From: Alex Sadleir Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 04:32:06 +0000 Subject: proper concat for hourlies X-Git-Url: --- proper concat for hourlies --- --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +* text=auto --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,1 +1,19 @@ +*.wav +*.pyc +/nbproject/private/ +/output.txt +bin +gen +target +.settings +.classpath +.project +*.keystore +*.swp +*.orig +*.log +*.properties +seed.txt +map.txt + --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ [submodule "pynma"] path = pynma url = git:// +[submodule "js/flotr2"] + path = js/flotr2 + url = --- /dev/null +++ b/.htaccess @@ -1,1 +1,541 @@ - +# Apache configuration file +# + +# Note .htaccess files are an overhead, this logic should be in your Apache +# config if possible: + +# Techniques in here adapted from all over, including: +# Kroc Camen: +# +# Sample .htaccess file of CMS MODx: + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Better website experience for IE users +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Force the latest IE version, in various cases when it may fall back to IE7 mode +# +# Use ChromeFrame if it's installed for a better experience for the poor IE folk + + + Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=Edge,chrome=1" + # mod_headers can't match by content-type, but we don't want to send this header on *everything*... + + Header unset X-UA-Compatible + + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cross-domain AJAX requests +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Serve cross-domain Ajax requests, disabled by default. +# +# + +# +# Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CORS-enabled images (@crossorigin) +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Send CORS headers if browsers request them; enabled by default for images. +# +# +# +# + + + + # mod_headers, y u no match by Content-Type?! + + SetEnvIf Origin ":" IS_CORS + Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" env=IS_CORS + + + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Webfont access +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Allow access from all domains for webfonts. +# Alternatively you could only whitelist your +# subdomains like "". + + + + Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" + + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Proper MIME type for all files +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# JavaScript +# Normalize to standard type (it's sniffed in IE anyways) +# +AddType application/javascript js jsonp +AddType application/json json + +# Audio +AddType audio/ogg oga ogg +AddType audio/mp4 m4a f4a f4b + +# Video +AddType video/ogg ogv +AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v f4v f4p +AddType video/webm webm +AddType video/x-flv flv + +# SVG +# Required for svg webfonts on iPad +# +AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz +AddEncoding gzip svgz + +# Webfonts +AddType application/ eot +AddType application/x-font-ttf ttf ttc +AddType font/opentype otf +AddType application/x-font-woff woff + +# Assorted types +AddType image/x-icon ico +AddType image/webp webp +AddType text/cache-manifest appcache manifest +AddType text/x-component htc +AddType application/xml rss atom xml rdf +AddType application/x-chrome-extension crx +AddType application/x-opera-extension oex +AddType application/x-xpinstall xpi +AddType application/octet-stream safariextz +AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json webapp +AddType text/x-vcard vcf +AddType application/x-shockwave-flash swf +AddType text/vtt vtt + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Allow concatenation from within specific js and css files +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# e.g. Inside of script.combined.js you could have +# +# +# and they would be included into this single file. + +# This is not in use in the boilerplate as it stands. You may +# choose to use this technique if you do not have a build process. + +# +# Options +Includes +# AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES application/javascript application/json +# SetOutputFilter INCLUDES +# + +# +# Options +Includes +# AddOutputFilterByType INCLUDES text/css +# SetOutputFilter INCLUDES +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Gzip compression +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + + # Force deflate for mangled headers + + + SetEnvIfNoCase ^(Accept-EncodXng|X-cept-Encoding|X{15}|~{15}|-{15})$ ^((gzip|deflate)\s*,?\s*)+|[X~-]{4,13}$ HAVE_Accept-Encoding + RequestHeader append Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding + + + + # Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-types + + AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/atom+xml \ + application/javascript \ + application/json \ + application/rss+xml \ + application/ \ + application/x-font-ttf \ + application/xhtml+xml \ + application/xml \ + font/opentype \ + image/svg+xml \ + image/x-icon \ + text/css \ + text/html \ + text/plain \ + text/x-component \ + text/xml + + + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Expires headers (for better cache control) +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# These are pretty far-future expires headers. +# They assume you control versioning with filename-based cache busting +# Additionally, consider that outdated proxies may miscache +# + +# If you don't use filenames to version, lower the CSS and JS to something like +# "access plus 1 week". + + + ExpiresActive on + +# Perhaps better to whitelist expires rules? Perhaps. + ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" + +# cache.appcache needs re-requests in FF 3.6 (thanks Remy ~Introducing HTML5) + ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest "access plus 0 seconds" + +# Your document html + ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 0 seconds" + +# Data + ExpiresByType text/xml "access plus 0 seconds" + ExpiresByType application/xml "access plus 0 seconds" + ExpiresByType application/json "access plus 0 seconds" + +# Feed + ExpiresByType application/rss+xml "access plus 1 hour" + ExpiresByType application/atom+xml "access plus 1 hour" + +# Favicon (cannot be renamed) + ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 week" + +# Media: images, video, audio + ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType video/ogg "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType audio/ogg "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType video/mp4 "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType video/webm "access plus 1 month" + +# HTC files (css3pie) + ExpiresByType text/x-component "access plus 1 month" + +# Webfonts + ExpiresByType application/x-font-ttf "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType font/opentype "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType image/svg+xml "access plus 1 month" + ExpiresByType application/ "access plus 1 month" + +# CSS and JavaScript + ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 year" + ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 year" + + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Prevent mobile network providers from modifying your site +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The following header prevents modification of your code over 3G on some +# European providers. +# This is the official 'bypass' suggested by O2 in the UK. + +# +# Header set Cache-Control "no-transform" +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# ETag removal +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# FileETag None is not enough for every server. + + Header unset ETag + + +# Since we're sending far-future expires, we don't need ETags for +# static content. +# +FileETag None + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollovers +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The following directives stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollovers - in +# combination with the "ExpiresByType" rules for images (see above). + +# BrowserMatch "MSIE" brokenvary=1 +# BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.[0-9]{2}" brokenvary=1 +# BrowserMatch "Opera" !brokenvary +# SetEnvIf brokenvary 1 force-no-vary + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Set Keep-Alive Header +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Keep-Alive allows the server to send multiple requests through one +# TCP-connection. Be aware of possible disadvantages of this setting. Turn on +# if you serve a lot of static content. + +# +# Header set Connection Keep-Alive +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Cookie setting from iframes +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Allow cookies to be set from iframes (for IE only) +# If needed, specify a path or regex in the Location directive. + +# +# Header set P3P "policyref=\"/w3c/p3p.xml\", CP=\"IDC DSP COR ADM DEVi TAIi PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi HIS OUR IND CNT\"" +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Start rewrite engine +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Turning on the rewrite engine is necessary for the following rules and +# features. FollowSymLinks must be enabled for this to work. + +# Some cloud hosting services require RewriteBase to be set: +# If using the h5bp in a subdirectory, use `RewriteBase /foo` instead where +# 'foo' is your directory. + +# If your web host doesn't allow the FollowSymlinks option, you may need to +# comment it out and use `Options +SymLinksOfOwnerMatch`, but be aware of the +# performance impact: + + + Options +FollowSymlinks +# Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch + RewriteEngine On +# RewriteBase / + + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Suppress or force the "www." at the beginning of URLs +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The same content should never be available under two different URLs - +# especially not with and without "www." at the beginning, since this can cause +# SEO problems (duplicate content). That's why you should choose one of the +# alternatives and redirect the other one. + +# By default option 1 (no "www.") is activated. +# + +# If you'd prefer to use option 2, just comment out all option 1 lines +# and uncomment option 2. + +# IMPORTANT: NEVER USE BOTH RULES AT THE SAME TIME! + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Option 1: +# Rewrite " ->". + + + RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on + RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC] + RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Option 2: +# Rewrite " ->". +# Be aware that the following rule might not be a good idea if you use "real" +# subdomains for certain parts of your website. + +# +# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on +# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\..+$ [NC] +# RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Built-in filename-based cache busting +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If you're not using the build script to manage your filename version revving, +# you might want to consider enabling this, which will route requests for +# /css/style.20110203.css to /css/style.css + +# To understand why this is important and a better idea than all.css?v1231, +# read: + +# +# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f +# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d +# RewriteRule ^(.+)\.(\d+)\.(js|css|png|jpg|gif)$ $1.$3 [L] +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Prevent SSL cert warnings +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Rewrite secure requests properly to prevent SSL cert warnings, e.g. prevent +# when your cert only allows + +# +# RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443 +# RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] +# + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Prevent 404 errors for non-existing redirected folders +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# without -MultiViews, Apache will give a 404 for a rewrite if a folder of the +# same name does not exist. +# + +Options -MultiViews + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Custom 404 page +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# You can add custom pages to handle 500 or 403 pretty easily, if you like. +# If you are hosting your site in subdirectory, adjust this accordingly +# e.g. ErrorDocument 404 /subdir/404.html +ErrorDocument 404 /404.html + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# UTF-8 encoding +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Use UTF-8 encoding for anything served text/plain or text/html +AddDefaultCharset utf-8 + +# Force UTF-8 for a number of file formats +AddCharset utf-8 .atom .css .js .json .rss .vtt .xml + + +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +# A little more security +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# To avoid displaying the exact version number of Apache being used, add the +# following to httpd.conf (it will not work in .htaccess): +# ServerTokens Prod + +# "-Indexes" will have Apache block users from browsing folders without a +# default document Usually you should leave this activated, because you +# shouldn't allow everybody to surf through every folder on your server (which +# includes rather private places like CMS system folders). + + Options -Indexes + + +# Block access to "hidden" directories or files whose names begin with a +# period. This includes directories used by version control systems such as +# Subversion or Git. + + RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} -d [OR] + RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} -f + RewriteRule "(^|/)\." - [F] + + +# Block access to backup and source files. These files may be left by some +# text/html editors and pose a great security danger, when anyone can access +# them. + + Order allow,deny + Deny from all + Satisfy All + + +# If your server is not already configured as such, the following directive +# should be uncommented in order to set PHP's register_globals option to OFF. +# This closes a major security hole that is abused by most XSS (cross-site +# scripting) attacks. For more information: +# +# IF REGISTER_GLOBALS DIRECTIVE CAUSES 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORS: +# +# Your server does not allow PHP directives to be set via .htaccess. In that +# case you must make this change in your php.ini file instead. If you are +# using a commercial web host, contact the administrators for assistance in +# doing this. Not all servers allow local php.ini files, and they should +# include all PHP configurations (not just this one), or you will effectively +# reset everything to PHP defaults. Consult for more detailed +# information about setting PHP directives. + +# php_flag register_globals Off + +# Rename session cookie to something else, than PHPSESSID +# php_value sid + +# Disable magic quotes (This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.) +# php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off + +# Do not show you are using PHP +# Note: Move this line to php.ini since it won't work in .htaccess +# php_flag expose_php Off + +# Level of log detail - log all errors +# php_value error_reporting -1 + +# Write errors to log file +# php_flag log_errors On + +# Do not display errors in browser (production - Off, development - On) +# php_flag display_errors Off + +# Do not display startup errors (production - Off, development - On) +# php_flag display_startup_errors Off + +# Format errors in plain text +# Note: Leave this setting 'On' for xdebug's var_dump() output +# php_flag html_errors Off + +# Show multiple occurrence of error +# php_flag ignore_repeated_errors Off + +# Show same errors from different sources +# php_flag ignore_repeated_source Off + +# Size limit for error messages +# php_value log_errors_max_len 1024 + +# Don't precede error with string (doesn't accept empty string, use whitespace if you need) +# php_value error_prepend_string " " + +# Don't prepend to error (doesn't accept empty string, use whitespace if you need) +# php_value error_append_string " " + +# Increase cookie security + + php_value session.cookie_httponly true + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/.name @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ - +scannr --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/compiler.xml @@ -1,1 +1,24 @@ + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml @@ -1,1 +1,5 @@ - + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/dictionaries/Madoka.xml @@ -1,1 +1,10 @@ - + + + + tgid + timefrom + timeto + tzoffset + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/encodings.xml @@ -1,1 +1,6 @@ + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/misc.xml @@ -1,1 +1,9 @@ + + + + jar:file:\C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PhpStorm 5.0.2\lib\webide.jar!\resources\html5-schema\html5.rnc + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/modules.xml @@ -1,1 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/scannr.iml @@ -1,1 +1,15 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml @@ -1,1 +1,5 @@ - + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/uiDesigner.xml @@ -1,1 +1,126 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/vcs.xml @@ -1,1 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/workspace.xml @@ -1,1 +1,497 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1350026709905 + 1350026709905 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -1,1 +1,160 @@ + + + + + Page Not Found :( + + + +

Not found :(

+ +

Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.

+ +

It looks like this was the result of either:

+ + + +
+ + + --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -1,1 +1,88 @@ +### HEAD +### 4.0.0 (28 August, 2012) + +* Improve the Apache compression configuration ([#1012](, [#1173]( +* Add a HiDPI example media query ([#1127]( +* Add bundled docs ([#1154]( +* Add MIT license ([#1139]( +* Update to Normalize.css 1.0.1. +* Separate Normalize.css from the rest of the CSS ([#1160]( +* Improve `console.log` protection ([#1107]( +* Replace hot pink text selection color with a neutral color. +* Change image replacement technique ([#1149]( +* Code format and consistency changes ([#1112]( +* Rename CSS file and rename JS files and subdirectories. +* Update to jQuery 1.8 ([#1161]( +* Update to Modernizr 2.6.1 ([#1086]( +* Remove uncompressed jQuery ([#1153]( +* Remove superfluous inline comments ([#1150]( + +### 3.0.2 (February 19, 2012) + +* Update to Modernizr 2.5.3. + +### 3.0.1 (February 08, 2012). + +* Update to Modernizr 2.5.2 (includes html5shiv 3.3). + +### 3.0.0 (February 06, 2012) + +* Improvements to `.htaccess`. +* Improve 404 design. +* Simplify JS folder structure. +* Change `html` IE class names changed to target ranges rather than specific versions of IE. +* Update CSS to include latest normalize.css changes and better typographic defaults ([#825]( +* Update to Modernizr 2.5 (includes yepnope 1.5 and html5shiv 3.2). +* Update to jQuery 1.7.1. +* Revert to async snippet for the Google Analytics script. +* Remove the ant build script ([#826]( +* Remove Respond.js ([#816]( +* Remove the `demo/` directory ([#808]( +* Remove the `test/` directory ([#808]( +* Remove Google Chrome Frame script for IE6 users; replace with links to Chrome Frame and options for alternative browsers. +* Remove `initial-scale=1` from the viewport `meta` ([#824]( +* Remove `defer` from all scripts to avoid legacy IE bugs. +* Remove explicit Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics. It's now enabled by default. + +### 2.0.0 (August 10, 2011) + +* Change starting CSS to be based on normalize.css instead of reset.css ([#500]( +* Add Respond.js media query polyfill. +* Add Google Chrome Frame script prompt for IE6 users. +* Simplify the `html` conditional comments for modern browsers and add an `oldie` class. +* Update clearfix to use "micro clearfix". +* Add placeholder CSS MQs for mobile-first approach. +* Add `textarea { resize: vertical; }` to only allow vertical resizing. +* Add `img { max-width: 100%; }` to the print styles; prevents images being truncated. +* Add Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics. +* Update to jQuery 1.6.2 (and use minified by default). +* Update to Modernizr 2.0 Complete, Production minified (includes yepnope, html5shiv, and Respond.js). +* Use `Modernizr.load()` to load the Google Analytics script. +* Much faster build process. +* Add build script options for CSSLint, JSLint, JSHint tools. +* Build script now compresses all images in subfolders. +* Build script now versions files by SHA hash. +* Many `.htaccess` improvements including: disable directory browsing, improved support for all versions of Apache, more robust and extensive HTTP compression rules. +* Remove `handheld.css` as it has very poor device support. +* Remove touch-icon `link` elements from the HTML and include improved touch-icon support. +* Remove the cache-busting query paramaters from files references in the HTML. +* Remove IE6 PNGFix. + +### 1.0.0 (March 21, 2011) + +* Rewrite build script to make it more customizable and flexible. +* Add a humans.txt. +* Numerous `.htaccess` improvements (including inline documentation). +* Move the alternative server configurations to the H5BP server configs repo. +* Use a protocol-relative url to reference jQuery and prevent mixed content warnings. +* Optimize the Google Analytics snippet. +* Use Eric Meyer's recent CSS reset update and the HTML5 Doctor reset. +* More robust `sub`/`sup` CSS styles. +* Add keyboard `.focusable` helper class that extends `.visuallyhidden`. +* Print styles no longer print hash or JavaScript links. +* Add a print reset for IE's proprietary filters. +* Remove IE9-specific conditional class on the `html` element. +* Remove margins from lists within `nav` elements. +* Remove YUI profiling. + --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -1,1 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (c) HTML5 Boilerplate +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies +of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do +so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -1,1 +1,64 @@ +# [HTML5 Boilerplate]( +HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, +robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. + +This project is the product of many years of iterative development and combined +community knowledge. It does not impose a specific development philosophy or +framework, so you're free to architect your code in the way that you want. + +* Source: []( +* Homepage: []( +* Twitter: [@h5bp]( + + +## Quick start + +Choose one of the following options: + +1. Download the latest stable release from + []( or a custom build from + [Initializr]( +2. Clone the git repo — `git clone +` - and checkout the tagged + release you'd like to use. + + +## Features + +* HTML5 ready. Use the new elements with confidence. +* Cross-browser compatible (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox 3.6+, IE6+). +* Designed with progressive enhancement in mind. +* Includes [Normalize.css]( for CSS + normalizations and common bug fixes. +* The latest [jQuery]( via CDN, with a local fallback. +* The latest [Modernizr]( build for feature detection. +* IE-specific classes for easier cross-browser control. +* Placeholder CSS Media Queries. +* Useful CSS helpers. +* Default print CSS, performance optimized. +* Protection against any stray `console.log` causing JavaScript errors in + IE6/7. +* An optimized Google Analytics snippet. +* Apache server caching, compression, and other configuration defaults for + Grade-A performance. +* Cross-domain Ajax and Flash. +* "Delete-key friendly." Easy to strip out parts you don't need. +* Extensive inline and accompanying documentation. + + +## Documentation + +Take a look at the [documentation table of +contents](/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/doc/ This +documentation is bundled with the project, which makes it readily available for +offline reading and provides a useful starting point for any documentation +you want to write about your project. + + +## Contributing + +Anyone and everyone is welcome to +[contribute](/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/doc/ Hundreds +of developers have helped make the HTML5 Boilerplate what it is today. + --- /dev/null +++ b/calllog.php @@ -1,1 +1,21 @@ +prepare('select * from recordings + order by call_timestamp desc limit 1000'); +$sth->execute(Array()); + +$row = 0; +echo ""; +foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $data) { + + + echo ""; + for ($c = 0; $c < count($data); $c++) { + echo '\n"; + } + echo ""; +} +$row++; +echo "
' . $data[$c] . "
"; + --- /dev/null +++ b/calls.json.php @@ -1,1 +1,105 @@ +prepare('select tgid, min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings +where call_timestamp between to_timestamp(?) and to_timestamp(?) + group by tgid, date_trunc(\'hour\', call_timestamp) order by time'); + $sth->execute(Array($timeFrom, $timeTo)); + return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); + + +} + +function getTGIDValuesByDay($TGID, $dayFrom, $dayTo) +{ + global $conn; + $sth = $conn->prepare('select min(time) as time, min(value), max(value), avg(value), stddev(value) from sensor_values where sensor_id = ? + group by sensor_id, date_trunc(\'day\', time) order by time'); + + $sth->execute(Array($TGID)); + return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +} +function getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) +{ + global $conn; + $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year"); + + $sth->execute(Array($TGID)); + return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +} + +function getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) +{ + global $conn; + $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year, month"); + + $sth->execute(Array($TGID)); + return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +} + +function getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) +{ + global $conn; + $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('day' from call_timestamp) as day, extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year,month,day"); + + + $sth->execute(Array($TGID)); + return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +} +$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''); +$TGID = (isset($_REQUEST['tgid']) ? $_REQUEST['tgid'] : ''); +$timefrom = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : ''); +$timeto = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : ''); + +if ($action == "data") { +$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings + order by call_timestamp desc limit 100'); + +$sth->execute(Array()); + +echo json_encode ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); +} +if ($action == "data_description") { + $timefrom = strtotime($timefrom); + $timeto = strtotime($timeto); + $years = getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto); + + $months = getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto); + $days = getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto); + + echo json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days + )); +} + + +if (strpos($action, "graph") !== false) { + $values = getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto); + $label = $TGID; + $data = Array(); + $tzoffset = get_timezone_offset("UTC"); + foreach ($values as $value) { + if ($action == "graphlength") { + $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg'])); + } else if ($action == "graphcount") { + $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['count'])); + } + } + echo json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data, + "previous" => Array( + "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60), + "to" => $timefrom) + , + "next" => Array( + "to" => $timeto + (24 * 60 * 60), + "from" => $timeto) + ) + ); +} + + + +?> + --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -1,1 +1,103 @@ +setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); +} catch (PDOException $e) { + die('Unable to connect to database server.'); +} +catch (Exception $e) { + die('Unknown error in ' . __FILE__ . '.'); +} +$conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); +$basePath = ""; +$DATA_DIR = "./data"; +/** Returns the offset from the origin timezone to the remote timezone, in seconds. + * @param $remote_tz; + * @param $origin_tz; If null the servers current timezone is used as the origin. + * @return int; + */ +function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = null) +{ + if ($origin_tz === null) { + if (!is_string($origin_tz = date_default_timezone_get())) { + return false; // A UTC timestamp was returned -- bail out! + } + } + $origin_dtz = new DateTimeZone($origin_tz); + $remote_dtz = new DateTimeZone($remote_tz); + $origin_dt = new DateTime("now", $origin_dtz); + $remote_dt = new DateTime("now", $remote_dtz); + $offset = $origin_dtz->getOffset($origin_dt) - $remote_dtz->getOffset($remote_dt); + return $offset; +} + + +function include_header($title) +{ + global $basePath; + ?> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/crossdomain.xml @@ -1,1 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/css/main.css @@ -1,1 +1,299 @@ - +/* + * HTML5 Boilerplate + * + * What follows is the result of much research on cross-browser styling. + * Credit left inline and big thanks to Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal, + * Kroc Camen, and the H5BP dev community and team. + */ + +/* ========================================================================== + Base styles: opinionated defaults + ========================================================================== */ + +html, +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + color: #222; +} + +body { + font-size: 1em; + line-height: 1.4; +} + +/* + * Remove text-shadow in selection highlight: + * These selection declarations have to be separate. + * Customize the background color to match your design. + */ + +::-moz-selection { + background: #b3d4fc; + text-shadow: none; +} + +::selection { + background: #b3d4fc; + text-shadow: none; +} + +/* + * A better looking default horizontal rule + */ + +hr { + display: block; + height: 1px; + border: 0; + border-top: 1px solid #ccc; + margin: 1em 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/* + * Remove the gap between images and the bottom of their containers: + */ + +img { + vertical-align: middle; +} + +/* + * Remove default fieldset styles. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/* + * Allow only vertical resizing of textareas. + */ + +textarea { + resize: vertical; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Chrome Frame prompt + ========================================================================== */ + +.chromeframe { + margin: 0.2em 0; + background: #ccc; + color: #000; + padding: 0.2em 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Author's custom styles + ========================================================================== */ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +/* ========================================================================== + Helper classes + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Image replacement + */ + { + background-color: transparent; + border: 0; + overflow: hidden; + /* IE 6/7 fallback */ + *text-indent: -9999px; +} + { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 100%; +} + +/* + * Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: + */ + +.hidden { + display: none !important; + visibility: hidden; +} + +/* + * Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders: + */ + +.visuallyhidden { + border: 0; + clip: rect(0 0 0 0); + height: 1px; + margin: -1px; + overflow: hidden; + padding: 0; + position: absolute; + width: 1px; +} + +/* + * Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable + * when navigated to via the keyboard: + */ + +.visuallyhidden.focusable:active, +.visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { + clip: auto; + height: auto; + margin: 0; + overflow: visible; + position: static; + width: auto; +} + +/* + * Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout + */ + +.invisible { + visibility: hidden; +} + +/* + * Clearfix: contain floats + * + * For modern browsers + * 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the + * `contenteditable` attribute is included anywhere else in the document. + * Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements + * that receive the `clearfix` class. + * 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using + * `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements. + */ + +.clearfix:before, +.clearfix:after { + content: " "; /* 1 */ + display: table; /* 2 */ +} + +.clearfix:after { + clear: both; +} + +/* + * For IE 6/7 only + * Include this rule to trigger hasLayout and contain floats. + */ + +.clearfix { + *zoom: 1; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + EXAMPLE Media Queries for Responsive Design. + Theses examples override the primary ('mobile first') styles. + Modify as content requires. + ========================================================================== */ + +@media only screen and (min-width: 35em) { + /* Style adjustments for viewports that meet the condition */ +} + +@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), + only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi) { + /* Style adjustments for high resolution devices */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Print styles. + Inlined to avoid required HTTP connection: + ========================================================================== */ + +@media print { + * { + background: transparent !important; + color: #000 !important; /* Black prints faster: */ + box-shadow:none !important; + text-shadow: none !important; + } + + a, + a:visited { + text-decoration: underline; + } + + a[href]:after { + content: " (" attr(href) ")"; + } + + abbr[title]:after { + content: " (" attr(title) ")"; + } + + /* + * Don't show links for images, or javascript/internal links + */ + + .ir a:after, + a[href^="javascript:"]:after, + a[href^="#"]:after { + content: ""; + } + + pre, + blockquote { + border: 1px solid #999; + page-break-inside: avoid; + } + + thead { + display: table-header-group; /* */ + } + + tr, + img { + page-break-inside: avoid; + } + + img { + max-width: 100% !important; + } + + @page { + margin: 0.5cm; + } + + p, + h2, + h3 { + orphans: 3; + widows: 3; + } + + h2, + h3 { + page-break-after: avoid; + } +} + --- /dev/null +++ b/css/normalize.css @@ -1,1 +1,505 @@ - +/*! normalize.css v1.0.1 | MIT License | */ + +/* ========================================================================== + HTML5 display definitions + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Corrects `block` display not defined in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + */ + +article, +aside, +details, +figcaption, +figure, +footer, +header, +hgroup, +nav, +section, +summary { + display: block; +} + +/* + * Corrects `inline-block` display not defined in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + */ + +audio, +canvas, +video { + display: inline-block; + *display: inline; + *zoom: 1; +} + +/* + * Prevents modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. + * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. + */ + +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/* + * Addresses styling for `hidden` attribute not present in IE 7/8/9, Firefox 3, + * and Safari 4. + * Known issue: no IE 6 support. + */ + +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Base + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * 1. Corrects text resizing oddly in IE 6/7 when body `font-size` is set using + * `em` units. + * 2. Prevents iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling + * user zoom. + */ + +html { + font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ +} + +/* + * Addresses `font-family` inconsistency between `textarea` and other form + * elements. + */ + +html, +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +/* + * Addresses margins handled incorrectly in IE 6/7. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Links + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Addresses `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers. + */ + +a:focus { + outline: thin dotted; +} + +/* + * Improves readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. + */ + +a:active, +a:hover { + outline: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Typography + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Addresses font sizes and margins set differently in IE 6/7. + * Addresses font sizes within `section` and `article` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, + * and Chrome. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +h2 { + font-size: 1.5em; + margin: 0.83em 0; +} + +h3 { + font-size: 1.17em; + margin: 1em 0; +} + +h4 { + font-size: 1em; + margin: 1.33em 0; +} + +h5 { + font-size: 0.83em; + margin: 1.67em 0; +} + +h6 { + font-size: 0.75em; + margin: 2.33em 0; +} + +/* + * Addresses styling not present in IE 7/8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 1px dotted; +} + +/* + * Addresses style set to `bolder` in Firefox 3+, Safari 4/5, and Chrome. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bold; +} + +blockquote { + margin: 1em 40px; +} + +/* + * Addresses styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/* + * Addresses styling not present in IE 6/7/8/9. + */ + +mark { + background: #ff0; + color: #000; +} + +/* + * Addresses margins set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +p, +pre { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +/* + * Corrects font family set oddly in IE 6, Safari 4/5, and Chrome. + */ + +code, +kbd, +pre, +samp { + font-family: monospace, serif; + _font-family: 'courier new', monospace; + font-size: 1em; +} + +/* + * Improves readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + white-space: pre; + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +/* + * Addresses CSS quotes not supported in IE 6/7. + */ + +q { + quotes: none; +} + +/* + * Addresses `quotes` property not supported in Safari 4. + */ + +q:before, +q:after { + content: ''; + content: none; +} + +/* + * Addresses inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/* + * Prevents `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Lists + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Addresses margins set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +dl, +menu, +ol, +ul { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +dd { + margin: 0 0 0 40px; +} + +/* + * Addresses paddings set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +menu, +ol, +ul { + padding: 0 0 0 40px; +} + +/* + * Corrects list images handled incorrectly in IE 7. + */ + +nav ul, +nav ol { + list-style: none; + list-style-image: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * 1. Removes border when inside `a` element in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + * 2. Improves image quality when scaled in IE 7. + */ + +img { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; /* 2 */ +} + +/* + * Corrects overflow displayed oddly in IE 9. + */ + +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Figures + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Addresses margin not present in IE 6/7/8/9, Safari 5, and Opera 11. + */ + +figure { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Corrects margin displayed oddly in IE 6/7. + */ + +form { + margin: 0; +} + +/* + * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/* + * 1. Corrects color not being inherited in IE 6/7/8/9. + * 2. Corrects text not wrapping in Firefox 3. + * 3. Corrects alignment displayed oddly in IE 6/7. + */ + +legend { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; + white-space: normal; /* 2 */ + *margin-left: -7px; /* 3 */ +} + +/* + * 1. Corrects font size not being inherited in all browsers. + * 2. Addresses margins set differently in IE 6/7, Firefox 3+, Safari 5, + * and Chrome. + * 3. Improves appearance and consistency in all browsers. + */ + +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ + margin: 0; /* 2 */ + vertical-align: baseline; /* 3 */ + *vertical-align: middle; /* 3 */ +} + +/* + * Addresses Firefox 3+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in + * the UA stylesheet. + */ + +button, +input { + line-height: normal; +} + +/* + * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` + * and `video` controls. + * 2. Corrects inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. + * 3. Improves usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type + * `input` and others. + * 4. Removes inner spacing in IE 7 without affecting normal text inputs. + * Known issue: inner spacing remains in IE 6. + */ + +button, +html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ +input[type="reset"], +input[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ + cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ + *overflow: visible; /* 4 */ +} + +/* + * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. + */ + +button[disabled], +input[disabled] { + cursor: default; +} + +/* + * 1. Addresses box sizing set to content-box in IE 8/9. + * 2. Removes excess padding in IE 8/9. + * 3. Removes excess padding in IE 7. + * Known issue: excess padding remains in IE 6. + */ + +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ + *height: 13px; /* 3 */ + *width: 13px; /* 3 */ +} + +/* + * 1. Addresses `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. + * 2. Addresses `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome + * (include `-moz` to future-proof). + */ + +input[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +/* + * Removes inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome + * on OS X. + */ + +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/* + * Removes inner padding and border in Firefox 3+. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +input::-moz-focus-inner { + border: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/* + * 1. Removes default vertical scrollbar in IE 6/7/8/9. + * 2. Improves readability and alignment in all browsers. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: top; /* 2 */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Tables + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Remove most spacing between table cells. + */ + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} + --- /dev/null +++ b/db.sql @@ -1,1 +1,94 @@ +-- /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_dump --schema-only scannr +-- +-- PostgreSQL database dump +-- +SET statement_timeout = 0; +SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; +SET standard_conforming_strings = on; +SET check_function_bodies = false; +SET client_min_messages = warning; + +-- +-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: +-- + +CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; + + +-- +-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: +-- + +COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; + + +SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; + +SET default_tablespace = ''; + +SET default_with_oids = false; + +-- +-- Name: recordings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE recordings ( + filename text NOT NULL, + tgid text, + tgname text, + sitename text, + call_timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), + length integer +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.recordings OWNER TO postgres; + +-- +-- Name: tgids; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: +-- + +CREATE TABLE tgids ( + tgid text NOT NULL, + subfleet smallint, + mode character(1) DEFAULT 'D'::bpchar NOT NULL, + alpha_tag text NOT NULL, + service_tag text, + category smallint +); + + +ALTER TABLE public.tgids OWNER TO postgres; + +-- +-- Name: recordings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY recordings + ADD CONSTRAINT recordings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (filename); + + +-- +-- Name: tgids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY tgids + ADD CONSTRAINT tgids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tgid); + + +-- +-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres +-- + +REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; +REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; +GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; +GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; + + +-- +-- PostgreSQL database dump complete +-- + + --- /dev/null +++ b/ffmpeg.exe --- /dev/null +++ b/generateConvos.php @@ -1,1 +1,36 @@ +prepare('select * from recordings limit 100;'); +$sth->execute(); +$recordings = $sth->fetchAll(); +$convos = Array(); +$convo = Array(); +foreach ($recordings as $i => $recording) { + + if (count($convo) > 0) { + echo "
" . strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp']); + if (abs(strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp'])) > 2) { + echo " " . $convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'] . " " . $recording['call_timestamp']; + } + if (strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['tgid'], $recording['tgid']) != 0) { + $convos[] = $convo; + $convo = Array(); + } + } + ; + //print_r($recording); + $convo[] = $recording; + //print_r($convo); + //echo "
\n"; +} +foreach ($convos as $i => $convo) { + foreach ($convo as $recording) { + echo $recording['filename'] . " , "; + } + echo "

