This CKAN Extension demonstrates some common patterns for customising a CKAN instance. It comprises: * A CKAN Extension "plugin" at ``ckanext/example/`` which, when loaded, overrides various settings in the core ``ini``-file to provide: * A path to local customisations of the core templates and stylesheets * A "stream filter" that replaces arbitrary strings in rendered templates * A "route" to override and extend the default behaviour of a core CKAN page * A custom Pylons controller for overriding some core CKAN behaviour * A custom Package edit form * A custom User registration and edition form * Some simple template customisations Installation ============ To install this package, from your CKAN virtualenv, run the following from your CKAN base folder (e.g. ``pyenv/``):: pip install -e git+ Then activate it by setting ``ckan.plugins = example`` in your main ``ini``-file. Orientation =========== * Examine the source code, starting with ``ckanext/example/`` * To understand the nuts and bolts of this file, which is a CKAN *Extension*, read in conjunction with the "Extension documentation": * One thing the extension does is set the values of ``extra_public_paths`` and ``extra_template_paths`` in the CKAN config, which are "documented here": * These are set to point at directories within ``ckanext/example/theme/`` (in this package). Here we: * override the home page HTML ``ckanext/example/theme/templates/home/index.html`` * provide some extra style by serving ``extra.css`` (which is loaded using the ``ckan.template_head_end`` option * customise the navigation and header of the main template in the file ``layout.html``. The latter file is a great place to make global theme alterations. It uses the _layout template_ pattern "described in the Genshi documentation": This allows you to use Xpath selectors to override snippets of HTML globally. * The custom package edit form at ```` follows a deprecated way to make a form (using FormAlchemy). This part of the Example Theme needs updating. In the meantime, follow the instructions at: