When downloading this month, and specifying this month (rather than "latest"), note that it only goes up to today (instead of the end of the month).
When downloading this month, and specifying this month (rather than "latest"), note that it only goes up to today (instead of the end of the month).

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Packages

file:a/README.rst -> file:b/README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
       googleanalytics.id = UA-1010101-1
       googleanalytics.account = Account name (e.g. data.gov.uk, see top level item at https://www.google.com/analytics)
+      googleanalytics.token.filepath = ~/pyenv/token.dat
       ga-report.period = monthly
-      ga-report.bounce_url = /data
+      ga-report.bounce_url = /
-   The ga-report.bounce_url specifies the path to use when calculating bounces. For DGU this is /data
-   but you may want to set this to /.
+   The ga-report.bounce_url specifies a particular path to record the bounce rate for. Typically it is / (the home page).
 3. Set up this extension's database tables using a paster command. (Ensure your CKAN pyenv is still activated, run the command from ``src/ckanext-ga-report``, alter the ``--config`` option to point to your site config file)::
@@ -83,13 +83,17 @@
     $ paster getauthtoken --config=../ckan/development.ini
+Now ensure you reference the correct path to your token.dat in your CKAN config file (e.g. development.ini)::
+    googleanalytics.token.filepath = ~/pyenv/token.dat
 Download some GA data and store it in CKAN's database. (Ensure your CKAN pyenv is still activated, run the command from ``src/ckanext-ga-report``, alter the ``--config`` option to point to your site config file) and specifying the name of your auth file (token.dat by default) from the previous step::
-    $ paster loadanalytics token.dat latest --config=../ckan/development.ini
+    $ paster loadanalytics latest --config=../ckan/development.ini
 The value after the token file is how much data you want to retrieve, this can be

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/command.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/command.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 import logging
 import datetime
+import os
+from pylons import config
 from ckan.lib.cli import CkanCommand
 # No other CKAN imports allowed until _load_config is run,
@@ -53,25 +56,52 @@
                       self.args[0] if self.args
                                    else 'credentials.json')
+class FixTimePeriods(CkanCommand):
+    """
+    Fixes the 'All' records for GA_Urls
+    It is possible that older urls that haven't recently been visited
+    do not have All records.  This command will traverse through those
+    records and generate valid All records for them.
+    """
+    summary = __doc__.split('\n')[0]
+    usage = __doc__
+    max_args = 0
+    min_args = 0
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(FixTimePeriods, self).__init__(name)
+    def command(self):
+        import ckan.model as model
+        from ga_model import post_update_url_stats
+        self._load_config()
+        model.Session.remove()
+        model.Session.configure(bind=model.meta.engine)
+        log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga_report')
+        log.info("Updating 'All' records for old URLs")
+        post_update_url_stats()
+        log.info("Processing complete")
 class LoadAnalytics(CkanCommand):
     """Get data from Google Analytics API and save it
     in the ga_model
-    Usage: paster loadanalytics <tokenfile> <time-period>
+    Usage: paster loadanalytics <time-period>
-    Where <tokenfile> is the name of the auth token file from
-    the getauthtoken step.
-    And where <time-period> is:
+    Where <time-period> is:
         all         - data for all time
         latest      - (default) just the 'latest' data
         YYYY-MM     - just data for the specific month
     summary = __doc__.split('\n')[0]
     usage = __doc__
-    max_args = 2
-    min_args = 1
+    max_args = 1
+    min_args = 0
     def __init__(self, name):
         super(LoadAnalytics, self).__init__(name)
@@ -80,6 +110,11 @@
                                help='Delete data for the period first')
+        self.parser.add_option('-s', '--skip_url_stats',
+                               action='store_true',
+                               default=False,
+                               dest='skip_url_stats',
+                               help='Skip the download of URL data - just do site-wide stats')
     def command(self):
@@ -87,18 +122,25 @@
         from download_analytics import DownloadAnalytics
         from ga_auth import (init_service, get_profile_id)
+        ga_token_filepath = os.path.expanduser(config.get('googleanalytics.token.filepath', ''))
+        if not ga_token_filepath:
+            print 'ERROR: In the CKAN config you need to specify the filepath of the ' \
+                  'Google Analytics token file under key: googleanalytics.token.filepath'
+            return
-            svc = init_service(self.args[0], None)
+            svc = init_service(ga_token_filepath, None)
         except TypeError:
             print ('Have you correctly run the getauthtoken task and '
-                   'specified the correct token file?')