\n"; +} +?> + + --- /dev/null +++ b/generateHourlys.php @@ -1,1 +1,33 @@ +&1'; + //print_r($hourly); + exec ( $cmd,$output,$returncode ); + echo $cmd."
\n"; + if ($returncode != 10) { + //print_r($output); + //die(); + } + } +} +$sth = $conn->prepare("select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by aday DESC, ahour, tgid;"); + +$sth->execute(); +$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +foreach($hourlies as $hourly) { + processHourly($hourly); +} +$sth = $conn->prepare("select 'hour' as tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by ahour, aday order by aday DESC, ahour;"); + +$sth->execute(); +$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); +foreach($hourlies as $hourly) { + processHourly($hourly); +} + --- /dev/null +++ b/getfile.php @@ -1,1 +1,20 @@ + + --- /dev/null +++ b/humans.txt @@ -1,1 +1,16 @@ +# +# The humans responsible & technology colophon +# TEAM + + -- -- + +# THANKS + + + +# TECHNOLOGY COLOPHON + + HTML5, CSS3 + jQuery, Modernizr + --- /dev/null +++ b/img/.gitignore --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/.gitignore @@ -1,1 +1,10 @@ +build +.vimrc +*.swp +*.swm +*.swo +*.vim +.jhw-cache +node_modules +dev --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/LICENSE @@ -1,1 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (c) 2012 Carl Sutherland +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/Makefile @@ -1,1 +1,40 @@ +all: test flotr2 +test: + cd spec; jasmine-headless-webkit -j jasmine.yml -c + +libraries: + smoosh make/lib.json + cat ./build/bean.js > build/lib.js + cat ./build/underscore.js >> build/lib.js + cat ./build/bean.min.js > build/lib.min.js + echo ";" >> build/lib.min.js + cat ./build/underscore.min.js >> build/lib.min.js + echo ";" >> build/lib.min.js + +ie: + smoosh make/ie.json + +flotr2: libraries ie + smoosh make/flotr2.json + cat build/lib.js build/flotr2.js > flotr2.js + cat build/lib.min.js > flotr2.min.js + cat build/flotr2.min.js >> flotr2.min.js + echo ';' >> flotr2.min.js + cp build/ie.min.js + +flotr2-basic: libraries ie + smoosh make/basic.json + cat build/lib.min.js > flotr2-basic.min.js + cat build/flotr2-basic.min.js >> flotr2-basic.min.js + +flotr-examples: + smoosh make/examples.json + cp build/examples.min.js flotr2.examples.min.js + cp build/examples-types.js flotr2.examples.types.js + +flotr-amd: flotr2 + cat js/amd/pre.js > flotr2.amd.js + cat build/flotr2.js >> flotr2.amd.js + cat js/amd/post.js >> flotr2.amd.js + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/ @@ -1,1 +1,90 @@ +Flotr2 +====== +The Canvas graphing library. + +![Google Groups]( + + + +Please fork with your question or bug reproduction case. + + +API +--- + +The API consists of a primary draw method which accepts a configuration object, helper methods, and several microlibs. + +### Example + +```javascript + var + // Container div: + container = document.getElementById("flotr-example-graph"), + // First data series: + d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]], + // Second data series: + d2 = [], + // A couple flotr configuration options: + options = { + xaxis: { + minorTickFreq: 4 + }, + grid: { + minorVerticalLines: true + } + }, + i, graph; + + // Generated second data set: + for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) { + d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]); + } + + // Draw the graph: + graph = Flotr.draw( + container, // Container element + [ d1, d2 ], // Array of data series + options // Configuration options + ); +``` + +### Microlibs + +* [underscore.js]( +* [bean.js]( + +Extending +--------- + +Flotr may be extended by adding new plugins and graph types. + +### Graph Types + +Graph types define how a particular chart is rendered. Examples include line, bar, pie. + +Existing graph types are found in `js/types/`. + +### Plugins + +Plugins extend the core of flotr with new functionality. They can add interactions, new decorations, etc. Examples +include titles, labels and selection. + +The plugins included are found in `js/plugins/`. + +Development +----------- + +This project uses [smoosh]( to build and [jasmine]( +with [js-imagediff]( to test. Tests may be executed by +[jasmine-headless-webkit]( with +`cd spec; jasmine-headless-webkit -j jasmine.yml -c` or by a browser by navigating to +`flotr2/spec/SpecRunner.html`. + +Shoutouts +--------- + +Thanks to Bas Wenneker, Fabien Ménager and others for all the work on the original Flotr. +Thanks to Jochen Berger and Jordan Santell for their contributions to Flotr2. + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/dev/notes.txt @@ -1,1 +1,87 @@ +Flotr 2 Architecture Notes + +Global: +====== + +Flotr.js - + versioning information + browser detection + extension (plugins, graph types) + draw + clone / merge + tick size + tick formatter + engineering notation + magnitude + rad, pixel, floor + drawText + measureText + getBestTextAlign + align map + compatibility + + +Graph Architecture: +=================== + +Axis - + all series + orientation + ticks (major, minor) + scale (d2p, p2d, logarithmic) + notion of stacks + +Series - + per 'data' + notion of range (x, y, min, max) + +Graph - + DOM constructon + event attachment + options initialization + data range calculations + canvas spacing calculations + event normalization + draw methods + DOM cleanup + event cleanup + + +Utilities: +========== + +Color + build colors + parse textual color data + convert colors + clone colors + +Text + calculate text size + canvas size + html size + +Date + formatting + constants + + +Spacing Calculation +=================== + +Flotr + calculate data + calculate margins + +Chart + calculate Data Ranges - Explicit or auto data minimum, maximums + calculate Data Range Extensions - By chart type, extend data range with needs of chart type (ie. stacked bars, stacked lines) + add Chart Padding - By chart type + +Text + use explicit margins + calculate label margins + calculate title margins + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/dev.html @@ -1,1 +1,26 @@ + + + + + Flotr Example Index Page + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/editor.css @@ -1,1 +1,73 @@ +/* Editor */ +.editor { + position: relative; +} +.editor .render { + height: 240px; + width: 320px; + margin: 8px auto; +} +.editor .source { + border: 1px solid #ddd; + border-radius: 3px; +} +.editor .controls { + position: absolute;; + z-index: 100; + right: 8px; + margin-top: -12px; +} +.editor .controls button { + float: right; +} +.editor .errors { + color: #ee0000; + padding: 8px; + font-size: 12px; + background: #fee; + border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; +} +.editor .errors .error { + font-weight: bold +} +.editor .errors .message { + font-style: italic; +} +.editor .errors .position { + display: block; + margin-top: 4px; +} .controls, .render { + display: none; +} +/* html type */ +.editor.html .render { + height: 400px; + width: 800px; + text-align: center; +} +.editor.html .render iframe { + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + border: none; +} + +/* CodeMirror */ +.CodeMirror { + background: #fafafa; +} +.CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused { +} +.CodeMirror-scroll { + height: auto; + overflow: visible; + overflow-x: auto; +} +.CodeMirror-lines pre, +.CodeMirror-gutter pre { + line-height: 16px; +} + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/examples.css @@ -1,1 +1,213 @@ - +body { + font-family : sans-serif; + padding: 0px; + margin: 0px; +} + +/* Example */ + +.flotr-example { + display: none; + margin: 0px auto 48px auto; + position: relative; +} +.flotr-example-label { + font-size: 18px; + padding: 14px 0px; +} +.flotr-example-editor .editor .render { + width: 600px; + height: 400px; + margin: 12px auto 18px auto; +} +.flotr-example-editor .editor .source { + width: 720px; +} + +/* Chart no-select */ + +.flotr-example-editor .editor .render, +.flotr-examples-thumb { + -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; + -moz-user-select: none; + -o-user-select: none; + user-select: none; +} + + +/* Examples */ + +.flotr-examples-thumbs { + text-align: center; +} +.flotr-examples-reset { + z-index: 100; + cursor: pointer; + text-decoration: underline; + position: absolute; + top: 260px; + right: 24px; + display: none; +} +.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-reset { + display: block; +} +.flotr-examples-thumb { + display: inline-block; + font-size : 11px; + width : 300px; + height : 200px; + margin: 10px 15px; + border: 2px solid transparent; +} +.flotr-examples-thumb.flotr-examples-highlight{ + font-size : 12px; + width : 330px; + height : 220px; + margin: 0px 0px; +} +.flotr-examples-thumb .flotr-legend, +.flotr-examples-thumb .flotr-mouse-value { + display : none; +} + +.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-container { + margin-top: 20px; + position: relative; + margin: 0px auto; +} + +.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-thumbs { + position: relative; + overflow-x: auto; + white-space: nowrap; +} + + +/* Flotr Styles */ + +.flotr-datagrid-container { + border: 1px solid #999; + border-bottom: none; + background: #fff; +} +.flotr-datagrid { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} +.flotr-datagrid td, .flotr-datagrid th { + border: 1px solid #ccc; + padding: 1px 3px; + min-width: 2em; +} +.flotr-datagrid tr:hover, .flotr-datagrid col.hover { + background: #f3f3f3; +} +.flotr-datagrid tr:hover th, .flotr-datagrid th.hover { + background: #999; + color: #fff; +} +.flotr-datagrid th { + text-align: left; + background: #e3e3e3; + border: 2px outset #fff; +} +.flotr-datagrid-toolbar { + padding: 1px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; + background: #f9f9f9; +} +.flotr-datagrid td:hover { + background: #ccc; +} +.flotr-datagrid .first-row th { + text-align: center; +} +.flotr-canvas { + margin-bottom: -3px; + padding-bottom: 1px; +} +.flotr-tabs-group { + border-top: 1px solid #999; +} +.flotr-tab { + border: 1px solid #666; + border-top: none; + margin: 0 3px; + padding: 1px 4px; + cursor: pointer; + -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; + opacity: 0.5; + -moz-opacity: 0.5; +} +.flotr-tab.selected { + background: #ddd; + opacity: 1; + -moz-opacity: 1; +} +.flotr-tab:hover { + background: #ccc; +} + +/* Large */ +.flotr-examples-large .flotr-example { + width: 1360px; + margin: 0px auto; + position: relative; +} +.flotr-examples-large .flotr-example-editor .editor .render { + margin-left: 0px; + margin-right: 0px; +} +.flotr-examples-large .flotr-example-editor .controls { + top: 0px; +} +.flotr-examples-large .flotr-example-editor .source { + position: absolute; + top: 0px; + right: 0px; +} + +/* Veritical Thumbs */ + +.flotr-examples-large.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-reset, +.flotr-examples-medium.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-reset { + top: 16px; +} + +.flotr-examples-large.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-thumbs, +.flotr-examples-medium.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-thumbs { + position: fixed; + width: 400px; + left: 0px; + top: 0px; + overflow-y: auto; + background: #fff; +} +.flotr-examples-large.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-thumb, +.flotr-examples-medium.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-thumb { + display: block; + float: center; + margin: 10px auto; +} + +.flotr-examples-large.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-container, +.flotr-examples-medium.flotr-examples-collapsed .flotr-examples-container { + margin-left: 400px; +} + +/* Vertical Example */ + +.flotr-examples-small .flotr-example, +.flotr-examples-medium .flotr-example { + width: 720px; +} +.flotr-examples-small .flotr-example-editor .source, +.flotr-examples-medium .flotr-example-editor .source { + position: relative; +} + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,26 @@ + + + + + Flotr Example Index Page + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Editor.js @@ -1,1 +1,279 @@ - +(function () { + + var + ONERROR = window.onerror, + COUNT = 0, + TYPES = {}, + + T_CONTROLS = + '
' + + '' + + '' + + '
', + T_EDITOR = '
', + T_SOURCE = '
', + T_ERRORS = '
', + T_RENDER = '
', + T_IFRAME = ''; + + + // Javascript type: + TYPES.javascript = function Javascript (o) { + this.onerror = o.onerror; + }; + TYPES.javascript.prototype = { + codeMirrorType : 'javascript', + example : function (o) { + + var + example = o.example, + render = o.render, + renderId = $(render).attr('id'), + args = o.args ? ',' + o.args.toString() : ''; + + return '(' + example + ')(document.getElementById("' + renderId+ '")' + + args + ');'; + }, + render : function (o) { + eval(o.example); + } + }; + + // HTML Type: + TYPES.html = function Html (o) { + this.onerror = o.onerror; + }; + TYPES.html.prototype = { + codeMirrorType : 'htmlmixed', + example : function (o) { + return $.trim(o.example); + }, + render : function (o) { + + var + example = o.example, + render = o.render, + iframe = $(T_IFRAME), + that = this, + win, doc; + + render.html(iframe); + + win = iframe[0].contentWindow; + + doc = win.document; +; + + // Error + win.onerror = iframe.onerror = function () { + that.onerror.apply(null, arguments); + } + + doc.write(example); + doc.close(); + } + }; + + // Editor + function Editor (container, o) { + + var + type = o.type || 'javascript', + example = o.example || '', + noRun = o.noRun || false, + teardown = o.teardown || false, + controls = $(T_CONTROLS), + render = $(T_RENDER), + errors = $(T_ERRORS), + source = $(T_SOURCE), + node = $(T_EDITOR), + renderId = 'editor-render-' + COUNT, + api, + render, + codeMirror; + + api = new TYPES[type]({ + onerror : onerror + }); + if (!api) throw 'Invalid type: API not found for type `' + type + '`.'; + + render + .attr('id', renderId); + + errors + .hide(); + + node + .append(render) + .append(controls) + .append(source) + .addClass(type) + .addClass(noRun ? 'no-run' : ''); + + container = $(container); + container + .append(node); + + source + .append(errors) + + example = api.example({ + args : o.args, + example : example, + render : render + }); + + codeMirror = CodeMirror(source[0], { + value : example, + readOnly : noRun, + lineNumbers : true, + mode : api.codeMirrorType + }); + + if (!noRun) { + controls.delegate('.run', 'click', function () { + example = codeMirror.getValue(); + execute(); + }); + + execute(); + } + + controls.delegate('.fiddle', 'click', function () { + fiddle(); + }); + + // Error handling: + window.onerror = function (message, url, line) { + + onerror(message, url, line); + console.log(message); + + if (ONERROR && $.isFunction(ONERROR)) { + return ONERROR(message, url, line); + } else { + return false; + } + } + + // Helpers + + function execute () { + errors.hide(); + if (teardown) { +; + } + api.render({ + example : example, + render : render + }); + } + + function onerror (message, url, line) { + // @TODO Find some js error normalizing lib + + var + doThatSexyThang = false, + html = 'Error: ', + error, stack; + + /* + // Native error type handling: + if (typeof (message) !== 'string') { + error = message; + message = error.message; + stack = error.stack; + + //if (stack) { + console.log(stack); + //} + + //console.log(message); + + } + + */ + + html += '' + message + ''; + if (typeof (line) !== "undefined") { + html += ''; + html += 'Line ' + line + ''; + console.log(url); + if (url) { + html += ' of '; + if (url == window.location) { + html += 'script'; + if (doThatSexyThang) { + //codeMirror.setMarker(line, '•'); + } + } else { + html += '' + url + ''; + } + } + html += '.'; + } + +; + errors.html(html); + } + + function fiddle () { + var + url = '', + form = $('
'), + input; + + // Resources + resources = [ + '', + '' + ]; + input = $('') + .attr('value', resources.join(',')); + form.append(input); + + // HTML + input = $('') + .attr('value', '
'); + form.append(input); + + // CSS + input = $('') + form.append(input); + input = $('') + .attr('value', + '#'+renderId+' {\n width: 340px;\n height: 220px;' + + '\n margin: 24px auto;\n}' + ); + form.append(input); + + // JS + input = $('') + .attr('value', '$(function () {\n' + example + '\n});'); + + form.append(input); + + // Submit + form.append(input); + $(document.body).append(form); + form.submit(); + } + + COUNT++; + + this.setExample = function (source, args) { + example = api.example({ + args : args, + example : source, + render : render + }); + codeMirror.setValue(example); + codeMirror.refresh(); + execute(); + } + } + + if (typeof Flotr.Examples === 'undefined') Flotr.Examples = {}; + Flotr.Examples.Editor = Editor; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Example.js @@ -1,1 +1,100 @@ +(function () { +var + _ = Flotr._, + + DOT = '.', + + CN_EXAMPLE = 'flotr-example', + CN_LABEL = 'flotr-example-label', + CN_TITLE = 'flotr-example-title', + CN_MARKUP = 'flotr-example-description', + CN_EDITOR = 'flotr-example-editor', + + ID_GRAPH = 'flotr-example-graph', + + TEMPLATE = '' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
', + +Example = function (o) { + + this.options = o; + this.example = null; + + this._initNodes(); +}; + +Example.prototype = { + + setExample : function (example) { + + var + source = this.getSource(example), + editorNode = this._editorNode; + + this.example = example; + + Math.seedrandom(example.key); + this._exampleNode.css({ display: 'block' }); + this._titleNode.html( || ''); + this._markupNode.html(example.description || ''); + + if (!this._editor) { + this._editor = new Flotr.Examples.Editor(editorNode, { + args : example.args, + example : source, + teardown : function () { + // Unbind event listeners from previous examples + Flotr.EventAdapter.stopObserving($(editorNode).find('.render')[0]); + $(editorNode).find('canvas').each(function (index, canvas) { + Flotr.EventAdapter.stopObserving(canvas); + }); + } + }); + } else { + this._editor.setExample(source, example.args); + } + }, + + getSource : function (example) { + + var + source = example.callback.toString(); + + // Hack for FF code style + if ( !== -1) + source = js_beautify(source); + + return source; + }, + + executeCallback : function (example, node) { + if (!_.isElement(node)) node = node[0]; + var args = (example.args ? [node].concat(example.args) : [node]); + Math.seedrandom(example.key); + return example.callback.apply(this, args); + }, + + _initNodes : function () { + + var + node = this.options.node, + example = $(TEMPLATE); + + this._titleNode = example.find(DOT + CN_TITLE); + this._markupNode = example.find(DOT + CN_MARKUP); + this._editorNode = example.find(DOT + CN_EDITOR); + this._exampleNode = example; + + node.append(example); + } +}; + +Flotr.Examples.Example = Example; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/ExampleList.js @@ -1,1 +1,30 @@ +(function () { +var ExampleList = function () { + + // Map of examples. + this.examples = {}; + +}; + +ExampleList.prototype = { + + add : function (example) { + this.examples[example.key] = example; + }, + + get : function (key) { + return key ? (this.examples[key] || null) : this.examples; + }, + + getType : function (type) { + return, function (example) { + return (example.type === type); + }); + } +} + +Flotr.ExampleList = new ExampleList(); + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Examples.js @@ -1,1 +1,292 @@ - +(function () { + +var + E = Flotr.EventAdapter, + _ = Flotr._, + + CLICK = 'click', + EXAMPLE = 'example', + MOUSEENTER = 'mouseenter', + MOUSELEAVE = 'mouseleave', + + DOT = '.', + + CN_EXAMPLES = 'flotr-examples', + CN_CONTAINER = 'flotr-examples-container', + CN_RESET = 'flotr-examples-reset', + CN_THUMBS = 'flotr-examples-thumbs', + CN_THUMB = 'flotr-examples-thumb', + CN_COLLAPSED = 'flotr-examples-collapsed', + CN_HIGHLIGHT = 'flotr-examples-highlight', + CN_LARGE = 'flotr-examples-large', + CN_MEDIUM = 'flotr-examples-medium', + CN_SMALL = 'flotr-examples-small', + CN_MOBILE = 'flotr-examples-mobile', + + T_THUMB = '
', + + TEMPLATE = '' + + '
' + + '
View All
' + + '
' + + '
' + + '
' + +Examples = function (o) { + + if (_.isUndefined(Flotr.ExampleList)) throw "Flotr.ExampleList not defined."; + + this.options = o; + this.list = Flotr.ExampleList; + this.current = null; + this.single = false; + + this._initNodes(); + this._example = new Flotr.Examples.Example({ + node : this._exampleNode + }); + + //console.time(EXAMPLE); + //console.profile(); + this._initExamples(); + //console.profileEnd(); + //console.timeEnd(EXAMPLE); +}; + +Examples.prototype = { + + examples : function () { + + var + styles = {cursor : 'pointer'}, + thumbsNode = this._thumbsNode, + list = this.list.get(), + that = this; + + var + order = [ + "basic", + "basic-axis", + "basic-bars", + "basic-bars-horizontal", + "basic-bar-stacked", + "basic-stacked-horizontal", + "basic-pie", + "basic-radar", + "basic-bubble", + "basic-candle", + "basic-legend", + "mouse-tracking", + "mouse-zoom", + "mouse-drag", + "basic-time", + "negative-values", + "click-example", + "download-image", + "download-data", + "advanced-titles", + "color-gradients", + "basic-timeline", + "advanced-markers" + ]; + + (function runner () { + var + key = order.shift(), + example = list[key]; + + if (example.type === 'profile' || example.type === 'test') return; + var node = $(T_THUMB); +'example', example); + thumbsNode.append(node); + that._example.executeCallback(example, node); + () {that._loadExample(example)}); + + if (order.length) setTimeout(runner, 20); + })(); + + function zoomHandler (e) { + var + node = $(e.currentTarget), + example ='example'), + orientation =; + if (orientation ^ node.hasClass(CN_HIGHLIGHT)) { + node.toggleClass(CN_HIGHLIGHT).css(styles); + that._example.executeCallback(example, node); + } + } + + thumbsNode.delegate(DOT + CN_THUMB, 'mouseenter', {orientation : true}, zoomHandler); + thumbsNode.delegate(DOT + CN_THUMB, 'mouseleave', {orientation : false}, zoomHandler); + + if ($(window).hashchange) { + $(window).hashchange(function () { + that._loadHash(); + }); + } + }, + + _loadExample : function (example) { + if (example) { + if (this._currentExample !== example) { + this._currentExample = example; + } else { + return; + } + + window.location.hash = '!'+(this.single ? 'single/' : '')+example.key; + + if (!scroller) { + this._thumbsNode.css({ + position: 'absolute', + height: '0px', + overflow: 'hidden', + width: '0px' + }); + this._resetNode.css({ + top: '16px' + }); + } + + this._examplesNode.addClass(CN_COLLAPSED); +; + this._example.setExample(example); + this._resize(); + $(document).scrollTop(0); + } + }, + + _reset : function () { + window.location.hash = ''; + + if (!scroller) { + this._thumbsNode.css({ + position: '', + height: '', + overflow: '', + width: '' + }); + } + + this._examplesNode.removeClass(CN_COLLAPSED); + this._thumbsNode.height(''); + this._exampleNode.hide(); + }, + + _initNodes : function () { + + var + node = $(this.options.node), + that = this, + examplesNode = $(TEMPLATE); + + that._resetNode = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_RESET); + that._exampleNode = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_CONTAINER); + that._thumbsNode = examplesNode.find(DOT+CN_THUMBS); + that._examplesNode = examplesNode; + + () { + that._reset(); + }); + + node.append(examplesNode); + + this._initResizer(); + }, + + _initResizer : function () { + + var + that = this, + node = that._examplesNode, + page = $(window), + currentClass; + + $(window).resize(applySize); + applySize(); + + function applySize () { + + var + height = page.height() - (that.options.thumbPadding || 0), + width = page.width(), + newClass; + + if (width > 1760) { + newClass = CN_LARGE; + that._thumbsNode.height(height); + } else if (width > 1140) { + newClass = CN_MEDIUM; + that._thumbsNode.height(height); + } else { + newClass = CN_SMALL; + that._thumbsNode.height(''); + } + + if (currentClass !== newClass) { + if (currentClass) + that._examplesNode.removeClass(currentClass); + that._examplesNode.addClass(newClass); + currentClass = newClass; + } + } + + this._resize = applySize; + }, + _initExamples : function () { + var + hash = window.location.hash, + example, params; + + hash = hash.substring(2); + params = hash.split('/'); + + if (params.length == 1) { + this.examples(); + if (hash) { + this._loadHash(); + } + } + else { + if (params[0] == 'single') { + this.single = true; + this._loadExample( + this.list.get(params[1]) + ); + } + } + }, + _loadHash : function () { + + var + hash = window.location.hash, + example; + + hash = hash.substring(2); + if (hash) { + example = this.list.get(hash); + this._loadExample(example); + } else { + this._reset(); + } + } +} + +var scroller = (function () { + + var + mobile = !!( + navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || + navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || + navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || + navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) + ), + mozilla = !!$.browser.mozilla; + + return (!mobile || mozilla); +})(); + +Flotr.Examples = Examples; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/Profile.js @@ -1,1 +1,73 @@ +(function () { +var + D = Flotr.DOM, + E = Flotr.EventAdapter, + _ = Flotr._, + CLICK = 'click', + + ID_EXAMPLE_PROFILE = 'example-profile', + ID_EXAMPLES = 'examples', + +Profile = function (o) { + + if (_.isUndefined(Flotr.ExampleList)) throw "Flotr.ExampleList not defined."; + + this.editMode = 'off'; + this.list = Flotr.ExampleList; + this.current = null; + this.single = false; + + this.init(); +}; + +Profile.prototype = _.extend({}, Flotr.Examples.prototype, { + + examples : function () { + var + examplesNode = document.getElementById(ID_EXAMPLES), + listNode = D.node('
    '), + profileNode; + + _.each(this.list.getType('profile'), function (example) { + profileNode = D.node('
  • ' + + '
  • '); + D.insert(listNode, profileNode); + E.observe(profileNode, CLICK, _.bind(function () { + this.example(example); + }, this)); + }, this); + + D.insert(examplesNode, listNode); + }, + + example : function (example) { + this._renderSource(example); + this.profileStart(example); + setTimeout(_.bind(function () { + this._renderGraph(example); + this.profileEnd(); + }, this), 50); + }, + + profileStart : function (example) { + var profileNode = document.getElementById(ID_EXAMPLE_PROFILE); + this._startTime = new Date(); + profileNode.innerHTML = '
    Profile started for "''"...
    '; + }, + + profileEnd : function (example) { + var + profileNode = document.getElementById(ID_EXAMPLE_PROFILE); + profileTime = (new Date()) - this._startTime; + + this._startTime = null; + + profileNode.innerHTML += '
    Profile complete: '+profileTime+'ms
    '; + } + +}); + +Flotr.Profile = Profile; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js @@ -1,1 +1,76 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'advanced-markers', + name : 'Advanced Markers', + callback : advanced_markers, + timeout : 150 +}); + +function advanced_markers (container) { + + var + xmark = new Image(), + checkmark = new Image(), + bars = { + data: [], + bars: { + show: true, + barWidth: 0.6, + lineWidth: 0, + fillOpacity: 0.8 + } + }, markers = { + data: [], + markers: { + show: true, + position: 'ct', + labelFormatter: function (o) { + return (o.y >= 5) ? checkmark : xmark; + } + } + }, + flotr = Flotr, + point, + graph, + i; + + + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)]; +; +; + } + + var runner = function () { + if (!xmark.complete || !checkmark.complete) { + setTimeout(runner, 50); + return; + } + + graph = flotr.draw( + container, + [bars, markers], { + yaxis: { + min: 0, + max: 11 + }, + xaxis: { + min: -0.5, + max: 7.5 + }, + grid: { + verticalLines: false + } + } + ); + } + + xmark.onload = runner; + xmark.src = 'images/xmark.png'; + checkmark.src = 'images/checkmark.png'; +}; + +})(); + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js @@ -1,1 +1,67 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'advanced-titles', + name : 'Advanced Titles', + callback : advanced_titles +}); + +function advanced_titles (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + d4 = [], + d5 = [], + graph, + i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1) { + d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]); + d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]); + d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]); + d4.push([i, i]); + if (i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0) { + d5.push([i, 2*i]); + } + } + + // Draw the graph. + graph = Flotr.draw( + container,[ + { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, + { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3', yaxis : 2 }, + { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)' }, + { data : d4, label : 'y = x' }, + { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } } + ], { + title : 'Advanced Titles Example', + subtitle : 'You can save me as an image', + xaxis : { + noTicks : 7, + tickFormatter : function (n) { return '('+n+')'; }, + min : 1, + max : 7.5, + labelsAngle : 45, + title : 'x Axis' + }, + yaxis : { + ticks : [[0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], + max : 40, + title : 'y = f(x)' + }, + y2axis : { color : '#FF0000', max : 500, title : 'y = x^3' }, + grid : { + verticalLines : false, + backgroundColor : 'white' + }, + HtmlText : false, + legend : { + position : 'nw' + } + }); +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js @@ -1,1 +1,69 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-axis', + name : 'Basic Axis', + callback : basic_axis +}); + +function basic_axis (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + d4 = [], + d5 = [], // Data + ticks = [[ 0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], // Ticks for the Y-Axis + graph; + + for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1){ + d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]); + d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]); + d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]); + d4.push([i, i]); + if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){ + d5.push([i, 2*i]); + } + } + + d3[30][1] = null; + d3[31][1] = null; + + function ticksFn (n) { return '('+n+')'; } + + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ + { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, + { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3'}, + { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'}, + { data : d4, label : 'y = x'}, + { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } } + ], { + xaxis : { + noTicks : 7, // Display 7 ticks. + tickFormatter : ticksFn, // Displays tick values between brackets. + min : 1, // Part of the series is not displayed. + max : 7.5 // Part of the series is not displayed. + }, + yaxis : { + ticks : ticks, // Set Y-Axis ticks + max : 40 // Maximum value along Y-Axis + }, + grid : { + verticalLines : false, + backgroundColor : { + colors : [[0,'#fff'], [1,'#ccc']], + start : 'top', + end : 'bottom' + } + }, + legend : { + position : 'nw' + }, + title : 'Basic Axis example', + subtitle : 'This is a subtitle' + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js @@ -1,1 +1,61 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-bar-stacked', + name : 'Stacked Bars', + callback : bars_stacked +}); + +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-stacked-horizontal', + name : 'Stacked Horizontal Bars', + args : [true], + callback : bars_stacked, + tolerance : 5 +}); + +function bars_stacked (container, horizontal) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + graph, i; + + for (i = -10; i < 10; i++) { + if (horizontal) { + d1.push([Math.random(), i]); + d2.push([Math.random(), i]); + d3.push([Math.random(), i]); + } else { + d1.push([i, Math.random()]); + d2.push([i, Math.random()]); + d3.push([i, Math.random()]); + } + } + + graph = Flotr.draw(container,[ + { data : d1, label : 'Serie 1' }, + { data : d2, label : 'Serie 2' }, + { data : d3, label : 'Serie 3' } + ], { + legend : { + backgroundColor : '#D2E8FF' // Light blue + }, + bars : { + show : true, + stacked : true, + horizontal : horizontal, + barWidth : 0.6, + lineWidth : 1, + shadowSize : 0 + }, + grid : { + verticalLines : horizontal, + horizontalLines : !horizontal + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-bars.js @@ -1,1 +1,69 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-bars', + name : 'Basic Bars', + callback : basic_bars +}); + +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-bars-horizontal', + name : 'Horizontal Bars', + args : [true], + callback : basic_bars, + tolerance : 5 +}); + +function basic_bars (container, horizontal) { + + var + horizontal = (horizontal ? true : false), // Show horizontal bars + d1 = [], // First data series + d2 = [], // Second data series + point, // Data point variable declaration + i; + + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + + if (horizontal) { + point = [Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), i]; + } else { + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + } + + d1.push(point); + + if (horizontal) { + point = [Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), i+0.5]; + } else { + point = [i+0.5, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + } + + d2.push(point); + }; + + // Draw the graph + Flotr.draw( + container, + [d1, d2], + { + bars : { + show : true, + horizontal : horizontal, + shadowSize : 0, + barWidth : 0.5 + }, + mouse : { + track : true, + relative : true + }, + yaxis : { + min : 0, + autoscaleMargin : 1 + } + } + ); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js @@ -1,1 +1,33 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-bubble', + name : 'Basic Bubble', + callback : basic_bubble +}); + +function basic_bubble (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + point, graph, i; + + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){ + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + d1.push(point); + + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + d2.push(point); + } + + // Draw the graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [d1, d2], { + bubbles : { show : true, baseRadius : 5 }, + xaxis : { min : -4, max : 14 }, + yaxis : { min : -4, max : 14 } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js @@ -1,1 +1,34 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-candle', + name : 'Basic Candle', + callback : basic_candle +}); + +function basic_candle (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + price = 3.206, + graph, + i, a, b, c; + + for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { + a = Math.random(); + b = Math.random(); + c = (Math.random() * (a + b)) - b; + d1.push([i, price, price + a, price - b, price + c]); + price = price + c; + } + + // Graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1 ], { + candles : { show : true, candleWidth : 0.6 }, + xaxis : { noTicks : 10 } + }); +} + +})(); + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js @@ -1,1 +1,49 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-legend', + name : 'Basic Legend', + callback : basic_legend +}); + +function basic_legend (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + data, + graph, i; + + // Data Generation + for (i = 0; i < 15; i += 0.5) { + d1.push([i, i + Math.sin(i+Math.PI)]); + d2.push([i, i]); + d3.push([i, 15-Math.cos(i)]); + } + + data = [ + { data : d1, label :'x + sin(x+π)' }, + { data : d2, label :'x' }, + { data : d3, label :'15 - cos(x)' } + ]; + + + // This function prepend each label with 'y = ' + function labelFn (label) { + return 'y = ' + label; + } + + // Draw graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, data, { + legend : { + position : 'se', // Position the legend 'south-east'. + labelFormatter : labelFn, // Format the labels. + backgroundColor : '#D2E8FF' // A light blue background color. + }, + HtmlText : false + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js @@ -1,1 +1,48 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-pie', + name : 'Basic Pie', + callback : basic_pie +}); + +function basic_pie (container) { + + var + d1 = [[0, 4]], + d2 = [[0, 3]], + d3 = [[0, 1.03]], + d4 = [[0, 3.5]], + graph; + + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ + { data : d1, label : 'Comedy' }, + { data : d2, label : 'Action' }, + { data : d3, label : 'Romance', + pie : { + explode : 50 + } + }, + { data : d4, label : 'Drama' } + ], { + HtmlText : false, + grid : { + verticalLines : false, + horizontalLines : false + }, + xaxis : { showLabels : false }, + yaxis : { showLabels : false }, + pie : { + show : true, + explode : 6 + }, + mouse : { track : true }, + legend : { + position : 'se', + backgroundColor : '#D2E8FF' + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js @@ -1,1 +1,37 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-radar', + name : 'Basic Radar', + callback : basic_radar +}); + +function basic_radar (container) { + + // Fill series s1 and s2. + var + s1 = { label : 'Actual', data : [[0, 3], [1, 8], [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 3], [5, 9]] }, + s2 = { label : 'Target', data : [[0, 8], [1, 7], [2, 8], [3, 2], [4, 4], [5, 7]] }, + graph, ticks; + + // Radar Labels + ticks = [ + [0, "Statutory"], + [1, "External"], + [2, "Videos"], + [3, "Yippy"], + [4, "Management"], + [5, "oops"] + ]; + + // Draw the graph. + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ s1, s2 ], { + radar : { show : true}, + grid : { circular : true, minorHorizontalLines : true}, + yaxis : { min : 0, max : 10, minorTickFreq : 2}, + xaxis : { ticks : ticks} + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js @@ -1,1 +1,33 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-stacked', + name : 'Basic Stacked', + callback : basic_stacked, + type : 'test' +}); + +function basic_stacked (container) { + + var + d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 2], [9, 3]], // First data series + d2 = [[0, 2], [4, 3], [8, 8], [9, 4]], // Second data series + i, graph; + + // Draw Graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], { + lines: { + show : true, + stacked: true + }, + xaxis: { + minorTickFreq: 4 + }, + grid: { + minorVerticalLines: true + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-stepped.js @@ -1,1 +1,45 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-stepped', + name : 'Basic Stepped', + callback : basic_stepped, + type : 'test' +}); + +function basic_stepped (container) { + + var + d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]], // First data series + d2 = [], // Second data series + i, graph; + + // Generate first data set + for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) { + d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]); + } + + // Draw Graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], { + lines: { + steps : true, + show : true + }, + xaxis: { + minorTickFreq: 4 + }, + yaxis: { + autoscale: true + }, + grid: { + minorVerticalLines: true + }, + mouse : { + track : true, + relative : true + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-time.js @@ -1,1 +1,65 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-time', + name : 'Basic Time', + callback : basic_time, + description : "

    Select an area of the graph to zoom. Click to reset the chart.

    " +}); + +function basic_time (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + start = new Date("2009/01/01 01:00").getTime(), + options, + graph, + i, x, o; + + for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { + x = start+(i*1000*3600*24*36.5); + d1.push([x, i+Math.random()*30+Math.sin(i/20+Math.random()*2)*20+Math.sin(i/10+Math.random())*10]); + } + + options = { + xaxis : { + mode : 'time', + labelsAngle : 45 + }, + selection : { + mode : 'x' + }, + HtmlText : false, + title : 'Time' + }; + + // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options + function drawGraph (opts) { + + // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact. + o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {}); + + // Return a new graph. + return Flotr.draw( + container, + [ d1 ], + o + ); + } + + graph = drawGraph(); + + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(container, 'flotr:select', function(area){ + // Draw selected area + graph = drawGraph({ + xaxis : { min : area.x1, max : area.x2, mode : 'time', labelsAngle : 45 }, + yaxis : { min : area.y1, max : area.y2 } + }); + }); + + // When graph is clicked, draw the graph with default area. + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(container, 'flotr:click', function () { graph = drawGraph(); }); +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js @@ -1,1 +1,67 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-timeline', + name : 'Basic Timeline', + callback : basic_timeline +}); + +function basic_timeline (container) { + + var + d1 = [[1, 4, 5]], + d2 = [[3.2, 3, 4]], + d3 = [[1.9, 2, 2], [5, 2, 3.3]], + d4 = [[1.55, 1, 9]], + d5 = [[5, 0, 2.3]], + data = [], + timeline = { show : true, barWidth : .5 }, + markers = [], + labels = ['Obama', 'Bush', 'Clinton', 'Palin', 'McCain'], + i, graph, point; + + // Timeline + Flotr._.each([d1, d2, d3, d4, d5], function (d) { + data.push({ + data : d, + timeline : Flotr._.clone(timeline) + }); + }); + + // Markers + Flotr._.each([d1, d2, d3, d4, d5], function (d) { + point = d[0]; + markers.push([point[0], point[1]]); + }); + data.push({ + data: markers, + markers: { + show: true, + position: 'rm', + fontSize: 11, + labelFormatter : function (o) { return labels[o.index]; } + } + }); + + // Draw Graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, data, { + xaxis: { + noTicks: 3, + tickFormatter: function (x) { + var + x = parseInt(x), + months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; + return months[(x-1)%12]; + } + }, + yaxis: { + showLabels : false + }, + grid: { + horizontalLines : false + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/basic.js @@ -1,1 +1,33 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic', + name : 'Basic', + callback : basic +}); + +function basic (container) { + + var + d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]], // First data series + d2 = [], // Second data series + i, graph; + + // Generate first data set + for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) { + d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]); + } + + // Draw Graph + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], { + xaxis: { + minorTickFreq: 4 + }, + grid: { + minorVerticalLines: true + } + }); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/click-example.js @@ -1,1 +1,42 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'click-example', + name : 'Click Example', + callback : click_example +}); + +function click_example (container) { + + var + d1 = [[0,0]], // Point at origin + options, + graph; + + options = { + xaxis: {min: 0, max: 15}, + yaxis: {min: 0, max: 15}, + lines: {show: true}, + points: {show: true}, + mouse: {track:true}, + title: 'Click Example' + }; + + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [d1], options); + + // Add a point to the series and redraw the graph + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(container, 'flotr:click', function(position){ + + // Add a point to the series at the location of the click + d1.push([position.x, position.y]); + + // Sort the series. + d1 = d1.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; }); + + // Redraw the graph, with the new series. + graph = Flotr.draw(container, [d1], options); + }); +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js @@ -1,1 +1,75 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'color-gradients', + name : 'Color Gradients', + callback : color_gradients +}); + +function color_gradients (container) { + + var + bars = { + data: [], + bars: { + show: true, + barWidth: 0.8, + lineWidth: 0, + fillColor: { + colors: ['#CB4B4B', '#fff'], + start: 'top', + end: 'bottom' + }, + fillOpacity: 0.8 + } + }, markers = { + data: [], + markers: { + show: true, + position: 'ct' + } + }, lines = { + data: [], + lines: { + show: true, + fillColor: ['#00A8F0', '#fff'], + fill: true, + fillOpacity: 1 + } + }, + point, + graph, + i; + + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)]; +; +; + } + + for (i = -1; i < 9; i += 0.01){ +[i, i*i/8+2]); + } + + graph = Flotr.draw( + container, + [lines, bars, markers], { + yaxis: { + min: 0, + max: 11 + }, + xaxis: { + min: -0.5, + max: 7.5 + }, + grid: { + verticalLines: false, + backgroundColor: ['#fff', '#ccc'] + } + } + ); +}; + +})(); + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/download-data.js @@ -1,1 +1,65 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'download-data', + name : 'Download Data', + callback : download_data +}); + +function download_data (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + d4 = [], + d5 = [], + graph, + i,x; + + for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 1) { + x = i / 10; + d1.push([x, 4 + Math.pow(x,1.5)]); + d2.push([x, Math.pow(x,3)]); + d3.push([x, i*5+3*Math.sin(x*4)]); + d4.push([x, x]); + if(x%1 === 0 ){ + d5.push([x, 2*x]); + } + } + + // Draw the graph. + graph = Flotr.draw( + container, [ + { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, + { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3' }, + { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)' }, + { data : d4, label : 'y = x' }, + { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } } + ],{ + xaxis : { + noTicks : 7, + tickFormatter : function (n) { return '('+n+')'; }, + min: 1, // Part of the series is not displayed. + max: 7.5 + }, + yaxis : { + ticks : [[ 0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], + max : 40 + }, + grid : { + verticalLines : false, + backgroundColor : 'white' + }, + legend : { + position : 'nw' + }, + spreadsheet : { + show : true, + tickFormatter : function (e) { return e+''; } + } + }); +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/download-image.js @@ -1,1 +1,98 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'download-image', + name : 'Download Image', + callback : download_image, + description : '' + + '
    ' + + '' + + '' + + + '' + + '' + + '' + + '
    ' +}); + +function download_image (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + d4 = [], + d5 = [], + graph, + i; + + for (i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1) { + d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]); + d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]); + d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]); + d4.push([i, i]); + if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){ + d5.push([i, 2*i]); + } + } + + // Draw the graph + graph = Flotr.draw( + container,[ + {data:d1, label:'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines:{fill:true}}, + {data:d2, label:'y = x^3', yaxis:2}, + {data:d3, label:'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'}, + {data:d4, label:'y = x'}, + {data:d5, label:'y = 2x', lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true}} + ],{ + title: 'Download Image Example', + subtitle: 'You can save me as an image', + xaxis:{ + noTicks: 7, // Display 7 ticks. + tickFormatter: function(n){ return '('+n+')'; }, // => displays tick values between brackets. + min: 1, // => part of the series is not displayed. + max: 7.5, // => part of the series is not displayed. + labelsAngle: 45, + title: 'x Axis' + }, + yaxis:{ + ticks: [[0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], + max: 40, + title: 'y = f(x)' + }, + y2axis:{color:'#FF0000', max: 500, title: 'y = x^3'}, + grid:{ + verticalLines: false, + backgroundColor: 'white' + }, + HtmlText: false, + legend: { + position: 'nw' + } + }); + + this.CurrentExample = function (operation) { + + var + format = $('#image-download input:radio[name=format]:checked').val(); + if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) { + alert( + "Your browser doesn't allow you to get a bitmap image from the plot, " + + "you can only get a VML image that you can use in Microsoft Office.
    " + ); + } + + if (operation == 'to-image') { +, null, null, true) + } else if (operation == 'download') { +; + } else if (operation == 'reset') { +; + } + }; + + return graph; +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js @@ -1,1 +1,78 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'mouse-drag', + name : 'Mouse Drag', + callback : mouse_drag +}); + +function mouse_drag (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + options, + graph, + start, + i; + + for (i = -40; i < 40; i += 0.5) { + d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)+3*Math.cos(i)]); + d2.push([i, Math.pow(1.1, i)]); + d3.push([i, 40 - i+Math.random()*10]); + } + + options = { + xaxis: {min: 0, max: 20}, + title : 'Mouse Drag' + }; + + // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options + function drawGraph (opts) { + + // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact. + var o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {}); + + // Return a new graph. + return Flotr.draw( + container, + [ d1, d2, d3 ], + o + ); + } + + graph = drawGraph(); + + function initializeDrag (e) { + start = graph.getEventPosition(e); + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(document, 'mousemove', move); + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(document, 'mouseup', stopDrag); + } + + function move (e) { + var + end = graph.getEventPosition(e), + xaxis = graph.axes.x, + offset = start.x - end.x; + + graph = drawGraph({ + xaxis : { + min : xaxis.min + offset, + max : xaxis.max + offset + } + }); + // @todo: refector initEvents in order not to remove other observed events + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(graph.overlay, 'mousedown', initializeDrag); + } + + function stopDrag () { + Flotr.EventAdapter.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', move); + } + + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(graph.overlay, 'mousedown', initializeDrag); + +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js @@ -1,1 +1,52 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'mouse-tracking', + name : 'Mouse Tracking', + callback : mouse_tracking +}); + +function mouse_tracking (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + graph, i; + + for (i = 0; i < 20; i += 0.5) { + d1.push([i, 2*i]); + d2.push([i, i*1.5+1.5*Math.sin(i)]); + d3.push([i, 3*Math.cos(i)+10]); + } + + graph = Flotr.draw( + container, + [ + { + data : d1, + mouse : { track : false } // Disable mouse tracking for d1 + }, + d2, + d3 + ], + { + mouse : { + track : true, // Enable mouse tracking + lineColor : 'purple', + relative : true, + position : 'ne', + sensibility : 1, + trackDecimals : 2, + trackFormatter : function (o) { return 'x = ' + o.x +', y = ' + o.y; } + }, + crosshair : { + mode : 'xy' + } + } + ); + +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js @@ -1,1 +1,64 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'mouse-zoom', + name : 'Mouse Zoom', + callback : mouse_zoom, + description : "

    Select an area of the graph to zoom. Click to reset the chart.

    " +}); + +function mouse_zoom (container) { + + var + d1 = [], + d2 = [], + d3 = [], + options, + graph, + i; + + for (i = 0; i < 40; i += 0.5) { + d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)+3*Math.cos(i)]); + d2.push([i, Math.pow(1.1, i)]); + d3.push([i, 40 - i+Math.random()*10]); + } + + options = { + selection : { mode : 'x', fps : 30 }, + title : 'Mouse Zoom' + }; + + // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options + function drawGraph (opts) { + + // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact. + var o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {}); + + // Return a new graph. + return Flotr.draw( + container, + [ d1, d2, d3 ], + o + ); + } + + // Actually draw the graph. + graph = drawGraph(); + + // Hook into the 'flotr:select' event. + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(container, 'flotr:select', function (area) { + + // Draw graph with new area + graph = drawGraph({ + xaxis: {min:area.x1, max:area.x2}, + yaxis: {min:area.y1, max:area.y2} + }); + }); + + // When graph is clicked, draw the graph with default area. + Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(container, 'flotr:click', function () { drawGraph(); }); +}; + +})(); + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/negative-values.js @@ -1,1 +1,65 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'negative-values', + name : 'Negative Values', + callback : negative_values +}); + +function negative_values (container) { + + var + d0 = [], // Line through y = 0 + d1 = [], // Random data presented as a scatter plot. + d2 = [], // A regression line for the scatter. + sx = 0, + sy = 0, + sxy = 0, + sxsq = 0, + xmean, + ymean, + alpha, + beta, + n, x, y; + + for (n = 0; n < 20; n++){ + + x = n; + y = x + Math.random()*8 - 15; + + d0.push([x, 0]); + d1.push([x, y]); + + // Computations used for regression line + sx += x; + sy += y; + sxy += x*y; + sxsq += Math.pow(x,2); + } + + xmean = sx/n; + ymean = sy/n; + beta = ((n*sxy) - (sx*sy))/((n*sxsq)-(Math.pow(sx,2))); + alpha = ymean - (beta * xmean); + + // Compute the regression line. + for (n = 0; n < 20; n++){ + d2.push([n, alpha + beta*n]) + } + + // Draw the graph + graph = Flotr.draw( + container, [ + { data : d0, shadowSize : 0, color : '#545454' }, // Horizontal + { data : d1, label : 'y = x + (Math.random() * 8) - 15', points : { show : true } }, // Scatter + { data : d2, label : 'y = ' + alpha.toFixed(2) + ' + ' + beta.toFixed(2) + '*x' } // Regression + ], + { + legend : { position : 'se', backgroundColor : '#D2E8FF' }, + title : 'Negative Values' + } + ); +}; + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js @@ -1,1 +1,70 @@ +(function () { +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'profile-bars', + name : 'Profile Bars', + type : 'profile', + callback : profile_bars +}); + +/* +Flotr.ExampleList.add({ + key : 'basic-bars-horizontal', + name : 'Horizontal Bars', + args : [true], + callback : basic_bars +}); +*/ + +function profile_bars (container, horizontal) { + + var + horizontal = (horizontal ? true : false), // Show horizontal bars + d1 = [], // First data series + d2 = [], // Second data series + point, // Data point variable declaration + i; + + for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { + + if (horizontal) { + point = [Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), i]; + } else { + point = [i, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + } + + d1.push(point); + + if (horizontal) { + point = [Math.ceil(Math.random()*10), i+0.5]; + } else { + point = [i+0.5, Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)]; + } + + d2.push(point); + }; + + // Draw the graph + Flotr.draw( + container, + [d1, d2], + { + bars : { + show : true, + horizontal : horizontal, + barWidth : 0.5 + }, + mouse : { + track : true, + relative : true + }, + yaxis : { + min : 0, + autoscaleMargin : 1 + } + } + ); +} + +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/ @@ -1,1 +1,92 @@ +yepnope([ + // Libs + '../lib/bean-min.js', + '../lib/underscore-min.js', + { + test : (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) < 9), + // Load for IE < 9 + yep : [ + '../lib/excanvas.js', + '../lib/base64.js', + '../lib/canvastext.js' + ] + }, + 'lib/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js', + 'lib/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js', + 'lib/beautify.js', + 'lib/randomseed.js', + 'lib/jquery-1.7.1.min.js', + 'lib/', + // Flotr + '../js/Flotr.js', + '../js/DefaultOptions.js', + '../js/Color.js', + '../js/Date.js', + '../js/DOM.js', + '../js/EventAdapter.js', + '../js/Text.js', + '../js/Graph.js', + '../js/Axis.js', + '../js/Series.js', + '../js/types/lines.js', + '../js/types/bars.js', + '../js/types/points.js', + '../js/types/pie.js', + '../js/types/candles.js', + '../js/types/markers.js', + '../js/types/radar.js', + '../js/types/bubbles.js', + '../js/types/gantt.js', + '../js/types/timeline.js', + '../js/plugins/download.js', + '../js/plugins/selection.js', + '../js/plugins/spreadsheet.js', + '../js/plugins/grid.js', + '../js/plugins/hit.js', + '../js/plugins/crosshair.js', + '../js/plugins/labels.js', + '../js/plugins/legend.js', + '../js/plugins/titles.js', + + // Examples + 'js/Examples.js', + 'js/ExampleList.js', + 'js/Example.js', + 'js/Editor.js', + 'js/Profile.js', + 'js/examples/basic.js', + 'js/examples/basic-axis.js', + 'js/examples/basic-bars.js', + 'js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js', + 'js/examples/basic-pie.js', + 'js/examples/basic-radar.js', + 'js/examples/basic-bubble.js', + 'js/examples/basic-candle.js', + 'js/examples/basic-legend.js', + 'js/examples/mouse-tracking.js', + 'js/examples/mouse-zoom.js', + 'js/examples/mouse-drag.js', + 'js/examples/basic-time.js', + 'js/examples/negative-values.js', + 'js/examples/click-example.js', + 'js/examples/download-image.js', + 'js/examples/download-data.js', + 'js/examples/advanced-titles.js', + 'js/examples/color-gradients.js', + 'js/examples/profile-bars.js', + 'js/examples/basic-timeline.js', + 'js/examples/advanced-markers.js', + + { complete : function () { + if (Flotr.ExamplesCallback) { + Flotr.ExamplesCallback(); + } else { + Examples = new Flotr.Examples({ + node : document.getElementById('examples') + }); + } + } + } +]); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/js/includes.min.js @@ -1,1 +1,34 @@ +yepnope([ + { + test : (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) < 9), + // Load for IE < 9 + yep : [ + '../' + ] + }, + '../flotr2.min.js', + 'lib/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js', + 'lib/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js', + 'lib/beautify.js', + 'lib/randomseed.js', + 'lib/jquery-1.7.1.min.js', + 'lib/', + + // Examples + '../flotr2.examples.min.js', + '../flotr2.examples.types.js', + + { complete : function () { + if (Flotr.ExamplesCallback) { + Flotr.ExamplesCallback(); + } else { + Examples = new Flotr.Examples({ + node : document.getElementById('examples') + }); + } + } + } +]); + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/beautify.js @@ -1,1 +1,1171 @@ - +/*jslint onevar: false, plusplus: false */ +/* + + JS Beautifier +--------------- + + + Written by Einar Lielmanis, + + + Originally converted to javascript by Vital, + "End braces on own line" added by Chris J. Shull, + + You are free to use this in any way you want, in case you find this useful or working for you. + + Usage: + js_beautify(js_source_text); + js_beautify(js_source_text, options); + + The options are: + indent_size (default 4) — indentation size, + indent_char (default space) — character to indent with, + preserve_newlines (default true) — whether existing line breaks should be preserved, + preserve_max_newlines (default unlimited) - maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk, + + jslint_happy (default false) — if true, then jslint-stricter mode is enforced. + + jslint_happy !jslint_happy + --------------------------------- + function () function() + + brace_style (default "collapse") - "collapse" | "expand" | "end-expand" + put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line. + + e.g + + js_beautify(js_source_text, { + 'indent_size': 1, + 'indent_char': '\t' + }); + + +*/ + + + +function js_beautify(js_source_text, options) { + + var input, output, token_text, last_type, last_text, last_last_text, last_word, flags, flag_store, indent_string; + var whitespace, wordchar, punct, parser_pos, line_starters, digits; + var prefix, token_type, do_block_just_closed; + var wanted_newline, just_added_newline, n_newlines; + var preindent_string = ''; + + + // Some interpreters have unexpected results with foo = baz || bar; + options = options ? options : {}; + + var opt_brace_style; + + // compatibility + if (options.space_after_anon_function !== undefined && options.jslint_happy === undefined) { + options.jslint_happy = options.space_after_anon_function; + } + if (options.braces_on_own_line !== undefined) { //graceful handling of depricated option + opt_brace_style = options.braces_on_own_line ? "expand" : "collapse"; + } + opt_brace_style = options.brace_style ? options.brace_style : (opt_brace_style ? opt_brace_style : "collapse"); + + + var opt_indent_size = options.indent_size ? options.indent_size : 4; + var opt_indent_char = options.indent_char ? options.indent_char : ' '; + var opt_preserve_newlines = typeof options.preserve_newlines === 'undefined' ? true : options.preserve_newlines; + var opt_max_preserve_newlines = typeof options.max_preserve_newlines === 'undefined' ? false : options.max_preserve_newlines; + var opt_jslint_happy = options.jslint_happy === 'undefined' ? false : options.jslint_happy; + var opt_keep_array_indentation = typeof options.keep_array_indentation === 'undefined' ? false : options.keep_array_indentation; + + just_added_newline = false; + + // cache the source's length. + var input_length = js_source_text.length; + + function trim_output(eat_newlines) { + eat_newlines = typeof eat_newlines === 'undefined' ? false : eat_newlines; + while (output.length && (output[output.length - 1] === ' ' + || output[output.length - 1] === indent_string + || output[output.length - 1] === preindent_string + || (eat_newlines && (output[output.length - 1] === '\n' || output[output.length - 1] === '\r')))) { + output.pop(); + } + } + + function trim(s) { + return s.replace(/^\s\s*|\s\s*$/, ''); + } + + function force_newline() + { + var old_keep_array_indentation = opt_keep_array_indentation; + opt_keep_array_indentation = false; + print_newline() + opt_keep_array_indentation = old_keep_array_indentation; + } + + function print_newline(ignore_repeated) { + + flags.eat_next_space = false; + if (opt_keep_array_indentation && is_array(flags.mode)) { + return; + } + + ignore_repeated = typeof ignore_repeated === 'undefined' ? true : ignore_repeated; + + flags.if_line = false; + trim_output(); + + if (!output.length) { + return; // no newline on start of file + } + + if (output[output.length - 1] !== "\n" || !ignore_repeated) { + just_added_newline = true; + output.push("\n"); + } + if (preindent_string) { + output.push(preindent_string); + } + for (var i = 0; i < flags.indentation_level; i += 1) { + output.push(indent_string); + } + if (flags.var_line && flags.var_line_reindented) { + output.push(indent_string); // skip space-stuffing, if indenting with a tab + } + } + + + + function print_single_space() { + if (flags.eat_next_space) { + flags.eat_next_space = false; + return; + } + var last_output = ' '; + if (output.length) { + last_output = output[output.length - 1]; + } + if (last_output !== ' ' && last_output !== '\n' && last_output !== indent_string) { // prevent occassional duplicate space + output.push(' '); + } + } + + + function print_token() { + just_added_newline = false; + flags.eat_next_space = false; + output.push(token_text); + } + + function indent() { + flags.indentation_level += 1; + } + + + function remove_indent() { + if (output.length && output[output.length - 1] === indent_string) { + output.pop(); + } + } + + function set_mode(mode) { + if (flags) { + flag_store.push(flags); + } + flags = { + previous_mode: flags ? flags.mode : 'BLOCK', + mode: mode, + var_line: false, + var_line_tainted: false, + var_line_reindented: false, + in_html_comment: false, + if_line: false, + in_case: false, + eat_next_space: false, + indentation_baseline: -1, + indentation_level: (flags ? flags.indentation_level + ((flags.var_line && flags.var_line_reindented) ? 1 : 0) : 0), + ternary_depth: 0 + }; + } + + function is_array(mode) { + return mode === '[EXPRESSION]' || mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]'; + } + + function is_expression(mode) { + return mode === '[EXPRESSION]' || mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]' || mode === '(EXPRESSION)'; + } + + function restore_mode() { + do_block_just_closed = flags.mode === 'DO_BLOCK'; + if (flag_store.length > 0) { + flags = flag_store.pop(); + } + } + + function all_lines_start_with(lines, c) { + for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { + if (trim(lines[i])[0] != c) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + function in_array(what, arr) { + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { + if (arr[i] === what) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + function get_next_token() { + n_newlines = 0; + + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + return ['', 'TK_EOF']; + } + + wanted_newline = false; + + var c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + + + var keep_whitespace = opt_keep_array_indentation && is_array(flags.mode); + + if (keep_whitespace) { + + // + // slight mess to allow nice preservation of array indentation and reindent that correctly + // first time when we get to the arrays: + // var a = [ + // ....'something' + // we make note of whitespace_count = 4 into flags.indentation_baseline + // so we know that 4 whitespaces in original source match indent_level of reindented source + // + // and afterwards, when we get to + // 'something, + // .......'something else' + // we know that this should be indented to indent_level + (7 - indentation_baseline) spaces + // + var whitespace_count = 0; + + while (in_array(c, whitespace)) { + + if (c === "\n") { + trim_output(); + output.push("\n"); + just_added_newline = true; + whitespace_count = 0; + } else { + if (c === '\t') { + whitespace_count += 4; + } else if (c === '\r') { + // nothing + } else { + whitespace_count += 1; + } + } + + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + return ['', 'TK_EOF']; + } + + c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + + } + if (flags.indentation_baseline === -1) { + flags.indentation_baseline = whitespace_count; + } + + if (just_added_newline) { + var i; + for (i = 0; i < flags.indentation_level + 1; i += 1) { + output.push(indent_string); + } + if (flags.indentation_baseline !== -1) { + for (i = 0; i < whitespace_count - flags.indentation_baseline; i++) { + output.push(' '); + } + } + } + + } else { + while (in_array(c, whitespace)) { + + if (c === "\n") { + n_newlines += ( (opt_max_preserve_newlines) ? (n_newlines <= opt_max_preserve_newlines) ? 1: 0: 1 ); + } + + + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + return ['', 'TK_EOF']; + } + + c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + + } + + if (opt_preserve_newlines) { + if (n_newlines > 1) { + for (i = 0; i < n_newlines; i += 1) { + print_newline(i === 0); + just_added_newline = true; + } + } + } + wanted_newline = n_newlines > 0; + } + + + if (in_array(c, wordchar)) { + if (parser_pos < input_length) { + while (in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), wordchar)) { + c += input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos === input_length) { + break; + } + } + } + + // small and surprisingly unugly hack for 1E-10 representation + if (parser_pos !== input_length && c.match(/^[0-9]+[Ee]$/) && (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '-' || input.charAt(parser_pos) === '+')) { + + var sign = input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + + var t = get_next_token(parser_pos); + c += sign + t[0]; + return [c, 'TK_WORD']; + } + + if (c === 'in') { // hack for 'in' operator + return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR']; + } + if (wanted_newline && last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR' + && last_type !== 'TK_EQUALS' + && !flags.if_line && (opt_preserve_newlines || last_text !== 'var')) { + print_newline(); + } + return [c, 'TK_WORD']; + } + + if (c === '(' || c === '[') { + return [c, 'TK_START_EXPR']; + } + + if (c === ')' || c === ']') { + return [c, 'TK_END_EXPR']; + } + + if (c === '{') { + return [c, 'TK_START_BLOCK']; + } + + if (c === '}') { + return [c, 'TK_END_BLOCK']; + } + + if (c === ';') { + return [c, 'TK_SEMICOLON']; + } + + if (c === '/') { + var comment = ''; + // peek for comment /* ... */ + var inline_comment = true; + if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*') { + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos < input_length) { + while (! (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === '/') && parser_pos < input_length) { + c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + comment += c; + if (c === '\x0d' || c === '\x0a') { + inline_comment = false; + } + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + break; + } + } + } + parser_pos += 2; + if (inline_comment) { + return ['/*' + comment + '*/', 'TK_INLINE_COMMENT']; + } else { + return ['/*' + comment + '*/', 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT']; + } + } + // peek for comment // ... + if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '/') { + comment = c; + while (input.charAt(parser_pos) !== '\r' && input.charAt(parser_pos) !== '\n') { + comment += input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + break; + } + } + parser_pos += 1; + if (wanted_newline) { + print_newline(); + } + return [comment, 'TK_COMMENT']; + } + + } + + if (c === "'" || // string + c === '"' || // string + (c === '/' && + ((last_type === 'TK_WORD' && in_array(last_text, ['return', 'do'])) || + (last_type === 'TK_COMMENT' || last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_OPERATOR' || last_type === 'TK_EQUALS' || last_type === 'TK_EOF' || last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON')))) { // regexp + var sep = c; + var esc = false; + var resulting_string = c; + + if (parser_pos < input_length) { + if (sep === '/') { + // + // handle regexp separately... + // + var in_char_class = false; + while (esc || in_char_class || input.charAt(parser_pos) !== sep) { + resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos); + if (!esc) { + esc = input.charAt(parser_pos) === '\\'; + if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '[') { + in_char_class = true; + } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === ']') { + in_char_class = false; + } + } else { + esc = false; + } + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + // incomplete string/rexp when end-of-file reached. + // bail out with what had been received so far. + return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING']; + } + } + + } else { + // + // and handle string also separately + // + while (esc || input.charAt(parser_pos) !== sep) { + resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos); + if (!esc) { + esc = input.charAt(parser_pos) === '\\'; + } else { + esc = false; + } + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + // incomplete string/rexp when end-of-file reached. + // bail out with what had been received so far. + return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING']; + } + } + } + + + + } + + parser_pos += 1; + + resulting_string += sep; + + if (sep === '/') { + // regexps may have modifiers /regexp/MOD , so fetch those, too + while (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), wordchar)) { + resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + } + } + return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING']; + } + + if (c === '#') { + + + if (output.length === 0 && input.charAt(parser_pos) === '!') { + // shebang + resulting_string = c; + while (parser_pos < input_length && c != '\n') { + c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + resulting_string += c; + parser_pos += 1; + } + output.push(trim(resulting_string) + '\n'); + print_newline(); + return get_next_token(); + } + + + + // Spidermonkey-specific sharp variables for circular references + // + // around line 1935 + var sharp = '#'; + if (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), digits)) { + do { + c = input.charAt(parser_pos); + sharp += c; + parser_pos += 1; + } while (parser_pos < input_length && c !== '#' && c !== '='); + if (c === '#') { + // + } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '[' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === ']') { + sharp += '[]'; + parser_pos += 2; + } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '{' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === '}') { + sharp += '{}'; + parser_pos += 2; + } + return [sharp, 'TK_WORD']; + } + } + + if (c === '<' && input.substring(parser_pos - 1, parser_pos + 3) === '') { + flags.in_html_comment = false; + parser_pos += 2; + if (wanted_newline) { + print_newline(); + } + return ['-->', 'TK_COMMENT']; + } + + if (in_array(c, punct)) { + while (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(c + input.charAt(parser_pos), punct)) { + c += input.charAt(parser_pos); + parser_pos += 1; + if (parser_pos >= input_length) { + break; + } + } + + if (c === '=') { + return [c, 'TK_EQUALS']; + } else { + return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR']; + } + } + + return [c, 'TK_UNKNOWN']; + } + + //---------------------------------- + indent_string = ''; + while (opt_indent_size > 0) { + indent_string += opt_indent_char; + opt_indent_size -= 1; + } + + while (js_source_text && (js_source_text[0] === ' ' || js_source_text[0] === '\t')) { + preindent_string += js_source_text[0]; + js_source_text = js_source_text.substring(1); + } + input = js_source_text; + + last_word = ''; // last 'TK_WORD' passed + last_type = 'TK_START_EXPR'; // last token type + last_text = ''; // last token text + last_last_text = ''; // pre-last token text + output = []; + + do_block_just_closed = false; + + whitespace = "\n\r\t ".split(''); + wordchar = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$'.split(''); + digits = '0123456789'.split(''); + + punct = '+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! !! , : ? ^ ^= |= ::'.split(' '); + + // words which should always start on new line. + line_starters = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function'.split(','); + + // states showing if we are currently in expression (i.e. "if" case) - 'EXPRESSION', or in usual block (like, procedure), 'BLOCK'. + // some formatting depends on that. + flag_store = []; + set_mode('BLOCK'); + + parser_pos = 0; + while (true) { + var t = get_next_token(parser_pos); + token_text = t[0]; + token_type = t[1]; + if (token_type === 'TK_EOF') { + break; + } + + switch (token_type) { + + case 'TK_START_EXPR': + + if (token_text === '[') { + + if (last_type === 'TK_WORD' || last_text === ')') { + // this is array index specifier, break immediately + // a[x], fn()[x] + if (in_array(last_text, line_starters)) { + print_single_space(); + } + set_mode('(EXPRESSION)'); + print_token(); + break; + } + + if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]' || flags.mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]') { + if (last_last_text === ']' && last_text === ',') { + // ], [ goes to new line + if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]') { + flags.mode = '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]'; + if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) { + indent(); + } + } + set_mode('[EXPRESSION]'); + if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) { + print_newline(); + } + } else if (last_text === '[') { + if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]') { + flags.mode = '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]'; + if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) { + indent(); + } + } + set_mode('[EXPRESSION]'); + + if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) { + print_newline(); + } + } else { + set_mode('[EXPRESSION]'); + } + } else { + set_mode('[EXPRESSION]'); + } + + + + } else { + set_mode('(EXPRESSION)'); + } + + if (last_text === ';' || last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { + print_newline(); + } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_text === '.') { + // do nothing on (( and )( and ][ and ]( and .( + } else if (last_type !== 'TK_WORD' && last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR') { + print_single_space(); + } else if (last_word === 'function' || last_word === 'typeof') { + // function() vs function () + if (opt_jslint_happy) { + print_single_space(); + } + } else if (in_array(last_text, line_starters) || last_text === 'catch') { + print_single_space(); + } + print_token(); + + break; + + case 'TK_END_EXPR': + if (token_text === ']') { + if (opt_keep_array_indentation) { + if (last_text === '}') { + // trim_output(); + // print_newline(true); + remove_indent(); + print_token(); + restore_mode(); + break; + } + } else { + if (flags.mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]') { + if (last_text === ']') { + restore_mode(); + print_newline(); + print_token(); + break; + } + } + } + } + restore_mode(); + print_token(); + break; + + case 'TK_START_BLOCK': + + if (last_word === 'do') { + set_mode('DO_BLOCK'); + } else { + set_mode('BLOCK'); + } + if (opt_brace_style=="expand") { + if (last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR') { + if (last_text === 'return' || last_text === '=') { + print_single_space(); + } else { + print_newline(true); + } + } + print_token(); + indent(); + } else { + if (last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR' && last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR') { + if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { + print_newline(); + } else { + print_single_space(); + } + } else { + // if TK_OPERATOR or TK_START_EXPR + if (is_array(flags.previous_mode) && last_text === ',') { + if (last_last_text === '}') { + // }, { in array context + print_single_space(); + } else { + print_newline(); // [a, b, c, { + } + } + } + indent(); + print_token(); + } + + break; + + case 'TK_END_BLOCK': + restore_mode(); + if (opt_brace_style=="expand") { + if (last_text !== '{') { + print_newline(); + } + print_token(); + } else { + if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { + // nothing + if (just_added_newline) { + remove_indent(); + } else { + // {} + trim_output(); + } + } else { + if (is_array(flags.mode) && opt_keep_array_indentation) { + // we REALLY need a newline here, but newliner would skip that + opt_keep_array_indentation = false; + print_newline(); + opt_keep_array_indentation = true; + + } else { + print_newline(); + } + } + print_token(); + } + break; + + case 'TK_WORD': + + // no, it's not you. even I have problems understanding how this works + // and what does what. + if (do_block_just_closed) { + // do {} ## while () + print_single_space(); + print_token(); + print_single_space(); + do_block_just_closed = false; + break; + } + + if (token_text === 'function') { + if (flags.var_line) { + flags.var_line_reindented = true; + } + if ((just_added_newline || last_text === ';') && last_text !== '{') { + // make sure there is a nice clean space of at least one blank line + // before a new function definition + n_newlines = just_added_newline ? n_newlines : 0; + if ( ! opt_preserve_newlines) { + n_newlines = 1; + } + + for (var i = 0; i < 2 - n_newlines; i++) { + print_newline(false); + } + } + } + + if (token_text === 'case' || token_text === 'default') { + if (last_text === ':') { + // switch cases following one another + remove_indent(); + } else { + // case statement starts in the same line where switch + flags.indentation_level--; + print_newline(); + flags.indentation_level++; + } + print_token(); + flags.in_case = true; + break; + } + + prefix = 'NONE'; + + if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') { + + if (!in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } else { + if (opt_brace_style=="expand" || opt_brace_style=="end-expand") { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } else { + prefix = 'SPACE'; + print_single_space(); + } + } + } else if (last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && (flags.mode === 'BLOCK' || flags.mode === 'DO_BLOCK')) { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } else if (last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && is_expression(flags.mode)) { + prefix = 'SPACE'; + } else if (last_type === 'TK_STRING') { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') { + if (last_text === 'else') { + // eat newlines between ...else *** some_op... + // won't preserve extra newlines in this place (if any), but don't care that much + trim_output(true); + } + prefix = 'SPACE'; + } else if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') { + print_single_space(); + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } + + if (in_array(token_text, line_starters) && last_text !== ')') { + if (last_text == 'else') { + prefix = 'SPACE'; + } else { + prefix = 'NEWLINE'; + } + } + + if (flags.if_line && last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') { + flags.if_line = false; + } + if (in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) { + if (last_type !== 'TK_END_BLOCK' || opt_brace_style=="expand" || opt_brace_style=="end-expand") { + print_newline(); + } else { + trim_output(true); + print_single_space(); + } + } else if (prefix === 'NEWLINE') { + if ((last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_text === '=' || last_text === ',') && token_text === 'function') { + // no need to force newline on 'function': (function + // DONOTHING + } else if (token_text === 'function' && last_text == 'new') { + print_single_space(); + } else if (last_text === 'return' || last_text === 'throw') { + // no newline between 'return nnn' + print_single_space(); + } else if (last_type !== 'TK_END_EXPR') { + if ((last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR' || token_text !== 'var') && last_text !== ':') { + // no need to force newline on 'var': for (var x = 0...) + if (token_text === 'if' && last_word === 'else' && last_text !== '{') { + // no newline for } else if { + print_single_space(); + } else { + flags.var_line = false; + flags.var_line_reindented = false; + print_newline(); + } + } + } else if (in_array(token_text, line_starters) && last_text != ')') { + flags.var_line = false; + flags.var_line_reindented = false; + print_newline(); + } + } else if (is_array(flags.mode) && last_text === ',' && last_last_text === '}') { + print_newline(); // }, in lists get a newline treatment + } else if (prefix === 'SPACE') { + print_single_space(); + } + print_token(); + last_word = token_text; + + if (token_text === 'var') { + flags.var_line = true; + flags.var_line_reindented = false; + flags.var_line_tainted = false; + } + + if (token_text === 'if') { + flags.if_line = true; + } + if (token_text === 'else') { + flags.if_line = false; + } + + break; + + case 'TK_SEMICOLON': + + print_token(); + flags.var_line = false; + flags.var_line_reindented = false; + if (flags.mode == 'OBJECT') { + // OBJECT mode is weird and doesn't get reset too well. + flags.mode = 'BLOCK'; + } + break; + + case 'TK_STRING': + + if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON') { + print_newline(); + } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') { + print_single_space(); + } + print_token(); + break; + + case 'TK_EQUALS': + if (flags.var_line) { + // just got an '=' in a var-line, different formatting/line-breaking, etc will now be done + flags.var_line_tainted = true; + } + print_single_space(); + print_token(); + print_single_space(); + break; + + case 'TK_OPERATOR': + + var space_before = true; + var space_after = true; + + if (flags.var_line && token_text === ',' && (is_expression(flags.mode))) { + // do not break on comma, for(var a = 1, b = 2) + flags.var_line_tainted = false; + } + + if (flags.var_line) { + if (token_text === ',') { + if (flags.var_line_tainted) { + print_token(); + flags.var_line_reindented = true; + flags.var_line_tainted = false; + print_newline(); + break; + } else { + flags.var_line_tainted = false; + } + // } else if (token_text === ':') { + // hmm, when does this happen? tests don't catch this + // flags.var_line = false; + } + } + + if (last_text === 'return' || last_text === 'throw') { + // "return" had a special handling in TK_WORD. Now we need to return the favor + print_single_space(); + print_token(); + break; + } + + if (token_text === ':' && flags.in_case) { + print_token(); // colon really asks for separate treatment + print_newline(); + flags.in_case = false; + break; + } + + if (token_text === '::') { + // no spaces around exotic namespacing syntax operator + print_token(); + break; + } + + if (token_text === ',') { + if (flags.var_line) { + if (flags.var_line_tainted) { + print_token(); + print_newline(); + flags.var_line_tainted = false; + } else { + print_token(); + print_single_space(); + } + } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' && flags.mode !== "(EXPRESSION)") { + print_token(); + if (flags.mode === 'OBJECT' && last_text === '}') { + print_newline(); + } else { + print_single_space(); + } + } else { + if (flags.mode === 'OBJECT') { + print_token(); + print_newline(); + } else { + // EXPR or DO_BLOCK + print_token(); + print_single_space(); + } + } + break; + // } else if (in_array(token_text, ['--', '++', '!']) || (in_array(token_text, ['-', '+']) && (in_array(last_type, ['TK_START_BLOCK', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS']) || in_array(last_text, line_starters) || in_array(last_text, ['==', '!=', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '+', '-'])))) { + } else if (in_array(token_text, ['--', '++', '!']) || (in_array(token_text, ['-', '+']) && (in_array(last_type, ['TK_START_BLOCK', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR']) || in_array(last_text, line_starters)))) { + // unary operators (and binary +/- pretending to be unary) special cases + + space_before = false; + space_after = false; + + if (last_text === ';' && is_expression(flags.mode)) { + // for (;; ++i) + // ^^^ + space_before = true; + } + if (last_type === 'TK_WORD' && in_array(last_text, line_starters)) { + space_before = true; + } + + if (flags.mode === 'BLOCK' && (last_text === '{' || last_text === ';')) { + // { foo; --i } + // foo(); --bar; + print_newline(); + } + } else if (token_text === '.') { + // decimal digits or + space_before = false; + + } else if (token_text === ':') { + if (flags.ternary_depth == 0) { + flags.mode = 'OBJECT'; + space_before = false; + } else { + flags.ternary_depth -= 1; + } + } else if (token_text === '?') { + flags.ternary_depth += 1; + } + if (space_before) { + print_single_space(); + } + + print_token(); + + if (space_after) { + print_single_space(); + } + + if (token_text === '!') { + // flags.eat_next_space = true; + } + + break; + + case 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': + + var lines = token_text.split(/\x0a|\x0d\x0a/); + + if (all_lines_start_with(lines.slice(1), '*')) { + // javadoc: reformat and reindent + print_newline(); + output.push(lines[0]); + for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { + print_newline(); + output.push(' '); + output.push(trim(lines[i])); + } + + } else { + + // simple block comment: leave intact + if (lines.length > 1) { + // multiline comment block starts with a new line + print_newline(); + trim_output(); + } else { + // single-line /* comment */ stays where it is + print_single_space(); + + } + + for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { + output.push(lines[i]); + output.push('\n'); + } + + } + print_newline(); + break; + + case 'TK_INLINE_COMMENT': + + print_single_space(); + print_token(); + if (is_expression(flags.mode)) { + print_single_space(); + } else { + force_newline(); + } + break; + + case 'TK_COMMENT': + + // print_newline(); + if (wanted_newline) { + print_newline(); + } else { + print_single_space(); + } + print_token(); + force_newline(); + break; + + case 'TK_UNKNOWN': + if (last_text === 'return' || last_text === 'throw') { + print_single_space(); + } + print_token(); + break; + } + + last_last_text = last_text; + last_type = token_type; + last_text = token_text; + } + + var sweet_code = preindent_string + output.join('').replace(/[\n ]+$/, ''); + return sweet_code; + +} + +// Add support for CommonJS. Just put this file somewhere on your require.paths +// and you will be able to `var js_beautify = require("beautify").js_beautify`. +if (typeof exports !== "undefined") + exports.js_beautify = js_beautify; + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/LICENSE @@ -1,1 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (C) 2011 by Marijn Haverbeke +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/ @@ -1,1 +1,7 @@ +# CodeMirror 2 +CodeMirror 2 is a rewrite of [CodeMirror +1]( The docs live +[here](, and the project page is +[]( + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/activeline.html @@ -1,1 +1,72 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Active Line Demo + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Active Line Demo

