error reporting features
error reporting features

Former-commit-id: 4458096bdd46a0e420126ab910fbf68cbdd986f0

--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 [submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"]
 	path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene
 	url =
-[submodule "couchdb/settee"]
-	path = couchdb/settee
-	url =
 [submodule "lib/php-diff"]
 	path = lib/php-diff
 	url =

file:a/about.php -> file:b/about.php
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -4,19 +4,12 @@
 <div class="foundation-header">
     <h1><a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a></h1>
-    <h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4>
-<h2> What is this? </h2> is a project to monitor Australian Federal Government agencies 
-compliance with their <a href="">"proactive disclosure requirements" to make a transparency league table as suggested by gov2 taskforce</a>.
 <h2> Attributions </h2>
 National Archives of Australia, Australian Governments’ Interactive Functions Thesaurus, 2nd edition, September 2005, published at <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>
-<h2> Open everything </h2>
-All documents released CC-BY 3 AU
-Open source git @
 <h2>Organisational Data Sources</h2>
@@ -25,17 +18,17 @@ summarises these. view-source: is great for the suspended/active status<br>
-Fraud in gov depts by Fairfax Media
+Fraud in gov depts by Fairfax Media <br>
 When defining the hierachy, this system is designed towards monitoring accountablity. Thus large agencies that have registered their own ABN 
-and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website receive a seperate record as a child of their department.
+and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website receive a seperate record as a child of their department.<br>
 Some small agencies will choose to simply rely on their parent department's accountablity measures.<br>
-This flows through to organisation name and other/past names. A department that completely accounts for an agency will list that agency as an other child name.
-As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded.
+This flows through to organisation name and other/past names. A department that completely accounts for an agency will list that agency as an other child name.<br>
+As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded.<br>
 A department/agency name will be the newest active name assigned to that ABN.<br>
-ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire about which former name should be linked to which current name. 
+ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire about which former name should be linked to which current name. <br>
 For example "Department of Transport and Regional Services" became "Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government" (same ABN)
 however it later split into "Department of Infrastructure and Transport" (same ABN) 
 and "Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government" (new ABN).<br>
@@ -43,24 +36,7 @@
 Statistical information from
 and individual annual reports.<br>
-<h2>Webpage Assessment</h2>
-Much due care has been put into correctly recording disclosure URLs. Typically the "About", "Corporate", "Publications" and "Sitemap" sections are checked at the very least. 
-Occasionally it is nessicary to use a site or Google search. In several rare cases, there is a secret "Disclosure" navigation menu you can find if you find one of the mandatory publishing obligations in that category (seriously).<br>
-Some rules about leniency:<br>
-    <li>An empty FOI disclosure log counts, a page outlining what the FOI Act is does not.</li>
-    <li>A disclosure log in PDF or Word format counts :(</li>
-    <li>An empty File/Record list counts (although that's very minimalistic that you have no files, electronic or paper)</li>
-    <li>Only a current information publication scheme page counts, not a s.9 FOI Act page or an organisation chart.</li>
-    <li>If there isn't a page easily listing all current and past Annual Reports, the most current one (html, pdf) counts.</li>
-    <li>Consultancy contracts might not need it's own webpage (if in Annual Report), grants/appointments might not apply to all organisations but Legal Services Expenditure (and all other obligations) does need a webpage. </li>
-<h2>Open Government Scoring</h2>
-+1 point for every true Has... attribute<br>
--1 point for every false Has... (ie. Has Not) attribute</br>
-Don't like this? Make your own score, suggest a better scoring mechanism.</br>

--- a/admin/0203apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0203apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",3530
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,108
-Australian Crime Commission,225
-Australian Customs Service,4934
-Australian Protective Service,1124
-CrimTrac Agency,34
-Family Court of Australia,574
-Federal Court of Australia,221
-Federal Magistrates Service,46
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,32
-National Native Title Tribunal,241
-Office of the D.P.P.,403
-Office of Film & Literature Class,39
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,45
-Communications IT & the Arts,776
-Aust. Broadcasting Authority,114
-Aust. Communications Authority,391
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,90
-National Archives of Australia,363
-National Library of Australia,443
-National Museum of Australia,185
-Defence Housing Authority,661
-Australian Research Council,50
-Australian Industrial Registry,185
-Environment and Heritage,1271
-Australian Greenhouse Office,167
-Bureau of Meteorology,1403
-National Oceans Office,31
-Family and Community Services,4832
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,39
-Finance and Administration,771
-Australian Electoral Comm.,729
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,2763
-Health & Ageing,5137
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,152
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,341
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,30
-Industry Tourism & Resources,2691
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,344
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,78
-Office of National Assessments,47
-APS Commission,164
-Transport & Regional Services,945
-National Capital Authority,76
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3024
-Australian Taxation Office,20238
-Productivity Commission,197
-Veterans Affairs,2335
-Australian War Memorial,215
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",3530


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,108


+Australian Crime Commission,225

+Australian Customs Service,4934

+Australian Protective Service,1124

+CrimTrac Agency,34

+Family Court of Australia,574

+Federal Court of Australia,221

+Federal Magistrates Service,46

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,32



+National Native Title Tribunal,241

+Office of the D.P.P.,403

+Office of Film & Literature Class,39

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,45

+Communications IT & the Arts,776

+Aust. Broadcasting Authority,114

+Aust. Communications Authority,391

+Aust. National Maritime Museum,90

+National Archives of Australia,363

+National Library of Australia,443

+National Museum of Australia,185



+Defence Housing Authority,661


+Australian Research Council,50



+Australian Industrial Registry,185



+Environment and Heritage,1271

+Australian Greenhouse Office,167

+Bureau of Meteorology,1403


+National Oceans Office,31

+Family and Community Services,4832

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,39


+Finance and Administration,771

+Australian Electoral Comm.,729


+Foreign Affairs & Trade,2763


+Health & Ageing,5137

+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,152





+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,341



+Torres Strait Regional Authority,30

+Industry Tourism & Resources,2691

+Prime Minister & Cabinet,344


+Commonwealth Ombudsman,78

+Office of National Assessments,47

+APS Commission,164

+Transport & Regional Services,945

+National Capital Authority,76


+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3024



+Australian Taxation Office,20238

+Productivity Commission,197

+Veterans Affairs,2335

+Australian War Memorial,215


--- a/admin/0304apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0304apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry",3928
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,117
-Australian Crime Commission,315
-Australian Customs Service,4736
-Australian Protective Service,1234
-CrimTrac Agency,44
-Family Court of Australia,608
-Federal Court of Australia,238
-Federal Magistrates Service,56
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,29
-National Native Title Tribunal,243
-Office of the D.P.P.,416
-Office of Film & Literature Class.,37
-Office of Parliamentary Counsel,46
-Communications IT & the Arts,607
-Aust. Broadcasting Authority,114
-Aust. Communications Authority,407
-Australian Film Commission,176
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,93
-National Archives of Australia,386
-National Library of Australia,438
-National Museum of Australia,186
-Defence Housing Authority,679
-Australian Research Council,53
-Australian Industrial Registry,188
-Environment and Heritage,1276
-Australian Greenhouse Office,166
-Bureau of Meteorology,1371
-National Oceans Office,39
-Family and Community Services,4818
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,38
-Finance and Administration,895
-Australian Electoral Comm.,765
-Foreign Affairs and Trade,2809
-Health and Ageing,5365
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,157
-National Blood Authority,33
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,291
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,34
-"Industry, Tourism & Resources",2878
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,372
-APS Commission,172
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,82
-Office of National Assessments,51
-Transport & Regional Services,885
-National Capital Authority,68
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,2866
-Australian Taxation Office,20501
-Productivity Commission,183
-Veterans' Affairs,2356
-Australian War Memorial,196
+"Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry",3928


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,117


+Australian Crime Commission,315

+Australian Customs Service,4736

+Australian Protective Service,1234

+CrimTrac Agency,44

+Family Court of Australia,608

+Federal Court of Australia,238

+Federal Magistrates Service,56

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,29



+National Native Title Tribunal,243

+Office of the D.P.P.,416

+Office of Film & Literature Class.,37

+Office of Parliamentary Counsel,46

+Communications IT & the Arts,607

+Aust. Broadcasting Authority,114

+Aust. Communications Authority,407

+Australian Film Commission,176


+Aust. National Maritime Museum,93

+National Archives of Australia,386

+National Library of Australia,438

+National Museum of Australia,186


+Defence Housing Authority,679


+Australian Research Council,53


+Australian Industrial Registry,188




+Environment and Heritage,1276

+Australian Greenhouse Office,166

+Bureau of Meteorology,1371


+National Oceans Office,39

+Family and Community Services,4818

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,38


+Finance and Administration,895

+Australian Electoral Comm.,765


+Foreign Affairs and Trade,2809


+Health and Ageing,5365

+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,157



+National Blood Authority,33



+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,291




+Torres Strait Regional Authority,34

+"Industry, Tourism & Resources",2878

+Prime Minister & Cabinet,372


+APS Commission,172

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,82

+Office of National Assessments,51

+Transport & Regional Services,885

+National Capital Authority,68


+Australian Bureau of Statistics,2866



+Australian Taxation Office,20501

+Productivity Commission,183

+Veterans' Affairs,2356

+Australian War Memorial,196


--- a/admin/0405apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0405apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1297
-Attorney-Generals ,1011
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,154
-Australian Crime Commission,412
-Australian Customs Service,5054
-Commonwealth DPP,451
-CrimTrac Agency,51
-Family Court of Australia,737
-Federal Court of Australia,403
-Federal Magistrates Service,102
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,40
-National Native Title Tribunal,265
-Office of Film & Literature Class,41
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,43
-"Communications, IT & the Arts ",804
-Aust. Broadcasting Authority,106
-Aust. Communications Authority,416
-Australian Film Commission,167
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,114
-National Archives of Australia,514
-National Library of Australia,523
-National Museum of Australia,260
-Defence ,18638
-Defence Housing Authority,685
-DEST ,2001
-Australian Research Council,71
-DEWR ,3141
-Australian Industrial Registry,202
-Environment & Heritage ,1852
-Bureau of Meteorology,1442
-Family & Community Services ,1949
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,66
-Finance & Administration ,1297
-Australian Electoral Comm.,808
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,40
-Foreign Affairs & Trade ,2468
-Health & Ageing ,4220
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,215
-National Blood Authority,40
-Professional Services Review,18
-Human Services ,37
-Child Support Agency,3238
-CRS Australia,1998
-Immigration ,5769
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,458
-Migration Review Tribunal,132
-Refugee Review Tribunal,176
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,48
-"Industry, Tourism & Resources ",1906
-Geoscience Australia,635
-IP Australia,821
-Prime Minister & Cabinet ,402
-Australian Public Service Commission,211
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,113
-National Water Commission,27
-Office of National Assessments,93
-Transport & Regional Services ,1178
-National Capital Authority,91
-Treasury ,885
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3095
-Australian Taxation Office,23417
-National Competition Council,11
-Productivity Commission,200
-Royal Australian Mint,117
-Veterans Affairs ,2655
-Australian War Memorial,310
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1297


+Attorney-Generals ,1011

+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,154


+Australian Crime Commission,412

+Australian Customs Service,5054

+Commonwealth DPP,451

+CrimTrac Agency,51

+Family Court of Australia,737

+Federal Court of Australia,403

+Federal Magistrates Service,102

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,40



+National Native Title Tribunal,265

+Office of Film & Literature Class,41

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,43

+"Communications, IT & the Arts ",804

+Aust. Broadcasting Authority,106

+Aust. Communications Authority,416

+Australian Film Commission,167

+Aust. National Maritime Museum,114

+National Archives of Australia,514

+National Library of Australia,523

+National Museum of Australia,260

+Defence ,18638

+Defence Housing Authority,685

+DEST ,2001

+Australian Research Council,71


+DEWR ,3141

+Australian Industrial Registry,202



+Environment & Heritage ,1852

+Bureau of Meteorology,1442



+Family & Community Services ,1949

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,66

+Finance & Administration ,1297

+Australian Electoral Comm.,808

+Commonwealth Grants Commission,40


+Foreign Affairs & Trade ,2468



+Health & Ageing ,4220

+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,215



+National Blood Authority,40

+Professional Services Review,18

+Human Services ,37


+Child Support Agency,3238

+CRS Australia,1998

+Immigration ,5769

+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,458


+Migration Review Tribunal,132

+Refugee Review Tribunal,176

+Torres Strait Regional Authority,48

+"Industry, Tourism & Resources ",1906

+Geoscience Australia,635

+IP Australia,821


+Prime Minister & Cabinet ,402


+Australian Public Service Commission,211

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,113

+National Water Commission,27

+Office of National Assessments,93

+Transport & Regional Services ,1178

+National Capital Authority,91

+Treasury ,885

+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3095




+Australian Taxation Office,23417

+National Competition Council,11

+Productivity Commission,200

+Royal Australian Mint,117

+Veterans Affairs ,2655

+Australian War Memorial,310


--- a/admin/0506apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0506apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",1498
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,156
-Australian Crime Commission,425
-Australian Customs Service,5574
-CrimTrac Agency,53
-Family Court of Australia,765
-Federal Court of Australia,412
-Federal Magistrates Service,112
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,44
-National Native Title Tribunal,244
-Commonwealth DPP,469
-Office of Film & Literature Class,49
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,46
-"Communications, IT & the Arts",833
-Australian Communications & Media Authority,497
-Australian Film Commission,255
-Australian National Maritime Museum,107
-Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,46
-National Archives of Australia,467
-National Library of Australia,499
-National Museum of Australia,301
-Defence Housing Authority,699
-Australian Research Council,69
-Australian Building and Construction Commission,85
-Australian Fair Pay Commission,11
-Australian Industrial Registry,175
-Office of Workplace Services,188
-Environment & Heritage,2060
-Bureau of Meteorology,1404
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,489
-Australian Institute of Family Studies,53
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,72
-Finance & Administration,1409
-Australian Electoral Commission,790
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,41
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,2551
-Health & Ageing,4301
-Australian Institute of Health & Welfare,203
-National Blood Authority,52
-Professional Services Review,14
-Human Services,5545
-Medicare Australia,5393
-Migration Review Tribunal,103
-Refugee Review Tribunal,161
-"Industry, Tourism & Resources",1979
-Geoscience Australia,669
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,590
-Australian Public Service Commission,253
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,141
-National Water Commission,45
-Office of National Assessments,122
-Transport & Regional Services,1327
-National Capital Authority,95
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3511
-Australian Taxation Office,22568
-National Competition Council,9
-Productivity Commission,205
-Royal Australian Mint,145
-Veterans Affairs,2521
-Australian War Memorial,316
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",1498



+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,156


+Australian Crime Commission,425

+Australian Customs Service,5574

+CrimTrac Agency,53

+Family Court of Australia,765

+Federal Court of Australia,412

+Federal Magistrates Service,112

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,44



+National Native Title Tribunal,244

+Commonwealth DPP,469

+Office of Film & Literature Class,49

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,46

+"Communications, IT & the Arts",833

+Australian Communications & Media Authority,497

+Australian Film Commission,255

+Australian National Maritime Museum,107

+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,46

+National Archives of Australia,467

+National Library of Australia,499

+National Museum of Australia,301


+Defence Housing Authority,699



+Australian Research Council,69



+Australian Building and Construction Commission,85

+Australian Fair Pay Commission,11

+Australian Industrial Registry,175



+Office of Workplace Services,188

+Environment & Heritage,2060

+Bureau of Meteorology,1404




+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,489

+Australian Institute of Family Studies,53

+Torres Strait Regional Authority,72

+Finance & Administration,1409

+Australian Electoral Commission,790

+Commonwealth Grants Commission,41


+Foreign Affairs & Trade,2551



+Health & Ageing,4301

+Australian Institute of Health & Welfare,203



+National Blood Authority,52

+Professional Services Review,14

+Human Services,5545


+Medicare Australia,5393


+Migration Review Tribunal,103

+Refugee Review Tribunal,161

+"Industry, Tourism & Resources",1979

+Geoscience Australia,669



+Prime Minister & Cabinet,590


+Australian Public Service Commission,253

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,141

+National Water Commission,45

+Office of National Assessments,122

+Transport & Regional Services,1327

+National Capital Authority,95


+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3511




+Australian Taxation Office,22568

+National Competition Council,9

+Productivity Commission,205

+Royal Australian Mint,145

+Veterans Affairs,2521

+Australian War Memorial,316


--- a/admin/0607apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0607apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4951
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,162
-Australian Crime Commission,554
-Australian Customs Service,5904
-CrimTrac Agency,81
-Family Court of Australia,727
-Federal Court of Australia,401
-Federal Magistrates Court,160
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,58
-National Native Title Tribunal,244
-Commonwealth DPP,497
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,48
-"Communications, IT & the Arts",914
-Australian Film Commission,244
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,109
-National Archives of Australia,465
-National Library of Australia,521
-National Museum of Australia,282
-Defence Housing Australia,699
-Australian Research Council,73
-Australian Fair Pay Commission,28
-Australian Industrial Registry,175
-Office of Workplace Services,303
-Environment & Water Resources,2292
-Bureau of Meteorology,1451
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,491
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,59
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,76
-Finance & Administration,1514
-Australian Electoral Commission,886
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,41
-Future Fund Management Agency,12
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,2784
-Health & Ageing,4830
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,211
-Cancer Australia,26
-National Blood Authority,50
-Professional Services Review,16
-Human Services,6433
-Medicare Australia,5959
-"Industry, Tourism & Resources",2075
-Geoscience Australia,682
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,711
-Australian Public Service Commission,250
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,153
-National Water Commission,32
-Office of National Assessments,133
-Transport & Regional Services,1330
-National Capital Authority,106
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3167
-Australian Taxation Office,23110
-National Competition Council,9
-Productivity Commission,207
-Royal Australian Mint,181
-Veterans' Affairs,2401
-Australian War Memorial,293
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4951


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,162



+Australian Crime Commission,554

+Australian Customs Service,5904

+CrimTrac Agency,81

+Family Court of Australia,727

+Federal Court of Australia,401

+Federal Magistrates Court,160

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,58



+National Native Title Tribunal,244

+Commonwealth DPP,497

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,48

+"Communications, IT & the Arts",914


+Australian Film Commission,244

+Aust. National Maritime Museum,109


+National Archives of Australia,465

+National Library of Australia,521

+National Museum of Australia,282


+Defence Housing Australia,699



+Australian Research Council,73




+Australian Fair Pay Commission,28

+Australian Industrial Registry,175



+Office of Workplace Services,303

+Environment & Water Resources,2292

+Bureau of Meteorology,1451




+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,491

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,59

+Torres Strait Regional Authority,76

+Finance & Administration,1514

+Australian Electoral Commission,886

+Commonwealth Grants Commission,41


+Future Fund Management Agency,12

+Foreign Affairs & Trade,2784




+Health & Ageing,4830

+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,211


+Cancer Australia,26


+National Blood Authority,50


+Professional Services Review,16

+Human Services,6433


+Medicare Australia,5959



+"Industry, Tourism & Resources",2075

+Geoscience Australia,682



+Prime Minister & Cabinet,711


+Australian Public Service Commission,250

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,153

+National Water Commission,32

+Office of National Assessments,133

+Transport & Regional Services,1330

+National Capital Authority,106


+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3167




+Australian Taxation Office,23110

+National Competition Council,9

+Productivity Commission,207

+Royal Australian Mint,181

+Veterans' Affairs,2401

+Australian War Memorial,293


--- a/admin/0708apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0708apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4785
-Export Wheat Commission,15
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,114
-Australian Crime Commission,495
-Australian Customs Service,6106
-CrimTrac Agency,138
-Family Court of Australia,558
-Federal Court of Australia,261
-Federal Magistrates Court,141
-National Capital Authority,47
-National Native Title Tribunal,217
-Commonwealth DPP,509
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,50
-Climate Change,218
-Defence Housing Australia,565
-Australian Fair Pay Commission,25
-Australian Industrial Registry,157
-Office of the Workplace Ombudsman,365
-Workplace Authority,610
-"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",2333
-Australian Film Commission,256
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,105
-Bureau of Meteorology,1265
-National Library of Australia,444
-National Museum of Australia,226
-National Water Commission,29
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,362
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,36
-Finance & Deregulation,1349
-Australian Electoral Comm.,697
-Future Fund Management Agency,38
-National Archives of Australia,390
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,2665
-Health & Ageing,4445
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,228
-Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,60
-Cancer Australia,22
-National Blood Authority,44
-Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,11
-Professional Services Review,19
-Human Services,5951
-Medicare Australia,5593
-RRT and MRT,270
-Australian Research Council,87
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,483
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,42
-Australian Public Service Commission,201
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,155
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,61
-Office of National Assessments,96
-"Resources, Energy and Tourism",329
-Geoscience Australia,611
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,2858
-Australian Taxation Office,22486
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,39
-National Competition Council,7
-Productivity Commission,179
-Royal Australian Mint,146
-Veterans' Affairs,2250
-Australian War Memorial,228
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4785


+Export Wheat Commission,15


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,114



+Australian Crime Commission,495

+Australian Customs Service,6106

+CrimTrac Agency,138

+Family Court of Australia,558

+Federal Court of Australia,261

+Federal Magistrates Court,141



+National Capital Authority,47

+National Native Title Tribunal,217

+Commonwealth DPP,509

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,50



+Climate Change,218



+Defence Housing Australia,565



+Australian Fair Pay Commission,25

+Australian Industrial Registry,157



+Office of the Workplace Ombudsman,365

+Workplace Authority,610

+"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",2333

+Australian Film Commission,256

+Aust. National Maritime Museum,105

+Bureau of Meteorology,1265


+National Library of Australia,444

+National Museum of Australia,226

+National Water Commission,29


+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,362


+Torres Strait Regional Authority,36

+Finance & Deregulation,1349

+Australian Electoral Comm.,697


+Future Fund Management Agency,38

+National Archives of Australia,390

+Foreign Affairs & Trade,2665




+Health & Ageing,4445

+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,228

+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,60


+Cancer Australia,22


+National Blood Authority,44


+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,11

+Professional Services Review,19

+Human Services,5951


+Medicare Australia,5593


+RRT and MRT,270



+Australian Research Council,87



+Prime Minister & Cabinet,483

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,42


+Australian Public Service Commission,201

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,155

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,61


+Office of National Assessments,96

+"Resources, Energy and Tourism",329

+Geoscience Australia,611



+Australian Bureau of Statistics,2858




+Australian Taxation Office,22486

+Commonwealth Grants Commission,39

+National Competition Council,7

+Productivity Commission,179

+Royal Australian Mint,146

+Veterans' Affairs,2250

+Australian War Memorial,228


--- a/admin/0809apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0809apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",5168
-Australian Fisheries Management Authority,260
-Wheat Exports Australia,17
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,155
-Australian Crime Commission,527
-Australian Customs and Border Protection Service,6031
-CrimTrac Agency,187
-Family Court of Australia,669
-Federal Court of Australia,376
-Federal Magistrates Court,213
-National Capital Authority,58
-National Native Title Tribunal,246
-Commonwealth DPP,614
-Office of Parliamentary Counsel,50
-Climate Change,415
-Defence Housing Australia,728
-Australian Fair Pay Commission Secretariat,29
-Australian Industrial Registry,203
-Office of the Workplace Ombudsman,484
-Workplace Authority,470
-"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",3392
-Australian National Maritime Museum,119
-Bureau of Meteorology,1545
-Murray Darling Basin Authority,235
-National Library of Australia,513
-National Museum of Australia,295
-National Film and Sound Archive,235
-National Water Commission,48
-Screen Australia,78
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,519
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,77
-Finance & Deregulation,1706
-Australian Electoral Commission,805
-Future Fund Management Agency,57
-National Archives of Australia,506
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,2984
-Health & Ageing,4912
-Australian Institute of Health & Welfare,265
-Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,60
-Cancer Australia,25
-National Blood Authority,42
-Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,10
-Professional Services Review,30
-Human Services,6620
-Medicare Australia,5844
-Immigration & Citizenship,7052
-MRT & RRT,273
-Australian Research Council,107
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,647
-Australian Institute of Family Studies,75
-Australian Public Service Commission,241
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,168
-Federal Privacy Commissioner,64
-Office of National Assessments,148
-Old Parliament House,88
-"Resources, Energy and Tourism",401
-Geoscience Australia,745
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,2871
-Australian Taxation Office,23505
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,46
-National Competition Council,9
-Productivity Commission,183
-Royal Australian Mint,197
-Veterans' Affairs,2165
-Australian War Memorial,313
+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",5168

+Australian Fisheries Management Authority,260


+Wheat Exports Australia,17


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,155



+Australian Crime Commission,527

+Australian Customs and Border Protection Service,6031

+CrimTrac Agency,187

+Family Court of Australia,669

+Federal Court of Australia,376

+Federal Magistrates Court,213



+National Capital Authority,58

+National Native Title Tribunal,246

+Commonwealth DPP,614

+Office of Parliamentary Counsel,50



+Climate Change,415



+Defence Housing Australia,728



+Australian Fair Pay Commission Secretariat,29

+Australian Industrial Registry,203


+Office of the Workplace Ombudsman,484

+Workplace Authority,470

+"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",3392

+Australian National Maritime Museum,119

+Bureau of Meteorology,1545


+Murray Darling Basin Authority,235

+National Library of Australia,513

+National Museum of Australia,295

+National Film and Sound Archive,235

+National Water Commission,48

+Screen Australia,78


+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,519


+Torres Strait Regional Authority,77

+Finance & Deregulation,1706

+Australian Electoral Commission,805


+Future Fund Management Agency,57

+National Archives of Australia,506

+Foreign Affairs & Trade,2984




+Health & Ageing,4912

+Australian Institute of Health & Welfare,265


+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,60


+Cancer Australia,25


+National Blood Authority,42


+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,10

+Professional Services Review,30

+Human Services,6620


+Medicare Australia,5844

+Immigration & Citizenship,7052

+MRT & RRT,273




+Australian Research Council,107



+Prime Minister & Cabinet,647

+Australian Institute of Family Studies,75


+Australian Public Service Commission,241

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,168

+Federal Privacy Commissioner,64


+Office of National Assessments,148

+Old Parliament House,88

+"Resources, Energy and Tourism",401

+Geoscience Australia,745



+Australian Bureau of Statistics,2871




+Australian Taxation Office,23505

+Commonwealth Grants Commission,46

+National Competition Council,9

+Productivity Commission,183

+Royal Australian Mint,197

+Veterans' Affairs,2165

+Australian War Memorial,313


--- a/admin/0910apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/0910apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-National Competition Council,9
-Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,12
-Wheat Exports Australia,13
-Cancer Australia,19
-Professional Services Review,30
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,40
-National Blood Authority,46
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,54
-National Water Commission,57
-Office of the Privacy Commissioner,58
-National Capital Authority,60
-Future Fund Management Agency,70
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,76
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,82
-Old Parliament House,95
-Screen Australia,102
-Australian Transport Safety Bureau,107
-Safe Work Australia,109
-Australian Research Council,109
-Human Rights Commission,124
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,132
-Office of National Assessments,146
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,156
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,165
-Royal Australian Mint,171
-CrimTrac Agency,185
-Federal Magistrates Court,186
-Productivity Commission,196
-National Native Title Tribunal,223
-National Film and Sound Archive,232
-Australian Public Service Commission,247
-MRT & RRT,273
-Australian War Memorial,291
-Fair Work Australia,299
-National Museum of Australia,312
-Murray Darling Basin Authority,314
-Federal Court of Australia,360
-Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,383
-"Resources, Energy and Tourism",454
-National Archives of Australia,504
-National Library of Australia,540
-Australian Crime Commission,543
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,556
-Commonwealth DPP,558
-Defence Housing Australia,630
-Family Court of Australia,660
-Prime Minister & Cabinet,680
-Geoscience Australia,723
-Australian Electoral Commission,922
-Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,969
-Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,1019
-Bureau of Meteorology,1656
-Finance & Deregulation,1841
-Veterans' Affairs,2144
-"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",3115
-Foreign Affairs & Trade,3160
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3332
-"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4892
-Health & Ageing,5232
-Medicare Australia,5695
-Human Services,6607
-Immigration & Citizenship,7014
-Australian Taxation Office,24070
+National Competition Council,9

+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,12


+Wheat Exports Australia,13

+Cancer Australia,19



+Professional Services Review,30




+Commonwealth Grants Commission,40

+National Blood Authority,46



+Office of the Parl. Counsel,54

+National Water Commission,57

+Office of the Privacy Commissioner,58

+National Capital Authority,60


+Future Fund Management Agency,70

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,76

+Torres Strait Regional Authority,82

+Old Parliament House,95

+Screen Australia,102

+Australian Transport Safety Bureau,107

+Safe Work Australia,109

+Australian Research Council,109

+Human Rights Commission,124



+Aust. National Maritime Museum,132

+Office of National Assessments,146




+Commonwealth Ombudsman,156

+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,165

+Royal Australian Mint,171

+CrimTrac Agency,185

+Federal Magistrates Court,186

+Productivity Commission,196


+National Native Title Tribunal,223


+National Film and Sound Archive,232


+Australian Public Service Commission,247


+MRT & RRT,273

+Australian War Memorial,291

+Fair Work Australia,299

+National Museum of Australia,312

+Murray Darling Basin Authority,314



+Federal Court of Australia,360


+Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,383

+"Resources, Energy and Tourism",454

+National Archives of Australia,504

+National Library of Australia,540

+Australian Crime Commission,543

+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,556

+Commonwealth DPP,558




+Defence Housing Australia,630

+Family Court of Australia,660


+Prime Minister & Cabinet,680


+Geoscience Australia,723


+Australian Electoral Commission,922

+Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,969

+Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,1019





+Bureau of Meteorology,1656


+Finance & Deregulation,1841



+Veterans' Affairs,2144

+"Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",3115

+Foreign Affairs & Trade,3160

+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3332


+"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4892

+Health & Ageing,5232

+Medicare Australia,5695



+Human Services,6607

+Immigration & Citizenship,7014


+Australian Taxation Office,24070



--- a/admin/1011apsemployees.csv
+++ b/admin/1011apsemployees.csv
@@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
-"Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry",5219
-Australian Fisheries Management Authority,227
-Wheat Exports Australia,13
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,162
-Australian Crime Commission,635
-Aust. Customs & Border Prot. Service,5767
-Aust. Human Rights Commission,139
-Commonwealth DPP,514
-CrimTrac Agency,181
-Family Court of Australia,670
-Federal Court of Australia,362
-Federal Magistrates Court,195
-National Native Title Tribunal,176
-Office of the Parl. Counsel,55
-Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,984
-Defence Housing Australia,614
-Fair Work Australia,310
-Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,955
-Safe Work Australia,121
-Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,563
-Torres Strait Regional Authority,107
-Finance and Deregulation,1964
-Australian Electoral Commission,913
-Future Fund Management Agency,80
-Foreign Affairs and Trade,3354
-Health and Ageing,5396
-Aust. Institute of Health and Welfare,393
-Cancer Australia,22
-National Blood Authority,50
-Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,14
-Professional Services Review,30
-Human Services,6443
-Medicare Australia,5842
-Immigration and Citizenship,7903
-MRT RRT,283
-Australian Transport Safety Bureau,109
-Australian Research Council,112
-Prime Minister and Cabinet,1140
-Aust. Institute of Family Studies,81
-Aust. National Maritime Museum,127
-Australian Public Service Commission,332
-Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,67
-Commonwealth Ombudsman,183
-National Archives of Australia,494
-National Library of Australia,494
-National Museum of Australia,287
-National Film and Sound Archive,235
-Office of the Australian Information Commissioner,86
-Office of National Assessments,148
-Old Parliament House,92
-Screen Australia,35
-Regional Australia,336
-National Capital Authority,69
-"Resources, Energy and Tourism",1262
-"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities",2949
-Bureau of Meteorology,1775
-Murray Darling Basin Authority,314
-National Water Commission,74
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,3540
-Australian Taxation Office,24902
-National Competition Council,9
-Productivity Commission,203
-Veterans' Affairs,2146
-Australian War Memorial,302
+"Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry",5219

