DB permission update
DB permission update

--- a/aws/busuidb.sh
+++ b/aws/busuidb.sh
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 psql -d transitdata -f /var/www/transitdata.cbrfeed.sql
 #createuser transitdata -SDRP
 #password transitdata
-#psql -d transitdata -c "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE agency,calendar,calendar_dates,routes,stop_times,stops,trips TO transitdata;"
+#psql -d transitdata -c "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE agency,calendar,calendar_dates,routes,stop_times,stops,trips\
+#,servicealerts_alerts,servicealerts_informed TO transitdata;"
 #psql -d transitdata -c "GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON	TABLE myway_observations,myway_routes,myway_stops,myway_timingdeltas TO transitdata;"
 #psql -d transitdata -c	"GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON TABLE myway_routes,myway_stops TO transitdata;"
 ##psql -d transitdata -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO transitdata;"
@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@
 ##SELECT '', 'public', 'shapes', 'shape_pt', ST_CoordDim(shape_pt), ST_SRID(shape_pt), GeometryType(shape_pt)
 ##FROM shapes LIMIT 1;
 php /var/www/updatedb.php

--- a/include/common-session.inc.php
+++ b/include/common-session.inc.php
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 //debug(print_r($_SESSION, true) , "session");
 function current_time($time = "") {
-    if (isset($_REQUEST['time'])) return $_REQUEST['time'];
+    if ($_REQUEST['time']) return $_REQUEST['time'];
     else if ($time != "") date("H:i:s",$time);
     else return date("H:i:s");

--- a/include/common-template.inc.php
+++ b/include/common-template.inc.php
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//code.jquery.com">
 <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.googleapis.com">
 	<link rel="stylesheet"  href="' . $basePath . 'css/jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.css" />';
-    $jqmVersion = "1.0.1";
+    $jqmVersion = "1.0";
     if (isDebugServer()) {
         $jqmcss = $basePath . "css/jquery.mobile-$jqmVersion.css";
         $jqjs = $basePath . "js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js";

--- a/include/db/trip-dao.inc.php
+++ b/include/db/trip-dao.inc.php
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 join trips on trips.trip_id = stop_times.trip_id
 join routes on trips.route_id = routes.route_id
 join stops on stops.stop_id = stop_times.stop_id
-WHERE trips.trip_id = :tripID ORDER BY stop_sequence";
+WHERE trips.trip_id = :tripID $range ORDER BY stop_sequence";
     debug($query, "database");
     $query = $conn->prepare($query);
     $query->bindParam(":tripID", $tripID);

--- a/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php
+++ b/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
     $timeDeltas = Array();
     foreach ($potentialRoutes as $potentialRoute) {
-        echo "Matched route: {$potentialRoute['route_id']} {$potentialRoute['route_short_name']} {$timing_period}<br>";
+        echo "Matched route: {$potentialRoute['route_id']} {$potentialRoute['route_short_name']}{$potentialRoute['route_long_name']} {$timing_period}<br>";
         foreach ($potentialStops as $potentialStop) {
             $stopRoutes = getStopRoutes($potentialStop['stop_id'], $timing_period);
             $foundRoute = Array();

file:a/stop.php -> file:b/stop.php
--- a/stop.php
+++ b/stop.php
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     $earlierTime = strtotime($trips[$tripsKeys[0]]['arrival_time']) - (90 * 60);
     $laterTime = strtotime($trips[$tripsKeys[sizeof($trips) - 1]]['arrival_time']) - 60;
-if (isset($stopids) && sizeof($stopids) > 0) {
+if (sizeof($stopids) > 0) {
     $stopidurl = "stopids=" . implode(",", $stopids);
 } else {
     $stopidurl = "stopid=$stopid";

--- a/stopList.php
+++ b/stopList.php
@@ -94,8 +94,9 @@
         $stopsGrouped = Array();
         foreach ($stops as $key => $stop) {
-            if ($key + 1 >= sizeof($stops) || 
-                    stopCompare($stops[$key]["stop_name"]) != stopCompare($stops[$key + 1]["stop_name"])) {
+            if (stopCompare($stops[$key]["stop_name"]) 
+                    != stopCompare($stops[$key + 1]["stop_name"])
+                    || $key + 1 >= sizeof($stops)) {
                 if (sizeof($stopsGrouped) > 0) {
                     // print and empty grouped stops
                     // subsequent duplicates