=== Introduction === This distribution contains everything required to build a basic google transit feed for Halifax Metro Transit, Nova Scotia, Canada. Note that it is woefully incomplete at the moment. Requirements: GNU Make, Perl, Python 2.5. === Usage === First, grab a copy of google transit feed tools: cd $HOME/src wget http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/files/transitfeed-1.1.7.tar.gz tar zxvf transitfeed-1.1.7.tar.gz Set PYTHONPATH to the python directory in the above checkout: export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/src/transitfeed-1.1.7/python Then just type "make" to build the feed. The output at the end is "feed.zip". For fun, you can view this feed using the snazzy transit feed view application: $HOME/src/transitfeed-1.1.7/python/schedule_viewer.py --feed=hfxfeed.zip === Copyright === With the exception of createfeed.py, which is licensed under the Apache Public License, please consider all software tools in distribution to be in the public domain. Use them for what you will. I believe the Metro Transit route data is considered factual information which can not be copyrighted. Note, however, that Metro Transit and/or the city of Halifax may have claim over its own name and other trademarks.