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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / js / wz_jsgraphics.js
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/js/wz_jsgraphics.js -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/js/wz_jsgraphics.js
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/js/wz_jsgraphics.js
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/js/wz_jsgraphics.js
@@ -1,1 +1,944 @@
+/* This notice must be untouched at all times.


+wz_jsgraphics.js    v. 2.36

+The latest version is available at





+Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.

+Created 3. 11. 2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: )

+Last modified: 21. 6. 2006


+Performance optimizations for Internet Explorer

+by Thomas Frank and John Holdsworth.

+fillPolygon method implemented by Matthieu Haller.


+High Performance JavaScript Graphics Library.

+Provides methods

+- to draw lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons

+	with specifiable line thickness,

+- to fill rectangles and ellipses

+- to draw text.

+NOTE: Operations, functions and branching have rather been optimized

+to efficiency and speed than to shortness of source code.




+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

+License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+Lesser General Public License for more details.


+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA,

+or see




+var jg_ihtm, jg_ie, jg_fast, jg_dom, jg_moz,

+jg_n4 = (document.layers && typeof document.classes != "undefined");



+function chkDHTM(x, i)


+	x = document.body || null;

+	jg_ie = x && typeof x.insertAdjacentHTML != "undefined";

+	jg_dom = (x && !jg_ie &&

+		typeof x.appendChild != "undefined" &&

+		typeof document.createRange != "undefined" &&

+		typeof (i = document.createRange()).setStartBefore != "undefined" &&

+		typeof i.createContextualFragment != "undefined");

+	jg_ihtm = !jg_ie && !jg_dom && x && typeof x.innerHTML != "undefined";

+	jg_fast = jg_ie && document.all && !window.opera;

+	jg_moz = jg_dom && typeof != "undefined";




+function pntDoc()


+	this.wnd.document.write(jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);

+	this.htm = '';




+function pntCnvDom()


+	var x = this.wnd.document.createRange();

+	x.setStartBefore(this.cnv);

+	x = x.createContextualFragment(jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);

+	if(this.cnv) this.cnv.appendChild(x);

+	this.htm = '';




+function pntCnvIe()


+	if(this.cnv) this.cnv.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);

+	this.htm = '';




+function pntCnvIhtm()


+	if(this.cnv) this.cnv.innerHTML += this.htm;

+	this.htm = '';




+function pntCnv()


+	this.htm = '';




+function mkDiv(x, y, w, h)


+	this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;'+

+		'left:' + x + 'px;'+

+		'top:' + y + 'px;'+

+		'width:' + w + 'px;'+

+		'height:' + h + 'px;'+

+		'clip:rect(0,'+w+'px,'+h+'px,0);'+

+		'background-color:' + this.color +

+		(!jg_moz? ';overflow:hidden' : '')+

+		';"><\/div>';




+function mkDivIe(x, y, w, h)


+	this.htm += '%%'+this.color+';'+x+';'+y+';'+w+';'+h+';';




+function mkDivPrt(x, y, w, h)


+	this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;'+

+		'border-left:' + w + 'px solid ' + this.color + ';'+

+		'left:' + x + 'px;'+

+		'top:' + y + 'px;'+

+		'width:0px;'+

+		'height:' + h + 'px;'+

+		'clip:rect(0,'+w+'px,'+h+'px,0);'+

+		'background-color:' + this.color +

+		(!jg_moz? ';overflow:hidden' : '')+

+		';"><\/div>';




+function mkLyr(x, y, w, h)


+	this.htm += '<layer '+

+		'left="' + x + '" '+

+		'top="' + y + '" '+

+		'width="' + w + '" '+

+		'height="' + h + '" '+

+		'bgcolor="' + this.color + '"><\/layer>\n';




+var regex =  /%%([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);/g;

+function htmRpc()


+	return this.htm.replace(

+		regex,

+		'<div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color:'+

+		'$1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5"></div>\n');




+function htmPrtRpc()


+	return this.htm.replace(

+		regex,

+		'<div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color:'+

+		'$1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5;border-left:$4px solid $1"></div>\n');




