Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / feedvalidator.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/feedvalidator.py
@@ -1,1 +1,750 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Validates a GTFS file.
+For usage information run feedvalidator.py --help
+import bisect
+import codecs
+import datetime
+from transitfeed.util import defaultdict
+import optparse
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import transitfeed
+from transitfeed import TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_WARNING
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
+from transitfeed import util
+import webbrowser
+SVN_TAG_URL = 'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/tags/'
+def MaybePluralizeWord(count, word):
+  if count == 1:
+    return word
+  else:
+    return word + 's'
+def PrettyNumberWord(count, word):
+  return '%d %s' % (count, MaybePluralizeWord(count, word))
+def UnCamelCase(camel):
+  return re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', camel)
+def ProblemCountText(error_count, warning_count):
+  results = []
+  if error_count:
+    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(error_count, 'error'))
+  if warning_count:
+    results.append(PrettyNumberWord(warning_count, 'warning'))
+  return ' and '.join(results)
+def CalendarSummary(schedule):
+  today = datetime.date.today()
+  summary_end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=60)
+  start_date, end_date = schedule.GetDateRange()
+  if not start_date or not end_date:
+    return {}
+  try:
+    start_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(start_date)
+    end_date_object = transitfeed.DateStringToDateObject(end_date)
+  except ValueError:
+    return {}
+  # Get the list of trips only during the period the feed is active.
+  # As such we have to check if it starts in the future and/or if
+  # if it ends in less than 60 days.
+  date_trips_departures = schedule.GenerateDateTripsDeparturesList(
+                              max(today, start_date_object),
+                              min(summary_end_date, end_date_object))
+  if not date_trips_departures:
+    return {}
+  # Check that the dates which will be shown in summary agree with these
+  # calculations. Failure implies a bug which should be fixed. It isn't good
+  # for users to discover assertion failures but means it will likely be fixed.
+  assert start_date <= date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
+  assert end_date >= date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%Y%m%d")
+  # Generate a map from int number of trips in a day to a list of date objects
+  # with that many trips. The list of dates is sorted.
+  trips_dates = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+  trips = 0
+  for date, day_trips, day_departures in date_trips_departures:
+    trips += day_trips
+    trips_dates[day_trips].append(date)
+  mean_trips = trips / len(date_trips_departures)
+  max_trips = max(trips_dates.keys())
+  min_trips = min(trips_dates.keys())
+  calendar_summary = {}
+  calendar_summary['mean_trips'] = mean_trips
+  calendar_summary['max_trips'] = max_trips
+  calendar_summary['max_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[max_trips])
+  calendar_summary['min_trips'] = min_trips
+  calendar_summary['min_trips_dates'] = FormatDateList(trips_dates[min_trips])
+  calendar_summary['date_trips_departures'] = date_trips_departures
+  calendar_summary['date_summary_range'] = "%s to %s" % (
+      date_trips_departures[0][0].strftime("%a %b %d"),
+      date_trips_departures[-1][0].strftime("%a %b %d"))
+  return calendar_summary
+def FormatDateList(dates):
+  if not dates:
+    return "0 service dates"
+  formatted = [d.strftime("%a %b %d") for d in dates[0:3]]
+  if len(dates) > 3:
+    formatted.append("...")
+  return "%s (%s)" % (PrettyNumberWord(len(dates), "service date"),
+                      ", ".join(formatted))
+def MaxVersion(versions):
+  versions = filter(None, versions)
+  versions.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp([int(item) for item in x.split('.')],
+                                 [int(item) for item in y.split('.')]))
+  if len(versions) > 0:
+    return versions[0]
+class CountingConsoleProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.SimpleProblemAccumulator):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._error_count = 0
+    self._warning_count = 0
+  def _Report(self, e):
+    transitfeed.SimpleProblemAccumulator._Report(self, e)
+    if e.IsError():
+      self._error_count += 1
+    else:
+      self._warning_count += 1
+  def ErrorCount(self):
+    return self._error_count
+  def WarningCount(self):
+    return self._warning_count
+  def FormatCount(self):
+    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
+  def HasIssues(self):
+    return self.ErrorCount() or self.WarningCount()
+class BoundedProblemList(object):
+  """A list of one type of ExceptionWithContext objects with bounded size."""
