Move busui to seperate repository
Move busui to seperate repository

file:a/busui/about.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/about.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,1 @@
-    Busness Time - An ACT bus timetable webapp
-Based on the maxious-canberra-transit-feed
-Uses jQuery Mobile, PHP, Ruby, Python, Google Transit Feed Specification tools, OpenTripPlanner, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, Cloudmade Geocoder and Tile Service
-Feedback encouraged; contact
-Some icons by Joseph Wain /
-Disclaimer: The content of this website is of a general and informative nature. Please check with printed timetables or those available on before your trip.
-Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality and accuracy of the Site, the Author makes no warranty, 
-express or implied concerning the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information, which is provided 
-"as is". The Author expressly disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and warranties of merchantability. 
-All offers are not binding and without obligation. The Author expressly reserves the right, in his discretion, to suspend, 
-change, modify, add or remove portions of the Site and to restrict or terminate the use and accessibility of the Site 
-without prior notice. 

file:a/busui/ (deleted)
--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +1,1 @@
-$APIurl = "http://localhost:8765";
-error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
- // you have to open the session to be able to modify or remove it 
- session_start(); 
-function isDebug()
-    return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "localhost" || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "" || !$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
-function debug($msg) {
-    if (isDebug()) echo "<!-- $msg -->";
-function isFastDevice() {
-    return true;
-function include_header($pageTitle, $opendiv = true, $geolocate = false) {
- // this starts the session 
- session_start(); 
-    // if (isDebug()) // set php error level high
-    echo '
-<!DOCTYPE html> 
-	<head> 
-	<title>busness time - '.$pageTitle.'</title> 
-	';
-         if (isDebug()) echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="jquery-mobile-1.0a3.css" />
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-mobile-1.0a3.js"></script>';
-         else echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="" />
-        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
-echo '
-     <style type="text/css">
-     .ui-navbar {
-     padding-bottom: 18px;
-     width: 100%;
-     }
-<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
- <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
- <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="startup.png" />
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />';
- if ($geolocate) {
-echo "<script>
-function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)
-var exdate=new Date();
-document.cookie=c_name+ \"=\" +escape(value)+
-((expiredays==null) ? \"\" : \";expires=\"+exdate.toUTCString());
-function getCookie(c_name)
-if (document.cookie.length>0)
-  {
-  c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + \"=\");
-  if (c_start!=-1)
-    {
-    c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
-    c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",c_start);
-    if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
-    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
-    }
-  }
-return \"\";
-function success(position) {
-function error(msg) {
- console.log(msg);
-if (navigator.geolocation) {
-  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
-</script> ";
- }
-echo '</head> 
- ';
-if ($opendiv) echo '<div data-role="page"> 
-	<div data-role="header"> 
-		<h1>'.$pageTitle.'</h1>
-	</div><!-- /header -->
-        <div data-role="content"> ';
-function include_footer()
-    echo '</div>';
-$service_periods = Array ('sunday','saturday','weekday');
-function service_period()
-if (isset($_SESSION['service_period'])) return $_SESSION['service_period'];
-switch (date('w')){
-case 0:
-	return 'sunday';
-case 6:
-	return 'saturday';
-	return 'weekday';
-function remove_spaces($string)
-    return str_replace(' ','',$string);
-function midnight_seconds()
-// from
-if (isset($_SESSION['time'])) {
-        $time = mkdate($_SESSION['time']);
-        return (date("G",$time) * 3600) + (date("i",$time) * 60) + date("s",$time);
-    }
-   return (date("G") * 3600) + (date("i") * 60) + date("s");
-function midnight_seconds_to_time($seconds)
-	$midnight = mktime (0, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y"));
-	return date("h:ia",$midnight+$seconds);
-function getPage($url)
-    $ch = curl_init($url);
-curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
-curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
-$page = curl_exec($ch);
-return $page;
-function array_flatten($a,$f=array()){
-  if(!$a||!is_array($a))return '';
-  foreach($a as $k=>$v){
-    if(is_array($v))$f=array_flatten($v,$f);
-    else $f[$k]=$v;
-  }
-  return $f;
-function staticmap($mapPoints, $zoom = 0, $markerImage = "iconb")
-$width = 300;
-$height = 300;
-// $metersperpixel[17]=1.193*$width;
-$center = "";
-$markers = "";
-$minlat = 999;
-$minlon = 999;
-$maxlat = 0;
-$maxlon = 0;
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) < 1) return "map error";
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
-         if ($zoom == 0) $zoom = 14;
-            $markers .= "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]},$markerimage";
-            $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";        
-    } else {
-        foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
-            $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",".$markerImage.($index+1);
-            if ($index+1 != sizeof($mapPoints)) $markers .= "|";
-            if ($mapPoint[0] < $minlat) $minlat = $mapPoint[0];
-            if ($mapPoint[0] > $maxlat) $maxlat = $mapPoint[0];
-            if ($mapPoint[1] < $minlon) $minlon = $mapPoint[1];
-            if ($mapPoint[1] > $maxlon) $maxlon = $mapPoint[1];
-            $totalLat += $mapPoint[0];
-            $totalLon += $mapPoint[1];
-        }
-        if ($zoom == 0) {
-            $mapwidthinmeters = distance($minlat,$minlon,$minlat,$maxlon);
-            foreach (array_reverse($metersperpixel,true) as $zoomLevel => $maxdistance)
-            {
-                if ($zoom == 0 && $mapwidthinmeters < ($maxdistance + 50)) $zoom = $zoomLevel;
-            }
-        }
-       $center = $totalLat/sizeof($mapPoints).",".$totalLon/sizeof($mapPoints);
-    }
-    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom='.$zoom.'&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width='.$width.' height='.$height.'>';
-function distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2)
-	$pi80 = M_PI / 180;
-	$lat1 *= $pi80;
-	$lng1 *= $pi80;
-	$lat2 *= $pi80;
-	$lng2 *= $pi80;
-	$r = 6372.797; // mean radius of Earth in km
-	$dlat = $lat2 - $lat1;
-	$dlng = $lng2 - $lng1;
-	$a = sin($dlat / 2) * sin($dlat / 2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * sin($dlng / 2) * sin($dlng / 2);
-	$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
-	$km = $r * $c;
-	return $km * 1000;
-function decodePolylineToArray($encoded)
-// source:
-  $length = strlen($encoded);
-  $index = 0;
-  $points = array();
-  $lat = 0;
-  $lng = 0;
-  while ($index < $length)
-  {
-    // Temporary variable to hold each ASCII byte.
-    $b = 0;
-    // The encoded polyline consists of a latitude value followed by a
-    // longitude value.  They should always come in pairs.  Read the
-    // latitude value first.
-    $shift = 0;
-    $result = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      // The `ord(substr($encoded, $index++))` statement returns the ASCII
-      //  code for the character at $index.  Subtract 63 to get the original
-      // value. (63 was added to ensure proper ASCII characters are displayed
-      // in the encoded polyline string, which is `human` readable)
-      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
-      // AND the bits of the byte with 0x1f to get the original 5-bit `chunk.
-      // Then left shift the bits by the required amount, which increases
-      // by 5 bits each time.
-      // OR the value into $results, which sums up the individual 5-bit chunks
-      // into the original value.  Since the 5-bit chunks were reversed in
-      // order during encoding, reading them in this way ensures proper
-      // summation.
-      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
-      $shift += 5;
-    }
-    // Continue while the read byte is >= 0x20 since the last `chunk`
-    // was not OR'd with 0x20 during the conversion process. (Signals the end)
-    while ($b >= 0x20);
-    // Check if negative, and convert. (All negative values have the last bit
-    // set)
-    $dlat = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
-    // Compute actual latitude since value is offset from previous value.
-    $lat += $dlat;
-    // The next values will correspond to the longitude for this point.
-    $shift = 0;
-    $result = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
-      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
-      $shift += 5;
-    }
-    while ($b >= 0x20);
-    $dlng = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
-    $lng += $dlng;
-    // The actual latitude and longitude values were multiplied by
-    // 1e5 before encoding so that they could be converted to a 32-bit
-    // integer representation. (With a decimal accuracy of 5 places)
-    // Convert back to original values.
-    $points[] = array($lat * 1e-5, $lng * 1e-5);
-  }
-  return $points;
-function object2array($object) {
-    if (is_object($object)) {
-        foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
-            $array[$key] = $value;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $array = $object;
-    }
-    return $array;
-function geocode($query, $giveOptions) {
-       $url = "".$query."&bbox=-35.5,149.00,-35.15,149.1930&return_location=true&bbox_only=true";
-      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-      if ($giveOptions) return $contents->features;
-      elseif (isset($contents->features[0]->centroid)) return $contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[0].",".$contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[1];
-      else return "";
-function reverseGeocode($lat,$lng) {
-      $url = "".$lat.",".$lng."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
-      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-      return $contents->features[0]->properties->name;
-function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
-    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
-    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
-function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
-    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
-    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);

