Move API google analytics and AGLS metadata to seperate extensions
Move API google analytics and AGLS metadata to seperate extensions

file:a/README.rst -> file:b/README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@
 It comprises:
-* A CKAN Extension "plugin" at ``ckanext/datagovau/`` which, when
-  loaded, overrides various settings in the core ``ini``-file to provide:
-  * A path to local customisations of the core templates
-  * A custom Package edit form that defaults to cc-by licence
-  * A custom n3/rdf output format
+* A custom Package edit form that defaults to cc-by licence
+* Replaces links with http/https protocol independent versions
+* Provides HTML to users to embed data previews on their own website
+* A cut down licenses.json file
-* A cut down licenses.json file
+This extension is complimented by ckanext-agls for AGLS metadata and ckanext-googleanalytics for Google Analytics tracking of API usage

--- a/admin/default.vcl
+++ b/admin/default.vcl
@@ -8,45 +8,117 @@
     .host = "";
     .port = "8080";
+backend geoserver {
+    .host = "";
+    .port = "8983";
 sub vcl_fetch {
     set beresp.grace = 1h;
-    if (beresp.http.content-type ~ "(text|application)") {
+    unset beresp.http.Server;
+    # These status codes should always pass through and never cache.
+  if ( beresp.status >= 500 ) {
+    set beresp.ttl = 0s;
+  }
+    if (beresp.http.content-type ~ "(text|javascript|json|xml|html)") {
         set beresp.do_gzip = true;
+  # CKAN cache headers are used by Varnish cache, but should not be propagated to
+  # the Internet. Tell browsers and proxies not to cache. This means Varnish always
+  # gets the responsibility to server the right content at all times.
+  if (beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "max-age") {
+    unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
+    set beresp.http.Cache-Control = "no-cache";
+  }
+  # Encourage assets to be cached by proxies and browsers
+  # JS and CSS may be gzipped depending on headers
+  # see
+  if (req.url ~ "\.(css|js)") {
+    set beresp.http.Vary = "Accept-Encoding";
+  }
+  # Encourage assets to be cached by proxies and browsers for 1 day
+  if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|swf|css|js)") {
+    unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
+    set beresp.http.Cache-Control = "public, max-age=86400";
+    set beresp.ttl = 1d;
+  }
+  # Encourage CKAN vendor assets (which are versioned) to be cached by
+  # by proxies and browsers for 1 year
+  if (req.url ~ "^/scripts/vendor/") {
+    unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
+    set beresp.http.Cache-Control = "public, max-age=31536000";
+    set beresp.ttl = 12m;
+  }
+sub vcl_recv {
+    if (req.http.user-agent ~ "Ezooms" || req.http.user-agent ~ "Ahrefs") {
+	error 403;
+    } 
+if (req.url ~ "^/geoserver/") {
+        set req.backend = geoserver;
+    } else {
+        set req.backend = default;
+	#redirect secure traffic to https
+	if ( (req.http.Cookie ~ "auth_tkt" || req.http.Cookie ~ "ckan" || req.url ~ "user/(reset|login)") && req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto !~ "(?i)https") {
+		set req.http.x-Redir-Url = "" + req.url;
+		error 753 req.http.x-Redir-Url;
+	}
+	# remove locale links
+	if (req.url ~ "/((?!js)..|.._..|sr_Latn)/") {
+	        set req.http.x-Redir-Url = regsub(req.url, "/((?!js)..|.._..|sr_Latn)/", "/");
+		error 751 req.http.x-Redir-Url;
+	}
+	# rewrite broken resources
+	if (req.url ~ "leaflet") {
+	        set req.url = regsub(req.url, "fanstatic/ckanext-spatial/:version:2013-09-13T02:32:17.87/:bundle:js/vendor/leaflet/images", "js/vendor/leaflet/images");
+	}
+	# remove old hostnames
+	if ( ~ "") {
+		set req.http.x-Redir-Url = "" + req.url;
+		error 751 req.http.x-Redir-Url;
+	}
+	if (req.url ~ "^/_tracking") {
+	// exclude web spiders from statistics
+	    	if (req.http.user-agent ~ "Googlebot" || req.http.user-agent ~ "baidu" || req.http.user-agent ~ "bing") {
+			error 200;
+	    	} else {
+			return (pass);
+   		}
+ 	}
  if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|woff|eot)$") {
-   unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
+   //Varnish to deliver content from cache even if the request othervise indicates that the request should be passed
+   return(lookup);
-sub vcl_recv {
-  if (req.url ~ "^/_tracking") {
-    return (pass);
-  }
- if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|woff|eot)$") {
-    return(lookup);
- }
-if (req.url ~ "/(..|.._..)/") {
-    set req.url = regsub(req.url, "/((?!js)..|.._..)/", "/");
-  if (req.http.Cookie) {
-    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|; ) *__utm.=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # removes all cookies named __utm? (utma, utmb...) - tracking thing
-    if (req.http.Cookie == "") {
-        remove req.http.Cookie;
-    }
-  }
+  // Remove has_js and Google Analytics cookies. Evan added sharethis cookies
+  set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|;\s*)(__[a-z]+|has_js|cookie-agreed-en|_csoot|_csuid|_chartbeat2)=[^;]*", "");
+  // Remove a ";" prefix, if present.
