$.templates = {}; // wycats' templating plugin // (c) Yehuda Katz // You may distribute this code under the same license as jQuery (BSD or GPL) (function ($) { $.compileTemplate = function (template, begin, end) { var rebegin = begin.replace(/([\]{}[\\])/g, '\\$1'); var reend = end.replace(/([\]{}[\\])/g, '\\$1'); var code = "self = self || {}; with ($.templates.helpers) { with (self) {" + "var _result = '';" + template .replace(/[\t\r\n]/g, ' ') .replace(/^(.*)$/, end + '$1' + begin) .replace(new RegExp(reend + "(.*?)" + rebegin, "g"), function (text) { return text .replace(new RegExp("^" + reend + "(.*)" + rebegin + "$"), "$1") .replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/^(.*)$/, end + "_result += '$1';" + begin); }) .replace(new RegExp(rebegin + "=(.*?)" + reend, "g"), "_result += (function() { if(typeof($1) == 'undefined' || ($1) == null) return ''; else return ($1) })(); ") .replace(new RegExp(rebegin + "(.*?)" + reend, "g"), ' $1 ') .replace(new RegExp("^" + reend + "(.*)" + rebegin + "$"), '$1') + "_result = _result.replace(/^\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s*$/, '');\n" + "if (_rawText) {return _result};\n"+ "var ret = $(_result).data('template_obj', self);\n" + "jQuery(document).trigger('template.created.' + this.templateName, [{ctx: self, el: ret}]);\n" + "return ret;" + "}}"; return new Function("self", "_rawText", code); }; /* Some supplemental useful snippets that help build the widget system */ $(function() { $("script[type=text/x-jquery-template]").each(function() { $.templates[this.title] = $.compileTemplate(this.innerHTML, "<%", "%>"); $.templates[this.title].templateName = this.title; }); }); $.fn.fn = function(name, func) { return this.each(function() { var meths = $(this).data("methods") || $.data(this, "methods", {}); meths[name] = func; }); }; $.fn.invoke = function(name, rest) { meth = $(this).data("methods")[name]; if(!meth) throw new Error("No method by the name of " + name + " exists on this element"); else return meth.apply(this[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1, -1)); }; $.templates = { helpers: { partial: function(name, json) { return $.templates[name](json || {}, true); } } } $.loadTemplates = function() { $.templates = $.templates || {}; $("script[type=text/x-jquery-template]").each(function() { $.templates[this.title] = $.compileTemplate(this.innerHTML, "<%", "%>"); }); } })(jQuery);