+  def __init__(self, size_bound):
+    self._count = 0
+    self._exceptions = []
+    self._size_bound = size_bound
+  def Add(self, e):
+    self._count += 1
+    try:
+      bisect.insort(self._exceptions, e)
+    except TypeError:
+      # The base class ExceptionWithContext raises this exception in __cmp__
+      # to signal that an object is not comparable. Instead of keeping the most
+      # significant issue keep the first reported.
+      if self._count <= self._size_bound:
+        self._exceptions.append(e)
+    else:
+      # self._exceptions is in order. Drop the least significant if the list is
+      # now too long.
+      if self._count > self._size_bound:
+        del self._exceptions[-1]
+  def _GetDroppedCount(self):
+    return self._count - len(self._exceptions)
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return "<BoundedProblemList %s>" % repr(self._exceptions)
+  count = property(lambda s: s._count)
+  dropped_count = property(_GetDroppedCount)
+  problems = property(lambda s: s._exceptions)
+class LimitPerTypeProblemAccumulator(transitfeed.ProblemAccumulatorInterface):
+  def __init__(self, limit_per_type):
+    # {TYPE_WARNING: {"ClassName": BoundedProblemList()}}
+    self._type_to_name_to_problist = {
+      TYPE_WARNING: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type)),
+      TYPE_ERROR: defaultdict(lambda: BoundedProblemList(limit_per_type))
+    }
+  def HasIssues(self):
+    return (self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR] or
+            self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING])
+  def _Report(self, e):
+    self._type_to_name_to_problist[e.GetType()][e.__class__.__name__].Add(e)
+  def ErrorCount(self):
+    error_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_ERROR].values()
+    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, error_sets))
+  def WarningCount(self):
+    warning_sets = self._type_to_name_to_problist[TYPE_WARNING].values()
+    return sum(map(lambda v: v.count, warning_sets))
+  def ProblemList(self, problem_type, class_name):
+    """Return the BoundedProblemList object for given type and class."""
+    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type][class_name]
+  def ProblemListMap(self, problem_type):
+    """Return the map from class name to BoundedProblemList object."""
+    return self._type_to_name_to_problist[problem_type]
+class HTMLCountingProblemAccumulator(LimitPerTypeProblemAccumulator):
+  def FormatType(self, f, level_name, class_problist):
+    """Write the HTML dumping all problems of one type.
+    Args:
+      f: file object open for writing
+      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
+      class_problist: sequence of tuples (class name,
+          BoundedProblemList object)
+    """
+    class_problist.sort()
+    output = []
+    for classname, problist in class_problist:
+      output.append('<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="%s%s">%s</a></h4><ul>\n' %
+                    (level_name, classname, UnCamelCase(classname)))
+      for e in problist.problems:
+        self.FormatException(e, output)
+      if problist.dropped_count:
+        output.append('<li>and %d more of this type.' %
+                      (problist.dropped_count))
+      output.append('</ul>\n')
+    f.write(''.join(output))
+  def FormatTypeSummaryTable(self, level_name, name_to_problist):
+    """Return an HTML table listing the number of problems by class name.
+    Args:
+      level_name: string such as "Error" or "Warning"
+      name_to_problist: dict mapping class name to an BoundedProblemList object
+    Returns:
+      HTML in a string
+    """
+    output = []
+    output.append('<table>')
+    for classname in sorted(name_to_problist.keys()):
+      problist = name_to_problist[classname]
+      human_name = MaybePluralizeWord(problist.count, UnCamelCase(classname))
+      output.append('<tr><td>%d</td><td><a href="#%s%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' %
+                    (problist.count, level_name, classname, human_name))
+    output.append('</table>\n')
+    return ''.join(output)
+  def FormatException(self, e, output):
+    """Append HTML version of e to list output."""
