS,Bogus Stop (Demo),,36.914682,-116.750677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/unused_stop/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/agency.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/calendar.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/calendar_dates.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/fare_attributes.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/fare_rules.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/frequencies.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/routes.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/stop_times.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/stops.txt differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf16/trips.txt differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/agency.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+DTA,Demo Transit Authority,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/calendar.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/calendar_dates.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/fare_attributes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,4 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/fare_rules.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/frequencies.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/routes.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+AB,DTA,,Airport - Bullfrog,,3,,,
+BFC,DTA,,Bullfrog - Furnace Creek Resort,,3,,,
+STBA,DTA,,Stagecoach - Airport Shuttle,,3,,,
+AAMV,DTA,,Airport - Amargosa Valley,,3,,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/stop_times.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/stops.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+FUR_CREEK_RES,Furnace Creek Resort (Demo),,36.425288,-117.133162,,
+BEATTY_AIRPORT,Nye County Airport (Demo),,36.868446,-116.784582,,
+BULLFROG,Bullfrog (Demo),,36.88108,-116.81797,,
+STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel & Casino (Demo),,36.915682,-116.751677,,
+NADAV,North Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.914893,-116.76821,,
+NANAA,North Ave / N A Ave (Demo),,36.914944,-116.761472,,
+DADAN,Doing Ave / D Ave N (Demo),,36.909489,-116.768242,,
+EMSI,E Main St / S Irving St (Demo),,36.905697,-116.76218,,
+AMV,Amargosa Valley (Demo),,36.641496,-116.40094,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/data/utf8bom/trips.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+AB,FULLW,AB1,to Bullfrog,0,1,
+AB,FULLW,AB2,to Airport,1,2,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC1,to Furnace Creek Resort,0,1,
+BFC,FULLW,BFC2,to Bullfrog,1,2,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV1,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV2,to Airport,1,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV3,to Amargosa Valley,0,,
+AAMV,WE,AAMV4,to Airport,1,,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testexamples.py
@@ -1,1 +1,115 @@
+# Test the examples to make sure they are not broken
+import os
+import re
+import transitfeed
+import unittest
+import urllib
+import util
+class WikiExample(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  # Download example from wiki and run it
+  def runTest(self):
+    wiki_source = urllib.urlopen(
+        'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/TransitFeed.wiki'
+        ).read()
+    m = re.search(r'{{{(.*import transitfeed.*)}}}', wiki_source, re.DOTALL)
+    if not m:
+      raise Exception("Failed to find source code on wiki page")
+    wiki_code = m.group(1)
+    exec wiki_code
+class shuttle_from_xmlfeed(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py'),
+         '--input', 'file:' + self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.xml'),
+         '--output', 'shuttle-YYYYMMDD.zip',
+         # save the path of the dated output to tempfilepath
+         '--execute', 'echo %(path)s > outputpath'])
+    dated_path = open('outputpath').read().strip()
+    self.assertTrue(re.match(r'shuttle-20\d\d[01]\d[0123]\d.zip$', dated_path))
+    if not os.path.exists(dated_path):
+      raise Exception('did not create expected file')
+class table(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('table.py'),
+         '--input', self.GetExamplePath('table.txt'),
+         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
+    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+class small_builder(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('small_builder.py'),
+         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
+    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+class google_random_queries(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+  def testInvalidFeedStillWorks(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'invalid_route_agency')])
+    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+  def testBadArgs(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5'],
+        expected_retcode=2)
+    if os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should not have created output')
+class filter_unused_stops(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    unused_stop_path = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'unused_stop')
+    # Make sure load fails for input
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator(raise_warnings=True)
+    problem_reporter = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    try:
+      transitfeed.Loader(
+          unused_stop_path,
+          problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
+      self.fail('UnusedStop exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.UnusedStop, e:
+      pass
+    (stdout, stderr) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('filter_unused_stops.py'),
+         '--list_removed',
+         unused_stop_path, 'output.zip'])
+    # Extra stop was listed on stdout
+    self.assertNotEqual(stdout.find('Bogus Stop'), -1)
+    # Make sure unused stop was removed and another stop wasn't
+    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(
+        'output.zip', problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
+    schedule.GetStop('STAGECOACH')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testfeedvalidator.py
@@ -1,1 +1,459 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Smoke tests feed validator. Make sure it runs and returns the right things
+# for a valid feed and a feed with errors.
+import datetime
+import feedvalidator
+import os.path
+import re
+import StringIO
+import transitfeed
+import unittest
+from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
+import urllib2
+import util
+import zipfile
+class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testGoodFeed(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__, self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testGoodFeedConsoleOutput(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__,
+         '--output=CONSOLE', self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testMissingStops(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__,
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Invalid value BEATTY_AIRPORT', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testMissingStopsConsoleOutput(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '-o', 'console',
+         '--latest_version', transitfeed.__version__,
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Invalid value BEATTY_AIRPORT', out))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testLimitedErrors(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-l', '2', '-n',
+         '--latest_version', transitfeed.__version__,
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'missing_stops')],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertEquals(2, len(re.findall(r'class="problem">stop_id<', htmlout)))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testBadDateFormat(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__,
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'bad_date_format')],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'in field <code>start_date', htmlout))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'in field <code>date', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testBadUtf8(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__, self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'bad_utf8')],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'ERROR', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Unicode error', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testFileNotFound(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__, 'file-not-found.zip'],
+        expected_retcode=1)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testBadOutputPath(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__, '-o', 'path/does/not/exist.html',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')],
+        expected_retcode=2)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testCrashHandler(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         transitfeed.__version__, 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt'],
+        expected_retcode=127)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Yikes', out))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'For testing the feed validator crash handler',
+                              crashout))
+  def testCheckVersionIsRun(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '--latest_version',
+         '100.100.100', self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', out))
+    htmlout = open('validation-results.html').read()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(re.search(r'ERROR', htmlout))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testCheckVersionIsRunConsoleOutput(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '-n', '-o', 'console',
+         '--latest_version=100.100.100',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'feed validated successfully', out))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', out))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testUsage(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('feedvalidator.py'), '--invalid_opt'], expected_retcode=2)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'[Uu]sage: feedvalidator.py \[options\]', err)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'wiki/FeedValidator', err)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'--output', err)  # output includes all usage info
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('validation-results.html'))
+# Regression tests to ensure that CalendarSummary works properly
+# even when the feed starts in the future or expires in less than
+# 60 days
+# See http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=204
+class CalendarSummaryTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  # Test feeds starting in the future
+  def testFutureFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
+      today = datetime.date.today()
+      start_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=20)
+      end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=80)
+      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
+      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
+      self.assertTrue(re.search("40 service dates", result['max_trips_dates']))
+  # Test feeds ending in less than 60 days
+  def testShortFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
+      start_date = datetime.date.today()
+      end_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=15)
+      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
+      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
+      self.assertTrue(re.search("15 service dates", result['max_trips_dates']))
+  # Test feeds starting in the future *and* ending in less than 60 days
+  def testFutureAndShortFeedDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
+      today = datetime.date.today()
+      start_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+      end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
+      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+      service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+      service_period.SetStartDate(start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetEndDate(end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
+      service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
+      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['max_trips'])
+      self.assertEquals(0, result['min_trips'])
+      self.assertTrue(re.search("1 service date", result['max_trips_dates']))
+  # Test feeds without service days
+  def testFeedWithNoDaysDoesNotCrashCalendarSummary(self):
+      schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+      result = feedvalidator.CalendarSummary(schedule)
+      self.assertEquals({}, result)
+class MockOptions:
+  """Pretend to be an optparse options object suitable for testing."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.limit_per_type = 5
+    self.memory_db = True
+    self.check_duplicate_trips = True
+    self.latest_version = transitfeed.__version__
+    self.output = 'fake-filename.zip'
+    self.manual_entry = False
+    self.service_gap_interval = None
+    self.extension = None
+class FeedValidatorTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testBadEolContext(self):
+    """Make sure the filename is included in the report of a bad eol."""
+    filename = "routes.txt"
+    old_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(
+        self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed.zip'), 'r')
+    content_dict = self.ConvertZipToDict(old_zip)
+    old_routes = content_dict[filename]
+    new_routes = old_routes.replace('\n', '\r\n', 1)
+    self.assertNotEquals(old_routes, new_routes)
+    content_dict[filename] = new_routes
+    new_zipfile_mem = self.ConvertDictToZip(content_dict)
+    options = MockOptions()
+    output_file = StringIO.StringIO()
+    feedvalidator.RunValidationOutputToFile(
+        new_zipfile_mem, options, output_file)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(filename, output_file.getvalue())
+class LimitPerTypeProblemReporterTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(self, limit):
+    accumulator = feedvalidator.LimitPerTypeProblemAccumulator(limit)
+    problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    return problems
+  def assertProblemsAttribute(self, problem_type, class_name, attribute_name,
+                              expected):
+    """Join the value of each exception's attribute_name in order."""
+    problem_attribute_list = []
+    for e in self.problems.GetAccumulator().ProblemList(
+        problem_type, class_name).problems:
+      problem_attribute_list.append(getattr(e, attribute_name))
+    self.assertEquals(expected, " ".join(problem_attribute_list))
+  def testLimitOtherProblems(self):
+    """The first N of each type should be kept."""
+    self.problems = self.CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(2)
+    self.accumulator = self.problems.GetAccumulator()
+    self.problems.OtherProblem("e1", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
+    self.problems.OtherProblem("w1", type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.problems.OtherProblem("e2", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
+    self.problems.OtherProblem("e3", type=transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR)
+    self.problems.OtherProblem("w2", type=transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.assertEquals(2, self.accumulator.WarningCount())
+    self.assertEquals(3, self.accumulator.ErrorCount())
+    # These are BoundedProblemList objects
+    warning_bounded_list = self.accumulator.ProblemList(
+        transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING, "OtherProblem")
+    error_bounded_list = self.accumulator.ProblemList(
+        transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEquals(2, warning_bounded_list.count)
+    self.assertEquals(3, error_bounded_list.count)
+    self.assertEquals(0, warning_bounded_list.dropped_count)
+    self.assertEquals(1, error_bounded_list.dropped_count)
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR,  "OtherProblem",
+        "description", "e1 e2")
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,  "OtherProblem",
+        "description", "w1 w2")
+  def testKeepUnsorted(self):
+    """An imperfect test that insort triggers ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__."""
+    # If ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__ doesn't trigger TypeError in
+    # bisect.insort then the default comparison of object id will be used. The
+    # id values tend to be given out in order of creation so call
+    # problems._Report with objects in a different order. This test should
+    # break if ExceptionWithContext.__cmp__ is removed or changed to return 0
+    # or cmp(id(self), id(y)).
+    exceptions = []
+    for i in range(20):
+      exceptions.append(transitfeed.OtherProblem(description="e%i" % i))
+    exceptions = exceptions[10:] + exceptions[:10]
+    self.problems = self.CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
+    self.accumulator = self.problems.GetAccumulator()
+    for e in exceptions:
+      self.problems.AddToAccumulator(e)
+    self.assertEquals(0, self.accumulator.WarningCount())
+    self.assertEquals(20, self.accumulator.ErrorCount())
+    bounded_list = self.accumulator.ProblemList(
+        transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEquals(20, bounded_list.count)
+    self.assertEquals(17, bounded_list.dropped_count)
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR,  "OtherProblem",
+        "description", "e10 e11 e12")
+  def testLimitSortedTooFastTravel(self):
+    """Sort by decreasing distance, keeping the N greatest."""
+    self.problems = self.CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
+    self.accumulator = self.problems.GetAccumulator()
+    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t1", "prev stop", "next stop", 11230.4, 5,
+        None)
+    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t2", "prev stop", "next stop", 1120.4, 5, None)
+    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t3", "prev stop", "next stop", 1130.4, 5, None)
+    self.problems.TooFastTravel("t4", "prev stop", "next stop", 1230.4, 5, None)
+    self.assertEquals(0, self.accumulator.WarningCount())
+    self.assertEquals(4, self.accumulator.ErrorCount())
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_ERROR, "TooFastTravel",
+        "trip_id", "t1 t4 t3")
+  def testLimitSortedStopTooFarFromParentStation(self):
+    """Sort by decreasing distance, keeping the N greatest."""
+    self.problems = self.CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
+    self.accumulator = self.problems.GetAccumulator()
+    for i, distance in enumerate((1000, 3002.0, 1500, 2434.1, 5023.21)):
+      self.problems.StopTooFarFromParentStation(
+          "s%d" % i, "S %d" % i, "p%d" % i, "P %d" % i, distance)
+    self.assertEquals(5, self.accumulator.WarningCount())
+    self.assertEquals(0, self.accumulator.ErrorCount())
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
+        "StopTooFarFromParentStation", "stop_id", "s4 s1 s3")
+  def testLimitSortedStopsTooClose(self):
+    """Sort by increasing distance, keeping the N closest."""
+    self.problems = self.CreateLimitPerTypeProblemReporter(3)
+    self.accumulator = self.problems.GetAccumulator()
+    for i, distance in enumerate((4.0, 3.0, 2.5, 2.2, 1.0, 0.0)):
+      self.problems.StopsTooClose(
+          "Sa %d" % i, "sa%d" % i, "Sb %d" % i, "sb%d" % i, distance)
+    self.assertEquals(6, self.accumulator.WarningCount())
+    self.assertEquals(0, self.accumulator.ErrorCount())
+    self.assertProblemsAttribute(transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING,
+        "StopsTooClose", "stop_id_a", "sa5 sa4 sa3")
+class CheckVersionTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mock = MockURLOpen()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mock = None
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
+  def testAssignedDifferentVersion(self):
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion('100.100.100')
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.100.100', problems))
+  def testAssignedSameVersion(self):
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion(transitfeed.__version__)
+    self.assertEquals(problems, None)
+  def testGetCorrectReturns(self):
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedConnectSuccess
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'A new version 100.0.1', problems))
+  def testPageNotFound(self):
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedPageNotFound
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'The server couldn\'t', problems))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Error code: 404', problems))
+  def testConnectionTimeOut(self):
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedConnectionTimeOut
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We failed to reach', problems))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Reason: Connection timed', problems))
+  def testGetAddrInfoFailed(self):
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedGetAddrInfoFailed
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We failed to reach', problems))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'Reason: Getaddrinfo failed', problems))
+  def testEmptyIsReturned(self):
+    feedvalidator.urlopen = self.mock.mockedEmptyIsReturned
+    problems = feedvalidator.CheckVersion()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r'We had trouble parsing', problems))
+class MockURLOpen:
+  """Pretend to be a urllib2.urlopen suitable for testing."""
+  def mockedConnectSuccess(self, request):
+    return StringIO.StringIO('<li><a href="transitfeed-1.0.0/">transitfeed-'
+                             '1.0.0/</a></li><li><a href=transitfeed-100.0.1/>'
+                             'transitfeed-100.0.1/</a></li>')
+  def mockedPageNotFound(self, request):
+    raise HTTPError(request.get_full_url(), 404, 'Not Found',
+                    request.header_items(), None)
+  def mockedConnectionTimeOut(self, request):
+    raise URLError('Connection timed out')
+  def mockedGetAddrInfoFailed(self, request):
+    raise URLError('Getaddrinfo failed')
+  def mockedEmptyIsReturned(self, request):
+    return StringIO.StringIO()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testkmlparser.py
@@ -1,1 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unit tests for the kmlparser module.
+import kmlparser
+import os.path
+import shutil
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import transitfeed
+import unittest
+import util
+class TestStopsParsing(util.GetPathTestCase):
+  def testSingleStop(self):
+    feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    kmlFile = self.GetTestDataPath('one_stop.kml')
+    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(kmlFile, feed)
+    stops = feed.GetStopList()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(stops))
+    stop = stops[0]
+    self.assertEqual(u'Stop Name', stop.stop_name)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.239037, stop.stop_lon)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.854164, stop.stop_lat)
+    write_output = StringIO()
+    feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
+  def testSingleShape(self):
+    feed = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    kmlFile = self.GetTestDataPath('one_line.kml')
+    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(kmlFile, feed)
+    shapes = feed.GetShapeList()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(shapes))
+    shape = shapes[0]
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(shape.points))
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.854240, shape.points[0][0])
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.238861, shape.points[0][1])
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.853081, shape.points[1][0])
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.238708, shape.points[1][1])
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(44.852638, shape.points[2][0])
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(-93.237923, shape.points[2][1])
+    write_output = StringIO()
+    feed.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
+class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    shutil.copyfile(self.GetTestDataPath('one_stop.kml'), 'one_stop.kml')
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('kmlparser.py'), 'one_stop.kml', 'one_stop.zip'])
+    # There will be lots of problems, but ignore them
+    accumulator = util.RecordingProblemAccumulator(self)
+    problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    schedule = transitfeed.Loader('one_stop.zip', problems=problems).Load()
+    self.assertEquals(len(schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testCommandLineError(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath([self.GetPath('kmlparser.py')],
+                                        expected_retcode=2)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'did not provide .+ arguments', err)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'[Uu]sage:', err)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testCrashHandler(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('kmlparser.py'), 'IWantMyCrash', 'output.zip'],
+        stdin_str="\n", expected_retcode=127)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
+    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testCrashHandler', crashout)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testkmlwriter.py
@@ -1,1 +1,394 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unit tests for the kmlwriter module."""