    + +
    + + + +

    Styling the current cursor line.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/changemode.html @@ -1,1 +1,51 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Mode-Changing Demo + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Mode-Changing demo

    + +
    + +

    On changes to the content of the above editor, a (crude) script +tries to auto-detect the language used, and switches the editor to +either JavaScript or Scheme mode based on that.

    + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/complete.html @@ -1,1 +1,68 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Autocomplete Demo + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Autocomplete demo

    + +

    Press ctrl-space to activate autocompletion. See +the code (here +and here) to figure out +how it works.

    + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/emacs.html @@ -1,1 +1,60 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Emacs bindings demo + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Emacs bindings demo

    + +
    + +

    The emacs keybindings are enabled by +including keymap/emacs.js and setting +the keyMap option to "emacs". Because +CodeMirror's internal API is quite different from Emacs, they are only +a loose approximation of actual emacs bindings, though.

    + +

    Also note that a lot of browsers disallow certain keys from being +captured. For example, Chrome blocks both Ctrl-W and Ctrl-N, with the +result that idiomatic use of Emacs keys will constantly close your tab +or open a new window.

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/folding.html @@ -1,1 +1,57 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Code Folding Demo + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Code Folding Demo

    + +
    + + + +

    Demonstration of code folding using the code + in foldcode.js. + Press ctrl-q or click on the gutter to fold a block, again + to unfold.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/formatting.html @@ -1,1 +1,81 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Formatting Demo + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Formatting demo

    + +
    + +

    Select a piece of code and click one of the links below to apply automatic formatting to the selected text or comment/uncomment the selected text. Note that the formatting behavior depends on the current block's mode. + + + + + + +
    + + Autoformat Selected + + + + Comment Selected + + + + Uncomment Selected + +

    + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/fullscreen.html @@ -1,1 +1,152 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Full Screen Editing + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Full Screen Editing

    + +
    + + +

    Press F11 (or ESC in Safari on Mac OS X) when cursor is in the editor to toggle full screen editing.

    + +

    Note: Does not currently work correctly in IE + 6 and 7, where setting the height of something + to 100% doesn't make it full-screen.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/marker.html @@ -1,1 +1,53 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Breakpoint Demo + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Breakpoint demo

    + +
    + +

    Click the line-number gutter to add or remove 'breakpoints'.

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/mustache.html @@ -1,1 +1,57 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Overlay Parser Demo + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Overlay Parser Demo

    + +
    + + + +

    Demonstration of a mode that parses HTML, highlighting + the Mustache templating + directives inside of it by using the code + in overlay.js. View + source to see the 15 lines of code needed to accomplish this.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/preview.html @@ -1,1 +1,77 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: HTML5 preview + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: HTML5 preview

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/resize.html @@ -1,1 +1,44 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Autoresize Demo + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Autoresize demo

    + +
    + +

    By setting a few CSS properties, CodeMirror can be made to +automatically resize to fit its content.

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/runmode.html @@ -1,1 +1,50 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Mode Runner Demo + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Mode Runner Demo

    + +

    Running a CodeMirror mode outside of the editor. + The CodeMirror.runMode function, defined + in lib/runmode.js takes the following arguments:

    + +
    text (string)
    The document to run through the highlighter.
    mode (mode spec)
    The mode to use (must be loaded as normal).
    output (function or DOM node)
    If this is a function, it will be called for each token with + two arguments, the token's text and the token's style class (may + be null for unstyled tokens). If it is a DOM node, + the tokens will be converted to span elements as in + an editor, and inserted into the node + (through innerHTML).
    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/search.html @@ -1,1 +1,84 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Search/Replace Demo + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Search/Replace Demo

    + +
    + + + +

    Demonstration of primitive search/replace functionality. The + keybindings (which can be overridden by custom keymaps) are:

    Ctrl-F / Cmd-F
    Start searching
    Ctrl-G / Cmd-G
    Find next
    Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G
    Find previous
    Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F
    Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F
    Replace all

    Searching is enabled by + including lib/util/search.js. + For good-looking input dialogs, you also want to include + lib/util/dialog.js + and lib/util/dialog.css.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/theme.html @@ -1,1 +1,61 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Theme Demo + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Theme demo

    + +
    + +

    Select a theme: +

    + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/vim.html @@ -1,1 +1,51 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Vim bindings demo + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Vim bindings demo

    + +
    + +

    The vim keybindings are enabled by +including keymap/vim.js and setting +the keyMap option to "vim". Because +CodeMirror's internal API is quite different from Vim, they are only +a loose approximation of actual vim bindings, though.

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/demo/visibletabs.html @@ -1,1 +1,62 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Visible tabs demo + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Visible tabs demo

    + +
    + +

    Tabs inside the editor are spans with the +class cm-tab, and can be styled. This demo uses +an :after pseudo-class CSS hack that will not work on old +browsers. You can use a more conservative technique like a background +image as an alternative.

    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/baboon_vector.svg @@ -1,1 +1,153 @@ + + +image/svg+xml --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/compress.html @@ -1,1 +1,125 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Compression Helper + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* Script compression
    +   helper */
    + +

    To optimize loading CodeMirror, especially when including a + bunch of different modes, it is recommended that you combine and + minify (and preferably also gzip) the scripts. This page makes + those first two steps very easy. Simply select the version and + scripts you need in the form below, and + click Compress to download the minified script + file.

    + +
    + +


    + +

    + +

    + with UglifyJS +

    + +

    Custom code to add to the compressed file:

    + + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/docs.css @@ -1,1 +1,155 @@ +body { + font-family: Droid Sans, Arial, sans-serif; + line-height: 1.5; + max-width: 64.3em; + margin: 3em auto; + padding: 0 1em; +} +h1 { + letter-spacing: -3px; + font-size: 3.23em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0; +} + +h2 { + font-size: 1.23em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: .5em 0; + letter-spacing: -1px; +} + +h3 { + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: .4em 0; +} + +pre { + background-color: #eee; + -moz-border-radius: 6px; + -webkit-border-radius: 6px; + border-radius: 6px; + padding: 1em; +} + +pre.code { + margin: 0 1em; +} + +.grey { + font-size: 2.2em; + padding: .5em 1em; + line-height: 1.2em; + margin-top: .5em; + position: relative; +} + +img.logo { + position: absolute; + right: -25px; + bottom: 4px; +} + +a:link, a:visited, .quasilink { + color: #df0019; + cursor: pointer; + text-decoration: none; +} + +a:hover, .quasilink:hover { + color: #800004; +} + +h1 a:link, h1 a:visited, h1 a:hover { + color: black; +} + +ul { + margin: 0; + padding-left: 1.2em; +} + { + color: white; + background-color: #df0019; + width: 100%; + display: block; + text-align: center; + font-size: 1.23em; + font-weight: bold; + text-decoration: none; + -moz-border-radius: 6px; + -webkit-border-radius: 6px; + border-radius: 6px; + padding: .5em 0; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + { + background-color: #bb0010; +} + +.rel { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +.rel-note { + color: #777; + font-size: .9em; + margin-top: .1em; +} + +.logo-braces { + color: #df0019; + position: relative; + top: -4px; +} + +.blk { + float: left; +} + +.left { + width: 37em; + padding-right: 6.53em; + padding-bottom: 1em; +} + +.left1 { + width: 15.24em; + padding-right: 6.45em; +} + +.left2 { + width: 15.24em; +} + +.right { + width: 20.68em; +} + +.leftbig { + width: 42.44em; + padding-right: 6.53em; +} + +.rightsmall { + width: 15.24em; +} + +.clear:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: " "; + clear: both; + height: 0; +} +.clear { display: inline-block; } +/* start commented backslash hack \*/ +* html .clear { height: 1%; } +.clear { display: block; } +/* close commented backslash hack */ + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/internals.html @@ -1,1 +1,495 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror: Internals + + + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* (Re-) Implementing A Syntax-
    +   Highlighting Editor in JavaScript */
    + +
    + +

    + Topic: JavaScript, code editor implementation
    + Author: Marijn Haverbeke
    + Date: March 2nd 2011 (updated November 13th 2011) +

    + +

    This is a followup to +my Brutal Odyssey to the +Dark Side of the DOM Tree story. That one describes the +mind-bending process of implementing (what would become) CodeMirror 1. +This one describes the internals of CodeMirror 2, a complete rewrite +and rethink of the old code base. I wanted to give this piece another +Hunter Thompson copycat subtitle, but somehow that would be out of +place—the process this time around was one of straightforward +engineering, requiring no serious mind-bending whatsoever.

    + +

    So, what is wrong with CodeMirror 1? I'd estimate, by mailing list +activity and general search-engine presence, that it has been +integrated into about a thousand systems by now. The most prominent +one, since a few weeks, +being Google +code's project hosting. It works, and it's being used widely. + +

    Still, I did not start replacing it because I was bored. CodeMirror +1 was heavily reliant on designMode +or contentEditable (depending on the browser). Neither of +these are well specified (HTML5 tries +to specify +their basics), and, more importantly, they tend to be one of the more +obscure and buggy areas of browser functionality—CodeMirror, by using +this functionality in a non-typical way, was constantly running up +against browser bugs. WebKit wouldn't show an empty line at the end of +the document, and in some releases would suddenly get unbearably slow. +Firefox would show the cursor in the wrong place. Internet Explorer +would insist on linkifying everything that looked like a URL or email +address, a behaviour that can't be turned off. Some bugs I managed to +work around (which was often a frustrating, painful process), others, +such as the Firefox cursor placement, I gave up on, and had to tell +user after user that they were known problems, but not something I +could help.

    + +

    Also, there is the fact that designMode (which seemed +to be less buggy than contentEditable in Webkit and +Firefox, and was thus used by CodeMirror 1 in those browsers) requires +a frame. Frames are another tricky area. It takes some effort to +prevent getting tripped up by domain restrictions, they don't +initialize synchronously, behave strangely in response to the back +button, and, on several browsers, can't be moved around the DOM +without having them re-initialize. They did provide a very nice way to +namespace the library, though—CodeMirror 1 could freely pollute the +namespace inside the frame.

    + +

    Finally, working with an editable document means working with +selection in arbitrary DOM structures. Internet Explorer (8 and +before) has an utterly different (and awkward) selection API than all +of the other browsers, and even among the different implementations of +document.selection, details about how exactly a selection +is represented vary quite a bit. Add to that the fact that Opera's +selection support tended to be very buggy until recently, and you can +imagine why CodeMirror 1 contains 700 lines of selection-handling +code.

    + +

    And that brings us to the main issue with the CodeMirror 1 +code base: The proportion of browser-bug-workarounds to real +application code was getting dangerously high. By building on top of a +few dodgy features, I put the system in a vulnerable position—any +incompatibility and bugginess in these features, I had to paper over +with my own code. Not only did I have to do some serious stunt-work to +get it to work on older browsers (as detailed in the +previous story), things +also kept breaking in newly released versions, requiring me to come up +with new scary hacks in order to keep up. This was starting +to lose its appeal.

    + +

    General Approach

    + +

    What CodeMirror 2 does is try to sidestep most of the hairy hacks +that came up in version 1. I owe a lot to the +ACE editor for inspiration on how to +approach this.

    + +

    I absolutely did not want to be completely reliant on key events to +generate my input. Every JavaScript programmer knows that key event +information is horrible and incomplete. Some people (most awesomely +Mihai Bazon with Ymacs) have been able +to build more or less functioning editors by directly reading key +events, but it takes a lot of work (the kind of never-ending, fragile +work I described earlier), and will never be able to properly support +things like multi-keystoke international character +input. [see below for caveat]

    + +

    So what I do is focus a hidden textarea, and let the browser +believe that the user is typing into that. What we show to the user is +a DOM structure we built to represent his document. If this is updated +quickly enough, and shows some kind of believable cursor, it feels +like a real text-input control.

    + +

    Another big win is that this DOM representation does not have to +span the whole document. Some CodeMirror 1 users insisted that they +needed to put a 30 thousand line XML document into CodeMirror. Putting +all that into the DOM takes a while, especially since, for some +reason, an editable DOM tree is slower than a normal one on most +browsers. If we have full control over what we show, we must only +ensure that the visible part of the document has been added, and can +do the rest only when needed. (Fortunately, the onscroll +event works almost the same on all browsers, and lends itself well to +displaying things only as they are scrolled into view.)

    + +


    + +

    ACE uses its hidden textarea only as a text input shim, and does +all cursor movement and things like text deletion itself by directly +handling key events. CodeMirror's way is to let the browser do its +thing as much as possible, and not, for example, define its own set of +key bindings. One way to do this would have been to have the whole +document inside the hidden textarea, and after each key event update +the display DOM to reflect what's in that textarea.

    + +

    That'd be simple, but it is not realistic. For even medium-sized +document the editor would be constantly munging huge strings, and get +terribly slow. What CodeMirror 2 does is put the current selection, +along with an extra line on the top and on the bottom, into the +textarea.

    + +

    This means that the arrow keys (and their ctrl-variations), home, +end, etcetera, do not have to be handled specially. We just read the +cursor position in the textarea, and update our cursor to match it. +Also, copy and paste work pretty much for free, and people get their +native key bindings, without any special work on my part. For example, +I have emacs key bindings configured for Chrome and Firefox. There is +no way for a script to detect this. [no longer the case]

    + +

    Of course, since only a small part of the document sits in the +textarea, keys like page up and ctrl-end won't do the right thing. +CodeMirror is catching those events and handling them itself.

    + +


    + +

    Getting and setting the selection range of a textarea in modern +browsers is trivial—you just use the selectionStart +and selectionEnd properties. On IE you have to do some +insane stuff with temporary ranges and compensating for the fact that +moving the selection by a 'character' will treat \r\n as a single +character, but even there it is possible to build functions that +reliably set and get the selection range.

    + +

    But consider this typical case: When I'm somewhere in my document, +press shift, and press the up arrow, something gets selected. Then, if +I, still holding shift, press the up arrow again, the top of my +selection is adjusted. The selection remembers where its head +and its anchor are, and moves the head when we shift-move. +This is a generally accepted property of selections, and done right by +every editing component built in the past twenty years.

    + +

    But not something that the browser selection APIs expose.

    + +

    Great. So when someone creates an 'upside-down' selection, the next +time CodeMirror has to update the textarea, it'll re-create the +selection as an 'upside-up' selection, with the anchor at the top, and +the next cursor motion will behave in an unexpected way—our second +up-arrow press in the example above will not do anything, since it is +interpreted in exactly the same way as the first.

    + +

    No problem. We'll just, ehm, detect that the selection is +upside-down (you can tell by the way it was created), and then, when +an upside-down selection is present, and a cursor-moving key is +pressed in combination with shift, we quickly collapse the selection +in the textarea to its start, allow the key to take effect, and then +combine its new head with its old anchor to get the real +selection.

    + +

    In short, scary hacks could not be avoided entirely in CodeMirror +2.

    + +

    And, the observant reader might ask, how do you even know that a +key combo is a cursor-moving combo, if you claim you support any +native key bindings? Well, we don't, but we can learn. The editor +keeps a set known cursor-movement combos (initialized to the +predictable defaults), and updates this set when it observes that +pressing a certain key had (only) the effect of moving the cursor. +This, of course, doesn't work if the first time the key is used was +for extending an inverted selection, but it works most of the +time.

    + +

    Intelligent Updating

    + +

    One thing that always comes up when you have a complicated internal +state that's reflected in some user-visible external representation +(in this case, the displayed code and the textarea's content) is +keeping the two in sync. The naive way is to just update the display +every time you change your state, but this is not only error prone +(you'll forget), it also easily leads to duplicate work on big, +composite operations. Then you start passing around flags indicating +whether the display should be updated in an attempt to be efficient +again and, well, at that point you might as well give up completely.

    + +

    I did go down that road, but then switched to a much simpler model: +simply keep track of all the things that have been changed during an +action, and then, only at the end, use this information to update the +user-visible display.

    + +

    CodeMirror uses a concept of operations, which start by +calling a specific set-up function that clears the state and end by +calling another function that reads this state and does the required +updating. Most event handlers, and all the user-visible methods that +change state are wrapped like this. There's a method +called operation that accepts a function, and returns +another function that wraps the given function as an operation.

    + +

    It's trivial to extend this (as CodeMirror does) to detect nesting, +and, when an operation is started inside an operation, simply +increment the nesting count, and only do the updating when this count +reaches zero again.

    + +

    If we have a set of changed ranges and know the currently shown +range, we can (with some awkward code to deal with the fact that +changes can add and remove lines, so we're dealing with a changing +coordinate system) construct a map of the ranges that were left +intact. We can then compare this map with the part of the document +that's currently visible (based on scroll offset and editor height) to +determine whether something needs to be updated.

    + +

    CodeMirror uses two update algorithms—a full refresh, where it just +discards the whole part of the DOM that contains the edited text and +rebuilds it, and a patch algorithm, where it uses the information +about changed and intact ranges to update only the out-of-date parts +of the DOM. When more than 30 percent (which is the current heuristic, +might change) of the lines need to be updated, the full refresh is +chosen (since it's faster to do than painstakingly finding and +updating all the changed lines), in the other case it does the +patching (so that, if you scroll a line or select another character, +the whole screen doesn't have to be +re-rendered). [the full-refresh +algorithm was dropped, it wasn't really faster than the patching +one]

    + +

    All updating uses innerHTML rather than direct DOM +manipulation, since that still seems to be by far the fastest way to +build documents. There's a per-line function that combines the +highlighting, marking, and +selection info for that line into a snippet of HTML. The patch updater +uses this to reset individual lines, the refresh updater builds an +HTML chunk for the whole visible document at once, and then uses a +single innerHTML update to do the refresh.

    + +

    Parsers can be Simple

    + +

    When I wrote CodeMirror 1, I +thought interruptable +parsers were a hugely scary and complicated thing, and I used a +bunch of heavyweight abstractions to keep this supposed complexity +under control: parsers +were iterators +that consumed input from another iterator, and used funny +closure-resetting tricks to copy and resume themselves.

    + +

    This made for a rather nice system, in that parsers formed strictly +separate modules, and could be composed in predictable ways. +Unfortunately, it was quite slow (stacking three or four iterators on +top of each other), and extremely intimidating to people not used to a +functional programming style.

    + +

    With a few small changes, however, we can keep all those +advantages, but simplify the API and make the whole thing less +indirect and inefficient. CodeMirror +2's mode API uses explicit state +objects, and makes the parser/tokenizer a function that simply takes a +state and a character stream abstraction, advances the stream one +token, and returns the way the token should be styled. This state may +be copied, optionally in a mode-defined way, in order to be able to +continue a parse at a given point. Even someone who's never touched a +lambda in his life can understand this approach. Additionally, far +fewer objects are allocated in the course of parsing now.

    + +

    The biggest speedup comes from the fact that the parsing no longer +has to touch the DOM though. In CodeMirror 1, on an older browser, you +could see the parser work its way through the document, +managing some twenty lines in each 50-millisecond time slice it got. It +was reading its input from the DOM, and updating the DOM as it went +along, which any experienced JavaScript programmer will immediately +spot as a recipe for slowness. In CodeMirror 2, the parser usually +finishes the whole document in a single 100-millisecond time slice—it +manages some 1500 lines during that time on Chrome. All it has to do +is munge strings, so there is no real reason for it to be slow +anymore.

    + +

    What Gives?

    + +

    Given all this, what can you expect from CodeMirror 2?

    + +
      + +
    • Small. the base library is +some 45k when minified +now, 17k when gzipped. It's smaller than +its own logo.
    • + +
    • Lightweight. CodeMirror 2 initializes very +quickly, and does almost no work when it is not focused. This means +you can treat it almost like a textarea, have multiple instances on a +page without trouble.
    • + +
    • Huge document support. Since highlighting is +really fast, and no DOM structure is being built for non-visible +content, you don't have to worry about locking up your browser when a +user enters a megabyte-sized document.
    • + +
    • Extended API. Some things kept coming up in the +mailing list, such as marking pieces of text or lines, which were +extremely hard to do with CodeMirror 1. The new version has proper +support for these built in.
    • + +
    • Tab support. Tabs inside editable documents were, +for some reason, a no-go. At least six different people announced they +were going to add tab support to CodeMirror 1, none survived (I mean, +none delivered a working version). CodeMirror 2 no longer removes tabs +from your document.
    • + +
    • Sane styling. iframe nodes aren't +really known for respecting document flow. Now that an editor instance +is a plain div element, it is much easier to size it to +fit the surrounding elements. You don't even have to make it scroll if +you do not want to.
    • + +
    + +

    On the downside, a CodeMirror 2 instance is not a native +editable component. Though it does its best to emulate such a +component as much as possible, there is functionality that browsers +just do not allow us to hook into. Doing select-all from the context +menu, for example, is not currently detected by CodeMirror.

    + +

    [Updates from November 13th 2011] Recently, I've made +some changes to the codebase that cause some of the text above to no +longer be current. I've left the text intact, but added markers at the +passages that are now inaccurate. The new situation is described +below.

    + +

    Content Representation

    + +

    The original implementation of CodeMirror 2 represented the +document as a flat array of line objects. This worked well—splicing +arrays will require the part of the array after the splice to be +moved, but this is basically just a simple memmove of a +bunch of pointers, so it is cheap even for huge documents.

    + +

    However, I recently added line wrapping and code folding (line +collapsing, basically). Once lines start taking up a non-constant +amount of vertical space, looking up a line by vertical position +(which is needed when someone clicks the document, and to determine +the visible part of the document during scrolling) can only be done +with a linear scan through the whole array, summing up line heights as +you go. Seeing how I've been going out of my way to make big documents +fast, this is not acceptable.

    + +

    The new representation is based on a B-tree. The leaves of the tree +contain arrays of line objects, with a fixed minimum and maximum size, +and the non-leaf nodes simply hold arrays of child nodes. Each node +stores both the amount of lines that live below them and the vertical +space taken up by these lines. This allows the tree to be indexed both +by line number and by vertical position, and all access has +logarithmic complexity in relation to the document size.

    + +

    I gave line objects and tree nodes parent pointers, to the node +above them. When a line has to update its height, it can simply walk +these pointers to the top of the tree, adding or subtracting the +difference in height from each node it encounters. The parent pointers +also make it cheaper (in complexity terms, the difference is probably +tiny in normal-sized documents) to find the current line number when +given a line object. In the old approach, the whole document array had +to be searched. Now, we can just walk up the tree and count the sizes +of the nodes coming before us at each level.

    + +

    I chose B-trees, not regular binary trees, mostly because they +allow for very fast bulk insertions and deletions. When there is a big +change to a document, it typically involves adding, deleting, or +replacing a chunk of subsequent lines. In a regular balanced tree, all +these inserts or deletes would have to be done separately, which could +be really expensive. In a B-tree, to insert a chunk, you just walk +down the tree once to find where it should go, insert them all in one +shot, and then break up the node if needed. This breaking up might +involve breaking up nodes further up, but only requires a single pass +back up the tree. For deletion, I'm somewhat lax in keeping things +balanced—I just collapse nodes into a leaf when their child count goes +below a given number. This means that there are some weird editing +patterns that may result in a seriously unbalanced tree, but even such +an unbalanced tree will perform well, unless you spend a day making +strangely repeating edits to a really big document.

    + +


    + +

    Above, I claimed that directly catching key +events for things like cursor movement is impractical because it +requires some browser-specific kludges. I then proceeded to explain +some awful hacks that were needed to make it +possible for the selection changes to be detected through the +textarea. In fact, the second hack is about as bad as the first.

    + +

    On top of that, in the presence of user-configurable tab sizes and +collapsed and wrapped lines, lining up cursor movement in the textarea +with what's visible on the screen becomes a nightmare. Thus, I've +decided to move to a model where the textarea's selection is no longer +depended on.

    + +

    So I moved to a model where all cursor movement is handled by my +own code. This adds support for a goal column, proper interaction of +cursor movement with collapsed lines, and makes it possible for +vertical movement to move through wrapped lines properly, instead of +just treating them like non-wrapped lines.

    + +

    The key event handlers now translate the key event into a string, +something like Ctrl-Home or Shift-Cmd-R, and +use that string to look up an action to perform. To make keybinding +customizable, this lookup goes through +a table, using a scheme that +allows such tables to be chained together (for example, the default +Mac bindings fall through to a table named 'emacsy', which defines +basic Emacs-style bindings like Ctrl-F, and which is also +used by the custom Emacs bindings).

    + +

    A new +option extraKeys +allows ad-hoc keybindings to be defined in a much nicer way than what +was possible with the +old onKeyEvent +callback. You simply provide an object mapping key identifiers to +functions, instead of painstakingly looking at raw key events.

    + +

    Built-in commands map to strings, rather than functions, for +example "goLineUp" is the default action bound to the up +arrow key. This allows new keymaps to refer to them without +duplicating any code. New commands can be defined by assigning to +the CodeMirror.commands object, which maps such commands +to functions.

    + +

    The hidden textarea now only holds the current selection, with no +extra characters around it. This has a nice advantage: polling for +input becomes much, much faster. If there's a big selection, this text +does not have to be read from the textarea every time—when we poll, +just noticing that something is still selected is enough to tell us +that no new text was typed.

    + +

    The reason that cheap polling is important is that many browsers do +not fire useful events on IME (input method engine) input, which is +the thing where people inputting a language like Japanese or Chinese +use multiple keystrokes to create a character or sequence of +characters. Most modern browsers fire input when the +composing is finished, but many don't fire anything when the character +is updated during composition. So we poll, whenever the +editor is focused, to provide immediate updates of the display.

    + +
    + +
    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/manual.html @@ -1,1 +1,968 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror: User Manual + + + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* User manual and
    +   reference guide */
    + +
    + +


    + +

    CodeMirror is a code-editor component that can be embedded in + Web pages. The code library provides only the editor + component, no accompanying buttons, auto-completion, or other IDE + functionality. It does provide a rich API on top of which such + functionality can be straightforwardly implemented. See + the add-ons included in the distribution, + and + the CodeMirror + UI project, for reusable implementations of extra features.

    + +

    CodeMirror works with language-specific modes. Modes are + JavaScript programs that help color (and optionally indent) text + written in a given language. The distribution comes with a few + modes (see the mode/ directory), and it isn't hard + to write new ones for other languages.

    + +

    Basic Usage

    + +

    The easiest way to use CodeMirror is to simply load the script + and style sheet found under lib/ in the distribution, + plus a mode script from one of the mode/ directories + and a theme stylesheet from theme/. (See + also the compression helper.) For + example:

    + +
    <script src="lib/codemirror.js"></script>
    +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/codemirror.css">
    +<script src="mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>
    + +

    Having done this, an editor instance can be created like + this:

    + +
    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body);
    + +

    The editor will be appended to the document body, will start + empty, and will use the mode that we loaded. To have more control + over the new editor, a configuration object can be passed + to CodeMirror as a second argument:

    + +
    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
    +  value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n",
    +  mode:  "javascript"
    + +

    This will initialize the editor with a piece of code already in + it, and explicitly tell it to use the JavaScript mode (which is + useful when multiple modes are loaded). + See below for a full discussion of the + configuration options that CodeMirror accepts.

    + +

    In cases where you don't want to append the editor to an + element, and need more control over the way it is inserted, the + first argument to the CodeMirror function can also + be a function that, when given a DOM element, inserts it into the + document somewhere. This could be used to, for example, replace a + textarea with a real editor:

    + +
    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) {
    +  myTextArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myTextArea);
    +}, {value: myTextArea.value});
    + +

    However, for this use case, which is a common way to use + CodeMirror, the library provides a much more powerful + shortcut:

    + +
    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(myTextArea);
    + +

    This will, among other things, ensure that the textarea's value + is updated when the form (if it is part of a form) is submitted. + See the API reference for a full + description of this method.

    + +


    + +

    Both the CodeMirror function and + its fromTextArea method take as second (optional) + argument an object containing configuration options. Any option + not supplied like this will be taken + from CodeMirror.defaults, an object containing the + default options. You can update this object to change the defaults + on your page.

    + +

    Options are not checked in any way, so setting bogus option + values is bound to lead to odd errors.

    + +

    These are the supported options:

    + +
    value (string)
    The starting value of the editor.
    + +
    mode (string or object)
    The mode to use. When not given, this will default to the + first mode that was loaded. It may be a string, which either + simply names the mode or is + a MIME type + associated with the mode. Alternatively, it may be an object + containing configuration options for the mode, with + a name property that names the mode (for + example {name: "javascript", json: true}). The demo + pages for each mode contain information about what configuration + parameters the mode supports. You can ask CodeMirror which modes + and MIME types are loaded with + the CodeMirror.listModes + and CodeMirror.listMIMEs functions.
    + +
    theme (string)
    The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the + CSS file defining the corresponding .cm-s-[name] + styles is loaded (see + the theme directory in the + distribution). The default is "default", for which + colors are included in codemirror.css. It is + possible to use multiple theming classes at once—for + example "foo bar" will assign both + the cm-s-foo and the cm-s-bar classes + to the editor.
    + +
    indentUnit (integer)
    How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited + language) should be indented. The default is 2.
    + +
    tabSize (integer)
    The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4.
    + +
    indentWithTabs (boolean)
    Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize + spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.
    + +
    electricChars (boolean)
    Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current + line when a character is typed that might change its proper + indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation). + Default is true.
    + +
    keyMap (string)
    Configures the keymap to use. The default + is "default", which is the only keymap defined + in codemirror.js itself. Extra keymaps are found in + the keymap directory.
    + +
    extraKeys (object)
    Can be used to specify extra keybindings for the editor. + When given, should be an object with property names + like Ctrl-A, Home, + and Ctrl-Alt-Left. See + the CodeMirror.keyNames object for the names of all + the keys. The values in this object can either be functions, + which will be called with the CodeMirror instance when the key + is pressed, or strings, which should name commands defined + in CodeMirror.commands (not documented properly, + but looking at the source and the definition of the built-in + keymaps, they should be rather obvious).
    + +
    lineWrapping (boolean)
    Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. + Defaults to false (scroll).
    + +
    lineNumbers (boolean)
    Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
    + +
    firstLineNumber (integer)
    At which number to start counting lines. Default is 1.
    + +
    gutter (boolean)
    Can be used to force a 'gutter' (empty space on the left of + the editor) to be shown even when no line numbers are active. + This is useful for setting markers.
    + +
    fixedGutter (boolean)
    When enabled (off by default), this will make the gutter + stay visible when the document is scrolled horizontally.
    + +
    readOnly (boolean)
    This disables editing of the editor content by the user.
    + +
    onChange (function)
    When given, this function will be called every time the + content of the editor is changed. It will be given the editor + instance as first argument, and an {from, to, newText, + next} object containing information about the changes + that occurred as second argument. from + and to are the positions (in the pre-change + coordinate system) where the change started and + ended. newText is an array of strings representing + the text that replaced the changed range (split by line). If + multiple changes happened during a single operation, the object + will have a next property pointing to another + change object (which may point to another, etc).
    + +
    onCursorActivity (function)
    Will be called when the cursor or selection moves, or any + change is made to the editor content.
    + +
    onGutterClick (function)
    When given, will be called whenever the editor gutter (the + line-number area) is clicked. Will be given the editor instance + as first argument, the (zero-based) number of the line that was + clicked as second argument, and the raw mousedown + event object as third argument.
    + +
    onFocus, onBlur (function)
    The given functions will be called whenever the editor is + focused or unfocused.
    + +
    onScroll (function)
    When given, will be called whenever the editor is + scrolled.
    + +
    onHighlightComplete (function)
    Whenever the editor's content has been fully highlighted, + this function (if given) will be called. It'll be given a single + argument, the editor instance.
    + +
    onUpdate (function)
    Will be called whenever CodeMirror updates its DOM display.
    + +
    matchBrackets (boolean)
    Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor + is moved next to a bracket.
    + +
    workTime, workDelay (number)
    Highlighting is done by a pseudo background-thread that will + work for workTime milliseconds, and then use + timeout to sleep for workDelay milliseconds. The + defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make + the highlighting more or less aggressive.
    + +
    pollInterval (number)
    Indicates how quickly CodeMirror should poll its input + textarea for changes. Most input is captured by events, but some + things, like IME input on some browsers, doesn't generate events + that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it. Thus, it polls. + Default is 100 milliseconds.
    + +
    undoDepth (integer)
    The maximum number of undo levels that the editor stores. + Defaults to 40.
    + +
    tabindex (integer)
    The tab + index to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index + will be assigned.
    + +
    document (DOM document)
    Use this if you want to display the editor in another DOM. + By default it will use the global document + object.
    + +
    onKeyEvent (function)
    This provides a rather low-level hook into CodeMirror's key + handling. If provided, this function will be called on + every keydown, keyup, + and keypress event that CodeMirror captures. It + will be passed two arguments, the editor instance and the key + event. This key event is pretty much the raw key event, except + that a stop() method is always added to it. You + could feed it to, for example, jQuery.Event to + further normalize it.
    This function can inspect the key + event, and handle it if it wants to. It may return true to tell + CodeMirror to ignore the event. Be wary that, on some browsers, + stopping a keydown does not stop + the keypress from firing, whereas on others it + does. If you respond to an event, you should probably inspect + its type property and only do something when it + is keydown (or keypress for actions + that need character data).
    + +

    Customized Styling

    + +

    Up to a certain extent, CodeMirror's look can be changed by + modifying style sheet files. The style sheets supplied by modes + simply provide the colors for that mode, and can be adapted in a + very straightforward way. To style the editor itself, it is + possible to alter or override the styles defined + in codemirror.css.

    + +

    Some care must be taken there, since a lot of the rules in this + file are necessary to have CodeMirror function properly. Adjusting + colors should be safe, of course, and with some care a lot of + other things can be changed as well. The CSS classes defined in + this file serve the following roles:

    + +
    The outer element of the editor. This should be used for + borders and positioning. Can also be used to set styles that + should hold for everything inside the editor (such as font + and font size), or to set a background.
    + +
    This determines whether the editor scrolls (overflow: + auto + fixed height). By default, it does. Giving + this height: auto; overflow: visible; will cause + the editor to resize to fit its content.
    + +
    Whenever the editor is focused, the top element gets this + class. This is used to hide the cursor and give the selection a + different color when the editor is not focused.
    + +
    Use this for giving a background or a border to the editor + gutter. Don't set any padding here, + use CodeMirror-gutter-text for that. By default, + the gutter is 'fluid', meaning it will adjust its width to the + maximum line number or line marker width. You can also set a + fixed width if you want.
    + +
    Used to style the actual line numbers. For the numbers to + line up, you must make sure that the font in the gutter is the + same as the one in the rest of the editor, so you should + probably only set font style and size in + the CodeMirror class.
    + +
    The visible lines. If this has vertical + padding, CodeMirror-gutter should have the same + padding.
    + +
    The cursor is a block element that is absolutely positioned. + You can make it look whichever way you want.
    + +
    The selection is represented by span elements + with this class.
    + +
    CodeMirror-matchingbracket, + CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket
    These are used to style matched (or unmatched) brackets.
    + +

    The actual lines, as well as the cursor, are represented + by pre elements. By default no text styling (such as + bold) that might change line height is applied. If you do want + such effects, you'll have to give CodeMirror pre a + fixed height. Also, you must still take care that character width + is constant.

    + +

    If your page's style sheets do funky things to + all div or pre elements (you probably + shouldn't do that), you'll have to define rules to cancel these + effects out again for elements under the CodeMirror + class.

    + +

    Themes are also simply CSS files, which define colors for + various syntactic elements. See the files in + the theme directory.

    + +

    Programming API

    + +

    A lot of CodeMirror features are only available through its API. + This has the disadvantage that you need to do work to enable them, + and the advantage that CodeMirror will fit seamlessly into your + application.

    + +

    Whenever points in the document are represented, the API uses + objects with line and ch properties. + Both are zero-based. CodeMirror makes sure to 'clip' any positions + passed by client code so that they fit inside the document, so you + shouldn't worry too much about sanitizing your coordinates. If you + give ch a value of null, or don't + specify it, it will be replaced with the length of the specified + line.

