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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / map_dom.tpl
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/map_dom.tpl -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/map_dom.tpl
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/map_dom.tpl
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/map_dom.tpl
@@ -1,1 +1,28 @@
+<?php if(!empty($this->config['google_maps_api_key'])):?> 
+<div class="owa_map-container">
+	<img align="bottom" src="<?php echo $this->makeImageLink('kml_feed_small.png');?>"> <a class="owa_map-type-control" maptype="earth" href="#">View in Google Earth</a><BR><BR>
+	<div id="map" class="jmap" style="width: 100%; height: 500px"></div>
+OWA.items['map'] = new;
+OWA.items['map'].dom_id = 'map';
+<?php foreach($latest_visits->resultsRows as $k => $visit): ?>
+<?php if (!empty($visit['host_longitude'])):?>
+OWA.items['map'].markers[<?php echo $k;?>] = {pointLatLng: [<?php echo trim($visit['host_latitude']);?>, <?php echo trim($visit['host_longitude']);?>], pointHTML: '<?php echo preg_replace("/[\n\r]/", '', $this->subTemplate('report_visit_summary_balloon.tpl', array('visit' => $visit)));?>'};
+<?php endif;?>
+<?php endforeach;?>
+<?php else:?>
+<div class="error">
+	You must have a Google Maps API Key to use this feature. Google provides this key for free at <a href="" target="_blank">this Google web site</a>. Once you obtain a key enter in on the <a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.sitesProfile', 'site_id' => $site_id));?>">profile page for this tracked web site</a>.
+<?php endif;?>