+Australian Fisheries Management Authority,227


+Wheat Exports Australia,13


+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,162



+Australian Crime Commission,635

+Aust. Customs & Border Prot. Service,5767

+Aust. Human Rights Commission,139

+Commonwealth DPP,514

+CrimTrac Agency,181

+Family Court of Australia,670

+Federal Court of Australia,362

+Federal Magistrates Court,195


+National Native Title Tribunal,176

+Office of the Parl. Counsel,55



+Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,984



+Defence Housing Australia,614




+Fair Work Australia,310

+Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,955

+Safe Work Australia,121


+Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,563


+Torres Strait Regional Authority,107

+Finance and Deregulation,1964

+Australian Electoral Commission,913


+Future Fund Management Agency,80

+Foreign Affairs and Trade,3354




+Health and Ageing,5396

+Aust. Institute of Health and Welfare,393



+Cancer Australia,22


+National Blood Authority,50


+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,14

+Professional Services Review,30

+Human Services,6443


+Medicare Australia,5842

+Immigration and Citizenship,7903

+MRT RRT,283


+Australian Transport Safety Bureau,109



+Australian Research Council,112

+Prime Minister and Cabinet,1140

+Aust. Institute of Family Studies,81


+Aust. National Maritime Museum,127

+Australian Public Service Commission,332

+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,67

+Commonwealth Ombudsman,183

+National Archives of Australia,494

+National Library of Australia,494

+National Museum of Australia,287

+National Film and Sound Archive,235

+Office of the Australian Information Commissioner,86


+Office of National Assessments,148

+Old Parliament House,92

+Screen Australia,35

+Regional Australia,336

+National Capital Authority,69

+"Resources, Energy and Tourism",1262


+"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities",2949

+Bureau of Meteorology,1775


+Murray Darling Basin Authority,314

+National Water Commission,74


+Australian Bureau of Statistics,3540



+Australian Taxation Office,24902

+National Competition Council,9

+Productivity Commission,203

+Veterans' Affairs,2146

+Australian War Memorial,302


--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/all-authorities.csv
@@ -1,1 +1,363 @@
+Army and Air Force Canteen Service,"Previously known as Frontline Defence Services. AAFCANS provides retail services to Australian Defence Force personnel and their families."
+Australian Accounting Standards Board,"The AASB makes accounting standards for the private, public and not-for-profit sectors and participates in the formulation of international accounting standards."
+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of a wide range of administrative decisions made by the Australian Government and some non-government bodies.
+Australian Broadcasting Corporation,"Australian Broadcasting Corporation functions are to provide public broadcasting services within Australia and overseas and to encourage and promote Australia's musical, dramatic and other performing arts."
+Aboriginal Benefit Account Advisory Committee,"The Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA) is a Special Account (for the purposes of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997) established for the receipt of statutory royalty equivalent monies generated from mining on Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory (NT), and the distribution of these monies.The ABA is administered by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) in accordance with the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (the ALRA).Under section 64(4) of the ALRA, the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs can approve payments to or for the benefit of Aboriginals living in the Northern Territory. The Aboriginals Benefit Account Advisory Committee provides advice to the Minister on these payments"
+Australian Bureau of Statistics,Australian Bureau of Statistics is the central statistical authority for the Australian Government including the conducting of the national census.
+Australia Council,The Australia Council for the Arts is the Australian Government's arts funding and advisory body.
+"Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority","Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for a national curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12, a national assessment program that measures students' progress and a national data collection and reporting program that supports analysis, evaluation, research and resource allocation, and accountability and reporting."
+Australian Crime Commission,The role of the ACC is to: undertake criminal intelligence collection and analysis; set clear national criminal intelligence priorities; and conduct intelligence led investigations of criminal activity of national significance including the conduct and/or coordination of investigative and intelligence taskforces approved by the ACC Board. The ACC has access to coercive powers which are exercised by its Examiners.
+Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,"A statutory authority responsible for ensuring compliance with the Trade Practices Act."
+Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research,"Australian Centre for International Agricultural was established to encourage research for the purpose of identifying, and finding solutions to, agricultural problems of developing countries. ACIAR's mission is to achieve more productive and sustainable agricultural systems, for the benefit of Developing Countries and Australia, through international agricultural research partnerships."
+Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity,"ACLEI's function is to detect, investigate and prevent corruption in the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and the former National Crime Authority."
+Australian Communications and Media Authority,"The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the internet, radiocommunications and telecommunications. ACMA's responsibilities include promoting self-regulation and competition in the telecommunications industry, while protecting consumers and other users; fostering an environment in which electronic media respect community standards and responds to audience and user needs; managing access to the radio frequency spectrum, including the broadcasting services bands; representing Australia's communications and broadcasting interests internationally."
+Copyright Tribunal of Australia,"The Copyright Tribunal was established under the Copyright Act 1968. It has the power to:- inquire into the amount of royalty payable in respect of the recording of musical works, fix royalties or equitable remuneration in respect of compulsory licences, arbitrate disputes in relation to the terms of existing and proposed licensing schemes, and deal with applications for the granting of licences."
+Australian Community Pharmacy Authority,"Makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing on applications made under section 90 of the National Health Act 1953 for approval to supply pharmaceutical benefits from particular premises. This involves consideration of applications to establish new approvals or relocate existing approvals."
+Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care,"The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care leads and coordinates improvements in safety and quality in health care in Australia by identifying issues and policy directions, and recommends priorities for action."
+Australian Competition Tribunal,"The Australian Competition Tribunal (formerly known as the Trade Practices Tribunal) is a quasi-judicial review body constituted under the Trade Practices Act 1974. The Tribunal's principal functions are to review determinations of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in relation to applications for, and revocations of, authorisations of conduct and arrangements that would otherwise contravene provisions of the Act, and in relation to notices given by the Commission regarding exclusive dealing, and to review decisions of the Minister or the Commission in relation to third party access to significant infrastructure facilities."
+Administration of Norfolk Island,
+Administrative Review Council,"Established under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 as an integral part of the administrative review system at the Commonwealth level of government. Advises the Attorney-General on the scope and operation of the administrative review system. The Council's advice is on issues ranging from the procedures for the exercise of administrative discretions to all aspects of external review of administrative action."
+Admiralty Rules Committee,
+Advisory Committee on Biologicals,
+Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling,
+Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines,
+Advisory Committee on Medical Devices,
+Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling,
+Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Medicines,
+Advisory Committee on Prescription Medicines,
+Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medical Devices,
+Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines,
+Advisory Panel on the Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula,
+Australian Electoral Commission,The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process.
+Australian Fisheries Management Authority,"AFMA is the Commonwealth agency that looks after Australia's offshore commercial fish resources and strives for the sustainable use of our fisheries on behalf of all Australians. AFMA generally manages commercial fisheries from 3 nautical miles out to the extent of the Australian Fishing Zone (200 nautical miles). The States and Northern Territory are responsible for the majority of recreational and commercial coastal and inland fishing, and inland and coastal aquaculture operations. Established in February 1992, AFMA's operations are governed by the Fisheries Management Act 1991 and the Fisheries Administration Act 1991. AFMA consults extensively with stakeholders. In a regulatory environment, the Authority employs a partnership approach, which includes establishing and operating Management Advisory Committees for each major Commonwealth fishery. A commission is responsible for AFMA's domestic fisheries management functions. The CEO is a commissioner, assists the commission perform its functions and is responsible for AFMA's foreign compliance functions. Commissioners are appointed for their expertise in areas such as fishing, fisheries management, natural resource management, business or financial management, economics, science/research, law and public sector administration or governance."
+Australian Federal Police,"The AFP polices counter terrorism, human trafficking and sexual servitude, cyber-crime and other transnational crimes. It also delivers peace operations in cooperation with local police forces internationally and protection of government facilties including the embassies of foreign countries in Canberra."
+"Australian Film, Television and Radio School",Contributes to the sustainability of the Australian screen and broadcast industries through the provision of advanced education and training to highly talented and creative students and meeting the training needs of industry.
+Attorney-General's Department,"The Attorney-General's Department was one of the original departments established at Federation in 1901. It serves the Attorney-General and the Minister for Home Affairs and provides policy advice and services to the Commonwealth in the following main areas: administrative, constitutional, civil, family and international law, international crime cooperation, Indigenous legal justice, law reform, bankruptcy estate administration and regulation, Commonwealth courts and tribunals, legal aid, native title, national and international human rights issues, censorship, criminal law and law enforcement, national security, emergency management, some aspects of customs and border control."
+Aged Care Commissioner,
+Aged Care Funding Instrument Reference Group,
+Ageing Consultative Committee,
+Australian Government Solicitor,"AGS provides legal and related services in support of the full range of activities of Australian Government departments and agencies. These services include the conduct of litigation and dispute resolution, the provision of legal advice, and through its broad commercial practice, advice and assistance in commercial and corporate law, particularly within a government context. "
+Australian Hearing,"Australian Hearing, a Federal Government Agency of the Department of Human Services, is the sole government provider of hearing assessment and rehabilitation services to Australians under 21 years-of-age, adults with complex needs, eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders including those 50 years of age and over, participants of Community Development Projects (CDEP), and eligible clients living in remote areas."
+Aboriginal Hostels Limited,Aboriginal Hostels Limited provides temporary accommodation (of up to 3 months) for Indigenous Australians to allow them to easily visit government services and family members outside of their home community
+Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies,"Conducts, facilitates and promotes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, especially through research, collections and publications."
+Australian Institute of Criminology,"The Institute conducts policy relevant research in the field of criminal justice, publishes research findings, and conducts conferences, seminars and roundtables."
+Australian Institute of Family Studies,"The role of the Australian Institute of Family Studies is to conduct research and communicate findings that affect family wellbeing to policy makers, service providers and the broader community."
+Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,"The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides statistical information that governments and the community can use to promote discussion and make decisions on health, housing and community services in Australia. It also contributes to international statistical standards through work with the WHO and the OECD."
+Australian Institute of Marine Science,"Undertakes research and development to generate new knowledge in marine science and technology, promotes its application in industry, government and ecosystem management; and undertakes complementary activities to disseminate knowledge, collaborate effectively, assist in the development of national marine science policy and enhance the institute's standing as a centre of excellence."
+Airservices Australia,"Airservices is a government-owned corporation providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible services to the aviation industry. We manage air traffic operations for around 75 million passengers on more than three million flights every year."
+Australian Law Reform Commission,"The Australian Law Reform Commission conducts inquiries into, and reviews of, specific areas of the law and makes recommendations for reform to the Federal Parliament through the Attorney-General."
+Australian Maritime Safety Authority,"AMSA's functions include promulgating national and international maritime safety and environment protection standards, providing a national network of aids to navigation for commercial shipping operating around the Australian coast, coordinating search and rescue services for the civil maritime and aviation industries, and maintaining a maritime distress and safety communication network throughout Australia"
+Australian National Maritime Museum,"To bring maritime heritage to life and preserve it for future generations through exhibitions, programs and events; the National Maritime Collection; research, acquisition, conservation, interpretation, scholarship, publication, outreach and education; national leadership and support; national and international collaboration; and fostering traditional practices."
+Australian National Preventive Health Agency,The Australian National Preventive Health Agency has been established to advise on and manage national preventive health programs.
+Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation,"ANSTO conducts research and development in relation to a broad range of nuclear science and technology activities, and the production and use of radioisotopes. It has a strong commercial focus and ensures that its research, technology transfer, commercial and training activities in nuclear science and associated technologies advance Australia's innovation, international competitiveness and environmental and health management."
+Australian National University,"The Australian National University is unique among its contemporaries as the only Australian university established by an Act of Federal Parliament, in 1946. It is also one of Australia's most research-intensive universities, with a high ratio of academic staff to students."
+Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority,"The Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority creates a nationally consistent and coordinated approach to organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Their role is to work with states and territories, clinicians, consumers and the community sector to build a world leading organ and tissue donation and transplantation system for Australia."
+Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,"APRA is responsible for prudential regulation of banks, life insurance companies, general insurance companies, superannuation funds, credit unions, building and friendly societies."
+Australian Public Service Commission,"The Commission is a central agency within the Australian Public Service with a critical leadership role in contributing to the future capability and sustainability of the Service. We promote good practice in managing people, support leadership and learning and development in the APS, foster ethical behaviour and workplaces that value diversity. We promote Indigenous employment in the APS. We also have an important evaluation role in working with agencies to ensure that the APS is performing effectively and consistently with the APS Values."
+Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority,"The APVMA regulates the safety and effectiveness of agricultural and veterinary chemical products in the Australian marketplace. It does this by assessing applications for product registration based on human safety, animal or crop safety, environmental and worker safety, effectiveness, and risk to overseas trade, by specifying conditions of use, and through post-registration quality assurance and compliance programs."
+Australian Research Council,"The ARC's mission is to deliver policy and programs that advance Australian research and innovation globally and benefit the community. The ARC provides advice to the Government on research matters, manages the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP), and administers the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative."
+Australian Renewable Energy Agency,
+Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency,"The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), a Federal Government agency charged with responsibility for protecting the health and safety of people, and the environment, from the harmful effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation."
+Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation,"The ARPC is a statutory Government body dealing with terrorism-related insurance claims and protection, in response to the withdrawal of terrorism insurance cover by insurance companies following terrorist attacks around the world."
+Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited,"ARTC is one of Australia's largest rail network owners operating and managing over 8,500 kilometres of standard gauge track in South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. Core competencies include access management, network control, rail infrastructure planning and management, signalling and communications, as well as offering expert advice in developing rail transport solutions to customers."
+Australian Statistics Advisory Council,"The Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC), established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics ACT 1975, is the key advisory body to the Minister and the Australian Statistician on statistical services. It provides valuable input to the directions and priorities of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) work program and reports annually to Parliament (the annual report can be found at ASAC meets twice yearly.The mission of ASAC is -To ensure that, in keeping with Council's statutory charter, the advice furnished to the Minister and the Statistician in relation to the collection and dissemination of statistics has due regard to relative priorities, is objective, relevant, timely, constructive and practical, and that it is sensitive to the needs of both suppliers and users of statistical data.All state and territory government are represented on ASAC. The other members are chosen to represent a broad cross-section of perspectives, covering government, business, academic and community interests.Secretariat support for ASAC is provided by the ABS."
+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,"To protect Australia's sporting integrity through the elimination of doping."
+Australian Sports Commission,"Australian Sports Commission provides financial support and other assistance to national sporting organisations to deliver participation and high performance results and improve their capability, sustainability and effectiveness"
+ASC Pty Ltd,ASC Pty Ltd is a government owned business that  supplys and maintains Australia's submarines and naval air warfare destroyers.
+Australian Securities and Investments Commission,"The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia's corporate, markets and financial services regulator. We contribute to Australia's economic reputation and well being by ensuring that Australia's financial markets are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers."

+Assistant Treasurer,
+Australian Taxation Office,"The Australian Taxation Office is the Federal Government's main revenue collection agency. The Tax Office is headed by the Commissioner of Taxation, a statutory official appointed under the provisions of the Taxation Administration Act 1953. Our aim is to manage and shape the revenue systems that sustain social and economic policy, and fund services for Australians. Our main role is to administer legislation for taxes, superannuation and excise (but not customs duty). We also address broader issues affecting Australia's revenue systems, such as aggressive tax planning, persistent tax debtors, globalisation and the cash economy. The Tax Office also supports the delivery of community benefits, with roles in other areas such as private health insurance, family assistance and cross agency support."
+Australian Transport Safety Bureau,"Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is responsible for conducting independent 'no-blame' investigations into accidents and other transport safety matters involving civil aviation, marine and rail operations that fall within Commonwealth jurisdiction."
+Auditing and Assurance Standards Board,"To develop, in the public interest, high quality auditing and assurance standards and related guidance as a means to enhance the relevance, reliability and timeliness of information provided to users of audit and assurance services."
+Australian Agency for International Development,"The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia's overseas aid program. The objective of the Australian aid program is to assist developing countries reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development, in line with Australia's national interest."
+Australian Heritage Council,"The Australian Heritage Council is an independent body of heritage experts established under the Australian Heritage Council Act 2003, that advises the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts on heritage matters. The Council's major role is to assess the heritage values of places nominated for the National Heritage List and the Commonwealth Heritage List, and to advise the Minister on promotion, research, education, policies, grants, conservation and other matters."
+Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre,The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) is Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) regulator and specialist financial intelligence unit.
+Australian Trade Commission,"The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)is the Australian Government's trade and investment development agency. Austrade assists Australian companies to succeed in international business, attracts productive foreign direct investment into Australia and promotes Australia's education and training sector internationally. Austrade also has consular management responsibilities in a number of international locations and provides consular and passport services, travel advice, contingency planning and crisis response in those areas."
+Australasian Procurement and Construction Council Inc,
+Australian Postal Corporation,"The Corporation's principal function is to supply postal services within Australia, and between Australia and overseas under the Australia Post brand."
+Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare Board,
+Australian Defence Force Academy Consultative Council,
+Australian Defence Human Research Ethics Committee,"ADHREC is the Human Research Ethics Committee for Defence. ADHREC approval must therefore be sought when human research is conducted: A. on ADF or other Defence personnel, and/orB. by Defence personnel, and/orC. on/in a Defence establishment."
+Australian Energy Regulator,
+Australian Human Rights Commission,"The Australian Human Rights Commission's goals are to foster greater understanding and protection of human rights in Australia and to address the human rights concerns of a broad range of individuals and groups. The Commission's responsibilities include education and public awareness; discrimination and human rights complaints; human rights compliance; policy and legislative development. The Commission investigates alleged infringements of human rights under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 and breaches of anti-discrimination law under the Age Discrimination Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and Sex Discrimination Act 1984."
+Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund,"The Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund provides loans to members of the Australian Regular Army or Army Reserve who require financial assistance and are in necessitous circumstances."
+Australian National Council on Drugs,
+Australian Political Exchange Council,"Established in 1981, the Australian Political Exchange Council aims to develop young Australian political leaders by providing opportunities to gain insights into the political systems and cultures of countries with which the Council has established an exchange program. It also offers delegates visiting from overseas a chance to learn about Australia's political system. Through the Council's exchange programs, long-lasting ties and friendships can be formed between future generations of political leaders in Australia and other countries."
+Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee,
+Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC),
+Albury-Wodonga Corporation,"The Corporation, established under the Albury-Wodonga Development Act 1973, currently operates as a major property-owner and manager in the Albury-Wodonga region. The Corporation was previously a major land developer and concluded its residential land development activities in October 2006. Some industrial land development will continue until mid-2007. The Corporation is now concentrating on the disposal of its property assets in an orderly manner until around 2015."
+Australian War Memorial,"The Australian War Memorial commemorates the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war, by developing and maintaining the National Memorial and the national collection of historical material; and through commemorative ceremonies, exhibitions, research, interpretation and dissemination."
+Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency,Previously known as Skills Australia
+Bureau of Meteorology,
+Cancer Australia,"Cancer Australia was established to coordinate and liaise between the wide range of organisations, groups and service providers with an interest in cancer care and support. It's goals are to guide improvements to cancer prevention and care and ensure treatments are based on the best available evidence."
+Cabinet Secretary,
+Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board,"An independent body which conducts hearings to determine whether registered auditors and liquidators have contravened provisions of the Corporations Law, have failed to carry out their duties and functions adequately and properly, are otherwise not a fit and proper person to remain registered, or are subject to disqualification or an ineligibility to remain registered. All applications to the board are made by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The board may cancel or suspend a person's registration and in some circumstances may admonish or reprimand a registered person and/or require the person to give an undertaking."
+Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee,"Advises the Minister, at the request of the Minister or on the committee's initiative, on corporate law reform."
+Civil Aviation Safety Authority,The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is responsible for the safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the operation of Australia registered aircraft overseas.
+Classification Board,"Members of the Classification Board and the Classification Review Board are appointed as statutory officers on a fixed term basis. They are selected to reflect the diversity of community life and a range of public opinion. Members are required to take account of a range of views and appropriate legislation in classifying publications, film and computer games for the Australian Government and all States and Territories. The Classification Board receives administrative support from the Office of Film and Literature Classification."
+Clean Energy Regulator,The Clean Energy Regulator is the Government body responsible for administering legislation that will reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of clean energy.
+Commonwealth Grants Commission,"An independent statutory authority that operates under the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973. The Commission recommends to the Australian Government how general revenue assistance should be allocated between the States and Territories. The Commission's recommendations are based on the principle of horizontal fiscal equalisation, which is defined as:A distribution of Goods and Services Tax revenue to State and Territory Governments such that, after allowing for material factors affecting revenues and expenditures, each would have the fiscal capacity to provide services and their associated infrastructure at the same standard, if each made the same effort to raise revenue from its own sources, operated at the same level of efficiency and maintained the average per capita net financial worth."
+Climate Change Authority,
+Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation,"Administers the Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave Fund, which raises levies and reimburses employers for long service leave payments to coal industry employees in NSW, Queensland, WA and Tasmania."

+Comcare,"Comcare is the agency responsible for workplace safety, rehabilitation and compensation in the jurisdiction of the Australian Commonwealth (i.e. Federal) Government."

+Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder,
+Complaints Resolution Panel (Therapeutic good advertising),
+ComSuper,"ComSuper is an Australian Government agency responsible for administering the major superannuation schemes available to Australian Defence Force members and the majority of Australian Government employees.ComSuper provides superannuation administration services under authority from the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation who is responsible for the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) scheme, Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap), Military Superannuation and Benefits (MilitarySuper) scheme and the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) scheme."
+Classification Review Board,"Members of the Classification Review Board are appointed as statutory officers on a fixed term basis. They are selected to reflect the diversity of community life and a range of public opinion. Review Board decisions are taken by majority vote in accordance with the National Classification Code and classification guidelines endorsed by censorship ministers. The Classification Review Board receives administrative support from the Office of Film and Literature Classification."
+Criminology Research Council,"Established by the Criminology Research Act 1971 as a CAC agency, the Council is co-funded by the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and meets three times a year. It controls and administers the Criminology Research Fund, which is used to fund criminological research."
+Cotton Research and Development Corporation,The Corporation investigates and evaluates the research and development (R&D) requirements of the cotton industry
+CRS Australia,CRS Australia assists people with injuries and disabilities to get and keep jobs.
+Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation,"CSC provides superannuation services and products to Australian Government employees and employers through three schemes - the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS) and the Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap)."
+Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,"CSIRO carries out scientific research for the purpose of assisting Australian industry, furthering the interests of the Australian community, and contributing to the achievement of national objectives."
+Australian Customs and Border Protection Service,Customs and Border Protection manages the security and integrity of Australia's borders. It works to detect and deter unlawful movement of goods and people across the border
+"Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry","Agricultural, pastoral, fishing, food and forest industries; water, soils, and other natural resources; rural adjustment and drought issues; rural industries inspection and quarantine; primary industries research including economic research; commodity marketing, including export promotion and agribusiness; administration of international commodity agreements; administration of export controls on agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries products; food policy, processing and exports."
+"Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy","The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy aims to develop a vibrant, sustainable and internationally competitive broadband, broadcasting and communications sector through policy development and program delivery, which promotes the digital economy for all Australians."
+Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,"Development and coordination of domestic and international climate change policy; International climate negotiations; Design and implementation of emissions trading; Mandatory renewable energy target policy, regulation and coordination; Greenhouse emissions and energy consumption reporting; Climate change adaptation strategy and coordination; Coordination of climate change science activities."
+"Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations","The department implements government policies and programs to provide education and training opportunities for all Australians, to increase employment participation and to ensure fair and productive workplaces. Education, training and workforce participation are central to our goal of building a productive and socially inclusive nation, one which values diversity and provides opportunities for all Australians to build rewarding social and economic lives."
+Department of Defence,"The Defence mission is to defend Australia and its national interests. It is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament, on behalf of the Australian people, for the efficiency and effectiveness with which it carries out the Government's defence policy."
+Defence Families of Australia,"Defence Families of Australia is the recognised group within Defence that provides the views and interests of ADF families. Members are volunteers, and are either family members or spouses of full-time serving personnel."
+Defence Reserves Support Council,"The council enhances availability of the Reserves component of the ADF by promoting the benefits of Reserve service to, and establishing a flexible partnership with, the community in general and employers in particular."

+Department of Parliamentary Services,"The Department of Parliamentary Services supports the parliamentary process by providing a multitude of services to the Senators and Members, their staff, parliamentary committees and the parliamentary departments. Quality library collections, information services, analysis, advice and services are provided by its information and research staff. The Department is the central communications agency for the Parliament, providing transcription, information technology, and communications and broadcasting services in Parliament House. The Department produces print and electronic transcripts and radio and television coverage of proceedings of both chambers and parliamentary committees, and installs and maintains the Parliament's networked computer and telecommunications services. Many other common services are provided to the Australian Parliament and Public, chiefly in respect of: engineering; building and maintenance; security; public access and guides; retail (Parliament Shop, bank, hairdresser, coffee shop and post office); cleaning; waste disposal; goods distribution and dispatch; recreation; emergency first aid; catering; and landscaping."
+"Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport","The Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport is responsible for regional Australia policy and co-ordination; the delivery of regional and rural specific services; regional development; matters relating to local government; and the administration of Australian territories. In December 2011, the Office for Sport and Office for the Arts were brought into the department."
+Department of Resources Energy and Tourism,
+Department of the House of Representatives,"The Department was established on 1 May 1901. It supports the House of Representatives and the Parliament by providing advice and services of the highest standard."
+Department of the Senate,"The Department of the Senate is one of three parliamentary departments dedicated to providing the Senate, its committees, the President of the Senate and Senators with a broad range of advisory and support services, to enable the fulfilment of the constitutional role of the Senate."
+Designs Office,
+Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,"External Affairs, including: relations and communications with overseas governments; treaties, including trade agreements; bilateral, regional and multilateral trade policy; international trade and commodity negotiations; trade promotion; international development co-operation; diplomatic and consular missions; international security issues, including disarmament, arms control and nuclear non-proliferation; public diplomacy, including information and cultural programs; international expositions; provision of secure travel identification to Australian citizens ; provision of consular services to Australian citizens abroad; overseas property management, including acquisition, ownership and disposal of real property."
+Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal,"Pursuant to the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955 (Cwlth) (""Act""), the Tribunal can hear appeals as against conviction, prescribed acquittal and punishment in respect of prosecutions before the Australian Military Court. Further, pursuant to recent amendments to the Act, the Tribunal can also hear questions of law referred by the Director of Military Prosecutions."
+Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal,"Inquires into and determines pay and pay related allowances for the Regular and Reserve members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF)."
+Defence Housing Australia,The primary role of Defence Housing Australia (DHA) is to supply housing and related services to Defence members and their families
+Department of Human Services,"The Department of Human Services is an Australian Government agency which is responsible for delivering a range of welfare, social services, health services and other services for the Australian Government."
+Department of Immigration and Citizenship,Building Australia's future through the well-managed movement and settlement of people.
+Director of National Parks and Parks Australia,"The Director of National Parks is a corporation solely established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, with the principal function of managing the Commonwealth reserves that are established under the Act. The Director is assisted in performing this function by the staff of Parks Australia (a division of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities). The Director of National Parks has also delegated management of marine reserves to the Marine Division and the Austrarlian Antarctic Division within the Department."
+Department of Infrastructure and Transport,"The Department of Infrastructure and Transport, in partnership with portfolio agencies, delivers infrastructure and transport policy, regulation and programmes to assist the portfolio ministers to achieve the Government's desired outcomes for the benefit of the Australian community. The Department contributes to the wellbeing of Australians by assisting the Government to promote, evaluate, plan and invest in infrastructure; and foster an efficient, sustainable, competitive, safe and secure transport system. "
+Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,The central role of the department is to support the Prime Minister and assist in achieving a coordinated approach to the development and implementation of Australian government policies.
+Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions,"The principal functions and responsibilities of the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions are a) to institute and conduct, on behalf of the Crown, prosecutions for indictable offences (under NSW laws) in the Supreme Court and the District Court b) to institute and conduct, on behalf of the Crown, appeals in any court in respect of any such prosecution and c) to conduct on behalf of the Crown as respondent, any appeal in any court in respect of any such prosecution."
+Department of Veterans' Affairs,"Serving members of Australia's veteran and defence force communities, war widows and widowers, widows and dependants, through programs of care, rehabilitation, compensation, income support, commemoration and defence support services."
+Export Finance and Insurance Corporation,Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) provides tailored finance solutions to help Australian businesses overcome the financial barriers they face when expanding their export activities.
+Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency,"Administers the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. Through education, assists organisations to achieve equal opportunity for women. EOWA works with employers to improve equal opportunity outcomes for women in the workplace by:- delivering practical solutions - building strategic partnerships - leading public debate to increase the rate of change."
+"Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs","The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) is the Australian Government's principal source of advice on social policy."
+Family Court of Australia,"The Family Court of Australia, through its specialised judges and staff, helps Australians resolve their most complex family disputes. The Court was established under the Family Law Act 1975 and has original jurisdiction in all states and territories except Western Australia. The Court determines cases with complex law and facts including cases with jurisdictional issues, multiple parties and financial cases. The Court also determines cases with specialised areas (Hague, special medical procedures, serious cases of entrenched conflict, violence and abuse, international relocation), and; provides national coverage as the appellate court in family law matters."
+Film Certification Advisory Board,"The Film Certification Advisory Board provides advice to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts on: certificates of eligibility for the Refundable Film Tax Offset and the Location and PDV Offsets. The Board also provides policy advice relevant to the offsets."
+Federal Court of Australia,"The Federal Court of Australia is a national court which deals with over 120 Federal Acts of Parliament. It sits in all capital cities and elsewhere in Australia when necessary. The Court has jurisdiction in relation to almost all civil matters and some summary and indictable criminal matters arising under Australian federal law. The Court is able to hear cases in relation to admiralty, bankruptcy, competition, consumer protection, corporations, fair work, human rights, intellectual property and native title. It also has the power to review some Federal Government decisions in areas such as social security, immigration and taxation."
+Department of Finance and Deregulation,"Budget policy advice and process, and review of governmental programmes; Government financial accountability, governance and financial management frameworks; shareholder advice on Government Business Enterprises (GBEs); general policy guidelines for Australian Government statutory authorities; superannuation for Commonwealth employees; asset sales; strategic property management in Australia, including acquisition, ownership and disposal of real property; procurement policy; electoral matters, administration of the Commonwealth's self-managed general insurance fund (Comcover); and fostering the efficient and effective use of Information and Communications Technologies by the Australian Government."
+Financial Reporting Panel,
+Family Law Council,"A statutory authority established by section 115 of the Family Law Act 1975. Advises and makes recommendations to the Attorney-General concerning the working of the Family Law Act and other legislation relating to family law, the working of legal aid in relation to family law, and any other matters relating to family law. Advice and recommendations to the Attorney-General may be either at Council's own instigation or in response to a referral by the Attorney-General."
+Federal Magistrates Court,"The Federal Magistrates Court is a federal court of record established by the Federal Magistrates Act 1999. The court is constituted by federal magistrates. The court exercises federal jurisdiction in family law and child support, bankruptcy, federal administrative law, consumer protection trade practices, migration, workplace relations, discrimination, copyright, privacy and admiralty matters. The court cannot deal with family law or child support matters in Western Australia, where there is a state family court. Staff of the Federal Magistrates Court can provide advice on the procedures of the court, but cannot give legal advice or assist in the conduct of proceedings."
+Financial Reporting Council,"The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is the peak body responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia. Its key functions include the oversight of the accounting and auditing standards setting processes for the public and private sectors, providing strategic advice in relation to the quality of audits conducted by Australian auditors, and advising the Minister on these matters. The FRC monitors the development of international accounting and auditing standards, works to further the development of a single set of accounting and auditing standards for world-wide use and promotes the adoption of these standards. It is a statutory body under Part 12 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001."
+Fisheries Research and Development Corporation,"The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation is a statutory authority jointly funded by the Australian Government and the fishing and aquaculture industry. It is responsible to its stakeholders to plan, invest in and manage fisheries R&D throughout Australia and facilitate the dissemination, adoption and commercialisation of R&D results."
+Food Standards Australia New Zealand,Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)'s role is to protect the health and safety of people in Australia and New Zealand through the maintenance of a safe food supply.
+Future Fund Management Agency,"The Future Fund will make provision for unfunded superannuation liabilities that will become payable during a period when an ageing population is likely to place significant pressure on the Commonwealth's Finances."
+Fair Work Australia,Fair Work Australia is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to: the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions; enterprise bargaining; industrial action; dispute resolution; termination of employment; and other workplace matters

+Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,"The principal adviser to the Commonwealth Government on the care and development of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The outcome of the Authority is to provide for the long-term protection, ecologically sustainable use, understanding and enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef for all Australian communities through the care and development of the Marine Park."
+Gene Technology Regulator,
+General Practice Recognition Appeal Committee,
+General Practice Recognition Eligibility Committee,
+Geoscience Australia,"Geoscience Australia is the national agency for geoscience research and geospatial information. The Agency's research and information contributes to enhanced economic, social and environmental benefits to the community by providing input for decisions that impact upon resource use, management of the environment, and the safety and well-being of Australians."
+Grains Research and Development Corporation,"The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is a statutory authority established to plan and invest in R&D for the Australian grains industry. Its primary objective is to support effective competition by Australian grain growers in global grain markets, through enhanced profitability and sustainability. Its primary business activity is the allocation and management of investment in grains R&D."
+Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee,"The function of the Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee is to provide advice, on the request of the Regulator or the Ministerial Council, on the following:(a) ethical issues relating to gene technology; (b) the need for, and content of, codes of practice in relation to ethics in respect of conducting dealings with GMOs; (c) the need for, and content of, policy principles in relation to dealings with GMOs that should not be conducted for ethical reasons; (d) the need for policy principles, policy guidelines, codes of practice and technical and procedural guidelines in relation to  GMOs and GM products and the content of such principles, guidelines and codes; (e) community consultation in respect of the process for applications for licences covering dealings that involve the intentional release of a GMO into the environment; (f) risk communication matters in relation to dealings that involve the intentional release of a GMO into the environment; (g) matters of general concern identified by the Regulator in relation to applications made under this Act; (h) matters of general concern in relation to GMOs. "
+Gene Technology Ministerial Council,"The Gene Technology Ministerial Council is established by the intergovernmental Gene Technology Agreement 2001. The main function of the Gene Technology Ministerial Council is to issue policy principles, policy, guidelines and codes of practice to govern the activities of the Gene Technology Regulator and the operation of the national regulator scheme for gene technology and to oversee generally the operation of the scheme."
+Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee,"The Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee provides scientific and technical advice, on at the request of the Gene Technology Regulator or the Gene Technology Ministerial Council, on: a) gene technology, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically modified (GM) products; b) applications made under the Gene Technology Act 200; c) the biosafety aspects of gene technology; d) the need for policy principles, policy guidelines, codes of practice and technical and procedural guidelines in relation to GMOs and GM products, and the content of such principles, guidelines and codes. "
+Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation,The Corporation investigates and evaluates the research and development (R&D) requirements of the grape and wine industry.
+Department of Health and Ageing,"Services for the aged, including carers; Public health and medical research; Health promotion and disease prevention; Primary health care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; Pharmaceutical benefits; Health benefits schemes; Specific health services, including human quarantine; National drug abuse strategy; Regulation of therapeutic goods; Notification and assessment of industrial chemicals; Gene technology regulation."
+Health and Hospitals Fund Advisory Board,
+Hearing Services Consultative Committee,
+High Court of Australia,"In 1901 the High Court of Australia was established by section 71 of the Constitution and, to the extent that legislative provision was necessary, was given the power to administer its own affairs by the High Court of Australia Act 1979, which was proclaimed on 21 April 1980. The Constitution confers both an appellate and an original jurisdiction upon the High Court. Appeals from the Supreme Courts of the States and Territories, from the Federal Court of Australia and from the Family Court of Australia are heard pursuant to special leave to appeal. The High Court is also the final arbiter upon constitutional questions."
+Health Workforce Australia,"HWA advises the health and higher education sectors on health workforce planning, policy and program initiatives, reform, international recruitment and training."
+International Air Services Commission,"The International Air Services Commission is an independent statutory authority established under the International Air Services Commission Act 1992 (the IASC Act). The object of the IASC Act is to enhance the welfare of Australians by promoting economic efficiency through competition in the provision of international air services, resulting in:  - increased responsiveness by airlines to the needs of consumers, including an increased range of choices and benefits - growth in Australian tourism and trade - the maintenance of Australian carriers capable of competing effectively with the airlines of foreign countries.  The commission's principal function is to make determinations allocating available capacity on a route to one or more carriers, including setting conditions for the use of this capacity. The commission also conducts reviews of those determinations, as well as providing advice to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government about any matter referred to it by the Minister concerning international air operations."
+Indigenous Business Australia,"Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) is a progressive, commercially focused organisation that promotes and encourages self-management, self-sufficiency and economic independence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples."
+Inspector-General of Taxation,"The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent statutory office created to review systemic tax administration issues and to report to the Government with recommendations for improving tax administration for the benefit of all taxpayers."
+Independent Hospital Pricing Authority,
+Indigenous Land Corporation,"Assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to acquire and manage land to provide cultural, social, environmental and economic benefits."
+Independent Review PBS Cost Recovery Committee,
+Infrastructure Australia,"Infrastructure Australia is a statutory body, established under the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 which came into effect on 9 April 2008.  Infrastructure Australia advises governments, investors and infrastructure owners on a wide range of issues. These include Australia's current and future infrastructure needs, mechanisms for financing infrastructure investments, and policy, pricing and regulation and their impacts on investment and on the efficiency of the delivery, operation and use of national infrastructure networks.  Infrastructure Australia's focus is on assisting Australian governments to develop a strategic blueprint for unlocking infrastructure bottlenecks and to modernise the nation's economic infrastructure. Infrastructure Australia reports regularly to the Council of Australian Governments through the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport."
+Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs,
+Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia,"The Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia is the government agency responsible for the administration and regulation of the personal insolvency system in Australia. ITSA operates the bankruptcy registry, where debtors petitions are lodged, debt agreement proposals are processed and public records on insolvency are maintained."
+Legislative and Governance Forum on Food Regulation,
+Marine Council,"This authority is included in the <a href="""">Infrastructure and Transport portfolio</a> according to their 2012 annual report, Appendix H [<a href="""">PDF</a>]. However the department <a href="""">has said</a> that the council ""<em>has not operated in some years</em>""."
+Medibank Private Limited,"Medibank Private's main business is private health insurance which it offers along with small scale health management programs, and travel and life insurance products."
+Medical Services Advisory Committee,
+Medical Training Review Panel,
+Medicare Participation Review Committee,"MPRCs are independent statutory committees established on a case by case basis to make independent determinations of whether a practitioner, or where relevant a person, should maintain the right to participate in Medicare, in the following circumstances: where a practitioner has been convicted of relevant criminal offences; where a practitioner has been found to have engaged in inappropriate practice on two separate occasions under the Professional Services Review (PSR) Scheme; where a practitioner or pathology company is reasonably believed to have breached a pathology undertaking; or where a practitioner or person is reasonably believed to have engaged in prohibited diagnostic imaging practices. "
+Merit Protection Commissioner,
+Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission,

+"Ministerial Advisory Committee on AIDS, Sexual Health and Hepatitis",
+Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy,MCDS was discontinued on 30 June 2011
+Museum of Australian Democracy,"Housed in one of Australia's most prominent national heritage listed buildings, The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House is the first and only Museum in Australia dedicated to telling the story of the journey of our democracy. It seeks to provide a range of innovative exhibitions, tours, interpretation, education programs and public activities that will inspire and challenge visitors to explore democracy from its ancient roots to the present day and possible futures.   The museum links the past, present and future of Australian democracy with the history and heritage of the building providing visitors with a holistic and integrated experience. The museum aims to encourage visitors to discover what it means to be Australian in one of Australia's most loved buildings and to be inspired by Australia's greatest achievements-our democracy-and the role they can play in it. The experience at the museum is unique and cannot be found anywhere else in Australia. It is the rare combination of place and content-the museum shows what happened in the very place most democratic decisions that shaped our nation were made-creating a sense of admiration and appreciation for the visitor. The aim is for visitors to come away feeling empowered, proud and motivated to play their role in Australia's democracy. The Museum also oversees the provision of catering and conference facilities."
+Migration Review Tribunal,"A statutory body which provides a final independent merits review of visa and visa-related decisions."
+Murray-Darling Basin Authority,"The Authority is responsible for planning the integrated management of water resources of the Murray-Darling Basin."
+National Archives of Australia,The Archives plays the leading role in the management of Commonwealth records; makes available to the public non-exempt Commonwealth records over 30 years old; encourages and facilitates the use of the archival resources of the Australian Government; and provides leadership in developing and coordinating the preservation and use of the archival resources of Australia.
+National Environment Protection Council Service Corporation,
+National Health Performance Authority,
+National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council,
+National Blood Authority,"The National Blood Authority is a Commonwealth agency established under the National Blood Authority Act to improve and enhance the management of the Australian blood and plasma product sector at a national level. The National Blood Authority came into effect from 1 July 2003, and is a key part of new reforms to the blood sector, which have been agreed to by all States and Territories. "
+NBN Co Limited,NBN Co Limited is a wholly-owned Government Business Enterprise formed to build and operate a wholesale-only national broadband network across Australia
+National Capital Authority,"The NCA is responsible for administering and reviewing the National Capital Plan, the object of which is to ensure that Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory are planned and developed in accordance with their national significance."
+National Competition Council,The National Competition Council's main function is to recommend on the regulation of third party access to services provided by monopoly infrastructure such as gas pipelines and railways.
+National Environment Protection Council,"The Council has responsibility for making environment protection measures with the objectives of ensuring that the people of Australia enjoy the benefit of equivalent protection from air, water and soil pollution and from noise, wherever they live, and decisions by businesses are not distorted and markets are not fragmented by variations between jurisdictions in relation to the adoption or implementation of major environment protection measures. "
+National Film and Sound Archive,"The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is the national audiovisual archive, playing a key role in documenting and interpreting the Australian experience and actively contributing to the development of Australia's audiovisual industry. The NFSA develops, preserves and presents Australia's national collection and other related collections and makes them available to all Australians."
+National Gallery of Australia,"To meet the cultural needs of the people of Australia as their National Gallery through the quality of the collection, the excellence of the exhibitions and programs, and the professionalism of our staff."
+National Health and Medical Research Council,"The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak body for supporting health and medical research; for developing health advice for the Australian community, health professionals and governments; and for providing advice on ethical behaviour in health care and in the conduct of health and medical research."
+National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme,"NICNAS, located within the Health portfolio, is the Australian Government regulator for industrial chemicals. It provides a national notification and assessment scheme to protect the health of the public, workers and the environment from the harmful effect of industrial chemicals, which includes solvents, adhesives, plastics, inks, laboratory chemicals, paints, coatings, cleaning products and cosmetics. NICNAS assesses all chemicals new to Australia as well as those chemicals already used (existing chemicals) on a priority basis, in response to concerns about their safety on health and environmental grounds. NICNAS regulates industrial chemicals under the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 and Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Regulations 1990.  NICNAS has three standing committees/forums: the Community Engagement Forum, the Industry Government Consultative Committee and the States and Territories Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Group."
+National Library of Australia,"Serves the Australian people and their libraries, delivering information that records our past and will shape our future."
+National Museum of Australia,"Collects, preserves and displays aspects of the cultural heritage of all Australians."

