Add analytics
[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / report_visitors.tpl
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_visitors.tpl -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_visitors.tpl
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_visitors.tpl
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_visitors.tpl
@@ -1,1 +1,103 @@
+<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">

+	<div id="visitor-trend" style="height:125px;width:auto;"></div>

+	<div id="trend-metrics"></div>


+	<script>

+	//OWA.setSetting('debug', true);

+	var aurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+													'metrics' => 'uniqueVisitors,newVisitors,repeatVisitors,visits,visitDuration', 

+													'dimensions' => 'date', 

+													'sort' => 'date',

+													'format' => 'json'), true);?>';


+	OWA.items.visitortrend = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('visitor-trend');

+	OWA.items.visitortrend.asyncQueue.push(['makeAreaChart', [{x:'date',y:'uniqueVisitors'}], 'visitor-trend']);

+	OWA.items.visitortrend.asyncQueue.push(['makeMetricBoxes' , 'trend-metrics']);

+	OWA.items.visitortrend.asyncQueue.push(['renderTemplate','#visitors-headline-template', {data: OWA.items.visitortrend}, 'replace', 'visitors-headline']);

+	OWA.items.visitortrend.options.metricBoxes.width = '135px';

+	OWA.items.visitortrend.load(aurl);


+	</script>

+	<div class="clear"></div>

+	<div class="owa_reportHeadline" id="visitors-headline"></div>





+	<table width="100%">

+		<TR>

+			<td>

+				<div class="owa_reportSectionContent" style="width:500px;">	

+					<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Latest Visits</div>

+					<?php include('report_latest_visits.tpl')?>

+					<?php echo $this->makePaginationFromResultSet($visits, array('do' => 'base.reportVisitors'), true);?>

+				</div>

+			</td>

+			<TD width="50%" valign="top">

+				<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">

+					<div class="section_header inline_h2">Visitor Reports</div>

+					<P>

+						<span class="inline_h3"><a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportVisitorsLoyalty'));?>">Visitor Loyalty</a></span> - See how long ago your visitors first came to your web site.

+					</P>

+					<P>

+						<span class="inline_h3"><a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportVisitsGeolocation'));?>">Geo-location</a></span> - See which parts of the world your visitors are coming from.

+					</P>

+					<P>

+						<span class="inline_h3"><a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportHosts'));?>">Domains</a></span> - See which Networks or Internet hosts your visitors are coming from.

+					</P>

+				</div>



+				<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">

+					<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Browser Types</div>

+					<div id="top-browsers"></div>

+					<script>


+						var bturl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+																				'metrics' => 'visits', 

+																				'dimensions' => 'browserType', 

+																				'sort' => 'visits-',

+																				'resultsPerPage' => 10,

+																				'format' => 'json'

+																				),true);?>';


+						OWA.items.browsertypes = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('top-browsers');

+						OWA.items.browsertypes.addLinkToColumn('browserType', '<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportBrowserDetail', 'browserType' => '%s'),true); ?>', ['browserType']);

+						OWA.items.browsertypes.asyncQueue.push(['refreshGrid']);

+						OWA.items.browsertypes.load(bturl);


+					</script>	

+				</div>


+				<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">

+					<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Most Frequent Visitors</div>

+					<div id="top-visitors"></div>

+					<script>


+						var tvurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+																				'metrics' => 'visits,pageViews', 

+																				'dimensions' => 'visitorId', 

+																				'sort' => 'visits-',

+																				'resultsPerPage' => 10,

+																				'format' => 'json'

+																				),true);?>';


+						OWA.items.topvisitors = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('top-visitors');

+						OWA.items.topvisitors.addLinkToColumn('visitorId', '<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportVisitor', 'visitorId' => '%s')); ?>', ['visitorId']);

+						OWA.items.topvisitors.asyncQueue.push(['refreshGrid']);

+						OWA.items.topvisitors.load(tvurl);


+					</script>	

+				</div>


+			</TD>

+		</TR>

+	</table>


+<?php require_once('js_report_templates.php');?>


+<script type="text/x-jqote-template" id="visitors-headline-template">


+	There were <*= *> <* if ( > 1) {this.label = 'visitors';} else {this.label = 'visitor';} *> <*= this.label *> to this web site.

