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[bus.git] / busui / owa / modules / base / templates / report_actionDetail.php
blob:a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_actionDetail.php -> blob:b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_actionDetail.php
--- a/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_actionDetail.php
+++ b/busui/owa/modules/base/templates/report_actionDetail.php
@@ -1,1 +1,87 @@
+<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Action Metrics</div>

+<div class="owa_reportSectionContent">



+	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

+		<tr>

+			<td valign="top">

+			<?php foreach($aggregates->aggregates as $row):?>

+				<div class="owa_metricInfobox">

+					<p class="owa_metricInfoboxLabel"><?php echo $row['label'];?></p>

+					<p class="owa_metricInfoboxLargeNumber"><?php echo $row['value'];?></p>	

+				</div>

+			<?php endforeach;?>

+			</td>

+		</tr>

+	</table>



+<div class="owa_reportSectionHeader">Analysis Workbook</div>

+<div id="owa-actions-workbook" class="owa-workbook">


+	<ul>

+		<li><a href="#actionsByLabel">Actions By Label</a></li>

+		<li><a href="#actionsByDate">Actions By Date</a></li>

+	</ul>


+	<div id="actionsByLabel" class="owa_reportSectionContent">



+		<div style="width:;" id="actionsByLabelExplorer"></div>


+	</div>


+	<div id="actionsByDate" class="owa_reportSectionContent">


+		<div style="width:;" id="actionsByDateExplorer"></div>


+	</div>




+<script type="text/javascript">

+	jQuery(function() {

+		jQuery("#owa-actions-workbook").tabs();

+	});


+	jQuery('#owa-actions-workbook').bind('tabsshow', function(event, ui) {


+		if (ui.index === 0) {


+			var aurl = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+														  'metrics' => 'actions,actionsValue', 

+														  'dimensions' => 'actionLabel', 

+														  'sort' => 'actions-', 

+														  'resultsPerPage' => 25,

+														  'format' => 'json',

+														  'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId').'actionName=='.$actionName)), true);?>';


+			rsh = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('actionsByLabelExplorer');

+			rsh.load(aurl, 'grid');


+		}


+		if (ui.index === 1) {


+			var aurl2 = '<?php echo $this->makeApiLink(array('do' => 'getResultSet', 

+														  'metrics' => 'actions,actionsValue', 

+														  'dimensions' => 'date', 

+														  'sort' => 'date-', 

+														  'resultsPerPage' => 25,

+														  'format' => 'json',

+														  'constraints' => urlencode($this->substituteValue('siteId==%s,','siteId').'actionName=='.$actionName)), true);?>';


+			rsh2 = new OWA.resultSetExplorer('actionsByDateExplorer');

+			rsh2.load(aurl2, 'grid');		

+		}


+    // Objects available in the function context:

+    //     // anchor element of the selected (clicked) tab

+    //ui.panel   // element, that contains the selected/clicked tab contents

+    //ui.index   // zero-based index of the selected (clicked) tab


+	});