 Binary files a/busui/images/01-refresh.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/02-redo.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/06-magnify.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/07-map-marker.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/101-gameplan.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/102-walk.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/103-map.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/113-navigation.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/121-landscape.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/13-target.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/139-flags.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/145-persondot.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/184-warning.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/193-location-arrow.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/28-star.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/53-house.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/55-network.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/57-download.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/58-bookmark.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/59-flag.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/60-signpost.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/73-radar.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/74-location.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/83-calendar.png and /dev/null differ
file:a/busui/index.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +1,1 @@
- // remove all the variable in the session 
- session_unset(); 
- //destroy the session 
- session_destroy();
- if (isset($_REQUEST['service_period'])) $_SESSION['service_period'] = $_REQUEST['service_period'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['time'])) $_SESSION['time'] = $_REQUEST['time'];
- // todo take in cellids and crossreference with to estimate location
-include_header("",false, true)
-<div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home" class="ui-page ui-body-b ui-page-active">
-	<div id="jqm-homeheader">
-	    	<center><h3 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="logo" width="64" height="64" /><br>
-		busness time</h3></center>
-	</div> 
-	<div data-role="content">
-	    <a href="tripPlanner.php" data-role="button">Launch Trip Planner...</a>
-            <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Stops</li>
-                <li><a href="stopList.php">Major (Timing Point) Stops</a></li>
-		<li><a href="stopList.php">All Stops</a></li>
-		<li><a href="stopList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourite Stops</a></li>
-            </ul>
-	    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Routes</li>
-                <li><a href="routeList.php">Routes By Final Destination</a></li>
-		<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">Routes By Number</a></li>
-		<li><a href="routeList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourites Routes</a></li>
-            </ul>
-            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c">
-		<h3>Time/Place Settings</h3>
-		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-	            <label for="geolocate"> Current Location: </label>
-			<input type="text" id="geolocate" name="geolocate"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="here" id="here"/>Here?</a>
-	        </div>
-    		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-		        <label for="time"> Time: </label>
-		    	<input type="time" value="<?php echo date("H:m"); ?>"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentTime" id="currentTime"/>Current Time?</a>
-	        </div>
-		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-		    <label for="service_period"> Service Period:  </label>
-			<select name="service_period">	
-			   <?php
-			   foreach ($service_periods as $service_period) {
-			    echo "<option value=\"$service_period\"".(service_period() === $service_period ? "SELECTED" : "").'>'.ucwords($service_period).'</option>';
-			   }?>
-			</select>
-			<a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentPeriod" id="currentPeriod"/>Current Period?</a>
-		</div>
-		<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
-            </div>
-	<script>
-$('#here').click(function(event) { $('#geolocate').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-        </script>
-        </div>
-   </div>
- </body>

--- a/busui/jquery-mobile-1.0a3.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,1 @@
- * jQuery Mobile v1.0a3
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010, jQuery Project
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- */
- * jQuery Mobile v1.0a3
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010, jQuery Project
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- */.ui-bar-a{border:1px solid #2a2a2a;background:#111;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:0 -1px 1px #000;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#3c3c3c,#111);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#3c3c3c),color-stop(1,#111));-msfilter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#3c3c3c', EndColorStr='#111111')"}.ui-bar-a,.ui-bar-a input,.ui-bar-a select,.ui-bar-a textarea,.ui-bar-a button{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}.ui-bar-a .ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-bar-a .ui-link{color:#7cc4e7;font-weight:bold}.ui-body-a{border:1px solid #2a2a2a;background:#222;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000;font-weight:normal;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#666,#222);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#666),color-stop(1,#222));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#666666', EndColorStr='#222222)')"}.ui-body-a,.ui-body-a input,.ui-body-a select,.ui-body-a textarea,.ui-body-a button{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}.ui-body-a .ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-body-a .ui-link{color:#2489ce;font-weight:bold}.ui-br{border-bottom:1px solid rgba(130,130,130,.3)}.ui-btn-up-a{border:1px solid #222;background:#333;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;text-shadow:0 -1px 1px #000;text-decoration:none;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#555,#333);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#555),color-stop(1,#333));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#555555', EndColorStr='#333333')"}.ui-btn-up-a a.ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-btn-hover-a{border:1px solid #000;background:#444;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 -1px 1px #000;text-decoration:none;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#666,#444);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#666),color-stop(1,#444));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#666666', EndColorStr='#444444')"}.ui-btn-hover-a a.ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-btn-down-a{border:1px solid #000;background:#3d3d3d;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 -1px 1px #000;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#333,#5a5a5a);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#333),color-stop(1,#5a5a5a));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#333333', EndColorStr='#5a5a5a')"}.ui-btn-down-a a.ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-btn-up-a,.ui-btn-hover-a,.ui-btn-down-a{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}.ui-bar-b{border:1px solid #456f9a;background:#5e87b0;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:0 -1px 1px #254f7a;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#81a8ce,#5e87b0);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#81a8ce),color-stop(1,#5e87b0));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#81a8ce', EndColorStr='#5e87b0')"}.ui-bar-b,.ui-bar-b input,.ui-bar-b select,.ui-bar-b textarea,.ui-bar-b button{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}.ui-bar-b .ui-link-inherit{color:#fff}.ui-bar-b .ui-link{color:#7cc4e7;font-weight:bold}.ui-body-b{border:1px solid #c6c6c6;background:#ccc;color:#333;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff;font-weight:normal;background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#e6e6e6,#ccc);background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#e6e6e6),color-stop(1,#ccc));-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#e6e6e6', EndColorStr='#cccccc')"}.ui-body-b,.ui-body-b input,.ui-body-b select,.ui-body-b textarea,.ui-body-b button{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}.ui-body-b .ui-link-inherit{color:#333}.ui-body-b .ui-link{color:#2489ce;font-weight:bold}.ui-btn-up-b{border:1px solid 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- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
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file:a/busui/readme.txt (deleted)
--- a/busui/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
-# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
-# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
-# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
-# # For pretty maps
-have to do
-/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
-on fedora
-might need
-some extras
-/json/routes = all routes
-OOP stops/routes
-Stop sorting/search-filter
-static maps
- (os @
-(php and open source @

file:a/busui/routeList.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/routeList.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +1,1 @@
-		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-			<ul> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
-				<!--<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li>-->
-			</ul>
-                </div>
-	';
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/routes";
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-function printRoutes($routes){
-	foreach($routes as $row) {
-				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]." (".ucwords($row[3]).")</a></li>\n";
-			}
-if ($_REQUEST['bynumber']) {
-	$routeSeries = Array();
-	$seriesRange = Array();
-	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-		foreach (explode(" ",$row[1]) as $routeNumber ) {
-			$seriesNum = substr($routeNumber, 0, -1)."0";
-			if ($seriesNum == "0") $seriesNum = $routeNumber;
-			$finalDigit = substr($routeNumber, sizeof($routeNumber)-1, 1);
-			if (isset($seriesRange[$seriesNum])) {
-				if ($finalDigit < $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'])
-					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
-				if ($finalDigit > $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'])
-					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
-			} else {
-				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
-				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
-			}
-			$routeSeries[$seriesNum][$seriesNum."-".$row[1]."-".$row[0]]  = $row;
-		}
-	}
-	ksort($routeSeries);
-	ksort($seriesRange);
-		echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to route numbers: ';
-		foreach ($seriesRange as $series => $range) 
-		{
-		  if ($range['min'] == $range['max']) echo "<a href=\"#$series\">$series</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		  else  echo "<a href=\"#$series\">{$range['min']}-{$range['max']}</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		}
-		echo "</div>
-			<script>
-		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
-			</script>";
-	foreach ($routeSeries as $series => $routes)
-	{
-		echo '<a name="'.$series.'"></a>';
-		if ($series <= 9) echo '<li>'.$series."<ul>\n";
-		else echo "<li>{$seriesRange[$series]['min']}-{$seriesRange[$series]['max']}<ul>\n";
-			printRoutes($routes);
-		echo "</ul></li>\n";
-	}
-} else {
-	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-	    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
-	}
-	echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to Destination: ';
-		foreach(ksort($routeDestinations) as $destination => $routes) 
-		{ 
-		   echo "<a href=\"#$destination\">$destination</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		}
-		echo "</div>
-			<script>
-		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
-			</script>";
-	foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
-	{
-		echo '<a name="'.$destination.'"></a>';
-		echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
-		printRoutes($routes);
-		echo "</ul></li>\n";
-	}
-echo "</ul>\n";

--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
-You must provide a Google Maps API key.
-import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
-import bisect
-from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
-import gtfsscheduleviewer
-import mimetypes
-import os.path
-import re
-import signal
-import simplejson
-import socket
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import urllib
-# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
-# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
-if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
-  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
-mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
-class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
-  def default(self, obj):
-    try:
-      iterable = iter(obj)
-    except TypeError:
-      pass
-    else:
-      return list(iterable)
-    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-# Code taken from
-# An alternate approach is shown at
-# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
-# thread.
-class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-  def server_bind(self):
-    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
-    self.socket.settimeout(1)
-    self._run = True
-  def get_request(self):
-    while self._run:
-      try:
-        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
-        sock.settimeout(None)
-        return (sock, addr)
-      except socket.timeout:
-        pass
-  def stop(self):
-    self._run = False
-  def serve(self):
-    while self._run:
-      self.handle_request()
-def StopToTuple(stop):
-  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
-  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
-          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
-class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  def do_GET(self):
-    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
-    parsed_params = {}
-    for k in params.split('&'):
-      k = urllib.unquote(k)
-      if '=' in k:
-        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
-        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
-      else:
-        parsed_params[k] = ''
-    if path == '/':
-      return self.handle_GET_home()
-    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' %
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
-    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
-    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
-    if m and
-      try:
-        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(
-        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
-      except IOError, e:
-        print "Error: unable to open %s" %
-        # Ignore and treat as 404
-    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' %
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return handler(parsed_params)
-    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
-  def OpenFile(self, filename):
-    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
-    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
-    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
-    assert mime_type
-    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
-    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
-    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
-      mode = 'r'
-    else:
-      mode = 'rb'
-    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
-  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
-    self.send_error(404)
-  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
-    content =
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def AllowEditMode(self):
-    return False
-  def handle_GET_home(self):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
-    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
-    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
-    key = self.server.key
-    host =
-    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
-    # with the value of local variable xxx
-    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
-    content =
-    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
-              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
-      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
-    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
-    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    if not route:
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    sample_size = 10  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    patterns = []
-    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
-      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
-      if not time_stops:
-        continue
-      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
-      for trip in trips:
-        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
-          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
-      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
-      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
-      num_trips = len(trips)
-      if num_trips <= sample_size:
-        start_sample_index = 0
-        num_after_sample = 0
-      else:
-        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
-        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
-        # search with a custom key.
-        start_sample_index = len(trips)
-        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
-          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
-            start_sample_index = i
-            break
-        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
-        if num_after_sample < 0:
-          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
-          # last sample_size trips.
-          num_after_sample = 0
-          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
-      sample = []
-      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
-        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
-                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
-    patterns.sort()
-    return patterns
-  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
-    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = handler(parsed_params)
-    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
-    """Return a list of all routes."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = []
-    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
-      servicep = None
-      for t in schedule.GetTripList():
-        if t.route_id == r.route_id:
-          servicep = t.service_period
-          break
-      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name, servicep.service_id) )
-    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
-    return result
-  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
-  def handle_json_GET_routetrips(self, params):
-    """ Get a trip for a route_id (preferablly the next one) """
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('route_id', None).lower()
-    result = []
-    for t in schedule.GetTripList():
-      if t.route_id == query:
-        result.append ( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-    return sorted(result, key=lambda trip: trip[0])
-  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
-    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
-    trip."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    except KeyError:
-      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
-    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
-    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-    stops = []
-    times = []
-    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
-      times.append(arr)
-    return [stops, times]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    points = []
-    if trip.shape_id:
-      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        points.append((lat, lon))
-    else:
-      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
-    return points
-  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
-    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
-    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
-    longitude line 180."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    n = float(params.get('n'))
-    e = float(params.get('e'))
-    s = float(params.get('s'))
-    w = float(params.get('w'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_stops(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in schedule.GetStopList()]
-  def handle_json_GET_timingpoints(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_code.find("Wj") == -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stop(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('stop_id', None).lower()
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower() == query:
-        return StopToTuple(s)
-    return []
-  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
-    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
-    trips to visit the stop."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
-    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
-    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
-    # Keep the first 15 after param 'time'.
-    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
-    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
-    time_trips = time_trips[:15]
-    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
-    result = []
-    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
-      headsign = None
-      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
-      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
-        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
-          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
-          break
-      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
-      if not headsign:
-        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
-      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-      trip_name = ''
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        trip_name += route.route_short_name
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        if len(trip_name):
-          trip_name += " - "
-        trip_name += route.route_long_name
-      if headsign:
-        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
-      if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period:
-        result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
-    return result
-  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
-    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
-    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    marey = MareyGraph()
-    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
-    if not route:
-      print 'no such route'
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
-    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
-      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
-    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
-    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
-    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
-    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
-    content = marey.Draw()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-def FindPy2ExeBase():
-  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
-  None"""
-  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in For py2exe is
-  # configured to put the data next to
-  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\\\')
-  if windows_ending != -1:
-    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
-  else:
-    return None
-def FindDefaultFileDir():
-  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
-  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where put
-  it."""
-  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if base:
-    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
-  else:
-    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
-    # directory.
-    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip
-    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
-def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
-  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
-  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
-  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if windows_base:
-    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
-  else:
-    return 'key.txt'
-def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input>]
-Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input> in your browser.
-If <input> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
-                    help='file name of feed to load')
-  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
-                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
-                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
-  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
-  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
-                    help='port on which to listen')
-  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
-                    help='directory containing static files')
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='disable interactive prompts')
-  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
-                      host='',
-                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
-                      manual_entry=True)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
-    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
-    exit(1)
-  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
-    options.feed_filename = args[0]
-  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
-    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
-  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
-  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
-    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
-  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
-    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
-  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
-  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
-  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
-                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
-  server.key = options.key
-  server.schedule = schedule
-  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
- =
-  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
-  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
-         (server.server_port))
-  server.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/.gitignore
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--- a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/GPlotter - Make Google Maps Easily.URL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



--- a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/Google Maps Icons, Free!.URL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



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 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb25.png and /dev/null differ
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 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong19.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong20.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong25.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong6.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong7.png and /dev/null differ
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 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr10.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr11.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr12.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr13.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr14.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr15.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr16.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr17.png and /dev/null differ
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 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr19.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr20.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr25.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr6.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr7.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr8.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr9.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icons.psd and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue1.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-blue.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-gold.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-green.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/osm_logo.png and /dev/null differ
--- a/busui/staticmaplite/index.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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-		CSS based on template of Dandelion wiki engine by Radomir Dopieralski who released this
-		template under the terms of GNU GPL.
-	-->
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-	<title>staticMapLite</title>
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-	<div id="header">
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-	<div id="content">
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h2>
-				staticMapLite - simple map for your website
-			</h2>
-			<p>
-				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik" width="865" height="512" /></p>
-			<p>
-				This image was created using the following simple &lt;img> tag:
-<pre>&lt;img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&amp;zoom=14&amp;size=865x512&amp;maptype=mapnik" /&gt;</pre>
-			</p>
-		</div>
-		<hr />
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h3>
-				Place Markers
-			</h3>
-			<p>
-				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,lightblue1|40.711614,-74.012318,lightblue2|40.718217,-73.998284,lightblue3" width="865" height="512" />
-</p><p>				Add markers by appending them to the image URL:
-			</p>
-		</div>
-		<hr />
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h3>
-				Use Different Map Styles (Tile Sources)
-			</h3>
-			<p>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=mapnik" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=mapnik</pre>
-				</div>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=osmarenderer" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=osmarenderer</pre>
-				</div>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=cycle" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=cycle</pre>
-				</div>
-				<br style="clear:both" />
-			</p>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="footer">
-		<div style="text-align:center;padding:7px;color:#ccc">
-			sponsored by <a href="">dFacts Network</a>
-		</div>
-	</div>

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/
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-chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t cache