+National Native Title Tribunal,"The National Native Title Tribunal works with people to develop an understanding of native title and reach enduring native title and related outcomes that recognise everyone's rights and interests in land and waters. On request, the Tribunal assists people in negotiations about proposed developments (future acts), such as mining. The Tribunal acts as an arbitrator in some situations where the people involved cannot reach agreement about proposed developments. The Tribunal also assists people who want to negotiate other sorts of agreements, such as indigenous land use agreements."
+National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority,"National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is a Statutory Authority regulating Commonwealth, State and Territory coastal waters with accountability to the relevant Ministers. The role of NOPSEMA is to administer offshore petroleum safety legislation. NOPSEMA's primary objectives are to: Improve health and safety outcomes across the offshore petroleum industry; Ensure health and safety regulation of the offshore petroleum industry is provided to standards that are equal to the best in the world; and Reduce the regulatory burden on the offshore petroleum industry, which operates across multiple jurisdictions, by delivering a consistent and comprehensive national health and safety regime."
+National Rural Advisory Council,"The National Rural Advisory Council (NRAC) is a skills-based independent advisory council to the Australian Government Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.NRAC was established in December 1999 as a statutory consultative body following legislative changes to the Rural Adjustment Act 1992. It replaced the Rural Adjustment Scheme Advisory Council and expanded the range of roles and functions of the original council. NRAC advises the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on rural issues including EC applications and extensions to EC declarations. "
+National Transport Commission,"The National Transport Commission is an independent statutory authority established to overcome barriers to efficient land transport by introducing nationally consistent transport policies and legislation. "
+National Water Commission,The National Water Commission is responsible for driving progress towards the sustainable management and use of Australia's water resources under our blueprint for water reform - the National Water Initiative.
+Office of the Australian Information Commissioner,"The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has three sets of functions. They are: freedom of information functions, in particular, oversight of the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and review of decisions made by agencies and ministers under that Act. - privacy functions, conferred by the Privacy Act 1988 and other laws - government information policy functions, conferred on the Australian Information Commissioner under theAustralian Information Commissioner Act 2010."
+Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate,
+Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,"The position of Official Secretary to the Governor-General was established in 1901. The Governor-General Act 1974 was amended by Parliament in 1984 to establish the position as a statutory office. The Official Secretary and his staff provide the Governor-General with the necessary support to enable Ms Bryce to carry out her constitutional, statutory, ceremonial and public duties. "
+Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations,
+Offshore Minerals Joint Authority,
+Office of Parliamentary Counsel,"The objective of OPC is to enable the Government to carry out its legislative program and (subject to Government priorities) to assist Private Members with their legislative requirements, by drafting Bills and amendments of Bills and supplying them to the Parliament."
+"Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry","Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Community Services,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Defence,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and Skills,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for School Education and Workplace Relations,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary for Trade,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>. Also, it might be easier and more direct to go to the parliamentary secretary's agency instead."
+Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys Disciplinary Tribunal,
+Patent Office,
+Pathology Consultative Committee,
+Pathology Services Table Committee,"The PSTC advises the Government on the composition of the Pathology Services Table (PST). The key responsibility of PSTC is to review the PST to ensure that the services, fees and conditions for use are current and appropriate. PSTC is primarily an advisory committee as they recommend to the Minister changes to the Pathology Services Table of the Medical Benefits Schedule. It is NOT Ministerially appointed and the membership is not contained in legislation. PSTC Meetings are held 4 times a year to coincide with the cut-off times for changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule in May and November of each year. The meetings are held in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra."
+Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee,"Advises on which products should be available as pharmaceutical benefits and any restriction which should apply."
+Plant Breeder's Rights Advisory Committee,"The Plant Breeder's Rights Advisory Committee (PBRAC) is an independent statutory committee established under Part 7 of the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (PBR Act). PBRAC advises the Minister and PBR Registrar on technical and administrative matters relating to PBR and acts as an industry advisory forum. As part of IP Australia's advisory framework, the PBRAC consults with and refers significant policy issues to the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP) for considering, and Ministerial advice, within the broader IP context."
+Pharmaceutical Benefits Remuneration Tribunal,"Under Division 3 of the National Health Act 1953, determines the Commonwealth price paid to pharmacists for supplying pharmaceutical benefits under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme."
+Productivity Commission,"The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians."
+Pharmaceutical Benefits Pricing Authority,
+Private Health Insurance Administration Council,PHIAC is the financial regulator for the private health insurance industry. It's roles are to monitor the financial performance of private health insurers to ensure that the statutory reserve requirements are being met; to administer the Risk Equalisation Trust Fund; and to collect and disseminate financial and statistical data.
+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,An independent service for health insurance problems and enquiries
+Public Lending Right Committee,"The Public Lending Right (PLR) Committee represents Australian authors, publishers and libraries. It is appointed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts. It has responsibility under the PLR Act for determining the eligibility of claimants, the amount of payment to a claimant, approving payments under the scheme, and providing recommendations and advice to the Minister about the operation of the scheme and the Act."
+Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust,"Established by section 5 of the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1948, which came into operation on 1 December 1948. The Act provides a contributory superannuation scheme for members of Parliament and the scheme is administered under the direction of the Trust."
+Prime Minister,"Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the prime minister's capacity as a local member of parliament are likely to be refused. See the <a href="""">Information Commissioner guidelines for more details</a>."
+Prostheses List Advisory Committee,
+Prostheses Services Review,
+Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys,"Accredits courses of study provided by tertiary institutions as meeting the requirements for registration as a patent and trade marks attorney and assesses tertiary qualifications of persons seeking registration. Reviews whether patent and trade marks attorneys have a case to answer before the Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys Disciplinary Tribunal on complaints of unprofessional practice."
+Professional Services Review,Professional Services Review (PSR) examines suspected cases of inappropriate medical practice referred by Medicare Australia.
+Quality Use of Pathology Committee,
+Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund,"The fund is administered by a Board of Trustees who assist and alleviate need amongst serving RAAF members and their families through grants and loans, and also assist distressed ex-members and their dependants."
+Radiation Oncology Reform Implementation Committee,
+Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund,"The fund provides financial assistance to members of the Permanent Navy who have completed 12 months continuous service and Reservists on continuous full-time service."
+Reserve Bank of Australia,"Central bank (established under the Reserve Bank Act 1959), whose role is focused on the objectives of monetary policy, overall financial system stability and regulation of the payments system. Within the Reserve Bank there are two boards---the Reserve Bank Board and the Payments System Board; the Governor is Chairman of each. The Reserve Bank Board is responsible for the Bank's monetary and banking policy, and the Bank's policy on all other matters, except for its payments system policy. The Payments System Board is responsible for the Bank's payments system policy, and has regulatory powers to ensure safety, greater competition and efficiency in the payments system, consistent with overall financial system stability. The Reserve Bank is banker to the Australian Government and provides a range of transactional banking services. It prints and manages the Note Issue. The notes are manufactured by a separately incorporated, wholly owned subsidiary---Note Printing Australia Limited. As agent for the Australian Government, the Reserve Bank conducts a registry of Commonwealth Government securities. The Bank oversees Australia's foreign exchange market and holds and manages Australia's official reserves of gold and foreign exchange."
+Remuneration Tribunal,
+Repatriation Commission,
+Repatriation Medical Authority,
+"Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism","The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism is the key advisor to Government on policy options for Australia's resources, energy and tourism industries."
+Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation is about managing and funding priority research and translating results into practical outcomes for industry development.
+Royal Australian Air Force Veterans Residences Trust Fund,"The Trust provides residences for eligible persons who are in necessitous circumstances and, if the Trust approves, the dependants of such eligible persons. An eligible person is defined in the Act - Royal Australian Air Force Veterans' Residences Trust Act 1953 (as amended).Also known as the RAAF Veterans' Residences Trust."
+Royal Australian Navy Central Canteens Fund,
+Refugee Review Tribunal,"A final merits review tribunal which provides an independent review of decisions to refuse to grant or to cancel protection visas."
+Screen Australia,"Screen Australia is the Commonwealth Government screen agency providing support to Australian film, television, documentary and digital media makers."
+Safe Work Australia,"Leads and coordinates national efforts to improve OHS and workers compensation arrangements."
+Special Broadcasting Service Corporation,"The principal function of the SBS is to provide multilingual and multicultural radio and television services which inform, educate and entertain all Australians and, in doing so, reflect Australia's multicultural society."
+Superannuation Complaints Tribunal,"An independent tribunal set up by the Commonwealth Government to resolve most complaints that members, former members (or beneficiaries in relation to death benefits) have with their superannuation funds. The tribunal is also able to deal with complaints in relation to some other superannuation-related products, such as Approved Deposit Funds (ADFs), Annuities provided by Life Companies, Retirement Savings Accounts (RSAs), specified Surcharge Tax Contributions decisions and small APRA funds (SAFs). Before the tribunal is able to deal with a complaint, members must first try to resolve their complaint with their fund or annuity provider. The tribunal was established under the Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993 and is required to be fair, economical, informal and quick."
+"Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority","Oversees the operation of the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 and the Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993."
+Second Review Dental Benefits Act 2008 Committee,

+"Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities","Environment protection and conservation of biodiversity; Air quality; National fuel quality standards; Land contamination; Meteorology; Administration of the Australian Antarctic Territory, and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Natural, built and cultural heritage; Environmental research; Water policy and resources; Ionospheric prediction; Co-ordination of sustainable communities policy; Population policy; Urban environment."
+Snowy Hydro Limited,
+Solicitor-General,"The Solicitor-General is the second Law Officer of the Commonwealth. He provides written and oral advice on matters of significance to the Australian Government and appears as counsel in cases of constitutional significance, international cases and other cases of special government interest."

+Specialist Medical Review Council,
+"Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission","Responsible for developing and issuing licences under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988; ensuring that obligations imposed on a Commonwealth Department or Authority under the Occupational, Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 are complied with; setting guidelines for determining premiums and regulatory contributions; and considering legislative policy issues arising under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 and the Occupational, Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991. The Commission is an eleven-member tripartite regulatory body."
+Sugar Research and Development Corporation,The corporation investigates and evaluates the research and development (R&D) requirements of the sugar industry.
+Sport and Recreation Ministers' Council,"Coordinates the development of recreation and sport and provides a forum for liaison and cooperation between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments on matters relating to the development of sport and recreation in Australia and more recently in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The Chair and Secretariat are shared on rotation between states. NT is chair for 2006 with Western Australia as Secretariat."
+Social Security Appeals Tribunal,"The Social Security Appeals Tribunal is the first level of external review of decisions made by Centrelink about social security, family assistance, education or training and parental leave payments.The SSAT is also the first level of external review of most decisions made by the Child Support Agency.The SSAT's statutory objective is to provide a mechanism of review that is fair, just, economical, informal and quick.The SSAT has a registry (office) in each capital city in Australia except Darwin. The National Office is based in Melbourne. Your nearest registry can be contacted by calling the SSAT on Freecall 1800 011 140."
+Sydney Harbour Federation Trust,The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust is responsible for protecting and improving public access to former defence and Commonwealth sites around Sydney Harbour.
+Tourism Australia,Tourism Australia is Australia's tourism marketing authority responsible for marketing Australia overseas.
+Takeovers Panel,
+Tax Practitioners Board,

+Therapeutic Goods Administration,"The Therapeutic Goods Administration is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods including medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products."
+Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council,"The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council advises the Minister on matters concerning the regulation of advertising of therapeutic goods, including the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code."
+The Contributions Review Panel,
+The Education Investment Fund Advisory Board,
+Therapeutic Goods Committee,
+Trade Marks Office,
+Department of the Treasury,"The Treasury provides advice to the Government on a range of matters including: Economic, fiscal and monetary policy; Taxation; Public borrowing; International finance; Foreign exchange; Financial sector policy; Currency and legal tender; Foreign investment in Australia; National and occupational superannuation; Business law and practice; Corporate and securities law; Corporate insolvency; Competition policy; Prices surveillance; Excise; Census and statistics; Valuation services; Consumer affairs; Commonwealth-State financial relations."
+Torres Strait Regional Authority,"TSRA develops policies and manages programs to overcome disadvantage and to improve the economic status and social well-being of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the Torres Strait Region."

+Wheat Exports Australia,Established to regulate the export of bulk wheat from Australia through the Wheat Export Accreditation Scheme.
+Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator,"The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) Scheme is a cooperative Commonwealth/state and territory regulatory system established as a cost effective mechanism to help encourage and improve efficiency in domestic water use. WELS has its own Act, The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005 and is underpinned by its own Australian Standard, the AS/NZS 6400. Under the scheme, product suppliers are required to label clothes washers, dishwashers, showers, taps, toilets, urinals and (currently optional) flow controllers with water efficiency information and star-ratings to enable consumers to choose the most water efficient product for their needs. Suppliers must register these products before offering them for supply with the WELS Regulator (the First Assistant Secretary of the Environment Quality Division in Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities)."
+Wine Australia Corporation,"Also known as the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation or the Australian Wine Export Corporation"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/ausbudget.csv
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+Table ID,Portfolio,Agency,Program,Scheme,2011-2012,2012-2013,Difference,Source

+665,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.1.4  Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Special Account  s. 20, FMA Act 1997",306051000,295513000,"    -$10,538,00096.56%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+661,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.1  To support access to overseas markets and protect the economy and the environment from the impacts of unwanted pests and diseases through the safe movement to and from Australia of animals, plants and their products, including genetic material, people and cargo..",199475000,187929000,"    -$11,546,00094.21%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+680,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Grains Research & Development Corporation ,Grains Research & Development Corporation ,"1.1  Drive the discovery, development and delivery of world class innovation to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Australian grain growers and benefit the industry and the wider community.",166015000,180872000,"    $14,857,000108.95%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+604,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1.2  Clean Energy Future  extending the benefits of the Carbon Farming Initiative,27299000,135300000,"    $108,001,000495.62%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+624,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.7.2  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30 ",84313000,91113000,"    $6,800,000108.07%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+619,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.5.2  Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000, s. 16",77854000,82842000,"    $4,988,000106.41%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+627,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.1 Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 63 ",73731000,72812000,"    -$919,00098.75%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+621,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.6.1  Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000, s. 31",63500000,61000000,"    -$2,500,00096.06%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+623,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.7.1  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30 – Grains R&D Corporation – Other Grains",70644000,64348000,"    -$6,296,00091.09%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+625,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.8  Foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally competitive and sustainable dairy industry.",50577000,54400000,"    $3,823,000107.56%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+635,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10   Foster & enable productive, profitable, internationally competitive & sustainable primary industries, including food industries. Improve animal welfare outcomes, including for the export of livestock by coordinated action at the national & international levels. Support the National Registration  for agricultural & veterinary chemicals.",58976000,52069000,"    -$6,907,00088.29%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+633,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.7  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 66 ",44872000,45357000,"    $485,000101.08%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+610,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.2.1 Natural Resources Management Account  s. 11, Natural Resources Management  Act 1992",44909000,41986000,"    -$2,923,00093.49%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+685,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Australian Fisheries Management Authority ,Australian Fisheries Management Authority ,1.1  To sustainably manage Commonwealth fisheries and deter illegal fishing in the Australian Fishing Zone.,43908000,42469000,"    -$1,439,00096.72%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+611,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.2.2  Caring for our Country ,36823000,34627000,"    -$2,196,00094.04%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+686,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority ,Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority ,"1.1  Regulate agvet chemicals to protect the health and safety of people, animals and crops, the environment and trade, and support Australian primary industries.",30733000,32515000,"    $1,782,000105.8%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+616,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.4  Foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally competitive and sustainable Australian fishing and aquaculture industries.",25076000,28094000,"    $3,018,000112.04%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+628,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.2  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 64  ",24354000,23869000,"    -$485,00098.01%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+667,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.2  To support access to overseas markets and protect the economy and the environment from the impacts of unwanted pests and diseases through the safe movement to and from Australia of animals, plants and their products, including genetic material, people and cargo.",32775000,26422000,"    -$6,353,00080.62%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+679,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Fisheries Research & Development Corporation ,Fisheries Research & Development Corporation ,"1.1  To invest in research, development and extension to deliver increased knowledge that fosters sustainable economic, environmental and social  benefits for the Australian fishing industry; including indigenous, recreational, commercial, aquaculture sectors, and the community.",26243000,26018000,"    -$225,00099.14%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+682,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation ,Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation ,"1.1  Increased knowledge that fosters sustainable, productive and profitable new and existing rural industries and furthers understanding of national rural issues through research and development in government-industry partnership.",29300000,23256000,"    -$6,044,00079.37%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+643,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10.8  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30  ",20481000,19479000,"    -$1,002,00095.11%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+644,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10.9  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30  ",21277000,21713000,"    $436,000102.05%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+657,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.13  Maintain and improve international market access opportunities for Australian agriculture, food, fisheries and forestry industries.",23604000,19713000,"    -$3,891,00083.52%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+678,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Cotton Research Development Corporation ,Cotton Research Development Corporation ,"1.1  Enhanced performance of the Australian cotton industry and community through investments in research and development, and its application.",14599000,19700000,"    $5,101,000134.94%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+681,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Grape & Wine Research Development Corporation ,Grape & Wine Research Development Corporation ,"1.1  Invest in and direct research, development and extension that support a competitive Australian wine sector.",22548000,22395000,"    -$153,00099.32%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+609,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.2  Strengthen the capacity for primary producers to use sustainable natural resource management practices in a changing climate.  Strengthen the national approach to weed and pest animal management and research.,22051000,18736000,"    -$3,315,00084.97%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+634,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.7  Pig Industry Act 2001,  s. 10",15728000,17580000,"    $1,852,000111.78%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+607,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1.5  Transitional Farm Family Payment,0,12047000,"    $12,047,000#DIV/0!%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+632,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.6  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 64D  ",10853000,11207000,"    $354,000103.26%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+640,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.10.5  Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,11757000,11243000,"    -$514,00095.63%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+656,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.12.3  Rural Financial Counselling Service,13322000,13601000,"    $279,000102.09%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+659,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.13.2  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ,9262000,12531000,"    $3,269,000135.29%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+666,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.1.5  National Residue Survey Account s. 6, National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992",10614000,10512000,"    -$102,00099.04%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+683,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Sugar Research & Development Corporation ,Sugar Research & Development Corporation ,1.1  The SRDC core business objective is to seek out and invest in strategic RD&E which will underpin an innovative and sustainable Australian sugarcane industry.,12345000,11454000,"    -$891,00092.78%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+684,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Wine Australia Corporation ,Wine Australia Corporation ,"1.1  Build a more profitable wine industry by extending Australian fine wine presence and reputation globally, and by providing foundation data and market insights to Australian producers that deliver a competitive advantage.",14039000,11883000,"    -$2,156,00084.64%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+602,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1  Strengthen the capacity for primary producers to adapt and adjust to a changing climate while maintaining productivity…,8970000,8416000,"    -$554,00093.82%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+615,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.3.2  Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2007,  s. 9 payments and matching payments to an industry services body and Commonwealth administration expenses",10186000,8944000,"    -$1,242,00087.81%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+631,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.5  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 64C  ",6028000,6304000,"    $276,000104.58%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+642,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10.7  Egg Industry Service Provision Act 2002,  s. 8",8274000,8399000,"    $125,000101.51%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+645,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10.10  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30  ",7605000,8469000,"    $864,000111.36%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+646,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.10.11  Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989, s. 30  ",9331000,8400000,"    -$931,00090.02%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+650,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.11.2  Drought Assistance Re-establishment Assistance,14866000,7772000,"    -$7,094,00052.28%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+664,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.1.3  National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992, s. 6",9238000,9399000,"    $161,000101.74%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+672,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.5  Payment to CSIRO Contribution to the operating costs of the Australian Animal Health Laboratory,7391000,7545000,"    $154,000102.08%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+674,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.2.7  Australian Animal Health Council  Funding Act 1996, s. 5",6595000,6588000,"    -$7,00099.89%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+677,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.10  Animal and plant pest and disease eradication,14466000,10000000,"    -$4,466,00069.13%",    Treasury 2012-12-13 PBS  *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+605,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1.3   Australia's Farming Future  ,10770000,0,"    -$10,770,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+606,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1.4  Australia's Farming Future ,17135000,0,"    -$17,135,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+608,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.1.6   Climate Change Research Program,6200000,0,"    -$6,200,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+612,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.2.3  National Weeds and Productivity Research Program,4000000,0,"    -$4,000,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+614,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.3.1  Tasmanian Forestry Industry adjustment package,44020000,0,"    -$44,020,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+618,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.5.1  Regional Food Producers' Innovation and Productivity Program,2300000,0,"    -$2,300,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+620,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.6  Foster and enable productive, profitable, internationally competitive and sustainable wool industry.",1090000,987000,"    -$103,00090.55%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+630,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.9.4  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, s. 64B  ",800000,540000,"    -$260,00067.5%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+636,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.10.1  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Minor Use Program,135000,140000,"    $5,000103.7%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+637,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.10.2  Australian Animal Welfare Strategy,991000,1012000,"    $21,000102.12%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+639,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.10.4  Northern Australia Beef Industry Strategy  ,500000,0,"    -$500,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+641,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.10.6  Wine Industry Support,0,1050000,"    $1,050,000#DIV/0!%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+649,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.11.1  Drought Assistance Professional Advice,7136000,0,"    -$7,136,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+651,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.11.3  Drought policy reform pilot of new measures in Western Australia,16782000,0,"    -$16,782,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+652,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","1.11.4  Farm Household Support Act 1992, s. 57  ",15700000,0,"    -$15,700,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS  *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+653,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.12  Support eligible primary producers and small rural businesses with targeted assistance to manage adjustment pressures and remain viable in the long term.,1760000,1365000,"    -$395,00077.56%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+654,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.12.1  Live Animal Exports ,68000,0,"    -$68,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+660,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",1.13.3  International Organisations Contributions,1698000,1736000,"    $38,000102.24%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+662,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.1.2  Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis and Research,1719000,1756000,"    $37,000102.15%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+663,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.1.2  Beyond the Border: Australia's Biosecurity Strategy  Communications,400000,0,"    -$400,0000%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+668,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.1  Animal Biosecurity & Response Reform,906000,1230000,"    $324,000135.76%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+669,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.2  Commonwealth contribution to the operating costs of Animal Health Australia,1266000,1292000,"    $26,000102.05%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+670,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.3  International Organisations Contribution to World Organisation for Animal Health,233000,237000,"    $4,000101.72%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+671,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ",2.2.4  Other Exotic Disease Preparedness Program,7878000,591000,"    -$7,287,0007.5%",    Treasury 2012-2013 PBS  *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+675,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.2.8  Plant Health Australia  Funding Act 2002, s. 6",1314000,1145000,"    -$169,00087.14%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+676,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry ","2.2.9  Plant Health Australia  Funding Act 2002, s. 10B",544000,476000,"    -$68,00087.5%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+687,"Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",Wheat Exports Australia ,Wheat Exports Australia ,1.1  The purpose of the program is to administer the Wheat Export Accreditation  to accredit bulk wheat exporters by attesting that an exporter is a fit and proper company to export bulk wheat from Australia.,2744000,1970000,"    -$774,00071.79%",    AFF 2012-13 PBS

+727,Attorney-General,Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ,Australian Security Intelligence Organisation ,"1.1  The ASIO program objective is to protect Australia, its people and its interests from threats to security through intelligence collection, assessment and advice to government.",409152000,441541000,"    $32,389,000107.92%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+719,Attorney-General,Australian Federal Police ,Australian Federal Police ,"1.1  This program contributes to Outcome 1 through a primary focus on prevention delivered by the following functions: Counter Terrorism, Aviation and Protection.",377435000,367353000,"    -$10,082,00097.33%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+720,Attorney-General,Australian Federal Police ,Australian Federal Police ,"1.2  The AFP International Deployment Group  contributes to national security by providing, on behalf of the Australian Government, policing support for enhanced rule of law internationally. The IDG delivers Official Development Assistance through programs meeting the government aid objectives by improving the capacity…",352148000,310887000,"    -$41,261,00088.28%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+717,Attorney-General,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,"1.4  To protect Australian national interests by generating awareness of activity in the Australian maritime domain and responding to mitigate, or eliminate, the risks posed by security threats.",309940000,302660000,"    -$7,280,00097.65%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+722,Attorney-General,Australian Federal Police ,Australian Federal Police ,"1.4  This program will provide specialist support to the three AFP national security and operations programs, particularly to address advances in technology and science, and operations in response to particular Criminal Code offences.",275417000,269792000,"    -$5,625,00097.96%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+716,Attorney-General,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,"1.3  Prevent, detect and deter prohibited, harmful or illegal goods or people entering Australia or operating illegally in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone.",272058000,263333000,"    -$8,725,00096.79%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+721,Attorney-General,Australian Federal Police ,Australian Federal Police ,"1.3  This program seeks to reduce the criminal threats to Australian collective economic & societal interests by employing a multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary approach to the fight against Commonwealth crime. This includes transnational crime , as well as financial, corporate crime & identity crime.",277078000,261034000,"    -$16,044,00094.21%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+714,Attorney-General,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,1.1  End to end passenger and crew processing that supports legitimate tourism and the interventions needed to prevent illegal movement of people and the goods they bring across the border.,241844000,231418000,"    -$10,426,00095.69%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+715,Attorney-General,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,1.2  Effective border protection for the Australian community by regulating and facilitating legitimate trade and undertaking risk-based interventions to prevent the illegal movement of goods across the border.,227750000,225170000,"    -$2,580,00098.87%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+690,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.3  Availability of sufficient and effective resources to provide legal assistance services for disadvantaged Australians and communities.,194784000,198087000,"    $3,303,000101.7%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+723,Attorney-General,Australian Federal Police ,Australian Federal Police ,"2.1   The primary aim for Outcome 2 is the provision of a community policing capacity to the ACT Government. AFP activities in this regard include the four key outputs of crime and safety management, road safety, prosecution and judicial support, and crime prevention.",149907000,152778000,"    $2,871,000101.92%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+689,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,"1.2  National security and emergency management capabilities and criminal justice systems that provide the necessary policy, legislation and coordination to protect the rights and welfare of all Australian citizens and organisations.",162965000,148318000,"    -$14,647,00091.01%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+692,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.5  Improved Indigenous family and community safety.,124072000,126957000,"    $2,885,000102.33%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+729,Attorney-General,Family Court of Australia ,Family Court of Australia ,"1.1  The Family Court objective is to support Australian families involved in complex family disputes by deciding matters according to the law, promptly, courteously and effectively.",141256000,125386000,"    -$15,870,00088.77%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+730,Attorney-General,Federal Court of Australia ,Federal Court of Australia ,"1.1  The primary objective of the Federal Court is to decide disputes according to law as quickly, inexpensively and efficiently as possible and, in so doing, interpret the statutory law and develop the general law of the Commonwealth, so as to fulfil the role of a court exercising the judicial power of the Commonwealth under the Constitution.",108430000,119562000,"    $11,132,000110.27%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+710,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.7.2  Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements,811920000,113422000,"    -$698,498,00013.97%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+688,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,"1.1  Equal access to and enjoyment of the rights, benefits and protections of the federal civil justice system for all Australians.",115774000,103524000,"    -$12,250,00089.42%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+713,Attorney-General,Australian Crime Commission ,Australian Crime Commission ,1.1  The ACC will utilise its special coercive powers through investigations and intelligence operations to provide a more comprehensive picture of organised criminal activities across Australia and links with these activities in other countries.,103816000,103175000,"    -$641,00099.38%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+731,Attorney-General,Federal Magistrate's Court ,Federal Magistrate's Court ,"1.1  The Federal Magistrates Court provides a simple and accessible alternative to litigation in the Family Court and the Federal Court. Where practical, parties are encouraged to resolve their disputes through dispute resolution and negotiation methods.",99504000,101417000,"    $1,913,000101.92%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+737,Attorney-General,Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions ,Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions ,"1  To maintain a fair, safe and just society where the laws of the Commonwealth are respected and maintained and there is public confidence in the justice system.",95397000,101646000,"    $6,249,000106.55%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+691,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,"1.4  Availability of non-legislative systems and programs that provide access to fair, simple, effective assistance for family matters.",165082000,66892000,"    -$98,190,00040.52%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+718,Attorney-General,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,Australian Customs & Border Protection Service ,"1.5  To provide assurance that the customs duty, indirect taxes and charges payable on imported goods are correctly assessed, reported and paid, and that revenue concessions, exemptions and refunds are correctly applied; To collect revenue from passenger and crew processing and administer the Tourist Refund .",66738000,66272000,"    -$466,00099.3%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+728,Attorney-General,CrimTrack,CrimTrack,1.1  CrimTrac will enhance Australian policing and law enforcement through the provision of high-quality information services that meet the needs of the law enforcement community.,60506000,59966000,"    -$540,00099.11%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+708,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,"1.7  To make immediate, one-off payments to individuals and families adversely affected by major natural disasters, as well as relief appeal funding to state and territory governments in relation to communities affected by major disasters, to support their recovery needs where authorised by the Attorney-General.",85650000,55500000,"    -$30,150,00064.8%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+733,Attorney-General,Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia ,Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia ,"1.1  …ensure compliance by debtors, bankrupts and their associates, and practitioners and others with the requirements of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and associated legislation through information, registry and enforcement functions…",51601000,51874000,"    $273,000100.53%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+711,Attorney-General,Administrative Appeals Tribunal ,Administrative Appeals Tribunal ,"1.1  The Tribunal is a single program agency. Its objective is to provide applicants with a fair, just, economical, informal and quick mechanism for review of government administrative decisions.",38505000,37613000,"    -$892,00097.68%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+734,Attorney-General,Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia ,Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia ,"1.1   …administer a national online Personal Property Securities  Register as required under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, and provide information about the PPS Register and facilitate the registration of security interests and searching of the PPS Register online and through ITSA's National Service Centre.",26033000,35141000,"    $9,108,000134.99%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+701,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.8  Disaster Resilience Australia Package,29988000,26100000,"    -$3,888,00087.03%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+724,Attorney-General,Australian Human Rights Commission ,Australian Human Rights Commission ,"1.1  … investigates alleged infringements under the federal anti-discrimination & human rights legislation inquires into acts or practices that may impinge on human rights or may be discriminatory, fosters public discussion, & undertakes and coordinates research & educational programs to promote human rights and eliminate discrimination.",21852000,23435000,"    $1,583,000107.24%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+732,Attorney-General,High Court of Australia ,High Court of Australia ,1.1  The program objective is to interpret and uphold the Australian Constitution and perform the functions of the ultimate appellate court in Australia.,20674000,20465000,"    -$209,00098.99%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+702,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.9  National Counter-Terrorism Committee ,12650000,12931000,"    $281,000102.22%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+704,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.11  National Aerial Firefighting,13946000,13997000,"    $51,000100.37%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+736,Attorney-General,Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ,Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ,"1.1  …conduct reviews of FOI decisions made by ministers and agencies; monitor, investigate and report on agency compliance with the FOI Act; assist agencies in implementing the Information Publication  under the FOI Act; review agency compliance with the Information Publication ..",12297000,12078000,"    -$219,00098.22%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+738,Attorney-General,Office of Parliamentary Counsel ,Office of Parliamentary Counsel ,"1.1  To enable the government to carry out its legislative program and, subject to government priorities, to assist private members with their legislative requirements, by drafting Bills and amendments of Bills and supplying them to the parliament.",11793000,11316000,"    -$477,00095.96%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+693,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys ,15584000,7614000,"    -$7,970,00048.86%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+698,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.5  Australia's contribution to the International Criminal Court,7862000,8140000,"    $278,000103.54%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+725,Attorney-General,Australian Institute of Criminology ,Australian Institute of Criminology ,"1.1  …inform policy and practice that seeks to reduce crime and promote justice, through research and the dissemination of information. This also includes the support of research which is relevant to current and future public policy issues and the funding of quality criminological research through an annual research grants program.",10226000,8491000,"    -$1,735,00083.03%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+694,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.1  National Community Crime Prevention Program,259000,0,"    -$259,0000%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+695,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.2  Payments for membership of international bodies,106000,106000,"    $0,000100%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+696,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.3  Payments for grants to Australian organisations,1204000,1212000,"    $8,000100.66%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+697,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.4  Safer Suburbs,3780000,2000000,"    -$1,780,00052.91%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+699,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.6  Pacific Police Development,279000,0,"    -$279,0000%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+700,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.7  Disaster Resilience Australia ,1792000,1620000,"    -$172,00090.4%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+703,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.10  National security public information campaign,530000,0,"    -$530,0000%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+705,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.12   Countering Violent Extremism to Prevent Terrorism,1507000,1515000,"    $8,000100.53%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+707,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.6.14  National Firearms Program Implementation Act 1996,75000,75000,"    $0,000100%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+709,Attorney-General,Attorney-General's Department ,Attorney-General's Department ,1.7.1 Natural Disaster Recovery and Rebuilding donation to Queensland flood appeal,3076000,0,"    -$3,076,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+735,Attorney-General,Native Title Tribunal ,Native Title Tribunal ,"1.1  There are three key components to the National Native Title Tribunal  program : agreement-making; decisions and arbitration, and; stakeholder and community relations.",24937000,0,"    -$24,937,0000%",    A-G 2012-13 PBS

+560,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,"1.2  Present television programs of wide appeal and more specialised interest that contribute to the diversity, quality and innovation of the industry generally…",621574000,631414000,"    $9,840,000101.58%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+559,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,"1.1  Provide distinctive radio programs that serve all local and regional communities throughout Australia, and satisfy diverse audience needs, nationally and internationally.",334693000,339986000,"    $5,293,000101.58%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+574,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Telecommunications Universal Service Management ,Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency ,"1.1  Together with an annual appropriation, the Telecommunications Industry Levy  provides for funding to ensure the delivery of public interest telecommunications services…",0,334265000,"    $334,265,000#DIV/0!%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+558,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ","1.3  Ensure the switchover to digital-only television by the end of 2013. Support access to high-quality, innovative and diverse broadcasting services that deliver content consistent with Australia's diverse community expectations.",210917000,322752000,"    $111,835,000153.02%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+569,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,1.1  Delivering multilingual and multicultural television services that reflect Australian multicultural society.,188828000,211537000,"    $22,709,000112.03%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+557,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ",1.2  To support all Australians to safely and securely realise the full potential of the digital economy. Ensure the availability and reliability to consumers and businesses of reasonably priced basic and essential communications services.,119789000,101050000,"    -$18,739,00084.36%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+565,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,3.1  …extending the reach and quality of audience access to ABC digital television services in accordance with approved digital implementation plans…,94913000,98049000,"    $3,136,000103.3%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+564,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,2.1  Provides ABC satellite and analog terrestrial transmission services through the effective management of Transmission Service Agreements.,92473000,88525000,"    -$3,948,00095.73%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+567,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Communications and Media Authority ,Australian Communications and Media Authority ,"1.1  The ACMA will provide a  regulatory environment that balances the needs of industry and the Australian community by effective regulation of the communications industry, and by planning and licensing of communication services.",70112000,73570000,"    $3,458,000104.93%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+568,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Communications and Media Authority ,Australian Communications and Media Authority ,1.2  The ACMA ensures that the community expectations are reflected in the standards and safeguards regime which applies to communications products and services. The ACMA also  ensures that the community is informed about the communications products and services.,101918000,76966000,"    -$24,952,00075.52%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+572,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,1.4  To make SBS Digital Television available to all Australians.,71123000,68882000,"    -$2,241,00096.85%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+556,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ","Department of Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy ","1.1  To facilitate the increased availability of fast, affordable and reliable broadband and communications infrastructure across Australia.",483976000,64424000,"    -$419,552,00013.31%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+570,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,1.2  Delivering multilingual and multicultural radio services that reflect Australian multicultural society.,36981000,38603000,"    $1,622,000104.39%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+563,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,1.2.3  Engage audiences through new media services including the internet and emerging broadband and mobile platforms.,25528000,25930000,"    $402,000101.57%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+561,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,1.2.1  Digital Regions Initiative,21893000,12118000,"    -$9,775,00055.35%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+571,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,1.3  To make SBS analog television and radio available to all Australians.,16690000,11017000,"    -$5,673,00066.01%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+562,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,Australian Broadcasting Corporation ,1.2.2 Remote Indigenous public internet access,2013000,2069000,"    $56,000102.78%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+573,"Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy",Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ,1.5  To make SBS Digital Radio available to all Australians.,1979000,2030000,"    $51,000102.58%",    DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS

+600,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Clean Energy Regulator ,Clean Energy Regulator ,1.1.1  Support Australian obligations under the Climate Change Convention and Kyoto Protocol…,0,751191000,"    $751,191,000#DIV/0!%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+575,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,95953000,56798000,"    -$39,155,00059.19%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+589,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.7  Clean Energy Future - Low  Carbon Communities,28000000,52314000,"    $24,314,000186.84%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+594,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.12  National Solar Schools Program,33890000,38803000,"    $4,913,000114.5%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+582,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,69920000,31406000,"    -$38,514,00044.92%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+599,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.4  Influence the development of international policies and measures in relation to climate change through the pursuit of broad based international climate action and agreement.,19358000,20467000,"    $1,109,000105.73%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+591,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.9  Clean Energy Future - Energy Efficiency Information Grants,4500000,11000000,"    $6,500,000244.44%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+595,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.3  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,9654000,10830000,"    $1,176,000112.18%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+583,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.1  Ordinary annual services  Solar Cities,15783000,8099000,"    -$7,684,00051.31%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+592,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.10  Other services  National Solar Schools Plan,7138000,6889000,"    -$249,00096.51%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+593,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.11   National Solar Schools Plan,7138000,6889000,"    -$249,00096.51%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+596,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.3.1  Ordinary annual services  Climate Change Science Program,7800000,7800000,"    $0,000100%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+598,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.3.3  Clean Energy Future - Natural resource management for climate change,0,7575000,"    $7,575,000#DIV/0!%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+601,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Climate Change Authority ,Climate Change Authority ,1.1  The Authority objective is to contribute to the sound governance of climate change mitigation initiatives by ensuring these are efficient and effective through recommending improvements to their design and operation.,18771000,6606000,"    -$12,165,00035.19%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+576,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1.1  Ordinary annual services  Climate Change  - Foundation Campaign,8200000,0,"    -$8,200,0000%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+578,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1.3  Clean Energy Future - Carbon Farming Initiative - Non-Kyoto Fund,0,900000,"    $900,000#DIV/0!%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+579,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1.4  Clean Energy Future - Voluntary Action Pledge Fund and GreenPower purchases,895000,669000,"    -$226,00074.75%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+580,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1.5 Clean Energy Future - Public Information Campaign,21630000,2000000,"    -$19,630,0009.25%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+581,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.1.6  Clean Energy Future - Energy Security Fund,1000000000,0,"    -$1,000,000,0000%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+584,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.2  Energy Efficiency Programs,6120000,650000,"    -$5,470,00010.62%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+585,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.3  Solar Hot Water Initiative,42816000,500000,"    -$42,316,0001.17%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+586,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.4  Green loans Green start,3013000,0,"    -$3,013,0000%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+587,Climate Change & Energy Efficiency,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency ,1.2.5  Home Insulation Program,170793000,0,"    -$170,793,0000%",    Climate Change 2012-13  PBS

+247,Defence,Defence Materiel Organisation ,Defence Materiel Organisation ,"1.2  Sustainment involves the provision of in-service support for specialist military equipment, including platforms, fleets and systems operated by Defence…",5300993000,5295299000,"    -$5,694,00099.89%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+266,Defence,Defence Materiel Organisation ,Defence Materiel Organisation ,1.2   Defence capabilities will be sustained to meet operational requirements as identified in the specific Materiel Sustainment Agreement .,5300993000,5295299000,"    -$5,694,00099.89%",    DMO 2012-12-13 PBS

+223,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,1.3  …contribute to the achievement of the Government's defence objectives through the provision of capabilities for land and special operations…,5236978000,5025969000,"    -$211,009,00095.97%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+222,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.2  …provide maritime forces that contribute to the ADF capacity to defend Australia, contribute to regional security, support Australiaian global interests, shape the strategic environment and protect our national interests…",4254231000,4270118000,"    $15,887,000100.37%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+225,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.4  … provide immediate and responsive military options across the spectrum of operations as part of a whole-of-government joint or coalition response, either from Australia or deployed overseas…",4352927000,4217797000,"    -$135,130,00096.9%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+227,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,1.6  DSG supports Defence through the provision of a range of products and services including: legal services; personnel administration; housing; a range of personnel support functions; business services…,3966670000,3688491000,"    -$278,179,00092.99%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+246,Defence,Defence Materiel Organisation ,Defence Materiel Organisation ,"1.1   This Program delivers specialist military and associated equipment. It encompasses the DMO activities in support of the acquisition process, including all pre-approval activities, as well as the acquisition process for major and minor capital investments.",4550163000,3676094000,"    -$874,069,00080.79%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+265,Defence,Defence Materiel Organisation ,Defence Materiel Organisation ,"1.1  Acquisition projects will be delivered in a transparent and accountable manner, on time, within budget and to the required standard as approved by Government.",4550163000,3676094000,"    -$874,069,00080.79%",    DMO 2012-12-13 PBS

+248,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"1.1  To deliver means tested income support & other allowances to eligible veterans and dependants… including Service Pension and Invalidity Service Pension, similar to Age & Disability Support pensions; Partner Service Pension paid to eligible partners of veterans; Income Support Supplement paid to eligible war widow/ers.",3001535000,2893904000,"    -$107,631,00096.41%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+236,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.15  …administer nominal interest for the three military superannuation schemes: the Defence Force Retirement Benefits , the Defence Force Retirement & Death Benefits  ; & the Military Superannuation & Benefits  .",2643362000,2815138000,"    $171,776,000106.5%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+250,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"1.3  Deliver war widow/ers and Defence pensions, allowances and special purpose assistance to the dependants of veterans under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 and related legislation including the payment of war widow/ers claims for compensation.",1904991000,1850543000,"    -$54,448,00097.14%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+256,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,2.2  Provide access to hospital services for entitled beneficiaries through arrangements with hospitals in both the private and public sectors.,1693801000,1704336000,"    $10,535,000100.62%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+258,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"2.4   The objectives of these programs are to support veterans to remain independent in their homes, and improve their quality of life and health. The veteran community is ageing and increasingly requires higher levels of service. The provision of these services helps to delay entry into residential aged care and maximises independence.",1633047000,1694674000,"    $61,627,000103.77%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+249,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"1.2  To deliver disability pensions, allowances and special purpose assistance to eligible veterans and members of the Defence Force or Peacekeeping Force under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 and related legislation.",1588594000,1553164000,"    -$35,430,00097.77%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+239,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,2.2.0  Operations supporting wider interests are designed to contribute to United Nations and international efforts to uphold global security.,1247823000,1210738000,"    -$37,085,00097.03%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+231,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.9  The Vice Chief of the Defence Force Group mission is to develop, deliver, enable and ensure Defence Joint Capability in order to protect and advance Australia's national and strategic interests…",1088760000,1013394000,"    -$75,366,00093.08%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+233,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,1.11  Capability Development Group  develops and manages the Defence Capability Plan  and prepares Defence capability investment approval proposals for Government consideration…,331308000,987597000,"    $656,289,000298.09%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+255,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,2  Provide access to general and specialist medical and dental services to entitled DVA beneficiaries,946105000,958231000,"    $12,126,000101.28%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+268,Defence,Defence Housing Australia ,Defence Housing Australia ,1  Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and related legislation.,739983000,937406000,"    $197,423,000126.68%",    DHA 2012-13 PBS

+228,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.8  The Chief Information Officer Group's objective in delivering Program 1.8 is to provide Defence with dependable, secure and integrated ICT capabilities to support the conduct of ADF operations and Defence business.",964145000,833021000,"    -$131,124,00086.4%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+259,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"2.5  To provide a wide range of mental and allied health care services, including counselling and referral services for veterans, war widow/ers, serving members, former defence force members and their families.",577788000,599222000,"    $21,434,000103.71%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+226,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.5  Intelligence & Security Group delivers intelligence capability for Defence and Government; & leads the development of security policy, standards & plans to meet Defence  protective security requirements & provide information security services to Government…",522709000,474357000,"    -$48,352,00090.75%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+234,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.12  The Chief Finance Officer Group  is responsible for giving strategic financial advice and information to Ministers, the Secretary, the CDF and Defence Senior Leaders…",294724000,458100000,"    $163,376,000155.43%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+257,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,2.3   The Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits   will provide entitled beneficiaries access to a comprehensive array of pharmaceuticals and wound dressings for the treatment of their health care needs.,441831000,433624000,"    -$8,207,00098.14%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+229,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.13  The Chief Information Officer Group objective in delivering Program 1.8 is to provide Defence with dependable, secure and integrated ICT capabilities to support the conduct of ADF operations and Defence business…",307269000,323580000,"    $16,311,000105.31%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+253,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,1.6   To provide compensation to current and former members of the Australian Defence Force and theirdependants,263118000,272148000,"    $9,030,000103.43%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+244,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,2.2.5   The War on Terror - Afghanistan,392400000,211500000,"    -$180,900,00053.9%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+254,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,1.7   To provide an updated actuarial assessment of the movement in the liability for income support and compensation under the rehabilitation and compensation Acts.,130100000,140800000,"    $10,700,000108.22%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+238,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"2.1  Ensure that the Government, through the ADF, has an active and effective role in regional stability, integrity and cohesion of the… immediate neighbourhood with Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the island countries of the South West Pacific.",203669000,130545000,"    -$73,124,00064.1%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+267,Defence,Defence Materiel Organisation ,Defence Materiel Organisation ,"1.3  The DMO will meet Government, Ministerial and departmental expectations and timeframes for the provision of policy, advice and support and delivery of industry programs",124931000,129259000,"    $4,328,000103.46%",    DMO 2012-12-13 PBS

+242,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,2.2.3  Training and mentoring the Afghan National Army 4th Brigade in Uruzgan province to allow transition of lead security responsibility for the province.Building the capacity of the Afghan National Police to assist with civil policing functions in Uruzgan;Helping improve the Afghan Government's capacity to deliver core services and generate economic opportunities for its people; Operations to disrupt insurgent operations and supply routes utilising the Special Operations Task Group.,122400000,118980000,"    -$3,420,00097.21%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+237,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,1.16  The Defence Home Ownership Assistance  was established in order to support the Government retention and recruitment initiatives and influence ADF member decisions to stay beyond critical career points…,88071000,99273000,"    $11,202,000112.72%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+235,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,1.14  …administer & report member and employer contributions paid during the year to the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits   and the Military Superannuation and Benefits  …,245595000,87865000,"    -$157,730,00035.78%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+240,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"2.2.1  The Australian-led International Stabilisation Force  consists of Navy, Army and Air Force personnel from Australia and New Zealand. The ISF operates at the invitation of the Government of East Timor, and in support of the United Nations , to maintain stability and provide a secure environment for the ongoing development of East Timor.",160200000,87600000,"    -$72,600,00054.68%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+251,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"1.4  To deliver other allowances and assistance to eligible veterans and dependants under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 & related legislation including home support loans, funeral benefits, prisoner of war ex gratia payments & payments on behalf of Commonwealth and allied countries…",85848000,88804000,"    $2,956,000103.44%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+260,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"2.6  To arrange for the provision of rehabilitation, medical and other related services under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988  and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004  and related legislation. This includes payment for medical treatment, rehabilitation services, attendant care and household services.",67651000,72221000,"    $4,570,000106.76%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+262,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,"3.1   Acknowledge and commemorate the service and sacrifice of the men and women who served Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations.",43942000,59286000,"    $15,344,000134.92%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+264,Defence,Australian War Memorial,Australian War Memorial,"1.1  To maintain and develop the National Memorial and a national collection of historical material and through commemorative ceremonies, exhibitions, research, interpretation and dissemination.",53692000,56654000,"    $2,962,000105.52%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+232,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"1.10  Joint Operations Command is the ADF joint integrated operational level headquarters responsible for ADF contributions to combined and interagency operations & international engagement activities, both domestically & internationally…",48864000,43274000,"    -$5,590,00088.56%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+243,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"2.2.4  The Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands  mission is to assist the Government of Solomon Islands in the maintenance of security, law and justice, economic governance and improving the machinery of government.",43500000,42900000,"    -$600,00098.62%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+261,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,2.7  To provide an updated actuarial assessment of the movement in the liability for health and other care services under the rehabilitation and compensation Acts.,33800000,34200000,"    $400,000101.18%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+252,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,1.5  Provide financial assistance to eligible students under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 Veterans' Children Education   and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 Education and Training   to assist with their education needs.,20821000,19437000,"    -$1,384,00093.35%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+241,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"2.2.2   Irregular Maritime Arrivals; Maritime terrorism; Piracy, robbery and violence at sea; Compromise to bio-security; Illegal activity in protected areas; Illegal exploitation of natural resources ; Marine pollution; Prohibited imports and exports; Supporting the DIAC in the establishment of temporary offshore processing  facilities.",9800000,9500000,"    -$300,00096.94%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+245,Defence,Department of Defence ,Department of Defence ,"… provide the security of the Australian coastline from unauthorised arrivals, smuggling, quarantine evasion and other intrusions to Australian sovereignty, counter-terrorism responses, search and rescue and natural disaster relief…",9829000,9500000,"    -$329,00096.65%",    DOD 2012-12-13 PBS

+263,Defence,Department of Veterans Affairs ,Department of Veterans Affairs ,3.2  Coordinate and manage the delivery of annual commemorative and related activities at Gallipoli,6353000,5306000,"    -$1,047,00083.52%",    Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS

+11,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.2  The Government will provide an estimated 37.0 billion for non-government schooling for 2009–2014 under the  Schools Assistance Act 2008 …,7738681000,8313066000,"    $574,385,000107.42%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+9,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.1.1  Schools Assistance Act 2008,7587740000,8183019000,"    $595,279,000107.85%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+69,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.3  New Start Allowance,6590474000,7766968000,"    $1,176,494,000117.85%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+70,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.4  Parenting Payment Single,4737198000,4247628000,"    -$489,570,00089.67%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+3,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.2.1  Child Care Benefit,2342852000,2444197000,"    $101,345,000104.33%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+4,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.2.2  Child Care Rebate,1835663000,1993141000,"    $157,478,000108.58%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+54,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.1.1  Job Services Australia,1490135000,1544929000,"    $54,794,000103.68%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+71,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.5  Parenting Payment Partnered,1062116000,1017422000,"    -$44,694,00095.79%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+78,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.12  Youth Allowance ,751484000,922677000,"    $171,193,000122.78%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+63,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.3.1  Disability Employment Services,824310000,817393000,"    -$6,917,00099.16%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+5,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.3.1  Early Childhood Education - Universal Access,297000000,447000000,"    $150,000,000150.51%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+77,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.11  Widow Allowance,401691000,367536000,"    -$34,155,00091.5%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+38,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.8  The National Partnership Agreement on Low Socio-economic Status School Communities  is providing 1.5 billion over seven years  to facilitate a range of initiatives within school and out-of-school to address the learning needs and wellbeing of students in low socioeconomic status  school communities.,371033000,362908000,"    -$8,125,00097.81%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+105,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Comcare,Comcare,1.2.2  Management of Premium Claims,723908000,353820000,"    -$370,088,00048.88%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+1,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.1.1  Child Care Services Support,326526000,345312000,"    $18,786,000105.75%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+80,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.1.1  General Employee Entitlements and Redundancy,199386000,202975000,"    $3,589,000101.8%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+39,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.9  Teacher Quality,235600000,193000000,"    -$42,600,00081.92%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+62,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.2  Indigenous Employment Program,157713000,172576000,"    $14,863,000109.42%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+35,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","2.6  This program focuses on the key areas of teaching, leadership and the effective use of student performance information to deliver sustained improvement in literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students, especially those who are falling behind.",211538000,162338000,"    -$49,200,00076.74%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+81,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.1.2  Coal Mining Industry Commission,152423000,152423000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+68,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.2  Mobility Allowance,139686000,143501000,"    $3,815,000102.73%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+110,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Fair Work Ombudsman ,Fair Work Ombudsman ,"1  To educate employers, employees, organisations and contractors about the workplace relations system and to ensure compliance with workplace laws.",143475000,136648000,"    -$6,827,00095.24%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+45,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.12.1  ABSTUDY - Indigenous Secondary Students,141235000,133511000,"    -$7,724,00094.53%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+10,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.1.2  Indigenous Education  Act,150941000,130047000,"    -$20,894,00086.16%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+34,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.5.3  Digital Education Revolution ,126000000,126000000,"    $0,000100%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+42,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.11.1  Youth Attainment and Transitions National Partnership,113402000,114360000,"    $958,000100.84%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+73,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.7  Partner Allowance Pension,157831000,99661000,"    -$58,170,00063.14%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+30,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.4.1  Government Schools,215348000,97651000,"    -$117,697,00045.35%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+75,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.9  Sickness Allowance,91288000,92485000,"    $1,197,000101.31%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+2,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.1.2  Jobs Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance  ,88075000,81919000,"    -$6,156,00093.01%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+31,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.4.2  Non-Government Schools,55025000,84249000,"    $29,224,000153.11%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+46,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.12.2  ABSTUDY - Indigenous Tertiary Students,78162000,83261000,"    $5,099,000106.52%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+19,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.8  National School Chaplaincy Program,74000000,74000000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+33,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.5.2  Digital Education Revolution ,74000000,74000000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+109,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Fair Work Australia ,Fair Work Australia ,1  To exercise powers under the Fair Work Act 2009…,79172000,76545000,"    -$2,627,00096.68%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+74,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.8  Pensioner Education Supplement,81095000,73112000,"    -$7,983,00090.16%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+47,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.12.3  Assistance for Isolated Children,57601000,63070000,"    $5,469,000109.49%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+21,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.10  Quality Outcomes,50539000,58498000,"    $7,959,000115.75%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+6,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.3.2  Indigenous early childhood development – children and family centres,115468000,56535000,"    -$58,933,00048.96%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+64,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.3.2  Employment Assistance and Other Services,37398000,37963000,"    $565,000101.51%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+88,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.3.3  Workers Compensation Payments,34790000,39661000,"    $4,871,000114%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+108,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Comcare,Comcare,1.3.5  The objectives of this outcome are…  to recover contributions to compensation payments from 3rd parties for future claimants of asbestos-related disease & to implement better approaches to the management of common law asbestos related claims.,45272000,39600000,"    -$5,672,00087.47%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+112,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate ,Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate ,"1.1  Enforce workplace relations laws in the  building and construction industry and ensure compliance with those laws by all participants in the building and construction industry through the provision of education, assistance and advice.",2917000,31737000,"    $28,820,0001088%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+28,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.17  Indigenous Education,48790000,30821000,"    -$17,969,00063.17%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+87,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.3.2  Asbestos Compensation Payments,23270000,27890000,"    $4,620,000119.85%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+103,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Comcare,Comcare,1.1  Comcare is maintaining resourcing to match Government expectations about the level of regulatory intervention and the need to continue the positive trend in injury prevention.,32406000,23914000,"    -$8,492,00073.79%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+7,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.3.3  National quality agenda for early childhood education and care,13093000,21328000,"    $8,235,000162.9%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+76,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.10  Utilities Allowance,20400000,19176000,"    -$1,224,00094%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+113,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Safe Work Australia ,Safe Work Australia ,"1  Safe Work Australia monitors & evaluates harmonised laws, coordinates & develops national policy & strategies & undertakes research to improve work health & safety & workers compensation arrangements in Australia.",21080000,19402000,"    -$1,678,00092.04%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+8,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",1.3.4  TAFE fee waivers for childcare qualifications,13188000,17155000,"    $3,967,000130.08%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+41,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.10.2  Students with Disabilities ,17066000,17066000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+102,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership ,Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership ,1.1  Support the implementation of the national professional standards for teachers…,18896000,14900000,"    -$3,996,00078.85%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+106,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Comcare,Comcare,1.2.3  Management of Pre Premium Grants from Portfolio Agencies,53361000,18594000,"    -$34,767,00034.85%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+43,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.11.2  Youth Engagement,9669000,11419000,"    $1,750,000118.1%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+72,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.5.6  Partner Allow ance Benefit,17704000,10995000,"    -$6,709,00062.1%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+99,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,"1.1 To establish the F-12 Australian Curriculum including development of content, content elaborations, achievement standards and annotated work samples for all learning areas…",12203000,12503000,"    $300,000102.46%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+101,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,1.3  To ensure that national assessments enable accurate monitoring of student and school performance and progress while promoting good pedagogical practices ie delivery of NAPLAN,12044000,11987000,"    -$57,00099.53%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+14,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.3  Online Diagnostic Tools,14894000,10238000,"    -$4,656,00068.74%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+52,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.14.2  Rewards for School Improvement ,10000000,10000000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+53,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.15  National Rewards for Great Teachers,41283000,8257000,"    -$33,026,00020%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+58,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.1.5  Productivity Education and Training Fund,10000000,10000000,"    $0,000100%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+84,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.2.3  International Labour Organisation Subscription,8903000,8262000,"    -$641,00092.8%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+86,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",4.3.1  Comcare payments,14403000,6300000,"    -$8,103,00043.74%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+100,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority ,1.2 To extend and improve ways of enabling schools to benchmark their performance against other schools with similar characteristics and similar student backgrounds and academic starting points.,5004000,6660000,"    $1,656,000133.09%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+104,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations",Comcare,Comcare,1.2.1  SRC Act Regulation,11677000,10383000,"    -$1,294,00088.92%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+12,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.1  Teach Next,4300000,5224000,"    $924,000121.49%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+13,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.2  National Trade Cadetship,0,3100000,"    $3,100,000#DIV/0!%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+18,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.7  Grants and Awards,4035000,4076000,"    $41,000101.02%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+20,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.9  Helping Children with Autism,5354000,5434000,"    $80,000101.49%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+22,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.11  Framework for Open Learning,2875000,2984000,"    $109,000103.79%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+25,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.14  Review of School Funding,0,4793000,"    $4,793,000#DIV/0!%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+27,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.3.16  Maths and Science Participation,0,3100000,"    $3,100,000#DIV/0!%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+32,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.5.1  Digtal Education Revolution Project Pool,9242000,6000000,"    -$3,242,00064.92%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+51,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",2.14.1  Rewards for School Improvement ,5785000,5471000,"    -$314,00094.57%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+61,"Education, Employment & Workplace Relations","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ","Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations ",3.1.8  Productive Ageing Package,5102000,4455000,"    -$647,00087.32%",    DEEWR 2012-13 PBS

+308,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.1.2  Age Pension,34675633000,36647928000,"    $1,972,295,000105.69%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+316,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.2  To make payments to eligible people with disability who are unable to support themselves to achieve financial independence through income support.,14519777000,14861857000,"    $342,080,000102.36%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+274,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2.3  Family Tax Benefit Part A - Income Support,13970791000,14081376000,"    $110,585,000100.79%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+275,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2.4  Family Tax Benefit Part B - Income Support,4603794000,4541340000,"    -$62,454,00098.64%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+322,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.6  Carer Payment,3194131000,3603583000,"    $409,452,000112.82%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+281,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3.4  Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 - Income Support,1373565000,1440072000,"    $66,507,000104.84%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+320,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.4  Carer Allowance ,1259254000,1378807000,"    $119,553,000109.49%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+276,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2.5  Schoolkids Bonus,1324135000,1254478000,"    -$69,657,00094.74%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+279,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3.2  Baby Bonus - Income Support,882362000,851504000,"    -$30,858,00096.5%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+337,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.4  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account; Aboriginals Benefit Account ; Support for Constitutional Recognition for Indigenous Australians; Flexible Funding; Breaking the Cycle of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Indigenous Communities.,573163000,576908000,"    $3,745,000100.65%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+323,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.7  Carer Supplement,480586000,505959000,"    $25,373,000105.28%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+321,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.5  Carer Allowance ,475001000,502520000,"    $27,519,000105.79%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+326,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.4  Services for People with Disability,430529000,360531000,"    -$69,998,00083.74%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+333,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.2.1  Remote Indigenous housing,794143000,303208000,"    -$490,935,00038.18%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+305,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.6  Certain concessions for pensioners and senior card holders,254567000,270509000,"    $15,942,000106.26%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+314,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.2.3  Seniors Supplement,255878000,234977000,"    -$20,901,00091.83%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+331,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.1  Community Development Employment Projects  Program,300455000,213829000,"    -$86,626,00071.17%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+269,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.1  Family and Children Services; Find and Connect Services,365045000,203547000,"    -$161,498,00055.76%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+315,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.1  Mental Health,166286000,202977000,"    $36,691,000122.06%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+302,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.3  Social Security  Act 1999 Clean Energy Low Income Supplement,0,188160000,"    $188,160,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+324,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.8  Child Disability Assistance Payment,163780000,166923000,"    $3,143,000101.92%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+287,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2.1  Homelessness,131501000,156501000,"    $25,000,000119.01%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+294,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.1.2  Information and Assistance,129397000,133731000,"    $4,334,000103.35%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+310,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.1.4 Wife Pension ,133108000,121653000,"    -$11,455,00091.39%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+325,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.9  Wife Pension ,148030000,120181000,"    -$27,849,00081.19%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+289,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2.3  Housing Affordability Fund,107911000,101250000,"    -$6,661,00093.83%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+329,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.7  Helping Children with Autism package; Better Start for Children with Disability.,0,96411000,"    $96,411,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+336,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.3  Native Title; Land Rights.,92030000,94567000,"    $2,537,000102.76%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+290,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2.4   National Rental Affordability,27405000,85193000,"    $57,788,000310.87%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+297,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.3  To make payments to financially assist eligible people in severe financial hardship who do not have any other means of support.,82088000,81876000,"    -$212,00099.74%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+363,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Indigenous Business Australia ,Indigenous Business Australia ,1.1  IBA Investment objective is to assist and develop Indigenous Australians to achieve economic independence through direct investment and participation in commercial and joint venture business enterprises.,74248000,79835000,"    $5,587,000107.52%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+364,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Indigenous Business Australia ,Indigenous Business Australia ,"1.2   …facilitate Indigenous Australians into home ownership by addressing barriers such as lower incomes and savings, credit  impairment and limited experience with loan repayments.",33871000,73869000,"    $39,998,000218.09%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+366,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Indigenous Land Corporation ,Indigenous Land Corporation ,Indigenous cultural and environmental heritage protection; Socio-economic development; Education.,84175000,74015000,"    -$10,160,00087.93%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+328,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.6  To improve the wellbeing and social and economic participation of people with disability and their carers by  building a National Disability Insurance   that delivers care and support through an insurance approach.,0,66921000,"    $66,921,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+296,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.2  To provide grants and ongoing funding to improve the responsiveness and integration of local community services to increase participation of vulnerable people in community life through support.,70407000,63543000,"    -$6,864,00090.25%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+283,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3.6  Single Income Family Supplement,0,56231000,"    $56,231,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+359,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Aboriginal Hostels Limited ,Aboriginal Hostels Limited ,1.1  To provide temporary accommodation at Company-operated hostels that assist Indigenous Australians who must live away from home to access services and economic opportunity.,53428000,50952000,"    -$2,476,00095.37%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+330,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,"6.1  Gender Equality for Women, Services for other Government and Non-Government Bodies",51367000,44242000,"    -$7,125,00086.13%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+292,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.1  Financial Management Information and Assistance; Community Investment; Income Management,33101000,40867000,"    $7,766,000123.46%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+285,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.1.1  Housing Assistance and Homelessness Prevention,35916000,33605000,"    -$2,311,00093.57%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+291,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2.5  Building Better Regional Cities LGA,30000000,35000000,"    $5,000,000116.67%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+332,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.2  Remote Indigenous Housing; Indigenous Boarding Hostels Partnerships.,37301000,35140000,"    -$2,161,00094.21%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+365,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Indigenous Business Australia ,Indigenous Business Australia ,"1.3 IBA works with Indigenous Australians to assist them to succeed in business. The focus is on the sustainable viability of the business, as distinct from simply getting into business.",34061000,32274000,"    -$1,787,00094.75%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+284,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,"2.1  To provide rental subsidies for low- and moderate-income households, and to fund homelessness prevention initiatives to reduce the impact of homelessness.",27717000,28833000,"    $1,116,000104.03%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+327,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,"5.5  To provide peer support, respite and information services for carers to help them balance their care responsibilities with social participation and, in the case of young carers, complete their education",22359000,21495000,"    -$864,00096.14%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+350,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.13  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Community safety and justice,0,21326000,"    $21,326,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+352,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.15  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory  - Indigenous housing,0,22400000,"    $22,400,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+303,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.4  Essential Medical Equipment Payment,0,15318000,"    $15,318,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+306,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.1  Program Expenses for Age Pension; Widow B Pension; Wife Pension .,17913000,17189000,"    -$724,00095.96%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+271,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,11853000,14028000,"    $2,175,000118.35%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+304,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.5   Utilities Allowance,13893000,14292000,"    $399,000102.87%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+313,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.2.2  National reciprocal transport concessions,13958000,12500000,"    -$1,458,00089.55%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+344,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.7  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Lease Payments to Traditional Owners of Land,19498000,12271000,"    -$7,227,00062.93%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+351,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,"7.5.14   Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Child, youth, family and community wellbeing",0,13363000,"    $13,363,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+356,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.17  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory- Building a quality school workforce – additional teachers,0,12400000,"    $12,400,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+361,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Australian Institute of Family Studies ,Australian Institute of Family Studies ,"1.1  To increase understanding of factors affecting how Australian families function by conducting research and communicating findings to policy-makers, service providers and the broader community…",9956000,10796000,"    $840,000108.44%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+272,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2.1  Schoolkids Bonus - Communication Campaign,0,8500000,"    $8,500,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+277,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,8804000,8668000,"    -$136,00098.46%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+286,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2  National Rental Affordability ; Housing Affordability Fund.,2601000,6620000,"    $4,019,000254.52%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+298,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.4  Bereavement Allowance; Payments under Special Circumstances ,6139000,6642000,"    $503,000108.19%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+300,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.1  Reimbursement to Great SouthernRail for Concessional Fares,8637000,8445000,"    -$192,00097.78%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+301,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5.2   Helping Households - Communication Campaign,0,8679000,"    $8,679,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+317,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,10129000,10138000,"    $9,000100.09%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+273,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.2.2  Helping Households - Communication Campaign,4591000,4296000,"    -$295,00093.57%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+278,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3.1  Paid Parental Leave -communication and evaluation,1233000,2647000,"    $1,414,000214.68%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+282,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,1.3.5  Double Orphan Pension - Income Support,3336000,3535000,"    $199,000105.97%",    FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS

+295,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.1.3  Welfare Reform Payments,3609000,3783000,"    $174,000104.82%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+299,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.5  Reimbursement to Great Southern Rail for Concessional Fares; Low Income Supplement; Utilities Allowance; Essential Medical Equipment Payment.,1594000,2240000,"    $646,000140.53%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+307,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.1.1 Helping Households - Communication Campaign,6678000,6249000,"    -$429,00093.58%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+311,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.2  Seniors Supplement; Broadband for Seniors.,5866000,4690000,"    -$1,176,00079.95%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+312,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,4.2.1  Broadband for Seniors,2600000,2600000,"    $0,000100%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+318,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.1 Ex-Gratia Payments to Unsuccessful Applicants of Carer Payment ,4800000,2800000,"    -$2,000,00058.33%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+345,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.8   Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Northern Territory Stronger Futures,0,5982000,"    $5,982,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+346,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.9  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Tackling alcohol abuse,0,3971000,"    $3,971,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+347,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.10  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Remote engagement and coordination,0,4356000,"    $4,356,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+348,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.11  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Municipal and essential services,0,5000000,"    $5,000,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+349,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.12  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Healthy homes,0,4927000,"    $4,927,000#DIV/0!%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+357,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,8 Assistance to Victims & their Families,0,3300000,"    $3,300,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+360,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Aboriginal Hostels Limited ,Aboriginal Hostels Limited ,1.2  To provide temporary accommodation at Community-operated hostels that assist Indigenous Australians who must live away from home to access services and economic opportunity.,6500000,4903000,"    -$1,597,00075.43%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+362,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace ,Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace ,1.1  Increased influence over Australian employers to achieve equality for women in the workplace through regulation and education on eliminating discrimination and promoting merit-based opportunity.,6110000,5613000,"    -$497,00091.87%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+288,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,2.2.2   Nation Building and Jobs Plan -Social housing – second stage construction,162000000,0,"    -$162,000,0000%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+293,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,3.1.1  Continuation of Income Management in WA,818000,449000,"    -$369,00054.89%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+319,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,5.3.2  Helping Households - Communication Campaign,661000,618000,"    -$43,00093.49%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+334,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.2.2  Indigenous Boarding Hostels Partnerships,5000000,0,"    -$5,000,0000%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+335,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.2.3  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys,1156000,0,"    -$1,156,0000%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+338,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.1  Community safety family support,5476000,0,"    -$5,476,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+339,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.2  Field operations,4278000,0,"    -$4,278,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+340,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.3  Food security,220000,0,"    -$220,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+341,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.4  Remote policing,29548000,0,"    -$29,548,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+342,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.5  Substance abuse,7246000,0,"    -$7,246,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+343,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.6  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Northern Territory Emergency Response,22349000,0,"    -$22,349,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+353,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.16  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Supporting remote schools - additional teachers,32300000,0,"    -$32,300,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+354,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,"7.5.17  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Quality teaching, accelerated literacy",12289000,0,"    -$12,289,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+355,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.16  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Teacher housing,722000,0,"    -$722,0000%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS *Forms part of Treasury Program 1.10 Payments to States

