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blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/js/includes/jquery/jQote2/jqote.benchmark.htm -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/js/includes/jquery/jQote2/jqote.benchmark.htm
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/js/includes/jquery/jQote2/jqote.benchmark.htm
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/js/includes/jquery/jQote2/jqote.benchmark.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,317 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+    <head>
+        <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
+        <title>ECMAScript Templating Benchmarks //</title>
+        <link type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" rel="Shortcut Icon">
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="external/styles.css" type="text/css"/>
+        <script src="external/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.benchmark.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.flot.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.mustache.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.tempest.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.tmpl.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/underscore.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.srender.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="external/jquery.nano.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+        <script src="jquery.jqote2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <h1>ECMAScript Templating Benchmarks</h1>
+        <hr/>
+        <h2>&copy;2010 aefxx // powered by jQuery // idea taken from Brian Landau</h2>
+        <ul id="contestants">
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="srender"/> srender</p>
+                <ul class="progress srender"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="mustache_js"/> mustache.js</p>
+                <ul class="progress mustache_js"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="underscore"/> Underscore</p>
+                <ul class="progress underscore"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="jqote2"/> jQote2</p>
+                <ul class="progress jqote2"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="tempest"/> Tempest</p>
+                <ul class="progress tempest"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="nano"/> nano</p>
+                <ul class="progress nano"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <p><input type="checkbox" name="contestant" value="tmpl"/> jQuery templating</p>
+                <ul class="progress tmpl"></ul>
+                <p class="number"></p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="check" value="0"/> Check all
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <button id="run">RUN</button>
+                &#xa0;&#xa0;Cycles:&#xa0;
+                5x <input type="radio" name="cycles" value="5" checked="checked"/>
+                10x <input type="radio" name="cycles" value="10"/>
+                25x <input type="radio" name="cycles" value="25"/>
+                50x <input type="radio" name="cycles" value="50"/>
+                &#xa0;&#xa0;Types:&#xa0;
+                Simple <input type="checkbox" name="simple_test" value="1" checked="checked"/>
+                Loop <input type="checkbox" name="loop_test" value="2" checked="checked"/>
+            </li>
+        </ul>
+        <h2>█ Single Passed Run &#xa0;&#xa0; Median in ms [Arithm. AVG in ms]</h2>
+        <div id="placeholder"></div>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+            var CYCLES = $('input:radio:checked').val(),
+                CONVERSIONS = 1000,
+                RUN_LEAP = Math.round(CONVERSIONS * 0.5),
+                contestants = {};
+            function shuffle(v) {
+                for ( var j, x, i = v.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = v[--i], v[i] = v[j], v[j] = x );
+                return v;
+            };
+            function mean(array) {
+                if ( !array.length ) return 0;
+                var sum = 0;
+                for ( var i=0; i < array.length; i++ )
+                    sum += parseFloat(array[i], 4);
+                return (1/array.length) * sum;
+            }
+            function median(array) {
+                if ( !array.length ) return 0;
+                var s = array.sort(function(a, b) {return a - b;}).length;
+                return s % 2 ?
