var CKAN = CKAN || {}; CKAN.GA_Reports = {}; CKAN.GA_Reports.render_rickshaw = function( css_name, data, mode, colorscheme ) { var graphLegends = $('#graph-legend-container'); var myLegend = $('
').appendTo(graphLegends); var palette = new Rickshaw.Color.Palette( { scheme: colorscheme } ); $.each(data, function(i, object) { object['color'] = palette.color(); }); var graphElement = document.querySelector("#chart_"+css_name); var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph( { element: document.querySelector("#chart_"+css_name), renderer: mode, series: data , height: 328 }); var x_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time( { graph: graph } ); var y_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y( { graph: graph, orientation: 'left', tickFormat: Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT, element: document.getElementById('y_axis_'+css_name), } ); var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend( { element: document.querySelector('#legend_'+css_name), graph: graph } ); var hoverDetail = new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail( { graph: graph, formatter: function(series, x, y) { var date = '' + new Date(x * 1000).toUTCString() + ''; var swatch = ''; var content = swatch + + ": " + parseInt(y) + '
' + date; return content; } } ); graph.render(); }; CKAN.GA_Reports.bind_sparklines = function() { /* * Bind to the 'totals' tab being on screen, when the * Sparkline graphs should be drawn. * Note that they cannot be drawn sooner. */ $('a[href="#totals"]').on( 'shown', function() { var sparkOptions = { enableTagOptions: true, type: 'line', width: 100, height: 26, chartRangeMin: 0, spotColor: '', maxSpotColor: '', minSpotColor: '', highlightSpotColor: '000000', lineColor: '3F8E6D', fillColor: 'B7E66B' }; $('.sparkline').sparkline('html',sparkOptions); } ); }; CKAN.GA_Reports.bind_sidebar = function() { /* * Bind to changes in the tab behaviour: * Show the correct rickshaw graph in the sidebar. * Not to be called before all graphs load. */ $('a[data-toggle="hashchange"]').on( 'shown', function(e) { var href = $('href'); var pane = $(href); if (!pane.length) { console.err('bad href',href); return; } var legend_name = "none"; var graph = pane.find('.rickshaw_chart'); if (graph.length) { legend_name = graph.attr('id').replace('chart_',''); } legend_name = '#legend_'+legend_name; $('#graph-legend-container > *').hide(); $(legend_name).show(); } ); }; /* * Custom bootstrap plugin for handling data-toggle="hashchange". * Behaves like data-toggle="tab" but I respond to the hashchange. * Page state is memo-ized in the URL this way. Why doesn't Bootstrap do this? */ $(function() { var mapping = {}; $('a[data-toggle="hashchange"]').each( function(i,link) { link = $(link); mapping[link.attr('href')] = link; } ); $(window).hashchange(function() { var link = mapping[window.location.hash]; if (link) {'show'); } }); });