Minor bus stop moving UI
[bus.git] / betweenpoint.move.php
blob:a/betweenpoint.move.php -> blob:b/betweenpoint.move.php
--- a/betweenpoint.move.php
+++ b/betweenpoint.move.php
@@ -66,21 +66,26 @@
       $nodelat = (int)($lat * 10000000);
       $nodelon = (int)($lng * 10000000);
       echo($nodelat . "," . $nodelon . "=$geoPo<br>");
-      $sql = "UPDATE stops SET geohash='$geoPo', lat='$nodelat', lng='$nodelon' WHERE geohash = '{$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}'";
+      $sql = "UPDATE stops SET geohash='$geoPo', lat='$nodelat', lng='$nodelon', name=null, suburb=null WHERE geohash = '{$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}'";
       $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
       if (!$result) {
           echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+      } else if (pg_affected_rows($result) == 0) {
+	echo ("Error 0 points moved, please refresh page and try again");
       } else {
       echo $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . " replaced with $geoPo <br>";
       $updatedroutes = 0;
       $result_outdatedroutes = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops where points LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . ";%'");
       while ($outdatedroute = pg_fetch_assoc($result_outdatedroutes)) {
           $newpoints = str_replace($_REQUEST['oldgeopo'], $geoPo, $outdatedroute['points']);
-          $sql = "UPDATE  between_stops set points='$newpoints' where fromlocation = '{$outdatedroute['fromlocation']}' AND tolocation = '{$outdatedroute['tolocation']}' ";
+          $sql = "UPDATE  between_stops set points='$newpoints' where
+	  fromlocation = '".pg_escape_string($outdatedroute['fromlocation']).
+	  "' AND tolocation = '".pg_escape_string($outdatedroute['tolocation'])."' ";
           $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
           if (!$result) {
               echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+	  echo "updated ".$outdatedroute['fromlocation']."->".$outdatedroute['tolocation']."<br>";
       echo "updated $updatedroutes routes<br>";