+                    array[(s-1)/2] : (array[(s/2)-1] + array[s/2]) / 2;
+            }
+            function plot(cons) {
+                var data = [], i = 1;
+                for ( key in cons ) {
+                    var result = {
+                        median: median(cons[key].results).toPrecision(2)*1000,
+                        mean: mean(cons[key].results).toPrecision(2)*1000
+                    };
+                    data.push({
+                        label: cons[key].name,
+                        data: [[i++, result.median], [i++,null]],
+                        color: cons[key].color,
+                        bars: {
+                            show: true,
+                            barWidth: 1,
+                            lineWidth: 1,
+                            fill: 1,
+                            colors: cons[key].color
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if ( cons[key].results.length )
+                        cons[key].number.text(result.median+' ms ['+result.mean+' ms]');
+                }
+                $.plot($('#placeholder'), data, {
+                    xaxis: { ticks: [[1.5, 'Srender'], [3.5, 'mustache.js'], [5.5, 'Underscore'], [7.5, 'jQote2'], [9.5, 'Tempest'], [11.5, 'nano']], autoscaleMargin: .02 },
+                    yaxis: { min: 10, max: 150 },
+                    legend: { position: 'ne' },
+                    grid: {  backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }
+                });
+            }
+            $(function() {
+                var benchmarks = {
+                    srender: {
+                        simple: function() {$.srender(this.simple, payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {$.srender(this.loop, payload.loop);}
+                    },
+                    mustache_js: {
+                        simple: function() {$.mustache(this.simple, payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {$.mustache(this.loop, payload.loop);}
+                    },
+                    underscore: {
+                        simple: function() {this.simple(payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {this.loop(payload.loop);}
+                    },
+                    jqote2: {
+                        simple: function() {$.jqote(this.simple, payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {$.jqote(this.loop, payload.loop);}
+                    },
+                    tempest: {
+                        simple: function() {$.tempest(this.simple, payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {$.tempest(this.loop, payload.loop);}
+                    },
+                    nano: {
+                        simple: function() {$.nano(this.simple, payload.simple);},
+                        loop: function() {
+                            var nano = {comments: '', header: payload.loop.header};
+                            for ( var i=0; i < payload.loop.comments.length; i++ )
+                                nano.comments += $.nano(this.loop.comment, payload.loop.comments[i]);
+                            $.nano(this.loop.container, nano);
+                        }
+                    },
+                    tmpl: {
+                        simple: function() {
+                            $, jQuery, {
+                                data: payload.simple,
+                                index: 0,
+                                dataItem: payload.simple,
+                                options: {}
+                            });
+                        },
+                        loop: function() {
+                            $, jQuery, {
+                                data: payload.loop,
+                                index: 0,
+                                dataItem: payload.loop,
+                                options: {}
+                            });
+                        }
+                    }
+                };
+                var templates = {
+                    mustache_js: {
+                        simple: '<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of {{name}}</h2><p>The homepage is <a href="{{url}}">{{url}}</a>.</p><p>The sources is: {{source}}</p></div>',
+                        loop: '<div class="comments"><h3>{{header}}</h3><ul>{{#comments}}<li class="comment"><h5>{{name}}</h5><p>{{body}}</p></li>{{/comments}}</ul></div>'
+                    },
+                    underscore: {
+                        simple: _.template('<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of <%= name %></h2><p>The homepage is <a href="<%= url %>"><%= url %></a>.</p><p>The sources is: <%= source %></p></div>'),
+                        loop: _.template('<div class="comments"><h3><%= header %></h3><ul><% _.each(comments, function(comment){ %><li class="comment"><h5><%= %></h5><p><%= comment.body %></p></li><% }); %></ul></div>')
+                    },
+                    srender: {
+                        simple: '<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of <%= name %></h2><p>The homepage is <a href="<%= url %>"><%= url %></a>.</p><p>The sources is: <%= source %></p></div>',
+                        loop: '<div class="comments"><h3><%= header %></h3><ul><% $.each(comments, function(i, comment){ %><li class="comment"><h5><%= %></h5><p><%= comment.body %></p></li><% }); %></ul></div>'
+                    },
+                    jqote2: {
+                        simple: $.jqotec('#jqote2_simple'),
