Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / unusual_trip_filter.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/unusual_trip_filter.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/unusual_trip_filter.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/unusual_trip_filter.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/unusual_trip_filter.py
@@ -1,1 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Filters out trips which are not on the defualt routes and
+  set their trip_typeattribute accordingly.
+For usage information run unusual_trip_filter.py --help
+__author__ = 'Jiri Semecky <jiri.semecky@gmail.com>'
+import codecs
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import util
+class UnusualTripFilter(object):
+  """Class filtering trips going on unusual paths.
+  Those are usually trips going to/from depot or changing to another route
+  in the middle. Sets the 'trip_type' attribute of the trips.txt dataset
+  so that non-standard trips are marked as special (value 1)
+  instead of regular (default value 0).
+  """
+  def __init__ (self, threshold=0.1, force=False, quiet=False, route_type=None):
+    self._threshold = threshold
+    self._quiet = quiet
+    self._force = force
+    if route_type in transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES:
+      self._route_type = transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES[route_type]
+    elif route_type is None:
+      self._route_type = None
+    else:
+      self._route_type = int(route_type)
+  def filter_line(self, route):
+    """Mark unusual trips for the given route."""
+    if self._route_type is not None and self._route_type != route.route_type:
+      self.info('Skipping route %s due to different route_type value (%s)' %
+                (route['route_id'], route['route_type']))
+      return
+    self.info('Filtering infrequent trips for route %s.' % route.route_id)
+    trip_count = len(route.trips)
+    for pattern_id, pattern in route.GetPatternIdTripDict().items():
+      ratio = float(1.0 * len(pattern) / trip_count)
+      if not self._force:
+        if (ratio < self._threshold):
+          self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
+                    "as unusual (ratio %f)" %
+                    (len(pattern),
+                    route['route_short_name'],
+                    pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
+                    ratio))
+          for trip in pattern:
+            trip.trip_type = 1 # special
+            self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as special" %
+                      trip.trip_id)
+      else:
+        self.info("\t%d trips on route %s with headsign '%s' recognized "
+                  "as %s (ratio %f)" %
+                  (len(pattern),
+                   route['route_short_name'],
+                   pattern[0]['trip_headsign'],
+                   ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold],
+                   ratio))
+        for trip in pattern:
+          trip.trip_type = ('0','1')[ratio < self._threshold]
+          self.info("\t\tsetting trip_type of trip %s as %s" %
+                    (trip.trip_id,
+                     ('regular', 'unusual')[ratio < self._threshold]))
+  def filter(self, dataset):
+    """Mark unusual trips for all the routes in the dataset."""
+    self.info('Going to filter infrequent routes in the dataset')
+    for route in dataset.routes.values():
+      self.filter_line(route)
+  def info(self, text):
+    if not self._quiet:
+      print text.encode("utf-8")
+def main():
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] <GTFS.zip>
+Sets the trip_type for trips that have an unusual pattern for a route.
+<GTFS.zip> is overwritten with the modifed GTFS file unless the --output
+option is used.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
+         help='Name of the output GTFS file (writing to input feed if omitted).')
+  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db', action='store_true',
+         help='Force use of in-memory sqlite db.')
+  parser.add_option('-t', '--threshold', default=0.1,
+         dest='threshold', type='float',
+         help='Frequency threshold for considering pattern as non-regular.')
+  parser.add_option('-r', '--route_type', default=None,
+         dest='route_type', type='string',
+         help='Filter only selected route type (specified by number'
+              'or one of the following names: ' + \
+              ', '.join(transitfeed.Route._ROUTE_TYPE_NAMES) + ').')
+  parser.add_option('-f', '--override_trip_type', default=False,
+         dest='override_trip_type', action='store_true',
+         help='Forces overwrite of current trip_type values.')
+  parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet',
+         default=False, action='store_true',
+         help='Suppress information output.')
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if len(args) != 1:
+    parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed.')
+  filter = UnusualTripFilter(float(options.threshold),
+                             force=options.override_trip_type,
+                             quiet=options.quiet,
+                             route_type=options.route_type)
+  feed_name = args[0]
+  feed_name = feed_name.strip()
+  filter.info('Loading %s' % feed_name)
+  loader = transitfeed.Loader(feed_name, extra_validation=True,
+                              memory_db=options.memory_db)
+  data = loader.Load()
+  filter.filter(data)
+  print 'Saving data'
+  # Write the result
+  if options.output is None:
+    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(feed_name)
+  else:
+    data.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)