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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / report_period_filters.tpl
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_period_filters.tpl -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_period_filters.tpl
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_period_filters.tpl
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_period_filters.tpl
@@ -1,1 +1,363 @@
+<!-- DEPRICATED -->




+	<TR>

+		<TH>Site</TH>

+		<TH>Reporting Period</TH>

+	</TR>


+	<TR>

+		<TD valign="top">

+			<form action="" method="GET">

+				<SELECT name="sites" onchange='OnChange(this.form.sites, "site_id");' <? if (count($sites) == 1):?>DISABLED<?endif;?>>


+				<?foreach ($sites as $site => $value):?>

+					<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $value['site_id'];?>" <?php if ($params['site_id'] == $value['site_id']): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['name'];?></OPTION>

+				<?endforeach;?>

+					<OPTION VALUE="" <?php if (empty($params['site_id'])): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>>All Sites</OPTION>


+				</SELECT>

+			</FORM>

+		</TD>


+		<TD valign="top">

+			<TABLE cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

+				<TR>

+					<TD valign="top">

+						<input type="radio" name="period_type" id="set_periods" onclick='choosePeriodType("set_periods_form");' <? if (array_key_exists($params['period'], $reporting_periods)):?>CHECKED<?endif;?>>

+					</TD>

+					<TH valign="top">Time Period: </th>

+					<TD valign="top"><form action="" method="GET" name="set_periods_form">

+							<SELECT name="period" onchange='OnChange(this.form.period, "period");' <? if (!array_key_exists($params['period'], $reporting_periods)):?>DISABLED<?endif;?>>

+							<? foreach ($reporting_periods as $reporting_period => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $reporting_period;?>" <?php if ($params['period'] == $reporting_period): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</FORM>		

+					</TD>

+				</TR>

+				<TR>


+					<td valign="top">

+						<input type="radio" name="period_type" id="date_periods" onclick='choosePeriodType("date_periods_form");' <? if (array_key_exists($params['period'], $date_reporting_periods)):?>CHECKED<?endif;?>>

+					</TD>

+					<TH valign="top">Date Period:</TH>

+					<TD valign="top">

+						<form action="" method="GET" name="date_periods_form" >

+							<SELECT name="period" onchange='dateFormReveal(this.form.period);' <?php if (!array_key_exists($params['period'], $date_reporting_periods)):?>DISABLED<?php endif;?>>

+							<?php foreach ($date_reporting_periods as $date_reporting_period => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $date_reporting_period;?>" <?php if ($params['period'] == $date_reporting_period): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</FORM>	

+					</TD>

+				</TR>

+			</TABLE>


+		</TD>


+		<TD valign="top">


+			<div id="day_container" class="<?if ($params['period'] != 'day'): echo 'invisible'; endif;?>">

+				<table>

+				<form action="" method="GET" name="day" id="day">

+					<TR>

+						<TH>Month</TH>

+						<TH>Day</TH>

+						<TH>Year</TH>

+					</TR>

+					<TR>

+						<TD>

+						<SELECT name="month">

+							<?php foreach ($months as $month => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $month;?>" <?php if ($params['month'] == $month): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+						</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="day">

+							<?php foreach ($days as $day):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $day;?>" <?php if ($params['day'] == $day): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $day;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>


+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="year">

+							<?php foreach ($years as $year):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $year;?>" <?php if ($params['year'] == $year): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $year;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD><input type="hidden" name="period" value="day"><input type="button" name="date_submit" value="Go" onclick='changeDate("day");'></TD>

+					</TR>

+				</form>

+				</table>

+			</div>


+			<div id="month_container" class="<?if ($params['period'] != 'month'): echo 'invisible'; endif;?>">

+				<table>

+				<form action="" method="GET" name="month" id="month">

+					<TR>

+						<TH>Month</TH>

+						<TH>Year</TH>

+					</TR>

+					<TR>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="month">

+							<?php foreach ($months as $month => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $month;?>" <?php if ($params['month'] == $month): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="year">

+							<?php foreach ($years as $year):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $year;?>" <?php if ($params['year'] == $year): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $year;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD><input type="hidden" name="period" value="month"><input type="button" name="date_submit" value="Go" onclick='changeDate("month");'></TD>

+					</TR>

+				</form>

+				</table>

+			</div>


+			<div id="year_container" class="<?if ($params['period'] != 'year'): echo 'invisible'; endif;?>">

+				<table>

+				<form action="" method="GET" name="" id="year">

+					<TR>

+						<TH>Year</TH>

+					</TR>

+					<TR>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="year">

+							<?php foreach ($years as $year):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $year;?>" <?php if ($params['year'] == $year): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $year;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD><input type="hidden" name="period" value="year"><input type="button" name="date_submit" value="Go" onclick='changeDate("year");'></TD>