+import os
+import StringIO
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import kmlparser
+import kmlwriter
+import transitfeed
+import util
+  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
+except ImportError, e:
+  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
+def DataPath(path):
+  """Return the path to a given file in the test data directory.
+  Args:
+    path: The path relative to the test data directory.
+  Returns:
+    The absolute path.
+  """
+  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+  return os.path.join(here, 'data', path)
+def _ElementToString(root):
+  """Returns the node as an XML string.
+  Args:
+    root: The ElementTree.Element instance.
+  Returns:
+    The XML string.
+  """
+  output = StringIO.StringIO()
+  ET.ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
+  return output.getvalue()
+class TestKMLStopsRoundtrip(util.TestCase):
+  """Checks to see whether all stops are preserved when going to and from KML.
+  """
+  def setUp(self):
+    fd, self.kml_output = tempfile.mkstemp('kml')
+    os.close(fd)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    os.remove(self.kml_output)
+  def runTest(self):
+    gtfs_input = DataPath('good_feed.zip')
+    feed1 = transitfeed.Loader(gtfs_input).Load()
+    kmlwriter.KMLWriter().Write(feed1, self.kml_output)
+    feed2 = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    kmlparser.KmlParser().Parse(self.kml_output, feed2)
+    stop_name_mapper = lambda x: x.stop_name
+    stops1 = set(map(stop_name_mapper, feed1.GetStopList()))
+    stops2 = set(map(stop_name_mapper, feed2.GetStopList()))
+    self.assertEqual(stops1, stops2)
+class TestKMLGeneratorMethods(util.TestCase):
+  """Tests the various KML element creation methods of KMLWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
+    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
+  def testCreateFolderVisible(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name></Folder>')
+  def testCreateFolderNotVisible(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name',
+                                           visible=False)
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name>'
+                     '<visibility>0</visibility></Folder>')
+  def testCreateFolderWithDescription(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateFolder(self.parent, 'folder_name',
+                                           description='folder_desc')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Folder><name>folder_name</name>'
+                     '<description>folder_desc</description></Folder>')
+  def testCreatePlacemark(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name></Placemark>')
+  def testCreatePlacemarkWithStyle(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
+                                              style_id='ghijkl')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
+                     '<styleUrl>#ghijkl</styleUrl></Placemark>')
+  def testCreatePlacemarkNotVisible(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
+                                              visible=False)
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
+                     '<visibility>0</visibility></Placemark>')
+  def testCreatePlacemarkWithDescription(self):
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreatePlacemark(self.parent, 'abcdef',
+                                              description='ghijkl')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<Placemark><name>abcdef</name>'
+                     '<description>ghijkl</description></Placemark>')
+  def testCreateLineString(self):
+    coord_list = [(2.0, 1.0), (4.0, 3.0), (6.0, 5.0)]
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineString(self.parent, coord_list)
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
+                     '<coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f</coordinates>'
+                     '</LineString>' % (2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0, 6.0, 5.0))
+  def testCreateLineStringWithAltitude(self):
+    coord_list = [(2.0, 1.0, 10), (4.0, 3.0, 20), (6.0, 5.0, 30.0)]
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineString(self.parent, coord_list)
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
+                     '<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>'
+                     '<coordinates>%f,%f,%f %f,%f,%f %f,%f,%f</coordinates>'
+                     '</LineString>' %
+                     (2.0, 1.0, 10.0, 4.0, 3.0, 20.0, 6.0, 5.0, 30.0))
+  def testCreateLineStringForShape(self):
+    shape = transitfeed.Shape('shape')
+    shape.AddPoint(1.0, 1.0)
+    shape.AddPoint(2.0, 4.0)
+    shape.AddPoint(3.0, 9.0)
+    element = self.kmlwriter._CreateLineStringForShape(self.parent, shape)
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(element),
+                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
+                     '<coordinates>%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f</coordinates>'
+                     '</LineString>' % (1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0, 9.0, 3.0))
+class TestRouteKML(util.TestCase):
+  """Tests the routes folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
+    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
+    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
+  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderNoPatterns(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_7'))
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderOnePattern(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_1'))
+    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 1)
+  def testCreateRoutePatternsFolderTwoPatterns(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_3'))
+    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 2)
+  def testCreateRoutePatternFolderTwoEqualPatterns(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutePatternsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
+    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 1)
+  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderOneTripOneShape(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
+        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_1'))
+    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 1)
+  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsTwoShapes(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
+        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_2'))
+    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 2)
+  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsOneShape(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
+        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_3'))
+    self.assertEqual(len(folder.findall('Placemark')), 1)
+  def testCreateRouteShapesFolderTwoTripsNoShapes(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteShapesFolder(
+        self.feed, self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(self, tripids, folder):
+    """Assert that the route folder contains exactly tripids"""
+    actual_tripds = set()
+    for placemark in folder.findall('Placemark'):
+      actual_tripds.add(placemark.find('name').text)
+    self.assertEquals(set(tripids), actual_tripds)
+  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteTwoTrips(self):
+    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_2')
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
+    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_2_1', 'route_2_2'], folder)
+  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteDateFilterNone(self):
+    self.kmlwriter.date_filter = None
+    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_8')
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
+    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_8_1', 'route_8_2'], folder)
+  def testCreateTripsFolderForRouteDateFilterSet(self):
+    self.kmlwriter.date_filter = '20070604'
+    route = self.feed.GetRoute('route_8')
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(self.parent, route)
+    self.assertRouteFolderContainsTrips(['route_8_2'], folder)
+  def _GetTripPlacemark(self, route_folder, trip_name):
+    for trip_placemark in route_folder.findall('Placemark'):
+      if trip_placemark.find('name').text == trip_name:
+        return trip_placemark
+  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderAltitude0(self):
+    self.kmlwriter.altitude_per_sec = 0.0
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
+    trip_placemark = self._GetTripPlacemark(folder, 'route_4_1')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(trip_placemark.find('LineString')),
+                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
+                     '<coordinates>-117.133162,36.425288 '
+                     '-116.784582,36.868446 '
+                     '-116.817970,36.881080</coordinates></LineString>')
+  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderAltitude1(self):
+    self.kmlwriter.altitude_per_sec = 0.5
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_4'))
+    trip_placemark = self._GetTripPlacemark(folder, 'route_4_1')
+    self.assertEqual(_ElementToString(trip_placemark.find('LineString')),
+                     '<LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate>'
+                     '<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>'
+                     '<coordinates>-117.133162,36.425288,3600.000000 '
+                     '-116.784582,36.868446,5400.000000 '
+                     '-116.817970,36.881080,7200.000000</coordinates>'
+                     '</LineString>')
+  def testCreateRouteTripsFolderNoTrips(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRouteTripsFolder(
+        self.parent, self.feed.GetRoute('route_7'))
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def testCreateRoutesFolderNoRoutes(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(schedule, self.parent)
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def testCreateRoutesFolderNoRoutesWithRouteType(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent, 999)
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def _TestCreateRoutesFolder(self, show_trips):
+    self.kmlwriter.show_trips = show_trips
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent)
+    self.assertEquals(folder.tag, 'Folder')
+    styles = self.parent.findall('Style')
+    self.assertEquals(len(styles), len(self.feed.GetRouteList()))
+    route_folders = folder.findall('Folder')
+    self.assertEquals(len(route_folders), len(self.feed.GetRouteList()))
+  def testCreateRoutesFolder(self):
+    self._TestCreateRoutesFolder(False)
+  def testCreateRoutesFolderShowTrips(self):
+    self._TestCreateRoutesFolder(True)
+  def testCreateRoutesFolderWithRouteType(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateRoutesFolder(self.feed, self.parent, 1)
+    route_folders = folder.findall('Folder')
+    self.assertEquals(len(route_folders), 1)
+class TestShapesKML(util.TestCase):
+  """Tests the shapes folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.flatten_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
+    self.good_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('good_feed.zip')).Load()
+    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
+    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
+  def testCreateShapesFolderNoShapes(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.good_feed, self.parent)
+    self.assertEquals(folder, None)
+  def testCreateShapesFolder(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.flatten_feed, self.parent)
+    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 3)
+    for placemark in placemarks:
+      self.assert_(placemark.find('LineString') is not None)
+class TestStopsKML(util.TestCase):
+  """Tests the stops folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
+    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
+    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
+  def testCreateStopsFolderNoStops(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateStopsFolder(schedule, self.parent)
+    self.assert_(folder is None)
+  def testCreateStopsFolder(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateStopsFolder(self.feed, self.parent)
+    placemarks = folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), len(self.feed.GetStopList()))
+class TestShapePointsKML(util.TestCase):
+  """Tests the shape points folder KML generation methods of KMLWriter."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.flatten_feed = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('flatten_feed')).Load()
+    self.kmlwriter = kmlwriter.KMLWriter()
+    self.kmlwriter.shape_points = True
+    self.parent = ET.Element('parent')
+  def testCreateShapePointsFolder(self):
+    folder = self.kmlwriter._CreateShapesFolder(self.flatten_feed, self.parent)
+    shape_point_folder = folder.find('Folder')
+    self.assertEquals(shape_point_folder.find('name').text,
+                      'shape_1 Shape Points')
+    placemarks = shape_point_folder.findall('Placemark')
+    self.assertEquals(len(placemarks), 4)
+    for placemark in placemarks:
+      self.assert_(placemark.find('Point') is not None)
+class FullTests(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), self.GetTestDataPath('good_feed.zip'),
+         'good_feed.kml'])
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+    self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('good_feed.kml'))
+  def testCommandLineError(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), '--bad_flag'], expected_retcode=2)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'no such option.*--bad_flag', err)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'--showtrips', err)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testCrashHandler(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('kmlwriter.py'), 'IWantMyCrash', 'output.zip'],
+        stdin_str="\n", expected_retcode=127)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
+    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testCrashHandler', crashout)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testmerge.py
@@ -1,1 +1,1535 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Unit tests for the merge module."""
+__author__ = 'timothy.stranex@gmail.com (Timothy Stranex)'
+import merge
+import os.path
+import re
+import StringIO
+import transitfeed
+import unittest
+import util
+import zipfile
+def CheckAttribs(a, b, attrs, assertEquals):
+  """Checks that the objects a and b have the same values for the attributes
+  given in attrs. These checks are done using the given assert function.
+  Args:
+    a: The first object.
+    b: The second object.
+    attrs: The list of attribute names (strings).
+    assertEquals: The assertEquals method from unittest.TestCase.
+  """
+  # For Stop objects (and maybe others in the future) Validate converts some
+  # attributes from string to native type
+  a.Validate()
+  b.Validate()
+  for k in attrs:
+    assertEquals(getattr(a, k), getattr(b, k))
+def CreateAgency():
+  """Create an transitfeed.Agency object for testing.
+  Returns:
+    The agency object.
+  """
+  return transitfeed.Agency(name='agency',
+                            url='http://agency',
+                            timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
+                            id='agency')
+class TestingProblemReporter(merge.MergeProblemReporter):
+  def __init__(self, accumulator):
+    merge.MergeProblemReporter.__init__(self, accumulator)
+class TestingProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.ProblemAccumulatorInterface):
+  """This problem reporter keeps track of all problems.
+  Attributes:
+    problems: The list of problems reported.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.problems = []
+    self._expect_classes = []
+  def _Report(self, problem):
+    problem.FormatProblem()  # Shouldn't crash
+    self.problems.append(problem)
+    for problem_class in self._expect_classes:
+      if isinstance(problem, problem_class):
+        return
+    raise problem
+  def CheckReported(self, problem_class):
+    """Checks if a problem of the given class was reported.
+    Args:
+      problem_class: The problem class, a class inheriting from
+                     MergeProblemWithContext.
+    Returns:
+      True if a matching problem was reported.
+    """
+    for problem in self.problems:
+      if isinstance(problem, problem_class):
+        return True
+    return False
+  def ExpectProblemClass(self, problem_class):
+    """Supresses exception raising for problems inheriting from this class.
+    Args:
+      problem_class: The problem class, a class inheriting from
+                     MergeProblemWithContext.
+    """
+    self._expect_classes.append(problem_class)
+  def assertExpectedProblemsReported(self, testcase):
+    """Asserts that every expected problem class has been reported.
+    The assertions are done using the assert_ method of the testcase.
+    Args:
+      testcase: The unittest.TestCase instance.
+    """
+    for problem_class in self._expect_classes:
+      testcase.assert_(self.CheckReported(problem_class))
+class TestApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(util.TestCase):
+  def _assertWithinEpsilon(self, a, b, epsilon=1.0):
+    """Asserts that a and b are equal to within an epsilon.
+    Args:
+      a: The first value (float).
+      b: The second value (float).
+      epsilon: The epsilon value (float).
+    """
+    self.assert_(abs(a-b) < epsilon)
+  def testDegenerate(self):
+    p = (30.0, 30.0)
+    self._assertWithinEpsilon(
+        merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(p, p), 0.0)
+  def testFar(self):
+    p1 = (30.0, 30.0)
+    p2 = (40.0, 40.0)
+    self.assert_(merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) > 1e4)
+class TestSchemedMerge(util.TestCase):
+  class TestEntity:
+    """A mock entity (like Route or Stop) for testing."""
+    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
+      self.x = x
+      self.y = y
+      self.z = z
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
+                               merged_schedule,
+                               TestingProblemReporter(accumulator))
+    self.ds = merge.DataSetMerger(self.fm)
+    def Migrate(ent, sched, newid):
+      """A migration function for the mock entity."""
+      return self.TestEntity(ent.x, ent.y, ent.z)
+    self.ds._Migrate = Migrate
+  def testMergeIdentical(self):
+    class TestAttrib:
+      """An object that is equal to everything."""