+function mkLin(x1, y1, x2, y2)


+	if (x1 > x2)

+	{

+		var _x2 = x2;

+		var _y2 = y2;

+		x2 = x1;

+		y2 = y1;

+		x1 = _x2;

+		y1 = _y2;

+	}

+	var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1),

+	x = x1, y = y1,

+	yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1;


+	if (dx >= dy)

+	{

+		var pr = dy<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dx<<1),

+		p = pr-dx,

+		ox = x;

+		while ((dx--) > 0)

+		{

+			++x;

+			if (p > 0)

+			{

+				this.mkDiv(ox, y, x-ox, 1);

+				y += yIncr;

+				p += pru;

+				ox = x;

+			}

+			else p += pr;

+		}

+		this.mkDiv(ox, y, x2-ox+1, 1);

+	}


+	else

+	{

+		var pr = dx<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dy<<1),

+		p = pr-dy,

+		oy = y;

+		if (y2 <= y1)

+		{

+			while ((dy--) > 0)

+			{

+				if (p > 0)

+				{

+					this.mkDiv(x++, y, 1, oy-y+1);

+					y += yIncr;

+					p += pru;

+					oy = y;

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					y += yIncr;

+					p += pr;

+				}

+			}

+			this.mkDiv(x2, y2, 1, oy-y2+1);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			while ((dy--) > 0)

+			{

+				y += yIncr;

+				if (p > 0)

+				{

+					this.mkDiv(x++, oy, 1, y-oy);

+					p += pru;

+					oy = y;

+				}

+				else p += pr;

+			}

+			this.mkDiv(x2, oy, 1, y2-oy+1);

+		}

+	}




+function mkLin2D(x1, y1, x2, y2)


+	if (x1 > x2)

+	{

+		var _x2 = x2;

+		var _y2 = y2;

+		x2 = x1;

+		y2 = y1;

+		x1 = _x2;

+		y1 = _y2;

+	}

+	var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1),

+	x = x1, y = y1,

+	yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1;


+	var s = this.stroke;

+	if (dx >= dy)

+	{

+		if (dx > 0 && s-3 > 0)

+		{

+			var _s = (s*dx*Math.sqrt(1+dy*dy/(dx*dx))-dx-(s>>1)*dy) / dx;

+			_s = (!(s-4)? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1;

+		}

+		else var _s = s;

+		var ad = Math.ceil(s/2);


+		var pr = dy<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dx<<1),

+		p = pr-dx,

+		ox = x;

+		while ((dx--) > 0)

+		{

+			++x;

+			if (p > 0)

+			{

+				this.mkDiv(ox, y, x-ox+ad, _s);

+				y += yIncr;

+				p += pru;

+				ox = x;

+			}

+			else p += pr;

+		}

+		this.mkDiv(ox, y, x2-ox+ad+1, _s);

+	}


+	else

+	{

+		if (s-3 > 0)

+		{

+			var _s = (s*dy*Math.sqrt(1+dx*dx/(dy*dy))-(s>>1)*dx-dy) / dy;

+			_s = (!(s-4)? Math.ceil(_s) : Math.round(_s)) + 1;

+		}

+		else var _s = s;

+		var ad = Math.round(s/2);


+		var pr = dx<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dy<<1),

+		p = pr-dy,

+		oy = y;

+		if (y2 <= y1)

+		{

+			++ad;

+			while ((dy--) > 0)

+			{

+				if (p > 0)

+				{

+					this.mkDiv(x++, y, _s, oy-y+ad);

+					y += yIncr;

+					p += pru;

+					oy = y;

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					y += yIncr;

+					p += pr;

+				}

+			}

+			this.mkDiv(x2, y2, _s, oy-y2+ad);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			while ((dy--) > 0)

+			{

+				y += yIncr;

+				if (p > 0)

+				{

+					this.mkDiv(x++, oy, _s, y-oy+ad);

+					p += pru;

+					oy = y;

+				}

+				else p += pr;

+			}

+			this.mkDiv(x2, oy, _s, y2-oy+ad+1);