+					</TR>

+				</form>

+				</table>

+			</div>


+			<div id="date_range_container" class="<?if ($params['period'] != 'date_range'): echo 'invisible'; endif;?>">

+				<table>

+				<form action="" method="GET" name="" id="date_range">


+				<TR>

+						<TH>Start Month</TH>

+						<TH>Start Day</TH>

+						<TH>Start Year</TH>

+						<TH></TH>

+						<TH>End Month</TH>

+						<TH>End Day</TH>

+						<TH>End Year</TH>

+					</TR>

+					<TR>

+						<TD>

+						<SELECT name="month">

+							<?php foreach ($months as $month => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $month;?>" <?php if ($params['month'] == $month): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+						</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="day">

+							<?php foreach ($days as $day):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $day;?>" <?php if ($params['day'] == $day): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $day;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>


+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="year">

+							<?php foreach ($years as $year):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $year;?>" <?php if ($params['year'] == $year): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $year;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>


+						<TD> to </TD>


+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="month2">

+							<?php foreach ($months as $month => $value):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $month;?>" <?php if ($params['month2'] == $month): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $value['label'];?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="day2">

+							<?php foreach ($days as $day):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $day;?>" <?php if ($params['day2'] == $day): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $day;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>


+						</TD>

+						<TD>

+							<SELECT name="year2">

+							<?php foreach ($years as $year):?>

+								<OPTION VALUE="<?php echo $year;?>" <?php if ($params['year2'] == $year): echo 'selected'; endif; ?>><?php echo $year;?></OPTION>

+							<?php endforeach;?>

+							</SELECT>

+						</TD>



+						<TD><input type="hidden" name="period" value="date_range"><input type="button" name="date_submit" value="Go" onclick='changeDate("date_range");'></TD>

+					</TR>



+				</form>

+				</table>

+			</div>


+		</TD>


+	</TR>






+var params = new Object()


+<?php foreach ($params as $k => $v):?>

+	params["<?php echo $k;?>"] = "<?php echo $v;?>";

+<?php endforeach;?>


+var baseURL  =  '<?php echo $this->makeLink();?>'


+function OnChange(dropdown, change_param) {


+	var getParam = change_param

+	var myindex  = dropdown.selectedIndex

+	var SelValue = dropdown.options[myindex].value


+	params[getParam] = SelValue;


+	delete params["month"];

+	delete params["day"];

+	delete params["year"];

+	delete params["month2"];

+	delete params["day2"];

+	delete params["year2"];


+	get_string = owa_makeQueryString(params);


+	top.location.href = baseURL + get_string;


+	return true;



+function changeDate(form_name) {


+	var f = document.getElementById(form_name);


+	delete params["month"];

+	delete params["day"];

+	delete params["year"];

+	delete params["month2"];

+	delete params["day2"];

+	delete params["year2"];


+	if (form_name == 'day') {

+		params["month"] = f.month.value;

+		params["day"] =;

+		params["year"] = f.year.value;		


+	}


+	if (form_name == 'month') {

+		params["month"] = f.month.value;

+		params["year"] = f.year.value;		

+	}


+	if (form_name == 'year') {

+		params["year"] = f.year.value;		

+	}


+	if (form_name == 'date_range') {

+		params["month"] = f.month.value;

+		params["day"] =;

+		params["year"] = f.year.value;

+		params["month2"] = f.month2.value;

+		params["day2"] = f.day2.value;

+		params["year2"] = f.year2.value;		

+	}


+	params["period"] = f.period.value;


+	get_string = owa_makeQueryString(params);


+	top.location.href = baseURL + get_string;


+	return true;




+function owa_makeQueryString(params) {


+	var get_string = ""


+	for(param in params) {  // print out the params

+  		get_string = get_string + '&owa_' + param + "=" + params[param];

+	}


+	return get_string;




+function dateFormReveal(element_name) {


+	var div_container = element_name.value + '_container'


+	document.getElementById('day_container').className = "invisible";

+	document.getElementById('month_container').className = "invisible";

+	document.getElementById('year_container').className = "invisible";

+	document.getElementById('date_range_container').className = "invisible";


+	document.getElementById(div_container).className = "visible";


+	return true;



+function choosePeriodType(form_name) {



+	document.set_periods_form.period.disabled = true;

+	document.date_periods_form.period.disabled = true;	

+	document.forms[form_name].period.disabled = false;


+	if (form_name == 'date_periods_form') {


+		element_name = document.forms[form_name].period;


+		dateFormReveal(element_name);


+	}


+	if (form_name == 'set_periods_form') {


+		element_name = document.forms[form_name].period;


+		document.getElementById('day_container').className = "invisible";

+		document.getElementById('month_container').className = "invisible";

+		document.getElementById('year_container').className = "invisible";

+		document.getElementById('date_range_container').className = "invisible";


+		//dateFormReveal(element_name);


+	}



+	return true;




