8383a53 Alex Sadleir fix budget figure format
42e44ad Alex Sadleir fix bootstrap default index
b245997 Alex Sadleir add bubble tree
55128c5 Alex Sadleir Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
9799ae7 Alex Sadleir add rtk ausbudget import
098253a Maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
ffec370 maxious scraper fixes
6875c8d Alex Sadleir beginning datagov scraper
68ede6a Alex Sadleir fix wcag validation tester
705c104 Alex Sadleir Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
7f80f8f Alex Sadleir export all
7ce2d4b Maxious stats reduce view
3a9507b Maxious use bootstrap
7c78bd9 Maxious columns
482d7c2 Maxious RTK import
046e4b6 Maxious amon demo
6f6fe67 maxious fix reduce
1e9da41 Maxious pagination by docid
a734a7c Maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://maxious.lambdacomp…
25a390f maxious prod fixes
d293099 Maxious add innovation scrAper
e0f986e Maxious more scrapers
a5c3f01 Maxious argh
b823588 Maxious add ACMA scraper
21df754 Maxious pyquery scraper beginnings
8d90035 Maxious by date/agency beginnings
84ef02e Maxious fix charts
65729a9 maxious hack pagination
0c00002 Maxious pagination buttons
6b5dfd7 Maxious fix scraping
7e042dc Maxious more scrapers
8c65f1f Maxious pdf scrapers
871c02c Maxious codestyle
04edae8 Maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
29ff266 Maxious beginning of docx/pdf scrapers
ffb630b Maxious beginning semantic markup
3756c38 maxious fix template
e2b9198 root Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
6a4fe71 Maxious ignore bad titles
db13990 Maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
a913aa9 Maxious fix rss links
65a4369 root dd update
b87c232 root rss and scrapers run
0358be7 Maxious add settee
5efdc83 Maxious rm settee
a84a6d5 Maxious pagination
bffa93e Maxious more scrapers
992a7a9 Maxious mo scrap