+    d = e.GetDictToFormat()
+    for k in ('file_name', 'feedname', 'column_name'):
+      if k in d.keys():
+        d[k] = '<code>%s</code>' % d[k]
+    problem_text = e.FormatProblem(d).replace('\n', '<br>')
+    output.append('<li>')
+    output.append('<div class="problem">%s</div>' %
+                  transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(problem_text))
+    try:
+      if hasattr(e, 'row_num'):
+        line_str = 'line %d of ' % e.row_num
+      else:
+        line_str = ''
+      output.append('in %s<code>%s</code><br>\n' %
+                    (line_str, e.file_name))
+      row = e.row
+      headers = e.headers
+      column_name = e.column_name
+      table_header = ''  # HTML
+      table_data = ''  # HTML
+      for header, value in zip(headers, row):
+        attributes = ''
+        if header == column_name:
+          attributes = ' class="problem"'
+        table_header += '<th%s>%s</th>' % (attributes, header)
+        table_data += '<td%s>%s</td>' % (attributes, value)
+      # Make sure output is encoded into UTF-8
+      output.append('<table class="dump"><tr>%s</tr>\n' %
+                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_header))
+      output.append('<tr>%s</tr></table>\n' %
+                    transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(table_data))
+    except AttributeError, e:
+      pass  # Hope this was getting an attribute from e ;-)
+    output.append('<br></li>\n')
+  def FormatCount(self):
+    return ProblemCountText(self.ErrorCount(), self.WarningCount())
+  def CountTable(self):
+    output = []
+    output.append('<table class="count_outside">\n')
+    output.append('<tr>')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
+                    PrettyNumberWord(self.ErrorCount(), "error"))
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      output.append('<td><span class="fail">%s</span></td>' %
+                    PrettyNumberWord(self.WarningCount(), "warning"))
+    output.append('</tr>\n<tr>')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      output.append('<td>\n')
+      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Error",
+                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR)))
+      output.append('</td>\n')
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      output.append('<td>\n')
+      output.append(self.FormatTypeSummaryTable("Warning",
+                    self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING)))
+      output.append('</td>\n')
+    output.append('</table>')
+    return ''.join(output)
+  def WriteOutput(self, feed_location, f, schedule, other_problems):
+    """Write the html output to f."""
+    if self.HasIssues():
+      if self.ErrorCount() + self.WarningCount() == 1:
+        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found this problem:</span>\n%s' %
+                   self.CountTable())
+      else:
+        summary = ('<span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>\n%s' %
+                   self.CountTable())
+    else:
+      summary = '<span class="pass">feed validated successfully</span>'
+    if other_problems is not None:
+      summary = ('<span class="fail">\n%s</span><br><br>' %
+                 other_problems) + summary
+    basename = os.path.basename(feed_location)
+    feed_path = (feed_location[:feed_location.rfind(basename)], basename)
+    agencies = ', '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (a.agency_url, a.agency_name)
+                          for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()])
+    if not agencies:
+      agencies = '?'