+                   'specified the correct token file in the CKAN config under '
+                   '"googleanalytics.token.filepath"?')
         downloader = DownloadAnalytics(svc, profile_id=get_profile_id(svc),
-                                       delete_first=self.options.delete_first)
+                                       delete_first=self.options.delete_first,
+                                       skip_url_stats=self.options.skip_url_stats)
-        time_period = self.args[1] if self.args and len(self.args) > 1 \
-            else 'latest'
+        time_period = self.args[0] if self.args else 'latest'
         if time_period == 'all':
         elif time_period == 'latest':

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
 import sqlalchemy
 from sqlalchemy import func, cast, Integer
 import ckan.model as model
-from ga_model import GA_Url, GA_Stat, GA_ReferralStat
+from ga_model import GA_Url, GA_Stat, GA_ReferralStat, GA_Publisher
 log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga-report')
 def _get_month_name(strdate):
     import calendar
@@ -21,12 +22,34 @@
     return '%s %s' % (calendar.month_name[d.tm_mon], d.tm_year)
-def _month_details(cls):
+def _month_details(cls, stat_key=None):
+    '''
+    Returns a list of all the periods for which we have data, unfortunately
+    knows too much about the type of the cls being passed as GA_Url has a
+    more complex query
+    This may need extending if we add a period_name to the stats
+    '''
     months = []
-    vals = model.Session.query(cls.period_name).distinct().all()
+    day = None
+    q = model.Session.query(cls.period_name,cls.period_complete_day)\
+        .filter(cls.period_name!='All').distinct(cls.period_name)
+    if stat_key:
+        q=  q.filter(cls.stat_name==stat_key)
+    vals = q.order_by("period_name desc").all()
+    if vals and vals[0][1]:
+        day = int(vals[0][1])
+        ordinal = 'th' if 11 <= day <= 13 \
+            else {1:'st',2:'nd',3:'rd'}.get(day % 10, 'th')
+        day = "{day}{ordinal}".format(day=day, ordinal=ordinal)
     for m in vals:
         months.append( (m[0], _get_month_name(m[0])))
-    return sorted(months, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
+    return months, day
 class GaReport(BaseController):
@@ -34,7 +57,7 @@
     def csv(self, month):
         import csv
-        q = model.Session.query(GA_Stat)
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).filter(GA_Stat.stat_name!='Downloads')
         if month != 'all':
             q = q.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==month)
         entries = q.order_by('GA_Stat.period_name, GA_Stat.stat_name, GA_Stat.key').all()
@@ -51,11 +74,12 @@
     def index(self):
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Stat)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Stat)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
         c.month_desc = 'all months'
@@ -70,13 +94,13 @@
         entries = q.order_by('ga_stat.key').all()
         def clean_key(key, val):
-            if key in ['Average time on site', 'Pages per visit', 'New visits', 'Bounces']:
+            if key in ['Average time on site', 'Pages per visit', 'New visits', 'Bounce rate (home page)']:
                 val =  "%.2f" % round(float(val), 2)
                 if key == 'Average time on site':
                     mins, secs = divmod(float(val), 60)
                     hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
                     val = '%02d:%02d:%02d (%s seconds) ' % (hours, mins, secs, val)
-                if key in ['New visits','Bounces']:
+                if key in ['New visits','Bounce rate (home page)']:
                     val = "%s%%" % val
             if key in ['Total page views', 'Total visits']:
                 val = int(val)
@@ -96,7 +120,7 @@
                 if k in ['Total page views', 'Total visits']:
                     v = sum(v)
-                    v = float(sum(v))/len(v)
+                    v = float(sum(v))/float(len(v))
                 key, val = clean_key(k,v)
                 c.global_totals.append((key, val))
@@ -205,13 +229,14 @@
             str('attachment; filename=datasets_%s_%s.csv' % (c.publisher_name, month,))
         writer = csv.writer(response)
-        writer.writerow(["Dataset Title", "Dataset Name", "Views", "Visits", "Period Name"])
-        for package,view,visit in packages:
+        writer.writerow(["Dataset Title", "Dataset Name", "Views", "Visits", "Resource downloads", "Period Name"])
+        for package,view,visit,downloads in packages:
+                             downloads,
     def publishers(self):
@@ -219,7 +244,7 @@
