/* Flot plugin for adding panning and zooming capabilities to a plot. The default behaviour is double click and scrollwheel up/down to zoom in, drag to pan. The plugin defines plot.zoom({ center }), plot.zoomOut() and plot.pan(offset) so you easily can add custom controls. It also fires a "plotpan" and "plotzoom" event when something happens, useful for synchronizing plots. Example usage: plot = $.plot(...); // zoom default amount in on the pixel (100, 200) plot.zoom({ center: { left: 10, top: 20 } }); // zoom out again plot.zoomOut({ center: { left: 10, top: 20 } }); // pan 100 pixels to the left and 20 down plot.pan({ left: -100, top: 20 }) Options: zoom: { interactive: false trigger: "dblclick" // or "click" for single click amount: 1.5 // 2 = 200% (zoom in), 0.5 = 50% (zoom out) } pan: { interactive: false } xaxis, yaxis, x2axis, y2axis: { zoomRange: null // or [number, number] (min range, max range) panRange: null // or [number, number] (min, max) } "interactive" enables the built-in drag/click behaviour. "amount" is the amount to zoom the viewport relative to the current range, so 1 is 100% (i.e. no change), 1.5 is 150% (zoom in), 0.7 is 70% (zoom out). "zoomRange" is the interval in which zooming can happen, e.g. with zoomRange: [1, 100] the zoom will never scale the axis so that the difference between min and max is smaller than 1 or larger than 100. You can set either of them to null to ignore. "panRange" confines the panning to stay within a range, e.g. with panRange: [-10, 20] panning stops at -10 in one end and at 20 in the other. Either can be null. */ // First two dependencies, jquery.event.drag.js and // jquery.mousewheel.js, we put them inline here to save people the // effort of downloading them. /* jquery.event.drag.js ~ v1.5 ~ Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (http://threedubmedia.com) Licensed under the MIT License ~ http://threedubmedia.googlecode.com/files/MIT-LICENSE.txt */ (function(E){E.fn.drag=function(L,K,J){if(K){this.bind("dragstart",L)}if(J){this.bind("dragend",J)}return !L?this.trigger("drag"):this.bind("drag",K?K:L)};var A=E.event,B=A.special,F=B.drag={not:":input",distance:0,which:1,dragging:false,setup:function(J){J=E.extend({distance:F.distance,which:F.which,not:F.not},J||{});J.distance=I(J.distance);A.add(this,"mousedown",H,J);if(this.attachEvent){this.attachEvent("ondragstart",D)}},teardown:function(){A.remove(this,"mousedown",H);if(this===F.dragging){F.dragging=F.proxy=false}G(this,true);if(this.detachEvent){this.detachEvent("ondragstart",D)}}};B.dragstart=B.dragend={setup:function(){},teardown:function(){}};function H(L){var K=this,J,M=L.data||{};if(M.elem){K=L.dragTarget=M.elem;L.dragProxy=F.proxy||K;L.cursorOffsetX=M.pageX-M.left;L.cursorOffsetY=M.pageY-M.top;L.offsetX=L.pageX-L.cursorOffsetX;L.offsetY=L.pageY-L.cursorOffsetY}else{if(F.dragging||(M.which>0&&L.which!=M.which)||E(L.target).is(M.not)){return }}switch(L.type){case"mousedown":E.extend(M,E(K).offset(),{elem:K,target:L.target,pageX:L.pageX,pageY:L.pageY});A.add(document,"mousemove mouseup",H,M);G(K,false);F.dragging=null;return false;case !F.dragging&&"mousemove":if(I(L.pageX-M.pageX)+I(L.pageY-M.pageY) zr[1]))) return; axisOptions.min = min; axisOptions.max = max; } scaleAxis(x1, x2, 'xaxis'); scaleAxis(x1, x2, 'x2axis'); scaleAxis(y1, y2, 'yaxis'); scaleAxis(y1, y2, 'y2axis'); plot.setupGrid(); plot.draw(); if (!args.preventEvent) plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotzoom", [ plot ]); } plot.pan = function (args) { var l = +args.left, t = +args.top, axes = plot.getAxes(), options = plot.getOptions(); if (isNaN(l)) l = 0; if (isNaN(t)) t = 0; function panAxis(delta, name) { var axis = axes[name], axisOptions = options[name], min, max; if (!axis.used) return; min = axis.c2p(axis.p2c(axis.min) + delta), max = axis.c2p(axis.p2c(axis.max) + delta); var pr = axisOptions.panRange; if (pr) { // check whether we hit the wall if (pr[0] != null && pr[0] > min) { delta = pr[0] - min; min += delta; max += delta; } if (pr[1] != null && pr[1] < max) { delta = pr[1] - max; min += delta; max += delta; } } axisOptions.min = min; axisOptions.max = max; } panAxis(l, 'xaxis'); panAxis(l, 'x2axis'); panAxis(t, 'yaxis'); panAxis(t, 'y2axis'); plot.setupGrid(); plot.draw(); if (!args.preventEvent) plot.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotpan", [ plot ]); } plot.hooks.bindEvents.push(bindEvents); } $.plot.plugins.push({ init: init, options: options, name: 'navigate', version: '1.1' }); })(jQuery);