Add analytics
[bus.git] / busui / owa / mw_plugin.php
blob:a/busui/owa/mw_plugin.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/mw_plugin.php
--- a/busui/owa/mw_plugin.php
+++ b/busui/owa/mw_plugin.php
@@ -1,1 +1,544 @@



+// Open Web Analytics - An Open Source Web Analytics Framework


+// Copyright 2006 Peter Adams. All rights reserved.


+// Licensed under GPL v2.0


+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+// limitations under the License.


+// $Id$



+// ensures that mediawiki is the only entry point.

+if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {

+	exit;



+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ )  . '/' . 'owa_env.php' );

+require_once( OWA_BASE_CLASSES_DIR . 'owa_mw.php' );




+ * To alter these, set them in your localsettings.php file AFTER you

+ * include/require the extension.

+ */


+// $wgOwaSiteId is used to overide the default site_id that OWA

+// will append to all tracking requests.This is handy if you want

+// to aggregate stats for more than one wiki under the same site_id

+$wgOwaSiteId = false;


+// $wgOwaEnableSpecialPage enables/disables OWA's special page.

+// Use this to deactivate and hide the special page 

+$wgOwaEnableSpecialPage = true;


+// $wgOwaThirdPartyCookies enables third party cookie mode for 

+// OWA's javascript tracker. This is rarely a good idea and will

+// have data quality ramifications.

+$wgOwaThirdPartyCookies = false;


+// $wgOwaCookieDomain contain the domain that OWA's javascript tracker 

+// will use to write it's cookies.

+$wgOwaCookieDomain = false;



+ * Register Extension and Hooks

+ */

+$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(

+		'name' 			=> 'Open Web Analytics for MediaWiki', 

+  		'author' 		=> 'Peter Adams', 

+  		'url' 			=> '',

+  		'description' 	=> 'Open Web Analytics for MedaWiki'



+// used to sniff out admin requests	

+$wgHooks['UnknownAction'][] = 'owa_actions';

+// used to set proper params for logging Article Page Views	

+$wgHooks['ArticlePageDataAfter'][] = 'owa_logArticle';

+// used to set proper params for logging Special Page Views	

+$wgHooks['SpecialPageExecuteAfterPage'][] = 'owa_logSpecialPage';

+// used to set proper params for logging Category Page Views	

+$wgHooks['CategoryPageView'][] = 'owa_logCategoryPage';

+// used to add OWA's javascript tracking tag to all pages 	

+$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'owa_footer';

+// used to fire Action events when articles are created

+$wgHooks['ArticleInsertComplete'][] = 'owa_newArticleAction';

+// used to fire Action events when articles are edited

+$wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = 'owa_editArticleAction';

+// used to fire Action events when new articles are deleted

+$wgHooks['ArticleDeleteComplete'][] = 'owa_deleteArticleAction';

+// used to fire Action events when new user accounts are created

+$wgHooks['AddNewAccount'][] = 'owa_addUserAction';

+// used to fire Action events when new uploads occur

+$wgHooks['UploadComplete'][] = 'owa_addUploadAction';

+// used to fire Action events when users login

+$wgHooks['UserLoginComplete'][] = 'owa_userLoginAction';

+// used to fire Action events when talk pages are edited

+$wgHooks['ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk'][] ='owa_editTalkPageAction';

+// used to register OWA's special page

+$wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = 'owa_registerSpecialPage';



+ * Hook Function for Registering OWA's Special Page

+ */

+function owa_registerSpecialPage( &$aSpecialPages ) {


+	global $wgOwaEnableSpecialPage;


+	// Enable Special Page

+	if ( $wgOwaEnableSpecialPage === true ) {

+		//Load Special Page

+		$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialOwa'] = __FILE__;

+		// Adds OWA's admin interface to special page list

+		$aSpecialPages['Owa'] = 'SpecialOwa';

+	}

+	// must return true for hook to continue processing.

+	return true;




+ * Hook for OWA special actions

+ *

+ * This uses mediawiki's 'unknown action' hook to trigger OWA's special action handler.