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/staticmap.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +1,1 @@
- * staticMapLite 0.02
- *
- * Copyright 2009 Gerhard Koch
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * @author Gerhard Koch <gerhard.koch AT>
- *
- * USAGE: 
- *
- *  staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,blues|40.711614,-74.012318,greeng|40.718217,-73.998284,redc
- *
- */ 
-Class staticMapLite {
-	protected $tileSize = 256;
-	protected $tileSrcUrl = array(	'mapnik' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
-									'osmarenderer' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
-									'cycle' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'
-	);
-	protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik';
-	protected $markerBaseDir = 'images/markers';
-	protected $osmLogo = 'images/osm_logo.png';
-	protected $useTileCache = true;
-	protected $tileCacheBaseDir = './cache/tiles';
-	protected $useMapCache = true;
-	protected $mapCacheBaseDir = './cache/maps';
-	protected $mapCacheID = '';
-	protected $mapCacheFile = '';
-	protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png';
-	protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $markers, $image, $maptype;
-	protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY;
-	public function __construct(){
-		$this->zoom = 0;
-		$this->lat = 0;
-		$this->lon = 0;
-		$this->width = 500;
-		$this->height = 350;
-		$this->markers = array();
-		$this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc;
-	}
-	public function parseParams(){
-		global $_GET;
-		// get zoom from GET paramter
-		$this->zoom = $_GET['zoom']?intval($_GET['zoom']):0;
-		if($this->zoom>18)$this->zoom = 18;
-		// get lat and lon from GET paramter
-		list($this->lat,$this->lon) = split(',',$_GET['center']);
-		$this->lat = floatval($this->lat);
-		$this->lon = floatval($this->lon);
-		// get zoom from GET paramter
-		if($_GET['size']){
-			list($this->width, $this->height) = split('x',$_GET['size']);
-			$this->width = intval($this->width);
-			$this->height = intval($this->height);
-		}
-		if($_GET['markers']){
-			$markers = split('%7C|\|',$_GET['markers']);
-			foreach($markers as $marker){
-					list($markerLat, $markerLon, $markerImage) = split(',',$marker);
-					$markerLat = floatval($markerLat);
-					$markerLon = floatval($markerLon);
-					$markerImage = basename($markerImage);
-					$this->markers[] = array('lat'=>$markerLat, 'lon'=>$markerLon, 'image'=>$markerImage);
-			}
-		}
-		if($_GET['maptype']){
-			if(array_key_exists($_GET['maptype'],$this->tileSrcUrl)) $this->maptype = $_GET['maptype'];
-		}
-	}
-	public function lonToTile($long, $zoom){
-		return (($long + 180) / 360) * pow(2, $zoom);
-	}
-	public function latToTile($lat, $zoom){
-		return (1 - log(tan($lat * pi()/180) + 1 / cos($lat* pi()/180)) / pi()) /2 * pow(2, $zoom);
-	}
-	public function initCoords(){
-		$this->centerX = $this->lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom);
-		$this->centerY = $this->latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom);
-		$this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX)-$this->centerX)*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY)-$this->centerY)*$this->tileSize);
-	}
-	public function createBaseMap(){
-		$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
-		$startX = floor($this->centerX-($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$startY = floor($this->centerY-($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$endX = ceil($this->centerX+($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$endY = ceil($this->centerY+($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetX += floor($this->width/2);
-		$this->offsetY += floor($this->height/2);
-		$this->offsetX += floor($startX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize;
-		$this->offsetY += floor($startY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize;
-		for($x=$startX; $x<=$endX; $x++){
-			for($y=$startY; $y<=$endY; $y++){
-				$url = str_replace(array('{Z}','{X}','{Y}'),array($this->zoom, $x, $y), $this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]);
-				$tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($this->fetchTile($url));
-				$destX = ($x-$startX)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetX;
-				$destY = ($y-$startY)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetY;
-				imagecopy($this->image, $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public function placeMarkers(){
-		foreach($this->markers as $marker){
-			$markerLat = $marker['lat'];
-			$markerLon = $marker['lon'];
-			$markerImage = $marker['image'];
-			$markerIndex++;
-			$markerFilename = $markerImage?(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerImage.".png")?$markerImage:'lightblue'.$markerIndex):'lightblue'.$markerIndex;
-			if(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png")){
-				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png");
-			} else {
-				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/lightblue1.png');				
-			}
-			$destX = floor(($this->width/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerX-$this->lonToTile($markerLon, $this->zoom)));
-			$destY = floor(($this->height/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerY-$this->latToTile($markerLat, $this->zoom)));
-			$destY = $destY - imagesy($markerImg);
-			imagecopy($this->image, $markerImg, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg));
-	};
-	public function tileUrlToFilename($url){
-		return $this->tileCacheBaseDir."/".str_replace(array('http://'),'',$url);
-	}
-	public function checkTileCache($url){
-		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
-		if(file_exists($filename)){
-			return file_get_contents($filename);
-		}
-	}
-	public function checkMapCache(){
-		$this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams());
-		$filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename();
-		if(file_exists($filename)) return true;
-	}
-	public function serializeParams(){		
-		return join("&",array($this->zoom,$this->lat,$this->lon,$this->width,$this->height, serialize($this->markers),$this->maptype));
-	}
-	public function mapCacheIDToFilename(){
-		if(!$this->mapCacheFile){
-			$this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,0,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,2,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,4);
-		}
-		return $this->mapCacheFile.".".$this->mapCacheExtension;
-	}
-	public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
-		return mkdir($pathname, $mode, true);
-	}
-	public function writeTileToCache($url, $data){
-		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
-		$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($filename),0777);
-		file_put_contents($filename, $data);
-	}
-	public function fetchTile($url){
-		if($this->useTileCache && ($cached = $this->checkTileCache($url))) return $cached;
-		$ch = curl_init(); 
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0");
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
-		$tile = curl_exec($ch); 
-		curl_close($ch); 
-		if($this->useTileCache){
-			$this->writeTileToCache($url,$tile);
-		}
-		return $tile;
-	}
-	public function copyrightNotice(){
-			$logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo);
-			imagecopy($this->image, $logoImg, imagesx($this->image)-imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image)-imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg));
-	}
-	public function sendHeader(){
-		header('Content-Type: image/png');
-		$expires = 60*60*24*14;
-		header("Pragma: public");
-		header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires);
-		header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT');
-	}
-	public function makeMap(){
-		$this->initCoords();		
-		$this->createBaseMap();
-		if(count($this->markers))$this->placeMarkers();
-		if($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice();
-	}
-	public function showMap(){
-		$this->parseParams();
-		if($this->useMapCache){
-			// use map cache, so check cache for map
-			if(!$this->checkMapCache()){
-				// map is not in cache, needs to be build
-				$this->makeMap();
-				$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()),0777);
-				imagepng($this->image,$this->mapCacheIDToFilename(),9);
-				$this->sendHeader();	
-				if(file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())){
-					return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
-				} else {
-					return imagepng($this->image);		
-				}
-			} else {
-				// map is in cache
-				$this->sendHeader();	
-				return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
-			}
-		} else {
-			// no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png
-			$this->makeMap();
-			$this->sendHeader();	
-			return imagepng($this->image);		
-		}
-	}
-$map = new staticMapLite();
-print $map->showMap();

file:a/busui/stop.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/stop.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,1 @@
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stop?stop_id=".$_REQUEST['stopid'];
-$stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
-include_header("Trips passing ".$stop[1]);
-echo '<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main"><p>'.staticmap(Array(0 => Array($stop[2],$stop[3]))).'</p>';
-// change date/time/service_period
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period();
-$trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($trips as $row)
-echo  '<li>';
-echo '<h3><a href="trip.php?stopid='.$_REQUEST['stopid'].'&tripid='.$row[1][0].'">'.$row[1][1].'</a></h3>';      
-echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]).'</strong></p>';
-echo '</li>';  
-if (sizeof($trips) == 0) echo "<li> <center>No trips in the near future.</center> </li>";
-echo '</ul></div>';

