More security/sanitizing fixes
[busui.git] / layar_api.php
blob:a/layar_api.php -> blob:b/layar_api.php
--- a/layar_api.php
+++ b/layar_api.php
@@ -1,62 +1,57 @@
+include ('include/');
 $output = Array();
 $output['hotspots'] = Array();
 $output['layer'] = "canberrabusstops";
 $max_page = 10;
 $max_results = 50;
-$page_start = 0+filter_var($_REQUEST['pageKey'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
-$page_end = $max_page+filter_var($_REQUEST['pageKey'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
-if (isset($_REQUEST['radius'])) $radius = filter_var($_REQUEST['radius'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION);
-$url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat=$lat&lon=$lon&limit=50";
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+$page_start = 0 + $pageKey;
+$page_end = $max_page + $pageKey;
+$contents = getNearbyStops($lat, $lon, 50, $max_distance);
 $stopNum = 0;
-foreach ($contents as $row)
-    $stopNum++;
-    if ($stopNum > $page_start && $stopNum <= $page_end) {
-        $hotspot = Array();
-        $hotspot['id'] = $row[0];
-        $hotspot['title'] = $row[1];
-        $hotspot['type'] = 0;
-        $hotspot['lat'] = floor($row[2]*1000000);
-        $hotspot['lon'] = floor($row[3]*1000000);
-        $hotspot['distance'] = distance($row[2], $row[3], $_REQUEST['lat'], $_REQUEST['lon']);
-        if (!isset($_REQUEST['radius']) || $hotspot['distance'] < $radius) {
-            $hotspot['actions'] = Array(Array("label" => 'View more trips/information', 'uri' => ''.'stop.php?stopid='.$row[0]));
-            $url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$row[0]."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period()."&limit=4&time_range=".str(90*60);
-            $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-            debug(print_r($trips,true));
-            foreach ($trips as $key => $row)
-            {
-                if ($key < 3) {
-                    $hotspot['line'.strval($key+2)]= $row[1][1] .' @ ' .midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]);
-                }
-            }
-            if (sizeof($trips) == 0) $hotspot['line2'] = 'No trips in the near future.';
-            $output['hotspots'][] = $hotspot;
-        }
-    }
+foreach ($contents as $stop) {
+	$stopNum++;
+	if ($stopNum > $page_start && $stopNum <= $page_end) {
+		$hotspot = Array();
+		$hotspot['id'] = $stop['stop_id'];
+		$hotspot['title'] = $stop['stop_name'];
+		$hotspot['type'] = 0;
+		$hotspot['lat'] = floor($stop['stop_lat'] * 1000000);
+		$hotspot['lon'] = floor($stop['stop_lon'] * 1000000);
+		$hotspot['distance'] = floor($stop['distance']);
+		$hotspot['attribution'] = "ACTION Buses";
+		$hotspot['actions'] = Array(
+			Array(
+				"label" => 'View more trips/information',
+				'uri' => '' . 'stop.php?stopid=' . $stop['stop_id']
+			)
+		);
+		$trips = getStopTripsWithTimes($stop['stop_id'], "", "", "", 3);
+		foreach ($trips as $key => $row) {
+			if ($key < 3) {
+				$hotspot['line' . strval($key + 2) ] = $row['route_short_name'] . ' ' . $row['route_long_name'] . ' @ ' . $row['arrival_time'];
+			}
+		}
+		if (sizeof($trips) == 0) $hotspot['line2'] = 'No trips in the near future.';
+		$output['hotspots'][] = $hotspot;
+	}
 if (sizeof($hotspot) > 0) {
-    $output['errorString'] = 'ok';
-    $output['errorCode'] = 0;
-    } else {
-    $output['errorString'] = 'no results, try increasing range';
-    $output['errorCode'] = 21;
+	$output['errorString'] = 'ok';
+	$output['errorCode'] = 0;
-if ($page_end >= $max_results || sizeof($hotspot) < $max_page) {
- $output["morePages"] = false;
- $output["nextPageKey"] = null;
-} else {
- $output["morePages"] = true;
- $output["nextPageKey"] = $page_end;    
+else {
+	$output['errorString'] = 'no results, try increasing range';
+	$output['errorCode'] = 21;
+if ($page_end >= $max_results || sizeof($contents) < $page_start+$max_page) {
+	$output["morePages"] = false;
+	$output["nextPageKey"] = null;
+else {
+	$output["morePages"] = true;
+	$output["nextPageKey"] = $page_end;
 echo json_encode($output);