+      def __cmp__(self, b):
+        return 0
+    x = 99
+    a = TestAttrib()
+    b = TestAttrib()
+    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdentical(x, x) == x)
+    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdentical(a, b) is b)
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeIdentical, 1, 2)
+  def testMergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive(self):
+    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive('abc', 'ABC') == 'ABC')
+    self.assert_(self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive('abc', 'AbC') == 'AbC')
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError,
+                      self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive, 'abc', 'bcd')
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError,
+                      self.ds._MergeIdenticalCaseInsensitive, 'abc', 'ABCD')
+  def testMergeOptional(self):
+    x = 99
+    y = 100
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(None, None), None)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(None, x), x)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(x, None), x)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeOptional(x, x), x)
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeOptional, x, y)
+  def testMergeSameAgency(self):
+    kwargs = {'name': 'xxx',
+              'agency_url': 'http://www.example.com',
+              'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
+    id1 = 'agency1'
+    id2 = 'agency2'
+    id3 = 'agency3'
+    id4 = 'agency4'
+    id5 = 'agency5'
+    a = self.fm.a_schedule.NewDefaultAgency(id=id1, **kwargs)
+    b = self.fm.b_schedule.NewDefaultAgency(id=id2, **kwargs)
+    c = transitfeed.Agency(id=id3, **kwargs)
+    self.fm.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(c)
+    self.fm.Register(a, b, c)
+    d = transitfeed.Agency(id=id4, **kwargs)
+    e = transitfeed.Agency(id=id5, **kwargs)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(d)
+    self.fm.merged_schedule.AddAgencyObject(e)
+    self.fm.Register(d, None, e)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(id1, id2), id3)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(None, None), id3)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(id1, None), id3)
+    self.assertEquals(self.ds._MergeSameAgency(None, id2), id3)
+    # id1 is not a valid agency_id in the new schedule so it cannot be merged
+    self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.ds._MergeSameAgency, id1, id1)
+    # this fails because d (id4) and b (id2) don't map to the same agency
+    # in the merged schedule
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._MergeSameAgency, id4, id2)
+  def testSchemedMerge_Success(self):
+    def Merger(a, b):
+      return a + b
+    scheme = {'x': Merger, 'y': Merger, 'z': Merger}
+    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
+    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
+    c = self.ds._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+    self.assertEquals(c.x, 5)
+    self.assertEquals(c.y, 7)
+    self.assertEquals(c.z, 9)
+  def testSchemedMerge_Failure(self):
+    def Merger(a, b):
+      raise merge.MergeError()
+    scheme = {'x': Merger, 'y': Merger, 'z': Merger}
+    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
+    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeError, self.ds._SchemedMerge,
+                      scheme, a, b)
+  def testSchemedMerge_NoNewId(self):
+    class TestDataSetMerger(merge.DataSetMerger):
+      def _Migrate(self, entity, schedule, newid):
+        self.newid = newid
+        return entity
+    dataset_merger = TestDataSetMerger(self.fm)
+    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
+    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
+    dataset_merger._SchemedMerge({}, a, b)
+    self.assertEquals(dataset_merger.newid, False)
+  def testSchemedMerge_ErrorTextContainsAttributeNameAndReason(self):
+    reason = 'my reason'
+    attribute_name = 'long_attribute_name'
+    def GoodMerger(a, b):
+      return a + b
+    def BadMerger(a, b):
+      raise merge.MergeError(reason)
+    a = self.TestEntity(1, 2, 3)
+    setattr(a, attribute_name, 1)
+    b = self.TestEntity(4, 5, 6)
+    setattr(b, attribute_name, 2)
+    scheme = {'x': GoodMerger, 'y': GoodMerger, 'z': GoodMerger,
+              attribute_name: BadMerger}
+    try:
+      self.ds._SchemedMerge(scheme, a, b)
+    except merge.MergeError, merge_error:
+      error_text = str(merge_error)
+      self.assert_(reason in error_text)
+      self.assert_(attribute_name in error_text)
+class TestFeedMerger(util.TestCase):
+  class Merger:
+    def __init__(self, test, n, should_fail=False):
+      self.test = test
+      self.n = n
+      self.should_fail = should_fail
+    def MergeDataSets(self):
+      self.test.called.append(self.n)
+      return not self.should_fail
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
+                               merged_schedule,
+                               TestingProblemReporter(accumulator))
+    self.called = []
+  def testSequence(self):
+    for i in range(10):
+      self.fm.AddMerger(TestFeedMerger.Merger(self, i))
+    self.assert_(self.fm.MergeSchedules())
+    self.assertEquals(self.called, range(10))
+  def testStopsAfterError(self):
+    for i in range(10):
+      self.fm.AddMerger(TestFeedMerger.Merger(self, i, i == 5))
+    self.assert_(not self.fm.MergeSchedules())
+    self.assertEquals(self.called, range(6))
+  def testRegister(self):
+    s1 = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id='1')
+    s2 = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id='2')
+    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id='3')
+    self.fm.Register(s1, s2, s3)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map, {s1: s3})
+    self.assertEquals('3', s1._migrated_entity.stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map, {s2: s3})
+    self.assertEquals('3', s2._migrated_entity.stop_id)
+  def testRegisterNone(self):
+    s2 = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id='2')
+    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id='3')
+    self.fm.Register(None, s2, s3)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map, {})
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map, {s2: s3})
+    self.assertEquals('3', s2._migrated_entity.stop_id)
+  def testGenerateId_Prefix(self):
+    x = 'test'
+    a = self.fm.GenerateId(x)
+    b = self.fm.GenerateId(x)
+    self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
+    self.assert_(a.startswith(x))
+    self.assert_(b.startswith(x))
+  def testGenerateId_None(self):
+    a = self.fm.GenerateId(None)
+    b = self.fm.GenerateId(None)
+    self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
+  def testGenerateId_InitialCounter(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    for i in range(10):
+      agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='agency', url='http://agency',
+                                  timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
+                                  id='agency_%d' % i)
+      if i % 2:
+        b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
+      else:
+        a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(agency)
+    accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    feed_merger = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
+                                   merged_schedule,
+                                   TestingProblemReporter(accumulator))
+    # check that the postfix number of any generated ids are greater than
+    # the postfix numbers of any ids in the old and new schedules
+    gen_id = feed_merger.GenerateId(None)
+    postfix_num = int(gen_id[gen_id.rfind('_')+1:])
+    self.assert_(postfix_num >= 10)
+  def testGetMerger(self):
+    class MergerA(merge.DataSetMerger):
+      pass
+    class MergerB(merge.DataSetMerger):
+      pass
+    a = MergerA(self.fm)
+    b = MergerB(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(a)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(b)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.GetMerger(MergerA), a)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.GetMerger(MergerB), b)
+  def testGetMerger_Error(self):
+    self.assertRaises(LookupError, self.fm.GetMerger, TestFeedMerger.Merger)
+class TestServicePeriodMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.spm = merge.ServicePeriodMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.spm)
+  def _AddTwoPeriods(self, start1, end1, start2, end2):
+    sp1fields = ['test1', start1, end1] + ['1']*7
+    self.sp1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod(field_list=sp1fields)
+    sp2fields = ['test2', start2, end2] + ['1']*7
+    self.sp2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod(field_list=sp2fields)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.sp1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.sp2)
+  def testCheckDisjoint_True(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20071231',
+                        '20080101', '20080201')
+    self.assert_(self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
+  def testCheckDisjoint_False1(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
+                        '20080101', '20080301')
+    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
+  def testCheckDisjoint_False2(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20080101', '20090101',
+                        '20070101', '20080601')
+    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
+  def testCheckDisjoint_False3(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20080301', '20080901',
+                        '20080101', '20090101')
+    self.assert_(not self.spm.CheckDisjointCalendars())
+  def testDisjoinCalendars(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
+                        '20080101', '20080301')
+    self.spm.DisjoinCalendars('20080101')
+    self.assertEquals(self.sp1.start_date, '20071213')
+    self.assertEquals(self.sp1.end_date, '20071231')
+    self.assertEquals(self.sp2.start_date, '20080101')
+    self.assertEquals(self.sp2.end_date, '20080301')
+  def testDisjoinCalendars_Dates(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20080201',
+                        '20080101', '20080301')
+    self.sp1.SetDateHasService('20071201')
+    self.sp1.SetDateHasService('20081231')
+    self.sp2.SetDateHasService('20071201')
+    self.sp2.SetDateHasService('20081231')
+    self.spm.DisjoinCalendars('20080101')
+    self.assert_('20071201' in self.sp1.date_exceptions.keys())
+    self.assert_('20081231' not in self.sp1.date_exceptions.keys())
+    self.assert_('20071201' not in self.sp2.date_exceptions.keys())
+    self.assert_('20081231' in self.sp2.date_exceptions.keys())
+  def testUnion(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20071213', '20071231',
+                        '20080101', '20080201')
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetServicePeriodList()), 2)
+    # make fields a copy of the service period attributes except service_id
+    fields = list(transitfeed.ServicePeriod._DAYS_OF_WEEK)
+    fields += ['start_date', 'end_date']
+    # now check that these attributes are preserved in the merge
+    CheckAttribs(self.sp1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.sp1], fields,
+                 self.assertEquals)
+    CheckAttribs(self.sp2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.sp2], fields,
+                 self.assertEquals)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testMerge_RequiredButNotDisjoint(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20070101', '20090101',
+                        '20080101', '20100101')
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.CalendarsNotDisjoint)
+    self.assertEquals(self.spm.MergeDataSets(), False)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testMerge_NotRequiredAndNotDisjoint(self):
+    self._AddTwoPeriods('20070101', '20090101',
+                        '20080101', '20100101')
+    self.spm.require_disjoint_calendars = False
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+class TestAgencyMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.am = merge.AgencyMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.am)
+    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(id='a1', agency_name='a1',
+                                 agency_url='http://www.a1.com',
+                                 agency_timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
+                                 agency_phone='123 456 78 90')
+    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(id='a2', agency_name='a1',
+                                 agency_url='http://www.a1.com',
+                                 agency_timezone='Africa/Johannesburg',
+                                 agency_phone='789 65 43 21')
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.a2.agency_id = self.a1.agency_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()[0],
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1])
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1],
+                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2])
+    # differing values such as agency_phone should be taken from self.a2
+    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()[0], self.a2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
+                      self.a1.agency_id)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 2)
+    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1] in
+                 merged_schedule.GetAgencyList())
+    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2] in
+                 merged_schedule.GetAgencyList())
+    self.assertEquals(self.a1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1])
+    self.assertEquals(self.a2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2])
+    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the ids are preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
+                      self.a1.agency_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2].agency_id,
+                      self.a2.agency_id)
+  def testNoMerge_SameId(self):
+    # Force a1.agency_id to be unicode to make sure it is correctly encoded
+    # to utf-8 before concatinating to the agency_name containing non-ascii
+    # characters.
+    self.a1.agency_id = unicode(self.a1.agency_id)
+    self.a2.agency_id = str(self.a1.agency_id)
+    self.a2.agency_name = 'different \xc3\xa9'
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetAgencyList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.am.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the merged entities have different ids
+    self.assertNotEqual(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id,
+                        self.fm.b_merge_map[self.a2].agency_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+class TestStopMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.sm = merge.StopMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.sm)
+    self.s1 = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0,
+                               u'Andr\202' , 's1')
+    self.s1.stop_desc = 'stop 1'
+    self.s1.stop_url = 'http://stop/1'
+    self.s1.zone_id = 'zone1'
+    self.s2 = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0, 's2', 's2')
+    self.s2.stop_desc = 'stop 2'
+    self.s2.stop_url = 'http://stop/2'
+    self.s2.zone_id = 'zone1'
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    self.s1.location_type = 1
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(merged_schedule.GetStopList()[0],
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1],
+                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2])
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that the remaining attributes are taken from the new stop
+    fields = ['stop_name', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon', 'stop_desc', 'stop_url',
+              'location_type']
+    CheckAttribs(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1], self.s2, fields,
+                 self.assertEquals)
+    # check that the id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].stop_id, self.s1.stop_id)
+    # check that the zone_id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id, self.s1.zone_id)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
+    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentName(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
+    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+  def testNoMerge_FarApart(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    self.s2.stop_lat = 40.0
+    self.s2.stop_lon = 40.0
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
+    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2] in merged_schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the merged ids are different
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].stop_id,
+                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].stop_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testMerge_CaseInsensitive(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name.upper()
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+  def testNoMerge_ZoneId(self):
+    self.s2.zone_id = 'zone2'
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetStopList()), 2)
+    self.assert_(self.s1.zone_id in self.fm.a_zone_map)
+    self.assert_(self.s2.zone_id in self.fm.b_zone_map)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the zones are still different
+    self.assertNotEqual(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
+                        self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
+  def testZoneId_SamePreservation(self):
+    # checks that if the zone_ids of some stops are the same before the
+    # merge, they are still the same after.
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
+  def testZoneId_DifferentSchedules(self):
+    # zone_ids may be the same in different schedules but unless the stops
+    # are merged, they should map to different zone_ids
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
+                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
+  def testZoneId_MergePreservation(self):
+    # check that if two stops are merged, the zone mapping is used for all
+    # other stops too
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s1)
+    s3.stop_id = 'different'
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].zone_id,
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[s3].zone_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[s3].zone_id,
+                      self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].zone_id)
+  def testMergeStationType(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    self.s1.location_type = 1
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_stops = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_stops), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(merged_stops[0].location_type, 1)
+  def testMergeDifferentTypes(self):
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    try:
+      self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+      self.fail("Expecting MergeError")
+    except merge.SameIdButNotMerged, merge_error:
+      self.assertTrue(("%s" % merge_error).find("location_type") != -1)
+  def AssertS1ParentIsS2(self):
+    """Assert that the merged s1 has parent s2."""
+    new_s1 = self.s1._migrated_entity
+    new_s2 = self.s2._migrated_entity
+    self.assertEquals(new_s1.parent_station, new_s2.stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(new_s2.parent_station, None)
+    self.assertEquals(new_s1.location_type, 0)
+    self.assertEquals(new_s2.location_type, 1)
+  def testMergeMaintainParentRelationship(self):
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.s1.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
+  def testParentRelationshipAfterMerge(self):
+    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s1)
+    s3.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
+  def testParentRelationshipWithNewParentid(self):
+    self.s2.location_type = 1
+    self.s1.parent_station = self.s2.stop_id
+    # s3 will have a stop_id conflict with self.s2 so parent_id of the
+    # migrated self.s1 will need to be updated
+    s3 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=self.s2)
+    s3.stop_lat = 45
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(s3)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertNotEquals(s3._migrated_entity.stop_id,
+                         self.s2._migrated_entity.stop_id)
+    # Check that s2 got a new id
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.s2.stop_id,
+                         self.s2._migrated_entity.stop_id)
+    self.AssertS1ParentIsS2()
+  def _AddStopsApart(self):
+    """Adds two stops to the schedules and returns the distance between them.
+    Returns:
+      The distance between the stops in metres, a value greater than zero.
+    """
+    self.s2.stop_id = self.s1.stop_id
+    self.s2.stop_name = self.s1.stop_name
+    self.s2.stop_lat += 1.0e-3
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(self.s2)
+    return transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(self.s1, self.s2)
+  def testSetLargestStopDistanceSmall(self):
+    largest_stop_distance = self._AddStopsApart() * 0.5
+    self.sm.SetLargestStopDistance(largest_stop_distance)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_stop_distance, largest_stop_distance)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()), 2)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testSetLargestStopDistanceLarge(self):
+    largest_stop_distance = self._AddStopsApart() * 2.0
+    self.sm.SetLargestStopDistance(largest_stop_distance)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_stop_distance, largest_stop_distance)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetStopList()), 1)
+class TestRouteMerger(util.TestCase):
+  fields = ['route_short_name', 'route_long_name', 'route_type',
+            'route_url']
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.AgencyMerger(self.fm))
+    self.rm = merge.RouteMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.rm)
+    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
+               'agency_name': 'a1',
+               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
+               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
+    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
+    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
+    a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
+    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
+               'agency_id': 'a1',
+               'short_name': 'r1',
+               'long_name': 'r1r1',
+               'route_type': '0'}
+    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
+    self.r2 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
+    self.r2.route_url = 'http://route/2'
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
+    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
+    self.assert_(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1] is r)
+    self.assert_(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.r2] is r)
+    CheckAttribs(self.r2, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
+    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.a1].agency_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that the id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id, self.r1.route_id)
+  def testMergeNoAgency(self):
+    self.r1.agency_id = None
+    self.r2.agency_id = None
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
+    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
+    CheckAttribs(self.r2, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
+    # Merged route has copy of default agency_id
+    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.a1.agency_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that the id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id, self.r1.route_id)
+  def testMigrateNoAgency(self):
+    self.r1.agency_id = None
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    merged_schedule = self.fm.GetMergedSchedule()
+    self.assertEquals(len(merged_schedule.GetRouteList()), 1)
+    r = merged_schedule.GetRouteList()[0]
+    CheckAttribs(self.r1, r, self.fields, self.assertEquals)
+    # Migrated route has copy of default agency_id
+    self.assertEquals(r.agency_id, self.a1.agency_id)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
+    self.r2.route_id = 'r2'
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetRouteList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+  def testNoMerge_SameId(self):
+    self.r2.route_short_name = 'different'
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetRouteList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.rm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the merged ids are different
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id,
+                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.r2].route_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+class TestTripMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.fm.AddDefaultMergers()
+    self.tm = self.fm.GetMerger(merge.TripMerger)
+    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
+               'agency_name': 'a1',
+               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
+               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
+    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
+    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
+               'agency_id': 'a1',
+               'short_name': 'r1',
+               'long_name': 'r1r1',
+               'route_type': '0'}
+    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
+    self.s1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod('s1')
+    self.s1.start_date = '20071201'
+    self.s1.end_date = '20071231'
+    self.s1.SetWeekdayService()
+    self.shape = transitfeed.Shape('shape1')
+    self.shape.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
+    self.t1 = transitfeed.Trip(service_period=self.s1,
+                               route=self.r1, trip_id='t1')
+    self.t2 = transitfeed.Trip(service_period=self.s1,
+                               route=self.r1, trip_id='t2')
+    # Must add self.t1 to a schedule before calling self.t1.AddStopTime
+    a_schedule.AddTripObject(self.t1, validate=False)
+    a_schedule.AddTripObject(self.t2, validate=False)
+    self.t1.block_id = 'b1'
+    self.t2.block_id = 'b1'
+    self.t1.shape_id = 'shape1'
+    self.stop = transitfeed.Stop(30.0, 30.0, stop_id='stop1')
+    self.t1.AddStopTime(self.stop, arrival_secs=0, departure_secs=0)
+    a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    a_schedule.AddStopObject(self.stop)
+    a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    a_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(self.s1)
+    a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.shape)
+  def testMigrate(self):
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+    r = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1]
+    s = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1]
+    shape = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.shape]
+    t1 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.t1]
+    t2 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.t2]
+    self.assertEquals(t1.route_id, r.route_id)
+    self.assertEquals(t1.service_id, s.service_id)
+    self.assertEquals(t1.shape_id, shape.shape_id)
+    self.assertEquals(t1.block_id, t2.block_id)
+    self.assertEquals(len(t1.GetStopTimes()), 1)
+    st = t1.GetStopTimes()[0]
+    self.assertEquals(st.stop, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.stop])
+  def testReportsNotImplementedProblem(self):
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testMergeStats(self):
+    self.assert_(self.tm.GetMergeStats() is None)
+  def testConflictingTripid(self):
+    a1_in_b = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=self.a1)
+    r1_in_b = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=self.r1)
+    t1_in_b = transitfeed.Trip(field_dict=self.t1)
+    shape_in_b = transitfeed.Shape('shape1')
+    shape_in_b.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
+    s_in_b = transitfeed.ServicePeriod('s1')
+    s_in_b.start_date = '20080101'
+    s_in_b.end_date = '20080131'
+    s_in_b.SetWeekdayService()
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(a1_in_b)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(r1_in_b)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(shape_in_b)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddTripObject(t1_in_b, validate=False)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(s_in_b, validate=False)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    # 3 trips moved to merged_schedule: from a_schedule t1, t2 and from
+    # b_schedule t1
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetTripList()), 3)
+class TestFareMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.faremerger = merge.FareMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.faremerger)
+    self.f1 = transitfeed.FareAttribute('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
+    self.f2 = transitfeed.FareAttribute('f2', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.f2.fare_id = self.f1.fare_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that the id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id, self.f1.fare_id)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentPrice(self):
+    self.f2.fare_id = self.f1.fare_id
+    self.f2.price = 11.0
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f2)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the merged ids are different
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id,
+                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.f2].fare_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.faremerger.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the ids are preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id, self.f1.fare_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.f2].fare_id, self.f2.fare_id)
+class TestShapeMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.sm = merge.ShapeMerger(self.fm)
+    self.fm.AddMerger(self.sm)
+    # setup some shapes
+    # s1 and s2 have the same endpoints but take different paths
+    # s3 has different endpoints to s1 and s2
+    self.s1 = transitfeed.Shape('s1')
+    self.s1.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
+    self.s1.AddPoint(40.0, 30.0)
+    self.s1.AddPoint(50.0, 50.0)
+    self.s2 = transitfeed.Shape('s2')
+    self.s2.AddPoint(30.0, 30.0)
+    self.s2.AddPoint(40.0, 35.0)
+    self.s2.AddPoint(50.0, 50.0)
+    self.s3 = transitfeed.Shape('s3')
+    self.s3.AddPoint(31.0, 31.0)
+    self.s3.AddPoint(45.0, 35.0)
+    self.s3.AddPoint(51.0, 51.0)
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.s2.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 1)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()[0], self.s2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (1, 0, 0))
+    # check that the id is preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id, self.s1.shape_id)
+  def testNoMerge_DifferentId(self):
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s2)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.s1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
+    self.assertEquals(self.s2, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2])
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the ids are preserved
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id, self.s1.shape_id)
+    self.assertEquals(self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s2].shape_id, self.s2.shape_id)
+  def testNoMerge_FarEndpoints(self):
+    self.s3.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s3)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetShapeList()), 2)
+    self.assertEquals(self.s1, self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1])
+    self.assertEquals(self.s3, self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s3])
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.GetMergeStats(), (0, 1, 1))
+    # check that the ids are different
+    self.assertNotEquals(self.fm.a_merge_map[self.s1].shape_id,
+                         self.fm.b_merge_map[self.s3].shape_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def _AddShapesApart(self):
+    """Adds two shapes to the schedules.