file:a/busui/stopList.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/stopList.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,1 @@
-		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-			<ul> 
-				<li><a href="stopList.php">Timing Points</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="stopList.php?allstops=yes">All Stops</a></li> 
-			</ul>
-                </div>
-	';
-        echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to letter: ';
-foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) 
-   echo "<a href=\"#$letter\">$letter</a>&nbsp;"; 
-echo "</div>
-	<script>
-        </script>";
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" >';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/timingpoints";
-if ($_REQUEST['allstops']) $url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
-if ($_REQUEST['lat'] && $_REQUEST['lon']) $url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat={$_REQUEST['lat']}&lon={$_REQUEST['lon']}&limit=15";
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-    $stopName[$key]  = $row[1];
-// Sort the stops by name
-array_multisort($stopName, SORT_ASC, $contents);
-$firstletter = "";
-foreach ($contents as $row)
-    if (substr($row[1],0,1) != $firstletter){
-        echo "<a name=$firstletter></a>";
-        $firstletter = substr($row[1],0,1);
-    }
-      echo  '<li><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';
-        }
-echo '</ul>';

file:a/busui/trip.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/trip.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,1 @@
-$tripid = $_REQUEST['tripid'];
-if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) {
-    $url = $APIurl."/json/routetrips?route_id=".$_REQUEST['routeid'];
-    $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($trips as $trip)
-         {
-            if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) {
-                $tripid = $trip[1];
-                break;
-            }
-         }
-         if (!($tripid > 0)) $tripid = $trips[0][1];
-$url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$tripid;
-$trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url)));
-include_header("Stops on ". $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' '. $trips[1]->route_long_name);
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$tripid;
-$json = json_decode(getPage($url));
-$stops = $json[0];
-$times = $json[1];
-foreach ($stops as $key => $row)
-    echo  '<li>';
-echo '<h3><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></h3>';      
-echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">'.midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]).'</p>';
-echo '</li>';       
-echo '</ul>';

file:a/busui/tripPlanner.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/tripPlanner.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +1,1 @@
-  include('');
-  include_header("Trip Planner", true, true);
-  function tripPlanForm($errorMessage = "")
-  {
-      $from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : "Brigalow");
-      $to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : "Barry");
-      $date = (isset($_REQUEST['date']) ? $_REQUEST['date'] : date("m/d/Y"));
-      $time = (isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? $_REQUEST['time'] : date("h:ia"));
-      echo "<font color=red>$errorMessage</font>";
-      echo '<form action="tripPlanner.php" method="post">
-    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="from">I would like to go from</label>
-        <input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="' . $from . '"  />
-        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="fromHere" id="fromHere"/>Here?</a>
-    </div>
-        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="to"> to </label>
-        <input type="text" name="to" id="to" value="' . $to . '"  />
-        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="toHere" id="toHere"/>Here?</a>
-    </div>
-    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="date"> on </label>
-        <input type="date" name="date" id="date" value="' . $date . '"  />
-    </div>
-        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="time"> at </label>
-        <input type="time" name="time" id="time" value="' . $time . '"  />
-    </div>
-        <input type="submit" value="Go!"></form>';
-        echo "<script>
-$('#toHere').click(function(event) { $('#to').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-$('#fromHere').click(function(event) { $('#from').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-        </script>";
-  }
-  function processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary)
-  {
-      echo '<div data-role="collapsible" ' . ($itineraryNumber > 0 ? 'data-collapsed="true"' : "") . '> <h3> Option #' . ($itineraryNumber + 1) . ": " . floor($itinerary->duration / 60000) . " minutes ({$itinerary->startTime} to {$itinerary->endTime})</h3><p>";
-      echo "Walking time: " . floor($itinerary->walkTime / 60000) . " minutes (" . floor($itinerary->walkDistance) . " meters)<br>\n";
-      echo "Transit time: " . floor($itinerary->transitTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
-      echo "Waiting time: " . floor($itinerary->waitingTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
-      if (is_array($itinerary->legs->leg)) {
-              $legMarkers = array();
-      foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
-          $legMarkers[] = array($leg->from->lat, $leg->from->lon);
-      }
-      echo '' . staticmap($legMarkers) . "<br>\n";
-          echo '<ul>';
-          foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
-              echo '<li>';
-              processLeg($legNumber, $leg);
-              echo "</li>";
-          }
-          echo "</ul>";
-      } else {
-              echo '' . staticmap(array(array($itinerary->legs->leg->from->lat, $itinerary->legs->leg->from->lon))) . "<br>\n";
-          processLeg(0, $itinerary->legs->leg);
-      }
-      echo "</p></div>";
-  }
-  function processLeg($legNumber, $leg) {
-      $legArray = object2array($leg);
-    echo '<h3>Leg #' . ($legNumber + 1) . " ( {$legArray['@mode']} from: {$leg->from->name} to {$leg->to->name}, " . floor($leg->duration / 60000) . " minutes) </h3>\n";
-          if ($legArray["@mode"] === "BUS") {
-              echo "Take bus {$legArray['@route']} " . str_replace("To", "towards", $legArray['@headsign']) . "<br>";
-          } else {
-              $walkStepMarkers = array();
-              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
-                  $walkStepMarkers[] = array($step->lat, $step->lon);
-              }
-              echo "" . staticmap($walkStepMarkers, "icong") . "<br>\n";
-              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
-                  echo "Walking step " . ($stepNumber + 1) . " $step->absoluteDirection / $step->relativeDirection on $step->streetName for " . floor($step->distance) . " meters<br>\n";
-              }
-          }
-  }
-  if ($_REQUEST['time']) {
-      $toPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['to'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['to'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['to']), false));
-      $fromPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['from'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['from'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['from']), false));
-      if ($toPlace == "" || $fromPlace == "") {
-          $errorMessage = "";
-          if ($toPlace === "")
-              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['to']) . " not found.<br>\n";
-          if ($fromPlace === "")
-              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['from']) . " not found.<br>\n";
-          tripPlanForm($errorMessage);
-      } else {
-          $url = "" . urlencode($_REQUEST['date']) . "&time=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['time']) . "&mode=TRANSIT%2CWALK&optimize=QUICK&maxWalkDistance=840&wheelchair=false&toPlace=$toPlace&fromPlace=$fromPlace&intermediatePlaces=";
-          $ch = curl_init($url);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json"));
-          $page = curl_exec($ch);
-          curl_close($ch);
-          $tripplan = json_decode($page);
-          debug(print_r($triplan,true));
-          echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
-          echo "<h1> At: {$tripplan->plan->date} </h1>";
-          if (is_array($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary)) {
-             echo '<div data-role="collapsible-set">';
-              foreach ($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary as $itineraryNumber => $itinerary) {
-                  processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary);
-              }
-              echo "</div>";
-          } else {
-              processItinerary(0, $tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary);
-          }
-      }
-  } else {
-      tripPlanForm();
-  }
-  include_footer();

file:a/busui/ (deleted)
--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
-# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
-# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
-# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
-# # For pretty maps
-python --feed=../maxious-canberra-transit-feed/ --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-generateymlinclude.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-generateymlinclude.rb
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 	time_points.each do |time_point|
 		#pp time_point
 		# 0 = name
 		# 1 = lat*100000
 		# 2 = lng*100000
 		#pp time_point[0]
@@ -45,8 +44,9 @@
 		# 1 = lat*100000
 		# 2 = lng*100000
 		# 3 = name
+		# 4 = suburb(s)
 		#pp time_point[0]
-		f2.puts "  - { name: #{stop[3]},stop_code: #{stop[0]}, lat: #{Float(stop[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(stop[2])/10000000}}"
+		f2.puts "  - { name: #{stop[3]},stop_code: #{stop[0]}, lat: #{Float(stop[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(stop[2])/10000000}, zone_id: #{stop[4]} }"
 	f2.puts "routes:\n";

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
@@ -228,1665 +228,1665 @@
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
   - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
   - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
-  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
-  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
-  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
-  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
-  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
-  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
-  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
-  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065}
-  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254}
-  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255}
-  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
-  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
-  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
-  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
-  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
-  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
-  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
-  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
-  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
-  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
-  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
-  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
-  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
-  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
-  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483}
-  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
-  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
-  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471}
-  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163}
-  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
-  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
-  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
-  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
-  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
-  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
-  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
-  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
-  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
-  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
-  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815}
-  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429}
-  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781}
-  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374}
-  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153}
-  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
-  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
-  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
-  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
-  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
-  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683}
-  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
-  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
-  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
-  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
-  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
-  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611}
-  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
-  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
-  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
-  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
-  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
-  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
-  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
-  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
-  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121}
-  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944}
-  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018}
-  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735}
-  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
-  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
-  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
-  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
-  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
-  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
-  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
-  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
-  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
-  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
-  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736}
-  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
-  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345}
-  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
-  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018}
-  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
-  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
-  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556}
-  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
-  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
-  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
-  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599}
-  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183}
-  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
-  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
-  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401}
-  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
-  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
-  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
-  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
-  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607}
-  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
-  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
-  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
-  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382}
-  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462}
-  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093}
-  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
-  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969}
-  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829}
-  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
-  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
-  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
-  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751}
-  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
-  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
-  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
-  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033}
-  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
-  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895}
-  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339}
-  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164}
-  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713}
-  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729}
-  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391}
-  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264}
-  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
-  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003}
-  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
-  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
-  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
-  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026}
-  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013}
-  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
-  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
-  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996}
-  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
-  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826}
-  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162}
-  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
-  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
-  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
-  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
-  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
-  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894}
-  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106}
-  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086}
-  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016}
-  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108}
-  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
-  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049}
-  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656}
-  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907}
-  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978}
-  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145}
-  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044}
-  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025}
-  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409}
-  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048}
-  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724}
-  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
-  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867}
-  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756}
-  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547}
-  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994}
-  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615}
-  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882}
-  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
-  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048}
-  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303}
-  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685}
-  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408}
-  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402}
-  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031}
-  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991}
-  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457}
-  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617}
-  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405}
-  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318}
-  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598}
-  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592}
-  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141}
-  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727}
-  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294}
-  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603}
-  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031}
-  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987}
-  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198}
-  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268}
-  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869}
-  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486}
-  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175}
-  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881}
-  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002}
-  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958}
-  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491}
-  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954}
-  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994}
-  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096}
-  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101}
-  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485}
-  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554}
-  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704}
-  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359}
-  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092}
-  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631}
-  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694}
-  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421}
-  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
-  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978}
-  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696}
-  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466}
-  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901}
-  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483}
-  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481}
-  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116}
-  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
-  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
-  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
-  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
-  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
-  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
-  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
-  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299}
-  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
-  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
-  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
-  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
-  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806}
-  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761}
-  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779}
-  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412}
-  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753}
-  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935}
-  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
-  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
-  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
-  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
-  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
-  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
-  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193}
-  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154}
-  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348}
-  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104}
-  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884}
-  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
-  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
-  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
-  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768}
-  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671}
-  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825}
-  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889}
-  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903}
-  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792}
-  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
-  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
-  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053}
-  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
-  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
-  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
-  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
-  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
-  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
-  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
-  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672}
-  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124}
-  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734}
-  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775}
-  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
-  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
-  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
-  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
-  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
-  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
-  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
-  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
-  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324}
-  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665}
-  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927}
-  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081}
-  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626}
-  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862}
-  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
-  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
-  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
-  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
-  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
-  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176}
-  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
-  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
-  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
-  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796}
-  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611}
-  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841}
-  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
-  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
-  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
-  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
-  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
-  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
-  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
-  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
-  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
-  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
-  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488}
-  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828}
-  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
-  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
-  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
-  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
-  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763}
-  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
-  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704}
-  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
-  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113}
-  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904}
-  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484}
-  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567}
-  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979, zone_id: Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625, zone_id: Chisholm;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963, zone_id: Braddon;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548, zone_id: Fadden;Gilmore;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583, zone_id: Acton;Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026, zone_id: McKellar;Belconnen;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303, zone_id: Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295, zone_id: Chifley;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935, zone_id: City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865, zone_id: Braddon;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607, zone_id: Garran;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212, zone_id: Charnwood;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462, zone_id: Banks;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259, zone_id: Greenway;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365, zone_id: Braddon;City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256, zone_id: Forrest;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106, zone_id: Lyons;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208, zone_id: Fadden;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192, zone_id: Gowrie;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Harrison;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Barton;Fyshwick;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919, zone_id: Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464, zone_id: Mawson;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615, zone_id: Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088, zone_id: Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158, zone_id: Mawson;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317, zone_id: Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618, zone_id: Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679, zone_id: Mawson;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629, zone_id: Mawson;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674, zone_id: Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932, zone_id: Melba;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511, zone_id: Curtin;Deakin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019, zone_id: Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775, zone_id: City;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372, zone_id: O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662, zone_id: Barton;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
     time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -228,1664 +228,1664 @@
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
   - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
   - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
-  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
-  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
-  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
-  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
-  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
-  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
-  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
-  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065}
-  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254}
-  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255}
-  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
-  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
-  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
-  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
-  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
-  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
-  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
-  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
-  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
-  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
-  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
-  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
-  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
-  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
-  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483}
-  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
-  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
-  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471}
-  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163}
-  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
-  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
-  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
-  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
-  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
-  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
-  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
-  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
-  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
-  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
-  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815}
-  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429}
-  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781}
-  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374}
-  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153}
-  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
-  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
-  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
-  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
-  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
-  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683}
-  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
-  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
-  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
-  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
-  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
-  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611}
-  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
-  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
-  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
-  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
-  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
-  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
-  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
-  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
-  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121}
-  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944}
-  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018}
-  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735}
-  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
-  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
-  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
-  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
-  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
-  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
-  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
-  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
-  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
-  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
-  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736}
-  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
-  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345}
-  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
-  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018}
-  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
-  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
-  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556}
-  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
-  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
-  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
-  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599}
-  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183}
-  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
-  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
-  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401}
-  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
-  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
-  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
-  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
-  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
-  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607}
-  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
-  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
-  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
-  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382}
-  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462}
-  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093}
-  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
-  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969}
-  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829}
-  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
-  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
-  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
-  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751}
-  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
-  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
-  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
-  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033}
-  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
-  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895}
-  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339}
-  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164}
-  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713}
-  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729}
-  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391}
-  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264}
-  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
-  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003}
-  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
-  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
-  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
-  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026}
-  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013}
-  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
-  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
-  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996}
-  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
-  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826}
-  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162}
-  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
-  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
-  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
-  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
-  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
-  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894}
-  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106}
-  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086}
-  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016}
-  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108}
-  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
-  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049}
-  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656}
-  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907}
-  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978}
-  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145}
-  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044}
-  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025}
-  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409}
-  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048}
-  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724}
-  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
-  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867}
-  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109}
-  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756}
-  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547}
-  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994}
-  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615}
-  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882}
-  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
-  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048}
-  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257}
-  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303}
-  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685}
-  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408}
-  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402}
-  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031}
-  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991}
-  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457}
-  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617}
-  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
-  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405}
-  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318}
-  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598}
-  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592}
-  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141}
-  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727}
-  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294}
-  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603}
-  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031}
-  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987}
-  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198}
-  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268}
-  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869}
-  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486}
-  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175}
-  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881}
-  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036}
-  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002}
-  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958}
-  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901}
-  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491}
-  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954}
-  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994}
-  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648}
-  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096}
-  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101}
-  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485}
-  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554}
-  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704}
-  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359}
-  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092}
-  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631}
-  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694}
-  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421}
-  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
-  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978}
-  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994}
-  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864}
-  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696}
-  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466}
-  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901}
-  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483}
-  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356}
-  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564}
-  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299}
-  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481}
-  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116}
-  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
-  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
-  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
-  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
-  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
-  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
-  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
-  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
-  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299}
-  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
-  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
-  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
-  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
-  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806}
-  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761}
-  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779}
-  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412}
-  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753}
-  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935}
-  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
-  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
-  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
-  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
-  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
-  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
-  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193}
-  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154}
-  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348}
-  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104}
-  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884}
-  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
-  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
-  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
-  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
-  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
-  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212}
-  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768}
-  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671}
-  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825}
-  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889}
-  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903}
-  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792}
-  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
-  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
-  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
-  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053}
-  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
-  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
-  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
-  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
-  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
-  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
-  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
-  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
-  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672}
-  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124}
-  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734}
-  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151}
-  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714}
-  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775}
-  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
-  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
-  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
-  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
-  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
-  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
-  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
-  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
-  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324}
-  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665}
-  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927}
-  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081}
-  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626}
-  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862}
-  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
-  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
-  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
-  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
-  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
-  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564}
-  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176}
-  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
-  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
-  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348}
-  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
-  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
-  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
-  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796}
-  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611}
-  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841}
-  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
-  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
-  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
-  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
-  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
-  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
-  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
-  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
-  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
-  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
-  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
-  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
-  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
-  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
-  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
-  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488}
-  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828}
-  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
-  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247}
-  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
-  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
-  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
-  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
-  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
-  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763}
-  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666}
-  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
-  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
-  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
-  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
-  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704}
-  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
-  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
-  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113}
-  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904}
-  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
-  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484}
-  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567}
-  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319}
-  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192}
-  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965}
-  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081}
-  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979, zone_id: Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625, zone_id: Chisholm;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963, zone_id: Braddon;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548, zone_id: Fadden;Gilmore;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583, zone_id: Acton;Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026, zone_id: McKellar;Belconnen;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303, zone_id: Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295, zone_id: Chifley;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935, zone_id: City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865, zone_id: Braddon;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607, zone_id: Garran;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212, zone_id: Charnwood;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462, zone_id: Banks;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259, zone_id: Greenway;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365, zone_id: Braddon;City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256, zone_id: Forrest;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106, zone_id: Lyons;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208, zone_id: Fadden;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192, zone_id: Gowrie;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Harrison;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Barton;Fyshwick;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919, zone_id: Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464, zone_id: Mawson;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615, zone_id: Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088, zone_id: Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158, zone_id: Mawson;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317, zone_id: Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618, zone_id: Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679, zone_id: Mawson;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629, zone_id: Mawson;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674, zone_id: Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932, zone_id: Melba;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511, zone_id: Curtin;Deakin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019, zone_id: Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775, zone_id: City;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372, zone_id: O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662, zone_id: Barton;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  agency_phone: 131710
+  agency_lang: en