+		}

+	}




+function mkLinDott(x1, y1, x2, y2)


+	if (x1 > x2)

+	{

+		var _x2 = x2;

+		var _y2 = y2;

+		x2 = x1;

+		y2 = y1;

+		x1 = _x2;

+		y1 = _y2;

+	}

+	var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1),

+	x = x1, y = y1,

+	yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1,

+	drw = true;

+	if (dx >= dy)

+	{

+		var pr = dy<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dx<<1),

+		p = pr-dx;

+		while ((dx--) > 0)

+		{

+			if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1);

+			drw = !drw;

+			if (p > 0)

+			{

+				y += yIncr;

+				p += pru;

+			}

+			else p += pr;

+			++x;

+		}

+		if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1);

+	}


+	else

+	{

+		var pr = dx<<1,

+		pru = pr - (dy<<1),

+		p = pr-dy;

+		while ((dy--) > 0)

+		{

+			if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1);

+			drw = !drw;

+			y += yIncr;

+			if (p > 0)

+			{

+				++x;

+				p += pru;

+			}

+			else p += pr;

+		}

+		if (drw) this.mkDiv(x, y, 1, 1);

+	}




+function mkOv(left, top, width, height)


+	var a = width>>1, b = height>>1,

+	wod = width&1, hod = (height&1)+1,

+	cx = left+a, cy = top+b,

+	x = 0, y = b,

+	ox = 0, oy = b,

+	aa = (a*a)<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,

+	st = (aa>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,

+	tt = (bb>>1) - aa*((b<<1)-1),

+	w, h;

+	while (y > 0)

+	{

+		if (st < 0)

+		{

+			st += bb*((x<<1)+3);

+			tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);

+		}

+		else if (tt < 0)

+		{

+			st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1);

+			tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3);

+			w = x-ox;

+			h = oy-y;

+			if (w&2 && h&2)

+			{

+				this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+2, ox+wod, -oy, oy-1+hod, 1, 1);

+				this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, x-1+wod, -y-1, y+hod, 1, 1);

+			}

+			else this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox+wod, -oy, oy-h+hod, w, h);

+			ox = x;

+			oy = y;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3);

+			st -= (aa<<1)*(--y);

+		}

+	}

+	this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, a-ox+1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+	this.mkDiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, a-ox+1, (oy<<1)+hod);




+function mkOv2D(left, top, width, height)


+	var s = this.stroke;

+	width += s-1;

+	height += s-1;

+	var a = width>>1, b = height>>1,

+	wod = width&1, hod = (height&1)+1,

+	cx = left+a, cy = top+b,

+	x = 0, y = b,

+	aa = (a*a)<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,

+	st = (aa>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,

+	tt = (bb>>1) - aa*((b<<1)-1);


+	if (s-4 < 0 && (!(s-2) || width-51 > 0 && height-51 > 0))

+	{

+		var ox = 0, oy = b,

+		w, h,

+		pxl, pxr, pxt, pxb, pxw;

+		while (y > 0)

+		{

+			if (st < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3);

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);

+			}

+			else if (tt < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1);

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3);

+				w = x-ox;

+				h = oy-y;


+				if (w-1)

+				{

+					pxw = w+1+(s&1);

+					h = s;

+				}

+				else if (h-1)

+				{

+					pxw = s;

+					h += 1+(s&1);

+				}

+				else pxw = h = s;

+				this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox-pxw+w+wod, -oy, -h+oy+hod, pxw, h);

+				ox = x;

+				oy = y;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3);

+				st -= (aa<<1)*(--y);

+			}

+		}

+		this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod);

+		this.mkDiv(cx+a+wod-s+1, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod);

+	}


+	else

+	{

+		var _a = (width-((s-1)<<1))>>1,

+		_b = (height-((s-1)<<1))>>1,

+		_x = 0, _y = _b,

+		_aa = (_a*_a)<<1, _bb = (_b*_b)<<1,

+		_st = (_aa>>1)*(1-(_b<<1)) + _bb,

+		_tt = (_bb>>1) - _aa*((_b<<1)-1),


+		pxl = new Array(),

+		pxt = new Array(),

+		_pxb = new Array();