+  set req.http.Cookie = regsub(req.http.Cookie, "^;\s*", "");
+  // Remove empty cookies.
+  if (req.http.Cookie ~ "^\s*$") {
+    unset req.http.Cookie;
+  }
+  remove req.http.X-Forwarded-For;
+  set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Real-IP;
 sub vcl_hash {
-     set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(?:(.com|.au))/((?!js)..|.._..)/", "/");
+     set req.url = regsub(req.url, "(?:(.com|.au))/((?!js)..|.._..|sr_Latn)/", "/");
      if ( {
      } else {
-     return (hash);
+  if (req.http.Cookie) {
+    hash_data(req.http.Cookie);
 sub vcl_deliver {
     if (!resp.http.Vary) {
@@ -54,13 +126,29 @@
     } else if (resp.http.Vary !~ "(?i)Accept-Encoding") {
         set resp.http.Vary = resp.http.Vary + ",Accept-Encoding";
-    if (obj.hits > 0) {
-        set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT";
-    } else {
-        set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS";
-    }
+    remove resp.http.X-Varnish;
+    remove resp.http.Via;
+    remove resp.http.Age;
+    remove resp.http.X-Powered-By;
+if (req.url ~ "^/geoserver/") {
+  set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*";
+  set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Methods = "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE";
+  set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Headers = "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept";
+sub vcl_error {
+    remove obj.http.Server;
+	if (obj.status == 751) {
+		set obj.http.Location = obj.response;
+		set obj.status = 301;
+		return (deliver);
+	}
+	if (obj.status == 753) {
+		set obj.http.Location = obj.response;
+		set obj.status = 301;
+		return (deliver);
+	}
 # Below is a commented-out copy of the default VCL logic.  If you
 # redefine any of these subroutines, the built-in logic will be

--- a/ckanext/datagovau/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,1 @@
-import urllib
-import json
-from pprint import pprint
-import logging
-import ckan.logic as logic
-import hashlib
-import threading
-from ckan.common import _, c, request, response
-from pylons import config
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from ckan.controllers.api import ApiController
-class DGAApiController(ApiController):
-	def _post_analytics(self,user,request_obj_type,request_function,request_id):
-		if (config.get('') != None):
-			data = urllib.urlencode({
-				"v":1, 
-				"tid":config.get(''), 
-				"cid":hashlib.md5(user).hexdigest(), 
-				"t":"event", 
-				"dh":c.environ['HTTP_HOST'], 
-				"dp":c.environ['PATH_INFO'], 
-				"dr":c.environ.get('HTTP_REFERER',''), 
-				"ec":"CKAN API Request", 
-				"ea":request_obj_type+request_function, 
-				"el":request_id, 
-				})
-			log.debug("Sending API Analytics Data: "+data)
-			# send analytics asynchronously
-	 		threading.Thread(target=urllib.urlopen,args=("", data)).start()
-	def action(self, logic_function, ver=None):
-		try:
-	            function = logic.get_action(logic_function)
-                except Exception,e:
-		    log.debug(e)
-                    pass
-		try:
-	            side_effect_free = getattr(function, 'side_effect_free', False)
-	            request_data = self._get_request_data(try_url_params=side_effect_free)
-		    if isinstance(request_data, dict):
-			id = request_data.get('id','')
-                        if 'q' in request_data.keys():
-                                id = request_data['q']
-                        if 'query' in request_data.keys():
-                                id = request_data['query']
-			self._post_analytics(c.user,logic_function,'', id)
-	        except Exception,e:
-		    print log.debug(e)
-	      	    pass
-		return ApiController.action(self,logic_function, ver)
-	def list(self, ver=None, register=None, subregister=None, id=None):
-		self._post_analytics(c.user,register+("_"+str(subregister) if subregister else ""),"list",id)
-		return ApiController.list(self,ver, register, subregister, id)
-	def show(self, ver=None, register=None, subregister=None, id=None, id2=None):
-		self._post_analytics(c.user,register+("_"+str(subregister) if subregister else ""),"show",id)
-		return,ver, register, subregister, id,id2)
-	def update(self, ver=None, register=None, subregister=None, id=None, id2=None):
-		self._post_analytics(c.user,register+("_"+str(subregister) if subregister else ""),"update",id)
-		return ApiController.update(self,ver, register, subregister, id,id2)
-	def delete(self, ver=None, register=None, subregister=None, id=None, id2=None):
-		self._post_analytics(c.user,register+("_"+str(subregister) if subregister else ""),"delete",id)