+    dates = "No valid service dates found"
+    (start, end) = schedule.GetDateRange()
+    if start and end:
+      def FormatDate(yyyymmdd):
+        src_format = "%Y%m%d"
+        dst_format = "%B %d, %Y"
+        try:
+          return time.strftime(dst_format,
+                               time.strptime(yyyymmdd, src_format))
+        except ValueError:
+          return yyyymmdd
+      formatted_start = FormatDate(start)
+      formatted_end = FormatDate(end)
+      dates = "%s to %s" % (formatted_start, formatted_end)
+    calendar_summary = CalendarSummary(schedule)
+    if calendar_summary:
+      calendar_summary_html = """<br>
+During the upcoming service dates %(date_summary_range)s:
+<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">%(mean_trips)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(max_trips)s, on %(max_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">%(min_trips)s, on %(min_trips_dates)s</td></tr>
+</table>""" % calendar_summary
+    else:
+      calendar_summary_html = ""
+    output_prefix = """
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>FeedValidator: %(feed_file)s</title>
+body {font-family: Georgia, serif; background-color: white}
+.path {color: gray}
+div.problem {max-width: 500px}
+table.dump td,th {background-color: khaki; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
+table.dump td.problem,th.problem {background-color: dc143c; color: white; padding: 2px; font-family:monospace}
+table.count_outside td {vertical-align: top}
+table.count_outside {border-spacing: 0px; }
+table {border-spacing: 5px 0px; margin-top: 3px}
+h3.issueHeader {padding-left: 0.5em}
+h4.issueHeader {padding-left: 1em}
+.pass {background-color: lightgreen}
+.fail {background-color: yellow}
+.pass, .fail {font-size: 16pt}
+.header {background-color: white; font-family: Georgia, serif; padding: 0px}
+th.header {text-align: right; font-weight: normal; color: gray}
+.footer {font-size: 10pt}
+GTFS validation results for feed:<br>
+<code><span class="path">%(feed_dir)s</span><b>%(feed_file)s</b></code>
+<tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header">%(agencies)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">%(routes)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">%(stops)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">%(trips)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">%(shapes)s</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">%(dates)s</td></tr>
+""" % { "feed_file": feed_path[1],
+        "feed_dir": feed_path[0],
+        "agencies": agencies,
+        "routes": len(schedule.GetRouteList()),
+        "stops": len(schedule.GetStopList()),
+        "trips": len(schedule.GetTripList()),
+        "shapes": len(schedule.GetShapeList()),
+        "dates": dates,
+        "problem_summary": summary,
+        "calendar_summary": calendar_summary_html}
+# In output_suffix string
+# time.strftime() returns a regular local time string (not a Unicode one) with
+# default system encoding. And decode() will then convert this time string back
+# into a Unicode string. We use decode() here because we don't want the operating
+# system to do any system encoding (which may cause some problem if the string
+# contains some non-English characters) for the string. Therefore we decode it
+# back to its original Unicode code print.
+    time_unicode = (time.strftime('%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p %Z').
+                    decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
+    output_suffix = """
+<div class="footer">
+Generated by <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/FeedValidator">
+FeedValidator</a> version %s on %s.
+</html>""" % (transitfeed.__version__, time_unicode)
+    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_prefix))
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR):
+      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3>')
+      self.FormatType(f, "Error",
+                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_ERROR).items())
+    if self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING):
+      f.write('<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3>')
+      self.FormatType(f, "Warning",
+                      self.ProblemListMap(TYPE_WARNING).items())
+    f.write(transitfeed.EncodeUnicode(output_suffix))
+def RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
+  """Validate feed, output results per options and return an exit code."""
+  if options.output.upper() == "CONSOLE":
+    return RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options)
+  else:
+    return RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, options.output)
+def RunValidationOutputToFilename(feed, options, output_filename):
+  """Validate feed, save HTML at output_filename and return an exit code."""
+  try:
+    output_file = open(output_filename, 'w')
+    exit_code = RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file)
+    output_file.close()
+  except IOError, e:
+    print 'Error while writing %s: %s' % (output_filename, e)
+    output_filename = None
+    exit_code = 2
+  if options.manual_entry and output_filename:
+    webbrowser.open('file://%s' % os.path.abspath(output_filename))
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidationOutputToFile(feed, options, output_file):
+  """Validate feed, write HTML to output_file and return an exit code."""
+  accumulator = HTMLCountingProblemAccumulator(options.limit_per_type)
+  problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  schedule, exit_code, other_problems_string = RunValidation(feed, options,
+                                                             problems)
+  if isinstance(feed, basestring):
+    feed_location = feed
+  else:
+    feed_location = getattr(feed, 'name', repr(feed))
+  accumulator.WriteOutput(feed_location, output_file, schedule,
+                       other_problems_string)
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidationOutputToConsole(feed, options):
+  """Validate feed, print reports and return an exit code."""