    + +
    getValue() → string
    Get the current editor content.
    Set the editor content.
    + +
    getSelection() → string
    Get the currently selected code.
    Replace the selection with the given string.
    + +
    Give the editor focus.
    + +
    setOption(option, value)
    Change the configuration of the editor. option + should the name of an option, + and value should be a valid value for that + option.
    getOption(option) → value
    Retrieves the current value of the given option for this + editor instance.
    + +
    cursorCoords(start) → object
    Returns an {x, y, yBot} object containing the + coordinates of the cursor relative to the top-left corner of the + page. yBot is the coordinate of the bottom of the + cursor. start is a boolean indicating whether you + want the start or the end of the selection.
    charCoords(pos) → object
    Like cursorCoords, but returns the position of + an arbitrary characters. pos should be + a {line, ch} object.
    coordsChar(object) → pos
    Given an {x, y} object (in page coordinates), + returns the {line, ch} position that corresponds to + it.
    + +
    Undo one edit (if any undo events are stored).
    Redo one undone edit.
    historySize() → object
    Returns an object with {undo, redo} properties, + both of which hold integers, indicating the amount of stored + undo and redo operations.
    Clears the editor's undo history.
    + +
    indentLine(line, dir)
    Reset the given line's indentation to the indentation + prescribed by the mode. If the second argument is given, + indentation will be increased (if dir is true) or + decreased (if false) by an indent + unit instead.
    + +
    getTokenAt(pos) → object
    Retrieves information about the token the current mode found + at the given position (a {line, ch} object). The + returned object has the following properties: +
    The character (on the given line) at which the token starts.
    The character at which the token ends.
    The token's string.
    The class the mode assigned + to the token. (Can be null when no class was assigned.)
    The mode's state at the end of this token.
    + +
    markText(from, to, className) → object
    Can be used to mark a range of text with a specific CSS + class name. from and to should + be {line, ch} objects. The method will return an + object with two methods, clear(), which removes the + mark, and find(), which returns a {from, + to} (both document positions), indicating the current + position of the marked range.
    + +
    setBookmark(pos) → object
    Inserts a bookmark, a handle that follows the text around it + as it is being edited, at the given position. A bookmark has two + methods find() and clear(). The first + returns the current position of the bookmark, if it is still in + the document, and the second explicitly removes the + bookmark.
    + +
    setMarker(line, text, className) → lineHandle
    Add a gutter marker for the given line. Gutter markers are + shown in the line-number area (instead of the number for this + line). Both text and className are + optional. Setting text to a Unicode character like + ● tends to give a nice effect. To put a picture in the gutter, + set text to a space and className to + something that sets a background image. If you + specify text, the given text (which may contain + HTML) will, by default, replace the line number for that line. + If this is not what you want, you can include the + string %N% in the text, which will be replaced by + the line number.
    Clears a marker created + with setMarker. line can be either a + number or a handle returned by setMarker (since a + number may now refer to a different line if something was added + or deleted).
    setLineClass(line, className) → lineHandle
    Set a CSS class name for the given line. line + can be a number or a line handle (as returned + by setMarker or this function). + Pass null to clear the class for a line.
    hideLine(line) → lineHandle
    Hide the given line (either by number or by handle). Hidden + lines don't show up in the editor, and their numbers are skipped + when line numbers are enabled. + Deleting a region around them does delete them, and coping a + region around will include them in the copied text.
    showLine(line) → lineHandle
    The inverse of hideLine—re-shows a previously + hidden line, by number or by handle.
    + +
    onDeleteLine(line, func)
    Register a function that should be called when the line is + deleted from the document.
    + +
    lineInfo(line) → object
    Returns the line number, text content, and marker status of + the given line, which can be either a number or a handle + returned by setMarker. The returned object has the + structure {line, handle, text, markerText, markerClass}.
    + +
    getLineHandle(num) → lineHandle
    Fetches the line handle for the given line number.
    + +
    addWidget(pos, node, scrollIntoView)
    Puts node, which should be an absolutely + positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the + given {line, ch} position. + When scrollIntoView is true, the editor will ensure + that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the + widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or + call removeChild on its parent).
    + +
    Force matching-bracket-highlighting to happen.
    + +
    lineCount() → number
    Get the number of lines in the editor.
    + +
    getCursor(start) → object
    start is a boolean indicating whether the start + or the end of the selection must be retrieved. If it is not + given, the current cursor pos, i.e. the side of the selection + that would move if you pressed an arrow key, is chosen. + A {line, ch} object will be returned.
    somethingSelected() → boolean
    Return true if any text is selected.
    Set the cursor position. You can either pass a + single {line, ch} object, or the line and the + character as two separate parameters.
    setSelection(start, end)
    Set the selection range. start + and end should be {line, ch} objects.
    + +
    getLine(n) → string
    Get the content of line n.
    setLine(n, text)
    Set the content of line n.
    Remove the given line from the document.
    + +
    getRange(from, to) → string +
    Get the text between the given points in the editor, which + should be {line, ch} objects.
    replaceRange(string, from, to)
    Replace the part of the document between from + and to with the given string. from + and to must be {line, ch} + objects. to can be left off to simply insert the + string at position from.
    + +
    posFromIndex(index) → object
    Calculates and returns a {line, ch} object for a + zero-based index who's value is relative to the start of the + editor's text. If the index is out of range of the text then + the returned object is clipped to start or end of the text + respectively.
    indexFromPos(object) → number
    The reverse of posFromIndex.
    + +

    The following are more low-level methods:

    + +
    operation(func) → result
    CodeMirror internally buffers changes and only updates its + DOM structure after it has finished performing some operation. + If you need to perform a lot of operations on a CodeMirror + instance, you can call this method with a function argument. It + will call the function, buffering up all changes, and only doing + the expensive update after the function returns. This can be a + lot faster. The return value from this method will be the return + value of your function.
    + +
    If your code does something to change the size of the editor + element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides + it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to + ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended.
    + +
    getInputField() → textarea
    Returns the hiden textarea used to read input.
    getWrapperElement() → node
    Returns the DOM node that represents the editor. Remove this + from your tree to delete an editor instance.
    getScrollerElement() → node
    Returns the DOM node that is responsible for the sizing and + the scrolling of the editor. You can change + the height and width styles of this + element to resize an editor. (You might have to call + the refresh method + afterwards.)
    getGutterElement() → node
    Fetches the DOM node that represents the editor gutter.
    + +
    getStateAfter(line) → state
    Returns the mode's parser state, if any, at the end of the + given line number. If no line number is given, the state at the + end of the document is returned. This can be useful for storing + parsing errors in the state, or getting other kinds of + contextual information for a line.
    + +

    Finally, the CodeMirror object + itself has a method fromTextArea. This takes a + textarea DOM node as first argument and an optional configuration + object as second. It will replace the textarea with a CodeMirror + instance, and wire up the form of that textarea (if any) to make + sure the editor contents are put into the textarea when the form + is submitted. A CodeMirror instance created this way has two + additional methods:

    + +
    Copy the content of the editor into the textarea.
    + +
    Remove the editor, and restore the original textarea (with + the editor's current content).
    + +
    getTextArea() → textarea
    Returns the textarea that the instance was based on.
    + +

    If you want to define extra methods in terms + of the CodeMirror API, it is possible to + use CodeMirror.defineExtension(name, value). This + will cause the given value (usually a method) to be added to all + CodeMirror instances created from then on.

    + +


    + +

    The lib/util directory in the distribution + contains a number of reusable components that implement extra + editor functionality. In brief, they are:

    + +
    Provides a very simple way to query users for text input. + Adds an openDialog method to CodeMirror instances, + which can be called with an HTML fragment that provides the + prompt (should include an input tag), and a + callback function that is called when text has been entered. + Depends on lib/util/dialog.css.
    Adds the getSearchCursor(query, start, caseFold) → + cursor method to CodeMirror instances, which can be used + to implement search/replace functionality. query + can be a regular expression or a string (only strings will match + across lines—if they contain newlines). start + provides the starting position of the search. It can be + a {line, ch} object, or can be left off to default + to the start of the document. caseFold is only + relevant when matching a string. It will cause the search to be + case-insensitive. A search cursor has the following methods: +
    findNext(), findPrevious() → boolean
    Search forward or backward from the current position. + The return value indicates whether a match was found. If + matching a regular expression, the return value will be the + array returned by the match method, in case you + want to extract matched groups.
    from(), to() → object
    These are only valid when the last call + to findNext or findPrevious did + not return false. They will return {line, ch} + objects pointing at the start and end of the match.
    Replaces the currently found match with the given text + and adjusts the cursor position to reflect the + replacement.
    + + +
    Implements the search commands. CodeMirror has keys bound to + these by default, but will not do anything with them unless an + implementation is provided. Depends + on searchcursor.js, and will make use + of openDialog when + available to make prompting for search queries less ugly.
    Helps with code folding. See the + demo for an example. + Call CodeMirror.newFoldFunction with a range-finder + helper function to create a function that will, when applied to + a CodeMirror instance and a line number, attempt to fold or + unfold the block starting at the given line. A range-finder is a + language-specific functoin that also takes an instance and a + line number, and returns an end line for the block, or null if + no block is started on that line. This file + provides CodeMirror.braceRangeFinder, which finds + blocks in brace languages (JavaScript, C, Java, etc).
    Can be used to run a CodeMirror mode over text without + actually opening an editor instance. + See the demo for an + example.
    Provides a framework for showing autocompletion hints. + Defines CodeMirror.simpleHint, which takes a + CodeMirror instance and a hinting function, and pops up a widget + that allows the user to select a completion. Hinting functions + are function that take an editor instance, and return + a {list, from, to} object, where list + is an array of strings (the completions), and from + and to give the start and end of the token that is + being completed. Depends + on lib/util/simple-hint.css.
    Defines CodeMirror.javaScriptHint, which is a + simple hinting function for the JavaScript mode.
    + +

    Writing CodeMirror Modes

    + +

    Modes typically consist of a single JavaScript file. This file + defines, in the simplest case, a lexer (tokenizer) for your + language—a function that takes a character stream as input, + advances it past a token, and returns a style for that token. More + advanced modes can also handle indentation for the language.

    + +

    The mode script should + call CodeMirror.defineMode to register itself with + CodeMirror. This function takes two arguments. The first should be + the name of the mode, for which you should use a lowercase string, + preferably one that is also the name of the files that define the + mode (i.e. "xml" is defined xml.js). The + second argument should be a function that, given a CodeMirror + configuration object (the thing passed to + the CodeMirror function) and an optional mode + configuration object (as in + the mode option), returns + a mode object.

    + +

    Typically, you should use this second argument + to defineMode as your module scope function (modes + should not leak anything into the global scope!), i.e. write your + whole mode inside this function.

    + +

    The main responsibility of a mode script is parsing + the content of the editor. Depending on the language and the + amount of functionality desired, this can be done in really easy + or extremely complicated ways. Some parsers can be stateless, + meaning that they look at one element (token) of the code + at a time, with no memory of what came before. Most, however, will + need to remember something. This is done by using a state + object, which is an object that is always passed when + reading a token, and which can be mutated by the tokenizer.

    + +

    Modes that use a state must define + a startState method on their mode object. This is a + function of no arguments that produces a state object to be used + at the start of a document.

    + +

    The most important part of a mode object is + its token(stream, state) method. All modes must + define this method. It should read one token from the stream it is + given as an argument, optionally update its state, and return a + style string, or null for tokens that do not have to + be styled. For your styles, you can either use the 'standard' ones + defined in the themes (without the cm- prefix), or + define your own (as the diff + mode does) and have people include a custom CSS file for your + mode.

    + +

    The stream object encapsulates a line of code + (tokens may never span lines) and our current position in that + line. It has the following API:

    + +
    eol() → boolean
    Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the + line.
    sol() → boolean
    Returns true only if the stream is at the start of the + line.
    + +
    peek() → character
    Returns the next character in the stream without advancing + it. Will return undefined at the end of the + line.
    next() → character
    Returns the next character in the stream and advances it. + Also returns undefined when no more characters are + available.
    + +
    eat(match) → character
    match can be a character, a regular expression, + or a function that takes a character and returns a boolean. If + the next character in the stream 'matches' the given argument, + it is consumed and returned. Otherwise, undefined + is returned.
    eatWhile(match) → boolean
    Repeatedly calls eat with the given argument, + until it fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten.
    eatSpace() → boolean
    Shortcut for eatWhile when matching + white-space.
    Moves the position to the end of the line.
    skipTo(ch) → boolean
    Skips to the next occurrence of the given character, if + found on the current line (doesn't advance the stream if the + character does not occur on the line). Returns true if the + character was found.
    match(pattern, consume, caseFold) → boolean
    Act like a + multi-character eat—if consume is true + or not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream + position—if it is false. pattern can be either a + string or a regular expression starting with ^. + When it is a string, caseFold can be set to true to + make the match case-insensitive. When successfully matching a + regular expression, the returned value will be the array + returned by match, in case you need to extract + matched groups.
    + +
    Backs up the stream n characters. Backing it up + further than the start of the current token will cause things to + break, so be careful.
    column() → integer
    Returns the column (taking into account tabs) at which the + current token starts. Can be used to find out whether a token + starts a new line.
    indentation() → integer
    Tells you how far the current line has been indented, in + spaces. Corrects for tab characters.
    + +
    current() → string
    Get the string between the start of the current token and + the current stream position.
    + +

    By default, blank lines are simply skipped when + tokenizing a document. For languages that have significant blank + lines, you can define a blankLine(state) method on + your mode that will get called whenever a blank line is passed + over, so that it can update the parser state.

    + +

    Because state object are mutated, and CodeMirror + needs to keep valid versions of a state around so that it can + restart a parse at any line, copies must be made of state objects. + The default algorithm used is that a new state object is created, + which gets all the properties of the old object. Any properties + which hold arrays get a copy of these arrays (since arrays tend to + be used as mutable stacks). When this is not correct, for example + because a mode mutates non-array properties of its state object, a + mode object should define a copyState method, + which is given a state and should return a safe copy of that + state.

    + +

    By default, CodeMirror will stop re-parsing + a document as soon as it encounters a few lines that were + highlighted the same in the old parse as in the new one. It is + possible to provide an explicit way to test whether a state is + equivalent to another one, which CodeMirror will use (instead of + the unchanged-lines heuristic) to decide when to stop + highlighting. You do this by providing + a compareStates method on your mode object, which + takes two state arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether + they are equivalent. See the XML mode, which uses this to provide + reliable highlighting of bad closing tags, as an example.

    + +

    If you want your mode to provide smart indentation + (though the indentLine + method and the indentAuto + and newlineAndIndent commands, which keys can be + bound to), you must define + an indent(state, textAfter) method on your mode + object.

    + +

    The indentation method should inspect the given state object, + and optionally the textAfter string, which contains + the text on the line that is being indented, and return an + integer, the amount of spaces to indent. It should usually take + the indentUnit + option into account.

    + +

    Finally, a mode may define + an electricChars property, which should hold a string + containing all the characters that should trigger the behaviour + described for + the electricChars + option.

    + +

    So, to summarize, a mode must provide + a token method, and it may + provide startState, copyState, + compareStates, and indent methods. For + an example of a trivial mode, see + the diff mode, for a more involved + example, see the C-like + mode.

    + +

    Sometimes, it is useful for modes to nest—to have one + mode delegate work to another mode. An example of this kind of + mode is the mixed-mode HTML + mode. To implement such nesting, it is usually necessary to + create mode objects and copy states yourself. To create a mode + object, there are CodeMirror.getMode(options, + parserConfig), where the first argument is a configuration + object as passed to the mode constructor function, and the second + argument is a mode specification as in + the mode option. To copy a + state object, call CodeMirror.copyState(mode, state), + where mode is the mode that created the given + state.

    + +

    To make indentation work properly in a nested parser, it is + advisable to give the startState method of modes that + are intended to be nested an optional argument that provides the + base indentation for the block of code. The JavaScript and CSS + parser do this, for example, to allow JavaScript and CSS code + inside the mixed-mode HTML mode to be properly indented.

    + +

    Finally, it is possible to associate your mode, or a certain + configuration of your mode, with + a MIME type. For + example, the JavaScript mode associates itself + with text/javascript, and its JSON variant + with application/json. To do this, + call CodeMirror.defineMIME(mime, modeSpec), + where modeSpec can be a string or object specifying a + mode, as in the mode + option.

    + +
    + +
    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/oldrelease.html @@ -1,1 +1,215 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror + + + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* Old release history */

    07-06-2011: Version 2.1:


    Add + a theme system + (demo). Note that this is not + backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and + modes!

    + +

    07-06-2011: Version 2.02:

    • Add a Lua mode.
    • +
    • Fix reverse-searching for a regexp.
    • +
    • Empty lines can no longer break highlighting.
    • +
    • Rework scrolling model (the outer wrapper no longer does the scrolling).
    • +
    • Solve horizontal jittering on long lines.
    • +
    • Add runmode.js.
    • +
    • Immediately re-highlight text when typing.
    • +
    • Fix problem with 'sticking' horizontal scrollbar.
    • +
    + +

    26-05-2011: Version 2.01:

    • Add a Smalltalk mode.
    • +
    • Add a reStructuredText mode.
    • +
    • Add a Python mode.
    • +
    • Add a PL/SQL mode.
    • +
    • coordsChar now works
    • +
    • Fix a problem where onCursorActivity interfered with onChange.
    • +
    • Fix a number of scrolling and mouse-click-position glitches.
    • +
    • Pass information about the changed lines to onChange.
    • +
    • Support cmd-up/down on OS X.
    • +
    • Add triple-click line selection.
    • +
    • Don't handle shift when changing the selection through the API.
    • +
    • Support "nocursor" mode for readOnly option.
    • +
    • Add an onHighlightComplete option.
    • +
    • Fix the context menu for Firefox.
    • +
    + +

    28-03-2011: Version 2.0:


    CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's + faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser + quirks. See this + and this + for more information. + +

    28-03-2011: Version 1.0:

    • Fix error when debug history overflows.
    • +
    • Refine handling of C# verbatim strings.
    • +
    • Fix some issues with JavaScript indentation.
    • +
    + +

    22-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 2:


    Somewhate more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out. + +

    17-02-2011: Version 0.94:

    • tabMode: "spaces" was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).
    • +
    • Fixes a bug that would cause the selection code to break on some IE versions.
    • +
    • Disabling spell-check on WebKit browsers now works.
    • +
    + +

    08-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 1:


    CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of + CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.

    + +

    19-01-2011: Version 0.93:

    • Added a Regular Expression parser.
    • +
    • Fixes to the PHP parser.
    • +
    • Support for regular expression in search/replace.
    • +
    • Add save method to instances created with fromTextArea.
    • +
    • Add support for MS T-SQL in the SQL parser.
    • +
    • Support use of CSS classes for highlighting brackets.
    • +
    • Fix yet another hang with line-numbering in hidden editors.
    • +
    + +

    17-12-2010: Version 0.92:

    • Make CodeMirror work in XHTML documents.
    • +
    • Fix bug in handling of backslashes in Python strings.
    • +
    • The styleNumbers option is now officially + supported and documented.
    • +
    • onLineNumberClick option added.
    • +
    • More consistent names onLoad and + onCursorActivity callbacks. Old names still work, but + are deprecated.
    • +
    • Add a Freemarker mode.
    • +
    + +

    11-11-2010: Version 0.91:

    • Adds support for Java.
    • +
    • Small additions to the PHP and SQL parsers.
    • +
    • Work around various Webkit issues.
    • +
    • Fix toTextArea to update the code in the textarea.
    • +
    • Add a noScriptCaching option (hack to ease development).
    • +
    • Make sub-modes of HTML mixed mode configurable.
    • +
    + +

    02-10-2010: Version 0.9:

    • Add support for searching backwards.
    • +
    • There are now parsers for Scheme, XQuery, and OmetaJS.
    • +
    • Makes height: "dynamic" more robust.
    • +
    • Fixes bug where paste did not work on OS X.
    • +
    • Add a enterMode and electricChars options to make indentation even more customizable.
    • +
    • Add firstLineNumber option.
    • +
    • Fix bad handling of @media rules by the CSS parser.
    • +
    • Take a new, more robust approach to working around the invisible-last-line bug in WebKit.
    • +
    + +

    22-07-2010: Version 0.8:

    • Add a cursorCoords method to find the screen + coordinates of the cursor.
    • +
    • A number of fixes and support for more syntax in the PHP parser.
    • +
    • Fix indentation problem with JSON-mode JS parser in Webkit.
    • +
    • Add a minification UI.
    • +
    • Support a height: dynamic mode, where the editor's + height will adjust to the size of its content.
    • +
    • Better support for IME input mode.
    • +
    • Fix JavaScript parser getting confused when seeing a no-argument + function call.
    • +
    • Have CSS parser see the difference between selectors and other + identifiers.
    • +
    • Fix scrolling bug when pasting in a horizontally-scrolled + editor.
    • +
    • Support toTextArea method in instances created with + fromTextArea.
    • +
    • Work around new Opera cursor bug that causes the cursor to jump + when pressing backspace at the end of a line.
    • +
    + +

    27-04-2010: Version + 0.67:


    More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour + across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever + when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse + "\\" correctly. Have jumpToLine work on + line handles, and add cursorLine function to fetch the + line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new + setStylesheet function to switch style-sheets in a + running editor.

    + +

    01-03-2010: Version + 0.66:


    Adds removeLine method to API. + Introduces the PLSQL parser. + Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so + that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several + selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.

    + +

    12-11-2009: Version + 0.65:


    Add support for having both line-wrapping and + line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable + (markParen and unmarkParen config + options), work around a selection bug that Opera + reintroduced in version 10.

    + +

    23-10-2009: Version + 0.64:


    Solves some issues introduced by the + paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds + setSpellcheck, setTextWrapping, + setIndentUnit, setUndoDepth, + setTabMode, and setLineNumbers to + customise a running editor. Introduces an SQL parser. Fixes a few small + problems in the Python + parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered + browser incompatibilities.

    + +

    31-08-2009: Version +0.63:


    Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several +serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number +of small problems.

    + +

    30-05-2009: Version +0.62:


    Introduces Python +and Lua parsers. Add +setParser (on-the-fly mode changing) and +clearHistory methods. Make parsing passes time-based +instead of lines-based (see the passTime option).

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/reporting.html @@ -1,1 +1,58 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Reporting Bugs + + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* Reporting bugs
    +   effectively */
    + +
    + +

    So you found a problem in CodeMirror. By all means, report it! Bug +reports from users are the main drive behind improvements to +CodeMirror. But first, please read over these points:

    + +
    1. CodeMirror is maintained by volunteers. They don't owe you + anything, so be polite. Reports with an indignant or belligerent + tone tend to be moved to the bottom of the pile.
    2. + +
    3. Include information about the browser in which the + problem occurred. Even if you tested several browsers, and + the problem occurred in all of them, mention this fact in the bug + report. Also include browser version numbers and the operating + system that you're on.
    4. + +
    5. Mention which release of CodeMirror you're using. Preferably, + try also with the current development snapshot, to ensure the + problem has not already been fixed.
    6. + +
    7. Mention very precisely what went wrong. "X is broken" is not a + good bug report. What did you expect to happen? What happened + instead? Describe the exact steps a maintainer has to take to make + the problem occur. We can not fix something that we can not + observe.
    8. + +
    9. If the problem can not be reproduced in any of the demos + included in the CodeMirror distribution, please provide an HTML + document that demonstrates the problem. The best way to do this is + to go to, enter + it there, press save, and include the resulting link in your bug + report.
    10. +
    + +
    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/doc/upgrade_v2.2.html @@ -1,1 +1,96 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Upgrading to v2.2 + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* Upgrading to v2.2
    + */
    + +
    + +

    There are a few things in the 2.2 release that require some care +when upgrading.

    + +

    No more default.css

    + +

    The default theme is now included +in codemirror.css, so +you do not have to included it separately anymore. (It was tiny, so +even if you're not using it, the extra data overhead is negligible.) + +

    Different key customization

    + +

    CodeMirror has moved to a system +where keymaps are used to +bind behavior to keys. This means custom +bindings are now possible.

    + +

    Three options that influenced key +behavior, tabMode, enterMode, +and smartHome, are no longer supported. Instead, you can +provide custom bindings to influence the way these keys act. This is +done through the +new extraKeys +option, which can hold an object mapping key names to functionality. A +simple example would be:

    + +
      extraKeys: {
    +    "Ctrl-S": function(instance) { saveText(instance.getValue()); },
    +    "Ctrl-/": "undo"
    +  }
    + +

    Keys can be mapped either to functions, which will be given the +editor instance as argument, or to strings, which are mapped through +functions through the CodeMirror.commands table, which +contains all the built-in editing commands, and can be inspected and +extended by external code.

    + +

    By default, the Home key is bound to +the "goLineStartSmart" command, which moves the cursor to +the first non-whitespace character on the line. You can set do this to +make it always go to the very start instead:

    + +
      extraKeys: {"Home": "goLineStart"}
    + +

    Similarly, Enter is bound +to "newLineAndIndent" by default. You can bind it to +something else to get different behavior. To disable special handling +completely and only get a newline character inserted, you can bind it +to false:

    + +
      extraKeys: {"Enter": false}
    + +

    The same works for Tab. If you don't want CodeMirror +to handle it, bind it to false. The default behaviour is +to indent the current line more ("indentMore" command), +and indent it less when shift is held ("indentLess"). +There are also "indentAuto" (smart indent) +and "insertTab" commands provided for alternate +behaviors. Or you can write your own handler function to do something +different altogether.

    + +


    + +

    Handling of tabs changed completely. The display width of tabs can +now be set with the tabSize option, and tabs can +be styled by setting CSS rules +for the cm-tab class.

    + +

    The default width for tabs is now 4, as opposed to the 8 that is +hard-wired into browsers. If you are relying on 8-space tabs, make +sure you explicitly set tabSize: 8 in your options.

    + +
    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,344 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror + + + + + + + +

    { } CodeMirror

    + +
    +/* In-browser code editing
    +   made bearable */
    + +
    + +

    CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can + be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for + code-like content ― computer programs, HTML markup, and + similar. If a mode has been written for the language you are + editing, the code will be coloured, and the editor will optionally + help you with indentation.

    + +

    This is the project page for CodeMirror 2, the currently more + actively developed, and recommended + version. CodeMirror 1 is still available + from here.

    + + + +

    Getting the code

    + +

    All of CodeMirror is released under a MIT-style license. To get it, you can download + the latest + release or the current development + snapshot as zip files. To create a custom minified script file, + you can use the compression API.

    + +

    We use git for version control. + The main repository can be fetched in this way:

    + +
    git clone
    + +

    CodeMirror can also be found on GitHub at marijnh/CodeMirror2. + If you plan to hack on the code and contribute patches, the best way + to do it is to create a GitHub fork, and send pull requests.

    + +


    + +

    The manual is your first stop for + learning how to use this library. It starts with a quick explanation + of how to use the editor, and then describes the API in detail.

    + +

    For those who want to learn more about the code, there is + an overview of the internals available. + The source code + itself is, for the most part, also well commented.

    + +

    Support and bug reports

    + +

    There is + a Google + group (a sort of mailing list/newsgroup thing) for discussion + and news related to CodeMirror. When reporting a bug, + read this first. If you have + a github account, + simply open + an issue there. Otherwise, post something to + the group, + or e-mail me directly: Marijn + Haverbeke.

    + +

    Supported browsers

    + +

    The following browsers are able to run CodeMirror:

    + +
    • Firefox 2 or higher
    • +
    • Chrome, any version
    • +
    • Safari 3 or higher
    • +
    • Internet Explorer 6 or higher
    • +
    • Opera 9 or higher (with some key-handling problems on OS X)
    • +
    + +

    I am not actively testing against every new browser release, and + vendors have a habit of introducing bugs all the time, so I am + relying on the community to tell me when something breaks. + See here for information on how to contact + me.

    + +

    Commercial support

    + +

    CodeMirror is developed and maintained by me, Marijn Haverbeke, + in my own time. If your company is getting value out of CodeMirror, + please consider purchasing a support contract.

    + +
    • You'll be funding further work on CodeMirror.
    • +
    • You ensure that you get a quick response when you have a + problem, even when I am otherwise busy.
    • +
    + +

    CodeMirror support contracts exist in two + forms—basic at €100 per month, + and premium at €500 per + month. Contact me for further + information.

    + +
    + +
    + + Download the latest release + +

    Support CodeMirror

    + + + + + +


    + +

    20-12-2011: Version 2.2:

    + + + +

    21-11-2011: Version 2.18:


    Fixes TextMarker.clear, which is broken in 2.17.

    + +

    21-11-2011: Version 2.17:

    • Add support for line + wrapping and code + folding.
    • +
    • Add Github-style Markdown mode.
    • +
    • Add Monokai + and Rubyblue themes.
    • +
    • Add setBookmark method.
    • +
    • Move some of the demo code into reusable components + under lib/util.
    • +
    • Make screen-coord-finding code faster and more reliable.
    • +
    • Fix drag-and-drop in Firefox.
    • +
    • Improve support for IME.
    • +
    • Speed up content rendering.
    • +
    • Fix browser's built-in search in Webkit.
    • +
    • Make double- and triple-click work in IE.
    • +
    • Various fixes to modes.
    • +
    + +

    27-10-2011: Version 2.16:

    • Add Perl, Rust, TiddlyWiki, and Groovy modes.
    • +
    • Dragging text inside the editor now moves, rather than copies.
    • +
    • Add a coordsFromIndex method.
    • +
    • API change: setValue now no longer clears history. Use clearHistory for that.
    • +
    • API change: markText now + returns an object with clear and find + methods. Marked text is now more robust when edited.
    • +
    • Fix editing code with tabs in Internet Explorer.
    • +
    + +

    26-09-2011: Version 2.15:


    Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the + character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the + editor.

    + +

    26-09-2011: Version 2.14:

    + + +

    23-08-2011: Version 2.13:

    + + +

    25-07-2011: Version 2.12:

    • Add a SPARQL mode.
    • +
    • Fix bug with cursor jumping around in an unfocused editor in IE.
    • +
    • Allow key and mouse events to bubble out of the editor. Ignore widget clicks.
    • +
    • Solve cursor flakiness after undo/redo.
    • +
    • Fix block-reindent ignoring the last few lines.
    • +
    • Fix parsing of multi-line attrs in XML mode.
    • +
    • Use innerHTML for HTML-escaping.
    • +
    • Some fixes to indentation in C-like mode.
    • +
    • Shrink horiz scrollbars when long lines removed.
    • +
    • Fix width feedback loop bug that caused the width of an inner DIV to shrink.
    • +
    + +

    04-07-2011: Version 2.11:

    • Add a Scheme mode.
    • +
    • Add a replace method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.
    • +
    • Make the C-like mode mode more customizeable.
    • +
    • Update XML mode to spot mismatched tags.
    • +
    • Add getStateAfter API and compareState mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.
    • +
    • Add a getScrollerElement API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.
    • +
    • Fix drag-and-drop for Firefox.
    • +
    • Add a C# configuration for the C-like mode.
    • +
    • Add full-screen editing and mode-changing demos.
    • +
    + +

    Older releases...