-		return ApiController.delete(self,ver, register, subregister, id,id2)
-	def search(self, ver=None, register=None):
-		id = None
-		try:
-        	        params = MultiDict(self._get_search_params(request.params))
-			if 'q' in params.keys():
-				id = params['q']
-			if 'query' in params.keys():
-				id = params['query']
-            	except ValueError, e:
-			print str(e)
-			pass
-		self._post_analytics(c.user,register,"search",id)

--- a/ckanext/datagovau/
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/
@@ -6,30 +6,21 @@
 import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk
 import ckan.model as model
 from pylons import config
-from routes.mapper import SubMapper, Mapper as _Mapper
 from sqlalchemy import orm
 import ckan.model
-#parse the activity feed for last active non-system user
-def get_last_active_user(id):
-    system_user = lib.helpers.get_action('user_show',{'id': config.get('ckan.site_id', 'ckan_site_user')})
-    user_list = [x for x in lib.helpers.get_action('package_activity_list',{'id':id}) if x['user_id'] != system_user['id']]
-    user = None
-    if len(user_list) > 0:
-    	user = user_list[0].get('user_id', None)
-    if user is None:
-	return system_user
-    else:
-	return lib.helpers.get_action('user_show',{'id':user})
 # get user created datasets and those they have edited
 def get_user_datasets(user_dict):
     created_datasets_list = user_dict['datasets']
     active_datasets_list = [x['data']['package'] for x in 
 				lib.helpers.get_action('user_activity_list',{'id':user_dict['id']}) if x['data'].get('package')]
-    return created_datasets_list + active_datasets_list
+    raw_list = created_datasets_list + active_datasets_list
+    filtered_dict = {}
+    for dataset in raw_list:
+	if dataset['id'] not in filtered_dict.keys():
+		filtered_dict[dataset['id']] = dataset
+    return filtered_dict.values()
 class DataGovAuPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin,
@@ -39,57 +30,7 @@
     plugins.implements(plugins.IConfigurer, inherit=False)
-    plugins.implements(plugins.IDatasetForm, inherit=False)
     plugins.implements(plugins.ITemplateHelpers, inherit=False)
-    plugins.implements(plugins.IRoutes, inherit=True)
-    def before_map(self, map):
-	# Helpers to reduce code clutter
-	GET = dict(method=['GET'])
-	PUT = dict(method=['PUT'])
-	POST = dict(method=['POST'])
-	DELETE = dict(method=['DELETE'])
-	GET_POST = dict(method=['GET', 'POST'])
-	# intercept API calls that we want to capture analytics on
-	register_list = [
-        	'package',
-        	'dataset',
-        	'resource',
-	        'tag',
-	        'group',
-	        'related',
-	        'revision',
-	        'licenses',
-	        'rating',
-	        'user',
-	        'activity'
-	    ]
-	register_list_str = '|'.join(register_list)
-	# /api ver 3 or none
-	with SubMapper(map, controller='ckanext.datagovau.controller:DGAApiController', path_prefix='/api{ver:/3|}',
-	                ver='/3') as m:
-		m.connect('/action/{logic_function}', action='action',
-	                  conditions=GET_POST)
-	# /api ver 1, 2, 3 or none
-	with SubMapper(map, controller='ckanext.datagovau.controller:DGAApiController', path_prefix='/api{ver:/1|/2|/3|}',
-	                   ver='/1') as m:
-		m.connect('/search/{register}', action='search')
-	# /api/rest ver 1, 2 or none
-	with SubMapper(map, controller='ckanext.datagovau.controller:DGAApiController', path_prefix='/api{ver:/1|/2|}',
-	                   ver='/1', requirements=dict(register=register_list_str)
-	                   ) as m:
-		m.connect('/rest/{register}', action='list', conditions=GET)
-		m.connect('/rest/{register}', action='create', conditions=POST)
-	        m.connect('/rest/{register}/{id}', action='show', conditions=GET)
-	        m.connect('/rest/{register}/{id}', action='update', conditions=PUT)
-	        m.connect('/rest/{register}/{id}', action='update', conditions=POST)
-	        m.connect('/rest/{register}/{id}', action='delete', conditions=DELETE)
-        return map
     def update_config(self, config):
         # Add this plugin's templates dir to CKAN's extra_template_paths, so
@@ -103,112 +44,6 @@
         # config['licenses_group_url'] = 'http://%(ckan.site_url)/licenses.json'
     def get_helpers(self):
-        return {'get_last_active_user': get_last_active_user, 'get_user_datasets': get_user_datasets}
-    def is_fallback(self):
-        # Return True to register this plugin as the default handler for
-        # package types not handled by any other IDatasetForm plugin.
