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[bus.git] / busui / owa / includes / pqp / display.php
blob:a/busui/owa/includes/pqp/display.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/includes/pqp/display.php
--- a/busui/owa/includes/pqp/display.php
+++ b/busui/owa/includes/pqp/display.php
@@ -1,1 +1,350 @@
+/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+ Title : HTML Output for Php Quick Profiler
+ Author : Created by Ryan Campbell
+ URL :
+ Last Updated : April 22, 2009
+ Description : This is a horribly ugly function used to output
+ the PQP HTML. This is great because it will just work in your project,
+ but it is hard to maintain and read. See the README file for how to use
+ the Smarty file we provided with PQP.
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+function displayPqp($output, $config) {
+$cssUrl = $config.'css/pQp.css';
+<!-- JavaScript -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+	var PQP_DETAILS = true;
+	var PQP_HEIGHT = "short";
+	addEvent(window, 'load', loadCSS);
+	function changeTab(tab) {
+		var pQp = document.getElementById('pQp');
+		hideAllTabs();
+		addClassName(pQp, tab, true);
+	}
+	function hideAllTabs() {
+		var pQp = document.getElementById('pQp');
+		removeClassName(pQp, 'console');
+		removeClassName(pQp, 'speed');
+		removeClassName(pQp, 'queries');
+		removeClassName(pQp, 'memory');
+		removeClassName(pQp, 'files');
+	}
+	function toggleDetails(){
+		var container = document.getElementById('pqp-container');
+			addClassName(container, 'hideDetails', true);
+			PQP_DETAILS = false;
+		}
+		else{
+			removeClassName(container, 'hideDetails');
+			PQP_DETAILS = true;
+		}
+	}
+	function toggleHeight(){
+		var container = document.getElementById('pqp-container');
+		if(PQP_HEIGHT == "short"){
+			addClassName(container, 'tallDetails', true);
+			PQP_HEIGHT = "tall";
+		}
+		else{
+			removeClassName(container, 'tallDetails');
+			PQP_HEIGHT = "short";
+		}
+	}
+	function loadCSS() {
+		var sheet = document.createElement("link");
+		sheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
+		sheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+		sheet.setAttribute("href", "$cssUrl");
+		document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(sheet);
+		setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("pqp-container").style.display = "block"}, 10);
+	}
+	//
+	function addClassName(objElement, strClass, blnMayAlreadyExist){
+	   if ( objElement.className ){
+	      var arrList = objElement.className.split(' ');
+	      if ( blnMayAlreadyExist ){
+	         var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase();
+	         for ( var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++ ){
+	            if ( arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper ){
+	               arrList.splice(i, 1);
+	               i--;
+	             }
+	           }
+	      }
+	      arrList[arrList.length] = strClass;
+	      objElement.className = arrList.join(' ');
+	   }
+	   else{  
+	      objElement.className = strClass;
+	      }
+	}
+	//
+	function removeClassName(objElement, strClass){
+	   if ( objElement.className ){
+	      var arrList = objElement.className.split(' ');
+	      var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase();
+	      for ( var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++ ){
+	         if ( arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper ){
+	            arrList.splice(i, 1);
+	            i--;
+	         }
+	      }
+	      objElement.className = arrList.join(' ');
+	   }
+	}
+	//
+	function addEvent( obj, type, fn ) {
+	  if ( obj.attachEvent ) {
+	    obj["e"+type+fn] = fn;
+	    obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ) };
+	    obj.attachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );
+	  } 
+	  else{
+	    obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );	
+	  }
+	}
+echo '<div id="pqp-container" class="pQp" style="display:none">';
+$logCount = count($output['logs']['console']);
+$fileCount = count($output['files']);
+$memoryUsed = $output['memoryTotals']['used'];
+$queryCount = $output['queryTotals']['count'];
+$speedTotal = $output['speedTotals']['total'];
+echo <<<PQPTABS
+<div id="pQp" class="console">
+<table id="pqp-metrics" cellspacing="0">
+	<td class="green" onclick="changeTab('console');">
+		<var>$logCount</var>
+		<h4>Console</h4>
+	</td>
+	<td class="blue" onclick="changeTab('speed');">
+		<var>$speedTotal</var>
+		<h4>Load Time</h4>
+	</td>
+	<td class="purple" onclick="changeTab('queries');">
+		<var>$queryCount Queries</var>
+		<h4>Database</h4>
+	</td>
+	<td class="orange" onclick="changeTab('memory');">
+		<var>$memoryUsed</var>
+		<h4>Memory Used</h4>
+	</td>
+	<td class="red" onclick="changeTab('files');">
+		<var>{$fileCount} Files</var>
+		<h4>Included</h4>
+	</td>
+echo '<div id="pqp-console" class="pqp-box">';
+if($logCount ==  0) {
+	echo '<h3>This panel has no log items.</h3>';
+else {
+	echo '<table class="side" cellspacing="0">
+		<tr>
+			<td class="alt1"><var>'.$output['logs']['logCount'].'</var><h4>Logs</h4></td>