+		pxl[0] = 0;

+		pxt[0] = b;

+		_pxb[0] = _b-1;

+		while (y > 0)

+		{

+			if (st < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3);

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);

+				pxl[pxl.length] = x;

+				pxt[pxt.length] = y;

+			}

+			else if (tt < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1);

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3);

+				pxl[pxl.length] = x;

+				pxt[pxt.length] = y;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3);

+				st -= (aa<<1)*(--y);

+			}


+			if (_y > 0)

+			{

+				if (_st < 0)

+				{

+					_st += _bb*((_x<<1)+3);

+					_tt += (_bb<<1)*(++_x);

+					_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y-1;

+				}

+				else if (_tt < 0)

+				{

+					_st += _bb*((_x<<1)+3) - (_aa<<1)*(_y-1);

+					_tt += (_bb<<1)*(++_x) - _aa*(((_y--)<<1)-3);

+					_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y-1;

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					_tt -= _aa*((_y<<1)-3);

+					_st -= (_aa<<1)*(--_y);

+					_pxb[_pxb.length-1]--;

+				}

+			}

+		}


+		var ox = 0, oy = b,

+		_oy = _pxb[0],

+		l = pxl.length,

+		w, h;

+		for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)

+		{

+			if (typeof _pxb[i] != "undefined")

+			{

+				if (_pxb[i] < _oy || pxt[i] < oy)

+				{

+					x = pxl[i];

+					this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox+wod, -oy, _oy+hod, x-ox, oy-_oy);

+					ox = x;

+					oy = pxt[i];

+					_oy = _pxb[i];

+				}

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				x = pxl[i];

+				this.mkDiv(cx-x+1, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+				this.mkDiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+				ox = x;

+				oy = pxt[i];

+			}

+		}

+		this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+		this.mkDiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+	}




+function mkOvDott(left, top, width, height)


+	var a = width>>1, b = height>>1,

+	wod = width&1, hod = height&1,

+	cx = left+a, cy = top+b,

+	x = 0, y = b,

+	aa2 = (a*a)<<1, aa4 = aa2<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,

+	st = (aa2>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,

+	tt = (bb>>1) - aa2*((b<<1)-1),

+	drw = true;

+	while (y > 0)

+	{

+		if (st < 0)

+		{

+			st += bb*((x<<1)+3);

+			tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);

+		}

+		else if (tt < 0)

+		{

+			st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - aa4*(y-1);

+			tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa2*(((y--)<<1)-3);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			tt -= aa2*((y<<1)-3);

+			st -= aa4*(--y);

+		}

+		if (drw) this.mkOvQds(cx, cy, -x, x+wod, -y, y+hod, 1, 1);

+		drw = !drw;

+	}




+function mkRect(x, y, w, h)


+	var s = this.stroke;

+	this.mkDiv(x, y, w, s);

+	this.mkDiv(x+w, y, s, h);

+	this.mkDiv(x, y+h, w+s, s);

+	this.mkDiv(x, y+s, s, h-s);




+function mkRectDott(x, y, w, h)


+	this.drawLine(x, y, x+w, y);

+	this.drawLine(x+w, y, x+w, y+h);

+	this.drawLine(x, y+h, x+w, y+h);

+	this.drawLine(x, y, x, y+h);




+function jsgFont()


+	this.PLAIN = 'font-weight:normal;';

+	this.BOLD = 'font-weight:bold;';

+	this.ITALIC = 'font-style:italic;';

+	this.ITALIC_BOLD = this.ITALIC + this.BOLD;



+var Font = new jsgFont();



+function jsgStroke()


+	this.DOTTED = -1;


+var Stroke = new jsgStroke();



+function jsGraphics(id, wnd)


+	this.setColor = new Function('arg', 'this.color = arg.toLowerCase();');


+	this.setStroke = function(x)

+	{

+		this.stroke = x;

+		if (!(x+1))

+		{

+			this.drawLine = mkLinDott;