    + +
    + +
    + +
    + + +
    + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/keymap/emacs.js @@ -1,1 +1,30 @@ +// TODO number prefixes +(function() { + // Really primitive kill-ring implementation. + var killRing = []; + function addToRing(str) { + killRing.push(str); + if (killRing.length > 50) killRing.shift(); + } + function getFromRing() { return killRing[killRing.length - 1] || ""; } + function popFromRing() { if (killRing.length > 1) killRing.pop(); return getFromRing(); } + CodeMirror.keyMap.emacs = { + "Ctrl-X": function(cm) {cm.setOption("keyMap", "emacs-Ctrl-X");}, + "Ctrl-W": function(cm) {addToRing(cm.getSelection()); cm.replaceSelection("");}, + "Ctrl-Alt-W": function(cm) {addToRing(cm.getSelection()); cm.replaceSelection("");}, + "Alt-W": function(cm) {addToRing(cm.getSelection());}, + "Ctrl-Y": function(cm) {cm.replaceSelection(getFromRing());}, + "Alt-Y": function(cm) {cm.replaceSelection(popFromRing());}, + "Ctrl-/": "undo", "Shift-Ctrl--": "undo", "Shift-Alt-,": "goDocStart", "Shift-Alt-.": "goDocEnd", + "Ctrl-S": "findNext", "Ctrl-R": "findPrev", "Ctrl-G": "clearSearch", "Shift-Alt-5": "replace", + "Ctrl-Z": "undo", "Cmd-Z": "undo", + fallthrough: ["basic", "emacsy"] + }; + + CodeMirror.keyMap["emacs-Ctrl-X"] = { + "Ctrl-S": "save", "Ctrl-W": "save", "S": "saveAll", "F": "open", "U": "undo", "K": "close", + auto: "emacs", catchall: function(cm) {/*ignore*/} + }; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/keymap/vim.js @@ -1,1 +1,77 @@ +(function() { + var count = ""; + function pushCountDigit(digit) { return function(cm) {count += digit;} } + function popCount() { var i = parseInt(count); count = ""; return i || 1; } + function countTimes(func) { + if (typeof func == "string") func = CodeMirror.commands[func]; + return function(cm) { for (var i = 0, c = popCount(); i < c; ++i) func(cm); } + } + function iterObj(o, f) { + for (var prop in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(prop)) f(prop, o[prop]); + } + + var word = [/\w/, /[^\w\s]/], bigWord = [/\S/]; + function findWord(line, pos, dir, regexps) { + var stop = 0, next = -1; + if (dir > 0) { stop = line.length; next = 0; } + var start = stop, end = stop; + // Find bounds of next one. + outer: for (; pos != stop; pos += dir) { + for (var i = 0; i < regexps.length; ++i) { + if (regexps[i].test(line.charAt(pos + next))) { + start = pos; + for (; pos != stop; pos += dir) { + if (!regexps[i].test(line.charAt(pos + next))) break; + } + end = pos; + break outer; + } + } + } + return {from: Math.min(start, end), to: Math.max(start, end)}; + } + function moveToWord(cm, regexps, dir, where) { + var cur = cm.getCursor(), ch =, line = cm.getLine(cur.line), word; + while (true) { + word = findWord(line, ch, dir, regexps); + ch = word[where == "end" ? "to" : "from"]; + if (ch == && word.from != ch = word[dir < 0 ? "from" : "to"]; + else break; + } + cm.setCursor(cur.line, word[where == "end" ? "to" : "from"], true); + } + + var map = CodeMirror.keyMap.vim = { + "0": function(cm) {count.length > 0 ? pushCountDigit("0")(cm) : CodeMirror.commands.goLineStart(cm);}, + "I": function(cm) {popCount(); cm.setOption("keyMap", "vim-insert");}, + "G": function(cm) {cm.setOption("keyMap", "vim-prefix-g");}, + catchall: function(cm) {/*ignore*/} + }; + // Add bindings for number keys + for (var i = 1; i < 10; ++i) map[i] = pushCountDigit(i); + // Add bindings that are influenced by number keys + iterObj({"H": "goColumnLeft", "L": "goColumnRight", "J": "goLineDown", "K": "goLineUp", + "Left": "goColumnLeft", "Right": "goColumnRight", "Down": "goLineDown", "Up": "goLineUp", + "Backspace": "goCharLeft", "Space": "goCharRight", + "B": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, word, -1, "end");}, + "E": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, word, 1, "end");}, + "W": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, word, 1, "start");}, + "Shift-B": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, bigWord, -1, "end");}, + "Shift-E": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, bigWord, 1, "end");}, + "Shift-W": function(cm) {moveToWord(cm, bigWord, 1, "start");}, + "U": "undo", "Ctrl-R": "redo", "Shift-4": "goLineEnd"}, + function(key, cmd) { map[key] = countTimes(cmd); }); + + CodeMirror.keyMap["vim-prefix-g"] = { + "E": countTimes(function(cm) { moveToWord(cm, word, -1, "start");}), + "Shift-E": countTimes(function(cm) { moveToWord(cm, bigWord, -1, "start");}), + auto: "vim", catchall: function(cm) {/*ignore*/} + }; + + CodeMirror.keyMap["vim-insert"] = { + "Esc": function(cm) {cm.setOption("keyMap", "vim");}, + fallthrough: ["default"] + }; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css @@ -1,1 +1,105 @@ +.CodeMirror { + line-height: 1em; + font-family: monospace; +} +.CodeMirror-scroll { + overflow: auto; + height: 300px; + /* This is needed to prevent an IE[67] bug where the scrolled content + is visible outside of the scrolling box. */ + position: relative; +} + +.CodeMirror-gutter { + position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; + z-index: 10; + background-color: #f7f7f7; + border-right: 1px solid #eee; + min-width: 2em; + height: 100%; +} +.CodeMirror-gutter-text { + color: #aaa; + text-align: right; + padding: .4em .2em .4em .4em; + white-space: pre !important; +} +.CodeMirror-lines { + padding: .4em; +} + +.CodeMirror pre { + -moz-border-radius: 0; + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + -o-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: transparent; + font-family: inherit; + font-size: inherit; + padding: 0; margin: 0; + white-space: pre; + word-wrap: normal; +} + +.CodeMirror-wrap pre { + word-wrap: break-word; + white-space: pre-wrap; +} +.CodeMirror-wrap .CodeMirror-scroll { + overflow-x: hidden; +} + +.CodeMirror textarea { + outline: none !important; +} + +.CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-cursor { + z-index: 10; + position: absolute; + visibility: hidden; + border-left: 1px solid black; +} +.CodeMirror-focused pre.CodeMirror-cursor { + visibility: visible; +} + +span.CodeMirror-selected { background: #d9d9d9; } +.CodeMirror-focused span.CodeMirror-selected { background: #d2dcf8; } + +.CodeMirror-searching {background: #ffa;} + +/* Default theme */ + {color: #708;} {color: #219;} {color: #164;} {color: #00f;} {color: black;} {color: #05a;} {color: #085;} {color: black;} {color: black;} {color: #a50;} {color: #a11;} {color: #f50;} {color: #555;} {color: #f00;} {color: #555;} {color: #30a;} {color: #cc7;} {color: #170;} {color: #00c;} {color: #a0a;} {color: #090;} {color: #999;} {color: #00c;} +, {font-weight: bold;} {font-style: italic;} {font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;} {text-decoration: underline;} + +div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {color: #0f0;} +div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket {color: #f22;} + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js @@ -1,1 +1,2762 @@ - +// CodeMirror version 2.2 +// +// All functions that need access to the editor's state live inside +// the CodeMirror function. Below that, at the bottom of the file, +// some utilities are defined. + +// CodeMirror is the only global var we claim +var CodeMirror = (function() { + // This is the function that produces an editor instance. It's + // closure is used to store the editor state. + function CodeMirror(place, givenOptions) { + // Determine effective options based on given values and defaults. + var options = {}, defaults = CodeMirror.defaults; + for (var opt in defaults) + if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(opt)) + options[opt] = (givenOptions && givenOptions.hasOwnProperty(opt) ? givenOptions : defaults)[opt]; + + var targetDocument = options["document"]; + // The element in which the editor lives. + var wrapper = targetDocument.createElement("div"); + wrapper.className = "CodeMirror" + (options.lineWrapping ? " CodeMirror-wrap" : ""); + // This mess creates the base DOM structure for the editor. + wrapper.innerHTML = + '
    ' + // Wraps and hides input textarea + '
    ' + + '
    ' + + '
    ' + // Set to the height of the text, causes scrolling + '
    ' + // Moved around its parent to cover visible view + '
    ' + + // Provides positioning relative to (visible) text origin + '
    ' + + '
    ' + + '
    ' + // Absolutely positioned blinky cursor + '
    ' + // This DIV contains the actual code + '
    '; + if (place.appendChild) place.appendChild(wrapper); else place(wrapper); + // I've never seen more elegant code in my life. + var inputDiv = wrapper.firstChild, input = inputDiv.firstChild, + scroller = wrapper.lastChild, code = scroller.firstChild, + mover = code.firstChild, gutter = mover.firstChild, gutterText = gutter.firstChild, + lineSpace = gutter.nextSibling.firstChild, measure = lineSpace.firstChild, + cursor = measure.nextSibling, lineDiv = cursor.nextSibling; + themeChanged(); + // Needed to hide big blue blinking cursor on Mobile Safari + if (/AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Mobile\/\w+/.test(navigator.userAgent)) = "0px"; + if (!webkit) lineSpace.draggable = true; + if (options.tabindex != null) input.tabIndex = options.tabindex; + if (!options.gutter && !options.lineNumbers) = "none"; + + // Check for problem with IE innerHTML not working when we have a + // P (or similar) parent node. + try { stringWidth("x"); } + catch (e) { + if (e.message.match(/runtime/i)) + e = new Error("A CodeMirror inside a P-style element does not work in Internet Explorer. (innerHTML bug)"); + throw e; + } + + // Delayed object wrap timeouts, making sure only one is active. blinker holds an interval. + var poll = new Delayed(), highlight = new Delayed(), blinker; + + // mode holds a mode API object. doc is the tree of Line objects, + // work an array of lines that should be parsed, and history the + // undo history (instance of History constructor). + var mode, doc = new BranchChunk([new LeafChunk([new Line("")])]), work, focused; + loadMode(); + // The selection. These are always maintained to point at valid + // positions. Inverted is used to remember that the user is + // selecting bottom-to-top. + var sel = {from: {line: 0, ch: 0}, to: {line: 0, ch: 0}, inverted: false}; + // Selection-related flags. shiftSelecting obviously tracks + // whether the user is holding shift. + var shiftSelecting, lastClick, lastDoubleClick, draggingText, overwrite = false; + // Variables used by startOperation/endOperation to track what + // happened during the operation. + var updateInput, userSelChange, changes, textChanged, selectionChanged, leaveInputAlone, + gutterDirty, callbacks; + // Current visible range (may be bigger than the view window). + var displayOffset = 0, showingFrom = 0, showingTo = 0, lastSizeC = 0; + // bracketHighlighted is used to remember that a backet has been + // marked. + var bracketHighlighted; + // Tracks the maximum line length so that the horizontal scrollbar + // can be kept static when scrolling. + var maxLine = "", maxWidth, tabText = computeTabText(); + + // Initialize the content. + operation(function(){setValue(options.value || ""); updateInput = false;})(); + var history = new History(); + + // Register our event handlers. + connect(scroller, "mousedown", operation(onMouseDown)); + connect(scroller, "dblclick", operation(onDoubleClick)); + connect(lineSpace, "dragstart", onDragStart); + connect(lineSpace, "selectstart", e_preventDefault); + // Gecko browsers fire contextmenu *after* opening the menu, at + // which point we can't mess with it anymore. Context menu is + // handled in onMouseDown for Gecko. + if (!gecko) connect(scroller, "contextmenu", onContextMenu); + connect(scroller, "scroll", function() { + updateDisplay([]); + if (options.fixedGutter) = scroller.scrollLeft + "px"; + if (options.onScroll) options.onScroll(instance); + }); + connect(window, "resize", function() {updateDisplay(true);}); + connect(input, "keyup", operation(onKeyUp)); + connect(input, "input", fastPoll); + connect(input, "keydown", operation(onKeyDown)); + connect(input, "keypress", operation(onKeyPress)); + connect(input, "focus", onFocus); + connect(input, "blur", onBlur); + + connect(scroller, "dragenter", e_stop); + connect(scroller, "dragover", e_stop); + connect(scroller, "drop", operation(onDrop)); + connect(scroller, "paste", function(){focusInput(); fastPoll();}); + connect(input, "paste", fastPoll); + connect(input, "cut", operation(function(){replaceSelection("");})); + + // IE throws unspecified error in certain cases, when + // trying to access activeElement before onload + var hasFocus; try { hasFocus = (targetDocument.activeElement == input); } catch(e) { } + if (hasFocus) setTimeout(onFocus, 20); + else onBlur(); + + function isLine(l) {return l >= 0 && l < doc.size;} + // The instance object that we'll return. Mostly calls out to + // local functions in the CodeMirror function. Some do some extra + // range checking and/or clipping. operation is used to wrap the + // call so that changes it makes are tracked, and the display is + // updated afterwards. + var instance = wrapper.CodeMirror = { + getValue: getValue, + setValue: operation(setValue), + getSelection: getSelection, + replaceSelection: operation(replaceSelection), + focus: function(){focusInput(); onFocus(); fastPoll();}, + setOption: function(option, value) { + var oldVal = options[option]; + options[option] = value; + if (option == "mode" || option == "indentUnit") loadMode(); + else if (option == "readOnly" && value) {onBlur(); input.blur();} + else if (option == "theme") themeChanged(); + else if (option == "lineWrapping" && oldVal != value) operation(wrappingChanged)(); + else if (option == "tabSize") operation(tabsChanged)(); + if (option == "lineNumbers" || option == "gutter" || option == "firstLineNumber" || option == "theme") + operation(gutterChanged)(); + }, + getOption: function(option) {return options[option];}, + undo: operation(undo), + redo: operation(redo), + indentLine: operation(function(n, dir) { + if (isLine(n)) indentLine(n, dir == null ? "smart" : dir ? "add" : "subtract"); + }), + indentSelection: operation(indentSelected), + historySize: function() {return {undo: history.done.length, redo: history.undone.length};}, + clearHistory: function() {history = new History();}, + matchBrackets: operation(function(){matchBrackets(true);}), + getTokenAt: operation(function(pos) { + pos = clipPos(pos); + return getLine(pos.line).getTokenAt(mode, getStateBefore(pos.line),; + }), + getStateAfter: function(line) { + line = clipLine(line == null ? doc.size - 1: line); + return getStateBefore(line + 1); + }, + cursorCoords: function(start){ + if (start == null) start = sel.inverted; + return pageCoords(start ? sel.from :; + }, + charCoords: function(pos){return pageCoords(clipPos(pos));}, + coordsChar: function(coords) { + var off = eltOffset(lineSpace); + return coordsChar(coords.x - off.left, coords.y -; + }, + markText: operation(markText), + setBookmark: setBookmark, + setMarker: operation(addGutterMarker), + clearMarker: operation(removeGutterMarker), + setLineClass: operation(setLineClass), + hideLine: operation(function(h) {return setLineHidden(h, true);}), + showLine: operation(function(h) {return setLineHidden(h, false);}), + onDeleteLine: function(line, f) { + if (typeof line == "number") { + if (!isLine(line)) return null; + line = getLine(line); + } + (line.handlers || (line.handlers = [])).push(f); + return line; + }, + lineInfo: lineInfo, + addWidget: function(pos, node, scroll, vert, horiz) { + pos = localCoords(clipPos(pos)); + var top = pos.yBot, left = pos.x; + = "absolute"; + code.appendChild(node); + if (vert == "over") top = pos.y; + else if (vert == "near") { + var vspace = Math.max(scroller.offsetHeight, doc.height * textHeight()), + hspace = Math.max(code.clientWidth, lineSpace.clientWidth) - paddingLeft(); + if (pos.yBot + node.offsetHeight > vspace && pos.y > node.offsetHeight) + top = pos.y - node.offsetHeight; + if (left + node.offsetWidth > hspace) + left = hspace - node.offsetWidth; + } + = (top + paddingTop()) + "px"; + = = ""; + if (horiz == "right") { + left = code.clientWidth - node.offsetWidth; + = "0px"; + } else { + if (horiz == "left") left = 0; + else if (horiz == "middle") left = (code.clientWidth - node.offsetWidth) / 2; + = (left + paddingLeft()) + "px"; + } + if (scroll) + scrollIntoView(left, top, left + node.offsetWidth, top + node.offsetHeight); + }, + + lineCount: function() {return doc.size;}, + clipPos: clipPos, + getCursor: function(start) { + if (start == null) start = sel.inverted; + return copyPos(start ? sel.from :; + }, + somethingSelected: function() {return !posEq(sel.from,;}, + setCursor: operation(function(line, ch, user) { + if (ch == null && typeof line.line == "number") setCursor(line.line,, user); + else setCursor(line, ch, user); + }), + setSelection: operation(function(from, to, user) { + (user ? setSelectionUser : setSelection)(clipPos(from), clipPos(to || from)); + }), + getLine: function(line) {if (isLine(line)) return getLine(line).text;}, + getLineHandle: function(line) {if (isLine(line)) return getLine(line);}, + setLine: operation(function(line, text) { + if (isLine(line)) replaceRange(text, {line: line, ch: 0}, {line: line, ch: getLine(line).text.length}); + }), + removeLine: operation(function(line) { + if (isLine(line)) replaceRange("", {line: line, ch: 0}, clipPos({line: line+1, ch: 0})); + }), + replaceRange: operation(replaceRange), + getRange: function(from, to) {return getRange(clipPos(from), clipPos(to));}, + + execCommand: function(cmd) {return commands[cmd](instance);}, + // Stuff used by commands, probably not much use to outside code. + moveH: operation(moveH), + deleteH: operation(deleteH), + moveV: operation(moveV), + toggleOverwrite: function() {overwrite = !overwrite;}, + + posFromIndex: function(off) { + var lineNo = 0, ch; + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { + var sz = line.text.length + 1; + if (sz > off) { ch = off; return true; } + off -= sz; + ++lineNo; + }); + return clipPos({line: lineNo, ch: ch}); + }, + indexFromPos: function (coords) { + if (coords.line < 0 || < 0) return 0; + var index =; + doc.iter(0, coords.line, function (line) { + index += line.text.length + 1; + }); + return index; + }, + + operation: function(f){return operation(f)();}, + refresh: function(){updateDisplay(true);}, + getInputField: function(){return input;}, + getWrapperElement: function(){return wrapper;}, + getScrollerElement: function(){return scroller;}, + getGutterElement: function(){return gutter;} + }; + + function getLine(n) { return getLineAt(doc, n); } + function updateLineHeight(line, height) { + gutterDirty = true; + var diff = height - line.height; + for (var n = line; n; n = n.parent) n.height += diff; + } + + function setValue(code) { + var top = {line: 0, ch: 0}; + updateLines(top, {line: doc.size - 1, ch: getLine(doc.size-1).text.length}, + splitLines(code), top, top); + updateInput = true; + } + function getValue(code) { + var text = []; + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { text.push(line.text); }); + return text.join("\n"); + } + + function onMouseDown(e) { + setShift(e.shiftKey); + // Check whether this is a click in a widget + for (var n = e_target(e); n != wrapper; n = n.parentNode) + if (n.parentNode == code && n != mover) return; + + // See if this is a click in the gutter + for (var n = e_target(e); n != wrapper; n = n.parentNode) + if (n.parentNode == gutterText) { + if (options.onGutterClick) + options.onGutterClick(instance, indexOf(gutterText.childNodes, n) + showingFrom, e); + return e_preventDefault(e); + } + + var start = posFromMouse(e); + + switch (e_button(e)) { + case 3: + if (gecko && !mac) onContextMenu(e); + return; + case 2: + if (start) setCursor(start.line,, true); + return; + } + // For button 1, if it was clicked inside the editor + // (posFromMouse returning non-null), we have to adjust the + // selection. + if (!start) {if (e_target(e) == scroller) e_preventDefault(e); return;} + + if (!focused) onFocus(); + + var now = +new Date; + if (lastDoubleClick && lastDoubleClick.time > now - 400 && posEq(lastDoubleClick.pos, start)) { + e_preventDefault(e); + setTimeout(focusInput, 20); + return selectLine(start.line); + } else if (lastClick && lastClick.time > now - 400 && posEq(lastClick.pos, start)) { + lastDoubleClick = {time: now, pos: start}; + e_preventDefault(e); + return selectWordAt(start); + } else { lastClick = {time: now, pos: start}; } + + var last = start, going; + if (dragAndDrop && !posEq(sel.from, && + !posLess(start, sel.from) && !posLess(, start)) { + // Let the drag handler handle this. + if (webkit) lineSpace.draggable = true; + var up = connect(targetDocument, "mouseup", operation(function(e2) { + if (webkit) lineSpace.draggable = false; + draggingText = false; + up(); + if (Math.abs(e.clientX - e2.clientX) + Math.abs(e.clientY - e2.clientY) < 10) { + e_preventDefault(e2); + setCursor(start.line,, true); + focusInput(); + } + }), true); + draggingText = true; + return; + } + e_preventDefault(e); + setCursor(start.line,, true); + + function extend(e) { + var cur = posFromMouse(e, true); + if (cur && !posEq(cur, last)) { + if (!focused) onFocus(); + last = cur; + setSelectionUser(start, cur); + updateInput = false; + var visible = visibleLines(); + if (cur.line >= || cur.line < visible.from) + going = setTimeout(operation(function(){extend(e);}), 150); + } + } + + var move = connect(targetDocument, "mousemove", operation(function(e) { + clearTimeout(going); + e_preventDefault(e); + extend(e); + }), true); + var up = connect(targetDocument, "mouseup", operation(function(e) { + clearTimeout(going); + var cur = posFromMouse(e); + if (cur) setSelectionUser(start, cur); + e_preventDefault(e); + focusInput(); + updateInput = true; + move(); up(); + }), true); + } + function onDoubleClick(e) { + for (var n = e_target(e); n != wrapper; n = n.parentNode) + if (n.parentNode == gutterText) return e_preventDefault(e); + var start = posFromMouse(e); + if (!start) return; + lastDoubleClick = {time: +new Date, pos: start}; + e_preventDefault(e); + selectWordAt(start); + } + function onDrop(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + var pos = posFromMouse(e, true), files = e.dataTransfer.files; + if (!pos || options.readOnly) return; + if (files && files.length && window.FileReader && window.File) { + function loadFile(file, i) { + var reader = new FileReader; + reader.onload = function() { + text[i] = reader.result; + if (++read == n) { + pos = clipPos(pos); + operation(function() { + var end = replaceRange(text.join(""), pos, pos); + setSelectionUser(pos, end); + })(); + } + }; + reader.readAsText(file); + } + var n = files.length, text = Array(n), read = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) loadFile(files[i], i); + } + else { + try { + var text = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); + if (text) { + var end = replaceRange(text, pos, pos); + var curFrom = sel.from, curTo =; + setSelectionUser(pos, end); + if (draggingText) replaceRange("", curFrom, curTo); + focusInput(); + } + } + catch(e){} + } + } + function onDragStart(e) { + var txt = getSelection(); + // This will reset escapeElement + htmlEscape(txt); + e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(escapeElement, 0, 0); + e.dataTransfer.setData("Text", txt); + } + function handleKeyBinding(e) { + var name = keyNames[e.keyCode], next = keyMap[options.keyMap].auto, bound, dropShift; + if (name == null || e.altGraphKey) { + if (next) options.keyMap = next; + return null; + } + if (e.altKey) name = "Alt-" + name; + if (e.ctrlKey) name = "Ctrl-" + name; + if (e.metaKey) name = "Cmd-" + name; + if (e.shiftKey && (bound = lookupKey("Shift-" + name, options.extraKeys, options.keyMap))) { + dropShift = true; + } else { + bound = lookupKey(name, options.extraKeys, options.keyMap); + } + if (typeof bound == "string") { + if (commands.propertyIsEnumerable(bound)) bound = commands[bound]; + else bound = null; + } + if (next && (bound || !isModifierKey(e))) options.keyMap = next; + if (!bound) return false; + if (dropShift) { + var prevShift = shiftSelecting; + shiftSelecting = null; + bound(instance); + shiftSelecting = prevShift; + } else bound(instance); + e_preventDefault(e); + return true; + } + var lastStoppedKey = null; + function onKeyDown(e) { + if (!focused) onFocus(); + var code = e.keyCode; + // IE does strange things with escape. + if (ie && code == 27) { e.returnValue = false; } + setShift(code == 16 || e.shiftKey); + // First give onKeyEvent option a chance to handle this. + if (options.onKeyEvent && options.onKeyEvent(instance, addStop(e))) return; + var handled = handleKeyBinding(e); + if (window.opera) { + lastStoppedKey = handled ? e.keyCode : null; + // Opera has no cut event... we try to at least catch the key combo + if (!handled && (mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 88) + replaceSelection(""); + } + } + function onKeyPress(e) { + if (window.opera && e.keyCode == lastStoppedKey) {lastStoppedKey = null; e_preventDefault(e); return;} + if (options.onKeyEvent && options.onKeyEvent(instance, addStop(e))) return; + if (window.opera && !e.which && handleKeyBinding(e)) return; + if (options.electricChars && mode.electricChars) { + var ch = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == null ? e.keyCode : e.charCode); + if (mode.electricChars.indexOf(ch) > -1) + setTimeout(operation(function() {indentLine(, "smart");}), 75); + } + fastPoll(); + } + function onKeyUp(e) { + if (options.onKeyEvent && options.onKeyEvent(instance, addStop(e))) return; + if (e.keyCode == 16) shiftSelecting = null; + } + + function onFocus() { + if (options.readOnly) return; + if (!focused) { + if (options.onFocus) options.onFocus(instance); + focused = true; + if (\bCodeMirror-focused\b/) == -1) + wrapper.className += " CodeMirror-focused"; + if (!leaveInputAlone) resetInput(true); + } + slowPoll(); + restartBlink(); + } + function onBlur() { + if (focused) { + if (options.onBlur) options.onBlur(instance); + focused = false; + wrapper.className = wrapper.className.replace(" CodeMirror-focused", ""); + } + clearInterval(blinker); + setTimeout(function() {if (!focused) shiftSelecting = null;}, 150); + } + + // Replace the range from from to to by the strings in newText. + // Afterwards, set the selection to selFrom, selTo. + function updateLines(from, to, newText, selFrom, selTo) { + if (history) { + var old = []; + doc.iter(from.line, to.line + 1, function(line) { old.push(line.text); }); + history.addChange(from.line, newText.length, old); + while (history.done.length > options.undoDepth) history.done.shift(); + } + updateLinesNoUndo(from, to, newText, selFrom, selTo); + } + function unredoHelper(from, to) { + var change = from.pop(); + if (change) { + var replaced = [], end = change.start + change.added; + doc.iter(change.start, end, function(line) { replaced.push(line.text); }); + to.push({start: change.start, added: change.old.length, old: replaced}); + var pos = clipPos({line: change.start + change.old.length - 1, + ch: editEnd(replaced[replaced.length-1], change.old[change.old.length-1])}); + updateLinesNoUndo({line: change.start, ch: 0}, {line: end - 1, ch: getLine(end-1).text.length}, change.old, pos, pos); + updateInput = true; + } + } + function undo() {unredoHelper(history.done, history.undone);} + function redo() {unredoHelper(history.undone, history.done);} + + function updateLinesNoUndo(from, to, newText, selFrom, selTo) { + var recomputeMaxLength = false, maxLineLength = maxLine.length; + if (!options.lineWrapping) + doc.iter(from.line, to.line, function(line) { + if (line.text.length == maxLineLength) {recomputeMaxLength = true; return true;} + }); + if (from.line != to.line || newText.length > 1) gutterDirty = true; + + var nlines = to.line - from.line, firstLine = getLine(from.line), lastLine = getLine(to.line); + // First adjust the line structure, taking some care to leave highlighting intact. + if ( == 0 && == 0 && newText[newText.length - 1] == "") { + // This is a whole-line replace. Treated specially to make + // sure line objects move the way they are supposed to. + var added = [], prevLine = null; + if (from.line) { + prevLine = getLine(from.line - 1); + prevLine.fixMarkEnds(lastLine); + } else lastLine.fixMarkStarts(); + for (var i = 0, e = newText.length - 1; i < e; ++i) + added.push(Line.inheritMarks(newText[i], prevLine)); + if (nlines) doc.remove(from.line, nlines, callbacks); + if (added.length) doc.insert(from.line, added); + } else if (firstLine == lastLine) { + if (newText.length == 1) + firstLine.replace(,, newText[0]); + else { + lastLine = firstLine.split(, newText[newText.length-1]); + firstLine.replace(, null, newText[0]); + firstLine.fixMarkEnds(lastLine); + var added = []; + for (var i = 1, e = newText.length - 1; i < e; ++i) + added.push(Line.inheritMarks(newText[i], firstLine)); + added.push(lastLine); + doc.insert(from.line + 1, added); + } + } else if (newText.length == 1) { + firstLine.replace(, null, newText[0]); + lastLine.replace(null,, ""); + firstLine.append(lastLine); + doc.remove(from.line + 1, nlines, callbacks); + } else { + var added = []; + firstLine.replace(, null, newText[0]); + lastLine.replace(null,, newText[newText.length-1]); + firstLine.fixMarkEnds(lastLine); + for (var i = 1, e = newText.length - 1; i < e; ++i) + added.push(Line.inheritMarks(newText[i], firstLine)); + if (nlines > 1) doc.remove(from.line + 1, nlines - 1, callbacks); + doc.insert(from.line + 1, added); + } + if (options.lineWrapping) { + var perLine = scroller.clientWidth / charWidth() - 3; + doc.iter(from.line, from.line + newText.length, function(line) { + if (line.hidden) return; + var guess = Math.ceil(line.text.length / perLine) || 1; + if (guess != line.height) updateLineHeight(line, guess); + }); + } else { + doc.iter(from.line, i + newText.length, function(line) { + var l = line.text; + if (l.length > maxLineLength) { + maxLine = l; maxLineLength = l.length; maxWidth = null; + recomputeMaxLength = false; + } + }); + if (recomputeMaxLength) { + maxLineLength = 0; maxLine = ""; maxWidth = null; + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { + var l = line.text; + if (l.length > maxLineLength) { + maxLineLength = l.length; maxLine = l; + } + }); + } + } + + // Add these lines to the work array, so that they will be + // highlighted. Adjust work lines if lines were added/removed. + var newWork = [], lendiff = newText.length - nlines - 1; + for (var i = 0, l = work.length; i < l; ++i) { + var task = work[i]; + if (task < from.line) newWork.push(task); + else if (task > to.line) newWork.push(task + lendiff); + } + var hlEnd = from.line + Math.min(newText.length, 500); + highlightLines(from.line, hlEnd); + newWork.push(hlEnd); + work = newWork; + startWorker(100); + // Remember that these lines changed, for updating the display + changes.push({from: from.line, to: to.line + 1, diff: lendiff}); + var changeObj = {from: from, to: to, text: newText}; + if (textChanged) { + for (var cur = textChanged;; cur = {} + = changeObj; + } else textChanged = changeObj; + + // Update the selection + function updateLine(n) {return n <= Math.min(to.line, to.line + lendiff) ? n : n + lendiff;} + setSelection(selFrom, selTo, updateLine(sel.from.line), updateLine(; + + // Make sure the scroll-size div has the correct height. + = (doc.height * textHeight() + 2 * paddingTop()) + "px"; + } + + function replaceRange(code, from, to) { + from = clipPos(from); + if (!to) to = from; else to = clipPos(to); + code = splitLines(code); + function adjustPos(pos) { + if (posLess(pos, from)) return pos; + if (!posLess(to, pos)) return end; + var line = pos.line + code.length - (to.line - from.line) - 1; + var ch =; + if (pos.line == to.line) + ch += code[code.length-1].length - ( - (to.line == from.line ? : 0)); + return {line: line, ch: ch}; + } + var end; + replaceRange1(code, from, to, function(end1) { + end = end1; + return {from: adjustPos(sel.from), to: adjustPos(}; + }); + return end; + } + function replaceSelection(code, collapse) { + replaceRange1(splitLines(code), sel.from,, function(end) { + if (collapse == "end") return {from: end, to: end}; + else if (collapse == "start") return {from: sel.from, to: sel.from}; + else return {from: sel.from, to: end}; + }); + } + function replaceRange1(code, from, to, computeSel) { + var endch = code.length == 1 ? code[0].length + : code[code.length-1].length; + var newSel = computeSel({line: from.line + code.length - 1, ch: endch}); + updateLines(from, to, code, newSel.from,; + } + + function getRange(from, to) { + var l1 = from.line, l2 = to.line; + if (l1 == l2) return getLine(l1).text.slice(,; + var code = [getLine(l1).text.slice(]; + doc.iter(l1 + 1, l2, function(line) { code.push(line.text); }); + code.push(getLine(l2).text.slice(0,; + return code.join("\n"); + } + function getSelection() { + return getRange(sel.from,; + } + + var pollingFast = false; // Ensures slowPoll doesn't cancel fastPoll + function slowPoll() { + if (pollingFast) return; + poll.set(options.pollInterval, function() { + startOperation(); + readInput(); + if (focused) slowPoll(); + endOperation(); + }); + } + function fastPoll() { + var missed = false; + pollingFast = true; + function p() { + startOperation(); + var changed = readInput(); + if (!changed && !missed) {missed = true; poll.set(60, p);} + else {pollingFast = false; slowPoll();} + endOperation(); + } + poll.set(20, p); + } + + // Previnput is a hack to work with IME. If we reset the textarea + // on every change, that breaks IME. So we look for changes + // compared to the previous content instead. (Modern browsers have + // events that indicate IME taking place, but these are not widely + // supported or compatible enough yet to rely on.) + var prevInput = ""; + function readInput() { + if (leaveInputAlone || !focused || hasSelection(input)) return false; + var text = input.value; + if (text == prevInput) return false; + shiftSelecting = null; + var same = 0, l = Math.min(prevInput.length, text.length); + while (same < l && prevInput[same] == text[same]) ++same; + if (same < prevInput.length) + sel.from = {line: sel.from.line, ch: - (prevInput.length - same)}; + else if (overwrite && posEq(sel.from, + = {line:, ch: Math.min(getLine(, + (text.length - same))}; + replaceSelection(text.slice(same), "end"); + prevInput = text; + return true; + } + function resetInput(user) { + if (!posEq(sel.from, { + prevInput = ""; + input.value = getSelection(); +; + } else if (user) prevInput = input.value = ""; + } + + function focusInput() { + if (!options.readOnly) input.focus(); + } + + function scrollEditorIntoView() { + if (!cursor.getBoundingClientRect) return; + var rect = cursor.getBoundingClientRect(); + // IE returns bogus coordinates when the instance sits inside of an iframe and the cursor is hidden + if (ie && == rect.bottom) return; + var winH = window.innerHeight || Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight); + if ( < 0 || rect.bottom > winH) cursor.scrollIntoView(); + } + function scrollCursorIntoView() { + var cursor = localCoords(sel.inverted ? sel.from :; + var x = options.lineWrapping ? Math.min(cursor.x, lineSpace.offsetWidth) : cursor.x; + return scrollIntoView(x, cursor.y, x, cursor.yBot); + } + function scrollIntoView(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var pl = paddingLeft(), pt = paddingTop(), lh = textHeight(); + y1 += pt; y2 += pt; x1 += pl; x2 += pl; + var screen = scroller.clientHeight, screentop = scroller.scrollTop, scrolled = false, result = true; + if (y1 < screentop) {scroller.scrollTop = Math.max(0, y1 - 2*lh); scrolled = true;} + else if (y2 > screentop + screen) {scroller.scrollTop = y2 + lh - screen; scrolled = true;} + + var screenw = scroller.clientWidth, screenleft = scroller.scrollLeft; + var gutterw = options.fixedGutter ? gutter.clientWidth : 0; + if (x1 < screenleft + gutterw) { + if (x1 < 50) x1 = 0; + scroller.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, x1 - 10 - gutterw); + scrolled = true; + } + else if (x2 > screenw + screenleft - 3) { + scroller.scrollLeft = x2 + 10 - screenw; + scrolled = true; + if (x2 > code.clientWidth) result = false; + } + if (scrolled && options.onScroll) options.onScroll(instance); + return result; + } + + function visibleLines() { + var lh = textHeight(), top = scroller.scrollTop - paddingTop(); + var from_height = Math.max(0, Math.floor(top / lh)); + var to_height = Math.ceil((top + scroller.clientHeight) / lh); + return {from: lineAtHeight(doc, from_height), + to: lineAtHeight(doc, to_height)}; + } + // Uses a set of changes plus the current scroll position to + // determine which DOM updates have to be made, and makes the + // updates. + function updateDisplay(changes, suppressCallback) { + if (!scroller.clientWidth) { + showingFrom = showingTo = displayOffset = 0; + return; + } + // Compute the new visible window + var visible = visibleLines(); + // Bail out if the visible area is already rendered and nothing changed. + if (changes !== true && changes.length == 0 && visible.from >= showingFrom && <= showingTo) return; + var from = Math.max(visible.from - 100, 0), to = Math.min(doc.size, + 100); + if (showingFrom < from && from - showingFrom < 20) from = showingFrom; + if (showingTo > to && showingTo - to < 20) to = Math.min(doc.size, showingTo); + + // Create a range of theoretically intact lines, and punch holes + // in that using the change info. + var intact = changes === true ? [] : + computeIntact([{from: showingFrom, to: showingTo, domStart: 0}], changes); + // Clip off the parts that won't be visible + var intactLines = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < intact.length; ++i) { + var range = intact[i]; + if (range.from < from) {range.domStart += (from - range.from); range.from = from;} + if ( > to) = to; + if (range.from >= intact.splice(i--, 1); + else intactLines += - range.from; + } + if (intactLines == to - from) return; + intact.sort(function(a, b) {return a.domStart - b.domStart;}); + + var th = textHeight(), gutterDisplay =; + = = "none"; + patchDisplay(from, to, intact); + = ""; + + // Position the mover div to align with the lines it's supposed + // to be showing (which will cover the visible display) + var different = from != showingFrom || to != showingTo || lastSizeC != scroller.clientHeight + th; + // This is just a bogus formula that detects when the editor is + // resized or the font size changes. + if (different) lastSizeC = scroller.clientHeight + th; + showingFrom = from; showingTo = to; + displayOffset = heightAtLine(doc, from); + = (displayOffset * th) + "px"; + = (doc.height * th + 2 * paddingTop()) + "px"; + + // Since this is all rather error prone, it is honoured with the + // only assertion in the whole file. + if (lineDiv.childNodes.length != showingTo - showingFrom) + throw new Error("BAD PATCH! " + JSON.stringify(intact) + " size=" + (showingTo - showingFrom) + + " nodes=" + lineDiv.childNodes.length); + + if (options.lineWrapping) { + maxWidth = scroller.clientWidth; + var curNode = lineDiv.firstChild; + doc.iter(showingFrom, showingTo, function(line) { + if (!line.hidden) { + var height = Math.round(curNode.offsetHeight / th) || 1; + if (line.height != height) {updateLineHeight(line, height); gutterDirty = true;} + } + curNode = curNode.nextSibling; + }); + } else { + if (maxWidth == null) maxWidth = stringWidth(maxLine); + if (maxWidth > scroller.clientWidth) { + = maxWidth + "px"; + // Needed to prevent odd wrapping/hiding of widgets placed in here. + = ""; + = scroller.scrollWidth + "px"; + } else { + = = ""; + } + } + = gutterDisplay; + if (different || gutterDirty) updateGutter(); + updateCursor(); + if (!suppressCallback && options.onUpdate) options.onUpdate(instance); + return true; + } + + function computeIntact(intact, changes) { + for (var i = 0, l = changes.length || 0; i < l; ++i) { + var change = changes[i], intact2 = [], diff = change.diff || 0; + for (var j = 0, l2 = intact.length; j < l2; ++j) { + var range = intact[j]; + if ( <= range.from && change.diff) + intact2.push({from: range.from + diff, to: + diff, + domStart: range.domStart}); + else if ( <= range.from || change.from >= + intact2.push(range); + else { + if (change.from > range.from) + intact2.push({from: range.from, to: change.from, domStart: range.domStart}); + if ( < + intact2.push({from: + diff, to: + diff, + domStart: range.domStart + ( - range.from)}); + } + } + intact = intact2; + } + return intact; + } + + function patchDisplay(from, to, intact) { + // The first pass removes the DOM nodes that aren't intact. + if (!intact.length) lineDiv.innerHTML = ""; + else { + function killNode(node) { + var tmp = node.nextSibling; + node.parentNode.removeChild(node); + return tmp; + } + var domPos = 0, curNode = lineDiv.firstChild, n; + for (var i = 0; i < intact.length; ++i) { + var cur = intact[i]; + while (cur.domStart > domPos) {curNode = killNode(curNode); domPos++;} + for (var j = 0, e = - cur.from; j < e; ++j) {curNode = curNode.nextSibling; domPos++;} + } + while (curNode) curNode = killNode(curNode); + } + // This pass fills in the lines that actually changed. + var nextIntact = intact.shift(), curNode = lineDiv.firstChild, j = from; + var sfrom = sel.from.line, sto =, inSel = sfrom < from && sto >= from; + var scratch = targetDocument.createElement("div"), newElt; + doc.iter(from, to, function(line) { + var ch1 = null, ch2 = null; + if (inSel) { + ch1 = 0; + if (sto == j) {inSel = false; ch2 =;} + } else if (sfrom == j) { + if (sto == j) {ch1 =; ch2 =;} + else {inSel = true; ch1 =;} + } + if (nextIntact && == j) nextIntact = intact.shift(); + if (!nextIntact || nextIntact.from > j) { + if (line.hidden) scratch.innerHTML = "
    +          else scratch.innerHTML = line.getHTML(ch1, ch2, true, tabText);
    +          lineDiv.insertBefore(scratch.firstChild, curNode);
    +        } else {
    +          curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
    +        }
    +        ++j;
    +      });
    +    }
    +    function updateGutter() {
    +      if (!options.gutter && !options.lineNumbers) return;
    +      var hText = mover.offsetHeight, hEditor = scroller.clientHeight;
    + = (hText - hEditor < 2 ? hEditor : hText) + "px";
    +      var html = [], i = showingFrom;
    +      doc.iter(showingFrom, Math.max(showingTo, showingFrom + 1), function(line) {
    +        if (line.hidden) {
    +          html.push("
    +        } else {
    +          var marker = line.gutterMarker;
    +          var text = options.lineNumbers ? i + options.firstLineNumber : null;
    +          if (marker && marker.text)
    +            text = marker.text.replace("%N%", text != null ? text : "");
    +          else if (text == null)
    +            text = "\u00a0";
    +          html.push((marker && ? '
    ' : "
    "), text);
    +          for (var j = 1; j < line.height; ++j) html.push("
     "); + html.push("
    "); + } + ++i; + }); + = "none"; + gutterText.innerHTML = html.join(""); + var minwidth = String(doc.size).length, firstNode = gutterText.firstChild, val = eltText(firstNode), pad = ""; + while (val.length + pad.length < minwidth) pad += "\u00a0"; + if (pad) firstNode.insertBefore(targetDocument.createTextNode(pad), firstNode.firstChild); + = ""; + = gutter.offsetWidth + "px"; + gutterDirty = false; + } + function updateCursor() { + var head = sel.inverted ? sel.from :, lh = textHeight(); + var pos = localCoords(head, true); + var wrapOff = eltOffset(wrapper), lineOff = eltOffset(lineDiv); + = (pos.y + - + "px"; + = (pos.x + lineOff.left - wrapOff.left) + "px"; + if (posEq(sel.from, { + = pos.y + "px"; + = (options.lineWrapping ? Math.min(pos.x, lineSpace.offsetWidth) : pos.x) + "px"; + = ""; + } + else = "none"; + } + + function setShift(val) { + if (val) shiftSelecting = shiftSelecting || (sel.inverted ? : sel.from); + else shiftSelecting = null; + } + function setSelectionUser(from, to) { + var sh = shiftSelecting && clipPos(shiftSelecting); + if (sh) { + if (posLess(sh, from)) from = sh; + else if (posLess(to, sh)) to = sh; + } + setSelection(from, to); + userSelChange = true; + } + // Update the selection. Last two args are only used by + // updateLines, since they have to be expressed in the line + // numbers before the update. + function setSelection(from, to, oldFrom, oldTo) { + goalColumn = null; + if (oldFrom == null) {oldFrom = sel.from.line; oldTo =;} + if (posEq(sel.from, from) && posEq(, to)) return; + if (posLess(to, from)) {var tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp;} + + // Skip over hidden lines. + if (from.line != oldFrom) from = skipHidden(from, oldFrom,; + if (to.line != oldTo) to = skipHidden(to, oldTo,; + + if (posEq(from, to)) sel.inverted = false; + else if (posEq(from, sel.inverted = false; + else if (posEq(to, sel.from)) sel.inverted = true; + + // Some ugly logic used to only mark the lines that actually did + // see a change in selection as changed, rather than the whole + // selected range. + if (posEq(from, to)) { + if (!posEq(sel.from, + changes.push({from: oldFrom, to: oldTo + 1}); + } + else if (posEq(sel.from, { + changes.push({from: from.line, to: to.line + 1}); + } + else { + if (!posEq(from, sel.from)) { + if (from.line < oldFrom) + changes.push({from: from.line, to: Math.min(to.line, oldFrom) + 1}); + else + changes.push({from: oldFrom, to: Math.min(oldTo, from.line) + 1}); + } + if (!posEq(to, { + if (to.line < oldTo) + changes.push({from: Math.max(oldFrom, from.line), to: oldTo + 1}); + else + changes.push({from: Math.max(from.line, oldTo), to: to.line + 1}); + } + } + sel.from = from; = to; + selectionChanged = true; + } + function skipHidden(pos, oldLine, oldCh) { + function getNonHidden(dir) { + var lNo = pos.line + dir, end = dir == 1 ? doc.size : -1; + while (lNo != end) { + var line = getLine(lNo); + if (!line.hidden) { + var ch =; + if (ch > oldCh || ch > line.text.length) ch = line.text.length; + return {line: lNo, ch: ch}; + } + lNo += dir; + } + } + var line = getLine(pos.line); + if (!line.hidden) return pos; + if (pos.line >= oldLine) return getNonHidden(1) || getNonHidden(-1); + else return getNonHidden(-1) || getNonHidden(1); + } + function setCursor(line, ch, user) { + var pos = clipPos({line: line, ch: ch || 0}); + (user ? setSelectionUser : setSelection)(pos, pos); + } + + function clipLine(n) {return Math.max(0, Math.min(n, doc.size-1));} + function clipPos(pos) { + if (pos.line < 0) return {line: 0, ch: 0}; + if (pos.line >= doc.size) return {line: doc.size-1, ch: getLine(doc.size-1).text.length}; + var ch =, linelen = getLine(pos.line).text.length; + if (ch == null || ch > linelen) return {line: pos.line, ch: linelen}; + else if (ch < 0) return {line: pos.line, ch: 0}; + else return pos; + } + + function findPosH(dir, unit) { + var end = sel.inverted ? sel.from :, line = end.line, ch =; + var lineObj = getLine(line); + function findNextLine() { + for (var l = line + dir, e = dir < 0 ? -1 : doc.size; l != e; l += dir) { + var lo = getLine(l); + if (!lo.hidden) { line = l; lineObj = lo; return true; } + } + } + function moveOnce(boundToLine) { + if (ch == (dir < 0 ? 0 : lineObj.text.length)) { + if (!boundToLine && findNextLine()) ch = dir < 0 ? lineObj.text.length : 0; + else return false; + } else ch += dir; + return true; + } + if (unit == "char") moveOnce(); + else if (unit == "column") moveOnce(true); + else if (unit == "word") { + var sawWord = false; + for (;;) { + if (dir < 0) if (!moveOnce()) break; + if (isWordChar(lineObj.text.charAt(ch))) sawWord = true; + else if (sawWord) {if (dir < 0) {dir = 1; moveOnce();} break;} + if (dir > 0) if (!moveOnce()) break; + } + } + return {line: line, ch: ch}; + } + function moveH(dir, unit) { + var pos = dir < 0 ? sel.from :; + if (shiftSelecting || posEq(sel.from, pos = findPosH(dir, unit); + setCursor(pos.line,, true); + } + function deleteH(dir, unit) { + if (!posEq(sel.from, replaceRange("", sel.from,; + else if (dir < 0) replaceRange("", findPosH(dir, unit),; + else replaceRange("", sel.from, findPosH(dir, unit)); + userSelChange = true; + } + var goalColumn = null; + function moveV(dir, unit) { + var dist = 0, pos = localCoords(sel.inverted ? sel.from :, true); + if (goalColumn != null) pos.x = goalColumn; + if (unit == "page") dist = scroller.clientHeight; + else if (unit == "line") dist = textHeight(); + var target = coordsChar(pos.x, pos.y + dist * dir + 2); + setCursor(target.line,, true); + goalColumn = pos.x; + } + + function selectWordAt(pos) { + var line = getLine(pos.line).text; + var start =, end =; + while (start > 0 && isWordChar(line.charAt(start - 1))) --start; + while (end < line.length && isWordChar(line.charAt(end))) ++end; + setSelectionUser({line: pos.line, ch: start}, {line: pos.line, ch: end}); + } + function selectLine(line) { + setSelectionUser({line: line, ch: 0}, {line: line, ch: getLine(line).text.length}); + } + function indentSelected(mode) { + if (posEq(sel.from, return indentLine(sel.from.line, mode); + var e = - ( ? 0 : 1); + for (var i = sel.from.line; i <= e; ++i) indentLine(i, mode); + } + + function indentLine(n, how) { + if (!how) how = "add"; + if (how == "smart") { + if (!mode.indent) how = "prev"; + else var state = getStateBefore(n); + } + + var line = getLine(n), curSpace = line.indentation(options.tabSize), + curSpaceString = line.text.match(/^\s*/)[0], indentation; + if (how == "prev") { + if (n) indentation = getLine(n-1).indentation(options.tabSize); + else indentation = 0; + } + else if (how == "smart") indentation = mode.indent(state, line.text.slice(curSpaceString.length), line.text); + else if (how == "add") indentation = curSpace + options.indentUnit; + else if (how == "subtract") indentation = curSpace - options.indentUnit; + indentation = Math.max(0, indentation); + var diff = indentation - curSpace; + + if (!diff) { + if (sel.from.line != n && != n) return; + var indentString = curSpaceString; + } + else { + var indentString = "", pos = 0; + if (options.indentWithTabs) + for (var i = Math.floor(indentation / options.tabSize); i; --i) {pos += options.tabSize; indentString += "\t";} + while (pos < indentation) {++pos; indentString += " ";} + } + + replaceRange(indentString, {line: n, ch: 0}, {line: n, ch: curSpaceString.length}); + } + + function loadMode() { + mode = CodeMirror.getMode(options, options.mode); + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { line.stateAfter = null; }); + work = [0]; + startWorker(); + } + function gutterChanged() { + var visible = options.gutter || options.lineNumbers; + = visible ? "" : "none"; + if (visible) gutterDirty = true; + else = 0; + } + function wrappingChanged(from, to) { + if (options.lineWrapping) { + wrapper.className += " CodeMirror-wrap"; + var perLine = scroller.clientWidth / charWidth() - 3; + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { + if (line.hidden) return; + var guess = Math.ceil(line.text.length / perLine) || 1; + if (guess != 1) updateLineHeight(line, guess); + }); + = = ""; + } else { + wrapper.className = wrapper.className.replace(" CodeMirror-wrap", ""); + maxWidth = null; maxLine = ""; + doc.iter(0, doc.size, function(line) { + if (line.height != 1 && !line.hidden) updateLineHeight(line, 1); + if (line.text.length > maxLine.length) maxLine = line.text; + }); + } + changes.push({from: 0, to: doc.size}); + } + function computeTabText() { + for (var str = '', i = 0; i < options.tabSize; ++i) str += " "; + return str + ""; + } + function tabsChanged() { + tabText = computeTabText(); + updateDisplay(true); + } + function themeChanged() { + scroller.className = scroller.className.replace(/\s*cm-s-\w+/g, "") + + options.theme.replace(/(^|\s)\s*/g, " cm-s-"); + } + + function TextMarker() { this.set = []; } + TextMarker.prototype.clear = operation(function() { + var min = Infinity, max = -Infinity; + for (var i = 0, e = this.set.length; i < e; ++i) { + var line = this.set[i], mk = line.marked; + if (!mk || !line.parent) continue; + var lineN = lineNo(line); + min = Math.min(min, lineN); max = Math.max(max, lineN); + for (var j = 0; j < mk.length; ++j) + if (mk[j].set == this.set) mk.splice(j--, 1); + } + if (min != Infinity) + changes.push({from: min, to: max + 1}); + }); + TextMarker.prototype.find = function() { + var from, to; + for (var i = 0, e = this.set.length; i < e; ++i) { + var line = this.set[i], mk = line.marked; + for (var j = 0; j < mk.length; ++j) { + var mark = mk[j]; + if (mark.set == this.set) { + if (mark.from != null || != null) { + var found = lineNo(line); + if (found != null) { + if (mark.from != null) from = {line: found, ch: mark.from}; + if ( != null) to = {line: found, ch:}; + } + } + } + } + } + return {from: from, to: to}; + }; + + function markText(from, to, className) { + from = clipPos(from); to = clipPos(to); + var tm = new TextMarker(); + function add(line, from, to, className) { + getLine(line).addMark(new MarkedText(from, to, className, tm.set)); + } + if (from.line == to.line) add(from.line,,, className); + else { + add(from.line,, null, className); + for (var i = from.line + 1, e = to.line; i < e; ++i) + add(i, null, null, className); + add(to.line, null,, className); + } + changes.push({from: from.line, to: to.line + 1}); + return tm; + } + + function setBookmark(pos) { + pos = clipPos(pos); + var bm = new Bookmark(; + getLine(pos.line).addMark(bm); + return bm; + } + + function addGutterMarker(line, text, className) { + if (typeof line == "number") line = getLine(clipLine(line)); + line.gutterMarker = {text: text, style: className}; + gutterDirty = true; + return line; + } + function removeGutterMarker(line) { + if (typeof line == "number") line = getLine(clipLine(line)); + line.gutterMarker = null; + gutterDirty = true; + } + + function changeLine(handle, op) { + var no = handle, line = handle; + if (typeof handle == "number") line = getLine(clipLine(handle)); + else no = lineNo(handle); + if (no == null) return null; + if (op(line, no)) changes.push({from: no, to: no + 1}); + else return null; + return line; + } + function setLineClass(handle, className) { + return changeLine(handle, function(line) { + if (line.className != className) { + line.className = className; + return true; + } + }); + } + function setLineHidden(handle, hidden) { + return changeLine(handle, function(line, no) { + if (line.hidden != hidden) { + line.hidden = hidden; + updateLineHeight(line, hidden ? 0 : 1); + if (hidden && (sel.from.line == no || == no)) + setSelection(skipHidden(sel.from, sel.from.line,, + skipHidden(,,; + return (gutterDirty = true); + } + }); + } + + function lineInfo(line) { + if (typeof line == "number") { + if (!isLine(line)) return null; + var n = line; + line = getLine(line); + if (!line) return null; + } + else { + var n = lineNo(line); + if (n == null) return null; + } + var marker = line.gutterMarker; + return {line: n, handle: line, text: line.text, markerText: marker && marker.text, + markerClass: marker &&, lineClass: line.className}; + } + + function stringWidth(str) { + measure.innerHTML = "
    "; + measure.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = str; + return measure.firstChild.firstChild.offsetWidth || 10; + } + // These are used to go from pixel positions to character + // positions, taking varying character widths into account. + function charFromX(line, x) { + if (x <= 0) return 0; + var lineObj = getLine(line), text = lineObj.text; + function getX(len) { + measure.innerHTML = "
    " + lineObj.getHTML(null, null, false, tabText, len) + "
    "; + return measure.firstChild.firstChild.offsetWidth; + } + var from = 0, fromX = 0, to = text.length, toX; + // Guess a suitable upper bound for our search. + var estimated = Math.min(to, Math.ceil(x / charWidth())); + for (;;) { + var estX = getX(estimated); + if (estX <= x && estimated < to) estimated = Math.min(to, Math.ceil(estimated * 1.2)); + else {toX = estX; to = estimated; break;} + } + if (x > toX) return to; + // Try to guess a suitable lower bound as well. + estimated = Math.floor(to * 0.8); estX = getX(estimated); + if (estX < x) {from = estimated; fromX = estX;} + // Do a binary search between these bounds. + for (;;) { + if (to - from <= 1) return (toX - x > x - fromX) ? from : to; + var middle = Math.ceil((from + to) / 2), middleX = getX(middle); + if (middleX > x) {to = middle; toX = middleX;} + else {from = middle; fromX = middleX;} + } + } + + var tempId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16); + function measureLine(line, ch) { + var extra = ""; + // Include extra text at the end to make sure the measured line is wrapped in the right way. + if (options.lineWrapping) { + var end = line.text.indexOf(" ", ch + 2); + extra = htmlEscape(line.text.slice(ch + 1, end < 0 ? line.text.length : end + (ie ? 5 : 0))); + } + measure.innerHTML = "
    " + line.getHTML(null, null, false, tabText, ch) +
    +        '' + htmlEscape(line.text.charAt(ch) || " ") + "" +
    +        extra + "
    "; + var elt = document.getElementById("CodeMirror-temp-" + tempId); + var top = elt.offsetTop, left = elt.offsetLeft; + // Older IEs report zero offsets for spans directly after a wrap + if (ie && ch && top == 0 && left == 0) { + var backup = document.createElement("span"); + backup.innerHTML = "x"; + elt.parentNode.insertBefore(backup, elt.nextSibling); + top = backup.offsetTop; + } + return {top: top, left: left}; + } + function localCoords(pos, inLineWrap) { + var x, lh = textHeight(), y = lh * (heightAtLine(doc, pos.line) - (inLineWrap ? displayOffset : 0)); + if ( == 0) x = 0; + else { + var sp = measureLine(getLine(pos.line),; + x = sp.left; + if (options.lineWrapping) y += Math.max(0,; + } + return {x: x, y: y, yBot: y + lh}; + } + // Coords must be lineSpace-local + function coordsChar(x, y) { + if (y < 0) y = 0; + var th = textHeight(), cw = charWidth(), heightPos = displayOffset + Math.floor(y / th); + var lineNo = lineAtHeight(doc, heightPos); + if (lineNo >= doc.size) return {line: doc.size - 1, ch: getLine(doc.size - 1).text.length}; + var lineObj = getLine(lineNo), text = lineObj.text; + var tw = options.lineWrapping, innerOff = tw ? heightPos - heightAtLine(doc, lineNo) : 0; + if (x <= 0 && innerOff == 0) return {line: lineNo, ch: 0}; + function getX(len) { + var sp = measureLine(lineObj, len); + if (tw) { + var off = Math.round( / th); + return Math.max(0, sp.left + (off - innerOff) * scroller.clientWidth); + } + return sp.left; + } + var from = 0, fromX = 0, to = text.length, toX; + // Guess a suitable upper bound for our search. + var estimated = Math.min(to, Math.ceil((x + innerOff * scroller.clientWidth * .9) / cw)); + for (;;) { + var estX = getX(estimated); + if (estX <= x && estimated < to) estimated = Math.min(to, Math.ceil(estimated * 1.2)); + else {toX = estX; to = estimated; break;} + } + if (x > toX) return {line: lineNo, ch: to}; + // Try to guess a suitable lower bound as well. + estimated = Math.floor(to * 0.8); estX = getX(estimated); + if (estX < x) {from = estimated; fromX = estX;} + // Do a binary search between these bounds. + for (;;) { + if (to - from <= 1) return {line: lineNo, ch: (toX - x > x - fromX) ? from : to}; + var middle = Math.ceil((from + to) / 2), middleX = getX(middle); + if (middleX > x) {to = middle; toX = middleX;} + else {from = middle; fromX = middleX;} + } + } + function pageCoords(pos) { + var local = localCoords(pos, true), off = eltOffset(lineSpace); + return {x: off.left + local.x, y: + local.y, yBot: + local.yBot}; + } + + var cachedHeight, cachedHeightFor, measureText; + function textHeight() { + if (measureText == null) { + measureText = "
    +        for (var i = 0; i < 49; ++i) measureText += "x
    "; + measureText += "x
    "; + } + var offsetHeight = lineDiv.clientHeight; + if (offsetHeight == cachedHeightFor) return cachedHeight; + cachedHeightFor = offsetHeight; + measure.innerHTML = measureText; + cachedHeight = measure.firstChild.offsetHeight / 50 || 1; + measure.innerHTML = ""; + return cachedHeight; + } + var cachedWidth, cachedWidthFor = 0; + function charWidth() { + if (scroller.clientWidth == cachedWidthFor) return cachedWidth; + cachedWidthFor = scroller.clientWidth; + return (cachedWidth = stringWidth("x")); + } + function paddingTop() {return lineSpace.offsetTop;} + function paddingLeft() {return lineSpace.offsetLeft;} + + function posFromMouse(e, liberal) { + var offW = eltOffset(scroller, true), x, y; + // Fails unpredictably on IE[67] when mouse is dragged around quickly. + try { x = e.clientX; y = e.clientY; } catch (e) { return null; } + // This is a mess of a heuristic to try and determine whether a + // scroll-bar was clicked or not, and to return null if one was + // (and !liberal). + if (!liberal && (x - offW.left > scroller.clientWidth || y - > scroller.clientHeight)) + return null; + var offL = eltOffset(lineSpace, true); + return coordsChar(x - offL.left, y -; + } + function onContextMenu(e) { + var pos = posFromMouse(e); + if (!pos || window.opera) return; // Opera is difficult. + if (posEq(sel.from, || posLess(pos, sel.from) || !posLess(pos, + operation(setCursor)(pos.line,; + + var oldCSS =; + = "absolute"; + = "position: fixed; width: 30px; height: 30px; top: " + (e.clientY - 5) + + "px; left: " + (e.clientX - 5) + "px; z-index: 1000; background: white; " + + "border-width: 0; outline: none; overflow: hidden; opacity: .05; filter: alpha(opacity=5);"; + leaveInputAlone = true; + var val = input.value = getSelection(); + focusInput(); +; + function rehide() { + var newVal = splitLines(input.value).join("\n"); + if (newVal != val) operation(replaceSelection)(newVal, "end"); + = "relative"; + = oldCSS; + leaveInputAlone = false; + resetInput(true); + slowPoll(); + } + + if (gecko) { + e_stop(e); + var mouseup = connect(window, "mouseup", function() { + mouseup(); + setTimeout(rehide, 20); + }, true); + } + else { + setTimeout(rehide, 50); + } + } + + // Cursor-blinking + function restartBlink() { + clearInterval(blinker); + var on = true; + = ""; + blinker = setInterval(function() { + = (on = !on) ? "" : "hidden"; + }, 650); + } + + var matching = {"(": ")>", ")": "(<", "[": "]>", "]": "[<", "{": "}>", "}": "{<"}; + function matchBrackets(autoclear) { + var head = sel.inverted ? sel.from :, line = getLine(head.line), pos = - 1; + var match = (pos >= 0 && matching[line.text.charAt(pos)]) || matching[line.text.charAt(++pos)]; + if (!match) return; + var ch = match.charAt(0), forward = match.charAt(1) == ">", d = forward ? 1 : -1, st = line.styles; + for (var off = pos + 1, i = 0, e = st.length; i < e; i+=2) + if ((off -= st[i].length) <= 0) {var style = st[i+1]; break;} + + var stack = [line.text.charAt(pos)], re = /[(){}[\]]/; + function scan(line, from, to) { + if (!line.text) return; + var st = line.styles, pos = forward ? 0 : line.text.length - 1, cur; + for (var i = forward ? 0 : st.length - 2, e = forward ? st.length : -2; i != e; i += 2*d) { + var text = st[i]; + if (st[i+1] != null && st[i+1] != style) {pos += d * text.length; continue;} + for (var j = forward ? 0 : text.length - 1, te = forward ? text.length : -1; j != te; j += d, pos+=d) { + if (pos >= from && pos < to && re.test(cur = text.charAt(j))) { + var match = matching[cur]; + if (match.charAt(1) == ">" == forward) stack.push(cur); + else if (stack.pop() != match.charAt(0)) return {pos: pos, match: false}; + else if (!stack.length) return {pos: pos, match: true}; + } + } + } + } + for (var i = head.line, e = forward ? Math.min(i + 100, doc.size) : Math.max(-1, i - 100); i != e; i+=d) { + var line = getLine(i), first = i == head.line; + var found = scan(line, first && forward ? pos + 1 : 0, first && !forward ? pos : line.text.length); + if (found) break; + } + if (!found) found = {pos: null, match: false}; + var style = found.match ? "CodeMirror-matchingbracket" : "CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket"; + var one = markText({line: head.line, ch: pos}, {line: head.line, ch: pos+1}, style), + two = found.pos != null && markText({line: i, ch: found.pos}, {line: i, ch: found.pos + 1}, style); + var clear = operation(function(){one.clear(); two && two.clear();}); + if (autoclear) setTimeout(clear, 800); + else bracketHighlighted = clear; + } + + // Finds the line to start with when starting a parse. Tries to + // find a line with a stateAfter, so that it can start with a + // valid state. If that fails, it returns the line with the + // smallest indentation, which tends to need the least context to + // parse correctly. + function findStartLine(n) { + var minindent, minline; + for (var search = n, lim = n - 40; search > lim; --search) { + if (search == 0) return 0; + var line = getLine(search-1); + if (line.stateAfter) return search; + var indented = line.indentation(options.tabSize); + if (minline == null || minindent > indented) { + minline = search - 1; + minindent = indented; + } + } + return minline; + } + function getStateBefore(n) { + var start = findStartLine(n), state = start && getLine(start-1).stateAfter; + if (!state) state = startState(mode); + else state = copyState(mode, state); + doc.iter(start, n, function(line) { + line.highlight(mode, state, options.tabSize); + line.stateAfter = copyState(mode, state); + }); + if (start < n) changes.push({from: start, to: n}); + if (n < doc.size && !getLine(n).stateAfter) work.push(n); + return state; + } + function highlightLines(start, end) { + var state = getStateBefore(start); + doc.iter(start, end, function(line) { + line.highlight(mode, state, options.tabSize); + line.stateAfter = copyState(mode, state); + }); + } + function highlightWorker() { + var end = +new Date + options.workTime; + var foundWork = work.length; + while (work.length) { + if (!getLine(showingFrom).stateAfter) var task = showingFrom; + else var task = work.pop(); + if (task >= doc.size) continue; + var start = findStartLine(task), state = start && getLine(start-1).stateAfter; + if (state) state = copyState(mode, state); + else state = startState(mode); + + var unchanged = 0, compare = mode.compareStates, realChange = false, + i = start, bail = false; + doc.iter(i, doc.size, function(line) { + var hadState = line.stateAfter; + if (+new Date > end) { + work.push(i); + startWorker(options.workDelay); + if (realChange) changes.push({from: task, to: i + 1}); + return (bail = true); + } + var changed = line.highlight(mode, state, options.tabSize); + if (changed) realChange = true; + line.stateAfter = copyState(mode, state); + if (compare) { + if (hadState && compare(hadState, state)) return true; + } else { + if (changed !== false || !hadState) unchanged = 0; + else if (++unchanged > 3 && (!mode.indent || mode.indent(hadState, "") == mode.indent(state, ""))) + return true; + } + ++i; + }); + if (bail) return; + if (realChange) changes.push({from: task, to: i + 1}); + } + if (foundWork && options.onHighlightComplete) + options.onHighlightComplete(instance); + } + function startWorker(time) { + if (!work.length) return; + highlight.set(time, operation(highlightWorker)); + } + + // Operations are used to wrap changes in such a way that each + // change won't have to update the cursor and display (which would + // be awkward, slow, and error-prone), but instead updates are + // batched and then all combined and executed at once. + function startOperation() { + updateInput = userSelChange = textChanged = null; + changes = []; selectionChanged = false; callbacks = []; + } + function endOperation() { + var reScroll = false, updated; + if (selectionChanged) reScroll = !scrollCursorIntoView(); + if (changes.length) updated = updateDisplay(changes, true); + else { + if (selectionChanged) updateCursor(); + if (gutterDirty) updateGutter(); + } + if (reScroll) scrollCursorIntoView(); + if (selectionChanged) {scrollEditorIntoView(); restartBlink();} + + if (focused && !leaveInputAlone && + (updateInput === true || (updateInput !== false && selectionChanged))) + resetInput(userSelChange); + + if (selectionChanged && options.matchBrackets) + setTimeout(operation(function() { + if (bracketHighlighted) {bracketHighlighted(); bracketHighlighted = null;} + if (posEq(sel.from, matchBrackets(false); + }), 20); + var tc = textChanged, cbs = callbacks; // these can be reset by callbacks + if (selectionChanged && options.onCursorActivity) + options.onCursorActivity(instance); + if (tc && options.onChange && instance) + options.onChange(instance, tc); + for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; ++i) cbs[i](instance); + if (updated && options.onUpdate) options.onUpdate(instance); + } + var nestedOperation = 0; + function operation(f) { + return function() { + if (!nestedOperation++) startOperation(); + try {var result = f.apply(this, arguments);} + finally {if (!--nestedOperation) endOperation();} + return result; + }; + } + + for (var ext in extensions) + if (extensions.propertyIsEnumerable(ext) && + !instance.propertyIsEnumerable(ext)) + instance[ext] = extensions[ext]; + return instance; + } // (end of function CodeMirror) + + // The default configuration options. + CodeMirror.defaults = { + value: "", + mode: null, + theme: "default", + indentUnit: 2, + indentWithTabs: false, + tabSize: 4, + keyMap: "default", + extraKeys: null, + electricChars: true, + onKeyEvent: null, + lineWrapping: false, + lineNumbers: false, + gutter: false, + fixedGutter: false, + firstLineNumber: 1, + readOnly: false, + onChange: null, + onCursorActivity: null, + onGutterClick: null, + onHighlightComplete: null, + onUpdate: null, + onFocus: null, onBlur: null, onScroll: null, + matchBrackets: false, + workTime: 100, + workDelay: 200, + pollInterval: 100, + undoDepth: 40, + tabindex: null, + document: window.document + }; + + var mac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform); + var win = /Win/.test(navigator.platform); + + // Known modes, by name and by MIME + var modes = {}, mimeModes = {}; + CodeMirror.defineMode = function(name, mode) { + if (!CodeMirror.defaults.mode && name != "null") CodeMirror.defaults.mode = name; + modes[name] = mode; + }; + CodeMirror.defineMIME = function(mime, spec) { + mimeModes[mime] = spec; + }; + CodeMirror.getMode = function(options, spec) { + if (typeof spec == "string" && mimeModes.hasOwnProperty(spec)) + spec = mimeModes[spec]; + if (typeof spec == "string") + var mname = spec, config = {}; + else if (spec != null) + var mname =, config = spec; + var mfactory = modes[mname]; + if (!mfactory) { + if (window.console) console.warn("No mode " + mname + " found, falling back to plain text."); + return CodeMirror.getMode(options, "text/plain"); + } + return mfactory(options, config || {}); + }; + CodeMirror.listModes = function() { + var list = []; + for (var m in modes) + if (modes.propertyIsEnumerable(m)) list.push(m); + return list; + }; + CodeMirror.listMIMEs = function() { + var list = []; + for (var m in mimeModes) + if (mimeModes.propertyIsEnumerable(m)) list.push({mime: m, mode: mimeModes[m]}); + return list; + }; + + var extensions = CodeMirror.extensions = {}; + CodeMirror.defineExtension = function(name, func) { + extensions[name] = func; + }; + + var commands = CodeMirror.commands = { + selectAll: function(cm) {cm.setSelection({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: cm.lineCount() - 1});}, + killLine: function(cm) { + var from = cm.getCursor(true), to = cm.getCursor(false), sel = !posEq(from, to); + if (!sel && cm.getLine(from.line).length == cm.replaceRange("", from, {line: from.line + 1, ch: 0}); + else cm.replaceRange("", from, sel ? to : {line: from.line}); + }, + deleteLine: function(cm) {var l = cm.getCursor().line; cm.replaceRange("", {line: l, ch: 0}, {line: l});}, + undo: function(cm) {cm.undo();}, + redo: function(cm) {cm.redo();}, + goDocStart: function(cm) {cm.setCursor(0, 0, true);}, + goDocEnd: function(cm) {cm.setSelection({line: cm.lineCount() - 1}, null, true);}, + goLineStart: function(cm) {cm.setCursor(cm.getCursor().line, 0, true);}, + goLineStartSmart: function(cm) { + var cur = cm.getCursor(); + var text = cm.getLine(cur.line), firstNonWS = Math.max(0,\S/)); + cm.setCursor(cur.line, <= firstNonWS && ? 