+			<td class="alt2"><var>'.$output['logs']['errorCount'].'</var> <h4>Errors</h4></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td class="alt3"><var>'.$output['logs']['memoryCount'].'</var> <h4>Memory</h4></td>
+			<td class="alt4"><var>'.$output['logs']['speedCount'].'</var> <h4>Speed</h4></td>
+		</tr>
+		</table>
+		<table class="main" cellspacing="0">';
+		$class = '';
+		foreach($output['logs']['console'] as $log) {
+			echo '<tr class="log-'.$log['type'].'">
+				<td class="type">'.$log['type'].'</td>
+				<td class="'.$class.'">';
+			if($log['type'] == 'log') {
+				echo '<div><pre>'.$log['data'].'</pre></div>';
+			}
+			elseif($log['type'] == 'memory') {
+				echo '<div><pre>'.$log['data'].'</pre> <em>'.$log['dataType'].'</em>: '.$log['name'].' </div>';
+			}
+			elseif($log['type'] == 'speed') {
+				echo '<div><pre>'.$log['data'].'</pre> <em>'.$log['name'].'</em></div>';
+			}
+			elseif($log['type'] == 'error') {
+				echo '<div><em>Line '.$log['line'].'</em> : '.$log['data'].' <pre>'.$log['file'].'</pre></div>';
+			}
+			echo '</td></tr>';
+			if($class == '') $class = 'alt';
+			else $class = '';
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div id="pqp-speed" class="pqp-box">';
+if($output['logs']['speedCount'] ==  0) {
+	echo '<h3>This panel has no log items.</h3>';
+else {
+	echo '<table class="side" cellspacing="0">
+		  <tr><td><var>'.$output['speedTotals']['total'].'</var><h4>Load Time</h4></td></tr>
+		  <tr><td class="alt"><var>'.$output['speedTotals']['allowed'].'</var> <h4>Max Execution Time</h4></td></tr>
+		 </table>
+		<table class="main" cellspacing="0">';
+		$class = '';
+		foreach($output['logs']['console'] as $log) {
+			if($log['type'] == 'speed') {
+				echo '<tr class="log-'.$log['type'].'">
+				<td class="'.$class.'">';
+				echo '<div><pre>'.$log['data'].'</pre> <em>'.$log['name'].'</em></div>';
+				echo '</td></tr>';
+				if($class == '') $class = 'alt';
+				else $class = '';
+			}
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div id="pqp-queries" class="pqp-box">';
+if($output['queryTotals']['count'] ==  0) {
+	echo '<h3>This panel has no log items.</h3>';
+else {
+	echo '<table class="side" cellspacing="0">
+		  <tr><td><var>'.$output['queryTotals']['count'].'</var><h4>Total Queries</h4></td></tr>
+		  <tr><td class="alt"><var>'.$output['queryTotals']['time'].'</var> <h4>Total Time</h4></td></tr>
+		  <tr><td><var>0</var> <h4>Duplicates</h4></td></tr>
+		 </table>
+		<table class="main" cellspacing="0">';
+		$class = '';
+		foreach($output['queries'] as $query) {
+			echo '<tr>
+				<td class="'.$class.'">'.$query['sql'];
+			if($query['explain']) {
+					echo '<em>
+						Possible keys: <b>'.$query['explain']['possible_keys'].'</b> &middot; 
+						Key Used: <b>'.$query['explain']['key'].'</b> &middot; 
+						Type: <b>'.$query['explain']['type'].'</b> &middot; 
+						Rows: <b>'.$query['explain']['rows'].'</b> &middot; 
+						Speed: <b>'.$query['time'].'</b>
+					</em>';
+			}
+			echo '</td></tr>';
+			if($class == '') $class = 'alt';
+			else $class = '';
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div id="pqp-memory" class="pqp-box">';
+if($output['logs']['memoryCount'] ==  0) {
+	echo '<h3>This panel has no log items.</h3>';
+else {
+	echo '<table class="side" cellspacing="0">
+		  <tr><td><var>'.$output['memoryTotals']['used'].'</var><h4>Used Memory</h4></td></tr>
+		  <tr><td class="alt"><var>'.$output['memoryTotals']['total'].'</var> <h4>Total Available</h4></td></tr>
+		 </table>
+		<table class="main" cellspacing="0">';
+		$class = '';
+		foreach($output['logs']['console'] as $log) {
+			if($log['type'] == 'memory') {
+				echo '<tr class="log-'.$log['type'].'">';
+				echo '<td class="'.$class.'"><b>'.$log['data'].'</b> <em>'.$log['dataType'].'</em>: '.$log['name'].'</td>';
+				echo '</tr>';
+				if($class == '') $class = 'alt';
+				else $class = '';
+			}
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<div id="pqp-files" class="pqp-box">';
+if($output['fileTotals']['count'] ==  0) {
+	echo '<h3>This panel has no log items.</h3>';
+else {
+	echo '<table class="side" cellspacing="0">
+		  	<tr><td><var>'.$output['fileTotals']['count'].'</var><h4>Total Files</h4></td></tr>
+			<tr><td class="alt"><var>'.$output['fileTotals']['size'].'</var> <h4>Total Size</h4></td></tr>
+			<tr><td><var>'.$output['fileTotals']['largest'].'</var> <h4>Largest</h4></td></tr>
+		 </table>
+		<table class="main" cellspacing="0">';
+		$class ='';
+		foreach($output['files'] as $file) {
+			echo '<tr><td class="'.$class.'"><b>'.$file['size'].'</b> '.$file['name'].'</td></tr>';
+			if($class == '') $class = 'alt';
+			else $class = '';
+		}
+		echo '</table>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo <<<FOOTER
+	<table id="pqp-footer" cellspacing="0">
+		<tr>
+			<td class="credit">
+				<a href="" target="_blank">
+				<strong>PHP</strong> 
+				<b class="green">Q</b><b class="blue">u</b><b class="purple">i</b><b class="orange">c</b><b class="red">k</b>
+				Profiler</a></td>
+			<td class="actions">
+				<a href="#" onclick="toggleDetails();return false">Details</a>
+				<a class="heightToggle" href="#" onclick="toggleHeight();return false">Height</a>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+	</table>
+echo '</div></div>';