+358,"Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs",Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ,7.5.18  Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory - Expansion of the school enrolment and attendance measure,0,1870000,"    $1,870,000#DIV/0!%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+919,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.11  Superannuation Act 1976,3315348000,3415480000,"    $100,132,000103.02%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+920,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.12  Superannuation Act 1990,2961377000,3249020000,"    $287,643,000109.71%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+922,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.3  This program contributes to the outcome through advising on the Government's three Nation Building Funds- Building Australia Fund; Education Investment Fund; and Health and Hospitals Fund.,4712721000,2162455000,"    -$2,550,266,00045.89%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+938,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,3.1.1  Ordinary annual services  Electorate and Ministerial Support Costs,232934000,235892000,"    $2,958,000101.27%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+942,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,3.1.5  Parliamentary Entitlements Act 1990,153357000,157071000,"    $3,714,000102.42%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+936,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.3  This program contributes to the outcome through providing general insurance services and promoting risk management across the Australian Government through the Comcover special account.,95516000,128087000,"    $32,571,000134.1%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+935,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.2  This program contributes to the outcome through the management of the Australian Government's non-Defence property portfolio within Australia.,76194000,99824000,"    $23,630,000131.01%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+907,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.7  Coordinated Procurement Contracting Special Account,89019000,74631000,"    -$14,388,00083.84%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+914,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.6  Judges' Pensions Act 1968,71426000,75300000,"    $3,874,000105.42%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+950,Finance & Deregulation,ComSuper,ComSuper,"1.1  Provide access to Government superannuation benefits and information, through developing members' understanding of the schemes, processing contributions, supporting investment processes, paying benefits and managing member details, for current and former APS and members of the ADF, on behalf of the  .",79734000,73328000,"    -$6,406,00091.97%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+947,Finance & Deregulation,Australian Electoral Commission ,Australian Electoral Commission ,"1.2  Access to an impartial and independent electoral system through the provision of election services, assistance and advice.",60393000,62440000,"    $2,047,000103.39%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+902,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.2  Budget Advice,53294000,53015000,"    -$279,00099.48%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+915,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.7  Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1948,52285000,56300000,"    $4,015,000107.68%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+918,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.10  Superannuation Act 1922,49142000,49000000,"    -$142,00099.71%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+946,Finance & Deregulation,Australian Electoral Commission ,Australian Electoral Commission ,1.1  Voter entitlement for Australians and support for electoral events and redistributions through maintaining an accurate and up-to-date electoral roll.,54004000,52370000,"    -$1,634,00096.97%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+944,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,"3.1.8  Services to Senators, Members and their Staff",41083000,41083000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+951,Finance & Deregulation,Future Fund Management ,Future Fund Management Agency ,1.1  The FFMA supports the Board of Guardians in investing to accumulate assets for the purpose of offsetting the unfunded  superannuation liabilities of the Australian Government which will fall due on future generations.,34212000,40789000,"    $6,577,000119.22%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+903,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1 Financial Reporting,24324000,28146000,"    $3,822,000115.71%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+933,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.11  Australian Government Information Management Office,30042000,30065000,"    $23,000100.08%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+904,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.3  Financial Framework,22965000,19622000,"    -$3,343,00085.44%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+931,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.9  Government Business Enterprises Ownerships and Divestment,36755000,20022000,"    -$16,733,00054.47%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+948,Finance & Deregulation,Australian Electoral Commission ,Australian Electoral Commission ,1.3  Informed Australians through the provision of information services on electoral matters.,17261000,18412000,"    $1,151,000106.67%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+905,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.5  Deregulation and Regulatory Reform,12584000,10807000,"    -$1,777,00085.88%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+908,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2  Department Expenses and expenses not requiring allocation in current year,14349000,13236000,"    -$1,113,00092.24%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+900,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1  Expenses not requiring allocation in the current budget year,5742000,10383000,"    $4,641,000180.83%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+906,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.6  Procurement Framework,9356000,9192000,"    -$164,00098.25%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+911,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.3  Superannuation Administration Costs,10283000,10283000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+901,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.1.1  Central Banking Agreement,3000000,0,"    -$3,000,0000%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+909,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.1  Act of Grace Nominal Interests,626000,650000,"    $24,000103.83%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+910,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.2  Compensation and Legal Expenses,500000,500000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+912,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.4  Federal Magistrates Act 1999 - Section 9G,1256000,1355000,"    $99,000107.88%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+913,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.5  Governor-General Act 1974,939000,828000,"    -$111,00088.18%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+917,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.9  Same-Sex Relationships  Act 2008,159000,61000,"    -$98,00038.36%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+921,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,1.2.13  Superannuation Act 2005,100000,100000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+923,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.1  Grants in Aid - Animals Australia,32000,33000,"    $1,000103.13%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+924,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.2  Grants in Aid - Australian Institute of Policy and Science,32000,33000,"    $1,000103.13%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+925,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.3  Grants in Aid - Chifley Research Centre,204000,209000,"    $5,000102.45%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+926,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.4  Grants in Aid - Green Institute,50000,50000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+927,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.5  Grants in Aid - Menzies Research Centre,204000,209000,"    $5,000102.45%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+928,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.6  Grants in Aid - Page Research Centre,102000,105000,"    $3,000102.94%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+929,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.7  Grants in Aid - Royal Humane Society of Australasia,23000,23000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+930,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,2.1.8  Grants in Aid - RSPCA Australia Inc,32000,33000,"    $1,000103.13%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+937,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,3.1  Departmental expenses -Expenses not requiring allocation in the current budget year,1784000,1795000,"    $11,000100.62%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+939,Finance & Deregulation,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,Department of Finance & Deregulation ,3.1.2  Political Exchange Program,834000,849000,"    $15,000101.8%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+952,Finance & Deregulation,Future Fund Management ,Future Fund Management Agency ,"1.2  The Nation-building Funds Act 2008 established the Education Investment Fund, the Health and Hospitals Fund and the Building Australia Fund on 1 January 2009. The role of the FFMA was extended to include supporting the Board of Guardians in the investment of the assets of these funds.",720000,720000,"    $0,000100%",    Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS

+891,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,"1.3  To assist developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and the Middle East to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.",1149839000,1137767000,"    -$12,072,00098.95%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+893,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,1.5  To assist developing countries through contributions to multilateral organisation.,53548000,1072683000,"    $1,019,135,0002003.22%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+890,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,1.2  To assist developing countries in the East Asia region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.,884992000,1018715000,"    $133,723,000115.11%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+889,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,1.1  To assist developing countries in PNG and the Pacific region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.,934946000,966899000,"    $31,953,000103.42%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+872,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.5  Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations,478795000,487186000,"    $8,391,000101.75%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+892,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,1.4  To assist developing countries respond to emergencies and assist refugees,331654000,401514000,"    $69,860,000121.06%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+894,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,"1.6  To assist  developing countries through contributions to UN, Commonwealth and other international organisations",341712000,368020000,"    $26,308,000107.7%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+883,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,2.2  To provide Australians access to secure international travel documentation through the delivery of high-quality passport services.,202209000,247857000,"    $45,648,000122.57%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+875,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,"1.2  To advance Australian foreign, trade and economic, and security interests through participation in international organisations.",237918000,240009000,"    $2,091,000100.88%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+895,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,"1.7  To assist developing countries through contributions to NGO, Volunteer and Community programs",167715000,193450000,"    $25,735,000115.34%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+898,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Secret Intelligence Service ,Australian Secret Intelligence Service ,1.1  Secret Intelligence,190718000,188007000,"    -$2,711,00098.58%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+884,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,"3.1  To ensure a secure Australian Government presence overseas by sustaining and improving security, and strengthening information and  communications technology  capability at Australias overseas missions.",183657000,185214000,"    $1,557,000100.85%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+886,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Trade Commission ,Australian Trade Commission ,"1.1   Austrade will advance Australian trade, investment and international education interests by identifying and presenting international opportunities and delivering practical in-market support, advice and insights to Australian businesses and education institutions.",198106000,163189000,"    -$34,917,00082.37%",    MYEFO 2012-12

+897,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ,Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ,"1  ACIAR has the single administered  program of International agricultural research for development for more productive and sustainable agriculture, delivered through a number of initiatives aligning closely with the Australian Aid policy statement as described in An Effective Aid Program for Australia, 2011.",120109000,135319000,"    $15,210,000112.66%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+887,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Trade Commission ,Australian Trade Commission ,1.2  Provide an incentive for businesses to enter into export and grow to become sustainable exporters,150400000,125400000,"    -$25,000,00083.38%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+882,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,"2.1  To support and assist Australian travellers and Australians overseas through high-quality consular services, including  accurate and timely tourism advice, practical contingency planning and rapid crisis response.",75281000,72283000,"    -$2,998,00096.02%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+885,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,3.2  To ensure a secure Australian Government presence overseas through the effective management of the Commonwealth?s overseas owned estate and of the contracts for the leased estate.,72077000,72707000,"    $630,000100.87%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+899,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Secret Intelligence Service ,Australian Secret Intelligence Service ,1.2  Other services,63573000,62669000,"    -$904,00098.58%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+873,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.6  Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,36911000,38548000,"    $1,637,000104.43%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+896,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian for International Development ,Australian Agency for International Development ,2.1  To continue to assist Indonesia in reconstruction and development  post the 2004 Tsunami.,44141000,30000000,"    -$14,141,00067.96%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+878,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.3.2  Australia Network,19896000,20414000,"    $518,000102.6%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+888,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Australian Trade Commission ,Australian Trade Commission ,"2.1  Support Australians in specific locations overseas through effective consular and passports services, accurate and timely tourism advice, practical contingency planning and rapid crisis response.",13050000,12218000,"    -$832,00093.62%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+874,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.7  Overseas development assistance - Debt-to Health Swap with the Government of Indonesia,8600000,7900000,"    -$700,00091.86%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+869,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.2 Hosting of the 35th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting,1386000,0,"    -$1,386,0000%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+870,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.3  Personal Benefits - Locally Engaged Staff pension schemes,2014000,1995000,"    -$19,00099.06%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+871,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.1.4  Other Administered Items,479000,491000,"    $12,000102.51%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+876,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.3  Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,7495000,0,"    -$7,495,0000%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+879,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.3.3  Bali Peace Park,0,450000,"    $450,000#DIV/0!%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+880,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.3.4  Australia and New  Zealand School of Government China Advanced Leadership Program,3000000,0,"    -$3,000,0000%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+881,Foreign Affairs & Trade,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ,1.3.5  Expositions Special Account,1020000,1500000,"    $480,000147.06%",    DFAT 2012-13 PBS

+126,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division,"3.1  Improve access to evidence-based, best-practice medical services; Improve access to specialist medical services through telehealth; Improve access to clinically relevant dental services; Capping Extended Medicare Safety Net Benefits.",17636008000,17882060000,"    $246,052,000101.4%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+123,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Access to Pharmaceutical Services,"2.2  List cost-effective, innovative, clinically effective medicines on the PBS; Increase the sustainability of the PBS; Post Market Surveillance; National Medicines Policy.",9635105000,9969381000,"    $334,276,000103.47%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+134,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.4  Improving fairness and sustainability; Provide culturally appropriate care ; Other service models.,7964383000,8308707000,"    $344,324,000104.32%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+144,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Private Health,9.1  Ensure the sustainability of the private health insurance rebate; Promote an affordable and sustainable private health insurance sector; Improve access to prostheses through private health insurance; Improve information for consumers.,5318589000,4376799000,"    -$941,790,00082.29%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+132,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.2  Provide integrated aged care services to people in their homes; Offer support to carers.,279093000,1434722000,"    $1,155,629,000514.07%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+169,Health & Ageing,National Blood Authority ,National Blood Authority ,1.1  Secure the supply of blood and blood products; Improve risk management and blood sector performance; Promote the safe and efficient use of blood and blood products.,1035245000,1095844000,"    $60,599,000105.85%",    NBA 2012-12-13 PBS

+133,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.3  More care at home; Matching funding to care needs; Greater choice and control.,1065796000,1089576000,"    $23,780,000102.23%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+152,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health Workforce Capacity,"12.1  Increase the supply of, and support for, health professionals in regional, rural and remote Australia; Increased investment in medical training and education; Increase access to medical services through overseas recruitment.",800324000,1038112000,"    $237,788,000129.71%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+170,Health & Ageing,National Health and Medical Research Council ,National Health and Medical Research Council ,1.1  Support high quality health and medical research; Support the translation of health and medical research; Promote the highest ethical standards in health and medical research.,863327000,893057000,"    $29,730,000103.44%",    NHMRC 2012-12-13 PBS

+143,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Indigenous Health,8.1  Reduce chronic disease; Improve child and maternal health; Improve remote service delivery and access to effective health services; Improve social and emotional wellbeing.,737965000,760079000,"    $22,114,000103%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+154,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Acute Care,13.1  Improve access of Australians to organ and tissue transplants; Support access to blood and blood products.,659919000,697837000,"    $37,918,000105.75%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+138,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Primary Care,5.2  Establish Medicare Locals; Improve access to after-hours primary health care; Improve primary health care infrastructure; Improve the coordination and integration of primary health care services across the health system.,607342000,604185000,"    -$3,157,00099.48%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+150,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,10.6  Invest in major health infrastructure.,532681000,420443000,"    -$112,238,00078.93%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+142,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Hearing Services,7.1  Support access for eligible clients to quality hearing services; Support research into hearing loss prevention and management.,398725000,416285000,"    $17,560,000104.4%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+151,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Mental Health,11.1  Strengthen leadership in mental health; Expand suicide prevention activities.,296236000,403135000,"    $106,899,000136.09%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+171,Health & Ageing,Private Health Insurance Administration Council ,Private Health Insurance Administration Council ,"1.1  Prudential safety, industry competitiveness, and consumer confidence; Prudential standards for the private health insurance industry; Effectively manage the Risk Equalisation Trust Fund.",350759000,366701000,"    $15,942,000104.55%",    PHIAC 2012-12-13 PBS

+122,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Access to Pharmaceutical Services,2.1  Support timely access to medicines and pharmacy services through the Fifth Community Pharmacy Agreement,317415000,326464000,"    $9,049,000102.85%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+141,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Rural Health,6.2 Tasmania's Health System,0,325200000,"    $325,200,000#DIV/0!%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+153,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health Workforce Capacity,12.2  Mental health nurses; Increased investment in the dental workforce.,336592000,306023000,"    -$30,569,00090.92%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+125,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Access to Pharmaceutical Services,2.4  Provide support for people with diabetes; Assist people with a stoma by providing stoma related products; Improve the quality of life for people with Epidermolysis Bullosa;,269275000,288087000,"    $18,812,000106.99%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+139,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Primary Care,5.3  Provide general practice incentive payments.,303956000,285724000,"    -$18,232,00094%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+145,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,"10.1  Improve detection, treatment and survival outcomes for people with cancer.",501159000,271144000,"    -$230,015,00054.1%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+117,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,1.3  Reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use; Reduce harm to individuals and communities from excessive alcohol consumption; Combat illicit drug use,243833000,247702000,"    $3,869,000101.59%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+135,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.5  Ensuring availably of a skilled workforce; Empowering Consumers; Promoting Quality.,225233000,232261000,"    $7,028,000103.12%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+167,Health & Ageing,Health Workforce Australia ,Health Workforce Australia ,"1.1  Increase clinical training capacity; Support clinical training supervision and simulated learning; Provide leadership on workforce policy, planning and reform; Develop a national strategy for the recruitment of international health professionals.",334340000,213954000,"    -$120,386,00063.99%",    HWA 2012-12-13 PBS

+166,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,General Practice Education and Training ,1.1  Provide high quality GP education and training targeted at areas experiencing workforce shortages; Encourage general practice registrars to undertake training within Indigenous health training posts.,176290000,206179000,"    $29,889,000116.95%",    GPET 2012-12-13 PBS

+136,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.6  Support for people living with dementia; Support for a diverse community; Better links to the health system.,146737000,188084000,"    $41,347,000128.18%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+156,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Acute Care,13.3  Implement National Health Reform; Increase efficiency and capacity in public hospitals; Improve access to public dental services; Increase support for health services for the Torres Strait.,162177000,178940000,"    $16,763,000110.34%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+124,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Access to Pharmaceutical Services,2.3   Improve access to new and existing medicines for patients with life threatening conditions,133554000,156519000,"    $22,965,000117.2%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+118,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,"1.4  Provide direction and national leadership in food and gene technology regulatory policy issues, maintain and improve the therapeutic goods regulatory framework, and provide for the safe and sustainable use of industrial chemicals.",138599000,151054000,"    $12,455,000108.99%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+131,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care and Population Ageing,4.1  Provide equitable and timely access to aged care assessments; Make it easier to find services – Aged Care Gateway.,37732000,142632000,"    $104,900,000378.01%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+155,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Acute Care,13.2  Ensure the stability of the medical indemnity insurance industry; Ensure that insurance products are affordable for doctors; Ensure availability of professional indemnity insurance for eligible midwives.,107029000,114547000,"    $7,518,000107.02%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+115,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,1.1  Reduce the incidence of chronic disease and promote healthier lifestyles; Support early detection and prevention of cancer through screening initiatives; Chronic disease management and support,103268000,104710000,"    $1,442,000101.4%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+140,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Rural Health,"6.1   Improve access to health and information services in regional, rural and remote areas.",115261000,98828000,"    -$16,433,00085.74%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+119,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,1.5  Strengthen immunisation coverage; Improve the efficiency of the National Immunisation Program,81738000,82506000,"    $768,000100.94%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+146,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,10.2   Provide national eHealth leadership; Develop systems to support a national eHealth system; Provide eHealth services.,372856000,82102000,"    -$290,754,00022.02%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+130,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Medical Benefits Division  Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division,3.5  Improve access to quality radiation oncology services.,73649000,74225000,"    $576,000100.78%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+149,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,"10.5  Improve research capacity; Maintain effective health surveillance; Monitor the use of diagnostics, therapeutics and pathology; Improve safety and quality in health care.",323729000,74627000,"    -$249,102,00023.05%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+161,Health & Ageing,Australian National Preventative Health ,Australian National Preventative Health Agency ,1.1  Expand preventive health research; Promote health & wellbeing through community preventive health programs; Implement a national approach to social marketing for preventive health programs; Advise & make recommendations on matters relating to preventive health.,47123000,69933000,"    $22,810,000148.41%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+157,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Biosecurity and Emergency Response,"14.1  National health emergency planning and response; Improve biosecurity, drug and chemical safety; Minimise the risks posed by communicable diseases.",124210000,58941000,"    -$65,269,00047.45%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+160,Health & Ageing,Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ,Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ,"1.1  Improve the availability of health and welfare information; Improve the quality and timeliness of health and welfare information; Strengthen policy relevance, including assisting the COAG reform agenda.",52072000,48848000,"    -$3,224,00093.81%",    IAHW 2012-12-13 PBS

+162,Health & Ageing,Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority,Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority,1.1  Implement an Organ and Tissue Donation Clinical Governance Framework; Provide education and support to clinicians; Integrate the eye and tissue network into the DonateLife Network; Raise community awareness and stakeholder engagement across Australia.,49612000,45244000,"    -$4,368,00091.2%",    AOTDTA 2012-12-13 PBS

+158,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency ,1.1  Manage accreditation of aged care services; Monitor compliance with the Accreditation Standards; Develop education activities to promote high quality aged care.,41785000,38111000,"    -$3,674,00091.21%",    ACSAA 2012-12-13 PBS

+127,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division,3.2  Provide medical assistance to Australians overseas; Improve access to specialist medical services through the use of telehealth; Support access to necessary medical services not available through mainstream mechanisms.,24376000,32209000,"    $7,833,000132.13%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+147,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,10.3  Provide support to the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council; Support maternity services reform.,36271000,35655000,"    -$616,00098.3%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+164,Health & Ageing,Cancer Australia,Cancer Australia,1.1  Provide leadership in health service delivery and clinical best practice; Fund priority research and promote national data reporting; Improve community access to cancer information.,28726000,29147000,"    $421,000101.47%",    Cancer Australia  2012-12-13 PBS

+163,Health & Ageing,Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety ,Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency ,"1.1  Protect the public, workers and the environment from radiation exposure; Promote the effective use of ionising radiation in medicine; Ensure effective regulation and enforcement activities.",27879000,24370000,"    -$3,509,00087.41%",    ARPANSA 2012-12-13 PBS

+168,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Independent Hospital Pricing Authority ,1.1  Determine the national efficient price for public hospital services; Develop national classifications for activity based funding; Develop the Three Year Data Plan; Resolve disputes on costing shifting and cross-border issues.,0,26705000,"    $26,705,000#DIV/0!%",    IHPA 2012-12-13 PBS

+120,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,1.5 National Immunisation Program extended listing of Gardasil®,0,19400000,"    $19,400,000#DIV/0!%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+165,Health & Ageing,Food Standard Australia New Zealand ,Food Standard Australia New Zealand ,"1.1  Ensure effective, evidence-based food standards; Deliver food regulation that protects public health and safety; Improve citizen and stakeholder engagement.",22429000,21572000,"    -$857,00096.18%",    FSANZ 2012-12-13 PBS

+148,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Health System Capacity And Quality,10.4  Facilitate international engagement on global health issues.,9892000,14929000,"    $5,037,000150.92%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+116,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Population Health,1.2  Reduce the incidence of blood borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections.,13700000,13689000,"    -$11,00099.92%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+159,Health & Ageing,Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare ,Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare ,1.1  Increase support for the implementation of safety and quality improvements in health care; Develop clinical standards of care; Increase analytical capacity; Coordinate implementation of National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards.,12653000,11930000,"    -$723,00094.29%",    ACSQHC 2012-12-13 PBS

+129,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division,3.4   Assurance of quality and accessibility of services; Pathology Funding Agreement.,7336000,7525000,"    $189,000102.58%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+137,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Primary Care,"5.1  All activities currently funded through Program 5.1 are discussed in Outcome 11 – Mental Health, in these Portfolio Budget Statements.",5639000,7223000,"    $1,584,000128.09%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+128,Health & Ageing,Department of Health & Ageing,Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division,3.3  Magnetic resonance imaging; Strengthening the provision of quality diagnostic radiology services; Encourage more effective use of diagnostic imaging; Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation .,6549000,5549000,"    -$1,000,00084.73%",    Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS

+172,Health & Ageing,Private Health Insurance Ombudsman ,Private Health Insurance Ombudsman ,1.1  Protect the interests of private health insurance consumers; Improve the quality and accessibility of private health insurance information; Provide an efficient and effective complaints handling service.,2215000,2378000,"    $163,000107.36%",    PHIO 2012-12-13 PBS

+741,Human Services,Centrelink,Centrelink,1.1  Income support - Centrelink General Administration,3600970000,3608367000,"    $7,397,000100.21%",    Human Services 2012-2013 PBS

+742,Human Services,Department of Human Services ,Department of Human Services ,"1.1  The Department of Human Services Child Support Program is designed to ensure that both parents contribute to the cost of their children, according to their capacity. The scheme is expected to transfer 3.1 billion dollars between parents for the benefit of approximately 1.2 million children in 2012-13.",1294833000,1357278000,"    $62,445,000104.82%",    Human Services 2012-2013 PBS

+739,Human Services,Department of Human Services ,Department of Human Services ,1.1  Health - General Administration,749557000,647606000,"    -$101,951,00086.4%",    Human Services 2012-2013 PBS

+740,Human Services,Department of Human Services ,Department of Human Services ,1.1  Disabilities - General Administration,187456000,182866000,"    -$4,590,00097.55%",    Human Services 2012-2013 PBS

+517,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.3  Offshore Asylum Seeker Management; Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons; Regional Cooperation Framework,1170449000,1003242000,"    -$167,207,00085.71%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+510,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,"1.1  Permanent and temporary migration is a key contributor to Australia's economic, demographic, cultural and social needs.",549591000,564769000,"    $15,178,000102.76%",    MYEFO 2012-12

+521,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.1  Adult Migrant English Program,213299000,220802000,"    $7,503,000103.52%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+511,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,2.1  …meet Australia's international protection obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention and other relevant conventions in relation to people claiming protection within Australia's jurisdiction,105097000,199884000,"    $94,787,000190.19%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+512,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,3.1  Combating people smuggling; Border Protection; Combating people smuggling; Indonesian Border Management Capacity Building Partnership,146961000,142009000,"    -$4,952,00096.63%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+513,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.1.1  Visa Compliance- Service Delivery,110928000,86082000,"    -$24,846,00077.6%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+525,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.5  Humanitarian Settlement Services,61089000,57761000,"    -$3,328,00094.55%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+555,Immigration & Citizenship,Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal ,Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal ,1.1.3   Ordinary annual services ,46772000,54166000,"    $7,394,000115.81%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+546,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.5  Decision on Citizenship Status,48634000,48818000,"    $184,000100.38%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+520,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.6  Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons,0,40925000,"    $40,925,000#DIV/0!%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+524,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.4 Grants for Community Settlement Services,38686000,39431000,"    $745,000101.93%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+519,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.5  Management and Care of Irregular Immigrants  in Indonesia; Regional Cooperation and Capacity Building; Returns and Reintegration Assistance Packages; Combatting People Smuggling- Addressing irregular migration in region,57062000,32605000,"    -$24,457,00057.14%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+514,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.1.2  Visa Compliance & Status Resolution - Policy Advice,39571000,30501000,"    -$9,070,00077.08%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+515,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.2.3  Visa Compliance and Status Resolution -Policy Advice and Program Design,23454000,24639000,"    $1,185,000105.05%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+527,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.7  Supervision and welfare for unaccompanied humanitarian minors,3474000,15693000,"    $12,219,000451.73%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+518,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,4.4  Community and Detention Services; Foreign Fishers;,12011000,12243000,"    $232,000101.93%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+529,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.9  Free Translating and Interpreting Services,12049000,12988000,"    $939,000107.79%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+530,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.10  Humanitarian Settlement Services,12550000,11537000,"    -$1,013,00091.93%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+549,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.8  Decision on Citizenship Status,10955000,10531000,"    -$424,00096.13%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+531,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.11  Settlement Planning and Information Delivery,7535000,7027000,"    -$508,00093.26%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+532,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.12  Support for Community Services,7608000,7070000,"    -$538,00092.93%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+533,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.13  TIS-On-site Interpreting,8272000,9775000,"    $1,503,000118.17%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+551,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.10  Promoting the Benefits of a United and Diverse Society,6938000,6613000,"    -$325,00095.32%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+522,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.2  Assistance for Former Child Migrants,150000,0,"    -$150,0000%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+523,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.3   Grant to Refugees Council of Australia,140000,140000,"    $0,000100%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+526,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.6  National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd,1241000,612000,"    -$629,00049.32%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+534,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.14  TIS - Telephone Interpreting,191000,189000,"    -$2,00098.95%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+536,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.16  Free Translating and Interpreting Services,638000,567000,"    -$71,00088.87%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+539,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.19  Support for Community Services,2013000,1762000,"    -$251,00087.53%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+540,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.20  TIS - On-site Interpreting,18000,17000,"    -$1,00094.44%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+541,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,5.1.21  TIS - Telephone Interpreting,191000,189000,"    -$2,00098.95%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+542,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.1  Diversity and Social Cohesion,4387000,1906000,"    -$2,481,00043.45%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+543,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.2  Grants for Multicultural Affairs,426000,432000,"    $6,000101.41%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+544,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.3  Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre,220000,419000,"    $199,000190.45%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+545,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.4  Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot,400000,0,"    -$400,0000%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+550,Immigration & Citizenship,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,Department of Immigration and Citizenship ,6.1.9  Promoting the Value of Australian Citizenship,1911000,1836000,"    -$75,00096.08%",    Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS

+440,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.4  Higher Education Support Act 2003 Commonwealth Grants,2936364000,5983380000,"    $3,047,016,000203.77%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+456,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.3.4  Youth Allowance,1239179000,2437768000,"    $1,198,589,000196.72%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+452,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","3.2   HECS-HELP,  FEE-HELP,   OS-HELP,   SA-HELP, VET FEE-HELP",758283000,1784786000,"    $1,026,503,000235.37%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+458,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","3.5.1  …achieve national growth in skills, qualifications productivity and social inclusion through raising skill-levels of the Australian workforce…",983781000,1690057000,"    $706,276,000171.79%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+475,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.18  Support for Australian Apprenticeships,455366000,977290000,"    $521,924,000214.62%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+418,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.4  Research Training,631763000,656092000,"    $24,329,000103.85%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+501,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,"1.1  National challenges being addressed through this program include water, food, health, energy, climate change, mining, and manufacturing - covering over 40 per cent of Australian GDP",566176000,574954000,"    $8,778,000101.55%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+497,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Research Council ,Australian Research Council ,"1.1  The Discovery Program is aimed at supporting the growth of Australia's research capacity, resulting in the development of new technologies, products and ideas, the creation of jobs, economic growth and an enhanced quality of life in Australia.",510323000,550011000,"    $39,688,000107.78%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+502,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,"1.2  This Program provides capability to Program 1.1 and core National Research capability with flow on benefits to industry, environment and community.",556774000,508234000,"    -$48,540,00091.28%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+454,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.3.2  Austudy - Income Support,211487000,445444000,"    $233,957,000210.62%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+422,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","2.2  …supporting research collaboration and networking through the Collaborative Research Network program, and the Commonwealth-Australian National University Strategic Relationship…",463698000,362943000,"    -$100,755,00078.27%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+498,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Research Council ,Australian Research Council ,1.2  The Linkage Program is aimed at improving research outcomes and the use of research outcomes by strengthening links within Australia’s innovation system and with innovation systems internationally.,336113000,348263000,"    $12,150,000103.61%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+416,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.2  Joint Research Engagement Program,332489000,345293000,"    $12,804,000103.85%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+414,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.3   …developing and delivering online services through;  developing and delivering online authentication services through VANguard…,351620000,340464000,"    -$11,156,00096.83%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+457,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","3.4   … negotiate, implement and monitor the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development and the associated National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform, in accordance with the agreed Council of Australian Government  principles…",0,340000000,"    $340,000,000#DIV/0!%",    Budget Paper 3 2012-13

+449,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.13   Superannuation Program,311843000,321819000,"    $9,976,000103.2%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+398,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.30  Special Appropriations: Automotive Transformation  Act 2009,301066000,300000000,"    -$1,066,00099.65%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+420,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.6  The Australian Postgraduate Awards,218867000,248368000,"    $29,501,000113.48%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+417,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.3  Research Infrastructure Block Grants,224467000,233111000,"    $8,644,000103.85%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+450,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.14  EIF Research Portfolio Special Account: Nation-building Funds Act 2008 s21 Special Account,313404000,227905000,"    -$85,499,00072.72%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+419,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.5  Sustainable Research Excellence in Universities,165193000,218593000,"    $53,400,000132.33%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+460,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.3  Australian Apprenticeship Centres,87318000,219539000,"    $132,221,000251.42%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+446,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.10  National Institutes,97149000,198196000,"    $101,047,000204.01%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+485,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.7  … providing high quality policy advice; ensuring that the Australian education system is recognised as world class and globally connected…,3852000,186407000,"    $182,555,0004839.23%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+444,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.8  Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program,103174000,167748000,"    $64,574,000162.59%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+408,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.5  Cooperative Research Centres Program,165724000,154493000,"    -$11,231,00093.22%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+506,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",IP Australia,IP Australia,1.1  Professional registration- IP Australia will successfully undertake its functions associated with persons wishing to qualify for registration as Patent and or Trade Marks Attorneys and will provide effective  secretariat support to the Professional Standards Board.,140773000,155485000,"    $14,712,000110.45%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+491,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,1.1.1  Management of core nuclear facilities,140559000,122162000,"    -$18,397,00086.91%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+504,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,1.4  CSIRO hosts National Research Infrastructure on behalf of the scientific community to assist with the delivery of research.,114770000,123564000,"    $8,794,000107.66%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+469,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","3.5.12 Language, Literacy and Numeracy",50478000,107879000,"    $57,401,000213.71%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+461,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.4  Australian Apprenticeships Workforce Skills Development,151331000,83917000,"    -$67,414,00055.45%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+377,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.9  Automotive Transformation,95573000,79205000,"    -$16,368,00082.87%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+382,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.14  Clean Technology Investment - General Program,5980000,77400000,"    $71,420,0001294.31%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+443,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.7  Diversity and Structural Adjustment,95870000,74059000,"    -$21,811,00077.25%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+468,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.11  Critical Skills Investment Fund,62802000,73775000,"    $10,973,000117.47%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+407,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.4  Commercialisation Australia,57300000,69684000,"    $12,384,000121.61%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+436,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.3  …establishing the role of the National Maths and Science Education and Industry Advisor within the Office of the Chief Scientist…,78662000,72207000,"    -$6,455,00091.79%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+463,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.6  Australian Government Skills Connect- National Workforce Development Fund,65668000,64972000,"    -$696,00098.94%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+410,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.7  Green Car Innovation Fund,125542000,57780000,"    -$67,762,00046.02%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+482,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.6.3  International Education and Training,39739000,58157000,"    $18,418,000146.35%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+367,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Torres Strait Regional Authority ,Torres Strait Regional Authority ,"Progress towards closing the gap for Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people living in the Torres Strait Region through development planning, coordination, sustainable resource management, and preservation and promotion of Indigenous culture.",57358000,53303000,"    -$4,055,00092.93%",    FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS

+490,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Institute of Marine Science ,Australian Institute of Marine Science ,1.1  With a national value of production across marine-based industries  of  $42.3 billion in 2009-10 the marine estate makes a vital contribution to employment and infrastructure at national and regional levels.,50851000,52415000,"    $1,564,000103.08%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+493,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,"1.1.3  Research into, and application of, nuclear science and technology",48180000,48930000,"    $750,000101.56%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+453,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.3.1  Indigenous Education  Act 2003 - Income Support,0,41343000,"    $41,343,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+445,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.9  Indigenous Support Program,18436000,38173000,"    $19,737,000207.06%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+503,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,"1.3  Through the science outreach programs CSIRO aims to promote the importance of science and its application to students, parents, teachers and the Australian community…",36564000,37690000,"    $1,126,000103.08%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+381,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.13  Clean Technology Investment - Food and Foundries Program,3580000,35300000,"    $31,720,000986.03%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+448,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.12  Quality Initiatives,5580000,35452000,"    $29,872,000635.34%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+500,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Skills Quality Authority ,Australian Skills Quality Authority ,1.1  To assure the quality of VET outcomes through national regulation and the communication of advice on vocational education and training,24565000,34878000,"    $10,313,000141.98%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+379,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.11  Clean Business Australia - Green Building Fund,30580000,28264000,"    -$2,316,00092.43%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+441,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.5  Commonwealth Scholarships,64447000,29161000,"    -$35,286,00045.25%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+459,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.2  Australian Apprenticeship Access,0,29038000,"    $29,038,000#DIV/0!%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+462,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.5  Australian Government Skills Connect- Workplace English Language and Literacy,20094000,28860000,"    $8,766,000143.62%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+472,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.15  National Training Programs,34479000,29150000,"    -$5,329,00084.54%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+384,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.16  Enterprise Connect,29928000,23608000,"    -$6,320,00078.88%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+389,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.21  Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle,28175000,26100000,"    -$2,075,00092.64%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+400,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","1.1.32  Textile, Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999",25271000,25517000,"    $246,000100.97%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+466,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.9  Australian Government Skills Connect- Accelerated Australian Apprenticeships,12527000,23191000,"    $10,664,000185.13%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+505,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ,"1.5  The Science and Industry Endowment Fund  is established by Commonwealth legislation, the Science and Industry Endowment Act 1926, for the purpose of supporting scientific and industrial research for the benefit of Australia and its people.",18679000,23636000,"    $4,957,000126.54%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+415,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.1  International Postgraduate Research Scholarship,20727000,21525000,"    $798,000103.85%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+426,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.4  Collaborative Research Network program,20700000,20700000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+465,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.8  Australian Government Skills Connect- Australian ApprenticeshipsMentoring,15292000,19800000,"    $4,508,000129.48%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+492,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,1.1.2  Scientific and technical services for Government,22255000,22573000,"    $318,000101.43%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+495,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,1.1.5  Radiopharmaceutical sales,38530000,19051000,"    -$19,479,00049.44%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+509,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Tertiary Education Quality and Standards ,Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency ,1.1  …assure the quality of Australian higher education; support the capacity of the sector to understand the nature of compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework; establish TEQSA as an innovative and expert regulator.,11144000,17534000,"    $6,390,000157.34%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+372,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.4  Australian Space Science Program,13229000,14174000,"    $945,000107.14%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+387,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.19  Illawarra Region Innovation and Investment Fund,6400000,11600000,"    $5,200,000181.25%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+405,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.2  Clean Technology Innovation Program,0,11280000,"    $11,280,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+430,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.8  International Education and Training,7456000,12197000,"    $4,741,000163.59%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+447,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.11  Promotion of Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education,6819000,13904000,"    $7,085,000203.9%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+483,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.6.4  Overseas Students Tuition Fund ,0,11300000,"    $11,300,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+488,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,"1.3  To develop, maintain and preserve well-documented archives and collections and to maximise access  to  these,  particularly by Indigenous peoples, in keeping  with appropriate cultural and ethical practices…",11594000,11179000,"    -$415,00096.42%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+378,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.10  Buy Australian at Home and Abroad,6447000,9034000,"    $2,587,000140.13%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+391,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.23  Small Business Advisory Services,5650000,6437000,"    $787,000113.93%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+396,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.28  Textile Clothing and Footwear- Strategic Capability Program,9105000,9105000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+409,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.6  CSL ,10600000,8000000,"    -$2,600,00075.47%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+442,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.6  Disability Support Program,278000,6537000,"    $6,259,0002351.44%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+464,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.7   Australian Government Skills Connect- Investing in Experience ,0,10000000,"    $10,000,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+476,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.19  The Right Trade for You,10368000,9360000,"    -$1,008,00090.28%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+507,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",IP Australia,IP Australia,1.2  Awareness and education &International engagement.,8662000,9068000,"    $406,000104.69%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+375,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.7  Automotive New Markets Initiative,0,3629000,"    $3,629,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+376,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.8  Automotive Supply Chain Development Program,5420000,4688000,"    -$732,00086.49%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+390,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.22  Manufacturing Technology Innovation Centre - establishment,0,3205000,"    $3,205,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+394,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.26  Support for Industry Service Organisations program,4019000,4100000,"    $81,000102.02%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+395,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.27  Tasmanian Innovation and Investment Fund,3797000,2868000,"    -$929,00075.53%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+397,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.29  Textile Clothing and Footwear- Structural Adjustment Program,7281000,4781000,"    -$2,500,00065.66%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+403,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.33   Special Account Expenses: Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys -s20 Special Account,2050000,4200000,"    $2,150,000204.88%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+411,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.8  National Enabling Technologies Strategy,4310000,4346000,"    $36,000100.84%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+412,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.9  Research and Development Tax Incentive ,2437000,3148000,"    $711,000129.18%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+413,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.10  Small scale mammalian cell production facility,4000000,4000000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+423,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.1  Australia-China Science and Research Fund,2000000,4000000,"    $2,000,000200%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+427,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.5  Commonwealth-Australian National University Strategic Relationship,23860000,3100000,"    -$20,760,00012.99%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+428,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.6  Establishment of an ICT-enabled research laboratory Commonwealth assistance,2313000,4052000,"    $1,739,000175.18%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+432,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.10  Science for Australia's Future- Inspiring Australia,5246000,5246000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+477,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.20  Apprentice to business owner - business skills and mentoring program,0,2798000,"    $2,798,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+478,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.21  EIF Research Portfolio Special Account: Nation-building Funds Act 2008 - s21 Special Account,8687000,3769000,"    -$4,918,00043.39%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+486,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,"1.1  To provide leadership and excellence in promoting, facilitating and undertaking high-quality research in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.",2977000,3273000,"    $296,000109.94%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+368,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1  Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,1774000,0,"    -$1,774,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+369,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.1  Assistance to upgrade Simplot's processing plants in Tasmania,1000000,0,"    -$1,000,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+370,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.2  Australian Business Number and Business Names Registration System - expansion,1610000,740000,"    -$870,00045.96%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+371,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.3  Australian Small Business Commissioner,0,316000,"    $316,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+373,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.5  Automotive Industry Structural Adjustment Program,19995000,0,"    -$19,995,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+374,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.6  Automotive Market Access,750000,0,"    -$750,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+380,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.12  Clean Business Australia - Retooling for Climate Change,4802000,0,"    -$4,802,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+383,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","1.1.15  Enhanced and amalgamated mediation services for the Franchising Code of Conduct, the Horticultural Code of Conduct, the Oilcode and the Produce and Grocery Industry Code of Conduct",700000,705000,"    $5,000100.71%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+385,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.17  Food Industry Policy,478000,48000,"    -$430,00010.04%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+386,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.18  Ford Australia Environmental Innovation Grant,34000000,0,"    -$34,000,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+388,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.20  Leveraging Australia's Global Expat Platform - Advance,857000,818000,"    -$39,00095.45%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+392,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.24  Small Business Support Line,1318000,1319000,"    $1,000100.08%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+393,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.25  South-East South Australian Innovation and Investment Fund,1334000,1334000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+399,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.31  Special Appropriations: Steel Transformation Plan Act 2011,164000000,0,"    -$164,000,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+401,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.33 Alcoa’s Point Henry aluminium smelter assistance,42000000,0,"    -$42,000,0000%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+402,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.1.34 Energy Brix Australia Corporation assistance,25800000,0,"    -$25,800,0000%",    MYEFO 2012-14

+404,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.1  Clean Business Australia ,8027000,0,"    -$8,027,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+406,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",1.2.3  Commercial Ready Program,900000,0,"    -$900,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+421,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.1.7  The Commercialisation Training,2863000,0,"    -$2,863,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+424,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.2  Australian Astronomical Observatory,1497000,1501000,"    $4,000100.27%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+425,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.3  Cairns Institute Tropical Innovation Hub - contribution,4500000,0,"    -$4,500,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+429,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.7  European Molecular Biology Laboratory partner facility,2000000,2000000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+431,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.9  Learned Academies - supplementation,1000000,0,"    -$1,000,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+433,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.11  Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope - supporting the Australia-New Zealand bid,1625000,1625000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+434,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.13  Super Science - Future Industries,63000,63000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+435,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",2.2.12 Super Science - Space and Astronomy,30000,30000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+437,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.1  Higher Education Special Projects,12766000,0,"    -$12,766,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+438,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.2  Indigenous Education Advisory Council,35000,323000,"    $288,000922.86%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+439,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.3  My University Website,1241000,944000,"    -$297,00076.07%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+451,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.1.15  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys s20 Special Account,8925000,0,"    -$8,925,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+455,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.3.3 Fares Allowance,788000,788000,"    $0,000100%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+467,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.10  Australian Skills Centres of Excellence,0,60000,"    $60,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+470,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.13  National Centre for Vocational Education Research,149000,675000,"    $526,000453.02%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+471,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.14  National Foundation Skills Strategy,5415000,1710000,"    -$3,705,00031.58%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+473,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.16  Productive Ageing Through Community Education,0,1000000,"    $1,000,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+474,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.17  VET FEE-HELP Assistance  - redesign,0,274000,"    $274,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+479,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.5.22  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys s20 Special Account,3807000,0,"    -$3,807,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+480,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.6.1  Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals,366000,797000,"    $431,000217.76%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+481,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.6.2  Education Services for Overseas Students Assurance Fund,8375000,0,"    -$8,375,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+484,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ","Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education ",3.6.5  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys s20 Special Account,740000,0,"    -$740,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+487,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,"1.2  To create, develop and disseminate a diverse range of publications and services about Australian Indigenous cultures and to promote and market the products, services and capacity of AIATSIS…",940000,1070000,"    $130,000113.83%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+489,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ,"1.4  To ensure that the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies  is managed efficiently and effectively in a transparent, accountable and supportive manner…",0,0,"    $0,000#DIV/0!%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+496,"Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education",Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,1.1.6 Exploitation of assets,18223000,0,"    -$18,223,0000%",    IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS

+832,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.11  Special Account expenses Nation Building Plan for the Future ,2236700000,890400000,"    -$1,346,300,00039.81%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+822,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.1  Nation Building Program,513501000,408643000,"    -$104,858,00079.58%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+824,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.3  Nation Building Program- Nation Building Roads to Recovery,350000000,350000000,"    $0,000100%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+854,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4  Program Suport,240575000,220768000,"    -$19,807,00091.77%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+866,Infrastructure & Transport,Civil Aviation Safety Authority ,Civil Aviation Safety Authority ,"1.1  Develop and maintain a quality safety regulatory framework and oversight its application through effective entry control, surveillance, education and enforcement to maintain, enhance and promote civil aviation safety.",178179000,174374000,"    -$3,805,00097.86%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+864,Infrastructure & Transport,Australian Maritime Safety Authority ,Australian Maritime Safety Authority ,1.1   …minimising the occurrence of maritime accidents and incidents; ensuring that seafarer living and working conditions meet international requirements; supporting and enhancing the operation of a skilled maritime workforce within the; Australian shipping industry; minimising the impact of shipping on the environment…,161321000,163779000,"    $2,458,000101.52%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+863,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.11  Special Appropriation expenses Aviation Fuel Revenues  Act 1988,111859000,111874000,"    $15,000100.01%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+843,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.4  Tasmanian Freight Equalisation,100000000,101900000,"    $1,900,000101.9%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+847,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.8  Special Appropriation expenses Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990,99064000,101891000,"    $2,827,000102.85%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+849,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.10  Special Account expenses Interstate Road Transport fees - ,84715000,92594000,"    $7,879,000109.3%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+833,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.1  Program support,86638000,87340000,"    $702,000100.81%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+845,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.6  Payments to CAC Act bodies - AMSA,58543000,58228000,"    -$315,00099.46%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+821,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1  Program support for Nation Building Plan,54236000,52560000,"    -$1,676,00096.91%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+823,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.2  Nation Building Program- Nation Building Program Investment,61224000,54373000,"    -$6,851,00088.81%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+840,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.1  Bass Strait Passenger Vehicle Equalisation,40000000,41200000,"    $1,200,000103%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+861,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.9  Payments to CAC Act bodies -  CASA,42739000,42675000,"    -$64,00099.85%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+859,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.7  Regional Aviation Access,32748000,24627000,"    -$8,121,00075.2%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+865,Infrastructure & Transport,Australian Transport Safety Bureau ,Australian Transport Safety Bureau ,"1.1  The ATSB will work actively with the aviation, marine and rail industries, transport regulators and governments at a state, national and international level to improve transport safety standards for all Australians, particularly those traveling within Australia and overseas.",23383000,25871000,"    $2,488,000110.64%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+828,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.7  Maldon to Dombarton Rail Link,0,20000000,"    $20,000,000#DIV/0!%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+850,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.3  Program Support,18543000,16741000,"    -$1,802,00090.28%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+839,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2  Program Support,14054000,11129000,"    -$2,925,00079.19%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+831,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.10  Sustainable Australia - Liveable Cities,6460000,6460000,"    $0,000100%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+837,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.1.4  Strengthening aviation security- optimal technologies at international gateway airports,11544000,7676000,"    -$3,868,00066.49%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+867,Infrastructure & Transport,National Transport Commission ,National Transport Commission ,1.1  Delivery of approved reforms as outlined within the NTC work program .,10016000,9171000,"    -$845,00091.56%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+826,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.5  Nation Building Program- Nation Building Off-Network supplementary,31761000,0,"    -$31,761,0000%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+827,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.6  Nation Building Program- Nation Building improving local roads,1028000,0,"    -$1,028,0000%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+829,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.8  Cloncurry Community Precinct,2400000,0,"    -$2,400,0000%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+830,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,1.1.9  Jobs Fund - Infrastructure Employment Projects,26614000,500000,"    -$26,114,0001.88%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+834,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.1.1  Annual administered expenses- Aviation security enhancements,976000,999000,"    $23,000102.36%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+835,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.1.2  Aviation security enhancements- improving international aviation security,42000,43000,"    $1,000102.38%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+836,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.1.3  Aviation security enhancements- regional passenger screening,934000,956000,"    $22,000102.36%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+841,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.2  International Maritime Organization - contribution,166000,209000,"    $43,000125.9%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+842,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.3  OECD Road Transport - contribution,32000,33000,"    $1,000103.13%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+844,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.5  Tasmanian Wheat Freight -,1050000,1050000,"    $0,000100%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+848,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.2.9  Special Appropriation expenses- Protection of the Sea Pollution Compensation Fund) Act 1993,2130000,670000,"    -$1,460,00031.46%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+852,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.3.2  National Road Safety Council contribution,613000,613000,"    $0,000100%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+853,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.3.4  Seatbelts on regional school buses,6371000,1000000,"    -$5,371,00015.7%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+855,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.1  Airport Lessee Companies -reimbursement of parking fines,1500000,1500000,"    $0,000100%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+856,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.2  Implementation of noise amelioration for Adelaide Airport,3919000,0,"    -$3,919,0000%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+857,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.5  International Civil Aviation,1362000,1440000,"    $78,000105.73%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+858,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.6  Payment scheme for Airservices,6000000,1000000,"    -$5,000,00016.67%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+862,Infrastructure & Transport,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,Department of Infrastructure & Transport  ,2.4.10  Depreciation and amortisation,1111000,1079000,"    -$32,00097.12%",    I & T 2012-2013 PBS

+806,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,"1.1.1  This program is delivered through the Domestic Policy Group and the COAG Reform Council; Domestic Policy Group supports the development of economic, environmental, productivity and social policies…",70933000,64302000,"    -$6,631,00090.65%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+814,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Australian Public Service Commission ,Australian Public Service Commission ,"1.2  The objective of this program is to facilitate the payment of remuneration, allowances and entitlements to Parliamentarians' and Judicial Office Holders.",49905000,59851000,"    $9,946,000119.93%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+813,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Australian Public Service Commission ,Australian Public Service Commission ,1.1 APS People and Organisational Performance; 1.1.2 Investing in APS Development and Capability; 1.1.3 Australian Government Employment Workplace.,55187000,51333000,"    -$3,854,00093.02%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+811,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Australian National Audit Office ,Australian National Audit Office ,1.1  … audit the annual financial statements of Australian Government entities…,46008000,47492000,"    $1,484,000103.23%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+808,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,"1.1.3  …providing secretariat services for the Cabinet, Cabinet committees and the Federal Executive Council, and overseeing programming of Cabinet business and access to and custody of Cabinet documents…",37519000,36139000,"    -$1,380,00096.32%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+812,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Australian National Audit Office ,Australian National Audit Office ,2.1  …to undertake performance audits of Australian Government entities and partners as appropriate…,31100000,31824000,"    $724,000102.33%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+807,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,"1.1.2  …provides advice, coordination and leadership in national security policy and planning; provides advice, coordination and leads the development of a secure, coordinated and  effective national security information management environment and the strategic leadership and coordination of whole-of-government cyber policy…",36916000,28692000,"    -$8,224,00077.72%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+809,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,1.1.4  To successfully deliver Australia's hosting of the Group of 20  in 2014 in a safe and secure manner; To influence global economic rule setting  institutions and outcomes and strengthen our international standing and engagement with the major economies of the world through successfully hosting the G20 in 2014.,0,24106000,"    $24,106,000#DIV/0!%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+816,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Office of National Assessments ,Office of National Assessments ,"1.1  Provide accurate and timely assessments and reports to the Prime Minister, senior ministers and officials",22319000,22431000,"    $112,000100.5%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+818,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman ,Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman ,1.1  The OCO safeguards the community in its dealings with Government agencies and related service providers by correcting administrative deficiencies through independent review of complaints about administrative action of Government agencies and related service providers…,24404000,21037000,"    -$3,367,00086.2%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+820,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General ,Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General ,1.1  The program comprises two components- support of the Governor-General and administration of the Australian Honours and Awards system.,14190000,14062000,"    -$128,00099.1%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+810,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet ,"1.2  …supports the operations of the PM's official residences; provides staffing and administrative services to former  and designated Governors-General; provides high-level support for major events and meetings, such as visits by heads of state, ceremonies and state occasions, and coordinates the logistical arrangements for the PM's overseas visits.",12175000,8761000,"    -$3,414,00071.96%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+815,Prime Minister & Cabinet,National Mental Health Commission ,National Mental Health Commission ,"1.1   …to develop, collate and analyse data and reports, and in particular produce the annual National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention…",2786000,6539000,"    $3,753,000234.71%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+817,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Office of National Assessments ,Office of National Assessments ,1.2  The objective of this program is to advance Australian national interest through the effective coordination and evaluation of Australia's foreign intelligence activities,9565000,9613000,"    $48,000100.5%",    DPMC 2012-2013 PBS

+974,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.6  Special appropriations: Local Government  Act 1995,2722866000,1117783000,"    -$1,605,083,00041.05%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+985,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.1  Arts & Cultural Development,83260000,196188000,"    $112,928,000235.63%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+993,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Australia Council ,Australia Council ,"1.1  To invest in the development and production of excellent Australian artistic work; To assist the presentation of artistically vibrant works, nationally and internationally…",187671000,190495000,"    $2,824,000101.5%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+997,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Australian Sports Commission ,Australian Sports Commission ,"1.1.2  Excellence in sports performance and continued international sporting success, by talented athletes and coaches, including through leadership in actual high performance athlete development, and targeted science and research",190075000,188107000,"    -$1,968,00098.96%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+996,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Australian Sports Commission ,Australian Sports Commission ,"1.1.1  Improved participation in structured physical activity, particularly organised sport, at the community level, including through leadership and targeted actual expenses community-based sports activity.",126383000,119668000,"    -$6,715,00094.69%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1002,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Screen Australia,Screen Australia,"1.1  The key results will be for creative individuals and businesses, through financial and other assistance, to make high quality film, television and other screen programs and for these programs to attract Australian audiences and international markets.",105683000,106314000,"    $631,000100.6%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+964,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.11  Regional Development Australia Fund,30000000,100000000,"    $70,000,000333.33%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+976,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1.1  Services to Indian Ocean Territories,110926000,90197000,"    -$20,729,00081.31%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1000,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Library of Australia ,National Library of Australia ,"1.1  Ensuring a comprehensive record of Australian history and endeavour and a selected record of the world's knowledge is collected, cared for and made accessible. Australian library materials and a selection of non-Australian publications will be collected, catalogued and preserved by the NLA for current and future access…",77504000,74489000,"    -$3,015,00096.11%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1004,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Archives of Australia ,National Archives of Australia ,"1.1  The Archives seeks to promote the creation, management and preservation of authentic, reliable and usable Commonwealth records and to facilitate Australians' access to the archival resources of the Commonwealth…",76665000,76147000,"    -$518,00099.32%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+956,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.3  Community Infrastructure Grants Appropriation Bill No. 1,72765000,51937000,"    -$20,828,00071.38%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1001,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Museum of Australia ,National Museum of Australia ,"1.1  Conduct activities whereby visitors access objects in the collection or information about objects, and Australian history and cultures, through visiting exhibitions and attending programs throughout Australia and overseas…",47634000,46538000,"    -$1,096,00097.7%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+984,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,21190000,41063000,"    $19,873,000193.78%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+999,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Gallery of Australia ,National Gallery of Australia ,"1.1  The NGA aims to build a collection of outstanding quality through purchase, gift and bequest. It will continue to refine the collection through the disposal of works that no longer comply with collection development policies…",40716000,41650000,"    $934,000102.29%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+953,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,54478000,38428000,"    -$16,050,00070.54%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+975,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,36834000,37175000,"    $341,000100.93%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+992,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",4.1  Contribute to regional development and social inclusion outcomes through supporting national strategies on regular physical activity through sport and active recreation initiatives…,63003000,39171000,"    -$23,832,00062.17%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+998,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Film and Sound Archive of Australia ,National Film and Sound Archive of Australia ,"1.1  The NFSA mandate is to collect, preserve and share the national audiovisual collection recognises the importance of maintaining a collection of Australia's audiovisual heritage to providing an understanding of our past, present and future and place in the world.",30953000,33246000,"    $2,293,000107.41%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+994,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Australian Film, Television & Radio School ","Australian Film, Television & Radio School ","1.1  AFTRS provides a range of award courses at escalating levels designed to meet the creative and development needs of students at each stage of their careers to ensure they are equipped to take advantage of new opportunities in content creation, production and distribution.",29631000,30037000,"    $406,000101.37%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+995,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Australian National Maritime Museum ,Australian National Maritime Museum ,1.1  In the budget and forward years the objectives of the ANMM program can be stated and measured as- To be a must visit museum…,35504000,31264000,"    -$4,240,00088.06%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+963,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.10  Regional Development Australia Committees,18968000,18884000,"    -$84,00099.56%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+972,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.4  Supplementary funding to South Australian councils for local roads Appropriation Bill No. 2,16153000,16862000,"    $709,000104.39%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1003,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority ,Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority ,1.1  Building awareness of anti-doping responsibilities; Assisting sporting organisations meet anti-doping responsibilities; Detection of anti-doping rule violations; Enforcement of anti-doping rules.,15474000,15539000,"    $65,000100.42%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1005,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Capital Authority ,National Capital Authority ,1.1  Realise the promise of the city plan and the ideals of the founders- Foster Canberra as the National Capital; Develop the special character of the National Capital.,17456000,18607000,"    $1,151,000106.59%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1006,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",National Capital Authority ,National Capital Authority ,1.2  Develop and renew the special character of the National Capital estate. Mitigate risk associated with management of the National Capital estate,18310000,18460000,"    $150,000100.82%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+1007,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports",Old Parliament House ,Old Parliament House ,"1.1  Manage the heritage values of OPH- Develop and manage the agency's collections; Increase access, engagement and participation through on site, online and outreach programs.",14397000,14123000,"    -$274,00098.1%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+955,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.2  Clean Energy Future - Regional Structural Adjustment Assistance Package,0,10000000,"    $10,000,000#DIV/0!%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+957,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.4  Community Infrastructure Grants Appropriation Bill No. 2,0,10000000,"    $10,000,000#DIV/0!%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+954,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.1  Better Regions,29957000,0,"    -$29,957,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+958,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.5  East Kimberley Development Package ,1625000,0,"    -$1,625,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+959,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.6  Jobs Fund - Bike Paths,1472000,0,"    -$1,472,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+960,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.7  Meeting the Commitments to Regional Australia - creation of a Regional Development Policy Centre,8000000,0,"    -$8,000,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+962,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.9  Regional and Rural Research and Development Grants,228000,228000,"    $0,000100%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+965,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.12  Regional Development Initiatives Appropriation Bill No. 1,9363000,0,"    -$9,363,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+966,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.1.13  Regional Development Initiatives Appropriation Bill No. 2,8700000,0,"    -$8,700,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+969,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.1  Local Government Reform Fund,450000,0,"    -$450,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+970,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.2  Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program ,89500000,0,"    -$89,500,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+971,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.3  Supplementary funding to South Australian councils for local roads Appropriation Bill No. 1,100000,50000,"    -$50,00050%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+973,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",1.2.5  Thornton Park commuter car park ,2000000,0,"    -$2,000,0000%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+977,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1.2  Norfolk Island - Kingston and Arthur's Vale historic area,598000,610000,"    $12,000102.01%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+978,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","2.1.3  Office of the Administrator, Norfolk Island",642000,662000,"    $20,000103.12%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+979,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1.4  Norfolk Island - Reforms,14100000,1795000,"    -$12,305,00012.73%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+981,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1.6   ACT Government - national capital functions,1832000,1734000,"    -$98,00094.65%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+982,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","2.1.7  Office of Administrator, Northern Territory",289000,297000,"    $8,000102.77%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+983,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",2.1.8  Special account expenses: Christmas Island Phosphate Mining Rehabilitation ,1000000,1200000,"    $200,000120%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+986,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.2  National Cultural Heritage ,450000,500000,"    $50,000111.11%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+988,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.4  Cultural ,384000,327000,"    -$57,00085.16%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+989,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.5  National Collections ,48000,146000,"    $98,000304.17%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+990,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.6  National Portrait Gallery ,392000,794000,"    $402,000202.55%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+991,"Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ","Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports ",3.1.7  Return of Indigenous Cultural Property ,255000,1624000,"    $1,369,000636.86%","    Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS"

+798,"Resources, Energy & Tourism","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ","1 Lead the development and implementation of the Government's resources policy to drive investment and development of the sector through the promotion of consistent, effective and efficient legislative and regulatory regimes; optimising royalty revenue from petroleum and mineral resources…",333438000,399744000,"    $66,306,000119.89%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+799,"Resources, Energy & Tourism","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ",2  Lead the implementation of the Government's energy market reform agenda to deliver competitive and efficient energy markets and improved productivity…,413689000,356423000,"    -$57,266,00086.16%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+805,"Resources, Energy & Tourism",Australian Renewable Energy ,Australian Renewable Energy Agency ,"1.1  Support improvements in the competitiveness of renewable energy and related technologies and the supply of renewable energy by administering financial assistance, developing analysis and advice about and sharing information and knowledge with regard to, renewable energy and related technologies.",0,292565000,"    $292,565,000#DIV/0!%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+801,"Resources, Energy & Tourism",Geoscience Australia ,Geoscience Australia ,"1  …undertaking geoscientific research and maintaining, developing and allowing, and encouraging access to our fundamental geoscientific data.",164267000,186614000,"    $22,347,000113.6%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+800,"Resources, Energy & Tourism","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ","Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism ",3 The industry is facing a challenging environment with intense competitive pressures and is vulnerable to factors beyond its direct influence.,163907000,168210000,"    $4,303,000102.63%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+803,"Resources, Energy & Tourism",Tourism Australia,Tourism Australia,1  Industry Development; Strengthening the tourism distribution system; Increasing demand for Australia as a destination,151461000,157243000,"    $5,782,000103.82%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+802,"Resources, Energy & Tourism",National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority,National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority,"1  …Well Operations Management Plans, Environment Plans and Diving Project Plans; Improved industry performance and reduced safety and environmental risks.",25460000,26964000,"    $1,504,000105.91%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+804,"Resources, Energy & Tourism",Australian Solar Institute ,Australian Solar Institute ,1  Investment in excellent innovative solar research and development; Skills development and capacity building within the Australian solar industry; Knowledge building and communication throughout the Australian solar industry; Australian participation in the United States-Australia Solar Energy Collaboration program.,36176000,26133000,"    -$10,043,00072.24%",    RE&T 2012-2013 PBS

+791,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Bureau of Meteorology ,Bureau of Meteorology ,"1 Provide Australians with the information they need to manage and live within their natural environment, encompassing the atmosphere, oceans, water and land.",327774000,325145000,"    -$2,629,00099.2%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+765,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.1  Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure,273390000,318886000,"    $45,496,000116.64%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+795,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Murray-Darling Basin Authority ,Murray-Darling Basin Authority ,"1.1  Adoption and implementation of an agreed Basin Plan…To optimise ecological outcomes through the identification,  planning and effective management of environmental water in the Basin…",254082000,186706000,"    -$67,376,00073.48%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+744,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.1  Caring for our Country Natural Heritage Trust,191378000,178422000,"    -$12,956,00093.23%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+750,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.7  Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Account,191378000,178422000,"    -$12,956,00093.23%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+763,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","3.1  The Antarctic program objectives are based on the region's strategic, scientific, environmental and economic importance for Australia.  They include conducting scientific research in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean…preserving our sovereignty over the Australian Antarctic Territory..",152213000,148119000,"    -$4,094,00097.31%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+743,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,113068000,103561000,"    -$9,507,00091.59%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+769,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.5  National Urban Water and Desalination Plan,88591000,70369000,"    -$18,222,00079.43%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+781,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.18  Departmental Program Support,86625000,66552000,"    -$20,073,00076.83%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+793,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Director of National Parks ,Director of National Parks ,"1.1   The conservation and appreciation of natural and cultural values of Commonwealth reserves through best-practice management of nationally significant assets, working with Traditional Owners and stakeholders, providing appropriate recreation and tourism and improving understanding of the values of reserves.",72119000,67814000,"    -$4,305,00094.03%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+787,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.2  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,59473000,61745000,"    $2,272,000103.82%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+746,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.3  Working on Country,52148000,57428000,"    $5,280,000110.13%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+752,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","1.2  Developing world-class, public good environmental research that engages with end-users, promotes collaboration between researchers and provides results accessible to government, industry and the community and Improving the quality and availability of environmental information for decision makers.",51992000,49919000,"    -$2,073,00096.01%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+794,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ,Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ,"1.1  To address the key risks affecting the outlook for the Great Barrier Reef. To ensure management of the Marine Park supports ecologically sustainable use.To foster stewardship by engaging, educating and inspiring people through the care and management of the Marine Park.",49344000,49951000,"    $607,000101.23%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+758,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",2.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,47659000,44641000,"    -$3,018,00093.67%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+783,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.1  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,50559000,43597000,"    -$6,962,00086.23%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+790,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",6.1   Manage the Commonwealth environmental water holdings in accordance with the Environmental Watering Plan & obligations under the Water Act 2007; Ensure maximum environmental outcomes are achieved with available water through efficient & effective management & use of the Commonwealth environmental water portfolio…,0,33992000,"    $33,992,000#DIV/0!%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+782,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.19  Science Based Framework for Coal Seam Gas and Coal Mining,49489000,24628000,"    -$24,861,00049.76%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+753,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.3  Program Support and Expenses not requiring appropriation in the Budget year,26428000,21243000,"    -$5,185,00080.38%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+754,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.3.1  National Environment Research Program,19020000,20020000,"    $1,000,000105.26%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+745,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.2  Environmental Stewardship Program,13970000,16151000,"    $2,181,000115.61%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+770,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.6  National Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns,53014000,15879000,"    -$37,135,00029.95%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+777,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.14  National Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns ,8404000,16416000,"    $8,012,000195.34%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+797,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Sydney Harbour Federation Trust ,Sydney Harbour Federation Trust ,"1.1  The transformation of its sites into precincts and parklands that will enrich the cultural and historical values of the city, whilst conserving the environmental integrity and unique heritage of the sites.",16426000,16602000,"    $176,000101.07%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+759,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",2.1.1  Ozone & Synthetic Greenhouse Gases,13628000,11785000,"    -$1,843,00086.48%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+761,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",2.1.3  Ozone & Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Account,13628000,11785000,"    -$1,843,00086.48%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+762,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","2.2   To build sustainable communities, contributing to a sustainable Australia through supporting state and local governments to plan and provide for increased employment opportunities outside the CBDs of our major capital cities…",4050000,12297000,"    $8,247,000303.63%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+796,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",National Water Commission ,National Water Commission ,"1.1  To assist with the implementation of the NWI by assessing, monitoring and providing advice  and recommendations on priority national issues related to water management in  Australia and on progress in implementing the NWI; independently assessing and reporting on the effectiveness of the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and associated water resource plans…",50103000,13877000,"    -$36,226,00027.7%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+768,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.4  Water Smart Australia,45265000,9000000,"    -$36,265,00019.88%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+784,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.1.1  Heritage Grants,8035000,8420000,"    $385,000104.79%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+747,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.4  Tasmanian Forests Statement of Principles process - support,300000,0,"    -$300,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+748,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.5  Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement - Verification Process,2000000,0,"    -$2,000,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+749,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.1.6  National Wildlife Corridor Plan,100000,1620000,"    $1,520,0001620%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+751,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","1.1.8   Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations",1500000,1500000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+755,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.3.2  International Whale Science Initiative,1864000,1776000,"    -$88,00095.28%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+756,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",1.3.3  Australian Biological Resources Study,2030000,2030000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+764,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1  Depreciation and amortisation,3649000,1858000,"    -$1,791,00050.92%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+766,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.2  Environmental Water Holdings Special Account,20500000,0,"    -$20,500,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+767,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.3  Restoring the Balance in the Basin ,2000000,2000000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+771,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.7  National Rainwater and Greywater Initiative,533000,0,"    -$533,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+772,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.8  Murray Environmental Flows,7500000,0,"    -$7,500,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+773,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.9  Water Resources Assessment and Research Grant,175000,175000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+774,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.10  Green Precincts,2527000,0,"    -$2,527,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+778,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.15  Environmental Water Holdings Special Account,20500000,0,"    -$20,500,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+779,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.16  Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Account,2630000,1850000,"    -$780,00070.34%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+780,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",4.1.17  Services for Other Entities and Trust Moneys Special Account,510000,510000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+785,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.1.2  National Trusts Partnership Program,927000,927000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+788,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.2.1  Remediation of land affected by the Tiwi Islands Plantation Project,0,318000,"    $318,000#DIV/0!%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+789,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities","Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",5.2.2  Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Regional Development ,800000,800000,"    $0,000100%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+792,"Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population & Communities",Bureau of Meteorology ,Bureau of Meteorology ,1.2  Water for the Future - Water Information,10000000,0,"    -$10,000,0000%",    SEWPC 2012-2013 PBS