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Url)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Url)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
         c.month = request.params.get('month', '')
@@ -228,49 +253,45 @@
             c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
         c.top_publishers = _get_top_publishers()
         return render('ga_report/publisher/index.html')
     def _get_packages(self, publisher=None, count=-1):
-        '''Returns the datasets in order of visits'''
-        if count == -1:
-            count = sys.maxint
-        q = model.Session.query(GA_Url)\
+        '''Returns the datasets in order of views'''
+        have_download_data = True
+        month = c.month or 'All'
+        if month != 'All':
+            have_download_data = month >= DOWNLOADS_AVAILABLE_FROM
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Url,model.Package)\
+            .filter(model.Package.name==GA_Url.package_id)\
         if publisher:
             q = q.filter(GA_Url.department_id==publisher.name)
-        if c.month:
-            q = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month)
-        q = q.order_by('ga_url.visitors::int desc')
-        if c.month:
-            top_packages = []
-            for entry in q.limit(count):
-                package_name = entry.url[len('/dataset/'):]
-                p = model.Package.get(package_name)
-                if p:
-                    top_packages.append((p, entry.pageviews, entry.visitors))
+        q = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==month)
+        q = q.order_by('ga_url.pageviews::int desc')
+        top_packages = []
+        if count == -1:
+            entries = q.all()
+        else:
+            entries = q.limit(count)
+        for entry,package in entries:
+            if package:
+                # Downloads ....
+                if have_download_data:
+                    dls = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
+                        filter(GA_Stat.stat_name=='Downloads').\
+                        filter(GA_Stat.key==package.name)
+                    if month != 'All':  # Fetch everything unless the month is specific
+                        dls = dls.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==month)
+                    downloads = sum(int(d.value) for d in dls.all())
-                    log.warning('Could not find package "%s"', package_name)
-        else:
-            ds = {}
-            for entry in q.limit(count):
-                package_name = entry.url[len('/dataset/'):]
-                p = model.Package.get(package_name)
-                if p:
-                    if not p in ds:
-                        ds[p] = {'views': 0, 'visits': 0}
-                    ds[p]['views'] = ds[p]['views'] + int(entry.pageviews)
-                    ds[p]['visits'] = ds[p]['visits'] + int(entry.visitors)
-                else:
-                    log.warning('Could not find package "%s"', package_name)
-            results = []
-            for k, v in ds.iteritems():
-                results.append((k,v['views'],v['visits']))
-            top_packages = sorted(results, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+                    downloads = 'No data'
+                top_packages.append((package, entry.pageviews, entry.visits, downloads))
+            else:
+                log.warning('Could not find package associated package')
         return top_packages
     def read(self):
@@ -297,7 +318,7 @@
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Url)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Url)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
         c.month = request.params.get('month', '')
@@ -306,15 +327,12 @@
             c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
+        month = c.month or 'All'
         c.publisher_page_views = 0
         q = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
             filter(GA_Url.url=='/publisher/%s' % c.publisher_name)
-        if c.month:
-            entry = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month).first()
-            c.publisher_page_views = entry.pageviews if entry else 0
-        else:
-            for e in q.all():
-                c.publisher_page_views = c.publisher_page_views  + int(e.pageviews)
+        entry = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month).first()
+        c.publisher_page_views = entry.pageviews if entry else 0
         c.top_packages = self._get_packages(c.publisher, 20)
@@ -325,38 +343,33 @@
     Returns a list of the top 20 publishers by dataset visits.