-        return True
-    def package_types(self):
-        # This plugin doesn't handle any special package types, it just
-        # registers itself as the default (above).
-        return []
+        return {'get_user_datasets': get_user_datasets}
-    def create_package_schema(self):
-        schema = super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).create_package_schema()
-        schema = self._modify_package_schema(schema)
-        return schema
-    def update_package_schema(self):
-        schema = super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).update_package_schema()
-        schema = self._modify_package_schema(schema)
-        return schema
-    def show_package_schema(self):
-        schema = super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).show_package_schema()
-        # Don't show vocab tags mixed in with normal 'free' tags
-        # (e.g. on dataset pages, or on the search page)
-        schema['tags']['__extras'].append(tk.get_converter('free_tags_only'))
-        # Add our custom_text field to the dataset schema.
-        # ignore_missing == optional
-        # ignore_empty == mandatory but not for viewing
-        # !!! always convert_from_extras first
-        schema.update({
-            'agency_program': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                               tk.get_validator('ignore_missing')],
-            'contact_point': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                              tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'spatial_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                                 tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'granularity': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                            tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'jurisdiction': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                             tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'temporal_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                                  tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'data_state': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                           tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
-            'update_freq': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
-                            tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')]
-        })
-        return schema
-    def _modify_package_schema(self, schema):
-        # Add our custom_test metadata field to the schema, this one will use
-        # convert_to_extras instead of convert_to_tags.
-        # ignore_missing == optional
-        # not_empty == mandatory, enforced here while modifying
-        schema.update({
-            'agency_program': [tk.get_validator('ignore_missing'),
-                               tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras')],
-            'contact_point': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                              tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'spatial_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                                 tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'granularity': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                            tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'jurisdiction': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                             tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'temporal_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                                  tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'data_state': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                           tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
-            'update_freq': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
-                            tk.get_validator('not_empty')]
-        })
-        return schema
-    # These methods just record how many times they're called, for testing
-    # purposes.
-    # TODO: It might be better to test that custom templates returned by
-    # these methods are actually used, not just that the methods get
-    # called.
