Fix to date fetching
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report /
blob:a/ckanext/ga_report/ -> blob:b/ckanext/ga_report/
--- a/ckanext/ga_report/
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
             order_by('GA_Stat.stat_name, GA_Stat.key').all()
-        response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=dgu_analytics_%s.csv' % (month)
         response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/csv; charset=utf-8"
         writer = csv.writer(response)
@@ -58,8 +57,21 @@
         entries = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
-            filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month).all()
-        c.global_totals = [(s.key, s.value) for s in entries ]
+            filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month).\
+            order_by('ga_stat.key').all()
+        c.global_totals = []
+        for e in entries:
+            val = e.value
+            if e.key in ['Average time on site', 'Pages per visit', 'Percent new visits']:
+                val =  "%.2f" % round(float(e.value), 2)
+                if e.key == 'Average time on site':
+                    mins, secs = divmod(float(val), 60)
+                    hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
+                    val = '%02d:%02d:%02d (%s seconds) ' % (hours, mins, secs, val)
+                e.key = '%s *' % e.key
+            c.global_totals.append((e.key, val))
         keys = {
             'Browser versions': 'browsers',
@@ -87,6 +99,7 @@
     def index(self):
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
         c.months = _month_details(GA_Url)
@@ -100,10 +113,13 @@
             select department_id, sum(pageviews::int) views, sum(visitors::int) visits
             from ga_url
             where department_id <> ''
-                and not url like '/publisher/%%'
                 and period_name=%s
             group by department_id order by views desc limit 20;
+        # Add this back (before and period_name =%s) if you want to ignore publisher
+        # homepage views
+        # and not url like '/publisher/%%'
         c.top_publishers = []
         res = connection.execute(q, c.month)
         for row in res: