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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / classes / browscap.php
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/classes/browscap.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/classes/browscap.php
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/classes/browscap.php
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/classes/browscap.php
@@ -1,1 +1,177 @@



+// Open Web Analytics - An Open Source Web Analytics Framework


+// Copyright 2006 Peter Adams. All rights reserved.


+// Licensed under GPL v2.0


+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+// limitations under the License.


+// $Id$







+ * Browscap Class

+ * 

+ * Used to load and lookup user agents in a local Browscap file

+ * 

+ * @author      Peter Adams <>

+ * @copyright   Copyright &copy; 2006 Peter Adams <>

+ * @license GPL v2.0

+ * @category    owa

+ * @package     owa

+ * @version		$Revision$	      

+ * @since		owa 1.0.0

+ */


+class owa_browscap extends owa_base {



+	/**

+	 * main browscap_db maintained by Gary Keith's 

+	 * Browser Capabilities project.

+	 *

+	 * @var array

+	 */

+	var $browscap_db;


+	/**

+	 * Browscap Record for current User agent

+	 *

+	 * @var unknown_type

+	 */

+	var $browser;


+	/**

+	 * Current user Agent

+	 *

+	 * @var string

+	 */

+	var $ua;

+	var $cache;

+	var $cacheExpiration;


+	function __construct($ua = '') {


+		parent::__construct();

+		// set user agent

+		$this->ua = $ua;


+		// init cache

+		$this->cache = &owa_coreAPI::cacheSingleton(); 

+		$this->cacheExpiration = owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base', 'default_cache_expiration_period');

+		$this->cache->setCollectionExpirationPeriod('browscap', $this->cacheExpiration);

+		//lookup robot in main browscap db

+		$this->browser = $this->lookup($this->ua);

+		$this->e->debug('Browser Name : '. $this->browser->Browser);


+	}


+	function robotCheck() {

+		// must use == due to wacky type issues with phpBrowsecap ini file

+		if ($this->browser->Crawler == "true" || $this->browser->Crawler == "1") {

+			return true;

+		} elseif ($this->browser->Browser === "Default Browser") {

+			return $this->robotRegexCheck();

+		}


+		return false;

+	}


+	function lookup($user_agent) {


+		if (owa_coreAPI::getSetting('base','cache_objects') === true) {

+			owa_coreAPI::profile($this, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

+			$cache_obj = $this->cache->get('browscap', $this->ua);

+		}


+		if (!empty($cache_obj)) {

+			owa_coreAPI::profile($this, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

+			return $cache_obj;


+		} else {

+			owa_coreAPI::profile($this, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);


+			// Load browscap file into memory

+			$user_browscap_file = OWA_DATA_DIR.'browscap/php_browscap.ini';

+			// check to see if a user downloaded version of the file exists

+			if ( file_exists( $user_browscap_file ) ) {

+				$this->browscap_db = $this->load( $user_browscap_file );	

+			} else {

+				$this->browscap_db = $this->load( $this->config['browscap.ini'] );

+			}


+			$cap = null;


+			foreach ($this->browscap_db as $key=>$value) {

+				  if (($key!='*')&&(!array_key_exists('Parent',$value))) continue;

+				  $keyEreg='^'.str_replace(

+				   array('\\','.','?','*','^','$','[',']','|','(',')','+','{','}','%'),

+				   array('\\\\','\\.','.','.*','\\^','\\$','\\[','\\]','\\|','\\(','\\)','\\+','\\{','\\}','\\%'),

+				   $key).'$';

+				  if (preg_match('%'.$keyEreg.'%i',$user_agent))

+				  {

+				   $cap=array('browser_name_regex'=>strtolower($keyEreg),'browser_name_pattern'=>$key)+$value;

+				   $maxDeep=8;

+				   while (array_key_exists('Parent',$value)&&(--$maxDeep>0))

+					$cap += ($value = $this->browscap_db[$value['Parent']]);

+				   break;

+				  }

+			 }


+			if ( ! empty( $cap ) ) {


+				if ( $this->config['cache_objects'] == true ) {

+					if ( $cap['Browser'] != 'Default Browser' ) {

+						$this->cache->set( 'browscap', $this->ua, (object)$cap, $this->cacheExpiration );

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			return ( (object)$cap );

+		}

+	}


+	function load($file) {


+		if(defined('INI_SCANNER_RAW')) {

+        	return parse_ini_file($file, true, INI_SCANNER_RAW);

+    	} else {

+        	return parse_ini_file($file, true);

+     	}


+	}


+	function robotRegexCheck() {


+		$db = new ini_db(OWA_CONF_DIR.'robots.ini');

+		owa_coreAPI::debug('Checking for robot strings...');

+		$match = $db->contains($this->ua);


+		if (!empty($match)):

+			owa_coreAPI::debug('Robot detect string found.');

+			$this->browser->Crawler = true;

+			return true;

+		else:

+			return false;

+		endif;


+	}


+	function get($name) {


+		return $this->browser->$name;

+	}