0 : firstNonWS, true); + }, + goLineEnd: function(cm) {cm.setSelection({line: cm.getCursor().line}, null, true);}, + goLineUp: function(cm) {cm.moveV(-1, "line");}, + goLineDown: function(cm) {cm.moveV(1, "line");}, + goPageUp: function(cm) {cm.moveV(-1, "page");}, + goPageDown: function(cm) {cm.moveV(1, "page");}, + goCharLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "char");}, + goCharRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "char");}, + goColumnLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "column");}, + goColumnRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "column");}, + goWordLeft: function(cm) {cm.moveH(-1, "word");}, + goWordRight: function(cm) {cm.moveH(1, "word");}, + delCharLeft: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(-1, "char");}, + delCharRight: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(1, "char");}, + delWordLeft: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(-1, "word");}, + delWordRight: function(cm) {cm.deleteH(1, "word");}, + indentAuto: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("smart");}, + indentMore: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("add");}, + indentLess: function(cm) {cm.indentSelection("subtract");}, + insertTab: function(cm) {cm.replaceSelection("\t", "end");}, + transposeChars: function(cm) { + var cur = cm.getCursor(), line = cm.getLine(cur.line); + if ( > 0 && < line.length - 1) + cm.replaceRange(line.charAt( + line.charAt( - 1), + {line: cur.line, ch: - 1}, {line: cur.line, ch: + 1}); + }, + newlineAndIndent: function(cm) { + cm.replaceSelection("\n", "end"); + cm.indentLine(cm.getCursor().line); + }, + toggleOverwrite: function(cm) {cm.toggleOverwrite();} + }; + + var keyMap = CodeMirror.keyMap = {}; + keyMap.basic = { + "Left": "goCharLeft", "Right": "goCharRight", "Up": "goLineUp", "Down": "goLineDown", + "End": "goLineEnd", "Home": "goLineStartSmart", "PageUp": "goPageUp", "PageDown": "goPageDown", + "Delete": "delCharRight", "Backspace": "delCharLeft", "Tab": "indentMore", "Shift-Tab": "indentLess", + "Enter": "newlineAndIndent", "Insert": "toggleOverwrite" + }; + // Note that the save and find-related commands aren't defined by + // default. Unknown commands are simply ignored. + keyMap.pcDefault = { + "Ctrl-A": "selectAll", "Ctrl-D": "deleteLine", "Ctrl-Z": "undo", "Shift-Ctrl-Z": "redo", "Ctrl-Y": "redo", + "Ctrl-Home": "goDocStart", "Alt-Up": "goDocStart", "Ctrl-End": "goDocEnd", "Ctrl-Down": "goDocEnd", + "Ctrl-Left": "goWordLeft", "Ctrl-Right": "goWordRight", "Alt-Left": "goLineStart", "Alt-Right": "goLineEnd", + "Ctrl-Backspace": "delWordLeft", "Ctrl-Delete": "delWordRight", "Ctrl-S": "save", "Ctrl-F": "find", + "Ctrl-G": "findNext", "Shift-Ctrl-G": "findPrev", "Shift-Ctrl-F": "replace", "Shift-Ctrl-R": "replaceAll", + fallthrough: "basic" + }; + keyMap.macDefault = { + "Cmd-A": "selectAll", "Cmd-D": "deleteLine", "Cmd-Z": "undo", "Shift-Cmd-Z": "redo", "Cmd-Y": "redo", + "Cmd-Up": "goDocStart", "Cmd-End": "goDocEnd", "Cmd-Down": "goDocEnd", "Alt-Left": "goWordLeft", + "Alt-Right": "goWordRight", "Cmd-Left": "goLineStart", "Cmd-Right": "goLineEnd", "Alt-Backspace": "delWordLeft", + "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace": "delWordRight", "Alt-Delete": "delWordRight", "Cmd-S": "save", "Cmd-F": "find", + "Cmd-G": "findNext", "Shift-Cmd-G": "findPrev", "Cmd-Alt-F": "replace", "Shift-Cmd-Alt-F": "replaceAll", + fallthrough: ["basic", "emacsy"] + }; + keyMap["default"] = mac ? keyMap.macDefault : keyMap.pcDefault; + keyMap.emacsy = { + "Ctrl-F": "goCharRight", "Ctrl-B": "goCharLeft", "Ctrl-P": "goLineUp", "Ctrl-N": "goLineDown", + "Alt-F": "goWordRight", "Alt-B": "goWordLeft", "Ctrl-A": "goLineStart", "Ctrl-E": "goLineEnd", + "Ctrl-V": "goPageUp", "Shift-Ctrl-V": "goPageDown", "Ctrl-D": "delCharRight", "Ctrl-H": "delCharLeft", + "Alt-D": "delWordRight", "Alt-Backspace": "delWordLeft", "Ctrl-K": "killLine", "Ctrl-T": "transposeChars" + }; + + function lookupKey(name, extraMap, map) { + function lookup(name, map, ft) { + var found = map[name]; + if (found != null) return found; + if (ft == null) ft = map.fallthrough; + if (ft == null) return map.catchall; + if (typeof ft == "string") return lookup(name, keyMap[ft]); + for (var i = 0, e = ft.length; i < e; ++i) { + found = lookup(name, keyMap[ft[i]]); + if (found != null) return found; + } + return null; + } + return extraMap ? lookup(name, extraMap, map) : lookup(name, keyMap[map]); + } + function isModifierKey(event) { + var name = keyNames[event.keyCode]; + return name == "Ctrl" || name == "Alt" || name == "Shift" || name == "Mod"; + } + + CodeMirror.fromTextArea = function(textarea, options) { + if (!options) options = {}; + options.value = textarea.value; + if (!options.tabindex && textarea.tabindex) + options.tabindex = textarea.tabindex; + + function save() {textarea.value = instance.getValue();} + if (textarea.form) { + // Deplorable hack to make the submit method do the right thing. + var rmSubmit = connect(textarea.form, "submit", save, true); + if (typeof textarea.form.submit == "function") { + var realSubmit = textarea.form.submit; + function wrappedSubmit() { + save(); + textarea.form.submit = realSubmit; + textarea.form.submit(); + textarea.form.submit = wrappedSubmit; + } + textarea.form.submit = wrappedSubmit; + } + } + + = "none"; + var instance = CodeMirror(function(node) { + textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(node, textarea.nextSibling); + }, options); + = save; + instance.getTextArea = function() { return textarea; }; + instance.toTextArea = function() { + save(); + textarea.parentNode.removeChild(instance.getWrapperElement()); + = ""; + if (textarea.form) { + rmSubmit(); + if (typeof textarea.form.submit == "function") + textarea.form.submit = realSubmit; + } + }; + return instance; + }; + + // Utility functions for working with state. Exported because modes + // sometimes need to do this. + function copyState(mode, state) { + if (state === true) return state; + if (mode.copyState) return mode.copyState(state); + var nstate = {}; + for (var n in state) { + var val = state[n]; + if (val instanceof Array) val = val.concat([]); + nstate[n] = val; + } + return nstate; + } + CodeMirror.copyState = copyState; + function startState(mode, a1, a2) { + return mode.startState ? mode.startState(a1, a2) : true; + } + CodeMirror.startState = startState; + + // The character stream used by a mode's parser. + function StringStream(string, tabSize) { + this.pos = this.start = 0; + this.string = string; + this.tabSize = tabSize || 8; + } + StringStream.prototype = { + eol: function() {return this.pos >= this.string.length;}, + sol: function() {return this.pos == 0;}, + peek: function() {return this.string.charAt(this.pos);}, + next: function() { + if (this.pos < this.string.length) + return this.string.charAt(this.pos++); + }, + eat: function(match) { + var ch = this.string.charAt(this.pos); + if (typeof match == "string") var ok = ch == match; + else var ok = ch && (match.test ? match.test(ch) : match(ch)); + if (ok) {++this.pos; return ch;} + }, + eatWhile: function(match) { + var start = this.pos; + while ({} + return this.pos > start; + }, + eatSpace: function() { + var start = this.pos; + while (/[\s\u00a0]/.test(this.string.charAt(this.pos))) ++this.pos; + return this.pos > start; + }, + skipToEnd: function() {this.pos = this.string.length;}, + skipTo: function(ch) { + var found = this.string.indexOf(ch, this.pos); + if (found > -1) {this.pos = found; return true;} + }, + backUp: function(n) {this.pos -= n;}, + column: function() {return countColumn(this.string, this.start, this.tabSize);}, + indentation: function() {return countColumn(this.string, null, this.tabSize);}, + match: function(pattern, consume, caseInsensitive) { + if (typeof pattern == "string") { + function cased(str) {return caseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase() : str;} + if (cased(this.string).indexOf(cased(pattern), this.pos) == this.pos) { + if (consume !== false) this.pos += pattern.length; + return true; + } + } + else { + var match = this.string.slice(this.pos).match(pattern); + if (match && consume !== false) this.pos += match[0].length; + return match; + } + }, + current: function(){return this.string.slice(this.start, this.pos);} + }; + CodeMirror.StringStream = StringStream; + + function MarkedText(from, to, className, set) { + this.from = from; = to; = className; this.set = set; + } + MarkedText.prototype = { + attach: function(line) { this.set.push(line); }, + detach: function(line) { + var ix = indexOf(this.set, line); + if (ix > -1) this.set.splice(ix, 1); + }, + split: function(pos, lenBefore) { + if ( <= pos && != null) return null; + var from = this.from < pos || this.from == null ? null : this.from - pos + lenBefore; + var to = == null ? null : - pos + lenBefore; + return new MarkedText(from, to,, this.set); + }, + dup: function() { return new MarkedText(null, null,, this.set); }, + clipTo: function(fromOpen, from, toOpen, to, diff) { + if (this.from != null && this.from >= from) + this.from = Math.max(to, this.from) + diff; + if ( != null && > from) + = to < ? + diff : from; + if (fromOpen && to > this.from && (to < || == null)) + this.from = null; + if (toOpen && (from < || == null) && (from > this.from || this.from == null)) + = null; + }, + isDead: function() { return this.from != null && != null && this.from >=; }, + sameSet: function(x) { return this.set == x.set; } + }; + + function Bookmark(pos) { + this.from = pos; = pos; this.line = null; + } + Bookmark.prototype = { + attach: function(line) { this.line = line; }, + detach: function(line) { if (this.line == line) this.line = null; }, + split: function(pos, lenBefore) { + if (pos < this.from) { + this.from = = (this.from - pos) + lenBefore; + return this; + } + }, + isDead: function() { return this.from >; }, + clipTo: function(fromOpen, from, toOpen, to, diff) { + if ((fromOpen || from < this.from) && (toOpen || to > { + this.from = 0; = -1; + } else if (this.from > from) { + this.from = = Math.max(to, this.from) + diff; + } + }, + sameSet: function(x) { return false; }, + find: function() { + if (!this.line || !this.line.parent) return null; + return {line: lineNo(this.line), ch: this.from}; + }, + clear: function() { + if (this.line) { + var found = indexOf(this.line.marked, this); + if (found != -1) this.line.marked.splice(found, 1); + this.line = null; + } + } + }; + + // Line objects. These hold state related to a line, including + // highlighting info (the styles array). + function Line(text, styles) { + this.styles = styles || [text, null]; + this.text = text; + this.height = 1; + this.marked = this.gutterMarker = this.className = this.handlers = null; + this.stateAfter = this.parent = this.hidden = null; + } + Line.inheritMarks = function(text, orig) { + var ln = new Line(text), mk = orig && orig.marked; + if (mk) { + for (var i = 0; i < mk.length; ++i) { + if (mk[i].to == null && mk[i].style) { + var newmk = ln.marked || (ln.marked = []), mark = mk[i]; + var nmark = mark.dup(); newmk.push(nmark); nmark.attach(ln); + } + } + } + return ln; + } + Line.prototype = { + // Replace a piece of a line, keeping the styles around it intact. + replace: function(from, to_, text) { + var st = [], mk = this.marked, to = to_ == null ? this.text.length : to_; + copyStyles(0, from, this.styles, st); + if (text) st.push(text, null); + copyStyles(to, this.text.length, this.styles, st); + this.styles = st; + this.text = this.text.slice(0, from) + text + this.text.slice(to); + this.stateAfter = null; + if (mk) { + var diff = text.length - (to - from); + for (var i = 0, mark = mk[i]; i < mk.length; ++i) { + mark.clipTo(from == null, from || 0, to_ == null, to, diff); + if (mark.isDead()) {mark.detach(this); mk.splice(i--, 1);} + } + } + }, + // Split a part off a line, keeping styles and markers intact. + split: function(pos, textBefore) { + var st = [textBefore, null], mk = this.marked; + copyStyles(pos, this.text.length, this.styles, st); + var taken = new Line(textBefore + this.text.slice(pos), st); + if (mk) { + for (var i = 0; i < mk.length; ++i) { + var mark = mk[i]; + var newmark = mark.split(pos, textBefore.length); + if (newmark) { + if (!taken.marked) taken.marked = []; + taken.marked.push(newmark); newmark.attach(taken); + } + } + } + return taken; + }, + append: function(line) { + var mylen = this.text.length, mk = line.marked, mymk = this.marked; + this.text += line.text; + copyStyles(0, line.text.length, line.styles, this.styles); + if (mymk) { + for (var i = 0; i < mymk.length; ++i) + if (mymk[i].to == null) mymk[i].to = mylen; + } + if (mk && mk.length) { + if (!mymk) this.marked = mymk = []; + outer: for (var i = 0; i < mk.length; ++i) { + var mark = mk[i]; + if (!mark.from) { + for (var j = 0; j < mymk.length; ++j) { + var mymark = mymk[j]; + if ( == mylen && mymark.sameSet(mark)) { + = == null ? null : + mylen; + if (mymark.isDead()) { + mymark.detach(this); + mk.splice(i--, 1); + } + continue outer; + } + } + } + mymk.push(mark); + mark.attach(this); + mark.from += mylen; + if ( != null) += mylen; + } + } + }, + fixMarkEnds: function(other) { + var mk = this.marked, omk = other.marked; + if (!mk) return; + for (var i = 0; i < mk.length; ++i) { + var mark = mk[i], close = == null; + if (close && omk) { + for (var j = 0; j < omk.length; ++j) + if (omk[j].sameSet(mark)) {close = false; break;} + } + if (close) = this.text.length; + } + }, + fixMarkStarts: function() { + var mk = this.marked; + if (!mk) return; + for (var i = 0; i < mk.length; ++i) + if (mk[i].from == null) mk[i].from = 0; + }, + addMark: function(mark) { + mark.attach(this); + if (this.marked == null) this.marked = []; + this.marked.push(mark); + this.marked.sort(function(a, b){return (a.from || 0) - (b.from || 0);}); + }, + // Run the given mode's parser over a line, update the styles + // array, which contains alternating fragments of text and CSS + // classes. + highlight: function(mode, state, tabSize) { + var stream = new StringStream(this.text, tabSize), st = this.styles, pos = 0; + var changed = false, curWord = st[0], prevWord; + if (this.text == "" && mode.blankLine) mode.blankLine(state); + while (!stream.eol()) { + var style = mode.token(stream, state); + var substr = this.text.slice(stream.start, stream.pos); + stream.start = stream.pos; + if (pos && st[pos-1] == style) + st[pos-2] += substr; + else if (substr) { + if (!changed && (st[pos+1] != style || (pos && st[pos-2] != prevWord))) changed = true; + st[pos++] = substr; st[pos++] = style; + prevWord = curWord; curWord = st[pos]; + } + // Give up when line is ridiculously long + if (stream.pos > 5000) { + st[pos++] = this.text.slice(stream.pos); st[pos++] = null; + break; + } + } + if (st.length != pos) {st.length = pos; changed = true;} + if (pos && st[pos-2] != prevWord) changed = true; + // Short lines with simple highlights return null, and are + // counted as changed by the driver because they are likely to + // highlight the same way in various contexts. + return changed || (st.length < 5 && this.text.length < 10 ? null : false); + }, + // Fetch the parser token for a given character. Useful for hacks + // that want to inspect the mode state (say, for completion). + getTokenAt: function(mode, state, ch) { + var txt = this.text, stream = new StringStream(txt); + while (stream.pos < ch && !stream.eol()) { + stream.start = stream.pos; + var style = mode.token(stream, state); + } + return {start: stream.start, + end: stream.pos, + string: stream.current(), + className: style || null, + state: state}; + }, + indentation: function(tabSize) {return countColumn(this.text, null, tabSize);}, + // Produces an HTML fragment for the line, taking selection, + // marking, and highlighting into account. + getHTML: function(sfrom, sto, includePre, tabText, endAt) { + var html = [], first = true; + if (includePre) + html.push(this.className ? '
    ': "
    +      function span(text, style) {
    +        if (!text) return;
    +        // Work around a bug where, in some compat modes, IE ignores leading spaces
    +        if (first && ie && text.charAt(0) == " ") text = "\u00a0" + text.slice(1);
    +        first = false;
    +        if (style) html.push('', htmlEscape(text).replace(/\t/g, tabText), "");
    +        else html.push(htmlEscape(text).replace(/\t/g, tabText));
    +      }
    +      var st = this.styles, allText = this.text, marked = this.marked;
    +      if (sfrom == sto) sfrom = null;
    +      var len = allText.length;
    +      if (endAt != null) len = Math.min(endAt, len);
    +      if (!allText && endAt == null)
    +        span(" ", sfrom != null && sto == null ? "CodeMirror-selected" : null);
    +      else if (!marked && sfrom == null)
    +        for (var i = 0, ch = 0; ch < len; i+=2) {
    +          var str = st[i], style = st[i+1], l = str.length;
    +          if (ch + l > len) str = str.slice(0, len - ch);
    +          ch += l;
    +          span(str, style && "cm-" + style);
    +        }
    +      else {
    +        var pos = 0, i = 0, text = "", style, sg = 0;
    +        var markpos = -1, mark = null;
    +        function nextMark() {
    +          if (marked) {
    +            markpos += 1;
    +            mark = (markpos < marked.length) ? marked[markpos] : null;
    +          }
    +        }
    +        nextMark();
    +        while (pos < len) {
    +          var upto = len;
    +          var extraStyle = "";
    +          if (sfrom != null) {
    +            if (sfrom > pos) upto = sfrom;
    +            else if (sto == null || sto > pos) {
    +              extraStyle = " CodeMirror-selected";
    +              if (sto != null) upto = Math.min(upto, sto);
    +            }
    +          }
    +          while (mark && != null && <= pos) nextMark();
    +          if (mark) {
    +            if (mark.from > pos) upto = Math.min(upto, mark.from);
    +            else {
    +              extraStyle += " " +;
    +              if ( != null) upto = Math.min(upto,;
    +            }
    +          }
    +          for (;;) {
    +            var end = pos + text.length;
    +            var appliedStyle = style;
    +            if (extraStyle) appliedStyle = style ? style + extraStyle : extraStyle;
    +            span(end > upto ? text.slice(0, upto - pos) : text, appliedStyle);
    +            if (end >= upto) {text = text.slice(upto - pos); pos = upto; break;}
    +            pos = end;
    +            text = st[i++]; style = "cm-" + st[i++];
    +          }
    +        }
    +        if (sfrom != null && sto == null) span(" ", "CodeMirror-selected");
    +      }
    +      if (includePre) html.push("
    "); + return html.join(""); + }, + cleanUp: function() { + this.parent = null; + if (this.marked) + for (var i = 0, e = this.marked.length; i < e; ++i) this.marked[i].detach(this); + } + }; + // Utility used by replace and split above + function copyStyles(from, to, source, dest) { + for (var i = 0, pos = 0, state = 0; pos < to; i+=2) { + var part = source[i], end = pos + part.length; + if (state == 0) { + if (end > from) dest.push(part.slice(from - pos, Math.min(part.length, to - pos)), source[i+1]); + if (end >= from) state = 1; + } + else if (state == 1) { + if (end > to) dest.push(part.slice(0, to - pos), source[i+1]); + else dest.push(part, source[i+1]); + } + pos = end; + } + } + + // Data structure that holds the sequence of lines. + function LeafChunk(lines) { + this.lines = lines; + this.parent = null; + for (var i = 0, e = lines.length, height = 0; i < e; ++i) { + lines[i].parent = this; + height += lines[i].height; + } + this.height = height; + } + LeafChunk.prototype = { + chunkSize: function() { return this.lines.length; }, + remove: function(at, n, callbacks) { + for (var i = at, e = at + n; i < e; ++i) { + var line = this.lines[i]; + this.height -= line.height; + line.cleanUp(); + if (line.handlers) + for (var j = 0; j < line.handlers.length; ++j) callbacks.push(line.handlers[j]); + } + this.lines.splice(at, n); + }, + collapse: function(lines) { + lines.splice.apply(lines, [lines.length, 0].concat(this.lines)); + }, + insertHeight: function(at, lines, height) { + this.height += height; + this.lines.splice.apply(this.lines, [at, 0].concat(lines)); + for (var i = 0, e = lines.length; i < e; ++i) lines[i].parent = this; + }, + iterN: function(at, n, op) { + for (var e = at + n; at < e; ++at) + if (op(this.lines[at])) return true; + } + }; + function BranchChunk(children) { + this.children = children; + var size = 0, height = 0; + for (var i = 0, e = children.length; i < e; ++i) { + var ch = children[i]; + size += ch.chunkSize(); height += ch.height; + ch.parent = this; + } + this.size = size; + this.height = height; + this.parent = null; + } + BranchChunk.prototype = { + chunkSize: function() { return this.size; }, + remove: function(at, n, callbacks) { + this.size -= n; + for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i) { + var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); + if (at < sz) { + var rm = Math.min(n, sz - at), oldHeight = child.height; + child.remove(at, rm, callbacks); + this.height -= oldHeight - child.height; + if (sz == rm) { this.children.splice(i--, 1); child.parent = null; } + if ((n -= rm) == 0) break; + at = 0; + } else at -= sz; + } + if (this.size - n < 25) { + var lines = []; + this.collapse(lines); + this.children = [new LeafChunk(lines)]; + } + }, + collapse: function(lines) { + for (var i = 0, e = this.children.length; i < e; ++i) this.children[i].collapse(lines); + }, + insert: function(at, lines) { + var height = 0; + for (var i = 0, e = lines.length; i < e; ++i) height += lines[i].height; + this.insertHeight(at, lines, height); + }, + insertHeight: function(at, lines, height) { + this.size += lines.length; + this.height += height; + for (var i = 0, e = this.children.length; i < e; ++i) { + var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); + if (at <= sz) { + child.insertHeight(at, lines, height); + if (child.lines && child.lines.length > 50) { + while (child.lines.length > 50) { + var spilled = child.lines.splice(child.lines.length - 25, 25); + var newleaf = new LeafChunk(spilled); + child.height -= newleaf.height; + this.children.splice(i + 1, 0, newleaf); + newleaf.parent = this; + } + this.maybeSpill(); + } + break; + } + at -= sz; + } + }, + maybeSpill: function() { + if (this.children.length <= 10) return; + var me = this; + do { + var spilled = me.children.splice(me.children.length - 5, 5); + var sibling = new BranchChunk(spilled); + if (!me.parent) { // Become the parent node + var copy = new BranchChunk(me.children); + copy.parent = me; + me.children = [copy, sibling]; + me = copy; + } else { + me.size -= sibling.size; + me.height -= sibling.height; + var myIndex = indexOf(me.parent.children, me); + me.parent.children.splice(myIndex + 1, 0, sibling); + } + sibling.parent = me.parent; + } while (me.children.length > 10); + me.parent.maybeSpill(); + }, + iter: function(from, to, op) { this.iterN(from, to - from, op); }, + iterN: function(at, n, op) { + for (var i = 0, e = this.children.length; i < e; ++i) { + var child = this.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); + if (at < sz) { + var used = Math.min(n, sz - at); + if (child.iterN(at, used, op)) return true; + if ((n -= used) == 0) break; + at = 0; + } else at -= sz; + } + } + }; + + function getLineAt(chunk, n) { + while (!chunk.lines) { + for (var i = 0;; ++i) { + var child = chunk.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); + if (n < sz) { chunk = child; break; } + n -= sz; + } + } + return chunk.lines[n]; + } + function lineNo(line) { + if (line.parent == null) return null; + var cur = line.parent, no = indexOf(cur.lines, line); + for (var chunk = cur.parent; chunk; cur = chunk, chunk = chunk.parent) { + for (var i = 0, e = chunk.children.length; ; ++i) { + if (chunk.children[i] == cur) break; + no += chunk.children[i].chunkSize(); + } + } + return no; + } + function lineAtHeight(chunk, h) { + var n = 0; + outer: do { + for (var i = 0, e = chunk.children.length; i < e; ++i) { + var child = chunk.children[i], ch = child.height; + if (h < ch) { chunk = child; continue outer; } + h -= ch; + n += child.chunkSize(); + } + return n; + } while (!chunk.lines); + for (var i = 0, e = chunk.lines.length; i < e; ++i) { + var line = chunk.lines[i], lh = line.height; + if (h < lh) break; + h -= lh; + } + return n + i; + } + function heightAtLine(chunk, n) { + var h = 0; + outer: do { + for (var i = 0, e = chunk.children.length; i < e; ++i) { + var child = chunk.children[i], sz = child.chunkSize(); + if (n < sz) { chunk = child; continue outer; } + n -= sz; + h += child.height; + } + return h; + } while (!chunk.lines); + for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) h += chunk.lines[i].height; + return h; + } + + // The history object 'chunks' changes that are made close together + // and at almost the same time into bigger undoable units. + function History() { + this.time = 0; + this.done = []; this.undone = []; + } + History.prototype = { + addChange: function(start, added, old) { + this.undone.length = 0; + var time = +new Date, last = this.done[this.done.length - 1]; + if (time - this.time > 400 || !last || + last.start > start + added || last.start + last.added < start - last.added + last.old.length) + this.done.push({start: start, added: added, old: old}); + else { + var oldoff = 0; + if (start < last.start) { + for (var i = last.start - start - 1; i >= 0; --i) + last.old.unshift(old[i]); + last.added += last.start - start; + last.start = start; + } + else if (last.start < start) { + oldoff = start - last.start; + added += oldoff; + } + for (var i = last.added - oldoff, e = old.length; i < e; ++i) + last.old.push(old[i]); + if (last.added < added) last.added = added; + } + this.time = time; + } + }; + + function stopMethod() {e_stop(this);} + // Ensure an event has a stop method. + function addStop(event) { + if (!event.stop) event.stop = stopMethod; + return event; + } + + function e_preventDefault(e) { + if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); + else e.returnValue = false; + } + function e_stopPropagation(e) { + if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); + else e.cancelBubble = true; + } + function e_stop(e) {e_preventDefault(e); e_stopPropagation(e);} + CodeMirror.e_stop = e_stop; + CodeMirror.e_preventDefault = e_preventDefault; + CodeMirror.e_stopPropagation = e_stopPropagation; + + function e_target(e) {return || e.srcElement;} + function e_button(e) { + if (e.which) return e.which; + else if (e.button & 1) return 1; + else if (e.button & 2) return 3; + else if (e.button & 4) return 2; + } + + // Event handler registration. If disconnect is true, it'll return a + // function that unregisters the handler. + function connect(node, type, handler, disconnect) { + if (typeof node.addEventListener == "function") { + node.addEventListener(type, handler, false); + if (disconnect) return function() {node.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);}; + } + else { + var wrapHandler = function(event) {handler(event || window.event);}; + node.attachEvent("on" + type, wrapHandler); + if (disconnect) return function() {node.detachEvent("on" + type, wrapHandler);}; + } + } + CodeMirror.connect = connect; + + function Delayed() { = null;} + Delayed.prototype = {set: function(ms, f) {clearTimeout(; = setTimeout(f, ms);}}; + + // Detect drag-and-drop + var dragAndDrop = function() { + // IE8 has ondragstart and ondrop properties, but doesn't seem to + // actually support ondragstart the way it's supposed to work. + if (/MSIE [1-8]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent)) return false; + var div = document.createElement('div'); + return "draggable" in div; + }(); + + var gecko = /gecko\/\d{7}/i.test(navigator.userAgent); + var ie = /MSIE \d/.test(navigator.userAgent); + var webkit = /WebKit\//.test(navigator.userAgent); + + var lineSep = "\n"; + // Feature-detect whether newlines in textareas are converted to \r\n + (function () { + var te = document.createElement("textarea"); + te.value = "foo\nbar"; + if (te.value.indexOf("\r") > -1) lineSep = "\r\n"; + }()); + + // Counts the column offset in a string, taking tabs into account. + // Used mostly to find indentation. + function countColumn(string, end, tabSize) { + if (end == null) { + end =[^\s\u00a0]/); + if (end == -1) end = string.length; + } + for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < end; ++i) { + if (string.charAt(i) == "\t") n += tabSize - (n % tabSize); + else ++n; + } + return n; + } + + function computedStyle(elt) { + if (elt.currentStyle) return elt.currentStyle; + return window.getComputedStyle(elt, null); + } + + // Find the position of an element by following the offsetParent chain. + // If screen==true, it returns screen (rather than page) coordinates. + function eltOffset(node, screen) { + var bod = node.ownerDocument.body; + var x = 0, y = 0, skipBody = false; + for (var n = node; n; n = n.offsetParent) { + var ol = n.offsetLeft, ot = n.offsetTop; + // Firefox reports weird inverted offsets when the body has a border. + if (n == bod) { x += Math.abs(ol); y += Math.abs(ot); } + else { x += ol, y += ot; } + if (screen && computedStyle(n).position == "fixed") + skipBody = true; + } + var e = screen && !skipBody ? null : bod; + for (var n = node.parentNode; n != e; n = n.parentNode) + if (n.scrollLeft != null) { x -= n.scrollLeft; y -= n.scrollTop;} + return {left: x, top: y}; + } + // Use the faster and saner getBoundingClientRect method when possible. + if (document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect != null) eltOffset = function(node, screen) { + // Take the parts of bounding client rect that we are interested in so we are able to edit if need be, + // since the returned value cannot be changed externally (they are kept in sync as the element moves within the page) + try { var box = node.getBoundingClientRect(); box = { top:, left: box.left }; } + catch(e) { box = {top: 0, left: 0}; } + if (!screen) { + // Get the toplevel scroll, working around browser differences. + if (window.pageYOffset == null) { + var t = document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode; + if (t.scrollTop == null) t = document.body; + += t.scrollTop; box.left += t.scrollLeft; + } else { + += window.pageYOffset; box.left += window.pageXOffset; + } + } + return box; + }; + + // Get a node's text content. + function eltText(node) { + return node.textContent || node.innerText || node.nodeValue || ""; + } + + // Operations on {line, ch} objects. + function posEq(a, b) {return a.line == b.line && ==;} + function posLess(a, b) {return a.line < b.line || (a.line == b.line && <;} + function copyPos(x) {return {line: x.line, ch:};} + + var escapeElement = document.createElement("pre"); + function htmlEscape(str) { + escapeElement.textContent = str; + return escapeElement.innerHTML; + } + // Recent (late 2011) Opera betas insert bogus newlines at the start + // of the textContent, so we strip those. + if (htmlEscape("a") == "\na") + htmlEscape = function(str) { + escapeElement.textContent = str; + return escapeElement.innerHTML.slice(1); + }; + // Some IEs don't preserve tabs through innerHTML + else if (htmlEscape("\t") != "\t") + htmlEscape = function(str) { + escapeElement.innerHTML = ""; + escapeElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); + return escapeElement.innerHTML; + }; + CodeMirror.htmlEscape = htmlEscape; + + // Used to position the cursor after an undo/redo by finding the + // last edited character. + function editEnd(from, to) { + if (!to) return from ? from.length : 0; + if (!from) return to.length; + for (var i = from.length, j = to.length; i >= 0 && j >= 0; --i, --j) + if (from.charAt(i) != to.charAt(j)) break; + return j + 1; + } + + function indexOf(collection, elt) { + if (collection.indexOf) return collection.indexOf(elt); + for (var i = 0, e = collection.length; i < e; ++i) + if (collection[i] == elt) return i; + return -1; + } + function isWordChar(ch) { + return /\w/.test(ch) || ch.toUpperCase() != ch.toLowerCase(); + } + + // See if "".split is the broken IE version, if so, provide an + // alternative way to split lines. + var splitLines = "\n\nb".split(/\n/).length != 3 ? function(string) { + var pos = 0, nl, result = []; + while ((nl = string.indexOf("\n", pos)) > -1) { + result.push(string.slice(pos, string.charAt(nl-1) == "\r" ? nl - 1 : nl)); + pos = nl + 1; + } + result.push(string.slice(pos)); + return result; + } : function(string){return string.split(/\r?\n/);}; + CodeMirror.splitLines = splitLines; + + var hasSelection = window.getSelection ? function(te) { + try { return te.selectionStart != te.selectionEnd; } + catch(e) { return false; } + } : function(te) { + try {var range = te.ownerDocument.selection.createRange();} + catch(e) {} + if (!range || range.parentElement() != te) return false; + return range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", range) != 0; + }; + + CodeMirror.defineMode("null", function() { + return {token: function(stream) {stream.skipToEnd();}}; + }); + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/plain", "null"); + + var keyNames = {3: "Enter", 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Ctrl", 18: "Alt", + 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Esc", 32: "Space", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", + 36: "Home", 37: "Left", 38: "Up", 39: "Right", 40: "Down", 44: "PrintScrn", 45: "Insert", + 46: "Delete", 59: ";", 91: "Mod", 92: "Mod", 93: "Mod", 186: ";", 187: "=", 188: ",", + 189: "-", 190: ".", 191: "/", 192: "`", 219: "[", 220: "\\", 221: "]", 222: "'", 63276: "PageUp", + 63277: "PageDown", 63275: "End", 63273: "Home", 63234: "Left", 63232: "Up", 63235: "Right", + 63233: "Down", 63302: "Insert", 63272: "Delete"}; + CodeMirror.keyNames = keyNames; + (function() { + // Number keys + for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) keyNames[i + 48] = String(i); + // Alphabetic keys + for (var i = 65; i <= 90; i++) keyNames[i] = String.fromCharCode(i); + // Function keys + for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) keyNames[i + 111] = keyNames[i + 63235] = "F" + i; + })(); + + return CodeMirror; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/dialog.css @@ -1,1 +1,24 @@ +.CodeMirror-dialog { + position: relative; +} +.CodeMirror-dialog > div { + position: absolute; + top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; + background: white; + border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; + z-index: 15; + padding: .1em .8em; + overflow: hidden; + color: #333; +} + +.CodeMirror-dialog input { + border: none; + outline: none; + background: transparent; + width: 20em; + color: inherit; + font-family: monospace; +} + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/dialog.js @@ -1,1 +1,63 @@ +// Open simple dialogs on top of an editor. Relies on dialog.css. +(function() { + function dialogDiv(cm, template) { + var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(); + var dialog = wrap.insertBefore(document.createElement("div"), wrap.firstChild); + dialog.className = "CodeMirror-dialog"; + dialog.innerHTML = '
    ' + template + '
    '; + return dialog; + } + + CodeMirror.defineExtension("openDialog", function(template, callback) { + var dialog = dialogDiv(this, template); + var closed = false, me = this; + function close() { + if (closed) return; + closed = true; + dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); + } + var inp = dialog.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; + if (inp) { + CodeMirror.connect(inp, "keydown", function(e) { + if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 27) { + CodeMirror.e_stop(e); + close(); + me.focus(); + if (e.keyCode == 13) callback(inp.value); + } + }); + inp.focus(); + CodeMirror.connect(inp, "blur", close); + } + return close; + }); + + CodeMirror.defineExtension("openConfirm", function(template, callbacks) { + var dialog = dialogDiv(this, template); + var buttons = dialog.getElementsByTagName("button"); + var closed = false, me = this, blurring = 1; + function close() { + if (closed) return; + closed = true; + dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); + me.focus(); + } + buttons[0].focus(); + for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { + var b = buttons[i]; + (function(callback) { + CodeMirror.connect(b, "click", function(e) { + CodeMirror.e_preventDefault(e); + close(); + if (callback) callback(me); + }); + })(callbacks[i]); + CodeMirror.connect(b, "blur", function() { + --blurring; + setTimeout(function() { if (blurring <= 0) close(); }, 200); + }); + CodeMirror.connect(b, "focus", function() { ++blurring; }); + } + }); +})(); --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/foldcode.js @@ -1,1 +1,67 @@ +CodeMirror.braceRangeFinder = function(cm, line) { + var lineText = cm.getLine(line); + var startChar = lineText.lastIndexOf("{"); + if (startChar < 0 || lineText.lastIndexOf("}") > startChar) return; + var tokenType = cm.getTokenAt({line: line, ch: startChar}).className; + var count = 1, lastLine = cm.lineCount(), end; + outer: for (var i = line + 1; i < lastLine; ++i) { + var text = cm.getLine(i), pos = 0; + for (;;) { + var nextOpen = text.indexOf("{", pos), nextClose = text.indexOf("}", pos); + if (nextOpen < 0) nextOpen = text.length; + if (nextClose < 0) nextClose = text.length; + pos = Math.min(nextOpen, nextClose); + if (pos == text.length) break; + if (cm.getTokenAt({line: i, ch: pos + 1}).className == tokenType) { + if (pos == nextOpen) ++count; + else if (!--count) { end = i; break outer; } + } + ++pos; + } + } + if (end == null || end == line + 1) return; + return end; +}; + +CodeMirror.newFoldFunction = function(rangeFinder, markText) { + var folded = []; + if (markText == null) markText = '
    %N%'; + + function isFolded(cm, n) { + for (var i = 0; i < folded.length; ++i) { + var start = cm.lineInfo(folded[i].start); + if (!start) folded.splice(i--, 1); + else if (start.line == n) return {pos: i, region: folded[i]}; + } + } + + function expand(cm, region) { + cm.clearMarker(region.start); + for (var i = 0; i < region.hidden.length; ++i) + cm.showLine(region.hidden[i]); + } + + return function(cm, line) { + cm.operation(function() { + var known = isFolded(cm, line); + if (known) { + folded.splice(known.pos, 1); + expand(cm, known.region); + } else { + var end = rangeFinder(cm, line); + if (end == null) return; + var hidden = []; + for (var i = line + 1; i < end; ++i) { + var handle = cm.hideLine(i); + if (handle) hidden.push(handle); + } + var first = cm.setMarker(line, markText); + var region = {start: first, hidden: hidden}; + cm.onDeleteLine(first, function() { expand(cm, region); }); + folded.push(region); + } + }); + }; +}; + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/formatting.js @@ -1,1 +1,292 @@ - +// ============== Formatting extensions ============================ +// A common storage for all mode-specific formatting features +if (!CodeMirror.modeExtensions) CodeMirror.modeExtensions = {}; + +// Returns the extension of the editor's current mode +CodeMirror.defineExtension("getModeExt", function () { + return CodeMirror.modeExtensions[this.getOption("mode")]; +}); + +// If the current mode is 'htmlmixed', returns the extension of a mode located at +// the specified position (can be htmlmixed, css or javascript). Otherwise, simply +// returns the extension of the editor's current mode. +CodeMirror.defineExtension("getModeExtAtPos", function (pos) { + var token = this.getTokenAt(pos); + if (token && token.state && token.state.mode) + return CodeMirror.modeExtensions[token.state.mode == "html" ? "htmlmixed" : token.state.mode]; + else + return this.getModeExt(); +}); + +// Comment/uncomment the specified range +CodeMirror.defineExtension("commentRange", function (isComment, from, to) { + var curMode = this.getModeExtAtPos(this.getCursor()); + if (isComment) { // Comment range + var commentedText = this.getRange(from, to); + this.replaceRange(curMode.commentStart + this.getRange(from, to) + curMode.commentEnd + , from, to); + if (from.line == to.line && == { // An empty comment inserted - put cursor inside + this.setCursor(from.line, + curMode.commentStart.length); + } + } + else { // Uncomment range + var selText = this.getRange(from, to); + var startIndex = selText.indexOf(curMode.commentStart); + var endIndex = selText.lastIndexOf(curMode.commentEnd); + if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1 && endIndex > startIndex) { + // Take string till comment start + selText = selText.substr(0, startIndex) + // From comment start till comment end + + selText.substring(startIndex + curMode.commentStart.length, endIndex) + // From comment end till string end + + selText.substr(endIndex + curMode.commentEnd.length); + } + this.replaceRange(selText, from, to); + } +}); + +// Applies automatic mode-aware indentation to the specified range +CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoIndentRange", function (from, to) { + var cmInstance = this; + this.operation(function () { + for (var i = from.line; i <= to.line; i++) { + cmInstance.indentLine(i); + } + }); +}); + +// Applies automatic formatting to the specified range +CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoFormatRange", function (from, to) { + var absStart = this.indexFromPos(from); + var absEnd = this.indexFromPos(to); + // Insert additional line breaks where necessary according to the + // mode's syntax + var res = this.getModeExt().autoFormatLineBreaks(this.getValue(), absStart, absEnd); + var cmInstance = this; + + // Replace and auto-indent the range + this.operation(function () { + cmInstance.replaceRange(res, from, to); + var startLine = cmInstance.posFromIndex(absStart).line; + var endLine = cmInstance.posFromIndex(absStart + res.length).line; + for (var i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { + cmInstance.indentLine(i); + } + }); +}); + +// Define extensions for a few modes + +CodeMirror.modeExtensions["css"] = { + commentStart: "/*", + commentEnd: "*/", + wordWrapChars: [";", "\\{", "\\}"], + autoFormatLineBreaks: function (text) { + return text.replace(new RegExp("(;|\\{|\\})([^\r\n])", "g"), "$1\n$2"); + } +}; + +CodeMirror.modeExtensions["javascript"] = { + commentStart: "/*", + commentEnd: "*/", + wordWrapChars: [";", "\\{", "\\}"], + + getNonBreakableBlocks: function (text) { + var nonBreakableRegexes = [ + new RegExp("for\\s*?\\(([\\s\\S]*?)\\)"), + new RegExp("'([\\s\\S]*?)('|$)"), + new RegExp("\"([\\s\\S]*?)(\"|$)"), + new RegExp("//.*([\r\n]|$)") + ]; + var nonBreakableBlocks = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < nonBreakableRegexes.length; i++) { + var curPos = 0; + while (curPos < text.length) { + var m = text.substr(curPos).match(nonBreakableRegexes[i]); + if (m != null) { + nonBreakableBlocks.push({ + start: curPos + m.index, + end: curPos + m.index + m[0].length + }); + curPos += m.index + Math.max(1, m[0].length); + } + else { // No more matches + break; + } + } + } + nonBreakableBlocks.sort(function (a, b) { + return a.start - b.start; + }); + + return nonBreakableBlocks; + }, + + autoFormatLineBreaks: function (text) { + var curPos = 0; + var reLinesSplitter = new RegExp("(;|\\{|\\})([^\r\n])", "g"); + var nonBreakableBlocks = this.getNonBreakableBlocks(text); + if (nonBreakableBlocks != null) { + var res = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < nonBreakableBlocks.length; i++) { + if (nonBreakableBlocks[i].start > curPos) { // Break lines till the block + res += text.substring(curPos, nonBreakableBlocks[i].start).replace(reLinesSplitter, "$1\n$2"); + curPos = nonBreakableBlocks[i].start; + } + if (nonBreakableBlocks[i].start <= curPos + && nonBreakableBlocks[i].end >= curPos) { // Skip non-breakable block + res += text.substring(curPos, nonBreakableBlocks[i].end); + curPos = nonBreakableBlocks[i].end; + } + } + if (curPos < text.length - 1) { + res += text.substr(curPos).replace(reLinesSplitter, "$1\n$2"); + } + return res; + } + else { + return text.replace(reLinesSplitter, "$1\n$2"); + } + } +}; + +CodeMirror.modeExtensions["xml"] = { + commentStart: "", + wordWrapChars: [">"], + + autoFormatLineBreaks: function (text) { + var lines = text.split("\n"); + var reProcessedPortion = new RegExp("(^\\s*?<|^[^<]*?)(.+)(>\\s*?$|[^>]*?$)"); + var reOpenBrackets = new RegExp("<", "g"); + var reCloseBrackets = new RegExp("(>)([^\r\n])", "g"); + for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { + var mToProcess = lines[i].match(reProcessedPortion); + if (mToProcess != null && mToProcess.length > 3) { // The line starts with whitespaces and ends with whitespaces + lines[i] = mToProcess[1] + + mToProcess[2].replace(reOpenBrackets, "\n$&").replace(reCloseBrackets, "$1\n$2") + + mToProcess[3]; + continue; + } + } + + return lines.join("\n"); + } +}; + +CodeMirror.modeExtensions["htmlmixed"] = { + commentStart: "", + wordWrapChars: [">", ";", "\\{", "\\}"], + + getModeInfos: function (text, absPos) { + var modeInfos = new Array(); + modeInfos[0] = + { + pos: 0, + modeExt: CodeMirror.modeExtensions["xml"], + modeName: "xml" + }; + + var modeMatchers = new Array(); + modeMatchers[0] = + { + regex: new RegExp("]*>([\\s\\S]*?)(]*>|$)", "i"), + modeExt: CodeMirror.modeExtensions["css"], + modeName: "css" + }; + modeMatchers[1] = + { + regex: new RegExp("]*>([\\s\\S]*?)(]*>|$)", "i"), + modeExt: CodeMirror.modeExtensions["javascript"], + modeName: "javascript" + }; + + var lastCharPos = (typeof (absPos) !== "undefined" ? absPos : text.length - 1); + // Detect modes for the entire text + for (var i = 0; i < modeMatchers.length; i++) { + var curPos = 0; + while (curPos <= lastCharPos) { + var m = text.substr(curPos).match(modeMatchers[i].regex); + if (m != null) { + if (m.length > 1 && m[1].length > 0) { + // Push block begin pos + var blockBegin = curPos + m.index + m[0].indexOf(m[1]); + modeInfos.push( + { + pos: blockBegin, + modeExt: modeMatchers[i].modeExt, + modeName: modeMatchers[i].modeName + }); + // Push block end pos + modeInfos.push( + { + pos: blockBegin + m[1].length, + modeExt: modeInfos[0].modeExt, + modeName: modeInfos[0].modeName + }); + curPos += m.index + m[0].length; + continue; + } + else { + curPos += m.index + Math.max(m[0].length, 1); + } + } + else { // No more matches + break; + } + } + } + // Sort mode infos + modeInfos.sort(function sortModeInfo(a, b) { + return a.pos - b.pos; + }); + + return modeInfos; + }, + + autoFormatLineBreaks: function (text, startPos, endPos) { + var modeInfos = this.getModeInfos(text); + var reBlockStartsWithNewline = new RegExp("^\\s*?\n"); + var reBlockEndsWithNewline = new RegExp("\n\\s*?$"); + var res = ""; + // Use modes info to break lines correspondingly + if (modeInfos.length > 1) { // Deal with multi-mode text + for (var i = 1; i <= modeInfos.length; i++) { + var selStart = modeInfos[i - 1].pos; + var selEnd = (i < modeInfos.length ? modeInfos[i].pos : endPos); + + if (selStart >= endPos) { // The block starts later than the needed fragment + break; + } + if (selStart < startPos) { + if (selEnd <= startPos) { // The block starts earlier than the needed fragment + continue; + } + selStart = startPos; + } + if (selEnd > endPos) { + selEnd = endPos; + } + var textPortion = text.substring(selStart, selEnd); + if (modeInfos[i - 1].modeName != "xml") { // Starting a CSS or JavaScript block + if (!reBlockStartsWithNewline.test(textPortion) + && selStart > 0) { // The block does not start with a line break + textPortion = "\n" + textPortion; + } + if (!reBlockEndsWithNewline.test(textPortion) + && selEnd < text.length - 1) { // The block does not end with a line break + textPortion += "\n"; + } + } + res += modeInfos[i - 1].modeExt.autoFormatLineBreaks(textPortion); + } + } + else { // Single-mode text + res = modeInfos[0].modeExt.autoFormatLineBreaks(text.substring(startPos, endPos)); + } + + return res; + } +}; + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/javascript-hint.js @@ -1,1 +1,84 @@ +(function () { + function forEach(arr, f) { + for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i]); + } + + function arrayContains(arr, item) { + if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { + var i = arr.length; + while (i--) { + if (arr[i] === item) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + return arr.indexOf(item) != -1; + } + + CodeMirror.javascriptHint = function(editor) { + // Find the token at the cursor + var cur = editor.getCursor(), token = editor.getTokenAt(cur), tprop = token; + // If it's not a 'word-style' token, ignore the token. + if (!/^[\w$_]*$/.test(token.string)) { + token = tprop = {start:, end:, string: "", state: token.state, + className: token.string == "." ? "property" : null}; + } + // If it is a property, find out what it is a property of. + while (tprop.className == "property") { + tprop = editor.getTokenAt({line: cur.line, ch: tprop.start}); + if (tprop.string != ".") return; + tprop = editor.getTokenAt({line: cur.line, ch: tprop.start}); + if (!context) var context = []; + context.push(tprop); + } + return {list: getCompletions(token, context), + from: {line: cur.line, ch: token.start}, + to: {line: cur.line, ch: token.end}}; + } + var stringProps = ("charAt charCodeAt indexOf lastIndexOf substring substr slice trim trimLeft trimRight " + + "toUpperCase toLowerCase split concat match replace search").split(" "); + var arrayProps = ("length concat join splice push pop shift unshift slice reverse sort indexOf " + + "lastIndexOf every some filter forEach map reduce reduceRight ").split(" "); + var funcProps = "prototype apply call bind".split(" "); + var keywords = ("break case catch continue debugger default delete do else false finally for function " + + "if in instanceof new null return switch throw true try typeof var void while with").split(" "); + + function getCompletions(token, context) { + var found = [], start = token.string; + function maybeAdd(str) { + if (str.indexOf(start) == 0 && !arrayContains(found, str)) found.push(str); + } + function gatherCompletions(obj) { + if (typeof obj == "string") forEach(stringProps, maybeAdd); + else if (obj instanceof Array) forEach(arrayProps, maybeAdd); + else if (obj instanceof Function) forEach(funcProps, maybeAdd); + for (var name in obj) maybeAdd(name); + } + + if (context) { + // If this is a property, see if it belongs to some object we can + // find in the current environment. + var obj = context.pop(), base; + if (obj.className == "variable") + base = window[obj.string]; + else if (obj.className == "string") + base = ""; + else if (obj.className == "atom") + base = 1; + while (base != null && context.length) + base = base[context.pop().string]; + if (base != null) gatherCompletions(base); + } + else { + // If not, just look in the window object and any local scope + // (reading into JS mode internals to get at the local variables) + for (var v = token.state.localVars; v; v = maybeAdd(; + gatherCompletions(window); + forEach(keywords, maybeAdd); + } + return found; + } +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/overlay.js @@ -1,1 +1,52 @@ +// Utility function that allows modes to be combined. The mode given +// as the base argument takes care of most of the normal mode +// functionality, but a second (typically simple) mode is used, which +// can override the style of text. Both modes get to parse all of the +// text, but when both assign a non-null style to a piece of code, the +// overlay wins, unless the combine argument was true, in which case +// the styles are combined. +CodeMirror.overlayParser = function(base, overlay, combine) { + return { + startState: function() { + return { + base: CodeMirror.startState(base), + overlay: CodeMirror.startState(overlay), + basePos: 0, baseCur: null, + overlayPos: 0, overlayCur: null + }; + }, + copyState: function(state) { + return { + base: CodeMirror.copyState(base, state.base), + overlay: CodeMirror.copyState(overlay, state.overlay), + basePos: state.basePos, baseCur: null, + overlayPos: state.overlayPos, overlayCur: null + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + if (stream.start == state.basePos) { + state.baseCur = base.token(stream, state.base); + state.basePos = stream.pos; + } + if (stream.start == state.overlayPos) { + stream.pos = stream.start; + state.overlayCur = overlay.token(stream, state.overlay); + state.overlayPos = stream.pos; + } + stream.pos = Math.min(state.basePos, state.overlayPos); + if (stream.eol()) state.basePos = state.overlayPos = 0; + + if (state.overlayCur == null) return state.baseCur; + if (state.baseCur != null && combine) return state.baseCur + " " + state.overlayCur; + else return state.overlayCur; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + return base.indent(state.base, textAfter); + }, + electricChars: base.electricChars + }; +}; + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/runmode.js @@ -1,1 +1,28 @@ +CodeMirror.runMode = function(string, modespec, callback) { + var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, modespec); + var isNode = callback.nodeType == 1; + if (isNode) { + var node = callback, accum = []; + callback = function(string, style) { + if (string == "\n") + accum.push("
    "); + else if (style) + accum.push("" + CodeMirror.htmlEscape(string) + ""); + else + accum.push(CodeMirror.htmlEscape(string)); + } + } + var lines = CodeMirror.splitLines(string), state = CodeMirror.startState(mode); + for (var i = 0, e = lines.length; i < e; ++i) { + if (i) callback("\n"); + var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(lines[i]); + while (!stream.eol()) { + var style = mode.token(stream, state); + callback(stream.current(), style, i, stream.start); + stream.start = stream.pos; + } + } + if (isNode) + node.innerHTML = accum.join(""); +}; --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/search.js @@ -1,1 +1,115 @@ +// Define search commands. Depends on dialog.js or another +// implementation of the openDialog method. +// Replace works a little oddly -- it will do the replace on the next +// Ctrl-G (or whatever is bound to findNext) press. You prevent a +// replace by making sure the match is no longer selected when hitting +// Ctrl-G. + +(function() { + function SearchState() { + this.posFrom = this.posTo = this.query = null; + this.marked = []; + } + function getSearchState(cm) { + return cm._searchState || (cm._searchState = new SearchState()); + } + function dialog(cm, text, shortText, f) { + if (cm.openDialog) cm.openDialog(text, f); + else f(prompt(shortText, "")); + } + function confirmDialog(cm, text, shortText, fs) { + if (cm.openConfirm) cm.openConfirm(text, fs); + else if (confirm(shortText)) fs[0](); + } + function parseQuery(query) { + var isRE = query.match(/^\/(.*)\/$/); + return isRE ? new RegExp(isRE[1]) : query; + } + var queryDialog = + 'Search: (Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)'; + function doSearch(cm, rev) { + var state = getSearchState(cm); + if (state.query) return findNext(cm, rev); + dialog(cm, queryDialog, "Search for:", function(query) { + cm.operation(function() { + if (!query || state.query) return; + state.query = parseQuery(query); + if (cm.lineCount() < 2000) { // This is too expensive on big documents. + for (var cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(query); cursor.findNext();) + state.marked.push(cm.markText(cursor.from(),, "CodeMirror-searching")); + } + state.posFrom = state.posTo = cm.getCursor(); + findNext(cm, rev); + }); + }); + } + function findNext(cm, rev) {cm.operation(function() { + var state = getSearchState(cm); + var cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(state.query, rev ? state.posFrom : state.posTo); + if (!cursor.find(rev)) { + cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(state.query, rev ? {line: cm.lineCount() - 1} : {line: 0, ch: 0}); + if (!cursor.find(rev)) return; + } + cm.setSelection(cursor.from(),; + state.posFrom = cursor.from(); state.posTo =; + })} + function clearSearch(cm) {cm.operation(function() { + var state = getSearchState(cm); + if (!state.query) return; + state.query = null; + for (var i = 0; i < state.marked.length; ++i) state.marked[i].clear(); + state.marked.length = 0; + })} + + var replaceQueryDialog = + 'Replace: (Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)'; + var replacementQueryDialog = 'With: '; + var doReplaceConfirm = "Replace? "; + function replace(cm, all) { + dialog(cm, replaceQueryDialog, "Replace:", function(query) { + if (!query) return; + query = parseQuery(query); + dialog(cm, replacementQueryDialog, "Replace with:", function(text) { + if (all) { + cm.operation(function() { + for (var cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(query); cursor.findNext();) { + if (typeof query != "string") { + var match = cm.getRange(cursor.from(),; + cursor.replace(text.replace(/\$(\d)/, function(w, i) {return match[i];})); + } else cursor.replace(text); + } + }); + } else { + clearSearch(cm); + var cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(query, cm.getCursor()); + function advance() { + var start = cursor.from(), match; + if (!(match = cursor.findNext())) { + cursor = cm.getSearchCursor(query); + if (!(match = cursor.findNext()) || + (cursor.from().line == start.line && cursor.from().ch == return; + } + cm.setSelection(cursor.from(),; + confirmDialog(cm, doReplaceConfirm, "Replace?", + [function() {doReplace(match);}, advance]); + } + function doReplace(match) { + cursor.replace(typeof query == "string" ? text : + text.replace(/\$(\d)/, function(w, i) {return match[i];})); + advance(); + } + advance(); + } + }); + }); + } + + CodeMirror.commands.find = function(cm) {clearSearch(cm); doSearch(cm);}; + CodeMirror.commands.findNext = doSearch; + CodeMirror.commands.findPrev = function(cm) {doSearch(cm, true);}; + CodeMirror.commands.clearSearch = clearSearch; + CodeMirror.commands.replace = replace; + CodeMirror.commands.replaceAll = function(cm) {replace(cm, true);}; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/searchcursor.js @@ -1,1 +1,118 @@ +(function(){ + function SearchCursor(cm, query, pos, caseFold) { + this.atOccurrence = false; = cm; + if (caseFold == null) caseFold = typeof query == "string" && query == query.toLowerCase(); + pos = pos ? cm.clipPos(pos) : {line: 0, ch: 0}; + this.pos = {from: pos, to: pos}; + + // The matches method is filled in based on the type of query. + // It takes a position and a direction, and returns an object + // describing the next occurrence of the query, or null if no + // more matches were found. + if (typeof query != "string") // Regexp match + this.matches = function(reverse, pos) { + if (reverse) { + var line = cm.getLine(pos.line).slice(0,, match = line.match(query), start = 0; + while (match) { + var ind = line.indexOf(match[0]); + start += ind; + line = line.slice(ind + 1); + var newmatch = line.match(query); + if (newmatch) match = newmatch; + else break; + start++; + } + } + else { + var line = cm.getLine(pos.line).slice(, match = line.match(query), + start = match && + line.indexOf(match[0]); + } + if (match) + return {from: {line: pos.line, ch: start}, + to: {line: pos.line, ch: start + match[0].length}, + match: match}; + }; + else { // String query + if (caseFold) query = query.toLowerCase(); + var fold = caseFold ? function(str){return str.toLowerCase();} : function(str){return str;}; + var target = query.split("\n"); + // Different methods for single-line and multi-line queries + if (target.length == 1) + this.matches = function(reverse, pos) { + var line = fold(cm.getLine(pos.line)), len = query.length, match; + if (reverse ? ( >= len && (match = line.lastIndexOf(query, - len)) != -1) + : (match = line.indexOf(query, != -1) + return {from: {line: pos.line, ch: match}, + to: {line: pos.line, ch: match + len}}; + }; + else + this.matches = function(reverse, pos) { + var ln = pos.line, idx = (reverse ? target.length - 1 : 0), match = target[idx], line = fold(cm.getLine(ln)); + var offsetA = (reverse ? line.indexOf(match) + match.length : line.lastIndexOf(match)); + if (reverse ? offsetA >= || offsetA != match.length + : offsetA <= || offsetA != line.length - match.length) + return; + for (;;) { + if (reverse ? !ln : ln == cm.lineCount() - 1) return; + line = fold(cm.getLine(ln += reverse ? -1 : 1)); + match = target[reverse ? --idx : ++idx]; + if (idx > 0 && idx < target.length - 1) { + if (line != match) return; + else continue; + } + var offsetB = (reverse ? line.lastIndexOf(match) : line.indexOf(match) + match.length); + if (reverse ? offsetB != line.length - match.length : offsetB != match.length) + return; + var start = {line: pos.line, ch: offsetA}, end = {line: ln, ch: offsetB}; + return {from: reverse ? end : start, to: reverse ? start : end}; + } + }; + } + } + + SearchCursor.prototype = { + findNext: function() {return this.find(false);}, + findPrevious: function() {return this.find(true);}, + + find: function(reverse) { + var self = this, pos = ? this.pos.from :; + function savePosAndFail(line) { + var pos = {line: line, ch: 0}; + self.pos = {from: pos, to: pos}; + self.atOccurrence = false; + return false; + } + + for (;;) { + if (this.pos = this.matches(reverse, pos)) { + this.atOccurrence = true; + return this.pos.match || true; + } + if (reverse) { + if (!pos.line) return savePosAndFail(0); + pos = {line: pos.line-1, ch:}; + } + else { + var maxLine =; + if (pos.line == maxLine - 1) return savePosAndFail(maxLine); + pos = {line: pos.line+1, ch: 0}; + } + } + }, + + from: function() {if (this.atOccurrence) return this.pos.from;}, + to: function() {if (this.atOccurrence) return;}, + + replace: function(newText) { + var self = this; + if (this.atOccurrence) + =, self.pos.from,; + } + }; + + CodeMirror.defineExtension("getSearchCursor", function(query, pos, caseFold) { + return new SearchCursor(this, query, pos, caseFold); + }); +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/simple-hint.css @@ -1,1 +1,17 @@ +.CodeMirror-completions { + position: absolute; + z-index: 10; + overflow: hidden; + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2); + -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2); + box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2); +} +.CodeMirror-completions select { + background: #fafafa; + outline: none; + border: none; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + font-family: monospace; +} --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/simple-hint.js @@ -1,1 +1,67 @@ +(function() { + CodeMirror.simpleHint = function(editor, getHints) { + // We want a single cursor position. + if (editor.somethingSelected()) return; + var result = getHints(editor); + if (!result || !result.list.length) return; + var completions = result.list; + function insert(str) { + editor.replaceRange(str, result.from,; + } + // When there is only one completion, use it directly. + if (completions.length == 1) {insert(completions[0]); return true;} + // Build the select widget + var complete = document.createElement("div"); + complete.className = "CodeMirror-completions"; + var sel = complete.appendChild(document.createElement("select")); + // Opera doesn't move the selection when pressing up/down in a + // multi-select, but it does properly support the size property on + // single-selects, so no multi-select is necessary. + if (!window.opera) sel.multiple = true; + for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) { + var opt = sel.appendChild(document.createElement("option")); + opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(completions[i])); + } + sel.firstChild.selected = true; + sel.size = Math.min(10, completions.length); + var pos = editor.cursorCoords(); + = pos.x + "px"; + = pos.yBot + "px"; + document.body.appendChild(complete); + // Hack to hide the scrollbar. + if (completions.length <= 10) + = (sel.clientWidth - 1) + "px"; + + var done = false; + function close() { + if (done) return; + done = true; + complete.parentNode.removeChild(complete); + } + function pick() { + insert(completions[sel.selectedIndex]); + close(); + setTimeout(function(){editor.focus();}, 50); + } + CodeMirror.connect(sel, "blur", close); + CodeMirror.connect(sel, "keydown", function(event) { + var code = event.keyCode; + // Enter + if (code == 13) {CodeMirror.e_stop(event); pick();} + // Escape + else if (code == 27) {CodeMirror.e_stop(event); close(); editor.focus();} + else if (code != 38 && code != 40) { + close(); editor.focus(); + setTimeout(function(){CodeMirror.simpleHint(editor, getHints);}, 50); + } + }); + CodeMirror.connect(sel, "dblclick", pick); + + sel.focus(); + // Opera sometimes ignores focusing a freshly created node + if (window.opera) setTimeout(function(){if (!done) sel.focus();}, 100); + return true; + }; +})(); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/clike/clike.js @@ -1,1 +1,250 @@ - +CodeMirror.defineMode("clike", function(config, parserConfig) { + var indentUnit = config.indentUnit, + keywords = parserConfig.keywords || {}, + blockKeywords = parserConfig.blockKeywords || {}, + atoms = parserConfig.atoms || {}, + hooks = parserConfig.hooks || {}, + multiLineStrings = parserConfig.multiLineStrings; + var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|\/]/; + + var curPunc; + + function tokenBase(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (hooks[ch]) { + var result = hooks[ch](stream, state); + if (result !== false) return result; + } + if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") { + state.tokenize = tokenString(ch); + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } + if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) { + curPunc = ch; + return null + } + if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.]/); + return "number"; + } + if (ch == "/") { + if ("*")) { + state.tokenize = tokenComment; + return tokenComment(stream, state); + } + if ("/")) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "comment"; + } + } + if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar); + return "operator"; + } + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + var cur = stream.current(); + if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) { + if (blockKeywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) curPunc = "newstatement"; + return "keyword"; + } + if (atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) return "atom"; + return "word"; + } + + function tokenString(quote) { + return function(stream, state) { + var escaped = false, next, end = false; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == quote && !escaped) {end = true; break;} + escaped = !escaped && next == "\\"; + } + if (end || !(escaped || multiLineStrings)) + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + return "string"; + }; + } + + function tokenComment(stream, state) { + var maybeEnd = false, ch; + while (ch = { + if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + break; + } + maybeEnd = (ch == "*"); + } + return "comment"; + } + + function Context(indented, column, type, align, prev) { + this.indented = indented; + this.column = column; + this.type = type; + this.align = align; + this.prev = prev; + } + function pushContext(state, col, type) { + return state.context = new Context(state.indented, col, type, null, state.context); + } + function popContext(state) { + var t = state.context.type; + if (t == ")" || t == "]" || t == "}") + state.indented = state.context.indented; + return state.context = state.context.prev; + } + + // Interface + + return { + startState: function(basecolumn) { + return { + tokenize: null, + context: new Context((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "top", false), + indented: 0, + startOfLine: true + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + var ctx = state.context; + if (stream.sol()) { + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = false; + state.indented = stream.indentation(); + state.startOfLine = true; + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + curPunc = null; + var style = (state.tokenize || tokenBase)(stream, state); + if (style == "comment" || style == "meta") return style; + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = true; + + if ((curPunc == ";" || curPunc == ":") && ctx.type == "statement") popContext(state); + else if (curPunc == "{") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "}"); + else if (curPunc == "[") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "]"); + else if (curPunc == "(") pushContext(state, stream.column(), ")"); + else if (curPunc == "}") { + while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state); + if (ctx.type == "}") ctx = popContext(state); + while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state); + } + else if (curPunc == ctx.type) popContext(state); + else if (ctx.type == "}" || ctx.type == "top" || (ctx.type == "statement" && curPunc == "newstatement")) + pushContext(state, stream.column(), "statement"); + state.startOfLine = false; + return style; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (state.tokenize != tokenBase && state.tokenize != null) return 0; + var ctx = state.context, firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0); + if (ctx.type == "statement" && firstChar == "}") ctx = ctx.prev; + var closing = firstChar == ctx.type; + if (ctx.type == "statement") return ctx.indented + (firstChar == "{" ? 0 : indentUnit); + else if (ctx.align) return ctx.column + (closing ? 0 : 1); + else return ctx.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit); + }, + + electricChars: "{}" + }; +}); + +(function() { + function words(str) { + var obj = {}, words = str.split(" "); + for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true; + return obj; + } + var cKeywords = "auto if break int case long char register continue return default short do sizeof " + + "double static else struct entry switch extern typedef float union for unsigned " + + "goto while enum void const signed volatile"; + + function cppHook(stream, state) { + if (!state.startOfLine) return false; + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "meta"; + } + + // C#-style strings where "" escapes a quote. + function tokenAtString(stream, state) { + var next; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == '"' && !'"')) { + state.tokenize = null; + break; + } + } + return "string"; + } + + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-csrc", { + name: "clike", + keywords: words(cKeywords), + blockKeywords: words("case do else for if switch while struct"), + atoms: words("null"), + hooks: {"#": cppHook} + }); + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-c++src", { + name: "clike", + keywords: words(cKeywords + " asm dynamic_cast namespace reinterpret_cast try bool explicit new " + + "static_cast typeid catch operator template typename class friend private " + + "this using const_cast inline public throw virtual delete mutable protected " + + "wchar_t"), + blockKeywords: words("catch class do else finally for if struct switch try while"), + atoms: words("true false null"), + hooks: {"#": cppHook} + }); + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-java", { + name: "clike", + keywords: words("abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const continue default " + + "do double else enum extends final finally float for goto if implements import " + + "instanceof int interface long native new package private protected public " + + "return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient " + + "try void volatile while"), + blockKeywords: words("catch class do else finally for if switch try while"), + atoms: words("true false null"), + hooks: { + "@": function(stream, state) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + return "meta"; + } + } + }); + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-csharp", { + name: "clike", + keywords: words("abstract as base bool break byte case catch char checked class const continue decimal" + + " default delegate do double else enum event explicit extern finally fixed float for" + + " foreach goto if implicit in int interface internal is lock long namespace new object" + + " operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sbyte sealed short" + + " sizeof stackalloc static string struct switch this throw try typeof uint ulong unchecked" + + " unsafe ushort using virtual void volatile while add alias ascending descending dynamic from get" + + " global group into join let orderby partial remove select set value var yield"), + blockKeywords: words("catch class do else finally for foreach if struct switch try while"), + atoms: words("true false null"), + hooks: { + "@": function(stream, state) { + if ('"')) { + state.tokenize = tokenAtString; + return tokenAtString(stream, state); + } + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + return "meta"; + } + } + }); + CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-groovy", { + name: "clike", + keywords: words("abstract as assert boolean break byte case catch char class const continue def default " + + "do double else enum extends final finally float for goto if implements import " + + "in instanceof int interface long native new package property private protected public " + + "return short static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws transient " + + "try void volatile while"), + atoms: words("true false null"), + hooks: { + "@": function(stream, state) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + return "meta"; + } + } + }); +}()); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/clike/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,102 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: C-like mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: C-like mode

