Add analytics
[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / install_finish.tpl
maxious 1 <div class="subview_content">
3 <h1>Success! That's It. Installation is Complete.</h1>
4 <p>Open Web Analytics has been successfully installed. Login using the user name and password below and generate a tracker.</p>
5 <p class="form-row">
6 <span class="form-label">User Name:</span>
7 <span class="form-field"><?php echo $u;?></span>
8 </p>
9 <p class="form-row">
10 <span class="form-label">Password:</span>
11 <span class="form-field"><?php echo $p;?></span>
12 <span class="form-instructions">Be sure to change this password.</span>
13 </p>
14 <BR>
15 <p>
16 <a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array("action" => "base.sitesInvocation", "siteId" => $site_id), false, owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','public_url'));?>" target="_blank">
17 <span class="owa-button">Login and generate a site tracker!</span>
18 </a>
19 </p>
20 </div>