     (The number to show can be varied with 'limit')
+    month = c.month or 'All'
     connection = model.Session.connection()
     q = """
-        select department_id, sum(pageviews::int) views, sum(visitors::int) visits
+        select department_id, sum(pageviews::int) views, sum(visits::int) visits
         from ga_url
-        where department_id <> ''"""
-    if c.month:
-        q = q + """
-                and period_name=%s
-        """
-    q = q + """
-            group by department_id order by visits desc
+        where department_id <> ''
+          and package_id <> ''
+          and url like '/dataset/%%'
+          and period_name=%s
+        group by department_id order by views desc
     if limit:
         q = q + " limit %s;" % (limit)
-    # Add this back (before and period_name =%s) if you want to ignore publisher
-    # homepage views
-    # and not url like '/publisher/%%'
     top_publishers = []
-    res = connection.execute(q, c.month)
+    res = connection.execute(q, month)
     for row in res:
         g = model.Group.get(row[0])
         if g:
             top_publishers.append((g, row[1], row[2]))
     return top_publishers
 def _get_publishers():
     Returns a list of all publishers. Each item is a tuple:
-      (names, title)
+      (name, title)
     publishers = []
     for pub in model.Session.query(model.Group).\

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/download_analytics.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/download_analytics.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import datetime
 import collections
 from pylons import config
+from ga_model import _normalize_url
 import ga_model
 #from ga_client import GA
@@ -13,15 +13,18 @@
 class DownloadAnalytics(object):
     '''Downloads and stores analytics info'''
-    def __init__(self, service=None, profile_id=None, delete_first=False):
+    def __init__(self, service=None, profile_id=None, delete_first=False,
+                 skip_url_stats=False):
         self.period = config['ga-report.period']
         self.service = service
         self.profile_id = profile_id
         self.delete_first = delete_first
+        self.skip_url_stats = skip_url_stats
     def specific_month(self, date):
         import calendar
@@ -29,6 +32,11 @@
         first_of_this_month = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, 1)
         _, last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(int(date.year), int(date.month))
         last_of_this_month =  datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, last_day_of_month)
+        # if this is the latest month, note that it is only up until today
+        now = datetime.datetime.now()
+        if now.year == date.year and now.month == date.month:
+            last_day_of_month = now.day
+            last_of_this_month = now
         periods = ((date.strftime(FORMAT_MONTH),
                     first_of_this_month, last_of_this_month),)
@@ -92,29 +100,47 @@
     def download_and_store(self, periods):
         for period_name, period_complete_day, start_date, end_date in periods:
+            log.info('Period "%s" (%s - %s)',
+                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day),
+                     start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
+                     end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
             if self.delete_first:
-                log.info('Deleting existing Analytics for period "%s"',
+                log.info('Deleting existing Analytics for this period "%s"',
-            log.info('Downloading Analytics for period "%s" (%s - %s)',
-                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day),
-                     start_date.strftime('%Y %m %d'),
-                     end_date.strftime('%Y %m %d'))
-            data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+')
-            log.info('Storing Dataset Analytics for period "%s"',
-                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day))
-            self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data, )
-            data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/publisher/[a-z0-9-_]+')
-            log.info('Storing Publisher Analytics for period "%s"',
-                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day))
-            self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data,)
-            ga_model.update_publisher_stats(period_name) # about 30 seconds.