+ * This is setup by adding 'action=owa' to the URLs for special actions. There is 

+ * probably a better way to do this so that the OWA namespace is preserved.

+ *

+ * @TODO figure out how to register this method to be triggered only when 'action=owa' instead of 

+ *		 for all unknown mediawiki actions.

+ * @param object $specialPage

+ * @url

+ * @return false

+ */

+function owa_actions($action) {


+	global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;


+	$action = $wgRequest->getText( 'action' );

+	if ( $action === 'owa' ) {

+		$wgOut->disable();

+		$owa = owa_singleton();

+		$owa->handleSpecialActionRequest();

+		return false;

+	} else {

+		return true;

+	}




+ * OWA Singelton

+ *

+ * Needed to avoid OWA loading for every mediawiki request

+ */

+function owa_singleton() {


+	static $owa;


+	if ( empty( $owa ) ) {


+		global 	$wgUser, 

+				$wgServer, 

+				$wgScriptPath, 

+				$wgScript, 

+				$wgMainCacheType, 

+				$wgMemCachedServers,

+				$wgOwaSiteId,

+				$wgOwaMemCachedServers;



+		$owa_config = array();

+		// check for memcache. these need to be passed into OWA to avoid race condition.

+		if ( $wgMainCacheType === CACHE_MEMCACHED ) {

+			$owa_config['cacheType'] = 'memcached';

+			$owa_config['memcachedServers'] = $wgMemCachedServers;

+		}

+		$owa = new owa_mw( $owa_config );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'report_wrapper', 'wrapper_mediawiki.tpl' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'main_url', $wgScriptPath.'/index.php?title=Special:Owa' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'main_absolute_url', $wgServer.$owa->getSetting( 'base', 'main_url' ) );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'action_url', $wgServer.$wgScriptPath.'/index.php?action=owa&owa_specialAction' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'api_url', $wgServer.$wgScriptPath.'/index.php?action=owa&owa_apiAction' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'link_template', '%s&%s' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'is_embedded', true );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'query_string_filters', 'returnto' );

+		$owa->setSetting( 'base', 'delay_first_hit', false );


+		if ( ! $wgOwaSiteId ) {

+			$wgOwaSiteId = md5($wgServer.$wgScriptPath);

+		}


+		$owa->setSiteId( $wgOwaSiteId );

+		/**

+	 	 * Populates OWA's current user object with info about the current mediawiki user.

+	 	 * This info is needed by OWA authentication system as well as to add dimensions

+	 	 * requests that are logged.

+	 	 */

+		$cu = &owa_coreAPI::getCurrentUser();

+		$cu->setUserData( 'user_id', $wgUser->getName() );

+		$cu->setUserData( 'email_address', $wgUser->getEmail() );

+		$cu->setUserData( 'real_name', $wgUser->getRealName() );

+		$cu->setRole( owa_translate_role( $wgUser->getGroups() ) );

+		$cu->setAuthStatus(true);

+	}


+	return $owa;




+ * Transalates MW Roles into OWA Roles

+ *

+ * @todo make this configurable with a global property

+ */

+function owa_translate_role($level = array()) {


+	if ( ! empty( $level ) ) {


+		if ( in_array( "*", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'everyone';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "user", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'viewer';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "autoconfirmed", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'viewer';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "emailconfirmed", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'viewer';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "bot", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'viewer';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "sysop", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'admin';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "bureaucrat", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'admin';

+		} elseif ( in_array( "developer", $level ) ) {

+			$owa_role = 'admin';

+		}


+	} else {

+		$owa_role = '';

+	}


+	return $owa_role;




+ * Helper function for tracking page views of various types

+ */

+function owa_trackPageView( $params = array() ) {


+	global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgOwaSiteId;


+	$owa = owa_singleton();


+	if ( $owa->getSetting( 'base', 'install_complete' ) ) {


+		//$event = $owa->makeEvent();

+		//$event->setEventType( 'base.page_request' );

+		$owa->setSiteId( $wgOwaSiteId );

+		$owa->setProperty( 'user_name', $wgUser->mName );

+		$owa->setProperty( 'user_email', $wgUser->mEmail );

+		$owa->setProperty( 'language', owa_getLanguage() );

+		if ( ! $owa->pageview_event->get( 'page_type') ) {

+			$owa->setPageType( '(not set)' );

+		}


+		//foreach ( $params as $k => $v ) {

+		//	$event->set( $k, $v );

+		//}


+		// if the page title is not set for some reasons, set it

+		// using $wgOut.