+176,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.4.1  GST Revenue Entitlements -Federal Financial Relations Act 2009,45600000000,48200000000,"    $2,600,000,000105.7%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+181,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.5  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of healthcare services.,12697804000,13518198000,"    $820,394,000106.46%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+188,Treasury,Australian Office of Financial Management ,Australian Office of Financial Management ,1.1  Servicing Australian Debt,11537502000,12030688000,"    $493,186,000104.27%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+186,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.10   The Government provides financial support for the States and Territories to be spent on improving outcomes in the areas specified in each of the National Partnership agreements.,17927627000,9567238000,"    -$8,360,389,00053.37%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+205,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.13  The Fuel Tax Credits  provides fuel tax relief in the form of fuel tax credits for fuel tax embedded in the price of the fuel, such as excise or customs duty, for fuel used in business activities, machinery, plant, equipment and heavy vehicles",5732000000,5600000000,"    -$132,000,00097.7%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+210,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.20  This program deals with both the tax debt and the additional charges for late payment  automatically imposed by legislation, that is unlikely to be recovered.",4805097000,5312536000,"    $507,439,000110.56%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+182,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.6  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of government and non-government school services.,3755800000,4004692000,"    $248,892,000106.63%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+193,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.1  The ATO is the Government's principal revenue collection agency, administering Australia's taxation system, regulating aspects of the superannuation system, and supporting delivery of government benefits to the community.",3249063000,3253851000,"    $4,788,000100.15%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+183,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.7   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of skills and workforce development services.,1363132000,1388895000,"    $25,763,000101.89%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+184,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,"1.8  From 2011-12, an adjustment is made to the National Disability SPP to ensure that the changes to Commonwealth a& State roles & responsibilities for aged care & disability",1204967000,1263805000,"    $58,838,000104.88%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+185,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.9   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of affordable housing services.,1242603000,1264969000,"    $22,366,000101.8%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+201,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.9   The Research and Development  Tax Incentive is an ongoing scheme designed to increase the level of research and development being conducted by Australian companies.,1137000000,1201000000,"    $64,000,000105.63%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+179,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.4.4 Royalties,928589000,994679000,"    $66,090,000107.12%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+211,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.21  The Low Income Super Contribution is an Australian Government initiative aimed at helping low income earners to save for retirement.,0,955600000,"    $955,600,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+191,Treasury,Australian Security and Investments Commission ,Australian Security and Investments Commission ,"1.1  …improving industry behaviour where market integrity & consumer confidence are most at risk, & by helping consumers & retail investors make well-informed decisions in the financial economy…",427785000,449555000,"    $21,770,000105.09%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+189,Treasury,Australian Bureau of Statistics ,Australian Bureau of Statistics ,1.1  Provide statistics and the Census,639769000,385041000,"    -$254,728,00060.18%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+209,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.19  Various laws provide for credit interest to be paid to taxpayers in certain circumstances on certain refunded amounts where the amounts are not refunded within a specified time.,490000000,330000000,"    -$160,000,00067.35%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+204,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.12  Under the  Superannuation Guarantee  Act 1992, most employers must pay superannuation contributions into a complying superannuation fund or retirement savings account so that their eligible employees can enjoy the benefits of superannuation in their retirement.",303000000,319000000,"    $16,000,000105.28%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+200,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.8   The Australian Screen Production Incentive comprises three film tax offsets- the Producer Offset, the Location Offset and the Post, Digital and Visual Effects  Offset.",279000000,221000000,"    -$58,000,00079.21%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+202,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.10  The Australian Government introduced the  Private Health Insurance Rebate as an incentive to take up private health insurance.,202000000,221600000,"    $19,600,000109.7%",    MYEFO 2012-13

+173,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.1  Departmental Items; Australia to host the Group of 20 in 2014; Clean Energy Finance Corporation; Macroeconomic Group; Fiscal Group; Revenue Group; Markets Group.,996284000,194645000,"    -$801,639,00019.54%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+187,Treasury,Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ,Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ,"1.1  The ACCC promotes compliance with federal competition, fair trading, consumer protection and product safety.",172318000,154975000,"    -$17,343,00089.94%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+203,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.11  The Superannuation Co-contribution  is an Australian Government initiative to help low and middle income earners save for their retirement.,545000000,145000000,"    -$400,000,00026.61%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+195,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.3   The Commissioner of Taxation is also the Registrar of the Australian Business Register . The Registrar however has separate and distinct responsibilities as outlined in section 28 of the A New Tax System  Act 1999,105924000,126549000,"    $20,625,000119.47%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+190,Treasury,Australian Prudential Regulation Authority ,Australian Prudential Regulation Authority ,"1.1  To enhance public confidence in Australian financial institutions through a framework of prudential regulation that balances financial safety and efficiency, competition, contestability and competitive neutrality.",119538000,120436000,"    $898,000100.75%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+220,Treasury,Royal Australian Mint,Royal Australian Mint,"1.1  To produce and distribute circulating coins, collector coins and minted like products to meet the demands of the Australian economy, collectors and foreign countries.",70534000,94557000,"    $24,023,000134.06%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+207,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.16  Provide affordable rental properties across Australia for low and middle income earners…,19620000,86619000,"    $66,999,000441.48%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+178,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.4.3 Reduced Royalties,75192000,75403000,"    $211,000100.28%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+192,Treasury,Australian Security and Investments Commission ,Australian Security and Investments Commission ,1.2  ASIC is responsible for the administration of unclaimed money from banking & deposit taking institutions and life insurance institutions.,40191000,43808000,"    $3,617,000109%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+196,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.4  The Australian Valuation Office  is set up as a special account and is the only commercially-focussed business area within the ATO. As a separate program it is more visible within the current outcome and program framework,37389000,41024000,"    $3,635,000109.72%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+198,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.6  The Product Stewardship for Oil program is aimed at supporting and encouraging environmentally sustainable management of used oil including the recycling of used oil and use of the recycled product. The program is intended to reinforce existing state and territory regulations and arrangements in this area.,40000000,44000000,"    $4,000,000110%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+177,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.4.2 COAG Reform Fund ACT Municipal Services,36110000,36832000,"    $722,000102%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+219,Treasury,Productivity Commission,Productivity Commission,"1.1  Contribute to informed policy decision-making & public understanding on matters relating to Australian productivity & living standards, based on independent & transparent analysis from a community-wide perspective.",39032000,38627000,"    -$405,00098.96%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+199,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.7  The Cleaner Fuels Grant  encourages the manufacture or importation of fuels that have a reduced impact on the environment.,31906000,33501000,"    $1,595,000105%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+212,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.22  Other Administered includes the Tax Bonus, the Seafarer Tax Offset and the Conservation Tillage Refundable Tax Offset.",0,29000000,"    $29,000,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+174,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,"1.2  Payments are made to other international financial institutions to facilitate achievement… in international forums, strengthening the international financial system, support for development objectives & multilateral development banks & multilateral debt relief..",11532000,23973000,"    $12,441,000207.88%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+208,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.17  Assist first home buyers to save a larger deposit through a combination of lower taxes and a government contribution.,17000000,21000000,"    $4,000,000123.53%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+194,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,1.2   The objective of the Tax Practitioners Board   is to ensure that tax agent services are provided to the public in accordance with appropriate standards of professional and ethical conduct.,16360000,15945000,"    -$415,00097.46%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+197,Treasury,Australian Taxation Office ,Australian Taxation Office ,"1.5  The ACNC aims to provide independent determination of charity, public benevolent institution and not-for-profit status for all Commonwealth purposes.",0,17276000,"    $17,276,000#DIV/0!%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+213,Treasury,Commonwealth Grants Commission ,Commonwealth Grants Commission ,1.1  The Commission makes recommendations which are considered by government on the distribution of the GST pool.,6362000,6553000,"    $191,000103%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+175,Treasury,Department of the Treasury,Department of the Treasury,1.3  The Centre for International Finance and Regulations focus is to put Australia at the forefront of regional and global examination of financial sector developments and the design of regulatory responses…,3248000,5175000,"    $1,927,000159.33%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+215,Treasury,Inspector General of Taxation ,Inspector General of Taxation ,1.1  Identify areas of the tax system administration where the community or other stakeholders believe that improvements should be made or issues reviewed…,2724000,2664000,"    -$60,00097.8%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+216,Treasury,National Competition Council ,National Competition Council ,1.1  To provide advice to governments and make decisions on infrastructure access issues that accord with statutory requirements…,4650000,2787000,"    -$1,863,00059.94%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+217,Treasury,Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ,Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ,1.1  Formulate and maintain Auditing Standards that are legally enforceable under the Corporations Act  2001 and contribute to the development of international auditing standards,2231000,2342000,"    $111,000104.98%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+218,Treasury,Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board ,Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board ,1.1  Ensure Australian for-profit entities  complying with Australian Accounting Standards would also be complying with the IFRS…,4820000,4834000,"    $14,000100.29%",    Treasury 2012-13 PBS

+0,,,,,0,0,"    ,000%",    

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-     <H6>The 2012-2013 Budget total for all Schemes is $369.919094 Billion, which constitutes <span id='result_percentage'>88.132</span>% of the entire budget; $170.162781 Billion (40.545%) in Personal Income Tax; and $199.756313 Billion (47.594%) in  Tax collected from <a href='' target='_blank' title='Source for proportions of tax from different sources'>Other Sources</a>.</h6><h5>Showing results from 1-100 </h5><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>176</td>


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-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' General Revenue Assistance 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.4 General Revenue Assistance- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

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-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  GST Revenue Entitlements -Federal Financial Relations Act 2009 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.4.1  GST Revenue Entitlements -Federal Financial Relations Act 2009- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.4.1  GST Revenue Entitlements -Federal Financial Relations Act 2009 </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $45,600,000,000 - $48.200000 B</TD><td>10.867% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 48200000,000 - $48.200000 B</TD><td>11.484% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$2,600,000,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.7%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<td id='number'>308</td>


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-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


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-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Income Support for Seniors 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.1 Income Support for Seniors- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=4.1 Income Support for Seniors &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Age Pension 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.1.2  Age Pension- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>4.1.2  Age Pension </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $34,675,633,000 - $36.647928 B</TD><td>8.263% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 36647928,000 - $36.647928 B</TD><td>8.731% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,972,295,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.69%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>126</td>


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-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division - opens in new window''>Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Access to Medial Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3 Access to Medial Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3 Access to Medial Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division - opens in new window''>Medical Benefits Division Acute Care Division  Mental Health & Drug Treatment Division</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Improve access to evidence-based, best-practice medical services; Improve access to specialist medical services through telehealth; Improve access to clinically relevant dental services; Capping Extended Medicare Safety Net Benefits. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.1  Improve access to evidence-based, best-practice medical services; Improve access to specialist medical services through telehealth; Improve access to clinically relevant dental services; Capping Extended Medicare Safety Net Benefits.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.1  Improve access to evidence-based, best-practice medical services; Improve access to specialist medical services through telehealth; Improve access to clinically relevant dental services; Capping Extended Medicare Safety Net Benefits. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $17,636,008,000 - $17.882060 B</TD><td>4.203% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 17882060,000 - $17.882060 B</TD><td>4.260% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$246,052,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.4%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.03_Outcome_3.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<td id='number'>316</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Disability Support Pension 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.2 Disability Support Pension- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5.2 Disability Support Pension &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To make payments to eligible people with disability who are unable to support themselves to achieve financial independence through income support. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.2  To make payments to eligible people with disability who are unable to support themselves to achieve financial independence through income support.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.2  To make payments to eligible people with disability who are unable to support themselves to achieve financial independence through income support. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $14,519,777,000 - $14.861857 B</TD><td>3.460% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 14861857,000 - $14.861857 B</TD><td>3.541% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$342,080,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>102.36%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=disability&submit=Show#tag'>disability</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>274</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Family Tax Benefit 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Family Tax Benefit- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Family Tax Benefit &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Family Tax Benefit Part A - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.3  Family Tax Benefit Part A - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.3  Family Tax Benefit Part A - Income Support </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $13,970,791,000 - $14.081376 B</TD><td>3.329% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 14081376,000 - $14.081376 B</TD><td>3.355% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$110,585,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to the States for Healthcare Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5 Assistance to the States for Healthcare Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.5 Assistance to the States for Healthcare Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of healthcare services. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of healthcare services.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.5  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of healthcare services. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $12,697,804,000 - $13.518198 B</TD><td>3.026% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 13518198,000 - $13.518198 B</TD><td>3.221% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$820,394,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>106.46%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>188</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Office of Financial Management (AOFM) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) - opens in new window''>Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) - opens in new window''>Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Servicing Australian Debt 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Servicing Australian Debt- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Servicing Australian Debt </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $11,537,502,000 - $12.030688 B</TD><td>2.749% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 12030688,000 - $12.030688 B</TD><td>2.866% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$493,186,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.27%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=debt&submit=Show#tag'>debt</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<a href='tag.php?tag=finance&submit=Show#tag'>


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>123</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' to Pharmaceutical Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Access to Pharmaceutical Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Access to Pharmaceutical Services &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Access to Pharmaceutical Services - opens in new window''>Access to Pharmaceutical Services</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Access to Pharmaceutical Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2 Access to Pharmaceutical Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2 Access to Pharmaceutical Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Access to Pharmaceutical Services - opens in new window''>Access to Pharmaceutical Services</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  List cost-effective, innovative, clinically effective medicines on the PBS; Increase the sustainability of the PBS; Post Market Surveillance; National Medicines Policy. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.2  List cost-effective, innovative, clinically effective medicines on the PBS; Increase the sustainability of the PBS; Post Market Surveillance; National Medicines Policy.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.2  List cost-effective, innovative, clinically effective medicines on the PBS; Increase the sustainability of the PBS; Post Market Surveillance; National Medicines Policy. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $9,635,105,000 - $9.969381 B</TD><td>2.296% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 9969381,000 - $9.969381 B</TD><td>2.375% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$334,276,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.47%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">MYEFO 2012-13</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=pharmaceuticals&submit=Show#tag'>pharmaceuticals</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>186</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' National Partnership Payments to the States 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.10 National Partnership Payments to the States- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.10 National Partnership Payments to the States &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   The Government provides financial support for the States and Territories to be spent on improving outcomes in the areas specified in each of the National Partnership agreements. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.10   The Government provides financial support for the States and Territories to be spent on improving outcomes in the areas specified in each of the National Partnership agreements.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.10   The Government provides financial support for the States and Territories to be spent on improving outcomes in the areas specified in each of the National Partnership agreements. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $17,927,627,000 - $9.567238 B</TD><td>4.272% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 9567238,000 - $9.567238 B</TD><td>2.279% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$8,360,389,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>53.37%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>11</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Non-Government Schools National Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.2 Non-Government Schools National Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.2 Non-Government Schools National Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $7,738,681,000 - $8.313066 B</TD><td>1.844% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 8313066,000 - $8.313066 B</TD><td>1.981% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$574,385,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>107.42%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>134</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Aged Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4 Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=4 Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Improving fairness and sustainability; Provide culturally appropriate care ; Other service models. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.4  Improving fairness and sustainability; Provide culturally appropriate care ; Other service models.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>4.4  Improving fairness and sustainability; Provide culturally appropriate care ; Other service models. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $7,964,383,000 - $8.308707 B</TD><td>1.898% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 8308707,000 - $8.308707 B</TD><td>1.980% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$344,324,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.32%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.04_Outcome_4.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>9</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Government Schools National Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.1 Government Schools National Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.1 Government Schools National Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Schools Assistance Act 2008 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.1.1  Schools Assistance Act 2008- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.1.1  Schools Assistance Act 2008 </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $7,587,740,000 - $8.183019 B</TD><td>1.808% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 8183019,000 - $8.183019 B</TD><td>1.950% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$595,279,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>107.85%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>69</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Working Age Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 Working Age Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 Working Age Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  New Start Allowance 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.3  New Start Allowance- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.3  New Start Allowance </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $6,590,474,000 - $7.766968 B</TD><td>1.571% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 7766968,000 - $7.766968 B</TD><td>1.850% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,176,494,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>117.85%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=youth&submit=Show#tag'>youth</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>440</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Higher Education Support  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.1 Higher Education Support - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.1 Higher Education Support  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Higher Education Support Act 2003 Commonwealth Grants Scheme 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.1.4  Higher Education Support Act 2003 Commonwealth Grants Scheme- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.1.4  Higher Education Support Act 2003 Commonwealth Grants Scheme </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,936,364,000 - $5.983380 B</TD><td>0.700% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5983380,000 - $5.983380 B</TD><td>1.426% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$3,047,016,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>203.77%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>205</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Taxation Office (ATO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Taxation Office (ATO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Taxation Office (ATO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Fuel Tax Credits Scheme 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.13 Fuel Tax Credits Scheme- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.13 Fuel Tax Credits Scheme &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme provides fuel tax relief in the form of fuel tax credits for fuel tax embedded in the price of the fuel, such as excise or customs duty, for fuel used in business activities, machinery, plant, equipment and heavy vehicles 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.13  The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme provides fuel tax relief in the form of fuel tax credits for fuel tax embedded in the price of the fuel, such as excise or customs duty, for fuel used in business activities, machinery, plant, equipment and heavy vehicles- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.13  The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme provides fuel tax relief in the form of fuel tax credits for fuel tax embedded in the price of the fuel, such as excise or customs duty, for fuel used in business activities, machinery, plant, equipment and heavy vehicles </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $5,732,000,000 - $5.600000 B</TD><td>1.366% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5600000,000 - $5.600000 B</TD><td>1.334% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$132,000,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>97.7%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=taxation&submit=Show#tag'>taxation</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>210</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Taxation Office (ATO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Taxation Office (ATO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Taxation Office (ATO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Bad and Doubtful Debts and Remissions  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.20 Bad and Doubtful Debts and Remissions - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.20 Bad and Doubtful Debts and Remissions  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  This program deals with both the tax debt and the additional charges for late payment (such as general interest charge) automatically imposed by legislation, that is unlikely to be recovered. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.20  This program deals with both the tax debt and the additional charges for late payment (such as general interest charge) automatically imposed by legislation, that is unlikely to be recovered.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.20  This program deals with both the tax debt and the additional charges for late payment (such as general interest charge) automatically imposed by legislation, that is unlikely to be recovered. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,805,097,000 - $5.312536 B</TD><td>1.145% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5312536,000 - $5.312536 B</TD><td>1.266% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$507,439,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>110.56%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=taxation&submit=Show#tag'>taxation</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>247</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Materiel Organisation (DMO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Management of Capability Sustainment 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Management of Capability Sustainment- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Management of Capability Sustainment &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $5,300,993,000 - $5.295299 B</TD><td>1.263% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5295299,000 - $5.295299 B</TD><td>1.262% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$5,694,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>99.89%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>266</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Materiel Organisation (DMO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Management of Capability Sustainment 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Management of Capability Sustainment- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Management of Capability Sustainment &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   Defence capabilities will be sustained to meet operational requirements as identified in the specific Materiel Sustainment Agreement (MSA). 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2   Defence capabilities will be sustained to meet operational requirements as identified in the specific Materiel Sustainment Agreement (MSA).- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2   Defence capabilities will be sustained to meet operational requirements as identified in the specific Materiel Sustainment Agreement (MSA). </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $5,300,993,000 - $5.295299 B</TD><td>1.263% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5295299,000 - $5.295299 B</TD><td>1.262% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$5,694,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>99.89%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DMO 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>223</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence - opens in new window''>Defence</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Army Capabilities 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Army Capabilities- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Army Capabilities &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $5,236,978,000 - $5.025969 B</TD><td>1.248% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 5025969,000 - $5.025969 B</TD><td>1.197% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$211,009,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>95.97%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=capability&submit=Show#tag'>capability</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>275</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Family Tax Benefit 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Family Tax Benefit- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Family Tax Benefit &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Family Tax Benefit Part B - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.4  Family Tax Benefit Part B - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.4  Family Tax Benefit Part B - Income Support </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,603,794,000 - $4.541340 B</TD><td>1.097% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4541340,000 - $4.541340 B</TD><td>1.082% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$62,454,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>98.64%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>144</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Health 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Private Health- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Private Health &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Private Health - opens in new window''>Private Health</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Private Health  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 9 Private Health - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=9 Private Health  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Private Health - opens in new window''>Private Health</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Ensure the sustainability of the private health insurance rebate; Promote an affordable and sustainable private health insurance sector; Improve access to prostheses through private health insurance; Improve information for consumers.  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 9.1  Ensure the sustainability of the private health insurance rebate; Promote an affordable and sustainable private health insurance sector; Improve access to prostheses through private health insurance; Improve information for consumers. - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>9.1  Ensure the sustainability of the private health insurance rebate; Promote an affordable and sustainable private health insurance sector; Improve access to prostheses through private health insurance; Improve information for consumers.  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $5,318,589,000 - $4.376799 B</TD><td>1.267% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4376799,000 - $4.376799 B</TD><td>1.043% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$941,790,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>82.29%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.09_Outcome_9.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence - opens in new window''>Defence</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Navy Capabilities 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Navy Capabilities- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Navy Capabilities &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,254,231,000 - $4.270118 B</TD><td>1.014% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4270118,000 - $4.270118 B</TD><td>1.017% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$15,887,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.37%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=capability&submit=Show#tag'>capability</a>&nbsp;


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Working Age Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 Working Age Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 Working Age Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Parenting Payment Single 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.4  Parenting Payment Single- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.4  Parenting Payment Single </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,737,198,000 - $4.247628 B</TD><td>1.129% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4247628,000 - $4.247628 B</TD><td>1.012% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$489,570,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>89.67%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<td id='number'>225</td>


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-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence - opens in new window''>Defence</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Air Force Capabilities 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.4 Air Force Capabilities- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.4 Air Force Capabilities &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,352,927,000 - $4.217797 B</TD><td>1.037% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4217797,000 - $4.217797 B</TD><td>1.005% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$135,130,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>96.9%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=capability&submit=Show#tag'>capability</a>&nbsp;


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-<td id='number'>182</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to the States for Schools  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.6 Assistance to the States for Schools - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.6 Assistance to the States for Schools  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of government and non-government school services. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.6  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of government and non-government school services.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.6  The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of government and non-government school services. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,755,800,000 - $4.004692 B</TD><td>0.895% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 4004692,000 - $4.004692 B</TD><td>0.954% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$248,892,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>106.63%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>227</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Chief Operating Officer - Defence Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.6 Chief Operating Officer - Defence Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.6 Chief Operating Officer - Defence Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  DSG supports Defence through the provision of a range of products and services including: legal services; personnel administration; housing; a range of personnel support functions; business services&hellip; 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.6  DSG supports Defence through the provision of a range of products and services including: legal services; personnel administration; housing; a range of personnel support functions; business services&hellip;- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.6  DSG supports Defence through the provision of a range of products and services including: legal services; personnel administration; housing; a range of personnel support functions; business services&hellip; </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,966,670,000 - $3.688491 B</TD><td>0.945% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3688491,000 - $3.688491 B</TD><td>0.879% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$278,179,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>92.99%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=housing&submit=Show#tag'>housing</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>246</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Materiel Organisation (DMO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Management of Capability Acquisition 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Management of Capability Acquisition- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Management of Capability Acquisition &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   This Program delivers specialist military and associated equipment. It encompasses the DMO activities in support of the acquisition process, including all pre-approval activities, as well as the acquisition process for major and minor capital investments. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1   This Program delivers specialist military and associated equipment. It encompasses the DMO activities in support of the acquisition process, including all pre-approval activities, as well as the acquisition process for major and minor capital investments.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1   This Program delivers specialist military and associated equipment. It encompasses the DMO activities in support of the acquisition process, including all pre-approval activities, as well as the acquisition process for major and minor capital investments. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,550,163,000 - $3.676094 B</TD><td>1.084% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3676094,000 - $3.676094 B</TD><td>0.876% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$874,069,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>80.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>265</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Materiel Organisation (DMO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Management of Capability Acquisition 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Management of Capability Acquisition- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Management of Capability Acquisition &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) - opens in new window''>Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Acquisition projects will be delivered in a transparent and accountable manner, on time, within budget and to the required standard as approved by Government. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Acquisition projects will be delivered in a transparent and accountable manner, on time, within budget and to the required standard as approved by Government.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Acquisition projects will be delivered in a transparent and accountable manner, on time, within budget and to the required standard as approved by Government. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,550,163,000 - $3.676094 B</TD><td>1.084% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3676094,000 - $3.676094 B</TD><td>0.876% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$874,069,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>80.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DMO 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>741</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Human Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Human Services"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Human Services - opens in new window''>Human Services</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Centrelink- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Centrelink &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Centrelink - opens in new window''>Centrelink</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Services to the Community ( General Administration) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Services to the Community ( General Administration)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Services to the Community ( General Administration) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Centrelink - opens in new window''>Centrelink</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Income support - Centrelink General Administration 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Income support - Centrelink General Administration- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Income support - Centrelink General Administration </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,600,970,000 - $3.608367 B</TD><td>0.858% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3608367,000 - $3.608367 B</TD><td>0.860% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$7,397,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.21%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Human Services 2012-2013 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>322</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Income Support for Carers 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3 Income Support for Carers- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5.3 Income Support for Carers &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Carer Payment  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3.6  Carer Payment - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.3.6  Carer Payment  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,194,131,000 - $3.603583 B</TD><td>0.761% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3603583,000 - $3.603583 B</TD><td>0.859% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$409,452,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>112.82%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=disability&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>919</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Deregulation 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Finance & Deregulation- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Finance & Deregulation"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Finance & Deregulation - opens in new window''>Finance & Deregulation</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Public Sector Superannuation 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Public Sector Superannuation- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Public Sector Superannuation &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Superannuation Act 1976 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.11  Superannuation Act 1976- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.11  Superannuation Act 1976 </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,315,348,000 - $3.415480 B</TD><td>0.790% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3415480,000 - $3.415480 B</TD><td>0.814% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$100,132,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.02%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<a href='tag.php?tag=superannuation&submit=Show#tag'>


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>193</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Taxation Office (ATO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Taxation Office (ATO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Taxation Office (ATO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Australian Taxation Office 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Australian Taxation Office- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Australian Taxation Office &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The ATO is the Government's principal revenue collection agency, administering Australia's taxation system, regulating aspects of the superannuation system, and supporting delivery of government benefits to the community. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  The ATO is the Government's principal revenue collection agency, administering Australia's taxation system, regulating aspects of the superannuation system, and supporting delivery of government benefits to the community.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  The ATO is the Government's principal revenue collection agency, administering Australia's taxation system, regulating aspects of the superannuation system, and supporting delivery of government benefits to the community. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,249,063,000 - $3.253851 B</TD><td>0.774% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3253851,000 - $3.253851 B</TD><td>0.775% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$4,788,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.15%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=taxation&submit=Show#tag'>taxation</a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=superannuation&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>920</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Deregulation 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Finance & Deregulation- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Finance & Deregulation"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Finance & Deregulation - opens in new window''>Finance & Deregulation</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Public Sector Superannuation 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Public Sector Superannuation- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Public Sector Superannuation &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Superannuation Act 1990 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.12  Superannuation Act 1990- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.12  Superannuation Act 1990 </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,961,377,000 - $3.249020 B</TD><td>0.706% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 3249020,000 - $3.249020 B</TD><td>0.774% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$287,643,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>109.71%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>248</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Veterans' Income Support and Allowances 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Veterans' Income Support and Allowances- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Veterans' Income Support and Allowances &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To deliver means tested income support & other allowances to eligible veterans and dependants&hellip; including Service Pension and Invalidity Service Pension, similar to Age & Disability Support pensions; Partner Service Pension paid to eligible partners of veterans; Income Support Supplement paid to eligible war widow/ers. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  To deliver means tested income support & other allowances to eligible veterans and dependants&hellip; including Service Pension and Invalidity Service Pension, similar to Age & Disability Support pensions; Partner Service Pension paid to eligible partners of veterans; Income Support Supplement paid to eligible war widow/ers.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  To deliver means tested income support & other allowances to eligible veterans and dependants&hellip; including Service Pension and Invalidity Service Pension, similar to Age & Disability Support pensions; Partner Service Pension paid to eligible partners of veterans; Income Support Supplement paid to eligible war widow/ers. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $3,001,535,000 - $2.893904 B</TD><td>0.715% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 2893904,000 - $2.893904 B</TD><td>0.689% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$107,631,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>96.41%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>236</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Defence Force Superannuation Nominal Interest 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.15 Defence Force Superannuation Nominal Interest- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.15 Defence Force Superannuation Nominal Interest &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  &hellip;administer nominal interest for the three military superannuation schemes: the Defence Force Retirement Benefits (DFRB), the Defence Force Retirement & Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB); & the Military Superannuation & Benefits Scheme (MSBS). 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.15  &hellip;administer nominal interest for the three military superannuation schemes: the Defence Force Retirement Benefits (DFRB), the Defence Force Retirement & Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB); & the Military Superannuation & Benefits Scheme (MSBS).- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.15  &hellip;administer nominal interest for the three military superannuation schemes: the Defence Force Retirement Benefits (DFRB), the Defence Force Retirement & Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB); & the Military Superannuation & Benefits Scheme (MSBS). </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,643,362,000 - $2.815138 B</TD><td>0.630% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 2815138,000 - $2.815138 B</TD><td>0.671% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$171,776,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>106.5%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=superannuation&submit=Show#tag'>superannuation</a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=retirement&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>3</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Child Care Fee Assistance  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Child Care Fee Assistance - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Child Care Fee Assistance  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Child Care Benefit 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.1  Child Care Benefit- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.1  Child Care Benefit </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,342,852,000 - $2.444197 B</TD><td>0.558% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 2444197,000 - $2.444197 B</TD><td>0.582% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$101,345,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.33%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>456</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3 Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.3 Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Youth Allowance 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3.4  Youth Allowance- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.3.4  Youth Allowance </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,239,179,000 - $2.437768 B</TD><td>0.295% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 2437768,000 - $2.437768 B</TD><td>0.581% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,198,589,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>196.72%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=student&submit=Show#tag'>student</a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=youth&submit=Show#tag'>


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>922</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Deregulation 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Finance & Deregulation- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Finance & Deregulation"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Finance & Deregulation - opens in new window''>Finance & Deregulation</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Nation Building Funds 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Nation Building Funds- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Nation Building Funds &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD) - opens in new window''>Department of Finance & Deregulation (DFD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  This program contributes to the outcome through advising on the Government's three Nation Building Funds- Building Australia Fund; Education Investment Fund; and Health and Hospitals Fund.   'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3  This program contributes to the outcome through advising on the Government's three Nation Building Funds- Building Australia Fund; Education Investment Fund; and Health and Hospitals Fund.  - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3  This program contributes to the outcome through advising on the Government's three Nation Building Funds- Building Australia Fund; Education Investment Fund; and Health and Hospitals Fund.   </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $4,712,721,000 - $2.162455 B</TD><td>1.123% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 2162455,000 - $2.162455 B</TD><td>0.515% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$2,550,266,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>45.89%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Finance & Deregulation 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>4</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Child Care Fee Assistance  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Child Care Fee Assistance - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Child Care Fee Assistance  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Child Care Rebate 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.2  Child Care Rebate- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.2  Child Care Rebate </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,835,663,000 - $1.993141 B</TD><td>0.437% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1993141,000 - $1.993141 B</TD><td>0.475% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$157,478,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>108.58%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>250</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to Defence Widow/ers and Dependants 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Assistance to Defence Widow/ers and Dependants- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Assistance to Defence Widow/ers and Dependants &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Deliver war widow/ers and Defence pensions, allowances and special purpose assistance to the dependants of veterans under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 and related legislation including the payment of war widow/ers claims for compensation. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3  Deliver war widow/ers and Defence pensions, allowances and special purpose assistance to the dependants of veterans under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 and related legislation including the payment of war widow/ers claims for compensation.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3  Deliver war widow/ers and Defence pensions, allowances and special purpose assistance to the dependants of veterans under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 and related legislation including the payment of war widow/ers claims for compensation. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,904,991,000 - $1.850543 B</TD><td>0.454% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1850543,000 - $1.850543 B</TD><td>0.441% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$54,448,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>97.14%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=welfare&submit=Show#tag'>



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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>452</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Higher Education Loan Program 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.2 Higher Education Loan Program- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.2 Higher Education Loan Program &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   HECS-HELP,  FEE-HELP,   OS-HELP,   SA-HELP, VET FEE-HELP 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.2   HECS-HELP,  FEE-HELP,   OS-HELP,   SA-HELP, VET FEE-HELP- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.2   HECS-HELP,  FEE-HELP,   OS-HELP,   SA-HELP, VET FEE-HELP </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $758,283,000 - $1.784786 B</TD><td>0.181% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1784786,000 - $1.784786 B</TD><td>0.425% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,026,503,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>235.37%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=student&submit=Show#tag'>student</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=higherEd&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>256</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Veterans' Hospital Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.2 Veterans' Hospital Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.2 Veterans' Hospital Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Provide access to hospital services for entitled beneficiaries through arrangements with hospitals in both the private and public sectors. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.2  Provide access to hospital services for entitled beneficiaries through arrangements with hospitals in both the private and public sectors.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.2  Provide access to hospital services for entitled beneficiaries through arrangements with hospitals in both the private and public sectors. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,693,801,000 - $1.704336 B</TD><td>0.404% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1704336,000 - $1.704336 B</TD><td>0.406% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$10,535,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.62%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>health</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=hospitals&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>258</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Veterans' Community Care and Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.4 Veterans' Community Care and Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.4 Veterans' Community Care and Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   The objectives of these programs are to support veterans to remain independent in their homes, and improve their quality of life and health. The veteran community is ageing and increasingly requires higher levels of service. The provision of these services helps to delay entry into residential aged care and maximises independence. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.4   The objectives of these programs are to support veterans to remain independent in their homes, and improve their quality of life and health. The veteran community is ageing and increasingly requires higher levels of service. The provision of these services helps to delay entry into residential aged care and maximises independence.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.4   The objectives of these programs are to support veterans to remain independent in their homes, and improve their quality of life and health. The veteran community is ageing and increasingly requires higher levels of service. The provision of these services helps to delay entry into residential aged care and maximises independence. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,633,047,000 - $1.694674 B</TD><td>0.389% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1694674,000 - $1.694674 B</TD><td>0.404% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$61,627,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.77%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=independent+living&submit=Show#tag'>independent+living</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>458</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' VET National Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 VET National Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 VET National Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  &hellip;achieve national growth in skills, qualifications productivity and social inclusion through raising skill-levels of the Australian workforce&hellip;  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.1  &hellip;achieve national growth in skills, qualifications productivity and social inclusion through raising skill-levels of the Australian workforce&hellip; - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.1  &hellip;achieve national growth in skills, qualifications productivity and social inclusion through raising skill-levels of the Australian workforce&hellip;  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $983,781,000 - $1.690057 B</TD><td>0.234% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1690057,000 - $1.690057 B</TD><td>0.403% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$706,276,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>171.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=vocationalEd&submit=Show#tag'>vocationalEd</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>249</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Veterans' Disability Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Veterans' Disability Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Veterans' Disability Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,588,594,000 - $1.553164 B</TD><td>0.379% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1553164,000 - $1.553164 B</TD><td>0.370% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$35,430,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>97.77%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>54</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Employment Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.1 Employment Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.1 Employment Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Job Services Australia 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.1.1  Job Services Australia- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.1.1  Job Services Australia </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,490,135,000 - $1.544929 B</TD><td>0.355% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1544929,000 - $1.544929 B</TD><td>0.368% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$54,794,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.68%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=jobs&submit=Show#tag'>jobs</a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>281</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Parent and Baby Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Parent and Baby Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Parent and Baby Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3.4  Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3.4  Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 - Income Support </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,373,565,000 - $1.440072 B</TD><td>0.327% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1440072,000 - $1.440072 B</TD><td>0.343% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$66,507,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.84%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=jobs&submit=Show#tag'>jobs</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>132</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Aged Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4 Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=4 Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Provide integrated aged care services to people in their homes; Offer support to carers. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.2  Provide integrated aged care services to people in their homes; Offer support to carers.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>4.2  Provide integrated aged care services to people in their homes; Offer support to carers. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $279,093,000 - $1.434722 B</TD><td>0.067% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1434722,000 - $1.434722 B</TD><td>0.342% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,155,629,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>514.07%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.04_Outcome_4.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=independent+living&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=aged&submit=Show#tag'>



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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>183</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to the States for Skills and Workforce Development 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.7 Assistance to the States for Skills and Workforce Development- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.7 Assistance to the States for Skills and Workforce Development &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of skills and workforce development services.  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.7   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of skills and workforce development services. - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.7   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of skills and workforce development services.  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,363,132,000 - $1.388895 B</TD><td>0.325% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1388895,000 - $1.388895 B</TD><td>0.331% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$25,763,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.89%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=vocationalEd&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>320</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=320&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Income Support for Carers 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3 Income Support for Carers- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5.3 Income Support for Carers &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Carer Allowance (Adult) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3.4  Carer Allowance (Adult)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.3.4  Carer Allowance (Adult) </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,259,254,000 - $1.378807 B</TD><td>0.300% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1378807,000 - $1.378807 B</TD><td>0.329% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$119,553,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>109.49%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=disability&submit=Show#tag'>