+			this.mkOv = mkOvDott;

+			this.drawRect = mkRectDott;

+		}

+		else if (x-1 > 0)

+		{

+			this.drawLine = mkLin2D;

+			this.mkOv = mkOv2D;

+			this.drawRect = mkRect;

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			this.drawLine = mkLin;

+			this.mkOv = mkOv;

+			this.drawRect = mkRect;

+		}

+	};



+	this.setPrintable = function(arg)

+	{

+		this.printable = arg;

+		if (jg_fast)

+		{

+			this.mkDiv = mkDivIe;

+			this.htmRpc = arg? htmPrtRpc : htmRpc;

+		}

+		else this.mkDiv = jg_n4? mkLyr : arg? mkDivPrt : mkDiv;

+	};



+	this.setFont = function(fam, sz, sty)

+	{

+		this.ftFam = fam;

+		this.ftSz = sz;

+		this.ftSty = sty || Font.PLAIN;

+	};



+	this.drawPolyline = this.drawPolyLine = function(x, y, s)

+	{

+		for (var i=0 ; i<x.length-1 ; i++ )

+			this.drawLine(x[i], y[i], x[i+1], y[i+1]);

+	};



+	this.fillRect = function(x, y, w, h)

+	{

+		this.mkDiv(x, y, w, h);

+	};



+	this.drawPolygon = function(x, y)

+	{

+		this.drawPolyline(x, y);

+		this.drawLine(x[x.length-1], y[x.length-1], x[0], y[0]);

+	};



+	this.drawEllipse = this.drawOval = function(x, y, w, h)

+	{

+		this.mkOv(x, y, w, h);

+	};



+	this.fillEllipse = this.fillOval = function(left, top, w, h)

+	{

+		var a = (w -= 1)>>1, b = (h -= 1)>>1,

+		wod = (w&1)+1, hod = (h&1)+1,

+		cx = left+a, cy = top+b,

+		x = 0, y = b,

+		ox = 0, oy = b,

+		aa2 = (a*a)<<1, aa4 = aa2<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,

+		st = (aa2>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,

+		tt = (bb>>1) - aa2*((b<<1)-1),

+		pxl, dw, dh;

+		if (w+1) while (y > 0)

+		{

+			if (st < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3);

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);

+			}

+			else if (tt < 0)

+			{

+				st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - aa4*(y-1);

+				pxl = cx-x;

+				dw = (x<<1)+wod;

+				tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa2*(((y--)<<1)-3);

+				dh = oy-y;

+				this.mkDiv(pxl, cy-oy, dw, dh);

+				this.mkDiv(pxl, cy+y+hod, dw, dh);

+				ox = x;

+				oy = y;

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				tt -= aa2*((y<<1)-3);

+				st -= aa4*(--y);

+			}

+		}

+		this.mkDiv(cx-a, cy-oy, w+1, (oy<<1)+hod);

+	};



+/* fillPolygon method, implemented by Matthieu Haller.

+This javascript function is an adaptation of the gdImageFilledPolygon for Walter Zorn lib.

+C source of GD 1.8.4 found at


+THANKS to Kirsten Schulz for the polygon fixes!


+The intersection finding technique of this code could be improved

+by remembering the previous intertersection, and by using the slope.

+That could help to adjust intersections to produce a nice

+interior_extrema. */

+	this.fillPolygon = function(array_x, array_y)

+	{

+		var i;

+		var y;

+		var miny, maxy;

+		var x1, y1;

+		var x2, y2;

+		var ind1, ind2;

+		var ints;


+		var n = array_x.length;


+		if (!n) return;



+		miny = array_y[0];

+		maxy = array_y[0];

+		for (i = 1; i < n; i++)

+		{

+			if (array_y[i] < miny)

+				miny = array_y[i];


+			if (array_y[i] > maxy)

+				maxy = array_y[i];

+		}

+		for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y++)

+		{

+			var polyInts = new Array();

+			ints = 0;

+			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

+			{

+				if (!i)

+				{

+					ind1 = n-1;

+					ind2 = 0;

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					ind1 = i-1;