+                        loop: $.jqotec('#jqote2_loop')
+                    },
+                    tempest: {
+                        simple: $.tempest('simple', '<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of {{name}}</h2><p>The homepage is <a href="{{url}}">{{url}}</a>.</p><p>The sources is: {{source}}</p></div>') && 'simple',
+                        loop: $.tempest('loop', '<div class="comments"><h3>{{header}}</h3><ul>{% for comment in comments %}<li class="comment"<h5>{{}}</h5><p>{{comment.body}}</p></li>{% endfor %}</ul></div>') && 'loop'
+                    },
+                    nano: {
+                        simple: '<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of {name}</h2><p>The homepage is <a href="{url}">{url}</a>.</p><p>The sources is: {source}</p></div>',
+                        loop: {
+                            comment: '<li class="comment"><h5>{name}</h5><p>{body}</p></li>',
+                            container: '<div class="comments"><h3>{header}</h3><ul>{comments}</ul></div>'
+                        }
+                    }
+                };
+                $.templates.simple = $.tmpl('<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of ${name}</h2><p>The homepage is <a href="${url}">${url}</a>.</p><p>The sources is: ${source}</p></div>');
+                $.templates.loop = $.tmpl('<div class="comments"><h3>${header}</h3><ul>{{each(i,comment) comments}}<li class="comment"><h5>${}</h5><p>${comment.body}</p></li>{{/each}}</ul></div>');
+                var payload = {
+                    simple: {
+                        name: 'foo',
+                        url: '',
+                        source: ''
+                    },
+                    loop: {
+                        header: "My Post Comments",
+                        comments: [
+                            {name: "Joe", body: "Thanks for this post!"},
+                            {name: "Sam", body: "Thanks for this post!"},
+                            {name: "Heather", body: "Thanks for this post!"},
+                            {name: "Kathy", body: "Thanks for this post!"},
+                            {name: "George", body: "Thanks for this post!"}
+                        ]
+                    }
+                };
+                var color = {
+                    mustache_js: '#8f04a8',
+                    underscore: '#cd0074',
+                    srender: '#5b4cd8',
+                    jqote2: '#70e500',
+                    tempest: '#0d3349',
+                    nano: '#fff800',
+                    tmpl: '#00f8ff'
+                };
+                $('input[name=check]').click(function() {
+                    var checked = this.checked;
+                    $('input[name=contestant]').each(function() {
+                        this.checked = checked;
+                    });
+                });
+                $('input[name=contestant]').each(function(i) {
+                    var key = this.value;
+                    contestants[key] = {
+                        name: key,
+                        results: [],
+                        input: $(this),
+                        color: color[key],
+                        number: $('p.number', $(this).parents('li')[0]),
+                        progress: $('ul.progress', $(this).parents('li')[0]),
+                        templates: templates[key],
+                        benchmarks: benchmarks[key]
+                    };
+                }).click(function() {
+                    $('input[name=check]')[0].checked = false;
+                });
+                $('#run').click(function() {
+                    CYCLES = $('input:radio:checked').val();
+                    $('ul.progress, p.number').empty();
+                    $(this).trigger('benchmark');
+                }).bind('benchmark', function() {
+                    var cons = shuffle($('input[name=contestant]:checked').toArray()),
+                        runs = cons.length;
+                    if ( !runs ) return;
+                    var test_run = setInterval(function() {
+                        var contestant = null;
+                        if ( !(contestant = cons.shift()) ) return;
+                        if ( $('input[name=simple_test]:checked').length )
+                            $.benchmark(CONVERSIONS, contestants[contestant.value], 'simple');
+                        if ( $('input[name=loop_test]:checked').length )
+                            $.benchmark(CONVERSIONS, contestants[contestant.value], 'loop');
+                        contestants[contestant.value].progress.append('<li/>');
+                    }, RUN_LEAP);
+                    setTimeout(function() {
+                        clearInterval(test_run);
+                        ( --CYCLES ) ? $('#run').trigger('benchmark') : plot(contestants);
+                    }, RUN_LEAP * runs + 1500);
+                });
+            });
+        </script>
+    </body>
+    <script type="text/x-jqote-template" id="jqote2_simple">
+        <![CDATA[<div class="test"><h2>This is a test of <%= %></h2><p>The homepage is <a href="<%= this.url %>"><%= this.url %></a>.</p><p>The sources is: <%= this.source %></p></div>]]>
+    </script>
+    <script type="text/x-jqote-template" id="jqote2_loop">
+        <![CDATA[<div class="comments"><h3><%= this.header %></h3><ul><% $.each(this.comments, function(i, comment){ %><li class="comment"><h5><%= %></h5><p><%= comment.body %></p></li><% }); %></ul></div>]]>
+    </script>