-            self.sitewide_stats( period_name )
+            if not self.skip_url_stats:
+                # Clean out old url data before storing the new
+                ga_model.pre_update_url_stats(period_name)
+                accountName = config.get('googleanalytics.account')
+                log.info('Downloading analytics for dataset views')
+                data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/%s/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+' % accountName)
+                log.info('Storing dataset views (%i rows)', len(data.get('url')))
+                self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data, )
+                log.info('Downloading analytics for publisher views')
+                data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/%s/publisher/[a-z0-9-_]+' % accountName)
+                log.info('Storing publisher views (%i rows)', len(data.get('url')))
+                self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data,)
+                # Make sure the All records are correct.
+                ga_model.post_update_url_stats()
+                log.info('Aggregating datasets by publisher')
+                ga_model.update_publisher_stats(period_name) # about 30 seconds.
+            log.info('Downloading and storing analytics for site-wide stats')
+            self.sitewide_stats( period_name, period_complete_day )
+            log.info('Downloading and storing analytics for social networks')
             self.update_social_info(period_name, start_date, end_date)
     def update_social_info(self, period_name, start_date, end_date):
         start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@@ -137,18 +163,18 @@
         data = collections.defaultdict(list)
         rows = results.get('rows',[])
         for row in rows:
-            from ga_model import _normalize_url
-            data[_normalize_url(row[0])].append( (row[1], int(row[2]),) )
+            url = _normalize_url('http:/' + row[0])
+            data[url].append( (row[1], int(row[2]),) )
         ga_model.update_social(period_name, data)
-    def download(self, start_date, end_date, path='~/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+'):
+    def download(self, start_date, end_date, path=None):
         '''Get data from GA for a given time period'''
         start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
         end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
         query = 'ga:pagePath=%s$' % path
-        metrics = 'ga:uniquePageviews, ga:visits'
-        sort = '-ga:uniquePageviews'
+        metrics = 'ga:pageviews, ga:visits'
+        sort = '-ga:pageviews'
         # Supported query params at
         # https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/reference
@@ -163,29 +189,35 @@
         packages = []
+        log.info("There are %d results" % results['totalResults'])
         for entry in results.get('rows'):
             (loc,pageviews,visits) = entry
-            packages.append( ('http:/' + loc, pageviews, visits,) ) # Temporary hack
+            url = _normalize_url('http:/' + loc) # strips off domain e.g. www.data.gov.uk or data.gov.uk
+            if not url.startswith('/dataset/') and not url.startswith('/publisher/'):
+                # filter out strays like:
+                # /data/user/login?came_from=http://data.gov.uk/dataset/os-code-point-open
+                # /403.html?page=/about&from=http://data.gov.uk/publisher/planning-inspectorate
+                continue
+            packages.append( (url, pageviews, visits,) ) # Temporary hack
         return dict(url=packages)
     def store(self, period_name, period_complete_day, data):
         if 'url' in data:
             ga_model.update_url_stats(period_name, period_complete_day, data['url'])
-    def sitewide_stats(self, period_name):
+    def sitewide_stats(self, period_name, period_complete_day):
         import calendar
         year, month = period_name.split('-')
         _, last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))
         start_date = '%s-01' % period_name
         end_date = '%s-%s' % (period_name, last_day_of_month)
-        print 'Sitewide_stats for %s (%s -> %s)' % (period_name, start_date, end_date)
         funcs = ['_totals_stats', '_social_stats', '_os_stats',
-                 '_locale_stats', '_browser_stats', '_mobile_stats']
+                 '_locale_stats', '_browser_stats', '_mobile_stats', '_download_stats']
         for f in funcs:
-            print ' + Fetching %s stats' % f.split('_')[1]
-            getattr(self, f)(start_date, end_date, period_name)
+            log.info('Downloading analytics for %s' % f.split('_')[1])
+            getattr(self, f)(start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day)
     def _get_results(result_data, f):
         data = {}
@@ -194,17 +226,18 @@
             data[key] = data.get(key,0) + result[1]
         return data
-    def _totals_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+    def _totals_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Fetches distinct totals, total pageviews etc """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 max_results=10000,
-                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
-        result_data = results.get('rows')
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Total page views': result_data[0][0]})
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        result_data = results.get('rows')
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Total page views': result_data[0][0]},
+            period_complete_day)
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
@@ -219,36 +252,39 @@
             'New visits': result_data[0][2],
             'Total visits': result_data[0][3],
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", data)
-        # Bounces from /data. This url is specified in configuration because
-        # for DGU we don't want /.