-    def setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).setup_template_variables(
-            context, data_dict)
-    def new_template(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).new_template()
-    def read_template(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).read_template()
-    def edit_template(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).edit_template()
-    def search_template(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).search_template()
-    def history_template(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).history_template()
-    def package_form(self):
-        return super(DataGovAuPlugin, self).package_form()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/base.html
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+    {% block meta %}
+      {{ super() }}
+<meta name="google-site-verification" content="B8scmW2_LMm4IW_ogXK9lojznO57GBpYlWrFjfGz3X8" />
+    {% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/dataviewer/base.html
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block scripts %}
+      {{ super() }}
+  <script>
+    preload_resource.url = preload_resource.url.replace("https:","").replace("http:","");
+    preload_resource.original_url = preload_resource.original_url.replace("https:","").replace("http:","");
+  </script>
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/dataviewer/snippets/data_preview.html
@@ -1,1 +1,32 @@
+<div class="module-content ckanext-datapreview">
+  {% if embed %}
+    {# images can be embedded directly #}
+    <img src="{{ resource_url }}"></img>
+  {% else %}
+  <div class="data-viewer-error js-hide">
+    <p class="text-error">
+      <i class="icon-info-sign"></i>
+      {{ _('This resource can not be previewed at the moment.') }}
+      <a href="#" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#data-view-error">
+        {{ _('Click here for more information.') }}
+      </a>
+    </p>
+    <p id="data-view-error" class="collapse"></p>
+    <p>
+      <a href="{{ raw_resource_url }}" class="btn btn-large resource-url-analytics" target="_blank">
+        <i class="icon-large icon-download"></i>
+        {{ _('Download resource') }}
+      </a>
+    </p>
+  </div>
+  <iframe src="{{ resource_url }}" frameborder="0" width="100%" data-module="data-viewer">
+    <p>{{ _('Your browser does not support iframes.') }}</p>
+  </iframe>
+  {% endif %}
+<div class="embedhint" style="padding-left: 15px;">
+<h4>Embed this visualisation in your own website...</h4>
+Copy the HTML in the box below and you can display this visualisation on your own website.<br/>
+<textarea style="width:97%">&lt;iframe src="{{ resource_url }}" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="600px"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</textarea>

--- a/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.html
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.html
@@ -1,130 +1,18 @@
 {% ckan_extends %}
 {% block primary_content_inner %}
 {{ super() }}
 <div class="module-content">
     {{ h.disqus_comments() }}
 {% endblock %}
-{% block package_additional_info %}
-<section class="additional-info" prefix="dc: dcat:
-         dcam:
-         aglsterms:
-         agentterms:
-         availterms:
-         adminterms:
-         dct:">
-    <h3>{{ _('Additional Info') }}</h3>
-    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed">
-        <thead>
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="col">{{ _('Field') }}</th>
-            <th scope="col">{{ _('Value') }}</th>
-        </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
+{% block secondary_content %}
+  {{ super() }}
-        {# Add our custom field to the dataset read page. #}
-        {% if pkg.get('metadata_created') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Date Published</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:issued">{{ pkg.metadata_created.split("T")[0] }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('metadata_updated') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Date Updated</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:updated">{{ pkg.metadata_updated.split("T")[0] }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('agency_program') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Agency Program</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.agency_program }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('url') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">{{ _('Source') }}</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:source">{{ h.link_to(pkg.get('url'),
-                pkg.get('url'), rel='dct:source', target='_blank') }}
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('contact_point') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Contact Point</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dcat:contactPoint"> {{ h.mail_to(email_address=pkg.contact_point,
-                name=pkg.contact_point) }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('spatial_coverage') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Geospatial Coverage</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:spatial"> {{ pkg.spatial_coverage }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('granularity') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Data Granularity</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.granularity }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('jurisdiction') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Government Jurisdiction</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="aglsterms:AglsJuri"> {{ pkg.jurisdiction }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('temporal_coverage') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Temporal Coverage</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:temporal"> {{ pkg.temporal_coverage }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('data_state') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Data State</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.data_state }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% if pkg.get('update_freq') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Update Frequency</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.update_freq }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        {% endif %}
-{% set email =h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id']).get('email','') %}
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">{{ _('Maintainer') }}</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:contributor">{{
-		  h.mail_to(email_address=(email or ' '), name=h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id']).get("display_name",'')) }}
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Publisher/Agency</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:publisher">{{ c.pkg_dict['organization']['title']}}
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Type</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:type">Dataset</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Language</th>
-            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:language">English</td>
-        </tr>
-        </tbody>
-    </table>
+  {% set dataset_extent = h.get_pkg_dict_extra(c.pkg_dict, 'spatial', '') %}
+  {% if dataset_extent %}
+    {% snippet "spatial/snippets/dataset_map_sidebar.html", extent=dataset_extent %}
+  {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}

--- a/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.n3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,1 @@
-@prefix : <> .
-@prefix dcat: <> .
-@prefix dct: <> .
-@prefix foaf: <> .
-@prefix owl: <> .
-@prefix rdf: <> .
-<${ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True)}>
-a dcat:Dataset;
-     dct:description "${c.pkg_dict['notes']}";
-     dct:identifier "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
-     dct:relation  [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "change_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "definition_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "editorial_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "example_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "history_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "scope_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "skos_note" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "temporal_granularity" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "type_of_dataset" ],
-             [
-         rdf:value "";
-         :label "update_frequency" ];
-     dct:title "${c.pkg_dict['title']}";
-     :label "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
-     = <urn:uuid:${c.pkg_dict['id']}>;
-     foaf:homepage <>