Add analytics
[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / report_content.tpl
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_content.tpl -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_content.tpl
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_content.tpl
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_content.tpl
@@ -1,1 +1,139 @@
+<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">

+	<div id="trend-chart" style="height:125px;width:auto;"></div>

+	<div class="owa_reportHeadline" id="content-headline"></div>

+	<div id="trend-metrics"></div>



+<div class="clear"></div>



+<table style="width:100%;margin-top:;">

+	<tr>

+		<td valign="top" style="width:50%;">


+		<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">



+			<div class="owa_reportSectionContent" style="min-width:350px;">

+				<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Top Pages</div>


+				<div id="top-pages"></div>

+				<div class="owa_genericHorizonalList owa_moreLinks">

+					<UL>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportPages'), true);?>">View Full Report &raquo;</a>	

+						</LI>

+					</UL>

+				</div>

+			</div>


+		</td>


+		<td valign="top" style="width:50%;">

+			<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Content Reports</div>

+				<div class="relatedReports">

+					<UL>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportDomstreams'));?>">Domstream Recordings</a></span> - See user mouse movement and keypress recordings.

+						</LI>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportActions'));?>">Actions</a></span> - See which actions your user performed.

+						</LI>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportReferringSites'));?>">Entry & Exits</a></span> - See which web pages user entered and exited on.

+						</LI>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportAnchortext'));?>">Feeds</a></span> - See trends for feed subscribers and usage.

+						</LI>

+					</UL>

+				</div>	

+			</div>


+			<div class="owa_reportSectionContent" style="min-width:350px;">

+				<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Top Page Types</div>

+				<div id="top-pagetypes"></div>

+				<div class="owa_genericHorizonalList owa_moreLinks">

+					<UL>

+						<LI>

+							<a href="<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportPageTypes'), true);?>">View Full Report &raquo;</a>	

+						</LI>

+					</UL>

+				</div>

+			</div>


+		</td>

+	</tr>




+//OWA.setSetting('debug', true);


+var aurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+												'metrics' => 'visits,pageViews,bounceRate', 

+												'dimensions' => 'date', 

+												'sort' => 'date',

+												'format' => 'json',

+												'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId'))), true);?>';


+OWA.items.rsh = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('trend-chart');

+OWA.items.rsh.options.metricBoxes.width = '125px';

+OWA.items.rsh.asyncQueue.push(['makeAreaChart', [{x:'date',y:'pageViews'}]]);

+OWA.items.rsh.asyncQueue.push(['makeMetricBoxes', 'trend-metrics']);

+OWA.items.rsh.asyncQueue.push(['renderTemplate','#content-headline-template', {data: OWA.items.rsh}, 'replace', 'content-headline']);





+var vmurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+																	'metrics' => 'visits', 

+																	'dimensions' => 'medium', 

+																	'sort' => 'visits-',

+																	'format' => 'json',

+																	'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId'))),true);?>';


+OWA.items.vm = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('traffic-sources');

+OWA.items.vm.options.pieChart.metric = 'visits';

+OWA.items.vm.options.pieChart.dimension = 'medium';

+OWA.items.vm.options.chartWidth = '300px';





+var toppagesurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+												'metrics' => 'visits', 

+												'dimensions' => 'pageTitle,pageUrl', 

+												'sort' => 'visits-',

+												'format' => 'json',

+												'resultsPerPage' => 25,

+												'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId'))), true);?>';


+OWA.items.toppages = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('top-pages');

+OWA.items.toppages.addLinkToColumn('pageTitle', '<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportDocument', 'pageUrl' => '%s'),true);?>', ['pageUrl']);

+OWA.items.toppages.options.grid.excludeColumns = ['pageUrl'];




+var toppagetypesurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+												'metrics' => 'visits', 

+												'dimensions' => 'pageType', 

+												'sort' => 'visits-',

+												'format' => 'json',

+												'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId'))), true);?>';


+OWA.items.toppagetypes = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('top-pagetypes');


+OWA.items.toppagetypes.addLinkToColumn('pageType', '<?php echo $this->makeLink(array('do' => 'base.reportPageTypeDetail', 'pageType' => '%s'),true);?>', ['pageType']);






+<?php require_once('js_report_templates.php');?>


+<script type="text/x-jqote-template" id="content-headline-template">


+	There were <*= *> <* if ( > 1) {this.label = 'page views';} else {this.label = 'page view';} *> <*= this.label *> of all pages.


