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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / options_goal_entry.php
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/options_goal_entry.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/options_goal_entry.php
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/options_goal_entry.php
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/options_goal_entry.php
@@ -1,1 +1,259 @@
+<div class="panel_headline"><?php echo $headline?></div>


+<div class="subview_content">


+<h3>Goal <?php $this->out($goal_number);?> Settings</h3>


+<form name="goal-entry" method="POST">


+	<table class="management" width="100%">

+		<thead>


+		</thead>


+		<tbody>


+			<tr>


+				<th valign="top">Name:</th>

+				<td>

+					<input name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_name]" type="text" size="40" value="<?php $this->out($goal['goal_name']);?>">

+				</td>

+			</tr>

+			<tr>

+				<th valign="top">Group:

+					<p class="formInstructions">

+						The group that you want to assign this goal to. Goal groups are presented as a tab view on most reports.

+					</p>

+				</th>

+				<td>


+					<select name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_group]">

+						<?php foreach ($goal_groups as $k => $group): ?>

+						<option value="<?php $this->out($k, false);?>" <?php if ( isset( $goal['goal_group'] ) && $goal['goal_group'] == $k ) { echo 'SELECTED';}?>><?php 

+						if ( !empty( $group ) ) {

+							$this->out($k." - $group");

+						} else {

+							$this->out($k);

+						}

+						?></option>

+						<?php endforeach;?>

+					</select>

+					<BR><BR>Edit the group label:


+					<input name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>new_goal_group_name" type="text" size="20" value="<?php $this->out($goal_groups[$goal['goal_group']]);?>">

+				</td>

+			</tr>

+			<tr>

+				<th valign="top">Status:</th>

+				<td>

+					<select name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_status]">

+						<option value="active" <?php if (isset($goal['goal_status']) && $goal['goal_status'] != 'disabled'){echo 'SELECTED';}?>>

+							Active

+						</option>

+						<option value="disabled" <?php if (isset($goal['goal_status']) && $goal['goal_status'] === 'disabled'){echo 'SELECTED';}?>>

+							Disabled

+						</option>

+					</select>



+				</td>

+			</tr>


+			<tr>

+				<th valign="top">

+					Value:

+					<p class="formInstructions">

+						The value associated with achieving this goal. 

+					</p>

+				</th>

+				<td>

+					<input name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_value]" type="text" size="20" value="<?php $this->out($goal['goal_value']);?>"> 

+					<span class="optional">Optional</span>

+				</td>

+			</tr>


+			<tr>

+				<th valign="top">

+					Type:

+					<p class="formInstructions">

+						The type of goal.

+					</p>

+				</th>

+				<td>

+					<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_type]" value="url_destination" <?php if (isset($goal['goal_type']) && $goal['goal_type'] === 'url_destination'){echo 'CHECKED';}?> > URL Destination<BR>


+					<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_type]" value="pages_per_visit" <?php if (isset($goal['goal_type']) && $goal['goal_type'] === 'pages_per_visit'){echo 'CHECKED';}?> > Pages / Visit<BR>


+					<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_type]" value="visit_duration" <?php if (isset($goal['goal_type']) && $goal['goal_type'] === 'visit_duration'){echo 'CHECKED';}?> > Visit Duration <BR>



+				</td>

+			</tr>


+		</tbody>


+	</table>


+	<!-- URL destination specific options -->

+	<div id="url_destination_details" class="goal-detail">


+		<h3>Goal Details</h3>

+		<table class="management">

+			<tr>

+				<th>Match Type:</th>

+				<td>

+					<select name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[details][match_type]">

+						<option value="begins" <?php if (isset($goal['details']['match_type']) && $goal['details']['match_type'] === 'begins'){echo 'SELECTED';}?>>

+							Begins With

+						</option>

+						<option value="exact" <?php if (isset($goal['details']['match_type']) && $goal['details']['match_type'] === 'exact'){echo 'SELECTED';}?>>

+							Exact Match

+						</option>

+						<option value="regex" <?php if (isset($goal['details']['match_type']) && $goal['details']['match_type'] === 'regex'){echo 'SELECTED';}?>>

+							Regular Expression

+						</option>

+					</select>


+				</td>

+			</tr>

+			<tr>

+				<th>

+				Goal URL:

+				<p class="formInstructions">

+					Example: /register.html

+				</p>

+				</th>

+				<td>

+					<input name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[details][goal_url]" value="<?php $this->out($goal['details']['goal_url']);?>" type="text" size="60" value="<?php $this->out($goal['url']);?>">

+				</td>

+			</tr>

+		</table>


+		<h3>Funnel</h3>


+		<table class="management" id="funnel-steps">

+			<TR>

+				<th></th>

+				<th>Step URL</th>

+				<th>Name</th>

+				<th>Is Required?</th>

+				<th></th>

+			</TR>

+		</table>

+		<BR>

+		<a name="steps-end" href="#	steps-end" id="addStep">Add New Funnel Step</a>		

+	</div>


+	<!-- pages per visit goal type specific options -->

+	<div id="pages_per_visit_details" class="goal-detail">

+		<h3>Goal Details</h3>

+		Not implemented yet.

+	</div>


+	<!-- visit duration goal type specific options -->

+	<div id="visit_duration_details" class="goal-detail">

+		<h3>Goal Details</h3>

+		Not implemented yet.

+	</div>


+	<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>goal[goal_number]" value="<?php $this->out($goal_number, false);?>">

+	<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>siteId" value="<?php $this->out($siteId, false);?>">

+	<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->getNs();?>action" value="base.optionsGoalEdit">

+	<?php echo $this->createNonceFormField('base.optionsGoalEdit');?>

+	<BR>

+	<input type="submit" value="Submit">

+	</form>





+OWA.setSetting('debug', true);

+jQuery(document).ready(function() {


+	showGoalDetails();


+	// show hide the right goal type details

+	jQuery("input[name='owa_goal[goal_type]']").change(function(e) {

+		showGoalDetails();

+	});


+	jQuery('#addStep').click(function() {

+		addNewStep();

+	});


+	if (OWA.util.countObjectProperties(steps) > 0) {

+		populateGoalSteps();

+	}



+function showGoalDetails() {

+	var val = jQuery("input[name='owa_goal[goal_type]']:checked").val();

+	OWA.debug(val);

+	jQuery('.goal-detail').hide();

+	var selector = '#'+val+'_details';

+	OWA.debug(selector);

+	jQuery(selector).show();



+function populateGoalSteps() {

+	OWA.debug('pop');

+	for (step in steps) {

+		renderStep(steps[step]);	

+	}



+function addNewStep() {

+	var count = OWA.util.countObjectProperties(steps);

+	OWA.debug('count: '+count);

+	var num;

+	if (count === 0) {

+		num = 1;

+	} else {

+		num = count + 1;

+	}


+	if (num < 11) {


+		OWA.debug('num: '+num);

+		var empty_step = {step_number: num, is_required: '', name: '', url: ''};

+		renderStep(empty_step);

+		steps[num] = empty_step;

+	} else {

+		alert("Sorry but funnels can only have 10 steps.");

+	}



+function renderStep(step) {

+	jQuery('#funnel-steps tr:last').after(jQuery('#funnel-step').jqote(step, '*'));





+<script type="text/x-jqote-template" id="funnel-step">



+<th class="">Step <*= this.step_number *></th>

+<td class=""><input type="text" size="20" name="owa_goal[details][funnel_steps][<*= this.step_number *>][url]" value="<*= this.url *>"></td>

+<td class=""><input type="text" size="20" name="owa_goal[details][funnel_steps][<*= this.step_number *>][name]" value="<*= *>"></td>

+<td class="">



+<input type="checkbox" size="20" name="owa_goal[details][funnel_steps][<*= this.step_number *>][is_required]" value="true" 

+<* if ( this.is_required ) { *> 


+<* } *> 










+var steps = [];

+<?php if (array_key_exists('funnel_steps', $goal['details'])):?>

+<?php $this->out(sprintf("steps = %s;", json_encode($goal['details']['funnel_steps'])), false); ?>

+<?php endif;?>