+		if ( ! $owa->pageview_event->get( 'page_title') ) {

+			$owa->setPageTitle( 'page_title', $wgOut->getPageTitle() );

+		}


+		/*

+		$tag = sprintf(

+						'<!-- OWA Page View Tracking Params -->

+						var owa_params = %s;', 

+						 json_encode( $event->getProperties() )

+				);


+				$wgOut->addInlineScript( $tag );

+		*/

+	}


+	return true;




+ * Logs Special Page Views

+ *

+ * @param object $specialPage

+ * @return boolean

+ */

+function owa_logSpecialPage(&$specialPage) {


+	$title_obj = $specialPage->getTitle();

+	$title = $title_obj->getText();

+	$owa = owa_singleton();

+	$owa->setPageTitle( $title );

+	$owa->setPageType( 'Special Page' );

+	return true;




+ * Logs Category Page Views

+ *

+ * @param object $categoryPage

+ * @return boolean

+ */

+function owa_logCategoryPage( &$categoryPage ) {


+	$title_obj = $categoryPage->getTitle();

+	$title = $title_obj->getText();

+	$owa = owa_singleton();

+	$owa->setPageTitle( $title );

+	$owa->setPageType( 'Category' );

+	return true;




+ * Logs Article Page Views

+ *

+ * @param object $article

+ * @return boolean

+ */

+function owa_logArticle( &$article ) {


+	$title_obj = $article->getTitle();

+	$title = $title_obj->getText();

+	$owa = owa_singleton();

+	$owa->setPageTitle( $title );

+	$owa->setPageType( 'Article' );

+	return true;




+ * Helper Function for tracking Action Events

+ * 

+ * This function is a wrapper for the Action Event API in owa_client.

+ *

+ * @param	$action_name	string	The name of the action being tracked

+ * @param	$label			string	The label associated with the action being tracked

+ * @return boolean	true

+ */

+function owa_trackAction( $action_name, $label ) {


+	$owa = owa_singleton();


+    if ( $owa->getSetting( 'base', 'install_complete' ) ) {

+		$owa->trackAction( 'mediawiki', $action_name, $label );

+		owa_coreAPI::debug( "logging action event " . $action_name );

+	}


+	return true;




+ * Logs New Articles

+ *

+ * @param object $categoryPage

+ * @return boolean

+ */

+function owa_newArticleAction(&$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, &$watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision) {


+	$label = $article->getTitle()->getText();

+	return owa_trackAction( 'Article Created', $label );



+function owa_editArticleAction($article, &$user, $text, $summary, 

+		$minoredit, &$watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision, 

+		&$status, $baseRevId, &$redirect = '') {


+	if ( $flags & EDIT_UPDATE ) {


+		$label = $article->getTitle()->getText();

+		return owa_trackAction( 'Article Edit', $label );


+	} else {


+		return true;

+	}



+function owa_deleteArticleAction( &$article, &$user, $reason, $id ) {


+	$label = $article->getTitle()->getText();

+	return owa_trackAction( 'Article Deleted', $label );



+function owa_addUserAction( $user, $byEmail ) {


+	$label = '';

+	return owa_trackAction( 'User Account Added', $label );



+function owa_addUploadAction( &$image ) {


+	$label = $image->getLocalFile()->getMimeType();

+	return owa_trackAction( 'File Upload', $label );



+function owa_userLoginAction( &$user, &$inject_html ) {


+	$label = '';

+	return owa_trackAction( 'Login', $label );



+function editTalkPageAction( $article ) {


+	$label = $article->getTitle()->getText();

+	return owa_trackAction( 'Talk Page Edit', $label );