+  accumulator = CountingConsoleProblemAccumulator()
+  problems = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+  _, exit_code, _ = RunValidation(feed, options, problems)
+  return exit_code
+def RunValidation(feed, options, problems):
+  """Validate feed, returning the loaded Schedule and exit code.
+  Args:
+    feed: GTFS file, either path of the file as a string or a file object
+    options: options object returned by optparse
+    problems: transitfeed.ProblemReporter instance
+  Returns:
+    a transitfeed.Schedule object, exit code and plain text string of other
+    problems
+    Exit code is 2 if an extension is provided but can't be loaded, 1 if
+    problems are found and 0 if the Schedule is problem free.
+    plain text string is '' if no other problems are found.
+  """
+  other_problems_string = CheckVersion(latest_version=options.latest_version)
+  # TODO: Add tests for this flag in testfeedvalidator.py
+  if options.extension:
+    try:
+      __import__(options.extension)
+      extension_module = sys.modules[options.extension]
+    except ImportError:
+      # TODO: Document extensions in a wiki page, place link here
+      print("Could not import extension %s! Please ensure it is a proper "
+            "Python module." % options.extension)
+      exit(2)
+  else:
+    extension_module = transitfeed
+  gtfs_factory = extension_module.GetGtfsFactory()
+  print 'validating %s' % feed
+  loader = gtfs_factory.Loader(feed, problems=problems, extra_validation=False,
+                               memory_db=options.memory_db,
+                               check_duplicate_trips=\
+                               options.check_duplicate_trips,
+                               gtfs_factory=gtfs_factory)
+  schedule = loader.Load()
+  schedule.Validate(service_gap_interval=options.service_gap_interval)
+  if feed == 'IWantMyvalidation-crash.txt':
+    # See test/testfeedvalidator.py
+    raise Exception('For testing the feed validator crash handler.')
+  if other_problems_string:
+    print other_problems_string
+  accumulator = problems.GetAccumulator()
+  if accumulator.HasIssues():
+    print 'ERROR: %s found' % accumulator.FormatCount()
+    return schedule, 1, other_problems_string
+  else:
+    print 'feed validated successfully'
+    return schedule, 0, other_problems_string
+def CheckVersion(latest_version=''):
+  """
+  Check there is newer version of this project.
+  Codes are based on http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
+  Already got permission from the copyright holder.
+  """
+  current_version = transitfeed.__version__
+  if not latest_version:
+    timeout = 20
+    socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
+    request = Request(SVN_TAG_URL)
+    try:
+      response = urlopen(request)
+      content = response.read()
+      versions = re.findall(r'>transitfeed-([\d\.]+)\/<\/a>', content)
+      latest_version = MaxVersion(versions)
+    except HTTPError, e:
+      return('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request. Error code: %s.'
+             % e.code)
+    except URLError, e:
+      return('We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: %s.' % e.reason)
+  if not latest_version:
+    return('We had trouble parsing the contents of %s.' % SVN_TAG_URL)
+  newest_version = MaxVersion([latest_version, current_version])
+  if current_version != newest_version:
+    return('A new version %s of transitfeed is available. Please visit '
+           'http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed and download.'
+           % newest_version)
+def main():
+  usage = \
+'''%prog [options] [<input GTFS.zip>]
+Validates GTFS file (or directory) <input GTFS.zip> and writes a HTML
+report of the results to validation-results.html.
+If <input GTFS.zip> is ommited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
+a file into the console may enter the filename.
+For more information see
+  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
+      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
+  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
+                    dest='manual_entry',
+                    help='do not prompt for feed location or load output in '
+                    'browser')
+  parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE',
+                    help='write html output to FILE or --output=CONSOLE to '
+                    'print all errors and warnings to the command console')
+  parser.add_option('-p', '--performance', action='store_true',
+                    dest='performance',
+                    help='output memory and time performance (Availability: '
+                    'Unix')
+  parser.add_option('-m', '--memory_db', dest='memory_db',  action='store_true',
+                    help='Use in-memory sqlite db instead of a temporary file. '
+                         'It is faster but uses more RAM.')
