[162] Rearranging ga_reports graphs per ticket feedback. Series are sensibly ordered. Page is restructured.
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report / controller.py
blob:a/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py -> blob:b/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
--- a/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
@@ -218,7 +218,10 @@
-            graph = [ graph_dict[x[0]] for x in entries ]
+            stats_in_table = [x[0] for x in entries]
+            stats_not_in_table = set(graph_dict.keys()) - set(stats_in_table)
+            stats = stats_in_table + sorted(list(stats_not_in_table))
+            graph = [graph_dict[x] for x in stats]
             setattr(c, v+'_graph', json.dumps( _to_rickshaw(graph,percentageMode=True) ))
             # Get the total for each set of values and then set the value as
@@ -417,11 +420,14 @@
     # Create a consistent x-axis between all series
     num_points = [ len(series['data']) for series in data ]
     ideal_index = num_points.index( max(num_points) )
-    x_axis = [ point['x'] for point in data[ideal_index]['data'] ]
+    x_axis = []
+    for series in data:
+        for point in series['data']:
+            x_axis.append(point['x'])
+    x_axis = sorted( list( set(x_axis) ) )
+    # Zero pad any missing values
     for series in data:
         xs = [ point['x'] for point in series['data'] ]
-        assert set(xs).issubset( set(x_axis) ), (xs, x_axis)
-        # Zero pad any missing values
         for x in set(x_axis).difference(set(xs)):
             series['data'].append( {'x':x, 'y':0} )
     if percentageMode:
@@ -430,9 +436,6 @@
             for series in series_list:
                 for point in series['data']:
                     totals[point['x']] = totals.get(point['x'],0) + point['y']
-            lengths = [ len(series['data']) for series in series_list ]
-            assert len(set(lengths))==1
-            assert lengths[0] == len(totals)
             return totals
         # Transform data into percentage stacks
         totals = get_totals(data)
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@
                 fraction = float(point['y']) / totals[point['x']]
                 if not (series in data) and fraction>THRESHOLD:
-        # Overwrite data with a set of intereting series
+        # Overwrite data with a set of interesting series
         others = [ x for x in raw_data if not (x in data) ]