-        path = config.get('ga-report.bounce_url','/')
-        print path
-        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
-                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 filters='ga:pagePath=~%s$' % (path,),
-                                 start_date=start_date,
-                                 metrics='ga:bounces,ga:uniquePageviews',
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", data, period_complete_day)
+        # Bounces from / or another configurable page.
+        path = '/%s%s' % (config.get('googleanalytics.account'),
+                          config.get('ga-report.bounce_url', '/'))
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 filters='ga:pagePath==%s' % (path,),
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 metrics='ga:visitBounceRate',
         result_data = results.get('rows')
-        for results in result_data:
-            if results[0] == path:
-                bounce, total = [float(x) for x in results[1:]]
-                pct = 100 * bounce/total
-                print "%d bounces from %d total == %s" % (bounce, total, pct)
-                ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Bounces': pct})
-    def _locale_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        if not result_data or len(result_data) != 1:
+            log.error('Could not pinpoint the bounces for path: %s. Got results: %r',
+                      path, result_data)
+            return
+        results = result_data[0]
+        bounces = float(results[1])
+        # visitBounceRate is already a %
+        log.info('Google reports visitBounceRate as %s', bounces)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Bounce rate (home page)': float(bounces)},
+            period_complete_day)
+    def _locale_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Fetches stats about language and country """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
@@ -257,22 +293,78 @@
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
         self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Languages", data)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Languages", data, period_complete_day)
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[1]] = data.get(result[1], 0) + int(result[2])
         self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Country", data)
-    def _social_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Country", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _download_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
+        """ Fetches stats about language and country """
+        import ckan.model as model
+        data = {}
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 filters='ga:eventAction==download',
+                                 metrics='ga:totalEvents',
+                                 sort='-ga:totalEvents',
+                                 dimensions="ga:eventLabel",
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        result_data = results.get('rows')
+        if not result_data:
+            # We may not have data for this time period, so we need to bail
+            # early.
+            log.info("There is no download data for this time period")
+            return
+        def process_result_data(result_data, cached=False):
+            for result in result_data:
+                url = result[0].strip()
+                # Get package id associated with the resource that has this URL.
+                q = model.Session.query(model.Resource)
+                if cached:
+                    r = q.filter(model.Resource.cache_url.like("%s%%" % url)).first()
+                else:
+                    r = q.filter(model.Resource.url.like("%s%%" % url)).first()
+                package_name = r.resource_group.package.name if r else ""
+                if package_name:
+                    data[package_name] = data.get(package_name, 0) + int(result[1])
+                else:
+                    log.warning(u"Could not find resource for URL: {url}".format(url=url))
+                    continue
+        process_result_data(results.get('rows'))
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 filters='ga:eventAction==download-cache',
+                                 metrics='ga:totalEvents',
+                                 sort='-ga:totalEvents',
+                                 dimensions="ga:eventLabel",
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        process_result_data(results.get('rows'), cached=False)
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_DOWNLOADS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Downloads", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _social_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Finds out which social sites people are referred from """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
@@ -282,16 +374,16 @@
             if not result[0] == '(not set)':
                 data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
         self._filter_out_long_tail(data, 3)
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Social sources", data)