Fix display of publisher in Featured Dataset.
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report /
blob:a/ckanext/ga_report/ -> blob:b/ckanext/ga_report/
--- a/ckanext/ga_report/
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/
@@ -50,9 +50,12 @@
             dataset = model.Package.get(ga_url.url[len('/dataset/'):])
             if dataset and not dataset.state == 'active':
                 dataset = None
-                count += 1
-                if count > 10:
-                    break
+            # When testing, it is possible that top datasets are not available
+            # so only go round this loop a few times before falling back on
+            # a random dataset.
+            count += 1
+            if count > 10:
+                break
     if not dataset:
         # fallback
         dataset = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
@@ -103,10 +106,14 @@
     for entry in entries:
         if len(datasets) < count:
             p = model.Package.get(entry.url[len('/dataset/'):])
+            if not p:
+                _log.warning("Could not find Package for {url}".format(url=entry.url))
+                continue
             if not p in datasets:
                 datasets[p] = {'views':0, 'visits': 0}
             datasets[p]['views'] = datasets[p]['views'] + int(entry.pageviews)
-            datasets[p]['visits'] = datasets[p]['visits'] + int(entry.visitors)
+            datasets[p]['visits'] = datasets[p]['visits'] + int(entry.visits)
     results = []
     for k, v in datasets.iteritems():