+    The maximum of the distances between the endpoints is returned.
+    Returns:
+      The distance in metres, a value greater than zero.
+    """
+    self.s3.shape_id = self.s1.shape_id
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s1)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddShapeObject(self.s3)
+    distance1 = merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(
+        self.s1.points[0][:2], self.s3.points[0][:2])
+    distance2 = merge.ApproximateDistanceBetweenPoints(
+        self.s1.points[-1][:2], self.s3.points[-1][:2])
+    return max(distance1, distance2)
+  def testSetLargestShapeDistanceSmall(self):
+    largest_shape_distance = self._AddShapesApart() * 0.5
+    self.sm.SetLargestShapeDistance(largest_shape_distance)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_shape_distance, largest_shape_distance)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetShapeList()), 2)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testSetLargestShapeDistanceLarge(self):
+    largest_shape_distance = self._AddShapesApart() * 2.0
+    self.sm.SetLargestShapeDistance(largest_shape_distance)
+    self.assertEquals(self.sm.largest_shape_distance, largest_shape_distance)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.GetMergedSchedule().GetShapeList()), 1)
+class TestFareRuleMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+    self.fm.AddDefaultMergers()
+    self.fare_rule_merger = self.fm.GetMerger(merge.FareRuleMerger)
+    akwargs = {'id': 'a1',
+               'agency_name': 'a1',
+               'agency_url': 'http://www.a1.com',
+               'agency_timezone': 'Europe/Zurich'}
+    self.a1 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
+    self.a2 = transitfeed.Agency(**akwargs)
+    rkwargs = {'route_id': 'r1',
+               'agency_id': 'a1',
+               'short_name': 'r1',
+               'long_name': 'r1r1',
+               'route_type': '0'}
+    self.r1 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
+    self.r2 = transitfeed.Route(**rkwargs)
+    self.f1 = transitfeed.FareAttribute('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
+    self.f2 = transitfeed.FareAttribute('f1', '10', 'ZAR', '1', '0')
+    self.f3 = transitfeed.FareAttribute('f3', '11', 'USD', '1', '0')
+    self.fr1 = transitfeed.FareRule('f1', 'r1')
+    self.fr2 = transitfeed.FareRule('f1', 'r1')
+    self.fr3 = transitfeed.FareRule('f3', 'r1')
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f3)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr1)
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr3)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddAgencyObject(self.a2)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddRouteObject(self.r2)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareAttributeObject(self.f2)
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddFareRuleObject(self.fr2)
+  def testMerge(self):
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.FareRulesBroken)
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.MergeNotImplemented)
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    self.assertEquals(len(self.fm.merged_schedule.GetFareAttributeList()), 2)
+    fare_1 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1]
+    fare_2 = self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f3]
+    self.assertEquals(len(fare_1.GetFareRuleList()), 1)
+    fare_rule_1 = fare_1.GetFareRuleList()[0]
+    self.assertEquals(len(fare_2.GetFareRuleList()), 1)
+    fare_rule_2 = fare_2.GetFareRuleList()[0]
+    self.assertEquals(fare_rule_1.fare_id,
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f1].fare_id)
+    self.assertEquals(fare_rule_1.route_id,
+                      self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id)
+    self.assertEqual(fare_rule_2.fare_id,
+                     self.fm.a_merge_map[self.f3].fare_id)
+    self.assertEqual(fare_rule_2.route_id,
+                     self.fm.a_merge_map[self.r1].route_id)
+    self.accumulator.assertExpectedProblemsReported(self)
+  def testMergeStats(self):
+    self.assert_(self.fare_rule_merger.GetMergeStats() is None)
+class TestTransferMerger(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.accumulator = TestingProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = TestingProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.fm = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule, merged_schedule,
+                               self.problem_reporter)
+  def testStopsMerged(self):
+    stop0 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.0, lng=30.0, name="0", stop_id="0")
+    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.1, lng=30.1, name="1", stop_id="1")
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddTransferObject(transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="0",
+                                                              to_stop_id="1"))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddTransferObject(transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="0",
+                                                              to_stop_id="1"))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.StopMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.TransferMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    transfers = self.fm.merged_schedule.GetTransferList()
+    self.assertEquals(1, len(transfers))
+    self.assertEquals("0", transfers[0].from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("1", transfers[0].to_stop_id)
+  def testToStopNotMerged(self):
+    """When stops aren't merged transfer is duplicated."""
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    stop0 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.0, lng=30.0, name="0", stop_id="0")
+    stop1a = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.1, lng=30.1, name="1a", stop_id="1")
+    stop1b = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.1, lng=30.1, name="1b", stop_id="1")
+    # a_schedule and b_schedule both have a transfer with to_stop_id=1 but the
+    # stops are not merged so the transfer must be duplicated. Create a copy
+    # of the Stop objects to add to the schedules.
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1a))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddTransferObject(
+        transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="0", to_stop_id="1"))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1b))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddTransferObject(
+        transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="0", to_stop_id="1"))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.StopMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.TransferMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    transfers = self.fm.merged_schedule.GetTransferList()
+    self.assertEquals(2, len(transfers))
+    self.assertEquals("0", transfers[0].from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("0", transfers[1].from_stop_id)
+    # transfers are not ordered so allow the migrated to_stop_id values to
+    # appear in either order.
+    def MergedScheduleStopName(stop_id):
+      return self.fm.merged_schedule.GetStop(stop_id).stop_name
+    if MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[0].to_stop_id) == "1a":
+      self.assertEquals("1b", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[1].to_stop_id))
+    else:
+      self.assertEquals("1b", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[0].to_stop_id))
+      self.assertEquals("1a", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[1].to_stop_id))
+  def testFromStopNotMerged(self):
+    """When stops aren't merged transfer is duplicated."""
+    self.accumulator.ExpectProblemClass(merge.SameIdButNotMerged)
+    stop0 = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.0, lng=30.0, name="0", stop_id="0")
+    stop1a = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.1, lng=30.1, name="1a", stop_id="1")
+    stop1b = transitfeed.Stop(lat=30.1, lng=30.1, name="1b", stop_id="1")
+    # a_schedule and b_schedule both have a transfer with from_stop_id=1 but the
+    # stops are not merged so the transfer must be duplicated. Create a copy
+    # of the Stop objects to add to the schedules.
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1a))
+    self.fm.a_schedule.AddTransferObject(
+        transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="1", to_stop_id="0"))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop0))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1b))
+    self.fm.b_schedule.AddTransferObject(
+        transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id="1", to_stop_id="0"))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.StopMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.AddMerger(merge.TransferMerger(self.fm))
+    self.fm.MergeSchedules()
+    transfers = self.fm.merged_schedule.GetTransferList()
+    self.assertEquals(2, len(transfers))
+    self.assertEquals("0", transfers[0].to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("0", transfers[1].to_stop_id)
+    # transfers are not ordered so allow the migrated from_stop_id values to
+    # appear in either order.
+    def MergedScheduleStopName(stop_id):
+      return self.fm.merged_schedule.GetStop(stop_id).stop_name
+    if MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[0].from_stop_id) == "1a":
+      self.assertEquals("1b", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[1].from_stop_id))
+    else:
+      self.assertEquals("1b", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[0].from_stop_id))
+      self.assertEquals("1a", MergedScheduleStopName(transfers[1].from_stop_id))
+class TestExceptionProblemAccumulator(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.dataset_merger = merge.TripMerger(None)
+  def testRaisesErrors(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    problem_reporter = merge.MergeProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    self.assertRaises(merge.CalendarsNotDisjoint,
+                      problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint,
+                      self.dataset_merger)
+  def testNoRaiseWarnings(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    problem_reporter = merge.MergeProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self.dataset_merger)
+  def testRaiseWarnings(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator(True)
+    problem_reporter = merge.MergeProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    self.assertRaises(merge.MergeNotImplemented,
+                      problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented,
+                      self.dataset_merger)
+class TestHTMLProblemAccumulator(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = merge.HTMLProblemAccumulator()
+    self.problem_reporter = merge.MergeProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    a_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    b_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    merged_schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+    self.feed_merger = merge.FeedMerger(a_schedule, b_schedule,
+                                        merged_schedule,
+                                        self.problem_reporter)
+    self.dataset_merger = merge.TripMerger(None)
+  def testGeneratesSomeHTML(self):
+    self.problem_reporter.CalendarsNotDisjoint(self.dataset_merger)
+    self.problem_reporter.MergeNotImplemented(self.dataset_merger)
+    self.problem_reporter.FareRulesBroken(self.dataset_merger)
+    self.problem_reporter.SameIdButNotMerged(self.dataset_merger,
+                                             'test', 'unknown reason')
+    output_file = StringIO.StringIO()
+    old_feed_path = '/path/to/old/feed'
+    new_feed_path = '/path/to/new/feed'
+    merged_feed_path = '/path/to/merged/feed'
+    self.accumulator.WriteOutput(output_file, self.feed_merger,
+                                 old_feed_path, new_feed_path,
+                                 merged_feed_path)
+    html = output_file.getvalue()
+    self.assert_(html.startswith('<html>'))
+    self.assert_(html.endswith('</html>'))
+class MergeInSubprocessTestCase(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def CopyAndModifyTestData(self, zip_path, modify_file, old, new):
+    """Return path of zip_path copy with old replaced by new in modify_file."""
+    zipfile_mem = StringIO.StringIO(open(zip_path, 'rb').read())
+    old_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_mem, 'r')
+    content_dict = self.ConvertZipToDict(old_zip)
+    content_dict[modify_file] = content_dict[modify_file].replace(old, new)
+    new_zipfile_mem = self.ConvertDictToZip(content_dict)
+    new_zip_path = os.path.join(self.tempdirpath, "modified.zip")
+    open(new_zip_path, 'wb').write(new_zipfile_mem.getvalue())
+    return new_zip_path
+  def testCrashHandler(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
+         'IWantMyCrash', 'file2', 'fileout.zip'],
+        expected_retcode=127)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Yikes', out)
+    crashout = open('transitfeedcrash.txt').read()
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'For testing the merge crash handler', crashout)
+  def testMergeBadCommandLine(self):
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser'],
+        expected_retcode=2)
+    self.assertFalse(out)
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'command line arguments', err)
+    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('transitfeedcrash.txt'))
+  def testMergeWithWarnings(self):
+    # Make a copy of good_feed.zip which is not active until 20110101. This
+    # avoids adding another test/data file. good_feed.zip needs to remain error
+    # free so it can't start in the future.
+    future_good_feed = self.CopyAndModifyTestData(
+        self.GetPath('test/data/good_feed.zip'), 'calendar.txt',
+        '20070101', '20110101')
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
+         self.GetPath('test/data/unused_stop'),
+         future_good_feed,
+         os.path.join(self.tempdirpath, 'merged-warnings.zip')],
+        expected_retcode=0)
+  def testMergeWithErrors(self):
+    # Make a copy of good_feed.zip which is not active until 20110101. This
+    # avoids adding another test/data file. good_feed.zip needs to remain error
+    # free so it can't start in the future.
+    future_good_feed = self.CopyAndModifyTestData(
+        self.GetPath('test/data/good_feed.zip'), 'calendar.txt',
+        '20070101', '20110101')
+    (out, err) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetPath('merge.py'), '--no_browser',
+         self.GetPath('test/data/unused_stop'),
+         future_good_feed],
+        expected_retcode=2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testshapelib.py
@@ -1,1 +1,373 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for transitfeed.shapelib.py"""
+__author__ = 'chris.harrelson.code@gmail.com (Chris Harrelson)'
+import math
+from transitfeed import shapelib
+from transitfeed.shapelib import Point
+from transitfeed.shapelib import Poly
+from transitfeed.shapelib import PolyCollection
+from transitfeed.shapelib import PolyGraph
+import unittest
+import util
+def formatPoint(p, precision=12):
+  formatString = "(%%.%df, %%.%df, %%.%df)" % (precision, precision, precision)
+  return formatString % (p.x, p.y, p.z)
+def formatPoints(points):
+    return "[%s]" % ", ".join([formatPoint(p, precision=4) for p in points])
+class ShapeLibTestBase(util.TestCase):
+  def assertApproxEq(self, a, b):
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b, 8)
+  def assertPointApproxEq(self, a, b):
+    try:
+      self.assertApproxEq(a.x, b.x)
+      self.assertApproxEq(a.y, b.y)
+      self.assertApproxEq(a.z, b.z)
+    except AssertionError:
+      print 'ERROR: %s != %s' % (formatPoint(a), formatPoint(b))
+      raise
+  def assertPointsApproxEq(self, points1, points2):
+    try:
+      self.assertEqual(len(points1), len(points2))
+    except AssertionError:
+      print "ERROR: %s != %s" % (formatPoints(points1), formatPoints(points2))
+      raise
+    for i in xrange(len(points1)):
+      try:
+        self.assertPointApproxEq(points1[i], points2[i])
+      except AssertionError:
+        print ('ERROR: points not equal in position %d\n%s != %s'
+               % (i, formatPoints(points1), formatPoints(points2)))
+        raise
+class TestPoints(ShapeLibTestBase):
+  def testPoints(self):
+    p = Point(1, 1, 1)
+    self.assertApproxEq(p.DotProd(p), 3)
+    self.assertApproxEq(p.Norm2(), math.sqrt(3))
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
+                                    p.Times(1.5))
+    norm = 1.7320508075688772
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(p.Normalize(),
+                                    Point(1 / norm,
+                                          1 / norm,
+                                          1 / norm))
+    p2 = Point(1, 0, 0)
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(p2, p2.Normalize())
+  def testCrossProd(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0, 1 ,0).Normalize()
+    p1_cross_p2 = p1.CrossProd(p2)
+    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.x, 0)
+    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.y, 0)
+    self.assertApproxEq(p1_cross_p2.z, 1)
+  def testRobustCrossProd(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0)
+    p2 = Point(1, 0, 0)
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(0, 0, 0),
+                                    p1.CrossProd(p2))
+    # only needs to be an arbitrary vector perpendicular to (1, 0, 0)
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(
+        Point(0.000000000000000, -0.998598452020993, 0.052925717957113),
+        p1.RobustCrossProd(p2))
+  def testS2LatLong(self):
+    point = Point.FromLatLng(30, 40)
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(0.663413948169,
+                                          0.556670399226,
+                                          0.5), point)
+    (lat, lng) = point.ToLatLng()
+    self.assertApproxEq(30, lat)
+    self.assertApproxEq(40, lng)
+  def testOrtho(self):
+    point = Point(1, 1, 1)
+    ortho = point.Ortho()
+    self.assertApproxEq(ortho.DotProd(point), 0)
+  def testAngle(self):
+    point1 = Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize()
+    point2 = Point(0, 1, 0)
+    self.assertApproxEq(45, point1.Angle(point2) * 360 / (2 * math.pi))
+    self.assertApproxEq(point1.Angle(point2), point2.Angle(point1))
+  def testGetDistanceMeters(self):
+    point1 = Point.FromLatLng(40.536895,-74.203033)
+    point2 = Point.FromLatLng(40.575239,-74.112825)
+    self.assertApproxEq(8732.623770873237,
+                        point1.GetDistanceMeters(point2))
+class TestClosestPoint(ShapeLibTestBase):
+  def testGetClosestPoint(self):
+    x = Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize()
+    a = Point(1, 0, 0)
+    b = Point(0, 1, 0)
+    closest = shapelib.GetClosestPoint(x, a, b)
+    self.assertApproxEq(0.707106781187, closest.x)
+    self.assertApproxEq(0.707106781187, closest.y)
+    self.assertApproxEq(0.0, closest.z)
+class TestPoly(ShapeLibTestBase):
+  def testGetClosestPointShape(self):
+    poly = Poly()
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize())
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(
+        0.707106781187, 0.707106781187, 0), poly.GetPoint(0))
+    point = Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize()
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(Point(1, 1, 0).Normalize(),
+                                    poly.GetClosestPoint(point)[0])
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize())
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(
+        Point(0, 1, 1).Normalize(),
+        poly.GetClosestPoint(point)[0])
+  def testCutAtClosestPoint(self):
+    poly = Poly()
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
+    (before, after) = \
+       poly.CutAtClosestPoint(Point(0, 0.3, 0.7).Normalize())
+    self.assert_(2 == before.GetNumPoints())
+    self.assert_(2 == before.GetNumPoints())
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(
+        Point(0, 0.707106781187, 0.707106781187), before.GetPoint(1))
+    self.assertPointApproxEq(
+        Point(0, 0.393919298579, 0.919145030018), after.GetPoint(0))
+    poly = Poly()
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.527035999999995, -74.191265999999999))
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.526859999999999, -74.191140000000004))
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.524681000000001, -74.189579999999992))
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.523128999999997, -74.188467000000003))
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.523054999999999, -74.188676000000001))
+    pattern = Poly()
+    pattern.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(40.52713,
+                                      -74.191146000000003))
+    self.assertApproxEq(14.564268281551, pattern.GreedyPolyMatchDist(poly))
+  def testMergePolys(self):
+    poly1 = Poly(name="Foo")
+    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
+    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
+    poly1.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
+    poly1.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 1).Normalize())
+    poly2 = Poly()
+    poly3 = Poly(name="Bar")
+    poly3.AddPoint(Point(1, 1, 1).Normalize())
+    poly3.AddPoint(Point(2, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
+    merged1 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2])
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq(poly1.GetPoints(), merged1.GetPoints())
+    self.assertEqual("Foo;", merged1.GetName())
+    merged2 = Poly.MergePolys([poly2, poly3])
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq(poly3.GetPoints(), merged2.GetPoints())
+    self.assertEqual(";Bar", merged2.GetName())
+    merged3 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=0)
+    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
+    mergedPoints.append(poly3.GetPoint(-1))
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged3.GetPoints())
+    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged3.GetName())
+    merged4 = Poly.MergePolys([poly2])
+    self.assertEqual("", merged4.GetName())
+    self.assertEqual(0, merged4.GetNumPoints())
+    # test merging two nearby points
+    newPoint = poly1.GetPoint(-1).Plus(Point(0.000001, 0, 0)).Normalize()
+    poly1.AddPoint(newPoint)
+    distance = poly1.GetPoint(-1).GetDistanceMeters(poly3.GetPoint(0))
+    self.assertTrue(distance <= 10)
+    self.assertTrue(distance > 5)
+    merged5 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=10)
+    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
+    mergedPoints.append(poly3.GetPoint(-1))
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged5.GetPoints())
+    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged5.GetName())
+    merged6 = Poly.MergePolys([poly1, poly2, poly3], merge_point_threshold=5)
+    mergedPoints = poly1.GetPoints()[:]
+    mergedPoints += poly3.GetPoints()
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq(mergedPoints, merged6.GetPoints())
+    self.assertEqual("Foo;;Bar", merged6.GetName())
+  def testReversed(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
+    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
+    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3])
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p3, p2, p1], poly1.Reversed().GetPoints())
+  def testLengthMeters(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
+    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
+    poly0 = Poly([p1])
+    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2])
+    poly2 = Poly([p1, p2, p3])
+    try:
+      poly0.LengthMeters()
+      self.fail("Should have thrown AssertionError")
+    except AssertionError:
+      pass
+    p1_p2 = p1.GetDistanceMeters(p2)
+    p2_p3 = p2.GetDistanceMeters(p3)
+    self.assertEqual(p1_p2, poly1.LengthMeters())
+    self.assertEqual(p1_p2 + p2_p3, poly2.LengthMeters())
+    self.assertEqual(p1_p2 + p2_p3, poly2.Reversed().LengthMeters())
+class TestCollection(ShapeLibTestBase):
+  def testPolyMatch(self):
+    poly = Poly()
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize())
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize())
+    poly.AddPoint(Point(0, 0, 1).Normalize())
+    collection = PolyCollection()
+    collection.AddPoly(poly)
+    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(Point(0, 1, 0),
+                                         Point(0, 0, 1))
+    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
+    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(Point(0, 1, 0),
+                                         Point(0, 1, 0))
+    self.assert_(len(match) == 0)
+    poly = Poly()
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(45.585212,-122.586136))
+    poly.AddPoint(Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
+    collection = PolyCollection()
+    collection.AddPoly(poly)
+    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.585212,-122.586136),
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
+    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
+    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.585219,-122.586136),
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
+    self.assert_(len(match) == 1 and match[0] == poly)
+    self.assertApproxEq(0.0, poly.GreedyPolyMatchDist(poly))
+    match = collection.FindMatchingPolys(
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.587212,-122.586136),
+        Point.FromLatLng(45.586654,-122.587595))
+    self.assert_(len(match) == 0)
+class TestGraph(ShapeLibTestBase):
+  def testReconstructPath(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
+    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
+    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2])
+    poly2 = Poly([p3, p2])
+    came_from = {
+        p2: (p1, poly1),
+        p3: (p2, poly2)
+    }
+    graph = PolyGraph()
+    reconstructed1 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p1)
+    self.assertEqual(0, reconstructed1.GetNumPoints())
+    reconstructed2 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p2)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2], reconstructed2.GetPoints())
+    reconstructed3 = graph._ReconstructPath(came_from, p3)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2, p3], reconstructed3.GetPoints())
+  def testShortestPath(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0, 0.5, 0.5).Normalize()
+    p3 = Point(0.3, 0.8, 0.5).Normalize()
+    p4 = Point(0.7, 0.7, 0.5).Normalize()
+    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3], "poly1")
+    poly2 = Poly([p4, p3], "poly2")
+    poly3 = Poly([p4, p1], "poly3")
+    graph = PolyGraph()
+    graph.AddPoly(poly1)
+    graph.AddPoly(poly2)
+    graph.AddPoly(poly3)
+    path = graph.ShortestPath(p1, p4)
+    self.assert_(path is not None)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p4], path.GetPoints())
+    path = graph.ShortestPath(p1, p3)
+    self.assert_(path is not None)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p4, p3], path.GetPoints())
+    path = graph.ShortestPath(p3, p1)
+    self.assert_(path is not None)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p3, p4, p1], path.GetPoints())
+  def testFindShortestMultiPointPath(self):
+    p1 = Point(1, 0, 0).Normalize()
+    p2 = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0).Normalize()
+    p3 = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.1).Normalize()
+    p4 = Point(0, 1, 0).Normalize()
+    poly1 = Poly([p1, p2, p3], "poly1")
+    poly2 = Poly([p4, p3], "poly2")
+    poly3 = Poly([p4, p1], "poly3")
+    graph = PolyGraph()
+    graph.AddPoly(poly1)
+    graph.AddPoly(poly2)
+    graph.AddPoly(poly3)
+    path = graph.FindShortestMultiPointPath([p1, p3, p4])
+    self.assert_(path is not None)
+    self.assertPointsApproxEq([p1, p2, p3, p4], path.GetPoints())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testtransitfeed.py
@@ -1,1 +1,5748 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unit tests for the transitfeed module.
+import datetime
+from datetime import date
+import dircache
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import transitfeed
+import types
+import unittest
+import util
+from util import RecordingProblemAccumulator
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import zipfile
+import zlib
+def DataPath(path):
+  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+  return os.path.join(here, 'data', path)
+def GetDataPathContents():
+  here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+  return dircache.listdir(os.path.join(here, 'data'))
+class ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
+  """Ignores feed expiration problems.
+  Use TestFailureProblemReporter in new code because it fails more cleanly, is
+  easier to extend and does more thorough checking.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator(raise_warnings=True)
+    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self, accumulator)
+  def ExpirationDate(self, expiration, context=None):
+    pass  # We don't want to give errors about our test data
+def GetTestFailureProblemReporter(test_case,
+                                  ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",)):
+  accumulator = TestFailureProblemAccumulator(test_case, ignore_types)
+  problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  return problems
+class TestFailureProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.ProblemAccumulatorInterface):
+  """Causes a test failure immediately on any problem."""
+  def __init__(self, test_case, ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",)):
+    self.test_case = test_case
+    self._ignore_types = ignore_types or set()
+  def _Report(self, e):
+    # These should never crash
+    formatted_problem = e.FormatProblem()
+    formatted_context = e.FormatContext()
+    exception_class = e.__class__.__name__
+    if exception_class in self._ignore_types:
+      return
+    self.test_case.fail(
+        "%s: %s\n%s" % (exception_class, formatted_problem, formatted_context))
+class UnrecognizedColumnRecorder(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
+  """Keeps track of unrecognized column errors."""
+  def __init__(self, test_case):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(test_case,
+        ignore_types=("ExpirationDate",))
+    self.column_errors = []
+  def UnrecognizedColumn(self, file_name, column_name, context=None):
+    self.column_errors.append((file_name, column_name))
+class RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase(util.TestCase):
+  """Save stdout to the StringIO buffer self.this_stdout"""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.saved_stdout = sys.stdout
+    self.this_stdout = StringIO()
+    sys.stdout = self.this_stdout
+  def tearDown(self):
+    sys.stdout = self.saved_stdout
+    self.this_stdout.close()
+# ensure that there are no exceptions when attempting to load
+# (so that the validator won't crash)
+class NoExceptionTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    for feed in GetDataPathContents():
+      loader = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath(feed),
+                                  problems=transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
+                                  extra_validation=True)
+      schedule = loader.Load()
+      schedule.Validate()
+class EndOfLineCheckerTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self)
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+  def RunEndOfLineChecker(self, end_of_line_checker):
+    # Iterating using for calls end_of_line_checker.next() until a
+    # StopIteration is raised. EndOfLineChecker does the final check for a mix
+    # of CR LF and LF ends just before raising StopIteration.
+    for line in end_of_line_checker:
+      pass
+  def testInvalidLineEnd(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(StringIO("line1\r\r\nline2"),
+                                     "<StringIO>",
+                                     self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(e.bad_line_end, r"\r\r\n")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testInvalidLineEndToo(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
+        StringIO("line1\nline2\r\nline3\r\r\r\n"),
+        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 3)
+    self.assertEqual(e.bad_line_end, r"\r\r\r\n")
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertTrue(e.description.find("consistent line end") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testEmbeddedCr(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
+        StringIO("line1\rline1b"),
+        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
+                     "Line contains ASCII Carriage Return 0x0D, \\r")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testEmbeddedUtf8NextLine(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
+        StringIO("line1b\xc2\x85"),
+        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
+                     "Line contains Unicode NEXT LINE SEPARATOR U+0085")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testEndOfLineMix(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
+        StringIO("line1\nline2\r\nline3\nline4"),
+        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
+                     "Found 1 CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line end (line 2) and "
+                     "2 LF \"\\n\" line ends (lines 1, 3). A file must use a "
+                     "consistent line end.")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testEndOfLineManyMix(self):
+    f = transitfeed.EndOfLineChecker(
+        StringIO("1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\r\n8\r\n9\r\n10\r\n11\r\n"),
+        "<StringIO>", self.problems)
+    self.RunEndOfLineChecker(f)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "<StringIO>")
+    self.assertEqual(e.FormatProblem(),
+                     "Found 5 CR LF \"\\r\\n\" line ends (lines 7, 8, 9, 10, "
+                     "11) and 6 LF \"\\n\" line ends (lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "
+                     "...). A file must use a consistent line end.")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testLoad(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath("bad_eol.zip"), problems=self.problems, extra_validation=True)
+    loader.Load()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "calendar.txt")
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(
+      r"Found 1 CR LF.* \(line 2\) and 2 LF .*\(lines 1, 3\)",
+      e.FormatProblem()))
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidLineEnd")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "routes.txt")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 5)
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(r"\r\r\n") != -1)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEqual(e.file_name, "trips.txt")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(
+      r"contains ASCII Form Feed",
+      e.FormatProblem()))
+    # TODO(Tom): avoid this duplicate error for the same issue
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.assertEqual(e.row_num, 1)
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(
+      r"header row should not contain any space char",
+      e.FormatProblem()))
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+  def Load(self, feed_name):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath(feed_name), problems=self.problems, extra_validation=True)
+    loader.Load()
+  def ExpectInvalidValue(self, feed_name, column_name):
+    self.Load(feed_name)
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue(column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def ExpectMissingFile(self, feed_name, file_name):
+    self.Load(feed_name)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("MissingFile")
+    self.assertEqual(file_name, e.file_name)
+    # Don't call AssertNoMoreExceptions() because a missing file causes
+    # many errors.
+class LoadFromZipTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('good_feed.zip'),
+      problems = GetTestFailureProblemReporter(self),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    loader.Load()
+    # now try using Schedule.Load
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
+        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
+    schedule.Load(DataPath('good_feed.zip'), extra_validation=True)
+class LoadAndRewriteFromZipTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
+        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
+    schedule.Load(DataPath('good_feed.zip'), extra_validation=True)
+    # Finally see if write crashes
+    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(tempfile.TemporaryFile())
+class LoadFromDirectoryTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('good_feed'),
+      problems = GetTestFailureProblemReporter(self),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    loader.Load()
+class LoadUnknownFeedTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_feed')
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      feed_name,
+      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      self.fail('FeedNotFound exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.FeedNotFound, e:
+      self.assertEqual(feed_name, e.feed_name)
+class LoadUnknownFormatTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_format.zip')
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      feed_name,
+      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      self.fail('UnknownFormat exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.UnknownFormat, e:
+      self.assertEqual(feed_name, e.feed_name)
+class LoadUnrecognizedColumnsTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    problems = UnrecognizedColumnRecorder(self)
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(DataPath('unrecognized_columns'),
+                                problems=problems)
+    loader.Load()
+    found_errors = set(problems.column_errors)
+    expected_errors = set([
+      ('agency.txt', 'agency_lange'),
+      ('stops.txt', 'stop_uri'),
+      ('routes.txt', 'Route_Text_Color'),
+      ('calendar.txt', 'leap_day'),
+      ('calendar_dates.txt', 'leap_day'),
+      ('trips.txt', 'sharpe_id'),
+      ('stop_times.txt', 'shapedisttraveled'),
+      ('stop_times.txt', 'drop_off_time'),
+      ('fare_attributes.txt', 'transfer_time'),
+      ('fare_rules.txt', 'source_id'),
+      ('frequencies.txt', 'superfluous'),
+      ('transfers.txt', 'to_stop')
+    ])
+    # Now make sure we got the unrecognized column errors that we expected.
+    not_expected = found_errors.difference(expected_errors)
+    self.failIf(not_expected, 'unexpected errors: %s' % str(not_expected))
+    not_found = expected_errors.difference(found_errors)
+    self.failIf(not_found, 'expected but not found: %s' % str(not_found))
+class LoadExtraCellValidationTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  """Check that the validation detects too many cells in a row."""
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.Load('extra_row_cells')
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEquals("routes.txt", e.file_name)
+    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadMissingCellValidationTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  """Check that the validation detects missing cells in a row."""
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.Load('missing_row_cells')
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertEquals("routes.txt", e.file_name)
+    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadUnknownFileTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  """Check that the validation detects unknown files."""
+  def runTest(self):
+    feed_name = DataPath('unknown_file')
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      feed_name,
+      problems = self.problems,
+      extra_validation = True)
+    loader.Load()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('UnknownFile')
+    self.assertEqual('frecuencias.txt', e.file_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadUTF8BOMTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('utf8bom'),
+      problems = GetTestFailureProblemReporter(self),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    loader.Load()
+class LoadUTF16TestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    # utf16 generated by `recode utf8..utf16 *'
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    problem_reporter = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('utf16'),
+      problems = problem_reporter,
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      # TODO: make sure processing proceeds beyond the problem
+      self.fail('FileFormat exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.FileFormat, e:
+      # make sure these don't raise an exception
+      self.assertTrue(re.search(r'encoded in utf-16', e.FormatProblem()))
+      e.FormatContext()
+class LoadNullTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    problem_reporter = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('contains_null'),
+      problems = problem_reporter,
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      self.fail('FileFormat exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.FileFormat, e:
+      self.assertTrue(re.search(r'contains a null', e.FormatProblem()))
+      # make sure these don't raise an exception
+      e.FormatContext()
+class ProblemReporterTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
+  # Unittest for problem reporter
+  def testContextWithBadUnicodeProblem(self):
+    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
+    # Context has valid unicode values
+    pr.SetFileContext('filename.foo', 23,
+                      [u'Andr\202', u'Person \uc720 foo', None],
+                      [u'1\202', u'2\202', u'3\202'])
+    pr.OtherProblem('test string')
+    pr.OtherProblem(u'\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
+    # Invalid ascii and utf-8. encode('utf-8') and decode('utf-8') will fail
+    # for this value
+    pr.OtherProblem('\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"test string", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"filename.foo:23", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+  def testNoContextWithBadUnicode(self):
+    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
+    pr.OtherProblem('test string')
+    pr.OtherProblem(u'\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
+    # Invalid ascii and utf-8. encode('utf-8') and decode('utf-8') will fail
+    # for this value
+    pr.OtherProblem('\xff\xfe\x80\x88')
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"test string", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+  def testBadUnicodeContext(self):
+    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
+    pr.SetFileContext('filename.foo', 23,
+                      [u'Andr\202', 'Person \xff\xfe\x80\x88 foo', None],
+                      [u'1\202', u'2\202', u'3\202'])
+    pr.OtherProblem("help, my context isn't utf-8!")