+ * Adds javascript tracker to pages

+ *

+ * @param object $article

+ * @return boolean

+ */

+function owa_footer(&$wgOut, $sk) {


+	global $wgRequest, $wgOwaThirdPartyCookies;


+	if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') != 'edit' && $wgRequest->getVal('title') != 'Special:Owa') {


+		$owa = owa_singleton();

+		if ($owa->getSetting('base', 'install_complete')) {


+			$cmds  = "";

+			if ( $wgOwaThirdPartyCookies ) {

+				$cmds .= "owa_cmds.push( ['setOption', 'thirdParty', true] );";

+			}


+			if ( $wgOwaCookieDomain ) {

+				$cmds .= "owa_cmds.push( ['setCookieDomain', '$wgOwaCookieDomain'] );";

+			}


+			$page_properties = $owa->getAllEventProperties($owa->pageview_event);

+			if ( $page_properties ) {

+				$page_properties_json = json_encode( $page_properties );

+				$cmds .= "owa_cmds.push( ['setPageProperties', $page_properties_json] );";

+			}


+			//$wgOut->addInlineScript( $cmds );


+			$options = array( 'cmds' => $cmds );


+			$tags = $owa->placeHelperPageTags(false, $options);		

+			$wgOut->addHTML($tags);


+		}

+	}


+	return true;




+ * Gets mediawiki Language variable

+ */

+function owa_getLanguage() {


+	global $wgLang, $wgContLang;

+	$code = '';


+	$code = $wgLang->getCode();

+	if ( ! $code ) {

+		$code = $wgContLang->getCode();

+	}


+	return $code;




+ * OWA Special Page Class

+ *

+ * Enables OWA to be accessed through a Mediawiki special page. 

+ */

+class SpecialOwa extends SpecialPage {


+    function __construct() {

+            parent::__construct('Owa');

+            self::loadMessages();

+    }


+    function execute() {


+    	global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgSitename, $wgScriptPath, $wgScript, $wgServer, 

+    		   $wgDBtype, $wgDBname, $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword;


+        $this->setHeaders();

+        //must be called after setHeaders for some reason or elsethe wgUser object is not yet populated.

+        $owa = owa_singleton();

+        $params = array();


+        // if no action is found...

+        $do = owa_coreAPI::getRequestParam('do');

+        if (empty($do)) {

+        	// check to see that owa in installed.

+            if (!$owa->getSetting('base', 'install_complete')) {


+				define('OWA_INSTALLING', true);


+            	$site_url = $wgServer.$wgScriptPath;


+            	$params = array(

+            			'site_id' 		=> md5($site_url), 

+						'name' 			=> $wgSitename,

+						'domain' 		=> $site_url, 

+						'description' 	=> '',

+						'do' 			=> 'base.installStartEmbedded');


+				$params['db_type'] = $wgDBtype;

+				$params['db_name'] = $wgDBname;

+				$params['db_host'] = $wgDBserver;

+				$params['db_user'] = $wgDBuser;

+				$params['db_password'] = $wgDBpassword;

+				$params['public_url'] = $wgServer.$wgScriptPath.'/extensions/owa/';

+				$page = $owa->handleRequest($params);


+			// send to daashboard

+           } else {

+            	$params['do'] = 'base.reportDashboard';

+	           	$page = $owa->handleRequest($params);

+            }

+        // do action found on url

+        } else {

+       		$page = $owa->handleRequestFromURL(); 

+        }


+		return $wgOut->addHTML($page);					


+    }


+    function loadMessages() {

+    	static $messagesLoaded = false;

+        global $wgMessageCache;


+		if ( $messagesLoaded ) return;


+		$messagesLoaded = true;


+		// this should be the only msg defined by mediawiki

+		$allMessages = array(

+			 'en' => array( 

+				 'owa' => 'Open Web Analytics'

+				 )

+			);



+		// load msgs in to mediawiki cache

+		foreach ( $allMessages as $lang => $langMessages ) {

+			   $wgMessageCache->addMessages( $langMessages, $lang );

+		}


+		return true;

+    }    