    + + + +

    Simple mode that tries to handle C-like languages as well as it + can. Takes two configuration parameters: keywords, an + object whose property names are the keywords in the language, + and useCPP, which determines whether C preprocessor + directives are recognized.

    + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-csrc + (C code), text/x-c++src (C++ + code), text/x-java (Java + code), text/x-groovy (Groovy code).

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/clojure/clojure.js @@ -1,1 +1,208 @@ - +/** + * Author: Hans Engel + * Branched from CodeMirror's Scheme mode (by Koh Zi Han, based on implementation by Koh Zi Chun) + */ +CodeMirror.defineMode("clojure", function (config, mode) { + var BUILTIN = "builtin", COMMENT = "comment", STRING = "string", TAG = "tag", + ATOM = "atom", NUMBER = "number", BRACKET = "bracket", KEYWORD="keyword"; + var INDENT_WORD_SKIP = 2, KEYWORDS_SKIP = 1; + + function makeKeywords(str) { + var obj = {}, words = str.split(" "); + for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true; + return obj; + } + + var atoms = makeKeywords("true false nil"); + + var keywords = makeKeywords( + // Control structures + "defn defn- def def- defonce defmulti defmethod defmacro defstruct deftype defprotocol defrecord deftest slice defalias defhinted defmacro- defn-memo defnk defnk defonce- defunbound defunbound- defvar defvar- let letfn do case cond condp for loop recur when when-not when-let when-first if if-let if-not . .. -> ->> doto and or dosync doseq dotimes dorun doall load import unimport ns in-ns refer try catch finally throw with-open with-local-vars binding gen-class gen-and-load-class gen-and-save-class handler-case handle" + + + // Built-ins + "* *1 *2 *3 *agent* *allow-unresolved-vars* *assert *clojure-version* *command-line-args* *compile-files* *compile-path* *e *err* *file* *flush-on-newline* *in* *macro-meta* *math-context* *ns* *out* *print-dup* *print-length* *print-level* *print-meta* *print-readably* *read-eval* *source-path* *use-context-classloader* *warn-on-reflection* + - / < <= = == > >= accessor aclone agent agent-errors aget alength alias all-ns alter alter-meta! alter-var-root amap ancestors and apply areduce array-map aset aset-boolean aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float aset-int aset-long aset-short assert assoc assoc! assoc-in associative? atom await await-for await1 bases bean bigdec bigint binding bit-and bit-and-not bit-clear bit-flip bit-not bit-or bit-set bit-shift-left bit-shift-right bit-test bit-xor boolean boolean-array booleans bound-fn bound-fn* butlast byte byte-array bytes case cast char char-array char-escape-string char-name-string char? chars chunk chunk-append chunk-buffer chunk-cons chunk-first chunk-next chunk-rest chunked-seq? class class? clear-agent-errors clojure-version coll? comment commute comp comparator compare compare-and-set! compile complement concat cond condp conj conj! cons constantly construct-proxy contains? count counted? create-ns create-struct cycle dec decimal? declare definline defmacro defmethod defmulti defn defn- defonce defstruct delay delay? deliver deref derive descendants destructure disj disj! dissoc dissoc! distinct distinct? doall doc dorun doseq dosync dotimes doto double double-array doubles drop drop-last drop-while empty empty? ensure enumeration-seq eval even? every? extend extend-protocol extend-type extends? extenders false? ffirst file-seq filter find find-doc find-ns find-var first float float-array float? floats flush fn fn? fnext for force format future future-call future-cancel future-cancelled? future-done? future? gen-class gen-interface gensym get get-in get-method get-proxy-class get-thread-bindings get-validator hash hash-map hash-set identical? identity if-let if-not ifn? import in-ns inc init-proxy instance? int int-array integer? interleave intern interpose into into-array ints io! isa? iterate iterator-seq juxt key keys keyword keyword? last lazy-cat lazy-seq let letfn line-seq list list* list? load load-file load-reader load-string loaded-libs locking long long-array longs loop macroexpand macroexpand-1 make-array make-hierarchy map map? mapcat max max-key memfn memoize merge merge-with meta method-sig methods min min-key mod name namespace neg? newline next nfirst nil? nnext not not-any? not-empty not-every? not= ns ns-aliases ns-imports ns-interns ns-map ns-name ns-publics ns-refers ns-resolve ns-unalias ns-unmap nth nthnext num number? odd? or parents partial partition pcalls peek persistent! pmap pop pop! pop-thread-bindings pos? pr pr-str prefer-method prefers primitives-classnames print print-ctor print-doc print-dup print-method print-namespace-doc print-simple print-special-doc print-str printf println println-str prn prn-str promise proxy proxy-call-with-super proxy-mappings proxy-name proxy-super push-thread-bindings pvalues quot rand rand-int range ratio? rational? rationalize re-find re-groups re-matcher re-matches re-pattern re-seq read read-line read-string reify reduce ref ref-history-count ref-max-history ref-min-history ref-set refer refer-clojure release-pending-sends rem remove remove-method remove-ns repeat repeatedly replace replicate require reset! reset-meta! resolve rest resultset-seq reverse reversible? rseq rsubseq satisfies? second select-keys send send-off seq seq? seque sequence sequential? set set-validator! set? short short-array shorts shutdown-agents slurp some sort sort-by sorted-map sorted-map-by sorted-set sorted-set-by sorted? special-form-anchor special-symbol? split-at split-with str stream? string? struct struct-map subs subseq subvec supers swap! symbol symbol? sync syntax-symbol-anchor take take-last take-nth take-while test the-ns time to-array to-array-2d trampoline transient tree-seq true? type unchecked-add unchecked-dec unchecked-divide unchecked-inc unchecked-multiply unchecked-negate unchecked-remainder unchecked-subtract underive unquote unquote-splicing update-in update-proxy use val vals var-get var-set var? vary-meta vec vector vector? when when-first when-let when-not while with-bindings with-bindings* with-in-str with-loading-context with-local-vars with-meta with-open with-out-str with-precision xml-seq"); + + var indentKeys = makeKeywords( + // Built-ins + "ns fn def defn defmethod bound-fn if if-not case condp when while when-not when-first do future comment doto locking proxy with-open with-precision reify deftype defrecord defprotocol extend extend-protocol extend-type try catch" + + + // Binding forms + "let letfn binding loop for doseq dotimes when-let if-let" + + + // Data structures + "defstruct struct-map assoc" + + + // clojure.test + "testing deftest" + + + // contrib + "handler-case handle dotrace deftrace"); + + var tests = { + digit: /\d/, + digit_or_colon: /[\d:]/, + hex: /[0-9a-fA-F]/, + sign: /[+-]/, + exponent: /[eE]/, + keyword_char: /[^\s\(\[\;\)\]]/, + basic: /[\w\$_\-]/, + lang_keyword: /[\w*+!\-_?:\/]/ + }; + + function stateStack(indent, type, prev) { // represents a state stack object + this.indent = indent; + this.type = type; + this.prev = prev; + } + + function pushStack(state, indent, type) { + state.indentStack = new stateStack(indent, type, state.indentStack); + } + + function popStack(state) { + state.indentStack = state.indentStack.prev; + } + + function isNumber(ch, stream){ + // hex + if ( ch === '0' && 'x' == stream.peek().toLowerCase() ) { +'x'); + stream.eatWhile(tests.hex); + return true; + } + + // leading sign + if ( ch == '+' || ch == '-' ) { +; + ch =; + } + + if ( tests.digit.test(ch) ) { +; + stream.eatWhile(tests.digit); + + if ( '.' == stream.peek() ) { +'.'); + stream.eatWhile(tests.digit); + } + + if ( 'e' == stream.peek().toLowerCase() ) { +; +; + stream.eatWhile(tests.digit); + } + + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + return { + startState: function () { + return { + indentStack: null, + indentation: 0, + mode: false, + }; + }, + + token: function (stream, state) { + if (state.indentStack == null && stream.sol()) { + // update indentation, but only if indentStack is empty + state.indentation = stream.indentation(); + } + + // skip spaces + if (stream.eatSpace()) { + return null; + } + var returnType = null; + + switch(state.mode){ + case "string": // multi-line string parsing mode + var next, escaped = false; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == "\"" && !escaped) { + + state.mode = false; + break; + } + escaped = !escaped && next == "\\"; + } + returnType = STRING; // continue on in string mode + break; + default: // default parsing mode + var ch =; + + if (ch == "\"") { + state.mode = "string"; + returnType = STRING; + } else if (ch == "'" && !( tests.digit_or_colon.test(stream.peek()) )) { + returnType = ATOM; + } else if (ch == ";") { // comment + stream.skipToEnd(); // rest of the line is a comment + returnType = COMMENT; + } else if (isNumber(ch,stream)){ + returnType = NUMBER; + } else if (ch == "(" || ch == "[") { + var keyWord = ''; var indentTemp = stream.column(); + /** + Either + (indent-word .. + (non-indent-word .. + (;something else, bracket, etc. + */ + + while ((letter = != null) { + keyWord += letter; + } + + if (keyWord.length > 0 && indentKeys.propertyIsEnumerable(keyWord)) { // indent-word + + pushStack(state, indentTemp + INDENT_WORD_SKIP, ch); + } else { // non-indent word + // we continue eating the spaces + stream.eatSpace(); + if (stream.eol() || stream.peek() == ";") { + // nothing significant after + // we restart indentation 1 space after + pushStack(state, indentTemp + 1, ch); + } else { + pushStack(state, indentTemp + stream.current().length, ch); // else we match + } + } + stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1); // undo all the eating + + returnType = BRACKET; + } else if (ch == ")" || ch == "]") { + returnType = BRACKET; + if (state.indentStack != null && state.indentStack.type == (ch == ")" ? "(" : "[")) { + popStack(state); + } + } else if ( ch == ":" ) { + stream.eatWhile(tests.lang_keyword); + return TAG; + } else { + stream.eatWhile(tests.basic); + + if (keywords && keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(stream.current())) { + returnType = BUILTIN; + } else if ( atoms && atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(stream.current()) ) { + returnType = ATOM; + } else returnType = null; + } + } + + return returnType; + }, + + indent: function (state, textAfter) { + if (state.indentStack == null) return state.indentation; + return state.indentStack.indent; + } + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-clojure", "clojure"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/clojure/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,67 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Clojure mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Clojure mode

    + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-clojure.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/coffeescript/LICENSE @@ -1,1 +1,22 @@ +The MIT License +Copyright (c) 2011 Jeff Pickhardt +Modified from the Python CodeMirror mode, Copyright (c) 2010 Timothy Farrell + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/coffeescript/coffeescript.js @@ -1,1 +1,326 @@ - +/** + * Link to the project's GitHub page: + * + */ +CodeMirror.defineMode('coffeescript', function(conf) { + var ERRORCLASS = 'error'; + + function wordRegexp(words) { + return new RegExp("^((" + words.join(")|(") + "))\\b"); + } + + var singleOperators = new RegExp("^[\\+\\-\\*/%&|\\^~<>!\?]"); + var singleDelimiters = new RegExp('^[\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}@,:`=;\\.]'); + var doubleOperators = new RegExp("^((\->)|(\=>)|(\\+\\+)|(\\+\\=)|(\\-\\-)|(\\-\\=)|(\\*\\*)|(\\*\\=)|(\\/\\/)|(\\/\\=)|(==)|(!=)|(<=)|(>=)|(<>)|(<<)|(>>)|(//))"); + var doubleDelimiters = new RegExp("^((\\.\\.)|(\\+=)|(\\-=)|(\\*=)|(%=)|(/=)|(&=)|(\\|=)|(\\^=))"); + var tripleDelimiters = new RegExp("^((\\.\\.\\.)|(//=)|(>>=)|(<<=)|(\\*\\*=))"); + var identifiers = new RegExp("^[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*"); + + var wordOperators = wordRegexp(['and', 'or', 'not', + 'is', 'isnt', 'in', + 'instanceof', 'typeof']); + var indentKeywords = ['for', 'while', 'loop', 'if', 'unless', 'else', + 'switch', 'try', 'catch', 'finally', 'class']; + var commonKeywords = ['break', 'by', 'continue', 'debugger', 'delete', + 'do', 'in', 'of', 'new', 'return', 'then', + 'this', 'throw', 'when', 'until']; + + var keywords = wordRegexp(indentKeywords.concat(commonKeywords)); + + indentKeywords = wordRegexp(indentKeywords); + + + var stringPrefixes = new RegExp("^('{3}|\"{3}|['\"])"); + var regexPrefixes = new RegExp("^(/{3}|/)"); + var commonConstants = ['Infinity', 'NaN', 'undefined', 'null', 'true', 'false', 'on', 'off', 'yes', 'no']; + var constants = wordRegexp(commonConstants); + + // Tokenizers + function tokenBase(stream, state) { + // Handle scope changes + if (stream.sol()) { + var scopeOffset = state.scopes[0].offset; + if (stream.eatSpace()) { + var lineOffset = stream.indentation(); + if (lineOffset > scopeOffset) { + return 'indent'; + } else if (lineOffset < scopeOffset) { + return 'dedent'; + } + return null; + } else { + if (scopeOffset > 0) { + dedent(stream, state); + } + } + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) { + return null; + } + + var ch = stream.peek(); + + // Handle comments + if (ch === '#') { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return 'comment'; + } + + // Handle number literals + if (stream.match(/^-?[0-9\.]/, false)) { + var floatLiteral = false; + // Floats + if (stream.match(/^-?\d*\.\d+(e[\+\-]?\d+)?/i)) { + floatLiteral = true; + } + if (stream.match(/^-?\d+\.\d*/)) { + floatLiteral = true; + } + if (stream.match(/^-?\.\d+/)) { + floatLiteral = true; + } + if (floatLiteral) { + return 'number'; + } + // Integers + var intLiteral = false; + // Hex + if (stream.match(/^-?0x[0-9a-f]+/i)) { + intLiteral = true; + } + // Decimal + if (stream.match(/^-?[1-9]\d*(e[\+\-]?\d+)?/)) { + intLiteral = true; + } + // Zero by itself with no other piece of number. + if (stream.match(/^-?0(?![\dx])/i)) { + intLiteral = true; + } + if (intLiteral) { + return 'number'; + } + } + + // Handle strings + if (stream.match(stringPrefixes)) { + state.tokenize = tokenFactory(stream.current(), 'string'); + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } + // Handle regex literals + if (stream.match(regexPrefixes)) { + if (stream.current() != '/' || stream.match(/^.*\//, false)) { // prevent highlight of division + state.tokenize = tokenFactory(stream.current(), 'string-2'); + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } else { + stream.backUp(1); + } + } + + // Handle operators and delimiters + if (stream.match(tripleDelimiters) || stream.match(doubleDelimiters)) { + return 'punctuation'; + } + if (stream.match(doubleOperators) + || stream.match(singleOperators) + || stream.match(wordOperators)) { + return 'operator'; + } + if (stream.match(singleDelimiters)) { + return 'punctuation'; + } + + if (stream.match(constants)) { + return 'atom'; + } + + if (stream.match(keywords)) { + return 'keyword'; + } + + if (stream.match(identifiers)) { + return 'variable'; + } + + // Handle non-detected items +; + return ERRORCLASS; + } + + function tokenFactory(delimiter, outclass) { + var delim_re = new RegExp(delimiter); + var singleline = delimiter.length == 1; + + return function tokenString(stream, state) { + while (!stream.eol()) { + stream.eatWhile(/[^'"\/\\]/); + if ('\\')) { +; + if (singleline && stream.eol()) { + return outclass; + } + } else if (stream.match(delim_re)) { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + return outclass; + } else { +['"\/]/); + } + } + if (singleline) { + if (conf.mode.singleLineStringErrors) { + outclass = ERRORCLASS + } else { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + } + } + return outclass; + }; + } + + function indent(stream, state, type) { + type = type || 'coffee'; + var indentUnit = 0; + if (type === 'coffee') { + for (var i = 0; i < state.scopes.length; i++) { + if (state.scopes[i].type === 'coffee') { + indentUnit = state.scopes[i].offset + conf.indentUnit; + break; + } + } + } else { + indentUnit = stream.column() + stream.current().length; + } + state.scopes.unshift({ + offset: indentUnit, + type: type + }); + } + + function dedent(stream, state) { + if (state.scopes.length == 1) return; + if (state.scopes[0].type === 'coffee') { + var _indent = stream.indentation(); + var _indent_index = -1; + for (var i = 0; i < state.scopes.length; ++i) { + if (_indent === state.scopes[i].offset) { + _indent_index = i; + break; + } + } + if (_indent_index === -1) { + return true; + } + while (state.scopes[0].offset !== _indent) { + state.scopes.shift(); + } + return false + } else { + state.scopes.shift(); + return false; + } + } + + function tokenLexer(stream, state) { + var style = state.tokenize(stream, state); + var current = stream.current(); + + // Handle '.' connected identifiers + if (current === '.') { + style = state.tokenize(stream, state); + current = stream.current(); + if (style === 'variable') { + return 'variable'; + } else { + return ERRORCLASS; + } + } + + // Handle properties + if (current === '@') { + style = state.tokenize(stream, state); + current = stream.current(); + if (style === 'variable') { + return 'variable-2'; + } else { + return ERRORCLASS; + } + } + + // Handle scope changes. + if (current === 'return') { + state.dedent += 1; + } + if (((current === '->' || current === '=>') && + !state.lambda && + state.scopes[0].type == 'coffee' && + stream.peek() === '') + || style === 'indent') { + indent(stream, state); + } + var delimiter_index = '[({'.indexOf(current); + if (delimiter_index !== -1) { + indent(stream, state, '])}'.slice(delimiter_index, delimiter_index+1)); + } + if (indentKeywords.exec(current)){ + indent(stream, state); + } + if (current == 'then'){ + dedent(stream, state); + } + + + if (style === 'dedent') { + if (dedent(stream, state)) { + return ERRORCLASS; + } + } + delimiter_index = '])}'.indexOf(current); + if (delimiter_index !== -1) { + if (dedent(stream, state)) { + return ERRORCLASS; + } + } + if (state.dedent > 0 && stream.eol() && state.scopes[0].type == 'coffee') { + if (state.scopes.length > 1) state.scopes.shift(); + state.dedent -= 1; + } + + return style; + } + + var external = { + startState: function(basecolumn) { + return { + tokenize: tokenBase, + scopes: [{offset:basecolumn || 0, type:'coffee'}], + lastToken: null, + lambda: false, + dedent: 0 + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + var style = tokenLexer(stream, state); + + state.lastToken = {style:style, content: stream.current()}; + + if (stream.eol() && stream.lambda) { + state.lambda = false; + } + + return style; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) { + return 0; + } + + return state.scopes[0].offset; + } + + }; + return external; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME('text/x-coffeescript', 'coffeescript'); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/coffeescript/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,722 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror: CoffeeScript mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: CoffeeScript mode

    + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-coffeescript.

    + +

    The CoffeeScript mode was written by Jeff Pickhardt (license).

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/css/css.js @@ -1,1 +1,125 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("css", function(config) { + var indentUnit = config.indentUnit, type; + function ret(style, tp) {type = tp; return style;} + function tokenBase(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == "@") {stream.eatWhile(/[\w\\\-]/); return ret("meta", stream.current());} + else if (ch == "/" &&"*")) { + state.tokenize = tokenCComment; + return tokenCComment(stream, state); + } + else if (ch == "<" &&"!")) { + state.tokenize = tokenSGMLComment; + return tokenSGMLComment(stream, state); + } + else if (ch == "=") ret(null, "compare"); + else if ((ch == "~" || ch == "|") &&"=")) return ret(null, "compare"); + else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") { + state.tokenize = tokenString(ch); + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } + else if (ch == "#") { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\\\-]/); + return ret("atom", "hash"); + } + else if (ch == "!") { + stream.match(/^\s*\w*/); + return ret("keyword", "important"); + } + else if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w.%]/); + return ret("number", "unit"); + } + else if (/[,.+>*\/]/.test(ch)) { + return ret(null, "select-op"); + } + else if (/[;{}:\[\]]/.test(ch)) { + return ret(null, ch); + } + else { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\\\-]/); + return ret("variable", "variable"); + } + } + + function tokenCComment(stream, state) { + var maybeEnd = false, ch; + while ((ch = != null) { + if (maybeEnd && ch == "/") { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + break; + } + maybeEnd = (ch == "*"); + } + return ret("comment", "comment"); + } + + function tokenSGMLComment(stream, state) { + var dashes = 0, ch; + while ((ch = != null) { + if (dashes >= 2 && ch == ">") { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + break; + } + dashes = (ch == "-") ? dashes + 1 : 0; + } + return ret("comment", "comment"); + } + + function tokenString(quote) { + return function(stream, state) { + var escaped = false, ch; + while ((ch = != null) { + if (ch == quote && !escaped) + break; + escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\"; + } + if (!escaped) state.tokenize = tokenBase; + return ret("string", "string"); + }; + } + + return { + startState: function(base) { + return {tokenize: tokenBase, + baseIndent: base || 0, + stack: []}; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + var style = state.tokenize(stream, state); + + var context = state.stack[state.stack.length-1]; + if (type == "hash" && context == "rule") style = "atom"; + else if (style == "variable") { + if (context == "rule") style = "number"; + else if (!context || context == "@media{") style = "tag"; + } + + if (context == "rule" && /^[\{\};]$/.test(type)) + state.stack.pop(); + if (type == "{") { + if (context == "@media") state.stack[state.stack.length-1] = "@media{"; + else state.stack.push("{"); + } + else if (type == "}") state.stack.pop(); + else if (type == "@media") state.stack.push("@media"); + else if (context == "{" && type != "comment") state.stack.push("rule"); + return style; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + var n = state.stack.length; + if (/^\}/.test(textAfter)) + n -= state.stack[state.stack.length-1] == "rule" ? 2 : 1; + return state.baseIndent + n * indentUnit; + }, + + electricChars: "}" + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/css", "css"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/css/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,56 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: CSS mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: CSS mode

    + + +

    MIME types defined: text/css.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/diff/diff.css @@ -1,1 +1,4 @@ {color: #a0b;} {color: red;} {color: #2b2;} --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/diff/diff.js @@ -1,1 +1,14 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("diff", function() { + return { + token: function(stream) { + var ch =; + stream.skipToEnd(); + if (ch == "+") return "plus"; + if (ch == "-") return "minus"; + if (ch == "@") return "rangeinfo"; + } + }; +}); +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-diff", "diff"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/diff/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,100 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Diff mode + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Diff mode

    + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-diff.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js @@ -1,1 +1,109 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("gfm", function(config, parserConfig) { + var mdMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "markdown"); + var aliases = { + html: "htmlmixed", + js: "javascript", + json: "application/json", + c: "text/x-csrc", + "c++": "text/x-c++src", + java: "text/x-java", + csharp: "text/x-csharp", + "c#": "text/x-csharp", + }; + // make this lazy so that we don't need to load GFM last + var getMode = (function () { + var i, modes = {}, mimes = {}, mime; + + var list = CodeMirror.listModes(); + for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { + modes[list[i]] = list[i]; + } + var mimesList = CodeMirror.listMIMEs(); + for (i = 0; i < mimesList.length; i++) { + mime = mimesList[i].mime; + mimes[mime] = mimesList[i].mime; + } + + for (var a in aliases) { + if (aliases[a] in modes || aliases[a] in mimes) + modes[a] = aliases[a]; + } + + return function (lang) { + return modes[lang] ? CodeMirror.getMode(config, modes[lang]) : null; + } + }()); + + function markdown(stream, state) { + // intercept fenced code blocks + if (stream.sol() && stream.match(/^```([\w+#]*)/)) { + // try switching mode + state.localMode = getMode(RegExp.$1) + if (state.localMode) + state.localState = state.localMode.startState(); + + state.token = local; + return 'code'; + } + + return mdMode.token(stream, state.mdState); + } + + function local(stream, state) { + if (stream.sol() && stream.match(/^```/)) { + state.localMode = state.localState = null; + state.token = markdown; + return 'code'; + } + else if (state.localMode) { + return state.localMode.token(stream, state.localState); + } else { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return 'code'; + } + } + + // custom handleText to prevent emphasis in the middle of a word + // and add autolinking + function handleText(stream, mdState) { + var match; + if (stream.match(/^\w+:\/\/\S+/)) { + return 'linkhref'; + } + if (stream.match(/^[^\[*\\<>` _][^\[*\\<>` ]*[^\[*\\<>` _]/)) { + return mdMode.getType(mdState); + } + if (match = stream.match(/^[^\[*\\<>` ]+/)) { + var word = match[0]; + if (word[0] === '_' && word[word.length-1] === '_') { + stream.backUp(word.length); + return undefined; + } + return mdMode.getType(mdState); + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) { + return null; + } + } + + return { + startState: function() { + var mdState = mdMode.startState(); + mdState.text = handleText; + return {token: markdown, mode: "markdown", mdState: mdState, + localMode: null, localState: null}; + }, + + copyState: function(state) { + return {token: state.token, mode: state.mode, mdState: CodeMirror.copyState(mdMode, state.mdState), + localMode: state.localMode, + localState: state.localMode ? CodeMirror.copyState(state.localMode, state.localState) : null}; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + return state.token(stream, state); + } + } +}); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/gfm/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,48 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: GFM mode + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: GFM mode

    + +
    + + + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/groovy/groovy.js @@ -1,1 +1,211 @@ - +CodeMirror.defineMode("groovy", function(config, parserConfig) { + function words(str) { + var obj = {}, words = str.split(" "); + for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true; + return obj; + } + var keywords = words( + "abstract as assert boolean break byte case catch char class const continue def default " + + "do double else enum extends final finally float for goto if implements import in " + + "instanceof int interface long native new package private protected public return " + + "short static strictfp super switch synchronized threadsafe throw throws transient " + + "try void volatile while"); + var blockKeywords = words("catch class do else finally for if switch try while enum interface def"); + var atoms = words("null true false this"); + + var curPunc; + function tokenBase(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") { + return startString(ch, stream, state); + } + if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) { + curPunc = ch; + return null + } + if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.]/); + if ( {\+\-/); stream.eatWhile(/\d/); } + return "number"; + } + if (ch == "/") { + if ("*")) { + state.tokenize.push(tokenComment); + return tokenComment(stream, state); + } + if ("/")) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "comment"; + } + if (expectExpression(state.lastToken)) { + return startString(ch, stream, state); + } + } + if (ch == "-" &&">")) { + curPunc = "->"; + return null; + } + if (/[+\-*&%=<>!?|\/~]/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[+\-*&%=<>|~]/); + return "operator"; + } + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + if (ch == "@") { stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_\.]/); return "meta"; } + if (state.lastToken == ".") return "property"; + if (":")) { curPunc = "proplabel"; return "property"; } + var cur = stream.current(); + if (atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) { return "atom"; } + if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) { + if (blockKeywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) curPunc = "newstatement"; + return "keyword"; + } + return "word"; + } + tokenBase.isBase = true; + + function startString(quote, stream, state) { + var tripleQuoted = false; + if (quote != "/" && { + if ( tripleQuoted = true; + else return "string"; + } + function t(stream, state) { + var escaped = false, next, end = !tripleQuoted; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == quote && !escaped) { + if (!tripleQuoted) { break; } + if (stream.match(quote + quote)) { end = true; break; } + } + if (quote == '"' && next == "$" && !escaped &&"{")) { + state.tokenize.push(tokenBaseUntilBrace()); + return "string"; + } + escaped = !escaped && next == "\\"; + } + if (end) state.tokenize.pop(); + return "string"; + } + state.tokenize.push(t); + return t(stream, state); + } + + function tokenBaseUntilBrace() { + var depth = 1; + function t(stream, state) { + if (stream.peek() == "}") { + depth--; + if (depth == 0) { + state.tokenize.pop(); + return state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length-1](stream, state); + } + } else if (stream.peek() == "{") { + depth++; + } + return tokenBase(stream, state); + } + t.isBase = true; + return t; + } + + function tokenComment(stream, state) { + var maybeEnd = false, ch; + while (ch = { + if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) { + state.tokenize.pop(); + break; + } + maybeEnd = (ch == "*"); + } + return "comment"; + } + + function expectExpression(last) { + return !last || last == "operator" || last == "->" || /[\.\[\{\(,;:]/.test(last) || + last == "newstatement" || last == "keyword" || last == "proplabel"; + } + + function Context(indented, column, type, align, prev) { + this.indented = indented; + this.column = column; + this.type = type; + this.align = align; + this.prev = prev; + } + function pushContext(state, col, type) { + return state.context = new Context(state.indented, col, type, null, state.context); + } + function popContext(state) { + var t = state.context.type; + if (t == ")" || t == "]" || t == "}") + state.indented = state.context.indented; + return state.context = state.context.prev; + } + + // Interface + + return { + startState: function(basecolumn) { + return { + tokenize: [tokenBase], + context: new Context((basecolumn || 0) - config.indentUnit, 0, "top", false), + indented: 0, + startOfLine: true, + lastToken: null + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + var ctx = state.context; + if (stream.sol()) { + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = false; + state.indented = stream.indentation(); + state.startOfLine = true; + // Automatic semicolon insertion + if (ctx.type == "statement" && !expectExpression(state.lastToken)) { + popContext(state); ctx = state.context; + } + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + curPunc = null; + var style = state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length-1](stream, state); + if (style == "comment") return style; + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = true; + + if ((curPunc == ";" || curPunc == ":") && ctx.type == "statement") popContext(state); + // Handle indentation for {x -> \n ... } + else if (curPunc == "->" && ctx.type == "statement" && ctx.prev.type == "}") { + popContext(state); + state.context.align = false; + } + else if (curPunc == "{") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "}"); + else if (curPunc == "[") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "]"); + else if (curPunc == "(") pushContext(state, stream.column(), ")"); + else if (curPunc == "}") { + while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state); + if (ctx.type == "}") ctx = popContext(state); + while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state); + } + else if (curPunc == ctx.type) popContext(state); + else if (ctx.type == "}" || ctx.type == "top" || (ctx.type == "statement" && curPunc == "newstatement")) + pushContext(state, stream.column(), "statement"); + state.startOfLine = false; + state.lastToken = curPunc || style; + return style; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (!state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length-1].isBase) return 0; + var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), ctx = state.context; + if (ctx.type == "statement" && !expectExpression(state.lastToken)) ctx = ctx.prev; + var closing = firstChar == ctx.type; + if (ctx.type == "statement") return ctx.indented + (firstChar == "{" ? 0 : config.indentUnit); + else if (ctx.align) return ctx.column + (closing ? 0 : 1); + else return ctx.indented + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit); + }, + + electricChars: "{}" + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-groovy", "groovy"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/groovy/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,72 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Groovy mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Groovy mode

    + + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-groovy

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/haskell/haskell.js @@ -1,1 +1,243 @@ - +CodeMirror.defineMode("haskell", function(cmCfg, modeCfg) { + + function switchState(source, setState, f) { + setState(f); + return f(source, setState); + } + + // These should all be Unicode extended, as per the Haskell 2010 report + var smallRE = /[a-z_]/; + var largeRE = /[A-Z]/; + var digitRE = /[0-9]/; + var hexitRE = /[0-9A-Fa-f]/; + var octitRE = /[0-7]/; + var idRE = /[a-z_A-Z0-9']/; + var symbolRE = /[-!#$%&*+.\/<=>?@\\^|~:]/; + var specialRE = /[(),;[\]`{}]/; + var whiteCharRE = /[ \t\v\f]/; // newlines are handled in tokenizer + + function normal(source, setState) { + if (source.eatWhile(whiteCharRE)) { + return null; + } + + var ch =; + if (specialRE.test(ch)) { + if (ch == '{' &&'-')) { + var t = "comment"; + if ('#')) { + t = "meta"; + } + return switchState(source, setState, ncomment(t, 1)); + } + return null; + } + + if (ch == '\'') { + if ('\\')) { +; // should handle other escapes here + } + else { +; + } + if ('\'')) { + return "string"; + } + return "error"; + } + + if (ch == '"') { + return switchState(source, setState, stringLiteral); + } + + if (largeRE.test(ch)) { + source.eatWhile(idRE); + if ('.')) { + return "qualifier"; + } + return "variable-2"; + } + + if (smallRE.test(ch)) { + source.eatWhile(idRE); + return "variable"; + } + + if (digitRE.test(ch)) { + if (ch == '0') { + if ([xX]/)) { + source.eatWhile(hexitRE); // should require at least 1 + return "integer"; + } + if ([oO]/)) { + source.eatWhile(octitRE); // should require at least 1 + return "number"; + } + } + source.eatWhile(digitRE); + var t = "number"; + if ('.')) { + t = "number"; + source.eatWhile(digitRE); // should require at least 1 + } + if ([eE]/)) { + t = "number"; +[-+]/); + source.eatWhile(digitRE); // should require at least 1 + } + return t; + } + + if (symbolRE.test(ch)) { + if (ch == '-' && { + source.eatWhile(/-/); + if (! { + source.skipToEnd(); + return "comment"; + } + } + var t = "variable"; + if (ch == ':') { + t = "variable-2"; + } + source.eatWhile(symbolRE); + return t; + } + + return "error"; + } + + function ncomment(type, nest) { + if (nest == 0) { + return normal; + } + return function(source, setState) { + var currNest = nest; + while (!source.eol()) { + var ch =; + if (ch == '{' &&'-')) { + ++currNest; + } + else if (ch == '-' &&'}')) { + --currNest; + if (currNest == 0) { + setState(normal); + return type; + } + } + } + setState(ncomment(type, currNest)); + return type; + } + } + + function stringLiteral(source, setState) { + while (!source.eol()) { + var ch =; + if (ch == '"') { + setState(normal); + return "string"; + } + if (ch == '\\') { + if (source.eol() || { + setState(stringGap); + return "string"; + } + if ('&')) { + } + else { +; // should handle other escapes here + } + } + } + setState(normal); + return "error"; + } + + function stringGap(source, setState) { + if ('\\')) { + return switchState(source, setState, stringLiteral); + } +; + setState(normal); + return "error"; + } + + + var wellKnownWords = (function() { + var wkw = {}; + function setType(t) { + return function () { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + wkw[arguments[i]] = t; + } + } + + setType("keyword")( + "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving", "do", "else", "foreign", + "if", "import", "in", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let", + "module", "newtype", "of", "then", "type", "where", "_"); + + setType("keyword")( + "\.\.", ":", "::", "=", "\\", "\"", "<-", "->", "@", "~", "=>"); + + setType("builtin")( + "!!", "$!", "$", "&&", "+", "++", "-", ".", "/", "/=", "<", "<=", "=<<", + "==", ">", ">=", ">>", ">>=", "^", "^^", "||", "*", "**"); + + setType("builtin")( + "Bool", "Bounded", "Char", "Double", "EQ", "Either", "Enum", "Eq", + "False", "FilePath", "Float", "Floating", "Fractional", "Functor", "GT", + "IO", "IOError", "Int", "Integer", "Integral", "Just", "LT", "Left", + "Maybe", "Monad", "Nothing", "Num", "Ord", "Ordering", "Rational", "Read", + "ReadS", "Real", "RealFloat", "RealFrac", "Right", "Show", "ShowS", + "String", "True"); + + setType("builtin")( + "abs", "acos", "acosh", "all", "and", "any", "appendFile", "asTypeOf", + "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atan2", "atanh", "break", "catch", "ceiling", + "compare", "concat", "concatMap", "const", "cos", "cosh", "curry", + "cycle", "decodeFloat", "div", "divMod", "drop", "dropWhile", "either", + "elem", "encodeFloat", "enumFrom", "enumFromThen", "enumFromThenTo", + "enumFromTo", "error", "even", "exp", "exponent", "fail", "filter", + "flip", "floatDigits", "floatRadix", "floatRange", "floor", "fmap", + "foldl", "foldl1", "foldr", "foldr1", "fromEnum", "fromInteger", + "fromIntegral", "fromRational", "fst", "gcd", "getChar", "getContents", + "getLine", "head", "id", "init", "interact", "ioError", "isDenormalized", + "isIEEE", "isInfinite", "isNaN", "isNegativeZero", "iterate", "last", + "lcm", "length", "lex", "lines", "log", "logBase", "lookup", "map", + "mapM", "mapM_", "max", "maxBound", "maximum", "maybe", "min", "minBound", + "minimum", "mod", "negate", "not", "notElem", "null", "odd", "or", + "otherwise", "pi", "pred", "print", "product", "properFraction", + "putChar", "putStr", "putStrLn", "quot", "quotRem", "read", "readFile", + "readIO", "readList", "readLn", "readParen", "reads", "readsPrec", + "realToFrac", "recip", "rem", "repeat", "replicate", "return", "reverse", + "round", "scaleFloat", "scanl", "scanl1", "scanr", "scanr1", "seq", + "sequence", "sequence_", "show", "showChar", "showList", "showParen", + "showString", "shows", "showsPrec", "significand", "signum", "sin", + "sinh", "snd", "span", "splitAt", "sqrt", "subtract", "succ", "sum", + "tail", "take", "takeWhile", "tan", "tanh", "toEnum", "toInteger", + "toRational", "truncate", "uncurry", "undefined", "unlines", "until", + "unwords", "unzip", "unzip3", "userError", "words", "writeFile", "zip", + "zip3", "zipWith", "zipWith3"); + + return wkw; + })(); + + + + return { + startState: function () { return { f: normal }; }, + copyState: function (s) { return { f: s.f }; }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + var t = state.f(stream, function(s) { state.f = s; }); + var w = stream.current(); + return (w in wellKnownWords) ? wellKnownWords[w] : t; + } + }; + +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-haskell", "haskell"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/haskell/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,61 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Haskell mode + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Haskell mode

    + + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-haskell.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/htmlembedded/htmlembedded.js @@ -1,1 +1,69 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("htmlembedded", function(config, parserConfig) { + + //config settings + var scriptStartRegex = parserConfig.scriptStartRegex || /^<%/i, + scriptEndRegex = parserConfig.scriptEndRegex || /^%>/i; + + //inner modes + var scriptingMode, htmlMixedMode; + + //tokenizer when in html mode + function htmlDispatch(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(scriptStartRegex, false)) { + state.token=scriptingDispatch; + return scriptingMode.token(stream, state.scriptState); + } + else + return htmlMixedMode.token(stream, state.htmlState); + } + //tokenizer when in scripting mode + function scriptingDispatch(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(scriptEndRegex, false)) { + state.token=htmlDispatch; + return htmlMixedMode.token(stream, state.htmlState); + } + else + return scriptingMode.token(stream, state.scriptState); + } + + + return { + startState: function() { + scriptingMode = scriptingMode || CodeMirror.getMode(config, parserConfig.scriptingModeSpec); + htmlMixedMode = htmlMixedMode || CodeMirror.getMode(config, "htmlmixed"); + return { + token : parserConfig.startOpen ? scriptingDispatch : htmlDispatch, + htmlState : htmlMixedMode.startState(), + scriptState : scriptingMode.startState() + } + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + return state.token(stream, state); + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (state.token == htmlDispatch) + return htmlMixedMode.indent(state.htmlState, textAfter); + else + return scriptingMode.indent(state.scriptState, textAfter); + }, + + copyState: function(state) { + return { + token : state.token, + htmlState : CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMixedMode, state.htmlState), + scriptState : CodeMirror.copyState(scriptingMode, state.scriptState) + } + }, + + + electricChars: "/{}:" + } +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-ejs", { name: "htmlembedded", scriptingModeSpec:"javascript"}); +CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-aspx", { name: "htmlembedded", scriptingModeSpec:"text/x-csharp"}); +CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-jsp", { name: "htmlembedded", scriptingModeSpec:"text/x-java"}); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/htmlembedded/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,50 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Html Embedded Scripts mode + + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Html Embedded Scripts mode

    + + + +

    Mode for html embedded scripts like JSP and ASP.NET. Depends on HtmlMixed which in turn depends on + JavaScript, CSS and XML.
    Other dependancies include those of the scriping language chosen.

    + +

    MIME types defined: application/x-aspx (ASP.NET), + application/x-ejs (Embedded Javascript), application/x-jsp (JavaServer Pages)

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js @@ -1,1 +1,84 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("htmlmixed", function(config, parserConfig) { + var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "xml", htmlMode: true}); + var jsMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "javascript"); + var cssMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "css"); + function html(stream, state) { + var style = htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState); + if (style == "tag" && stream.current() == ">" && state.htmlState.context) { + if (/^script$/i.test(state.htmlState.context.tagName)) { + state.token = javascript; + state.localState = jsMode.startState(htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, "")); + state.mode = "javascript"; + } + else if (/^style$/i.test(state.htmlState.context.tagName)) { + state.token = css; + state.localState = cssMode.startState(htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, "")); + state.mode = "css"; + } + } + return style; + } + function maybeBackup(stream, pat, style) { + var cur = stream.current(); + var close =; + if (close > -1) stream.backUp(cur.length - close); + return style; + } + function javascript(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(/^<\/\s*script\s*>/i, false)) { + state.token = html; + state.curState = null; + state.mode = "html"; + return html(stream, state); + } + return maybeBackup(stream, /<\/\s*script\s*>/, + jsMode.token(stream, state.localState)); + } + function css(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(/^<\/\s*style\s*>/i, false)) { + state.token = html; + state.localState = null; + state.mode = "html"; + return html(stream, state); + } + return maybeBackup(stream, /<\/\s*style\s*>/, + cssMode.token(stream, state.localState)); + } + + return { + startState: function() { + var state = htmlMode.startState(); + return {token: html, localState: null, mode: "html", htmlState: state}; + }, + + copyState: function(state) { + if (state.localState) + var local = CodeMirror.copyState(state.token == css ? cssMode : jsMode, state.localState); + return {token: state.token, localState: local, mode: state.mode, + htmlState: CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, state.htmlState)}; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + return state.token(stream, state); + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (state.token == html || /^\s*<\//.test(textAfter)) + return htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, textAfter); + else if (state.token == javascript) + return jsMode.indent(state.localState, textAfter); + else + return cssMode.indent(state.localState, textAfter); + }, + + compareStates: function(a, b) { + return htmlMode.compareStates(a.htmlState, b.htmlState); + }, + + electricChars: "/{}:" + } +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/html", "htmlmixed"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,52 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: HTML mixed mode + + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: HTML mixed mode

    + +

    The HTML mixed mode depends on the XML, JavaScript, and CSS modes.

    + +

    MIME types defined: text/html + (redefined, only takes effect if you load this parser after the + XML parser).

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/javascript/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,78 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: JavaScript mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: JavaScript mode

    + + + +

    JavaScript mode supports a single configuration + option, json, which will set the mode to expect JSON + data rather than a JavaScript program.

    + +

    MIME types defined: text/javascript, application/json.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js @@ -1,1 +1,361 @@ - +CodeMirror.defineMode("javascript", function(config, parserConfig) { + var indentUnit = config.indentUnit; + var jsonMode = parserConfig.json; + + // Tokenizer + + var keywords = function(){ + function kw(type) {return {type: type, style: "keyword"};} + var A = kw("keyword a"), B = kw("keyword b"), C = kw("keyword c"); + var operator = kw("operator"), atom = {type: "atom", style: "atom"}; + return { + "if": A, "while": A, "with": A, "else": B, "do": B, "try": B, "finally": B, + "return": C, "break": C, "continue": C, "new": C, "delete": C, "throw": C, + "var": kw("var"), "const": kw("var"), "let": kw("var"), + "function": kw("function"), "catch": kw("catch"), + "for": kw("for"), "switch": kw("switch"), "case": kw("case"), "default": kw("default"), + "in": operator, "typeof": operator, "instanceof": operator, + "true": atom, "false": atom, "null": atom, "undefined": atom, "NaN": atom, "Infinity": atom + }; + }(); + + var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|]/; + + function chain(stream, state, f) { + state.tokenize = f; + return f(stream, state); + } + + function nextUntilUnescaped(stream, end) { + var escaped = false, next; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == end && !escaped) + return false; + escaped = !escaped && next == "\\"; + } + return escaped; + } + + // Used as scratch variables to communicate multiple values without + // consing up tons of objects. + var type, content; + function ret(tp, style, cont) { + type = tp; content = cont; + return style; + } + + function jsTokenBase(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") + return chain(stream, state, jsTokenString(ch)); + else if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) + return ret(ch); + else if (ch == "0" && { + stream.eatWhile(/[\da-f]/i); + return ret("number", "number"); + } + else if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.match(/^\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/); + return ret("number", "number"); + } + else if (ch == "/") { + if ("*")) { + return chain(stream, state, jsTokenComment); + } + else if ("/")) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return ret("comment", "comment"); + } + else if (state.reAllowed) { + nextUntilUnescaped(stream, "/"); + stream.eatWhile(/[gimy]/); // 'y' is "sticky" option in Mozilla + return ret("regexp", "string"); + } + else { + stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar); + return ret("operator", null, stream.current()); + } + } + else if (ch == "#") { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return ret("error", "error"); + } + else if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar); + return ret("operator", null, stream.current()); + } + else { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + var word = stream.current(), known = keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word) && keywords[word]; + return (known && state.kwAllowed) ? ret(known.type,, word) : + ret("variable", "variable", word); + } + } + + function jsTokenString(quote) { + return function(stream, state) { + if (!nextUntilUnescaped(stream, quote)) + state.tokenize = jsTokenBase; + return ret("string", "string"); + }; + } + + function jsTokenComment(stream, state) { + var maybeEnd = false, ch; + while (ch = { + if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) { + state.tokenize = jsTokenBase; + break; + } + maybeEnd = (ch == "*"); + } + return ret("comment", "comment"); + } + + // Parser + + var atomicTypes = {"atom": true, "number": true, "variable": true, "string": true, "regexp": true}; + + function JSLexical(indented, column, type, align, prev, info) { + this.indented = indented; + this.column = column; + this.type = type; + this.prev = prev; + = info; + if (align != null) this.align = align; + } + + function inScope(state, varname) { + for (var v = state.localVars; v; v = + if ( == varname) return true; + } + + function parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream) { + var cc =; + // Communicate our context to the combinators. + // (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.) + cx.state = state; = stream; cx.marked = null, = cc; + + if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align")) + state.lexical.align = true; + + while(true) { + var combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : jsonMode ? expression : statement; + if (combinator(type, content)) { + while(cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1].lex) + cc.pop()(); + if (cx.marked) return cx.marked; + if (type == "variable" && inScope(state, content)) return "variable-2"; + return style; + } + } + } + + // Combinator utils + + var cx = {state: null, column: null, marked: null, cc: null}; + function pass() { + for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)[i]); + } + function cont() { + pass.apply(null, arguments); + return true; + } + function register(varname) { + var state = cx.state; + if (state.context) { + cx.marked = "def"; + for (var v = state.localVars; v; v = + if ( == varname) return; + state.localVars = {name: varname, next: state.localVars}; + } + } + + // Combinators + + var defaultVars = {name: "this", next: {name: "arguments"}}; + function pushcontext() { + if (!cx.state.context) cx.state.localVars = defaultVars; + cx.state.context = {prev: cx.state.context, vars: cx.state.localVars}; + } + function popcontext() { + cx.state.localVars = cx.state.context.vars; + cx.state.context = cx.state.context.prev; + } + function pushlex(type, info) { + var result = function() { + var state = cx.state; + state.lexical = new JSLexical(state.indented,, type, null, state.lexical, info) + }; + result.lex = true; + return result; + } + function poplex() { + var state = cx.state; + if (state.lexical.prev) { + if (state.lexical.type == ")") + state.indented = state.lexical.indented; + state.lexical = state.lexical.prev; + } + } + poplex.lex = true; + + function expect(wanted) { + return function expecting(type) { + if (type == wanted) return cont(); + else if (wanted == ";") return pass(); + else return cont(arguments.callee); + }; + } + + function statement(type) { + if (type == "var") return cont(pushlex("vardef"), vardef1, expect(";"), poplex); + if (type == "keyword a") return cont(pushlex("form"), expression, statement, poplex); + if (type == "keyword b") return cont(pushlex("form"), statement, poplex); + if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex); + if (type == ";") return cont(); + if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef); + if (type == "for") return cont(pushlex("form"), expect("("), pushlex(")"), forspec1, expect(")"), + poplex, statement, poplex); + if (type == "variable") return cont(pushlex("stat"), maybelabel); + if (type == "switch") return cont(pushlex("form"), expression, pushlex("}", "switch"), expect("{"), + block, poplex, poplex); + if (type == "case") return cont(expression, expect(":")); + if (type == "default") return cont(expect(":")); + if (type == "catch") return cont(pushlex("form"), pushcontext, expect("("), funarg, expect(")"), + statement, poplex, popcontext); + return pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, expect(";"), poplex); + } + function expression(type) { + if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) return cont(maybeoperator); + if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef); + if (type == "keyword c") return cont(maybeexpression); + if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), expression, expect(")"), poplex, maybeoperator); + if (type == "operator") return cont(expression); + if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(expression, "]"), poplex, maybeoperator); + if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), commasep(objprop, "}"), poplex, maybeoperator); + return cont(); + } + function maybeexpression(type) { + if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) return pass(); + return pass(expression); + } + + function maybeoperator(type, value) { + if (type == "operator" && /\+\+|--/.test(value)) return cont(maybeoperator); + if (type == "operator") return cont(expression); + if (type == ";") return; + if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), commasep(expression, ")"), poplex, maybeoperator); + if (type == ".") return cont(property, maybeoperator); + if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), expression, expect("]"), poplex, maybeoperator); + } + function maybelabel(type) { + if (type == ":") return cont(poplex, statement); + return pass(maybeoperator, expect(";"), poplex); + } + function property(type) { + if (type == "variable") {cx.marked = "property"; return cont();} + } + function objprop(type) { + if (type == "variable") cx.marked = "property"; + if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) return cont(expect(":"), expression); + } + function commasep(what, end) { + function proceed(type) { + if (type == ",") return cont(what, proceed); + if (type == end) return cont(); + return cont(expect(end)); + } + return function commaSeparated(type) { + if (type == end) return cont(); + else return pass(what, proceed); + }; + } + function block(type) { + if (type == "}") return cont(); + return pass(statement, block); + } + function vardef1(type, value) { + if (type == "variable"){register(value); return cont(vardef2);} + return cont(); + } + function vardef2(type, value) { + if (value == "=") return cont(expression, vardef2); + if (type == ",") return cont(vardef1); + } + function forspec1(type) { + if (type == "var") return cont(vardef1, forspec2); + if (type == ";") return pass(forspec2); + if (type == "variable") return cont(formaybein); + return pass(forspec2); + } + function formaybein(type, value) { + if (value == "in") return cont(expression); + return cont(maybeoperator, forspec2); + } + function forspec2(type, value) { + if (type == ";") return cont(forspec3); + if (value == "in") return cont(expression); + return cont(expression, expect(";"), forspec3); + } + function forspec3(type) { + if (type != ")") cont(expression); + } + function functiondef(type, value) { + if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont(functiondef);} + if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), pushcontext, commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, statement, popcontext); + } + function funarg(type, value) { + if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont();} + } + + // Interface + + return { + startState: function(basecolumn) { + return { + tokenize: jsTokenBase, + reAllowed: true, + kwAllowed: true, + cc: [], + lexical: new JSLexical((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "block", false), + localVars: null, + context: null, + indented: 0 + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + if (stream.sol()) { + if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align")) + state.lexical.align = false; + state.indented = stream.indentation(); + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + var style = state.tokenize(stream, state); + if (type == "comment") return style; + state.reAllowed = type == "operator" || type == "keyword c" || type.match(/^[\[{}\(,;:]$/); + state.kwAllowed = type != '.'; + return parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream); + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + if (state.tokenize != jsTokenBase) return 0; + var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), lexical = state.lexical, + type = lexical.type, closing = firstChar == type; + if (type == "vardef") return lexical.indented + 4; + else if (type == "form" && firstChar == "{") return lexical.indented; + else if (type == "stat" || type == "form") return lexical.indented + indentUnit; + else if ( == "switch" && !closing) + return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(textAfter) ? indentUnit : 2 * indentUnit); + else if (lexical.align) return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1); + else return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit); + }, + + electricChars: ":{}" + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/javascript", "javascript"); +CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/json", {name: "javascript", json: true}); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/jinja2/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,38 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Jinja2 mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Jinja2 mode

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/jinja2/jinja2.js @@ -1,1 +1,43 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("jinja2", function(config, parserConf) { + var keywords = ["block", "endblock", "for", "endfor", "in", "true", "false", + "loop", "none", "self", "super", "if", "as", "not", "and", + "else", "import", "with", "without", "context"]; + keywords = new RegExp("^((" + keywords.join(")|(") + "))\\b"); + function tokenBase (stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == "{") { + if (ch =\{|%|#/)) { +"-"); + state.tokenize = inTag(ch); + return "tag"; + } + } + } + function inTag (close) { + if (close == "{") { + close = "}"; + } + return function (stream, state) { + var ch =; + if ((ch == close || (ch == "-" && + &&"}")) { + state.tokenize = tokenBase; + return "tag"; + } + if (stream.match(keywords)) { + return "keyword"; + } + return close == "#" ? "comment" : "string"; + }; + } + return { + startState: function () { + return {tokenize: tokenBase}; + }, + token: function (stream, state) { + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } + }; +}); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/lua/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,73 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Lua mode + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Lua mode

    + + +

    Loosely based on Franciszek + Wawrzak's CodeMirror + 1 mode. One configuration parameter is + supported, specials, to which you can provide an + array of strings to have those identifiers highlighted with + the lua-special style.


    MIME types defined: text/x-lua.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/lua/lua.js @@ -1,1 +1,141 @@ +// LUA mode. Ported to CodeMirror 2 from Franciszek Wawrzak's +// CodeMirror 1 mode. +// highlights keywords, strings, comments (no leveling supported! ("[==[")), tokens, basic indenting + +CodeMirror.defineMode("lua", function(config, parserConfig) { + var indentUnit = config.indentUnit; + function prefixRE(words) { + return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.join("|") + ")", "i"); + } + function wordRE(words) { + return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.join("|") + ")$", "i"); + } + var specials = wordRE(parserConfig.specials || []); + + // long list of standard functions from lua manual + var builtins = wordRE([ + "_G","_VERSION","assert","collectgarbage","dofile","error","getfenv","getmetatable","ipairs","load", + "loadfile","loadstring","module","next","pairs","pcall","print","rawequal","rawget","rawset","require", + "select","setfenv","setmetatable","tonumber","tostring","type","unpack","xpcall", + + "coroutine.create","coroutine.resume","coroutine.running","coroutine.status","coroutine.wrap","coroutine.yield", + + "debug.debug","debug.getfenv","debug.gethook","debug.getinfo","debug.getlocal","debug.getmetatable", + "debug.getregistry","debug.getupvalue","debug.setfenv","debug.sethook","debug.setlocal","debug.setmetatable", + "debug.setupvalue","debug.traceback", + + "close","flush","lines","read","seek","setvbuf","write", + + "io.close","io.flush","io.input","io.lines","","io.output","io.popen","","io.stderr","io.stdin", + "io.stdout","io.tmpfile","io.type","io.write", + + "math.abs","math.acos","math.asin","math.atan","math.atan2","math.ceil","math.cos","math.cosh","math.deg", + "math.exp","math.floor","math.fmod","math.frexp","math.huge","math.ldexp","math.log","math.log10","math.max", + "math.min","math.modf","math.pi","math.pow","math.rad","math.random","math.randomseed","math.sin","math.sinh", + "math.sqrt","math.tan","math.tanh", + + "os.clock","","os.difftime","os.execute","os.exit","os.getenv","os.remove","os.rename","os.setlocale", + "os.time","os.tmpname", + + "package.cpath","package.loaded","package.loaders","package.loadlib","package.path","package.preload", + "package.seeall", + + "string.byte","string.char","string.dump","string.find","string.format","string.gmatch","string.gsub", + "string.len","string.lower","string.match","string.rep","string.reverse","string.sub","string.upper", + + "table.concat","table.insert","table.maxn","table.remove","table.sort" + ]); + var keywords = wordRE(["and","break","elseif","false","nil","not","or","return", + "true","function", "end", "if", "then", "else", "do", + "while", "repeat", "until", "for", "in", "local" ]); + + var indentTokens = wordRE(["function", "if","repeat","do", "\\(", "{"]); + var dedentTokens = wordRE(["end", "until", "\\)", "}"]); + var dedentPartial = prefixRE(["end", "until", "\\)", "}", "else", "elseif"]); + + function readBracket(stream) { + var level = 0; + while ("=")) ++level; +"["); + return level; + } + + function normal(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == "-" &&"-")) { + if ("[")) + return (state.cur = bracketed(readBracket(stream), "comment"))(stream, state); + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "comment"; + } + if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") + return (state.cur = string(ch))(stream, state); + if (ch == "[" && /[\[=]/.test(stream.peek())) + return (state.cur = bracketed(readBracket(stream), "string"))(stream, state); + if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w.%]/); + return "number"; + } + if (/[\w_]/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\\\-_.]/); + return "variable"; + } + return null; + } + + function bracketed(level, style) { + return function(stream, state) { + var curlev = null, ch; + while ((ch = != null) { + if (curlev == null) {if (ch == "]") curlev = 0;} + else if (ch == "=") ++curlev; + else if (ch == "]" && curlev == level) { state.cur = normal; break; } + else curlev = null; + } + return style; + }; + } + + function string(quote) { + return function(stream, state) { + var escaped = false, ch; + while ((ch = != null) { + if (ch == quote && !escaped) break; + escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\"; + } + if (!escaped) state.cur = normal; + return "string"; + }; + } + + return { + startState: function(basecol) { + return {basecol: basecol || 0, indentDepth: 0, cur: normal}; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + var style = state.cur(stream, state); + var word = stream.current(); + if (style == "variable") { + if (keywords.test(word)) style = "keyword"; + else if (builtins.test(word)) style = "builtin"; + else if (specials.test(word)) style = "variable-2"; + } + if ((style != "comment") && (style != "string")){ + if (indentTokens.test(word)) ++state.indentDepth; + else if (dedentTokens.test(word)) --state.indentDepth; + } + return style; + }, + + indent: function(state, textAfter) { + var closing = dedentPartial.test(textAfter); + return state.basecol + indentUnit * (state.indentDepth - (closing ? 1 : 0)); + } + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-lua", "lua"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/markdown/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,340 @@ - + + + + CodeMirror: Markdown mode + + + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Markdown mode

    + + +
    + + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-markdown.

    + + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js @@ -1,1 +1,243 @@ - +CodeMirror.defineMode("markdown", function(cmCfg, modeCfg) { + + var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(cmCfg, { name: 'xml', htmlMode: true }); + + var header = 'header' + , code = 'comment' + , quote = 'quote' + , list = 'string' + , hr = 'hr' + , linktext = 'link' + , linkhref = 'string' + , em = 'em' + , strong = 'strong' + , emstrong = 'emstrong'; + + var hrRE = /^[*-=_]/ + , ulRE = /^[*-+]\s+/ + , olRE = /^[0-9]\.\s+/ + , headerRE = /^(?:\={3,}|-{3,})$/ + , codeRE = /^(k:\t|\s{4,})/ + , textRE = /^[^\[*_\\<>`]+/; + + function switchInline(stream, state, f) { + state.f = state.inline = f; + return f(stream, state); + } + + function switchBlock(stream, state, f) { + state.f = state.block = f; + return f(stream, state); + } + + + // Blocks + + function blockNormal(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(codeRE)) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return code; + } + + if (stream.eatSpace()) { + return null; + } + + if (stream.peek() === '#' || stream.match(headerRE)) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return header; + } + if ('>')) { + state.indentation++; + return quote; + } + if (stream.peek() === '[') { + return switchInline(stream, state, footnoteLink); + } + if (hrRE.test(stream.peek())) { + var re = new RegExp('(?:\s*['+stream.peek()+']){3,}$'); + if (stream.match(re, true)) { + return hr; + } + } + + var match; + if (match = stream.match(ulRE, true) || stream.match(olRE, true)) { + state.indentation += match[0].length; + return list; + } + + return switchInline(stream, state, state.inline); + } + + function htmlBlock(stream, state) { + var style = htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState); + if (style === 'tag' && state.htmlState.type !== 'openTag' && !state.htmlState.context) { + state.f = inlineNormal; + state.block = blockNormal; + } + return style; + } + + + // Inline + function getType(state) { + return state.strong ? (state.em ? emstrong : strong) + : (state.em ? em : null); + } + + function handleText(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(textRE, true)) { + return getType(state); + } + return undefined; + } + + function inlineNormal(stream, state) { + var style = state.text(stream, state) + if (typeof style !== 'undefined') + return style; + + var ch =; + + if (ch === '\\') { +; + return getType(state); + } + if (ch === '`') { + return switchInline(stream, state, inlineElement(code, '`')); + } + if (ch === '[') { + return switchInline(stream, state, linkText); + } + if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^\w/, false)) { + stream.backUp(1); + return switchBlock(stream, state, htmlBlock); + } + + var t = getType(state); + if (ch === '*' || ch === '_') { + if ( { + return (state.strong = !state.strong) ? getType(state) : t; + } + return (state.em = !state.em) ? getType(state) : t; + } + + return getType(state); + } + + function linkText(stream, state) { + while (!stream.eol()) { + var ch =; + if (ch === '\\'); + if (ch === ']') { + state.inline = state.f = linkHref; + return linktext; + } + } + return linktext; + } + + function linkHref(stream, state) { + stream.eatSpace(); + var ch =; + if (ch === '(' || ch === '[') { + return switchInline(stream, state, inlineElement(linkhref, ch === '(' ? ')' : ']')); + } + return 'error'; + } + + function footnoteLink(stream, state) { + if (stream.match(/^[^\]]*\]:/, true)) { + state.f = footnoteUrl; + return linktext; + } + return switchInline(stream, state, inlineNormal); + } + + function footnoteUrl(stream, state) { + stream.eatSpace(); + stream.match(/^[^\s]+/, true); + state.f = state.inline = inlineNormal; + return linkhref; + } + + function inlineRE(endChar) { + if (!inlineRE[endChar]) { + // match any not-escaped-non-endChar and any escaped char + // then match endChar or eol + inlineRE[endChar] = new RegExp('^(?:[^\\\\\\' + endChar + ']|\\\\.)*(?:\\' + endChar + '|$)'); + } + return inlineRE[endChar]; + } + + function inlineElement(type, endChar, next) { + next = next || inlineNormal; + return function(stream, state) { + stream.match(inlineRE(endChar)); + state.inline = state.f = next; + return type; + }; + } + + return { + startState: function() { + return { + f: blockNormal, + + block: blockNormal, + htmlState: htmlMode.startState(), + indentation: 0, + + inline: inlineNormal, + text: handleText, + em: false, + strong: false + }; + }, + + copyState: function(s) { + return { + f: s.f, + + block: s.block, + htmlState: CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, s.htmlState), + indentation: s.indentation, + + inline: s.inline, + text: s.text, + em: s.em, + strong: s.strong + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + if (stream.sol()) { + state.f = state.block; + var previousIndentation = state.indentation + , currentIndentation = 0; + while (previousIndentation > 0) { + if (' ')) { + previousIndentation--; + currentIndentation++; + } else if (previousIndentation >= 4 &&'\t')) { + previousIndentation -= 4; + currentIndentation += 4; + } else { + break; + } + } + state.indentation = currentIndentation; + + if (currentIndentation > 0) return null; + } + return state.f(stream, state); + }, + + getType: getType + }; + +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-markdown", "markdown"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/ntriples/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,33 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: NTriples mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: NTriples mode

    + +
    + +

    MIME types defined: text/n-triples.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/ntriples/ntriples.js @@ -1,1 +1,173 @@ +/********************************************************** +* This script provides syntax highlighting support for +* the Ntriples format. +* Ntriples format specification: +* +***********************************************************/ +/* + The following expression defines the defined ASF grammar transitions. + + pre_subject -> + { + ( writing_subject_uri | writing_bnode_uri ) + -> pre_predicate + -> writing_predicate_uri + -> pre_object + -> writing_object_uri | writing_object_bnode | + ( + writing_object_literal + -> writing_literal_lang | writing_literal_type + ) + -> post_object + -> BEGIN + } otherwise { + -> ERROR + } +*/ +CodeMirror.defineMode("ntriples", function() { + + Location = { + PRE_SUBJECT : 0, + WRITING_SUB_URI : 1, + WRITING_BNODE_URI : 2, + PRE_PRED : 3, + WRITING_PRED_URI : 4, + PRE_OBJ : 5, + WRITING_OBJ_URI : 6, + WRITING_OBJ_BNODE : 7, + WRITING_OBJ_LITERAL : 8, + WRITING_LIT_LANG : 9, + WRITING_LIT_TYPE : 10, + POST_OBJ : 11, + ERROR : 12 + }; + function transitState(currState, c) { + var currLocation = currState.location; + var ret; + + // Opening. + if (currLocation == Location.PRE_SUBJECT && c == '<') ret = Location.WRITING_SUB_URI; + else if(currLocation == Location.PRE_SUBJECT && c == '_') ret = Location.WRITING_BNODE_URI; + else if(currLocation == Location.PRE_PRED && c == '<') ret = Location.WRITING_PRED_URI; + else if(currLocation == Location.PRE_OBJ && c == '<') ret = Location.WRITING_OBJ_URI; + else if(currLocation == Location.PRE_OBJ && c == '_') ret = Location.WRITING_OBJ_BNODE; + else if(currLocation == Location.PRE_OBJ && c == '"') ret = Location.WRITING_OBJ_LITERAL; + + // Closing. + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_SUB_URI && c == '>') ret = Location.PRE_PRED; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_BNODE_URI && c == ' ') ret = Location.PRE_PRED; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_PRED_URI && c == '>') ret = Location.PRE_OBJ; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_OBJ_URI && c == '>') ret = Location.POST_OBJ; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_OBJ_BNODE && c == ' ') ret = Location.POST_OBJ; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_OBJ_LITERAL && c == '"') ret = Location.POST_OBJ; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_LIT_LANG && c == ' ') ret = Location.POST_OBJ; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_LIT_TYPE && c == '>') ret = Location.POST_OBJ; + + // Closing typed and language literal. + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_OBJ_LITERAL && c == '@') ret = Location.WRITING_LIT_LANG; + else if(currLocation == Location.WRITING_OBJ_LITERAL && c == '^') ret = Location.WRITING_LIT_TYPE; + + // Spaces. + else if( c == ' ' && + ( + currLocation == Location.PRE_SUBJECT || + currLocation == Location.PRE_PRED || + currLocation == Location.PRE_OBJ || + currLocation == Location.POST_OBJ + ) + ) ret = currLocation; + + // Reset. + else if(currLocation == Location.POST_OBJ && c == '.') ret = Location.PRE_SUBJECT; + + // Error + else ret = Location.ERROR; + + currState.location=ret; + } + + untilSpace = function(c) { return c != ' '; }; + untilEndURI = function(c) { return c != '>'; }; + return { + startState: function() { + return { + location : Location.PRE_SUBJECT, + uris : [], + anchors : [], + bnodes : [], + langs : [], + types : [] + }; + }, + token: function(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if(ch == '<') { + transitState(state, ch); + var parsedURI = ''; + stream.eatWhile( function(c) { if( c != '#' && c != '>' ) { parsedURI += c; return true; } return false;} ); + state.uris.push(parsedURI); + if( stream.match('#', false) ) return 'variable'; +; + transitState(state, '>'); + return 'variable'; + } + if(ch == '#') { + var parsedAnchor = ''; + stream.eatWhile(function(c) { if(c != '>' && c != ' ') { parsedAnchor+= c; return true; } return false}); + state.anchors.push(parsedAnchor); + return 'variable-2'; + } + if(ch == '>') { + transitState(state, '>'); + return 'variable'; + } + if(ch == '_') { + transitState(state, ch); + var parsedBNode = ''; + stream.eatWhile(function(c) { if( c != ' ' ) { parsedBNode += c; return true; } return false;}); + state.bnodes.push(parsedBNode); +; + transitState(state, ' '); + return 'builtin'; + } + if(ch == '"') { + transitState(state, ch); + stream.eatWhile( function(c) { return c != '"'; } ); +; + if( stream.peek() != '@' && stream.peek() != '^' ) { + transitState(state, '"'); + } + return 'string'; + } + if( ch == '@' ) { + transitState(state, '@'); + var parsedLang = ''; + stream.eatWhile(function(c) { if( c != ' ' ) { parsedLang += c; return true; } return false;}); + state.langs.push(parsedLang); +; + transitState(state, ' '); + return 'string-2'; + } + if( ch == '^' ) { +; + transitState(state, '^'); + var parsedType = ''; + stream.eatWhile(function(c) { if( c != '>' ) { parsedType += c; return true; } return false;} ); + state.types.push(parsedType); +; + transitState(state, '>'); + return 'variable'; + } + if( ch == ' ' ) { + transitState(state, ch); + } + if( ch == '.' ) { + transitState(state, ch); + } + } + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/n-triples", "ntriples"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/pascal/LICENSE @@ -1,1 +1,8 @@ +Copyright (c) 2011 souceLair +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/pascal/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,49 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Pascal mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Pascal mode

    + + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-pascal.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/pascal/pascal.js @@ -1,1 +1,139 @@ +CodeMirror.defineMode("pascal", function(config) { + function words(str) { + var obj = {}, words = str.split(" "); + for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true; + return obj; + } + var keywords = words("and array begin case const div do downto else end file for forward integer " + + "boolean char function goto if in label mod nil not of or packed procedure " + + "program record repeat set string then to type until var while with"); + var blockKeywords = words("case do else for if switch while struct then of"); + var atoms = {"null": true}; + var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|\/]/; + var curPunc; + + function tokenBase(stream, state) { + var ch =; + if (ch == "#" && state.startOfLine) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "meta"; + } + if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") { + state.tokenize = tokenString(ch); + return state.tokenize(stream, state); + } + if (ch == "(" &&"*")) { + state.tokenize = tokenComment; + return tokenComment(stream, state); + } + if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) { + curPunc = ch; + return null + } + if (/\d/.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.]/); + return "number"; + } + if (ch == "/") { + if ("/")) { + stream.skipToEnd(); + return "comment"; + } + } + if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) { + stream.eatWhile(isOperatorChar); + return "operator"; + } + stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/); + var cur = stream.current(); + if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) { + if (blockKeywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) curPunc = "newstatement"; + return "keyword"; + } + if (atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) return "atom"; + return "word"; + } + + function tokenString(quote) { + return function(stream, state) { + var escaped = false, next, end = false; + while ((next = != null) { + if (next == quote && !escaped) {end = true; break;} + escaped = !escaped && next == "\\"; + } + if (end || !escaped) state.tokenize = null; + return "string"; + }; + } + + function tokenComment(stream, state) { + var maybeEnd = false, ch; + while (ch = { + if (ch == ")" && maybeEnd) { + state.tokenize = null; + break; + } + maybeEnd = (ch == "*"); + } + return "comment"; + } + + function Context(indented, column, type, align, prev) { + this.indented = indented; + this.column = column; + this.type = type; + this.align = align; + this.prev = prev; + } + function pushContext(state, col, type) { + return state.context = new Context(state.indented, col, type, null, state.context); + } + function popContext(state) { + var t = state.context.type; + if (t == ")" || t == "]" ) + state.indented = state.context.indented; + return state.context = state.context.prev; + } + + // Interface + + return { + startState: function(basecolumn) { + return { + tokenize: null, + context: new Context((basecolumn || 0) - config.indentUnit, 0, "top", false), + indented: 0, + startOfLine: true + }; + }, + + token: function(stream, state) { + var ctx = state.context; + if (stream.sol()) { + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = false; + state.indented = stream.indentation(); + state.startOfLine = true; + } + if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; + curPunc = null; + var style = (state.tokenize || tokenBase)(stream, state); + if (style == "comment" || style == "meta") return style; + if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = true; + + if ((curPunc == ";" || curPunc == ":") && ctx.type == "statement") popContext(state); + else if (curPunc == "[") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "]"); + else if (curPunc == "(") pushContext(state, stream.column(), ")"); + else if (curPunc == ctx.type) popContext(state); + else if ( ctx.type == "top" || (ctx.type == "statement" && curPunc == "newstatement")) + pushContext(state, stream.column(), "statement"); + state.startOfLine = false; + return style; + }, + + electricChars: "{}" + }; +}); + +CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-pascal", "pascal"); + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/perl/LICENSE @@ -1,1 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (C) 2011 by Sabaca under the MIT license. +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/perl/index.html @@ -1,1 +1,63 @@ + + + + CodeMirror: Perl mode + + + + + + + +

    CodeMirror: Perl mode

    + + + +

    MIME types defined: text/x-perl.

    + + + --- /dev/null +++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/mode/perl/perl.js @@ -1,1 +1,817 @@ - +// CodeMirror2 mode/perl/perl.js (text/x-perl) beta 0.10 (2011-11-08) +// This is a part of CodeMirror from ( +CodeMirror.defineMode("perl",function(config,parserConfig){ + // + var PERL={ // null - magic touch + // 1 - keyword + // 2 - def + // 3 - atom + // 4 - operator + // 5 - variable-2 (predefined) + // [x,y] - x=1,2,3; y=must be defined if x{...} + // PERL operators + '->' : 4, + '++' : 4, + '--' : 4, + '**' : 4, + // ! ~ \ and unary + and - + '=~' : 4, + '!~' : 4, + '*' : 4, + '/' : 4, + '%' : 4, + 'x' : 4, + '+' : 4, + '-' : 4, + '.' : 4, + '<<' : 4, + '>>' : 4, + // named unary operators + '<' : 4, + '>' : 4, + '<=' : 4, + '>=' : 4, + 'lt' : 4, + 'gt' : 4, + 'le' : 4, + 'ge' : 4, + '==' : 4, + '!=' : 4, + '<=>' : 4, + 'eq' : 4, + 'ne' : 4, + 'cmp' : 4, + '~~' : 4, + '&' : 4, + '|' : 4, + '^' : 4, + '&&' : 4, + '||' : 4, + '//' : 4, + '..' : 4, + '...' : 4, + '?' : 4, + ':' : 4, + '=' : 4, + '+=' : 4, + '-=' : 4, + '*=' : 4, // etc. ??? + ',' : 4, + '=>' : 4, + '::' : 4, + // list operators (rightward) + 'not' : 4, + 'and' : 4, + 'or' : 4, + 'xor' : 4, + // PERL predefined variables (I know, what this is a paranoid idea, but may be needed for people, who learn PERL, and for me as well, ...and may be for you?;) + 'BEGIN' : [5,1], + 'END' : [5,1], + 'PRINT' : [5,1], + 'PRINTF' : [5,1], + 'GETC' : [5,1], + 'READ' : [5,1], + 'READLINE' : [5,1], + 'DESTROY' : [5,1], + 'TIE' : [5,1], + 'TIEHANDLE' : [5,1], + 'UNTIE' : [5,1], + 'STDIN' : 5, + 'STDIN_TOP' : 5, + 'STDOUT' : 5, + 'STDOUT_TOP' : 5, + 'STDERR' : 5, + 'STDERR_TOP' : 5, + '$ARG' : 5, + '$_' : 5, + '@ARG' : 5, + '@_' : 5, + '$LIST_SEPARATOR' : 5, + '$"' : 5, + '$PROCESS_ID' : 5, + '$PID' : 5, + '$$' : 5, + '$REAL_GROUP_ID' : 5, + '$GID' : 5, + '$(' : 5, + '$EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID' : 5, + '$EGID' : 5, + '$)' : 5, + '$PROGRAM_NAME' : 5, + '$0' : 5, + '$SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR' : 5, + '$SUBSEP' : 5, + '$;' : 5, + '$REAL_USER_ID' : 5, + '$UID' : 5, + '$<' : 5, + '$EFFECTIVE_USER_ID' : 5, + '$EUID' : 5, + '$>' : 5, + '$a' : 5, + '$b' : 5, + '$COMPILING' : 5, + '$^C' : 5, + '$DEBUGGING' : 5, + '$^D' : 5, + '${^ENCODING}' : 5, + '$ENV' : 5, + '%ENV' : 5, + '$SYSTEM_FD_MAX' : 5, + '$^F' : 5, + '@F' : 5, + '${^GLOBAL_PHASE}' : 5, + '$^H' : 5, + '%^H' : 5, + '@INC' : 5, + '%INC' : 5, + '$INPLACE_EDIT' : 5, + '$^I' : 5, + '$^M' : 5, + '$OSNAME' : 5, + '$^O' : 5, + '${^OPEN}' : 5, + '$PERLDB' : 5, + '$^P' : 5, + '$SIG' : 5, + '%SIG' : 5, + '$BASETIME' : 5, + '$^T' : 5, + '${^TAINT}' : 5, + '${^UNICODE}' : 5, + '${^UTF8CACHE}' : 5, + '${^UTF8LOCALE}' : 5, + '$PERL_VERSION' : 5, + '$^V' : 5, + '${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT}' : 5, + '$EXECUTABLE_NAME' : 5, + '$^X' : 5, + '$1' : 5, // - regexp $1, $2... + '$MATCH' : 5, + '$&' : 5, + '${^MATCH}' : 5, + '$PREMATCH' : 5, + '$`' : 5, + '${^PREMATCH}' : 5, + '$POSTMATCH' : 5, + "$'" : 5, + '${^POSTMATCH}' : 5, + '$LAST_PAREN_MATCH' : 5, + '$+' : 5, + '$LAST_SUBMATCH_RESULT' : 5, + '$^N' : 5, + '@LAST_MATCH_END' : 5, + '@+' : 5, + '%LAST_PAREN_MATCH' : 5, + '%+' : 5, + '@LAST_MATCH_START' : 5, + '@-' : 5, + '%LAST_MATCH_START' : 5, + '%-' : 5, + '$LAST_REGEXP_CODE_RESULT' : 5, + '$^R' : 5, + '${^RE_DEBUG_FLAGS}' : 5, + '${^RE_TRIE_MAXBUF}' : 5, + '$ARGV' : 5, + '@ARGV' : 5, + 'ARGV' : 5, + 'ARGVOUT' : 5, + '$OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR' : 5, + '$OFS' : 5, + '$,' : 5, + '$INPUT_LINE_NUMBER' : 5, + '$NR' : 5, + '$.' : 5, + '$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR' : 5, + '$RS' : 5, + '$/' : 5, + '$OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR' : 5, + '$ORS' : 5, + '$\\' : 5, + '$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH' : 5, + '$|' : 5, + '$ACCUMULATOR' : 5, + '$^A' : 5, + '$FORMAT_FORMFEED' : 5, + '$^L' : 5, + '$FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER' : 5, + '$%' : 5, + '$FORMAT_LINES_LEFT' : 5, + '$-' : 5, + '$FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS' : 5, + '$:' : 5, + '$FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE' : 5, + '$=' : 5, + '$FORMAT_TOP_NAME' : 5, + '$^' : 5, + '$FORMAT_NAME' : 5, + '$~' : 5, + '${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}' : 5, + '$EXTENDED_OS_ERROR' : 5, + '$^E' : 5, + '$EXCEPTIONS_BEING_CAUGHT' : 5, + '$^S' : 5, + '$WARNING' : 5, + '$^W' : 5, + '${^WARNING_BITS}' : 5, + '$OS_ERROR' : 5, + '$ERRNO' : 5, + '$!' : 5, + '%OS_ERROR' : 5, + '%ERRNO' : 5, + '%!' : 5, + '$CHILD_ERROR' : 5, + '$?' : 5, + '$EVAL_ERROR' : 5, + '$@' : 5, + '$OFMT' : 5, + '$#' : 5, + '$*' : 5, + '$ARRAY_BASE' : 5, + '$[' : 5, + '$OLD_PERL_VERSION' : 5, + '$]' : 5, + // PERL blocks + 'if' :[1,1], + elsif :[1,1], + 'else' :[1,1], + 'while' :[1,1], + unless :[1,1], + 'for' :[1,1], + foreach :[1,1], + // PERL functions + 'abs' :1, // - absolute value function + accept :1, // - accept an incoming socket connect + alarm :1, // - schedule a SIGALRM + 'atan2' :1, // - arctangent of Y/X in the range -PI to PI + bind :1, // - binds an address to a socket + binmode :1, // - prepare binary files for I/O + bless :1, // - create an object + bootstrap :1, // + 'break' :1, // - break out of a "given" block + caller :1, // - get context of the current subroutine call + chdir :1, // - change your current working directory + chmod :1, // - changes the permissions on a list of files + chomp :1, // - remove a trailing record separator from a string + chop :1, // - remove the last character from a string + chown :1, // - change the owership on a list of files + chr :1, // - get character this number represents + chroot :1, // - make directory new root for path lookups + close :1, // - close file (or pipe or socket) handle + closedir :1, // - close directory handle + connect :1, // - connect to a remote socket + 'continue' :[1,1], // - optional trailing block in a while or foreach + 'cos' :1, // - cosine function + crypt :1, // - one-way passwd-style encryption + dbmclose :1, // - breaks binding on a tied dbm file + dbmopen :1, // - create binding on a tied dbm file + 'default' :1, // + defined :1, // - test whether a value, variable, or function is defined + 'delete' :1, // - deletes a value from a hash + die :1, // - raise an exception or bail out + 'do' :1, // - turn a BLOCK into a TERM + dump :1, // - create an immediate core dump + each :1, // - retrieve the next key/value pair from a hash + endgrent :1, // - be done using group file + endhostent :1, // - be done using hosts file + endnetent :1, // - be done using networks file + endprotoent :1, // - be done using protocols file + endpwent :1, // - be done using passwd file + endservent :1, // - be done using services file + eof :1, // - test a filehandle for its end + 'eval' :1, // - catch exceptions or compile and run code + 'exec' :1, // - a