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"help, my context", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"filename.foo:23", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+  def testLongWord(self):
+    # Make sure LineWrap doesn't puke
+    pr = transitfeed.ProblemReporter()
+    pr.OtherProblem('1111untheontuhoenuthoentuhntoehuontehuntoehuntoehunto'
+                    '2222oheuntheounthoeunthoeunthoeuntheontuheontuhoue')
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(r"1111.+2222", self.this_stdout.getvalue()))
+class BadProblemReporterTestCase(RedirectStdOutTestCaseBase):
+  """Make sure ProblemReporter doesn't crash when given bad unicode data and
+  does find some error"""
+  # tom.brown.code-utf8_weaknesses fixed a bug with problem reporter and bad
+  # utf-8 strings
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('bad_utf8'),
+      problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    loader.Load()
+    # raises exception if not found
+    self.this_stdout.getvalue().index('Invalid value')
+class BadUtf8TestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.Load('bad_utf8')
+    self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("agency_name", "agency.txt")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("stop_name", "stops.txt")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("route_short_name", "routes.txt")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("route_long_name", "routes.txt")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("trip_headsign", "trips.txt")
+    self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("stop_headsign", "stop_times.txt")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadMissingAgencyTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_agency', 'agency.txt')
+class LoadMissingStopsTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_stops', 'stops.txt')
+class LoadMissingRoutesTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_routes', 'routes.txt')
+class LoadMissingTripsTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_trips', 'trips.txt')
+class LoadMissingStopTimesTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_stop_times', 'stop_times.txt')
+class LoadMissingCalendarTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectMissingFile('missing_calendar', 'calendar.txt')
+class EmptyFileTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('empty_file'),
+      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      self.fail('EmptyFile exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.EmptyFile, e:
+      self.assertEqual('agency.txt', e.file_name)
+class MissingColumnTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+      DataPath('missing_column'),
+      problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration(),
+      extra_validation = True)
+    try:
+      loader.Load()
+      self.fail('MissingColumn exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.MissingColumn, e:
+      self.assertEqual('agency.txt', e.file_name)
+      self.assertEqual('agency_name', e.column_name)
+class ZeroBasedStopSequenceTestCase(LoadTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue('negative_stop_sequence', 'stop_sequence')
+class DuplicateStopTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
+        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
+    try:
+      schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_stop'), extra_validation=True)
+      self.fail('OtherProblem exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.OtherProblem:
+      pass
+class DuplicateStopSequenceTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self, ("ExpirationDate",
+                                                     "NoServiceExceptions"))
+    problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
+    schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_stop_sequence'), extra_validation=True)
+    e = accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual('stop_sequence', e.column_name)
+    accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class MissingEndpointTimesTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    problems = ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration()
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=problems)
+    try:
+      schedule.Load(DataPath('missing_endpoint_times'), extra_validation=True)
+      self.fail('InvalidValue exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.InvalidValue, e:
+      self.assertEqual('departure_time', e.column_name)
+      self.assertEqual('', e.value)
+class DuplicateScheduleIDTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
+        problem_reporter=ExceptionProblemReporterNoExpiration())
+    try:
+      schedule.Load(DataPath('duplicate_schedule_id'), extra_validation=True)
+      self.fail('DuplicateID exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.DuplicateID:
+      pass
+class OverlappingBlockSchedule(transitfeed.Schedule):
+  """Special Schedule subclass that counts the number of calls to
+  GetServicePeriod() so we can verify service period overlap calculation
+  caching"""
+  _get_service_period_call_count = 0
+  def GetServicePeriod(self, service_id):
+    self._get_service_period_call_count += 1
+    return transitfeed.Schedule.GetServicePeriod(self,service_id)
+  def GetServicePeriodCallCount(self):
+    return self._get_service_period_call_count
+class OverlappingBlockTripsTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  """Builds a simple schedule for testing of overlapping block trips"""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(
+        self, ("ExpirationDate", "NoServiceExceptions"))
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    schedule = OverlappingBlockSchedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
+    schedule.AddAgency("Demo Transit Authority", "http://dta.org",
+                       "America/Los_Angeles")
+    sp1 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("SID1")
+    sp1.SetWeekdayService(True)
+    sp1.SetStartDate("20070605")
+    sp1.SetEndDate("20080605")
+    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp1)
+    sp2 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("SID2")
+    sp2.SetDayOfWeekHasService(0)
+    sp2.SetDayOfWeekHasService(2)
+    sp2.SetDayOfWeekHasService(4)
+    sp2.SetStartDate("20070605")
+    sp2.SetEndDate("20080605")
+    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp2)
+    sp3 = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("SID3")
+    sp3.SetWeekendService(True)
+    sp3.SetStartDate("20070605")
+    sp3.SetEndDate("20080605")
+    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(sp3)
+    self.stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-116.75167,
+                                  lat=36.915682,
+                                  name="Stagecoach Hotel & Casino",
+                                  stop_id="S1")
+    self.stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-116.76218,
+                                  lat=36.905697,
+                                  name="E Main St / S Irving St",
+                                  stop_id="S2")
+    self.route = schedule.AddRoute("", "City", "Bus", route_id="CITY")
+    self.schedule = schedule
+    self.sp1 = sp1
+    self.sp2 = sp2
+    self.sp3 = sp3
+  def testNoOverlap(self):
+    schedule, route, sp1 = self.schedule, self.route, self.sp1
+    trip1 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY1")
+    trip1.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:00:00")
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:30:00")
+    trip2 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY2")
+    trip2.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:30:00")
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="7:00:00")
+    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testOverlapSameServicePeriod(self):
+    schedule, route, sp1 = self.schedule, self.route, self.sp1
+    trip1 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY1")
+    trip1.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:00:00")
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:30:00")
+    trip2 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY2")
+    trip2.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:20:00")
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:50:00")
+    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('OverlappingTripsInSameBlock')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id1, 'CITY1')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id2, 'CITY2')
+    self.assertEqual(e.block_id, 'BLOCK')
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testOverlapDifferentServicePeriods(self):
+    schedule, route, sp1, sp2 = self.schedule, self.route, self.sp1, self.sp2
+    trip1 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY1")
+    trip1.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:00:00")
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:30:00")
+    trip2 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp2, trip_id="CITY2")
+    trip2.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:20:00")
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:50:00")
+    trip3 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY3")
+    trip3.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip3.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="7:00:00")
+    trip3.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="7:30:00")
+    trip4 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp2, trip_id="CITY4")
+    trip4.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip4.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="7:20:00")
+    trip4.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="7:50:00")
+    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('OverlappingTripsInSameBlock')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id1, 'CITY1')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id2, 'CITY2')
+    self.assertEqual(e.block_id, 'BLOCK')
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('OverlappingTripsInSameBlock')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id1, 'CITY3')
+    self.assertEqual(e.trip_id2, 'CITY4')
+    self.assertEqual(e.block_id, 'BLOCK')
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    # If service period overlap calculation caching is working correctly,
+    # we expect only two calls to GetServicePeriod(), one each for sp1 and
+    # sp2, as oppossed four calls total for the four overlapping trips
+    self.assertEquals(2,schedule.GetServicePeriodCallCount())
+  def testNoOverlapDifferentServicePeriods(self):
+    schedule, route, sp1, sp3 = self.schedule, self.route, self.sp1, self.sp3
+    trip1 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp1, trip_id="CITY1")
+    trip1.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:00:00")
+    trip1.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:30:00")
+    trip2 = route.AddTrip(schedule, service_period=sp3, trip_id="CITY2")
+    trip2.block_id = "BLOCK"
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop2, stop_time="6:20:00")
+    trip2.AddStopTime(self.stop1, stop_time="6:50:00")
+    schedule.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class ColorLuminanceTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('000000'), 0,
+        "ColorLuminance('000000') should be zero")
+    self.assertEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('FFFFFF'), 255,
+        "ColorLuminance('FFFFFF') should be 255")
+    RGBmsg = ("ColorLuminance('RRGGBB') should be "
+              "0.299*<Red> + 0.587*<Green> + 0.114*<Blue>")
+    decimal_places_tested = 8
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('640000'), 29.9,
+                           decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('006400'), 58.7,
+                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('000064'), 11.4,
+                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(transitfeed.ColorLuminance('1171B3'),
+                     0.299*17 + 0.587*113 + 0.114*179,
+                     decimal_places_tested, RGBmsg)
+INVALID_VALUE = Exception()
+class ValidationTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(
+        self, ("ExpirationDate", "NoServiceExceptions"))
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.accumulator.TearDownAssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def ExpectNoProblems(self, object):
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    object.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  # TODO: Get rid of Expect*Closure methods. With the
+  # RecordingProblemAccumulator it is now possible to replace
+  # self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(lambda: o.method(...), foo)
+  # with
+  # o.method(...)
+  # self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(foo)
+  # because problems don't raise an exception. This has the advantage of
+  # making it easy and clear to test the return value of o.method(...) and
+  # easier to test for a sequence of problems caused by one call.
+  def ExpectMissingValue(self, object, column_name):
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure(column_name,
+                                     lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
+  def ExpectMissingValueInClosure(self, column_name, c):
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    rv = c()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('MissingValue')
+    self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
+    # these should not throw any exceptions
+    e.FormatProblem()
+    e.FormatContext()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def ExpectInvalidValue(self, object, column_name, value=INVALID_VALUE):
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(column_name, value,
+        lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
+  def ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(self, column_name, value=INVALID_VALUE,
+                                  c=None):
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    rv = c()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual(column_name, e.column_name)
+    if value != INVALID_VALUE:
+      self.assertEqual(value, e.value)
+    # these should not throw any exceptions
+    e.FormatProblem()
+    e.FormatContext()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def ExpectInvalidFloatValue(self, object, value):
+    self.ExpectInvalidFloatValueInClosure(value,
+        lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
+  def ExpectInvalidFloatValueInClosure(self, value,
+                                  c=None):
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    rv = c()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidFloatValue')
+    self.assertEqual(value, e.value)
+    # these should not throw any exceptions
+    e.FormatProblem()
+    e.FormatContext()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def ExpectOtherProblem(self, object):
+    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(lambda: object.Validate(self.problems))
+  def ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(self, c):
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    rv = c()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('OtherProblem')
+    # these should not throw any exceptions
+    e.FormatProblem()
+    e.FormatContext()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def SimpleSchedule(self):
+    """Return a minimum schedule that will load without warnings."""
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
+    schedule.AddAgency("Fly Agency", "http://iflyagency.com",
+                       "America/Los_Angeles")
+    service_period = transitfeed.ServicePeriod("WEEK")
+    service_period.SetWeekdayService(True)
+    service_period.SetStartDate("20091203")
+    service_period.SetEndDate("20111203")
+    service_period.SetDateHasService("20091203")
+    schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_period)
+    stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=1.00, lat=48.2, name="Stop 1", stop_id="stop1")
+    stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=1.01, lat=48.2, name="Stop 2", stop_id="stop2")
+    stop3 = schedule.AddStop(lng=1.03, lat=48.2, name="Stop 3", stop_id="stop3")
+    route = schedule.AddRoute("54C", "", "Bus", route_id="054C")
+    trip = route.AddTrip(schedule, "bus trip", trip_id="CITY1")
+    trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time="12:00:00")
+    trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time="12:00:45")
+    trip.AddStopTime(stop3, stop_time="12:02:30")
+    return schedule
+class AgencyValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    # success case
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
+                                lang='xh')
+    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
+    # bad agency
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='   ', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(agency, 'agency_name')
+    # missing url
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(agency, 'agency_url')
+    # bad url
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='www.example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA')
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_url')
+    # bad time zone
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Alviso', id='TA')
+    agency.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue('agency_timezone')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('"America/Alviso" is not a common timezone',
+                            e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    # bad language code
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
+                                lang='English')
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_lang')
+    # bad 2-letter lanugage code
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
+                                lang='xx')
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(agency, 'agency_lang')
+    # capitalized language code is OK
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles', id='TA',
+                                lang='EN')
+    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
+    # extra attribute in constructor is fine, only checked when loading a file
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles',
+                                agency_mission='monorail you there')
+    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
+    # extra attribute in assigned later is also fine
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='http://example.com',
+                                timezone='America/Los_Angeles')
+    agency.agency_mission='monorail you there'
+    self.ExpectNoProblems(agency)
+    # Multiple problems
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(name='Test Agency', url='www.example.com',
+                                timezone='America/West Coast', id='TA')
+    self.assertEquals(False, agency.Validate(self.problems))
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, 'agency_url')
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual(e.column_name, 'agency_timezone')
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class AgencyAttributesTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def testCopy(self):
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict={'agency_name': 'Test Agency',
+                                            'agency_url': 'http://example.com',
+                                            'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles',
+                                            'agency_mission': 'get you there'})
+    self.assertEquals(agency.agency_mission, 'get you there')
+    agency_copy = transitfeed.Agency(field_dict=agency)
+    self.assertEquals(agency_copy.agency_mission, 'get you there')
+    self.assertEquals(agency_copy['agency_mission'], 'get you there')
+  def testEq(self):
+    agency1 = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
+                                 "America/Los_Angeles")
+    agency2 = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
+                                 "America/Los_Angeles")
+    # Unknown columns, such as agency_mission, do affect equality
+    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
+    agency1.agency_mission = "Get you there"
+    self.assertNotEquals(agency1, agency2)
+    agency2.agency_mission = "Move you"
+    self.assertNotEquals(agency1, agency2)
+    agency1.agency_mission = "Move you"
+    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
+    # Private attributes don't affect equality
+    agency1._private_attr = "My private message"
+    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
+    agency2._private_attr = "Another private thing"
+    self.assertEquals(agency1, agency2)
+  def testDict(self):
+    agency = transitfeed.Agency("Test Agency", "http://example.com",
+                                "America/Los_Angeles")
+    agency._private_attribute = "blah"
+    # Private attributes don't appear when iterating through an agency as a
+    # dict but can be directly accessed.