+  parser.add_option('-d', '--duplicate_trip_check',
+                    dest='check_duplicate_trips', action='store_true',
+                    help='Check for duplicate trips which go through the same '
+                    'stops with same service and start times')
+  parser.add_option('-l', '--limit_per_type',
+                    dest='limit_per_type', action='store', type='int',
+                    help='Maximum number of errors and warnings to keep of '
+                    'each type')
+  parser.add_option('--latest_version', dest='latest_version',
+                    action='store',
+                    help='a version number such as 1.2.1 or None to get the '
+                    'latest version from code.google.com. Output a warning if '
+                    'transitfeed.py is older than this version.')
+  parser.add_option('--service_gap_interval', 
+                    dest='service_gap_interval',
+                    action='store',
+                    type='int',
+                    help='the number of consecutive days to search for with no '
+                    'scheduled service. For each interval with no service '
+                    'having this number of days or more a warning will be '
+                    'issued')
+  parser.add_option('--extension',
+                    dest='extension',
+                    help='the name of the Python module that containts a GTFS '
+                    'extension that is to be loaded and used while validating '
+                    'the specified feed.')
+  parser.set_defaults(manual_entry=True, output='validation-results.html',
+                      memory_db=False, check_duplicate_trips=False,
+                      limit_per_type=5, latest_version='',
+                      service_gap_interval=13)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  if not len(args) == 1:
+    if options.manual_entry:
+      feed = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ')
+    else:
+      parser.error('You must provide the path of a single feed')
+  else:
+    feed = args[0]
+  feed = feed.strip('"')
+  if options.performance:
+    return ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
+  else:
+    return RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)
+def ProfileRunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options):
+  """Run RunValidationOutputFromOptions, print profile and return exit code."""
+  import cProfile
+  import pstats
+  # runctx will modify a dict, but not locals(). We need a way to get rv back.
+  locals_for_exec = locals()
+  cProfile.runctx('rv = RunValidationOutputFromOptions(feed, options)',
+                  globals(), locals_for_exec, 'validate-stats')
+  # Only available on Unix, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-resource.html
+  import resource
+  print "Time: %d seconds" % (
+      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime +
+      resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime)
+  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/286222
+  # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/ "The recipes are freely
+  # available for review and use."
+  def _VmB(VmKey):
+    """Return size from proc status in bytes."""
+    _proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid()
+    _scale = {'kB': 1024.0, 'mB': 1024.0*1024.0,
+              'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': 1024.0*1024.0}
+     # get pseudo file  /proc/<pid>/status
+    try:
+        t = open(_proc_status)
+        v = t.read()
+        t.close()
+    except:
+        raise Exception("no proc file %s" % _proc_status)
+        return 0  # non-Linux?
+     # get VmKey line e.g. 'VmRSS:  9999  kB\n ...'
+    try:
+        i = v.index(VmKey)
+        v = v[i:].split(None, 3)  # whitespace
+    except:
+        return 0 # v is empty
+    if len(v) < 3:
+        raise Exception("%s" % v)
+        return 0  # invalid format?
+     # convert Vm value to bytes
+    return int(float(v[1]) * _scale[v[2]])
+  # I ran this on over a hundred GTFS files, comparing VmSize to VmRSS
+  # (resident set size). The difference was always under 2% or 3MB.
+  print "Virtual Memory Size: %d bytes" % _VmB('VmSize:')
+  # Output report of where CPU time was spent.
+  p = pstats.Stats('validate-stats')
+  p.strip_dirs()
+  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30)
+  p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_callers(30)
+  return locals_for_exec['rv']
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  util.RunWithCrashHandler(main)