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-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>742</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Human Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Human Services"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Human Services - opens in new window''>Human Services</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Human Services (DHS) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Human Services (DHS)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Human Services (DHS) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Human Services (DHS) - opens in new window''>Department of Human Services (DHS)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Services to the Community (General Administration) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Services to the Community (General Administration)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Services to the Community (General Administration) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Human Services (DHS) - opens in new window''>Department of Human Services (DHS)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Department of Human Services Child Support Program is designed to ensure that both parents contribute to the cost of their children, according to their capacity. The scheme is expected to transfer 3.1 billion dollars between parents for the benefit of approximately 1.2 million children in 2012-13.  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  The Department of Human Services Child Support Program is designed to ensure that both parents contribute to the cost of their children, according to their capacity. The scheme is expected to transfer 3.1 billion dollars between parents for the benefit of approximately 1.2 million children in 2012-13. - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  The Department of Human Services Child Support Program is designed to ensure that both parents contribute to the cost of their children, according to their capacity. The scheme is expected to transfer 3.1 billion dollars between parents for the benefit of approximately 1.2 million children in 2012-13.  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,294,833,000 - $1.357278 B</TD><td>0.309% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1357278,000 - $1.357278 B</TD><td>0.323% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$62,445,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.82%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Human Services 2012-2013 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=compliance&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>184</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to the States for Disability Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.8 Assistance to the States for Disability Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.8 Assistance to the States for Disability Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  From 2011-12, an adjustment is made to the National Disability SPP to ensure that the changes to Commonwealth a& State roles & responsibilities for aged care & disability 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.8  From 2011-12, an adjustment is made to the National Disability SPP to ensure that the changes to Commonwealth a& State roles & responsibilities for aged care & disability- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.8  From 2011-12, an adjustment is made to the National Disability SPP to ensure that the changes to Commonwealth a& State roles & responsibilities for aged care & disability </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,204,967,000 - $1.263805 B</TD><td>0.287% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1263805,000 - $1.263805 B</TD><td>0.301% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$58,838,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>104.88%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=housing&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>185</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=185&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Assistance to the States for Affordable Housing  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9 Assistance to the States for Affordable Housing - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.9 Assistance to the States for Affordable Housing  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of affordable housing services.  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of affordable housing services. - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.9   The Government provides financial support to the States and Territories to be spent in the delivery of affordable housing services.  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,242,603,000 - $1.264969 B</TD><td>0.296% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1264969,000 - $1.264969 B</TD><td>0.301% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$22,366,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.8%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=housing&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>276</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=276&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Family Tax Benefit 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Family Tax Benefit- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Family Tax Benefit &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Schoolkids Bonus 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.5  Schoolkids Bonus- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.5  Schoolkids Bonus </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,324,135,000 - $1.254478 B</TD><td>0.316% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1254478,000 - $1.254478 B</TD><td>0.299% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$69,657,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>94.74%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=schools&submit=Show#tag'>




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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>239</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Operations Contributing to the Security of the Immediate Neighbourhood 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.1 Operations Contributing to the Security of the Immediate Neighbourhood- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.1 Operations Contributing to the Security of the Immediate Neighbourhood &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Operations supporting wider interests are designed to contribute to United Nations and international efforts to uphold global security. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.2.0  Operations supporting wider interests are designed to contribute to United Nations and international efforts to uphold global security.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.2.0  Operations supporting wider interests are designed to contribute to United Nations and international efforts to uphold global security. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,247,823,000 - $1.210738 B</TD><td>0.297% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1210738,000 - $1.210738 B</TD><td>0.288% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$37,085,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>97.03%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=international&submit=Show#tag'>international</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=operations&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>201</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Taxation Office (ATO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Taxation Office (ATO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Taxation Office (ATO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Research and Development Tax Incentive 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9 Research and Development Tax Incentive- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.9 Research and Development Tax Incentive &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='   The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive is an ongoing scheme designed to increase the level of research and development being conducted by Australian companies. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9   The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive is an ongoing scheme designed to increase the level of research and development being conducted by Australian companies.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.9   The Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive is an ongoing scheme designed to increase the level of research and development being conducted by Australian companies. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,137,000,000 - $1.201000 B</TD><td>0.271% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1201000,000 - $1.201000 B</TD><td>0.286% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$64,000,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.63%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=taxation&submit=Show#tag'>taxation</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=research&submit=Show#tag'>




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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>891</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Affairs & Trade 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Foreign Affairs & Trade- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Foreign Affairs & Trade"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Foreign Affairs & Trade - opens in new window''>Foreign Affairs & Trade</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Agency for International Development (AusAID) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Official Development Assistance - Africa, South and Central Asia, Middle East and Other 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Official Development Assistance - Africa, South and Central Asia, Middle East and Other- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Official Development Assistance - Africa, South and Central Asia, Middle East and Other &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To assist developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and the Middle East to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3  To assist developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and the Middle East to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3  To assist developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and the Middle East to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,149,839,000 - $1.137767 B</TD><td>0.274% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1137767,000 - $1.137767 B</TD><td>0.271% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$12,072,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>98.95%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DFAT 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=diplomacy&submit=Show#tag'>



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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>974</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports - opens in new window''>Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS) - opens in new window''>Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Local Government 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Local Government- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Local Government &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS) - opens in new window''>Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts & Sports (DRALGAS)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Special appropriations: Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2.6  Special appropriations: Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2.6  Special appropriations: Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,722,866,000 - $1.117783 B</TD><td>0.649% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1117783,000 - $1.117783 B</TD><td>0.266% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$1,605,083,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>41.05%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Rural, Arts & Sports 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=infrastructure&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>169</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=169&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Blood Authority (NBA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google National Blood Authority (NBA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=National Blood Authority (NBA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for National Blood Authority (NBA) - opens in new window''>National Blood Authority (NBA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' National blood agreement management 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 National blood agreement management- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 National blood agreement management &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for National Blood Authority (NBA) - opens in new window''>National Blood Authority (NBA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Secure the supply of blood and blood products; Improve risk management and blood sector performance; Promote the safe and efficient use of blood and blood products. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Secure the supply of blood and blood products; Improve risk management and blood sector performance; Promote the safe and efficient use of blood and blood products.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Secure the supply of blood and blood products; Improve risk management and blood sector performance; Promote the safe and efficient use of blood and blood products. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,035,245,000 - $1.095844 B</TD><td>0.247% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1095844,000 - $1.095844 B</TD><td>0.261% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$60,599,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.85%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/4.12_NBA.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">NBA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=blood&submit=Show#tag'>blood</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=communicable+disease&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>133</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=133&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Aged Care and Population Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4 Aged Care and Population Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=4 Aged Care and Population Ageing &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Aged Care and Population Ageing - opens in new window''>Aged Care and Population Ageing</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  More care at home; Matching funding to care needs; Greater choice and control. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.3  More care at home; Matching funding to care needs; Greater choice and control.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>4.3  More care at home; Matching funding to care needs; Greater choice and control. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,065,796,000 - $1.089576 B</TD><td>0.254% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1089576,000 - $1.089576 B</TD><td>0.260% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$23,780,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>102.23%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.04_Outcome_4.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=independent+living&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=aged&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>893</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=893&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Affairs & Trade 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Foreign Affairs & Trade- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Foreign Affairs & Trade"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Foreign Affairs & Trade - opens in new window''>Foreign Affairs & Trade</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Agency for International Development (AusAID) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Official Development Assistance - Multilateral Replenishments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5 Official Development Assistance - Multilateral Replenishments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.5 Official Development Assistance - Multilateral Replenishments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To assist developing countries through contributions to multilateral organisation. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5  To assist developing countries through contributions to multilateral organisation.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.5  To assist developing countries through contributions to multilateral organisation. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $53,548,000 - $1.072683 B</TD><td>0.013% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1072683,000 - $1.072683 B</TD><td>0.256% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,019,135,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>2003.22%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DFAT 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>152</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Workforce Capacity 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Health Workforce Capacity- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Health Workforce Capacity &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Health Workforce Capacity - opens in new window''>Health Workforce Capacity</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Workforce and rural distribution 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 12 Workforce and rural distribution- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=12 Workforce and rural distribution &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Health Workforce Capacity - opens in new window''>Health Workforce Capacity</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Increase the supply of, and support for, health professionals in regional, rural and remote Australia; Increased investment in medical training and education; Increase access to medical services through overseas recruitment.  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 12.1  Increase the supply of, and support for, health professionals in regional, rural and remote Australia; Increased investment in medical training and education; Increase access to medical services through overseas recruitment. - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>12.1  Increase the supply of, and support for, health professionals in regional, rural and remote Australia; Increased investment in medical training and education; Increase access to medical services through overseas recruitment.  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $800,324,000 - $1.038112 B</TD><td>0.191% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1038112,000 - $1.038112 B</TD><td>0.247% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$237,788,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>129.71%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.12_Outcome_12.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=rural+remote&submit=Show#tag'>rural+remote</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=recruitment&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=immigration&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>890</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=890&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Affairs & Trade 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Foreign Affairs & Trade- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Foreign Affairs & Trade"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Foreign Affairs & Trade - opens in new window''>Foreign Affairs & Trade</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Agency for International Development (AusAID) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Official Development Assistance - East Asia 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Official Development Assistance - East Asia- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Official Development Assistance - East Asia &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To assist developing countries in the East Asia region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2  To assist developing countries in the East Asia region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2  To assist developing countries in the East Asia region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $884,992,000 - $1.018715 B</TD><td>0.211% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1018715,000 - $1.018715 B</TD><td>0.243% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$133,723,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>115.11%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DFAT 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=diplomacy&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>71</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=71&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Working Age Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 Working Age Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 Working Age Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Parenting Payment Partnered 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.5  Parenting Payment Partnered- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.5  Parenting Payment Partnered </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,062,116,000 - $1.017422 B</TD><td>0.253% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1017422,000 - $1.017422 B</TD><td>0.242% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$44,694,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>95.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>231</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9 Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.9 Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Vice Chief of the Defence Force Group mission is to develop, deliver, enable and ensure Defence Joint Capability in order to protect and advance Australia's national and strategic interests&hellip; 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.9  The Vice Chief of the Defence Force Group mission is to develop, deliver, enable and ensure Defence Joint Capability in order to protect and advance Australia's national and strategic interests&hellip;- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.9  The Vice Chief of the Defence Force Group mission is to develop, deliver, enable and ensure Defence Joint Capability in order to protect and advance Australia's national and strategic interests&hellip; </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,088,760,000 - $1.013394 B</TD><td>0.259% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1013394,000 - $1.013394 B</TD><td>0.241% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$75,366,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>93.08%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>517</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Citizenship 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Immigration & Citizenship- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Immigration & Citizenship"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Immigration & Citizenship - opens in new window''>Immigration & Citizenship</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - opens in new window''>Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href='  Visa Compliance Status Resolution  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.1  Visa Compliance Status Resolution - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=4.1  Visa Compliance Status Resolution  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - opens in new window''>Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Offshore Asylum Seeker Management; Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons; Regional Cooperation Framework 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 4.3  Offshore Asylum Seeker Management; Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons; Regional Cooperation Framework- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>4.3  Offshore Asylum Seeker Management; Refugee Status Determinations for Offshore Entry Persons; Regional Cooperation Framework </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $1,170,449,000 - $1.003242 B</TD><td>0.279% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 1003242,000 - $1.003242 B</TD><td>0.239% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$167,207,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>85.71%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Immigration & Citizenship 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=regional&submit=Show#tag'>regional</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>179</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of the Treasury 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of the Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of the Treasury &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' General Revenue Assistance 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.4 General Revenue Assistance- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.4 General Revenue Assistance &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of the Treasury - opens in new window''>Department of the Treasury</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href=' Royalties 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.4.4 Royalties- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.4.4 Royalties </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $928,589,000 - $0.994679 B</TD><td>0.221% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 994679,000 - $0.994679 B</TD><td>0.237% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$66,090,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>107.12%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>233</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Capability Development (CDG) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.11 Capability Development (CDG)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.11 Capability Development (CDG) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $331,308,000 - $0.987597 B</TD><td>0.079% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 987597,000 - $0.987597 B</TD><td>0.235% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$656,289,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>298.09%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>475</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' VET National Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 VET National Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 VET National Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Support for Australian Apprenticeships 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.18  Support for Australian Apprenticeships- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.18  Support for Australian Apprenticeships </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $455,366,000 - $0.977290 B</TD><td>0.109% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 977290,000 - $0.977290 B</TD><td>0.233% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$521,924,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>214.62%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=vocationalEd&submit=Show#tag'>vocationalEd</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>889</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Affairs & Trade 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Foreign Affairs & Trade- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Foreign Affairs & Trade"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Foreign Affairs & Trade - opens in new window''>Foreign Affairs & Trade</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Agency for International Development (AusAID) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Official Development Assistance - PNG & Pacific 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Official Development Assistance - PNG & Pacific- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Official Development Assistance - PNG & Pacific &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) - opens in new window''>Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To assist developing countries in PNG and the Pacific region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  To assist developing countries in PNG and the Pacific region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  To assist developing countries in PNG and the Pacific region to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $934,946,000 - $0.966899 B</TD><td>0.223% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 966899,000 - $0.966899 B</TD><td>0.230% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$31,953,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.42%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DFAT 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>211</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Taxation Office (ATO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Taxation Office (ATO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Taxation Office (ATO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Low Income Superannuation Contribution (LISC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.21 Low Income Superannuation Contribution (LISC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.21 Low Income Superannuation Contribution (LISC) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - opens in new window''>Australian Taxation Office (ATO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Low Income Super Contribution is an Australian Government initiative aimed at helping low income earners to save for retirement. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.21  The Low Income Super Contribution is an Australian Government initiative aimed at helping low income earners to save for retirement.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.21  The Low Income Super Contribution is an Australian Government initiative aimed at helping low income earners to save for retirement. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $0,000 - $0.955600 B</TD><td>0.000% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 955600,000 - $0.955600 B</TD><td>0.228% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$955,600,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>#DIV/0!%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=taxation&submit=Show#tag'>taxation</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>255</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' General Medical Consultations and Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2 General Medical Consultations and Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2 General Medical Consultations and Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Provide access to general and specialist medical and dental services to entitled DVA beneficiaries 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2  Provide access to general and specialist medical and dental services to entitled DVA beneficiaries- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2  Provide access to general and specialist medical and dental services to entitled DVA beneficiaries </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $946,105,000 - $0.958231 B</TD><td>0.225% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 958231,000 - $0.958231 B</TD><td>0.228% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$12,126,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.28%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>health</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>268</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Housing Australia (DHA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Defence Housing Australia (DHA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Defence Housing Australia (DHA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Defence Housing Australia (DHA) - opens in new window''>Defence Housing Australia (DHA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' The provisioning of Defence housing and housing related services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1 The provisioning of Defence housing and housing related services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1 The provisioning of Defence housing and housing related services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Defence Housing Australia (DHA) - opens in new window''>Defence Housing Australia (DHA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and related legislation. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1  Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and related legislation.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1  Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and related legislation. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $739,983,000 - $0.937406 B</TD><td>0.176% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 937406,000 - $0.937406 B</TD><td>0.223% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$197,423,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>126.68%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DHA 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=housing&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>78</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Working Age Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5 Working Age Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.5 Working Age Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Youth Allowance (Other) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.5.12  Youth Allowance (Other)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.5.12  Youth Allowance (Other) </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $751,484,000 - $0.922677 B</TD><td>0.179% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 922677,000 - $0.922677 B</TD><td>0.220% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$171,193,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>122.78%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=youth&submit=Show#tag'>youth</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=welfare&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>170</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - opens in new window''>National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Health and medical research 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Health and medical research- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Health and medical research &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - opens in new window''>National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Support high quality health and medical research; Support the translation of health and medical research; Promote the highest ethical standards in health and medical research. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Support high quality health and medical research; Support the translation of health and medical research; Promote the highest ethical standards in health and medical research.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Support high quality health and medical research; Support the translation of health and medical research; Promote the highest ethical standards in health and medical research. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $863,327,000 - $0.893057 B</TD><td>0.206% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 893057,000 - $0.893057 B</TD><td>0.213% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$29,730,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.44%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/4.13_NHMRC.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">NHMRC 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=research&submit=Show#tag'>research</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>832</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Transport 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Infrastructure & Transport- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Infrastructure & Transport"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Infrastructure & Transport - opens in new window''>Infrastructure & Transport</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT) - opens in new window''>Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Infrastructure investment  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Infrastructure investment - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Infrastructure investment  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT) - opens in new window''>Department of Infrastructure & Transport  (DIT)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Special Account expenses Nation Building Plan for the Future (c)(Building Australia Fund Infrastructure Portfolio Special Account) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1.11  Special Account expenses Nation Building Plan for the Future (c)(Building Australia Fund Infrastructure Portfolio Special Account)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1.11  Special Account expenses Nation Building Plan for the Future (c)(Building Australia Fund Infrastructure Portfolio Special Account) </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $2,236,700,000 - $0.890400 B</TD><td>0.533% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 890400,000 - $0.890400 B</TD><td>0.212% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$1,346,300,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>39.81%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">I & T 2012-2013 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=infrastructure&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>279</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Parent and Baby Payments 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Parent and Baby Payments- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Parent and Baby Payments &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Baby Bonus - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3.2  Baby Bonus - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3.2  Baby Bonus - Income Support </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $882,362,000 - $0.851504 B</TD><td>0.210% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 851504,000 - $0.851504 B</TD><td>0.203% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$30,858,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>96.5%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">MYEFO 2012-13 </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>




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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>228</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Chief Operating Officer - Chief Information Officer 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.8 Chief Operating Officer - Chief Information Officer- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.8 Chief Operating Officer - Chief Information Officer &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Chief Information Officer Group's objective in delivering Program 1.8 is to provide Defence with dependable, secure and integrated ICT capabilities to support the conduct of ADF operations and Defence business. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.8  The Chief Information Officer Group's objective in delivering Program 1.8 is to provide Defence with dependable, secure and integrated ICT capabilities to support the conduct of ADF operations and Defence business.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.8  The Chief Information Officer Group's objective in delivering Program 1.8 is to provide Defence with dependable, secure and integrated ICT capabilities to support the conduct of ADF operations and Defence business. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $964,145,000 - $0.833021 B</TD><td>0.230% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 833021,000 - $0.833021 B</TD><td>0.198% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$131,124,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>86.4%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=digital&submit=Show#tag'>digital</a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>63</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Disability Employment Services  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3 Disability Employment Services - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.3 Disability Employment Services  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Disability Employment Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3.1  Disability Employment Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.3.1  Disability Employment Services </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $824,310,000 - $0.817393 B</TD><td>0.196% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 817393,000 - $0.817393 B</TD><td>0.195% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$6,917,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>99.16%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=disability&submit=Show#tag'>disability</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>143</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Health 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Indigenous Health- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Indigenous Health &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Indigenous Health - opens in new window''>Indigenous Health</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Indigenous Health 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 8 Indigenous Health- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=8 Indigenous Health &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Indigenous Health - opens in new window''>Indigenous Health</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Reduce chronic disease; Improve child and maternal health; Improve remote service delivery and access to effective health services; Improve social and emotional wellbeing. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 8.1  Reduce chronic disease; Improve child and maternal health; Improve remote service delivery and access to effective health services; Improve social and emotional wellbeing.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>8.1  Reduce chronic disease; Improve child and maternal health; Improve remote service delivery and access to effective health services; Improve social and emotional wellbeing. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $737,965,000 - $0.760079 B</TD><td>0.176% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 760079,000 - $0.760079 B</TD><td>0.181% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$22,114,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.08_Outcome_8.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=chronic+disease&submit=Show#tag'>chronic+disease</a>&nbsp;


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-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>600</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Change & Energy Efficiency 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Climate Change & Energy Efficiency- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Climate Change & Energy Efficiency"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Climate Change & Energy Efficiency - opens in new window''>Climate Change & Energy Efficiency</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Energy Regulator (CER) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Clean Energy Regulator (CER)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Clean Energy Regulator (CER) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Clean Energy Regulator (CER) - opens in new window''>Clean Energy Regulator (CER)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Clean Energy Regulator 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Clean Energy Regulator- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Clean Energy Regulator &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Clean Energy Regulator (CER) - opens in new window''>Clean Energy Regulator (CER)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $0,000 - $0.751191 B</TD><td>0.000% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 751191,000 - $0.751191 B</TD><td>0.179% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$751,191,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>#DIV/0!%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Climate Change 2012-13  PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>154</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Care 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Acute Care- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Acute Care &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Acute Care - opens in new window''>Acute Care</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Acute Care 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 13 Acute Care- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=13 Acute Care &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Acute Care - opens in new window''>Acute Care</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Improve access of Australians to organ and tissue transplants; Support access to blood and blood products. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 13.1  Improve access of Australians to organ and tissue transplants; Support access to blood and blood products.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>13.1  Improve access of Australians to organ and tissue transplants; Support access to blood and blood products. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $659,919,000 - $0.697837 B</TD><td>0.157% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 697837,000 - $0.697837 B</TD><td>0.166% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$37,918,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.75%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.13_Outcome_13.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=blood&submit=Show#tag'>blood</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>418</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Investment in Higher Education Research  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.1 Investment in Higher Education Research - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.1 Investment in Higher Education Research  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (DIISRTE)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Research Training Scheme 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.1.4  Research Training Scheme- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.1.4  Research Training Scheme </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $631,763,000 - $0.656092 B</TD><td>0.151% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 656092,000 - $0.656092 B</TD><td>0.156% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$24,329,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.85%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>739</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Human Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Human Services"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Human Services - opens in new window''>Human Services</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Human Services (DHS) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Human Services (DHS)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Human Services (DHS) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Human Services (DHS) - opens in new window''>Department of Human Services (DHS)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Services to the Community (Health - General Administration) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Services to the Community (Health - General Administration)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Services to the Community (Health - General Administration) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Human Services (DHS) - opens in new window''>Department of Human Services (DHS)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Health - General Administration 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Health - General Administration- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Health - General Administration </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $749,557,000 - $0.647606 B</TD><td>0.179% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 647606,000 - $0.647606 B</TD><td>0.154% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$101,951,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>86.4%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Human Services 2012-2013 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=welfare&submit=Show#tag'>




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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>560</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Communications & the Digital Economy  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy  - opens in new window''>Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) - opens in new window''>Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' ABC Television 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 ABC Television- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 ABC Television &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) - opens in new window''>Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $621,574,000 - $0.631414 B</TD><td>0.148% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 631414,000 - $0.631414 B</TD><td>0.150% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$9,840,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.58%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DBCDE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=media&submit=Show#tag'>media</a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>138</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Ageing 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Health & Ageing- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Health & Ageing"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Health & Ageing - opens in new window''>Health & Ageing</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Care 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Primary Care- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Primary Care &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Primary Care - opens in new window''>Primary Care</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Primary Care 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5 Primary Care- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5 Primary Care &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Primary Care - opens in new window''>Primary Care</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Establish Medicare Locals; Improve access to after-hours primary health care; Improve primary health care infrastructure; Improve the coordination and integration of primary health care services across the health system. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.2  Establish Medicare Locals; Improve access to after-hours primary health care; Improve primary health care infrastructure; Improve the coordination and integration of primary health care services across the health system.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.2  Establish Medicare Locals; Improve access to after-hours primary health care; Improve primary health care infrastructure; Improve the coordination and integration of primary health care services across the health system. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $607,342,000 - $0.604185 B</TD><td>0.145% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 604185,000 - $0.604185 B</TD><td>0.144% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$3,157,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>99.48%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href=$File/2.05_Outcome_5.pdf target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Health & Ageing 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=general+practice&submit=Show#tag'>general+practice</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=accessibility&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>259</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Veterans Affairs (DVA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Veterans' Counselling and Other Health Services 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.5 Veterans' Counselling and Other Health Services- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=2.5 Veterans' Counselling and Other Health Services &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) - opens in new window''>Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  To provide a wide range of mental and allied health care services, including counselling and referral services for veterans, war widow/ers, serving members, former defence force members and their families. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 2.5  To provide a wide range of mental and allied health care services, including counselling and referral services for veterans, war widow/ers, serving members, former defence force members and their families.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>2.5  To provide a wide range of mental and allied health care services, including counselling and referral services for veterans, war widow/ers, serving members, former defence force members and their families. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $577,788,000 - $0.599222 B</TD><td>0.138% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 599222,000 - $0.599222 B</TD><td>0.143% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$21,434,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>103.71%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Veterans' Affairs 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=mental&submit=Show#tag'>mental</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=health&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=military&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>337</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=337&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Indigenous Capability and Development 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 7.4 Indigenous Capability and Development- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=7.4 Indigenous Capability and Development &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FAHCSIA)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account; Aboriginals Benefit Account (Special Appropriation); Support for Constitutional Recognition for Indigenous Australians; Flexible Funding; Breaking the Cycle of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Indigenous Communities. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 7.4  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account; Aboriginals Benefit Account (Special Appropriation); Support for Constitutional Recognition for Indigenous Australians; Flexible Funding; Breaking the Cycle of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Indigenous Communities.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>7.4  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account; Aboriginals Benefit Account (Special Appropriation); Support for Constitutional Recognition for Indigenous Australians; Flexible Funding; Breaking the Cycle of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Indigenous Communities. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $573,163,000 - $0.576908 B</TD><td>0.137% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 576908,000 - $0.576908 B</TD><td>0.137% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$3,745,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>100.65%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=drugs+alcohol&submit=Show#tag'>drugs+alcohol</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=compliance&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=rural+remote&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=Indigenous&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>501</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=501&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - opens in new window''>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' National Research Flagships 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 National Research Flagships- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 National Research Flagships &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - opens in new window''>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  National challenges being addressed through this program include water, food, health, energy, climate change, mining, and manufacturing - covering over 40 per cent of Australian GDP 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  National challenges being addressed through this program include water, food, health, energy, climate change, mining, and manufacturing - covering over 40 per cent of Australian GDP- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  National challenges being addressed through this program include water, food, health, energy, climate change, mining, and manufacturing - covering over 40 per cent of Australian GDP </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $566,176,000 - $0.574954 B</TD><td>0.135% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 574954,000 - $0.574954 B</TD><td>0.137% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$8,778,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.55%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=food&submit=Show#tag'>food</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=mining&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=research&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=environment&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>510</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=510&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' & Citizenship 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Immigration & Citizenship- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Immigration & Citizenship"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Immigration & Citizenship - opens in new window''>Immigration & Citizenship</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - opens in new window''>Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Visa and Migration 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Visa and Migration- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Visa and Migration &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) - opens in new window''>Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Permanent and temporary migration is a key contributor to Australia's economic, demographic, cultural and social needs. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Permanent and temporary migration is a key contributor to Australia's economic, demographic, cultural and social needs.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  Permanent and temporary migration is a key contributor to Australia's economic, demographic, cultural and social needs. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $549,591,000 - $0.564769 B</TD><td>0.131% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 564769,000 - $0.564769 B</TD><td>0.135% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$15,178,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>102.76%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">MYEFO 2012-12</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=international&submit=Show#tag'>international</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=rights&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=compliance&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=border&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>497</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=497&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Research Council (ARC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Research Council (ARC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Research Council (ARC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Research Council (ARC) - opens in new window''>Australian Research Council (ARC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href='  Discovery - Research and Research Training 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  Discovery - Research and Research Training- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1  Discovery - Research and Research Training &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Research Council (ARC) - opens in new window''>Australian Research Council (ARC)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  The Discovery Program is aimed at supporting the growth of Australia's research capacity, resulting in the development of new technologies, products and ideas, the creation of jobs, economic growth and an enhanced quality of life in Australia. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  The Discovery Program is aimed at supporting the growth of Australia's research capacity, resulting in the development of new technologies, products and ideas, the creation of jobs, economic growth and an enhanced quality of life in Australia.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  The Discovery Program is aimed at supporting the growth of Australia's research capacity, resulting in the development of new technologies, products and ideas, the creation of jobs, economic growth and an enhanced quality of life in Australia. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $510,323,000 - $0.550011 B</TD><td>0.122% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 550011,000 - $0.550011 B</TD><td>0.131% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$39,688,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>107.78%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=jobs&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=research&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>323</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=323&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Income Support for Carers 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3 Income Support for Carers- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5.3 Income Support for Carers &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Carer Supplement  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3.7  Carer Supplement - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.3.7  Carer Supplement  </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $480,586,000 - $0.505959 B</TD><td>0.115% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 505959,000 - $0.505959 B</TD><td>0.121% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$25,373,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.28%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=disability&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=welfare&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>502</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=502&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - opens in new window''>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Core Research and Services  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2 Core Research and Services - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.2 Core Research and Services  &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) - opens in new window''>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  This Program provides capability to Program 1.1 and core National Research capability with flow on benefits to industry, environment and community. 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.2  This Program provides capability to Program 1.1 and core National Research capability with flow on benefits to industry, environment and community.- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.2  This Program provides capability to Program 1.1 and core National Research capability with flow on benefits to industry, environment and community. </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $556,774,000 - $0.508234 B</TD><td>0.133% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 508234,000 - $0.508234 B</TD><td>0.121% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$48,540,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>91.28%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


-<a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'>




-<a href='tag.php?tag=research&submit=Show#tag'>



-<a href='tag.php?tag=environment&submit=Show#tag'>


-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>321</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=321&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - opens in new window''>Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Income Support for Carers 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3 Income Support for Carers- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=5.3 Income Support for Carers &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Carer Allowance (Child) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 5.3.5  Carer Allowance (Child)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>5.3.5  Carer Allowance (Child) </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $475,001,000 - $0.502520 B</TD><td>0.113% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 502520,000 - $0.502520 B</TD><td>0.120% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$27,519,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.79%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=carer&submit=Show#tag'>carer</a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>872</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Affairs & Trade 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Foreign Affairs & Trade- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Foreign Affairs & Trade"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Foreign Affairs & Trade - opens in new window''>Foreign Affairs & Trade</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) - opens in new window''>Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) - opens in new window''>Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1.5  Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1.5  Foreign Affairs and Trade Operations </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $478,795,000 - $0.487186 B</TD><td>0.114% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 487186,000 - $0.487186 B</TD><td>0.116% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$8,391,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>101.75%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DFAT 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=&submit=Show#tag'></a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>226</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence - opens in new window''>Defence</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Intelligence Capabilities 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5 Intelligence Capabilities- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.5 Intelligence Capabilities &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Intelligence & Security Group delivers intelligence capability for Defence and Government; & leads the development of security policy, standards & plans to meet Defence  protective security requirements & provide information security services to Government&hellip; 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.5  Intelligence & Security Group delivers intelligence capability for Defence and Government; & leads the development of security policy, standards & plans to meet Defence  protective security requirements & provide information security services to Government&hellip;- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.5  Intelligence & Security Group delivers intelligence capability for Defence and Government; & leads the development of security policy, standards & plans to meet Defence  protective security requirements & provide information security services to Government&hellip; </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $522,709,000 - $0.474357 B</TD><td>0.125% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 474357,000 - $0.474357 B</TD><td>0.113% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>-$48,352,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>90.75%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=capability&submit=Show#tag'>capability</a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>234</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href='  'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Defence - opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Defence "&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Defence  - opens in new window''>Defence </a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Defence (DOD) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Defence (DOD)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Defence (DOD) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Chief Finance Officer (CFOG) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.12 Chief Finance Officer (CFOG)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.12 Chief Finance Officer (CFOG) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Defence (DOD) - opens in new window''>Department of Defence (DOD)</a></TD>







-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $294,724,000 - $0.458100 B</TD><td>0.070% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 458100,000 - $0.458100 B</TD><td>0.109% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$163,376,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>155.43%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DOD 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=compliance&submit=Show#tag'>compliance</a>&nbsp;


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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>191</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Treasury- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Treasury"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Treasury - opens in new window''>Treasury</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' Security and Investments Commission (ASIC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC) - opens in new window''>Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.1 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC) - opens in new window''>Australian Security and Investments Commission (ASIC)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  &hellip;improving industry behaviour where market integrity & consumer confidence are most at risk, & by helping consumers & retail investors make well-informed decisions in the financial economy&hellip; 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.1  &hellip;improving industry behaviour where market integrity & consumer confidence are most at risk, & by helping consumers & retail investors make well-informed decisions in the financial economy&hellip;- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.1  &hellip;improving industry behaviour where market integrity & consumer confidence are most at risk, & by helping consumers & retail investors make well-informed decisions in the financial economy&hellip; </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $427,785,000 - $0.449555 B</TD><td>0.102% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 449555,000 - $0.449555 B</TD><td>0.107% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$21,770,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>105.09%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">MYEFO 2012-13</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>5</td>


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-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=', Employment & Workplace Relations 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Education, Employment & Workplace Relations- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Education, Employment & Workplace Relations"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Education, Employment & Workplace Relations - opens in new window''>Education, Employment & Workplace Relations</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Early Childhood Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3 Early Childhood Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=1.3 Early Childhood Education &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - opens in new window''>Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Early Childhood Education - Universal Access 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 1.3.1  Early Childhood Education - Universal Access- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>1.3.1  Early Childhood Education - Universal Access </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $297,000,000 - $0.447000 B</TD><td>0.071% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 447000,000 - $0.447000 B</TD><td>0.106% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$150,000,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>150.51%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">DEEWR 2012-13 PBS</a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




-<td class='tags'><a href='tag.php?tag=child+parent&submit=Show#tag'>child+parent</a>&nbsp;


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-</TABLE></div><div class='results'><TABLE>

-<TR><TD>Table ID</td>

-<td id='number'>454</td>


-<td><div class='share_button'><a href='standard_search_share.php?id=454&submit=Go' target='_blank' title='Share me with the world!'><img src='images/share.png' width='25px'  /></div></td>




-<TD>Portfolio </td><td class='search'><a href=' Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to research in Google Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD> 

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?Portfolio="Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education"&submit=Show#PortfolioResults'  'target='_blank'' title='Find all Portfolio results for Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education - opens in new window''>Industry Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education</a></TD><td></td>





-<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>


- <td class='search'><a href='results.php?agency_search=Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) &submit=Show#agency_search' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Agencies for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)</a></TD><td></td> 




-<TD>Program </td> <td class='search'><a href=' Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3 Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'><a href='results.php?program_search=3.3 Tertiary Student Assistance - Income Support &submit=Show#ProgramResults' 'target='_blank'' title='Find all Programs for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink) - opens in new window''>Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education (Centrelink)</a></TD>






-<td>Scheme</td><td class='search'><a href='  Austudy - Income Support 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google 3.3.2  Austudy - Income Support- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>

-<td class='search'>3.3.2  Austudy - Income Support </TD><td></td>


-<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $211,487,000 - $0.445444 B</TD><td>0.050% </td>


-<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 445444,000 - $0.445444 B</TD><td>0.106% </td>



-<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$233,957,000</TD>

-                                                          <td>210.62%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>

-<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">IISRTE 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>




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+     <H6>The 2012-2013 Budget total for all Schemes is $369.919094 Billion, which constitutes <span id='result_percentage'>88.132</span>% of the entire budget; $170.162781 Billion (40.545%) in Personal Income Tax; and $199.756313 Billion (47.594%) in  Tax collected from <a href='' target='_blank' title='Source for proportions of tax from different sources'>Other Sources</a>.</h6><h5>Showing results from 1-100 </h5><div class='results'><TABLE>
+<TR><TD>Table ID</td>
+<td id='number'>176</td>
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+<td class='search'>1.4.1  GST Revenue Entitlements -Federal Financial Relations Act 2009 </TD><td></td>
+<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $45,600,000,000 - $48.200000 B</TD><td>10.867% </td>
+<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 48200000,000 - $48.200000 B</TD><td>11.484% </td>
+<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$2,600,000,000</TD>
+                                                          <td>105.7%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">Treasury 2012-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>
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+<TD>Agency </td><td class='search'><a href=' of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink) 'target='_blank'' title='Click here to Google Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Centrelink)- opens in new window''><img src='images/search.png' width='25px'height='25px' /></button></a></TD>
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+<td class='search'>4.1.2  Age Pension </TD><td></td>
+<TR><TD>2011-2012 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> $34,675,633,000 - $36.647928 B</TD><td>8.263% </td>
+<TR><TD>2012-2013 <td><img src='images/coins.png' height='35px' /></td><td> 36647928,000 - $36.647928 B</TD><td>8.731% </td>
+<TD>Difference</td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>$1,972,295,000</TD>
+                                                          <td>105.69%</td></TR><TR><TD> Source <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+<td class='source'><a href= target="_blank" title="Opens in new window">FaHCSIA 2012-12-13 PBS </a> </TD><TD><div class='back'><a href='#top'><img src='images/top.png' width='20px' /></a></div></TD></TR>
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