+    self.assertEquals("blah", agency._private_attribute)
+    self.assertEquals("blah", agency["_private_attribute"])
+    self.assertEquals(
+        set("agency_name agency_url agency_timezone".split()),
+        set(agency.keys()))
+    self.assertEquals({"agency_name": "Test Agency",
+                       "agency_url": "http://example.com",
+                       "agency_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"},
+                      dict(agency.iteritems()))
+class StopValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    # success case
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
+    stop.stop_id = '45'
+    stop.stop_name = 'Couch AT End Table'
+    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
+    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
+    stop.stop_desc = 'Edge of the Couch'
+    stop.zone_id = 'A'
+    stop.stop_url = 'http://example.com'
+    stop.Validate(self.problems)
+    # latitude too large
+    stop.stop_lat = 100.0
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
+    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
+    # latitude as a string works when it is valid
+    stop.stop_lat = '50.0'
+    stop.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    stop.stop_lat = '10f'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
+    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
+    # longitude too large
+    stop.stop_lon = 200.0
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lon')
+    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
+    # lat, lon too close to 0, 0
+    stop.stop_lat = 0.0
+    stop.stop_lon = 0.0
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_lat')
+    stop.stop_lat = 50.0
+    stop.stop_lon = 50.0
+    # invalid stop_url
+    stop.stop_url = 'www.example.com'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_url')
+    stop.stop_url = 'http://example.com'
+    stop.stop_id = '   '
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(stop, 'stop_id')
+    stop.stop_id = '45'
+    stop.stop_name = ''
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(stop, 'stop_name')
+    stop.stop_name = 'Couch AT End Table'
+    # description same as name
+    stop.stop_desc = 'Couch AT End Table'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, 'stop_desc')
+    stop.stop_desc = 'Edge of the Couch'
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class StopAttributes(ValidationTestCase):
+  def testWithoutSchedule(self):
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
+    stop.Validate(self.problems)
+    for name in "stop_id stop_name stop_lat stop_lon".split():
+      e = self.accumulator.PopException('MissingValue')
+      self.assertEquals(name, e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
+    # Test behaviour for unset and unknown attribute
+    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], '')
+    try:
+      t = stop.new_column
+      self.fail('Expecting AttributeError')
+    except AttributeError, e:
+      pass  # Expected
+    stop.stop_id = 'a'
+    stop.stop_name = 'my stop'
+    stop.new_column = 'val'
+    stop.stop_lat = 5.909
+    stop.stop_lon = '40.02'
+    self.assertEquals(stop.new_column, 'val')
+    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], 'val')
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(stop['stop_lat'], basestring))
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(float(stop['stop_lat']), 5.909)
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(stop['stop_lon'], basestring))
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(float(stop['stop_lon']), 40.02)
+    stop.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    # After validation stop.stop_lon has been converted to a float
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(stop.stop_lat, 5.909)
+    self.assertAlmostEqual(stop.stop_lon, 40.02)
+    self.assertEquals(stop.new_column, 'val')
+    self.assertEquals(stop['new_column'], 'val')
+  def testBlankAttributeName(self):
+    stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"": "a"})
+    stop2 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=stop1)
+    self.assertEquals("a", getattr(stop1, ""))
+    # The attribute "" is treated as private and not copied
+    self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, stop2, "")
+    self.assertEquals(set(), set(stop1.keys()))
+    self.assertEquals(set(), set(stop2.keys()))
+  def testWithSchedule(self):
+    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=self.problems)
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={})
+    # AddStopObject silently fails for Stop objects without stop_id
+    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
+    self.assertFalse(schedule.GetStopList())
+    self.assertFalse(stop._schedule)
+    # Okay to add a stop with only stop_id
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "b"})
+    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
+    stop.Validate(self.problems)
+    for name in "stop_name stop_lat stop_lon".split():
+      e = self.accumulator.PopException("MissingValue")
+      self.assertEquals(name, e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    stop.new_column = "val"
+    self.assertTrue("new_column" in schedule.GetTableColumns("stops"))
+    # Adding a duplicate stop_id fails
+    schedule.AddStopObject(transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "b"}))
+    self.accumulator.PopException("DuplicateID")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class StopTimeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop()
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '1a:00:00',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="1a:00:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '1a:00:00',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time='1a:00:00'))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('pickup_type', '7.8',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
+                                     pickup_type='7.8',
+                                     drop_off_type='0'))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('drop_off_type', 'a',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
+                                     pickup_type='3',
+                                     drop_off_type='a'))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('shape_dist_traveled', '$',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
+                                     pickup_type='3',
+                                     drop_off_type='0',
+                                     shape_dist_traveled='$'))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('shape_dist_traveled', '0,53',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time='10:05:00',
+                                     pickup_type='3',
+                                     drop_off_type='0',
+                                     shape_dist_traveled='0,53'))
+    self.ExpectOtherProblemInClosure(
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     pickup_type='1', drop_off_type='1'))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:00:00',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="11:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="10:00:00"))
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('arrival_time',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     departure_time="10:00:00"))
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('arrival_time',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     departure_time="10:00:00",
+                                     arrival_time=""))
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('departure_time',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00"))
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('departure_time',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time=""))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:70:00',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="10:70:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('departure_time', '10:00:62',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="10:00:62"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '10:00:63',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:63",
+                                     departure_time="10:10:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('arrival_time', '10:60:00',
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop,
+                                     arrival_time="10:60:00",
+                                     departure_time="11:02:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('stop', "id",
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, "id",
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="11:02:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('stop', "3",
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, "3",
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="11:02:00"))
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure('stop', None,
+        lambda: transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, None,
+                                     arrival_time="10:00:00",
+                                     departure_time="11:02:00"))
+    # The following should work
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="10:00:00",
+        departure_time="10:05:00", pickup_type='1', drop_off_type='1')
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="10:00:00",
+        departure_time="10:05:00", pickup_type='1', drop_off_type='1')
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="1:00:00",
+        departure_time="1:05:00")
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="24:59:00",
+        departure_time="25:05:00")
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop, arrival_time="101:01:00",
+        departure_time="101:21:00")
+    transitfeed.StopTime(self.problems, stop)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class TooFastTravelTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(TooFastTravelTestCase, self).setUp()
+    self.schedule = self.SimpleSchedule()
+    self.route = self.schedule.GetRoute("054C")
+    self.trip = self.route.AddTrip()
+  def AddStopDistanceTime(self, dist_time_list):
+    # latitude where each 0.01 degrees longitude is 1km
+    magic_lat = 26.062468289
+    stop = self.schedule.AddStop(magic_lat, 0, "Demo Stop 0")
+    time = 0
+    self.trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
+    for i, (dist_delta, time_delta) in enumerate(dist_time_list):
+      stop = self.schedule.AddStop(
+          magic_lat, stop.stop_lon + dist_delta * 0.00001,
+          "Demo Stop %d" % (i + 1))
+      time += time_delta
+      self.trip.AddStopTime(stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
+  def testMovingTooFast(self):
+    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(1691, 60),
+                              (1616, 60)])
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'\(101 km/h\)', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.route.route_type = 4  # Ferry with max_speed 80
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'\(101 km/h\)', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 1 to Demo Stop 2', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1616 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'97 km/h', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    # Run test without a route_type
+    self.route.route_type = None
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'1691 meters in 60 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(r'101 km/h', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testNoTimeDelta(self):
+    # See comments where TooFastTravel is called in transitfeed.py to
+    # understand why was added.
+    # Movement more than max_speed in 1 minute with no time change is a warning.
+    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(1616, 0),
+                              (1000, 120),
+                              (1691, 0)])
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.route.route_type = 4  # Ferry with max_speed 80
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 0 to Demo Stop 1', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('1616 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    # Run test without a route_type
+    self.route.route_type = None
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 2 to Demo Stop 3', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('1691 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testNoTimeDeltaNotRounded(self):
+    # See comments where TooFastTravel is called in transitfeed.py to
+    # understand why was added.
+    # Any movement with no time change and times not rounded to the nearest
+    # minute causes a warning.
+    self.AddStopDistanceTime([(500, 62),
+                              (10, 0)])
+    self.trip.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('TooFastTravel')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('High speed travel detected', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Stop 1 to Demo Stop 2', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('10 meters in 0 seconds', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertEqual(e.type, transitfeed.TYPE_WARNING)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class MemoryZipTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  """Base for TestCase classes which read from an in-memory zip file.
+  A test that loads data from this zip file exercises almost all the code used
+  when the feedvalidator runs, but does not touch disk. Unfortunately it is very
+  difficult to add new stops to the default stops.txt because a new stop will
+  break tests in StopHierarchyTestCase and StopsNearEachOther."""
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self, ("ExpirationDate",))
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.zip_contents = {}
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "agency.txt",
+        "agency_id,agency_name,agency_url,agency_timezone\n"
+        "DTA,Demo Agency,http://google.com,America/Los_Angeles\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "calendar.txt",
+        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
+        "start_date,end_date\n"
+        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101,20101231\n"
+        "WE,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20070101,20101231\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "calendar_dates.txt",
+        "service_id,date,exception_type\n"
+        "FULLW,20070101,1\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "routes.txt",
+        "route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_type\n"
+        "AB,DTA,,Airport Bullfrog,3\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "trips.txt",
+        "route_id,service_id,trip_id\n"
+        "AB,FULLW,AB1\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677\n")
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stop_times.txt",
+        "trip_id,arrival_time,departure_time,stop_id,stop_sequence\n"
+        "AB1,10:00:00,10:00:00,BEATTY_AIRPORT,1\n"
+        "AB1,10:20:00,10:20:00,BULLFROG,2\n"
+        "AB1,10:25:00,10:25:00,STAGECOACH,3\n")
+  def MakeLoaderAndLoad(self,
+                        problems=None,
+                        extra_validation=True):
+    """Returns a Schedule loaded with the contents of the file dict."""
+    if problems is None:
+      problems = self.problems
+    self.CreateZip()
+    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+        problems=problems,
+        extra_validation=extra_validation,
+        zip=self.zip)
+    return self.loader.Load()
+  def AppendToArchiveContents(self, arcname, s):
+    """Append string s to file arcname in the file dict.
+    All calls to this function, if any, should be made before calling
+    MakeLoaderAndLoad."""
+    current_contents = self.zip_contents[arcname]
+    self.zip_contents[arcname] = current_contents + s
+  def SetArchiveContents(self, arcname, contents):
+    """Set the contents of file arcname in the file dict.
+    All calls to this function, if any, should be made before calling
+    MakeLoaderAndLoad."""
+    self.zip_contents[arcname] = contents
+  def GetArchiveContents(self, arcname):
+    """Get the contents of file arcname in the file dict."""
+    return self.zip_contents[arcname]
+  def RemoveArchive(self, arcname):
+    """Remove file arcname from the file dict.
+    All calls to this function, if any, should be made before calling
+    MakeLoaderAndLoad."""
+    del self.zip_contents[arcname]
+  def GetArchiveNames(self):
+    """Get a list of all the archive names in the file dict."""
+    return self.zip_contents.keys()
+  def CreateZip(self):
+    """Create an in-memory GTFS zipfile from the contents of the file dict."""
+    self.zipfile = StringIO()
+    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zipfile, 'a')
+    for (arcname, contents) in self.zip_contents.items():
+      self.zip.writestr(arcname, contents)
+  def DumpZipFile(self, zf):
+    """Print the contents of something zipfile can open, such as a StringIO."""
+    # Handy for debugging
+    z = zipfile.ZipFile(zf)
+    for n in z.namelist():
+      print "--\n%s\n%s" % (n, z.read(n))
+class CsvDictTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self)
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(), 'a')
+    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+        problems=self.problems,
+        zip=self.zip)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.accumulator.TearDownAssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testEmptyFile(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt", [], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    self.accumulator.PopException("EmptyFile")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderOnly(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderAndNewLineOnly(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderWithSpaceBefore(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", " test_id, test_name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderWithSpaceBeforeAfter(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id , test_name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderQuoted(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\", \"test_name\"\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderSpaceAfterQuoted(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\" , \"test_name\"\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderSpaceInQuotesAfterValue(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id \",\"test_name\"\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderSpaceInQuotesBeforeValue(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "\"test_id\",\" test_name\"\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderEmptyColumnName(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", 'test_id,test_name,\n')
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testHeaderAllUnknownColumnNames(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", 'id,nam\n')
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("missing the header") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testFieldWithSpaces(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      "test_id,test_name\n"
+                      "id1 , my name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1 ", "test_name": "my name"}, 2,
+                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1 ","my name"])], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testFieldWithOnlySpaces(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      "test_id,test_name\n"
+                      "id1,  \n")  # spaces are skipped to yield empty field
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": ""}, 2,
+                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1",""])], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testQuotedFieldWithSpaces(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      'test_id,"test_name",test_size\n'
+                      '"id1" , "my name" , "234 "\n')
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name",
+                                             "test_size"], []))
+    self.assertEquals(
+        [({"test_id": "id1 ", "test_name": "my name ", "test_size": "234 "}, 2,
+          ["test_id", "test_name", "test_size"], ["id1 ", "my name ", "234 "])],
+        results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testQuotedFieldWithCommas(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      'id,name1,name2\n'
+                      '"1", "brown, tom", "brown, ""tom"""\n')
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["id", "name1", "name2"], []))
+    self.assertEquals(
+        [({"id": "1", "name1": "brown, tom", "name2": "brown, \"tom\""}, 2,
+          ["id", "name1", "name2"], ["1", "brown, tom", "brown, \"tom\""])],
+        results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testUnknownColumn(self):
+    # A small typo (omitting '_' in a header name) is detected
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,testname\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("testname", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testMissingRequiredColumn(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_size\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_size"],
+                                            ["test_name"]))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("MissingColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testRequiredNotInAllCols(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt", "test_id,test_name,test_size\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_size"],
+                                            ["test_name"]))
+    self.assertEquals([], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testBlankLine(self):
+    # line_num is increased for an empty line
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      "test_id,test_name\n"
+                      "\n"
+                      "id1,my name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": "my name"}, 3,
+                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1","my name"])], results)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testExtraComma(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      "test_id,test_name\n"
+                      "id1,my name,\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1", "test_name": "my name"}, 2,
+                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1","my name"])],
+                      results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("too many cells") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testMissingComma(self):
+    self.zip.writestr("test.txt",
+                      "test_id,test_name\n"
+                      "id1 my name\n")
+    results = list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("test.txt",
+                                            ["test_id", "test_name"], []))
+    self.assertEquals([({"test_id": "id1 my name"}, 2,
+                        ["test_id", "test_name"], ["id1 my name"])], results)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("missing cells") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testDetectsDuplicateHeaders(self):
+    self.zip.writestr(
+        "transfers.txt",
+        "from_stop_id,from_stop_id,to_stop_id,transfer_type,min_transfer_time,"
+        "min_transfer_time,min_transfer_time,min_transfer_time,unknown,"
+        "unknown\n"
+        "BULLFROG,BULLFROG,BEATTY_AIRPORT,2,1200,1,,,,\n")
+    list(self.loader._ReadCsvDict("transfers.txt",
+                                  transitfeed.Transfer._FIELD_NAMES,
+                                  transitfeed.Transfer._REQUIRED_FIELD_NAMES))
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","min_transfer_time",4)
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","from_stop_id",2)
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("transfers.txt","unknown",2)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("unknown", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class ReadCsvTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self)
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+    self.zip = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(), 'a')
+    self.loader = transitfeed.Loader(
+        problems=self.problems,
+        zip=self.zip)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.accumulator.TearDownAssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testDetectsDuplicateHeaders(self):
+    self.zip.writestr(
+        "calendar.txt",
+        "service_id,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,"
+        "start_date,end_date,end_date,end_date,tuesday,unknown,unknown\n"
+        "FULLW,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20070101,20101231,,,,,\n")
+    list(self.loader._ReadCSV("calendar.txt",
+                              transitfeed.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES,
+                              transitfeed.ServicePeriod._FIELD_NAMES_REQUIRED))
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","end_date",3)
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","unknown",2)
+    self.accumulator.PopDuplicateColumn("calendar.txt","tuesday",2)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("unknown", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class BasicMemoryZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class ZipCompressionTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    self.zip.close()
+    write_output = StringIO()
+    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(write_output)
+    recompressedzip = zlib.compress(write_output.getvalue())
+    write_size = len(write_output.getvalue())
+    recompressedzip_size = len(recompressedzip)
+    # If zlib can compress write_output it probably wasn't compressed
+    self.assertFalse(
+        recompressedzip_size < write_size * 0.60,
+        "Are you sure WriteGoogleTransitFeed wrote a compressed zip? "
+        "Orginial size: %d  recompressed: %d" %
+        (write_size, recompressedzip_size))
+class StopHierarchyTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def testParentAtSameLatLon(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    self.assertEquals(1, schedule.stops["STATION"].location_type)
+    self.assertEquals(0, schedule.stops["BEATTY_AIRPORT"].location_type)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testBadLocationType(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,notvalid\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
+    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
+    self.assertEquals(1, e.type)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
+    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
+    self.assertEquals(0, e.type)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testBadLocationTypeAtSameLatLon(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
+    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStationUsed(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    self.accumulator.PopException("UsedStation")
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testParentNotFound(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testParentIsStop(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,BULLFROG\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testParentOfEntranceIsStop(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,2,BULLFROG\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("location_type", e.column_name)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("location_type=1") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStationWithParent(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,STATION2\n"
+        "STATION2,Airport 2,36.868000,-116.784000,1,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.868088,-116.784797,,STATION2\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStationWithSelfParent(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,STATION\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("InvalidValue")
+    self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+    self.assertEquals(3, e.row_num)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStopNearToNonParentStation(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
+        "BULLFROG_ST,Bullfrog,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("DifferentStationTooClose")
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(
+        "The parent_station of stop \"Bullfrog\"", e.FormatProblem())
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("StopsTooClose")
+    self.assertMatchesRegex("BEATTY_AIRPORT", e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex("BULLFROG", e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex("are 0.00m apart", e.FormatProblem())
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("DifferentStationTooClose")
+    self.assertMatchesRegex(
+        "The parent_station of stop \"Airport\"", e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStopTooFarFromParentStation(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BULLFROG_ST,Bullfrog,36.880,-116.817,1,\n"   # Parent station of all.
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.880,-116.816,,BULLFROG_ST\n"   # ~ 90m far
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.881,-116.818,,BULLFROG_ST\n"        # ~ 150m far
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach,36.915,-116.751,,BULLFROG_ST\n")   # > 3km far
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("StopTooFarFromParentStation")
+    self.assertEqual(1, e.type)  # Warning
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(
+        "Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG) is too far from its parent"
+        " station Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG_ST)") != -1)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("StopTooFarFromParentStation")
+    self.assertEqual(0, e.type)  # Error
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find(
+        "Stagecoach (ID STAGECOACH) is too far from its parent"
+        " station Bullfrog (ID BULLFROG_ST)") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  #Uncomment once validation is implemented
+  #def testStationWithoutReference(self):
+  #  self.SetArchiveContents(
+  #      "stops.txt",
+  #      "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+  #      "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,\n"
+  #      "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
+  #      "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+  #      "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+  #  schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+  #  e = self.accumulator.PopException("OtherProblem")
+  #  self.assertEquals("parent_station", e.column_name)
+  #  self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
+  #  self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class StopSpacesTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def testFieldsWithSpace(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_code,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,stop_url,location_type,"
+        "parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT, ,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582, , ,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class StopBlankHeaders(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def testBlankHeaderValueAtEnd(self):
+    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
+    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
+    # Add a column to the end of every row, leaving the header name blank.