+					ind2 = i;

+				}

+				y1 = array_y[ind1];

+				y2 = array_y[ind2];

+				if (y1 < y2)

+				{

+					x1 = array_x[ind1];

+					x2 = array_x[ind2];

+				}

+				else if (y1 > y2)

+				{

+					y2 = array_y[ind1];

+					y1 = array_y[ind2];

+					x2 = array_x[ind1];

+					x1 = array_x[ind2];

+				}

+				else continue;


+				 // modified 11. 2. 2004 Walter Zorn

+				if ((y >= y1) && (y < y2))

+					polyInts[ints++] = Math.round((y-y1) * (x2-x1) / (y2-y1) + x1);


+				else if ((y == maxy) && (y > y1) && (y <= y2))

+					polyInts[ints++] = Math.round((y-y1) * (x2-x1) / (y2-y1) + x1);

+			}

+			polyInts.sort(integer_compare);

+			for (i = 0; i < ints; i+=2)

+				this.mkDiv(polyInts[i], y, polyInts[i+1]-polyInts[i]+1, 1);

+		}

+	};



+	this.drawString = function(txt, x, y)

+	{

+		this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;'+

+			'left:' + x + 'px;'+

+			'top:' + y + 'px;'+

+			'font-family:' +  this.ftFam + ';'+

+			'font-size:' + this.ftSz + ';'+

+			'color:' + this.color + ';' + this.ftSty + '">'+

+			txt +

+			'<\/div>';

+	};



+/* drawStringRect() added by Rick Blommers.

+Allows to specify the size of the text rectangle and to align the

+text both horizontally (e.g. right) and vertically within that rectangle */

+	this.drawStringRect = function(txt, x, y, width, halign)

+	{

+		this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;'+

+			'left:' + x + 'px;'+

+			'top:' + y + 'px;'+

+			'width:'+width +'px;'+

+			'text-align:'+halign+';'+

+			'font-family:' +  this.ftFam + ';'+

+			'font-size:' + this.ftSz + ';'+

+			'color:' + this.color + ';' + this.ftSty + '">'+

+			txt +

+			'<\/div>';

+	};



+	this.drawImage = function(imgSrc, x, y, w, h, a)

+	{

+		this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;'+

+			'left:' + x + 'px;'+

+			'top:' + y + 'px;'+

+			'width:' +  w + 'px;'+

+			'height:' + h + 'px;">'+

+			'<img src="' + imgSrc + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '"' + (a? (' '+a) : '') + '>'+

+			'<\/div>';

+	};



+	this.clear = function()

+	{

+		this.htm = "";

+		if (this.cnv) this.cnv.innerHTML = this.defhtm;

+	};



+	this.mkOvQds = function(cx, cy, xl, xr, yt, yb, w, h)

+	{

+		this.mkDiv(xr+cx, yt+cy, w, h);

+		this.mkDiv(xr+cx, yb+cy, w, h);

+		this.mkDiv(xl+cx, yb+cy, w, h);

+		this.mkDiv(xl+cx, yt+cy, w, h);

+	};


+	this.setStroke(1);

+	this.setFont('verdana,geneva,helvetica,sans-serif', String.fromCharCode(0x31, 0x32, 0x70, 0x78), Font.PLAIN);

+	this.color = '#000000';

+	this.htm = '';

+	this.wnd = wnd || window;


+	if (!(jg_ie || jg_dom || jg_ihtm)) chkDHTM();

+	if (typeof id != 'string' || !id) this.paint = pntDoc;

+	else

+	{

+		this.cnv = document.all? (this.wnd.document.all[id] || null)

+			: document.getElementById? (this.wnd.document.getElementById(id) || null)

+			: null;

+		this.defhtm = (this.cnv && this.cnv.innerHTML)? this.cnv.innerHTML : '';

+		this.paint = jg_dom? pntCnvDom : jg_ie? pntCnvIe : jg_ihtm? pntCnvIhtm : pntCnv;

+	}


+	this.setPrintable(false);





+function integer_compare(x,y)


+	return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y)*1);

