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[bus.git] / busui / owa / owa_metric.php
blob:a/busui/owa/owa_metric.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/owa_metric.php
--- a/busui/owa/owa_metric.php
+++ b/busui/owa/owa_metric.php
@@ -1,1 +1,609 @@



+// Open Web Analytics - An Open Source Web Analytics Framework


+// Copyright 2006 Peter Adams. All rights reserved.


+// Licensed under GPL v2.0


+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+// limitations under the License.


+// $Id$







+ * Metric

+ * 

+ * @author      Peter Adams <>

+ * @copyright   Copyright &copy; 2006 Peter Adams <>

+ * @license GPL v2.0

+ * @category    owa

+ * @package     owa

+ * @version		$Revision$	      

+ * @since		owa 1.0.0

+ */

+class owa_metric extends owa_base {


+	/**

+	 * Current Time

+	 *

+	 * @var array

+	 */

+	var $time_now = array();


+	/**

+	 * Data

+	 *

+	 * @var array

+	 */

+	var $data;


+	/**

+	 * The params of the caller, either a report or graph

+	 *

+	 * @var array

+	 */

+	var $params = array();


+	/**

+	 * The lables for calculated measures

+	 *

+	 * @var array

+	 */

+	var $labels = array();


+	/**

+	 * Page results	 

+	 *

+	 * @var boolean

+	 */

+	var $page_results = false;


+	/**

+	 * Data Access Object

+	 *

+	 * @var object

+	 */

+	var $db;


+	var $_default_offset = 0;


+	var $pagination;


+	var $page;


+	var $limit;


+	var $order;


+	var $table;


+	var $select = array();


+	var $time_period_constraint_format = 'timestamp';


+	var $column;


+	var $is_calculated = false;	


+	var $data_type;


+	var $supported_data_types = array('percentage', 'decimal', 'integer', 'url', 'yyyymmdd', 'timestamp', 'string', 'currency');


+	function __construct($params = array()) {


+		if (!empty($params)) {

+			$this->params = $params;

+		}


+		$this->db = owa_coreAPI::dbSingleton();


+		$this->pagination = new owa_pagination;


+		return parent::__construct();

+	}



+	/**

+	 * @depricated

+	 * @remove

+	 */

+	function applyOptions($params) {


+		// apply constraints

+		if (array_key_exists('constraints', $params)) {


+			foreach ($params['constraints'] as $k => $v) {


+				if(is_array($v)) {

+					$this->setConstraint($k, $v[1], $v[0]);

+				} else {

+					$this->setConstraint($k, $value);	

+				}				

+			}

+		}


+		// apply limit

+		if (array_key_exists('limit', $params)) {

+			$this->setLimit($params['limit']);

+		}


+		// apply order

+		if (array_key_exists('order', $params)) {

+			$this->setOrder($params['order']);

+		}


+		// apply page

+		if (array_key_exists('page', $params)) {

+			$this->setOrder($params['page']);

+		}


+		// apply offset

+		if (array_key_exists('offset', $params)) {

+			$this->setOrder($params['offset']);

+		}


+		// apply format

+		if (array_key_exists('format', $params)) {

+			//$this->setFormat($params['format']);

+		}


+		// apply period

+		if (array_key_exists('period', $params)) {

+			$this->setFormat($params['period']);

+		}


+		// apply start date

+		if (array_key_exists('startDate', $params)) {

+			$this->setFormat($params['startDate']);

+		}


+		// apply end date

+		if (array_key_exists('endDate', $params)) {

+			$this->setFormat($params['endDate']);

+		}

+	}


+	function setConstraint($name, $value, $operator = '') {


+		if (empty($operator)):

+			$operator = '=';

+		endif;


+		if (!empty($value)):

+			$this->params['constraints'][$name] = array('operator' => $operator, 'value' => $value, 'name' => $name);

+		endif;


+		return;


+	}


+	function setConstraints($array) {


+		if (is_array($array)) {


+			if (is_array($this->params['constraints'])) {

+				$this->params['constraints'] = array_merge($array, $this->params['constraints']);

