Avoid problem when testing.
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report / helpers.py
blob:a/ckanext/ga_report/helpers.py -> blob:b/ckanext/ga_report/helpers.py
--- a/ckanext/ga_report/helpers.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/helpers.py
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 def single_popular_dataset_html(top=20):
     dataset_dict = single_popular_dataset(top)
     groups = package.get('groups', [])
-    publishers = [ g for g in groups if g.get('type') == 'publisher' ]
+    publishers = [ g for g in groups if g.get('type') == 'organization' ]
     publisher = publishers[0] if publishers else {'name':'', 'title': ''}
     context = {
         'dataset': dataset_dict,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     return base.render_snippet('ga_report/ga_popular_single.html', **context)
-def most_popular_datasets(publisher, count=20):
+def most_popular_datasets(publisher, count=20, preview_image=None):
     if not publisher:
         _log.error("No valid publisher passed to 'most_popular_datasets'")
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
         'dataset_count': len(results),
         'datasets': results,
-        'publisher': publisher
+        'publisher': publisher,
+        'preview_image': preview_image
     return base.render_snippet('ga_report/publisher/popular.html', **ctx)
@@ -106,8 +107,18 @@
     for entry in entries:
         if len(datasets) < count:
             p = model.Package.get(entry.url[len('/dataset/'):])
+            if not p:
+                _log.warning("Could not find Package for {url}".format(url=entry.url))
+                continue
+            if not p.state == 'active':
+                _log.warning("Package {0} is not active, it is {1}".format(p.name, p.state))
+                continue
             if not p in datasets:
                 datasets[p] = {'views':0, 'visits': 0}
             datasets[p]['views'] = datasets[p]['views'] + int(entry.pageviews)
             datasets[p]['visits'] = datasets[p]['visits'] + int(entry.visits)
@@ -117,3 +128,17 @@
     return sorted(results, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+def month_option_title(month_iso, months, day):
+    month_isos = [ iso_code for (iso_code,name) in months ]
+    try:
+        index = month_isos.index(month_iso)
+    except ValueError:
+        _log.error('Month "%s" not found in list of months.' % month_iso)
+        return month_iso
+    month_name = months[index][1]
+    if index==0:
+        return month_name + (' (up to %s)'%day)
+    return month_name