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
     stop = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=stopdata['lat'], 
                             lng=stopdata['lng'], name=stopdata['name'], 
+    if 'zone_id' in stopdata:
+	stop.zone_id = stopdata['zone_id']
     stops[stop_code] = stop

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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/769_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/76_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/77_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/780_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/785_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/786_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/787_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/788_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/7_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/80_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/81_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/82_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/88_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/8_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/900_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/902_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/903_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/904_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/905_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/906_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/907_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/912_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/915_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/921_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/922_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/923_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/924_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/925_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/927_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/930_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/931_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/961_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/962_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/964_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/966_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/968_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/980_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/981_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/982_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/988_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/9_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekday_bus_map.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekend_bus_map.pdf differ
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
-stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122, lat=37.2, name="Suburbia")
+field_d = {'lng': -122, 'lat': 37.2, 'name':"Suburbia", 'stop_code': "AAAZZ"}
+stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=field_d)
+print stop1.__dict__
+print stop1.__getattr__('stop_code')
 stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122.001, lat=37.201, name="Civic Center")
 route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="22", long_name="Civic Center Express",
@@ -35,6 +39,15 @@
 trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='17:30:00')
 trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='17:45:00')
+for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      #wtf, stop_code changes into stop_name after .find()
+      virginstopCode = s.stop_code
+      print s
+      print s.stop_code
+      #if s.stop_code.find("Wj") == -1:
+     #   print (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
+      #    float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type, s.stop_code)