+			} else {

+				$this->params['constraints'] = $array;

+			}

+		}

+	}


+	function setLimit($value) {


+		if (!empty($value)):


+			$this->limit = $value;


+		endif;

+	}


+	function setOrder($value) {


+		if (!empty($value)):


+			$this->params['order'] = $value;


+		endif;

+	}


+	function setSort($column, $order) {


+		//$this->params['orderby'][] = array($this->getColumnName($column), $order);

+	}


+	function setSorts($array) {


+		if (is_array($array)) {


+			if (!empty($this->params['orderby'])) {

+				$this->params['orderby'] = array_merge($array, $this->params['orderby']);


+			} else {

+				$this->params['orderby'] = $array;

+			}


+		}


+	}


+	function setPage($value) {


+		if (!empty($value)):


+			$this->page = $value;


+			if (!empty($this->pagination)):

+				$this->pagination->setPage($value);

+			endif;


+		endif;

+	}



+	function getConstraints() {


+		return $this->params['constraints'];

+	}


+	function setOffset($value) {


+		if (!empty($value)):

+			$this->params['offset'] = $value;

+		endif;

+	}


+	function setFormat($value) {

+		if (!empty($value)):

+			$this->params['result_format'] = $value;

+		endif;

+	}


+	function setPeriod($value) {

+		if (!empty($value)):

+			$this->params['period'] = $value;

+		endif;

+	}


+	function setTimePeriod($period_name = '', $startDate = null, $endDate = null, $startTime = null, $endTime = null) {


+		if ($startDate && $endDate) {

+			$period_name = 'date_range';

+			$map = array('startDate' => $startDate, 'endDate' => $endDate);

+		} elseif ($startTime && $endTime) {

+			$period_name = 'time_range';

+			$map = array('startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime);

+		} else {

+			$this->debug('no period params passed to owa_metric::setTimePeriod');

+			return false;

+		}


+		$p = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'timePeriod');


+		$p->set($period_name, $map);


+		$this->setPeriod($p);

+	}


+	function makeTimePeriod($period = '') {


+		$start = $this->params['period']->startDate->get($this->time_period_constraint_format);

+		$end = $this->params['period']->endDate->get($this->time_period_constraint_format);


+		if (!empty($this->entity)) {

+			$col = $this->entity->getTableAlias().'.'.$this->time_period_constraint_format;

+		} else {

+			// needed  for backwards compatability

+			$col = $this->time_period_constraint_format;

+		}



+		$this->params['constraints'][$col] = array('operator' => 'BETWEEN', 'value' => array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end));


+		return;


+	}


+	function setStartDate($date) {

+		if (!empty($date)):

+			$this->params['startDate'] = $date;

+		endif;

+	}


+	function setEndDate($date) {

+		if (!empty($date)):

+			$this->params['endDate'] = $date;

+		endif;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * @depricated

+	 */

+	function generate($method = 'calculate') {


+		$this->makeTimePeriod();


+		$this->db->multiWhere($this->getConstraints());


+		if (!empty($this->pagination)):

+			$this->pagination->setLimit($this->limit);

+		endif;


+		// pass limit to db object if one exists

+		if (!empty($this->limit)):

+			$this->db->limit($this->limit);

+		endif;


+		// pass order to db object if one exists




+		// pagination

+		if (!empty($this->page)):

+			$this->pagination->setPage($this->page);

+			$offset = $this->pagination->calculateOffset();

+			$this->db->offset($offset);

+		endif;



+		$results = $this->$method();


+		if (!empty($this->pagination)):

+			$this->pagination->countResults($results);

+		endif;


+		return $results;


+	}


+	/**

+	 * @depricated

+	 */

+	function generateResults() {


+		// set period specific constraints

+		$this->makeTimePeriod();

+		// set constraints

+		$this->db->multiWhere($this->getConstraints());

+		// sets metric specific SQL

+		$this->calculate();

+		// generate paginated result set

+		$rs = owa_coreAPI::supportClassFactory('base', 'paginatedResultSet');

