Protobuf for PHP ================ Protobuf for PHP is an implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for the PHP language, supporting its binary data serialization and including a `protoc` plugin to generate PHP classes from .proto files. Great effort has been put into generating PHP files that include all sort of type hints to aide IDE's with autocompletion. Therefore, it can not only be used to communicate with Protocol Buffers services but also as a generation tool for _data objects_ no matter what the final serialization is. For more information see the [included man pages]( ## Requirements - PHP 5.3 - Pear's Console_CommandLine (for the protoc wrapper tool) - Google's `protoc` compiler version 2.3 or above - GMP or BC Math extensions ¹ ¹ Only needed for negative values in `int32`, `int64` or `fixed64` types. See the _known issues_ section. ## Features ### Working - Standard types (numbers, string, enums, messages, etc) - Pluggable serialization backends (codecs) - Standard Binary - Standard TextFormat ¹ - PhpArray - JSON - [ProtoJson]( (_TagMap_ and _Indexed_ variants) - XML - Protoc compiler plugin to generate the PHP classes - Extensions - Unknown fields - Packed fields - Reflection - Dynamic messages with annotations support - Generates service interfaces - Includes comments from .proto files in the generated files - Pear package for easy installation ¹ Only serialization is supported ### Future - Speed optimized code generation mode - Support numbers beyond PHP's native limits ## Example usage $person = new Tutorial\Person(); $person->name = 'DrSlump'; $person->setId(12); $book = new Tutorial\AddressBook(); $book->addPerson($person); // Use default codec $data = $book->serialize(); // Use custom codec $codec = new \DrSlump\Protobuf\Codec\Binary(); $data = $codec->encode($book); // ... or ... $data = $book->serialize($codec); ## Installation Install with Pear pear channel-discover pear install drslump/Protobuf-beta You can also get the latest version by checking out a copy of the repository in your computer. ## Known issues ### Types PHP is very weak when dealing with numbers processing. Several work arounds have been applied to the standard binary codec to reduce incompatibilities between Protobuf types and PHP ones. - Protobuf stores floating point values using the [IEEE 754]( standard with 64bit words for the `double` and 32bit for the `float` types. PHP supports IEEE 754 natively although the precission is platform dependant, however it typically supports 64bit doubles. It means that if your PHP was compiled with 64bit sized doubles (or greater) you shouldn't have any problem encoding and decoded float and double typed values with Protobuf. - Integer values are also [platform dependant in PHP]( The library has been developed and tested against PHP binaries compiled with 64bit integers. The encoding and decoding algorithm should in theory work no matter if PHP uses 32bit or 64bit integers internally, just take into account that with 32bit integers the numbers cannot exceed in any case the `PHP_INT_MAX` value (2147483647). While Protobuf supports unsigned integers PHP does not. In fact, numbers above the compiled PHP maximum integer (`PHP_INT_MAX`, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for 64bits) will be automatically casted to doubles, which typically will offer 53bits of decimal precission, allowing to safely work with numbers upto 0x20000000000000 (2^53), even if they are represented in PHP as floats instead of integers. Higher numbers will loose precission or might even return an _infinity_ value, note that the library does not include any checking for these numbers and using them might provoke unexpected behaviour. Negative values when encoded as `int32`, `int64` or `fixed64` types require the big integer extensions [GMP]( or [BC Math]( (the later only for 64bit architectures) to be available in your PHP environment. The reason is that when encoding these negative numbers without using _zigzag_ the binary representation uses the most significant bit for the sign, thus the numbers become above the maximum supported values in PHP. The library will check for these conditions and will automatically try to use GMP or BC to process the value. ### Strings The binary codec expects strings to be encoded using UTF-8. PHP does not natively support string encodings, PHP's string data type is basically a length delimited stream of bytes, so it's not trivial to include automatic encoding conversion into the library encoding and decoding routines. Instead of trying to guess or offer a configuration interface for the encoding, the binary codec will process the `string` type just as it would process `byte` one, delegating on your application the task of encoding or decoding in the desired character set. ### Memory usage Large messages might be troublesome since the way the library is modelled does not allow to parse or serialize messages as a streams, instead the whole operation is performed in memory, which allows for faster processing but could consume too much RAM if messages are too large. ### Unknown fields Since wire types are different across different codec's formats, it's not possible to transcode unkwnon fields consumed in one codec to another. This means, for example, that when consuming a message using the binary codec, if it contains unknown fields, they won't be included when serializing the message using the Json codec. ## Generating PHP classes The generation tool is designed to be run as a `protoc` plugin, thus it should work with any proto file supported by the official compiler. protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-php --php_out=./build tutorial.proto To make use of non-standard options in your proto files (like `php.namespace`) you'll have to import the `php.proto` file included with the library. It's location will depend on where you've installed this library. protoc -I=./Protobuf-PHP/library/DrSlump/Protobuf/Compiler/protos \ --plugin=protoc-gen-php --php_out=./build tutorial.proto In order to make your life easier, the supplied protoc plugin offers an additional execution mode, where it acts as a wrapper for the `protoc` invocation. It will automatically include the `php.proto` path so that you don't need to worry about it. protoc-gen-php -o ./build tutorial.proto ## LICENSE: The MIT License Copyright (c) 2011 Iván -DrSlump- Montes Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.