+    new = []
+    for i, row in enumerate(
+        self.GetArchiveContents("stops.txt").split("\n")):
+      if i == 0:
+        new.append(row + ",")
+      elif row:
+        new.append(row + "," + str(i))  # Put a junk value in data rows
+    self.SetArchiveContents("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
+                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testBlankHeaderValueAtStart(self):
+    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
+    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
+    # Add a column to the start of every row, leaving the header name blank.
+    new = []
+    for i, row in enumerate(
+        self.GetArchiveContents("stops.txt").split("\n")):
+      if i == 0:
+        new.append("," + row)
+      elif row:
+        new.append(str(i) + "," + row)  # Put a junk value in data rows
+    self.SetArchiveContents("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
+                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testBlankHeaderValueInMiddle(self):
+    # Modify the stops.txt added by MemoryZipTestCase.setUp. This allows the
+    # original stops.txt to be changed without modifying anything in this test.
+    # Add two columns to the start of every row, leaving the second header name
+    # blank.
+    new = []
+    for i, row in enumerate(
+        self.GetArchiveContents("stops.txt").split("\n")):
+      if i == 0:
+        new.append("test_name,," + row)
+      elif row:
+        # Put a junk value in data rows
+        new.append(str(i) + "," + str(i) + "," + row)
+    self.SetArchiveContents("stops.txt", "\n".join(new))
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("CsvSyntax")
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().
+                    find("header row should not contain any blank") != -1)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException("UnrecognizedColumn")
+    self.assertEquals("test_name", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class StopsNearEachOther(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def testTooNear(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20001,140\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('StopsTooClose')
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("1.11m apart") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testJustFarEnough(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20002,140\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    # Stops are 2.2m apart
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testSameLocation(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.2,140\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.2,140\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('StopsTooClose')
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("0.00m apart") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStationsTooNear(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140,,BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20003,140,,BULLFROG_STATION\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION,Airport,48.20001,140,1,\n"
+        "BULLFROG_STATION,Bullfrog,48.20002,140,1,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('StationsTooClose')
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("1.11m apart") != -1)
+    self.assertTrue(e.FormatProblem().find("BEATTY_AIRPORT_STATION") != -1)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testStopNearNonParentStation(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,48.20000,140,,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20005,140,,\n"
+        "BULLFROG_STATION,Bullfrog,48.20006,140,1,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.20016,140,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('DifferentStationTooClose')
+    fmt = e.FormatProblem()
+    self.assertTrue(re.search(
+      r"parent_station of.*BULLFROG.*station.*BULLFROG_STATION.* 1.11m apart",
+      fmt), fmt)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class BadLatLonInStopUnitTest(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "STOP1",
+                                        "stop_name": "Stop one",
+                                        "stop_lat": "0x20",
+                                        "stop_lon": "140.01"})
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(stop, "stop_lat")
+    stop = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict={"stop_id": "STOP1",
+                                        "stop_name": "Stop one",
+                                        "stop_lat": "13.0",
+                                        "stop_lon": "1e2"})
+    self.ExpectInvalidFloatValue(stop, "1e2")
+class BadLatLonInFileUnitTest(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stops.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,0x20,140.00\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,48.20001,140.0123\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,48.002,bogus\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEquals(2, e.row_num)
+    self.assertEquals("stop_lat", e.column_name)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEquals(4, e.row_num)
+    self.assertEquals("stop_lon", e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class LoadUnknownFileInZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "stpos.txt",
+        "stop_id,stop_name,stop_lat,stop_lon,location_type,parent_station\n"
+        "BEATTY_AIRPORT,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,,STATION\n"
+        "STATION,Airport,36.868446,-116.784582,1,\n"
+        "BULLFROG,Bullfrog,36.88108,-116.81797,,\n"
+        "STAGECOACH,Stagecoach Hotel,36.915682,-116.751677,,\n")
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('UnknownFile')
+    self.assertEquals('stpos.txt', e.file_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class TabDelimitedTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    # Create an extremely corrupt file by replacing each comma with a tab,
+    # ignoring csv quoting.
+    for arcname in self.GetArchiveNames():
+      contents = self.GetArchiveContents(arcname)
+      self.SetArchiveContents(arcname, contents.replace(",", "\t"))
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    # Don't call self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions() because there are
+    # lots of problems but I only care that the validator doesn't crash. In the
+    # magical future the validator will stop when the csv is obviously hosed.
+class RouteMemoryZipTestCase(MemoryZipTestCase):
+  def assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(self, schedule_file):
+    """Load file-like schedule_file and check for extra route columns."""
+    load_problems = GetTestFailureProblemReporter(
+        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
+    loaded_schedule = transitfeed.Loader(schedule_file,
+                                         problems=load_problems,
+                                         extra_validation=True).Load()
+    self.assertEqual("foo", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("t")["t_foo"])
+    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("AB")["t_foo"])
+    self.assertEqual("bar", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("n")["n_foo"])
+    self.assertEqual("", loaded_schedule.GetRoute("AB")["n_foo"])
+    # Uncomment the following lines to print the string in testExtraFileColumn
+    # print repr(zipfile.ZipFile(schedule_file).read("routes.txt"))
+    # self.fail()
+  def testExtraObjectAttribute(self):
+    """Extra columns added to an object are preserved when writing."""
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad()
+    # Add an attribute after AddRouteObject
+    route_t = transitfeed.Route(short_name="T", route_type="Bus", route_id="t")
+    schedule.AddRouteObject(route_t)
+    route_t.t_foo = "foo"
+    # Add an attribute before AddRouteObject
+    route_n = transitfeed.Route(short_name="N", route_type="Bus", route_id="n")
+    route_n.n_foo = "bar"
+    schedule.AddRouteObject(route_n)
+    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
+    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
+  def testExtraFileColumn(self):
+    """Extra columns loaded from a file are preserved when writing."""
+    # Uncomment the code in assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues to generate this
+    # string.
+    self.SetArchiveContents(
+        "routes.txt",
+        "route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_type,"
+        "t_foo,n_foo\n"
+        "AB,DTA,,Airport Bullfrog,3,,\n"
+        "t,DTA,T,,3,foo,\n"
+        "n,DTA,N,,3,,bar\n")
+    load1_problems = GetTestFailureProblemReporter(
+        self, ("ExpirationDate", "UnrecognizedColumn"))
+    schedule = self.MakeLoaderAndLoad(problems=load1_problems)
+    saved_schedule_file = StringIO()
+    schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(saved_schedule_file)
+    self.assertLoadAndCheckExtraValues(saved_schedule_file)
+class RouteConstructorTestCase(util.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.accumulator = RecordingProblemAccumulator(self)
+    self.problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(self.accumulator)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.accumulator.TearDownAssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testDefault(self):
+    route = transitfeed.Route()
+    repr(route)
+    self.assertEqual({}, dict(route))
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    repr(route)
+    self.assertEqual({}, dict(route))
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('MissingValue')
+    self.assertEqual('route_id', e.column_name)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('MissingValue')
+    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual('route_short_name', e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+  def testInitArgs(self):
+    # route_type name
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type='Bus')
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals(3, route.route_type)  # converted to an int
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'route_type': '3'}, dict(route))
+    # route_type as an int
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='i1', long_name='Twenty 2', route_type=1)
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals(1, route.route_type)  # kept as an int
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'i1', 'route_long_name': 'Twenty 2',
+                       'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
+    # route_type as a string
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type='1')
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals(1, route.route_type)  # converted to an int
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
+    # route_type has undefined int value
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22',
+                              route_type='8')
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
+    self.assertEqual(1, e.type)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'route_type': '8'}, dict(route))
+    # route_type that doesn't parse
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22',
+                              route_type='1foo')
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertEqual('route_type', e.column_name)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'route_type': '1foo'}, dict(route))
+    # agency_id
+    route = transitfeed.Route(route_id='id1', short_name='22', route_type=1,
+                              agency_id='myage')
+    repr(route)
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'route_type': '1', 'agency_id': 'myage'}, dict(route))
+  def testInitArgOrder(self):
+    """Call Route.__init__ without any names so a change in order is noticed."""
+    route = transitfeed.Route('short', 'long name', 'Bus', 'r1', 'a1')
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'r1', 'route_short_name': 'short',
+                       'route_long_name': 'long name',
+                       'route_type': '3', 'agency_id': 'a1'}, dict(route))
+  def testFieldDict(self):
+    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={})
+    self.assertEquals({}, dict(route))
+    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={
+      'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22', 'agency_id': 'myage',
+      'route_type': '1'})
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1'}, dict(route))
+    route = transitfeed.Route(field_dict={
+      'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22', 'agency_id': 'myage',
+      'route_type': '1', 'my_column': 'v'})
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1',
+                       'my_column':'v'}, dict(route))
+    route._private = 0.3  # Isn't copied
+    route_copy = transitfeed.Route(field_dict=route)
+    self.assertEquals({'route_id': 'id1', 'route_short_name': '22',
+                       'agency_id': 'myage', 'route_type': '1',
+                       'my_column':'v'}, dict(route_copy))
+class RouteValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    # success case
+    route = transitfeed.Route()
+    route.route_id = '054C'
+    route.route_short_name = '54C'
+    route.route_long_name = 'South Side - North Side'
+    route.route_type = 7
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    # blank short & long names
+    route.route_short_name = ''
+    route.route_long_name = '    '
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_short_name')
+    # short name too long
+    route.route_short_name = 'South Side'
+    route.route_long_name = ''
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_short_name')
+    route.route_short_name = 'M7bis'  # 5 is OK
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    # long name contains short name
+    route.route_short_name = '54C'
+    route.route_long_name = '54C South Side - North Side'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
+    route.route_long_name = '54C(South Side - North Side)'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
+    route.route_long_name = '54C-South Side - North Side'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
+    # long name is same as short name
+    route.route_short_name = '54C'
+    route.route_long_name = '54C'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_long_name')
+    # route description is same as short name
+    route.route_desc = '54C'
+    route.route_short_name = '54C'
+    route.route_long_name = ''
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_desc')
+    route.route_desc = None
+    # route description is same as long name
+    route.route_desc = 'South Side - North Side'
+    route.route_long_name = 'South Side - North Side'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_desc')
+    route.route_desc = None
+    # invalid route types
+    route.route_type = 8
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_type')
+    route.route_type = -1
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_type')
+    route.route_type = 7
+    # invalid route URL
+    route.route_url = 'www.example.com'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_url')
+    route.route_url = None
+    # invalid route color
+    route.route_color = 'orange'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
+    route.route_color = None
+    # invalid route text color
+    route.route_text_color = 'orange'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_text_color')
+    route.route_text_color = None
+    # missing route ID
+    route.route_id = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(route, 'route_id')
+    route.route_id = '054C'
+    # bad color contrast
+    route.route_text_color = None # black
+    route.route_color = '0000FF'  # Bad
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
+    route.route_color = '00BF00'  # OK
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    route.route_color = '005F00'  # Bad
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
+    route.route_color = 'FF00FF'  # OK
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    route.route_text_color = 'FFFFFF' # OK too
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    route.route_text_color = '00FF00' # think of color-blind people!
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
+    route.route_text_color = '007F00'
+    route.route_color = 'FF0000'
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(route, 'route_color')
+    route.route_color = '00FFFF'      # OK
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    route.route_text_color = None # black
+    route.route_color = None      # white
+    route.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class ShapeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def ExpectFailedAdd(self, shape, lat, lon, dist, column_name, value):
+    self.ExpectInvalidValueInClosure(
+        column_name, value,
+        lambda: shape.AddPoint(lat, lon, dist, self.problems))
+  def runTest(self):
+    shape = transitfeed.Shape('TEST')
+    repr(shape)  # shouldn't crash
+    self.ExpectOtherProblem(shape)  # no points!
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.905019, -116.763207, -1,
+                         'shape_dist_traveled', -1)
+    shape.AddPoint(36.915760, -116.751709, 0, self.problems)
+    shape.AddPoint(36.905018, -116.763206, 5, self.problems)
+    shape.Validate(self.problems)
+    shape.shape_id = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(shape, 'shape_id')
+    shape.shape_id = 'TEST'
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 91, -116.751709, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 91)
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, -91, -116.751709, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', -91)
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.915760, -181, 6, 'shape_pt_lon', -181)
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 36.915760, 181, 6, 'shape_pt_lon', 181)
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 0.5, -0.5, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 0.5)
+    self.ExpectFailedAdd(shape, 0, 0, 6, 'shape_pt_lat', 0)
+    # distance decreasing is bad, but staying the same is OK
+    shape.AddPoint(36.905019, -116.763206, 4, self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Each subsequent point', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('distance was 5.000000.', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shape.AddPoint(36.925019, -116.764206, 6, self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('TEST', 36.915760, -116.7156, 6, 8)
+    shape.AddShapePointObjectUnsorted(shapepoint, self.problems)
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('TEST', 36.915760, -116.7156, 5, 10)
+    shape.AddShapePointObjectUnsorted(shapepoint, self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Each subsequent point', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('distance was 8.000000.', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('TEST', 36.915760, -116.7156, 6, 11)
+    shape.AddShapePointObjectUnsorted(shapepoint, self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('The sequence number 6 occurs ', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('once in shape TEST.', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class ShapePointValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('', 36.915720, -116.7156, 0, 0)
+    self.ExpectMissingValueInClosure('shape_id', 
+        lambda: shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems))
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('T', '36.9151', '-116.7611', '00', '0')
+    shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidNonNegativeIntegerValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('not have a leading zero', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('T', '36.9151', '-116.7611', -1, '0')
+    shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Value should be a number', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('T', '0.1', '0.1', '1', '0')
+    shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('too close to 0, 0,', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('T', '36.9151', '-116.7611', '0', '')
+    shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems)
+    shapepoint = transitfeed.ShapePoint('T', '36.9151', '-116.7611', '0', '-1')
+    shapepoint.ParseAttributes(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException('InvalidValue')
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('Invalid value -1.0', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.assertMatchesRegex('should be a positive number', e.FormatProblem())
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class FareAttributeValidationTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    fare = transitfeed.FareAttribute()
+    fare.fare_id = "normal"
+    fare.price = 1.50
+    fare.currency_type = "USD"
+    fare.payment_method = 0
+    fare.transfers = 1
+    fare.transfer_duration = 7200
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.fare_id = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "fare_id")
+    fare.fare_id = ''
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "fare_id")
+    fare.fare_id = "normal"
+    fare.price = "1.50"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "price")
+    fare.price = 1
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.price = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "price")
+    fare.price = 0.0
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.price = -1.50
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "price")
+    fare.price = 1.50
+    fare.currency_type = ""
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "currency_type")
+    fare.currency_type = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "currency_type")
+    fare.currency_type = "usd"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "currency_type")
+    fare.currency_type = "KML"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "currency_type")
+    fare.currency_type = "USD"
+    fare.payment_method = "0"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
+    fare.payment_method = -1
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
+    fare.payment_method = 1
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.payment_method = 2
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "payment_method")
+    fare.payment_method = None
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "payment_method")
+    fare.payment_method = ""
+    self.ExpectMissingValue(fare, "payment_method")
+    fare.payment_method = 0
+    fare.transfers = "1"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
+    fare.transfers = -1
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
+    fare.transfers = 2
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.transfers = 3
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfers")
+    fare.transfers = None
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.transfers = 1
+    fare.transfer_duration = 0
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.transfer_duration = None
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.transfer_duration = -3600
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfer_duration")
+    fare.transfers = 0  # no transfers allowed and duration specified!
+    fare.transfer_duration = 3600
+    fare.Validate(self.problems)
+    fare.transfers = 1
+    fare.transfer_duration = "3600"
+    self.ExpectInvalidValue(fare, "transfer_duration")
+    fare.transfer_duration = 7200
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+class TransferObjectTestCase(ValidationTestCase):
+  def testValidation(self):
+    # Totally bogus data shouldn't cause a crash
+    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"ignored": "foo"})
+    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
+    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(from_stop_id = "S1", to_stop_id = "S2",
+                                    transfer_type = "1")
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(1, transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(None, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    # references to other tables aren't checked without schedule so this
+    # validates even though from_stop_id and to_stop_id are invalid.
+    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(1, transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(None, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
+                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
+                                                "transfer_type": "2", \
+                                                "min_transfer_time": "2"})
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    self.accumulator.AssertNoMoreExceptions()
+    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
+                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
+                                                "transfer_type": "-4", \
+                                                "min_transfer_time": "2"})
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("-4", transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
+    e = self.accumulator.PopInvalidValue("transfer_type")
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException(
+        "MinimumTransferTimeSetWithInvalidTransferType")
+    self.assertEquals("S1", transfer.from_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("S2", transfer.to_stop_id)
+    self.assertEquals("-4", transfer.transfer_type)
+    self.assertEquals(2, transfer.min_transfer_time)
+    transfer = transitfeed.Transfer(field_dict={"from_stop_id": "S1", \
+                                                "to_stop_id": "S2", \
+                                                "transfer_type": "", \
+                                                "min_transfer_time": "-1"})
+    self.assertEquals(0, transfer.transfer_type)
+    transfer.Validate(self.problems)
+    # It's negative *and* transfer_type is not 2
+    e = self.accumulator.PopException(