+		// pass limit to db object if one exists

+		if (!empty($this->limit)) {

+			$rs->setLimit($this->limit);

+		}


+		// pass limit to db object if one exists

+		if (!empty($this->page)) {

+			$rs->setPage($this->page);

+		}


+		// get results

+		$rs->generate($this->db);


+		// add labels

+		$rs->setLabels($this->getLabels());


+		// add period info

+		$rs->setPeriodInfo($this->params['period']->getAllInfo());


+		return $rs; 

+	}


+	/**

+	 * @depricated

+	 */

+	function calculatePaginationCount() {


+		if (method_exists($this, 'paginationCount')):

+			$this->makeTimePeriod();


+			$this->db->multiWhere($this->getConstraints());


+			return $this->paginationCount();

+		else:

+			return false;

+		endif;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Set the labels of the measures

+	 *

+	 */

+	function setLabels($array) {


+		$this->labels = $array;

+		return;

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Sets an individual label

+	 * return the key so that it can be nested

+	 * @return $key string

+	 */

+	function addLabel($key, $label) {


+		$this->labels[$key] = $label;

+		return $key;

+	}


+	function getLabel($key = '') {


+		if (!$key) {

+			$key = $this->getName();

+		}


+		return $this->labels[$key];

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Sets an individual label

+	 * return the key so that it can be nested

+	 * @return $key string

+	 */

+	function setLabel($label) {


+		$this->labels[$this->getName()] = $label;


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Retrieve the labels of the measures

+	 *

+	 */

+	function getLabels() {


+		return $this->labels;


+	}


+	function getPagination() {


+		$count = $this->calculatePaginationCount();

+		$this->pagination->total_count = $count;

+		return $this->pagination->getPagination(); 


+	}


+	function zeroFill(&$array) {


+		// PHP 5 only function used here

+		if (function_exists("array_walk_recursive")) {

+			array_walk_recursive($array, array($this, 'addzero'));

+		} else {

+			owa_lib::array_walk_recursive($array, array(get_class($this).'Metric', 'addzero'));

+		}


+		return $array;


+	}


+	function addzero(&$v, $k) {


+		if (empty($v)) {


+			$v = 0;


+		}


+		return;

+	}


+	function getPeriod() {


+		return $this->params['period'];

+	}


+	function getOrder() {


+		if (array_key_exists('order', $this->params)) {

+			return $this->params['order'];

+		}

+	}


+	function getLimit() {


+		return $this->limit;


+	}


+	function setEntity($name) {


+		$this->entity = owa_coreAPI::entityFactory($name);

+	}


+	function getTableName() {


+		return $this->entity->getTableName();

+	}


+	function getTableAlias() {


+		return $this->entity->getTableAlias();

+	}


+	function setSelect($column, $as = '') {


+		if (!$as) {


+			$as = $this->getName();

+		}


+		$this->select = array($column, $as);

+	}


+	function getSelect() {


+		return $this->select;

+	}


+	function setName($name) {


+		$this->name = $name;

+	}


+	function getName() {


+		return $this->name;

+	}


+	function getFormat() {


+		if (array_key_exists('result_format', $this->params)) {

+			return $this->params['result_format'];

+		}

+	}


+	/**

+	 * Sets a metric's column

+	 */

+	function setColumn($col_name, $name = '') {


+		if (!$name) {

+			$name = $this->getName();

+		}

+		$this->column = $this->entity->getTableAlias().'.'.$col_name;

+		$this->all_columns[$name] = $this->column;


+	}


+	/**

+	 * Gets a metric's column name

+	 */

+	function getColumn() {


+		return $this->column;

+	}


+	function getEntityName() {

+		return $this->entity->getName();

+	}


+	function isCalculated() {

+		return $this->is_calculated;

+	}


+	function setDataType($string) {


+		if (in_array($string, $this->supported_data_types)) {

+			$this->data_type = $string;

+		}


+	}


+	function getDataType() {

+		return $this->data_type;

+	}


